Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 10, 1865, Image 3

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8 AVAN NAH . Departure of llrtuihlpt and Hfamn. FOB NEW TORE. Steamship Leo, Baturda>, November I lib. at ° ',' t t £!Vn.*hlp Ariadne, Saturday, Sovemtar tub. at * o'clock p- m steamship America, Baturdsy, November lltb, 3 o'clock p. FOB BAITUIOBg. steamalilp Fannie, Saturday, November lltb, at _ o'clock. rots Jacksonville. Steamer Fannie, Friday, November 10th. at o'Uoek. FOB ACOCSTA. Steamer Wm. 0. Olbbona, Saturday, November 11, at 9 a. m. Steamer Volunteer, Satnrday, November lltb, at _ o'clock. FOB FLORIDA. steamer Fannie, Thursday, November »th. at 11 o'clock a. m. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. aLaBH of Kike.—Yesterday afternoon, ictween ine hours of two and three o’clock p. m., fire was discovered on the roof of the tenement block on Broughton street, a few doors east of Lincoln. The fire originated from sparks from one of the chlmueys falling upon the roor. The timely assist ance of Messrs. Williams, G. W. Tltcomb, M. M.f.ond aud D Pollard,who exerted he natives to the n moil to queue '. the Hanna, undoubiediy prevented a mo t serious ami extensive conflagration. Dkow.n-ed Negro Korsn.—yesterday afternoon was noticed floating past the U. S. Revenue steamer Nasemond, anchored in the stream opposite the lower rice mills, a drowned negro man. A boat with a crew was sent from the cutter.wi.lch mad • Cast the body and brought it Into Lamar’s Canal. HU cloth ing was a Confederate grey jacket and panta. He appeared to have beeu in the water about two weeks, and was evidently drowned from one of the many cotton flats. The New StEamkk Express—Her First Trip Up the River.—The new steamer Express, Capt. Jos. H. Morgan, built in Augusta aud fitted out in this city, returned yesterday morning from Angnsta, having made her first trip. Upon the run up, her light draught of water was such as to carry her safe ly through, even with the heavy freight on board.— Several steamers were hailed on the upward trip, they being either tied up and waiting a rise or aground on sand bars. Ou the downward trip Capt. Morgan had no pilot, and acted as pilot himself, taklDg his post In the wheel house, and only leaving It when It was necessary to look after the condition of the machinery. &c. Capt. Morgan la a young man, yet he shows an aptitude for Ills profession making him tne equal of men or more mature years. The Express brought down a very full freight, hut no passengers, her cabin not as yet being fin ished. A consort of the Express, the Eclipse, will arrive from Augusta the latter part of next week. She Is a "stern-wheeler” like the Express, but not so large. During the trip up aud down the Express worked finely aud steered we Ik making all the bends with ease, showing that her steering apparatus was perfect. The sieamer Is owned by Mr. J.Mulllakn and tee Express Company. She is Intended as a general i ight and passenger boat. The Agent Is Mr. F. M. m, tell, and the following are the olficers: cjptaln—Joseph If. Morgan. Fast mate—Mr. Jama Wilder. First Engineer—Mr. W. S. Johns. Second Engineer—Mr. Homer. Purser— Edwftcd J. Hatcher. The duel'-.—Two or three thousand persons, more or less, of aU ages, both colors, ami every class of society, were crowded Into the capacious pavil ilofl of stone, ltosston and Murray's Circus last even ing do single one of whom, we venture to say, came away from It with any other than a feeling of per fect satisfaction with the great show aud Ua varied features. The most perfect decorum prevailed throughout the exhibition, so engrossing were the astonishing performances of the gymnastics, and so entertaining the ever new teats of the riders and the never-old antic* ami witticisms of the clowns.— Everything connected with this Circus appears to he of the llrst-class sort—horses, athletes, comic mules, performing dogs, riders,jesters—ail appear to "know their business,” aud to do without difficulty all that Is expected of them. The public may rest assured that the Circus la no catch penny show, but one well worth seeing and remunerative to the full extent of the money's wottU. SI'PSR phosphate OF Lins.—Attention is directed to the advertlsutent of this article for sale by Messrs. Cunningham A Purse of this city. It Is a valuable fertiliser and can be had on reasonable terms. A su periority to guano, even, ta claimed for It, as U does not exhaust the land as do the artificial stimulating manures. It only the natural chemlcul eieiaents of the soil, which may have become de ficient alter repeated crops. A trial is earnestly recommended to planters aud farmers. Venison.—From Capt. Smith, of the Schooner John Vance, from the Sontheru j Atlantic coast of Georgia, we learn that the people on St. Catherine's Island ate killing a large number of deer, but in eousequence of its being improperly dressed and prepared tor the market It has In almost every In stance, been impossible te get it to this city before spolliug. Arkkst of cotton Thrive*.—The numerous cot ton thelveswbo have been committing serious dep redation* lu tills city (or some time past were check ed lu tiiolr operation* yesterday by Chief Detective Batmeli. who succeeded la arresting uiue oi them, "urged with steal lug cuttou from rtat boats ou the river. They will appear before the Provost Court this morning. The ruEiiitE.-"Dou Ctesar l)« Bacau,” and "Simp son a CO,’- with Mr. aud Mrs. W. U. Crisp lu the casts, ate performed at the Theatre this evening. Therole or “Dun Cwaai " is one peculiarly sultedto Mr.crlp*’s style o( acting, ami the simple an nouncement of hi* appearance In this character this evening should be suillcleut to till the house. The drzauEß Fountain.—We are glad to hear flout the eourteoua aud popular commander of this boat. Capt. c'astuer. that the damage of her machin ery l* now thoroughly repaired, and that she wll* resume her regular trips between tills city and Jack. souvUlc, Fla., ou Tuesday next. She takes her berth at the wharf today for the reception of freight. CoDET'a Lauv’s hook.—The December number of this lavorlto.Magaziue among the ladies, containing fashion pictures, music, tales, light reading and gus sip. has been received at EsttU’s Periodical Depot, cornel hull st. and Bay Dane. Males of Cotton'.—Tueaday last, Messrs, Hell Wylly 4 Christian. Auctioneers, sold at Demand's Press one hundred and lllty one and u iia.ll bales ol cotton, damaged. The prices ranged from 24 to ai • ents per pound, at origiial Invoice weights. * Personal.— We noticed yesterday on hoard the ateumshlp Leo, as.onc of the passengets, the Hon. JohnE. Ward, formerly the U. 8. Minister to Chius, Mayor ol Eat annuli, etc. Mr. Ward is in excelled health. Arrival of tab I.eo.—The Steamship Leo. Capt. Meirhl, with r lull cargo and a large number of pan* aengers arrived yesterday rrura New Fork. The Leo is consigned lo Mr. Oclavus Cohen. We are In debted to purser, P. D. Sioeuni for favors. THE COURTS. PROVOST COURT, DISTRICT OF SaVaN.N AH, BEFORE C'*T " Ahk H. HEJtICk, PROVOST MARSHAL, SAVansAU, November hth, huh The rolled mates vs. Billy Williams, (eoloredi- Mteahiig s horse. Upon the evidence elicited lu the foregoing ease, It is ordered tltut the defendant be dlemlsaed upon the payment of |4O to the nvoeecu toL W ut. tmerman, and the payment of coete The lulled (states vs. Ellen Bucks, icoloredi-U,. veuy. Found guilty, and Un.d *96 and costo She was allowed until 1* in. uo Friday, to pay flue 1j be ptid “* t 0b * M " lU ' J » u “hUI the same The luUgd States vi. llenry black, teolorudi-Ur n,u u - ***» Ol Zu U < ’ U ' ,Ur * ,and U * K, “ W“» U ‘ A-^uetd'niWauiS? J* Ju " n Jobnaoo, (colored r *"' W in **< Jphu Uitpheus. icoleradi . /i£!i ,***" ‘Btrlf coadaut, and drawing a pistol ihfg* inuuth* * uuuJ ddß*/ end sent so Jail fvi Laßls arrival oi Tobacco. -The lovers of the weed win be gratified to learn that the -rboourr Jane A Bewfy. Capt. Loveland, has arrived at ibis port from Norfolk, Va.. with ntnteen hundred boxee of Virginia manufacture.) tobacco. From At orwtA.—Testcrdar forenoon the steamer Wm. G. OibiKMie. rinpt. Pbilpnc, arrived from Angus ■a. having a very fair height and a targe number of paasenger*. The rtlismns made the trip from An gust. lu nineteen running hour*. Purser Win B Fan has our thanks fur favors. From Charleston.—{The steamer Fannie, Capt.W. H. McNulty, arrived last evening rrom Charleston We are Indebted to Parser McNulty forbvou. Departure op Steamers for New Yobe —Tes terday the steamship Constitution. Capt. Greenman. and the Chase, Capt. Rodgers, cleated lor New Yuri. having very fair freights and a number of p^teu gers. Bound os a CansE.-We learn that the C. 8. Rev. nue Steamer Nan*, tnoml will leave the Harbor this Morning for a cruise down the roast as far as Fernandtna. Nliippiu|( lutclliifcuce. Sllulaturc Almanac -Tkta Day. Sun rises 6 27iMoon rises moon Sun sets 3 00|lligh water 229 PORT OK SAVANNAH. Thursday. Nov. 9, 1903. Arrived. Steamship Leo, Merrill, from New York—Orta s'us Cohen. Steamer Fannie, W F McNelty, from Charleston vht Beaufort, to F M Myrell. Brig Redwood, Boyle, from Philadelphia, to Ro gers A Canu. Bchr James L Bewley, Loveland, from Norfolk, Va to Booth A Cos. Steamer Express. Morgan, from Augusta, to F M Myrell. Steamer H M Cool, Taylor, from Darien, to M A Cohen. Steamer A chillis, Clifford, Hilton Head. Steamer Island City, Lawrence, Hilton Head, with Stone, Roaatou A Murray Circus. Steamer Win Q Gibbons, Phllpot, Augusta—Erwin A Hardee. Haukerson’s two fall boata, from Augusta, with 12Shales upland cotton, to R Habersham A Son, Jno W Anderson A Son. Strobbar’s flat, rrom Augusta, with 170 bales up land cotton, 37 do sea Island do, to Woodbridge Bros, John R Wilder. Imports. Per schr James L Bewley, from Norfolk, Va—l9oo boxes manufactured tobacco, and 200 bbls lime. Export*. Ter steamship Chase, for New York—3l7 bales up land cotton, 21 do sea islandsdo, C bales pickings, 11 do domestics, 27 bbls fruit, 40 pkgs mdze. Per steamship Constitution, for New York—C2o hales upland cotton, 12 do sea lslaud do, S sacks cof fee, and sundry pkgs mdze. Per schr Pioneer, for New York -lit! halos upland cotton, 210 do sea Island do, 11 bales wool, 4 bales hides. 18 bales paper stock, 27 casks whiskey, one (* cask brandy, 16* empty bbls, 8 empty casks, ; boxes empty bottles, 10 kegs soda, 4 crates ot cotton pick ings, 7 coils rope, 16 empty carboys. Cleared. k Steamship Constitution, Greenman. for New l'ork. Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. ITonecr Steamship Chase, Roath, New York—Hun ter A Gammed. steamer Island City, Lawrence, Hilton Head. Steamer Acblllls, Clifford, Hilton Head. Schr Pioneer, Tucker, for New Y'ork—L J Gulimar tin A Cos. Below. A fore and aft schooner, bound up. Consignees. Per steamship Leo, from New York—Adams Ex press Cos, U W Adam, J W Audejson A .Sons, Atlan tic A Gulf R R Cos, Agent oi K 11 May. Agents Steam er Union, Brady, Smith A Cos, Brigham. Baldwin and Cos. Bothwell .V Whitehead. Jas O'Bvrne. Thomas Brady. Bell, Wylly A Christian. Octavos Cohen, f'lag ltorn A Cunningham, M A Cohen, Crane, Johnson A Uraybtll, Central K R Agent, Wm U Clark, Duncan A Johnston, E P Deyn, H Detmus, E Eldricb, E 11 A J. Ex Cos ol Savannah. S A Erktnan, M Ferst A Cos. VuuHorn. Holyoke A Murry, E H VanNess A Cos, Jas G Wans A Cos, W A C, EC Wade A Cos, W M Welsh, Gen < l ll Wagner, W U WUtberger A Cos, D I'alvey, W J Can-. F c Goldsby, C L Gilbert, S Itestinau, J Gilliland A Cos, Humer A Uauunell, Halsey . Watson A Cos, C V Hutchings, N A Hardee A Cos, Hess A Gut man. J H Myer, Col W P Hunter, G M Ueldt, A B Ives, Keln A Cos, LaKoche, Baden A L’nekles, Lovell A Luttiiuore, P I.uuglilin. Jos I.eeman, Jacob Lipp man. J Lama, Linton A Doughty, I. A M, .1 McMahon, F Mmieke, Thomas Muller A Cos, W A R Mclntyre. John It Norton, B M Neely, F Nugent, Jr, George T Nichols, M Nawmarke, C Orff. E Padelford, Rogers A Cann, P Reilly. Randall A Cos, J Koseuband, H A Richmond, Kite, Whltuey A Cos, Wm H Stark. Shus ter A lienslua, A A Solomons A Cos, Scranton, smith A Cos, 1 R Sealy A Cos, J C Sebriener A Sons, Thomas Sweeney, C H Stadwell, Tison A Gordon, J T Thomas A Cos, J Tatnall, Jr, R H Tatum Miller, Thomas A Cos, J L Villalonga Per Wm G Gibbous, from Augusta—4lo bales cot ton, to G M Bacon. O Cohen, E C Wade, K Keln 4 Cos, E T Metcalfe, Habersham 4 Sons. U B Evans 4 Sod, Ui-o Gatpin, Order aud others. Per steamer Fannie, from Charleston—J C Raum eliett. Bryan, Hartitdge 4 Cos. aud others. Pet steamer Express, from Augusta—s6B bales up land cotton. 21 bales domestics, 1 tierce and 20 pkgs mdse, to Joliu K Wilder, Adams Express Cos, F.rwlu if Hal dee, E E Hertz, CT MUler. Per steamer H M CooL from Darien—l7o bales up land Cotton, to Jones <t Way, Erwin 4 llardee. Per brig Redwood, trout Philadelphia—Rogers A Cann, A A Solomons 4 Cos, Brigham, Baldwin 4 Cos, Erwlu 4 Hardee, U W Conaway, Rue, Whitney 4 Cos, M A Cohen, A 4 G R R Cos, Hunter & Gauiineil, Sher man, Jessup & Cos, Weed 4 Cornwell. Brady, Smith 4 Cos, Craue, Johnson 4 Gray bill, F W Cornwell. Passengers. Per stesmshlp Leo, from New Vork—E T Hoyt and wife, C B Wight aud wife, P Blewlow and wife, O C Vale, wile and child, F Rogers, wile aud * children, Mrs Kltorease, Miss U 4 Russ, Miss Owens, MDs J M Antes, Mrs E F Forblslier, Mrs J F Leslie, P Dzialvn*- kl, S Chandler, o W Ellis, jr, W H Lucas, Hon John E Ward, W Williams, C A Hall, O N Daua, W Leo pold, J F George C H Steftwell, J 0 Sturgis, J B God frey, John Myers, J Sullivan, A White. A Cutller, F Low, E R Paine, B H Warning, M G Joseph, Jacob Frost, U G Denuis. James Thomas, Wm Gray, Ftt Welsh. J Baker, A McHugh, P Eavauab, J P Lee man. A Mills, Augustus St Johu, M O’Nell, J M ear thy, and Si lu steerage. Per steamer Wm u Gibbous, from Augusta—G M Ualpln and lady, II H Lasneii aud lady. Master Cub hage, J J Bacon, K H Elliott, Mis* H H Elliott aud svt, Mis* S V Elliott, Miss C B Elliott, Mrs S Cooley, N T Cooley aud six enlisted men, J McDonough, D W Mlscally, Dr urns E Dupont. Wm H Bennett, Juo Garner, Miss Griswold, Miss S Griswold. Mis* Myers aud svt. Per steamer Fannie, from Charleston—A N Dotey, W A knuiiultrson, C V Chamberlin, W W Sampson, Itev P J ltau, Mr* Jaue Pringle, Dr A A Uiftord, lady aud sou, J Eu rat, Mi • Kirkpatrick, T N •'/aid, LO Rice. J Nichols, G W Vauet, C N Holcomb, E Hort chiusou. G Hamilton, Mr Miller, and 6 lu steerage. Per steamer H M Cool, from Darien—U B Robin son, J H Hall. Per steamship Chase, for New York—Wm A Van' Wagner, 1> W Price, T W Brandall, W P Wimberly. C M Atwood, F Brenger, and steerage. Per ateantshlp Constitution, for New York—Mr* H Oiere aud child, MaJ 8 Coiwnt, H Holl, Jr, 8 A Kants dell, C S Lynch, E W Drummond, It P Hawks, H Caine, J Henderson, 8 Riche, A J Austin, L Obltla, A J Nichols, T F Hot ter, T J Eppes, lady, child and svt, E Barnard, Mis £ Barnard, C Tliibaut, W C Car roll, Mrs S H Marsveil, Mis E C Ellington, J C Uar riss, J U Stockton, E Banks. J Clark, D C Wilson. J Esley, Dr O Schley, 8 W Myers, B U Leeks, W J Health, K S Conner, W Arrington, and steerage. A Card. • Svvan'nah River, Nov. 9,1885. We, the undetslgued. passenger* or the steamer W. G. Gibbous, en route for Savannah, express our thanks to the Captaiu, Thus. Philpot aud hi* gentle manly officers, for their kind treatment during our passage. The Purser, Mr. W. B. Farr, has our sincere thank* for kindness bestowed upou us personally ill making our passage comfortable and pleasant. We cheer ( (I Hy leromraeud the Gibbous to the travelling pub lic as a bout uusurpassed lu speed aud comfort.— The table I* supplied with every luxury that the markets afford. K A Dunbar, T J Baicuu. Jas £ Garmauy, H Harris Sasnett, J McDonough, » A Mlscally, Dr t’lias E 1 luPont, Wilson S Cooley, Geo M Galpln, John Uaduei, Kobt H Elliott, Wm H Bennett. L.IBT OF VSUELB Ik THE PORT OF •AVANMAH. SAVANNAH, Nov. », 1886. MAwm steamship Leo, Merrill, from New York,.dl»c'g- M A Cohen. Steamship America, Llodl, (Tom New York, dlac’g, Bt igham, Bald win A Cos. Mira. Mont Blanc, Donnell, ioo, walling -Laßoche, Ua den 4 Cncklea. New Kugiand, Hodges, uoo. loading for Liverpool Brigham, Baldwin! Cos. Ropubiic (uremi Smith, wo, loading fur Liver pool—Wober Bros. Wisconsin (Uri, Arcus, 060, lushing for Uverpool- John R Wilder. u “ f '* PA AM, Thomas Fletcher, Pendleton, tss, loading fur Llv eryoul at Lower Hydraulic Fress-Jolm H WlMer, litmus* wait*#; i|n, Solly, walUng bed. WrUy 4 VUnstlah. AUCTION SALES. •y Bell. Wylly k Christian AT PRIVATE SALE » Derira hlr Real RrtLW. T»o Oral c i*«* Dwelling Horn*-*. tfere? aturiew jn Emi—i m», with all tic moc< n. iiiii*n»vtmer. - fima i*d In • central pertiou of the it) Alfa, Avery desirable House on the corner of Charlton and Tstuull streets, containing > Rooms, with g .s and water. On the lane Isa Brick Carriage House, tttftbU* Servants' Room-. etc Also, 1C Parm Lots, c nteiutog from 20 to Acres each, near Lover's Line, within one mile of ttu limits oi the city. Aspitudid o|ipor: unify for in vtrsimwiii. A plot of the above Lots can be st«*n at our slur* Also, Wwt half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward. BroOgh t n street. Improteinum* ei.njial o: a Dwelling suitable for a small family. Will be .-old at a bargai; fdßtf _____ By Bi 11, Wylly & Christian. AT PRIVATE BALE. Lola No. S, on tlie corner oi Broughton and WeU Broad streets. ami No. 5. uU the Oorilt-r t>l Lrcu&iitou and streets. Th* Above property i-« u»*li located for erecting stores, as Broughton street will soon become the business thoroughfare <.i Savannah. ALSO, West half of Lot No 43 Lifayettc- Ward, fronting on Chariton street, tne improvements Cwnsisiing i>i a brick house, containing ten rooms, well finibh. and. with ga& ihroahout the house and a pump of excellent water iu ihe yard. imvT- ts UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wylly & ClirisUan. On WEDNESDAY, 15tn instant, at 11 o'clock a. m , at the landing in ihe city of Darien, will be sold Tor account of Ufluierwritera and all concerned, a por tion of the cargo of the scoouer Islaud Queen, con slating of— A general assortment of Groceries Dry Goods Begging Boots and Shoes Clothing Wooden Ware Corn and Salt Nails and Hardware Molasses and Sugar Ac , Ac., Ac.; damaged on board 9ald schooner on her passage Irom New York to this port, and put Into The port of Darien in distress J. M P. EPPING, Consignee. N. B.—A steamer will leave this city on Tuesday mornln?, 14ih inst., and will accommodate purchasers and all concerned. nS-0 UNDERWRITERS SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On BATURDAY, 11th in«t.. at 10 o'clock. in front of ■tore, will be «old far account of Uudeiwrlters and all concerned * 1 case assorted Dry Goods 1 case assorted Clothing 13 boxes Cheese C boxes etieese 3 boxes Soap *2 boxes Sod* and Yeast 2 boxes Starch 2 bags Coffee 3 barrels Mackerel 1 bbl Syrup * 5 bbls Sugars 1 case, containing 100 quarter boxes Sardines 10 boxes Layer Raisins 23 bbls crushed and clarified Sugu 5 bbls Sail 3C bbls Crackers lo k»*gs Butter 5 kegs Laid 2 cases, containing drums Figs 20 bbls Apples 2o bbls Onions 1C sacks Cofiee Damaged on board of the steamship Chase on her passage from New York to this port, and sold under inspection of Port Wardens for account of Under writers and all concei ned. nlo-2 By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On SATURDAY, lllh lost., at 11 o'clock, in front of store, will be sold 3 barrels Gin 1 eighth cask Cognac Brandy nin-2 York, W illiiimts, >lolnTii*«3 Ok Cos. Will veil tt auction THIS Ij.uY. at 10 o’clock, in front of store: 00 cases Boots and Shoes 2J M Segars An assortment of Dry floods. Hose. Half Hose, Handkerchiefs Barege Veils, Linen shirt Bosoms Red aud Whit. Undershirts, D aw era Ac., Ac. 10 cases Heldslck Champagne 4 cases Mumra’s do 10 case* Boarbon Whlstoy 13 esses Scotch Whiskey, fine 20 boxes Candles 20 boxes Soap 20 bbls Potatoes It) bbls Onions 10 bbls Apples 20 cases assorted Tin Ware AT PRIVATE SALE. 13 kegs flue Table Butter. °l° UNDERWRITERS SALE. BY OCTAVU9 COHEN. Will sell. THIS DAY, November loth, at lu o'clock, at store of W. H. Stark, c.n ner of Bay aud Lincoln streets: 10 bales Bdpgidc 23 coils Rope 3 boxes Cheese’ . 1 case Dry G ods 8 bores StaKh 8 kegs Butter datnag-d on board of steamship Chase on her pissage from New York to this port, and Bold for account of Underwriters and all concerned. nil* PRIME CORN FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT. OFFICE TO LET. C. V. HUTCHINS, nov3 3 155 Bay street. ESTABLISHED 1826 On Consignment. K/\ KEGS Hor*e and Mule felloes, a flrrt-rate article. tMF Ui iHvorable use at the Noith—msnufucturt.t by the Rhode Island Horse Shoo Cos. 60 bbla Beehive Syrup, from Philadelphia Sugar House 6 bids superior Whiskey CO eases excellent table Claret. The above will be sold low to close consignments. Storage Wanted THE bulk of One Thousand Bales of Cotton wanted on storage. J. C. ROWLAND, B .'tle R ivv, nov* lw Foot of Montgomery sheet. H. J. DICKERSON, Harbor Master, OFFICE OPEN AT AI.L HOURS OF THE DAY NTo. 1 Harris’ Buil<liTXK». SAVANNAH, HA. nov 1 _ Ini _ Convention of the First Senato* rial District. THE Cltiaen* of the comities of Chatham. Bryan and Effingham are requested to appoint Delegates toal’nmemhin ui be held ou Wednc*day, the Hill November lnit,. at No. 2, Central Railroad. Ibr the purpuric of nomlUAting a caihlldate lor Senator of said Senatorial IliAtrlot. liov2 Liverpool Salt. 4 CARGO of SALT, 10 etekt to the ton, Just arrlvrl A. per Britleb bark t'rueeeo from Liverpo I, for *ale by_ HRIUUAM. BALDWIN 4 CO L*ateHt from l^gypt! |JENNY'S NBW EXTRACT OF THE WJYTIAN 1 LOTUS, t new end enuulelte Perfume tm the haudkerebtet Cleoiwlra end the ledlee of the prelent dey Ming Ihe Mine pertUoie ' Ta '%nwMv% rug” THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS I! I by t A.Pfeev, Hronhlyn, New York ' M A U’VifJoY Agenl. Mil »» Fullhh Mreet, N. 1, GR«C’KHtB>. I.IUCOHE, A Cm WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FIE OLD BRANDT, VINES, ic. Pi-arh Valiev Wluskr), Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s X>. nolle, Spencer** Old Rye, and Pine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALK BY C. W. THOMPSON, Ai Ihe Old Bund, 111 BAY STREET, flit raid Building-; ALSO, Alikip’s AI-. Mar-* Ale, Appl**. Potato*. Pi kica Macki«icl, Chief aud i idci Vinegar. .olTo If G. H. ARLEDGE, WHOLESALE CROCER AND— Ship Chandler. 73 BAY STREET, NOW receiving pc- steam and sailing vessels from Hen York, the following articles, which will be sold at the Lowest Market Price - Bbls., Potatoes, Onions, Turnips, Beets, Apples. Vinegar. Hams. Brown and Crashed Sugars, Bbls licet and Pork, Bbls. Mackerel, H do., X d". andkitsNo. 1 Cases Olive rill, Sardines. CandleA Soap. Raisins, Pickles, Ltqnors Cheap Tee., Preserved Meat, Spices of all kinds, Ilcros. Ac., &e., Sacks Cofiee, Brooms, Palls. Buckets, Ac ALSO Paints. Oils. Varnishes, Paint Brashes. Ac., Ac. tsr >hlp Stores put up at the shortest notice. octl7 ' 3m WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider* sep2 ts /"FOREIGN BOHESTiC jSjs \ ALtS WINES IIQUOHS4SEGARS SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. ttUSO G G. Hii.toN, SavßiiuAii. F. M. Ranmcll. N. Y. HILTON &RANDELL Wlioleaalo O-rooere, 193 BAY STREET, NEAR BARNARD, Savannah, Ga., A»e cousiautly receiving per *team»*Mfrom New York The Largest and Mosts oniplrle Assort* meat ot* Uvoterlei In the City, Orders by Mall, Rccompnnied with Promt.ll> Fiiltd «t Lowest Market Prices. octl6 , 1m Gao. R. Chcmi*. Wm, A. WaioaT. Auguata. Georgia. Late of Hi- hmond, Va. GEO. tt. (RHP & (0., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, tW Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tobacco, Fionuox, and UxunuA.'iDlax of every de scription. Refers to the Meuhant* and Bankers of Angnsta, Ga., Richmond. Va.. and Jno. C Ferrill, Esq, De- Witt & Morgan, (laden A Uncklca, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson & Cos., K. Molina, Esq, Savanuuh, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. w OCt4 KIBIIN,£BO. &BUBEE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WINES m LIQUORS, TURNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANK. OHBERS I'RDJIPTLV FILLED A DELIVERED. an2l P G To Wliolesale Giwers, Liiiuor Dealers, Dl.aUllcik, Dmi.gMs and Soap Manufacturer*. J?SBENTIAL Oils for flavoring and improving Brail le dv, Kura Port Wine. Bourbon, Rye, fcktrtch and Uisn VV'hi>kic*>. age and body preparations for Neu trulblug and MolTihring Whiskey and Spirit, Color ings, Syrups and Fruit Juices tor Brandy, Whiskey •md Wlni s, Oils mid Kxrractu of Cognac and other Brandies. Holland atid Ixmdon Glit Ac. Dr k'.'s freati-e on Fermented Liquors with iOou Recipes. FOR DRUGGISTS' USE. Pi r.-aan Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loudetone, Fluutrti'Ur and Fluoric Add. Manganese aud all rare Chemical* aud Drug*. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, Sillicateof Soda In Crystal*, Liquid and Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba, Soap »toue., Soda, Aah. Ac. JOS. W. FEUCHTRANGER, novt-eodßm No. 55 Cedar st., N. Y, H. G. RUWE & CO., Wholesale GROCERIES § UQDORS, WINEN AND NEG VRS, Corner Bryan and Bt. Julian and Johnson Square, fFHONTINQ FI'LAUKI HUl'Mg ur Aaauta f»r [ ’ t i <■ ALE AND LAOGB. Cunatnutly ou hiad, an aawlaeot of niimiK win®. mgM __ Mi CHEESE, SOAP. i/| BOXU fllKBIt, TO u hniaa r«>‘» Uiiep. Jttel rpjelreJ attd h* eel* Li •etli BWaiUiL BALDWIN * CO. UUtK kiHKI, MU* T. J. DUNBAR & CO. LMPOKTKRB AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, KC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA„ (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE j U’E invlt* the ntt. utlon ot the Trade and tile Pub ” He generally to onr large aud elegant awurt tneut of WtRM, Liquor*. Cordial*. ConaervM. Be gar*, etc,, etc. uh'rhl'unt e*. died by any elmilar ealabhakmeut In the Mah-a. W# ate ..ole proprietor* of DL'NBAiI'B CELE UHATED WOKMWOOI) CORDIAL, the reputUlou of hblch l> fully eaiahllehcl lu this and foreigu conn irk* ; DUN BA It’S well kn mu STOMACH BlTTlltS KUHiuniecit eiipeii.-r lo any .illicit of Ibc kind, dc Digued expioaly for hotel and family n*e i DUN BAIt’B SCHIEDAM COKDI4L SCIINAPFri, ranted of the u moe! purity, and pul up cxprcaely for onr honae, of oaicb we are aole proprietors *nd importer* Hole Agent* for Robert Smith'* (eh - hrated PHILADELPHIA ALE. lu c»*ea aud barrel*; Kuglifih, Herileh and American ALE and PoItTKH, BKAN'oY, scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and Ah RACK BUNCHES, lormerly well known throughout the l*, pm up by ns In case* for export and home consnraplloi). T J D * Cos. are sole agent* for H. & H. W. Caiherwood's Pure RYk WHISKIES. XX and XXX brand*, guaranteed un*uij .**ed In quality and ex cellence. Conatuutlv ou hand, a targe and.well se lected *tork of BOURBON snd WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade aud connoisseur* generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured and Imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very loweat net cash price*. BRANDIES. GINS. WINKS, CHAMPAGNES, aud every description aud grade of Foreign liquor* Imported directly by this turn* . and for sale in bond or duty paid, at lowest market rate* nov7-lm CRACKERS. if pi BARRELS Sods. Sugar, Butter, Lemon. Ginger, and Fancy. For aale by nB-3 GEORGE C. FREEMAN. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing Foreign and Domestic Wine*, Liquors and.Segara. Alia Skehan's Celebrated GOLDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CIUKH. In bottle and in wood lamdon and Dublin Brown Stout. Scotch and Eng )lah Ajlv. Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH. and 62 Übertv street. New York. FIOITCORN AND OATS. OAilri BUSHELS White Corn J*vUU 1000 do Oats • 50 barrel* Flour Landing from Baltimore steamer and for aale br US-4 CRANK JOHNSON A QYAYBILL. Just Received, Ail in Store on Consignment, BUGGIES D CARRIAGES Also, a lot of Fine Liquors, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ BUM, BORER’S BITTERS, Ac. Which we offer on tbe most liberal term*. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE 4 MURRAY, oetll ts No. » Stoddard’s Block. (LEGHORN & (1«M, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, Mav an nti h, BEG leave to inform their former friends and cus tomer., and the public generally, that they have Sesntued hutdues* at I heir old s'and, where 1 hey will ;ccp constantly o* hand a full aesortmunt of Goods in their line suitable fi» p r i»*ie Families, Steanieis and Salima Vessels. PuniMial attention given to all coun try orders lui octlO StateantTfSouStyTux^oi! lector. THE Subscriber la a Caudldatefur re election, and respectfully a .ka the suffrafeof the chlsensm ilbatlumConnty. ohisil SEABORN GOOD ALL ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, HO. 25S BOWUItY, liliW YORK, Manufacturers »nd Deal™ m Buiidei.' ami Locksmiths' Hardware. N*lh Pulllea, Cord. Rim Locks and Knobs, Unit Hinges, Un*a and Iron Keys andCastlnga. Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac All orders, large or small, lurnlsed promptly at 10 per cent, less than market prices. srplV 6m Notice 18 horeby giyen that neither the 4vn#rs or amenta oi the Steamer* AMAZON, GIBBONS and LAURA, will be reaponaibie for any debt, bi or contract made by any ot the officers or trew of aafi steamers naicse made by written permission of ERWO A HARDEE For A trots and Owners. JNo. L RoumillEt, Agent on Wfirf. octiu ts Notice. OFFICE CF PROVOfT MARSHAL,) .'[strict <y SavAMiaa, > Savanna, Ga., Oa Slat, lbso. J THE notice Issued Ron the offle of the Provost Marshal, Snb-Dlstrln of Ogeeclee, dated Savan nah, Ang. 11th, 1863, oderlng all Drinking or till Hard Saloons, Ac., wlice liquor ae sold to be closed at 10 o'clock, P. M., Is ereby revoted. By command of Bvi.gaj. Geu. J. k. BRANNAN. «lgned) CLARKK J. RKMICK, Capt. and rovost Marshal. novl BROVN’S C ASTILLI AN BITrEE Tills nmlvatied Tuc prepared from the [’nre Juice of the Grai and extracts, dlstlUe.l nom me Choicest Vcgi-Ui’: products or the rtoiuu m France, lutly and thiroviuce of Caattle (Old Spain,) from which Igtier ath-ii they derive melr uame. A Fragrant Tonic, (dispensable Ui Hotels anil Restaurants, and vnable lo Families, delicate lemales aud chlldreuor all dtaairaugement of the stomach, it is mi tailed. A never tailing preventive aifure tor Sea Sickness. None who travel by laud water should Ire without the CastUhan. Fotulc by YORK, WI JAMS, MeJNTIRE 4 Cos. I Sole Agent*, state Georgia. ort34-3m _ KEROSEiE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliera, kcketa. Harp It angers. Side Backs. Side Lamp*, wiauil without Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Laotei. Bases, Pegs aud Founts- Patent Glass Cone*. Biers. Globes, Chlmnlea and Wick, DRUGGISTS' PUT 4 GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers’ and Confeooera’ GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to or*. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES WRIGHT, 195 Greenwich Street, Tt doors Mow Barclay, N. Y novl3m Crockery, Chim, Cassware. JttMZtSsr ptntot u,CdaoUT Wholfsie Stock, which Includaa pai kagw gaining complete nmort mvuta, put up •ipmuTy fcf Conoiry Trad*.” Oooda re packed to suit phaetra BN Bfvuihhm It., Minor Noli It. » t D. IMVTI. i -tr— FOR NEW YORK. THE clipper .Sooner LIZZIE BACHELLOR, Capt. EiigflKh, will have despatch for the above port. For fretgbteugiigemsnu, ataily Pi HUNTER Jt GAMKELL. FOB NEW YORK 'T'HK schooner FRANCIS hATTKRBY. m.w load A log, and having moat of hei cargo engaged, will have quick deep rich aa above. For freigbl. apply to liS-6 CK INK, JOHNSON A GRAYHiI.L. Murray’s Line, FOR NEW YORK. The splvndld steamahlp J.UO. F. A. Mcrrel, ma.te will leave for the above porl ou kalurday, Nov. HIM, at •’clock. For fi eight Oi prs-age, having epleudid accomino tlone, apply to nli. OCTAVCS COHEN. KOR NEW YORK, Atla u tio CoastM ail aft earn* ahlp Company. The Very that sailing steamship ARIADNE G. B. Clary, commander, positively sail on her ragniar Sstardsy, Nov. lltb, st 4 o’clock p. in. For freight or passage, having very elegant aecom mudations, bdulv to norlfl 9 JNO R. WILDER, Agent. STAR LTNE~, FOR NEW MIYORK. The new and elegant first das* U. S. Mall Steam *hlp AMERICA, CapUlu Lindt, will poailively sail for theabove port on Saturday, Nov. 11, at 3 o’clock p. in. BRIGHAM. BALDWIN & CO. nil) Stoddard's Bnthllng, opp. Post Office. For Augusta, The New Iron Steamer WM. O. GIBBONS, Capt. T. N. PmnroT, . Will leave as above on aatuday, 11th, at 9 o’clock, a. m. For freight orpauag*. baring superior coommoda tioni, apply to . ERWIN A BARDEE JoaxL.Rongiu.AT, Ag*nt at wharf. niu—v FOR AUGUSTA. NTEAMEB EXP R ESS, CAPT. J. W. MORGAN, Will have quick despatch «a above. The Boat is entirely new, being of immense capaci ty, ahippeia need not fear having their ord«i*>« leit over. Parties having goods conalgncd to them from the North or elaewhere for Augusta And points beyond, can colwct tor war. ling churirea on name by tbt:lr freight to this line. All bn la paid promptly, freight received and stored iu Fire Pi oof Ware Houaefl iree of expense. novg P M MYRELI, Agent. Freights FOR AOORSTA, under*lgued are prepared to receive good* at ■■ their Warehoa»ea—free of expense anil cov cred by Jiumranfe—for shipment to Aupuata and point# beyond by rheir reguhu line of light draught UottU A P {i]y , (HAS. U COLBY, sept 29—tf cor , Bay and Abercoru et*. For. Augusta, THE STEAMER Tt. H. MAY, Will have diipafch for the ahoy* place. Uooa« rm-lv , ?} all . tlme ***s stored in fir<? proof wurehifuae, W of Llucoln street, free of Cost. i rv, g J. Al. KjNrHI.KV, Agrut, Gfllce in ClHgUorn A (Juuniughiun'ii. The May arrived lu Antru.ta from Savaucah on last Friday with her fUU freight. if och» FOR AUGUSTA, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS THE Steamer Volunteer AND COVERED BARGES, now receiving frelaht at the Central Preaa, will leave tor Augusta and landings on the river on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11. For freight engagements, apply to O’FALLON 4 CO., k>® Comer Bay aud Lincoln streets. FOR PALATKA, Via Darien, Hranswlck, St. Mary’s, Fer nandlna, Jaefcsouvllle and Pleolata. (Xmnecting with tteamer Flora Tnnplr fnr King’i Ferry, CentereilUige, aui all lantlluije nu the St. .vat ps Hirer. fPHE new and fast eteamcr FOUNTAIN, Capt. G. a W. CAaiNKa,wilt leave rs aliove ou TUESDAY, the lath Inst., at 10 o'clock a. m. For Freight or Passage apply ou board, at Pad". ford's W bull, near White's Ccutraht'otton Preß*, or to M. A. COHKN. Agent. During tbe absence of Ute boat all good* will lie re ceived at the warebonMon the whaiflby Mr. \V. R. H. Brueo. Freight payable ou Wharf. Shippers will furnish weights and measurement of goods PAR JiISOSVILLfi, FLA., HA DARIEN. BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, GA . AND FUKNANDINA, FLA. Steamer Fannie, FTAPT. W. T. McNKTTY, has arrived from Charles- V 1 ton: wsa detained by bad weather, she will leave THIS DAY positively for Jacksonville and later mediate landings. Freight received dally and slot.d In flre-proof ware houses, free or expense. For freight or passage apply^lo hU 1 Harris’ Building. For Philadelphia Tbe schooner TRADE WIND, Clark, master, having mo>t of her cargo en ! ‘fK ol * wlll Lave quick despatch as For bulk ol Bfty bales cotton and deck load, apply to «M CRANE, JOHNSON A GRAYBILL. For freight or Oharter jptJßa^ northern port, a Schooner of 1811 tons Reg- MILLER, THOMAS 4 CO. °U 2U6 Bay Street STEAM lOMIINICATION BETWEEN SAVANNAH A BALTIMORE. •SPaHaiß.on SATURDAY next, 11th lust., at o'clock. The Fannie baa eteguot Mato room accoauocU WEST, BRYAN 4 CO. j MNP* I N. B -Paaeengaru Mr thla route. (Ur New York, will Save two hundred Alllaa of ace travel, and wl I receive through ticket*. Wa PUlladelpbla at aame rule ua now charged by New York huea Freight will Maw be checked Ukrougk w N«* York aa lew aa by a»r other iwK ••»» I For Doctortown, " AYD STATIONS ON THE ATLANTIC * GULF RAILROAD. Ths steamer CLARION will leave her wharf *>ot of Abercnrn street, far the above place on IHCRBDAY, Not. #, at» a. m.. taking Freight Ua Sutton* on Atlantic * Gulf ttaiiroeq For Freigut ot Paasage apply to CHAB.L COLBY A 00., .° otß ' 3 cor. Abercorn and Bay at* FOR BALTIMORE. ’IIHU acboonei ANTELOPE. Jones. wu 1 have quhk de-,*,tch ““»• ** Foi deck load, apply to Di * CR-t-VL. JOHNSON A GRAYBOX. Baltimore and Savannah STEAMSHIP LINE. "» *, Th< ‘ atramshlp NORTH POINT, L? ! *•**■ Bm f>h. will leave Baltimore on "SdaLsSait ll» r trip frir Savannah on -Saturday the 11th Instant' retnna ing, will leave Savannah on Saturday, the 19th tnat. WEUT. BRYAN ft 00., AgsaU, noTa _ S.ivnnnqb. FOR BALTIMORE. Pendergast’s Line. The fait sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOT.O, Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For balance of freight ap ply to Lx ROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLRft, Corner Bay and Barnard atraata. Agent, in Baltinroie—Peadeegaat, Fenwick A Cos. nell6 For Liverpool. The new firet else., clipper ship • VIRGINIA, WEEKS. Commaodet, la now loading rapidly at Lower Press, and having large engagement* will have quick despatch Fur freight or passage (taken at loweet rateaj apply to ( HAS. L COLBY A 00., f _ c*irnor Abercora and Bay ala. For Liverpool. THE first class British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J - L\ Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octtO BELL. WYLLY A CHRISTIAJf. liegular Line. FOR BOSTON. Schooner Witch Queen, Now loading at Exchuage Wharf mtKSE RICHARDSON A BARNARD, ai'V7—tf Bay at., oppo*lte Mariners' Church. For Liverpool. THE Al American Sidp NEW ENGLAND. jOgO Hodge, Master, having a large portion of her cargo engaged will be ready to receive ■MS®* cargo at Lower Hydraulic Prea* on the Utb Inst. For freight or passage apply to replAtT BRIGHAM, BALDWIN ft 00. For Rio De Janeiro, CALLING AT St. Tliftmaii, Farm, Pernambuco aud BaM* <n ‘” United State* and Brarii Mali /Mb yfp Ste,mslll P Company will dispatch 66th off every moath, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave st 3 o’clock, p. as., •' From Pier 43, North River. A U letters have to pass through the Pont Office. An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance «a board. I'm freight and passage, haring splendid aceommo 'lalluna. apply to THOMAS ASKNCIO A CO.. _ orffil-Siu No. 17, Roadway, New York. SttvannahTMedical - College* THE regular co irse of Lecture* will begin on Mon day, the 20tb of November, and will continue tor four muntba. The aeeaion ha* been delayed for two week*, by the occupation of the Collage Banding for htMpltal purpose* by tlis force* of the United Staten. JAMES & BEAD, M. D. Dean. Jacksonville. fFla.j Union, Constitutionalist, Aa juata, Macon Mearengor and Jonrnal, copy one weak and send bill to this office. a6—lw NW Select Music, For Sale at oar Stores at favaaah, Augusta and Macon. DIFFICULT INSTRUMENTAL PIECES. Illustrations (II Trovatorej, Jaai Funtasle (Souiuambola), Ley back Taranfelle, w'allace Marche de la Garde Imperiale, Xggbant Premier Aveu Nocturne do. l*s Bell* <le New York, Yalse l.a Belle Amerlcalne, do Os Medium Difficulty. B BacciofThe Kiss), false. Eettarer Boate-Eu Train. Gnlopdc Uonart, Kettarer Mans Solid, (iniop, Aaeher Le Keve D’amonr. Mftrchn. Abbott. EASY PIECES. Pretty l.iitle Tune* for Ijitlo Folkj, Beliak. Musical Tbotugrapb* (82 dlfl'erent piece*;, Augeia. PopulAs- Songs. “I am Dying. Egypt, Dying,” «i«vra Tw hut a little Faded Flower, Thomas Mother Kissed Me lu My Dream, do' My Bud Ui Beaten Mhaaeth £ula Jong, Webster * I’m Lonely since My Mother Died, Thompson! Katies' Meerel, Fvangellne, Hares. Tenting on the Old Camp Ground, Kettrldge Tell Me Lillie Twiukliug Btar. Qrljttn. """ JOHN C. SCHREINER 4 SONS- To the Merchants of Savannah. THE undersigned, Committee from Metropolitan Fir* A Company, will wait upon tb. Merchants aud Bus! O.'SS Met! ofthe city This Day, to solicit subscription* tor the puicfana* of a Steam Fire Engine. They hope fur a prompt aud generous response from their fellow eltlzeru ■UNO. B. DILLON, GEO. H. JOHNSTON, Js., WM. N. YALLEAC, DOT 4 Committee. Bridgewater Paint and Color Works Cos. BELL, WYLLY * CHRISTIAN, Agent*. Just received and for sale at the manulhcturar’e Prices: Kegs XX Bridgewater Lead Kegs XX Snow White Zinc Kegs Cygnet White Lead Kegs aommerset White Lead Taba Putty Paint Brushes Picmlum White Uad Chrome Yellow Venetian Rad Metallc Paint (In ollj Metallc Paint Idry; Fire Proof Paint Cottage Colors O ***** Notice. Uus day. at FUrry k°dw Gt^ HoMe BIL Lost or Stolen, T W G«I?R«UroaU The nubile are cauuonied against trading for the