Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 10, 1865, Image 4

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The S»»a«nali Dail) Herald. KRIIJAY I*' WHY COI'VIitIBI RKCOVEK R\PiO LT FROM A STATE OF OEVAsTA. ' TION. This is tbe tkle of one of the sections of “Mill’s Principles of Political Economy” in which he illustrates with equal novelty ami success why countries which have Ih-cii ih vastated by war, earthquakes, floods, hur ricancs &c . (and he might have added con flagratioos,) rapidly recover from the dev as tation they occasion. He says : “The perpetual consumption and repro duction ol capital allbrds the explanation ot what so oiten excited wonder, the great ra idkv with which countries recover lrent state of devastation , the disappearance, ia a short time, of all traces ot tutschie! done by earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and the ravages ol war. An enemy lays waste bv fire and sword, and destroys or carries olf nearly allthe moveable wealth existing in it, ail the inhabitants are ruined, and vet in a few years after, every thing is lunch as it was betorc. This vis nature has l>eeu a subject of sterile astonishment, or has been cited to exemplify the woudei lul strength of the principle ot saving, which can repair such enormous losses in so Ifiel au interval. There is nothing at all won derful iu the matter. What the em uiy have destroyed, would have been destroyed in a little time by the inhabitants themselves ; the wealth which so rapidly reproduced Would have beeu needed iu any case, and probably in its short a time. Nothing is cliauged, except that during the reproduction they have not uow the advantage of consum ing What had heeu produc 'd previously.— The ]x>ssibility oi'a rapid repair ol their dis asters. ntaiuly depends on whether the country has been depopulated. If its etl'ec live population have been extirpated at tbe time, and are not starved afterwards; then with the same skill and knowledge which they had before, with tlieir land and its per manent improvements timlestroyed, ami the more, durable builiiiugsprobably unimpaired, or only partially injured, they have nearly all the requisites for their former amount of production. It there is as much of iood left to them, or of valuables to buy iood, as en ables them by auy amount ol privation to remain alive aud in working condition, they will iu a short time have raised as great a produce, and acquired collectively as great wealth and as great a capital, as be ft uv; by the mere continuance of that ordinary amount of exertion which they are ace us turned to employ iu itbeir occupation. Nor does this eviuee any strength in the princi pla of saving iu the popular sense of the term, since what takes place is not intention al abstinence, but involnutary privation. Yet so fatal is the habit of thinking through the medium of only one set of tecli nival phrases, and so little have studious men to value themselves on being exempt from the very surne mental infirmities which beset the vulgar, that this simple explaua tiou was never given (so far as I am aware) by auy political economists betortf * Dr. Chalmers, a writer, many of whose opinions I think erroneous, but who has always the merit of studying phenomena at lirst hand, aud expressing them in language of his ow n. which often nnebVtSis aspects of the truth that the received phraseologies tend to hide.” iu the above statement it will be perceived that the repair from the waste and devasla tmn ol war depends on three conditions, Ist, that the country laid waste is not depopu lated. ltd, that it has the same skill aud knowledge as before, and ;!<l, that it is di* posed to continue the same amount of exer tion as before. If neither of these prerequi sites to reproduction is absent, the conclu sion is irresistible that reparation will soon 1 ake place—the country devastated by war “will in a short time will have raised as great a produce aud acquired collectively as great wealth and ns go at a capital as before. But as labor is the principal element iu the process, it that is wanting, the elfect de duced by Mr. Mill will hot take place. His explanation is theoretically just an 1 his deduction philosophical. There are many examples in the modern history of Europe of the rapid repair of the waste caused by war. Since international hosliii ties have been com hie ted on principles of civilization, tire devastation caused by war has been rapidly repaired—where the pojft latiou is not extirnated nations soon recu perate, aud reproduction goes ou as before. The description of Mr. Mill applies to the • late ot Europe, with its industrial system and social relations. It has no pertinence to < ountries in which compulsory labor is the chief Element of production. If this system had eoutinued there is no doubt that the Southern States would have rapidly repaired the waste of war by precisely the same pro cess that capital' accumulates iu Europe' after the most destructive wars. The scheme of voluntary labor has only commenced, if and should be found to work well the ecouois iCkl laws Applicable to European States will apply as well to the Southern section of the American Union as to those States. The Hatties Heuei.lion at as Knla—Xlu; New ork Herald's correspondence lroin Uie West ludics communicates tbe tact tliat the Haytien rebellion has at last collapsed. 4 This news wus brought to tit. Thomas by the I uited States gunboat Kansas, lieutenant Wells commanding, who, in conjunction with the United States Consul, Folsom, seems to lmve taken an important part in bringing matters to a ,crisis. For some months past the insurgents, under Sal have, nave been besieged in the town of Cape Haytien. and at the date of last accounts previously received were reduced to such a condition of starvation that Hour sold tor twelve hundred dollars 'a barrel, and bread tor lour dollars a loaf. Consul Folsom came near falling a victim to their lawlessness ‘ oa ‘ belonging to the American government was seized, and in other respects the Aiueri <an nag was violated. This led to prompt action on the part of the Consul and Lieu errant 'Veils, and a hint about resorting to extreme measures brought the rebellion to 1 ground. On the 2d inst., wlicn the aneiS til ,V CliptJ llll ytten, it was agreed to the nubl f TK° USUIu - eJ auUui,il »'•-' of the re Fawn neo r ’ “ pl:liu ot ll,t ' H,uisl ‘ S'lnhonl ano l ni , l' a,u^ rt " ill ‘ ‘•'ousul Folsour lieutenant Wells throughout this affair. Ittra.KLs *ao Fubi umek is Tesni ssek ,md abandoned " says the stale laws 0V«, ) nr,.,.7i. i ~, recognised by the Uu,v„u . -," 1 ! tinction of color is made i, ’ ■ le ‘ ', u * ili< T the laws applying to wnm™.V** 11,, lv is to colored children. Othecu m u men's Bureau are regarded rm '* orphan minors of Ireedmeu "hff?"* 1,1 peclive districts Bach parish ,us shall cure lor and provide 1 01 iu The vagrant laws made lor th-e ■ n sane, will be extended to IrcChn?" I PyiicraiidJliiiiWiih'lunwl Warren & Platner, WHOLESALE dealer. In all kinds of mame .i,« ' ” fine Paper, Envelops, Twines audPnpei Hex* • Jule Agsuu, lu this l ily for lltu Rti.'i Puger .Mills Tffo inglWit C“s| l prices n.ihl for Hags old It ..pc SEfoSS*? 11 * tn large nr small °*' J " u *!'< Haysuv.ii, tUv win ih, tta SUNDRIES. 'H||| MAHKKhH Kluur I<*l IBM* Milt) Ilia ” yl 1' '*4* ' " l “ 1 M <*• ’ J<A*.Dfci4, *OO I iniTKik. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, 8. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. nrVKI.Y x htSi CROFT, Proprietor* Eo»an LJomilßit ts ortiu HEWITT S (r LOB E liom. I A iijriisl ;i, (»«'•»• fIUIFOLDUI OBr Hotel, <■»«><■■ Hnua! ami Jack I ».n ter.ste. I| 111.*' I'.l-I'l III.'' »'• w. <• U.iur., Lit,, ui tin- 11. «111 II I. • • »«.. Inwhee" IllOlnughly rvunviUi J, tea * *"' lv ”W a * I” 1 ”” ‘ * l ' tin. ol \ti» lit-- i-iiy lb «ill lx- mute hrqq.j Iu sue I,is nl i 1.1.-a.i am! C" loo*- I'UbliC g l. nl 111.-11.... * '«<*•’ ",1-y »111 receive . very al t-.-ntiiin ami nil . I »"li lie- rei> IH-.-4 lit,. «-Hinlrv cal) «■«• •*«!. U < IIK WITT, Proprietor. , i <. 11 loitn. < leiL ii 5: nt Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C*. RIDDELL A RUGU, Psofeietoks t. s. an.iiEi.i- a. v. Br**e. Jn3-tf GREAT Gift QiuU’lbution, ‘JSU,UOO WATUII U& Chains, Diamond etc., worth over One Million Dollars, all to In-sold iui One Dollar each, without regard to value. Not to be raid for huUI youkuaw jtlial >«*u an* to receive. During the mohiH ending March al, T. A 11. (hiif/hiiii A Cos. htive littd the honor of disti ibuting among their pttrons, .'ix Handled and Ninety (iold and Silver Wniches, ;it the price of One Dollar each. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES! All to l>o Sold tor One Dollaroaeh. 250 Solid Mirer Di i nag Seta, s*6 to aoo 500 Silver Snivel b and I'run, ao to 2.*0 4M Solid Silvei Tea Sett*, complete, 60 to 300 1.0 Ro*ewobd Musical Boxes, '■& airs, 75 to 250 200 M:ihoi r ;tn> Muvicai Boxes, 24 uirri, 50 to 20a 260G01d Hunting Watches, 75 to 260 280 Ladies’ Enamelled Cold Watches, 50 to 2(H) SOOUent*’ Hunting Silver Watches, 35 to 100 500 Open tar <* Silver Watches, 25 to 60 250 Diamond Rings, 60 to lot) SUUO Photo. Album*. all lee* 6to 50 2000 («o|d Wst :m«l N. ulv Chain*, 15 to 30 JhHM) Wold Oval Hand Hi acolets, 6 to to 5000 Chased Gold Bracelets 6to 12 20uo(Imtelaiiiti an.l Guard Chains 5 to 20 7uoo Solitaire and Revolving Brooches, 5 to 10 2000 Lava and jPloreiitmc do 4to lo mm mi (\.ral. Opal and Emerald do 4to 10 6uuo Mosaic, Jet and Lava Kuidrops 4to lu .6()'* Coral aud Emerald Eardrops, 3to 8 6iNNi Cidihiriifc* Diamond Pin*, 5 to 20 u(ni California ( In-ter Diamond Pins, 3to 10 jimim set Solitaire Hutton* and Stud*, 3to In 3etH» Gobi Thimbles. Pencils', &c. v 3to 6 10000 Lock, is, donbl*‘-glass, 3to 6 6000 l.fH ki i* tor Miniatures, 6to 10 ilhmi (iohl Toothpick , Crosses, &c„ 3to S fioiMi phdu Gold Rim's, 4to 10 6000 chased Gold King*. 4 to 10 lootM)*hit‘ld aud Signet ftinßs, 3to 10 lotHHi ( ulifot nla Diamond Kings. 3to 10 704 H) get* Ladle*’ Jewelry, : et sto 10 (HU) *eta Ladies' Jewelry, coral, 3to 12 s<mmi seta Ladies Jewelry, onyx, 10 to 12 5000 si ts Ladies' Jewelry, lava, J 2 to 20 25(H) .set* Ladies' Jew. lr>, m« >*aic, 20 to 3u LHJOOGoid Pieiis, with Sil. hold is, 5 to 10 60110 Gold IV’iis with Gold ladder*, 6to 12 60 o Gold Pens and oolder*, superior, lo to 15 «m» .SilverGoblet* and Drinkini; Cups, sto 10 3000 sdver Car tors and Wine Holder*, 15 to 50 2«K) Silver Fruit and Cake Basket*, 20 to 60 Messrs. T. .V 11. Guughan & Cos., No UC Broadway, V \v Voi k, extensive manufacturer* and importers ot .•ill the leadin r and mf«st ia*hiouabh» .styles of Watches and Jewelry, desiring to Increase their bnsi to an uidindted extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift DisinhuUoi*, auhje«*t u» the regulation* fol lowing : Certificates naming each article and itsvalme, are pla< *‘d in Sealed Envelopes amt well mixed, one of chi'se enveloped mil be sent by mail to any addres-t on receipt of U\» nty live vents. All Art kies sold al One Dollar each, without regard to Value. Gi» ioceipi ol the certitioate you will see what you •ne Koine to have, aud then if is at youroptioit to semi I Ik- dollar anil lake the article l or not Puj chasei H may thus Ol)tail) a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or auy set h»| Jewelry on our list for om- Dollar, and in no case can they get loss than one d<•liar's worth, a* there are no hi a Him. The price of (.’ertifleite* i* :w follows: One n»r J'» fiMilh : live for $l ; eleven for $1; thirty for 4>6 ; rtixty-live for $lO : one humlrod for sls. Aueni' will he allowed ton contson every certificate •or»tered l>y Uiein, pi'ovidiuu; their remittance amount* d'diur. Agents will collect 25 cent* tor every eertilicate. aud remit ls» Cents to its either Hf cakh or postage ..tamp*. T. .V J 1 (JApGHAN A CO., oct‘.*l Ini’ No. 110 Broadway, Now Yolk. U. S ALLEN & to., ii-.;* .v im wtmu st NlfW YORK. hwlthihL iMimiiim. and machinery of au kinds, fimall Tvolufur (he Fa un ami Garden, such ux -^Midet^ tt/wiMUy Ih**, Forks*, Hakes, •diamond for Gras* Hooks, M'lithc*. Srii th-St one*, and Agricul tural Hardware in general. We offer, also, a largo assortment of our own mauu faclure of Hay ('utleis, CoflV o and Grain Mills, Sugar Mills tor Grocers' use, Store Truck* of varied* pat terns. Road Scrapers, Wlkeelbarrow*, &c. } KerliUi/.ors ol all kind*, such as Coe'* Superjihos. idiate ot Lime, pure Grouuil Bone, Peruvian Guano, and Poudrcile, Every vaWable Aim-i;ii-ivu Xml t’.ii.-igp viulety «l Vetfel Jilt, FiuvA.r anil Cil isi- Nvxl -m.l IflcKl Uriilu Ituit lino (iroveil mirtliy of ciillivaiiou, (frown anil Heloctnil oxfjiMß ly lor our trade. Sales made in bulk, perimnnd or huahal, or in >-inall packet^.for n-taiUng, Ivy the Immlred or UtonsAnd. bv.(»l2 iaw kmo Family Dye Colors. Ot*(ul>cr Ul, 1no;<, ftlflciv Dark Green Black for Silk l ight Green Dark Blue Magenta Light Blue Maize lrem It Blue Maroon Claret Broun Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Brown Purple Soull Brown Royal Purple Cherry Ha linn Crimson Scarlet Dark Dial* Slate Light Drab SolterlLo Fawn Drab Violet t Light Awn Drab Yellow'. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed lb tods, Shan Is, ScarlV. Urcssc«, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets Hal**, Feathers, Children's (lothing, mim! all kinds oi Wcariug Apparel. C JT A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. For 2» cents yon can color as many goodft as would otherw i-c otsf five times tlmt sum. Various shades «**■»»• he produced from the same tlyc. The pri«ee**is Fioiplc. and my one cun use the Dye with perfect atrtVess. Direct ions in English, French and German, inside ot each paclmgu. HOWK & BTEVRNS, n ‘-00 Hroadway, Boston. bor sale by druggi-iB ;unl dealers generally. ectlO-Cm R. MOLINA, Corner Hull and Cungn u min t Is, under (Scrrven House, I MPOKTKR and Wholesale I lealer In Havana Se * beat and Smoking Tobacco, Also, nil kinds ot Virginia Chewing and Hmokiog Tobacco Mer- Khaum. liiiei Root, and all other kinds of Fancy 1 ipcs. sep3o-3m IWWK & him , MACHINERY DEPOT, lotceHuMßaj Street.Savannab lia. w *tar isi.a.xs.S'JS.'jiSK WiMut jt ' hui'u» Unit Critters. U"«i Gutters. KhUnt*." Hoirung Mn si .1i...,.vv su »?'£!' *?“' of every dmeri|itlou, and l-rivs . s," Ur and Mm «,rft **«'»• <*roa llosc Ik,trine. rU„.fl| ll ,‘ i, 1 b aUior ItelUng and draull J,„ Puf.Uws V-J!T' ™ i'"'!. Wj!?’ 'ft, ktnda of WIHHI and l« wS, u 1 m"*' Al Hiiiyllea. woUclU|» Maihlnery and AifrnU lor the VV« .t Point F,, u , u i,„ „ . u ., „ Hlea.u Uuage and Holier F.ssUr. *’ K A ' W " tMl * Mf’HkMi FOIf A I I If. I,All .1 tTHIMTOCK A KIMMCY, I odUTu.TUtM.ui "“’“te.Tifo mic»uA»«ou. WuTHi’t IVlebral. j ANDREW CLERK A GO., 4« MAHO N LANK, NEW YUKK. ,(ILK ILF.VI'S AMD IMHIIITKII*. OCR former customer* will had a >fdu< tion in gold pi ire* of the Ncedic*. while the quality i* alw*y i kept up to the highest standard known to Kngli-h manufacturer*. . A. (’ A Vo., respeftfhlly solicit a renewal of th« iueii antile reiatioua so long aud fuv«»ratdy esteemed I iij thcii hoo*«-. au2s 3m LSTABLIHIIKU U-«t»S». LNOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Sofips, &e., No. 211 Wasliington-St., m-ol'J NKW YORK. Sm WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, 3ONES & CO., Wiliiiin^ton, Delaware. MANUFA( TURK Iron Steamboat* Steam Engines,. Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills. Ac. Having had long experience iu mndneas and being pi ovid* and with very extensive lacilitie* for doing work of ihi* data, are piepared to execute order* with despatch, octl2 Cm LINVILLE & GLEASON. SAVANNAH. ACCENTS POn MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlauilt Street, New York. MANITFACTURKKS OP ALL KINDS OP BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Ship or Baud Hook, AMD BOIL ER BOLT , SETT SI REHS. (OACH OR I,At! SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts. ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, IrnrulvnckleH, J3oit Knda, Tap* and Dies, Arc*. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOOOMOTIVEB, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every -description, and every article used iu constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. KNGINEEUS’ STORKS. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE PELTING, HEMP, AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VAKNISH, &o.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PUNCHES,PILES, CHISELS, An, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE JLOPPER, Ac. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANKED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, stea m engines, station ary' AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWS,Ac. eeiiW ts PI^MIUM TEN DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWim MACHINE. A Trinmpli in Mechanical Keieuee. |t| ANUFAGTUItD under two distinct patents, *>f krl entirely *‘oi»Ral coustruction;" doee not Infringe •many other muuine. This extraordinary achieve meat «)f niechnniul mKenuity works upon a T»*blc< u>e« the stiaihihtNeedle, imtkeM the useful Hau l Btitcli, at the 1C Stitches to each evolution of lie wheel, willTuk, Sh.rr, Oilnp, Hem, Huflie, Ac , with wouderihl seed, accuracy and neatness, will hiw with Double nd Hlnglejlhread of all Linds, is Mtroug, and can nc get out oflonler, and Inis received the full approval ('tlie priiai|:il journals and all who have used them. 'i'his mncliiut wu ks tike a <»ann and Hews m at and rapid. ICvery faml.v requireßMiu.**—-aV. r. Huriif. “F»*r thcDrcssinikci it is inWluahlu, for the Housts hold a vacant plov.”-«<;«xlff/\s Ltuliea* Book. “It uses acoiiviion needle, HfVs very r.tpidly, anti is so easily undersfuod that a cluk can use it.” —A r . O. Delta, Single machines sent to anylart of the country per express, packed iu box with nuted instructions on receipt of the price— $lO. Sal delivery guaranteed. wanted everywheß*. prcului containing lib eral inducements sent free. AU orders must lie addffss Ten Uollur dtlvtu. >l. bine ('ampnnjr, 36, 3k and, 40 A l street, NBW TO] belli 3m NOTIDE. THE undersigned promises t ure Seminal W\ in all its worst forms without tjune of medicine Please send for my Circulur, closing 10 ce nts for postage. Address I. M. KIiS.sELL, oetlO Um I Boston. Mass. Notitp. rIE t’o-pmtnf rship he ret re existing between .lACIvStOiA W AKIU.K K s, on the JOUt iiep h inber dissolved by mutual i sent. The tuisiness w ill hereafter be eomlueted I he undersigned, w ho will i>e happy to receive a < tinnauce of tiie pa tronage bestowed on the 1 linn of Jackson A N’arrock. la. WARRtxiK. oclll Notice t« Ilffllteniieß. THE undersigned are pie and to receive Consigu m< nts of Lumber, of un uaatity or quality, for sde in this market or lor shi ?nt North, Gash advances ni.olc when quired. Our facilities for procuring suitable vessi for shipments are un bounded. AOENTS IN A VANN AH VAN HORN, HOLY iKA NUIIRAY. AgfiitH in N«w Y*»rk, Mo Holyoke A Murray. 47 South street. ts octlC IJK. O K ItltcbN INK, n .ml ul «S M tier gri«« 16 KtO Ilowu AriibliC* \V Jg Fluid, |>hit«, at $1 |.t • loecii, For anl« I lIUJC A I.KAt'll I* ts tor hiyiuflcct uittl Mm Ucl linin'. I ioker’J liit ters, Tliu did..l übd beat rifwit. I L. FIIDK K, 00 Libejy Street, MgtlUMiu I New tUMK. t oMMMMON MICH«’HAHTS, F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, UEXKKAIi COM MISSION AND FOR. WARDING »KHt RANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, OA. HairU* Building*, 2ddo«>rw<*t of A. low A Co.'s. Refers to flnnter A Gamine If, Cnne. John -ou x Graybill; Bell. NVylly A Both well A V\ hitehead; Miller, Ttiom )* A' t'»*.: M A. Cohen, eepfid ti TOBIAS HEDRICKS & CO., Ooiniii issiion 3lcrchnn t s, N" e w V o rk. CHTTAVITS CX>HffN will make liberal advance* on •ny con*ig*jment* made to the alnive house. odM lm Wm. H. Tison. Wm. W. Gouuon. Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. ‘Hi BAY STREET, Bayaknah, ------- Georgia., »p**cial attention will Ihj given the sale ol Lumber, liosin, Turpentine, A., 00t24-3m O. M. bORRKL, A. O. BOKKKI. SORREL BROTHERS, SHIPPING, Commission and Ponvarding Meichants, ’ ’ Sat Bay street. Savannah. Ga. References; Messrs. 11. K. Corning, Son k. Co* N. Y.; Messrs. Peter V. King & Cos.. N. V : Messrs. Fish er, Brothers A Cos., Baltimore ; Messrs. B. Jk W. Welsh, Philadelphia; National Bank, Savannah, Ga.; Francis Sorrel, Esq , Sav nnah. Ga ;f’lma. Green, lieq., Savan nah, Ga.; T. R. Bloom, Ksq., Macon, Ga. net 17 Jni* D. H. BALDWIN A CO., COMMISSION MK RCII CH, 17S Pcavl Stmt, New York. D. H. Bg.dwin,) J F Cummings./ orlc * _oct4-3ni q M UL |l‘i'os% i Havarnali. A. S. llartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING - MERCHANT, !>2 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, OA. ortn-tf _ JAMES B. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AMD DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liqtiers, 171 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDRRS ofMerchaudize w ishing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning t he same. Strict attention will be given to all Imaines* en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the ui* • -t reasonable rates. .-epi-3m JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FAUTOTI, FOItW.UtDI.VG AND COMMISSION HER. CII ANT. No. *VT Bay Streot, SAVAMNAH, GA. octltt, _ _ r,m Henry L. Jewett. Jam eh 1. Snider. Jewetl WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Second Street, Macon, Georgia, (Between Cherry and Poplar.J Prompt personal attention given to all consign ments of cotton, produce, man u lac lures and other articles of merchandise. Orders and consignments solicited from nil parts of the country. Host attention given to orders lor purchasing cotton. Agent* for several first class Insurance Companies, rift ts ■ C. H. BENEDICT & CO., No. 86 Uvoad Street, New York, Produce aud Flour Commission Merchants, Dealer* in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, &c. Special attention to Sc*nthem Orders Consignments on General Merchandise solicited. octlT 3m TO SHIPPERS OP COTTON AND OCHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FKNNKH, BENNETT * BOW'MAN, Sur.vtj.urM lo Hotchkiee, Funner A Bennett. COMMISSION M ERCHAN T 8 , NO. JO VSBKY Si Ul:i. I,KW YokX. And Memphis, Tuna. Tuomab Fknnku, Hksuv Bunnki'T, D. W. Bowman. JyS Om CIIAS. L. COLBY A CO., Sliippini; CoinmiHMion uitd Forwarding Al K il C H A N T S . JONBB HLOOK, OOIINER DAY AND AHRRIK>IIN STREET SAVANNAH, GA. UIB E R A i C CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the firm of Caxs. L. Coluv, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augnsta, Ga. Messrs. Dabnev, MBrgun & Cos , New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. ITu'i;. J. Wiley Edmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. sop 18 tt Woodward, Baldwin A to., HO Duuiu- Street, New York, 9 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore* DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advance* made on Consignment?, Sheeting?, ( teimburgß and Yarna. _ jyis SCRANTON & MAGUIRE, Shipping anil Commission Merchants, 4S EXCHANGE Tt.ACE, N K AV YORK. OFFICE 1«. Lilieral advances made on Consignments of Cotton, Tiilmcco,and other Souilieru Produce. Orders for the purchase of Geods iu New York promptly attended to. lIKSKKt.NI K,; Scranton, Smith &, Co s Johnson A Graybill. A. Champion I 1 lw* nov4 John I. mm & a, Forwarding mid Conunissioii MERCHAN TS. WHOLESALE AND HETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Omuls, Groceries, Ac., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, .Irnksmivillß, Florida. JWO. B. BAMMIS. Kl*. O. BAMUia. OUAB. 1.. MATiIEK auli ts A. T. CUNNiMmj AM. D Q rCRSF CUNXIXI.MAM & PURSE, iaactobs, forwarding ani* commission c MKItCIIANTs, No. 4 Bloddurd'e Dower Stores, Buy stieet, Savaniiah. Ga. Mefonmces—Kola. Ilulnirslism * Hon\ Hunter A Gammell, OeUvua'kitfon, Brigham, UaMwlii A Cos., Erwin A Harden, TMaghoru A sop4«n J. SHAFFER, CommlMfolou Dealer fn nil kinds ul FOREIGN AND HOMEt-TU: FRUITS xnnPROUUCK, Wwtf W euiisiiToN Mai kkt, Upponllc I*3 Wist it., Bulkhead iMitwuun Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW YORK. IVtuli*]*, Apples alui onloua ron.untly on hand, and pul up lor lh« tk ml hern market AII i iiti.iKiiiucnt* promptly uili nkut tu. HT Uelors to A. 1,. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, amid. H Faraow. 1/1* eudly COM Ml UNION MKRtHANTM. 1 J.T. THOMAS & CO., HMIUISSIOV MKKCUANTB, 117 Hay Htreet. FIRE, MARINE AND LIFE ASSURANCE ; Taken at as Low Rate* aa arc accepted by any good ( " QCtU-lfli SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORN Bit OK 1 BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’PALLON & CO„ FACTO ItS, Forwarding A t nininissinn MCKCIUN'IH RESPECTFULLY invite attention to onr facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt attrition to all husi tiess ( litru tcd to onr care. Intending to c»tnl,li,h perm incntly a House in Savannah expect by strict huemess principles to merit aud receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are preiiared to buy, or receive ou consignment to onr friends in New York or Europe, and will make ad vances on same ; picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton lictorc shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in No, thorn cities by this process.— They solicit a portion of the business ol‘ the people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFEICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OP BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, tVP~ Post Office Address, Lock Box 25. oct7-3m BACON, CLARDY &CO. Cotton ami Mima Factors, NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SAVANNAH BY IIENRY BRYAN. WE do entitely a Commission Business, exerting ourselves to get the outside maiket quotations for our tuiti on*. Liberal advances made on Cotton at Savannah, and partial advance* on Colton ready lor shipment at Au gusta, Atlanta and Maron. Planters’ orders filled. octl2-lm Van Horn, Holyoko & Murray, General Commission anil Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. !) Sfoddard’s Block, 11 AY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Ciias. Van Hoen, Holyoke «fc Murray, Savannah, 6a. New York. Engaged exclusively in #Coiiimission Busmens,with ample and first class Storage Room, we nu>4 reapect fully tender our services lor (he purchase ami sale of all kinds of merchandise. octll-3m E C. WADE. 8. 11. WADK. E. C. WADE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Siivtiiuitili, Gti. octlC 3 m L. WARIiOCK, AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, JACKSONVILLE, . Consignments solicited. Personal attention given to forwarding Merchandise and Cotton. octll-lm MACKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay Street, _ SAVANIN All, Ga. OFFER FOR SALE the following Goods, on the niosi reasonable terms. 250 bids Whiskey, Mountain Dew l 100 “ ‘' Buckeye Reserve | “ “ Stag Bourbon ~, , -<• “ “ '/years old Stag Bonbon „ A of 20 “ o Fine Apple 50 " “ Burkum’s ltourbon I Distillation 15 “ “ Old Family Rye | 16 “ “ Old Rectified J Togothu- with tt large assortment of Port, Bhcrrv and Madeira " incs, Heklslck A Cos., and Reymoud’s ( hanipagues. Brandies, Gins, Knms, German A Itidgeway Bitters, Ac. In connection with the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Flour, Bacon Sides, Shoulders, Lard, Ac. Liberal advances made ou consignment to MACKY&BEATTIE, sepß9-3m PHILADELPHIA, Pa. H. (rowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY STREET, ANDERSON’S WHARF, . SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-3m -. A. W. SIARBUCK i CO.. OJ- E NT F, R A I, Commission Merchants, 111 Aiuitk YY'ulcr Street, I^liiladclpliin. Careful .-seb etums on all nriltfes f»>r the l*ur chatK' of Goods, and Coußiguim-nts respectlully Bolic >ted. i m octal OEO. I». FOWI.K. WM. E. lIOY. llUOli RICE FOWLE&CO., ' FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Com mission Me re hunts. Importers of Railroad Irou aud Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, JMRiW YORK, o«y , * fim | w. B. & T. E. RYAN GENERAL COMMISSION AND Fo rw u r «11 u n M**rvli an tm, Lhai'leaUin apil New York, W U ',Vif, U ‘;“ rt , U .', hlll |uneul and Furaarditiii of all kinds «■( 1 induce, and will keen ou hand an amairtuienl ul Grn.urli'a, Wiuea uud Uimura. CuiialuniiieUU aollciled. / | Tan*. K Nr »*. #n Raat U«y, V J 44 BmveraUroet, tfoulesba, I ) Maw York, oetll ini tONNINiiIOV MBEtHAItTN. LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO., I'i J It i’ <» ti <t w' uy, Nov York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS | * AND A|j«tiai( Alhmiic Const IHuil Compuiiy. Advance, made on Consignments by JNO. K. WILDEII, octiS 21 Savaunah. .WM. R. SYMONS, Ocncral Commission Merchant, NO. a WALDBUHoy rangL, On the Bay, in the building oc’ upk-dby Messrs Guer rard A Prrrilf. pAgeta for the New Xiuglaud Fire luiiuauce Com- Also Agtent F)r Hewitt's Patent Screw Wrench, R.-tercncea in Savannah-Henry Biigham, Era A E^“‘ ion ’ **•’ M In New York—Sam'l L.Mitchell, E-q„ Chas. A. Par !**• J’/ H- Baldwin, Esq., Wm. Backee, Esq., at Bank North Americr. H ’ Coiteignmepta solicited. lw-nov3 J. f. relrutos. j. e. Tucxeit. PATERSON & TUCKER, (Formerly <l. T. Paterson & Co* of Auga*ta, Ga.) General Commission, Forward" mg and Shipping Merchants, No. » Stoddard's Lower Uangc, OPPOSITE MAPiINEIi’S CHTTROH, BAY STREET, Savaimali, Gka. IfAVK made arrangement* for Shipping Uotton, Tim ** “*• }<“■«• •*>■, to first class houses iu Europe and New York , Will make liberal advances on all eonaignmeuts. eion " " ' u^luu * se ß Timber or Lumber on Uommis- Wc h ive facilities for obtaining Charters for Vessels at moderate rates. • Personal attention will he given to the receiving, lo: warding and to the sale* ot all merchandise entrust ed to om- care. We have a commodious warehouse lor storage. References—Dow dug ,fcCo.. London : Gibbs, Bright * V u -> Liverpool; Bradford & Relink, New York ;J. te Layby & Cos., Philadelphia ; Janies Oakes, Boston; L. i. ultte, CbarltsKm. S. R. H. May, tMayor.j Au gusta Ga ; Geo. R. Crump Jfc Cos., Augusta, Ga.; Hal sey, W atson &' o . Savannah, Ot;.; u. 11. Thomson, Columbus, Ga.; ,lames Gann Us Son. Richmond, Va.- ( lay I on, Auair & Purse. Atlanta, Ga. novß SOUTHERN AND WESTERN XiiLKT X>. Collection and Commission Agcucy, liandl.- Southern land and prop -rty of all ileseliptions Parties wishing to silt are invited lo forward lint*.— Numerous applications now ou file from parties wish ingto purchase. Make collections on all part* of the country. Pay especial attention to the Bale and disposal of Southern products, ami make advancca on direct consignment*. MATTHEW H BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad at.. New York. REFERENCES IIY PERMISSION : Hon. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Nephew* A Cos., Bankers, 3* Btoadway .Messrs H. B. A. W. Green leaf, Esq., Banker, N. Y. ni)-3m Ai.fexd R. Bennett,) n York ~AB H. Bknnktt, Jab. C. \an Pelt, j lorK Raleigh, N.C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS LOB TIIK SALE OF COTTON, TOBACCO, NAVAL STORES, ETC., ALSO, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OP STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, 23 AVliitehall St., New York. Wo have associated with ns .Hr. D. W. Ccrtis, late Public Treasurer for North Carolina. n’Mim JOHN H. GUIKU. JOHN A. OUIEfT, JOHN B. GUIEU & SON, Comm i >x ore Inin tss, Will attend to a General Agency Business. Personal attention will be given to the Receiving aud Forwarding and to the Sales and Purchase of Cotton and all Produce. „,*y~ Kefereneesto the principal Merchants of Au gusta and Savannah. At oSwa, Ga., Oct. £ tSUD. im oct27 BRYAN, HARTRIOGE & CO.. Bryan Siuklt, next to Mfroiiants’ a«d Planters' Bank liniLDiNo, Broker and Commission Agents FOR BALE ANp PURCIIABE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c. f And for Forwarding Colton* nov*2 3mp Fordyce, Anderson & Janney, Brokers and Ceneral rommission Merchant?, NO. 10 STODDARD’S RANGE, Savannah, Ga. Dealers in Specie, Southern Bank Notes, Bonos and Stocks, Exchange on the Northern cities, Augusta and Charleston, bought uud sold. Liberal advances made on consignments to our correspondents at the North. Refer to Third National Bank, Messrs. Beebe, Keecli & Cos., Messrs. Melc|ninl & Carman, Messrs Hall & Huckell, New Y'ork; Messrs. Carman, Merchant & Shaw, Philadelphia; Messrs. W'm. Lamping & Cos., Messrs. G. H. Reese & Bros., Baltimore; Messrs. It. Hnbcrsliuii & Sons, Messrs., Hunter <fc Gammell, Mr. Geo. \V. Anderson, Mr. G. B. Lamar, Savannah. nov2-lm G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, General Commission Merchants. Foruarding and Shipping Agents, NO. DAY fcTKKET, (upstairs.) Defer to Geo. W. Anderßoii, Jno C\ Ferrel and G. B. Lamar, Bavannah; W. £ Jackson, Jusiah Sibley & Sons, J. B. dfe; j. W. Walker, solicited. Gm-nov2 DDR YEAS’ HAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. *“ 1,1 ™ f,M That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the compel ion oi all pi em inent manutactun rs of “Corn Btarch” and “Prepared Corn Flour'’ of thiß and other countrteß notwithßtiai.d -iug. MAIZEKA, The fond and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One tiial will cnuvlucs the most skeptical.— Makes PmUlings, Cakes, Custards, Bhoir Mange, Ac., withonti.inglass. with few <w no eggs, ala cost as lonbhlug tlie most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greaUy improves Bread and < 'ake It is also excellent for thiekening sweet sauces, gravies for llsli amt mcula, soaps, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with It. A little huiUd in milk will produoe lich cream lor eokee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under tlie Fladc mark Maiaena, wiUi direclloim for use. A most delicious article of food (or children aud in valids of all ages. , _ For sale by Grocer* and Drugplsts everywhere. WliolcHitlc l)t>|Hit, IVti FiilUmi Street. WILLIAM DVRYBA, au26-Hm General Agent. TIIOM. W. HUUOKM MANUFACTIJKKtI OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, „***« Ibo k airrel. I*t,llw,l vltditw, Pa. ■n bdfo~ A * a«nt by Man at; # *avannaii BUSINESS DIRECTORY. OOMMIiS.sR>N MKRCIIANTS. au24 \ 1 A* Colic*is, ivl • POKW ARban *m, COMMISS'N MERCHANT, Office Home In*. Cos., 8b Bay at. IV Ihrlgtiau, Art.TION cjrv X J SrcS^* ,MM,S «>«WAkuiTG anaiuaia. Lay tercet, Savamiah, Ga. AM. n, :o koiugh & . rwr „| , M , lc • MISSION Muuuuaie, 140 Con -reae aud ,( 0 ouimii ets Highest maiket prices paid forColto'n' Wook Beeswax, etc. Liberal AdrancesouCottoi,. At ’ £'•■»» 111 Hu 1 il, . , J commission merchants, - ... Bay street, Savannah. Ga. DRY GOODS. JvlmC.Makcr GCu„ W'uolm.i . .... i.'te IN DRY HOOIiS. HOSIERY GLOVES TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, Ac , Ac. UUJ ' E N oor. Congress and W hitaker ats. Joftin Alrt'oiiagliy, DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. HiO Brougliton street. temuuel M. Hederer, Jotilier and Retailer of O Panov and Stapi.k Dry Goods, Boors andShom t 10th . f.,;, Uats Ac, 146 Congress ter”., 'B - GRoeERIKS, &i;. M FcrW * ‘ Wholesale Dealer in Wints, V 7. Alls qt oRS, Skoars, PanovGrockrifs, Ac & ‘'“•’W'holesale andlietaii Deaiere iu Gro cenes and Provisions. Teas. Al.-s, Wines and Ij quors. Corner Bull and Broughton street" trmi’e Cm attL ’ n,lon f’ al<l to orders for the country sep’Ai-ti L' t*- Bryo, in Cuoice Family Gro Wines, Liquor.*, Ao. fcircet BILLIAIiPb, Ac. IJilitnid .Saloon. Uv WALTKU O'MKAKa" WINKS, IaU)LOiiS, 6m. Hay street, over Kxpruaa Office. r T'e«i I*ln Alley. A TKN PIN ALLEY, by VALENTINE BASLEH. Ale.s, Wine* and Liquor*. No. 13S Bryan street, Maiket Square House, opposite the Market. Im-oct2o St. < Hai le* Saloon, finreai of Poat Office,; by A* St an a*. H/ujltxnle and litlutl. None but CHOICE W INKS and served. Frqc Lunch. PAINVU^I. MUKPHV CLAlili, House, Sign, Ship ami Steamboat Painter Oposite the Pulaski House, uvei Sttuum’s Barber Shop. AH orders tbuukfuli received and faithiully attended to * / lin OCt26 GAS FITTING, to Weed tW Luinwtll, \\ holesale Dealer* in Hardware and Tin Waki, No. 159 and 1(51 Broughton street. I T tTainluH, U • PLUMBKK AND GAS FITTER, SEGAIiB, TOBACCO, &c. JA liiilli. - * - • SEGA US, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac. Barnard bti eet, one door South of the Market. n i !■ , _______ PRIiN TIiNG, STATIONERY, &c. Saviik- l.tttcli, BOOK.SELLEKS AND STATIONKRh, Cor. iiryau efruet aud Market Square. Marking Ink, Manifai tdbrd and for sale by DAVID H. GALLOWAY, / 'co. 111. NlcknlH, VJ BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay »t., between Abeicorn and Drayton. Murae, J.ITHOGItAPIi Elt, STATION Kit, -ID. BINDER, JOB PRINTER, die. No. 0 Whitaker street. c VV. illation iV t'u., C*. HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. 1.11 Buy street WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. Fl>. Jordan, Dealer in Watciieb and Jewelry, • Silver and Plated Ware, Fa not Goons, Ac. Watches and Jewelry Bepaired. 12U Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. PHYHICiANB. Jo ri, W. Clift, N. I>, Cor. South Broad and Bamard-sts ., Ofru * iioiuis—9 to 10 A. M , and 4to 5 P. M„ Kesidence—Mr. Wash’s, Broughtoii Street, i.O-lni one dour east Masonic Hall. - PIiUGGISTB. Will. %Val*h, • WUOLESAIaE and retail druggist, aul4 Sourheast cor. Barnard and Broughton st*. 1 A. Solomons A Cos., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, fy Orders executed accurately and with despatch. boots aSdsh^ ~ A me* iV Peabody, Jobbers in Men’*, Women’s, A and Children’s C’aif, Serge and Kid BOOTH and SHOES, of all hinds and qualities. 152 Congress st., 4th door North of the Market. Geo. T. Naciiol?, R£TAIL BOOT AND SHOE STORK. 110 Broughton et., 2d door from 8011. QUEENS WAKE, &c. D. Suiyt I>, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND J# CHINA, at Wholraale and Retail. 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of BuU CONFECTIONERY. JE. Hernandez, • CONFECTIONER—WhoIfhat.* and Rktaii- MAMTFAOTnSi R OI SYRUPS, CORDIALS AND FINE CONFECTIONERS u# All KiNr»a. 14G Broughton street, two doors from Barnaril M Fitzgerald, • WUOLKSALK AND HKTAIL DEALER IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY amiRASPBERM SY r RUPS, CANDIES, An., An., tw In any quantities, to suit Purchasers. .Si WHITAKER STREET. ax; - ■ yx. _■ I SODA WATER. J oil n Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, POKTIiH and ALE, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, An. _____ ~ (]or Bay nu’i Heat lir(nul^bu|f LAND AGENCY FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA npIIE subscriber, formerly of Savannah, and resfcj® A at Black shear, Pierce county, Ga.. on the AW tic & Gulf Bailmad, will give his personal vided attention to the sale and purchase of contiguous to the said railroad, on commissiou. solicits the patronage of all needing an agent tb«K\ An experience in the land, lumber and timl ) * ,r ness of twenty years tn Georgia aud South Conw® guarantees ample qutilification. Ho will be I'i** seated in Savannah by Mr. Henry Bryan, ard njjb York by the Great Southern Land Agency. 71 Bp way. JOHN D. DELANNOi liefera U> tuoy old resident in Savannah. scnlH ‘ 3m TRY ONE POUND. DR. GORDON HOWARD 1 Has resumed tlio Practice of Medioine. Special «tl«' tion to Diseases of the Eye. Office, and residence, Jones street, two Whitaker. octl'J i* SOUTHERN Exporting and Import® COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. , Till*: association Is prepared to make eiirroney of Gold mi eon.lgnmenls ™ Naval More*. Lumber, *c.. to their ageui ‘"ordar* solh lted forafode fr"™. tent. The strlrteat atßhtlon will Is* P* 1 * w howsr. r .mall, fbr good* Horn Fng * 1 Germany Ottr Hnvofoi" ' and Ckarle* being sslarliat. mak* m> charge for forwsmua way and will forul.l. 'iy£ssS‘ Ga.