Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 11, 1865, Image 1
THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 255. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) IS FU BLIBBED BY w. MASON & CO., AT HI Day Strfet, Savannah, Georgia. terms: - r 4. nv Five Cents. SI: ADTEBTIBIHfI: I Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in- I Jtion ■ One Dollar for each “übsequenl one. Ad I ' .riju iii, ub inserted in the morning, will, it desired, I , in the evening without extra charge. JOB PBINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. by telegraph TO THU Daily Herald. THEEXECUTIONOFWIRZ — | »IE DIES CALMLY AMD PROTESTING j INNOCENCE. TUc Maim*# of Davis, Seildon, Cobb anil Wimiti, iufludedin the charge again*! : him. Washington, Nov. 10—Capt. Henry Wirz, tne Audersonville prison commandant, was executed this morning. He died calmly, and protesting that he was innocent. The charge of conspiracy which the Court found against him, and which was read at the execution, includes also the dames of Davis, Seddon, Cobb and Winder. Death of SciiMtur C<>l lamer. Mostfkueb, Vt., Nov. 9. —Jacob Colla mer, United States Senator front Vermont, died on Thursday. The Decline in Cotton. New Yohk, Nov. 9 —Cotton has declined two cents to-day. The sales are 2,000 hales at 51c. Gold HO 6-8. THE CONVENTION. ■i.VTrRDA tes PtIOLKKDI»r«S INFl’lal.. The Pay and Mileage of Delegates TtlE CONTEST ON THE REPUDIATION ORDINANCE The Effort to Incorporate Repudiation In the State Constitution. POLITICS AT MILLEDGEVILLE, * ETC. ETC ETC. [From onr Special Correspondent. ] Mri LoboEviLU:, Nov. 4, 1866. Very little was done in I lie Convention yesterday afternoon or this morning. Dur ing the afternoon session, Mr. Cliappel of Muscogee,introduced an ordinance declaring that all debts contracted by the State of Georgia in aid of the late war against the United States are null and void, and that the Legislature is prohibited from making any appropriation ol money for the payment of the same. The ordinance was made the order of the day for Saturday. Mr. Cutts oi Sumter, introduced a resolu tion requesting the Legislature, at its first sesfiou, to make such appropriations of money as may be necessary to provide for the support of indigent widows and orphans and of disabled soldiers. Passed. Mr. Lawson of Burke, introduced an ordi nance to legalize contracts made by Guar dians, Executors, and Administrators, with freednteu. for the benefit of their wards, and to authorize the making of such contracts until otherwise provided by ttie Legisla ture. Passed. Mr. Roberts of Early, offered a resolut ion that the State Penitentiary be abolished and some other mode of |uiuishmenl be adopted. It was moved that a Committee be author ised to purchase or lease the Stone Mountain, with a view to the employment of convicts granite, etc. Both propositions were tabled. Mr Burnes introduced au ordinance ask ing that a general amnesty be granted by the President of the United States, and that compensation for slaves be made by the l’. S. Government to widows and orphans and in sane persons—a commissioner of one from each Congressional District to he appointed to ascertain and present such claims. Laid over. The remaining sections of the Constitu tion were then passed. Saturday morning’s Session. An ordinance was introduced fixing the l>er diem and mileage of members at $6 per day and $5 for every twenty miles. The ordinance was afterwards amended, makiug the per diem SS, by a considerable majority, by the sound. But on a roc insMeration, and a call tor the ayes aud nays, the ordinance, as amended, was rejected by a vote of, ayes 72, nays 167. Bo much tor a lest of patriot ism under a call of the ayes aud nays. Oue gentleman,who streuously urged the increase of pay, and voted aye with the loudest, up on the call lor the ayes aud nays, recorded his vote with the nays. The reading of the Constitution entire, as passed by section, was commenced. The reading was suspended when lion. A. H. Clmppeil, ot Muscogee, announced in au elo quent aud appropriate address the death ot his colleague, Col. iliues Holt, introducing a series otdevolutions. Mr. Jenkins follow ed the reading of tile resolutions with a most teaching and impressive tribute to the mem ory of the deceased, which, with the oilier proceedings commemorative of the solemn event, was imteuud to with profound atten tion. - On motion of Mr. Chappell, the resolutions were uiiHiiimoualylndopted, and the Couvcn lion adjourned until Monday morning. This altemiHui ihn members of tnu Convention iu n body will attend the reumiuaul the deceas ed to ibu railroad dV|a>t, and a Commllteo will accompany them to UU late home iu Columbus. It is now thought that the Convention will hilnglii labors to a eloae on Tuesday or IVeJiiewlay. The only question ot iinpor iiuiii iu,w io be acted on is that ot the ri pu diaiiuH ot the Mute war debt. | uudursleud that there will tie a and minority report from the committee *if sixteen on the subject, besides the ordinance introduced by Mr. Chapped to be acted on by the Conven tion. The majority report, which will pro bably be adopted, will spread the facts of the case before the people and leave the mat ter to the decision of the Legislature. There will probably be a protracted discussion on this subject. There is considerable interest manifested here among the delegates of the First Con gressional District in reference to the elec tion of a delegate to Congress. There have been two or three intorma! meetings of the delegates here for the purpose ol ngreeiug upon a candidate, as the short time between 1 now aud the election precludes the possibili ty of a nomination by tbe people in the usual manner. No nomination by a majority of the delegates lias been agreed upon, and Hon. Solomon Coben, ot Cuatliam, and Col. C- H. Hopkins, ol Pierce, have announced themselves as candidates. T- Milledgevili.e, Nov. 6, 1866D Half-past 2p. m. j I have just leturned from the Capitol and have only time to get a brief letter in the mail. The morning was occupied by a last reading of the constitution. At tbe clos>, Mr. Jenkins Chairman of the Committee ot Sixteen, moved its adoption, when Mr. Cliappel of Muscogee moved that his repudia tion ordinance should be adopted as a part of the Constitution. This motion was op posed by Mr. Kenan and others, after con siderable desultory debate, the previous ques tion moved by Mr. Kenan was sustained, which cut oil Mr. Chappel s motion, aud the constitution as a whole was unanimously adopted. Mr. .(.'happell then moved the adoption of his ordinance, which contained a clause milking it a part of the Constitu tion. Several resolutions were offered, one by Mr. Black of Screven, proposing to ascer tain, scale down to a specie basis and pro vide for tbe payment of the debt- another by Mr. Cobeu, relerring the whole subject to tiie Legislature and The people. These sub stitutes were lost, when a substitute offered by Mr. Alexander, substantially the same as Mr. Chappel’a ordinance was taken up. Mr. Cliappel moved to ameud by inserting a clause making the ordinances part of the constitution This motion was opposed by Mr. Kenan of Baldwin, Mr Mathews of Oglethorpe and others, and a protracted parliamentary debate sprang up, which occupied the bal j ance ot the moruiug and pending which the Convention adjourned to half past three o’clock. The indications are to-day that the State debt in its entirely, contracted since 1861 will be repndi- I ated, but the opponents of the measure I are lighting hard to prevent the repuili a ion ordinance from being incorporated in the Constitution. They contend that there is no need ot the State thus perpetuating her humiliation, while advocates of the measure contend that unless it is so incorporated so that the members ot the Legislature and Judges of our Courl3 in taking the oath to support the Constitution are committed thus solemnly to the act of repudiation, it will lie disregarded bv them. I think they will be able toTteep it out. of the Constitution, though the ordinance will be passed this afternoon by a small majority under what is believed to be the dictation from Washington. Alter tw'o rainy days (Friday and Satur day), we have mo A delightful weather this morning. Several members living in tbe remote counties obtained leave ol absence on Satur day, aud have returned to bear tbe intelli gence to tbe people of the action of the Con vention in reference to the State election, which would not otherwise reach the distant sections of the State in time. The Convention will I tbiuk finish most of ils business this afternoon and adjourn to morrow. I think there is now very Ijttle doubt that Hou. Charles ,T. Jenkins will lie our next Governor without opposition. T- Oar Represfitlalitcs hi Millcdgevllic. We find the following in a letter of the special correspondent of the Augusta Con stitutionalist at the Convention, darted No vember 3d ; A grand symposium of the press now here was neld last nigdit at the rooms ot the Sa vannah Herald representatives. One con versant with the recreations of an exclusive ly male assemblage need scarcely be told of the excellent champagne imbibed, the many cigars smoked, and the lively interchange ol wit, remiuisceuce, sentiment, and, fancy dis tinguishing this affair, so the writer will pass by the pleasures of the evening—know ing how dull is the description of a feast— to speak of the gentlemen present. First, then were the hosts of the occasion Mr. Ma son, editor of the Savannah Herald and Col. Wilbur, formerly of the press in that city. Os the others, so tar as remembered, were Messrs. Thompson, associate editor of the Savannah Herald, the infinitely worthy author of Major Jones’ Courtship; T. D. Wright, of the Atlauta Intelligencer ; J. W. Marshall and J. Morrison, of the Macon Telegraph-'-reporters respectively of those journals; Stephen Powers, ol the Cincinnati, Commercial ; Sidney Andrews, Boston Ad vertiser ; Beu. C. Truman, New York Times—special correspondents ; and of the editorial fraternity proper, besides Messrs. Mason and Thompson above mentioned, Col. Prather, of the Atlanta New Era; Hon. Win. M. Burwell, National Intelligencer, Washington, D. C.; and the writer repre senting iu some sort, the Constitutional Ist; Messrs. Hill and Saffold, of Morgan, Ander son of Chatham—the mover ofamemoiial for Mr. Davis —Cohen, of Chatham, and tire gallant Gen. Phil Cook, of Macon, were among the delegates present, aud with Capt. McComb, the geuial host ot the Milledge ville, Col. Harris, now here establishing post routes, and Mr. Grive, late clerk of the Su preme Court, the list closes. This little lestivity, though, of course of almost purely a professional nature is one of those pleas ant re unions makiug time pass agreeably here, iu the intervals of constitution making, pulling down and building up and chron icling the incidents ol the same. Tim Position of South Carolina. —Adis patch from Washington to the N. Y. World says » lion. James L. Orrr, governor elect of South Carolina, was pardoned some weeks ago, hut us that State lias not repudiated the rebel debt, she lias tailed to prepare herself for offleica! recognition as a slate loyal to the Union. A Caroo of Silk Worms from Japan— Among the recent arrivals trom Japan at San Francisco was a vessel bringing a part of her cargo, 320 packages of silk worm eggs tor shipment to New York, and thence to France. They are valued at SBO,OOO. They are shipped by this circuitous route to avoid the tropics. Tub Newly Elkctmi Governors.— A dis patch liom Jackson Miss., dated Nov. 4tli, says : Governor Sharkey has just received a dis patch from Secretary Suwaid, aunouuciug that he 1b expected to uxuicue the tuuclious of Goverimr.ot MUaiiaippi until farther or ders from Washington Minnkbota.— The wheat crop in tbDyoung SUte Mils year mirpassus not only ail preca tloiU, bill nil »»ml |m fur Milt than in arty other State of tile We»t. .The corn orop, every where West, le mag aiflcettl beyond all former years SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1865. Attempted Shooting of a Supcrin tendent of Freedmen. TIIK WOl LD-UK Ml KDEHEH KILLED ON THE SPOT. By the arrival of the steamer St. Helena yesterday atternnon from St. Simon's Island, we learn that in the latter part of last month, one Sant Whaley, a feedmau, attempted the life ot Rev. Geo. H. Eaton, Superintendent of tlfe Freedmen on that Island. Tbe circumstances of the affair, as far as we have been able to learn them, are as fol lows : It appears that the negro Whaley and another one named Hope Mclntosh, resi dents on St. Simon's Island, had persistently refused to perform their shares* of the work on a public road, which is being built across the Island, the labor of one half-day in a month being required of each of the freed men. Air. Eaton being informed of their rebel lious conduct, proceeded to the settlement where the tw'o malcontents resided, to exer cise bis authority as Superintendent, in en deavoring to induce them to go to woik Upon Air. Eaton’s addressing Whaley, the desperate man levelled his guu at the Super intendent and fired, but tbe piece was struck to one side by a timely blow from a by stauder, a colored man, and the bullet passed by Mr. Eaton without harming bim. Several freedmen, who bad arrived at the scene of the difficuty, immediately fired upon Whaley, killing him instautly. Whaley's reputation throughout the settlement was that of a bad aud dangerous character. He had previously levelled his gun upon Morris McDonald, (freedman), a Sheriff on the Is land, who had interposed between Whaley and the Superintendent, and who finally saved -Mr. Eaton's life. The man Hope Mclntoshf who had been the companion aud abettor of Whaley, and who was armed with a musket and a hatch et, was immediately taken into custody. He was brought to the city under guard, by Sheriff McDonald last. eveuing, and is now lodged in jail. Rev. Geo. H. Eaton, the Superintendent, is a Baptist minister, well known in this city aud the adjacent counties. FLOItIDA NEWS, The Jacksonville (Fla.) Union of the 4tli instant, contains Governor Marvin's message of the 4th instant, to the Convention ; of which we have already given a synopsis.— The Union considers it a clear business like document, which contains some wholesome suggestions to tilt Convention. It com plains, however, that it is not sufficiently explicit and emphatic upon the question of negro suffrage, a privilege which, in the opinion of the editor, should be accorded promptly and fully to the Freedmen. It is a matter of pomplajut also that the Governor is studiously silent in regard to the State war debt, and bis reserve on this subject is attri buted to timidity arising from aspirations tor the U. S. Senate. In the Convention,' Mr. Williams moved to amend the ordinance annulling secession, which appeared incur paper of yesterday, tiy striking out the word “annulled” and in serting the words “declared null and void from the beginning.” Upon which flic vote stood yeas nine, nays thirty-five. Tlie following important resolution, intro duced by Mr. Davidsou of Gadsden, was passed unanimously : Resolved, Tiiat a committee of five lie ap pointed to dratt suitable resolutions or a pe tition, praying thq. President of the United States to release trom imprisonment our fel low citizeus, Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi, and.Abraham Iv. Allisou, Stephen R. Mal lory aud David L- Yu lee, of Florida, and that tlie gentleman trom Leon, the Hon. Thomas Baltzell be appointed Chairman of said Committee. Mr. Mallory is in Fort Lafayette and Messrs. Yulee and Allison, in Fort Pulaski. The Tallahassee Floridian says the num erous frieuds of these gentlemen among their fellow-citizens were surprised, in reading the late order from the President, for the disel&rge of a number of gentlemen promin ently connected with the secession move ment, not to find tlie names of these gentle tmen in the list. J. L. Groner who was recently convicted by a Military Committee of the wilful mur der of Jasper D. Bassett, in Tallahassee, on the 2d of October last, was Benteuced to be executed on the Id Instant. F. R. Fildes, Esq., lias sold his interesting paper, the Mouticeilo Friend, to Messrs. Cocke and Collins. The citizens o: Jacksonville recently held a meeting with a view to the establishment of a nourishing school to be called the Jack sonville lustitute. Thu Inaugural of Gov. Humphreys, of Mississippi. —Gov. Humphreys, of Missis sippi, iu his recent inaugural address to tlie Legislature of that State, maintained the supreme authority of the national govern ment, in*opposition to the State rights doc trine, and said that (though he was a general in the Confederate army) “ I tiave always believed that no one or more States could constitutionally sever the ties tiiat unite the people of the several States into one people.” Wise men, however, he says, thought differ ently, aud the mutter was submitted to a tribunal from which tbeie is no appeal, and emphatically decided the right of secession. He notices and contradicts tlie asserti m that the South is not sincere in her professions of loyally aud acquiescence in the results of tlie war. While acknmvleding tiiat Mississippi lias not abolished slavery willingly, hut un der tlie pressure oi events, lie maintains that she lias done so iu good faith, and tiiat she will never allow it to again exist within her borders. He recommends the passage of laws for the education and elevation of the freedmrn and to protect them in all their rights ot person and property, but insists tiiat they ean never he admitted to social or political equality with the whites, as this is “a government of white men." “Miscege nation,” he says, “must lie tlie work aud taste of other climes and other people.” Snow.— Eastern papers report that six inches of snow fell at Ashland, Aroostook county. Me., on Mouday ot last week, und that tlie snow in the woods, 30 miles about, is 16 incheß deep, loading and breaking down tlie trees. The lumber business this whiter will be quite brisk on the Upper St John and Aroostook Rivers. SUNDRIES. •)AA BAMHKLB Flour l(«> M tlchM inn butts Nall its rata* Kardinc* Relieved Ivy ri.rm.hll> kodlar. and lm sale at the Inwtei Market rates by ■ ofl-i HAND*I4, A Oil, RAILROADS. Central Railroad «**■'** .**. VW :‘y MV SUPER INTIN DENT'S OFFK’E, » Savannah, Ga , October 27, ON and after Mouday, :och lust., a dally traiu will leave lor August* at 7.15 a m., connecting with a line of Hack* miming between Station 5 Central Railroad, and Waynesboro on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this line will arrive in Augusta the next morning aftei leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Returning arrive in Savannah at 4.45 p. in Freight to go by Passenger Train must he prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before, iiy order of GEO. W ADAMS, oct‘2B General Superintendent. Central Railroad IZaL JtniZ SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) Savannah. Oct, loth, I&CS. f This Company is now, in connection with H. J. Dickerson A Co.’s Waeous. prepared to receive and forward to Augusta, Macon, Atlanta Ac., daily from twenty to thirty thousar.d pounds ol Freight, and go through in from three to six days. ship Freight uiid other expenses must be paid by Shippers. Railroad freight can be paid here or;at des tination. Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid. GEO W. ADAMS, octll General Superintendent. Election Notice. An election will be beld at the Court House in the city of Savannah, on Wednesday, 16th of November, inst,, for a Governor of the State of Georgia, fora Senator of the First Senatorial District, composed of the comities of Chatham. Bry m and Effingham, anil for two Representatives from Chatham county in the General Assembly of Georgia ; also, for a member o the House of Representatives of the Congress of the, United States, to represent the First Congressional* District of Georgia, as established by the State Con vention. To entitle a citizen to vote he must lie qualnied as prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the State of Georgia in force immediately before tiie lath of January, A. 1). ISUI, (the date of tbe Ordi nance of Secession,) and also Ice must have taken anil subscribed the oath of amnesty, as set forth in the President s Proclamation ui May gain, A. D. lstii. Polls wilt be opened at seveu o’clock, a. ui., aud be closed at six o’clock, p. m. The Sheriff of the comity, or his Deputy, with the Constables thereof, who have complied will, the Proclamation ol the Presideul aloi'csaitl, are reqinr ed to attend said eleetlou and preserved order, WM. H. CUVI.IiH, j. i. c. c. c. „GbO. P. HARRISON, j. I. c. c. C. JOHN SCREVEN, J. I. c. c. C. JOHN WILLIAMSON, J. I. C. C. 0. nov c td HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, FOR Non-retention oiinrontineuecof Urine, Irritation, In flammation or Ulceration of the Bladder or Kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel or Brick Dust Deposit, and ail Dis eases of the bladder. Kidneys, and Dr .psical Swell ings HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, For Weaknesses arising from Recesses or Indis cretion. The constitution once affected by organic weakness, requires the aid of medicine to strengihen and invie nrate the system, which Helm bold's Extract Bitchu invariably docs. If no treatment he submitted to, consumption or insanity may ensue. HELMBi >LD S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU iu affections peculiar to females, is uneqnaled by any other preparation, as ill Chlorous 01 Retention, Ir regularities, pamfuliit-ss or suppression of customary evaeu •tions, Ulceration or Scirrhous state of Ibe Uterus, Leucorrhae, ai.d all complaints Incident to the sex, Whether arising from habits of dlfe-lpation, im prudences, or in the decline or change ot life. HELMBOLDS FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH, will radically exterminate from the ryd.m Diseases ol tlio Urinary Organs arising from habile ol djaaipatiou, at lit Lie expense, little or no change in diet, hud Bo exposure, completely superseding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, copaiba and mercury, in curing those unpleasant and dangerous diseases. USE HELMBOLDS Fluid Extract Buchu in all cases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in male or leinale, from whatever cause m igumUmf, aud no mailer ol how long standing. It is pleasant in taste and odor, immediate iu its action, and more stienglhening than any of the preparations of bark or iron. Those suffering from broken down or delicate con atitutions procure tlie remedy at once. The reader must lie aware that however slight may he the attack of the above disease, it is sure to affect tiis bodily health, mental powers, happiness, audthat ol’ his post cl ity. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. Physicians, Please Notice! We make no secret of tlie ingredients. HELM IJULU'.s I'LUiL) EXTRACT BUCHU m composed of liuchu Cubebs and Juniper lterries, selected with great care, and prepared iu vacuo by 11. T. Heliulajld, druggist and chemist of sixteen years’ experience in the city of Philadelphia, and which ia'now prescribed by the most eminent physicians, has been admitted to ase In the United .Stales army, and U also m very general iise iu State Hospitals and public Sanitary lnstiliiiious throughout the land. ~ Direct letters to Jrlelmbold’s DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 liroatlway, New York, OK HELMBOLD S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth Street , (>ef<jtv Ckcsnut l PHILADELPHIA. Sold by Druggists everywhere. * Beware of Ask lor Hembold'a. Jili-lm FURNITURE! FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 87 AND 89 BOWERY AND 65 CHRISTY STREET, N. Y. IVKt.UAAF da TAYLOR Have the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, to he found iu this city, and at the luwoet prices. M ATTRASSES AND SPRING BEDS 1 PROM $4 TO |f. EXTRA WID* CANOPY BKDSTKAim FOR TIIK SOUTHERN TRADE, octffljjm _ 3600 TONS ENGLISH HAILS, Ot hast liter, *#» '*♦ P»r Hmi] yard. m»wLi * co, nilti tint JH#. 70 IkaMwifi M. V* SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE. JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIPS ARIADNE AND LEO, BY C. ORFF, AT THE Southern Palace Dry Goods House A NEW AND ELEGANT LOT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS ORNAMENTS, CLOAK ORNAMENTS, BY THE SET, BUGLE TRIMMINGS, " PARIS TRIMMINGS, JET BUTTONS, SILK BALL BUTTONS, VELVET BALL BUTTONS,- SUPERB LYONS VELVET, A LARGE LOT OF ELEGANT CLOAKS, BHOCHE POPLINS, ROUBAIX, A FINE LOT OF MELANGES, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, GENTS SCARFS, MAGNIFICENT STYLES GENTS MAUDS, NEW FRENCH MERINOS, NEW DELAINES, ' A FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASSIMEUES. All just opened, with an immense stock of FANCY AND COLORED SILKS aud other DRESS GOODS. FOR PLANTATION USD-DARK ANI) LIGHT KERSEYS, GEORGIA PLAINS, GEORGIA JEANS, OSNABURGS AND BROWN. Homi-apunu by the Yard, Piece or llalr. CS* AGENT FOR BRADLEY'S ELLIPTIC HOOP SKIRI' Southern 3?alace Dry Goods Jriouse 111 & 113 CONGRESS ST., nll-tf Oppofiftr tin- PuluMlii Hons*. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. LATHROP & CO., Corner Congress and Whitaker Streets, WILL open to-dav, and arc prepared to exhibit their Stock of (foods, bought exprenely for the South ern Trade, consisting in part of— Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings Shawls, Ribbons and Buttons Cloaks, Barque*, Mantillas. &c French Merino and Opera Flannel Fieliih and Kn.;lish ('.imbues Bl «k bombazine, i’u.duueie and Crapes, White Goods. Jaconet and Nainsook Muslin Bishop and Victoria Lawns Plaid Jaconet* and Brilliants India Twills and Swiss Muslin. Embroideries. French Wrought Muslin Sets French Wrought Cambric Sets Real Lace Sets Embroidered Handkerchiefs Black Lace Veils H. S. Lawn and Cambric Handkerchiefs. Hosiery AND Gloves Ladies' English White Cotton Hose Ladies* English Brown Cotton Hose Misses* and Boys' Cotton Hoso Kid, Silk. Lisle and Woolen Gloves. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Linen Table Damasks Doyle*, Napkius and Towels Linen Diaper, Crash and Towels Counterpanes Bleached 10-4 Cotton Sheetings Bed Blanket*, Irish Linen, Ac. GENTLEMEN’S WEAR.' Black Cloths ami C’tisebneres Fancy Cassimeres aud Venliugs Satinets, Tweeds, 4c Merino Shirts Brown English Cotton Uallilosc Mixed Merino Hall Hose Fancy 'Tier, Taper Collars, 4c. We will make weekly additions to our Stock, and trust In a short tim« to fully meet the wants of our friend*. LATHROP & CO. ocffS lm To Merchants, VISITING the <it#, we would lm pleased to ahow uiiaHi.K-k. which we propum lo nep at fair prteee octYO * lm LATUROP A 00. TO PLANTERS. W* aspect to receive In the inure, of | M day a. a huge Mock of PLANTATION GOOD., au. hoe wc have iu loriat r years In Lmwiu Dm till UlaukHO, Kenvy.aud lluttweMUa, White aud lied PluuueU, Plaid linwra, Ac. LATHRI IP A IV. Bwvt.ta CM. Owning mil Whllefcer ale. DRY GOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Gooda, Fiincy Goods, &c., &c., Ac., RnmarkahlyCheap for Cush, CAN BE FOUND AT A-. Reseller <4? Go’s., 13 BARNAItT) STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign and Domestl,'Gauds, Cioaka, Shawls, Ar. N. B—By strict attention to business, t-omleous ami honorable dealing with out- cuatomrm, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line oi White Goods and Linens now open, octtil EINSTEIN & EGKMAN, No. 151 Coßgruss SI. Savannah (la. THEOLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING just received and opened a vory large and select stock of Fancy Dress Goods, House- Keeping and Domestic Goods, Blankets, Cloaks and Hhawls, Also Huts, Boots and bhoos. And all articles usually found In a first c ass Dry Goods House, we wo«ld most respectfully invite our former friends and customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the «ity, to call and examine our stock before purchasing else whore. KINSTKIN & ECKMAN, noyCdf 151 Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. Blankets I Flannels. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MKUINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap by If. IIAYM, °c'2 3 174 liroogtit.ill street. H. HAYM, 174 UfoiiKlitou Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, tlie newest styles, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, WORSTED BIIAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Juot received and for eale at the lowest prlcea by «*tß3 H. HAYM. STEELE & BURBAnS7~ 11 Merchant* Iluw, lliltun Head, Hu. Ca ptALL the attention of Wb. laaale and Retail oar- VZ cheaere to their euperlor etock of MILITARY AND NAVAL. CbOTHINU, FURNISHING* "iMXtDS, CLOAKS CLOAKS. I ARl*S' AND MISSES' ULOAfcA |tutf opwiwd IJ ana for tale at IINHTKIN A Hr*MAN'S Uov* hi umigieu nii.ri PRICE, 5 CENTS • WSI'HANCB. Fire Insurance THE l > liu‘iii\ Insurance Conip’y, OF HARTFORD, CONN. AsHPtl 1 "4500,000 Fire n-ks taken in the above Cotupauv oaßulldams of everydesc^^^ ® BRIGHAM, Agent. DAN K. THOMAS, "T?- ,D * * Thomas, insurance Agent & Broker, MACON, CA. novT—B NEW YORK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus .i..#1,«00,0e0 PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus... ;..*, isoojW )o INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus....:..; ... *1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO Capital ami Surplus 0,000 r.^K£-S'»!irwi%ss liaks. Apply to ratrß corresponding with the “ W “ N " feet. lusurAuoe. THE (1 _ -»c , ■ Nat joint 1 Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF tUEW ORLEANS. CAPITAL.,... public turn to ’ ImH Ikkh lusmn t 0 iMform th " '“soring above named i 'lummiiv* and ? ,ipol '‘ ted Kftont *“r om,,atOcUv o i^K^a. Erwm't Hardee* * aVUB Cos ,» u ' A Gammed, ' Dm octxs IMtOKKSSIQIVAI. ' I " 1 “ CAPITA!., Henry Williams, Attorney at Imaw. GPIh If K NO, 113 DAY STREET (Ovui the Herald Reading Room.) SAVANNAH, Ga. JOHN KING, 4jSgggg«snsssa. Geo.Rßi.aox. Rorm B. Larrxx. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, ga. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson * te3ter. corner of Bay and Barnard atreeta. octl4-tf TUOS CORWIN, WM.H. OWEN. THOS.WILBDN. or onto. i.r. 000. ortowT^ CORWIN, OWEN 4 WILSON, (Late Johneton, Corwin A Finnell.) ATTORNEYS COUNSELLORS AT UW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, *2d F STREET, neah TREASURY BUILIi. ING, IN HEAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL: W A.'JB HINGTON, D. O. Will practice in the Supreme Coart of the United sutre the Court, of Claim., and the CtJ&a oUfti District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and DeDart incui buciness. Officers Accounts adjusted. ** Wnmnm STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Augusta, Ga. H A S » experience in the Agency of Steamboat Companion for many yearn we wilt give our peranal attultion to any ir '' Augusta, Nov. «—lm c. sTbundy, Ounoral A gent “and ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 447 F Stmxxt, BrrwiON 18m xkd 14m Sqmno, (Near ray Department,) W malxinctou, D. O. |U3O ts PIN A NCI A L. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For tele by , ’ .' ecppi BItIOHAMJIALDWIN A 00. Sight Exchange ON NIOW YORK, la an me t>< m>U pHAhaeetti % “I'WW * r. M*T\ AUfß«w