Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 14, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. I—l - S. W. MASON & CO. SAUIEL W. HAS*'* \v. T. THOMPSON, A.«ci»*« bailor. SA\ ANSAII. ITKSDAY. yOVKMBKK ADDRESS OF HOAi. HEHSCHEL JOHN SOS . We take great pleasure iu laying before our readers this morning, the truly appro priate. able and patriotic address of Hon. Herschel V. Johnson, President of the late Convention on taking leave of that body, a ijei v faithful verbatim report of which we find in the Macon Telegraph of Friday moruing. The sentiments of the distinguished speaker a. ill forcibly impress the mind ot every re 1, ctiug reader, but only those who beard the i iterances as they gushed warm from bis h art can appreciate the deep feeling which they stirred in the bosoms of those to whom they were addressed. Truly does our Macon cotemporary say: —“lt was no prepared literary exhibition. It was simply the utterances of a full heart, suggested by the. circumstance? of the oc casion. In referring to the death of two of the members, the speaker was ovetcoine | with emotion, Which for some time choked j his utterance, while many of the audience j sobbed audibly. The address was eloqutnt in pathos, and will long be remembered by those who witnessed its delivery-" THE DATE ELECTIONS. The Republicans have achieved over whelming triumphs in the elections which occurred on the Bth instant in New k ork, New Jersey and two or three of the North, Western ;States. In some of these States they fought shy upon the President's policy of reconstruction during the canvass. Now that the contest is over, we shall see where they really stand, and particularly at the meeting of Congress. Judging from the course taken by some of the newly elected members in Pennsylvania, some of the New York Republicans will not stand by the Ex ecutive, but sustain Thad. Stevens, Sumner and the rest of the radicals. The New York World predicts that with in a week after the meeting of Congress, four-fifths of Ihe Republican members will commit themselves by their vote against the admission of the members from the recon structed Southern States, and that if they hold a Congressional caucus, previous to the opening of the session ot fix their policy on the reconstruction question, the caucus will bind all who attend it to vote against imme mediatc reconstruction. On the other hand, we have observed the unqualified assurances of Washington cor respondents of Southern papers, that Presi dent Johusou will exercise a controlling in fiuence over two-thirds* of the Repubdcan members, at least, aud that there will be uo difficulty in securing the admission of Southern members if the Southern States con form to the requirements of the President iu the process of reconstruction. RECUPERATION IS VIRGINIA. Any person who passed through Virginia a lew months ago, and witnessed the com plete aud universal ruin which marked the retreat and advance of the contending ar mies, would have thought it impossible for agriculture to revive iu less thau live or eight years. But we learu from the Richmond Times that on every hand the owners of the soil have gone sturdily to work. Where the emancipated slaves have abandoned the homesteads, the farmer and his sons have ploughed the fields, and have now reaped a fair harvest. In many instances, where the male mem bers of the family have fallen by the vicissi tudes of war, the women have bravely set to work, aud with a little assistance now and then from their more fortunate neighbors, have garnered in enough for their support. The same paper gives a glowing picture of the new prosperity of Richmond. We are told that the ascending walls and swift changing scenes from a theatre of ashes and destruction to vistas of industrial monuments grow upon the senses as dreams grow and accumulate upon the imagination. The mei chants of the city, beginning the new era withoni money and almost without friends, are now, by their own efforts, regaining with sure and steady steps the path of their former prosperity, and openiug a still broader av enue to a still more extensive success. It says, in the encouraging display of “the ntind to resolve, the will to execute,’’ which find expression in the dally scenes of indus try aud progress about us, must be seen a future Richmond far exceeding in all the attributes of wealth aud influence the Rich mond of old. The Public Debt. —TUe official statement ot the pdUie debt on tbe Ist of October, shows the following debt, bearing interest iu coin $1,161,137,691 80; debt bearing interest iu lawful money, $110,181,119,787 46; debt on which interest has ceased, $1,373,920 09; debt bearing no interest, $386,523,359 51; total amount outstanding, -2,740,854,758 86; total interest is, $138,938,078 59. of which $67,670,340 50 is in coiD, aud $71,267,718 09 in lawful money. The legal tender notes in circulation are as follows, two yearss percent. $32,536,901 00; United States notes (old) $3,092,070 00; Uni ted States (new) $427,768,469 00; Compound Interest notes, $173,012,141 00; total, $033,- 709.081 (JO. Ihe tallowing is the amount iu the Trea emu, $34,554,987 15; in currency, $30,800,091 "i iotal $68,355,578 69. i raciional currency, $26,007,469 00. ° ctol)cr statement with that tor September, shows a reduction oi the public debi of %4,000,000 and also a reduc dK™: E«tn^Tndc a r ,S , t hc ndi cf ri . hie in twenty /ears from Nuvemhe f at 6 per ceut. interest in coin 't i,! V 180 ’ rary loan at 4 per Cent is $612 7 >s cent. $3,180,971, and at 6 per cent' *.7 i 306. Cervidcatea of indebtedness be Ji'.lt 5 /- per cent. imereM, $55,905,000. ’ btarlu *S 0 The Et-torto* in Abkanss. WwUQ( the eketiou in Aikansaa has been favorable for tlie Democrat*. Hjoh Ai-tkoVal—Mrs. 8. A Allen lately I leoaivcd u letter from a lady, stating that at tbo auMi'AUoii of numerous fro nds she pur chased a bottle of Mrs. 8. A, Aden'* World s Jlalr Restorer aud Zylobalasinum, or Hair Dreoiug, nuU alter using it a law times, bet hair, wlitali wus quiio grey, was restored to ils yotillinil color, and new hair was fast up p< sling No isdy's toilet Is roinplele wllb out lh«»« piu|taiaUuNa. Kvery Druggist anils them. nov 11 mod lw »• 'I ns ( uluuiUis l.uquiist says ibsrt is a ‘*«"d ol snooudiels ptowlinv Unoogli Uis souiiiiy In iliai vminiiy and dssiruylng au’is and ollm*i ptnpaiiy. IE GENERAL. —The insurrection raging in Jamaica is said to be characterized by barbarities the moat appalling and repulsive. —lt is now decided that the cholera epi demic originited at the religious festivities held by the Mohommedans at Mecca, wheie hundreds of thousands of animals were slaughtered for sacrifices, aud were left to infect the air. —The Universalists of the United States in tbeir national convention at Middletown, Conn., passed a resolution to raise $l(Xt,000 for missionary purposes in the Southern States. —The Richmond Enquirer has been revived by Messrs. Tyler & Colenmn. Mr Davis’ $l5O overcoat, which the Washington correspondents have fully de scribed, was sent down to Fortress Monroe to him, rn the Till iust. —Thirty five national banks are in opera tion iu the Southern States. —A curious phenomena occurred in the valley of Mexico on the nth of October. — Large streams of water burst suddenly from j the mountains, which, if they do not dimin i i-ii in volume, will form a considerable river, j —Members of Congress are already begln- J ing to arrive at Washington in view of the I approaching session Fabulous prices are asked for rent aud hoard. —A young woman who recently inserted a matrimonial advertisement iu a Portland paper received a hundred aud sixty offers in response. —Lieut. Gcu. Grant has rented the private residence built in Washington by John C. Breckiuridge while Vice President, aud ad joining that owned by the late Senator Douglas. —Admiral Semmes, of the late Confed erate navy, has resumed the practice of his profession of the law in this State, in connec tion with his son, S. S. Semmes, Esq., late Paymaster of the Army ot Tennessee. —An international exhibition of cheeses is to take plaee in Paris in December. —The merchants of Mobile are preparing to orgauize a Chamber of Commerce in that city. —Gen. Wheeler, of the late Confederate Slates Army, was in New Orleans on the 29th ult. A Baltimore letter denies that the busi ness doiug iu that city is cither large or profitable. As for steam lines, the writer says not oue of them has more than half the amount of trade it should have to insure profits or even prevent losses. —The trade in pistols in New York is brisk for the Southern trade. —Mr. Quilp is in ecstacies over a little dog a friend recently sent him from Lima. It has the genuiue Peruvian bark. —lt is stated that the cholera has neVer shown itself iu France excepting after the performance of oDe ol Meyerbeer's operas : iu 1832, after the performance of “Robert le Diable;” in 1819, after that of the “Pro phete;" iu 1854, after that of the “ Etoile du Nordand in 18C5, after the performance of the “Africaine.” The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has made about $3,000,000 by ibe improve ment of the Back Bay Lands at Boston; Letters have been received from Capt. C. F. Hall, tbe Arctic explorer, dated Re pulse Bay, Aug. 20, 1865, beiDg eight months later than those heretofore published. P W. Alexander, Esq., of Upson county, is announced as a candidate for Congress in the Fourth Congressional District. Tbe General Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church has been summoned to meet in St. Paul’s Churcb, Augusta, the Btb inst. To tlie Voters of CUallia m County. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Bheeiff of Chatham Countv, aud ask your support at the January election. Benjamin L. Cock. For Governor, CHARLES J. JENKINS, Os Richmond County. FOR COKGRESB, Ist DIST: Hon. Solomon Cohen, oi Chatham. FOR SENATOR: George S. Owens, Esq. FOR REPRESENTATIVES: % Hon. Philip M. Russell, Gen. Geo. P. Harrison. The above Ticket will be supported by ul3 3 MANY CITIZENS OF SAVANNAH. To the JEditors of the Savannah Hem/d: Please announce the following ticket that will be supported by Many Workingmen. For Mvyor, DR. R. D. ARNOLD. For Aldermen, Henry Brigham, J. L- Villalonga, J. Lippmau, R. LacUlison, H. Roberts. Geo. W. Wylly, J. F. O'Byrne, E. C. Wade, John Williamson, E A. Soullard, F. L One, Juo. F. Wlit a on For t oiigi'C'jis. Col. Carey- W. Styles, of Brooks county, is announced as a candidate for Congress to represent the First Congressional District, in the National Congress. The election takes place ou Wednesday, the lath inst. We are authorial to auuouucc Colonel C. H. HOPKINS, of Pierce County, AS A CANDIDATE FOR REPRESENTA TIVE TO CONOR®*, FROM THE FIRST DISTRICT, uov 9 If We arc authorized to announce Uou. SOLOMON COHEN, of Chatham Couuty. AS A CANDIDATE FOR REPRESENTA TIVE TO CONGRESS, FROM THE FIRST DISTRICT, nuv 9 ts ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH !!! Wli«>atuii'w Ointment. cm TNI lIBN IN FOITMIOHT HOURS. At.., c „ tl ., h„u niMnim, L'lcvrn, L'Ulllil«liia, unit *ll Kfupuoote u 4 (fin Hklu, Price reut« P«ir rmiUi lijr W Wjmliu By •troliiig 46 rrnD u* Wl«ks A f -ti. | J.. 1 ' Uo W.u.hliiKi(.ii aUval, U -tmi, Mu*.. I» “ **"'*"' by ntatl. fna of |h>.i*,,, in *ny " “‘J *<«'». wait St 4a DR. GORDON HOWARD l|M rwamuxi III* I‘rw llte ,4 Molt Ul IHaONOi* 111 ||s« I j, *“>*• Ml**!. »••( tea* ||»M WtnUku i*4 HI U»4w FI.M.WIIL 4.\D COMMERCIAL. ft-Yom our osrs C«»rTMpot»4|nt.) Nun You. Nov. a, **--**s p. m. A*hn*.—The market is firm and mmleraiely active, bait * .»f io bbl* at for l***! and %■ Hour Ac. -Ttm market for We*Jern and Stale Flour ia more active* and >c IhUUt on the low grade* fl»c medium .uni better brand*, however, are I irregular. The sale* are lT.Auuhbl* at ?* ooas 23 or | gjperfitic SUte; 4o«*s To lor extra State; $a T6a I y 00 !«»r fancy State; $s ooa9 00 for the low grades of Western Extra; $9 |sa9 » :or -hipping Ohio; $9 40a 12 $0 for trade add family brands, and sl3 50a14 26 for Sk l *>uu Ex eras. Buckwheat Flour is firm at $4,62',a6 00 |»er 100 Hat. Canadian Flour is in fair demand and 10c better. Sales ol 36b bbla at «OiiS t*> for the low grades of extra, and 86a12 25 for trade* aud family extras. southern Floar is moderately active and firm.— Fa!ef <>f you bbl* at 6MO 40 for nu.vd to good fciipenine country Uaimn*»re, Ac., and slo sdal«j 23 for trade arid famnr brand*. life Flour is dull and unchanged. Safes of 160 bids at $0 60a7 OJ. Corn M al is fairly active aud steady. Sales of wo bids Brandywine at $1 Sj. WRltt'ey—The market is poorly supplied, prices j arc and cDl'dlv better aud close firm. Sales of 70 bids , at $2 40 for Western. Uutfee.—Tae market generally remains very quiet, and prices favor the buyer. A lew lots of Rio have lieeu taken Out at figures about >*c below former rates. We revise our quotation* as follows : Ra> prime 2*c. do good 21a2li«c, do fah' 19> a a2oc, do or dinary Inals I #, and do fair tngoodcargoi sl9a2o*,c. Maracaibo 22*24, l ic; St Domingo fßalsi#; Jamaica 20a21c, and Java 2Sa32c, Laguaup 21 all uet cash gold duty paid. The stock of lim is 37,500 bags at this port, and u,6t 0 do at Baltimore. Molasses—file business has been confined chieily to to sn,*p >ofth; immediate waits ol the trade, and though the stork is mostly couceuiraied in the lniids oi one or two holders who are not anxious to realize, ii lias been thought advisable in view of the prevailing dullness to make concessions to the extent of 3 aloe p t gallon. We now quote Cuba Muscuva doat 56a75c; Cuba Clayed 45a60c; Enylish Island 56a 70c. all i Pal to Kico 7 >al 00. Rice.—* irolina and Savan ah rice is very scarce, aud quotations entirely nominal. Rangoon is selling to a lau extent iu small lots at 'j l 4 alO‘ 4 c. Grain.—The Wlieai market is now active under favorable European advices aud price* 2 tt 3c better, particularly on Spring. There is some demand for milling, i hough mostly lor export. The sales are loa,ooo bushels at *l7O a 184 for Chicago Spring ; #1 80 a 1 M for Milwaukee Club; $1 8; a 1 s5 for Am her do; $2 26 a 2 30 for Red Western: $2 ;:C a2 42 for Amber State do; $2 .'J) for White Wisconsin. Bailey is less active but firmer. Sales of 13,000 bushels 112 for State ; and 130 for Canada West (choice.) Barl**y Mall is firm but quiet. Oats are not plenty, sound lots are higher. The sales of 45,000 bushels, old western at 59 a 60c m store ; new Slate at 68> 4 a 69c ; unsound at 4a a 50c. is dull aud nominal. Corn is in active demand and lc higher, but closes rather heavy. The inquiry is chieily for export.— The sales are 150,000 bushels unsouud at :3) a a 00> a ; western mixed at 91 a 92c. Provisions.—Pork is tieiter and closes firm, but the demand is not active. For lulme delivery 1000 bbls new mess (1865-0:3) sellers option six months at s3o. The Hairs, cash and regular, are 4000 bids at $32 26 a32 02>* for Mess ; $29 for old Prime ; $27 75 a 28 for Western Prime Mohs ; $29 for Rumps. Beef is quiet and only small lots will bring our out j side figures. Sales at sll 50 al4 75 for Plain Mess ; ; sls a 16 76 lor iixrra do ; $7 a 11 75 for State Beef. Tiece Beef Is dull and somewhat nominal. Beef Hums are in demand and firm. Sales of 100 ! bbls to arrive at $4050 a 41 for Western, and small 1 lots on spot at s4a. Cur Mt ais are dull with small sales, rough Hides at 18*4 . Bacon 19 quiet. Small lots city Ice cored at 20c for Cumberland Cut aud 20v,c for Stretford. Sales have been made sellers option,December at 18c. Dressed Dogs have fine mated somewhat and close rather heavy. We quote at a 16?* for City. Li.r 1 is scarce auu holders having the advantage, reiuani firm. Sales at 25 a 23)4 for No. 1, aud City, and 27. U a2O for Western. Tallow.—The market is moderately active at 14 u U]4 r for Western ; aud 13V a a 14%c for City, the lat ter an extreme. MfoAH.—a good fair demaud has prevailed for raw sugars from both the trade and retluers and prices have stiffened up, closing firm at a 14 l »c for fair to good refining ; fair to good gro cery 14*£ a 13>4, and NO9. 11 to 12 boxes at 14% a 14%c. Refined are in demand and firm at 2u*£c for powdered granulated ami crushed. Butter—Choice stato Butter has been in good de mand for home use and with a small supply ; prices are tli m. Western butter is also scarce and well sustained under a good local Eastern |and Southern inquiry. There is nothing doing fur shipment to Eu io t »e as ruling rates are far above Euglish orders. We quote Ohio and Western at 35 a 40o; Western re serve|at 39 a 42c State firkius and tubs at 46 a 52c.; do Welsh tubs at 42 a 50c aud Orange conuty pails CO a 75C. Creese.—The inquiry for factory and farm dal res is good ironi the houm trade, ami with more doing for snipmeni; prices are Him. English dairy sells well at full figures. Pineapple is higher. Wo quote Factory choice do. 19c. Farm dairies 17 a 18c: choice 18%c : English dairy 22 a 2Gc; and Pineapple 35 a 38. Cotton—The general tone of the market since our last has been heavy, and price* are lower under the influence of unfavorable advices from abroad. The business has been principally to supply the imme diate wants of in a nurse Hirers as buyers hold off hopeful of another decline. At the close to-day the demand is very light and prices are merely nominal, at 60a50%c for low middlings, and 62a03c for mid dlings. Hales for three days about 4,«409 bales. Re ceipts same period 17,800 bales. (•old—Thu market opened at 147% has been weak and declining all day, and closes at 2% p. in. at 14G%. There is still considerable lightness iu the money market, and all paper offered is very closely ex amined. HOLCOMBE & GO., Old Stand 181 Bay Street, trUos. Holcombe, established 1830.} We have lauding a line nntl carefully eeleci ed Stock of GROCERIES, Anti will sell at the Tjowest Market Prices. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, R lisins, Almonds, Fleur, Soap, Starch, Bacon, Sardines, Candles, Beef, Pork, Lard, Blitter, Cheese, Potatoes, Codfish, Mackerel, Baling. Rope, Twine, Powder, Lead, Shot, Brandy, Whiskey, Wine, Vim gar, Ac. Our stock of Wince and Liquors are as tineas any in the country. We invite out old friends and patrons to‘lookin.” cod 1111 nIS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. D, Harden. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 175 Bay street, nl4-lm Savannah. William Grill, (Successor to William E- Hawkins,; IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Ales, Wines, Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cid<-r, Ac., No. 170 Fulton Street, Opposite St Paul’* Chuicli, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile’s Celebrated Al<» for Shipping and Family line. Particular attention paid to Filling and Shipping Orders. All orders by mall will be promptly attended to. nl4-3m WE have this aay awiciatcd witli u« Mr. K. J. LaHCOMBK, with the firm uama ( 'uuidughnni, Parse A Cos. CUNNINGHAM & PUKMB. Savuunah, Gs., Nov. 10, 1665. 10-ul4 %. t. c'unmmjiiam. n. o. ruaar. a. i. i.amoomuk. C UNNI Mil 1 AM, i»UIt HK XCO |74CTonB, IMItWAHDINO ANI» OuMMINMION I Mltiu IIAN'IX Nil 4 (UhU.iil'. Low.r Hluica, lUy.liwl, N*vauii*b. O* l(cfureiM‘i**—Hold. Il*l>-r>h*m A Foil*, 11.m1.r A liuiiiiiK li, ih'Uvu* i-ohrii. Ildyliam. Ibtlrtwln Alio., Kiwln A ll»n!e«, Cliulioru A OuuHlUßb.lll «> l*4 Mb Insure against Aooidonts in the Travellers' Insuranoe Go., »r IIAItTKOUf), VT, Al l lIIRNTN m *ll *O(4. IN**,*4 *(MIM4. Iu Id** (4 <**»•( "i 1 a}.#*, lutJtum to $ iai»‘ l it if >4 tu.iu. *i(4 fiuw 4* to •* b.t *..* fall (,(,(*,N(«ii'(U uii *u t *gMii ot f-TTir- «* UlMUolbo I'-.nuau, •14 4 A WILMia AfMtk 1 Ancient Land Mark Lodge, \o. 251 f A rcuoJar c->*muDk.ii<*n <»f Ibl. D>dv« Win 'jrMf'-i e l«M »t their ll.n. TbU Er.iiio* »t Ik ' ov-tork j Mi'oiners of the fraternity, in (food standing, ere re' ■ epectfuily invited to &tt> n ’. j By order. I mn-14 JAS M. PKKMTISS, Secretary, ; ew advertisement*. 'Black Hep Silks. Bkck Taffeta Silks. We have just opened a Superior L.:»t of the above Goods, which aie offeicd at very low price*. Lathrop & Cos. nov!44 lialants’ EMBROIDERED ROBES. Balmoral Skirts, JUST RECEIVED BY Latlirop & Cos. UOVI4-4 Mill, .Park Mill. Grist and Meal. MR. .T N MULLER respectfully announce* to the citizens 01 Savannah that his very largo aud ex tensive Mill is again iu operation. He is now prepar ed to fumi-h the best Grist and Bolted Meal in the city, ns low ah the lowest, mb his Mill is known to be the best in the city, and respectfully inform* his friends and all in want of Grist, Meal and Cracked C* rn to give him a call and they will be satisfied. Corn ground on toll or exchanged forGn‘l, Meal. Ac., with out any delay. Depot for sale of Grist and Meal at his store, Ht. Julian und Brynn streets Mai ket Hqnarr. Corn and Oats also foi sale. Keeping a good sup ply always on hand, orders will be tilled immediately. nl4-7* J. N. MULLER. KEEP WARM. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and the public generally that they are prepared to furnish the boat quality ol Oak. Pine and Hickory Wood, at as low rates as any other firm. Thunk.ul for past favors we request a continuance of the same. Again we say KEEP WARM. BUTLER HARDWICK, fil4 Old Stand, Caiyd Bridge. LIVERPOOL SALT” FOR S A. L E. qaA SACKS, to dose oat consignment. taffV uU-‘I KOUEKS & CANN. Consignees Wanted. }7AOR 4Bales Cottou, picked up by Steamer Falcon 011 Savannah River, marked W. C. S., 1 bale, 110 murk, 3 bales If not claimed within one week they will be sold to pay expenses. CIIAS. L. COLBY & CO., novl4-l\v Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. $25 REWARD STRAYED from the front of our Office, on Saturday nieht, Two black Mare Mub-s. Said Muies were takeu up by th£ City Police ami escaped from th< m early Sunday Mcruuig. The above reward will be paid for she Mules or jor information that will had to iheir recovery. nl4 1 H. J. DICKERSON & CO. FOR SALE. 18 Firkins CHOICE BUTTER OH AS. L. COLBY & CO.. nl4-iw Corner Abercom aud Bay ktrects. John MeasrxAN. i*. H. M aking. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agency FOR th« hale of Guam*, Fertilizers, Live Stock, Im plements and Ma* liinery. Seeds, &c. 07 “W. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. R.fer to John S. Gittiims, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chan. Goodwin, Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more-; E.C. Wade A Cos. and P. H. Behu, Savannah. n»8n» HOUSE TO LET. ON Perry street, second door from Barnard street, cast. Apply at this office. Ci>dlw-ul4 Apples and Buckwheat, AT low figure ß , with plenty Orange County Butter, in tubs for sale. SEARORN GOOD ALL, m 4-1 w Williamson's Building. ISTOTICE. OICKED UP, flnating in the Savannah River, ontho X 7th dity of April. 1865, u Flat Boat, 42 feet C inches in length, 13 feet beam 3 feet « inches deep, and not painted. Negroes on nearly every plantation on the Savannah river claim the ahme Flat. Notice is here by given to the legal owner to come forward, prove property, pay expenses or said Plat will be sold. For further * particulars apply to the watchman at Fig Island Mid. P. W. SEARS. n!4 10 WANTED, A YOUNG Gentleman, who lost his sense of hear ing some years ago. it being the result of an at tack of Typhoid Fever, desires employ min as Copyist with some professional gentleman, ora riiuaiinu where lie will have wriling or other light work to do. Will nite references if required. Address, by note. T. W., c.ire of Herald office, stating where and when an in terview’ may Im* had. 2*-ul4 ]S r otice. \ LL persons having demands against tlie estate of Edward G. Wilson, deceased, of Chatham couuty, are respectfully requested to hand them in properly au thenticated ; and nil persons indebteu to said estate arc requested to make immediate payment *o ANA IS WILSON, cl 4 Administratrix. "AGENCY. “ A LARGE Paper Gullar Mauafactory is desirous of Opening an -(Agency, IN SAVANNAH, GA. To * first class Wholesale Ilnnsc-, with large con tiectiuiis. who could command a large trade, liberal arrangements will be in uie. The Collar is of the wry tlrat class, wilh a space for the Cravat. Addiess Box 2103, Boston Pest Office, hit'll A CARD. Piastcvini, Rcnaimt an waitewaslmi THE Rnbrtribcr r announce* to Id* frieuOs nml tin 1 mililic Hint bo li»s remriKol to B*v*un*ll, whir" be will l(-UI((«. the buslne*. colKlllelvd l(, Ulm dorinil llio |(,.t twenty years He I, prepared lo do Plaeterbitf, Itepiiiriii*. Wldtewii.lima In a ikhu ner I(( vive Htilwtiiril.,n. uu d rr.peuielly solicit* tbe ordci* of hi. old friend* and pktrun* iiH lm ISAM' BRUNNER. w, t. ui.*i*. k |, ►mm. w, » *ix*. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No, UliN Jirouti 81 r*et, AUOIHTA, UA , Oeueral Comuiission Murcbauls, Am I A*, nl* for (fio IMlsi nl Muiiiillh'l iii**ml Tiilmt'im. M ill |*n i ha*' »U I Moll ON C'oWiiNMnn, I'oUoli •Julioii Utu ih, *4lhe*, Mquoi*. I'nelitr*slid M*i<b«H > 41*. of •*»»» 4'*»rltdl<4i CVmifMMoMU «nUtM»4. %m «l< Legal Notices. STATE OI~BoKu7aT~I i>KRTV COl NTV. -T# ail who n it iu iy c nc ru : Whereas,.’ehn f lomu wili.ipply si the O Ur* of Ordi nary for Li-iPm*of AdmiiiiMiMtion on the <*latd of Jrnnn sloan. drcenwd, Tliew are. th«r« tori-, to cite and a lnr ni-h all whom it may tv !**• and appear Irfon* tin* ( ouit. to mke otj eti n sis any th. y hav*-;, on or befon* the first in Ikcvuihor m xt, othetwia - said Letters , will bu granted. W ll n-*s W. P. Giranleau. Fj»q., Ordinal > for Liber- j ty county, this 2d October. 1*65. 017 W r . P. GIRARDK lU.O LC. STATE OF UfcoßGlA. LIBERTY COUNTY. —To all whom it may couc uu : . Wli -ivas. Slaton liuningtou will apply at the Court of Ordihary for l.< tt.*rs of Administration on the estat * B- P. Harrington, dacea—4, These are. ih refore. to cite aud admonish alt whom it may concern to b«* and appear before ihe Court, to make o‘ j.cliou (If any they hare j, on or before the first Monday in December next otherwise said Letteis will b » granted. Witness W. P. Girardeau, Ksq., Ordinary for Liberty county, this 2d October, 1865. ocf7 W P. GIRARDEAU, O L C‘ f lEORGJA, BLLI OCH CULMI.-lo ail whom U may concern : Whereas, .laim s w. Kimbrell and Marla Klcklighter will apply at UieCourt ol Ordinary of Bulloch coun ty for letters ol administration on the estate ol John 0. lvmibrell. These are to cite ami admonish all and singular the kindred ami creditors ol said deceased, to file their objcctiou (if uny they have) ou or before the hist Monday in Dccembei next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this 12th day of October, 1865. DAVID BEASLEY, sr. octl4-lawlm Ordinary. Georgia, bulloch county.—to ait whom it may couoem: Whereas, Henry C. la*c will apply to the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county for letters of administra tion 011 the estate of William A. Lee. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindled oi said deceased, to tile with said conn their objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. \\ Uness my hand and official signature this 12th day of October. 1865. DAVID BEASLEY, sr., oct 14-la wlm ordinary. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—By virtue of an order A- of the Court ot Ordinary of Bulloch County, will be sold before the Court House door, at Staiesho rough, wit hin the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, at Public Outcry lion, eight hundred a» and seventeen acres of land, the Homestead tract, containing five imudml aud forty-six acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Washington Water’s estate, of M. Parrish and others; one other tract containing sixteen acres bounded by lands of the estate of M. Pan-ish and others ; one other tract containing two hundred and fifty-five acres, more or less, bounded by lands of M. B. Hendrix and others unimproved, all sold subject to the widow’s dower, belonging to the estate of Sea ham Hendrix, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms made known 011 the day of sale, Oct. 12th, 1865. MITCH EL I>. HENDRIX. Administrator. ocil6-law-itu G 1 EORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY.—To ull whom it W may concern : Whereas, Mitchell Lanier aud Eliza Sumcrlin will apply at the Court ot Ordinary oi Bulloch county for letters of administration ou the estate ol James Bum erilu. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to tile with said court their objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in December next, other wise said letteis will be granted. Witness my hand officially this 12th dav of Octo ber, ISCS DAVID BEASLEY, sr.. oct 14-1 awl m Ordinary. I 1 EOKGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it VT may concern: Whereas, John S. Denmark and Noah Yessmith will apply at the Court of ordinary of Bulloch county for letters of administration 011 the e tate of Albeiuarl Yessmith, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to tile their objection with said court (if any they have) on or before the first Monday 111 December ne\i* otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. Witness, David Beesley, sen., Ordinary for Bulloch county, this 12th day of Oct., 1805. ocilU-lawlm DAVID liELSLEY, sen., Old. EORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY.-to all whom 11 V may concern : Whereas, Janies Young will apply at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch County for letteis of administra tion on the estate of Thomas Young, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ull aud singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to life their objections with said court in any they have) on or before the first Monday in December next otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, my hand and official signature, this 12th day of October, 1865. octlG lawlm DAVID BEASLEY, sen., Ord. GEultGlA, litLLOOa COUNTY.—To all wuoia it may concern : w he re as, John B. Hushing will apply at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch Couuty for letters 01 administra tion oil the estate ol Win. Rushing, deceased. These are, therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections with said court (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, my hand and official signature, this 12th day 01 oolober, iB6O. oct 16—lawful DAVID BEASLEY, sen., Ord. S' TATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern: Whereas, James Smith will apply at the Court of Ordinary 01 Bulloch County, lor Letters of Administra tion on the Estate oiNicv bmith, deceased. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased; to file their objections with said Court (If any they have.) 011 or before the Hist Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand officially this 12th day of Oct., 1866. DAVID BEASLEY, sen., Ord. octiC-law-lm S~ TATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH OOUNTY.-To ail whom it may concern: Whereas, James W. Kimbrell will apply at the (. © irt ot Ordinary of Bulloch County, for Letters ol Administration on tlie Estate of Absalom Parrish, deceased. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections with said Court (if any they have,) on or before the first Mouday in December next, other wise said letters will be granted. Witness my baud officially this 12th day of Oct., 1866. DAVID BEASLEY’, sen., Ord. octlC-iaw-lm STATE OP GEORGIA, BULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern ; Whereas,the estate ol Jeptha Hagias is unrepresent ed, and unless some person applys for the Adminis tration o: said estate, 1 shall appoint the clerk of the Superior Court Administrator oil salil Estate, in terms ol tlie Statutes in such cases made and pro vided. These are to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to tile their objections with said Court (if any they have,) ou or before Uie llrst Monday iu December next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness my baud officially this 12th day of Oct., 1865. DAVID BEASLEY, sen., Ord. octl6-law-lm TATE OE GEORGIA. BULLOCH COUNT V.—Tn O ail whom it may conceru : Whereas, as the estate of Michael Parrish is unrep resented, and unless sothe lit and proper person ap ply* for the Administration of sanl estate, i shall appoint the Clerk of the Superior Court Adminis trator on said estate in terms of the Statutes in such case made and provided. These are to cite aud admonish all and singular the kindred and creators of said deceased to file their objections with said Court (if any they have,) on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness my hand officially this 12th day of Oct., 1805. DAVID BEASLEY, gen., Ord. octiC-law-lm ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK.—By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch County, will we sold before the Court House door,in Statcsborough, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in December next, at Public Outcry, one hundred and fifty acres of land with a comfortable log building on it with out'-T building, bounded by lauds of It. C. Lee, Gen. G. W. Lee and David Beasley, belonging to the estate of Simon S. Williams, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, tenns made known on tile day of sale, this I2ih day ol Oct., 1535. BENJAMIN C. LEE,Administrator. octlC law-lm STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To till whom it may conceru: Whereas, Nathaniel Lovelf wbl apply at the Court ol Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the t-g --tati* of Augii’ Lovell late ol said county, deceased : 'J h«’se are, therefore, to d*o and admonish all whom It may concern, t.j be and appear before said Court to make objection (If any they tinvej on or be fore the second Monday in Jmiuaiy next, otherwise sal I loti or* will be granted. \Viiness my hand ami oflh ltd signature, this 7tb day of November, 186 j. D. A. O’BY UN K, nil* Ordlnury Chatham county. STATE OF GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY -T To all whom it may concern : Wbeihns. Ann J. O’Sullivan will apply at the Court of Ordinary lor Letter* of Adiuiubti ulloii ou the e - tala of Florence O Hulllyaii, late of said County de reatted. Tt»«ac are, therefore, to clta and ndmoniah all whom it lliav concern, to be Itud appear before suid Court Ui inuk< übtivtlou sis any they have) on « r Ite lorti the Ural Monday in December ueit, oiherwlae •aid teller* will In* gi anted. Wltficeainy official •igiiature Uiia 3d of Novem ber, 1106. novel HTEI'IIKN .1 OiiKTGN’ o 0 , WrAT*GK’;jROI(GU, riIATIUITCUUNTV is all whom it may rotir.»n Wb.r«*., I.iulura 8 Al rsbsui, will epply a* Hi* I’OMII 111 Ulllllllliy till Gild. lii.iulh.<» *, Ada,ml. li*lrl* Ull III# k.UGi.I Jdiiiii if. A6r*l(.iu., d.iviwvil TbMe »rr, ilirivlnrii, la Ola *im! *duuiiil*li *ll wbum II MS, Wli I*" H, Ul bu *l(4 <H«.r l(4*aii m.(4 ii((4fi Ui liisk* ut.|((«o((ii ill ,ii|r Hi. > limvi i a* ur lufurv H*« f<*( Uuiiii*/ Iu Ms, iiisi, uiluiiwi** «*M Ulier* will UetfisMMT wt'iii m In, iifli |.,| .i,u*i(*io, tUI. MIU 4*» nt Or ÜB*», l*M It A WUjUhH, •u** V «, 0. Legal Notices. Iham COUNTY -r-> j ** all whoa it may u«<v 11 : j Whi-ifH*. ntnrge llaui.ii.* will apply at IheOnUlt ofOrUtaarv fi-rLet er* DMimaaoiy **> onanii.m of the 1 peraon jml pn.,>vr*> «4 1 hti*fo|Aicj ii AbooU. orphan and minor, Th* *e are, therefore, to cite and admonish all *»hoin It in.iy cmicera, to t*e and appear l*efo*e auid Court to make objection (if am they havej ou or ben,re the fir* l Monday iu lF*remi*er next, 01 her wine aaid letteis will be granted. Wiine.-a my hand aud official bigiiatura this lOtLday oi October, 1845 octi: law4od D. A. O’UTIttTE, O. C. C. CJ EORGIA—BULLOCH COUNTY —To all w hom it I nmy cciMvrn: Whereas, bijlhiM J. Alliff and Joeeph Alliff will apply at the Ccurt of ordinary of Balkk ‘1 county for Letters of AtUniuifltration on fin* estate 01* Jdh;i Alliff, Kenior, These are to cite aud admonish all and suigalar the kindred and creditors of said di-ceased. to file their i»b jectious with said Court (if any they ha\rv «•« or before the first Monday iu December next, otherwise said letter- will be granted. ber, isos. david Beasley, son., oct. 6 In wlm Ordinary. Georgia—bulloch COUNTY.—' to all Whomlt n«v concern: v\ hi-r.MH, Math w Alliff and John Alliff. ,ir , will apply at the Cov.n of Ordinary of Bulloi n county for Letters of AdminEliai mh on Cue ettate ul Jureoh, deceased, i h. «*e u e to cite and adrm.lii-h all and singular the kindred and creditors < f saitl fk-ceaeed 10 file ih. ir ob j eel ions with said Court f»f any they hnw ■) uo or before tin* flrift Monday iu December next, otherwise Letteis will be granted. Witness niy bund, otttciallv, tlii<? :2th day of Octo ber, 1855. DAVID BEASLEY. Sen, oct 26 l.iul ni ordin iry. GEuKuA-i lTLouil CUUXSTY —To all win.mat may concern: Whereas, Chesley Parrish will apply at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch t’onnty for Letters of Administra tion 011 the estate of Anscii Parrith, with the will an nexed. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their ob jections with said Conrt on or before the first Monday in Deccmbtr next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness my hand, officially, this 12th day of Octo her, 1866. DAVID BEASLEY, Sen , oct2G lawlm Ordinary. months after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch, for leave U> sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Georg* Grooms, deceased. JAMES W MOORS, Adm'r. ELIZABETH GROOMS, Atlm’X Bullock county, Oct. 23th, 13CY l:\w4 v oct3l GKOKITA —CHATHAM COUNTY —To all iu may concern ? Whrnais John Coop< r will apply at the Court of Or dinary fur Letters <»f Admii.i-iration on the estate of .Taint D. Norris, deceased, Thdsu me, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may conceru. to be ai.d ipi»oar lit-f.»rti s «id Court to make objection of uny they on « r before the first Monday m December next, otnei wise said letters will he granted. nsii y hand aud official signature this 17th day of October, 1 05. D. A O’BVUNE, •ov2 Ordinary. Georgia— CHATHAM COUNTY.—To »u wbo.iu it may concern : Whereas James E Cope will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Administrator ou the estate of .James C. Thompson, late of sold county, deceased. These are, the.efore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern t*> be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) ou <»r before the first Monday iu May next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness mv hand and official sienature this 2f»th Aiy of October, 1865. D A. O'BYRNE, novLMamtim Ordinary C. C. TATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM'COUNTY.-To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Martha A. Cannon will apply at the Conrt of Ordinary lor Letteis of Administration on the es tate ot Charles Cannon, late of said county decea^d. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may conceru, to bj and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will he granted. Witness, my hand and official signature, this 23th day of Noccmber, ISOS. nov2 DOMINICK A. O’BYRNE, 0 0. o. TWO Months alter date application Will be made to the Court of Ordinal y of Bulloch county for leave to sell all the Lauds Belonging to the estate of John Driggers, deceased, for 1 he benefit of the heirs and cred itors ol said ( State. uov2-la\\2m JOHN BRANNEX, Executor. o N,h p, second Monday: in January next, application will be made to the Ordma y of Chatham county for leave to red all the real estate belonging to the es tp.te of Peter bhick, late of said county, deceased, for distribution among the heirs of said estate. «* JULIAN HARi'RIDGI ■ Administratord- bouts non, enm nlo-2am testaraento aunexo. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—To nil whom it may concern • Whereas, William H. Elliott and Miss Katherine C. Stiles will apply a, the Court of Ordinary lor Letters of Administration on the estate ol Mrs. Mary A St ilea, late of s iid county, deceased, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any tiny have) on or be fore the second Monday in Jauuury next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 13tli day of November, 19C5. novl4 D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. STATE OF GFOBGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may c rncern: Whereas, George C. Freeman will apply at the Court oi Ordinary for Letters of Administrati »n on Hie estate of Henry C. Freeman, laic of said county, deceased, These are, then-fore, to cite and an monish all whom it m;iv concern, to he und appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or be fore ihe second Monday in January next, otherwise said letters cull be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 10th day of November, 1865. nl3 D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. ~FINE CUSTOM MADE™ CLOTHING. PPONELAN. Merchant Tailor, hnsjust received a • large invoice of New and Elegant Styles of FRENCH CLOTHS and CASSI MERES, selected with care in the Market, in accordance with the latent fashions of the day. Young gentlemen desiring a Nobby Suit, made up from Stylish Goods, cannot be better suited in Savannah. Mr. Donel.m has facilities forgetiingnp Garments in the best style, uneqnalled by any other establishment iu the cily, having secured the hot workmen, aud enlarged htestore, in order that his work may oc done entirely under his <nvn snp.r vision. PETEK DON ELAN. Merchant Tailor. Bull street, nl3 Next,door to the Post Office. Shingles, Shingles WANTED immediately, 100,000 Cypress Shingles. Highest price paid for the san e- Apply to JAMES C. 13LANCK. Master Builder, Ul3-2 No. 124 Bay street, MRS. M E. BROOKS WOULD respectfully inform her fih mlsand the public that she will open a Pt imaiy School tor English and French, and will also give Lessons on the Piano. Terms known ou Application at herre.-idence, coiner of .Montgomery and Charlton streets. 2-nl3 LOST. ON Birnard street, between Libei ty and South Broad, on Saturday «t,‘ierjmou, Nov. 11th, a Lady’s Double Case Geneva GOLD WATCH. On the back the name Ena is engraved. The name of maker, “Jules S»eur, Geneva." Wiiiill a Ida'k horse Imir chain, aud on the chain wore trinkets aud u black ring with an iron descent inlaid. A suitable reward will be paid for the return of the same. Apply at i hrs office. - 3-nl3 OYBTLRS. ~ ASUPI’LY i f New York Ovsteis, j llii received per Hti.imer M ojlxjgectt. at M iunbauV, Nu. 3 Wliitn ker street. -j nlk Dancing*, Dancing. MK. H. G. Ward would inform hi* friends that the Second S( .-Hi. nos bis D.IIICIug Scho and lor Young Men will begin ou Monday K\ cuing, the 2oih in*.inni. Those wishing to avail themselves of the oppnrtunity thus offered to acquire the art will leave tlu lr nunun »*t Van Newton Jt Ward’s Grocery, No. lftff Brougkion aireet, »>r at the St. AnJrew’s Ilall, on Monday Eve ning. r l’hc Afluriioon ('la»s for Young Ladies ‘"‘-J Children meets on Tuesday and Thursday A’ternoons, U lock, _lw ptß J-juiust ii-oni Egypt I PENNVB NEW KXTRAOT OF THK KIYTIAN Lol'l S. u new (.ml uxi|Ul*lt« I’lilliliiie Im the hsndkcrchli f. t lcii|)«tr» »nd Uie l.«!l«» us llio pro. nt U.y the t-ani*' tx-rfuinu. THK KHYITIAN I/ITUH! THE KHYITIAN LOTUS I ! THE RliYl-l lAN 1.011.8!! I .'4auu(«( lured l>y K. A l'iu(i<» Itr.MiUlyn. New Yerk. It. A. lAIVKJoY, Av'i ld, BMW I'ulUin >ti(.i i, N. Y. Arcmiccture' aud EaciDoeriut. Mill I.KH A hKl'INi trclill. i'li suit Llikiii<*/*, sin no* pii|wr«l m fin i..« 11 Ih wiuM, epteill''*. ilull, and L»liui ii« l*r l uudiii,, Al*u ruriii kind, ■if M* liiiieijf. It wi saw Mill, «i4 , Usr Mill*, l .it. rltt **_, »ml Iu »np. i lull id! ill- i.ulMiu, n( in* »ui. hull'ylulf linin'lll (ill 11. hnurkif. I .I.illnu A, Mull .ul l*.y *i«, _. liiwmMWnfi, A# Sup m POSITIVELY THE LARGEST ESTABLISHMENT Ilf 'This Country! REORGANIZED FOR A liRI\D SOUTHERN Tfllß For Season of 1885-6. Will Exhibit s Savannah For a short time only, commencing Thursday, Nov. 9. Corner Aliercorn and Liberty Streets. c The Managers would rc spectfully slate that in the 'fr ’ <4 selection of Artists for tbe HI • I Colossal |!Mt alliance, it has been the Proprietors’ desire to secure such a va riety that no patron shall fail to find In it much that will fogtruct the mind ami enchain tae attention. TIIK BRUXMST CELEBRITIES which adorn this FiunedCii-ous | Jr .. A 1 are nuparalloleJ inthcir.:cv- L . n era I specialties. /9 | Tlie i Scenes ARENA j | ;lre cui’ichcfl ami bcautilM gorgeous rr Ismo bc. ~~o—*- • Aa I MBsqffis. STONE, MTOMURRA! liaving hjiDl,shell tlie antique Hsivie, amt reached perfection in this urgunhiatiuu, otforuo New Features and Fresh never licfore Introdnccil to I v 'he public. j | I* Attached to this comhlnn ' nation are PROP. ,|®|| HUTCHINGSON'S if jM 1 OOGS ’ I J BEN. STONE’S t ; comic GAB£ AliS KITE ‘ 1 U Will shoty how much I r n I tlicy are than aii other toaif ■ I) / ff i Mules. Trick Mnles, I*** 1 I gunß'lj I Mule's, Dam-in,. Malcn. I uny other quaint |Jry— known in fame hT R ' I‘ttUUc attentlou Is oullcil to tie' GRAND Free Exhibition OF HIE GYMNASTIC MIRACLE OF URONAIITIC-OSCILLITIM Oil PLYING IN THE AIK. By ilia inlrepkl Paw.ial I "** Mlcuor IWo vdl TIM WOMDKK OF TIIB WORK" Till* •imuiiiM Hihiuiiuu. KnlilliHiun V adjacent Ui llii- HIoNR. |U*«*T»>E * (Trail* I'*.* iliun #y»n <lur, «H o «“*» I* ‘ ADMBMIOM ' ,1 * Fmri (Taaa JJ (ni mill ilu ~.iii,n •.. • •,• • 1 ‘‘ HltlldlMl, • w ITilmi'd 11a1bd1..... ■■ Mr ikmaa u|hm at t and •'*•*»» t' M