Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 15, 1865, Image 1

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HE SAVANNAH DAILY HEKALD. VOL. I—NO. 2M. The Savannah Daily Herald ' OIOKNOU AND KVKN.NO, u rnuus** 1 ' n A t 0 " At hi Bay «•**”•» OaommX - FWe Own Per < i '{*>'•••; ***^s?' per Hundred #lO Ou, Per Year A i»v ssti»is«o: -«. of Ten lanes f or firrt ti»- Two Dollars each sufcseqp*W one. Ad aortic.: <»?*»“ gtSZonuu* ,Sl tt tWre* "f'SS? o-.lboul vxi« chare*, appear n, thy pUI j,TINO. re*“ty «• nelly and prm'.'tty by telecraph TO TIIK Dailv Herald. Two Days Later from Europe- Father Potter, Nov 13. The steamship B.lgian with Liverpool dates of the 3d inst. has arrived. Liverpool, Nov. 3-3 P-m-The cotton Brokers' circular reports the sales of the week 51,000. including 6.000 to speculators aud 13,000 to exporters. The market is firm. All qualities ad vanced to a trifling extent early iu the week. Subsequently the market was very dull, un der the effect of the Persia's advices from the United States, and closed at Id. to l l-2d lower for American aud Egyptian cottons The authorized quotations are: Fair Orleans. 23d: Middling Orleans, 23 l-4d: Middling Mobile and Texas. 21 l-2d : Fair Uplands, 00 i-2d . Middling Uplands, 20 l-2d. Sales today (Friday, . 10. uOO bales, market ciosinv steady, with better f. eling. The stock on hand is estimated at 323.000 bales, of which C 4 000 are American.. Manufacturers market inactive. United States Five-twenties, 03 3-8 to G3 3-4. News unimportant THE MI'EDEK OK CAFTAIN HEASLY AT AUGUSTA. Full Resume of tile Testimony Elicited at the Trial. the finding and SENTENCE of the miutabtcom mission. A eorrespendent writing from Augusta to the Army it Navy Journal, gives the follow ing particulars of the trial that has so long been going ou in that city. As this is the first report of the trial which has appear**.’,and as the case is one of absorbing interest, we give the matter eutire : Tne Metcalf cotton case bas divided pub lic attention here the past month, with the trial oi three young bloods of Augusta, who stand charged with the murder ot Captain Heasly, ot the Freedmen's Bureau The trial, apart from its features of peculiar in terest, attracts attention as the first case in which negro testimony was ever acc.-pte.l in a court ot justice in Georgia. The Military Commission before whom the accused are arraigned, is c imposed as follows : Licutenaut Colonel 11. B. Sprague, Thir teenth Connecticut Volunteers, President. Lieutenant Colonel Alfred Neafie,_ Oue j Huudrel aud Fifty-sixth New York Volun- ; teers. Captain George S. Pierce, Nineteenth In fantry. Captain A. H. Andrews, Nineteenth In fautry. Lieutenant E. P. Ewers, Nineteenth In fantry. Captain E. L. Smith, Nineteenth Infantry, Judge Advocate. The Commission met in the City C->urt House, and have been in session some thirty days, their proceedings being unusually ex tended ou account of tbe absence of sbort haud rejs.rters to take down tbe testimony. The accused have tbe benefit of ableciuusei. at the head of whom is Judge W. T. Gould, of Augusta. Notwithstanding the presence of civil counsel, the trial has been free, so far as I learn, from those encounters between the civil and military advocates, which ve have of late become accuitomeJ to in other cases. The usual argument in regard to tbe jurisdiction of the Commission was held at the opening of the proceedings, and as usual, decided in favor of the jurisdiction The principal witne s for the prosecution was an oc aroon girl variously know n as Sarah Jane Blakeley,Soul Blakeley and Soul Henry, recently the property of a citizen named I Henry. Her testimony derives unusual io fterest troni the fact that she was the proba ble occasion of the murder. So white as to afford no evidence of negro blood to any but an experienced obs. rvt r, graceful in form, beautiiu! in features and modest in maune', she took the heart of Captain Heaslv captive, and he had, if her assertion and those of her most intimate irientfs pre be believed, in good faith pledged her bis hand inlawlu! marriage. The idea ts scouted at here, aud it has been the main effort of the defence to discredit the testimony of the girl Soul, by proving that she is neither a maiden nor a w ife. On the trial, this girl, Soul, testified that at about ball-past eleven cm the night of the murder (Wednesday, August 3d), as she was sitting with Capt. Heady, in Mr. Henry's kitchen. theCapuin s attention was attracted by someone rattling tbe abutter. Captaiu Heusly went out, returned aud told Soul that three men had ran out of the yard and down the lot, running through to the back street. Soon after he went out again, followed by the girL They found a man standing in tbe hack gate, dressed in dark clothes. In spue of the girl's enlrea iis, the Capta.n lelt Ler and went iuto the back lot, where he saw and to three men sitting on a wood pile near the gate. As he spoke the ti ree jumped up and he stepped off irom them, they filing on him as he did so. They then rau out of the yaid, and tbe Captaiu walked toward the witness, put his hand on his breast and said be was shot. Witness sup- Iporled him in her i-rats until he fell. Set iug Itbat he was dying, she called a man in sight, Iwbo brought the guard who took charge of I the murdered man. The witness continued: I “1 knew Frank Haight and Charles Walkiua Iby sight, aud Joshua Doughty by sight I I tin certain that Mr. Haight and Mr. Douglny I *er« twoot the party who shotCapl. Heasly. I ')( Mr. Watkins I am not so return I I Wight the third patty itsembicd Watkins. ■ 1 beard three shots, which second to he one I xlu r the other in quick succession ■ 1 have kuowu Captain Heasly over two I fiibths. lie hud been in tbe habit ol Vtsl- I '-i>* m.- utaily every night. Frauk Haight I Ci u.t visit me, but he sent me notes or lut- I '*« l never read them, hut teturued lltein ■ 1 hetiveil his last Iclti'l a Week ago vesler ■ n »y lr« turned li uniwkd. Captain Heasly ■ “ , ' 1 flank Haight met St llty house ou oue ■ • aoon. alaiut three Wicks ago, on Sunday ■ Mr Haight wanted In s|M uk to llie ■ IJ l, »Uily, hut the Captaiu would not allow H IhLy l l' l ** D ordwed him oil— ■ “H' l Miked min the h“tue aud said he H '‘•'■l ttai g 0 ~(j aud he did Hui kuuw aa ■ k put luui out. The Captaiu unarmed did not attempt to do so. I asked Mr. Haight to go out. as I did not wish to have any tu* ou the lot. He then wanted the C aptiuii to give him nis name The Vap thtn told Haight that if he would meet Lias at his office the uext morning he would give him his name. Mr. Haight then toij him be would go. They never met 00 any .Mher occasion at mr Louse. Mr Haight threat- Hea<iv s '.He. sayieg to him I will kill you tb firs; time I meet too. Haight told me a seek age ;as: Xloadav thas be would kill Capviaio Hea&ir. used threats oq several occ^siocsc Two or three days after the meeting a: ev house be used such threats. u.d ?*« it Clarkes teaelry store he pulled out his pU toi and showed it to me SAyiug it fired six times, and he was carrying it or purpose tor that red headed scoundrel, aud he wood shoot him as sorely as God was siukg ia Heaven on Histbr. ne. Some time las; week I met Haight at about twelve o'cioek la the dal. and lie a-ked me if the Captaia was slid visiting me. He said the Captain bad in sulted him and he intended to kid him Ido not kuow that the three men rushed towards Captain Heady after they shot hire The smoke git very thick and I could not see. I have koowu Haight, V\ atkics. and Dough- If a good while. Taey have been living in Augusta most of the time since they were boys. I have lived iu Augusta since I wss a little girt, and know them by sight as well as any person in Aagnsia. C sprain Heasty and I were engiged to be married. (Stas*- tion in court.) The surgeons who examined the bodv tes tified to finding six wounds, three made ap parently wim pisud shots, a third on the back, evidently made by the thrust ot the dirk. Three of these were mortal—one tbr.iusrh the bc-art and two through tte lungs. A knite taken from Watkins, which fcsi upon it what appears 10 be biood stains of recent origin, was by the surgeons louniLupoa careful examination tcrorrespoaJ wita cne of the cuts. For the defence, a white man. Atwell, testified to a conversation with the girl Alter the murder, in which she said she did not ; know who shot the Captain, but had an | idea, and iutcoded to have it tried. She did not know cither how the men were dressed, a- the night was too dark to see. jTThe pro ’ fonod darkness of the night, at the boor of the murder. w,.s coßDbonued by other wit nesses —Ed. Transcript} Witness did not think at the time dir was telling the truth, blit came to the coneiusiou she did nol wish to tell bun about it. The girl ou her testi ' 1 many denies making any such statement to At well; and another witness, Mr Henry, the owucr of the premises where the Captain was shed, testified that be beard Soul ask on the night of the murder it she knew who ! had Killed Captain Heasly. Her reply was • that it was Haight. Watkins and Doughty. | She was not certain of Watkins, but was of tbe other two. Atwell's statement was cor -1 roborated by a colored man Graham, who ' testified to hearing the conversation 1 A number of witnesses, white and eolor ! ed. testified to an intimacy between the girl ! Soul aud Haight. One colored woman, j Mrs Dobson, Lad on three occasi ns. within as many months past seen th tn going through'the streets together, at belwc a •f.iurand five o'clock in the morning. A colored man. Rldiey, had seen them together , ia tbe streets jas; before day one Sunday j morning iu July last. A w hite man. Mi 1 Wbartou Huugerford. bad seen the two to gether frequently before Mr. Henry's red \ leoce sioee Jan’tiaty list, at fiixa eleven at i night until ten the next morning. A p. - , liceman. Shickleford, bad seen ihe gtri and Haight goiDg arm in arm one evening to ; Doughty' room, w here they disafipeared - up ; the steps. Another witness (white) had seen them enter Doughty's aparltncut every evening, passing him as he sat on the sto.ip outside. Two colored women had aki them in the street together. A white man was witness to a correspondence between the parlies. Read Haight's letter; saw it de- . livered, and was present when an answer was retamed by a girl. Several letters to ! Haight were presented in Court, and wit ; nesses tcauified to their belief that they were jin the hand writing of Soul. This testimo ! uy was for the double purpose of proving the unchaste character of tt-e girl Soul, and ; of contradicting ber statement that she had , had no intimacy or correspondence with Haight- Others testified, however, that they 1 were familiar with tbe girl s handwriting. ■ and that the letters presented in court were not written bv her. Several of Mr Henry's domestics testified that Soul never went out at night, and that she could not have done so without their knowledge. One of these witnesses slept in the same room with Soul, and her bed was placed against the door in such a position that no one could leave the room, as she thought without awaking her. These are some of the main tacts in the testimony which I jiave presented thus at | length because no account of tue •proceed ings of this military Commission have thus far been made public, either litre or at the North. Tbe trial is now nearly concluded, and great anxiety as to the result is mani festly. among the citizens ot Augusta, whose sympathies are most unmistakably with the accused. THE FISDDi'GS ASD SRSTESCE I The Augusta Transcript thus condom es the order of General Sceedoian, modifying somewhat the findings and sentence of the commission: General Steedman ha? issued an order de claring the fiodiug of tbe Commission in the above case, to wit: That the charges and specifications arc not sustained as to Messrs. Doughty aud Watkios, who were according ly acquitted. Haight was found guilty, and ordered to be banged. General Steedman approves the finding in tbe case of Doughty, but disapproves the bulling as to Watkins, who, be asserts, according to the evidence, is equally guilty with Haight. He, however, in accordance with tbe finding, orders tbe release of Doughty and Watkins. The Gen eral approves the finding as to Haight, but in consideration of the fact that he was no more guilty than Watkins, he commutes his sentence to fifteen years imprisonment in Auburn State Prisoo, New York. . In accordance with the a hove orders. Doughty and Watkins were released from imprisonment last evening. [From the Louisville Democrat.) A Lkttkr, from Jeffkrson D avis. —We j give below a private letteT to a friend in this city, which was not for publication, and which, therefore, gives the sincere view* and feelings of tile author at the time. .It is plaiu that at that time Mr. Davis did not desire or | expect distiniou : Washington, Jan. 22, 18r» 1. Dear Sir—l have the pleasure hi acknowl edge yours of the 27th till. lain now on the eve of a departure for Mississippi, in obedience to her com tit aud aud in accord ance with my own views of tbe necessity of tbe South.. To you I need not say that the 1 event is to me a painful one; hut there re mains to me tbe consolation that I hove fail ed in nothing that promised In preserve tbe Constitution, aud thus fierpetuaie the L'ulon as our lather* made it. After some remarks on private matter*, he add* i 1 hope Kentucky, the land of tny tiativiiy, will aouu take her piece lu Southern column The Union of the South can now alone tire serve peace, and lu the united strength of the South is the only hope for justice aud a re ttmairmrioti of the g.iVeruitmut upon a basis that will lecuri) (he cuds fur which ti was originally established (Subscribed] Your friend, 1 Jermtso* Dan* SAVANNAH. GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER li. 180. THE HEW YORK HEWS. daily* SEII-WEESLf IDWEEILT. THE NEW YORK VEKfci.l Mil illl V EEht T IIVL GREAT family nlw>papf.kjs BAUDm WOOD _. Ufe«r Ami PrsfriMw. JoornaH of MUcx literature, lUtat' tc'. aad Fiisaaeiil Re> ra. interest ax Mkceliany. and News freer ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD: IPROVEKENTSJNTRODUCED imiieisi titHUTim bctmwicb m. THE LARGEST. BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS Ft BUSHED ES SEW YOBS. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS. P.iblished Eeary Vv ednesdav, Silgw vopam Rwi«b twellify, wawpiar }}«« TVs. Cfeput* ever year ia Frew Ceja**, -me y»«r._ . SB TsOfwtcßifia .ilia* —Aa* na «twa «(Tti as? CSah «< T«* YmtTUfiH,* jiaa »# Ttai tVokl) Vtiri U Sial (a i l; rf y matm at $1 s*. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. StagSeCtveA ea* year ' lift TWw* C«v«sa are iw . *»f* nmuyuawt }wr taM Tt* Oajpass «** isar - J*** _Aax! ii ernra to vay (Tab of Tea. Twway Cufht owe rear I-: I* To CwTgjsaaa k *» NEW YORK DAILY* NEWS. To Mail ses»f—AoT! 4i-> y t uiia Six MviSts P-re tYvttar* For »ae fey alt Starfftb-rx Spei-SKT t* DAILY vtg WEEKLY NESTS wat tree. liiita BENJ. WOOD, Duly Xiars 88-ijev, Xo U Oty Halt SqxAia Kfth Xeet tort C9t R. S ALLE\ & (V, 180 A 10l WTER ST XBVT YORK At; RK l LTI RIL IMPLEMENTS. All MACNII£IY If All HISS. flMwr]7 r.'us* hj Psrm&af Gmrtm. 5 * ;«*£#» ii . l r ‘ K*** a • . fur tfr-M* H.•&*. *4* Si*k-4P98'%, mni -IfNTt! tt*r£tukMr* UK W c offer, % Uigt of oar own air fAtiLT of Bit i"a.ncfrfv Coffee udGnio ML*, nsjtu 1B&H aor Grocers* Slooe TTBfte of wins {.nt ; .cfc*v RcsdScnpen, .barrow e, i Fdliliittn o> &!t kiodss ledi v* C-e'* Superpiio*- ol Litao. pare Grand Bod?. IYriri*r. Gauh\ isd Pooiwte- SEEDS. Evrinr rtl3il>Se inerkui utd Fw«ps itrirtT of YffWkJ-ie. FV «y: irriGns? Seed *sd FddGrut iiu: hi* proved worshv of adtiniioß. erowm tiki ripccß. ’ v for t«r tnae. Sdtk-5 m* k ixt balk, for poaiti Nwivei or ie fcuui fee ?m£iz£. by die baoercd or lik isui& Black Rep Silks. Bliit'k Tafffia Silks. We feavejeet op -revi .: Saperw Lt of tbe i'oore Goode. vriiKi ire offered *1 very loir prices. Lathrop <Sr Cos. QOTI4 4 liitants' EMBROIDERED ROBES. Balmoral Skirts, just received by Latlirop <£r Cos. UOTI4-4 A Park Mill, Pork A till. Grist and Meal. MR J N* MULLER rropecUallj onuoquen to the ciii*ens of that hi« very Urge and ex ten.-ivc Mill i< tnin iu opmtka. He is now premr ed tofami'b th*- Grist and Ruled Med in the city, low as tbe lowest, as hii Mill is known to be the l«st in tte city, at*d re>peeift*ily inform* ius friends Kiad all in wan* of (t.K Meal aod Cracked Osn lofnre him a call and Uiev will be satisfied. Oscn groend v>c toll or exchanged forGrUt, JCuaL Ac., with out any delay. Deixa for sale of Grist and Meal at tla si >re,HL .Julian and Bryan Hreets Market Square. Corn and Oais also for sale. Keeping a good sop pi v aiway* oa baud, rders will be filled immediately itUl* J- N. MULLER KEEP WARM. THE respect fully inform lhrir friend* and the public <?ener<Uly that they are prepared to fnruHi the Ivtt quality of Oak. Pine and Hickory Wood* at a* low r.ites as any other firm. Thank'ul for pj.«t favors* we reqoesr a coutiua»nce of the mme. Ap*dn we say KEEP WARM. BUTLER A HARDWICK, nit . Old Stand. Canal Bridge. LIVERPOOL SALT FOR S L E. Oil A SACKS, to dose out consivninem ii 14--* ROGERS A CANS. FOR SALE. 18 Firkins CHOICE BUTTER CHAS. I. COLIty B CO., nll-lw Corner Alwrcorn aud Bay streets. BLANKETS 100 Fairs HEAVY GREY BLANKETS, At MS |»«*r I»*tr For sale by him Drtrrrr » mowam. 3500 TONS RmiNH It 111. n , (M tsMt quality, was* gw M«**l r*»>t Fur sals t*> giiWI.K * t'O, yell tm Nq fißnwisifi ti ». ■ ULXOAfK Central Railroad Sr?KRDfTSXDKXT-> CWTWS. * pwexsaad, hi. Gexodei- i" t-MS OX Uli i£ee E.cjiil ar. r t-j.-i m rl mw* tac Aig-em at to a a., aramvexn; w.'i l leg Hint.. -■- r. nu i 0*325*. Ra.-iaa: arc W xt-M>»ii*r*> .a tlu Aixoti-unuidu w, .« DaiMiaiOfcs w rial ha* iti anrie* » Align** u* rear n,.,-'- ,:i* attav .-*** ng tae-nnxii a ia* v* ssuers wrhi tta r*"., XteYveal rm.3. Ac tr. El*- -—l_-ig a aaeunaai a: i.u a F-aSfta to**** Fasieaipee Tv*a. xees: V jrvyiwii and: hoteeceii as tie Ajvc the aafi!; Ncta* B- . CCifr .and «®> w ADAJfcV o-rc:'. taere ao^evmaeaiiiev-. Central Railroad -0 ~ t»t■ iTn <; LLsi nt rxDExrs v.rFK K » StteaanaK On. Wfch IX Thai OsotgaayM item, a> «we:tx« ensi E f. Detciaw i ctos j**v*r*i » reoftre tai f rwiciiio Aeewta fct llltal taffiy Ina i twees* to tiwy ua:«*> .and pew* t» .e Fregrr... and r* axresga, ai free* tart* la «t 4*ys. M- p FHaci: tai Mta .ip(e** Baal te ywti fey SKpcl*** lUhaeiiii fte gs.; caa few p. .: jt,c, ,c,*.r tea, I - "..'.a, <a yremKataryvvdsmrsc aen,-*onu GEO W ADX*?. ittl!*.. sttger-xr. nK r PIiOFILGIOV lL ( IROS. Henry Williams, A-ttoinoy a* Xmw, OEFiCE NO. 113 BAT STREKT. Vrertb* He-* ; KeiiL»j Room. Q'ltKf * &ATAXXAB G* JOHN KING, Banker *ad broker, occuhrts.georgu. lays aad«X>GoU *c4 r-drw. l uamti Hta tj .id KxtKteg* Sfe Ufei n—d» lid *.vd ,Ht ?»•««.« i‘* - **t--tt l*t. ui (fecr p raia t'.l :«A4 r* *»J reanned jeowpeiy c.i*A** id* R Bud. Hi IV- K Lama BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAYAXSAH, G A OSc* atoM staa l 4 X,t*w>.t. Wumc a Letter. c.wser of Bar ii] B&rrtar i Mreefe* oat At* THOS CORWiX. fIrM.fI.OWKX THO? WTLSOX. re> osn\ unamfeju* or area fORWIX, o\u:x K HILSUX. (late JohaMca. Conric A Fteaeilj ATTORNEYS hXD COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE. rSi F STREET. Mil TREASU RY BTILD tXG. IX RRaK OF WILLARD'S HOTEL. NX' ASIIIX (> 1 O , I) . C . W ti'. pnctkir is »k Coart of the Sfeiies iMf Ck4H of C tiOMi, ud Ik CyuV of ike Di*srscs of Cohimbfi*. PsrtkaUr meal joa to %xtd IVf.trt ent; tHfeoer* Afwvma 5® JOHN B.6UIEU 4 SON. STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Augnsta, Ga. HAVING > keyetpwea-r is the Aitt't of s;«anhifi Cmfaßrt tor Bur jran wfwt-l give oar ptrsnal u;,n;ipa to any teoar care. augnai*. Xov. *—i at C. S. BUNDY, G- eaoral A gout AXD ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No 547 F Snm, Bmn» 13th and 14th Stum. Oieor Pay DepartmeuL; Washington, D. O. ;s3m V LINvIIE & GLEASON. SAVANNAH. AGENTS FOn MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlandt Street, New Yort. MAKCF VCTI Rf HS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridie, Car, Skip or Baud Hoot,. AND .BOILER BOLT , SETT SCREWS, COICH OR UC SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, BBttHB All SQUAB! WASH!*!. Tumbackles, Bolt Ends. Taps and Diets, Jcp. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES. CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used io constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. F.ICGINEERS* STORES. COAL OIL TALLOW. WASTE FELTING. HEMT. AND ltl'BUKlt PACKING; LAMPS. PAINTS. VARNISII, Bo.: ENGINEERS' TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS. SCREW PI NCHES,FILES. CUPELS, Be. TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRI'MENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, Ac. Alao M.nuU'lurvrv ol Uw BBT OkK TUNNED BELTING MACHINERY, I.ATIIS, PLANERS, DIULIS, PUNCHES AND SHE Alls. STEAM ENGINES. STATION ARY AND I‘ultrAHLE SAW MILIA SAWs. Ac MVll S SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE JTST RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIPS ARIADNE AND LEO, BY C. ORFF, AT Til Southern Palace Dry Goods House A NEW AND ELEGANT LOT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS. DRESS ORNAMENTS. CLOAK ORNAMENTS. BY THE SET. BUGLE TRIMMINGS. PARIS TRIMMINGS. JET BUTTONS, SILK BALL BUTTONS, VELVET BALL BUTTONS. SUPERB LYONS VELVET, A LARGE LOT OF ELEGANT CLOAKX BROCHE POPLINS, RvUBAIX. A FINE LOT OF MELANGES. BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, GENTS SCARFS. MAGNIFICENT STYLES GENTS MAUDS. NEW FRENCH MERINOS, NEW DELAINES. A FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. Ail jo* opened, wish an immense *»<* of FANCY AND COLORED SILKS and other - DRESS GOODS. rot FXtAOTAVXOXT USB -DARK AND LIGHT KERSEYS. GEORGIA PLAINS. GEORGIA JEANS. OSNABURGS AND BROWN Humyaai fey (hr lari. Pl«, me Bat*. «- AGENT FOR BRADIKYS ELUPTI*' HOOP SKIRT. Southern Palace Dry Goods House 111 & 113 CONGRESS ST., »U-ts OpfMMUf ibe Pvlaftkl Hoatr. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. LATHROP & CO., Corker Congress and Whitaker Streets. T\ r U L open leJar. and are prep*.-ei] t.'exhibit their * » Stock of Good* tuaght exjxniaiy »r the South ere Trade, cvstating ia part of— Lhtaa* Orendafed* and Tnasusg* Shamil, ffihhi—arid Ihm— Ctmt* Ski)><* Xu'ife a . Preach Hens, and Opera Flaunt P each and Eaciiab Cara fee id Black B raMaase. Cashmere ar.i Cajw, White Goods. Jaconet acd Xaiasav* Mieaitc BGhop and Victoria Laars> Plaid Jaconeta and BnUiana India Tflrili* and Svise Hnetin. Embroideries. French Wrought Maalin Seta Frencti Wrought Cambric Sets Real Lace Sea Embroidered Handkerchiefs Black Lace Veds H S, Lamn and Cambric Handkerchiefs. Hosiery AXD Gloves Ladies' Sngtiah White Cotton How Ladas’ Eng tab Bren Cotton Hose Homs' and Boys' Cotton Horn Kid. Silk, Lists and Woolen Qlorea. _ HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Linen Table Damasks Dories. Mapkina and Toereta Ltnsn Diaper, Crash and TOweta Connterpanev Bleached Ida Cotton Sfeoellnga Bed Blankets. Irish Linen. Ac. EEATLEMEN'S H EIR. Black Cloths Uhl Cagatiueree Fane; Caasune>«» aud Vwliuyv Satiueia, Tweed*. 4c Meriuo Shu t* Brown Eu*'li*hCotton Half Hoae Mixed Meriuo Half U'*c Fancy Tics, Paper Collars. Ac. We will nuke weekly addition* to osr Stock, and Imstin a abort tun-to fully meet tbe want* ol our fiieud. LATHROP & CO. octtt Im ——- —»• Tu Merchants, N'hUTINU tbe ■ IW. we would be pirtvwd to abow ' our Slk wbhTt we prepuce lo -II at fall prh*e ocin Im LATMNoP a HO STEKLK A BIHHA.NK, II Nrrrbtßla H«m, llMlsmi •«, I'* i 'ALL Um> tumumt iM Wfc IUUAJ |*# v > diiHtni Uj thvii §uy*ritM «Usf ui MIMTAIII ABU AAV At* I MH IIIftU, IM PtIJIN ItfNlMi) (JUMP*. 1 tM<k' f LkMMUk nd fistfl vkMJti tiw.wU, *«•*.*« Nil* fru ij UUMNMHk OlMNlifll UiHVflh 4* ■ fit it DRY GOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Gootls, Fancy Gooffm, Ac.. Ac., Ac.. Remarkably Chmp Cur Cash, CAB BE roCXD AT A.. Rexohor mb Co'*., « BARNARD STREET. COR CONGRESS LAXR CVmpriamg a general Aaaortaest of FVv*«a aad Domeatfe Gaods. Cfenkh Si*. A kc. x k-*r atrict anaettoe to bosaerea. renrteooa and honorable deal tug sun oor casreaxra. are trust to merit and reeesv, a Überel share of patronag*. A large line at White hoods and Linens tee open, octl* EINSTEIN 4 ECKMAN, No. 151 Coijress St. Saiaiiak 6a. THE OLD ESTABLISH CD AXD WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DAT GOODS HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS IIAVINU jnat receired and opened a eery large Xa and eelect stock of Fancy Dreaa Hoods House Kccphfet and Doaarujc Ooads. blankets Cloaks and Shawl* Also Hst-s Boot* awl bhoes * god *ll art idea Bans! It found In a Hot c as. Drytanfs House, we wonld meet respectfully Invite oar termer friends acd csMomere; also Merchrni.- and Planters vtaHlaf the *itv. local! and cxanuoc our stock before purchasing elsewhere KIN ST KIN k BCKHAX. Mtf-If I*l Congress Street. Savannah. Os. Blankets I- Flannels. CLOTHS AND ('ASSIMKRES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACA9. Hrte.ved and lor eale cheap bv ~~ H. HATH, oct*3 IT4 Brottfl.UU etrvet H. HAYM, 174 Broug[hton Ntreet. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, Ibe annul atytea, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. WORSTED SHAWLS ANO HOODS, OOCMTERPANEH, HOSIERY. Be Jeat received aad for «ale at the low eat prlo-e by «and» U. IIAVM. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS tOdTS, kHOKa It HAT t. r.«B tatyas tnvsst H*l H 4 1 G llw* ItßLMMlfuijj , g|j» |)tf itIARjIJi H4 Hi hi* lltilt'D dk4 thk jhM 111*11 (MIM* 1 vs UiuthUt* iMHitfthihf INttati* »MI H*U *hh M »»A«e| «»1« §U‘i tijii «r4l •• v. i*tj Ml K*th •iui| 4 C*t Mu/ Ivlwjitf 7# m **«• * PRICE. 5 CENTS mnuKR. Fire Insurance TH* 0 Plitrnu litsurißtr Cmp), OF H ARTFORD, CONN. tLOO^OOO I r - J ~, u XKW YORK FIRE AND MARINE Iflsunniw Awßfy. SECURITY INSI RACE COMPANY. Capital mmi «,PW PHtENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital nihl Sen***. Hsewww INTERNATIONAL INSI'RANY E CO. capital MANHATTAN INSURANCE Cl> Capital and Sorplw **«.<»« r **" »e ■**» Xev jgnUa. Insure against Accidents ia the Travellers’ Insurance Cos., OV H USTFORD CT ads MtE. n -iU\m tt u «ti S,?. ,!* FV>* *ta CSS. 4L WlLfep* Agswl Holla bio Southern Xnmurfepoe. THE JH National Marine and Fire* INSURANCE GOIPANI, OF NEW ORLEANS, - drerighed hers tear* to tsiferm ths taireW I italS.Jfe**.^ire kc ** nT ,Sfpoiatsd h^tathw U«C* at hotxli. Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S.C. RIDDELL A Rcce. Faoea.a.o.. » * KIDCCLA. 9 JaMI SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Bi t KLT A BANCROFT. PreptMam. Kirevsn L Jos XX Agent. « FINAMUIT ' EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. Far asks hr RRKHAH. BALDWIN J| CO Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In same to sail purchase™, by HL AX" liolesal e F* Boots and Shoes! Fellner and Poliak, IST Braughlan Street, flavaaaak. Ga„ cily M well m in tk caaatry, with atvirw Id 2HW •«<* rtMirt>!»*»*» ia iheiiStJdttw Trwd«*- than any hv>u« iu Mk) Hue and m \ -,.m ADAMS’EXPRESS GOVT dreattaslen, Western & Sealhera EXPRESS FORWARDERS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. THE Adam*' Kspmt Company are WOW prepared to twelve end forward fnlgbl and awnfv to ■ujctartowa, Thoamaviile and all way atatlou*. Alao. to Attguau by River or K.ilnmd. and to qll putata Weti and Suuihwvet . * E. P. TCNWOX. Agent LANDSCAPE GAEDENIN6 4 Jill HORTICULTURE 'IMIt undriwened arv ptwpnrwd i« tnab* evert bind I ol tnbdwat** u*ld*l<mi fto pill lb Older Art! a.-lel Wetoi S üb* aud eeerrll due PM taming m l* IWNU utel berdeua, and to do ail kind* m ti mount tud- >t mat u* lifl *4Jb* ti'TaW uSbi! w 4 h fiiluiJJk. uoeii Dm I nude*op* UtdIMMU Noi icwi, r loMurNHBa w< um » taaiMltM 10-nr ti*w * Imtdtug lid* 4« (id pa kaupn whir tee "ill