Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 17, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAS : DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 260. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND KVKNINOJ u rcßLuaiu *t *3. W. MASON & CO., At 111 B*v Brum, Sataknah. Geokoia. Tim: Per Copy..~ FiTe SJ B M Per Year - ADTiiTiii na: Two Dollar* per Srjnare of Ten Line* f or first in sertion • One Dollar for each snbsequent one. Ad vertisement* inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening w ithout extra charge. JOB PRINTING. In every style, neatly and promptly done. BY TELEGRAPH TO TIIK Daily Herald. UTKK IROM Ell!OPE. Liverpool Markets to tlte 4tli. Nkw York, Nov. 15.—The steamship Per sia. from Liverpool on the 4th, arrived Sat urday. Sales of cotton 7,000 bales, the market closing unchanged for American, and irregu lar for other descriptions. Sales to specu lators and exporters 4,000 bales. Breadstuff's quiet; prices closed with au upward tendency. Provisions firmer. Consols 88 7-8 lo 89. United Slates Five twenties, 03 3-4 to C 4. Nkw Yohk, Nov. 15.—Gold closed at 147. Suicide ol Bon. Preston King, Col lector of New York. GEN. LOGAN APPOINTED MINISTER TO THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO- Washington, Nov. 14.— Hon. Preston King, Collector of the Port of New York, committed suicide yesterday by jumping from a feiry-boat. He is believed to have been laboring uuder a tit of temporary in sanity. O -Q. Lagan has received the appointment of United Stales Minister to the R epublic ot Mexico. OUR NEW YORK LETTER. New York, Nov. 11, 1865. The flurrls Divorce Case at New London has not yet been decided, and it is understood that the judge has not recovered from the indisposition caused by the extreme nastiness ol some of the evi dence. The New Yotk papers published Imt a small portion of the testimony, in fact but one paper, and that, printed in an inte rior town of Connecticut, printed anything 1 it" a full account of the evidence. It is said what was published here was in the in terest of Mrs. Harris, and omitted the most damaging parts of the testimony, and that the portion which has not reached the gen eral public showed plainly enough that the lady was on very close terms of intimacy with a large number of young men, who belonged to a society known as “Gideon’s Band.”— One of the latter I hear sent word to one of the Counsel tor Mr. Harris that if he said anything deroga'ory concerning him he would shoot him, and was answered that if the counsel saw him appproach in anything like a menacing attitude, he would draw his <>wu revolver aud bring him down before be could have a chance to fire. There were uo further threats made. The case however, has ceased to be a uiue day’s wonder and tew people know whether it has been decided or not. The Pirc among the coal at the Metropolitan Gas Com - puny’s works, at the foot of Forty-second street, North River, still continues. It has been burning for two weeks, much of the time throwing out an imtnese quautity of smoke, but occasionally—particularly at night—bursting out in an intense flame, which can be seen for mile 9. The more wa ter is put on it the harder the fire burns; for, notwithstanding there is a stream thrown on it all the time, in deference to the ideas of the insurance companies, the qautity of aqueous fluid dispensed is not, and cannot be sufficient to quench the flame. Nothing hut a young deluge will do that, an I such a thing being unlikely, the coal is likely to be all burned into coke, without affording any remuneration in the shape of gas to its own ers, or to become still less valuable as mere ashes. The inhabitants of the neighborhood have been almost thrown into spasms several times by stories that the gas works were likely to explode, but entirely needlessly, for there is not«the slightest probability ot such an untoward event. Oar City Railroad* nre gradually getting into the use ot the in vention of a poor fellow formerly, and per haps now, in the employ of the Brooklyn City Railroad Company. There are so many lines of cars running for short distances on the same track that the patent has become a valuable one. It consists iu having the wheels of the cars of the different roads vary, though slightly, to an extent sufficient to turn the cars Into the right track, thereby avoiding the employment of an army of switch tenders and causing less wear aud tear to the tracks. For this invention,which ts worth thousands of dollars annually to the various companies, I beard recently the orig inator received the munificent sum of $1,400 trom the Brooklyn Company aforesaid, who now own the patent. It is an old but o'er true tale that inventors seldom reap the buits of their toil. Ban Ball. The Atlantic Club, of Brooklyn, still re tains the championship ot the United States 'ii ■ se kail line, having beaten the lardly less celebrated athletics of Ptiiludel pma, m a home and homo match. Groat uauges are, however, likely to occur before ext season, for no less than three of the best Payers in the Atlantic nine, viz , Pearce, • 1 and Charley Smith, are to go to VVash ® i°'. u n»e National Club at a yearly snrtT o G 2 ’ ,J0 ° each. Unless their sucees " “.“e Atlantic nine should prove their G*™ 11 ability, the club will probably re nii«J ron ». ‘J? well-earned positiou of ebam- L tr 8 ; . Mcßride, the pitcher of the athletics, win . ... Eurelta Club of Newark, which shin^ri! 1 ! 1 stron K claims for tb echampion amiti.. . btr changes are in progress, and Iw.ii. sca9on will sue an exciting contest »een Beveral of the first class clubs. , . Tile Evening Exchange FiiVi, ‘ n 2^lfl affect, in the rear of the mi.lni , v . eDUe . Motel, famous as the scene of r>]nr,. i e ! r , ,ck gambling operations, sod the 9 "“ eh young Ketchuin developed inii. a!i blo "“ acoundrel, is being turned _ l, “eatre, or as it is called by the pro- Verj"m “i" op ‘ !n If will he fitted up occupied by anew band of MvaVw?* °fK* nl *ed by George Christy, who L W °; “ iril ’ or ‘“ B Do < receipt* of tbs SOo !! rent - The ball will seal about lu , *'“l there being no place of ‘ Tr “aywbere near a* far np town, elUii 'i b * , . w, H AIM ulghlly. The pfofil* mum ,* ri 'l , flotor of the Evening Exchange,* them , * V . l i vcf r large. I nave heard tillin' H,! 1 ! 1 "; '. M'E l ' »• *75,000 per au tcuiinA.i/J ofgeoiaml a joint trtmk 1 any where public Utdlgusliuu or »ouie- thing of the kind, closed his establishment, or converted it into a simple billiard saloon, aud it he had been lelt alone a few days longer, would doubtless have disposed of the stock to the brokers themselves, which would have secured the continuance of the Evening Exchange. Going Home. The party from “Hold Hingland,” who havo been over here looking after their rail road investments, and who have shown some elegant specimens of pure blooded John Bull pug-noses, mutton-chop whiskers, stiff dick ies, and good-natured mauners, leave next week for the kingdom of Queen Victoria. One of their “little suppers” at Niagara, cost only seven thousand dollars!—what must their dinners cost? One of our New York Bo hemians, who was sent to report their trip westward, says he has seen hungry soldiers eat some, but such awful eaters aud such heavy drinkers he never yet saw equalled in this country .by any natives. Much toadying has been thrust U|>on them, (we always will have todies among us) widen they very sen sibly seemed to appreciate at its lull value. Our up town noodles have been half-crazed the past wet It in vieiug with one another in securiug their presence at evening soirees, aud some of the Flora McFlimsies have al most, if not quite, exceeded the tashion iu the shortness of their dresses at the upper end, that tUey might captivate some of the younger members of the British squad. One of the parly, a young lord, was much dis gusted a few days since, at being taken by a yuukee for a purser of oue of the Cunard ers. The fact is, some ot these same pursers arc much liner lookiug men, physic illy, than some of the youugslers attached to Sir Mor ton Peto’s crowd. They were unmolested by Hie Fenians, and carry home pleasant recollections of the Great Republic. The Kell Turbancil and olive-complected gentlemen lrom Paris, who felt horribly outraged at being compell ed to eat at a public table on one ol our magnificent North River steamboats, have gone to Washington, where they will have au interview with our freely republican President. They lisve been toted all over this island, from Fifth Avenue to Baxter street, from the opera to the hurdy-gurdy ex hibitions in Chatham street, trom Blackwell’s Island to Mayor Gunther’s presence—have visited printing offices aud pretty waiter girls—have seen lightning presses and tele graphic instruments in operation—have feast ed at Delimonico’s, and had an exclusive corner at “Oliver’s’’ coffee and cake saloon — have admired soft ctabs at the Maison Doree and saddle-rocks at Fulton market—have tasted of Malaga grapes at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, and the sbillin’-a-pound Isabellas from widow McFlynn’s case turninst the Bat tery—have examined the twenty-inch can non at fort Hamilton, and been presented with pocket revolvers (not whiskey flasks!) —have rode in state through Central Park, and disgusted themselves by patronizing a third Avenue horse-car —have drank sherbet and survived New York whiskey—have been to Niagara and admired tlie waterfalls ot Broadway—in fact they have been feasted, boasted, toted, dragged, drugged (almost,) and now, their health still continues vig<- rous, they have gone to the capilol- Lucky lor them Congress is not in session. The Whole of the Bennett Story has never been told. It appears that the main point in the quarrel between Bennett and Barnum is the fact that when Bennett bought Barnum’s lease lor $200,000, he was unaware that it covered only the site of the “museum” building proper. Another lease, that of a building the upper portion ot which was au addition to the museum, cost Ben nett $87,000 more, -making his total outlay including $450,000 for the land, $737,000. Bennett thought he had been overreached by Barnunt, aud wauted the $87,000 deducted from the amount already paid to the latter. Barnum couldn’t see it in that light. I un derstand Bennett is likely to commence a suit against Barnum for the recovery of w hat he considers fraudulently acquired money. Proposals appear in the Herald for the con struction of a fire proof buildiDg on the site ol' the late Museum. An Outrage on decency and bravery is being perpetrated in this borne of humbugs and swindles.— Some time ago the Sanitary Commission es tablished a Soldier s Messenger Corps, thus giving employment to one-armed soldiers, who have been patronized quite liberally by the public. They generally wear their uni form blouses, pants and a red cap. With in a few days some fellow lias got together a heterogeneous crowd of fellows, put red caps on them and Urns is trying to “run out” the poor soldiers who are tryiug to earn a living. None of the new crowd have ever been in the army even as bummers, and the client, bav’mg been exposed by the press, is meeting universal execration by the public. Jury Duty in New York is not a very lucrative em ployment, as the pay is somewhere in the vicinity of on old fashioned “ninepeuce.”— All sorts of dodges are resorted to in order to escape the honor of sending some of our thieves, murderers and swindlers to prison, and the majority of our young men of busi ness resort to the militia. This keeps our militia regiments generally with pretty full ranks, and this past week has shown that there has been an increase in nearly every city regiment since last year of over two bundled men. Whether this is all attribu table to aversion to jury duty cannot be said, but the regiments which have marched by these headquarters to the number of about two per day, have nearly all swept Broad way from “curb to curb,” with “files trom left to rear.” There has been a great de mand for whitiog and while gloves, and one whole regiment paraded in kids, (a/ter the Inspector General had got through with them, however.) They all looked “bully,” in the fullest sense of the term, and their drum majors, put on as many airs as the law allowed, to the infinite delight of newsboys and admiration of tbe softer sex, who imagine these big fellows with a six foot silver headed cane is at least a Baigadier. Ttlegreph Lines are being put into all the great wholesale bouses in this city. Steward and Clafliu al ready have them, and many others are mov ing in the matter of establishing more rapid communication with their distant customers and correspondents- ’ By and by the tele graph will reach nearly every man’s house. Tlie High Price of Paper is attributed to every source but the true one. There may be some truth in the com plaint whiefi has been heard all summer of the scarcity of water, but the plea holds good no longer, for the mill streams have all a good stage of water, and the manufactur ers of paper could produce plenty of the article were they disposed. The truth is, tljey desire and intend to keep up tho price as long as possible and resort to any straits to achieve ibelr ends. They allege that rags are scarce when the tact is they arc extreme ly plentiful. A friend of mine iu the pub lishing line,having been assured by his corres pondents In the interior that the papermukers story was false, sent agents to tho West to bring up all the colored rags he could obtain, and accumulated a great many tons at the rate of three cents a pouud. Thu freight to New York made them aland hint in about ala cental pound, and lie offered them to 1 tM manufacturers at • slight profit, his ob- Sot being to reduce Urn price of paper oue ol the monopolists wound take them ami he was compelled to sell (lilt at a loss.— it seems It Is a Tittle troubleauuni to bleach pulp lrom colored rags, am) the msmtlac ’turere were not disposed to bo pm in the tumble preferring to ur*w the plea ol end ti»« lintw whlcfi requires little or no bh aching, aud betwyeh tbe two to kv n up 1 Ibelr ratei. „ r SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1865. LORD PALMERSTON’S FUNERAL. Empty Shows 'and Royal Jrslonti, Los don, Saturday, Oct. 28, 1865. The reinaius of Lord Palmerston was buried yesterday in Winchester Abbey, aud I went to the funeral as an outside specta tor. There was a crowd along the streets, but by no means a dense one.— Scores were trampled to death at the funeral of the Duke of Wel lington, as at the marriage of the Prince of Wales. Yesterday there was no danger.— Asa spectacle it war, as we always expect in England, a failure. But it was worse— a shabby sham ; a hollow, heartless hum bug. In New York there would have been a procession of thousands, a grand military escort, the streets hung with mourning, the roil < f the muffled drums, the tolling ot a hundred bells. Iu Paris the spectacle would have been grand and impressive ; here it was pitiful and lugubrious. After the hearers came in a string of royal carriages, all empty. Os the silty carriages followed them, forty at least were an empty show.— They might as well have had an empty hearse. When I spoke of it to an English man, he fired up, and said, “Royalty cannot follow a subject, you know.” But that didn't account for the rest of the empty coaches. Besides, what is to hinder royally from fol lowing an old and faithful servant to the tomb? Who has made such rules for roy alty? In Palis, when the Empress stood, a few days ago, at the bed-side ol a poor fellow dying of the cholera, the death-datnps on its brow, death mists before his eyes, he took her for a sister of Charity, and in an swer to her question, lie said : “Yes, my sis ter.” “My good trii-nd,” said the sister, who stood beside the Empress,” it is not I who am speaking to you, it is ihc Empress.” “Let him cail me sister,” said she ; “it is the most beautiful name lie could give me.” It is a name France will never forget. The Queen of England was represented at the funeral Viscount Bury and the Grand Chamberlain. If you ask why not by the Prince of Wales, I cannot tell you ; hut if you were here, and asked a great many peo ple, tbev would tell you it was the jealousy of the Queen. It is the popular aud more than popular belief that this jealousy has not diminished, and that it is carried quite be yond the bounds of reason aud modera tion. Though the Prince of Wales did not ap pear iu the funeral procession, he went to tbe Abbey to make some attonement for having given a ball at Kelso on the night following the death of the Premier. He did not, see why Lord Palmerston's dying should stop his dancing ; but some people were of a different opinion ; and as we have a Queen’s party, and a Prince’s party, who would be glad to be a Prince Regent's party, the faux pis was made the most ot.— Correspondence, of the New York Times. [From the Jacksonville (Fla.) Union of the 11th inst. A Frightful Areiclent. The. Captain of a Schooner blown to pieces by the Explosion of a Torpedo, and instantly hilled in presence of his Mate also killed. The Schooner A Richards, of Boston, Capl. Nelson H. Arey of Thomaston, Maine, clear ed lrom Richmond, Va, (or this place on the l'Jth Oct., with one hundred tons of coal and two Locomotive Engiucs, for the Florida At lantic and Gulf Cculral Railroad, aud enter ed the St. Johns on the 4th inst. While coining up the river the following day, Sunday—the vessel got agrouud at tl • uiuuth of Dunns Creek, about seven miles below Jacksonville, near the place where the Harriet A. Weed, was blown up in JuDe 1861. While waiting for the tide to rise aud float the schooner off, the Capt. accompanied by his wife and the mate, Cons. Hopper, of St. Thomas, W. 1., went on shore in a boat, the Captain taking with iiim an axe—pro ceeding along the bunks of the river a few steps iu advance of his companions, his at tention was attracted by what to him must have been a singular looking object, lying near the edge of the water, partially covered with barnacles and weeds, which he stopped to examine. While doing so, lie was seen to strike a slight t.low with his axe, and the next moment, as his wife says, he was enveloped in a cloud of smoke which was immediately followed by a terrific explosion, throwing the Captain some fifteen paces, mangling him frightfully, aud of course killing him instantly. Tne Mate was also thrown some distance and shockingly burned, and died of his injuries the following clay. The torpedo was of the cigar shape oatiei variety, and must have been one of the number planted at the time the ill-fated Weid was blown up, nearly eighteen months ago, and which lire Boston, with a large load of passengers, so narrowly escaped, sue having passed over them im mediately ahead ol the Weed. On being in formed of the particulars of the explosion, a party of our citizens visited the scene of the disaster and gathered up the remains of the Captain. A subscription was started among the Captains of 'he vessels in port and our merchants and shippers, for the pur pose of raising funds to procure a melalic coffin for the Captaiu’s remains and to de fray the expense incurred in burying the Mate. With commeudablc promptness and liberality tire handsome sum of $364 was im mediately raised, which alter paying all ex penses left a gratuiiy of $269 which was presented to the widow. Military Execution in Taliah&**ce. The execution ot J. L. Grouer, found guilty of the murder of Jasper Bassett, a friend and fellow citizen ol Tallahassee took place at that place on the 3rd inst., “in conformity with the finding of the Military Commission approved by Major General Foster. At noon a considerable military force was drawn up in hollow square, in front ot tbe jail. Groncr reached the scaffold a few minutes after half-past one ocloek, and made a few remarks to tlie crowd assembled, (principal ly negroes,) in substance as follows: He warned all, an I especially y.,uug|tn< c, to beware of tbe intoxicating cup ; that he was not himself when he fired the pistol, bt - ing uuder the influence of liquor ; and but for that, be said, Jaspor Bassett, who was the best friend he ever had, wou and not now be in his grave, and he, (Grouer). under the halter. He hoped the citizeus of Tallahassee would treat his wife and children kindly, aud would not look upon them as disgraced by this unfortunate act of his. Rev.{Dr. Woldridge then offered up an impressive prayer lor the dying man, and at fifteen minutes to two o’clock, the trap door was sprung. His body was delivered into 1 the hands of tbe family, at four o’clock.— Tallahassee Sentinel. Some r>( our cotctnpmaries, from appear ances, tiavq,either Ixnigln a circa# or Rohl out to them. Chant literature nitpeara to be the order of the day in Macon just at present.— *GriMi l jfri- It-ef/y SU r\ We might buy a ojrcu* if wo could prcjjure the necessary “educated anima)§" t» enlTven the iJerc's a chance lor* Star peiluiniers. —d/ iooa Journal f' .hrassewusr Momk ThOvbi.k on tiik Ovk«i.«nii Unur* A despatch from San Francisco Bays that the ovsrlaiid stage wtut attacked by if* roblwiw, armed with double-barrelled guns, uua r vlr ghilu City, ou Monday night, mis lust. The assailant* took all Ilia valuable* of the ex press aud pasaviixnrt,amountingto three llmu aand dollars. Among the passengers was J. H, Ustobeldof, «»f It*•»!< >n, wbo uas robin and of oue thousand three hundred dullais. No one wal injarad, RAILROADS. Central Railroad w ,'wv SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, \ Savannah, Ga., October 21, ISCS.) ON and after Monday, 30th inst., » daily tniiu will leave for Augusta at 7.15 a. m., connecting with a line of Hacks running between Station 5 Central Railroad, and Waynceboro on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this line will arrive In Augusta the next morning after leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Returning arrive in Savannah at 4.45 p. m Freight to go by Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered at the Depot the night before, by order of GEO. W ADAMS, oct‘2B General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 SHvannek, Oct, 10th, ISCS. j This Company is now, in connection with 11. J. Dickersou A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive ami forward to Augusta. Macon, Atlanta Ac., daily from twenty to tlurty thonsa and pounds of Freignt, and go through in from three to six days. Ship Freight and other expenses must be paid hy Shippers Railroad freight can be paid here or at des tination. Freight on perishable goods must tic prepaid. GKO. W. ADAMS, octll General Superintendent. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. - Henry Williams, Attorney at Law, OFFICE NO, JI3 ISA V STREET, (Over the Herald Beading Room,) octlt-tf SAVANNAH, Qa. JOHN KING, Banker and broker, columbus, Georgia, buys and sells Gold and Silver, Uucurrcnt Mon ey .Hid Exchange Sticks xnd Bonds bought and sold ou commission. Collections at this and other points attend* and to, and proceeds remitted promptly. nlO-3w* Geo. R. Black. Ulcus E. Lester. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, OA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson & Lester, corner of Bay and Barnard streets. octl4-tf THOS CORWIN, WM. 11. OWEN, TIIOS. WILSON, i'V Ohio. LATE POL. Q.M.IL OF IOWA. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, /Late Johuston, Corwin & Finnell,) ATTORNEYS AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE. 552 F STREET, nkaii TREASURY BUILD ING, IN BEAK OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHINGTON, » . C . Will practice in the Supreme Court ol the United States, the Court, of Claims, and the Courts ol the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment business. Officers Accounts adjusted. auoO 3m DR. T. J. CHARLTON HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF Medici n e nn and Surf? er y. Residence and Office corner Whitaker and Perry streets. lm*-nIG JOHN B.GUIEU & S9N, STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Augusta, On. HAVING a long experience in the Agency of Steamboat Companies lor many years, we will give our persnal attention to any consigned to our care. Augusta, Nov. G—l m C. S. BUNDY, General Agent AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS,. No. 247 F Street, Between 13th and 14th Streets, (Near Pay Department, ) Waslxingtou., X>. C. In3<» ti Black Rep Silks. Black Taffeta Silks. We have just op 3ned a Superior Lot of the above Goods, which are offered at very low prices. Latlirop <fe Cos. nov!4 4 x Infants’ EMBROIDERED ROBES. Balmoral Skirts, JUST RECEIVED BY Latlirop &Cos. novl4-4 blankets: 100 Rairs ' HEAVY GREY BLANKETS. At g.t per T»nlr. For «aU' by nlB 6 DtWITT k MORGAN. F*hrk Mill, Rark Mill. Grist and Meal. Mil. .1 N MUU.fcn roapflctfnlly aimniinre* to the cltlaciia or i*v*iuml»that hi* very large suit e«- htu.lvii Mill Is lignin In ojiemtlou lie I* imw prspur fd to rurubh all* peat llrjul amt llnlled Meal In the Ctlf, on low a* I lie low Ml, aa hla Mill la known to lm IhO li«at In Ihi illy. Mild re»|iei ifnlly Informs Ilia n teuds and all tu waai of (trial Meal amt <'rafted Onto loKlvahloi avail and limy willin' aallalM *'••*!» | ground a lull or fachsngad lor mlai. Meal, k *, with ■in any ili lev lion i fur ante min Ui and Meal ai hla I Stui ii, 0( JlillailYliii Ihyili atiiuit. Msl tsl huasrs. ' Cora aad (Ml* *j*i An ante Kw-iilo* agb 4 *p|i ply alwaya on hand, nh r. »111 be fth.l lniiwadtaM|r. «u l* * i N> MbUltt SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE. . JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIPS ARIADNE AND LEO, BY C. ORFF, ▲T TIIK Southern Palace Dry Goods House A NEW AND ELEGANT LOT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS ORNAMENTS, CLOAK ORNAMENTS, BY THE SET, BUGLE TRIMMINGS, PARIS TRIMMINGS, JET BUTTONS, SILK BALL BUTTONS, VELVET BALL BUTTONS, SUPERB LYONS VELVET, A LARGE LOT OF ELEGANT CLOAKS, BROCIIE POPLINS, ROUBAIX, A FINE LOT OF MELANGES, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, GENT'S SCARFS, MAGNIFICENT STYLES GENTS MAUDS, NEW FRENCH MERINOS, NEW DELAINES. A FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CABBIMERES. All just opened, witli an immense stock of FANCY AND COLORED SILKS arid other DRESS GOODS. v FOR PLANTATION WED-DARK AND LIGHT KERSEYS, GEORGIA PLAINS, GEORGIA JEANS, OSNABURGS AND BROWN. Homespun* by the Yard, Piece or Buie. C-T AGENT FOR BRADLEY’S ELLIPTIC HOOP SKIRT. * Southern IPalace Dry Goods House 111 & 113 CONGRESS ST., nll-tf Opposite the Pulaski House. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. LATHEOF & CO., Corner Congress mid Whitaker Streets, WILL open to-day, and are prepared to exhibit their Stock of floods, bought expressly for the’ South ern Trade, constating in part of— Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings Shawls, Ribbons and Buttons Cloaks, Sacques, Mantillas, Ac French Merino and Opera Flannel Fiench and English Cambrics Black Bombasine, Cashmere and Crapes, White Goods. Jaconet and Nainsook Muslin Bishop and Victoria Lawns Plaid Jaconets and Brilliant* India Twills and Swiss Muslin. Embroideries. French Wrought Muslin Sets French Wrought Cambric Sets Real Lace Set* Embroidered Handkerchiefs Black Lace Veils H. S. Lawn and Cambric Hnndkerchlelk- Hosiery AND Gloves Ladies’ English White Cotton Hose Ladies’ English Brown Cotton Iio?e Misses’ and Boys’ Cotton Hose Kid, Silk, Lisle and Woolen Oloyes. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Linen Table Damasks Doyles, Napkins and Towels Diaper, Crash and Towels Counterpanes Bleached 10-4 Cotton Sheetings Bed Blankets, Irish Linen, &e. GINTLIIIN’B WEAR. Black Cloths and Cassuneres Fancy Cassimeres and Ventings Satinets, Tweed", Ac Merino Shirts Brown English Cotton Half Bose Mixed Merino Hall Hose Fancy Ties, Fsper Collars, Ac. We will make weekly adiliUona to onr Stock, and trust lu * short time to fully moet the wants of our fiiigydii. LATHROP & CO. oct2fi lm To Merchants, VlHlTlNOtheclljr, we would b« pleased to show our Stock, which we pro|au*i 10 sell at (sir prices. u«*t Hu LATII BOP I Ui. STKKJUE& BURBANK, II Mrrrhasli Raw, llllton, Mo. Cm i 'ALL Urn sltMlssi o( Wlh,|.»#U tad UMatl par V/ i hsaers In I luilf suptriurSUiriiof MIMTAHV AND AA V AI. tMiTHIXO, saw* FITINIHIIIMi (MM 11 Mi, Watch** ('hah., Fainy (L.aU, Jewelry, slid I'lstdd Warn,Sword., 5.,»i,.»,* Noihr<ihl<>ima,|b*i|*('»M yield (Basse* Ilsui'lleU (iUssioi 0r , Ac , o€. DRY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, &C-, &c., &c.. Remarkably Cheap fbr Cash, CAN BK FOUND AT A. Reaeher db Co’a., 13 BARNARD STREW, COR. CONGRESS LANE. Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign and Domestic Gnods, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac. N. B.—By strict attention to business, court eon* aud honorable dealing with onr customer*, we trn*t to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line ot White Good* and Linena now open. _oeU9 EINSTEIN L ECKIAN No. 151 Congress St. Sarannah 6a. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL m GOODS HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING Jnst received and opened a very large and select stock of FAnry Dress Goods, House- Keeping and Domestic Good*, Blankets, Cloaks and Shawls, Also IlaU, Boots and Shoes. And *ll articles usnallv found In a first c ase Dry Goods House, we wonld most respectfully Invite our former friend* aud customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the city, to call and examine onr stock before purchasing elsewhere. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, novS-tf Ist Congress Street, Savannah, Go. Blankets i Flannels. CLOTHS AND CABBIMSRES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPAOA3. Received and for sale cheap by H. HATH, oct23 174 Broughton street. H. HAYM, X 74 Broughton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest Myles, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND UOODB, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Jost received and Cor sole at tha lowest prices by <*t»» H. HA YE. CLOTHING^ FURNISHING GOODS BOOTH, SHOES AND IIATS. T' Mlt . , ? , 2 w WPy formed a fVipsitnemhip * , w*U) MrJ.o LaHiow, uudri dm arm name of I lull It A f.uflhiw, iwspecifully Halls III* sllshUou ill his fi until* oral Uw public gsuerallyui Uielr liiig# Moah “I Cii.thliiu puialMllinr (jiHHls, Rauls Mimes and Hals whlM Utsy aid Mow uAenlnff. sod will Ml st Wlmiesats sad Retail, aim* uld stand id Middt. Jau don k Ok, Sio, mi itesaa sad and» »( Juilss aiiwS, up slalitk littWlii ■' HHUT PRICE. 5 CENTS UVBURAWCB. Fire Insurance THE Pliffinix Insurance Comp y, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital 0300,000 AHSets -.-.....01,000.000 Fire risks taken in the above Company on Buildings ll7 b ‘“ dl “ ° f 6Very aeecri P* to ” « blr rates. nov3-lm H. BRIGHAM, Agent. t e¥york FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus...... *1,600,000 PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital arid Surplus ...’....*1, 500,000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus *1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO Capital and Surplus:..’.o9oo,ooo rtek£ Appljto corr "B ontUa E With the n»-Sm No. 1* Stoddmd's Range, Bby° traet. Reliable Southern lusuranoe. ' • ‘ THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. CAPITAL, $960,000 ~.,Tn a begs leave to Inform the Insuring public th«t ho ha* been legally appointed Agent for thoubovo named Company, and U ready to take Ma rine, River and Fire Risk* at customary rates. .w O* C. MYERB, Agent, Office over Hunter A Gammell, 84 Bay street. Roferoncon—Octavus Cohon, Hunter A Gammell, l£rwiii «x Hardee. q oct2B QOLORKD FURNITURE DIMITY BIRD, RYE DIAPER ( tfelSH LINEN. Juat opened at , LATHROP A CO novis s FINANCEAI.. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sole by K ‘ 118 .... BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. , Sight Exchange ON JSTEW YORK, In cams to salt purchasers, by B. F. MET CALFB A CO. LANDSCAPE GARDENING AWB HORTICULTURE. THE undersigned are prepared to make every kind of Landscape Gardening ; to put to order Arti ficial Water Works and everything pertaining to Or namental Gardena, and to do au kinds of Trimming, Orders may be left at the Herald office. W, A. D. ELMAR A Cos., novii-lm Landscape Gardeners. FOR SALE. 18 Firkins ‘ CHOICEBUTTEB CHAS. L. OOLBY * 00.. nl4-lw Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. —• MAPES’ MTROGEMZED SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, For Wheat And other Grata Crop,, Cot •“•c"s*Krss.?'srv-- Composed oftidcioed bones, Sulphuric Add Drtad 81000. 4J<x!a, Potash, Sulphate Ammonia, pad other Ammonia-producing materials, .J U .Ti.S?‘ O S* lia . aß f Uke Peruvian Guano and other Stimulating manures, but permanently Im proves It. The effects of ooe opplicaUon are visible for more than ten years. To ordinary soils a yearly application of 200 lbs. per acre will maintain its fer tility lor any lengui of time. 4L“ P®® kea ln Cartels of about about 260 Iba. each. •• . containing certiflcates from those who nsrooaod tbl" fe< tiltser, and full directions for Its ap plication to different crops, coq be bad by addressing the undersigned. > ■ IrlC For Hahfby 0 « 2 ’ o#o “H . . CUNNINGH AM & PURSE, Agents, nio-3m # Savannah. Cla. Crockery, China, # Glassware. JOBBERS and Dr tiers from all parts of the country O arc Invited to f xfenine my Wholesale Stock, which Include# p*ek.go* coniatnlng complete assort menu, pul up expressly for •• Country Trad#," Usuds re packed to suit purchsaera House, IV* HreMfffcto* »••• ** «*••* Nwn Uwtl Ml, «*a tr a a am. 3600 TONS ENGLISH RAILS, IX best <|«»llty. SO»M per llssal yard luwt# 0 IV. lull tm Mo TO ibusJwtr, M V,