Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 17, 1865, Image 3

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SAVA Is N Jl 11. Ur|»»i'l of Steamship. and tlttiuen. ►OB NEW YOKE. Steam Uilp Vanina, ifa urday, November IV »t O’l'Ul *. Steaunhip Nevada, Sa.uriiay, November IE, at S o'clock a. ni. KOK BAI.TIWORB. steamship North I’oint, Saturday, November IE. at _- o’clock. FOR INICTOKTOWN. Ste amer Clarion, Sftiwrday, November l*th, at a a clock a. m. roil TALATKA. Steamer Llszie Baker, Saturday, November lEtli, at to o'cloEk a. m. FOR ACGI'STA. Steamer Wru. C. Gibbons, every Saturday morulng at » a. m. FOR KT.IIRIDA. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at lo o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at in o'clock. Mum so or tiir City Council-—a regular meet ing of the City Council waa held ou Wednesday evening. The usual amount of routine business was transacted. The Finance Committee reported aa ordinance to levy and raise a revenue for flie City for the months or November and December, litis. The following is a synopsis of the Ordinance : Ist. At Hie rate orone per rout.trier annum on val uation of the year ISSU of alt real estate iu the city limits. siui.,one half of one per cent, on gross sales of merchandize, Including sales of liquor, but except ing cotton. ird. one-tenth of one per cent, on gross sales t s cotton. . ■ j Ith. One pel' cent, on all commission derived from any business transaction, (other than aides of urer ctiahdlEc) by any factor, auctioneer, broker, for warding, sliipping or conuulsson merchant. tih. One per cent, on all Incomes either three and ti Curd dollars per month, derived from salaries, trades, professions, callings Ac. nth. One per cent, on gross receipts of any bual iu-ss transactions not Included In the foregoing, and Including all Insurance Cumpaiden and Agencies, g*press Companies and Cotton Presses ; all receipts for freights and passage moacy, which is payable In Hi is city, and the receipts of hotels and restaurants. 7th. One per centum on the gruas earnings of i: u nks, Bunking Agencies and Bankers. The above Is merely a synopsis of lha Ordinance as passed. It will lie published entirely In a low days. The Ordinance was read a second time and passed, and goes into elfcctoa the Jdato of Us pas «ige. It also provides that the returns shall bo slide on the first duy of December next. I'he deplored condition of the City Treasury, ren ders a a mailer of vital importance that the taxes he cheerfully and promptly met. The City Council now holds Its regular semi monthly mcelbigs, as well as meetings once each week, as there is much to he done to regulate mu nicipal affairs before the iucomlug board take their seats. >.-»■ Florida we are glad to notice that Claghorn and» Cunningham are about to re-establish their old liut> between this port and Falatka. Tht lr house liuvo acted as agents lor the Florida Line for over twenty years—and iiefore the wSt controlled two of the bust boats tlull run between Florida and this port. Next tu the advantages derived from the Central Rail tt lad—which all must admit hay been the means of building up the Interest oi' the city, moro than any oilier enterprise with which the city has been con nected—the Florida route has contributed most in the amount of travel aiid Height brought into and tukeu iij in this port, and it is highly Important that so Important a trade should be pcrmaucutly established and kept up. The Hicamcr Lizzie Baker, the. pioneejf of tills line. Is anew boat, l«u feet long, 29 feet beam, and 9 feel hold; she Is not more than one year old, very tasl, <u 1 is commanded by Capt. N. IFmg, who, for 20 years, has been lu the same employ, and command ed lormeily the steamer St. Johns, previous to tho war, so long and so favorably kuowu on that route. We undersiaud that lu a few weeks a consort for the Lizzie Baker will lie put on this loute, command ed by Capt. Jumca Tucker, formerly of the steamer K.ciglade, also employed ami tavorably known on tlie same route. Wlreu she arrives this Hue will of fer peculiar advantages to the citizen* of Georgia and Florida on this hue of route, and we bespeak, for them a liberal support. liiiATii op an Oi.o Citizen.- We have to annonneo Hie death of Air. John McFarland, who died at Ids residence in this city yesterday morning, having just passed Ids seventy-fourth btrth-day. The deceased w us a native of Savannah, and for more than half a century had beeu identified with its progress. 110 was ror several years agent of the Central Railroad, and shared lu tho early struggles of that afterwards prosperous and important enterprise. Ho served as a volunteer lu the war of 1812, and in the subsequent campaign against tho Spanish invasion of Florida.— Me leaves a numerous circle of relatives and friends iu cherish his memory. F«iison.u..—We notice uuntug Ui» arrivals by thu steamer William 4. Gibbous, from Augusta, UlO name of lion. I. Lewis Lowe, ex-Uovsruor »f Mary land. This distinguished gentleman, with bis fam ily, liava been residents of ibis State during thu war. They are now on tlieir return to Baltimore. Tbo Governor himself will proceed to Mew York city, to resume the practice of bis profession and will add another ornament to a brilliant Bar,wbich now num bers amongst its pleaders suck names as Oharies O’Couuor and Wat. T. Brady. I'sou AunrsTi.—The steamer Wm. O. Gibbons, Cup.. Phllput, arrived yesterday from Augusta, with a huge number of passengers and a good freight, bile reports that on the ltltli at It a. m., passed steamer Volunteer at ParacbuclA, bound up. The Ginbouu left Augusta on Wednesday morning, at Which time there had been considerable rain in the interior, and Uie river had risen & loot and a half, and was still rising on Wednesday morning. th» Gihui's.—The-mammoth] pavilion of Stone, Bnsston and Murray’s Circus is still crowded nightly with a throng, alternately breathless with wonder" merit at the astonishing feats of the talented per formers and convulsed with laughter at the humors of the clowns. The keuctit to tho Female Orphan Asylums on Wednesday afternoon, we understand, uetted a largo sum asd proved Indeed a nokle charity. Tall Thbatbs.—A bill of extraordinary attrac tiveness Is offered for this evening at the Theatre. including the thrilling drama of “The Wreck Ashoro" and the great serio-comic play of "Solon Shingle,” in which Mr. 1. T. Raymond rnakea one or Ills greatest hits. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crisp, Messrs. Hamilton and Raymond, and Misses Gordon, Cameron, and the entire Company are Included In the casts of the two pieces. Fkoii j uptosiown.-VThe steamer Chatham, bupta|n McAdams, which was snagged a few weekß •thee, at lioctortown, on the Altamaha river, artived at this port yesterday morning. The Chatham is very badly damaged, and it will regnire several w vets to make necessary repairs. 'A e would call attention to the auction sale, this day at 12 o’clock, in front of the Kxehauge, by Messrs. Bell*Wylly g Christian, of tho British slilp Marciauus and the th#cl!pper schooner Abbe Bee.— A rare chance for profitable Investment Is offered. I'Uosi Jacksonville, Fla.—. The steamer Ellen, with •'good freight and a large number of passengers, sttlved yesterday. We are indebted to Purser i hmpbeU for favurs. TmAWamaha Rtvaa. -Proid Capt. Morse of ths ■soier Clarion, from Uoctortown, we learn mat tho auiatia river is at His present time in good boat 's condition. The recent rise noticed has lironglit ' owu the river several bargee heavily laden with Maansu or RaiL Lnars Auimm.—The real as *“ “J® 11 ** «f Ravannah, are reguestkd to meet at * odics of j. t. Thomas A Cos., 117 Buy street, "•'•'“■aft, to-dgy, (Friday) at 4 u'slock, P, M. m,, ‘* " Uj ** 'Wuiusd in Christ Church vs» aon lay uigkl viiroaglioat tks wlitutf, uoup m ui tug auu'lai aaaj Bov, la, at 1* w. m. •fna -The paw steamer Kinross,Captain T'fj'*'* ** bur lfl ® “* 49 ‘ **** *‘‘ J *%TAV ill j Hotel Arrivula, PORT lUIFAL IP Hi MM (ItlL'iON llliADj j«JV. 12. W Cantwell and family+i 1C A Fupp, Ast Burg l S A ' fork i M McCormick, R Read W r isurran. Charleston J u Baker, lia Capt J Justera, 128 U SOT () P Crosby, Savh llcuulort Iw SWaner, do Mfc Hitchcock, St Helena|J J Siunctt, Beaufort NOVEMBER 14. T Newcomb, N York E p Hutchinson and fam -11 Walker do liy, Beaufort o DOUleu, Lt» Mass Cav D S Nickerson, Boston ' Capt Pl. Gilmore, do H O Edgerly, Cape Cod Lt A F Mallory, do Capt J Pope, n Head (A A(I Mi alii, go la Cook, wife and family JS3 VI htte, do jj Veacoi k, Pliila GA 11 miaou, Savannah |Lt O'm-ieii, Pi lloyal DLong, do J Sloekley, Delaware It P Myers, do J H Rimoe, Savh Win lloland, Jersey City Capt BH F lemming, T Boland, do [k. WoodlorJ, Charleston Miss Gnat mil ami svt, SaviMrs Hawkes, H Head S A Moore, Augusta M 3 Nelson, N York J 3 Barrett, Beaufort. | NOVEMBER 15. C C Soule, Charleston K S Nelson, N York F Gelse, SC E W Gillon, Florida DL Willey, Manchester J Slockuy. II Hea l FII like, do p Donnelly, ilo E MeCleman, Charleston A Sannah, N York J Venning, do V MoClean, St Helena 0 P Crosby, Savannah, it H Clanborse, S C JII /laker, do >'J P Owens, S G Jaa Be m, do SEA ISLAND HOTEL (HILTON IIEAIl) NOV. 18. Tlt Dtmglisou, U S II TANARUS, II W Snow, Lt Col 111 Vol Cosmopolitan J M Tucker Augusta G II Sneed, H Head J Guy be, Palis Island W 1! Vallean, do J T Ouybe, do it O Sli ssick, Savannah Lt Col .1 A Bogert, Thom -11 Stamm, do asvllle, C Richter. do AS HartweH, U S V J 11 Miller, do J W Welch, U S A N tl Fuller, Greenville A H Chamberlain, USA W II O.erron, Savh Capt H li Loomis, do A B Cummings, Savh Capt J Metcalfe, do Shipping 111telliojcucf. Miniature Almauuc-Title Day. Sun rises.., 6 32 Moon rises 4 37 Sun sets.. 4 £»|lligh water..., # 41 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Thursday, Nov. IS, 1485, Arrived, Steamship North Point, Smith, Baltimore—Bryan, Harlridgc A Cos. Steamer Ella, Rowland, Palatka, etc—M A Cohen. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, l'alatka, Fla—L S Bennett. Steamer Chatham, MoAdams, Doctortown—O Fal" lon A Go. Steamer Win G Gibbons, Pliilpot, Augusta—Erwin A Hardee. Steamer Clarion, Morse, Augusta—Chaa L Colby A Cos. Steamer Laura, Garnett, Augusta—Erwin A Har dee. Brig Atlantic, Mark, Nassau, N P—Bell, Wylly A Christian. CL Colby A Co’s two Hits from Augusta, with 105 bales dpliml cotton to O L Colby 4 Cos. Cleared. Steamship Hunter, Roger*, New York—Hunter A Gaunnell. Steampship Fannie, Capt Cator, Baltimore—West, Bryan A Cos. Steamer Express, Morgan, Augusta, to F M M.yrell. Steamer O P Potter, Ceisar, Augusta—Chas 1 Col by A Cos. Imports. Per steamer Laura, from Augusta—so bales up land cotton, AC, to Erwin & Hardee, and others. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, etc—l 7 hales upland cotton, 15 do sea island do. ami mdse to F M Myrell, Keln A Cos, llzlalnski <f Stager, S Wee deu, 11 llitmers, (5 Odom, G M Milletl, lt Gardner, T L Flemmiug. Exports. Per steamship Hunter, for Sew York—so 9 bales upland Cotton, 50 do domestics, 9 boxes mdse, 10 libls fruit, 30 do terrapins, 12 bxs books, 1 csk oil, 12 bales guhny bagging. Per steamship Fannie, for Ball iinore—326 bales up land cotton, 27 boxes ludse. Passengers. Per steamship North Point, from Baltimore—Mr Thomas, Mr Uarlctt, Mr Lockwood, CL Kidgely, wile and 4 children, J Allen, Mr Bloomingburg, J 1' craw lug audwife, Mrs PhlUlps, Miss Beaufort, A A Brown ing and steerage. Per steamer Ella, from Palatka, etc—Major Sears, lady and soil, Cot Gorand, Col Hoffman, Capt Lyon, Capt U H Clieever, Capt H Burns, Capt Cribb, J It Huge fit J G Gibbs. A Harris, M A Williams, W P Lunt, J K Jennings, Mr Anthony, Dr L P Anderson, V D Thorpe, and fl deck. Per steamer Helen Getty, from Palatka, etc—H Dinners, D Hernandez, W W Miller, 1) Scott, E Lewis G L Price, Mis H B Cook, Capt Buckley, J M links, RII Sullivan, A Cohen, G Odom, C Cason, Louis Na poleon, Capt E I) Owen, D C Casey, E H Cameron, Mr Slone, Mr Smith, J Uridwell, J J O’Neill, N A Hull, (tapt Johnson, Miss Mary Monroe, Capt Flem ming, J Glass, lady 2 children, E L Ring Mrs Braden back and 2 children, J L Bauktiight. U Urudiek, Dr N Ft l’ayue, L T Conner. Per steamer WmG Gibbons, from Augusta—Rev T Hutchings, S Whitehead, 2 children and servt, 11 M Dudley, G W Osmond, M Nasbaum, M Nasbaum, E Louis, Lowe aud family, J Selirenar, E B Fiuton, A C Miller, D P Jeukins aud family, 3 11 Wade, Mrs W Daniels, and 20 oil deck. Per steamship Hunter, for New York—Col Lewis, J 3 Baukuight, G L Price, Rev E L King, J T Buckley, J E Dodd, D Scott, U Gradick, ilra U G Cooke, J Gut man, Mrs J Hebbard and child, Capt J B Owen, Mrs firlttenback and 2 children, C Slone jr, J G Smith, J Grass, wife and 2 children, and steerage. Per steamship Fannie, for Now York—J T H Bloia, S Fotck, aud steerage. Consignees. Per steamship North Point, from Baltimore—MaJ Gen. thane, J A Graybill, J GChamberlain, LaKuche, Gaden A Cnckles, W, Bryan A Cos, G A Mercy, J L Vlllalonga, J T i* W Hamilton, W Starr, E E Hertz, W H Easterly, It Blumeuburg ACo A Bct Cos, tt H Tatum, Uuckies A Sou, J Oliver, E W Sims A Cos, J Lama, S G Haynes, F O’III me, sWM <9 Cos, Fordyce Anderson A Jauuey, S G iland, M.Moliua, Sorrell A Bros, G Walduer, F Schuster, J McMahon A Cos, W H Stark, Brigham, B A Cos, J L ltoumilatt, and order. Per steamer Ella, from Palatka, etc—J L Vlllalonga R Habersham A Sous, J H Burgess, Duncan A John ston, N A Hardee A Cos, J C Thompson, Gaden A Unckles, T <* Gordon. M A Cohen, M J Doyle, Miller, 'Thomas A Cos, W Ji Adams, R II Sullivan, 11, Wylly A Christian, Stuart A Cos. Per steamer Win G Gibbons, from Augusta—2.9 hales upland cotton aud mdse to E C Wade A Cos, B, Smith A Cos, J W Anderson & Sou, It Habersham a Sun, J Richardson, Craue, Jontison A Graybill, Erwin A llartlee, Buthwcll A VVlrttehoifrf, Win If Stark, and others. . Per steamer Clarion, from Doctortown—l34 hales upland cotton to Einstein it Eckuiau, W 11 Bur roughs A Cos, J Vlllalonga, Meiuhard A Bro, Tisun it Gordon, Erwin A Hardee. A ( AltO. Savannau IttVER, Nov. 16, ISA. The passengers from Augusta to Savannah, by Hie steamer Wm G Gibbons, take great pleasure in tending to Captain Pliilpot, of tbe steamer Gibbons, their sincere thanks for the very able manner in wliicb he managed his boat during the passage. We most cordially and cheerfully recommend thu Gib bons to tbe travelling community, the Captain us a thorough gentleman, aud well lilted for his position, and Ins vessel as one' of the most staunch and best fitted for river transportation of any on the lino. Their thanks are also due, and aro hereby tendered, individually, to Purser Wm Parr, who is a brick of the first mpgnitude. EL Lowe, 8 H Wade, 8 P Whitehead, Max Nasstiaom, A C Miller, nev Titos H Athings 0 W Osmond, H M Dudley, O F Webster, J U Schrler, Titos Gibbs, Myron Nsssbaum,. hi M Fenton, II P Jenkins, and many lady' passengers. LIST OF VKSSKLS IN TUB PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Nov. 17,1*85. STEAMSHIPS. Steamship Kuterpd, Eldridge, from Now York, dis charging- J R Wilder. Steamship Wcylmsset, Parish, from New York, dis charging—Brigham, Baldwin At.Co. ■ SHirs. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 700, waiting—Laßoche, Ga deu A Übcklos. New England, Hodges, 1,100, loading for Mver[tool —Hrlghaui, bald win A Cos. Republic (Hreiu) Smith, soo, loading for liver pool— . g. . .Wisconsin (Hr), Arcus, 050, loading ior Liverpool— John K WUder. Virginia. Weeks, 1044, loading at Lamar's Treat for Liverpool—Cbas L Colby A Cos. MASKS. Thomas Fletcher, Pendleton, 70u, loading for Ur srpnol—John II Wilder, Thomas Whitney (Ur), Kelly-BtU, Wylly A Chris- Man. ('rejmeo (.llrj, ions discharging - litlghsiu, Bald 1-UuUe Hautlwbler, bustli, AS, loading t>t New fork Hunter 4 Geutnnil. MHI9M «I»ya Piukentv ttodgan, **, waiUng —William Starr. n »* - BadVeed, Boyle, dtscbargigg— Hog. r» A UoMf. inmnimw * t % | ' fri4« WM) M $ i*iu**m A MufUJl. " ” wi AW 1 "p ** ,#r » Pram ls Sytterly, Alden, 31U, loading for New York— Crane, Johnson A crayMll. He Sola, Crook, 100, loading for Baltimore—l. l Iloche, Gaden A Uncles. • t Witch Queen, Pcrclval, 115 lons.waiting, for Uostou —Richardson A lUruard. Wm E sievcnsoivMnrton, 168, discharging. Vapor, Bogart. 300 tons, discharging—La Roche, Gaden A Uncles. Antelope, Jones, 70 tons, discharging—Cram.', John son A Graybill. James L Bewlejr, Loveland, 123 tons, discharging-- New Yolk—Crane, Johnston A Graybill. Auction sales. - w -- - - By Bell, Wylly k Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. Desirable Real Estate. Two Aral da** Dwelling llounes, three at*»ries on batenniits, with nil the modern improvement*; *ltua ted tn u central portion of the city. Also, Avery dea»rablr House on the corner of Charlton and Tat null streets, loniaining $ Room*, With gas and water. On the laue is a Brick Carriage House, btuhle.s, aervauts’ Rooms, Ac. Also, 1C Farm Lots, c« ntaining from 20 to 20 Acres each, near Lover's Lane, within one mile of the li mi is of the cily. A splendid opportunity for inveotment. A pint oi the above Lots cau be sti>u at our store. Also, West half of Lot No. 39, Washington Ward. Brough ton street. Improvefm nt* c< nsiat of a Dwelling, suitable for a small fami’y. Will be cold at a bargain. 0c124-tf _ _____ By Bell, Wylly A AT PRIVATE SALE. Lots No. 8, on the comer ot Broughton and West Broad streets- and No. 5, on the corner of Broughton and Monigomery streets. TU«above property is well located fur erecting stores, 'us Broughton street will soon become the business thoroughfare of Savannah. ALSO, West half of Lot No. Lafayette Ward, fronting on Charlton utreet, tho improvements consisting of a brick house, containing ten rooms, well fin>ah* <), with gah throuhout the house and a pump of excellent water in the yard. novT—if By Bell, Wylly & Christian? - Schooner at Auction. On FRIDAY next, 17th icst., at 12 o’clock, will be sold iu front of Exchange, t Tho splendid Schooner ABBE DEB!, T 9 tons burthen, built of the best Pasture White O.ik, well coppered, and is well suited to the West India or Coast trade. Sale positive. Term* cash. 3-nls atlprivate sale. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having be* n so many applications for Small Tracts of Land for location, the owner of the above Laud, feeling a disposition to meit this demand; has placed in the market, for a low days, Lots gs Five Acres, or mere, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite t<> the three mile stopcvalso on the White Bluff Road, opposite to the two mile stone. tr-nl6 AT AUCTION. York, Williams, Mclntire A t'o. THIS DAY, Nov. IT, at store at door from Bull on Broughton street, at IU o’clock a, m., will be sold, 30 c.-t6cs Boots and Shoes An assortment of Dry Goods, consisting of, via: Handkerchiefs White and Red Flannel Shirting Linen shirt liosoms Berage Veils Cashmeres Satinets Fine Broadcloth Also, Pocket Knives Tat-le Cutlery Brushes aud Combs Carpet Lags, &<. For fuither particulars see catalogues. Also, A fine brown Mare, good lor either Saddle or Buggy, 0/m years old. 25 bbls Potatoes lno dozen Blacking. Terms cash on delivery. nIT UNDEUW UITER'S SALE. By York, Willi»«,iis, Mcln tirc & Cos. On SATURDAY, N v. istb, in front of E. E. Hertz's store, at 10 o'clock, 104 bag OATS, Damaged on board of steamer Fannie on her pm* sage from Baltimore to this port, and sold under in spection of Port Warders fur benefit of ell concerned. Terms cash. nil ‘ UNDERWRITERS' SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On SATURDAY. lSth iiwt., at 11 o’clock, at DenaumJ’s will be gold :or account of Underwriters and all concerned : 160 bales COTTON, more or lean, Damaged on barge by Sreauier Laura, on tho pas* gage from Angosta, Ga., to thid port, and sold under inspection oi Port Wardens. Terms, cash before de* livery. HIT UNDER WJUTERS' SALE. BRITISH SHIP MARCIANUS Auction, By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, lTth Inst., at 12 o’clock, a. m., lu front of Exchange, will be gold for account of Underwriter* and all concerned, The Driti*h ship MurcUnug, 914 ton?, together with all of her Kinging, Mulls, Anchor*, Chains. Boats, Store.-, Furniture and Apparel, bolrl as she now lie* wrecked Abreast of the second outer buoy. Term* Cush. nIT AT PRIVATE SALE. York, WillitiiiiH, Molntiro tk Cos. Hhds Bacon Sides Hhde -tacon Shoulders Bbls Pig Shoulders Bbis Pig Ilains Case* Bologna Sausage* Casus Beef Tongue* Half bbls Mesa beef Half bbls and Cracker*, all kinds Bbls Corn Meal Bid* Hominy Bbls Vinegar T / - Bbls Whiskey Boxes Pyle’s OK and other Soap Bags Black Pepper lOu Af. Segars, various brands An invoice of assorted Tin Ware Boxes Ground Coffee Sacks Oats, white. ft nlfi DAVID BAILEY, Merchant Tailor [Formerly Cutter for Win. R. Syi|ione] BKC.S most respectfully t«> inform hi* frit*nri* and the pnblfc; g£n. rally, that hea haa 1 eEniv<d from the store of Mr. A. B. IveH to No. 12 WHITAKER STREET, [Between Bryan.nod Bay,j where he will be glad to meet his old customers and a* many now ones us will favor him with their order*. mt Always on haud. a good assortment of CLOTHS, CA&BIMERBB, VESTINGS,Mhi< hhe is pre par* and to make up at the shortcut notice and in the most fashionable style. Remember No. lz— if you want wlnit is good and reasonable. n9-lm William Oill~ (Successor to William B. Hawkins,) IMPORTER aud Wholesale Dealer lu Foreign and DoinAtlic Ales, Wines. Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cider, Ac., No. 170 Fulton Btroot, Opposite St Paul’* Church, NEW YOHK. Bottler u/ Mnebt Celebrated Ale fur Bbipplug snd Family 8.0, I'srHculiu’ alionlkm paid lu Filling end Hhlpplng Southern Orders. All otMti by mull will be piuuipHy at teeth'd lu. IU4.M Notice. c * nu, '“ w.jtjwjjeis-jo) f|7HI Aiignal MgetlugT lkrk)nT‘|(|jj(‘i i us *iie * C'iHip#Jy will lis hal l <mTTflrwiidyiiia U*b «f IlcMWlxr iiul el IBs iMa||as|JiuiWS lu kl lb i/ilwik, A, NL Xfulnlflaiiiliucut, esisneily rs ■i' *<t *■ '.MAi - Sj. 4.». i*mi«,s4« at a. raneei ei. ,»eeeoaa. < I N M M.ll \ M IM 11-.I V < O L'ACJi'Ba, FoUWANIbMU AND liIMBMaUiN Mr IflflH |l*biw. f“ 4t|!Ml*td > s |s.Wsi Ui.-iue, Ktt siieet, dailUM* Ui (fdweiu| U'iW Heh.#sheie A Rum llhslw A GeiMe l <R4e>u«’wee. HsifwlA t Um., Ifwlu $ >te<4ms iiedkun) * OsaaineKMa, i I mpitm ‘ ' ~*> , I GHCCKRIKB, LI4VOHI, 4k C\, T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMmKTRRS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGftRS. &C. 147 Bay Street, . SAVANNAH, CA., {NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.j |» r E invite tlxe attention ol thu Trade and the Puh ” lie generally to oar large and elegant aa*oit ment of tt lue., Llqnerl, Cordial*. Coßierrn, S<- t(ar*, etc., etr. which is not excelled by any similar establishment iu the States. We are mite (rroprietora of DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, lb., reputation of w hich is fullv eetabliahed in this and foreign ei>un trii s ; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BlTTEFS enaranleed superior to any article of iht’ kind, de signed exitresslv lor hotel a»d family use; DUN RAIt'S SCimatAM CORDIAL SOHNAPI’S. war ranted of the utmost parity, and put up expressly for our liouso, of waioli we are sole propriepirs and imisrrti’rs. Sole Airt'nts for Robert Smith's eele-i braled PHILADELPHIA ALE. incases and barrels; English, nootch and American AI.K and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK HUNCHES, formerly Well known throughout the United States, put up by us in eases for ixport and home consumption. T. J. D. * Cos. nfie sole agents for H. <fc n. W. Catherwood’s Pure RYE WHISKIES XX and XXX hrautls, guaranteed unsropassAl in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a targe and well se lected stock of BOURBON aud WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade aud connoisseurs generally. An assortment of ISEGAUH "f finest grades, manufactured aud imported expiosely for ibis house, which we offer at the very 10-vest net ensh prices. BRANDIES, GINS. WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly b\ this boas , anti ti>r sale in [Mind or duty paid, at lowest market rates novi lm WHISKEY ! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDY, WINES, Ac. Peach Valley Wliiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, spencer’s Old Kyc, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR, SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 B-A.Y STREAK'!', (Herald Buildings.) aiao, Alsop’s Ale, Mars’ Ate, Apples. Potatoes. Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar, octfi if WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IU GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. aeps ts Apples and Buckwheat, AT low figures, with plenty Orange County Butter, iiLtub** for gale. SKA LORN GOOD ALL, ill 4-1 vv Wiliiaiiutoii'N building. Just Received, AM ill Store on Consignment, BUGGIKH AND CAU 111 AG ES Also, a lot of Fine Liquor's, consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKEY, SANTA CRUZ RUM, BORER’S BITTERS, 4c. Which we offer on the most liberal terms. VAN HORN. HOLYOKE ft MURRAY, octU-tf No. 9 Stoddard*a Block. CLAGHORN & CI WIIMI, Grocers and Ship Chandlers, CORNER BAY AND DRAYTON STREETS, Savannah, BEG leave to inform their former friend* end cu*- tomers, anti the public generally, that they have resumed business at their old stand, where they will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Good* in their line suitable for Private Families, Steamers and Sailing Vessels. Punctual attention given to all coun try orders 1m octl9 Gao. R. Chump. Wm, A. Weight, Augusta, Georgia. Late oi Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRUMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lienors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISII, &c. £O9 Broad St., Augusta, Go, twr Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tohaooo, Pkoduoh, and Mkhohandis* of every de scription. Refere to the Merchant* and Banker* of Augusta, Ga„ Richmond, Va. and Jno. C. FerrilJ, Esq'., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A Unckles, A. A. Solomon* A Cos., T. Paterson tt Cos., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS solicited. oct4 KIRLIN.BRO. &BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, wn AM) LIQUORS, CORSF.II WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANK. ORBKiti PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. nail If To WholesaleGi’ofcin, Liquor Healers, Distillers, Druggists and Soap Manufacturers. Oils for fl.iv<»ring and improving Bran- J dy, Knm, Port Wiiie, B mu ikjii, Rye, Scotch and Irish VVhi.'tkit o, age and body preparation* for Neu tralising and Mollifying Wlimkey and Spirit, C'oior ings, Syrups and Fruit Juice* ior Branny, Whiskey and Wines, Oil* aud Kxtracts or Cogrmc am! other Brandies, Holland and London Oiu, Ac. Ur. F.’s Treatise on FermentsU Liquoia with lOou Hecii*e*. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. perMtn luncrt Powder, Fly Pajwr, I>»a«lstone, and Fluoric Acid, MunganeHC and nil rare Chemical* an l Drug*. FOlt SO.U J MA N UPACTU ItE I tS, SUUceiHuf Fudfi in CrysleU, I.ii|iildsiiil Jelly Clilnu City and Terra Alba, soup Krone? Korin, Nod.t, A ah, a JOfc*. W- FhUCimtANOKIL ik.vl-.ihhiii No. ft* Cedar at., N V, H. G. RUWE & CO., W UqlosbUo GROCERIES 5 LIQUORS, WIMKM AND MJSUAKM, Corn»r Iryan and Bt. Jul fan fnd Jonnien fquart, WRUITnu FVttlKI M4HIBH4 MT Afadili is Als lit AND IsAOMIt. aSIKIf WINS) "pierce skehan, Wholesale and Krtait Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boots and Sboea, Clothina, I Foreign an 4 Doßu sttr Wines, Liquors and Segara Also, Skdhtn’B Celebrated GOLDEN Alii AND CIIAMPAGN* CIDER, in bottle aud in wood London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Ing luh Ales, Ac. Libsrai dedii, tions mode to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON HTREBT. SAVANNAH, •nd 69 Liberty street. New York. CHEESE, ms. I A BOXES CHEESE, IU 75 b. ,XHB Fay’s Soap. Just rei clv. il and lui Sale by net in mtimiAM. rai.dwtn * rn ORNAMENTS Bugle Trimmings Colpred Silk Cdrda n ill | s Ladies' Dress Bullous, iu every variety. LA.TIIKOP & CO. nnvlG _ _ •ii irAf'r ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, no. 2f.r. boweUY, NtYvV York, MANUFAfTITRERSand D<v>h-r» in Builders'and LocksmithH’ Hardware. Nails. PuiiieH, Cord, Rmi l ocks and Knob*, butt Hinge*, 13ra*s and Iron Keys and tJaetiup*. G'»ug \ffie, Ac. All order*, large or amaH, fnrniflhcd promptly at 10 per cent, leas than market price*. *rpl9 Cm W ildei*’s.-; L J iSttent SALAMANDER SAFES, With Wilder's Patent lYnrdei’ aiid Btirglar-proo/ Locks. 80. WILDER A CO., Patentees and Manufactur • era of the treat fire-proof Safe in the world! J welkr.-’ and Bankers' Baths make to order, lined with hardened steel. House and Plate Safes. To this celebrated Safe waa awarded the gold medal at the World's Fair, in London, 1851. N* tick.— This celebrated fire-proof Safe i* no longer mule and sold by SilaaC. Herring, hislicenae to make and *«11 them having expired. Lists containimrprkes and full description of differ ent' sizes and styles of Safe, can be had on application to the agent or the State, at Savannah, or any of the special agent* Agents wanted in every city and town of the Slate. For pniticulars. address the undersigned. We have cuii-tamly on hand a good assortment, for sale at manufactureia' Now York prices. CUNNINGHAM A PURSE. Sole Agents for the Slate of Georgia, nlO-2m Savannah, Ga. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. JUST opened a large assortment of Zephyr Worsted Shawls Sontag*. Cloaks aud Hoods, Children’ Caps, Boot* and Gaiters. Also, Irish Linens. Table Damask. Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles, and a variety of Fancy Ar ticles too mimemueto mention. All of which we offer at very low price*. EINSTEIN A KCKMAN, _ nl3-tf 161 Congress Street AND b-4 LINEN SHEETING 40 inches PILLOW CASK LINEN Bleached, brown. Colored DAMASK DOYLES 114 Extra fine BED BLANKETS. Just received by LATITROP A CO. novlC 3 NOW LAUDIM AND FOR SALE! ’ i)j 1{ | Boxen, x, }. anil caddio, Tobacco, wWch we -"V are now offering nt price* lower than li cau be bought form Northern cffica. MILLER, THOMAS ft CO, nll-tf Sft 2C5 Bay Btrecet, ISTotice. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHAL*) District of Savann.h, >- Savannah, Ga._, Oct. 3lst, lbtii. J mHE notice lasueii from the'office of the Provost ft Marshal. Sub-District of Ogeechee, dateil Savan nah, Aug. lltli, 1805, ordering all Drinking or Bil liard Saloons, Ac., where liquor are aulil to be closed at 10 o'clock, P. M., is hereby revoked. By command of BvU Maj. Gen. J. M. BRANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE H. KFMICK, Capt. and Provost Marshal. novl Metropolitan Enterprise Great Gift Sale or THE NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE •Jewelers* Association. Capital $1,000,000 Despot* 197 Broadway. AN immense stock of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, ull to be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to bo paid for till you see what you will receive. Certificates, naming each article and Its yalne, are placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of 26 cent* ; five for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for $6; sixty five for $10; aud olio hundred for sls. On receipt of the Cerilflcate yon will see what you are going to have, and then it is at four option to pay the dollar and take he article or not. Purchaser* may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond King, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our list, for $1; Miid in no case can they get less than One Dollars' worth, aw there are no blank*. Agents are wanted in every town in the country ; every person can make $lO a day. selling our Certifi cates in the greatest sale of Jewelry ever known. bend 25c. for a Certificate, which will inform you what you can obtain fin sl. At the same time get our circular, containing full list and particulars, also Tenus to Agents. Address JAMES HUTCHINSON A CO., nH>-2m U»T Broadway, N. Y. LADIES ENGLISH HOSIERY Misses’ English Hosiery Ladies’ and Misses’ Merino Vest Gents’ and Boys’ Merino Vest Gents’ and Boys’ English Cotton Half Hose. Just opened at • LATHROP A CO. no vis * For die Information of the Public \\r E piiblixli this, our Hat** of Freight lietweon Ba vuunnh aud Auguata, by unr reapective lk>at*: Box»h Hats, Bonnets and ettsks Crockery, Ac., 60c. pt*r f.Kit. Barrel* Bread, Potatoeu, Ac,, $2 each. Barrrl* Flour, s:i eacJi. KtindUa Huchi la, Broom*, imtlph ColleM, lituiea, H|*adi a. hbovelff, Ac., pul* do/., large, $lO. Chaiee t;abliau< n. Uoitu: trail**, fr>., perauck. t’i. llaidwMre, lioiiuw Ware and Irou, p* r l<aHb*.» sv. Iron und < oal. per ion, $•»«. r .rn an l Pea*, |m*i bu«lml. V6c. siuttli: Parkagf*. **ach, 61c, Frritfht not euuiuerttUd, s*{ prr 100 |lm or the. per fool. . ERWIN * HARDER, Avis- 81 n Amt/on, VI it I I .sura *. 1). HiKMiEK. Asset of Usamtir Oak. J. M. RINGULMY, Assui 11. |i. May VTm. mymeu. Aguxi aiMituM* Eigiaw, AeiitMW smi Uuimt. alllw StrayedorStolen jres is* mH KfeSiiim /..luivi, S..J M.nks'l sit I Is. buiUl# <W lits A»«am*i fttl t'h *Tl|i'S ft, s„y Hu „ iftitl eifl lust.n.M •i Ihv XWIMM ui kMmuumtmi «•* Evuuahbut atM,ls. aW»» T f WfiuoßW NOTIOIs TI |klG 4etttoal*l»siu i bf My «f BkOUTM us HrtE|** i v imss G.»« i •<« bvJMfl •« hv** I **** a., twm§, * » i- . SHIPPING. FOR NEW YORK. BACIIELLDR, Capt. <***P*tch stir the above fiort, FVT freight eng .gemeau, apply p, . _ HUNTER 4 GAMMELL. FOR NEW YORK. ~ th"f tb * hoTC P°rL Freight taken at For freight engagement., apply to CHARLES L. COLBY 4 CO P» Comer Bay and Abereora «ta. FOR NEW YORK, Atlantic CoantMuilHtt’iun. wliif> Company. lTie very Ikst tailing steamship VA KUNA. Whllehnrst, coramn-.ider, poMliwly Sail on hor regular Sal unlay. Hot. 1341a, at o’rlork. For freight or passage, having very elegant accom. modationa, apply to novlO JNO. R. WILDER, Agent. STAR LINE. FOUt NEW YORK, The fine Steamship NKVADiV, Carperter, Commander, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Nov. 18th, at 8 o’clock a. in. Fur freight or passage, having superior state room accommodations, apply to ; nIC BRIGHAM, BALDWIN 4 CO. Murray’s Line, FOR NEW Jtmt YORK. The splendid eteamshlp ZODIAC, Dearborn, master, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Hot. 13th, at 8 o'clock. A. M. For freight or paasage, having rplendld accommo tlohe, apply to nl6 OCTAVCS COHEN. Freights FOR AUOUSTA, f|IHK arc* prepared to receive good* at k their Warehou*eß--#ee of expense aud cov ered by Insura* ce—far shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their togolm line of light draught boat*. Apply to CIIAB. I*. COLBY, sept2s— tf cor. Bny and Abercorn st*. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dlspateh for the nbove place. Ooods receiv ed at all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cost. J. M. KINCHI.EY, Agent. Office in Claghorn 4 Cunningham’s. The May arrived in Anguata from Savannah on last Friday with her full freight ts oct9 FOR AUGUSTA. THROUGH IN 3(fr!t>Ußß INCLUDING STOPPAGES. The new, first-class, fast Iron steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt. Thos. N. Philpot, la now receiving freight, at DlUon’e wharf, and will leave aa above on Saturday Morning, 18th Inat., nt Oo'clock, Beiug her regular day aud hour of departure. Her accommodations for freight and passenger* are ample and complete. “ID* ERWIN 4 HARDEE. FOR AUGUSTA, The Steamer Robert Le lie. Captain J. Cottrell, Will have quick despatch. Thto Sleamer being hooted Frrlght will be perfectly protected from all inclemency of tfie weather. For height engagements apply to nll-tf OCTAVUB COHEN. Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA - SAVANNAH. The New Iron Steamer WM. Gs. GKEBBONS, Capt. T. N. Pnn-poT, Having anperior accommodation for Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above cities. Leaving Savannah every Saturday Morning, at 9 o'clock. leaving Augusta every Wednesday Morning, at 7 o'clock. Laying at Mathew's Bluff .very Wednesday Night. It ia the desire of the Agents of the Gibbona to her a permanent Boat for the Mer chants of Augusta and SaVanhah and the Planter, along the line of the river, and with this object iu view, no effort will be spared on Ihe part of her owners, agents and officers to wants of the traveling and freighting public. ~ ERWIN 4 BARDEE. _John L- RourfiLLAT, Agent at wharf. lm n!3 For Doctortown, AND STATIONS ON THE ATLANTIC & GULF RAILROAD. The steamer CLARION will leave her wharf foot of Aliercoru street, for the above place, on SATURDAY, Nov. 18, at 9a. in., taking Freight for Stations on Atlantic 4 Gulf Railroad. For Freight or Passage apply to CHAS. L. COLBY ft CO., novlT cor. Abercorn and Bay sts. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new an4(aat sailing Steamer LIZZIE BA.ICEII, Capt. N. King, Will leave on SATURDAY MORNING, at lOo'duck. U| For freight or passage, having enlendlil soetimmo (Tttiona apply un board, at tbe Florida Steam Packet wharf, orio GLAGHORN A CL'NNINGIJAM, nlfl-4 Agenfs. For Liverpool. ■ THE Al NhIpNEW ENGLAND. 4Q9kO Ihxlgts Mitatnr, having a targe portltin ul ETTjf liar cargo engaged will lie reedy tu receive cargo at Lower Hydraulic I’rues on tba lath Inst >For Rieeboro’. -vv r aura Ifimv Ip Aip urc meitt of Gissß Pi«isaT|iaiabl«oii wJEmK«> whaff, For p,)Ut glare « ( .|,l, u> Um l lipui Ut Imm, at Lwtrar Mu* Mm. o. ht Ik. »g«m f. J DGVI K, Mn, lib Wry as Hi** i F , ju*lj« , ulur. TB* rW« bag kga# muvbMM >*m«a«</ m SflWj ’fuP iidOKili luiHifi '/f*f ItHCI 9i j *itn*f»nro. For Doctortown AND Thomasville* The Steamers f Jen, Shopleyr, Orient, and Clarion. Will make Tri weekly Trips to Doctortown. In con nection with the Atlantic and Uulf Railroad, leaving Savannah OB Tuesdays, Thmedays aud Saturdays. I hroogh (might payable by shippers at our office. The Steamer Gen. Simpler will leave on Thursday Morning, Nov. 16th, at 9 o’clock. V F„r freight or passage apply to CTIAS L. COLBY 4 CO.. Dl6 Corner Abercorn and Bay street*. Regular Line. FOR BOSTON. jJrX .Schooner Witch Queen, ' I * ow loa ding at Exchange Wharf. RICHARDSON 4 BARNARD, novT-tt Bay at., opposite Marineie’Chnrch. FOR BALTIMORE. Pendergast’s Line. The fast nailing regular packet SCHOONER DE SOTO, Crook, Master, Having the greater ponton of her cargo angaged. will have quick despatch. For balanc eof freight ap ply to La ROCHE, GADEN 4 UNCKLES, Corner Bay and Barnard afreets. Agents in Baltimore—Pendergaat, Fenwick 4 Cos. octia Steamship North Point For Baltimore. JWd>-t taws The steamship NORTH POINT. i 4 Capt. Smith, will leave for Baltimore 'on SATURDAY, the 18th Instant, at The “North Point’’ hue elegant stateroom accommo dation, for paaseugers. For freight or pas-age apply to WEST, BRYAN 4 CO„ Jones’ Block. N. B. Paraengere bv this route for New York will save two hundred miles of sea travel, and will re ceive through tii kets, via Philadelphia, at same rates as now charged by New York lines. Freight will also be cheekud through to New York a* low. as by any other route. nl< For Liverpool. The new first class clipper ship VIEGINIA, WEEKS, Commander, Is now loading rapidly at Lower, Press, and having large engagements will have quick despatch. For freight or passage (token at lowest rates) apply to CHAS. L COLBY 4 CO., oct2S corner Abereoro and Bay sts. For Liverpool. THE first Clare British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. C Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to oetlO BELL, WYLLY 4 CHRISTIAN. For Rio De Janeiro, * CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia -Cv*---. ~.. The United States and Brasil Mall 'EISt Ptcam * hl P Company will dispatch =3a®afes». On tile'39th of every month, A NEW AND JTRST-CLABS STEAMSHIP, To |<eave nt 3 o'clock, p. m., From Pier 43, North River. All letters have tit pass through the Poet Office. An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance on board. For freight and passage having splendid accommo dations, apply to THOMAS ASENCIO 4 CO„ ocUl-tm No, IT, Broadway, New York. New York Piano Fortes. Ernest Gabler, Manufacturer of New Scale First-Class PIANO FORTES, Factory, 122,124 1126 East 221 St.. OBBPEOTFULLY announces that bis Large Netr ft v Factory is now completed, fully organised, and in ■ucceserm operation, by means of which he has greatly increased bis manufacturing facilities. He will there fore be able heucclorward to torn out SS Piano* per week, to supply orders promptly, without that incon venient delay to which Dealers and Purchasers have been snhiectod, from the fact that for more than two years paet lu> has been continually a hundred initru ireuts behind orders. A fall assortment at all times may be found at his Mannfhctory and Warcrooms in New York City Every instrument fully warranted. Retail Warerooma, 743 Broadway. 3m-nl« S. MrCOLDING, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HITS, MPS, BOOTS, SHOES, -A*D tieHtlemen’s Furnishing Goods, NO. 153 CONGRESS STREET, Savannah, On. novl 6 lm GUANO; TJERUVIAN and Swan Island Gttenoe, Bnperphoa> A phates, and the Brhoe Concentrated Fertiliser, loth. Trade at the lowest whoteaal. prltes. bYOMftB. WHITE A CO., U CUf street. New York. FINE CUSTOM HADE CLOTHING. P DONELAN. Merchant Tailor, has Joat received a a lari/o Invoice of New aud Kbirant Styles of FRENCH CLOTHS aud CABBIMERKS, selected with care In the Naw York Market In accordance »lih 'he late,, fasklotia us the dav Young grnileineu derirlng a Nobby Holt, made tip from Htyliab Gouda, cannot bo betteraultod lu Mavauaalt. Mr/Doueltn has IWclllD-a for gelling up Garments la the beat atyle. uuegua.. \ ;::r “ - ,h “ - M<* rebant Tailor. Bill atrwiL wifi Nrnt door to lbs Paat OWea. QO'PARTNIRIHIP NOTICE nfeyL-yasaga ( oiitmiiwii/ii lHi>m< as In URs wily, al Ikg bead J Bay street, vppuahe Jv*"*"*' „ _ RDRfMIfWI Forlusrly IkMMSBjSI'. r EutatarprlabM* hnnib gavauuab, No*. I Mb, IML lm-glt " NOTICE."” njktM i ton a urriiM l * IDT MPNNN)* I ' , bBYENDE StTSI L IV U*li#o# w* A l WliAhH, | HIM PiMfi