Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 17, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Daily Herald. FRIDAY XOVKMBKH 17. 186*. New England Correspondence. Containing an arrount aj the Hutch Taking Hoi land in the Massachusetts Election — The. Fever of /migration to the South among the Mew England Farmers and Workingmen, and some notice of the gag season in “Ye antiente tou-n of Boston." Boston, inov. 8, 1865. To the Savannah Dailg Herald : “ Tht Dutrh have t«ktn Holland.'* Did you bear of the memorable Contest in wliicb it was said “Tbe Dutch have taken Holland.” It happened yesterday in the Massachusetts election. Os course it was all on one side, like the handle of a jug. Tbe opposition in this State is small but spunky, and ordinarily we have some music at the polls ; but yesterday was the tamest aud the most devoid of interest of any election ever known in this State, where elections are al ways comparatively quiet. The two politi cal parties in their conventions, ignored ihe only vital issues of thecampaigu. The L : qui r Liwisthe great issue in the State at the present time—an Lsue belwi en tbe fauuticul advocates of the Prohibitory Law and all its accompanying measures, and the Liberal meu who are in favor of regulating what ex perience shows, cannot be prohibited. Neith er party dared to take sides on the quotiou. Then there is the Workingmen’s Move ment, making quite a stir in favor of reduc ing the day's work to eight hours. Both parties, assembled in convention, incorpora ted a resolution in their patty platforms to tickle the WorkiDgmeu without promising them anything. The same about the Veteran Soidiers, who claim an equalization of the bountie—!he payment of bounties t-> those woo enlisted early in the war to equal the bountie- paid to those who qplisted later. — The Veteran Soldiers were thanked by both parties, hut nothing was said tor or against their claims. In tnis way party politics shirks the real issues to keep the party lines intact, and sometimes the advocates of real interest become disgusted and set up a party for themselves. It may be so in Massa chusetts. If there is ever change in the political administration of affairs in this State it will be by tbe utlilation of the workingmen, the veteran soldiers and the remains of the Demociatifc party. Willi so many issues there most be many malcon tents in any event; and as the issue upon which the Republican party was founded is dead, we shall probably see a change soon. Nearly all the Democrats elected to the Legislature were elected in the city of Bo ton. Tuose comprise one Senator aud ten Representatives out of five Senators aud twenty eight Representatatives. One ward was carried by the combination of the demo crats and workiugmen. That may be the be ginning ot grcatei things. The workingmen carried tue day in two wards of Charlestown, but were deieated in tbe other by tbe regular Republican candidate. I thiuk neatly nil tue members and representatives elected from Boston are liberal meu in regard to the liquor Jaw' issue. If they are in favor of constab ulary police, jury bills, and inquisitorial legislation generally, they certainly do uot represent this city. Boston has already sut fered too much from the fanatical legislation Os the rest of the Sta'e to w ish to see any more of it. Tlie one Democratic Senator elected in the city owes his success chiefly to that issue, his opponent and predecessor in ottice having voted with the radical ram rods. A Split Ticket- Among the humors of the election, the most taking was a ticket in Ward six, where there is a large colored population, bearing the name of Lewis Gaul, a well known col ored man, lor Governor, and Ben. Butler for Lieutenant Governor. Quite a number of these tickets were thrown by “men and brothers,” whose pride of race was appealed to by tbe name al the head of the ticket. Lewis Giul has been a messenger at the State house for several years, and he un doubtedly understands the more intricate duties ot the gubernatorial office. Looking Toward* the South. The attention of a large number of people throughout New Euglaml has been attracieil to the new fields of enterprise opened to them in the South. Nothing but local associa tions can keep thousands of our New Eng land farmers and mechanics from seeking in the sunny South pleasanter homes and licher rewards of labor. lam iufoimed that a good many larmers in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts are making preparations to sell out aud try their fortunes in the South. The great difficulty iu the way of a general movement of this kind on the part of the farmers is the difficulty ex perienced in selling farms here. The agricultural population of New England seems to be decreasing. The farmers' boys go away to the cities or seek their fortunes in the South aud West. The old people die and leave no one ty> take their places on their acres. No immigrants come here to settle on the soil, and 1 cannot conceive of a mar ket being readily touud for many New Eng land farms at once. The mechanics aud or dinaiy laboring men are free to go and Cuuir, and if they do not flock to the South, which now offers its vast resouices to them on such liberal terms,, they will show that they are not aiive to their own interests. The Gay Season in Boston. Boston was never gayer than at the pres ent time, despite the efforts ot the sombre constabulary police. Our stteets are alive Witu business aud fashion, and amusemeuts ol «U sorts are well patronized. “ Arrah na-Pogue” is now on the bills at the Boston Theairc. aud is creating quite a sensation. The theatres and opera houses are all crow d ed. Formes Brothers are giving concerts. *■ Blind 1 om.' a negro toy from Georgia, is aiso giving concerts, as the very best repre sentative of the* not unusual combination of > idiocy and capacity for music. Blind Tom is advertised as a (ieorgia ptouliciion by the "wav- Tire lecture and concert season is in iu 1 b ast, and the gay routs ot winter arc coming on. lota. Boy lltlm-K in Lsnucii. Theie are in Loudon numerous gan o ß of boy thieve-, organized and trained to plun der under their chosen leaders. Tbev arc the leaders of the thieves' literature, whirl, nmy besecn in a thousand shop windows. Tbe little rascals steal everything they can 1.,y their hands on. setting sen-rfes to Vamll I for police, and generally carrying ou t their 11 le game without detection. 1, a | JU j dn a abandoned, to be pulled down by some mil way cofupauy, they dash into the house and steal the lead Imm the roof, and everythin,, lhy can convert into money Someth these smart boy sure 'tie sous of respectable pa rents, but most are the Arabs of the sin eu* who live on their wits uud sleep under the arches, or nl the cheap lodging houses This week a gang'of eight hoys, from 111 to ir, ye.,is o tl, wa*. captured lor u robbery. Eu ii one had liia uHun. One was "Jack Shepard," another "Ulueskiu," a third ‘iiick Turpin," and so on The* Imd buen plundering old and hcipics* shopktars right and luff, with out unify. The lender, who lilts adopted • in- name of Jack Mhepard, ami who lias feiiclicil the ripe age o| 111 years, Wllull brought 1 1, Inin the magistral!' to a question “bout tin hist witness, grind out, llillul- l wauls l 111 * e yutifs 1 The hoys slin k together like blinks TlllUe Was no S' "I b ring, Mild win u I lie polll'einuu t ok Ilia eaib r they all lot,owed like glim I hoy*, p, Hie I*l up, Slid Wle li III! nadnl fo| Ids three •*»'•, di a a mo p He y ail waoie.i the asm# 1,0 if ,uiit J*Mi Imit ug 4 i, 4 j M , |>i<t m i j, Iheiu no f tuaaoo lot sia ial teloimuis sail Mwl fegtstafurw. ’ *Tl#< a *** * w 1 IMM A NOBLE PURPOSE AND A Glorious Result H. There are as many roads to fame and fortune as there were prate ways to ancient Thebes. Yonr am bitious warrior is for carrying his wav with the Mbre ; your aspiring politician for scheming his way by intrigue and consurnipate art. But there is one graud broad path to the goal, along which nothing base can travel. It is the path set apart for the march of talent, energy, aud noble purpose an.l though full of obstacles, it contains none that abnor mal, cannot surmount. Thin fact has been exemplified in innumerable Instances, but iu few more forcibly iian io the rise and progress of DR. BOOKLAND> GEKWAN HITTERS. For over fifteen years its course pm been onward and upward, scattering blessings ai every step, until it now stands on the topmost rount s of the ladder of fame, aa the CHEAT TONIC. o Hoofland’s German Bitters; Is a positive remedy lor DYSPE PSIA, {&££ ANl> Diseases Resulting from DISORDER OF THE LIVER «»'> DIGESTIVE ORGANS, Anil Is tlie only certain anil safe RESTORER OF STRENGTH l IN CASES OF DEBILITY. o By the use of this Bitters Weakened nnd Debilitated Frames Be come Renewed with all the Vigor of Health. -•"lmpaired constitntions are rebuilt, and the patient in a short time regains Vigor, Health and Strength. F f OBSERVE THE SYMPTOMS, Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs! Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Wt igbt in the tstomoch, Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Dillleuß Breath ing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation when in a Lying Po sture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain iu the Head, Defi ciency of lerapbation, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in tlie Side, Back, Chest, Limb*, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat Burn ing in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of F.vil, and groat Depression of Spirits. Remember That these Bitters contain no Rum or Whiskey. iAnd can’t make Drunkards. Is not a Bar Room Drink, But a Highly Concentrated Vegetable Extract, Free from Alcoholic Stimulant or Injurious Drugs. It cannot insidiously introduce Ihe vice of Drunk .enness into the bosom of your families—to your wife, your children, or your friends. L SOLUXEinS Or others, whose systems have become impaired by hardships or disease, will find in this Bitters a tome that will restore them lo all their full vigor. A Tees* Bitters have perlormed mors cures! Given Better Satisfaction I Have more Testimony 1 Have mare respectable people to vouch for them 1 Tltsn any other ardcls in the Market. We defy any one to contradict this assert ior AND WILI. PAY SI,OOO To any one that wIH produce a Certificate published by us that Is not. GENUINE. N READ WHO SAYS SO. FROM TiiE 110N. THOMAS B. FLORENCE. Washington January 1, ISGI. Gentlemen Having state i it verlwlly to you, I have no hesitation in wjitltig the fact, that I expert* « need marked bene at from your Ho. fl .iiitl'a German Uittcig. During a long and tedious session of Con giv.-s, pif.-MLg and onirouj* duties nearly prostrated me. A kind Jiieml suggested the use of the prepa a tioii I have named. 1 look his advice, and the result was improvement of health, renewed energy, and that particular relief I so n ueh needed and ohtaine I. otlieie may be similarly advantaged, if they desire to he. Truly your iriend, THOMAS B. FLORENCE. D From Rev. W.'D. SeiglrM, Pastor of Twelfth Baptist Church. l'tdluiielphia, December 2U, 1803. MFS-HH- Jones A Evans, Gentlemen I have recently been laboring under . lie ul-t resting I ffuces of indigestion, accompanied bv a prostration of die nervous system Numerous r:m wlli's wine by mcudssnd some* of them H i-ii-d, hui without relief. Your Hooflland's Gum in Blue. a were r«coninv mled by perton, who hail tried i lie in. unit whose favorable iiicndoii of it,. Hitters in 'lilevd m> stsototiy them. 1 must confess Unit I hint an uvcrftoii to i-iU nt medicines. Hum the'-tll■ us.lllll uiul one" quack “Bittern," whoa# only atm seems to »'■ to |sdiu off sweetened ami drugged liquor upon Hu' commonay, In a sty wny ; aud llio tendency ol whi' li, I tear, I. lo nuke many a confirmed drunkard 1 l»>" lesrntug diet yours was re,illy a medicinal I |>re|,ui'iiili>ii I tiMik It whh happy effoit. It. uni. n »u» IU I only upon the •liimueli. Inn n|miii lliii ui'r | voiis system was luiiiiipt iiniigralifyhig. I fesl Unit I "live del (veil gloat and nermuuisiil "oiielll Irnin ilm uae ui a tow Ironies. very rustierchilly yours, W G, hi lilf liKID, No. US Hliui komssuti stroal. HKWARK »iK l Ol'N I'KHVKITH •**"*« "re Sisnalut. uf' t' M JACKSON" Is on lb# Wiappr. of oavli haiio ITUNi'll'fliOmt 1 * MANVKAUTUinr Wo. 631 ARCH STRICT, JONES 4 EVANS. M< I hast,ns nr I M lAiIMUNAUJ Itofooie hf MmiMaifcd «>■ smh sLvwi <"M"U MtaoJ m*. 4 si get Wmil# 1$ MISCKL.L.ANtgUt'B. ESTABLISHED 1826. Convention of the First Senato rial District. THE Citizens of the counties of Chatham, Bryan and KftiriL'ham arc requested to appoint Delegates to a ('on vent ion to be held on Wednesday, the Bth November him.. at No. 2, Central Railroad, for the purpose of nominating a candidate lor Senator of said Senatorial District. nov2 LIME. ROCK LIME JUST RECEIVED —AT— MACKY, BEATTIE A CO’S, 1)11-6 203 & Bay street. QUOTATIONS For Southern Bank Notes. BANKING HOUSE or MANNING & DE FOREST. 19 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. CORRECTED NOV. 1, 1805. VIRGINIA. Buuk of Berkeley *• Commerce. Fredericksburg ........"”.35 “ Charleston, charleston an “ the Commonwealth “ Howardsville, secured .... .. . .‘in “ Old Dominion 40 “ Philippi, secured - 0 “ Rockbridge So “ Rockingham ,3b * Scottsviße, secured .>k “ the Valley £3 “ Virginia ij “ Winchester 4., Central Bank of Virginia, secured. '. !.. . -5 Corporation of Alexandria ' « Danville Bank, Danville Exchange Bank of Va„ Norfolk ” ” o 6 Farmers’ Bank of FincasMe .....!!. ”35 “ “ Richmond !!!!!! ~.‘ib Merchants’ Bank, Lynchburg, secured 35 moot icello Bank, secured Northwestern Bank at Jeffersonville 8, Southwestern Bank, Wythesville h 2 Tnidors’ Bank. Richmond 3,, Bank of Richmond !!!!'!!!!” !!io NORTH CAROLINA. Bank of Cape Fear 4( j •* Charlotte * .>7 “ Clarendon !!!!!!!!! ’ 111 14 Commei ee ******** 25 4i Fayetteville .* ’*.*.* [ *\\ *’* ’*] J 4 44 Lexington .*.*.’* * ** * *3s 44 North Carolina !...! idij 44 Wadesbo rough so 44 Washington * 15 4 * Wilmington *»7 44 Yanccville * f { Commercial Bank, Wilmington !.! .‘22 Fai mors’ Rank of North Carolina 37 Merchants’ Bank, New hern HI Bank of Koxt>oro* .34 Miners and PlanterH* Bank 3.» Bank of Tnomasville ..... 25 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden * 4 Charleston ................-j.l 44 Chester 24 44 Geoi getowu ’* * ‘.. ’ * ’2l 44 Hamburg 22 44 Newbury 30 44 South Carolina 20 44 State of South Carolina 23 Commercial Bank. Columbia 20 Exchange 84 “ .... 21 Farmers’ and Exchange *.*.*.’’ls Merchants’, Cheraw 22 People's Bank 50 Planters' * 4 Fairfield 20 Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank 30 South W. K. R an State Bank Union Bank .70 GEORGIA. Augnsta Insurance and Bunking Company 12 Bank ot Augusta 32 44 Athens 30 4 * Columbus 18 4 Commerce 12 44 Fultou ;:o “ KmpircState 15 44 Middle Georgia .70 44 Savannah 48 Rank of Slate of Georgia 27 Central Railroad Banking Company 92 City Bank of Augusta 25 Farmers'and Mechanics n ■Georgia Railroad un i Banking Company 92 Marixo Bauk 70 Mechanics’ Bank 12 Merchant* uid Planters* Bank 12 Planters' Bank , is Timber Cutters’ Bank 10 Union “ 12 Manufacturers’ 44 Macon 15 ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile 75 “ Montgomery »o “ Selma 3d Commercial Bank 32 Central “ 34 Kaeternßank 5S> Northern “ 47 Southern “ 75 TENNESSEE. vßank of Chattanooga „ 22 •* Middle Tennessee 75 •. “ Teeneseee 30 “ . West Tennessee 30 City Bank of Nashville 46 Merchants' “ 45 Ocoee “ 40 Planters' •• 54 ShelbyviUe “ 75 Traders’ " 30 Union “ 64 LOUISIANA. Bank of America 120 “ Louisiana 30 •• New Orleans *....60 Canal Bank i»8 Citizen*’ Bauk 08 Crescent City Go Louisiuna Stutc Bauk 05 Mechanics' and Traders' Bauk 06 Merchants’ " 50 Southern ** 120 Union ** Go New Orleans City Scrip 90 STATE BONDS AND COUPONS. Virginia Bonds 7 (&72 N Carolina " 55(3.n7 Nui'lh carolitia Floyd Bonds Go(<>G6 S Carolina *' hK&lb Georgia ,k 85(ydH) Tennessee , “ - 83(q*9n The above Bonds are bought with Coupons lor 1 SGI. City of bavuimah Bonds Gj;iO*> •* "Augusta, ** B*jh9o Charleston City Stock 40a45 New Orieaus City It. K. Bonds> “ *• Consolidated.... T6;:80 City Memphis eml. by St. Teu 67aGo “ ltfcilro;ul 65if>7 “ Municipal ! 62a66 Savannah CoufM»ns G2sG» Augusta '• B>a9o Memphis *• M)a>6 N. Carolina “ 66aGo TeuncHsee *' 67sGn Georgia “ 70*8) Virginia “ 40u46 South « srolina It. R. Bonds r*o Suvaniiah and Chari, sum, l>t mortg 6" *» « id “ JiaiiO Moutguuirry and W Poiut H. ft. Bonds 6u«tk> Numli. and dial. endo. K R. Bonds 76 M«mp. and Char. end. K. R Bond* OouGo M obi to nudObio K. K. sig. Botida 4Aa6^ *• Ol spoils .. ftoaM» A'e his dealing extensively in all kiuda of Hoiitborn rteeuriilea, aud pay particular attention lo puicbustw uud Hales on Commission, filling orders for Banks slid those Imlfbkdto the Bank* I'uities sendisg a* packages hy mall or espreaa wdl receive ibe lament us any advance 111 the market. tlsssqsolAlAoiissrsM wsly lo 4ssMse> sa lootll ert» uione) and eecunltee are Iu great at present Holer Ur the Banking and Business House* geiisral ly ol lulaclly. We ivrer to A. Champion, Keu , I'res Idem, ana Henry Bryau. , Baukei. __ .N& 111 liUllllHTllll'll. 'l'll* sii'li’t.igi,"* avs iMsya»»rt to ravalvs Cuaslas 1 IU"'U ill Ijiuilm,, ii( all, liuaahly ... uilalliy, hi) a»t" In M,i» iiiaMi' ' of tin (iiUiMi'Ui Nutib, I'm" sg.tiiMM inmlv wbau huulixl Our faiIIIUm Uuiiafi" l"' hh aipmuNis ar* uu ASIMIa |N NAVASNAN VAN MOM*. MIMjNMMM * NMMNAV. * wl * U< * i 4>W ' * f *1 COMJIIIHMI4I* ItIKKt IIANTK, Ate. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GEXEIIAI, COMMISSION AND FUR WAHDIXG MKIUHANT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Harri»' Buildings, 2d door west of A. i.ow A Refers to Messrs. Hunter A Gammell. Crane. John *on A Graybill : Bell. Wylly A Christum . Both well A Whitehead; Miller, Tin'mas A Cos.; M. A. Cohen, Esq. sep29-tf TOBIAS HEDRICKS & C 0., CommiNNinn >1 <■ rclia.ii tn, New York. OCTAVUB COFIFN will make liberal advances on my consignments made to the above house. oct26 1 m Wm. H. Tisom. Wm. W. Gordon. Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 90 RAY STREET, Savannah, ------- Georgia., Special attention will given to the sale of Lumber, Rosin, Turpentine, A., __Q<’t24-3m O. M. MiFRKL- A. O. SORREL SORREL BROTHERS, SHIPPING, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, References: Messrs. 11 K. Corning, Son A N. Y.: Messrs. Peter V. King & Cos.. N. Y.; Messrs. Fish er. Brothers A Cos., Baltimore.; Messrs. S. A W r . Welsh. Philadelphia; National Bunk. S .vannah, Ga ; Francis Sorrel. Esq , Savannah (»a ;Chas. Green, Esq., Savan nah. Ga.; T. It. Bloom, Ksq., Macon, Ga. net 17 im* I). 11. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York. IV 11. B i.nwiN,) N York J.F Cummings f OCt4-3m q M| Savannah. A. S. Rai l ridge, commission and forwarding MERCHANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. ortlttf JAMES B. CAHILL,” GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines and Liquors, 17 1 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS ofMerchandize wishing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the most re j wamble rates. sept-3ru A. W/STARBUCK HOT GENERAL Commission Merchants, 111 North Water Street, - I? li i 1 a clclpli i a . Careful selections made on all orders for the Pur chase of Goods, and Consignments respectfully solic ited. Ini oct‘2l iIi.NRY L. Jewett. Jam kb I. Snider. Jewett A Snider, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Second Street, Macon, Georgia, (Between Cherry and Poplar.} Prompt personal attention given to all consign menu of cotton, produce, manufactures and other nrii iee of merchandise. Orders anil eohsigntnehts solicited from all parts of the count ry. Best attention given to orders 101 purchasing cot'on. Agents for several first class Insurance Companies. n9-tf C. H. UtNEDiCI & CO., No. 80 Broad Street, New York, Produce and Fiour Commission nXcr chants, Dealers in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, &c, Spcciul attention to Southern Orders Consignments on General Merchandise solicited, octli 3m TO SHIPPERS OF COTTOirAND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vkbcy Stkeet, ~kw York. Auil Memphis, Term. Tuomas Fenner, Henry Bennett, D. W. Bow min. jyG Out CUAH. L. CO LB Y & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding M K 1L C HANTS. JONES BLOCK, CORN ZB BAT AND ABZBOORN BTKEZT SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES il.idc on Consignments o the firm ol Cuas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends iu Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents ut Augusta, Ga. rkkkkenoes; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarivs Slade, Esq., New York. Hol. J Wiley Edmunds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. sep 18—it Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, y and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Coubignmcuts, She* tings, Osnaburgs aud Yarns. jy!B W. B. & T. E. RYAN, GENERAL COMMISSION AND F o nv anl i asr Me re li ants, CHarlewton and New York, \\7 ILL attend tile Shipment and Fbrwardlug of ▼ v ml kind** of Protliice, and will keep on hand an assortment ol Groceries, Wines aud Liquors. Conslgiimcnta sohciie<l. W. B. Ryan, j i Trios. K. Ryan, (19 East Bay, > < 44 Beaver street, ('liarlesion. J ( New York. oettT i m * S. SAIUS & CO., Furwimllm; aiul ConiinlMt»ion >i nuen an th. WUOI.KHAI K AND IthTAIL DUALUIUi IN l)ry Boods, CirocerieN, &r., NOS, I ANI) 2 NAMMIH IIUAK, llujr Mri'i'l, JurksiiuyUli', lloililh. JHO. R. SAHMIR. ID. U RAMMIR. tIUAR. Ih MATURR •all u J. SHAFFER, Oouuuiwalnu So<il.r 'll rII kind# of niItNIGN ANDto Ml Ali HI I lIN ..Mi'll,qiuni. IS nv, w »M,a'i*hk M.i'SWi iHMsalla 144 W'«4 ~ . nulshiwU Urt»u*a Uaf.lif Mil Vi'wy It M W V U II II I'. 1.1i.. A| |'<>« .li'liii'k'i .i.Miatei'tl, UM M* uul u|i l‘H Mi“ muik.iH taariM COMMISSION MK Ill'll A MTU* SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNEB OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO„ FACTORS, Forwarding. & Commission MERCHANTS, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to our facilitiee for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt attention to all busi ness entrusted to our care, intending to estahliFh perm nicntly a House in Savannah expert by strict business principles to merit and receive a portion of tbe Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make ad vances on same; picking, re baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred iu Northern cities by this process.— They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFEIGE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, Post Office Address, Lock Box 25. oct7-3m Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray, General Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. No. 9 Stoddard’s Block, BAY STRETCT, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Chad. Van Horn, Holyoke A Mukray, Savannah, Oa. New York. Engaged exclusively in a Commission Business.with ample and first class Storage Room, we most respect fully tender our services for the purchase ami sale of all kinds of merchandise. octll-3m MACKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPIM AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 and 205 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Ga. OFFER FOR SALE the Mlowing Goods, on the nios reasonable terms. 250 bids Whiskey, Mountain Dew 'j “ 44 Buckeye Reserve 75 “ “ Stag Hnnrbon ... . 20 44 44 7 years old Stag Bourbon 1 w 1 °' 20 “ “ Pine Apple f 60 “ “ Burknm's Bourbon | Distillation L> 4 ‘ 44 old Family Rye I D> 44 44 Old Rectified Together with a large assortment of Port, Sherry and Madeira \\ ines. rhampagues, Brandies, Gins, Hums, German & Ridgeway Hitters, &e. In connection with the above, we offer for sale Choice Family Flour, Bacon Sides, Shoulders. Lard, Ac. Liberal advances made on consignment to MACKY&BEATTIE, sep-29-3m F'IIILADKLI’IIIA, Pa. JOHN L. VILLA LONG A7 COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING A\D COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94 Hay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octio cm li. Growdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY STREET, ANDERSON’S WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-3m SCRANTON. SMITH & CO., Grocers ani Commission Merchants, WOULD be happy to sec the former patrons and friends, and i lie public generally, at their store at tlie head of Bay street, opposite • Jeflerson, where I hey will bo at uii times happy to seivethem. nis-lin BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & CO.. Bbyan Street, next to Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank Building, Broker and Commission Agents FOB SALE AND PUBCIIABE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton. nov2 Brno Fordyce, Anderson & Janney, Brokers and General Commission Merchants, NO. 10 STODDAHD’B RANGE, Savannah., Ga. Dealers in Specie, Southern Bank Notes, Bonds and Btocks, Exchange on the Northern ciiies. Augusta and Cb irleston, bought and sold. Liberal advances made on consignments to our correspondents at the North. Refer to Third National Bank, Messrs, bee be. Keech A Cos., Messrs. Merchant A Carman, Messrs Hall A Kuckell, New York; Messrs. Carman, Merchant A Shaw, Philadelphia; Messrs. Wm. Lamping A Cos., Messrs. G. H. heese & Bios., Baltimore; Messrs. R. iiabcMshatn A Sons, Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, Mr. Geo. W. Anderson, Mr. G. B Lamar, Savannah. nov2 lm QEO. D. FOWLE. WM. E. UOT. HUGH RIOE FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK, oct26 Cm G. b 7& G. V/. LAMAR, General Coiniission Merchants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. 9*4 BAY STRKKI\ (upstairs i Refer to Geo. W. Andctßon, Jno C. Ferrel and G. B Lamar, Navunnah; W. E Jackson. Josiah Hihley & Sons, J. B. AJ. W. Walker, Augusta. Coiißignment* solicited. 6m-nov2 W. J. III.AIR. A. J. SMITH. W. W. KIM, BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No. SDB liroad Street, AUGUSTA, GA., General Commission Merchants, Ami Agouti for tb« of Ma ii ii Clioisirod Tolmono, will itufiti.ii Uoofi., Will''#,Llqi"*, I'l"'luf.tail Marrhau dita of vv.i> d.-aerlyusii UuaOirrmoHa NjUilu it tlls iill ,oa# MflMUrsis a. s w.aiast JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., F*rm*r*' and PlunUr*' Agency rilt Urn osls us Huawu. Fart lll*' <«, llvu non k, l«i> |J.,ilStii. ami Mi,' blurry, Min and., Ac or W, MM ritwl, IIALIIMOKM. Ili (*, Iu luliu M. OIIUUM. I'fMliMl «'liiu#|Mi.llS Hull . llbss iu.4.ln, l.Miilai hjU'Siii' M)iin*»Ul i Muas>i MUM #4* AU* .nil C tfT Umiiu, Mansi* nil m COMMISSION MERCHANT*. UViiGSTON, FOX & CO., 14 1 Broadway. New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS V and Agentt Atlanlir Coast Kail Steam ship Company. Advances made on Consignments by JNO. R. WILDER, wt‘2s 2m Savannah. J. F PATERSON. j. g. TL» KKR. PATERSON & TUCKER, (Formerly J T Paterson & Cos., of Augusta, Ga.) General Commission, Forward ing and Shipping Merchants, No. 9 SlmldarU’d Lower liuiage, OPPOSITE MARINER’S CHURCH, BAY STREET, Savannah, G-a. IFAV'E made arrangements ft>r Shipping Cotton, Tim lw*r liice, At , lo first class hou&ts in Europe and New York. Will make liberal advances on all eoiisignmeiita. Also, will buy and sell Timber or Lumber on Commis sion. We have facilities for obtaining Charters for Vessels at moderate rates. Personal attention w ill be given to the receiving, lot Warding and to the sales of nil liieichandise entrust ed to our care. We have a commodious warehouse for storage. References—Dowliug A Cos., London : Gibbs, Bright & Cos., Liverpool; Bradford & Renick, New York ; J. E. Bayley A Cos., Philadelphia; James Oakes, Boston; E. Lntitle, Charleston. 8. C\: R. 11. May, fMayor.j Au gii'taGa.; Geo. R. Crump & Cos., Augusta, Ga.; Hal sey, Watson «sc i o , Savannah, Ga.; I>. B. Thomson, Columbus, Ga.; James Gunn & Son, Richmond, Va.; Clayton. Adair A Pump. Atlanta. Ga. uov3 SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Ij AN 3D, Collection and Commission Agency, handle Southern land and prop rty of all deFcriptiom*. Parties wishing to h«li are invit.-cl to forward li«te.— Numerous applications now on file from parties wish ing t.> purchase. Make collections on all parts of tho country. Pay especial attention to the sale and di.-posal of Southem products, and make advances on direct consignments. MATTHEW II BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st.. New York. . KKFF.RRNCHB BY PKKMIBSION : lion. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Nephews A Cos., Bankers, Hsßioadway Messrs, li. B. CLflu A c;o , Imp at. is, New York. A. W. Green leaf, hsq . Banker, N. Y. n9-3m JOUN U. GUI* U. JOHN X. GUIEU, JOHN B. G-UIEU & SON, CJonim iKMion Merchants, Will attend to a General Agency Business. Personal attention will be given to the Receiving and Forwarding und to the Sales and Purchase of Cotton and all Produec. References to the principal Merchants of Au gusta and Savannah. Acuusta, Ga., Oct. 1. 1805. lm oct27 Alfkk" R. Bennett,) y . Chas. U. Bennett, Jas. C. Van Pelt, f ew lorK Raleigh, N. C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR TUB BALK OF COTTON TOBACCO, NAVAL STORES, ETC., ALSO, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SAI.E OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, 23 Whitehall St., New York. We have associated with ns Mr. D. W. Curtis, late Public Treasurer for North Carolina. n'j-<Sni To the Merchants of Savannah. fJHIE undersign' d,Committee from Metropolitan Fire 1 Company, will wait upon the Merchants and Bu.i nres Mtn ortho city This i ay, to solicit subscriptions for tin* pui Chase of n Bte*m Fin* Engine. Th y hope fin a prompt end gcuci ,us response from their iellovy citizens. JNO. R. DILLON, GEO. 11. JOHNSTON, Ja„ WM. N. VALLEAU, nov4 Uommittee. WE have this day associated with ns Mr. R. J. LARCO.MBE, with the firm name Cunningham, Purse*Co. CUNNINGHAM & PURSE. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 10, 1805. 10-ul4 Bridgewater Paint and Color Work* Cos. BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN, Agents. Just received and for sale at the manufacturer’s Pi ices: Kegs XX Bridgewater Lead Kegs XX Snow White Zinc Kegs Cygnet White Lead Kegs Summerset White Lead Tubs Putty Paint Brushes Premium White Lead Chrome Yellow Venetian Red Metalic Paint (in oil) Metulic Paint fdry) Fire Proof Paint Cottage Colors. lm oct2G DICKERSON, Harbor Master; OFFICE OPEN AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY No. 1 Harris’ Buildings. SAVANNAH, GA. nov4 lm latest from. "Egypt! PENNY'S NEW EXTRACT OP THE LGYTIAN LOTUS, anew and exquisite Perfume tor the handkerchief. Cleopatra and the ladies of the present day using the same perfume. THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS I! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS I! 1 Manufactured byF. A-Pemny, Brooklyn. New York. K. A. LOVEJOY, Agent, n9-3m «3 Fulton street, N. Y. DURYEAS' HATZENA TRY ONE POUND. w “ ™ m'MYW* That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal CommUalonera. the competlon of all prom inent manufßcturi*ra of “Corn Starch” and “Prepared Corn Flour” of this uud other conntrie* notwithstand ing MAZSIHA. The food sod luxury of th* ag., Vlltiout s single fault. On. trial will convince ihc mo.t*kqiticsl Mak'-a Puddling Call*, Uuaurda, Blanc Mange, Ar„ withoutlalnglsaa, wltSfaWor*• Nff*. st * '*’•**•• Uiiilablug tile nnwi economical. A .light silintloii to ordIMAW WhMl Flour grmtUy Impruve. and Cake ft la alio mcellunt for iblcJwnlng awe.t »IM gravies brfiahsud meals, ntriTk For les Oresm nntlilng ran riimpai. with ll A 11111. iniil,d lo milk will ortMluc. ilcb araaro lor .a.ffee, cbi colaln. la*. Ar. Put un lu onu (HHiii'l packA4«a. under tba Irade mark with illiw Uuua liar uae. A moat ileliritiiia at ll'.l# 4 food for chlldrai' and lu v till da of all Agaa * liy tori" rit ond DrugglMs YMiulf.Mli' Hi pnt, I<U» l u 11,.., Mii'fl, WILLIAM DUItVIi.A, suM Im Ueiiwtl Ageut 'J’lftOM. W. ItliOOllH MAMUFAHTiINKN OF rURNITURK AND OBNKNAL l UPHOLRTIRV, fit iniwjswßPtsffi « ,«4*dlo , if* 141 HAVANNAIi BUSINESS DIRECTORY coMkiasiuN merchants UIIC willlu« J tV t«„ General Onw Men hanu. No. *O2 Bay street, above I?^** AM. Siarlirougli .w to., f—m • mission .Mnn" e.i, 140 Congress atn, Julian sts Highest market prices paid ibrCrit* 4 \t ooi, Beeswax, elm Liberal Advances on CoUuiT^ Erwin & ilaivlre, - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . iia y street, Savaucsi, Gt DRY GOODS. John .*!< i onagliy, DKALEK iK DKY GOODS, Ac. Samuel M. Leilerer, Joliber and Retail Panov ani. Staii.c Dnv Goers, Boots ahok 01 CLOT... >o. UA'ts. ac. 140 Cong, css nZf GRUCiaRIKS, Ac. M 4,1,81 5* 1 V, hol sall ' Beater in Wtoh ureas, Sr-i. Aim, pANOvCuocaiia, Cam,,,7,. ‘ 5U Uonyre.- k et re**t K 4 ”* 4>t ' yo . u V iAL ‘« ,Nt “ ‘c* Pa^mv V\in»4j, Aaiquoua, *k<j. ,kl 153 Bruuifhtmi cti;. Itilliard Saloon. By WALTEIHyM^T > ale-, WI.NES, uquous, <Stc over Expre-ioa^ fpen Plu Alley. " ~ ' A TEN PIN ALLEY', by VALENTINE BASUR Ales > W lues and Liquors. No. 138 Bryan street, Ala. k, t square House. the Al .rket. t,,^ St. Cltarles Saloon, (in rear of Post iat, , A. Stamm. Il /mf.sole foniT CHOICE WINES and LiqL'olos served ' prroU.A PALVfiku, ’ i " MURPHY & CLARK, Houac, Sign, Ship anil Steamboat Paiult, Oposite the Pulaski House, overStumni’sßartjerSiioi, All orders thauklull received and laititfutiy uruaifi to ' On eua GAS FlT’l HSU, Ac. Weed fit Curawcil, W hoiesale Dealers iu ilaLl)\VAK.v and Tin Wib No. la* aud Hi! Hrougliton sluet. | 7 Cranston, LJ • 1-LUMBER AND GAS FITTER, til Bryanßt., next to cor. Whitaker. SUGARS, TOBACCO. &.c.~ Iq' Sunn. -= A • SEGAICS, TOBACCO, SNUFF. PIPES tt Barnaul ttie t. one iluor South m m, Aiarart’ PRINTING, STATIONERY, Ac oAVRie- M litUill, O BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, Cor Bryan street aud Market Square \larking Inlr, MaNuraoTCUzn and forsalc by DAVID U. GALLOU aY, Clco. fit. Nichols, 1 BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, . Bay st., between Abeicorn ami Drayton. IT •*•*’“««. LiTHugRaPUER, STATIONKR, t BINDER, JOB PIHNTkS, Ac. No. V Whitaker street. c W. Masoia <v Cos., c- • HERALD JOB PRINTINiI OFFICE. No. 11l Bay street ~~ ATT'O RN K YS. WM. I*. Ifurdcn, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 115 Bay street, lIU - lm savannah. WATCHKd, JEWELRY, Ac. FO. dorilun, Dealorln Watcuim and Jrwrj.ui, f_ -^, 1L ' LK Platkj» Wabe. FajnoyQooi-h «Vc khP" watches anil Jewelry Repaired. I*J Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. physicians. Jos, W. Clin, M. o, Cor. South Broad and Barnard-sts. Offick Hodiis—9 to 10 A. M„ and 4 too P. M„ 1 Residence—Mr. Wash's, Broughton Street, t'fi-Hit one door east Masonic Hall. DRUGGISTS. WM. Walsla^ . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, attl 4 Sourltcaet cor. Haruard and Broughton sts 1 A. Solomons ik Cos., * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. Order** executed accurately and with despatch. LOOTS AND SHOES. Ames «Si Peabody, Jobbers in Men's, Women's, and Children's Calf, Serge aud Kid BOOTS und SHOES, of all kinds and qualifies. . _ , 1M Congress BU, 4th door North of the Market. QUEENSWARE, &c. El>. Smyth, QUEENSWARE, GLASS AND • CHINA, at Wholesale nnd Retail. 109 Broughtun street, 2d door from cor. of Bull CONFECTIONERY. M Fitzgerald, • WHOLKSAI.B ANI, RETAIL DEALER IN CIDERS, LEMON. STRAWBERRY am RASPBERRY SYRUPS, CANDIES, Ac., Ao., W In any quantities, to suit Purchasers, ssi W It IT AKER BTBRKT. • SODA WATER. John Hyan, Bottler of 80DA WATER, PORTER and ALE, CORDIALS SYRUPS, Ac. _ Cor Bay and West Broad streets. LAND AGENCY FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. rpHE subscriber, formerly of Savannsh, and resident A at Blackshear, Pierce county, Ga .on the Atlan tic A Gulf Railroad, will give his personal and undi vided attention to the sale and purchase of Lauds contiguous to the said railroad, on commission, and solicits the patronage of ail needing an agent there. Am experience in the land, lumber and timber busi ness of twenty years in Georgia and Bouth Carolina, guarantees ample qualification. He will be repre sented in Savannah by Mr. Henry Bryan, ard in New York by the Great Southern Lund Agency. T 1 Broad way. JOHN D. DELANNOY. Refers to any old resident in Savannah. seplS 3m Hay, Hay. BALES Prime Northern Bay, per Schr Clara lO u Pickett. For sale to arrive. etna 11:a>i. l All V IN * CO. Paper anditag W arehonse Warren & Platner, XTITUOLESALE dealera In All klnda of coarse and YV fine Paper, Envelops, Wilnrs and Paper Boxes. Sole Agent* lu this city for the Barit Paper Mills The highest ca»h price, paid for Rage, Old Rope ti ud Bagging and Waste Patter, In large or .mail quantities. uctio-tf 210 Bay streot. Savannah, Ga. SOLTHKR.N rual ESTATE AWEMf UKATION AID COMPANY. \\rnO wanU Timber and Turpentine Landa t W Who wonts Cotton and Corn Farms t W. have them for tala. In different State*. Who wants to sell Landa t We can sell them. Put them In our bnnile _ _ . W. H. QUINOT, 6* Wall street. New York. 0. F. JONES, H. H. LEE, Tkomowl a. Oa. oct2«-lm BICUAKD F. FLOYD, Jacksonville, Flo^ SOUTHERN Ex|K»rtin« and liii|Hirling COMPANY. OF FLORIDA. a.o*l. .« f False.*M. Until mlUli ”**^.l. TRY ONE POUND.