Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 20, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 262. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND HVKNINGj u ruituauß> ■» a. w. MAHON Jk. CO.. At 111 Bat Hrxxcr, Batariiar, Quoin)n. mm: Per 00py... v F ' w^ Per Hundred •» W. Per Veer • ** u w * miiTiiim: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lilies for first In sertion • one Dollar for each subeeqnent one. Ad «vrti*emeut» inmrled in the morning, will, if desired, annear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. by TELEGRAPH TO THE Daily Herald. The Jamaica Insurrection. A Thousand or Two Rebels Hanged. Washington, Nov. 18.—The Jamaica Standard, says that over a thousand rebels have been hanged. It is probable that be fore the courts martial close fully two thous and will sutler death for their attempt at the extermination of Die whites on the Island. The Fenian Excitement in Canada. Tobonto, C. W., Nov. 17.—The excite ment regarding a Fenian invasion has great ly diminished during the last two days, and a general feeling of security now prevails. Mobile Cotton Market. Mobile, Nov. 17. —The sales of cotton to day reached 1,200 bales ; prices nominal. — Sales of the week, 3,250 bales ; receipts es the week, 12,518 bales ; exports of the week, bales ; stock on band, 57,277 bales, Gold is quoted at 48 to 50. FROM WASHINGTON. Treasury Notes to be Paid. Washington, Nov. 18.—The five percent, one and two years U. S. Treasury notes fall ing due, the Ones after the Ist proximo, will be paid by the Treasury Department at ma turity. Kaahville Cotton Market. Nashville, Nov. 18.—The cotton market is active today, prices ranging from 40 to 43 cents. New York Market. New York., Nov. 17.—Sales of cotton to day 3,000 bales at 52 to 53 cents. Gold closed at 147. Neutrality in tub Mbxican Affairs.— Gen. McDowell, in command at California, has issued, under instructions from the War Department, the following important or der: “It is made the duty of the officers com manding the District of Arizona and South ern California—while keeping in view the recent orders allowing the exportation of arms and munitions of war—to instruct com manders on the southern frontiers, within the Department, to take the necessary meas ures to preserve the neutrality ol the United Statets with respect to the parties en gaged in the existing war in Mexico, and to suiter uo arms or munitions of war to be sent over the frontier to either belligerent. This i9 not to prevent individuals from passing with arms for their personal protection.” Fire in Hamburg.— We learn that the burning of Mr. Butler’s hum and oulbuild diogs iu Hamburg, on Tuesday night, was quite a serious affair. The fire occurred be tween ten and clereu o'clock. The barn it self cost over 05,000. Besides this there was burned fifteen hundred bushels of corn, other forage, several wagons, and seven teen horses and mules—some of them very valuable animals. Tbe buildings were gel on fire. The incendiary, a negro boy named Joe, has been caught and sent to Edgefield for trial. There was no insurance on the property.—duy. Chronicle The Only Way Now. — This is indeed our only way. Man to man we gained battles once—our flag then grew purple many times over in the smoke of triumphing fires—but God so willed it that the bloom of our laurel never ripened into fruit. For the musket, the mine; for the rifle, the railroad ; for tbe camion, the cotton field and—hard by it—tbe cotton mill. These be thy gods, O! Israel, ami fallen Judea shall yet arise. Away with your maudlin politics, in which, do what you will, we are but puppets in the end. If we are piped to, we must dance—if sung to, seem to be merry. It is the very sadness of our sorrow that this should he so. but for every hope of the future, qvery balm in the present, every glory of the past, let the business ot our lives henceforth be to work—to open mines, rear up forges, pierce the heavens with furnace chimneys and scatter the wild birds with tbe bum of the mill. Forty cents per pound we get for cotton—into three yards ot cloth is that pound spun and then we pay tribute one dollar and ten cents to the ship n 'an, tbe mill and tbe broker. Why should y e f*° * l ? Let us keep that triple profit and in that field, as in all others where the victo ties of I eace are won, we will win weaitb, ami with wealth power, and witli power that happy day when Provisional Governors shall not sit m our capitals or Sovereign Conven tions be telegramed into action. out to do it there is but one only way—we USt quit politics aud Work.— 'Augusta Const. S,f LB ®*} | TY on uis Travels—Georgia J. 1 lje Honorable Andrew High Horse wson, of Georgia, has succeeded Mr. I®“' j I?killips, Mr. Frederick Bruce I)oug nrid Miss AnnnSylphidc Dickinson in his ti,„ n T> ur,D £ fa Boston Lecture season. At tn. Temple, on Sunday night last, P ‘aif sized audieuce,” presided over by Herald° r n<^rew > sa ‘d, so reports tbe til ,u? V® was caused from a fa .m u, . '? lllc governments of the Soulh \oirp ni C .i m ,illiu S all tli® offices by the nrc-iPi i t lc P°°Ple, and that secession was for everywhere by every candidate take off * ce - Me said that it was a mis peonle pr ß . U i P^2 Be ,hat llle ma j ori, y of the sion were in favor of seces reniuin; 10 ' lr g' n ' a the delegates in favor of out W |,n®. “A* 1 ? Union were 11 to 1 forgoing 11 mnt ' . 111 Union delegates had vote J° nl^i Louisiana the popular cession a ma i°rily of 1,000 against se tain i„„. **•** never been able to ascer- Mat. s 7 " rd inance was passed in these inaii.i’ , " l ,!, b * r 7 °r cowardice were lnti luatej Hichmond Tim-*. F . renflt ‘ *tea*n*hip Ku- Ibr seveJLi b i baa been at <th coin? y *l reached New York on the in i d l»charing a full cargo, look within i °* •**••• an “ was reloaded, all asain i,^®H borl • >t,,lod o( 70 hours, leaving lOtli (h,.r P uoclua), y at noon on the P»*»enge f I * U M wllU aljuut • ftl f cabin WIKZ’g DIARY* The diary kept by Win while in prison during the progress of the trial is published in the New York papers of the 14th. It contains little that is important or interest ing, being chiefly rambling and disconnected reflections upon the forlornness of his situs tion. The following extracts, will perhaps suffice: October 2, 1855.—Again a day*is passed. lam tired and worn out; whichever way 1 turn my eyes everything looks gloomy and dark. Can it be possible that, knowing what Ido know, 1 shall fall a victim? But why do 1 doubt? a Whal right have I to grumble, as if it was a thing unheaid of in history that men suffered the death of a felon as in nocent of the crime alleged as I am ; and if I dare to make a comparison between our Savior and myself, did uot He also suffer death ? October 3, 1855. —What a mockery is this trial! I feel at times as if I ought to speak aloud and tell them, why do you wrong yourselt and me too? Why not end the game at once ? Take me and hang me, and be done with it. A few days I asked to ar range my defence; it was refused on the ground that I had ample time. Ample time, indeed! May the day be far distant for Gen. Wallace when be may plead with grim death for a day, and receive the answer, No! October 6, 1855. —Another day passed. I wish the trial was over. 1 wonder what un heard of resolutions the Court will pass again tomorrow. I did not feel it so keenly today as I felt it other days, and I have to thank God tor it in permit ling me to partake ol' the Holy Communion this morning. I icel less contempt for those who are sitting in judg ment over me. If it is God's will to open their eyes aud hearts, He alone has the power to do it. lam certain that none of the Court, nor the Judge Advocate, consid ers and believes me guilty. They all know that that tbe whole thing is a farce. Cruel ties have been committed at Andersonville; someone is to suffer for it; they have me; therefore, I am tbe one, voi/a tout. Talk about the Homan Catholic institution of In quisiliou. What is tbe difference ? There they forced an innocent man to coufess crimes be never committed ; here they bring witnesses against him who swear downright lies, and when be tries to defeud himself lie is curtailed as much as possible iu his privi lege to do so. If auythiug, I prefer the first; there, at least, it was plain that the object was to punish a man ; here the object is the same, only a thin veil down over it, so thin, so airy, that all who wish to see can seu through it. MOVEMENT IN NEW YORK FOR THE RELIEF OF THE DESOLATED SOUTH. Meeting in Cooper institute. A large and enthusiastic meeting, under the auspices of the Union Commission, took place on the evening of the 13th, at the Cooper Institute, for the purpose of giviug an impetus to the work of relieving the Southerner who had suffered flora the war. Addresses were delivered by Gov. Parsons of Alabama, Henry Ward Beecher, Gens. Meade and Fisk, the Kev- Dr. Parsons, and Senator Morgan. GOV. CARSONS ADDRESS. Gov. Parsons of Alabama was introduced to the audience amid great applause. He said that he had come lroiu u desolutaled country, the appearance of which could only give an idea ol what war was iu reality. During last March aud April the Rebellion suddenly collapsed; at that time Gen. Wilson moved diagonally acrosß Alabama, through one of tbe most lerlile regions of the .Sou Lb. Selma was carried by storm, all tbe houses sacked aud the people robbed. .For one week Wilson s force occupied tbe town, aud day alter day the buildings were given to the torch by the lawless soldiers. On the line of tbe march you were scarcely out of sight of some indication of desolation and death. The speaker witnessed it himself. 6o description could equal tbe reality. r beu tbe Federal troops departed, their way was lighted by conflagration; and this was always tbe result of tbe war. Up to that time Alabama had experienced com paratively little ol war’s desolation. Out of her population, about 35,000 died in battle, aud thousands more were now come back crippled and broken. There never was in tbe Southern States any need ot provision for the blacks ; hut the neces sities of the white race were extreme. Tbe corn was ready to he reaped, hut tbe pres ence of the Federal toops inspired tbe blacks to seek their lreedotn, the crops were al most ruined ; so that the Slate is left with about oue-tifib of a crop of corn and small grain, little cotton haviug been planted.— Now, if tbe same ratio of deprivation exists among tbe blacks as among tbe whites, there will be 250,000 people destitute in the Spring. Tbe State must provide for them, or someone else. When the Staie was turned over to Gov. Parsons, there was hut little other than Confederate money in the treasury, and that was worthless. These faots were stronger than any argument tbe speaker could otter. The Government had provided a Freedmen’s Bureau, which, in Alabama, was under the control of Gen. Swain. The people were convinced that the Bureau would be the means of subsist9nco tor the blacks until the State could recuper are. It is not, however, tbe means to meet Ibis heavy demand upon the resources Material means are wanted. They who are in want of bread, when it Is furnished to them,are well prepared to receive other coun sels in connection with the whole country. How much can now be done, which will in turn become fruit, and cause to produco other effects in future years. The speaker spoke of the Freedman’s Bureau, which he considered would work marvels in relieving the people of Alabama; hut their means, though great, were not sufficient to supply all the demands upon their resources. Let tbe Northern people lend tbeir entire aid both for the whites and blacks. It is iu this way that the Union will be restored in tbe heart, which no bayonet cau pin together so effectually. It will he tbe foundation lor a perpetual union and harmony between the two sections. You must seek out the widow aud provide for her and lief fatherless chil dren. Such charily is never forgotten. It is by snch means, indeed, that we shall hear one universal song ol gratitude go up Irorn both givers and receivers. The speaker thanked tbe audience for their attention, and would assure bis brethren of the South of tbe good feeling existing toward them iu tbe North. Be kind aud charitable, and we will have such a Union that, in event of a foreign war, the world wifi see the Southern soldiers proceeding shoulder to sbonlder with their Nortnern brethren to tbe battlefield. If the South fail to do their part, then call them cowards, but not till then. (Great applause-) Tub Vacancy in tub Scracuß Bkncu or Usobou.— Relerting to the fact that the election of Judge Jenkins to the gover norship will create a vacancy on the su preme bench, the Milledgeville Recorder saya« We have beard three names men tioned in connection with the bench : Judge llirant Warner, Judge H. V. Johnson and Judge I. L. Harris. Should either of the two tlrat named gentlemen, desire the po silion, Judge Harris will not lie a cauilUUu, hut should both decline Judge II will presented by his friends for the fms.iiou, ami if elected will flll the place with honor and credit lo blmaeil. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1865. the election. Vote mt Atlanta. The election passed off quietly in this city and tbe following is tbe result: FOR GOVERNOR. Jenkins 754 FOR CONGRESS. Wofford 347 Hamblelon 259 Cole 19 FOR SENATOR. Johnson ....418 Collier 185 FOR REPRESENTATIVES. Hill 309 Maddox : 230 Markham 153 Butt 134 Gilliespie 109 Loydon 119 Wilson 99 Gaskill 99 Price 51 Dalton, Nov. 15th.—Election quiet to-day. Jeukins, 275. Congress ; Wofford, 25G; Hambleton, 5 ; Cole, 5. Senate, Johnson, 272. Representative, Glenn, 235 ; Guillen, 218. The county is entitled to one mem ber. Marietta gone for Wofford largely. So he runs ibove us. Tbe news clearly indicates Wofford’s elec tion. Vutc or Morgan County. FOB UOVKRNOR. Chas. J. Jenkins 274 FOR CONGRESS. James D. Matthews 135 John Milledge 124 Garnet Andrews 20 FOR STATE SENATE. J. A. Billups 174 D. E. Butler 125 FOR REPRESENTATIVES. W. Woods 158 S. J. Walker 85 Jesse W. Jackson 59 Vote ut Washington, W’ilkc* County. FOR UOVKRNOR. Charles J. Jenkins 145 FOR CONURESS. Andrews 1 102 Matthews 45 FOR STATE SENATE. Casey 112 Drane 5 Stockton.. 18 FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Barnett 98 McLendon 43 Official Vote ofchathmn County. The following are the official returns of the election held in this county on Wednes dey last, Nov. 15th, 1855. FOR GOVERNOR. * Charles J. Jenkins .994 Joseph E. Brown 8 Scattering 4 FOR MEMBER OF CONURESS. John Milledge 809 James D. Matthews 179 Garnet Andrews 13 Scattering 5 FOR SENATOR. Wm. Gibson* 871 J. A. Stapleton 1 96 Scattering 5 FOR REPRESENTATIVES. Claiborne Snead* 860 George T. Barnes 719 L. D. Lallerstedt... 389 Scattering 7 ♦Elected. Vote or Wynn County. Brunswick, Ga., Nov. 16, 1865. Xu the Editor Savannah Zkii/y Herald: Below you will find the.result of the elec tion held in Glynn Couuty yesterday. B. C. F. For Governor. C. J. Jenkins 64 Joseph E. Brown 10 . For Conokess. Solomon Cohen 56 C. W. Style 3 15 For Senator. N. Patterson 44 J. M. Tison, (not a candidate) 21 For Recbesentatives. U. Dart, Sr 60 Wm. Williams 13 Collision at Sea.— Tbe British bark Fille do l’Air, which arrived at Charleston on Fri day from Cardiff, had a most hnTorlunate oc currence take place on her passage to that port. On the night of the 14th of October she came into collision'witb the Danish bark Scandia, from the Eastludies, for Falmouth, the forward rigging of the Scandia crossing the after part of the Fille de l’Air. At this moment Captain Thomas, of the latter ves sel, who was standing aft, was forced over board by the collision, together with one of his seamen, and was never afterwards heard of. Taoors for Defencf. against Fenians.—A despatch from Toronto dated the 13th says: It has been decided to place a force of vol unteers on active service to check Fenian raids. Two batlalious have received orders to hold themselves In readiness for instant duty. The guards at the volunteer armoties have been doubled in consequence of infor mation received of the designs and projects of the Fenians. One regiment of regulars, the tiOtb, Las been sent from Montreal to Western Canada. Genera:. Grant's Kkai, Name.— The Mil waukee News says that a prominent and re liable citizen oi Wisconsin was told by Gen. Sherman, when on his recent visit to Mil waukee, “that Gen. Grant’s real name is Hiram S. Grant, and not Ulysses 3. Grant, as he is usually designated." Gen. Sherman states that the name by which Geo. Grant goes was acquired by the blunder of the member of Congress who recommended Gen. Grant for the Military Academy when he handed in the name of young Grant to the Secretary of War. After this appointment to West Point, tlie embryo Lieutencnt General endeavored to secure a correction oi the error, but the offi cers of the Academy declined to do so for want of authority, and referred the matter to the War Department, where for some reason it was ucglected. The modest student of military tactics dually flanked the difficul ty by assuming the name which accident and the official record assigned him. His mother, however, uuver forgot to call him Hiram, and Ulysses never fails to respond to the call. Whatever of truth there may be in this state ment, we cannot say. How Citizenship may bf. Lost.— The Sec retary of the Interior hue decided Unit a (ar son bora in the Uoited Suites, and who re move# to a foreign country uud takes the oath ot allegiance to the Government there of, and HubeequeuUy returns to the United Htatee, must, on allying make application for a patent, and be regarded a* a subject of thq Government to which he removeif, until he compile* with the naturalization law* at the United Htatca The decision was ooca sinned by the application lor a patent by an individual horn in the Hiate ol Maine who removed to Nova th otie and swore sllcgisucn to the ami w ho. «t the eipirsilou of wu years, returned to the United outre IPiota Uie Ans tttla’OonstltuUoiiaUtt 16th] Lore aud Keeper! The other evening while attending a the atrical performance in this city, some allu sion was made by an actor to "Thr hUy," and instantaneously a thunderous cheer went up from the Federal soldiers present. Not the wild Highland yell of our old Confeder ates, hut the measuted English cheer, of the North, it brought to our mind many memo ries of tlie past and, suggested some few thoughts on tbe present. When last heard, saiil swill recollection, this cheer of men in blue came up from the plateaus ot Manassas and in the trout ofYorktnwn trenches, from all along McClelan’s rattling line, and out of Cbickabotniny’s bloody tangles. Yes, and then loo—was quickly added—tbe farce battle yell of the South rose to meet it, for in those days it was first the scream of tbe eagle and then tbe stroke of bis flash ing beak. Tbe Bonnie Blue Flag bad its friends then aud not seldom, when this cheer was beard, did its stars shine with the brighter lustre. With the thought came such a tide of lond remembraue - that, in its own despite, we forced our mind |away. There is hut one flag (now, said solemn Duty, aud yoe are sworn to support it- These men lovr that flag—they have fought for it— they cheel it—and they are right, tor you know thau you loved your gallant banner ere Appoto raax pulled it down, Looking at the matter in this light every bitterness evoked by that shout exultant passed away, it is natural —is it not—that the North should love the Flag, and sufficient —is it uot—that the South should respect aud support il? With this understanding, the flutter of its folds will awake no rancor among us—the sound of its cheering stir np no hitter blood. Sentimeut is a weak thing for nations* to rely on, hut principle cau weld tighter thau steel. Af fect iouate devotion we have not—look to some other generation lor that —hut trust us for the uttermost farthing of our sworn duty —for respect in peace aud maintenance in war. I‘itUFESSIONAL ( AHUM. Henry Williams, Attorney at Law, OGFICE NO. 113 BAY STKKKT, (Over the Herald Reading Room,) oetU-tf SAVANNAH, Ga. JOHN KING, Banker and broker, columbus, geokuia, buys and Bella Gold and Mirer, Uncurrent Mon ey and Exchange Stock* aud Bond* h< .tight and Bold on commission Collection* at tills aud other points attend* and to, aud proceeds remitted promptly. n!0-3w* Gbo. R Black. Kurd* E. Lebtkb. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, GA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson k Lester, corner of Bay and Barnard streets. octlt-tf THOS CORWIN, WM. H. OWEN, THUS. WILSON, or onto. lath 001. q.M.u. or IOWA. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, fixate Johnston, Corwin & Finnell,) ATTORN EYS • —AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFIGK, 2*3 P STKKKT, niah TKKANUKY BUILD iNO, IN REAR OF WILLARD’S HOTEL \V AJH HINGTON, I) . C . Will practice in the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court of Claims, aud the Courts ot the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment business. Officers Accounts adjusted. an3o 3m “DR. T. J. CHARLTON HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF Medicine and Surgery. Residence and Office corner Whitaker and Perry street*. lm'-nt# JOHN B.GUIEO& SON, STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Augusta, Ga. HAVING a long experience in the Agency of Steamboat Companies for many years, wcwlll give our persnal attention to any consigned to onr care. Augusta, Nov. 6—lm C. S. BUNDY, Genor al Agent AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 247 P Struct, Betwkkn 13th and 14th Strcrtb, (Near Pay Department,j Waahlnstoii,X). O. fo3o tl HOUSE TO LET.” ON Perry atreot second door from Barnard street, earn. Apply at this office. eodlw-nl4 Snuff, Snuff. JUST received, invoice Scotch and Macaboy Snuff, and for sale hy M J. SOLOMONS A CO., nl7-tf .tones' Buildings, Buy street.^ TO GARDENERS. Onion Sets. JUST received, five bids Choice White Onion Seta. Will be sold low, to dose rouNignroeut, by M. J. SOLOMONS rs 00., nl7-tf J »nes* buildings. Hay street. SHIRTING. JUST received, 2 cages Bullish Bleached Shirting. Will bu sold low, to clone consignment, by M. J. SOLOMONS A CO., nl t-ls Jonea'Jßlock, Bay gtrcet._ COTTON CARDS. FIFTY doaen Cotton Cards, W item ore A. No 10, in store and for sale by M. J. SOLOMONS A CO.. n!7 Junes’ buildings, Bay gs, T*ark Mill, L»ark Mill. Grist and Meal. MR. J N MUI.LER respectfully announces to the clttmens of Havsnnah Ihst hi. very large anil ex t. uajve Mill is again In operation He is now prsp.r ed Uj furui-li the heat Uriel and Bolted Meal in the city, ee low as the lowest, ae his Mill is known pi bu the best in the city, and respectfully informs his f> toads *l*l nil In waul of Uriel, Meat and Cracked. (Jura tngive him a call and they will be aaHaded. CVrn t'ronnd »u toll or sn banged for Uii.t, Meat, Ac., with out any delay. Depot for aale of Urlat amt Mrat'dl Ms stuve,Hl. Julian anil Mryau alreeta Market Hqaars. L'orn slid Dale also for aale. Keening a gi*«l aup ply always on baud, >rUera will he filled Immediately mil* J N. mi i.l.Kit NOTICE. RAVANNAR, Nov lath. I«M I luring m» aheauw* Iroiu tk« cftjf nr HUt* Mr U 11. Butler la my duly aulh liked again 1 all C W IMOMBNUN, SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE. JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIPS ARIADNE AND LEO, BY C. ORFF, . AT TBK Southern Palace Dry Goods House A NEW AND ELEGANT LOT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS ORNAMENTS, CLOAK ORNAMENTS, BY THE SET, BUGLE TRIMMINGS, PARIS TRIMMINGS, JET BUTTONS, SILK BALL BUTTONS, VELVET BALL BUTTONS, BUPEKB LYONS VELVET, A LARGE LOT OF ELEGANT CLOAKS, BROCHE POPLINS, ROUBAIX, A FINE LOT OF MELANGES, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, GENT’S SCARFS, MAGNIFICENT STYLES GENTS MAUDS, NEW FRENCH MERINOS, NEW DELAINES, A FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. All just opened, with au immense stock of FANCY AND COLORED SILKS and' other DRESS GOODS. POB, PLANTATION USB— DARK AND LIGHT KERSEYS, GEORGIA PLAINS, GEORGIA JEANS, OSNABURGS AND BROWN. Ilomeapani by the Yard, Piece or Bale. C3- AGENT FOR BRADLEY 3 ELLIPTIC HOOP SKIRT. Southern Dry Goods House 111 & 113 CONGRESS ST., nll-tf Opposite the Pulaakl Houie. DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS. LATHROP & CO., Corner Congress ami Whitaker Streets, WILL open to-day, and are prepared to exhibit their Stock of ilooda, bought cxprcosly for the South ern Trade, consisting in part of— Ladies' Dress Goods and Trimmings Sliawls, Uibbon* and Buttons Cloaks, Sacques, Mantlilus, Ac French Merino and Opera Flannel French and English Cambrics Black Bombasine, Cashmere and Crapes. White Goods. Jaconet and Nainsook Muelln Bishop and Victoria Lawns Plaid Jaconets and Brilliants India Twills and Swiss Muslin. Embroideries. French Wrought Musliu Beta French Wrought Cambric Seta Real Lace Sets Embroidered Handkerchiefs Black Lace Veils H. S. Lawn and Cambric Handkerchiefs. Hosiery AND Gloves Ladies’ English White Cotton Hose Ladies' English Brown Cotton Horn Misses' and Boys' Cotton Hose Kid, Silk, Lisle and Woolen Gloves. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Linen Table Damasks Doyles, Napkins and Towels Liu iu Diaper, Crash and Towels Counterpanes Bleached 10-4 Cotton Sheetings Bod BUukets, Irish Linen, Ac. GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. Black Cloths and Cassitneree Fancy t'assiraeree and VesliUga Satinets, Tweeds, Ac Merino Shirt* Brown English Cotton Half Hose Mixed Merino Half Hose Fancy Ties, Paper Collars, Ac. Wc will make weekly additions to our Stock, and trust In a short time to fully meet the wants of our friend*. LATHROP & CO. octS* jJJ !■ 0 To Merchants, VISITI Nil the < Ha. we would be pleased to show our Htock, which we propoee to sell at fair price*. "CM lui LATH KOI’ A UO. STEELE A BIIKBAiNK, " II M.nksst, How, Hilton Head, ■«, Cos prjjssßKMiar bui Ml I.IT Alt V AND NAVAI. ( MJTIIINU, *' niKNUtiiwtr*UUQIMV WiirMk <*x*e, Fern y Uufia Jauani, and plated Wara.Nw.a.l. -m- i' •■* t&nZSCtttoJlnCa!. FMR Ulaaaau 6*uutia*i Ulov** 6&V At., Aa. | DRY GOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladiea and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry O outlet, Fancy Goods, Ac., &c„ Ac., Remarkably Cheap for Cash, CAN BK FOUND AT * il.- Resoher est? Co**., 13 BARNARD SfltlUtT, cur. eoHunipa lane. Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign snd Domestic Qaods, Ciftaks, Shawls, Ac. N. B—By strict attention to business, courteous and honorable dealing with our customers, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patrouage. A Urge line ot White Goods anil Linens now open. octia EBSTEIN & ECKMAN No. 151 Congress St. SaiaoiaO 6a. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. • HAVING Just received and opened a very large and select stock of Fancy Dress Good*, House keeping and Domestic Goods, Blankets, Cloak* and Shawls, Also Hats, Hoots and Shoe*. And all articles usually found in a first c as* Dry Goods House, we would most respectfully invite our former friends and customers; also Merchants end Planters visiting the city, to call and examine oar stock before parchaslng elsewhere. B 1 NOTHIN & ECKMAN, novfi-lf HI Congress Street, Savannah, Ga. Blankets i Flannels. CLOTHS AND CABBIMEKSB BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MEBINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap.hy “ H. HAYM, octSS 174 Broughton street. H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Htrcot. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the neweet styles, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODB, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Just received and for sale at the lowest prices by octtß H. HAYM. NEW GOODS M EW Style Black Cloth Cloaks IN Water Proof Cloaks M and 1* 4 Fancy Wool Hlmwl* *4 and I*4 suck Thibet Shawls Rich Mohair and Poplins Black and Colored Mynaa (Both *4 and U-4 TabU Damask 10 4, 11-4 and 1« 4 blanket* Heavy Grsv BlaukHa LadtiM' and Gents’ Msriuo Vset> |Umh Mafia 4 / • Huai ary, Ac, jtmT HSOHiriD AMD FOR HALE CHEAP BY DmWIT* M MOUG4N. IMfVIM* PRICE, 5 CENTS — **. . - ItVSintAKCB. Fire Insurance THR Pliffinix Insurance Comp y, . OF HARTFORD, CONN. 9* pital ** Dsoo.Ooo A “ s ‘* t 8 01.000,000 Firs risks taken in the above Company on Bn tidings and Merchandize of every description at (air rates. OOTS4m H. BRIGHAM, Agent. NEW YORK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INBURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus 01,600,000 PHG3NIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus 01,500 000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus ......01,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CX> Capital and Surplus 0900,000 NfSii'olJwi‘r tbe *S° TU highlyresponsible Com panies on buildings snd merchandise of all deecrip fbdls! Apply to?*** 1 raK * with the “*- 3m No. 1* Stoddard’s Range, Bay'strset. Hollable JE* ontAxo x~ xi Inauranoe. THK National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. kwF **i -a CA PITA L, $5(10,000 ,Jo£yjm? 1 *?* 4 !*** le * Te 10ln *“ nn «>• Insuring he 2>djj bee" legally appointed Ageut for the nbove naujid Company, and la ready to taks Ma rlne, Kiver nod Fire luaki at customary rates. Office over Hunter A UammelM4 Bay^fcoet. »' n “tr° cUTU ® Coh ““> Hunter A Gammell, Krwin A Hardee. . Om oct'iS KIN A NC I AI.. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For salary sopH BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In snms to suit purchasers, by _ K. F* MET CAI FB J CO. LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND HORTICULTURE 'T'HK undondgned are prepared to make every kind A t“ f •■an'Drape Gardening ■ to put In order Artl- H ,°rks and everything pertaining to Or- Garden*, and to do all kinds of Trimming, Orders may bd left at the Herald office. . . W. A. O. ELMAR A Cos., novll-lm Landscape Gardeners. TOITSALIT 18 Eirkins CHOICEBUTTER CHAS. L. COLBT * 00., ill 4-1 w Corner Ahorcorn and Bay street*. MAPES’ NITROGENIZED IPGR-P«mn OF UNB, Per Wheat and other Grata Cropa, Cat tom, Corn, Tobacco, Grass, Vege tables, Crops, Aa. Composed of Calcined Bone*, Sulphuric Add Dried Blood, Soda, Potash, Sulphate Ammonia, bud other Ammonia-producing materials, Does not exhaust the Und like Peruvian Guano and other stimulating manarea, but phrmanentlv tm- R roves It. The effects of one oppHcation are visible ir more than ten yean. To ordinary soils a vearlv application of *OO lW per acre will maintain its fer tility for any length of tune. w ,el Jt Is packed In barrels of about about ISO lbs each Pamphlets containing certificates from those who have used this fertUUer, and tali directtoLs tor IU mi lSlSS3ssfisr“ CrOP *’ “ nt> * WbT "IdrendS’g Price reduced to *OO per ton, (2,000 Ibaj I-or sale by Crockery, China, - . * Glassware. »raCftgysSagg» all P* rteof the country Wholesale Stock, which includes packages containing complete assort ments, pat up expressly for “ Country Trsde," Goods re- pecked to suit purchasers. Queensware House, w* Broughton Bt., lid door from Ball St. o« 10 ts E. D. SMYTH. 3600 TONS or— ENGLISH RAILS, Os bast lineal yard. laU to Bn TO boedwty. NL^Y. R. MOLINA, Corner Mull und Cuugroaa Btraata, ■ aider ■araran Ilona., IMPORTER *B4 Wtoiaaau Dntm to Havana A. * far* Uaf and haudrtagTolMKro, Aim, ,p of V.rgtslaCnawlag and Bmel'ito Tnto<„ Mer. whMiu, Brier Root, *U kSToT Fwk* *>»• sauM-kdi