Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 20, 1865, Image 2

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the Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON & CO. MANI'KL W. M AHON Kdllor, W. T. THOMFMIN Mllor, >A\ ANN AM, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 18«. Mtain Comma.ic.lli>. with Karopr, The Coarleston Courier noticing the arri val at New Orleans of the pioneer vessel of anew line of propellers between that city and L\ver)>ool, urges the establishment of a line of steamers between Charleston and England. The editor thinks that steamers arriving at that jiort direct from Liverpool would be of vast benefit in the way of revi ving trade and rebuilding the city. That such would be the effect, no one can doubt. It is equally certain that Savannah would re ceive similar benefit from the successful prosecution of a similar enterprise. It may be deemed premature to agitate the estab lishment of steam communication between this port and Europe. There is, at present, very little capital here available for that pur pose, and until oui merchants have recover ed from the prostration incident to the war, it can hardly be expected that they will be disposed to embark in an enterprise involv ing so large an expenditure of money. This is all very true.aud if we looked to local capi tal alone,to accomplish an object so desirable, would be discouraged from the attempt at we this time. But the experience of the past has proven to us that the enterprise and cap ital necessary for the establishment of Euro pean steam lines must come from some other quarter. Previous to the war the subject was frequently agitated, but without success The capital and enterprise was not here.— To secure the consummation of such an en terprise aid must come from abroad —from European or Northern capitalists. We must demonstrate to the merchants of Liverpool that the scheme of direct intercourse by steam with our port is not only practicable but would be profitable and advantageous in many respects, and we shall soon have all the aid required. Savannah, with her fine harbor and extensive lines of railroads pen etrating the interior in every direction, is a more eligible point for such an enterprise than Charleston. It is not probable that more than one line of European Bteamers from South Atlantic ports, would be attemp ed, or if attempted, sustained, for some years to come, at least. A lifcie from Charles ton would, therefore, discourage the estab lishment of a line from Savannah, and vice versa; so that the first in the field will se cure the prize. In this view of the subject, it is important that steps should be taken at an early day to bring the matter properly to the attention of Liverpool shippers and cap italists. Will not our meichants move in the matter, and through their personal acquaint ance and correspondence . point out the ad vantages which would result from the estab lishment of steam communication with our port. Gov. Wise and his Property. A Wash ington dispatch says Judge Underwood ha 9 condemned Gov. Wise's personal property for confiscation. His real estate was found to be so heavily incumbered as not to be worth the formality. Anderson viLLE.r-James Duncan andCapt. Richard B. Winder, now confined in the Old Capitol Prison charged with cruel treatment toward prisoners at Anderson Ville, will soon bubroagblW tiial, aud H is uilikislood rs court is beiog organized for that purpose. No Mork Confederate Leaders to be Pardoned. —A Washington special dispatch dated 14th inst. states that the President told an ex-Coufederate General on the day before that it is not his present intention to patdon any more civil or military leaders of the re* hellion. METHODIST ANNUAL CONFERENCE. The Methodist Annual Conference of the State of Georgia, met in the City Hall in Ma con on Wednesday, 15th inst, Bishop Pierce in the Chair. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. Lovic Pierce, I). D. Rev. J. B. Smith was appointed Secretary, aud G. N. MacDounell. Assist. Secretary. On the call of the roll seventy-two members answer ed to their names. The following committees were appointed On Public Worship, —Presiding Elder and Pastors. On Memoirs. —A. N. Wynn, William A. Simmrns. On Periodicals. —Wm. J. Parks, J. E. Evans, W. U. Creenley, W. Knox, L. It. (Redding. On Bishop's Claim. —Jno. P. Duncan. L. L.Led belter. On Bible Cause. —G. J. Pearse, E. H. My ers, W. H. Potter. On State of the Church. — E. H. Myers, J. Parks, Joseph S. Key, Jno. W. Glenn, J. E. Evans. Rev H. Myers, D. D., offered, the follow ing, which was agreed to : Resolved, That tnis Conference request the Missionary Board rto take specially under consideration the present religious condition of the colored people within the bounds of the Coulereuce, and, if possible, devise some plan by their religious wants may be provided for, and that the Board, report di rectly to this Conference on the subject. The Conference then adjourned till Thurs day morning, 9 o’clock. The Macon Telegraph speaking of the Conference says the attendance is small, there not being halt the members of the Geor gia Conference present. Delays by railroad and highway transportation have prevented many from arriving. The body presents a fine and intelligent appearance, though many of the gentlemen evince the rough usage they have undergone during the past hard year. Thk Ci lkk ok thk Hocst 0 * Repbeskn tattves. The Washington Republican of the 13th says: We' have recently had the pleasure of meeting the Hon. Edward McPherson, Clerk of the House of Representatives, and con versing with him on the subject of the rights of persons claiming seats in tue House ol re presentatives from the rebellious States. He does not hesitate for one momeut to assert that the path of his duty is clear; that he not ouly has not the right nor the desire to enroll persons claiming seats from the late rebellious States, but that a law of Congress exists positively prohibiting him from enter ing such names. Mr. McPherson assisted in making the law referred to, and thinks that n is as just in its application to hirn in his re lations with tue uext House as it was to Mr. Emerson Etheridge uud his action in the last Ho ago. Vl We have tbd ussurunco from Mr. Mol tenon liinuM'lf, ttierefon*, thnt lie will not enter upon the roll of the House, and call the names of, the representatives of the late rebellious Slates, hut will leave them to prt Mint their Cioduutluls to the House of Ru presenialives, Uie proper tribunal to receive mid puss upon matters of spelt grave itn potiitncf, especially m a areal crisis like the pi (Man l. IP ¥ ■■ AMTATION IS COMMERCIAL C 111 - CLSI< Mueh uncasim-M has hecn manifested lately in commercial circles in bia country, Caused by tbc publication of tbe correspondence lietween Mr. Seward and Lord Russell, touching tbe spoliations committed on Anicr ican commerce by tbe Alabama and other Confederate vessels during the progress of the late war. Commercial men and capital ists throughout the country are exhibiting, in a variety of ways, the most intense oppo sition to a war with Great Britain, or with any other power, Jat present, and object even to the diplomatic discussion of ques tions calculated to produce unlriendly feel ing between this country and foreigu pow ers. Late northern exchanges allude to a petition addressed to the Secretary of State, requesling our government to accept the precedents established by Great Britain in relation to belligerent rights and the duties ■of neutrals, and to waive our claims for in demnity, which is now in circulation in New York and Philadelphia for signatures, and will doubtless go the rounds of all our sea ports. The petition sets forth with force and clearness the advantages to ourselves aud the justice to Great Britain, when the latter nia}’ be at war aud we at peace, as lar more valuable to us than any sum of money we may expect to receive in compensation for the depredations upon American com merce They say, where Englaud built one Alabama or blockade-innncr, the American people can build a hundred, provided her prece dents are allowed to remain ; that while she lias by destruction and alarm driven about one-tenth of the commerce of the United States from the oceaD, we can, at the next opportunity, following in her footsteps, ut terly drive the British mercliant-llag from the ocean, except when convoyed by a steam frigate. The petitioners go on to say “that the Bri tons have made the most of their opportu nity.; their machine shops aud ship yards have enjoyed a prosperity never before equalled. Their ship owners and merchants have fattened upon our distresses- They can well afford to pay out of their profit the petty losses mhlcli are claimed and still have millions of wealth wruug from us re maining. Our Harvest will scon come, but we shall belter their instruction an hundred fold, un til not a vestage of British merchant naviga tion will remain upon the ocean in rivalry with ours. We pray you, therefore, to retain the ves tige she has given us making no further de mands iu compensation for our claims, but rather to use your iuflueuce with our gov ernment to obtain payment from them for the losses thus iucurred by our citizens, and to retain in lull force tbe precedent set by Great Britain as infinitely more valuable tliau those claims.” But the petitioners would do well to bear in mind that while Great Britain retains tier present power on the ocean she will make and unmake precedents to suit lierseif. To sustain (lie views of the petitioners the United States must he strong enough upon the oceau to maintain auy position they may assvme. Great Britain cares nothiug for precedents, except they are in her favor, aud her statesmen will laugh to scorn such threats to fit out privateersmen to prey upon her commerce, if she has the power to crush them. Her naval officers would hang our privateers iu defiance of all precedents. She recognizes nothing but power— her great national, force. THE CONDITION OP POLAND. The Russian Purpose to Denationalize It—Cruelties litflieted on the People. The news which arrives from the Polish Provinces are of the usual melancholy char acter. The Russian Government does not make any attempt to ponceal its efforts to denationalize Poland, aud the highest offi cials openly declare to the Poles that they must either leave Polish soil, or purchase the privilege of staying by renouncing their country. The departures of exiles for Siberia are still Irequent; Catholic churches are be ing destroyed all over the country, and bribes are offered to the poorer classes to go over to the Russian religion. A fine of about j£2 is Imposed by the authorities for the baptism of a Roman Catholic child, while if the parents allow it to be christen ed by a Pope, the fine is not only ye remitted, Imt a present exceeding it in value is handed ever to the parents. Fines , are also imposed tor speaking Polish, or having a Polish book in ones possession. General Bczak, tire Governor of Kijow, said, on as suming his functions, that "a Pole who ie mains under his rule for three years will Uave reason to congratulate himself on his perseverance,” and he eertaiuly has done bis best to make the life of a Pole in his prov ince intolerable. One of his first acts was the summary dismissal of a large number of Polish officials, who were throwu upon the w«r!d without any means of living, at a moment’s notice. The same measure was carried out shortly after in many parts of Russia, with the full consent of tlie Emperor who has been pursuaded that extermination is the only remedy for the revolutionary designs of the Poles. The number of persons sent to Siberia, the mines, or the interior o; Russia, during the past two years, is calculated at 300,000. many of whom have since died in exile. Iu Rus sia they have met with enemies on every side ; the officials and the press accused them of the most horrible crimes, and the people were only too ready to believe the charge, and treat them accordingly. Even the Emperor himself, when at Novgorod, openly accused to Poles of incendiarism, and the accusation coming from such a quarter was a course received with implicit credit by t'je population. Tnere are few losses which the Poles have felt so much as the destruction or removal to St. Petersburg of their historical monuments. Each invasion of the Russian troops was marked by a systematic mutilation of na tional memorials and the removal of valuable libraries and archives from the country. Os these the most importaut was the Zalnski Library, which consisted of 300,000 volumes and a magnificent collection of manuscripts, and which now forms the richest portion of the Imperial Library at St. Petersburg. It was taken to Russia by the Cossacks, who roughly (lacked the books in wooden cases, and cut the tolios in order to make them fit. A large number of the books and manuscripts wete stolen while on their way to St. Peters burg. and afterwards sold in Poland, where they may yet be seen with the library stamp on them. The archaeological museum at M’ilim has now also been rifled by the au thorities of Us most valuable treasure*. Several noble families of Poland have be come converts from Roman Catholicism to the established Church of Greece, while many other Poles have lately embraced Mo bonimedanlsm, and entered the Turkish army in the cavalry brigade commanded bv ..ailyk I ash a, a Polish officer, whose real name is Michael C’zajkowski, anil who, to gether with id* wilp, occupies a high uncial position in Constantinople. A New York paper says: Oar cellar po pulation numbers 90,000; the people who occupy tenement house* count up uot far from fioo,Mu, A great majority ofth,. format are corrupt in moral*, finite In person and careless In habit; ol the latter at least 200 - (nsi are dirtier than pigs aud less doourotis thau ordinarily trained monkey*, j " NEW AfTfKlTll.lCAfltNtr ST. ANDREW'S HALL. TUO IIOIRjT li\~FtHl\D. Wednesday, Thursday & FridafEy’nings November 43d, and 'l4th, W 65, First appearance In Savannah, since their return from a four years' tour of Great Britain, of the di*- aud world-renowned aiiists, Mr. and Mrs. HARRY WATKINS, Also, first appearance of the accomplished Young English Pianist, MISS CARLOTTA SHAW, From the Nobilities Concerts, London; pronounced the i est of iiviug Lady Pianists. This grand combination of Musical and Dramatic talent appear highly popul ir. HOVEL, COMICAL A MUSICAL INTERTAIHMEHT. Two Hours in Fun-Land, Lately presented in New York. Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Augusta with a auccess on paralleled iu the World of Amusement. Attracting large aud brilliant assemblages of the elite oi M>ciety, who testified their appreciation of the Wonderful Rendition of Eccentric Char acters, Exhibited by the above artiste, in outbursts of hearty laughter and applause. ‘•1 un-land" is replete with brilliant Muse*, Sarc-wra, Wit and Song, portraying, with singular fidelity. Life’s Comic Features, Hits at the Times, Rules on the Ko mantic, Dashes at the Dilletanti, etc. Tickets, sl. For sale at the Music Store of J. C. Sehreiuei, and at the Hotels. n2O NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY r OF NOVEMBER, 1865. ALL persona who shipped Goods by the Steamer Sa vannah, on the above named day, are requested to call immediately at tile store of F. M. Myrell, Esq , Harris’ Building*. Bay street, and identify such goods as have been saved from the wreck of the steamer. J. W. WOLCOTT, n2O Agent. ROCKLAND LIME. IQ CASKS, best quality, now landing, aud ;for sale PATERSON & TUCKER, Opposite Mariner’s Church, n‘2t:-3 Way street. JOHN A. STALEY, Juistice of the Peace, NOTARY PUBLIC., &c. ANNOUNCES to his old friends and the Citiaens of Savannah that he has returned to the city, and nbc found, for the present, at the Court House, at je Fleming's old office. MWS3-n2O APPLES. CORN AND OATS. BBLS Choice Apples 200 Q bushels Maryland White Corn 10: o bushels Maryland Oats. In store and for sab- by CRANE, JOHNSON & GRAYBILL. n2O C If you fint A Nice Business Suit CALL AT lIEIDT & LUDLOW, Gibbon’s Range. nov2o-10 CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. rpHK subscriber having formed a Co-partnership 1 with Mr. J. C. Ludlow, under tbe firm name of Heidt St Ludlow, respectfully calls the attention or Iris friends aud the public generally to their large stock «it Clothing, Furnishing Hoods, Boots, Shoes and Hlats, which they are now opening, aud will sell at. Wholesale aud Retail, at II St. J alien and 152 l on gras struets. Gibbon's Range. ooto-3m E- HEIDT. NOTICE. H eidt & Ludlow, RAVE MOVED TO Gi Il>l>o n’ » Raii B e • Hos. 15* emigres* and 71 81. Jeltan Streets. n2O-10 ' - MEXICO! MEXICO!! $30,0 00,0 00 LOANII • V . OF TRE » REPUBLIC OF MEXICO ! Tvrentv-vear Coupon Bonds in Sums of #SO» y #IOO, #SOO and #I,OOO. INTEREST SEVEN PER CENT., PAY ABLEIN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Principal and Interest Payable in Gold. $10,000,000 to lie Sold at Sixty Cents on ttie Dollar, In l). S Currency, thus yielding an Interest of TWELVE PER CENT. IN GOLD, or SEVENTEEN PERCENT. IN CURRENCY, at the present rate of premium on gold. THE FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALRF.ADY PRO VIDED. The Most Desirable Investment ever Offered. IMMENSE TRACTS OF MINING AND AGRI CULTURAL LANDS: SIXTY PERCENT, of PORT DUES. IMPORTS, and TAXES, In th* States or TAM AUWPAM siul SAN LUIS POTOS1; and the PLIGHT El) FAITH ol Ihe sshl States slid Ibe GENERAL GOVERNMENT are ALL PLEDGED for the redemp tion ol these Hoods uud paymeutofiutereet. Th« Security is Ample. S3O In U. S. Curr’y will buy a T per cl. Gold Boud of *6O - •• “ SIOO *3OO •• •• V •• “ S6OO SOOO '«• " * •• uooo ■at avssv iow* or tsrosLiota uiwmrinM out at l-SAST One Lionel. *, I'lrculsi*forward's! slid sober rtpl tons received by JOHN W OOUI.IEH * CO , 40(1 j. gl. Ttrrr, “ • Financial Jtgenr of Uw RsmiWir oi M.xtoo.^ | aalnuirmlloss situ received hr ii*o*s sad Haak on K*a«t»r ikruagk»ul Uw inli-dbi <»»*. nki.i* w c * .■eg——w- ii w ■ Nieto advertisement*. CHRISTMAS NUMBER ~ • op Godey’s Lady’s Book, 18(>5. FOUR CHRISTMAS STORIES. A VERY SUPERIOR NUMBER EXTRA EM BELLISHMENTS, AND EXTRA Everything. “Tlie Christmas Tree," a line engraving. Title-page, consisting of five tableaux, equal to five pictures. Double Extension Fasliiou-plate, colored, contains five figures. A Winter Scene, a specimen of the art of printing in tints. Out in the Cold, a most seasonable engraving. A Kobe Dress; Tbe Mozart Warp; The Polonaise Paletot; The Richelieu .sack; The Raphael Paletot ; The Pauline Jacket, front and back view; Crochet Paletot, front aud back view, Ten Embroidery patterns ; Infant’s Crochet Bib, with sleeves; Cloak Trimmings, the newest designs; A Skate Bag, two illustrations of it; Luderwleeveb Iu Crochet; Ornamental Corks for Bottles; Gentleman’s Shirt Front; Bonnets, Headdress. Sloeves, Borders in Turkish Embroidery, aud various others which we have not space to enumerate. Mai ion liarlaiid. Miss Mary W. Jaiivrin, Miss 8. Annie Frost, and other?, contribute to this number. “Rizpah’s Ldols.” This is the title of the new novel by Marion Garland, which will ta commenced in the January number. Alone, this is worth the whole year’s subscription Miss Leslie’s story of Mrs Washington Potts will also be published iu this number. Christmas Roooipts. See oor receipt department for everything that can be wuiited for the festive gatherings of the season, and our "Arm Chair’’ will furnish amusement lor the winter evenings. Wc have no hesitation in asserting that this number of the Lady's Book cannot be equalled iu Euiope or America. TERMS OF Godey’s Lady’s Boot for 1866: (From which there is no deviation.) The following are the terms of the Lady's Book for 1866. One copy, one year $3 00 Two copies, one year 5 50 Three copies, one year 7 60 Four copies, one year 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the clab, making six copies...l4 00 Eight copies, one year, and an extra copy to the person getting up the club, making nine copics.2l 00 Eleven copies, oue year, and an extra copy to the persou getting up the club, making twelve copies 2T 50 taruodey’s Lady’s Book and Arthur's Home Maga zine will l>e sent, each oue year, on receipt of $4 6U. Address L. A. GO DRY, N. E. Corner Sixth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, or J C SCHREINER & SONS, Opposite Pulaski House, u‘2o-1 Savannah, Ga. Sale of Government Steam ers. Chief Quabtekmasteb’s Office Deft. 9. C. l Hilton Ueau, 9. C., November 13,1884. } Will be sold’at public Auction, at this place, on MONDAY, December 11,1865, under the direction of Captain \V. F-. Morlord, A. q. M., the following Gov ernment vessels, viz : NELLY BAKER, side wheel steamer ; 293 tons ; wooden hull ; length on deck 153 foot ; beam 25 feet 8 inches; over all 45 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 0 inches ; draft 5 feet iu inches ; lias one beam en gine ; diameter of cylinder 32 inches ; stroke of pis turn 10 feet; has one single return due boiler. lias saloon accommodations, lull promenade decks, and Is well found in chains, anchors, Ac. NEPTUNE, side wheel steamer; 382 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 141 feet; beam 28 feet ft inches ; Over all 45 feet 2 inches ; depth of hold 10 feet 10 inches ; dealt 7 feet; has one bourn engine; diameter of winder 42 inches ; stroke of piston S feet; has oue single return due boiler. '('his steamer lias lull promenade deck, fore and aft, and is a good freight or eatttle carrier. ONEOTA, double-end side-wheei ferry boat; wooden bull; 345 tons ; length on duck 147 feet ; beam 25 feet; over all Bft feet 6 inches ; depth of hold 11 feet; draft 7 feet ; has one beam engine ; di ameter ofeylander 38 inches ; stroke of piston 9 feet; has one double return due boiler. Tills steamer has recently been repaired, and is in excellent order and well round in anchors, chains, Ac, CROTON, side-wheel steamer ; 361 tons; wooden hull; length on deck I*7 feet; beam 28 feet; over all 43feet 9 inches.: deptnof hold 8 feet; draftO feet; lias one square engine ; diameter of cylinder 37 in ches; stroke of piston 10 feet; lias one double return flue )toiler. This steamer lias been thoroughly repaired, has saloon and state room accommodations, is well supplied with anchors, chains, iCc., and Is very fast. GOLDEN GATE, side wheel steamer ; 195 tons : wooden hull; lengtli on deck 148 feet; beam 21 leet; over all 35 feet lo inches ; depth of hold 6 l'ect 4 In dies; draft 5 feet 5 inces ;has one beam engine ; diameter of cylinder 34 inches ; stroke ol piston 8 feet; has one horizontal tublar boiler. This steauieris ia line order; lias saloon accommo dations. and is well found iu anchors, chains, <iv. NANTASKET, side wheel steamers; 299 tons ; wooden hull; lengtli on deck 156 l'eet; beam 25 feet 3 inches ; over all 42 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 3 in dies; draft 5 feet 6 Inches; lias one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke of pistqn 8 feet; lias one single return fine boiler, and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. MACON, propeller, with two screws, 322 tons; wooden lull!; length on deck 158 feet; beam 25 feet; depth of hold 8 feet S inches; draft 7 feet; lias two direct horizontal engines (condensing;) diameter of cylinder 24 inches; stroke of piston 26 inches; lias two single return Hue boilers. RELIEF, screw tug; 63 tons ; wooden hull; lengtli on deck 07 feet; beam 17 feet; ileptli of bold 7 feet; draft 5 feet 10 Inches; lias one high-piessure engine; diameter of cylinder 20 inches ; stroke ol piston 20 Inches ; has oue single return tine boiler, and is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. . RESCUE, screw tug; 203 tons; wooden hull; lengtli on deck 108 feel; beam 20 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 12 feet; draft 11 feet 4 inches; has two low pressure engines; diameterof cylinder 26 inches; has one single retupi line boiler. This vessel is a powerlul tug; is in good condition, and well found in anchors, chains, Ac. GENERAL HUNTER, side-wheel steamer of 400 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 193 feet 6 inches; beam 2S feet 6 Inches; over all 50 feet 8 inches; depth ot hold 9 feet 4 niches; draft forward 5 feet, aft 6 feet 6 Inches; lias one beam engine; diameterof cylinder 40 inches; stroke of piston 10 leet. This steamer was Guilt in New York, and com pleted in 1883; is u vessel of beautiful model aud high rate of speed,with hull, engine and holler as goodjas new. Terms, cash in government funds. C. W. THOMAS, n2O-td Bvt. Lt. Col. and Chief (j. M. DO YOU WANT HEAVY CROPS ? IF you do ; manure your lands thoroughly, and you will be compensated. We offer for sale on the mos( advantageous terms. The best FERTILIZER that has ever been Introduced into our country. It is pecularly suited to our climate and production, and an investment ii it will be the best paying of any that can Ire made. For sale in any quantities rrom a single barrel to one thousand tons. F. W. SIMS A Cos. no\l7-lw Over Erwin A Hardee’s. Liverpool Salt, FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT (PURCHASERS, Apply to Fordyce, Anderson A Janney, ull 13 Stoddard's Run go, up statra. To the Electors of Chatham County. Gknti.embn : Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my name to bs used for the office of Sheriff' of Chatham county, I have the honor to announce myself as a candidate for that position, and respect - lully solicit your suffrage. nIT-tf CHARLES J. WHITE.I. BATOHSLOR’S HAUL STB ! Tbo Original and Best in the World I The ouly tine and phrfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produce* immediate.y a splendid Blank or natural brown, without Injuring the hair or akin. Remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Dreg gists. The genuine is elgnod William A. Balehalor. Alan, • REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MII.LBFI.BUKR. For RueUirtng aud lleauUfying the Ualr unU-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, Maw Yoa*. lONTAIIMNIUOl) IM)b. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Hoapn, <fec., Bio. 211 Wiwliliigtoii-St., M»W NEW JfOKK tm AMI KfcMMNTS. S h v n ii ii u Ii Tlieulr e % . MONDAY EVENING. NOV. *». Re-engagement for Six Nights moreof Mr. an<l Mra. W. H. Crisp. Tb. romantic Drama of THE BKICtAND. Massaronia, the Brigand Mr. W. H. Crisp Marie Ossie, his wile Mrs. W. H. Crisp During the drama hhtstlake's Wwld-famed Pictures, BRIGAND CHIEF’ REPOSING. BRIGAND’S WIFE WATCHING A BATTLE BRIGANDS IN AMBUSH, THE DYING BRIGAND. The Comedy of Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady Rny Gomez Mr. W. H. Crisp Duchess Mrs. W. H. Crtep Tuesday—EAST LYNNE. THE N. Y. NEWS. Miss Cabbie 0. Lester, a daughter of Mississippi is authorized to visit the South, soliciting subscriptions for the New York News. She kindly asks the patronage of all our citizens. Please send your names or call at the Pulaski House from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., when Mi9s Letter will he most hap py to receieve you. nov,lß-tf- Mr. Editor ; Please announce the under uamed gentlemen as Candidates for tbe offices of Mayor and Aldermen at the next Municipal election. Wc have not consulted them, but presume they will serve if elected. They are not office seekers, and probably have no frieuds to reward or enemies to punish. CITIZENS. FOR MAY OR. MILTON J. BUCKNER. FOR ALDERMEN. MONTGOMERY CUMMING. JOHN McMAHON. JOHN LAMA. JOHN WILLIAMSON. WILLIAM REMSHART. A. P. WETTER. A. N MILLER. E. E HERTZ. JOHN FOLEY. JOHN 0. FERRILL. JACOB WALDBURG. ,WM. H. TiSON. S-nov4 WANTED, A STORE, on Bay street, or portion of a large store divided off, wilh au office overhead. Address “Merchant,” Herald office. n!8-tf Administratrix notice.—ah persons having claims against the estate of Charles A. L. Lamar, late deceased, will present the same, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to said estate will make immediate payment to CAROLINE A. LAMAR, nlB lttwti.v Administratrix. Co-partnership Notice. undersigned have this day associated them * selves togetheHor Ihe purpose of transacting the Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Business, at the old stand of Thos. McKenna, 142 Broughton street. JOHN KENNY, Forraorly with Gray A Turley. novlS-8 I’. H. O’BRIEN. TIIE Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Georgia, 116 BROM.IITOY STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for sale at New York prices. Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done. p *l flne custom made CLOTHING. PDONELAN. Merchant Tailor, has just received a • large invoice of New and Elegant Styles of FRENCH CLOTHS and OASSIMERES, selected with care in the New York Market, in accordance with the lalesr fashions of the day. Young gentlemen desiring a Nobby Suit, made up from Stylish Goods, cannot be bettor suited in Savannah. My. Donelan has facility for getting np Garments in the best, style, uneqaw.d by any other eMtablishment in the city, having secured the bent workmen, and enlarged his store, in order t hat his work may bo done entirely under his own super vision. PETER DONELAN, Merchant Tailor. Bull street, n!3 ’ Next door to the Post Office. NOTICE. ASSESSOR’S OFFICE U. S. INT. REVENUE, i Ist District of Georgia, i)3 Bay street, l Savannah, Nov. 17th, 1865. 1 TDI attention of all persons interested is directed to A "An Act to Provide Internal Revenue," Ac. Section 71. And be it further enacted, That no per son, firm, company or corporation snail be engaged in, prosecute, orjeany on any trade, business, or profes sion," Ac, "until he or they shall have obtained a licence therefor." Ac. The subscriber is now prepared to receive applica tions lor Licences, and will continue to do so Tor ten days from date. CHAS. H. HOPKINS, nl7-F3T3 Assessor. A. T. CUNNINGHAM. D. O. PUB6E. B. J. LABOOMUC. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & CO Factors, forwarding and commission MERCHANTS, No. 4 Stoddard’s Lower Stores, Bay stieet, Savannah. Ga. References—Robt Habersham A Sons, Hunter & Gammell, Octavos Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos., Erwin & Hardee, Clagborn A Cunningham. sep4-3m Notice. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHAL, 1 District of Savannah, V Savannah, Ga., Oct. 31st, 1565. ) ritHE notice issued from the office of the Provost A Marshal, Sub-District of ogeeehec, dated Savan nah, Aug. Uth, 1865, ordering all Drinking or Bil liard Saloons, Ac., where liquor are sold to he closed at 10 o’clock, P. M-, is hereby revoked. By command of Bvt. Maj. Gen. 3. M. BRANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE H. KKMICK, Capt. and Provost Marshal. novl RHINEWINES. The Expected Cashs, CONSISTING OF A9IIMAN9HAUSER, BOCKSTEINER, INGERHEIMER, HOCKHEIMER, RUDEBHIMER, Have at last arrived, and will be opened ON MONDAY NEXT, foe SAMPLING. GEORGE OBHENDEN, novts-tf PLANTERS’ HOTEL. CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE THE nndertlgund have formed a Cos. part era-ship under the name aud style o( Scranton, Smith A Cos., for me trensacilon of a Wholesale Grocery snd CouniiMiiou bueliiessln ltd* city, at the head of Hey street, opposite Jeffersou. D. T SCRANTON, Formerly Hcrautou A Johnsloik WM. 11. NMITH, Formerly Itabun A Niulth. J. L LAUGH Ntvaimah, Nos. 14th, IIU. 1m ul6 N < »l i< •« *. (IONNIONICKK ur Jtrn. W W Kilim M. from H«w J York, Mill miMitil u» lito ol tl*elr ftiptuig ||»« tej »I MMteßgi will r*m MU RE-OPENING OF AN O L I> ESTABLISHMENT. THE PUNTERS’ HOTEL RESTAURANT -AND Dining Saloon Comer Barnard and Bryan Streets, WILL BE OPENED On Monday Next, The 20th Instant. The Proprietor takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public that he has spared neither labor nor expense in refitting Ids Dining Saloon, And to make it the most elegant aud tasteful in the Southern States, and is now ready to furuUh MEALS, -A_t all Hoars, AND .A.t tlie Shortest TsT otiee Prepared in the most approved style, by an experi' euced and efficient Cook. Oysters, Fish, Game, AND AI.L Delicacies Os the Season will be kept constantly on hand, and the BAR Supplied with the most choice of WINES AND LIQUORS. RHINE WINES of the most Favorite Brands are cf direct importation. A liberal patronage is respectfully solicited by GEORGE GEMENDEN, novlß-tf PROPRIETOR. CEO. H. ARLEDCE, 72 BAY STREET, GROCER AND SHIP CHANDLER, AND— Coimnissionand PY>rwarriing Mer chant. I WOULD respectfully aolicit a liberal share of pa tronage from my friends and acquaintances, guar anty to entire satisfaction and sell at the lowest market prices. Orders from the counliy will receive immediate and prompt attention. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. novlß ts Notice to Mariners. HILTON HEAD BEACON LIGHTS, S. E. CHANNEL INTO PORT ROYAL, S. C. A RANGE Beacon Light has been substituted for the Fourth Order Lens light, formerly shown at the Front Beacon on Hilton Head Island, lighting the South East Channel into Port Royal. These Beacons will now show with equal orilliaiuy, aud the Back Beacon Light will appear over the Front Light when they are in range. F B. ELLISON, Capt., nIS-fi Light House Inspector. OFFICE OF LIGHTHOUSE INSPECTOR ) Sixth District, Charleston. S. C., ! November 13th, 1866. ) ALL persona connected with the Lighthouse Estab lishment of the United States iu the Sixth District, or having business with the same, are notified that 1 have this day been relieved by Capt. F. B. Ellison, U. S. N., Lighthouse Inspector of the Sixth District. CHAS O. BOUTELLK, Assistant U. S. Coast Survey, Late Lighthouse Inspector Sixth District. Tile attention of Lighthouse Keepers, and nil other* connected with the Sixth Lighthouse District, is called to the above notce, and all reports will be made in futnre to me, at my offica at the Custom House, in this city. FRANCIS B. ELLISON, Lighthouse Inspector Sixth District.' novl 8 Tobacco and Osnabnrgs. r.(| BOXES Tobacco and 10 bales Osnabnrgs, instore and for sale by nlB-3 BOTHWELL A WHITEHEAD. Just Received, On Consignment 20 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. Which I offer on liberal terms. G, 11. Arledifr-, nIS-lw V* Bay street. _ J. GARDNER TAKES the liberty or Informing tbo public generally that he has |net opened, and will always keep on hand u full supply of - Frosh Family Croceries, of all descriptions and of th* best quality, which he offers for sue at reasoushle rales. Corner Junes and Barnard strsapr, at Ehrlich’* old stand nU-lm MOW LANDINff AND FOR SALE. rliyi Bnsee, Vi V»hd raddle* Tobacco, which wo .in are now offering si prion* lower than II can be bought form Northern .in.. MIUJCU, THOMAS * IX), •II ts Mu, «M Bay alreeet. Fo r Liverpool. THE find tlefifi Brliish birk THOMAS WIIITNKY J. 0. Hetty, master, beiug of small caparUy. will lrsv*> qaadMp.Dk AUCTION SALES. UNDERWRITER'S SALE. ~ By York.'Wllllnma, Mein tiro Cos. THIS DAY. at In o'clock, in front .*f store, for a< count of Underwriters and all concerned, 10 hhds IWon Shoulders •16 hhds Bacon bide*. Also, On Jones* wharf, immediately alter the above sale 2 hhds Bacon Shoulders 9 hhds Repacked Bacon 8 hhds Bacon Hides 19 casks Bacon Shoulders 2 casks Hams 38 taxes Cheese 5 hhdsSugar 10 boxes Cheese. After the above sale, will lie sold, at corner of Bay and Barnard streets, • 38 hhds Bacon Sides and Shoulders, Damaged on board of steamer Fannie on her uas«c,e from Baltimore to this port, and sold under inspect,,, of Port Wardens. n/o BY BLUNT & WEYUK. THIS DAY, 20th instant, at 111 o’clock, a m in fmnr of store, will be sold, 10 pieces Gingham 3o pieces Prints 2o pieces blenched Shirting 26 pieces Grey Twilled Flannel 18 dozen Wind Shirts IS dozen Knitted STirts aud Drawers 30 dozen Wool HaJf Hose jo boxes Chewing Tobacco 20 boxes Family Soap 2 boxes latest style Silk Bonnets. Also, 1 fine Draft Horse 2 Sofas 1 M. F. bureau 1 M. F. Centro Table 1 M. F. Stand Several Cooking ami Parlor Stovea Anil a general assortment of Kitchen anil Household Furniture. u3u AT PRIVATE SALE! By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been so many applications for Small Tracts of Laud for location, the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition to meet this demand, has placed in the market, for. a few days, Lots of Vive Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the White Blurt Road, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nlo By Bell. Wylly & Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 45 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city. The improvement* consists of a flisl cl a** cottage dwelling, gothic style, containing six huge looms, wuh marble mautcl piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with idieU ea anil glnssdooig. (Unbuilding* consists of iann house, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage house and -tallies. Purcba er can have Ihe re fusal of corn, fodder, hay, horses, mules, buggies aud wagons. Also, 2430 acres el heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) miles from the city, between the Ogeechee and Omoochee ltoads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the above cleared. Improvements oonsists of two Bmall dwelling houses with stables, cribs, Ac. tf-nlB AT AUCTION. Administrator’s Sale. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. Oil WEDNESDAY. 22d inst., at 11 o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, Lots N09.1,2, 3 and 4, fronting on Jones and Wilson streets, opposite tlie Central Railroad Depot. The im provements consists of stx tenement houses. Sold by order of the Superior Court for the benefit of the heirs of the late JohnS. Montmr.llin, deceased. Tet ins cash, purchasers to pay for titles. 4-nlB VALUABLE PROPERTY AT AUCTION York, Williams, Mrlnlire & Cos. Will sell at auction, in front of Store on FRIDAY, Nov. 24t11, That valuable lot aud improvements known as lot No. 3 Franklin Ward. The improvements are a large brick "Warehouse, now used as a stable. also, Lot No. l and \i of lot No. 2, Warren Ward, situated at the South-Fast corner of Lincoln and bay streets. The above property is on the Buy, and ever a rare chance for improvement. For further particulars, enquire at the Counting Room. AT PRIVATE SALE. York, Willia.niH 9 Melutiro 6l Cos. Hhds Bacon Sides Hhds Bacon Shouldero Bbls Pig Shoulders Bbls Pig Hams Cases Bologna Sausages Cases Beef Tongues Half bbls Mess Beef Half bbls and bbl- C ’ackers, all kiuds Bbls Corn Meal Bbls Homiuy Bbls Vinegar Bbls Whiskey Boxes Pyle’s OK and other Soap Bags Black Pepper 100 M. Segai s, various brands An invoice of assorted Tin Ware Boxes Ground Coffee Sacks Oats, white. 6-nIC Zjist of VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE BY BRYAN. HARTRIDGE & CO GENERAL BROKERS, AC. 1. First class brick dwelling and ont-bnildings fronting south on Forsyth Parks. 2. Fine brick residence and out-buildings from mg west on Chatham Square (just north of Gordon block.) 3. Fine wooden dwelling and out-builings having two full lota fronting north on Orleans Square, being of southwest comer of I’erry and Barnard streets. 4. Unfinished first class brick dwelling fronting north on Chippewa Square, one door west from Bull street on Perry street. 6. Commodious brick resideuce and large out buildings on York street, three doors west from liar Hard—could be used for business purposes. 6. Block of three brick tenements, ttiree stories on basement on Drayton between State street and Broughton street Lane. 7. brick dwelling and stable corner of West Broad amt McDonougli streets, opposite Central Railroad office. 8. Comfortable brick Dwelling with stable and modern conveniences, Gordon block one door west of Whitaker street. 9. Comfortable brick dwelling with all modern con veniences, gas, water, Ac., Gordon block ; possession given immediately. to. Neat brick dwelling two story on basement fronting north on Jones street one door west of Aber- I coru. 11. Comfortable and airy brick dwelling two story on baaement fronting north ouJoues3treet, between Abercorn and Lincoln streets. 42. Very valuable lot with three story brtek ini provements and cellar ou Broughton street near Jci- dwelling on Gordon street fronting north on Monterey Square, two story on basement UNIMPROVED LOTS. 15. Southeast corner Gordon and Whitaker streets '"lit Southwest comer Gordon and Lincoln streets, double. ~ 17. Trust lot east side Monterey Square. 18. Several blocks between Bryan, Fahm and Joachim streets, suitable for manufactories of all kinds and ranges of cottages. 19. Several lots south and southwest of the jail eu d< 20 U 8everal acres on White Bluff Road just beyond jail. COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR BALE. A fine vegetable farm of 150 acres, 75 acres cleared for cultivation, lying between the White Hluff and Middle-ground Ronds, 4k, miles from the city. « ■ composed of tdgli aud low land anil lias great varie ty of soil; lias been richly manured aud Is in every way milted to the culture of vegetables for northern markets ; has fine orchard, aud beds of asparagus and strawberries In excellent order. Newton plantation, (1 miles from Savannah, on Ogeerhee Road, containing 1,34fi acres of land, -too acres rice land under good hank and ditches,*** acres upland dry culture low lands, suitable for raising cotton and provisions; lialnuce 840 acres, well wood ed wtill oak, hickory mill pine, within two miles o Ogecclice Canal or within dra.vlnff distance of toe 550 acres land adapted to the culture of cotton, cane ami rlceT Situated five mile* from the city on the Auffusla Hoad. The place is •»«'"£ th* best in this section. 325 sews cleared, balame well wooded with oak anil pine Urnl*r Coltou plantation, knowu as < tiippewah, c' > tatiithff 700 seres, 7 mill’s from the oily ou ' *rnr u Vlso a iiuiuber of fin* plaiiUMoe* n“' , uull ’'‘ laud 111 Houtltwesierii anil southern, Georgia. Architecture aud Enj[ineeriu£. unui * BJtUYN, Architect* sod Enffb^;’ ••****""■ M. f, MIULW' _ rnfowF: