Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 21, 1865, Image 2
The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON * CO. rr iikl ». 53355. * w . t. TIIUMPMia. **ar'alt tdiiM. _ *AtAKNAH. ll’MUl. KOVEMBLB *1 M. THE hATII'VtL riailiS*. One of the great questions of the day, and about which there is a deep seated anxiety in the minds of the people, is the pending financial problem. The desire seems to he general in all parts of the country that, as toon as circumstances will permit, measures should Ire promptly taken for a return to specie payments. The same desire has been , xpressed by the National Government through its financial Minister. Now that H e war has closed, both Government and people rec ignize more clearly than ever the m cessily for bringing the country back to its normal financial condition. Aside from restoring harmony between the two sections, there is now 1 no question before the country more important than the regulation of the National finances. It is a matter which con cerns, to a greater or less extent, every per son living under the Government, and there fore demands most careful consideration Whatever action is taken trust, of course, come from Congress ; bat it is presumed that body will be governed in some measure by the suggestions of the head ol the 1 reasury Department. Os the qualifications ol the present Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Mc- Culloch, we, of the South know but little—it is gratifying to know, however, that he is an official who has gained for himself at the North an enviable reputation for sagacity and practical knowledge of financial affairs. He is represented by the Northern press as having spent the greater part of his life as a practical financier. That his organization of the National banking system, and his suc cessful administration of the affairs ol the Treasury Department, under circumstances requiring great wisdom and ability, entitle his opinions upon any subject connected with the public fiuances to more than ordi nary consideration. The great desideratum isa return to specie payments. The only question of difference is as to the safest and best method of accom plishing this object. Secretary McCulloch's plan, which was disclosed in his recent speech in Indiana, of gradually retiring the surples currency, and funding it into a low interest bearing government bond, seems to be regarded by the press generally as by far the wisest and most feasible of any that has been proposed. The danger suggested, and to be guarded against, is a too sudden with drawal of the currency, thereby creating a stringency in the general money market, and a ruinous panic among the business commu nity. No man, it occurs to us, should un derstand this better than the Secretary oi the Treasury, and it is therefore fairly presuma ble that the policy which he proposes com mends itself because it embraces this impor-, tant feature. Those who have observed the wild and reckless spirit of speculation, which has characterized the financial operations of the past few mouths, even in the South where the most excessive rates of interest are constant ly ruling, and who know that much of it is owiug to an inordinate expansion of the cur rency,will understand the opposition which certain parties in this city and elsewhere, will make to any plan proposed for the re sumption of specie payments. Persons who have engaged in heavy speculations and con tracted large debts, will lie the natural oppo nents to a speedy return to the object in view. But those who look upon the present con dition of affairs as unnatural, and have wise ly kept aloof from uncertain aud dangerous ventures, transacting business on the cash principle, have nothing to fear from a return to a specie basis. To contract the volume of the currency is to discourage speeuiatiou aud reduce the present exorbitant prices of liv ing, while to let it go on expanding is to in vite wide-spread ruin and extensive bank ruptcy, aud make the chances of a return to specie payments exceedingly remote, if not impossible. Our principal object in penning these re marks is to show that, if the Government should set about this matter, it will be to the iuterest ot all concerned to put their busiuess, forthwith, iu such a shape as to cou form to the new order of things. This is what every prudent business man will do, and by the time the Government is ready to put specie iu circulation again he will be pre pared for it. We feel very confident Con gress will be called upon to take Borne action in the mailer during the approaching session; and it is to be hoped that a conclusion will be reached, aud a plan adopted whereby the fiuances will be brought back to a specie standard and the credit of the country placed upon stable foundations. A Horse Railroad in Charleston.—Be sides ‘‘The Charleston City Railway Compa ny of South Carolina,” a charter for which was granted in 1861 by the Legislature of that Slate, anew horse-railway project has been started in Charleston, which the Daily South Carolina says: We learn that parties have interested themselves in this matter of a City Railroad, secured the funds necessary to complete the wuik in six mouths—to give us twelve miles ot track; to insure the city an income of from $10,(too to $20,000 per annum, and are now striving to obtain a charter fmm the Legislature, which will vest them with all Ute privileges of an incorporated company We understand that these gentlemen con template the construction of a first class railroad, with all the latest improvements— that tiny will run filleen cars, thirteen lor white persons and two lor negroes and are HI every respect prepared to make the insti tution us profitable to the shareholders as il will be to Ihe public. Tue par value of these shares bus been fixed at sloo p| IL . books will be thrown open to the public that all who desire to subscribe may have an oportuuity ot doing so. Ri:«ccb ok two mokk or the Pambbokbs or the Republic.— A dispatch from Wusing ot die loth, says that in a letter to the Navy Department Lt. Whiling states that two men, on a raft, were recently discovered off Cape liatuta*. They wure the only survivors ot tbs fourtetn men of one of tho parties who ‘ ■capcd lrum the steamer liepulilic, former ly Ihe Tninessee. They had been eight «niy» without toisl ami water. Home the party were washed off, having no slrwngth to hold on, mid others becoming crasyJump ed luto the sea Mi Chaurtoey M in pi w, present Hei r«i. la*y of M ate ol New Vmh, has hern ap pointed •ly Ihcsldi nt Jiilhisoii Minister to ■lapse hull. Il< autegard has loimally tabso ffharga as Mu|arUiUmt<nt <4 Ihe dachsug rail Tn» Kt.vcrto*.—Utiumi from Ogletii'*rp< •Hitfaly gi*» J< ■kin* mUering. I M*M».a. *a, Milled*' Is. Aad it.wt M, for lltprew nuaii'V; Gu..|«U.o .I*7, acalk-ring ■C. f..r Sriiat. ; M'-WUiater Jil, Davenport 31.'., Mattox 302, for House. Iu Walton county, J. M. bhepard end J I H. If b« ris. ii have been elected to the House of lt<-preseiitalives. In Fulton county the vote for Congress man was: Wofford 317, Hainhletou 2M* for Senator, Johnaou 4IH, Collier I*s: far Repre sentatives, Hill 30*, Maddox 292, Markham 168,Butt 134,Gillespie If* Leyden 1 19. Wilson 9*, GaskiH 97, Price 61. Wofford s majori ty over Ilarableton waa 101. Johnson's ma j irity is large. Collier was not a candidate. Hill and Maddox are elected to the Hou-e. Iu Greene county te vole was : Jenkins 47.".; Milledge 237, Matthews 175, Andrews 17; fur the Senate, Bristow 205, Brown 154, Flyut 7, for the House, McWhorter 291. Swan 249, Dawsou 150, Seals 160, Parten 5. M'liinr*, Nov. 10.—Cobb county, Jen kins 409; foi Congress, Wofford 339, Hatn filcton 25, Cole 94; for Senate, Johnson 371. M icon, Nov. 10. — Greshaw for Senate has a heavy majority. Cabiness for Congress, also good majority. No opposition for the House. Point* I>« t illed tty the Supreme Court of Groruin, nt it* Mllletli(eville November Term, 1805. Samcki. Meredith. 'I Plaiutiff iu Error, | Possessory vs. i Warrant, Knott & Hollingsworth. j from Delta in Error. Baldwin. A bailee, repudiating his trust and setting up adverse titles, may be proceeded against by possessory warrant, at the instance of the bailor, after demand and refusal. Judgment affirmed. P. &R. A. Fleming, "j Plaintiffs in Error, j Q age William B. Dorn,I I i Deft in Error. J RlCbmond - In an action against copartners, one of the defendants may be made a competent wit ness for the other, by bond of indemnity, re lease aud deposit of money in court to cover the recovery in the case. Judgment reversed. From Tennessee.—Proceeding* of tli«; Li'g islature —Sevt-re on the Hebei Leaders. Nashville, Nov. 14, 18C5. Mr. Trumbie offered a resolution in the Senate agaiu't the rebel leaders, closing his resolution with the words: “That for their eminence and great crimes against their fel low men and the United States, Jefferson Davis and his accomplices have justly for feited their lives, and deserve aud onght to suffer the extreme penalty of the law.” The citizens of Tuliahoma, who were actors in the destruction of the freedmen’s schoolhouse some time since, were ordered by Major. Gen. Thomas lo rebuild the same Compliance with this order being refused, Gen. Thomas sent a detachment of soldiers, with directions to enforce the order and put every citizen under gunrd until the require ments of the order were complied with. To the Editor of the. Savannah Daily Herald: Pleasean nounce the following ticket for Mayor and Aldermen which will be sup ported by Many Tax-Payers. For Mayor: Hon. E J. HARDEN. For Aldermen : John Richardson, Thomas Purse, J. L Villalonga, Jacob Lippman, Montgomery Cumming, John McMahon, Robt, Lachlison, A. P. Wetter, E. A. Sonllard, Jacob Walburg, Geo. W. Wylly, Thos. E. Llcyd. To tliv Vot«-r* of Cbntlinm Comity. I respectfully announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Chatham County, and ask your support at the January election. ts Benjamin L. Cole. OFFICE SUB-ASST COMMISSIONER, ) Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, ) Savannah, Ga., Nov. 20th, 1805. (Circular.) The proprietors of many of the estates within the District of Savannah, known as Abautloned aud Confiscated Lands, having already procured special pardon from the President of the United Stales, which stores the parties to all rights, franchises ami immunities of citizens, embracing the resto ration of their landed property. Freedmen now occupying estates thus re claimed, or lauds not iurluded in the list of abandoned property, and who have cultiva ted and raised crops upon the Bamo must use all dilligence and industry to secure their products, and to remove the same from the premises, together with all other lawful pro perty belonging to themselves. Iu no event mubt the removal of their products or pro perty lie delayed beyond the twentieth (20th) day of December next, unless such delay shall be arranged by contract for thtir servi ces or labor upon the estate, or by other amicable agreements with the proprietors or proper representatives of such lands, who are entitled to possession of the same by competent authority. Bv order 11. F. Sickles, Col. and Sub-Asat Com. Bureau R. F. and A. L. 3 nov2l OFFICE SUB-ASS T COMMISSIONER) Bureau Refugees, Freed men and > Abandoned Lands. ) Savannah, Qa., Nov. 20, 180.>. (Circular No. 2.) Frequent complaints are made at this office, alleging many and gross indignities to be daily perpetrated by white children ol this city, upon the children of Freedmeu, while goiug to and from their schools, and at other times and places. Such practic -s must be stopped at once, otherwise measures will be adopted for their vigorous suppres sion. While the children of Freedmen conduct themselves in a proper manner, they must not be beaten, sloued, insulti and, nor in any wise molested by reason of their color. The high minded, intelligent aud good citizens of all ages, will seek to elevate, instead of de press and degrade ihe qualities of human uaurc, whether found beneath the dusky 'kiuo! the negro child, or the morn attrac tive surface of the cavcassian race. H. F. SICKLES, Col. aud Sub-As't Com Bureau R. F. and A. L. 8t nov 21 T l TK X. Y. NEWS, Mi»« Cahiiie C. Lkutkk, n daughter of MUnlkkippl is authorized to visit the South, soliciting siibseripilons lor the New York News She kindly asks the patronage of all oilr cltix, ni Ph ase send your names or eidl ul III! Pulaski House from lo A M. to hi, M , when Miss Lksi ku will bn most hap py 101 l etjlevn you, nov la If. To the Electors ol Chatham County. Uaaii »mi a i Having laaeu tequested by nuiuurou* tinmU to allow my name in h« •lied foi tin iiffim nl Mhariff of (iikllinn eooii'y, I hav« the hoimv to aunoniH • iuy M II at oaunlhUta Inf I list |«aHlmi, and r*t|H ei lolly solb il youi suffrage — MUL- __ IM4M um I, WEPIILb UNVUUL A.\D rOUMLIMIAL. *«%* Vtrli %fluifc*(. \*W Will. ~|Ql ,\of. I I**» W TH** of (I* principal fcln U of IT-hH*** •i* e «»ur i*»t h.tvo bw n: . Lb - Afttfu. **4.6 0 b«4»l« l<* W *»«•*!. Imibli.*!* < .fb. *»4U»* i»u*ll«'l« I*o4 k*>. Iji42 t >u»n«*U Rjrr l.sf» '..irtDi- M »ti, '■iwl. 'IaOML, i.] |»kg» huVMIUUI fflid I*l LAfTtrlM Muiaktj. ( ghkk - I* liiarlivr at prrviou* quotation*. lu«lu«l ingJavaat aLluc; Km t> Ihi 2l£c; M.tru aibo Ml -2i24c, Uif ua>raMt Si. Domingo ul 17 S* U>«c tu gold. |n?r lb. « «nws -Ha* Ih*.m hi ml tier wore *l**iuan*l, Hue* " ur {3§*» and prfce* h*»ve • *liii»ii»*'l iu*>re limine**. dk»r4ug rattier bumauUy mi 4fa lc |*er lb l on Mil ft.4tffl Mild Me*.id* or 2 *>jo Till m «*lpt* <ii C«ifb»n at thf* pm tliuri far in Me current week have ur rug»d 1.9*3 bale* a«lay mu km if 44,432 bale* Mtiee the I*l • f Nbivember, an<i .'*£,372 bal**» aiuce the Commencement of the current Cottou year, Kept. 1, The receipt w ut all the Nhipping porta In the past wee* were 52 GoO bale*; ami export* therefrom iS -300 lalfff, fiiici tiding 2'i.LOti La lea to Great Britain.) The following i> a h tale mint of the movement in cot ton wince the lit o! September last : Receipts at the ports in the Linuil Slates, 417,0c0 hales; export to Great Britain, lTtpuo hales; export to Fiance, 11.&00 hales; export lo other foreign ports, 3,60 u hales ; lo tal exports. 18J.3U0 hales; stock oil hand, 385.0*0 hales, including itn.uou hales in the New York mar ket, tlie movements in which Mr. Win. I*. Wiighl no nces thus: Shipments hive been made froui first hands to Liverpool, and the decline has allowed the execution of orders, that the City of Waaliingtou’a letters, t4> hand oil Monday, came to** late to alfect. Our own spinners art* huy>ug very sparingly. The total sales from 7th mst. to last evening ar*.* estimat ed at IG.too hales, niclu-lmg some lots of transit cot t<m Horn Mobile to Liverpool. By telegraph, the Southern mark ts are reported dull, with a poor de luund, at lower prices. In the Atlantic ports very little cotton is sold, being ex|K»rteU to the North ami to Europe from first hands, or on orders executed up country. Improved railroad facilities have larg‘*ly increased the receipts, particularly in South Caroli na. In Alabama, low water has hitherto kept back cotton, ami the recent rains will piobably bring a considerable quantity to light. Iu New Orleaus lif let's are well >usuiiued, as that market is better supplied witli buyers aud money than any other. Current Price* in New York; Strict Liverpool Clas sification. Upl’d. Plorida. Mobile. N.O.«tTex ordinary, per lb 37 37 37 37 Middling GO 60 60 51 Middling Fair 56 66 57 63 Flour and Mkal.—State and Western Flour lias been iu rather more demand today, closing, how - ever, lamely and heavily. Sales since our last, 12.5C0 bbls, including very inferior to choice super fine state ami Western, at $7 7o a $3 lo ; very poor to choice extra State, at 10 a 50, chiefly at I*o a$S 35 ; round-hoop extra Ohio, inferior to good shipping brands, at 90 as9 10 per bbl. Grain. — Wheat has been less active to-day, as buyers have been reluctant to pay asking prices.— Sales since our last. 45,U)0 bushels, including Amber Spring, at $1 89 asl 90. Corn has been in more re quest, especially sound, which has been scarce and has advanced about one cent per bushel. Sales since oar last, 70,000 bushels, at B*ta93c for unsound, and 94 a 95c for souud mixed Western, and $1 for white Western per bushel. Oats have been quite dull and heavy to-day. In cluding Sound State aud Western at 60c a 02,Sc, with small lots of very choiee at somewhat higher figures; aud unsound at 46c a f-2c per bushel. 11ay—-North River bale is iu fair supply and less request at 560u86c for poor to choice, per 100 los. Limk—Rockland has been iu moderate de mand at $1 b> lot common, $2 10 for lump per bbl. Naval .stores —Continues inactive, including Spii its Turpentine at sllO a 116 per gallon ; Resin at $7 a 2o pel 280 lbs. oils —Have been in moderate demand at buoyant prices, including Crude Whale at $1 65; Bleached do at $1 80; crude Sperm at S2 32 a 2 35; unbleached do at $2 50 a 2 GO; Lard Oil at s*2 30 a 2 40; Linseed Oil at $149 al 52 per gallon. PhovisioaVs.—PorK has l»een iu less request at low er and declining prices. S]>eculalive hold *rs of Mess seem more eager to realize. Sales, since our last, 6,400 bbls, in lots, at $32 87>aU33 25, closing at $33 cash, for Mess; s2* 50a29 for Prime Mess, and S2S 50 for Prime, per lb; also, 75 u bbls Mess, sellers’ opt ion, all the year, at $32 5ua32 02 l a ; and 500 bbls New Mess, December delivery, buyers’ option, at $34. Cut Meats have been iu moderate demand at 15Sa »>|e lor Shoulders, and 19a22c for lions; sales 180 pkgs. Bacon is dull and nominal. Lard has not va ried; sales 660 tea and bbls at 24u2S)£C, for common to choice per lb. Beef is iu moderate request at sl4u 17 for Extra Mess, and sllal4 for Plain .Mess; also, sisa2o for New Plain Mess, aud $24 i26for New Extra do; sales have beeu reported of 860 bbls. Tierce Beef remains as last noticed. Beef Hams are unal tered; 130 bbls Western were sold to arrive, at $w 50 aHperbbl. Butter is iu fair request, at 40u50c for poor to prime, and 55u65c for fancy to extra State, and 30a42c for Western per lb. Cheese continues in fair demand at 14u19c lor poor to very choice per lb. Si r. arm—Have been quiet at previous prices. Sales siuee our last, 240 hlids. Cuba. «sec., 13>£al5 V' per lb. Refined sugars are dull at 15> 9 a20> 4 c per lb. Tallow—Sales to-day 226,000 lbs., at 14> a and 47,000 lbs. Grease at 13,vi16%c por lb. Whisky—lias beeu very quiet, to-day, at $2 43a $2 45 per gallon, with sales of 120 bbls. Freight's—Moderate engagements were reported to-day. For Liverpool, 100 bales cotton at %i\.\ also, by steamer. 500 bales cotton at t^d.; and 7.000 bushels Grain, at T.'id. for Wheat, or 6? 4 d. lor corn per bushel. if Liverpool Cotton Market, Nov. 4. Cotton.—The Brokers’ Circular sava : Tlie market was animated on Friday last, and prices advanced considerably. A fair fiusiness was done also on Sat urday morning* l>ut in tiie afternoon a reaction took place upon advices from New York of lower quota tions and increasing receipts. On Monday tiie de mand was limited and freely supplied at declining ra es. On Wednesday the business, thofigli general, was almost entirely confined to the supply of the im mediate wants of consumers, and a heavy decline was submitted to; but yesterday (Thursday) the re duced prices attracted attention, and with increased sales the market became more regular at the reduc tion. Sea island is in moderate request at un changed prices. American , now arriving abund antly. attracts more general attention, and lias been in demand throughout the week. On Friday an ad vance of fully Id. was paid, but subsequently was lost, and a further decline submitted to oi Id. a per lb. brazil has declinil l)£d. a 2d., and Egyptian also closed l>£d. and Surats id. low'ey than last week. The sales of the week (live days) foot up 57.130 bales, including 15.920 for speculation and 13.130 declared for exports. The following arc the quota!ious : Fair. Middling. Orleans 23d. 20%d. Mobile aud Texas 2U^d. Uplands 22l a d. 20>£d. The sales on Friday were 10,000 bales, of which 5.000 for speculation and export. Market firmer in tone, but prices unchanged. Stock 323,070 bales, of which 64,140 were American. Sales today 7,000 i»aleH, the market closing un changed lor American and irregular for other de scriptions. The sales to speculators and exporters were 4,000 bales. FUNERAL INVITATION. The friends and acquaintance of Mr. JAMES DUFFY are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence, corner State and East Broad streets* This Afternoon, at 3 o’clock p. m. * OBITUARY. Died, in this city, on the 29th ult., FRANCIS G. DANA, aged f49) forty-nine years and (5) five monthr* Augusta Constitutionalist and Macon Journal A Messenger will please copy once and send bill to this office. * NEW ADVEKTIBEJIENTS. ALE, ALE. 111 BBLS Hammer's Champagne Ale, for sale. One * V oi the best articles ever offered in this market. F. V\\ SIMS A CO., n2l-2 Over Erwin A Hardee’s. “WANTED, OWNERS FOR TWENTY (20) BALES Upland Cotton. Picked up In Ihe Savannah River, by Howard's Flats. If not Identified in five fill days will be sold at the recommendation of a Board of Survey, lor occoaat of all concerned. CUNNINGHAM. PURSE A CO. n2i-a VL DRAMATIC MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT -AT ST. ANDREW’S II ALL, TUESDAY, KVKSIItU, NOVEMBER Ul. MISS CARRIE CORRINNE LESTER, ASSIST!!) BY PROF. OORRES, PIANIST AND THE MKNDEIjSIION glee club ur SAVANNAH. GA. Part I. ('linriis—iiruthera, Nina, Kisaainl Prink, JulitwOiio. The HaiMu, (Kilger A. Kuv.l... .HlMCarrie 0. Lawlor. lillurils, Tuusl, ntm. Tin in i.itfe ~i NiKii,. ii>> r. iiiNtfi.i Miaai'i knur, finell fwleal lliaaslllc, Il ink'll Purl 11. Tlie l.»t lleir, iky T. Ilikall ~ Mlw Carrie!' Later Uulii Tiruleae W.«w from Henry VIII, mkskMrt'sfral Ntasl'.*! l.esl*r Will. l l Villi'.ri.i Flute and I‘lseir TheMmig 111 Ik* Wliirt.ilil T ll'aa.lj Mine OU. Lawler IRIH' II oil Ike Mhlee, IM„ Noflaak | M H«I ~ ... Mlaa IV V barter Adtßlaeniii II . I ll i lllß'rtews* awl lau ladle. p* Irene ■ lie'll el t , ii'thok I'eHwKUuo lei him waka* al e Yr hide Pi lw kk4 el ik. Pkleefel ll»uee, el J il MM. II MereU e«4 fi.paakm.aa uglie, kk4 allhvMk*. PN rftlM' 4l*\ XHTIIKHKIT*. Saitb-Western liiiilniail. MACON. US . \ Nov* «iii*<-r 17th. IMS. 1 ; NOTICE TO BOND HOLDER** OF THIS COMPANY. \ |>RRm»NS Raiding H.«J* of thl* Company |«*t line i 1 will prenent the urn aAt mjrolfl<-'' (or payment. JNO T HOIFKI’IIXHT, Dtl-1 w TreMurer. Great Bargain. ANKAT and commodlnnii (’ottag. Dwelling, with brick <Hitboiis<*e atta* b *i, will be aol*l if applietl I for imroediaudy. situated 111 Kobertsville, on Robert* ■treet. Price, $3,14)0. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER, At Henry Wayne’s Stables, n2l ts West Broad street. NOTICE. OWING to the inclemency of the weather the steam er FOUNTAIN will Continue to receive freight Thi* Day, and depart on Wednesday Morning, Nov. 2id, at 10 o'clock a. m. u2l W. R. H. BRUEN. Take Notice. 4 NY person found trespassing or catting wood on the tracts lying on the Middle Ground Road, known ns Lt. Ames’, the Dagger Tract, and the Mid dleton Tract, belonping to Mrs Anthony Barclay, will be proaecated to the full extent of the law. ■2l-2 STOLEN, FROM the premises of the subscriber Three (3y Mu lo*. two mouse colored and one dark bay Mule, medium size. A liberal reward will be paid lor their recovery. GEO O. MARCY, n312 268 Bay street, Savannah, Ua. RANDELL A GO. ARE now offering to the triple a very choice selec tion of SOUCHONG, OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON, and IMPERIAL TEAS Also, NO 1 EXTRA AND FANCY SOAPS RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON PUKE GROUND SPICKS CREAM TARTAR Li. C. AND SAL SODA VERMICELLI, FARINA, JELLIES, Ami a general assortment of Fancy Grocerie*. n2l-eotllw BUYERS WISHINC Tobacco, Flour AND SUGARS, IN LARGE QUANTIES AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find a fine stock at riandoll cfc Co’s. n2leodlw J. C. KOCH, No. 35 licekman Street, Corner of William, NEW YORK, Manufactnrer of Stationery, Photographic Albums, Music Paper, Folios, Books, Ac. n2l-3m PROFESSOR ADOLF STARK offers his services to the public as Teacher ol Music and Lauguages, also as Piano Tuner. Orders lor Teaching or Timing left at J. U. Schreiner's Music Store will be punctually At tended to. 6*-u2l BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE. .A. ISTumber One Phelan’s Billiard Table FOR SALE. Enquire at Herald office. n2l-lw W. O’M. Wines, Wines. PORT WINE, MADEIRA WINE. SHERRY WINE, DkLUCES’ BITTERS. BRANDY COCKTAIL, WHISKEY COCKTAIL, GIN COCKTAIL, ALSO, A few cases very fine Whiskey. FOR SALE LOW. F. W. SX2MES A CO. n212 E- H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce Dealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABEUCORN ST., Savannah, Gra. Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamers and Sailing Vessels respectfully solicited. Produce bought aud sold on commission. I'dbhlsSelected Apples 100 bbls Onions 100 bbls Potatoes 60 bbls Extra Flour 60 bbls Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel lou tubs Extra Better 130 boxes Extra. Cheese 600 kits Nos 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 half-bbla Fulton Market Beef 60 bbla Extra Family Pork. ts n2l TO THE CITY AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS. W. H . TU LLER & CO,, No. 70 St. Julian street, ARK receiving by every steamer, from their house iu New York, lire lbliowiug Goods: Shoes, Shirts. Hals. Notions, Hosiery, and so on, which Ibcv will sell by the Lots, at a snail advance on New York cost. Gentlemen call and examine our stock, and you will find our terms reasonable. Just Received. A small lot of Hosiery and noop-Sklrta. Alto, a small lot of Batinetu. W H. TULLKR A CO.. nll-lw No. TO SI. Julian street. FOR SALE. TTORSK. BUUUY AND HARNESS Horse, llgb XX bay, T years old, slyllsh driver, Bonn,l and gentls. Buggy. Muiuloga Road Waijim, % seal, finished In lust slyls only Bs. iUls.ul 2 miuilhk. Harness, oue of IMia, Naiiolas A i Vs. If uni sold Bt prlvtlu Bale will Im< put upal aucibdi Vorfurllu r particulars enquire of t I*. TI 1 NIHON, «g| | Agsul AilßMi'liprras, Tin* Introductory Lecture ’INI Iku IVikfw »f MsdWksl ladnirikiM al Ik* Nuvau -1 nak Mwliial t.uHng' wig k* 4kN*arial (In Hsdßnrtayi VM lath, al M as'.laM-b m Iks pa fills ara lk*U#d Ua all*M J N IIKAD M Do Head, 1 k»l» Cmuitya M C, Just Received, On Consignment 20 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. Which 1 uffar un liberal leruu. (». 11. Arlcduc, tilS-tw 72 Riy street. Notice. CONSIGNEES p»r JOfi. W. WEBSTER, from New York, will an end to the reception of their good*, and in k thi* day ut Exchange wharves nil Wftrrei’ki <’elebrat4Ml Needles mud Fisb Hooks. ANDREW CLERK Ac CO., 48 MAIDEN LANK, NEW YORK. HOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. OUR former customers will find a reduction iu gold prices of the Needles, while the quality is always kept up to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. A. C. A 00.. respectfully solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so long and favorably esteemed by their house. au2s-3m To the Merchants of Savannah. rnHK undereigm-d, Committee from Metropolitan Fire ■E Company, will wait upon th‘* Merchants and Bud ut ss Mon of the city This Day, to solicit subscriptions for the pui chase of a M-ma Fire Engiue. They hope* for a prompt aud geuei ui response from their fellow citizens. JNO. R. DILLON, GEo. U. JOHNSTON, Jil, WM. N. VALLKAU, no v 4 Com m i ttee. Bridgewater Paint and Color Works Cos, BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN, Agents. Jnst received and for sale at the manufacturer's Prices: Kegs XX Br’dgewater Lead Kegs XX Snow White Zinc Kegs Cygnet White Lead Kegs Summerset White Tubs Putty Paint Brushes Premium White Lead Chrome Yellow Venetian Rod Metafic Paint (in ollj Metalic Paint fdryj Fire Proof Paint Cottage Colors. lm oct£6 Cooper, Olcott & Farrelly. Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, GA. THE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of Cooper, Oleotta ar.d Fa,-relly, for the transaction of a Whnlesale and Re tail Book and Stationery Business at the old stand of John M Cooper A Cos., north-west corner of Whitaker and St. Juitan Streets, JOnN M. COOPER. WILLIAM H. OLCOTT. DANIEL G OLCOTT. oct23 cod 1m STEPHEN FARRIiIXY. Oranges, &c. FORTY thousand Oranges, very sweet 1000 Cocoa Nuts Landing from brig Atlantic, and for sale by nil BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. Co-partnership Notice. (THE undersigned have this day associated them * selves together for Ihe purpose of transacting the Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Business, at the old stand of Thos. McKeuna, 142 Broughton street. JOHN KENNY, Formerly with Gray A Tnrley. novia-3 P, 11. O’BRIEN. T IX 33 Singer SewM Machines. o o Principal Offlce for the State of Georgia, 116 BROUGHTON STREET, H.D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for sale at New York prices. Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done. nil Notice to Mariners, HILTON HEAD BEACON LIGHTS, S. E. CHANNEL INTO PORT ROYAL, S. C. A RANGE Beacon Light has been substituted for the Fourth Order Lens Light, formerly shown at the Front Beacon on Hilton Head Island, lighting the South East Channel into Port Royal. These Beacons will now show wilh equal brilliancy, aud the Back Beacon Light will uppeur over the Front Light when they are iu range. F B. ELLISON, Capt., nlB-C Light House Inspector. OFFICE OF LIGHTHOUSE INSPECTOR ) Sixth District, Charleston. S. C., > November 13th, 1866. ) \ LL persons connected with the Lighthouse Estab- J\. lishment of the United States in the Sixth District, or having business with the name, are notified that 1 have this day been relieved by Capt. F. B. Ellison, U. S. N., Lighthouse Inspector of the Sixth District. CHAS O. BOUTELLE, Assistant U. S. Coast Survey, Late Lighthouse Inspector Sixth Distuiet. The attention of Lighthouse Keepers, and all others connected with the Sixth Lighthouse District, is called to the above not ce, and all reports will be made in future to me, at my offica at the Custom House, in this city. FRANCIS B. ELLISON, Lighthouse Inspector Sixth District. novlß Architecture and Engineering. MULLER & BRUYN, Architects and Engineers, are now prepared to furnish Drawings, Specifica tions and Estimates fur Buildings. Also for all kinds of Machinery, such as Saw Mills and other Mills, Facto ries, &c., and to superintend tho building of the same. Surveying done iu all its branches, Levelling, &c. Office in Sorrel’s Building, corner of Bull ana Bay Sts, second floor. M. P. MULLER, Civil and Mechanical Engineer. DzWITT BRUYN, nov4-lm Architect. ~lf LANDING AND POE SALE. | Boxes, X and caddies Tobacco, which we are now offering at prices lower than il can be bought for in Northern cities. MILLErt, THOMAS A CO., nll-tf No. 205 Bay streeet. For Liverpool. THE first class British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. C Kelly, muster, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUOG, PcopbiitOhb e. a. mronxLL. a. r. anno ju3-tf Tobacco and Osnabnrgs. PfA BOXES Tobacco and 10 bales Osnabargs, instore A* V and for sale by nIS-3 BOTUWKLL A WHITEHEAD. AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. OLD Eves muds New, without Spectacles, Doctor or Medicine. Pamphlet mailed free on receipt of ten cents Address K. B. Foote, M. D„ No. I|3o Broadway, New Y,,rk. n»-Sw J. GARDNER TAKES the liberty of Informing the public generally dial be haa Just opened, and will always keep on hand a full supply of Fresh Family Groceries, of all abarrlptlons aud of tbs boat quality, which he offers fur sals at raasonabl* ran a Corner Junes and lianiurd all eula, al Kbrlicb's old ataud. n Ik lui kerosene ware; Lamps, chandeliers, Bracket*. flarp llaugera, Hide Backs, Nkle Umpa. with and wilbonl Krfiector*; Ban • cy lUll Lamp*. Lanterns, llaese Pegs and Paanto Patent oiaas Omasa, liuraere, (Jlnkee, Chlmnlee and WMfi lIMI liGIHTk' PUNT A liMKKN itLArtk, I Took, sry Dealest' akd ConJWrIkMMWe'UI.AMIWAHk Goods ■4 all hinds made U> wdef H KUtJkKNM ull. JI MUST WRIGHT. VWUtmrtiwnh direct, Twu dowakelwk Banlay. N V Bdvt Mi SPECIAL N OTIC KB. KAKKIAUK AM> CELIBACY. An loaay of Wnimbic and Injunction lor Young men. ja»t pablufced by the Howard Anoocution, and sent in letled latter envelope* free of charge. Adder** Dr. J. SKILL IN HOUGHTON, Howard Aasoclation. Philadelphiit, Pa. octl2-3m A PHYBIOLOGI(ALYIew of MAURI AGE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or gans in a state of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences upon the mind and Body, with the Author's Han of Treatment—ihe only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doubts or their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 26 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. Q he author may be consulted upon any of the dis eases upon which his l»ook treats either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. octlO 6in We have learned not to be astonished at anything. Years of experience and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a basis from which we need not err, We are not surprised at such facts as the following— although the persons who write them are. We know the persons and cir cumstances, hence feel at liberty to indorse their statements; “New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 24,1863. DearSir,—l have been afflicted many years with severe prostrating cramps in iny limlas, cold feet aud bands, and a general disordered system. Phyaiciaus and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends in New York who were using Plantation Bitten*, they prevailed ui-on me to try them. I com menced with a small wine-glassful after dinner. Feel iug better by degrees, in a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which 1 have not done lor years. I feel 1 ike another being. My appe tite and strength have also greatly improved by the use of the Plantation Bitters. Respectfully, Juditu Russel.’* Rebdsuuky, Wib., Sept 16, 1863. • * * I have beeu in the army hospitals fur four teen months-speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, HI., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. • • Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. • * (J. A. Flaute.” The following is from the Manager of the Union nome School lor the Children of Volunteers: **IIaVEMKYKK MANSION. 57th St, 1 New York, August 2,1863. j Dr. Drake:— Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children suficriug from weakness aud weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl in particular, with pains in her head, loss of appelite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with bat a teuspooutul ot Bitters a day. Her appetite aud strength rapidly increased, and she is now well. Kespectlully, Mrs. O. M. Detox." **• • • I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. Rev. W. ii. Waggoner, , Madrid, N. Y. “• • * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, Asa Currin, Philadelphia, Pa." “• * * I have been a great sufferer from Dyspep sia. aud had to abandon preaching. * * The Plan tation Bitters have cared me. Rev. J. 8. Oatmorn, Rochester, N. Y." **• • • I have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of oar disabled soldiers with the most as tonishing effect* G. W. D. Andrews, Superintendent Soldiers’ H* me, Cincinnati, O.” **• • * The Plantation Bitten have cured me of Liver, of which I was laid up prostrate, and had to übannoii my business. H. D. Kingsley, Cleveland, Ohio.” "• • • The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidneys aud Urinary Organs thut hus distressed me for years it acts like a charm. C. C. Moore, No. 264 Broadway." &C.; Ac., Ac., &c., &c. The Plantation Bikers make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They are composed of the celebrated Culisaya Bark, Wiutergrceu, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, &c., all preserved in perfectly pure St Croix Rum. S. T.—1860 X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak ness, latitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appe tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, &c., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical au thorities, and are warranted to proiluce an immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice.— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and Im postor. It is put up only in our log cabin bottle. Bo ware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, far which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the oork uumutilated, and our signature on steel-plate side label. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable world, P. H. DRAKC & CO., oct27-3m 202 Broad way, N. X. Hagan’s Magnolia Balm. This is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun-Lnrnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, Imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distin gue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples and roughness from the akin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Fatronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywh( re. Retail price, 60 cents. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS BARNES & CO., 0c127-eodly New York. LYON’S KATHAIRON. Katliairon is from the Greek word “Kathro," or “Kathalro," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate mid re store. This article is whnt its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair, lt Is the most remarkable preparation In the world It ts again owner! and put up by Ihe original proprie tor, and is now made with the same care, skill and at tention which gave It a sale of over oue million bot tles per annum. It is a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and lean. It make* the hair rich, soft and glossy. It preveuls the hair from falling off and turning gray. It restores hair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beaatful head of hair should uaa Lyon's Kathulron. It Is known aud uaad throughout tha civilised world, hold by al respectable dealer. IIEMAH BARN'EM A 00 , ocrtT-aodlv New York. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! BORATCH I SCRATCH! I SCRATCH !I! Wlirmton's* Olntmout. win am tni itin ii raiTMiiNT nhii. Also ■ ares Halt llhcum, Ulsara. i bHWalaa. and ail ■rapUuka >4 lb* akin Prim M i wile Pur sale ky all llraggM* By wading an reaU hi Wwke A Pol ter. Mote A grille, Iff WaSrtuffti* rtnsk Boefiia, Mam. It •111 be kuwardad by Mali bee a* p—li«i, fit say part art Ike UklAe4 Mataa aapMMMI AMt'SKNKITI, Na vQIIII U Ii T h Pal re. Tt ICt.UA Y KVKNIIG. KOV. ,|. Last week of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Crisp. The great Poem of the Lady of the Lake. James Fitaiamea Mr w u Blanche ol Devou .. . Mrs. W H CrTp To conclude with TILE LKIGrAINnD. Mas-aronia, the Brigand ... Mr nr » „ M rieGacio, hi* wi.?. " I!/."ilk £ £ To-morrow— EAST LYNNE. p ST. ANDREW 7 S~HAU.. too iiols Ffmd. Weinesday, Ttaflay mdayEflijs November did, 83d and ;14th, 1565. First appearance In Savannah, since their return from a four years’ tour of Great Britain, of the dls tmguished aud world-renowned artists, Mr. and Mrs. HARRY WATKINS, Also, first appearance of the accomplished Young English Pianist, MISS CARLOTTA SHAW, From the Nobilities Concerts, London; pronounced the t est of living Lady Pianists. This grand combination of Musical and Dram itir talent appear highly popul ir. NOVEL, COMICAL A MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. Two Hours in Fun-Land, Lately presented in New York. Philadelphia, Balti more. Washington and Augusta with a success un paralleled iu the World of Amusement. Attracting large and brilliaut Assemblages of the elite OI sociely, who testified their appreciation of the Wonderful Rendition ot Eccentric Char ade rs, Exhibited by the above artists, in outbursts of hearty laughter aud applause. ‘•l uu-land" is replete with brilliant Music, Sarcism. Wit »ud Sung, portraying, wilh singular fidelity, Life's Comic Features, lilts at the Times, Rules on the Ro mantic, Dashes at the Dilletauti, etc. Tickets, sl. For sale nt the Music Store of J. C. Schreinei, aud at the Hotels. n2O WANTKU. Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. S—36 bbls Flour 20 ball bids Flour 9 bbls Crackers C bbls Apples 5 bbls Eggs G & W—loo tubs Lard. If not called for will be sold lor freight and expenses. ortiiJ BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. wanted; A STORE, oil BiV street, or portion of a large store divided off. wnh an office overhead. Address »«v«.rrh*.n* ‘» M - *1 ' * r BEER BREWtiK WANTED. A good Beer Brewer CAN OBTAIN PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT, With Good Wages, By addressing “J. F.,” care of S. W. Mason & Cos,. Herald office. lw-nll PIANO WANTED. A GOOD PIANO wanted to rent. Address X. Y. Z., Herald office. novS Wanted, *6OO A MONTH! Agents wanted wanted for six entirely new articles, \u*t out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, Hiddeiord, Maine, seplfi dAw3m WANTED" A GENTLEMAN of strict business habits, and 16 years’ experience, desires it position as Salesman or Bookkeeper in some Commission House In this city, where the services of a valuable man would be ap preciated. Address, for ten days, Bookkeeper, Herald Office, Savannah. (Lo tf-u!6 Wanted, ri*- A DAY! Agents wanted to sell anew and o wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW & CLARK. Biu delhrd, Maine. sepl4-diw3m FOR BALE. ATO KENT. * PAVILION HOTEL For Rent. THAT well-known, dialrably located, and highly popular establishment, eitnated on Bull street, between South Broad and Hall streets, occupying soar entire lots of 00 by «0 feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty rooms, is now offered for rent. The party renting this property will be required to make the necesshrv repairs and give satisfactory se curity for the punctual W™* ol uovT—tf Pres’t Union Society. HOUSE TO LET. ON Perry street, second door from Barnard street, cant. Apply at ibis office. eodlw-nl4 FOR BERT. I OFFER for Rent next year. 1860, My BtoftHMk » Camden county. On., on the Great Salilta Rlw known as the “Vernon Plantation,” containing acres of first quality Rice Land, and about Wo seres of high land, all in perfect order. Said Plantation bos been cultivated dining the war. and therefore require* no extra work to prepare lt for a crop the ensuing 5 L Ali the negroes formerly belonging to me arc still on tile place and anxious to remuili, so I hero would be no difficulty In procuring laborers. Oc the place is a comfortable dwelling house, together with nil tlio necessary buildings for Ihe accommodation of labor ers and storing he crop. Seeal lor the coming your. Including Rice, Corn. Fc#»> Sug'irCsne, Sorghum, Cotton, Ac., call be oblalaea on Iho place. For further particulars address the snb scrlber at Wayuesvllle, Wayno county. Ua. ... oclSMm JA3. F. KING Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The light and eommoalloas Stora. comer Merchants' Row and Palmetto Avmos, to lass* for a llinliad tiui« Temiaeaay. Addreta W. a. SAMPSON, Jr., Agrnt, oa-tl* ts Dick Box E. Hilton Hsad, A ( ROOMS TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, B.C. Tha "Palffirtio Ueralrt NaHrtto*.’’ IRtaad up, I.”* «m-» *"*"S££L Mm** or Bulk— p«l«Mi, Ut,m W. a. aAkfPUGN, Jr. Apaat. Brill w l»k Bui Na Mllttw