Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 21, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 6

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HELMBOLDS - FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, ros Non-retention or Incontinence of Urine, Irritation, In fiammutlon or tllcerstiou of the Bladder or Kidneys Durim of the Pruatrate Gland, Htoue la Ibe Bladder, Calculus. Gravel or Brick Duet, and all Ul»- eaaea of Hie Bladder, Kidney*. and Drepaical Swell Inga. HELMBOLDS FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Fur Weaknesses arising form Rreesses or Indis cniton. The couititatlon once affected by organic weakness, require* the aid of medicine to atrengihen and Invig orate I tie system. which Helmbold'a Kxtract Uuchu Invariably doc*. If no treatment be eubmltted to, conauuiption or inaanity may ensue. HELMBOLD S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU In affections peculiar to females, is unequaled by any other preparation, us in Chlorosis or Retention, Ir regularities, palufulness or suppression of customary evacu 'lions, Ulceration or Scirrhous state of the Uterus. Leucorrhiß, and all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from habits of dissipation, lm prudencies, or in the decline or change of life. HELMBOLDS (FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, AMD IMPROVED ROSE WASH, will radically exterminate from the system Diseases of the Urinary Organs arising from habits of dissipation, at little expense, little or no change In diet, and no exposure, completely superseding those unpleasant and dangerous remedies, copaiba und mercury, in curing those unpleasant and dangerous diseases. USE HELMBOLD S Fluid Extract Euoliu in all cases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing ill malt* or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. It is pleasant in taste and odor, Immediate in its action, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of bark or iron. Those suffering from broken-down or delicate con stitutions procure the remedy at one*. The reader must be aware that however slight may be the attack of the above disease, it is sure to affect his bodily health, mental powers, happiness, and that of Ids posterity. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. Physicians, Please Notice! We make no secret of the ingredients. HELM BOLD’S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Is composed, of Buchu Cubebs and Juniper berries, selected with great care, and prepared in vacuo by H. T. Helmbold, druggist and chemist of sixteen years’ experience in the city of Philadelphia, and which is now prescribed by the most eminent physicians, has been admitted to use in the United States army, and is also in very general use iu State Hospitals and public Sanitary Institutions throughout the land. Direct letters to Helmbold’s RUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 694 Broadway, New York, OR HELMBOLD S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth Street , below Chemut, PHILADELPHIA. Sold by Druggist* everywhere. W Beware of counterfeit*. Ask for Hembold's. nlO-lm Metropolitan Enterprise Great Gift Sale or THE NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE Jewelers’ Association. Capital $1,000,000. Depot, 197 Broadway. AN immense stock of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, all to be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for till you see what you will receive. Certificates, naming each article and its value, are placed in sealed envelopes and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of ‘26 cents ; five for $1; eleven for $2; thirty for $6; sixty five for $10; and one hundred for sls. On receipt of the Certificate you will see what you are going to have, and then it is at your option to pay the dollar and tAke he article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond King, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our list, for $1; Mud in no case can they get less than One Dollars’ worth, as there are no blanks. Agents are wanted in every town in the country ; every person can make $lO a day, selling our Certifi cates in the greatest sale of Jewelry ever known. Send 26c. for a Certificate, which will inform you what you can obtain for sl. At the same time get our circular, containing full list and particulars, also Terms to Agents. Address JAMES HUTCHINSON & CO., nls-2m 197 Broadway, N. Y. R. 8 ALLEN & Cos., ISO & 10l WTER (*T NEW YORK. agricultiralT implements, AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Small Tool a for the Farm and Garden, such as Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, *c„ and/or Grass llooks, Scythes. Scyth-Stones, and Agricul tural Hardware in general. We offer, also, a large assortment of our own manu facture of Hay Cutters, Coffee and Grain Mils, Sugar Mill* for Grocers' use. Store Trucks of variou* pat terns, Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows, Ac. Kertillizers of all kinds, such as Coe's Superphos phate ot Lime, pure Ground Bone, Peruvian Guano, add Poudreite, SEEDS. Every valuable American and Foreign variety of Vegetable, Flower aud Grass Seed and Field Grain that has proved worthy of cultivation, grown and selected expressly for our trade. Sales made in bulk, per pound or bushel, or in small packets, for retailing, by the hundred or thousand. sepl2-2aw-Smo PREMIUM TEN DOLLAR IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE. A Triumph iu Mechanical Science. MANUFACTURED under two distinct patents, of all entirely "ungual constrnclion," does not infringe on any other machine. Tbi* extraordinary achieve ment of mechanical Ingenuity works upon a Table a*ea the straight Needle. makes the useful Hand hutch, at the rate of IS Stitches to each evolution of the wheel, will Tock, Sh.rr, Crimp, Hem, Ruffle, Ac , with wonderful speed, accuracy and nearness will sew with Double and Single Thread of all kinds, la strong, and can not get out of order, and has rec eived the full approval of the principal Journals sud all who have used them. This machine work/* like a charm and sews neat aud rapid. Every family requires one,"—A’, y. World. "For the Dressmaker it is invaluable, for the House hold it supplies a vacaut place."— Uodey’s Ladies’ Book. "It uses a common needle, sews very rapidly, and is so easily understood that a child can use it." If. o Delta. Single machines sent to any part of the country per express, packed in box with printed Instructions on receipt of the price—slo. Sale delivery guaranteed Agents wanted everywhere. Circular containing libl eral inducements sent free. All orders must be addressed to Ten Dollar Sewing Machine Company, 36, 38 and 40 Ann Street, NEW YORK. _octl7 3m THE NEWJORK NEWS. Z> AIL Y SE ; MI-WEEKL_YA_D WEEKLY. THE, NICW YORK WEEKLY AND SEMI WEEKLY NEWS. GREAT FAMILY newspapers. BENJAMIN WOOD Editor And Proprietor- Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market aud Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD! IMPROVEMENTSJNTRODUCED IMMENSE DETERMINED ON. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published. Every Wednesday. Single Copies Five Cento One Copy, one year Three Copie*, one year 6 00 Five Copies, one year 8 75 Ten Copies, one year 17 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Copies, one year 30 00 The Weekly News Is Sent to Clergymen at $1 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 4 00 Three Copies, one year 10 00 Five Copies, one year 16 00 Ten Copies, one year 30 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 66 00 To Clergyman 3 00 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscribers $lO per annum Six Months Fire Dollars For sale by all Newsdealers. Specimen copies of DAILY and WEEKLY NEWS sent free. Address BENJ. WOOD, Daily News Building, No. 10 City Hall Square, septM New York City. FURNITURE! FURNITURE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Nos. 87 AND 89 BOWERY AND 65 CHRISTY STREET, N. Y. OEGRAAF & TAYLOR Have tke largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, to be found in this city, and at the lowest prices. MATTRABSES AND SPRING BEDS FROM $5 TO $7. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADS FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. oct3l-2m Brown -i Standard Scales. USED by the United States and Foreign Govern ments for mqge than THIRTY YEARS, Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or home markets. Warranted accurate and durable. Sales rooms No. 3 Barclay-et., near Broadway. N. Y. sopl9 ly R. BROWN. Manufacturer. IBoker’s Bitters, The Oldest and best renowned. L. FUNK E, 66 Liberty Street, sepl2-3mo NEW YORK. State and County Tux Col lector. THE Subscriber is a Candidate for re-election, and respectfully asks the suffrage of the citizens ol Chatham Couuty. obt3o SEABORN GOODALL. GREAT Otft Dlmtri butlou, 250,000 WATCHES. Chains, Diamond Rina, etc , worth over One Million Dolls**, all lone sold for One D llar each, without regard to valae. Not to be paid for until yon know what yon are to receive. During the month ending March IL 1305, T. a H. Gtagkau A Cos. have had the honor of distributing among their patrons, Six Hundred and Ninety Gold and Sliver Watches, at the price of One Dollar each. SPLENDID LIST OF ARTICLES: All to b«* Bold for One Holler each. 250 Solid SUver Dining Seta, $76 to SOO 600 Silver Salvers and Urns, 50 to 250 600 Solid Silver Tea Sets, complete, 60 to 300 150 Rosewood Musical Boxes, 32 airs, 76 to 260 200 Mahogany Musical Boxes, 24 airs, 60 to 200 250 Gold Hunting Watches, 75 to 250 260 Ladies' Enamelled Gold Watches 60 to 200 600 Gents'Hunting Silver Watches, 36 to 100 6UO Open-face Silver Watches, '76 to 50 260 Diamond Rings, 60 to 100 64*iu Photo. Albania, all sizes 6 to 50 2000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains, 16 to 30 3000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets, 6 to 10 6000 Chased Gold Bracelets, 6to 10 2000 Chatelaine and Guard Chains 6 to 20 7000 Solitaire and Revolving Brooches, 6 to 10 2000 Lava and Florentine do 4to 10 6000 Coral, Opal and Emerald no 4 to 18 6000 Mosaic, Jet and Lava Eardrops 4to 10 7600 Coral aud Emerald Eardrops, 3 to 20 6000 California Diamond Pins, 5 to 20 600" California Cluster Diamond Pins, 3to 10 3000 ftt Solitaire Buttons aud Studs, 3to 10 31100 Gold Thimbles. Pencils, Ac., 3to 8 30000 Lockets, double-glass, 3to 6 6000 Lockets for Miniatures, 6to 10 3000 Gold Toothpick , Crosses, Ac., 3 to 10 6000 plain Gold Rings, 4 to 10 6000 chased Gold Rings. 4to 10 30000 shield and Signet Rings, 3to 10 30000 California Diamond Kings, 3to 10 7500 sets Ladies' Jewelry, ! et 6to 18 6000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, coral, Bto 12 ■6OOO sets Ladies’ Jewelry, onyx, 10 to 12 6000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, lava. 12 to 20 ■2600 sets Ladies' Jewelry, mosaic, 20 to 30 30000 Gold Pens, with Sil. bold re, 5 to 10 6000 Gold Pens with Gold holders, 6 to 12 60u0 Gold Pens and holders, superior, 10 to 16 6000 Silver Goblets and Drinking Cups, 8 to 10 3000 Silver Castors and Wine Holders, 151" 60 2000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets, 20 to 60 Messrs. T. A H. Gaughan A Cos., No. 116 Broadway, New York, extensive manufacturers aud importers of all the leading aud most fashionable styles of Watches and Jewelry, desiring to increase their busi ness to an unlimited extent, have resolved upon a Great Gift Distribution, subject to the regulations fol lowing: Certificates naming each article and its value, are placed In Sealed Envelopes and well mixed. One of three envelopes will be sent by mail to any addres* on receipt of twenty-five cents. All Articles sold at One Dollar each, without regard to Value. On receipt of the certificate you will see what yon are going to have, aud then it is at your option to send tile dollar and take the article or not Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, or any set of Jewelry on our list for One Dollar, and In no caße can they get Icbs than one dollar's worth, as there are no blanks. The price of Certificates is as follows One for 26 cents; five for $1; eleven for $2; thirty ibr $5 ; sixty-five for $lO ; one bnndreil for sls. Agents will be allowed ten cents on every certificate ordered by them, providing their remittance amounts to one dollar. Ageuts will collect 26 coats for every certificate, and remit 16 cents to us either in cash or postage stamps. T. A H. GAUGHAN A CO., oct2l lm* No. 116 Broadway, New York. Grill, (Successor to William B. Hawkins,) IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Ales, Wines, Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cider, Ac., No. 170 Fulton Street, Opposite St. Paul’s Church, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile's Celebrated Ale for Shipping and Family use. Particnlar attention paid to Filling and Shipping Southern Orders. All orders by mail will be promptly attended to. nl4-3m Family Dye Colors. Patented October 13, 1863. Black Dark Green Black for Silk Light Green Dark Blue Magenta Light Blue Maize French Blue Maroon Claret Brown Orange Dark Brown Pink Light Brown Purple Suuff Brown Royal Purple Cherry Salmon Crimson Scarlet Dark Drab Slate Light Drab Solferino Fawn Drab Violet Light Fawn Drab Yellow. For Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Children’s Clothing, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. «®- A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT, -g* For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can be produced from the same dye. The process is simple* and any one can use the Dye with perfect success. Directions in English* French and German, inside of each package. HOWE & STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston. For sale by druggists and dealers generally. octlO-tim New York Piano Fortes. Ernest Gabler, Manufacturer of New Scale First-Class PI AN 0 FORTES, Factor), 122, 124 SI 126 Fast 224 St.. RESPECTFULLY announces that his Large New Factory is now completed, fully organized, and in successful operation, by means of which he has greatly increased his manufacturing facilities. He will there fore be able hencelorward to turn out 36 Pianos per week, to supply orders promptly, without that incon venient delay to which Dealers and Purchasers have been subjected, Jrom the fact that for more than two years past he has been continually a hundred instru meute behind orders. A foil assortment at all times may be found at his Manufactory and Warcrooms in New York City. Every instrument fully warranted. Retail Warerooms, 743 Broadway. 3m-nl6 MEXICO! MEMO!! 530.000.000 LOANII or TV* REPUBLIC OF MEXICO ! Twenty-year Coupon Bonds In Sums of S6O, SIOO, sooo aud SI,OOO. INTEREST SEVEN PER CENT., PAY ABLE IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Principal and Interest Payable in Bold. $10,000,000 to lie Sold at Silty Cents on the Dollar, In U. S Currency, thus yielding an interest of TWELVE PER CENT. IN GOLD, or SEVENTEEN PERCENT. IN CURRENCY, at the present rate of premium on gold. THE FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PRO VIDEO. The Most Desirable Investment ever Offered. IMMENSE TRACTS OF MINING AND AGRI CULTURAL LANDS: SIXTY PERCENT, of PORT DUES, IMPOSTS, and TAXES, iu the States of TAM AULIPAS and SAN LUIS POTOSI: and the PLIGHT ED FAITH ot the said State* and the GENERAL GOVERNMENT are ALL PLEDGED for the redemp tion ot these Bonds and paymentof interest. The Security is Ample S3O In U. S. Curr’y will buy a 7 per ct. Gold Bond of*6o S6O " " " " “ SIOO S3OO •• “ “ " “ s*<•* S6OO «. •• *. «• “ SIOOO LZT IVZSY J.OVEH OT SKPCULIG IN INSTITUTIONS BUT AT LZAST One Bond. Circulars forwarded and subscriptions recelred by JOHN W CORLISS A CO , and J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agent of the Republic of Maxlco, 57 Broadway, N. Y. also received by Banks and Bank ers generally throughout the United States. n 2010 LINVILLE & GLEASON. SAVANNAH. AGENTS FOR. MERRITT, WALCOTT & CO., 64 Conrtlandt Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS Bridge, Car, Ship or Band Hook,i AND— BOILER BOLT , SETT SCREWS, COACH OR LAC SCREWS. Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts, ROUND AND SQUARE WASHERS, Turnbuokles, Bolt Ends, Taps and Dies, Acc. ALSO DEALERS IN RAILROAD SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVES, CARS, RAILS, CHAIRS, SPIKES,TIRES, AXLES; CAR TRIM MINGS of every description, and every article used in constructing or operating Railroads. STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES. ENGINEERS’ STORES. COAL OIL, TALLOW, WASTE FELTING, HEMP. AND RUBBER PACKING; LAMPS, PAINTS, VARNISH, *o.; ENGINEERS’ TOOLS, of every description; CHIPPING AND RIVETING HAMMERS, SCREW PUNCHES,FILES, CHISELS, Ale, TELEGRAPH MATERIALS. WIRE, INSULATORS, BATTERIES, IN STRUMENTS, ACIDS, SULPHATE COPPER, &c. Also Manufacturers of the BEST OAK TANNED BELTING. MACHINERY, LATHS, PLANERS, DRILLS, PUNCHES AND SHEARS, STEAM ENGINES, STATION ARY AND PORTABLE SAW MILLS, SAWB,&c. septa ; ts ESTABLISHED 1800. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, &c., No. 211 Washington-St., «epl9 NEW YORK. 3m