Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 22, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY - 8. W. MASON & CO. MMUKk W. MASOK fcrtMar, v . T. i HoMl'MtV A»»oelale Editor. S A VaNNAU. VUISKUAI, NOV EMBER *2 18«». exit dr. massib. It will be recollected that about two months ago this peregrinating Englishman made a visit to Savannah, and delivered, we believe, one or two addresses to our colored population. He made himself disgustingly Officious also in tendering, unsolicited, to manj - of our prominent citizens his Exeter Hall Views about the Freedmen, and sought to create the impression that the late slave holders were not, from stupidity or some other cause, competent to decide upon mat ters affecting the present interests of the lete slave. On his return lately to New York City he delivered a lecture, in which he gave the re sult of his experiences and observations in the'Soutb. and endeavored to convince his nudieuce that the Freedmen’s capacity for self-government was unquestioned, and that he should be admitted, immediately, to the Tight of suffrage. We learn from the New York Express that the British views of this foreign emissary Were not altogether acceptable to his audi tory, and that he had unceremoniously taken passage for London. It is suggested by the Express that vvheD the Rev. Mr. Massie reaches homo he will take a tour through Irelaud, and let us know w’hether, in his judgment, some mil lions of Her Majesty’s subjects there, are not as fit to enjoy ’’free suffrage” as the At ricau here ; also, whether the misforttme that they are white, not black, is a bar to the privilege; also whether a journey tlffough the British Free Negro Island of Jamaica to-day, wouid convey a like con viction, that the black man is as evidently fit for “tree suffrage" as the free man ot the. South. Also, whether with so much white slavery staring him in the face at home, it is just the thing to be coming over here to tell us. unasked, what we should do, in order to give more liberty to this or that particular class of persons. It is just such intermeddling on the part of fanatics like this Dr. Massie, that has mis led the negro population of Jamaica into the delusion, as stated by the correspondent ot a Boston p'per, that the whites owe, them a free support—a life without labor—they ' fancy that the blacks of the United S ates are now actually enjoying African paradise of idleness and dissipation in consequence of the late war. A wild idea is permeating all the West India Islands that the great war in this country was made, and the Southern States conquered, wholly and exclusively in the interest of the colored people—that its scope, object and end is, simply and singly to place the black republicans over the whites. This same idea has been fermenting through the entire substratum of negro opiuion of the Southern States, and occasionally crops out, substantially, as in the case of Mr. H'dtzciaw, near this city, of which we gave an account yesterday. Dr. Massie, doubtless, informed his color ed listeners that they were entitled to the exercise of the right of suffrage, and that it would be accorded to them despite the oppo sition of their late masters ; thus creating an expectation, which, if not realized, must produce a degree of discontent in the minds of our colored people, that may, ere long, lead to serious cousequeuces. And he may have indoctriuated them with the idea, too, that the whites owe them a living, and that the war was iu their interest altogether. It is to this class of fanatical and misguided men, who in the name of philanthropy and patrio tism, have brought such calamities upon the country and its people of both races. THE NORTH CAROLINA ELECTION . Sufficient returns of the recent election have been received by the press of that State to warrant the statement, that Provisional Governor. Wm. W. Holden, has been defeat ed for tjie Executive Chair under the new Constitution. The successful candidate is Mr. Worth, the present Auditor of that Slate whose majority over his opponent is eveu greater than was anticipated by his most sanguine friends. The friends of Mr. Holden pressed his claim to the position upon the ground that he was hnd had been, par excel lence, a Union man. and that his success was es.-ential, by reason of his intimate personal and political relations with President John son, for the immediate restoration of the State to the Federal Union. It appeared Tn the pi ogress of the campaign that, so far from haviug been a consistent Union man as alleged by the advocates for his election, he was uot only a member of the secession Con vention, but he actually signed the ordnance which took the old North State out of the Union and kept her out for several years. Further than this, he was a candidate lor Governor, under Confederate sway, and had he been elected he would have taken an oath to support the Government of Jeff. Davis! It is known, also, that he, as the editor and proprietor of the Raleigh Standard, vindica ted the war and supported the administra tion of Mr. Davis until the latter, in the Fall of 1862, declined to make a certain military appointment in conformity with the urgent demand of Mr. Holden, when he became, t forthwith, the implacable foe of the Confed erate President and hoisted the flag of oppo sition to the further prosecution of the war. Such flagrant treachery disgusted and alien ated many of his old personal and political friends; and hence his political downfall uu uer cite apparently so favorable for success in the recent contest. For not withstanding these facts, the President had such complete confidence in his ability, loy alty and usefulness, that he conferred upon him oue of the most important and respon sible offices in his gift and clothed him with almost autocratical powers. Gen. Gill more has secured, as a personal favor, the pardon of Gen. Elliott, who de fended Fort Sumter against his siege. Gen. Elliott was occupying a fisherman's hut at Port Royal, and wae supporting bis family by fishing. This pardou will secure him the immediate restoration of hi* lands, close to tilth bis tl-lnnunn'a but now stands, A northern paper says “Judge Campbell, recently released from Fort Pulaski, speaks viry Uvnrtbly of the gentlemanly treatment lie received at the hand* of the officer* and no u garrisoning the fort, nud aay* that a colored regiment on duty there presented him and hU fellow prisoners, on Iheir leaving the tort, with a well turned teller, esprit**- jug their aim .re wishes tor their prompt rr IX OBXKRAL. —Recitations from the production ol E'- A Foe, were given in Baltimore lately, to aid in building a monument to the poet. —The City Council of Richmond, Va , Las organized a lioard of bealtli to look after the sanitary interests of that city, in view ot the approach of cholera. —Lord Palmerston was (he first who in- j troduced the waltz in England. His dan- j c ug at Altnack’s fifty years ago, with the j Princess of Lievcn, the feminine. Russian di- j plomatist and faithful friend of 31. Guizot, was much admired. —A pablic dinner is to lie given to Gen. Fullerton at New Orleans, in testimony to his judicious and conciliatory course in abolishing the Louisiana Freedmen’s Bureau. —The grave announcement that the Prince Imperial will hereafter dine with his mother, and not in the nursery, occupies a prominent place iu the French Court Jour nal. —Four hundred and ninety emigrants ar rived in Baltimore last week direct from Bremer. Periodicals Received.— "Tht Nation," a number with diversified contents and exhibi ting marked ability. ‘■ The Hound Table" varied in its subjects which are haudled with talent equally origi nal and tasteful in its criticisms. A fuller nolice ol the contents of the above in a fu ture issue. Frank Leslie's Pictorial for the current week is attractive in its illustrations, including among them a view of the Balloon marriage iu New York. The above to be obtained at Estiil's Book Depot. TO the VOTERS OF CHATHAM COI STY I announce myself as a candidate lor the office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. nov22-td ALEX. F. BENNETT. 'll,, JlnTiicipal Election- Savannah, Nov. 21st. 1865. To the Kditors of the Savannah Daily Herald : I am not an aspirant for the Mayoralty. Edward J. Harden. To Hie Voters or Chatham Comity. 1 respectful y anuouuce myself a candi date for re election to the offire of Sheriff of Chatham County, and ask your support at the January election. ts Benjamin L. Cole. OFFICE SUB ASS T COMMISSIONER,) Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lauds, ) Savannah, Ga., Nov. 20th, 1805. ( Circular .) The proprietors of many of the estates within the District of Savannah, known as Abandoned and- Confiscated Lands, having already procured special pardon from the President of the United States, which re stores the parties to all rights, franchises and immunities of citizens, embracing the resto ration of their landed property. * Freedmen now occupying estates thus re claimed, or lauds not included in the list of abandoned property, and who have cultiva ted and raised crops upon the same must use all dilligence aud industry to secure their products, and to remove the same from the premises, together with all other lawful pro perly belonging to themselves. Iu uo event must the removal of their products or pro perty be delayed beyond the twentieth (20th) day of December next, unless such delay shall be arranged by contract for their servi ces or labor upon the estate, or by other amicable agreements with the proprietors or proper representatives of such lands, who are enlitled to possession of the same by competent authority. By order H. F. Sickles, Col. and Sub-Ass’t Com. Bureau R. F. and A. L. 3 nov2l OFFICE SUB ASST COMMISSIONER) Bureau Refugees* Freed men aud - Abandoned Lands. ) Savannah, Ga., Nov. 20, 1805. (Circular No. 2.) Frequent complaints are made at this Office, alleging many and gross indignities to be daily perpetrated by white children ol this city, upon the children of Freeduicn, while going to and from their schools, and at other times and places. Such practices must be stopped at once, otherwise measures will be adopted for their vigorous suppres sion. While the children of Freedmen conduct themselves in a proper manner, they must not be beaten, stoned, insulted, nor in. any wise molested bv reason of their color. The high mfisdefifintelllgent and good citizens ot all ages, will seek to elevate, instead of de press and degrade the qualities of human nature, whether found beneath the dusky skin ot the negro child, or the more attrac tive surface of the caveassian race. 11. F. SICKLES, Col. and Sub-As’t Com. Bureau R. F. and A. L. 3t nov 21 THE IST. Y. NEWS. Miss Carrie C. Lester, a daughter of Mississippi is authorized to visit the South, soliciting subscriptions for the New York News. She kindly asks the patronage of all our citizens. Please send vour names or call at the Pulaski House from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M., wbeu Miss Lester will be ABst hap py to receieve you. nov 18-ts. To the Electors of Chatham County. Gentlemen : Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my name to be used for the office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I have the honor to announce giyself as a candidate for that position, and respect tully solicit your suffrage. nIT-tf CHARLES .T. WHITE. HOLCOMBE & CO., Old Stand 181 Bay street, fTbos. Holcombe, established IS3G.J We have landing a flue and carefully selected Stock of GROCERIES, And will sell at the Lowest Market Prices. Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Raisins, Almonds, Floor. Soar,, Starch, B,runes. B “ COn ' ('anil'.us, Best, Pork, Lard, Better, Chew, Potatoes, .Kecks,el, ♦ CodlUU ' lunni, Hop., Twins Povnl r, Utah, „ wut, lb truly, Whiskey, Wins, Vinegar, Hr. Onr of slut l.iipinrs are a. tin.. »» uu, i„ Ws luois on, old fri.uds ami iwtious , u leorgla Chapter, he 3, It. k U. . A regular comaaniem'i in of tut* Chapter iS Kill l« held at Masonic Hall This (Wed r'iVzm lajrj Evening, at 7 o'clock. 1 CompatduM ol othsr Chapters are Invited to at tend. By order ol K. T. TURNER. R. P. J. lloi usoos Estii.l, Bee n*2-l OBITUARY. Died, at Lauderdale Springs. Mississippi. <m the 10th of April, WILLIAM J. HOWARD, age I twenty (20} years and six (Cl maths, eon of Dr. J. G. Howard, cf Savauut h. BATCH.ELOB. S HAIR DVB ! The Oflginal and Best in the World ! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless. Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces iinmedinte.y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OP MILLEFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. New York. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HoiidayPresents GREAT SALE OP Watches, Chains, Diamond Dings, etc., etc., ONE MILLION DOLLARS’ WORTH! To be disposed of at ONE DOLLAR EACH! Without regard to value t Not to be paid for unt. l you know what you are to receive !! Splendid List of Articles, A tl to be Sold at One Dollar each 1 300 Musical Boxes S2O to $l5O each 160 “ ” with bells and castincts *2OO to 500 “ 500 silver Teapots and Coffee Urns 20 to 50 “ sco “ Clmtlpg Dishes. 30 to too “ 1000 “ Ice Pitchers 20 to 50 “ 2500 “ Syrup pups,with salvers 20 to 50 “ 6000 “ Goblets and Drinking Cups sto 50 “ 3000 “ Castors 15 to 60 “ 2000 “ Fruit, Card and Cake Baskets 20 to 50 “ 5000 dozen Silver Teaspoons 10 to 20 doz. 10000 *• “ Table Spoons and Porks 20 to 40 “ 250 Gentlemen's Gold Hunting-case Watches 60 to 150 each 250 Ladies' Gold ami Enamelled Hunting-case Watches 35 to To “ COO Gent’s Hunting-case Silver Watches 35 to "0 “ 200 Diamond Kings 50 to too “ SOuO Gold Vest aud Neck Chains.... 4to 30 “ Siioo “ Oval Band Bracelets 4to 8 “ 6000 Jet aud Gold Bracelets 6to 10 “ 2coo Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains sto 20 “ 7050 Solitaire and Gold Brooches... 4to 10 “ 6.00 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches 4to 8 " 5000 Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Floren tine Ear Drops. 4to 8 “ 7500 Coral, Opal and Emerald Ear Drops 4to 6 •' 4*oo California Diamond to 10 “ 3coo Gold Fob aud Vest Watch Keys 2.50 to 8 “ 4iroo Fob and Vest Ribbon-slides 3to 10 “ 6000 sets Solitaire sleeve-buttons, Studs, Ac 3to 8 “ 3000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils. Ac 4to 6 “ 10U0) Miniature Lockets 2.60 to 10 " 4500 do do., mugic spring 10 to 20'“ 3000 Gold Toothpicks, Crosses, Ac.. 2to 8 “ 5000 Plain Gold Kiugs 4to 10 “ f>ooo chased “ 4to 11 “ 10000 Stonc-set and Signet Kings 2.50 to lo “ locoo California Diamond Kiugs 2to 10 “ 7600 sets 1 .miles’ Jewely—Jet aud Gold sto 15 “ 6000 sets Ladies' Jewelry—Cameo, Pearl, Opal and other stones 4to 15 “ 11,000 Gold Peus, Silver Extension Holders and Pencils 4to 10 “ 10000 Gold Pens and Gold-mounted Holders. oto 10 “ 6000 Gold Peus amt Gold Extension Holders 15 to 23 “ 50CO Ladies’Gilt aud Jet Uuckles... 6to 16 •• 6000 “ “ Hair Bars and Balls 6to 10 “ ARRANDALE & CO., ManufUctiirer’s Agents, no. 167 Broadway, New York, Announce that all the above list of goods will be sold for One Dollar Each I In consequence of the great stagnation of trade in tile manufacturing districts of England, through the war having cut off the supply of cotton, a large quan tity of Valuable Jewely, originally intended for the English market, lias been sent off for sale in this country, aud must be sold at any sacrifice. Under these circumstances, AKRANDALL & CO., acting as agents for tlie principal European manufacturers, have resolved upon a GREAT GIFT APPORTIONMENT, to be divided according to tbe following regulations: Certificates of the various articles are put Into en voiopes indiscriminately, sealed up, and when or dered, are taken out without regard to choice, aud sent by mail, thus showing no favoritism. Oil re ceipt of the certificate you will see what you are to have, and then it is at your option to send tlie dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a gold watch, diamond ring, or any set of jewelry on our list, for Oue Dollar. Send 25 Cents for Certificate. In all transacitons by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the certificates, paying postage and do ing the business, 25 cents each, which must be en closed when tlie certificate is scut for. Five certifle ates will be sent forsl, eleven for $2, thirty for $5, sixty-live for $lO, oue hundred for sls. What the Press Say of Vs. • The Lafayette (lud.) Daily Courier, March 18,1865, says: “A better selected, more varied or fashionable assortment of jewelry canuot be found on the conti nent than Arraudale A Cos. are now offering. Messrs. Arramlalc A Cos. occupy a high position in commer cial circles, as men entirely above the common trick ery of trade. The* statements may be Implicitly relied upon, both as to the character of their goods and the manner of disposal. Ladies especially, in all parts of the country, are realizing handsome’ proms as agents, and if any of our fair readers desire to In terest themselves in the enterprise, they may flo so with perfect confidence.” GREAT Gift DISTKIULTION.—A rare opportunity Is offered for obtaining watches, chains, diamond rings, silverware, etc., by Messrs. Arraudale A Cos., at No. 107 Broadway. They have an Immense stock of ar ticles, varying in value, and all are offered at one dollar each. The distribution is very fairly done: you agree to take a certificate or a certain article, enclosed in an envelope, and arc uot required to pay your dollar unless you are satisfied with the article, which will certainly be worth more than that amount, and may be SOO or SIOO. An excellent mode this of investing a dollar.— Sun/Say limes, .V. r. City , Feb. 19,1865. Messrs. Arraudale A Cos. have long been personally known to us, and we believe them to lie every way wortnv of public confidence.—.V. Y. Scottish Amer ican Journal, June 11, ’64. By Messrs. Arrandale & Co’s arrangement, the advantages tmisi be on the side of the customer, for he has everything to gain and nothing coinparaiively to lose. 11c knows what he will get for his dollar beforehand, and he need uot send it if he is uot satis fied.—-Vein York Daily fifties, Aug. 6, 1864. We know the firm in question to be very respect able and thoroughly woitby of public confidence, and recommend our friends to read their advertise ment.—.V. V. Albion, Sept. 3, 1564. Employment for Lames.—The most eligible and profitable employment we have heard of for ladies is the sale of certificates for the Great Girt Distribution of Arrandale & Cos. A lady of our acquaintance has been very successful in lids way, uot only in filling her own purse, but also In doing a good mru to those to whom she sold tlie certificates, as will be seen by our advertising columns. Gentlemen eau also Os thus eugaged.—.Yen' Fork Sunday Mercury, Aug it, 1865. AGENTS.—We want agents In every regiment, and in every town and county iu the country, and those acting as such will he allowed ten cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their remit tance amounts to one dollar, also o iier Inducements which can be learned on application. Agents will collect 25 cents for every certificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either tn cash or postage stamps. ARRANDALE & CO., n22-lan4 167 Hroadtray, A’. F Ci KORLIA—CHATHAM COUNTY —To all whom It T may concern: Win reas, John U. Ferrill will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Admiuls ration on the uude vtsed estste of Joseph Burke, late of said county, de cs wed, Thus* are. therefore, to cite tnd admonish all whom It may concern, to be sud appear before said Court to make otdectlou flf any they have) on or before the second Monday Id January mat, otherwise said letters will he granted. Wines-, m.v hand and official signature, this mb day o( November, DMIS. ult 1) A. O’HYKNK. Ordinary. Strayed or Stolen, A DARK MAY lIOHBK, shoal ten hands high, with leug tall and abort luaua, and between eight and nine years old, with on peculiar marks lie dla appeared Hum Mnhlgumety «n Sunday night last.— Aliy mini malum lu rslarvuc* to him white thank imiy lecciyed awl liberally rewarded II lelt ei ilie ofin # oi the l»eily Herald,' nva-U MEW ADVERTISEMENT*. Fresh Supply. APPLES, ALE, ONIONS, Red and White. Received per steamer C’onstitutiou and for *mle low by F. W. SI3IS CO., n22-2 Over Erwin A lla*<lee*s. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP, COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCEN TRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS. Prepared by WM. H. GREGC. M. D., Graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; formerly Assistant Physician in the Blackwell's Island Hospitals. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP lias produced a revolution m Medicine. What may seem almost incre Üble is, that many dis eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fie_ qaeutly cured iu a few days or weeks; and we cheer lully invite the investigatijusoi me liberal minded aud scientific to cures which have no parallel at the pres sent duy. Uuriitg the past five years w*e have contended with ob-Ucles and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any leiormers. RAPIDITY OF CURE. Some say, “Your cures are too quick," while others doubt their permanence, aud think that diseases can ouly be cured by tne "slow*, recuperative process of Naiure. ! * This is our reply: In health, the body, like a well balanced scale, is in a statu of equilibrium But when, iroin any cause, and wn goes one side of the scale, we have the effects of disease. What is requisite, is to re store the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is a positive aud specific remedy for all diseases origi. uiling from an impure state of tho Blood, and for al] (.hereditary) diseases transmitted from parent to child PARALYSIS. It is so universally admitted that Constitution Life Syrup is the only effective means us restoration in the various forms of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that it is emphatically the Great-Life-giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. Indigestion, Weight at Stomach, Flatidence, Liver Complaint. w «ut of Appetite, Bad Breath, Constipation, Bhliousness. SCROFULA. Struma, King’.- Evil, Glandular Swelling*, Erysipelas, Ulceration, Salt Rheum. This taiut (hereditary aud acquired), filling life with untold misery, U, by all usual medical remedies, iu cu table. RHEUMATISM. [Arthritis], Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout, Tic Doloreaux. If there i9 any disease in which the Constitution Li.e isyi up is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and its kiadivd attectious. ine most intense paius are almost instautij alleviated—enormous swellineb are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or forty years’ Hiaudiug, iiave been cared by us CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purge 9 the system entirely from all the evil effects of Mercury, removing the i»ad Breath, and curing the Weak Joiuih and hh-umatic Pains width the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums, and secures the Teeth as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and brunch, ail Eruptive Diseases of the Sain, like Ulcers, Piu.ples, Blotches, and all other Difficulties of his kind, which so much disfigure tire outward appearance of botu males aud females, often miking them a disgustmg object to themselves and their trienus. FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue, Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved iLs equal. Moth Piilches upon the female face, depending upon a uiseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasant to the young wile and mother. A few bottles of Consti tuiiou Liie Syrup will correct the aecretiou and remove the deposit, which is directly under the skin. Disease of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an ulcerated or oaucerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burning ol* other unpleasant symptoms, will be re lieved by the use of CONS ITT UTION LIFE SYRUP. Asa General Blood-Purifying Agent, the Life Syrup stunds unrivalled by any preparation in the world. THE RICH AND POOR Are liable to the .ante diseases. Nature and science have made the Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit of all. PURE BLOOD Produces healthy men anil women; and if the consti tution ts neglected in youth, disease and early deaih is the result. Do not delay when the means arc so near at hand, and within the reach of all. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is the poor man’s friend, and the rich man’s blessing. WILLIAM 11. GREGG, if. D., Sole Proprietor, New York. MORGAN A ALLEN, Wholesale Lrnggists. Agents, n22-3m 46 Glilf street, New York. 1 DA COILS Manilla Bale Rope 1 "v 600 hags Shot ino Vices 60 Auvils 5.) Smith's Bellows 400 kegs Nails 60 tons Plow Steel 100 tons Swedes and Refined Iron 1 ion Cast Steel, a-sated 150 dozen Axes Soon pair Trace Chains 3 casks Sheet Zinc IS Cotton Trucks 12 Corn t-hellera 160 doz Sin .vels and Spades, assorted brands 50 kegs Horse Shoes 50 kegs Male Shoes 200 dozen Curry Combs 25 dozen Horse Brushes. For sale by n22-2w* WEED A CORNWELL. Ham, Butter and Cheese. SUPERIOR Hans, at 20 cents per lb. Choice Batter, at 5J cents per lb. The best Cheese, at 25 cents per lb. At retail. Call on M. J. DOYLE, n22-2* No. 110 Bryan street. HAY. 10ft BALES North River Hay. Landing from 1 vv steamship Herman Livingston, and for sale, from wharf, by nS2-t JOHN R. WILDER. ~~ JOHN VANDERBILT, NO. 2S FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, DZAI.KS IN Agricultural Implements OF every variety, embracing all the different pat terns of Plows iu use in the Southern States, Corn- Slteller*. Hay and Stalk Cut'ers, llorse-Powers and Threshing Machines, Fan-Mills, Wheel-Barrows, Carts and Wagons Cotton Gins. Gin Gear, Plow and other Or tings, Shovels, Fork**, Iloes. Hakes and Harden and Farm Tools ana implements of every variety. SEEDS. The choicest Garden and Flower Seed 9 grown in this country or Europe, including every desirable kind and variety. The utmost care taken tn havj those only which are choice and reliable. Also, Grass, Field and Bird Seedaof every variety. FERTILIZERS. Bone Dust, Ani-aal M innrc (a preparation of animal matter, blood and bone, a good snbstilnte f" Guano anil cheapest manure in use: Phosphate of Lime, Land Plaster, Guano, Ac. PLANTS, TREES, &c. Furnished from t fie most reliable Nurserlos and Grow ers. gy Orders reepectfnlly solicited. Letters of Inquiry cheerfully responded to and price lists furnished ou application. lawßw-n29 LAUD. .) FIRKINS Prime Lird, ill .lore and for Ml* by io WM. 11. STARK Corner Lincoln and Bay siranta. lipObbls iLIM®, LANDING TO-DAY FROM STEAMSHIP PHASE, For sale low, un aharf, by WM. H. NTAHK. -til V dti»r Unto!* *sd N*f streets. Ju slßeceived, On Consignment 20 CASES BOOTS AND SHOES. Wkidl I offer on liberal term,. G. If. Arledgo, nIS-lw 72 Bay street. ISTotice. CONSIGNEE* p>r JOS. W. WEBSTER, from New York, will atiend lo the reception of their goods, ending this day ut Exchange wharves nil Warren’s Celebrated Needles and Fisii Hooks. ANTDRKW CLERK & CO.. 48 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. OCR former coatnmera will find a redaction in gold prices of the Needles, while the quality is always kept up to the highest staudard known U> English manufacturers. A. C. A Cos., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so long and favorably esteemed by their house. au2s-3m To the Merchants of Savannah. FTHB undersigned, Committee from Metropolitan Fire -I- Cor. paiiy, will wait upon the Merchants and Bu>i ness Men of the city This Day, to Solicit subscriptions for the pUKfilase of a Steam Fire Engine. They hope for a prompt and generous response from their fellow citizens. JNO. R. DILLON, GEO. 11. JOHNSTON, Ja., WM. N. VALLEAU, nov4 Committee. Bridgewater Paint and Color Works Cos, BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN, Agents. Just received and for sale at the manufacturer’s Prices: Kegs XX Brdgewater Lead Kegs XX Snow White Zinc Kegs Cygnet White Lead Kegs Summerset White Lead Tubs Putty Paint Brushes Premium White Lead Chrome Yellow Venetian Ked Mctalic Paint (in oil) Mctalic Paint fdry) Fire Proof Paint Cottage Colors. lm oct£6 Cooper, Olcott & Farrelly. Booksellers and Stationers, SAVANNAH, QA. THE undersigned have formed a Copartnership under the name and style of Cooper, Olcotts aud Fa. relly, for the transaction of a Wholesale and Re tail Book and Stationery Business at the old stand of John M Cooper* Go., uoith-wesl coiner of Whitaker and St. Juiiun Streets, JOHN 31. COOPER. WILLIAM H. OLCOTT. DANIEL G OLCOTT. oct23 eodlm STEPHEN FARRELLY. Oranges,. &c. FORTY thonsand Oranges, very sweet 1000 Cocoa Nuts Landing from brig Atlantic, and for sale by Ul7 BEIL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. THE Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Georgia, 116 BROUGHTON STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for sale at New York prices. Bewing Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done. nil Notice to Mariners. HILTON HEAD BEACON LIGHTS, S. E. CHANNEL INTO PORT ROYAL, S. C. A RANGE Beacon Light has been substituted for the Fourth Order Lens Light, formerly shown at the Front Beacon on Hilton Head Island, lighting the South East Channel into Port Royal. These Beacons will now show with equal brilliancy, and the Back Beacon Light will appear over the Front Light when they are in range. F B. ELLISON, Capt., nlB-6 Light House Inspector. OFFICE OF LIGHTHOUSE INSPECTOR I Sixth District, Charleston S. C., > November 13th, 1866. ) ALL persons connected with the Lighthouse Estab lishment of the United States in the Sixth District, or having business with the same, are notified that 1 have this day been relieved by Capt. F. B. Ellison, U. S. N., Lighthouse Inspector of the Sixth Dbtrict. CHAS O. BOUTELLE, Assistant U- S. Coast Survey, Late Lighthouse Inspector Sixth District. The attention of Lighthouse Keepers, and all others connected with the Sixth Lighthouse District, Is called to the above not ce, and all reports will he made in future to me, at my offica at the Custom House, in this city. FRANCIS B. ELLISON, Lighthouse Inspector Sixth District. novlß Architecture and Engineering. MULLER A BRUYN, Architects and Engineers, are now prepared to fhrnish Drawings, Specifica tions and Estimates for buildings- Also for all kinds of Machinery, such as Saw Mills aud other Mills, Facto ries. Ac., and to superintend tho building of the same. Surveying done iu all its branches, Levelling, &c. Office in Sorrel’s Building, corner of Bull ana Buy sts, Second floor. M. P. MULLER, Civil and Mechanical Engineer. Da WITT BRIAN, nov4-lm Architect NOW LANDING AND FOR SALE. Qfkil Boxes, X, X »nd caddies Tobacco, which we teUV arc now offering 1. 1 prices lower than ii can be bought form Northern cities. MILLER, THOMAS A CO., nll-tf No. 205 Bay strecet. • For Liverpool. THE first class British bark THOMAS WHITNEY J. c Kelly, master, being of small capacity, will have quick dispatch. For freight, apply to octlO BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUQG, Piomirois c. s. RinnrLU h. r. suoo. Ju3-tl NOTICE. Savannah, Oct. 27, 1865. The Municipal authorities having appoint ed Port Wardens for the Port of Savannah, the Board assembled this day and elected THOS. HOLCOMBE, Chairman, and THOS. J. BULLOCH, Clerk. Parties interested will make application to the undersigned, at the Exchange. THOS. J BULLOCH, oct2B-3aw4w Clerk. aw a y With spectacles . OLD Bye* made New, without Spectacles, Doctor or Medicine. Pamphlet mailed free on receipt of ten cents Andreas E. B. Foote, M. D., *fo. 1130 Br«»wlway, New Vorfc. n9-2w J. GARDNER TAKES the liberty of informing the public generally that he has just opened, and will always keep on hand a full supply of Fresh Family Groceries, of all description* and of the be«t quality, which he offers for sale ai r ououable rule*, corner Jones and Barnard street*, at Ehrlich's old aland. nlb-lin KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Fid* Backs, Bld* Lamps, with sud withont Reflectors, Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lantern* Bases, Pag* sud Founto- I’stent Glass Ofinea, Burner*, Globe*, LtUmnlea and Wick. DRUGGISTS' FLINT A GREEN GI.ABN, Crock ery Dealers’and Oonfte i loners’GLASSWARE Good* of *ll kinds m*d>' I* order. BKRUMKNB OIL JAHRhT WRIgIIT, ~ , HI Greeuwkh Street, Two doors below Barclay, M. T uovl-lfil _ •PKCUL SOTICICK. MARRIAGE and celibacy. An hasay of Warning and In>trn*ti.*u for Young men, just published l»y the Howard Association, mud sent iu sealed letter envelopes free ol charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN' HOUGHTON. Howard Amodltkm, Philadelphia, Pa. octl2-3m A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of MAIUUAOE Containing nearly 800 pages, and 130 flue Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or gans in a »Ute of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences upon the mind and Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to tlie married, and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 26 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 3i Maiden L ine, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any of the dis eases upon which his book treats either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. octlO 6m We have learned not to be astonished at anything. Years of experience and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a basis from which we need not err. We are not surpristd at such fkets as the following—although the persons who write them arc. We know the persous and cir cumstances, hence feel at liberty to indorse their statements: “Nzw BkdKord, Mass., Nov. 24,18C3. Dear Sir,—l have been ufflieted many years with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet and hands, and a disordered system. Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends in New York who were using Plantation Bitters, tliey prevailed u pan me to try them. 1 com menced with a small wine-glassful alter dinner. Feel ing better by degrees, in a few days I was astonished to find tho coldness and cramps had entirely left uic, and 1 could sleep the uight through, which 1 have not done for years. I leel like another being. My appe tite and strength have also greatly improved by the use of the Plantation Bitters. Respectfully, Judith Russrx.” Rudsbuky, Wis.. Sept 16, 1363. • • • I have been in the army hospitals for four teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a buttle of Plantation Bitters. • • Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * * C. A. Flaute." The following is from the Manager of the Union Ilome School lor tho Children of Volunteers: *’liavxMKYkK Mansion. 6»ih St, ) New Yolk, August 2,1803. J Dr. Drake:— Your wonder, ul Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children su tuning from weakness and weak lungs wiln most happy effect. One little girl iu particular, with paius iu her head, loss of appelite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspooutul ol Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly increased, ana she is now well. Respect;ully, Mrs. O. M. Davoe." * * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the l’lantatiou Bitters have saved my life. Rev. W. 11. Waggoneb, Madrid, N. Y. “• • • Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, * Asa Currin, Philadelphia, Pa." “• • • I have been a great sufferer from Dyspep sia. and had to abandon preaching. • * The Plan tation Bitters haw cured me. Rev. J. S. Cathorn, Rochester, N. V." **• • • 1 have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most as tonishing effect. G. W. D. Andrews, Superintendent Soldiers* Ilcrne, Cincinnati, O.” “* * • The Plantation Bitters have cured me of Liver Complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate, and had to abannon my business. 11. U. King-let, Cleveland, Ohio." “* * • The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs that has distressed me tor >eurs- It acts like a ebanu. C. C. MOOKK, No. 264 Broadway.” Ac.; Ac., Ac., «&c., Ac. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, tho languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature’s great re storer. They are composed of the celebrated Cali say a Bark, Wintergrcen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, Ac., all preserved in perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. S. T.—IBGO X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appe tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, &c., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical au thorities, and are warranted to produce an immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler and im* postor. It is put up only in our log cabin bottle. Be ware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, f>r which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork unmutilated, and our signature on steel-plate side label. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable world, P. H. DRAKC A CO., oct27-3m 202 Broadway.N. X. S. T.— 1860 —X. Drake’s Plantation Bitters* They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation. They cure Diarrhoea, Cholera and Cholera Morbus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Head iche. They arethe best Bitiers in the world They make the weak strong, ana arc exhausted natnre’s great re storer. They are made of pure Bt. Croix Rum, the celebrated Calisaya .Balk, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, withont regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommended to delicate persons requiring a gentle stimulant Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only gen uine when Cork is covered by our private U. 8. Stamp. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. H DRAKE A CO., oct2B-codly 21 Park Row, New York. Agua de Magnolia. A toilet delight I The ladles’ treasure ami gentle men’s boon 1 The “sweetest thing” and largest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia Used for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft ana Iresh, to prevent eruptions, to pcifume clothing, Ac. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of p.'rapinuioll. It removes redness, tan, blotches, Ac. It cares uerrons headache and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and ailds delicacy to the skin. It yieldsasubduedand lasting perfume It cures moaqneto bites and stings of insect* It contains no material injnrions to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologue, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwards. DAMAS BARM S A CO., *ct27-eodly Props. Exclusive Agents, N. Y. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH I SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH!!! Wlioaton'M Oint moiit. Will 111 l TNI (TIN IN FMTV-IIINT HHNI. Also rare* Malt Rheum, UUsn, CblibUtet, and *ll Krupllon* us ths Hiriu. Price 50 Mots Fur Hi* by fill Druggist* By aendliifi de -onto to Weeks A Potter. Mute A gem*, ITO Washington street. Boston. Mass . U will Im Unwanted by nwU. Mao us pnaffig* to oay part us Ut* United Mate*. AMIMBMBITI. Savannah T heat re 7 WKDIL4DAV KVEMXC. SOV. ■«. L..M Nigh: bat twouf Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cri, p , , T.icjH.pu ■('Ur.iaaor East Lynne* OR. THE EARL S DAUGHTER * Lady LtabeL I Mad. Vine, t ■W. H. CrDn Archibald Carlyle, K-*q. j( r yy || To conclude with the Pleasant Neighbor. Christopher Strop MrJ. T. Riymuti.l ST. ANDREW’S TTaLIT TWO HOURS LI HUIVD, Weteiay, May & Friday Ei'niiis November 5J3d, 23d aud !4th, 1803 F.ret appearance In Savannah ainee their rotnrr, r. »( -ur year,- tour of Great Brit ,i„. , ls theZ/™" 1 tingnishert and worhl-renowucd artist^ Mr. and Mrs. HARRY WATKINS, Also, first appearance of the accomplished Youmr EugLsh Pianist, s MISS CARLOTTA SHAW, From the Nobililiee Concerts, London: Drououn. ixt tho : est of living Lady Pianlatß. F This strand combination of Musical aud Dramatic talent appear highly popclir. NOVEL, COMICAL k MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT. Two Hours in Fun-Land, Lately presented in New York. PhiladelphiH, Balti more. \\ ashingtou aud Augusta with a success un pai olleb and in the World of Amusement. Attracting large nnd brilliant assemblages of the clit® o society, who testified their apprsci >tiuu of the Wonderful Beudillun of Eccentric Char acter*, Exhibited by the above artists, In outbursts of hearty laughter and h\ p’ausc. "I un-land" is replete with b ilium* Musi*, Sarcism, Witaud Song, port ray iug, with singular fllelity, Life’s Com c Features, lilts at the Time*, Rules on the Ito mautie, Dashes at the Dil.etauti, etc. Tickets, sl. For sale at the Music Store of J. C. Sebreiuei. and at the Hotel*, u2O XV A.VIKU. T. Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. 5.—36 bids Flour 20 half bids Flour # bbls Crackers • 6 bbls Apples & bbls Eggs G A W—loo tubs Lard. If not called for trill be sold for freight and expenses. oct-23 brigham, Baldwin a co. WANTED, ABTORE, on Boy street, or portion of a large store dividt»d off. with au office overhead. Address *• Men bant.” ILtmlil office, ptg-tf BEERBREWER WANTED. 1 ~ .’4 A good Beer Brewer CAN OBTAIN PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT, With Good Wages, By addressing -‘J. F.," care of 8. W. Mason A Cs>„ Herald office. Iw-nl7 Wanted, t£G A A MONTH! .Agents wanted wanted for sis tp.rxf entirely neu> articles, just oof. Address O. T. GAKEY, City Building, Biddefnrd, Maine, scplb d.tw3m WANTED” A GENTLE MAN of strict business habits, and 16 years’ experience, desires a position as Salesman or Bookkeeper in some Commission House in this city, where the services of a valuable man would be ap preciated. Address, for teu days, Bookkeeper, Herald Office, Savannah, Ga. tf-nls Wanted, A DAY! Agents wanted to .ell anew and V-t* wonderful SEWING MACHINE, (he only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW & CLAKK. Bid deford, Maine. sepl4,dA\v3iu FOlt SALE & TO HEAT. BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE. -A. Number One Phelan’s Billiard Table FOR SALE. Enquire at Herald office. 1121-1 w W. O'M. PAVILION HOTEL For Rent. THAT well-known, desirably located, and highly popular establishment, situated on Bull street, 1 tetween South Broad and Hull streets, occupying four entire lots of 60 by pu feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty rooms, is now offered fur rent The party renting this property will be required to make the necesshrv repairs and give satisfactory se curity for the punctual payment oi lent. JOHN M. COOPER novT—tf Pres't Union Society. foTbM I OFFER for Rent next year, 186", my Rice Place, in Camden county, Ga., on the Great Satilla lfiver, known as the “Vernon Plantation,*’ containing 420 acres of first quality Rice Land, and about 100 acres of high land, all in perleclorder. Said Plantation hits been cultivated during the war. and therefore requires no extra work to prepare it for a crop the ensuing year. All the negroes formerly belonging to me are still on the place and anxious to remain, bo there would be no diffleuity in procuring laborers. On the place i* a comfortable dwelling house, together with all the uecersary buildings for the accommodation of labor ers and storing be crop. Seed for the coming year, including Bice, Corn Peas, Sue »r Cane, sorghum, Cotton, Ac., can be obtained’ on the place. For further particulars address the sub scriber at Wayueaviile, Wayne county, (la. ocUW-lm JAB. F. KINO. Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. Ths ltifht and commodious Store, corner Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avrnna, to less* for a limited tints. Terms easy. Address W. 8. SAMPSON, Jr. Agent, Ottlfi ts Lock Box RJliltonJ!®!-* " ROOMS TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S.C. lb* “Palmetto Herald Building.” lutein* been M«l» fitted tip. now off., large sud siry R«<*** »»ltobl* ** Mseping ApsrtnteuU or Buslnss# pnrposns. Furtorm* * Mnm W. N fiAMFBGM. Jr.. Agsfil. will u L,k bol K, Hltto. Itead. 8, O.