Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 22, 1865, Image 3

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g V ANN A. 11. p ..«-rc •* *****■*••—•- rW NEW TUBE. - (|: n—fcip Constitution, Thursday, Nov. *BO, at hi, o'clock »• m. ‘ v. Herman Uvlngstou, Saturday. Nov, 26. it o'clock* 8:f ,„.i-hip San Salvador, Saturday. November 26. ;ock- Chaae, Batunlay, November 26. at - o'clock. POE BALTIMORE. Steanultip Fannie. Saturday, November 26. at - o'clock rOß BOSTON. Steamship William Tibbetts, Wednesday. Nov. *», ut o’clock. FOB palatea. Steamer Lizzie Baker, Thursday, November 23d, atu> o'cloek a. m. FOR APOrSTA. Steamer Two Boys, Wednesday, November 22. at y o'clock a. ra. Steamer Caldwell, Thursday. November 3*d, at - "steamer Wm. C. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. FOR JACKSONVILLE. Steamer Fannie, Wednesday, November 22d, at 10 o'clock a. m. FOR POCTORTOWN. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 9 o'clock. . Steamer Gen. Sltepley, every Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. Steamer Clarion, every Saturday morning, at 9 O clock. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at lo o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at lo o’clock. * \ sew Line ok Savannau Steamships—Arrival of the Sas Salvador.—Our mercantile marine he, t.eeu still further Increased by the establishment of itkither Hue or Brst-class steamship* to run between Savannah and New York. The new line is styled the Empire Line and comprises, at the present time, the eleyaut sidewheel steamships San Salvador SDd San Jacinto. Two more steamships of the same class as the above, are soon to be added to the Empire Line, making It a semi-weekly line between onr city and New York.— Messrs. Gan i9on £ Allen are the agents at New York, ami Mr. Benj. H. Hardee the agent In Savannah. The Brst arrival of a steamship of the Empire Line was that of the San Salvador, yesterday. The San Salvador Is the well-known steamship S. R. Spaulding, re-christened with anew name upon becoming one of the Empire Line. The S. R. Spending was built in 1869 at Wilmington, Del., and was tir-t employed In rnnuing between Boston and Baltimore, on which line she gained a favorable re putation for speed and comfort. When the war com menced the Spaulding was taken by the Government for a transport, and continued in that service through out until its close, runuing to the various military posts, aud sustaining her reputation as one of the Bnest and most reliable of the United States Steam transports. In November, 1564, the S. R. Spaulding was laid up at Baltimore, thoroughly overhauled, and her old hollers replaced by new ones. Upon being put upon the Empire Line for Savannah, she has received a new uutflt throughout. An elegant dress of new paint lias been put upon her exterior, while her i.ibin and state rooms have been renovated and adorned byjthe addition of everything that taste and liberality could suggest. The saloon Is furnished with i-uniptuous sofas and lounges, the paneling be iog finished in white and gold. The state rooms are roomy, well ventilated and lighted, supplied with every convenience, and elegantly furnished. Tin- s. K. Spaulding is of about 1,200 tons burthen. Site is n side-wheel steamship, with walking-beam above decks. She has a tine promenade aft, and with lier peculiar build and breadth of beam, cannot but be a comfortable boat for travellers who are lia ble to scu-sicknesa in an unsteady vessel. Ilcr officers are gentlemen of experienced seaman ship aud practical courtesy. They are : Captain, Joshua Atkius; Purser, JO9. Reiman; Chief Engineer, Andrew Frost; First Officer, K. S. Nickerson; Stew ard, A. 8. Roedeger. Tile San Salvador made the trip from New York to Savannah In fifty-nine hours, from bar to bar, and slxtr-Cv' hours to her dock—having left New York on Saturday last, o'clock p.m., and arrived at her wharf here at 9 a. m. yesterday. the courts. PK YOST COURT, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH,BEFORE CAPT. CLARE B. REBICE, PROVOST MARSHAL, Savannah, November 21,1863. Tue United States by Policeman Ryan and Smith vp. Win. Frazier, (colored)—Drunkenness and disor tleilyconduct. Plea, not guilty; found guilty and sentenced to six mouths imprisonment In the Jail of Chatham county. The United States by Policeman Sheppard vs. York Floyd, (colored) —Improper conduct. Plea, not guilty; upon application of the prosecutor the de fendant Is discharged.. The United states by Policeman T Ford vs. J Gray, (colored)—Having stolen goods In his possession. Plea, nui guilty; there being Insufficient evidence to conv.ct the prisoner or the above charge, he was dis missed from the charge; several citizens having tes tified to his good character. The United States by Policeman J. Reilly vs. An thony Joues (colored)—Malicious mischief. Plea, not guilty; there being no evidence adduced to convict the prisoner lie was discharged from costody. The United States by Policeman Ryan, vs. Abra ham t'ohen (colored).—lmproper conduct in the streets. The defendant was not fbnnd guilty and was discharged. The United States by Policeman A. Moteny; vs. George Winkler (colored).—Simple Ihrceny. Plea not guilty. From the evidence adduced In the foregoing case the prisoner was found guilty of the charge, and in default of producing a harness claimed by the pro secution, remanded to the jail ot Chatham county, and there be confined at hard labor for one month. r| te United States hy Policeman Itulgnan vs. Isaac Brown and Sandy Hunter—Having two mules In their possession supposed to have been stolen. Plea, not guilty. Brown proved that the mule In his charge was the property of Jas. Williamson, colored, " hereupon It was ordered that the same be returned to the owner, who had placed him In his charge up on payment of the Impounding fee. Hunter having asked leave to procure his bill of sale for the other mule, w as permitted so lo do, and upon satisfactory proof win b e allowed to take his mnle upon payment ot'he Impounding fee. The United states by Policeman Harper vs. Jerry „ ’ ton ' colored—Assault and battery. The prose tm.o ’ c ltussel * and M Keliy, having failed to make thn r 11 ‘‘‘"’'trance in obedience to summons received, fronumstoiv* llisD ‘ lsße<, aQd defendant, discharged twL UuU * u State * by Policeman Rddgers vs. Geo. "“fO" l ("red—Having stolen goods in his posses tv «hJj , e lll ' ln <t no person to identify the proper cost* d, ' :U<lam was dismissed upon payment of Steamship “San Salvador.” Tybee Roads, Nov. 21st, 1865. At a meeting of the passengers of this ship, held on board this day, the following preamble and reso ( ott'uis were unanimously adopted : V We, the passengers per steamship *'9an With niMa , fr °mNtw fork to Savannah, nave noticed said s?dn^rn- a nd,V le clfortsof the officers and crew of passage- f ° r tle P r °motton of our comfort ou this the?!,?,!!?"* B '. T,ie accommodations of the ship, Sb w iri'i the Larder, tlte appointments of the with tb? Purser’s departments in connection ti,m of uniform courtesy and accommoda have by all of the ship’s officers and servants, most r2S, tous 0,,e of ‘he shortest as well as the lie K,nr russages of the season : lire in reT-omJ, 9 i"!!' 1 ' I ’* resolved, That we take pleas ag«or„ ?? ,mer l J "‘*‘b ‘he confidence and patron ~Sanß» «* public the side wheel steamship Empire Lino (! “ le *?• “ 9 ' K ' bpauldlng,”) of the oceatsteamAs Bteamers, as a first-class having ,erfect ln all of her appointments, cent' miSIS “? ly eouipetent and mo*t attentive offi- S?&hX2SLI h S highcat rate of epecd, and above RSmhWVi?.?* " ound ’ anU •*» to human life. Joshua A,s’j h . at we especially recommend CapUin tils genthmm *, fo r hla a ® l| lt.v as a commander, and We ' bearing towards his passengers.- and PnraspSl i»r. J. Keenan, Sunreou eoT,,u ‘ 3 ' ln , “i* oOotol tier them W#M aH lhe corpn of officers uu* »nd tesoiui'i.T*!*l k , fop 7 of tll# •bregoln* preamble inH-iinn I,"" , ' U| J atu-autd by the officers of thl* pu “ ou “ “>• •*“ (Htgued) utWUiC TIBKAU, * B I>AV, toNnrtary, SSmB. V' or ™* llkhmam Uvinoeron.-Th* , ' “u»p lleiman Livingston arrived below the t'^few W * ,r * *“ fam» tourney »^,ei«rp —TteU splendid*ilifht draught repaired, I* now M lb* Mb. amd Mb*, haery Watein* Thu Evrnino.— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins make (heir debut in g . vanuah tula evening, at Bt. Andrew's Ball, In their novel, comical and musical entertainment, “Two i Honrs In Fun-Laud.’’ Mr. and Mrs. Watkins’ ele gant entertainment* have been received with marked fhvor In all Uie principal cities of the North, having drawn together the moat fashionable audiences, and elicited the warmest encomiums of the press. Their entertainment, consisting of music, a dash of the drams, wit and song, la commended as refined and peculiarly pleasing. Their stay with us la to be brief and tbe ball will undoubtedly be crowded with bril liant audiences. We commend tbem to ill who de sire an evening's entertainment that does not halt or “drag’’ from beginning to end. Miss Carlottu Bhaw, niece of Mrs. Watkins, arrived here from New York In the steamer Constitution’ and will preside st the piano to-night. Miss Shaw, but receully came from Europe where Bbe received a thorough musical education, and attained a dis tinguished position as a pianist. At the Winter Garden, In New York, where she performed a few evenings, she won the approbation of the musical critics who rank her among the most accomplished artists of the day. She will contribute her full share to the high character of Mr. and Mrs. Watkins’ en tertainment to-night. From Auscsta The steamer Amazon, Capt. Richard Johnson,arrived from Augusta on yesterday afternoon. We aie Indebted to Purser James M. Farr, for late papers and the following marine re port : Nov. 19.—At 9 o’clock A. M., passed steamer Scor pio at Half Guinea, hound up. At Cooney Reach at 10 o’clock A. M., passed steamer Laura, bound up. At 1 o'clock P. M., passed steamer Wm. Q- Gibbons, bound up, a t Flowery Gap, at 4 P. M., passed steam er Oak, at Robffison Round, bound up. At Rocky Point, at half apust 5 P. M., passed steamer Volun teer, with two flats, bound up. At Johnson’s Land ing the steamers Express and Potter with flats, lied up for the night, bound up. Nov. 20,—At Wild Horae, passed steamer Helen, at 10 A. M., bound up. Nov. 21.—At Poor Robin, 6A. M., passed steamer Falcon, bound up. At Gold Wire Reacb, at OA. M., passed steamer Caldwell, bound np. At Pine Tree Camp, passed steamer Fannie Lehr sunk, tbe steam, er Minnie Brandt was alongside taking off her passen gers and cargo. The steamer Robert Lehr had just arrived at the wreck from Savannah at 2 o'clock P.M. River Intelligence— Arrival Jand Departure of Steamer.—The harbor yesterday was not so live ly as usual. Tbe Steamer Resolute, Capt. Cannon, with a large number of passengers arrived rrom Hilton Head. The United States Revenue Steamer Nausemond arrived from a cruise on the South Atlantic Coast, at about one o’clock p. m. yesterday. The trade to Florida was represented by the steam er Fountain, Capt. Castncr, which departed for Palat ka at ten o’clock yesterday morning, having a full freight aud many passengers. Yesterday afternoon the steamer Amazon, Capt. Richard Johnson, with eleven hundred and forty bales upland cotton and a large number of pass engers, from Augusta, arrived at her wharf In this city. Yesterday afternoon the steamer Robert Lehr, Capt. Ike Henry, with a full cargo departed for Au gusta. The steamer Minnie Brandt has proceeded up the river with a very full cargo, aud will relieve the Fan nie Lehr, wrecked above Pnrysburg. The Police of Savannah—arrests from the First Day of November to Last Evening.—The efficiency of the police under Gen. R. H. Anderson* has shown its fruits in a month of great quiet and security In Savannah. During the month of Novem ber forty-five arrests have been made of white per sons, and sixty-six or colored. They were charged with various crimes, none of them capital offences. The least del lltction of duty on the part of any po liceman, meets with quick punishment. Tbe officers are men of the highest respectability, and tbe men at present on the police are of undoubted character and trustworthiness. Up to last evening there hud been only twenty-eight complaints entered against tbe policemen for a Ueriliction of duty. Police Reports.—The following arrests were made on yesterday by the Police of Savannah : Bob Tarver (colored)— Larceny of spikes from At lantic aud Gulf Railroad. Crawford Smith, (colored)—Larceny from the bouse. Francis Cotton—Drunk and disorderly In the streets. Charles Axon, (colored)—Arrested on three charges oi larceny from Atlantic aud Gulf Railroad. Patrick O’Brien—Assaulting a policeman, Heavy Gale.—A few days since we noticed the fact that a terrific gale was blowing on the coast. This gale was to the northward of Savannah, and was felt only In a comparative slight degree on our Georgia coast. On Monday morning about three o’clock, a gale seldom known for its’suddenness and severity prevailed. Up to last evening no hews had been received from portions of the coast, and it Is therefore Impossible to state what disasters may have occurred. Steamship Tartar.—This steamship, which pnt Into our port Sunday last In want of fuel, cleared again on yesterday. The Tartar Is too heavily laden to make a direct voyage and will have to call at Key West for further supplies of coal. Appointment of Constable.—Capt. Isaac Russell of Savannah was, on Saturday last, appointed a Coo. stable or Bailiff of Chatham County. Capt. Rnssell will, no doubt, prove a faithful and vigilant officer. Harper’s Magazine.—Harper’s for December bss been received by Estlll. It Js a valuable number, containing its usual rich variety or useful Informa tion and entertaining reading. Nliippinff Intellijjoneo. Miniature Almanac—Thl* Dap. Sun rises 6 37 Moon rises 8 49 Sun sets 4 sa|High water jo is PORT OF SAVANNAH. Tuesday, Nov. 21, 1865. Arrived, Steamship San Salvador, Adkins, New York—B H Hardee. Steamship Herman Livingstoa, Baker, New York -J K Wilder. Steamer Caldwell, Murray, Augusta—J R Wilder. C S Revenue steamer Nansemond, Colesberry, from a cruise. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer Amazon, Johnson, Augusta, Erwin A Hardee. Scltr Jas Henry, Church, Boston—L T Whitcomb. Bchr Frank, Green, Satllla, with produce to J T Rowland. Clenred. Steamship Tartar, Howes, Galveston, Texas—Mas -1 ter. Steamer Ella, Rowland, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer Robt Lehr, Henry, Augustu—F M Myrell. Steamer Fountain. Castner, Jacksonville, Fla—M A Cohen. Imports. l’cr scltr Jas Henry, from Boston—B3osacks salt, 50 pkgs cranberries. Passenger*. Per steamship San Salvador, from New York—G W' Kidd, G A Peck, wlf# and 2 children, Mrs Constant and 2 children, Mr Manu, R Jones, A S Welch, wire ami 3 children, Miss Matliaver, U lielamrte, L Burns J I! Baldwin, Mrs C O’lioherty, Dr A B Lay, Rev L C Teban, W R Wilson. Per steamship Herman Livingston, from Now York —M Burke, li Watson. D Bing, H K Terry, 1) Post, W n Meseck, T Howe, J K White, W drelg, J L Till, E Woodruff, D Walkins, J Rockenbough, J J Marsh, J Anderson, Dr A Anderson, II B Moore, J Eckcrson, H Bohne and wife. Miss Segulit, E A Bradlv, M Van Horn, Mrs L E Schaier, MrsJ Houghton. R W Wangh and wife, Mrs Potter and servt, Mrs S H Maxwell, Mrs W I) Smith, T A Goodwin, wife and daughter. W H Livingston, Mrs Livingstou, W M Langley and wife, F Brown, wife and »ervt. Dr I) llTawman. G Jacobs, U M Ames, J L Wellman, Mrs E C Benton and 2 children, M Strung, J Sherman, wife and child, Dr J M Blakely, Mad A Danbet and daughter, P TUUler, E Randall, and 60 m steerage. Per steamer Amazon, from Augusta—S V Hayden, W Kenneth, Mra C Brantly, child and servt, Ellor ratb. Mra II Young, K Morgraf, Mra K Johnson, two children and servt, F Nikon, Geo Washington Consignees. Per steamship San Salvador, front New York—W M Walsh, Doyle A Lyons, It MadJ, 0 L Gilbert, J Me MallOU A Cos, D Finnegan, W W Utieolu, A A Solo mons A Cos, W B Adams, II Hartman A (to, E Barnes W Sheppard, F Seliusler, W li stark, I* Reilly, Stuart 4 Cos, JO'Byrne, E O'Bytae, B li Hardee li Johnson A Uraylilll, Ullirup A On, t xkuhso, /’, Bald win A t'o, Bothwall A whllobsad, J M Baldwin, M Lavln, J P nun all, and ur#<r. Per xeainahlp Herman Uvlngston, from New York —Adsnia El (», J W Aoderaoit ami Susa, A Ander- Mil, W B Adams, B, Baldwin A t o, B, Amllh A Uo, B WylieV A I'hrtsilan, MM A Meyer. Bothwell A #, T Mtwduii, V Brows, It Brtug, and, fulmaou, * Umy- M Conn, O A Cuyler. 8 M Coldlng, Dullnaki * Hager, i DewHt A Morgan, Duncan k Johnston W M Da MU son, M Dawdauu. Kralu M Harder. htiiiskdn * Kck man. C K Emereek, b F Kiusi.iu, G C Freeman, 1. Fried, Fellaer k Pollock, M Kent k Cos, Guckeuliei laer i* Se.ig, c I. Gilbert, L G Guilmanui <2 Cos, 11 F Grant, Hilton k Randall, Hunter k Gaiumeli, Hess man, Atslierg A Cos, R Habersham k Nona. H Hefit, G M lieidl, A S Hartndge, Klrltn k Rurke, hem 6 Cos, E Kuellicke k Cos, J M Kuicbley, N H Knapp, la Roche, Gadeu k Luckies, Lovell k lattimure, 8 M Lederer J Lippman Jaa l.lppinan, J Langadorl, W W Lincoln, Lathrop k Cos, J Leavy, R J Lqrcombe, M. Day k Cos, M, Thomas * Cos, K F Metcalfe it Cos. H Meinl.urd £ flro, J 11 Moses, WAR Mrlntire. M S Meyer, H C Mehrtens, J Nicholson, G T Nichols Thos Pepper, K O'/tyrne, Patterson A Tucker, H W Pease, J M Prentiss, It A Cann, F J Ruckert, P Reilly J L Rouinilatt, II Roberts, Schuster Jt llelnslus, B G Til des, W H Stark, T A Gordon, R 11 Totem. J R Wilder Well £ Memliard, J L Villalouga, JAW ayiie, W U .Wlliberger, P Whaleu, Warren A Platuer, Yonge A Nixon, and others. Per steamer Caldwell, from Augusta— J R Wilder, F E Salinas, C L Colby £ Cos, B, Baldwin £ Cos, anil others. Per steamer Amazon from Augusta—ll4o bales up land cotton, to B, Smith A Cos, O Cohen. W Batlersby B, Baldwin A Cos, Erwin <1 Hardee, Huuter £ Gam mell, Sorrell Bros, G B A G W Lamar, J Richardson. It Habersham A Sons, C, Grayiull A Cos, R II Dockri'.l. AUCTION SALES. TICK ET B TO THE METROPOLITAN Great Gift Sale AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, at 11 o’clock, will be sold at auction, to front of store, 600 Tickets In the above Great Gift Enterprise, For particulars see advertisement und circulars. n2<! AT PRIVATE SALR By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having becu so many applications for Small Tract* of Land for locatiou, the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition to meet this demand-, has placed in the market for a lew days, Lots of Five Acres! or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff Road, opposite to the two mile »t6ne. tf-nl6 By Bell, Wylly & Christian. At PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of tho city. The improvements consists of a first class cottage dwelling, gothic style, containing six large rooms, with marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with shelves and glassdoois. Outbuilding* consists of farmhouse, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage house and “tables. Purcha er can have ihe re fusal of cjrn, fodder, hay, horses, mules, buggies aud wagons. Also, 24.10 acres of heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) miles Trom the city, between the Ogeechee and Cituoochee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or un A. No. l turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling houses with stables, cribs, Ac. tf-nlB By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On WEDNESDAY, Nov 22d, in lront of store, at 11 o'clock, will be sold, 180 acres of Land, in Bryan county, within a half mile of Way’s Station. 40 acres cleared, balance well wooded. Improvements consist of a two story dwel ling. with store .attached. The above property is well located for a country store. n2l By Bell, Wylly A Christian. On THURSDAY, at 11 o’clock, at the resilience corner of Ball and South Broad street?, will be sold, The Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Sideboards, Bureaus, Sofas, Chairr, Bed-deads. Car pets, £c. u2l UNDERWRITER'S SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On THURSDAY, 23d in«t., at lojtf o’clock,at the Lower Hydraulic Press, will be sold, for account of Under writers and all concerned, 48 BALES COTTON 90 BALES COTTON 13 BALES COTTON Damaged on board of Stamer Annie, from Darien, and sunk in the Savannah river. Sold under inspection of I*ort Wardens. Terms, cash before delivery 3-n2l UNDERWRITER’S SALE. BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. TO-MORROW, Thursday, at 11 o’clock, a. m„ will be sold, in front of store, for account of Underwriters and all conoorued, A portion of the cargo recovered from steamer Sa vannah, that was sunk in tile Savannah river, consist ing of a general assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors, Crockery, Glassware, Drugs, Medicines,Wood ware, Fancy Articles, Ac. Damaged on board of said steamer, and sold under inspection of the Port Wardens. Terms cash before delivery. u 22 BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE A Sea Island Cotton Plantation, of 700 acres, 800 of which are cleared and the balance well wooded, situa ted on Skid away Island. Fronting on the river are twenty very superior and desirable building lots. n22-5 By Belli Wylly & Christian. THIB DAY, 22d instant, at 10 o'clock, a. m., in front of store, will be sold, SO bbl 9 very Choice Apples, just landod. Also, 1 Light Spring Wagon and Harness 1 fine Saddle and Buggy Horse. n22 UNDERWRITER S SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, »t 10 o’clock, will be sold, in front of store, 1 large Medicine Chest and Medicines 1 Ship’s Bell Nix Compasses 3 Barometers 4 bolts Canva-8 and 3 P.emnants 3 bundles Twine 18 Flags, Maryatt’s Code and others 1 Ship's Gig, with Oars, Rudder and Yoke 1 Perambulator, Ac. Sold lor account of Underwriters and all concerned, n22 UNDERWRITER'S SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. THIS DAY, 22d Inst., at 10 o’clock, a. m., In front of store, will be sold, 1 cose DRY GOODS Damaged on board of steamer Chase, on her passage from New York to (his port, and sold nnder inspection of Port Wardens. Terms cash before delivery. u 22 UNDERWRITERS' SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. THIS DAY, at lo o'clock, In front of store, will be sold, 68 bbls Potatoes and Onions, Damaged on bosad steamer Fannie, on her passage from Baltimore, and sold for ac count of Underwriters and all concerned, n22 AT AUCTION. Administrator’s Sale. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. Oa WKDNESDAY. 22d iust., at It o’clock, in front of store, will be sold, Lots Nos. 1,4, a and 4, fronting on Jones and Wilson streets, opposite the Central Railroad Depot. The im provements consists of six tenement houses. Sold by order of the Superior Court for the benefit of the heirs of the late John 8. Montuicllin, deceas’d. Terms cash, purchasers to pay for titles. 4-nlB VALUABLE PROPERTY AT AUCTION York, Williams, Me In tiro A <#. Will sell at auction, In front of Store on FRIDAY, Nov. 24th, That valuable lot and Improvements known as lot No. 3 Franklin Ward. The Improvements are a large Brick Warehouse, uow used us a stable. also, Lot No. 1 and >, of lot No. 2 WathlngtonWard situated at the South-East corner of price ami Bay streets. The above property Is on the Bay, and ever a rare chance for Improvement. For further particulars, enquire at the Counting Great Bargain. A NEAT Snd commodious Cottage Dwelling, with /V brlek eulbftUMg atuihvl, will be sold II applied for tmamdlavaly. allnsu-d lu hobwuvUlc, on Huberts •i r»«l Price, $3,Mn. Apply to ; , V M WINKLER. At Henry WnyueVl&MM * affi-tf v Wa»t HrOM stfwrt. Take Notioe. AMV asraon found trespassing or railing wood a the WacU lying uu lb* MU-lla MW Nm 4, known ** la Antes', lb. Dagger Treid. ami the *l-1 tllrlott Trect belonging lo Mr. AnlAtgty Her, ley, will be itroeeeuletl to (be fell * x lent of Ike lew GROCE KIRA, URI UKk. £ ©„ T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS. SC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA. t (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.} invite the attention of the Trade and the Pnb lie geueraliy to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquor*, Cord inis. Conserves, Se gart, etc., etc, which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which is fully established in this and foreign coun tries ; DUNBAR’S well knowu STOMACH BlTTEßS guaranteed superior to any article of the kind, de signed expresslv for hotel and family use; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the u most purity, and put np expresriy for our house, of wnicli we are sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. in cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANdY, Scotch aud Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK PI NCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, pnt up by us m case* for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Cos. are sole agents for H. A n. W. Catherwood’s Pure RYE WHISKIES XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS *'f finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINKS, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this hous*, aud for sale hi boud or duty paid, at lowest market rates novl-lm WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDY, WINES, Sc. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike's Magnolia, Spencer’s Old Rye, and Fine Kentu-jky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BA.Y 9TRKTCT, (Herald Buildings) also, Alsop’s Ale, Mars’ Ale. Apples. Potatoes. Onions Pickles Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar orta ts WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES. WINES. LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, and Cider. sep2 ts BLACK TEA. JUST received, a smal' lot choice Oolong Tea. For sale by M J. SOLOMONS A 00., nl7-tf Jones’ Building*. B y street. Biscuits, Biscuits. A LARGE assortment of Fresh Biscuits. Jnat re ceived and for sale by M. .?. SOIsOMONS A CO., ni7-tf Jones’ Block, Bay street. CHEESE, SOAP. J A BOXES CHEESE, xvf 76 boxes Fay’s Soap Just received and for sale bv octlG BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A 00. Gao. R. Crump, Wm, A. Wright, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. CRIMP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, nr- Will purchase and sell on Commission Corroit, Tobacco, Pboiuok, aud Mebohaxdisi of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusts, Ga., Richmond. Va.. and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq, De- Witt £ Morgan, Gaden £ Uncklee, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson £ Cos., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. ocM KIRLIN,BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, VIES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED A DELIVERED. au2l If To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggist* and Soap Manufacturer!!. ESSENTIAL Oils for flavoring and improving Bran dy, Rum Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, age and body preparations for Neu tralising aiid Mollifying Whiskey and {Spirit, Color ings, Syrups and Fruit Juic«s lor Branny, Whiskey and Wmea, Oils and Extracts of Cognac and other Brandies, Holland and Ixmdon Uin, Ac. Dr F.’s Treatise on Fermented Liquors with 1000 Kedpefl. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Acid, Manganese and all rare Chemicals and Drugs. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, Billicate of Soda In Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba, Soap stone. Rosin, Soda, Ash, Ac. JOS. W. FKUCHTKANGBR, , novl-eod3m No. 56 Cedar at., N. Y. H. G. RUWE & CO.’ '"Wholesale GROCERIES s LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTING PULASKI HOUSE,] t9~ Agents for ALK AND LAGER. CoastanUy on band, tb aasortaent Os R.BOXZV WINS.' *»p9B _ln»2 INK. ft K GROBB INK, B stands, *1 Si 10 per gross. H 60 donee Arnold’s Wiittng Fluid, pint*, at *1 per dossil. Fur tale hy MAVILLK * LKACH suit U eor. Bryns ntrast and MnrkK nquars. I GUANO. • AM Mudttwstt Mill Qmm, J mi the Mru<4» r<*rUiiiir, pr> ..m ffd LkUi* Tre<fc Si tl»« ’ ti uma i, WHITE i vu ( II cUI itwst, UHOt BKIEI. Liqrou, £». PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Flue Groceries, Boots and Moss nothin* Foreign and DosxwOc Wmen. Liquor* sad tjngsra. Also, Skehsn’s Celebrated GOLDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng li»h Ales, Ac Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUUHTON STREET. SAVANNAH. and 62 Liberty street. New York. BUYERS WISHINC Tobacco, Flour AND | SUGARS, IN LARGE QUANTUM AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find a fine stock at Ilancloll <t> Oo’a. u2leodlw [ -OREI6N DOMESTK l ALES WINES Muq«o*s* stews SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. auSO Wines, Wines. PORT WINE. MADEIRA WINK. SHERRY WINE, DbLUCES’ BITTERS BRANDY COCKTAIL, WHISKEY COCKTAIL. GIN COCKTAIL. Al*o, A few eases very fine Whiskey. FOR SALE LOW. r. W. SIMS & CO. 021 2 RANDELL J CO. A RE now offering to the trade a very choke selec- IX lion of SOUCHONG. OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON, and IMPERIAL TEAS Also, NO 1 EXTRA AND FANCY SOAPS RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON PURR GROUND SPICES CREAM TARTAR 11. C. AND SAL SODA VERMICELLI, FARINA, JELLIES, And a general assort meat of Fancy Groceries. n2l-eodlw E. H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce Dealers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABERCORN ST., Savannah, Gra. Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamers and Sailing Vessel, respectfully solicited. Prodace bought and sold on commission. l"0hbls Selected Apples 10(1 bills Onions Km bbls Potatoes 6(i bbls Extra Flonr Ml bbls Nus. I and 2 Mackerel 100 tabs Extra Butter 160 boxes Extra Cheese 600 kits Net. 1,2 and :t Mackerel 50 hair-bills Fulton Market Beef OO bids Ext ra Family Pork. tf-u4l "APPLES. CORN UNO OATS. (.it BBl.BChoice Apple, 2oi O bushels Maryl-nd While Corn 10i 0 bu-hels Maryland Uale. In store and for sale by CRANE, JOHNSON £ GRAYRILL. n2O 6 NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1866. ALL pereone who shipped Goodnhy the Steamer Sa vannah. on tile shove named day. are rvqnentt-J to call immediately U the store of F. M. Myrell, E-q., Harris' Itulldings Ray atred, and Identify such goods as have been saved drum the wreck of the steamer. J. W. WOLCOTT, n2O Agent. ROCKLIHD USeT^ 100 CASKS, best quality, now landing, and for 8Rl<! by PATERSON A TUCKER, Opposite Mariners Church, n2O-3 Bay street. NOTICE. ii eidt & Ludlow, HAVE MOVED TO Gibbon’s It anno. Nos. 162 Congress and 71 SI. Jolleu Streets. n-2010 DO YOU WANT HEAVY CROPS? IF yon do; manure yonr lands thoroughly, and you will be compensated. We offer for sale on the most advantageous terms. The best FERTILIZER that has ever been Introduced Into our country. It h pecularly suited lo our climate and production, and an investment la It will be the bent paying of anv thal can be made. For sale In any quantities from a single barrel to one thousand tons. F. W. SIMS A Cos. novl7-lw Over Erwin A Hardee's. «rr ■- - Professor adolf stark offers his tsrvkes to the public as Teacher of Musk and Languages, also as Plsbo Tuner. Orders for Teaching or Tuaiag oft at J C. Ushrelner’s Music Wore will be punctually aUeuded 10. 6*-o*l MANO WANTED. A GOOD PIANO wanted to (cat, Address X, Y it., Herald olßne, nOW MIIPFIHG. FOR NEW YORK. HI rNwiw um f IIOIIIUiR, OflfL JpHjgllffib. wiij w imp** ** tkm p>v^ U ... * 1 inirnio. 7 STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. Tbe toe Steathlp CONSTITUTION. Greenma*. Commander, will ieeve fur the above port on Thartday, lev. Ut, at II 1-4 o'clock. For rreicht or peonage, having superior state room aecomuudatioca. auJr to n2O BRIGHAM. BALDWIN £ CO NEW YORK 7 The fits! selling clipper TO&n Schr. D* H- Vaughn, 2*4 tons. Carrara Move*. Will have quick despatch for the above port. Fur freight engagements apply to PATERSON £ TI CKER. No. 9 Stoddard’s Lower lUiraa, nto-j Opposite Mariners Chnrch PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW JfiFtfc YORK. The new end splendid atesmshlp CHASE. W. D. Rosth. Commander, wdl leers for Uie above port un Islanlay, Nov. 66,(1- o'clock. FVir freight or passage, having splendid accommo dations. apply to n« HUNTER £ GAMMELL Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atliuitlo Mull Nteninailiip Coiii|mnv. . The new end llwt aide-wheel stesm- BAN SALVADOR. Adkins, mas will call as above, on lalsiday.lMh 4 o'clock p. ns. Far freight orpaaeagm having unsurpassed eccom modatJoee, apply to B. H. HARDEE, •21 No. 12 Stoddard'a Range • ATLANTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. SIDE-WHEEL SHIP. Ike splendid and very test BUIE-WHEEL steamship Herman Livingston, 1,400 'Tons, BAKER Commander, Having been pieced on this line, will tail aa above on Bnlmrday, November 6Mh. For freight or passage, having vary elegant areom modationa, with accompliahrd stewards and attentive servant a, apply to JNO R. WILDER Agent. Ship’s Bill, of Lading furuUhe.l and aign<3 st the office of Consignee. nov2l for boston: BOSTON & SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. • JEBS. ( - 1 The new end superior Steamship WM. TIBBETTS, J. 8. CONY, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Wednesday, Nov. <4Ol h, at r~ o'clock. Fur Height or peseage apply to BtcHARDBUN k BARNARD. n2l-U Bay street, oppuaite Mariner’s Church. FOR AUGUSTA. HTEAMEH STANDISH, CAPT. JAR FABIAN, Will have quick despatch sa above. This Boat Is staunch and In good order and rive being full, shhipers can rely on having their ordera for warded with despatch. For freight apply to P. M MYREI.t. Agent. nov2o Hams' BaUdinga. Bay street. Freights FOR AUOUSTA, rivnE underslgwi are prepared to receive geode st ■ their Warebousee—free of expense and cot cred by Insurance—for shipment to Augusta and polnta beyond by their regular line of light draught boats. Apply to' CHAS. L COLBY, sept*—tf cor. Bar and Abercora eta. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dlapatah tor the above place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored ln Are proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of coat. J. X. K INCH LEY, Agent Office In Clagborn A Cunningham's The May am rod In Augusta from Savannah on last Friday with her full freight ts oct» FOR AUGUSTA The Steamer Robert Lehr, Captain J. Cottrell, Will have quick despatch. This Steamer being boused Freight will be pnfecUy protected from all Inclemency of the weather. For freight engagements apply to nll-tf OCTAVUB COHEX. Regular Weekly Steamer between AUOUSTA - SAVANNAH. The Mew Iron Steamer WM. Gc. GIBBONS, Capt T. X. Paiuwt, Having superior *rrimMi||tin for Freight and Pwasugers. will ply regufodg hstween the above tosetag kevauuk every Batgsday Honing, at • tngueta every Wednesday Xonmg. as T ° Lasing at Mathew’s Staff every Wtaawdsy Night I It is the desire of the Agsmsoi the olkicmi to w«D her * petmaeeet A stem mu 4aihe. fowl te Urn tu>- ebaots of Angoata and IteeMkah and tne pieulerv I slmii the Hue of the Mar, aed wID* ttaotaci D> rtew, I be Hwt will lm spend on the part w her meet I affsataobd efftaee* to meet the eaeteef toe treroheg j ifnl|diliiiig t&ijn* I BUAJMA UAHI *K 6RDTUC. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY'S. FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PIOOLATA. The new and fast wiling LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, llsviag baeo plated permanratlv noon this route will leave aa above on • Thursday .Worming, 63d Imst , at lo o’clock And every Thursday thereafter. o *. ho*"t0 *" t * m ’ FW * d * CLAQHORN £ CUNNINGHAM, Freight received st all times on Uw wharf. A *** b for mmM VIA BRUNSWICK AND FERNANDWA. The Steamer F A? N 2ST I E , Csplala McNally, Will leave as above. Wednesday next. 2Sd lost- from PadeHordrawharCat lt> o'clock a. m. This boat is in excellent condition and has superior stateroom •crommodaiions for passengers. . Freight received and stored In fireproof warehormee, free of expenses foot of Lincoln street. For freight or passage apply 4B „ F. M. MYRKLL, Agent, ■>29 Harris' Buildings. Bay street. FOR AUGUSTA, The Steamer CALDWELL; Oaptaln Money, Will mil on Thursday Next, 83(1 Ixxntnnt. For freight or passage apply to JOHN R. WILDER. Good* will be received Into store previous to arrival. for Doctortown AND Thomasville. The Steamers Gen. Sbeptey, Orient, and Clarion. Will make Tri weekly Tripe to Doctortown, In con nection with the Atlantic and Golf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesday*, Thmsdaya and Saturdays. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight received daring the week, and Mend free of expense. For freight or paseege apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., hlO Comer Abercom and Bay streets. For Doctortown, The steamer ORIENT Will leave on WEDNESDAY, S3nd. At V o’clock A. M. Connecting with the Atlantic A Golf Railroad. Throagh freight payable by Shippers. For Freight or Passage, having superior accommo dations. apply to CHAS. L COLBY £ CO., novvu cor. Abercom and Bay st*. FOR BALTIMORE. Pendergast’s Line. The hst salHaff regular packet SCHOONER DE 80TO Crook, X aster. Having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have quick daapatch. For balance of freght ap ply to LaROCHE, GADEN a UNCKLRB, * Comer Bay and Barnard streets. Agents la Baltimore—Rinderpest, Fenwick A Oa. OCtlB For Liverpool. t-FTv. The A. No. 1 Ship MONT BLANC to now rapidly loading, at White’s Frees. Bor bal . IrlTOJai'Ce of freight (basing room only for a few hundred bale*) Inquire of LaROCHE, GADKN A UNCEXES, n2ltf Agents. WlTEft TO CHARTEbT - A Lighter, of 260 barrels capacity, on ) and under deck, for a short trip. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Opposite Mariner'. Church, nil Buy struct For Liverpool. e-rtv. THE Al American Ship NEW ENGLAND. Jsbe&.rswaK.’jar s-sss cargo al Lower HydranUc Pruaa on the ltth Inst For freight or passage apply to sepl4-tr BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A 00. For Liverpool. The new first dais dipper ship VIRGINIA, WEEKS, Commander, U now loading rapidly at Lower Prato and having large engagements will have quick despatch. For freight or passage (taken at lowest rate*] apply U CHAS. L COLBY A CO., oets9 corner Abercora and Bay Ms. * for Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. ThsmAs, Pan, Pemambae# ud BAhIA - The United State* and Brasil Matt tin Use WMh vf.vnry MMallk, A MEW AND FIBNT-CLAai NTSAMMHF, Tw leave M ■ o'elaek, p. am., Pram FfortS. North Elver. I Ail Mtava hews to pass through the Foal Offtae Aaekperieiiuwi burgeon will ha h* altattdaaca ab i board, FW frstghl ab uatoagv. havtog tpkbdtd aeroaima (UtloM, apply 4 l L_.