Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 24, 1865, Image 3

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SAV”AN N A H . UR MW VURR. RtumJap America, Situ/da), Now. 24th. Rt 1 ° f s l”,,;,; Herman I-ivlngslon, Saturday Now. 24, lup Han Salvador, Saturday. November 24, _ o', lock. . lltalp chase, Saturday, November *4, at “'aewMblp Leo, Saturday. November iith, at - o’ciiuW* for BALTIMORE. cteaaistilp Fannie, Saturday, November 26, at - o’clock rOß BOSTON. Steamship William Tibbetts, Wednesday, Nov. 29, H t o’clock. FOR ArOrtTA. steamer Scorpio, Saturday. November 26th, at 8 o’clock a. m. S’ earner Wm. G. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m- FOR CHARLESTON. Steamer Fannie, Saturday, November 26th, at 8 °’B.earner City Point, every Sunday morning, at e o’clock. fob doctohtown. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 9 o'clock. Steamer Gen. Shepley, every Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. steamer Clarion, every Saturday morning, at 9 Ollolk ' FOB FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at lu o’clock. steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday aftednoon, at 4 o’clock. The late Outbaob by Negroes of the Rivbb Plantations.— The perpetrators of the outrage ou Mr. J. G. Holtzclaw, of Green county who, upon visi ting Izard's plantation to recover the body of his son. killed in an engagement at that place daring the seige of Savannah, was robbed and threatened with his life by the negroes of that place, arrived In the city last evening, and gave themselves up to the Provost Marshal. It will be remembered that in the account of the atfalr published In the Hehald of Tuesday last, we stated that a detachment of troops had been prompt ly ordered ont by CoL Sickles of the Freedmen’s Bureau to apprehend the negroes engaged In the outre go ou Mr. Holtzclaw. It appears that on the approach of the troops the guilty parties fled, and although some negroes were arrested and brought Into the city yesterday, these were not the principal offenders. Upon Infor mation received from toein however, a second party was sent out, which resulted In the negroes charged with the outrage upon Mr. Holtzclaw, coming vol untarily to the oity yesterday, and delivering up themselves to the authorities. They were locked up last night for safe keeping, and will be examined by C jI. sickles to-day. The negroes admit tbat they drove Mr. Holtzclaw away, and that they took bis pistol from him, which they attempt to justify by the alleged conduct of Mr. H. Bat they stoutly deny l .at they robbed him or tiKk any money from any of tbe party. The story as they tell It Is greatly at variance with the state’ meuts of Mr. Holtzclaw. T;i it geutltman Is not at present In the city, hav ing returned to his home In Green county immediate ly on the recovery of the body of bis son, which he eff et.d under the protection ol the first party sent out by Cjl. Sickles. A full examination of this re markable case Is to be made today by the Freedmen’s Bureau. Two Horns in Fcn-Lanh.—a good audience was assembled at St. Andrews Hall last eveulng atMt and Mrs. 11 rrv Watkins’ unique entertainment. •Two II ursiu. Fun-Land” was for the thousand aaJ oneth time "a perfect success. The never-flag ging wvacity and delightfulness of the quickly suc ceeding acta, songs, dances and mirthful divertise ments, kept the audience lu a perpetual state of ht luity and pleasurable exhilaration. The per f nuance Is peculiarly chaste and free from any br mduess or coarseness, and was wel 1 worthy of th* discriminating aud rellned audience of oar oest people w’hiclt it drew together iast even ing. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins have won an amiable re putation in every one of the many cities in which iheytuve presented their novel entertainment, aud theLior of the people of Savanuah will be added to their triumphs after their too brief stay With us. They give their closing performance this evening, aad we advise tho public to make the most of this last opportunity to see something refreshingly new and rationally enjoyable. Tiikek Regiments to b* Mustered Out.—Orders were received yesterday, from Department Head quarters, for the mustering out of regi me its, stationed hcreaud at other pulntSxuOeorgia : the litlt Regiment Maine Volunteers, yoth New York Volunteers, and the GStli New York Volunteers. The 18th Maine Regiment is at present stationed in this city, the estii New Y'ork at Fort Pulaski, and the 80th New Y'ork in Southwestern Georgia, with headquarters at Hawklnsville. These regiments will be mastered out, and sent home, as soon as their papers can be made out, pro bably within a week. The Theatre.— I The farewell appearance of Mr and Mrs. Crisp, in a complimentary benefit, tendered them by the citizens of Savannah, takes place this evening. The bill for the occasion comprises Mac beth, aud the farce of Sketches in India. A crowd ed ana brilliant audience will undoubtedly attend to give these old favorites a farewell equally flattering aud substantial. Not a Candidate.'—Ang. P. Wetter, Esq., requests vs to state that, owing to circumstances wbicb re quire his frequent absence from the city, he cannot serve as Alderman, and declines being a candidate 'or that office. Put in for Repairs.— The tug Time C. Jewett, uapt. Edwards, from New York for New Orleans, put into this port on Monday, 20th Inst., for repair*, hav ing broken the arm to her force pump. Messrs. York, Williams, Mclutire A Cx, sell at auction today a large lot .of provisions, groceries, •notions, etc. See their advertisement Crops in Louisiana.— lt is certainly most gratifying to be able to announce that tbe lurL 'b"diags, indulged in pretty gener y Dllt long since, regarding a tailure of he crops, are proving in a measure, false prophecies. A private letter from a reliable friend in ot Landry Parish, dated 7th inst., says: cr " |is ure doing well, the cotton piok riim tr* D| ’ a yield as.large again as was pre vv a *1 lll e negroes will only stick to tbeir , ,) vc shall come out splendidly next • *, , ground will be planted in cotton.” Bth i„ cl , ler lr " m St* John the Baptist, of the cotton V u ! tlle B:ar Ba y 9 '■ “The yield of tiein..! i ,BUU mucll better then was an aimnr s " D ? e ‘“ontbs ago, the average is etnn h? e - tl,,rd a bale to tbe acre. The si,id . * 6 j“ pr<)ved wonderfully, aud can be liuhtint *t°° au ar P eut - The weather is de ’ , but . "syot I have not heard of any jy u h Jj avin lS commenced grinding.’’— .. tsbington letter says there are more n He thousand applications on file for thUnnmi in - lie Treasury Department, and Many o ’,7 ,ucreaßes «*>“ day lo day- The list t™. 0 . 1 ? 1 ure lrora discharged soldiers, aphlicnth I. I #® paM Week contains thirteen nfi iiarv 1 !° m colored men lately In the Wekin7eM r . TlCe - Tl,e '"t'fbcr of women very ia r ., n I>,l iy® w, t in that Department is easily npisnii *, l 2 rnmen d*tions seem t»be .ImlUj u"2U Wother departments are •ohl" Tula noted craft, pHitii * ~, 1, ~ n en 1 t several months sluce to nos wlli. I J , S“Srt ' l,D,,w ou “•* Ma Tin i„^* iD ß rebuilt throughout, louml I„.r; ,7" " r vo»Ml OH opening bsr stain, ,| ll ?‘* ,lw l» •*> ••■Umly ra , r, "‘'»l«d-<iuly the original outside H'««Urs will reumtn tu bsr. • "»i ajiMg. |“ n ''•*» vwutitMMl her lay It will •sin. lonLil r ,“ vaaaal of bsr ltil U4M | t | ***• il*»y will save ht i UauU- Mhippinar Intelligence. Mlalatan Alatatt Tkh Dag. San Mara. • m Moon rises io as Son less 4 66. High water u tg PORT OF SAVANNAH. Tuirsdat, Nov. VS, lU6. dtrtvtdi Coltfj*A Cos° e “ Bhcpl ® r ' J “ u * un . Doctortown-C L Hardee 1 " UUr *' aarnett ’ Augusta-Erwin A k Hard 1 " Wm 0 olw>o,M ' «*iipot, Augusta—Erwin Bark Planner Carbcy, Pinkman, from Cape Brit ton, with 850 tons coal to Savannah Gas Works. Import*. Per steamer Gen -bepiey, from Doctortowu—no bales upland cotton. Per steamer Laura, from Augusta—«3 bales up laud cotton, to do domestics, 100 lanes tobacco, 60 bdls paper, 160 bags rice. Passengers, Per steamer Gen Sliepley, from Doctortowu—J F Stark, F White, M Isaacs, s W Aiken. Per steamer Wm G Giobons, from Augusta—John Schley, a J Brady, A A Kenuard, W A Barklys, p o Larkin, T Cooper, S E Bond, Mrs Howell and fami.y W P Carmichael, E Koelhcke, Dr Minima, Mi Mcßetn A T Maaou, l>r C E Dupont, and 4 on deck. Consignees. Per steamer Laura, from Augusta—Erwin A Har dee, R Habersham A Son, and others. Per steamer Wm Q Gibbons, from Angnsta—46o bales upland Cotton aud mdse to K Habersham 4 Son, E C Anderson jr, Erwiu A Hardee, Hunter A G, Weed A Cornwell, E C Wade, Mis T P Tyson, Capt W H Williams, Dr C E Dupoot, order end others. Memoranda. Wednesday morning at s am, met steamer Potter at Cooney Gat Bend, bound up; also steamer Volun teer at.Bradlord’s bound up ; Iy % pm passed K H May at Odum's Lauding, bound down; 3)4 p m met steamer Falcon at Randall's old Held, bound up; Nov 23. 8)4 a m met steamer Two Boys at Willow Oak, bound up, all well and making good time ; ll a m met steamer Blandish at Old Pesters’ reach, bound up ; 1 p m passed steamer Fannie Lehr, sunk at Stone Tree Camp on Hie bar; the whole stern port of the boat is submerged, but hopes are enter tained that she can be saved ; 1 )4 p m met steamer Union at Purysburg, bound up; The recent rain at Augusta raised tbe river very little; It Is still quite low. Wm B Farr, Purser steamer Wm G Gibbons. A Card. Jones’ Landing, Nov. 21, 1865. We, the undersigned, passengers on board the steamer Fannie Lehr, do hereby tender our thanks to the Captain and officers for their kind attention, It is oar opinion that no blame can be attached to the Captain and officers. But that we are Indebted to them for our safety. F P Salm and lady, Brig Y J P Owens, Gen U S Vols J H Vaughn, Chas Daniell, B Mathews. Clarence Johnson, |R McKenzie. LIST OF VESSELS IN TUB PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Nov. 24, 1866. BHIP9. Mont Blanc, Donnell, TOO, loading for Liverpool— LaKoche, Uaden A Cnckles. Republic (Brem) Smith, 800, loading for Liver pool—Weber Bros. Virginia, Weeks, 1044, loading at Lamar’s Press for Liverpool—Chas L Colby A Cos. BABES. Thomas Whitney (Br). Kelly—Bell, Wylly A Chris tian, Craesco (Br), tons discharging—Brigham, Bald win A Cos. TERNS. Lizzie Batcbelder, English, 409, np for New York —Hunter A Gaininell. / BRIGS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, 450, loading for Liverpool —Wm Starr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 398, loading for Boston—Hun ter A Gammell. Redwood, Boyle, discharging— Rogers A Cann. Rush. Raynor, discharging—Patterson A Tucker. SCHOONERS. Trade Wind, loading for Philadelphia—C, Johnson A Gray bill. Geo Darby, Snow, from New York, diaeb'g— Hunter A Gammell. De Sota, Crook, 150, loading for Baltimore—La Roche, Gaden A Cuckles. Wm E Stevenson, Barton, 166, discharging. Vapor, Bogart, 300 tous, loading for New York— Laßoche, Gaden A Unckles. Antelope, Jones, 70 tons, discharging—Crane, John son A Gray bill. D W Vaughan, Mont, 234, discharging—Patterson A Tucker. Electric Spark, Taber, loading for Jacksonville, Fla—Wm A Beard. Ira Bliss, Braggs, loading for New York—Johnston Crane it UraybiU. A E Snyrk, repairing, bound to Charleston. Abby Bee, waiting—W A Beard. Selling Out. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. On FRIDAY, 24th Inst,, at Ift o’clock a. m., will be sold, at the Store, No. 134 Congress street. The entire Stock of Goods, consisting of HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE.&C. Terms cash before delivery. • n23 Notice to Mariners. HILTON HEAD BEACON LIGHTS, 8. E. CHANNEL INTO PORT ROYAL, 8. C. A RANGE Beacon Light has been substituted for the Fourth Order Lena Light, formerly shown at the Front Beacon on Hilton Head Island, lighting the Sooth East Channel Into Port Royal. These Beacon, will now ahow with equal brilliancy, and the Back Beacon Light will appoar over the Frunt L'ght when they are tu range. F B. ELLISON, Cap!., nlB-6 Light House Inspector. OFFICE OF LIGHTHOUSE INSPECTOR 1 Sixth District, Charleston. S. C., > November ISth, 1866. ) ALL persons connected with the Lighthouse Estab lishment of the UDited States in the Sixth District, or having business with the same, are notified that 1 have this day been relieved by Capt. F. B. Ellison, U. S. N., Lighthouse Inspector of the Sixth District. CHAS O. BOUTELLE, Assistant U. S. Coast Survey, Late Lighthouse Inspector Sixth District. Tlte attention of Lighthouse Keepers, and all other* connected with the Sixth Lighthouse District, is called to the above notce, and all reports will be made in future to me, at my ofilca at tbe Custom House, in this City. FRANCIS B. ELLISON, Lighthouse Inspector Sixth District. novlS FOR SALE. t A BBLS No. 1 Mackerel IVll) bbls No. 2 Mackerel 10 bbls No. S Mackerel 26 half bbls No. 1 Mackerel 26 half bbls No. 3 Mackerel 160 kits No. 2 Mackerel 160 kits No. 2 Mackerel 4 1 tuba Choice Lard 13 tubs Choice Butter 4 firkins Choice Butter. The above tot are fresh and new, and will be offered low, to close consignment. CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., nov23 Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. SALT. »*AA SACKS Liverpool Ground Salt, landing from *VV Steamship Leo this day: and for sale Tow on the wharf. WM. H. STARK, n23-2 Corner Lincoln and Bay street. For Lease or Rent, off ACRES of good Farm Land, two miles from the Ot) Court House. Apply to JOHN MoMAHON. n23-tf Jefferson and Broughton streets. GEO. H. ARLEDGE, 72 BAY STREET, Grocer and Ship Chandler, CommlMlon and ForwartlliW Maw chant. I WOULD respectfully eoilcll • liberal share of pa tronaga from my filuia and aaiaalataaem, •idee n* to give entire eollafactioa ami sell at the lowest market prices. J Order* Irom Ike cavalry will rwaim immediate and prompt aiimfraa CONHIGN MENTH HOUC’ITBP Mil |f AUCTION SALES. f AT PRIVATE SXI.KT" ~~ By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having barn *0 many application* for Small Tract* of Land for locatlou, the owner of the above Land, feelrng a disposition to meet this demand has placed in the market, for a lew days, Luts ol Five Acres, or mure, part cleared, on the August* Road, op posite to the three mile atone, also on tae White Bluff Road, opposite to the two milestone. tf-nld Bf Bell. Wylly A Christian AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acre* of fine Garden Land, within the limite of the city. The improvementsconaists of a first clot*cottage dwelling, gothic style, con tain mg six large rooms, with marble mantel piece, dining room, kitcheu, library ro-tu famished with shelves and glass doois. Outbuilding* consists of farm house, containing teveu rooms, bam, carriage house aud •*tables. Purctn er can have ihe re fusal ofc >ra, fodder, hay, horses, mules, baggits and wagons. m Alto. 8420 acres ot heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) miles from the city, between the Ugetchee aud C.tuoocUee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation, 100 acres of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling houses with stables, cribs, Ac. tf-uld UNDERWRITERS' SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. TO-MORROW, Friday, 24th inst., at 11 o'clock, at De mand's Press. will be sold for sccoaut of Under writers and all concerned, 15 bales Cotton 12 bales Cotton 6 bales Cotton 1 lot Loose Pickings 1 lot Loose Pickings. Damaged on board the Steamer Laura'a Barges, and sold under inspection of the Port Wa:dens. Terms cash before delivery n23 BY BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN, AT PRIVATE SALE. A Sea bland Cotton Plantation, of 700 acres, 300 of which are cleared aud the balance well wooded, situa ted on Skidaway Island. Fronting on the river are twenty very superior and desirable building lots. n22-6 Y Ol- It, WillinniK, Mclutire 6L Cos. Will sail at auction THIS DAY, In from of store, at 11 o'clock: 1 Cotton Gin 16 barrel Potatoes 8 barrels Apples 10 boxes line Family Soap 25 bbls fine Brown .S’agar 5 hhds Bacon Sides 6 do Shoulders 10 bbls Cider Vinegar 16 kegs Batter 10 kits No. 1 Mackerel, new 10 do 2 do 1 bbl Blue Fish • 10 bbls Onions 1 bbl English Walnuts A lot of Yankee Notions, Portfolios, Pocket Mirrors, Tooth Brushes. Ac. That valuable lot and improvements known as lot No. 3 Franklin Ward. The improvements are a large Brick Warehouse, now used as a stable. also, Lot No. 1 and y, of lot No. 2 WaahtngtonWard situated at the South-East corner of Price and Bay streets. The above property Ls on the Bay, and ever a rare chance for Improvement. For further particulars, enquire at the Counting Room. pr On Saturday evening we shall have an auc tion sale of Jewelry, at onr store on Broughton st. _n24 BY BLUN & MEYER. THIS DAY, 24th Inst, at 10 o'clock, a. m„ in front of store, will be sold, One grey eagle Stallion, a fine saddle and barnea 1 nag. Two sorrel Horses One cbesnut horse. One roan Horse. All sound gentle; titles warranted. n24 BYBLUN & MEYER. THIS DAY, 24th inst., at 10 o'clock, In front of store will be sold, 2 hhds and 2 casks Breakfast Bacon 10 tierces Sugar- cured Hams 100 tubs Refined Lard 50 tubs New York State Butter The above are of very chuice quality, and will be sold in lots to salt purchasers. . ALSO, An extensive Invoice of Dry Goods, Hoelery, Shoes and Boots. nv4 BY BLUN & MEYER. On THURSDAY, Nov 30th, in lront ol store, at 11 o'cloik, will be sold Lot and Improvements, No. 1 Franklin Ward, the Improvements consisting of two fine br ck Houses, two stories ou basements, each house containing seven rooms. The Lot is subject to a ground rent of $29 76 per an num to the city. 1)24 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. By T. J. Walsh. On TI’tSDAY, January, sth. 1860, will be sold at the Court House, in the city of Savauntb. at 11 o'clock: The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Juckson Ward, (fee simple, with Improvements), corner of Whitaker and Hall streets. The improvements are a two-story brick dwelling, nine rooms, with water In the yard aud gus through tho honse; brick stable. Both build ings have slate roots. Sold by permission of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fora tlivi-ion among Ihe heirs. Terms cash, purchaser paying for tides. n24 1 DA COILS Manilla Bale Rope lUU 600 bags Shot 100 Vices 50 Anvils 60 Smith’s Bellows 400 keg 9 Nalls 50 tons Plow Steel 100 tons Swedes anil Refined Iron 1 ton Cast Steel, asserted 160 dozen Axes SHOO pail' Trace Chains . 3 casks Sheet Zinc 18 Cotton Tracks 12 Corn Shelters 160 doz Shovels and Spades, assorted brands 60 kegs Horse Shoes 60 kegs Mule Shoes 200 dozen Curry Combs 25 dozen Horse Brushes. For sale by n?2-2w* WEED A CORNWELL. NOTICE. Heidt & Ludlow, HAVE MOVED TO Gibbon’s Range, Ifoa. 152 Congress and 71 Bt. Jullen Streets. n2O-10 TarlT 9 K FIRKINS Prime Urd, In store end for *ale by 60 WM. H. STARK. n22-3 Corner Lincoln and Bay streets. 100 bbls. LIME, LANDING TO-DAY FROM STEAMSHIP CHASE, For sale low, on wharf, by WM. H. STARK, ni2-3 Corner Lincoln and Bay streets. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY A BANCROFT, Proprietor*. kdwabp L. Josm, Agent ts octio N otic©. rtONSIONKBS p.r JOS. W. WEBSTER, from New V York, will attend lo the reception of their goods, ending thi* day at Exchange wharve. nil THB Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Odlne lor the Mate of Georgia, lit MUM'WTM ITMIT, H. D. HAWLSV, General Agent. A tail* far sale at Mew York pHaas gaarliig Mack lam of all klßde repaired at afreet antle*. Utrfrlag aeatir dee*. all GROCERIES. LH4CORI, 4 C„ T. J. DUNBAR & Cos! IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS, IC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) IV S Invite the attention ol the Trade and the Pub " lie generally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wine*, Liquors, Cordials. Coneerv**, Se gura, etc., etc. which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR'S CELL MATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of waich is fully established In this and foreign cuun tri-s; DUNBAR'S well known STOMACH BITTERS guaranteed superior to any.article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war rusted of the u most purity, and pnt np expressly for onr honse, of wnieh we are sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smilh's cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. lu cases and barrels, English, Scotch and American ALE and POUTER, BRANDY, scotch and Bonrbon WHISKEY and AR RACK PUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, pnt up by us In cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D. A Cos. are aole agents for H. A H. W. Catherwood's Pare RYE WHISKIES XX and XXX brand-, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality anil ex cellencc. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy tile attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured and Imported expi essly for this ouse, which win offer at the very lowest net c;ish prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this house, and for sale In bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates novT-lm WHISKEXj_WH|SKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, Sc. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maplo Valley Whiskey, Pike's Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At tbe Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET, (Herald Buildings.) also, Alsop's Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. oct6 ts WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. sepi ts BLACK TEA. JUST received, a amal lot choice Oolong Tea. For ■ale by M J. SOLOMONS & 00., nl7-tf Jonet*’ Buildings, B .y street. Biscuits, Biscuits. A LARGE assortment of Fresh Biscuits. Just re ceived and for sale by M. J. SOLOMONS & CO., niT-tf Jones’ Block, Bay street. CHEESE, SOAP. J A BOXES CHRBSFa, 76 boxes Fay’s Soap Just received and tor sale by octlfi BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Gao. R. Chump, Wm, A. Wbiodt, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. nuip & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. 209 llroait St., Augusta, Ga, W Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton, Tobaooo, Pzodccz, and Mebchxndibe of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusts, Ga., Richmond. Va., and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt <fc Morgan, Gaden <fe Unckles, A. A. Solomons k Cos., J. T. Paterson & Cos., R. Molina, Esq , Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. OCt4 ». KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, VINES 11 LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED k DELIVERED. au2l ts To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists and Soap Manufacturers. ESSENTIAL Oils for flavoring and improving Bran dy, Rum, Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch and Irish Wbiskie*, age and body preparation!* for Neu tralising and Mollifying Whiskey and Spirit, Color ings, Svrups aud Fruit Juices lor Brandy, Whiskey and Wines, Oils and Extracts of Cognac and other Brandies, ilolland and Loudon Gin, Ac. Dr F.’s Treatise on Fermented Liquors with 1000 Recipes. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Acid, Manganese aud all rare Chemicals and Drags. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, SUllcate of Soda in Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba, Soup stone, Rosin, Soda, Ash, Ac. JOS. W. FKUCHTKANGEK, novl-eod3m No. 66 Cedar st., N. Y. BACON, BACON. 15 lihds. each SIDES AND SHOULDERS, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR HALE BY Holcombe Sc Cos., 028 a I*l Bay afreet. H. G. RUWE & CO., “Wholesale GROCERIES 9 LIQUORS, WINEN AM) HEUAKM, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square. rvitoMTtau niuiai lir A(eat* hu AtelQ 4NU LAUICIt. CwMti and; m heed, a* Martmeet «f TI3H!3DX Bf WXMIO. ••H* »• uumiCHias. i.iquoHs, aw. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Hoot* aud Shoes, Clothing, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Sagan. Also, Skehan'a Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CTSIK, in bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch and Eng lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. BUYERS WISHING Tobacco, Flour AND SUGARS, IN LARGE QUANTIES AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find a fine stock at ZYaudell cts Oo’at. o2leodlw |f FOREIGN 4|| I DOMESTIC inSjp ll ALES WINES lUIIQUORS6SEGARS SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA.! auSO RANDELL A GO. A RE now offering to tbe trade a very choice selec- A lion of SOUCHONG. OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON, and IMPERIAL TEAS Also, NO 1- EXTRA AND FANCY 80APS RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON PURE GROUND SPICES CREAM TARTAR B. C. ANI) SAL SODA VERMICELLI, FARINA, JELLIES, And a general assortment of Fancy Groceries. n2l-eodlw E-H. VAN NESS & CO., . GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Produce Dcnlers, UNDER THE BLUFF, CORNER ABERCORN ST., Savannah, Ga. Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamers and Sailing Vessels respectfully solicited. Produce bought and sold on commission. ino bbls Selected Apples 100 bbls Onions 100 bbls Potatoes 60 bbls Extra Flour 60 bbls Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel 100 tubs Extra Batter 150 boxes Extra Cheese 500 kits Nos 1,2 and 3 Mackerel 50 half-bids Fulton Market Beef 50 bbls Extra Family Turk. t f-n2l “APPLES; CORN AND OUTS. “A BBLS Choice Apples 20i 0 bushels Maryland White Corn 10’ u bu-hels Maryland oats. In store and for sale In CRANE,'JOHNSON A GRAYBILL. n'2o 6 GREATDIRT EXTRACTOR JAMES PYLE’S O K SOAP. A SUCCESSFUL IMPROVEMENT FOR SAVING LABOR AND EXPENSE IN WASHING. Warranted not to Injure the Finest Fabric. BY the use of this Soap, housekeepers can save half the money usually expended for Soap, Sal Soda, etc., ns one pound will go as far as three pounds ofth* common yellow Soaps, aud do the work in half the time. There is no Soap in use that will bleach cot tons and linens so purely white as this, snd none sre so generally nseful to all classes. Three gallons of good Soft Soap can be made from one pound of the OK SOAP, which la tbe cheapest material that can be used for washing dishes, ml k pana, scrubbing floors, paint-work, washing windows, etc. For Steamboats, Painters, Printers, Machinist, Burnishers, Dyers, snd Manufacturers' the OK SOAP has no rival. Those who doubt the truth of the above statements, have only to try It and judge from the results. The thousands of housekeepers who are using Pyle's Die tetic Saleratns (*oJustly celebrated for purity), will find this Soap equally as wortby of patronage. It may be used In til* same way as any other Soap, but the most favorable results are produced by follow ing the directions on each bar. Sold in Savannah, at wholesale, by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRK A 00. At retail by novlC-eod6 STUART * 00. CRUTCZZES. FIRST and only premium awarded at the American Institute Fair, 1865, and Srate Fair of Pa, 1865. for Crutchea. Hartman’s Patent Elastic Rubber Crutcnm are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very best ever Invented. They are easy and con venient, they prevent paralysia of the nerves, do away with all the weariness inseparable from the use of all others, aud are in all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVRJOY A TaY LOR, Sole Mauofartnrers, No. 476% Broadway, N. Y. 6m-n23 SHIPPING. FOR AUGUSTA." The Steamer SCORPIO, Captain Rogers, Will leave for Aogosta, on SATURDAY MORNING, Nov. 26th, at 8 o'clock a. m. For freight or passage, having drat class accommo dation., apply to KBIN A CO, nov23-3 t 1M Bay at FOR Rio Pe Janeiro. calling at St. ThdMua, Part, PdrasabaM u 4 Bahld .jjBBSSFZsm* ■ -"•*** Ik. 21Nk of every mnwlkt, A NEW AND ftSIT CLAW MTKAMHUIP, TANARUS» Man at I >»'<•■ Hek, p. From Flat 41, Nawtk Mm. AU latleat have m peas ihrmigb like NdOdn Ab .ipertaaiwd Murgeoa wtU he la attends»<* tm iMNI, Fur (it(|M til NBHfi Nttia m<l TUoha« AiHfUiu k UP . odll ii Nu IL M«w Y«mli. IHfPPKO. . PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW dßfi YORK. The new and splendid steamship CHASE W. D. Roalh, Commander, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Nov. 85, at o’clock. For frelgnt or peseage, having eplendtd accommo dations, apply to n22 HUNTER A GAMMELL. FOR NEW YORK. THE clipper schooner LIZZIE BACHBLLOR, Capt. English, wUI have despatch for tbe above port. For freight engagements apply to n9, HUNTER A GAMMELL, Murray’s Line, FOR NEW YORK. The.eplendtd ateamehip LEO, Merrill, master, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Nov. 91th, at o’clock. For freight or pierage, having splendid accommo tionr, apply to n29 OCTAVUS COHEN. STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The fine Steamship AMERICA, Lindt, Commander, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Nov. '49th, at 1 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having superior state room accommodations, apply to n24 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. Empire Eine. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Mail steamship Company. M The new and bat side-wheel steam •+ ter, wUI sail as above, on Saturday,l4sth lnataut, at 1 o’clock p. at. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to K H. HARDEE, nSI No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. FOR NEW YORK, ATLANTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. SIDE-WHEEL SHIP. The splendid and very bat HIDE-WHEEL steamship Herman Livingston, 1,400 Tons, BAKER, Commander, Having been placed on this line, will sail as above on Saturday, November 251 h. For freight or passage, having very elegnct accom modations, with accomplished stewards snd attentive servants, apply to JNO. R. WILDER, Agent. Ship’s Bills of Lading furnished aud signed st the office of Consignee- nov2l FOR BOSTON. BOSTON & SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. Ttie new and superior Steamship WM. TIBBETTS, J. 8. CONY, Commander, Will sail for the above port on Wednesday, Mov. 99th, st -* o’clock. For freight or passage apply to BIuHARDSON A BARNARD. n2l-tf Bay street, opposite Mariner's Church. liil TO CHARTER. yAa A Lighter, of 250 barrels capacity, on /•i/TTtfSk. and nndeT for * short trip. RICHARDSON A BARNARD, ‘ Opposite Mariner's Church, n2l . Bay street. For Augusta, THE STEAMER H. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the abov* place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored In fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of coat. J. M. K INCH LEY, Agent. Office la Clsghorn A Cunningham’s. The May strived In Angnsta from Bavannah on last Friday with her fall freight. ts oct9 FOB AUODSTA, The Steamer Robert Le hr, Captain J. Cottrell, WUI have quick despatch. This Steamer being housed Freight will be perfectly protected from aU Inclemency of the weather. For freight engagements apply to nIT-tf OCTAVUS COHEN. Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA - SAVANNAH. The New bon Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt T. N. Pmiuot, » _ Uavlag Mvann.n wrery, MoenU*. .t • *, Wadnewl.y Uocmg, at T uu .tort will Iw spared ua tit* part ufTCr mn? ■••nie aud udN*.* hi amst tlw want* df the Wat.kug ■'"» '<«%httog pabM*. 7 . IBBIM e IfAltl'l.k I «•» l latmua dgmit aTwherf 1m all laiwnia. FOR CHARLESTON, INLAND, VIA BEAUFORT AND HILTON HEAD. THE STEAMER F A. IST 2ST I E , CAPTAIN MoNULTY, Will leave as above from Padelford'6 Wharf; ou Saturday, SStk inet., at 3 p. at. For freight or ptstage, apply to F. M, MYRELL, »24 Harria’ Bnlldinga, Bey street. For Charleston, The new 9i«|mer CITY POINT, Capt. E. 8. Talbot, Will leave as above ■very Sunday, at 0 a. m. For freight or peaaage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. 8. CARUTHERS, 1128-3 Hodgson's Range, Bay street. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, rrtHE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at A their Warehooeea—free of expenee and cot ered by Insnra> ce—for shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular line of light draught boats. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept-29—ts cor. Bar and Abercorn sts. For Palatka, Fla., VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON* VILLE. The new, exceedingly fast snd splendid Steamer CITY POINT, Capt as.Talbot, WUI leave Telfair's W.har( as above, ■very Wednesday, at 4 p. at. The City Point was built by her present owners without regard to costs, er stateroom and cabins being furnished In the moet luxurious manner. For freight or passage apply to B. W. ADAMS, or J. 8. CARUTHERS, n2M Hodgson's Range, Bay street FOR AUGUSTA. THE Steam© Oak, CAPTAIN MCCAULEY, Will have quick despatch as above. This boat tfi staunch and of light draught, and being of larga capacity, shippers ean rely on having their orders go forward with despatch. Freight received and stored in fireproof warehouses free of expense, loot of Lincoln street All ship charges paid promptly. For freight, apply to J. B. PRESDEE, Agent, 109 Broughton street F. M. MYRELL, n23 Harris' Bnlldinga, Bay street FOR AUGUSTA. The Pteamer Y M Y Z O IST , Captain R. Johnson, D now receiving freight for the above port at DtlloM wharf, snd will have despatch. Parties desiring to ship Iron, salt and any other heavy freight, tn any qnantltles, can do ao by this Steamer, without say rear of having their goods to* turned to them. , „ ERWIN * HARDEE. Jno. L. Rocmlixat, Agent on wharf. n2B-tf For Doctortown AND Thomasvill©. Th* Staamers Gan. Shwplwy. Orient, and Olaurion* Will make Tri-weekly Trips to Doctortown, In con. nectlon with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, lravirm Savannah on Tufsdays, Thn adaya and Saturday*. Through freight payable by shippers at onr offloa. Freight received daring the week, and atered ban of expense. For freight or passage apply to „„ „ CHAS L. COLBT * CO., n2O Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. FOR BALTIMORE. Pendergast’s Line. The fast sailing regular packet SCHOONER DE 80T0 Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For ImUna* of fre ght ap ply to • . L. ROCHE, OADKN A UNCKLRB, Comer Bay and Barnard streets. Agent* In Baltimore— Pendergaat, Fenwick A Cos. oct 18 For Liverpool. The new orat clam clipper «>»tp VIRGINIA, WEEKS, Commander. Is now loading rapidly at Lower Praia, and haying large engagements will have quick despatch. For freight or passage (taken at lowest rateaj apply CHAS. L. COLBY A CO , ocU3 corner Abarcorn and Bay at*. For Liverpool. The A. No. 1 Ship MONT fLANC I* BOW rapidly loading, at White’s Free*. For bal* IjSJßyaiice of freight (having room only for a tew hundred tiaTc.i inquire of . „ LaKOCU k, Jadkn A UNCELE& afl-tf Agaate. For Liverpool. mw”* ’"Tuaac wmwiM *w- For ■wfc.ivwpooT. Tug Aral t-laai Ertilab barb TH >MAS IMHteIV J t’ H.lly, n..*u i. Ihoms ot t.,e MhAewpet.i. Far ftewtn. HP* . Mgirwmf l owbwun __ 'i*. *ii i~mi iiwmiffitlNlMteMrtWWMMl