Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 24, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 5

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intpplcmcnt to Dailg Ijcratd. The Savannah Daily Herald How Dbacon Smith Courted the Widow.-. The deacon’s wagon stopped one morning before the widow Jones’s door, and gave the usual country sign that he wanted somebody in the house by dropping the reins and sitting double, with his elbows on bis knees. Out tripped the widow, lively as a cricket, with a tremendous black ribbon on her snow white cap. •‘Well, ma’am Jones, perhaps yon don't want to sel! one of vour cows, now, lor noth ing, any way, do you ?” “Well, there, Mr. Smith, you could not have spoken my mind better. A poor lone woman like me does not know what to do with so many creatures, and I should be glad to trade if we can fix it." So they adjourned to the meadow Deacon Smith looked at Roan—then at the widow— at Brindle—then at the widow—at the Down ing cow—then at the widow again—and so on through the whole forty. The same <ydl was made for a week, but the deacon could not decide what cow he wanted. At length, on Saturday, when the widow Jones was in a hurry to get through her baking for Sun day—and had “ever so much to do in the house," as ail farmers’ wives aud widows do on Saturday—she was a little impatient.— Dacon Smith was as irresolute as ever. “That ere Downing is a pretty fair crea ture,” said the deacon, “but”—he stopped to glance at the widow’s face; and then walked round her—not the widow, but the cow. “The Downing cow I knew before the late Mr. Jones bought her.” Here he sighed at the allusion to the late Mr Jones ; she sigh ed, and they both looked at each other. It was a highly interesting moment. “Old Roan is a faithful old milch, and so is Brindle, bat I have known the Downing belter." A long stare succeeded his speech, the pause was getting awkward, and at last Mrs. Jones broke out: . “Lord, Mr. Smith ! if I'm the cow you want, ho 6ay so !’’ The intentions of the deacon and the widow were publisned the next week. The following is a psalm sung in Osmoth erly Church, Yorkshire, England, above a century ago. It was composed by the par ish clerk on the occasion of the murrian—a severe distemper that raged among the horned cattle in the year 1747. It was sung and chorused by the whole congregation in the church. The fonr first stanzas contained an account of the cattle that died, and the names of the farmers to whom they belonged. The remaining verses were as follows : No Christian's boll nor cow, they say, But. takes it out of hand; And we shall have no cows at all, I doubt, within this land. The doctors, through they all have spoke Like learned gentlemen, Aud told us how the entrails look Os cattle dead and green; Yet they do nothing do at all, With all their learning’s store ; So Heaven drive out this plague away, And vex us not no more. This piece was so well received that after the service it was desired again by all the congregation, except five farmers, who wept, declaring that the lines were too moving. The iniuister, on going out said to the clerk, “Why, John, what psalm was that we had to-day—it was not of David's ?” “No, no," quoth John, big with the honor he had ac quired, “David never made such a psalm since he was born; this is one of my own.” A Cat Story.— A short time since the pi lot boatjCoquette, while lying at Marblehead, thirty miles from Boston, took on board in the forenoon a cat which was presented to Captain MartiD by an old citizen of that town. At about eight o'clock the same even ing, the boat arrived at Lewis’ wharf in Bos ton when the cat got on the wharf and dis appeared. At twelve o'clock the next day, the cat arrived safely home at her former master’s house in Marblehead.—Boston Htr ald. Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. BIDDKLL & RUGG, PaoriiiTOn a. s. biodill. ii. r. scoa. In3-tl NOW LANDING AND FOR SALE. 4(U| Boxes, X. X »<>d caddies Tobacco, which we "W are now offering at prices lower than it can be bought for in Northern cities. MILLKIt, THOMAS A CO., nll-tf " No. 206 Bay strceet. inkT OK GROSS INK, n stands, at $8 50 per gross. 16 Mtl lioaeu Arnold's Writing Fluid, pints, at $T per ilozuo. Far sale by BAVILLE A LEACH. soli ts cor. Bryan street aud Market square. GUANO. PERUVIAN and Swan Island Gnanos, Superphos phates, and the Bruce Concentrated Fertiliser, are ottered to the Trade at the lowest wholesale prices, by GKO. E. WHITE A CO., 66 Cliff street, New York. nia-Sm SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1865. mail.contracts wa.viku. Re-Establishment of Mail Facilities In Georgia. The Post Office Department desires to furnish the State of Georgia with Postal service, at the earliest practicable day, until July Ist, 18GG, when the regular contracts’ proposals tor which are now advertised for, will go into effect. The Department invites proposals for con veying the mails until June 30, 1866, to all country seats and other important points not reached by Railroad communication, at rates not to exceed $8 per mile per annum for weekly set vice ; sls for semi-weekly, and $22 for tri-weekly; and where the importance of the case requires, s+o for daily service; counting the distance one way only in all cases. Service will be furnished on routes, where, before the war, it was daily, three times a week; where it was tri-weekly twice a week; and where it was semi-weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Hon. Geo. W. McLellan, 2d Asst. P. M- Washing ton, D. C.. and should state they are for service to end June 30th. 1866. nov 4 ts DAVID BAILEY, Merchant Tailor [Formerly Cutter for Wm. R. Symons] BEGS most respectfnlly to Inform hi. friends and the public gem-rally, that he has removed from (he store of Mr. A. B. Ives to No. 12 WHITAKER STREET, (Between Bryan and Bay,; where he will be glad to meet his old easterners and as many new ones as will favor him with their orders. ZfT Aiways on hand, a good assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEREB, VBBTlNGß,whichheto pr©- partd to make up at the shortest notice and in the most fashionable style. Remember No. lfc— if you want what is good and reasonable. n9-lm DDRYEAS MAIZENA TRY ONE POUND. wA# ™ £ m i/iMw rM foo# That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competlon of all prom inent manufacturers of •‘Corn Starch” and “Prepared Corn Flour” of this and other countries notwithstand ing. MAIZDNA, The food and luxury of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical.— Makes PuddiDga, Cakes, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isinglass, with few or no eggs, at a cost as tonishing the most economical. A alight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake It Is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meata, soups, Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiled in milk will produce rich cream for ooffee, chocolate, tea, Ac. Put up in one pound packages, under the trade mark Maizena, with directions for use. A most delicious article of food for children and in valids of all ages. For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Pulton Street. WILLIAM DURYEA au2s-3m General Agent, THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 994 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS seut by Mail promptly at- PBrieri to. Ivßl-tt Notice. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHAL,) Uistbiot op Savannah, > Savannah, Ga., Oct. 3lst, 1666. ) THE notice issued from the office of the Provost x Marshal, Snb-Dlstrlct of Ogeechee, dated Savan nah, Aug. llth, 1865, ordering all Uriuking or Bil liard Saloons, Ac., where liquor are sold to be closed at 10 o’clock, P. M., is hereby revoked. By command of Bvt. MaJ. Gen. J.-M. BRANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE H. REMICK, Capt. and Provost Marshal. novl SOUTHERN Exporting and Importing COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. THIS association Is prepared to make advafeces In currency of Gold on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber, Ac., to their agent In Liver pool. Orders solicited for goods from merchants and plan ters. The strictest attention will be paid to all orders however small, for goods (Tom England, France or Germany. Our Savannah and Charleston Agents, being salaried, make no charge for forwarding either way and will furnish circular of details. K. F. FLOYD, President, Jacksonville, Fla. Auxsts E. T. Fains, Liverpool, England; R. E. Screven, Charleston, 8. C.; Henry Bryan, Savannah, Ga. Smos aapM Sale of Government Steam ers. Chief CJparteemaster’sPffice Dept. S. C. I Hilton Head, S. C., November 13,1836. ( Will be sold at public Auction, at this place, on MONDAY, December 11, 1836, at 12 M. under direc tion of Captain W. E. Morford, A. q. M., the follow ing Government vessels, viz : NELLY BAKER, side wheel steamer ; 293 tons ; wooden Hull ; length on deck 163 feet; beam 26 feci 0 inches; over all 46 feet ; depth of hold 8 feet« inches ; draft 6 feet 10 inches ; has one beam eu giue : diameter of cylinder 32 incties ; stroke of pis turn ID feet; has one single return flue boiler. Has saloon accommodations, full promenade decks, and is well found in chains, anchors, Ac. NEPTUNE, side wheel steamer; 382 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 141 feet; beam 20 feet 6 inches ; over all 46 feet 2 inches ; deptli of hold lo feet 10 inches ; draft 7 feet; has one beam engine; diameter of cilindei'42 inches ; stroke of piston 8 feet; lias one single return flue boiler. This sieamer lias lull promenade deck, fore and aft, and is a good freight or ramie carrier. ONEOTA, doubie-end side-wheel ferry boat: wooden hull; 346 tons ; leuglh on duck 147 feet ; ’ beam 25 feet; over all 05 feet 6 inches ; depth of hold 11 feet; draft 7 feet; lias one beam engine ; di ameter of cylander 36 inches ; stroke of piston 9 feet; has one doubic return flue holler. This steamer lias recently been repaired, and Is in excellent order aud well found in anchors, chains, Ac, CROTON, side-wheel sieamer ; 361 tons; wooden hull; length ou deck IST feet; beam 26 reet; over all 43 feet 9 inches: deptn of hold 8 feet; draft G feet; lias one square engine ; diameter of cylinder 37 in ches; strose of piston 10 feet; lias one double return flue boiler. This steamer has been thoroughly repaired, has saloon and state room accommodations, is well supplied witli anchors, chains, <fe., and is very fast. GOLDEN GATE, side wheel steamer ; 195 tons : wooden hull; lengtli on deck 14s feet; beam 21 feet; over all 35 feet IP inches ; depth of hold 6 feet 4 in ches; draft 5 feet 5 lures ;has one beam engine ; diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke ol piston 6 feet; has oue horizontal tublar boiler. This steamer is In fine order; has saloon accommo dations, and is well round in anchors, chains, <fc. NAXTASKET, side wheel steamers; 299 tons; wooden Hull; length on deck 160 feet; beam 25 feet 3 inches; over all 42 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 3 In ches; draft 5 feet 6 Inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches; stroke of piston 8 feet; has one siugle return flue boiler, aud is well found in anchors, chains, Ac. MACON, propeller, with two screws, 322 tons; wooden null; leuglh on deok 156 feet; beam 25 leet; depth of hold 8 feet 8 Inches; draft 7 feet; has two direct horizontal engines (condensing;! diameter of c.. Under 24 inches; stroke of piston 20 inches; has two single return flue Pollers. BELIEF, screw tug; 68 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 67 feel; beam 17 feet; depth of hold 7 feet; draft 7 feet lulnches; has one high-pressure engine; diameter of cylinder 20 Inches; stroke of piston 20 inches ; lias oue siugle return flue boiler, and is well found in anchors, cliaius, Ac. RESCUE, screw lug ; 203 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 108 feel; beam 20 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 12 feet; draft 11 feet 4 inches; has two low pressure engines; diameterof cylinder 26inches; has one single return flue boiler. This vessel is a powerful tug; is in good condition, and well found in anchors, chains, Ac. GENERAL HUNTER, side-wheel steamer of 460 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 193 feet 6 inches; beam 28 feet 6 inches; over all 60 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 9 feet 4 inches;draft forward 5 leet, aft 5 feet 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameterof cylinder 40 inches; stroke of piston 10 feet. This steamer was built in Now York, and com pleted in 1863; is a vessel of beautiful model and high rate of speed, with hull, engine and boiler as good as new. Terms, cash in government funds. C. W. THOMAS, n2O-td Bvt. Lt. Col. and Chief q. M. COMSTOCK & KINSEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, Office No. 154 Bay Street.Sayannali 6a. WE keep on hand and famish to order at Manu facturers’ Prices, Engine, Foot and Aland Lathes, Planes, Drills, Chucks. Bolt cutters, Gesi Cutters. Wood & Mann “Portable Engines,” Hoisting En gines, Wood Working Machinery of every description, Stationery tit earn Engines and Boilers, Cotton Gins and Presses, Saw Mills, Kice Mi!l9, Grist Mills, Circu lar and Mill Saws, Rubber and Leather Belting and Hose. Gearing, tihafting. Hangers and Pullies* Hy draulic Jacks and Punches, Pumps of all kimls. All kinds of Wood and Iron Working Machinery and supplies. Agents for the West Point Foundry, E. A. Wood’s Steam Guage and Boiler Feeders, nr- SEND FOR A CIRCULAR COMSTOCK A KINSEY, No. 154 Bay street, oct4-Tu,Tta&S2m Savannah, Ga. BROWrS C ASTI LLI AN BITTERS THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the I’ll re J uice of the Grape and extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy and the Province oi Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement of the stomach, lt Is unrivalled. A never failing preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel by land or water should he without the Castilllan. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, MeINTIRE A Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct24-8m KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side Backs, Side Lamps, witli and withont Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Fonnts- Patent Glass Cones, Burners, Globes, Chimnies and Wick, DRUGGISTS' FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers' and Confectioners’ GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES T. WRIGHT, 226 Greenwich Street, Two doom below Barclay, N. Y novl-Sm TRY ONE POUND. Xilst or VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE BY BRYAN. HARTRIDGE & CO UENURAh UItOKKIiS, AC. 1. First class brick dwelling and out buildings fronting south on Forsyth Parks. 2. Fine brick residence aud out buildings fronting went on Chatham Square (just north of (Jordon block.) 3. Fine wooden dwelling ami out buibngs having two full lots fronting north on Orleans Square, bciug of southw«st comer of Perry and Barnard •( recta. 4. Unfinished first class‘brick dwelling fronting north on Chipplwa Square, oue door weal from Bull street on Perry street. 5. Commodious brick residence and large out buildings on Yolk street, three doors west from Bar nard— ould Ik* used for business purposes. 6. Block of three brick tenements, three stories on basement on Drayton between State street and Broughton street Lime. 7. Briek dwelling and stable corner of West Broad aud McDonough .streets, opposite Central Railroad office 8. Comfortable brick Dwelling with stable and modern conveniences, Gordon block oue door west ol Whitaker street. 9. Comfortable brick dwelling with all modern con veniences, gas, water, Ac., Gordon block ; possession given immediately. 10. Neat brick dwelling two story on basement fronting north on Jones street one door west of Aber« corn. 11. Comfortable and airy brick dwelling two story on basement frontiug north on Jones street, between Abercom and Lincoln streets. 42. Very valuable lot with three story brick im provements and cellar on Broughton street near Jef ferson. 13. Brick dwelling on Gordon street fronting north on Mouterey Square, two story ou basement UNIAIPHOVED LOTS. 15. Southeast comer Gordon untf Whitaker strecta near Forsyth Park. 10. Southwest corner Gordon and Lincoln streets, double. 17. Trust lot east side Monterey Square. 18. Several blocks between Bryan, Falun and Joachim.streets, suitable for manufactories of all kinds and ranges or cottages. 19. Several mts south and southwest of the jail en closure. 20. Several acres on White Bluff Road just beyond Lovers Lane. Lois 65, 67, 69, 71, and 93, 25 by 105, southwest of jail. COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A fine vegetable farm of 150 acres, 75 acres cleared for cultivation, lying between the White Blurt and Mid<lie-ground Roads, 4J& miles from the city. It is composed of high and low land aud lias great varie ty oi soil; has been richly mauured and is in every way suited to the culture of vegetables for northern markets ; has fine orchard, and beds of asparagus and strawberries in excellent order. Newtou plantation, 6 miles from Savannah, on Ogeechee Road, containing 1,340 acres of land, 200 acres rice land under good bank and ditches,3oo acres upland dry culture low lands, suitable for raising cotton and provisions; balance S4O acres, well wood ed with oak, hickory aud pine, within two miles of Ogeechee canal or within drayiug distance of tti© city. 660 acres land adapted to the culture of grain, cotton, cane aud rice. Situated five miles from the city ou the Augusta Road. The place is said to be the best in this section. 225 acres cleared, balance well wooded with oak aud pine timber. Cottou plautatiou, known as Chippewal), con tain iug 700 acres, 7 miles from the city on Vernon shell road. Also a number of fine plantations and timber laud in Southwestern and southern, Georgia. "Wilder’s Patent SALAMANDER SAFES, With Wilder'B Patent I'ow&er and Burglar-proof Locks. 80. WILDER A CO., Patentees and Manufacture • era of the best tire-pi oof Sale in the world l J welltrs* and Bankers* Safes make to order, lined with hardened steel. House and Plate Safes. To this celebrated tsafe was awarded the gold medal at the World's Fair, in London, Notion.—This celebrated fire proof Safe is no longer made and sold by Silas C. Herring, hie license to make and sell them having expired. Lists contain in? prices and fall description of differ ent sixes and styles of Safe, can be had on application to the agent tor the State, at Savannah, or any of the special agents Agents wanted in every city and town of the Stats. For paiticulars, address the undersigned. We have constantly on hand a good assortment, for sale at manufacturers’ New York prices. CUNNINGHAM. PURSE & CO, Sole Agent* for the State of Georgia, nlO-2m Savannah, Ga. asten & Throckmorton; NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Builders’ and Locksmiths’ Hardware, Nails. Pollies, Cord, Rim Locks and Knobs, Butt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keys and Castings, Gong Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 1# per cent, less than market prices. srp!9 6m HEWITT’S GLOBE HOTEL, ■Augusta, G-a. THE OLD GLOBE HOTEL, corner Broad and Jack son streets, having passed into the hands of W. C. Hr Witt, late of the “Hewitt Hunse," Va., has been thoroughly renovated, and is now open for the recep tion ol visitor. to the city. He will be most happy to see bis old friends and the travelling public gen erally at the Glokk, where tticy will receive every at tention and meet with the very best accommodation the Southern country can afford. , W. C. HEWITT, Proprietor. Col. G. IT. Joshs. Clerk. nB-l m Notice. a LL persons having demands against the estate of Edward G. Wilson, deceased, of Chatham county, arc respectfully requested to hand them in properly au thenticated ; and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to ANAIB WILSON, nl4 Administratrix.