Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 25, 1865, Image 1

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THK SAVANNAH* DAILY HUB.AHD. VOL. 1-NO. 267. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) is pDMLiwna* «V y. W. MASON A CO.. iT 111 B*» Srairt, SavannaH, Gaowua. txbxis: „ Five Cent*. Per Copy. ••• $3 60. Per Hundred . .*lO 0(1. per Year advkbtibiso: „ tier snitare of Ten Lines for first ln- Two for each subsequent one. Ad- Aments inerted in the morning, will, if desired, STnt“ evening without extra charge. aob printing, In everv eryle. neatly and promptly dona by telecraph TO THE Daily Herald. I jOSS of the Steamer Lehr, Acopsta, Nov. 24—The steamer Robert Lehr was snagged and sunk on her trip up, one mile above Burten Ferry. The Minnie Brandt is alongside rendering assistance. FROM MOBILE Arrival of General Thomas. Cotton Market. Mobile, Nov. 24.—Major General Thoma 9 arrived here this afternoon. The sales of cotton to-day were 600 bales. Middlings 49 to 60. The sales of the week are 4000 bales. Re ceipts of the week 9,843. Exports of the week 9,266, , Stock on hand 67,854. Gold 147 to 160. The South Carolina Legislature. The North Carolina Convention was startled by President Johnson's despatch, requiring repudiation. The South Carolina Legislature was simi lar y surprised on the 6th inst., while it was engaged in the discussion of the lollowing report of the committee on Federal Rela tions : Resolved, That in the opinion of the Gen eral Assembly, the people ot South Carolina have tally complied with the requirements of the avuiesty proclamation of his Excellency Audi, w Johnson, President of the United States, dated 29th of May, 1865. Resolved, That having given the strongest practical proofs of their entire acquiescence in the results of the war, including the eman cipation of their slaves, the people have fair ly entitled themselves to the benefits of amnesty guaranteed them by that proclama tion. 5 Resolved, That the continuance of martial law, and the further suspension of the writ of habeas corpus within the limits of the State, is inconsistent with the restoration ot c.vil government, and the proper subordination of the military to the civil power required by the Constitution of the United States. “Resolved, That the people of South Car olina fully appreciate the difficulties which surrouuded the President of the United States and cheerfully accord to him the tribute due to clemency in the exercise of power. That acknowledging their position, at the close of the war, to have been tbat of a conquered people, yet, having accepted the terms which were offered them, and having fully complied with all the conditions then proposed, the public faith of a great Government stands solemnly pledged before the eyes of the world to release them from military rule, and to restore them to all their rights in the Uuion.” Upon these resolutions the committee re ported at length and favorably. The question being upon the adoption of the report of the committee, it was So stated by the speaker, and was about to be put to the vote of the House, when the doorkeeper announced the private secretary of the Pro visional Governor, Mr. Wru. H. Perry, who entered, ascended the rostrum, as is custo mary, and read the following: IMCOKTANT MESSAGE FROM THE. PROVISIONAL GOVERNOR. Executive Department, State of South Carolina, Nov, 7, ’65. > To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives: Gentlemen : I had the honor of receiving from the President of the Uuited States the following telegraphic dispatch on the 28th of October last: To B. F. Perry, Provisional Governor: Your last two dispatches have been re ceived and the pardons suggested have been ordered. I hope tbat your Legislature will have no hesitation in adopting the amendment to the Constitution of the United States abol ishing slavery. It will set an example tbat will no doubt be followed by the other States, and place South Carolina in a most favorable attitude before the nation. I trust in God that it will he done. The nation and State will thru be left free and untrammeled to take that course which sound policy, wis dom and humanity suggest. [Signed] Andrew Johnson, President of the United States.” Three days afterward I received the fol lowing telegram from the President: Washington, Oct. 81. 1° B. F. Perry, Provisional Governor: llitie is a deep interest felt as to what couse the Legislature will take in regard to the adoption of the amendment to the Con stitution of the United States abolishing slavery, and the assumption of debts created r , l *'. e rel) cllion against the Government 5? ltle United States. If the action of the J-onveniion was io good faith, why hesitate n making it a part of the Constitution oi the nued States? I trust iu God that the re- * j shun of the Union will uot be defeated, . T llat . bas 60 ,ar been well done thrown 1 still have faith that all will come yet. This opportunity ought to be ti., «nd appreciated by tbe people of • e Southern States. If I know my own i« n , ? UC J ever y passion which enters it, it it desire to restore the blessiDgs of the ‘ on : ant | tie up and heal every bleeding eidui wllich bas been caused by this fratri- Let us be ftuided by love and uoin from on high, and union and peace ro UCe ntore reign throughout the land [Signed] “Asdrew Johnson.” thnt°o llleße dispatches I replied im i). Ifi War debl 01 800111 Carolina was very tin,? ! dmUc ! that our whole debt at this ii,hi i?’* 8 ~n|y ulx >ul six millions of dollars ; w„r in 18 " m "*tly Incurred anterior to the new v?,f, on s! ruoßo K railroads and building a standlim* f?" use ’ wlth a “ 0,11 d «bt ot long oi Hi,,??*} 1 *? 1 we bad assumed no portiou ki, ■ ' °ufederate debt, and were responsl il„. Sl 1,0 *»y lor It. The ex|>euditures which l m ,r „ bad lacurred up to a certaiu period ‘ t been settled and refunded by the C'lorederst,, States. ’ that Houih Carollus had abolished w ini,,, u ** ood f u 'th, and never luteuded or till nJ. ° M llu , w ll I U»*l the Legislature was svi...J l ?Wl* w <"« * wi*. just end hutnaue t< i ilo r ? W| l Ibe * o v°rn®«hl *«»d pro imtmim .! lln all their rights ol ~l,i ~ * llJ I'foperly, and that thure was ue in,., !! 1 ■dopiloo of the pro|Mswd •. oi 1 dw Ptalerai CuosUtuUoa, ex iiinlueii "H'relietisloii that Congress might, ■lan. ii T IM "’ , b > n ol that sinendiui ni, the tight to legislate for tbe negro alter slavery waa abolished. I likewise stated that no official notice had ever been receiv ed by the Legislature of the proposed amend ment to the Constitution of the United States. In reply to this despatch, I received yes terday the following telegram from the Se cretary of State, dated “Washington, Nov. 6. To His Excellency, B. F. Perry, Provi sional Governor : Your despatch to the President, of Novem ber 4, has been received. He is not entirely satisfied with the explanation it contains. He deems necessary the passage of adequate ordinances declaring all insurrectionary pro ceedings in the State unlawful and void ah initio. Neither the Constitution nor laws direct official information to the States of amend ments to the Constitution submitted by Con gress. Notice ot the amendment by Con gress abolishing slavery was, nevertheless, sent by the Secretary of State at the time, to the States which were then in communica tion with the Government. Formal notice wilj immediately be given to those States which were then in insurrecton. The objection which you mention to the jast clause of the constitutional amendment is regarded as querulous and unreasonable, because that clause is really restraining in its effects, instead of enlarging the power of Congress. The President considers the acceptance of the amendment by South Carolina as in dispensable to a restoration of her relations with the other States of the Union. [Signed] Wm. H. Seward.” steamship communication with LIVERPOOL. When a few days since we penned our paragraph suggesting the importance of a prompt movement on the part of our mer chants for the establishment ot a line of steamships between this city and Europe, we did not expect so soon to be called on to chronicle the eutrance into our harbor of an ocean steamer, the pioneer of a line con necting Savannah and Liverpool. By the card of the Agents, Messrs. Brignam, Bald win & Cos., in our advertising columns, it will be seen that the British steamship Darien, Capt. Haran, is announced for freight and passengers, and will sail direct from this port for Liverpool. is the pio neer ship of the West India and Pacific Steam ship Company's Line, to ply direct from Liv erpool, the West Indies and Savannah. The steamers of this line will, we understand, .coal, provision and take in full cargoes with mails at this port and proceed direct to Liv erpool taking the West India ports on the return trip The Darien is a superior ship and with good passenger accommodation, has the ca pacity of 3,500 bales compressed cotton. She is now lying at Venus Point, a few miles be low the city, where she will take in cargo &c., her deep draft of water not permitting her to come up to our wharves. The West India and Pacific Steamship Company to which she belongs own a large number of first class ships, and should they receive suf ficient encouragement, will, no doubt, soon establish a regular line of steamships between .this port and Liverpool. ANOTHER STEAMBOAT DISASTER ON the upper savannah river. The SUam«rß»b«rt Lehr Snagged and Sank. We are informed by telegraph from Au gusta, that the steamer Robert Lehr, while on the voyage from Savauoah to Augusta, was snagged and sunk one mile above Bur ton's Ferry. Tbe first deck is entirely sub' merged. The steamer Minnie Brandt is alongside rendering all assistance possible. Tbe Robert Lehr was cleared for Augusta on Monday last, by Mr. Octavus Cohen, and Mr. F. M. Myrell. She had a very full freight. The accident must have occurred on Wed nesday. The destruction of steamboats, cotton barges etc., ou the Savannah river, is becoming almost epidemic, the Robert Lehr, tbe Fannie Lehr and the Savannah, having suffered shipwreck within a few weeks. Undelivered Telegraph Messages. —List of messages remaining uncalled for at tbe Telegraph Office. H. Rogers, J. F. & M. Hamilton, 2 ; Al bert Wiley, Wm. Tunuo, S. F. WilliamsoD, F. A. Flinn, J. Cohen & Cos., Capt. H. Wood, A C. M., J. W. Hallett, H. Wurtzburg, Al len & Cos., J. T. Thompson, E. A. Cooley, Geo. Ringsland, Mr. Sanford. Affray in Baker County. Smithville, Ga., Nov. 17, 1865. Editors Macon Telegraph A most brutal murder was committed on the evening of the 15th inst., at the residence of Dr. M. D* Sanders, of this county. James Covin went to the house ot Dr. Sanders, called him out, end tried to raise a difficulty with him—but being a near neighbor, tbe Doctor refused to notice anything he said. Coviu then raised a difficulty with a Mr. John Haynes—called him a d—n liar, Haynes struck him on the head with a small cane. Covin then drew an aimy pistol and shot Dr. Sander?, deliberate ly, and then turned round and snot Haynes twice, hitting him each time slightly. Dr. M. D. Sanders was shot through the side from left to right, and can hardly re eoyer. The constable went last night to arrest Covin, and found him armed, and on his way [mounted] for distant parts. He was halted five times, and failing to stop, was fired at and dangerously wounded. He was carried to Ids house, where he now lies iu a critical condition. Dr. SaDders is a nice, inoffensive gentle man, and universally loved by the people, while the other is a wild character, and was drunk at tbe time he shot Sanders. Great indignation was felt at the commission of tbe murder—and but little sympathy exists lor the wounded murderer. Vox Popl’li. The Southern Congressmen.— A despatch from Washington says: “The news from South Carolina that her Legislature has adopted the constitutional amendment abol ishing slavery has caused both surprise and pleasure. Her delegation to Congress, lam i told, will be backed up vigorously by the ! President, no matter whether they can take tbe test oath or not, and so will the repre sentatives of the other States when their Legislatures rally to the call of the Execu tive, as the Palmetto ha* done.— Washington Letter. Ho*- Qsmoh Davia ix Hi* Yoait.—A dia patch from New York. November 15th, slates that Hon. George Davis, late Attorney General of the CodftdorsUi htati-a, had ar rived in New To* no uie U. H. steamer Mxwpbtii, aud would be delivered to the United Htates authorities. We sincerely hopa that Mr. Davia ugy soon lie reeton-d to tils Until/ and friends. at Key We*. Florida, and that be |a now owflited in rvti LaPsyette. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25. 1865 . More Shipwrecks. —The Charleston Cour- ' ier or the 22ff says : The steamer Cosmopolitan, Captain A. C. Crocker, arrived at this port from Florida at •p. m. yesterday. Purser Chas. M. Bird sail reports the loss at sea of the schooner Hamet B. Tyler, ol Philadelphia, bound from Galveston to New York, and the Joel G. Sweet, bound from New York to Apa- j lachioola. Captain James McGee, of the Tyler, was lost while going ashote in a small : boat. All the others of both vessels were saved. The officers and crew of the Cosmo politan raised the snm of eighty-four dollars for the rqjief of the survivors. The Trial or Jeff. Davis.— The Wash ington correspondent of the New York Com mercial Advertiser, commenting on Forney’s demand for court martial to try Jeff. Davis, says: “Whether the President of the Uuited States will order the arch rebel lobe brought before a tribunal which will aliow no possi bility of acquitment, remains to be seen. Why not either hang or shoot the prisoner at once, without the expense or trouble ot a trial ?” Important from the Maine Border.— The New York Times says it has, troin apparent ly trustworthy authority, a rather stattling rumor of trouble of a serious eharaeter on : the Canadian border. It appears that a 1 British officer took the liberty of leading a company of marines across the line into the State of Maine to arrest deserters, tbat his men themselves finding that they were on foreign soil, deserted him ; the application was made to our authorities to have tbe men given up, which was, of course, refused. The report adds that the WashingtoiaGov ernment, on being apprised ot the case, im mediately ordered Hancock's corps, or a por tion thereof, to rendezvous in Maine. Such is the story; This much is certain—a body of troops have left Hartford, Cl, lor Augus ta, Maiue. Matters look a little squally, to say the least. NEW NOVELS OUR MUTUAL FRIEND; by Clras. Dickens, Com plete and unabridged, one volume. Illustrated. Price *l. Rose Douglas. Price $1 60. Lover’s Trials. Price $1 60. Red Court Farm, by Mrs. Henry Wood. Price 76c. Self-Sacrifice. Price $1 60. Mildred Arkell. trice *2. East Lynne; or, the Earl’s Daughter. Price 75r. Angelina; by the nnthor of The Gift.” Price 50c. The Banker’e Secret; by the author of ” Gus How ard." Price 76C. Bir Jasper’s Tenant; by Mrs. Braddon. Price 76c. Match Making Price 60c. Hickory IUll; by Mrs. Southworth Price 60c. George Francis Train’s Speech t > the Fenians.— Price 28c. The Busli Rangers, price $2 00. Major Jones’Sketches of Travels, 79 cts., and a further supply of his other works. Also the complete works of Dickins, Walter Scott, and other favorite authors. Cheap editions, at ESTILLS’ NEWS DEPOT, BuU street, Back of the Post Office, Down Staits. nov24 ts INFORMATION GRATIS! THE place to get good, sweet and pleasant Segars (such as Jones smokes), Is at GEO. S. NICHOLS’. The place to get sweet Orange Connty Butter is at GKO. S. NICHOLS’. The place to get excellent Cheese is at GEO S. NICHOLS’. The place to get Buckwheat Flour Is at GKO. S. NICHOLS’. The place to get flue Sugar-cured Hams is at GEO. S. NICHOLS’. The placet to get fine Pickles and Sardines is at GEO. S. NICHOLS’. The place to get Old Java Coffee and good Tea is at GEO. S. NJCHOLS'. The place to get new Raisins and Can Peaches Is at GEO. S. NICHOLS. The place to get tbe genuine Borden’s Condensed Milk is at GKO. S. NICHOLS’. And, Ladies, the place you can visit is at the neat Little Store, where you can get almost everything in the way of housekeeping Groceries, at anv time be tween 6 a. m. and 8 p. m. Remember the neat Little Store, No. 113 South Broad street, kept by n24-2 GEORGE S. NICHOLS. NOTICE. Steamship Chase. /CONSIGNEES or owner* of goods per steamship VJ Chare, on voyage from New York, October 21at, 18(15, will please present copies of Invoices: also, claims for ahijrt deliveries and deductions for damage, if any, to the undersigned, on or before the 16th day of December next, for the purpose of making the ad justment of the general average. HUNTER A GAMMELL. Macon Telegragl), Augusta Constitutionalist and Atlanta Intelligencer, pleaee copy and send bill to this office. n'24-td GEO. H. ARLEDGE, 72 BAY STREET, Grocer and Ship Chandler, Commission and Forwarding Mer chant, 1 WOULD respectfully eollcit a liberal share of pa tronage from my fri nda and acquaintances, guar anteeing to give entire satisfaction and sell fit tho lowest market prices. Order* from the country will receive immediate and prompt attention. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED.. nov!8 LEMONS. 20 Boxes Lemons* Per steamship America, on consignment, end • for sale by CUNNINGHAM. PURSE A CO.. n2-2 Bay «t., opposite Mariners' Church ORANGES." 20,000 Best SWEET ORANGES In good order, for sale by nSfry L. J. QUILMABTIN A CO NOTICE. Ferry Wharf Wood Yard. ALL orders for Wood to the strove Yard will be sent to Mr. R. W. Miller, In charge of wharf, accompanied by the cash, to en.irc attention. niiA-tf p. M. MYRELL. NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OP NOVEMBER, 1805. A LL peraone who shipped Goods by the Mteamer Ka- A vanuah, oD the above named day, are requested I" call liuiuedptioly at the .tor. of It * Myrell, lUu., Uarrta 1 llulldtng*. May sireet, end identify »u< h *..odn as have been saved iron, tbe wrack of Ike steamer. i w. noLuTrr. Agent. Great Bargain. A HEAT *ad (OuHUodimM OH (age (.welling, with A trick uulltouw . eUA. had, will he sold M applied for taMMMWW. aWsalai) HutwetsrUl., u# K/Urls •tywat Prim, ll.dtw Apply to „ T M. WINAIJCk At Mem, btsLlee. •n-t| «Tm< DmpiliO.. RAILROADS. Central Railroad uu. ; SrPERIXTENDENT’StatFFK'K, 1 Savannah. UK, Nov. IS, 1966 / ON and after Wednesday. 22d lust., a daily train will leave for Augusta at ASO a. m.. connecting with a lineof Hacks running between Station C Central Railroad, am! Wayne*Niro on tba Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this line will arrive in Augusta the next morning after leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Returning arrive in Savannah at 3.46 p. m Freight to go by Passenger Train must be prepaid anil delivered hall hoar before departure of train. By order of GEO W. ADAMS. u3O General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. 1 Savannah. Nov. lath. 1866 ) This Company Is now, in connection with H. J. Dickerson A Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augusta. Macon. Allan la Ac., daily from twenty to thirty ihonsa and poumte of Freight, and go through in from three to five days. ship Freight and other expenses must be paid by Shippers. Railroad freight can be paid here or at des tination. Freight on periahable goods must be prepaid. Rules to August*, until fudfcer notice, will be per foot 60 cents, per tuO lbs. 6260 GEO. W. ADAMS, n2O General Superintendent. South-Western Railroad. MACON. GA.. \ November ltth. ISO 4. f NOTICE TO BOND HOLDERS OF THIS COMPANY. PERSONS bolding Bonds of this Company past due will present the same at my office tor payment. JNO. T. BOIFKL ILLET, nSI-lw Treasurer. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Henry Williams, Attorney mt Xjaw, OEFICE NO. 113 BAY STREET, (Over the Herald Beading Room.) octl4-tf SAVANNAH, Qa. JOHN KINgT BANKER and BROKER COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, buys aud sella Gold and silver, Uncnrrcnl Mon ey and Exchange Stocks and Ronds bought and sold on ecmmlash.n Collections at this and other points attended to. and proceeds remitted promptly. nlOSw’ Gao. R Black. Ker os K Lxstkk. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, GA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson A Lester, corner of Bay and Barnard streets. octl4-tf TnOS CORWIN. WM. It. OWEN, THOS WILSON, cron in. i.atk 001. 14.rr.x1. or row a. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A Finncll.) ATTORNEYS AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE. *22 F STREET, ma> TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD’S HOTEL, W A-'S II INGT ON , D.C. Will practice in the Supreme Court ol the United States, the Court of Claims, and the Courts ot the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart meat bu-ißeas. Officers Accounts adjusted. au3o 3m DR. T. J. CHARLTON HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OP Medicine and Surgery. Residence and Office corner Whitaker and Perry streets. Im*-nl6 JOHN B.GUIEO & SON, STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Augusta, Or. HAVING a long experience in the Agency of Steamboat Companies for many years, we will give our persnal attention to any consigned to our care. Augusta, Nov. f—l m C. S. BUNDY, Gc onor al A. gout AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 347 F Street, Between 13th and 14tu Streets, (Near Pay Department,} "\A7"aahington, D. O. inSO tl COHON GAUDS. FIFTY doten Cotton Cards, Wilemore A. No. 10, in store slid for sate hy M. J. SOLOMONS A 00. nl" ~ Jonee' building*. Bay at. WANTED, OWNERS FOR TWENTY (20) BALES Upland Cotton. Picked np In the Savannah ltlver, by Howaid's Flats. If not identified in five fill days will be sold at the recommendation of a Board of Survey, (or account of all concerned. CUNNINGHAM. PURSE A CO. 1121-6 “ NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, GRIFFING A 10., Proprietors, Warehouses, 58 & 60 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS OP AND DZALERS IN Plows. Sugar Mills, Hay Cotters, Harrows. Corn Mills. Sausage Cutters, Cultivator*. Cidar Milk Vegetable caturs Cotton bweeps, Fau Mills, Hand Certs, Hay Prestos. Maw Mills Mule carta, Coimn Pres.i*, Cure Hhellem OxOarts, < idrr Fn»«, wv- T.uckr, Farm Wagons, Grain OrSdles, Wheelbarrow* Hone, Powers, (barns, M«g»r Pans. Thrashing Macb'l Ol Bows. bliovals, Codon (llm, Oa Yokes. Mueda , Mown. A itsep'S, | Well Mediate Hoes, Porks, Jtc., »r. Istw, m-yibss IterUea, Fb-14 i«4 Vluwcr HreUs. ! Hoyt's (taper Pbowheu«f lieas, Mods Mseerc Poe tifuUli r lltrilTl *>.u Urals (U Idsngow PsrtiUler Ou PUosphsSt* «>,4 ASSa.,-ul#iae (iasasa >u4 huia-r 11. -i i..i- <X l.' **»--. pnf Bru-sk < onerutrsis-l Xom ((•trill'd* GsderdkwuiJ(oa. OMiPrIMU A OM I Mite is *p4t»cvertiesadt ei, M>w iusk SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE. JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIPS ARIADNE AND LEO, BY C. ORFF, jfc- ' ' AT THE Southern Palace Dry Goods House A NEW AND ELEGANT LOT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS ORNAMENTS, CLOAK ORNAMENTS, BY THE SET, BUGLE TRIMMINGS, PARIS TRIMMINGS, JET BUTTONS, SILK BALL BUTTONS, VELVET BALL BUTTONS, SUPERB LYONS VELVET, A LARGE LOT OF ELEGANT CLOAKS, BROCHE POPLINS, ItOUBAIX, * A FINE LOT OF MELANGES, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, GENTS SCARFS, MAGNIFICENT STYLES GENTS MAUDS, NEW FRENCH MERINOS, NEW DELAINES, A FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASBIMERES. All just opened, with an immense stock of FANCY AND COLORED SILKS and other DRESS GOODS. FOR PLANTATION USB—DARK AND LIGHT KERSEYS, GEORGIA PLAINS, GEORGIA JEANS, OSNABURGS AND BROWN. Homeepaaae by the Yhrd, Piece or Bole. «• AGENT FOR BRADLEY S ELLIPTIC HOOP SKIRT. Southern Palace Dry Goods House 111 & 113 CONGRESS ST., nll-tf Oppoeite the Pulaski House. DRYGOODS. JUST PURCHASED IN NEW YORK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 300 PIECES BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, and other DOMESTICS, at a great reduction. 150 PIECES OF NEW STYLES DRESS GOODS, from the Late Auctions, at greatly reduced prices. BLACK GOODS, a Fine Variety, Yery cheap. „ f, # For Housekeeping: BLANKETS, ' - , ' SHEETINGS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, DAMASK TABLE LINEN, TOWELINGS, * * ' SCOTCH DIAPERS DAMASK NAPKINS AND DOYLES PILLLOW CASE LINENS AND COTTONS, AND TICKING. LADIES’, GENTS’ AND CHILDREN S HOSIERY, CLOAKS, of newest styles and best make. A fine assortment of SHAWLS, very cheap. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, for Gents and Boys’ Wear. 300 PIECES CALICO, best quality, 25c. and 30c. a yard. NEEDLE WORK COLLARS, DO. IN SETTS. LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS AMD SLEEVES; a choice lot just landed from Europe. 200 GREY AND BROWN BLANKETS, FOR SjVI*K BY DeWitt & Morgan, 137 CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH. ~. •' nov2s DRY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country iVLeroliants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ac., Ac., Ac.. Remarkably Cheap for Caah, CAN BE FOUND AT A. Roaohor tfc Oo’a^ IS BARNARD STREET, COR CONGRESS LANS, Comprising a general Asaortmeut of Foreign and DomeeUc Gauds, Cioeks, Snawla, Ac N. B—By strict atientioa to bestsesa, oourteoa* and boeorsble dealing with oar cusLowors, we tenet to merfi snd receive s lllwrtl eher* of patronage. A large line oi Whit* Good* and Linens now open. octiv SHAWLS, SHAWLS. I BXT nnrned n leege ef Zephyr Worsted rl eti.wU (heitags, Ciuathl sn# llooj*, Chlbir vn ( us, Ih.H* .ed Gaiter. *lsu, ln*(i Due*. TsMelteoweb. Mwee Tow-ls. Tsbi« b„!*.(.# *pu D-iyns (ml nvugiets of P*mr Ar ikies km Dewteron. t u (iiasMioe All ot widest.* niter »i rri j >o« ui,« mmitHtf A NCCNAN. 111 (JwiyßH WlMfi EDtSTEIN l ECKMAN, No. 15l Congress St. Sarannati Ga. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS HOUSE, AND DEALKBB IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. TTAVINS Just received and opened a very large n and select stuck of Fancy Drees Goods, House- Keeping and Domestic Goods, Blankets, Cloaks and Shawls. Also Hats, Hoots and Sbosa. And all artldsa uauallv found In a Smt cam Dry Uuoda House, we would must respectfully invite our former friend* and customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the rtty, to call and examine oar Hock before purchasing elsewhere. _ novAif Cloaks, Cloaks. I just re- KiMWiriN A ErXCMAN SHIRTING. •rfcw^waaaafttr'"' .... ,T ®EWi- PRICE, 5 CENTS insurance. "I 1 Fire Insurance THE PhiEiiix Insurance Comp’y, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital ............ #500,000 v #1,000,000 *? th * •'•ove Company on Buildings and Merchandize of every description at (air rate** _novS-tm H, BRIGHAM, Agent. NEW YORK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INBURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus ... $1,600,000 PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,500,000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus, $1,300,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO- Capital and Surplus ..$900,000 Apl'yto 0 "* 81 No. HSto&rt..%g£. Reliable Southern Ixtauranoe. «h> . 1 J|k , J THB National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. « mt *. *• * ***. ' ■ » *f ' ® APIIPA $360,000 nnTSS £*** !®* ve to toform the tnrorfng u* h the 5® been l*»ny appointed Agent tor the abov. named Company, and la ready to taka Ma rina, River and Fire Bhki at customary rates. Office over Hunter A Bay I strew. Hafarencee-Octavua Cohen, Hunter A Gammeli, Erwin A Hardee. 6m-oct2B FINANCIAL,. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. Karaale by aypuT BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. Sight Exchange ON JSTEW YORK, In sums |o eult purchaser*, by m. F. MKT CAIEK A CO. Wholesale Boots and Shoes ! Fellner and Poliak, 157 Broughton Street, Savannah, Oa„ A ponawent House in Jobbers and Dealers In this city ae well as those In the oountry, with mere ad vantages and conveniences in the Boot and Shoo Trade, than any house In said line. novl-6m LANDSCAPE 6ANWG AND HORTICULTURE. fpHE undersigned are prepared to make wary kind namental Gardens, and to do aU kinds of Trimming Ac., Ac. . ’ Orders may be left at tbe Herald office. W. A. D. KLMAR A Cos., nov»-lm » Landscape Oardenere. Miras 9 mROGENIZEtf SUPER-PHOSPHITE OF LIME, 7 For Wheat and other Grain Crops, Cot ton, Corn, Tobaeeo, Gratae. Vs»< tables, Crops, 4ke. _ f Composed of Calcined Bon**, SulphmiL . ,and Dried Blood, Soda, Potash, Sulphate Ammonia .no ’other Ammonia-producing materials, •• * 4 Does not exhaust the land dice Peruvian Guano and other stimulating manures, but perm silently im- SSSfro'iSmVaßf”™ ““““ It Is packed lu barrels of about about tM lba. each Pamph'em conUlnlng certlflcatea from th«e who have used thisfe.UlUer, and foil directlous taeltTn^ fiJSSSSSST* Cr ° P *’ C “ b,Wb ' Price reduced to S6O per ton, (2,000 ibt.} For sale by * rno 3 C u NNiNGH^ & PURa^^ Crockery, China, Glassware. p * ,Uoftheconnt,T "WTrolesale Stock, Which Includea package* containing complete assort. Dents, put up expressly for •• Country Trade." Goods re-packed to suit purchasers Queensware House, W» Broughton at., Sd door Aroai Ball St oe 10 ts E. D SMYTH. or— ENGLISH RAILS, # /I Os b«t Uoool yaM. let* *m 1 l*w t# Mmadwa* hf*V R. MOLINA, i srerr Uwlt and Coagveee Iteseit. a«4er btrattM ltuNM| * IMHiMTKM end Wtkdseete Hvelst In Nevann •* •“‘"hills i j*,, an K. 4. id Vltg in t* * hewing ttflMubllig UM svbnnin. Ikies Mnuhendad mbA \ST7It.Jf,