Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 25, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. MASON <fc CO. HAMI'Kt W. HAMM. K4lto», \V. T THOMPSON, Amocl.s* EMllor. SAVANNAH SATURDAY“soVEMBEB t*. IM$. OIL WORKS I* OEOROIA-PEA *rT The Augusta Constitutionalist announces that tbe Oil Works of Messrs. Hallaban & Cos., iu tuat city, are now in successful op cra'ioa, and may be regarded as a perma nent institution. “These works are now prepared to furnish superior cold pressed lard oil, pea nut and machinery oils, super fine lamp oils, and other articles in their line at short notice.” By way of encouragement to the enter prise we cheerful give publicity to the above tacts. During the war, when our govern ment and people were cut off from the usual Bources ot supply, tbe need for oils for all tbe purposes to which they are applied, was se verely felt, and although it is not to be appre heuded that the want will ever again he ex perienced from a similar cause, yet sound principles of economy dictate that we should be in this respect, as in everything else which wo have the meana of supplying within ourselves, if possible, self-reliant and in dependent. Every manufacturing enter prise that gives employment to labor and capital, and developes the resources of our section, is an aid and a valuable contribu tion to the advancement of our material prosperity There is no reason why oil mills should not be very successful in Georgia - ', Lard oil. now an important article of com merce as well as of domestic consump tion, can be manufactured here as well as in any section of tbe Union, while the pea-nut, which yields a very superior quality of oil, can be produced, especially in the lower sec tions of the State, at small cost and in the greatest abundance. During the war mills in JTorlb Carolina had contracts with tbe Confederate Government for all the pea nut oil they could manufacture, and the nuts, which were chiefly produced In South Wes teru Georgia, advanced to fabulous prices, to winch was added immense charges for trans portation to the mills. To avoid this latter charge and to reach the pea nuts at first cost, we know that jus: previous to Gen Johnson's surrender, manufactures were making preparations to remove their machinery from North Caroli na with a view of going extensively into the manufacture of pea-nut oil In South Western Georgia. When our railroads are re-establish ed the nuts can be transported from that sec tion o! our State at reasonable freights ; but to our view tbe same reasons exists now, though not in the same degree, that existed during the period of which we speak, for the establishment of oil mills in the region where the pea-nut is produced. The poor est lands of South Western Georgia pro duce the pea-nut—the yield is immense and the crop requires very little cultivation. — With a steady local market for the nuts the production would be stimulated to an un limited extent, while the oil would com mand a ready sale in the markets of the country at remunerative prices. Small farmers, soldiers' widows and or phans, without be aid of negioes,can cultivate the pea-nut successfully, and the enterpris ing capitalist who affords them a steady lo cal market for their crops by establish ing an oil mill anywhere on the line of the Savannah and Gulf Railroad, will be not only a deserving, but in the end, a well re warded public benefactor. THE LOUISIANA ELECTION. The Democratic nominees in this State for Governor, Congress and both branches of the Legislature, have been elected by large majorities. Governor Allen, who fled to Mexioo after the surrender of the Confederate armies last spring, and is now engaged in the editorial department of a paper published in the city of Mexico, was announced a few days before the election as a candidate for Governor in opposition to Mr. Wells, the regular nominee of the party, but received a very small vote made up of a few warm and overzealous friends and the whole mass of the various very feeble factions that oppose the National Democracy. Among those elected to Congress is the venerable Joseph Bather, eighty-five years old, who is characterized by the Picayune as the vestor of that body, and says tbat no man of the same age ever entered a repre sentative body who possessed the same amount of energy, capacity for active busi ness, and all his faculties, intellectual and physical, so well preseved as this famous old Banker of New Orleans. He Is now four years older than Lord Palmerston at the time of his death, both of whom entered pub lic lite about the same lime. He is a northerner by birth and education, but has been a citi zen ol Louisiana for nearly a half century. Tue citizens of New Orleans are Jubilant over the election of this octogenarian to Congress ; not more on account of the high esteem in which he is held personally, than the belief that he will be able to contribute a great deal towards the immediate restoration of the Southern States to the Union. The precise relation of Louisiana to the Union 6eems to be incomprehensible. She is the only Southern State which has not had a Provisional Governor appointed over her, and therelore ehe has not been called upon by proclamation, as were the other States, to adopt Cettaln measures deemed necessary for their restoration to the Union, but bas gone on and elected State officers and mem bers of Congress in the old way, as if her relations had not been at all changed by the war. In a few days Congress will meet and the representatives of Louisiana will be in " asbington. They express entire confi dence that they will not be dented admis sion; m which, however, they may be etrra giously disappointed. We wish them tuc- RLECTION RKTI lus Bclloch County.—'The following is the vote of Bulloch county at the late election: FOR CONGRESS Cua«. J. Jeokioc. ; 194 ** ' ‘ToUqiou Coo cnudidttu) >OR COWOBfcM Solomon Cuuen. 8(1 Chav if Hopkins 4 Carey W Styles 73 FOR StAIE SENA IK B R Morris 134 FOR RKPRRSENmiVI H M. J William* ' )•,,, *» A Brannon -A' 1 ordtng to iu« Mow York Tribune ... L'-jfau • appointment, giv... „„ Ui fbe JWh M inlaid (im, tfcpuuu* M repot um! m »*ry doultUul. FimriiL A\U COMMERCIAL Itt.MAHKI. Savannah, Nov. $6, ISSi. Cotton —The depreenon noticed la our market at the close ot our last review continued for aeveral dayS in the early part of the present week, but an ad vanre in the Northern market, together with large ■ales to speculators, strengthened the views of hold ers here, and Induced them to Increase their price*, particularly on the flner grades. Prices since Tuesday, on all good hats, are from one to two cents per pound higher than thoae given tn our last ctr cular. In several days past qalte an active inquiry has existed and fair sales have been made. Acs erday forenoon quite a good demand sprung up and the lots disposed of, were at the following quota ttons, duty paid. ordinary. Nominal. Low Middling. 45 Middling Strict Middling 49 & Jood Middling &51 The Dry Coods Market continues without new eatures. except a slight decline In prints. There le a good demand to All Interior and orders from Flori da and Southern Georgia. The (toelts are ade quate and the receipts continue good. We quote prints at 20 to 2»Xc per yard and shirting unbleach e<l, 4-4, 3S to Sic per yard; bleached shirting, 34 to ssc per yard : Delaines 40c per yard. Georgia manufactured goods are dull and very much neglected. There is no change lu prices. AVe quote yarns at $3 25 to 3 50 per bunch; Geo rgia shirt ing 33 to 38c per yard. Cloth* are tn very good demand and prices arc much firmer In conseqnencc of an advancing ton dency in the Northern markets, Oasslmcres are selling at $2 to 3 per yard; Jeans 65c to *1 per yard. Tile Money market Is slightly changed, and the rates for gold are easier. It continues scarce, and the demand Is somewhat alight. Brokers are pur chasing at 4" to 47X. and selling at 49c premium.— Sliver continues scarce and pi ices very iiregular.— Coupons of the city continue in very lair demand. Time bills are without change, the bank and brokers >not discounting to any full extent. In Foreign Ex change the transactions are moderate. Brokers are doing a fair business In Tncurrent Money. COTTON STATEMENT. Receipts Since Nov. is. 1885. Upland. Sea Island. Dom. By River., 4.015 199 297 By Ceniral Railroad i«8 By wagons 115 7 Total Receipts, 4 894 206 297 EXPOUTB SINCE NOW'.IiER 18, 1805 Upi unu. Sea I. DomesUs, XbM week 11.117 269 a n-evtouaiy #r. ~<..44,903 2,800 .569 Tdtltf 56,050 2,669 3,634 STOCK ON HAND, NOVEMBEIt ISI, 865. Upland. Sea 1. Dome M's. Stock, Sept. 1 .3,694 94 236 Received this week 4,894 206 - 29 Previously 49,670 2,569 3,4.. Total 58,258 2.869 4,010 Exports 58,050 2.109 3,634 Stock on hand, Nov. 18, 1865 2,908 300 3 Sea Islands. —In consequence of the limited stock placed on the market the transactions have been very light. Prices are very irregular, as most of the stop k offered is of a very low grade, and the only Inquiry is for the flner staple. The general range is from Sac to $1 23 per pound. For a very superior quality a higher figure has been paid. Tne stock of this de scription of cotton placid on sale Is very light, and comes to market In small lots, the greater portion of which Is badly prepared, for which there Is no de mand. Baogino—A good demand continue* for bagging. The advance noticed in our last circular was fully sustained by transactions. We quote Gunny at 29a30 cents ; Sea Island Dundee at32a33c; Tucker, Cooper A- Co.’s 40c, and at retail 45. Beeswax—The supply of this article continues very light. A.l receipts are quickly sold. AVe quote southern yellow at 40c per lb. Bacon—A very good demand continues for all de scriptions of cut meats. The prices are without change. We quote Prime Sides at23a24c.; Shoul ders al 21a23c., and Hams at 25a30c. For the better qualities the latter quotation is received. There is a moderate demand for Pickled Meats, without, how ever, any alteration in prices. Family Pig Pork ts quoted at sl6 @2O ts half bbl; Beef, 17X91%- We hear of sales of Sides and Shoulders at 22c. Bisct'rrs.—The market Is well supplied with all descriptions of biscuits. Avery fair demand prevails to 411 orders from the Interior.’ We quote sugar bis cuits at 10c V lb. Boston Crackers :4o tjt lb. Soda biscuits 13c 'vi lb. Fancy Crackers from 16 to2le V tb. Bitter.— Our market Is without change, a fair dc mand by local ami Interior dealers continues, the stock offering is ample for the present demands.— We quote Prime, in firkins, at 48 a 56c V tb, anil New York Goshen at 63 a 54. Cukes*:—There Is a large stock offering on the market; holders are firm at previous lutes. Thu demand Is very fair by the local trade and for ship ment. We quota Prime Goshen at 20 a 23c, the latter quoation for the better quality. English Dairy at 24 and Pine Apple at 30 cents. * Corn.—We notice a slight advance on Maryland white Corn. Holders are Arm, the ilemand Is fair. We quote Maryland white at $1 20 a $1 25 per bushel, from wharf; prime Western al $130a5135 from store in lota. Cement, Ac.—A fair demand by city builders con tinues; there is a slight iutertor demand. We quote Plaster of Paris at S4TS per bbl.j Rosedale Caiueui $4 per bbl. Plasterers hair $6 60 per cwt. Cokkkk—There has been no change in prices since our last report. Tbe market continues to be amply supplied, and we quote Java at 40a42c ; St. Domingo at 34c ; and Rio at 34a36c $ lb. Candles.— A good demand continues for ull de scriptions of caudles, Bober’s Georgia Tallow are In great request by retail dealers. We quote Adaman tine 31 to 36c 'R lb.; Hull’s Mould Tallow ‘24c lb. ; Rober’s Georgia Tallow 25c "ft lb‘ C. H. Grants’ command 26 a 30. Flour The market has remained unchanged during the week, with only a limited demand for the home trade. The stock on sale is ample for all purposes, and by the arrival of each steamer from the North additional supplies are received As an Index of the market, wo quote good Ohio at slo*s®lo 60 ; and family at sll 00®11 50. The principal demand during the week lias been for low er grades, and we quote them at |9®lo per bbl. Some new dour from New York, has been sold at •10 60 a 11 per bbl. Kish— The market continues to be abundantly supplied with all kinds of salted flsh. A large sup ply of new mackerel Is now offering. We quote new No 1 Mackerel In bids at S2O; half bbls $lO 76; kits $3, old In kits $2 25a2 59. Hide — The receipts continue very fair. There Is no change In prices. A fair demand prevails and .the small lots offering are readily purchased. We quote as follows; Green Hides —to 4c. per lb Orv Salted t to 6c. per lb. DfY.. —to 10c. pcrlb. Dry Flint 10 to 12c. per lb. Deer Skins. to 15c. per lb. Lumber.—Our market at present Is well stocked with all descriptions of Lumber, particularly of spruce and North River stuffs. We quote spruce -cartllng at 4)»C per foot; spruce flooring, dressed, c per loot; there Is uo undressed flooring In mar set ; North River common white pine l-lnclt boards, 4c per ft; cleared white pine l)»-ln. boards, per ft; IK iuch boards, 7>4c per foot; 2 Inch plank. BJ4C per foo*. The demand for the above descriptions ts en tirely cottflned to the local trade and for immediate use. Yellow pine lumber Is quite abundant and a fair demand prevails for local consumption and ship ment. We quote yellow pine aiantlittg at SSO per M feet; Yellow pine undressed boards SSO peril feet; Yellow pine dres*d boards, toughed and graved, S7O per M feet; Ash boards $75 per Mfeet. Lard.— There bas been no change since onr last report. We now quote Prime Leaf at 30 a 32c in tubs ; and Pressed at 27 a3O cents. Cotton and Wool Cards.— Our market baa ad vanced ;is very Arm and holders of stocks not de sirous to operate except in limited quantities. We quote Cotton cards sl3 per dozen, Wool cards $lO per dozen. Hay.— Since our last report a considerable quan tity bas been received. ’• bas been sold from the wharf at #oc n *l, and from a tore by retail at $1 26 per hundred pounda. Lime The market ts bare of good lime, and tbe only kind on Sale is of an Inferior quality, which is selling at $2 per bbl. Lemons— The stock Is very light, anil no good fresh article Is on sale. We quote inferior at $6 a7V box. A good quality would bring $8 a 10 p box. Molasses.— The slock offering is ample for prea sent demands. Prices are without change and very Arm, the receipts were very good during the past week. We quote New York reflned at 60 to 65c pel gallon, Golden Syrup 80 to 90c per gallon. Nails The demand is good, and assorted quali ties sell at 814&8C V lb. Tbe market is fairly sup plied. Oats.— The market is largely stocked and we no tlce a slight decline In prices. We quote at 75 to 80 cents per bushel. Oils—The market Is unchanged and tbe demand fair for city and interior trades. We quote Linseed at $1 75 per gallon ; whale at $2 00 ; Sperm at $2 75; Neatsfoot at $2 36 ; Lard at $2 50 ; Kerosene, $1 10 ; Train at (1 75 ; Turpentine at $1 40. onions.— The stock on the market tsgood, but ths demand fur the week baa been chiefly fur the home trade at (4 V bbl. Some Inferior 101 l have sold at s;< 60 per bbl. Potatoes. -The market la now well supplied, but during the week the and diiand has been only moderate. Holder* have toimd It difficult to dispose of their l " m ' Xwtu made at $3 60 per barrel, which is Hirerneral rale. -There hse I well no Important change I? I? ~“!"o’,"ur last report, and we quote New crop at |t « lint; $5 to hair I„,Ja, amt 41 71 V •« * •*'» ! •» half Is,A, cquaf luThedemaiid * “ Kola -The advame of im, lr t|o|a m iha Northern market* liaa had a uu responding ■ n*,-i here, aud pil ,f* h* vt *'l , »b |,, d ttanm* quota >1 llqtl* cvuii Elm k- We until* Unit lb# recall,t« ,» rough rite at ■ iniila and by store kr, p«i« It 4lll light. Tin buying tale from ihr liii.lan nlssi i„ 1 (Tti.lirl 11 Is estimated that Ihe 1 nine crop uiasd and halt eat sd Ihta season I, u Ills Grssl Hgiselirs, LMIIs Ugt. clue and bsvsnnsli llveis Will not slotted iiisi lunuu, llM»lllds Til* ttlshgllt ol *»l*t*7l I* Vuluo l*el tl*e el a very mis!on quality. Ibegw 1 lougu ! rice deceived will have to be saved for seed or ••“cd 1 must lie imported from the East Indies to rala. another crop. Clean rtee is in very food .lenuiid. i An art!, le prepared by the Prredmen in wooden mor tan aud quite inferior, Is selliog at $X to »e per in.uml. East India Is setting at in to lie, Carolina Citv Milled at 12 to 15c per pound. Salt —A large stock of Liverpool and Syracuse Salt is now offering tn this market. Tne demand !* very fair. A nale of 250 sacks of Liverpool salt. In r.K«I order, delivered on the wharf ts reported at $3 per sack. Sales m small lot* from store are reported I at $3 £5 as3 60 per saek. We have not received any particulars of sales of Syracuse salt, although the receipts dnringthe week were very large. .shingles.—The receipts during the week have been very light. The demand has increased, snd the supply Is not adequate for the marker. We quo’e river Cypress at $0 a 7 per thousand. North ern sawed no change. All good and fair lots meet with readv sate. The supply is Increasing. Spices—During the last fortnight wenotice an im portant advam e in all kinds of apices, and now we quote Ground Pepper. 33c ; Ginger, SOc ; Cinnamon, 65c: Cloves, 43 ; Allspice, 33c ; Mace, $1 35 $ lb. SruAß —There Is a fair demand prevailing for all descriptions of sugar. Huldei* are firm aud evince very little disposition to operate. We quote Browns 16 a l7Uc ; B Coffee 21c; A Coffee 22c; Crushed 23 a 24c ; Powdered 23 a 24c%! tb. Tea—During the week the market lias remained without change, and we quote Imperial at $1 40@2 • Oolong at $1 20@1 60 : and Pouchong at sl@l 10 Young Hyson at $1 50@2 50 %l lb. Timber—During the week the receipts of ship ping timber was very good. Mill timber Is coming down only iu sufficient amouuts to meet present demands. We learn with Pleasure that on the line of the Central Rail Road a large amount of timber is cut and being rapidly handed to the line of the Railroad for transportation. As soon as the company is able to finish the work of clean ing out the timber basin connected with Savannah and Ogeceliee Canal, and with additional rolling stock large receipts may be expected from this quar ter. We quote mill timber round logs sl2 to sl6 per m it. Square ranging aud shipping at $lB to su2. Choice b ngths, etc, $25 per m ft. Vakmsfi.—The maket is now well supplied with this article. We quote bright per gallon, at $110; black do., at 85c. Pitch p. p. at $5,00. per bbl. Wool.— I The receipts continue very light. All that is brought to market is quickly sold at prices rang ing from 36 to 40 cents per lb. WmsKEY’s.—The market the present week shows a continued advance in Whiskeys on all grades. The advance which was fully established, was ten rents per gallon. Holders are little disposed to oper ate, anticipating further rise jn the Northern and Western markets. The stocks offering are quite large, Avery fair inquiry prevails. We quote Gibson Son’s A Co.’s whiskey as follows: Double distilled old Rye Whiskey, per gal. $3.10; Superior old Manongahela Whiskey, per gal. $8,25. Choice old Manungahela Rye X ber gal. $3.30. Choice do. do. do. XX per gal. $3,40. Choice do. do. do. XXX per gal. $3,30. Choice do. do. do. XXXX per gal. $3,66, Choice qld’Bourbon Whiskey per gal. $3,40. Old Nectar 1840 per gal. $4.10 Old Family Nec tar per gal. $4 25. Pure old Rye Whiskey per gal. $4 36. Pure old Wheat Whiskey per gal. $4 50. Old Cabinet Whiskey per gal. $4 75. Medar Swangin, $5 50; NoHet’s Imperial do., $5 50; Otard, Dupuy A Co.’s Cognac brandy, In quarter casks and naif pipes, sll to sl6 per gallon. Sherry AVines, $2 60 to $4 60 per gallon, according to quality ; Imported Champagnes, De St. Marccaux A Cos., Reims, S2B per case of quarts ; Due De Monte brella, S2S per case. Wallace’s Brands as follows: Rectified $2 75 ; Imperial Nectar at $3 50. Bourbon $3 00 ; Columbian Gin at $4 00 ; M. Leavy k Cu’s genuine Kentucky, Keller’s genuine Kentucky Whis kies $4 to $0; Bourbon, til cases, sl2 ; Nicho las Schnapps sl2. Sherry Wine sl2 ; Cognac Bran dy S2O, Ale, per dozen, $3 ; Porter, per doz., $3 ; Virginia Motmtalu Dew Whiskey $2 70 per gallon ; Old Plantation Bourbon Whiskey $3; Fuller’s Old Stateslso to $5; Old Santa Cruz Rum, warranted genuine, $S to 10 ; P. H. Godard’s Brandy sls per gallon; Seignette sls; Crown Sherry, per gal on, $4 ; St. Martin's Port, $4 per gallon ; Ske lian’s Golden Ale, per case of two dozen, $5 60; Porter do $3 60; Ales In bbls sls; Cham pagne Cider per case of one doz qts $6, pts, of two dozen $6; Kentucky Bourbon Whisky $3 60 per gallon ; Old Bye $5 per gallon ; Old Bourbon $3 to 350 per gallon. Imported Sherry $4 25 ; and Port at $4 25 per gallon. Imported Champagne $25 to3o per case. Pure Holland Gin $4 to 6 per gallon ; Cognac Brandy $8 to $lO per gallon, by case, S3O to 36. Egg Nogg sls per case. SAVANNAH WHOLESALE PRICES CONSENT. Articles. PER FROM TO Bauoino,Gunny yd 2"@— Sea Island Dundee yd 32@33 Tucker, Cooper ACo yd 40@— THCker, Cooper* Cos., Retail., yd 45@— Bale Rope lb IS@l9 Bebk, Mess bbl 16@16 EtxraMess bbl 18@— Family, halt bbls sl6 BACON. Hams lb 25@30 Shonlders lb 21@23 Sides 'lb 23@24 Bread, Navy lb 9c. Pilot lb 10c. Butter, Goshen, Prime lb 63@57 Prime Western, Firkins lb 48@5t Candles, Adamantin lb 29@30 Hull’s lb 24@25 Cheese, Goshen lb 20(8123 English Dairy lb @24 Pine Apple lb 30@— Coffee, St. Domingo lb S4@— Rio.., lb 24@35 Java.. i lb 40@42 Cordage, Hemp tb 28tai30 Manilla tt 30@32 Domestic Goods , Shirtings, Brown yd Sheetings, Brown yd Brown Drills yd Cotton Osnaburgs Fish, Mackerel, No. 1, new Xbbl $lO 56 do. No. 1 bbl 20@— do kits 8 00@- ELOUK, Good Ohio bbllo 25@10 50 Good Family . bbl 1150@12 60 Ordinary bbl 9 00@10 00 Grain, Corn, Maryland White bush 1 1 2o@l 25 Prime Western bush 1 1 80@1 36 Oats bushl 75@s0 Glass, American Window —a— Gunpowoek keg —a— Hay, Prime Northern cwt 90al 00 do. Eastern cwt —a— Hides, Dry lb 7aß Deerskins Ms —a— Iron, Swedes ton —a- Pig ton —a— Hoop : —a— Sheet —a— Nailrods —a— LAnD, Prime Leaf lb 81a33 Pressed lb 27030 Lime, Rockland bbl s4a Lumber, White Pine, rougti mft s4oa— do Pine dressed mft 60a55 Spruce Pine Scantling in ft 33a36 Yellow Pine Boards mft 60a— Molasses, New York, refined gal 60@65 Golden Syrup gal 80®90 Nails lb 8 K@9 X naval Stores, Tar bbl in spirits Turpentine —@— Varnlsli —@— Oils, Linseed gal 18 ,®— Wlnde gal 2 oo@— Sperm gal 2 7o@— Neatsroot gal 2 35®— Lard gal 2 60®— Kerosene gal 1 10®— Train gal 1 To®— Turpentine gal 1 40@— Lubricating Oils Spindle Oil gal 1 85@— Engine Oil gal 1 35®— No. 2 Lubricating gal 86®— Osnaburos, Flax yd Poke, Family Pig Pork bbl 18 00@20 00 Porter, London, quarts Raisins Malaga, box 7 00®— “ Kbox 3 50®— Salt, Liverpool sack 4 00® 42* Coast sack —@— Soap, American, yellow lb 15®18 Shot', all sizes lb —@— Spirits Brandy, Cognac in cases gal 20 00® — Otard, Dupuv A Cos, KA K cks., gal 11 00@15 09 Gin. Holland gal 6 50®— Whisky, rectified gal 2 75@— “ Old Kentucky gal 3 00®— “ Imperial Nectar. gal 3 2S@— Sugar, Brown lb 16@17K B. Coffee lb 21®— Crushed lb 23®24 Powdered lb 23@24 Tallow , lb 12^®— Tobacco Teas Imperial ... lb 1 40@200 Oolong lb 1 20®l 60 Pouching 1 lb 1 00®l 10 Twine, Seine lb —®— Baling lb —®— Winks, Claret. case o 50@t2 00 Port gat 4 oo®s 00 Stierry • • • • gal 2 25®4 50 Catawba case —®B 00 Wool, Southern unwashed lb 56®37 “ Clean lb 40®42 Financial. Latest Quotations for Cncurrent Money and Securities, corrected by Brvau, Uartrldge A Cos., Broker, Ac. Savannah, Nov. 24, 1805. Notes to l>e $5 aud upwards. These rates will be reduced 10 to 30 per cent, on smaller notes. Prepared expressly for the Savauuah Dally Herald. GEORGIA. Manufacturers Bank of Macon 10 Augusta Ins. and Banking Cos 10 Bank of Augusta 28 do Alliens ...30 ilo Columbus ....15 do Commerce 10 do Fulton : 20 do Empire Stale 16 llauk of Middle Georgia 64 do savannah 46 do Slate of Georgia 26 Central Batin,ad and BaukiugCo 94 City llauk of Auguat* 24 Farmers' *ud Mechanic*' 16 Georgia Railroad and Daubing Cos 92 Manila Bank » ao Mechanics' Bank in Merchants' and Piautera' Bank in Planters' Bank IT Union do 10 Timber Cutters’ $ south uarolin*. Iltnk of Cauiden |i do Obarlaauiu. ;.,,, do theater M do QaormMKVßii.* ...a,.... , go do llamliurg p do he«ii*m> *g do houlli Carolina ~,,, do Slate of Ru 1* id 1 omun'Mal llauk, I’otiunl,!*,, 11 lunge To do Id I Fatmex'add K*e|i*ws* 14 IM, i> haute’ f'bayaw. , rn l>aq,|e*'D»hk hosts . akolwa. Baniof cap* Fear J® Hank of <Hurl*.* Otoreulun “J do Fayetteville *8 do Lexington Bank of North Carolina - 42 do Wadeslsirougli ® Bank of Washington.-. ...12 do Wilmington ® do Yatoeyville ...12 Commercial Bank of Wilmington 15 Farmer’s Bank of North Carolina 30 Merchant's Bank of Newborn 30 ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile L. .70 do Montgomerv - --85 do Selma *. 25 Commercial Bank 2.3 n Central do *0 Eastern do J...40 Northern do 40 Southern do #5 TENNESSEE. Bank of Uni0n...... -70 Bank of Chattanooga...- *4 “ Memphis TO “ Middle Tennessee 70 Tennessee 20 “ West Tennessee 20 City Bank of Nashville 45 Commercial Bank 30 Buck’s Banks 30 Ocoee “ 30 Planters’ “ 50 Northern Bank .' 80 Sonthern “ Shelbyville Bank -.70 Traders’ “ - 20 Union Bank 50 Bonds. Old Georgia fl’s .'. To@ do 7’s 90@ City of Savannah To@7s Augusta 75@S0 Macon !- Col urnbus 40@45 Central Railroad .....80@85 Muscogee Railroad Memphis and Charleston Railroad ...,50@55 COUPONS. City of Savannah 85@90 STOCKS. Central Railroad 68@6# Southwestern Railroad 72@T5 Muscogee Railroad 50@55 Atlantic aud Gulf Railroad '. 60@52 Georgia Railroad Tn@72 These quotations are liable to fluctuate, aud san. not be relied on for any length of time. Exchange. BfH.NG. Sterling, nom 107 in gold. •• “ 152 in currency. Boston Sight x to X per ct. dls. New York Sight X to X per ct, dls. do. 30 days 1 per ct. and tnt. do. 60 days l per ct. and tnt. Philadelphia Sight 1 perct. dis.: Baltimore Sight.- 1 per ct. dls. Planters’ Bilik, Fairfield 20 Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank ,30 South W. R. K 1. 30 Union Bank 70 State Bank lo SELLING RATES. New Tork Par to X prem. Boston do Philadelphia do Baltimore . .... do TO THE VOXKKS OF CH ATItANICOIJ JiT Y I announce myself as a candidate for tbe office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. nov22-td ALEX. F. BENNETT. To the Voters of Chatham County. I respectfully announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Chatham County, aud ask your support at the Jauuary election. ts Benjamin L. Cole. Mr. Editor : Please announce the under named gentlemen as Candidates for the offices of Mayor and Aldermen at the next Municipal election. We have not consulted them, but presume they will serve if elected. They are not office seekers, and probably have uo friends to reward or enemies to punish. CITIZENS. FOR MAYOR. MILTON J. BUCKNER. FOR ALDERMEN. MONTGOMERY CUMMINS. john McMahon. JOHN LAMA. JOHN WILLIAMSON. WILLIAM REMSHART. A. P. WETTER. A. N MILLER. E. E HERTZ. JOHN FOLEY. JOHN O FERRILL. JACOB WALDBUItG. WM. H. TISON. S-nov4 THE iST.Y. NEWS, Miss Carrie C. Lbsteb, a daughter of Mississippi is authorized to visit the South, soliciting subscriptions for the New York News. She kindly asks the patrouage of all our citizens. Please send your names or call at the Pulaski House from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M-, when Miss Lester will be most hap py to receieve you. aov 18-ts. To the Electors of Chatham County. Gentlemen : Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my Dame to ba used for tbe office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I have the honor to announce myself as a candidate for that position, and respect lully solicit your suffrage. nl7-tf CHARLES 3. WHITE. Uall’B Vegetable Sicilian Bair Renewer Has proved ltaeif to be the most perfect preparatiou for the hatrever offered to the public. It is a vegetable compound, aud contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lus trous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young; should fall to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. tv~Ask for Pall's Vegetable Sicilian Ha 1 Renewer, and take uo other. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. IL, Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WARD A CO., New Orleans, La., n23 6m Southern Wholesale Agents. Dr. J. A. Clopton OF HUNTSVILLE, ALA., WILL be In Savannah on the 26th lust, and may be consultedul the Puiuski House until tlie*6i!i ot December. He •peratea wi'h perfect success lor Piles, Fi-tula, Fissures. Strictures, Pruritus, Polypus, M ens, Tumors, Hare Lip, Hydrocele, Sarcoeele, Ac. Also, puts up Met Heines for Bronehilis, Hoarseness, Diseases ol tbo Tonsils, Uvula. Scrofulous, Cutaneous. Kidneys and Syphilitic AUeetlons, Diseases arising from belt-abuse, Ac. Special attention given to Diseases of Females, for the benefit ol whom he will meutlun that when In Athena, in IMS3, he removed a tumor from the menu as larg* as an lufant'a liead-measurlng 7X inches In length—and the patient was perfectly well in a few 'lays. Tuere has liven no return of Ihe tumor, aud tils lady Is not* enjoying fine health. Dr. C. baa visited ueotgla for fifteen racceMlve years, ami bas operated upon hundred* of the moat re •pcctaUlo citizens of lbs mate Mauy of the most Intelligent gentlemen of the medical profession have ts-eu bis | atlr-ntt. He re inov*4 ffve hemorrhoidal tumors as Urge as waluute lot a medical guutlvmau or Macao, who hid by his die cue been reutieed to a mere shadow, weiglilug ouly flghfy Mur pounds when he operated upon him. II rnsiten not Imw long you have suffered, or hyw Urge ydUr hemorrhoidal tumors are, you cau be perfectly relieved. Ms operalt'l upon U. tl. IL fry, who had suffered lot lolly-one years with pdas protruding one Imh Olid • hall at every ssliou losing from one to slg ml IK* of blood al evioy aloof tteyiy lutw enj.iyt pi rfrrt In ..i 1 It la all Iguoraucel* say that tack drains ehounl not lie stepped, el tea eudtbuly *r reeled, I , 1 ell *ud bear what Mr Uerry, M*e. Mr. Il**r*, tint hundreds el inhere, as *ud hosrsl a* itobf •elf. |w* Gi toy aiatii the snrtieel MsisHfVmee la Mm ir el tear bar. ’I bey lists siMtsyrd, *ad k*ve been l raied. Ladies will Iw visited el I hate bo***A p*4teW* wey reluiii home immedlatr ly eftei tbe uni retted lie bevel lost • pvileut, nor had *b ornldsel 4* heppi* . war FUNERAL INVITATION The Mruda and acquaintance of Mr. P. G TIIOMAB. Mr*. laabvba Tboinaa and Mr. John T. Thorau and their Kniillua, are rcapecttnlly invited to allend the funeral of the former, from the Lutheran Church, Thia Morning, at 11 o'clock. * Savannah Typographical Union. A Regular Monthly Meeting of this Dnion will be held THIS AFTERNOON,26th inat, at their rooms, at 4 o’clock. Members are requested to be punctual, aa busmens of importance will be before the meeting. By order, H. J. MIDDLETON. President. W. TJ. Flisn, Secretary. Zerrnbbaliel Lodge. No.TTf. A. M. A An Extra Meeting of this Lodge will be ■’jrrr'held This Forenoon, at 10 o’clock, for the purpose of paying the last tribute of respect to our deceased Brother, Peter G. Thomas. Members of the Fraternity are respectfully Invited to attend. W. GREENE, w. M. Jt.o. H. Houston, Secretary. n26 ATTENTION! German Fire Company, No. 10. .X*'—. . you are hereby ordered to appear at X y° ar Engine House on Sunday Mom- C" itig, at nine o’clock, for the purpose of attending the funeral af our Brother Fireman, A. Cordes. HENRY BLUN, Foreman. F. Kolb, Secretary. n25 NEW AUVKUTISEMKNTS. NOTICE. MRS STEPHANIE BUNARD, a graduate of one of the first Semlr aries of Eurtipe, with several years experience, wishes to give Lessons in the Afternoon, in French. German and music. Address to this office. n25-2 FOR SALE. CONSTANTLY on hand. Oak Wood, at Dock wharf. 1 Orders left at this office will be attended to. n25 • A. R. CULLENS •Notice to Ladies. M’ME DEMOREST’S Branch of Fashions, with Patterns of every style of Dress, by Mrs. Vick, 114 Bryan street. n2S-lm Wanted to Purchase, A GOOD Horse, Bridle, Saddle, Wagon or Buggy and Harness. Enquire of W, R. NELSON. At Christian Orff’s, n26-tf 111 and 113 Congress street. NOTICE. PLANTER'S BANK, 1 Savannah, Ua., 25th Nov., 1866. | An election for Directors; to manage ihe affairs ct this Bank for one year,’ will be’ held at the Bank ing House in this city, on Monday, the Ist day o Jauuary, 1866. THUS. H. HARDEN. n25-la wtd Acting Cashier, Worcestershire Sauce. DOZEN Worcestershire Sauce O 20 dozen Cross & Blackwell’s Pickles, Piccolilli, Walnuts, OniOES and Cauliflower 5 dozen Superior Sweet OH 10 dozen English Sauces, well assorted. For sale by n25-2 CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. FLOUR. I S. BBLS Ada Mills Flour, very superior. A 20 bbls Hiram Smith’s Flour 20 half bbls do Landing and for sale by n26-‘J CLAGHORN & CUNNINGHAM. For Sale from Wharf 150 BBLS POTATOES 50 BBLS ONIONS 30 BBLS APPLES 10 BBLS BEETS 5 BBLS CARROTS 50 KEGS CRANBERRIES Landing to-day from Steamer Wm. Tibbeta, from Boston, aud will be sold low t3 close consignment. F. VV. SIMS & CO., n251 Over Erwin * Hardee's. FOR SALE. HHDS. Baltimore Bacon Sides and Shoulders • O so tubs Goshen Butter 30 kegs New York State Butter WEST, BRYAN 3c CO., n25 3 Jones’ Block, “LIVERPOOL SACK SALT. THE Cargo of the British ship Herald Is offered for sale in lots to suit purchasers, by CHARLES GREEN & SON, 12 Bay street, Stoddard’s Lower Range. n25-6 LOST, ACHESNUT SORREL MARE PONY', stands be tween eight and nine hands high; gray hairs In mane and tall; white face: had on a saddle and bridle. Any person giving Information at the Her ald Office to lead to her recovery, will lie handsomely rewarded. THOMAS MARTIN. 1125-2 LOST, a j. A small white POODLE DOG, highly prized by the owner. A suitable reward jbaaSSviU he paid for his return to the store, toe B.uugutou street. U 26 J. B. PRESDEE. LOST, BETWEEN West Broad street and the Isle of Hope, between S4OO and $690. Any person returning It to this office or 1. W. Tufts, tbe loser, at the Isle of Hope, will be a sharer thereof. D26 Havana Segars. JUST received from the Importers, a few choice brands of genuine Uuvauas. comprising tbe Ca banas Ist and 3ds; Prince of Wales; No Mr. Olive des; Plantations; Cabargat. For sales on the lowest terms by SORKEL BROTHERS, H 26-3 82 Bay street. GUNNY CLOTH, Rope, Sea Island Bagging, Twine, Bacon, Sugar aud Coffee. For sale by n26 6 OCTAVUs COHEN. PH. IIEIIIV, FACTOR AND GENERAL COM • MISSION MERCHANT, Buy street, near old stand. Savannah, On. 1 m-u.C e;lectlc“Magazine. Literature, Science and Art* New telime begins January, iB6O. Tho Eci.acTio MausziNsls, as Its name Indicates, a Mloclioa from oilier magazines and periodicals. T hes 1 selections are carefully liimlo each month, from the entire range of forelgu Periodical* In this respect It la entirely unlike other monililies, and baa no rival. The following are soma of the works from which se loollont are made 1 London Quarterly, Revue de Deus Monde*, Urltlab Quarterly, Igmduu Society, North Briii-lißeview, HeuUey’a Miscellany, Popular Nclsnce Review. Conililll Mugualua, baiurday Review. Frasers Msgaaine, Leisure Hour, Tempi* liar, We,tininater Review. ( Tiamben’a Journ*!, Dublin InlvoreuyMog, Kdlnburgh lb view, Ari Journal, Liudou Natlnnal Rtvtew, We have *lao arranged to secure choice aelecUoue from the French, Oerman, and other Coni4iiaut*l Pc nodical*, traualaled e*|iectally tor the Eclectic, bud It la hoped this ntw toaiara will add greatly to the variate •ltd vatu* of tbe work, ■embellish metal*. Hack uumber leembeilisbed with one or more fin Mraat. Heeatviersa poiirali* of eiulumi atea or U nirtrslira of liuporlabt klsiuneai even la, Volamea aummeui * la Jkbbary aM July al eaek year | »abanrtpu*m* 1*« a hi, my moutb Tarftsi |4 per Yea l, Magi* MarnUra, 60 aeute. Fl** IN aibs *ro w alllMi t'tergymva, Tea*h*i*. aud Club* Slip iib latwahl* in ms Addreta • r ~ W II lIIRWkM., b<* M • b**bb**a*ii**t, M#» »uf* •PECML NOTICKS. MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY. Ad Eaeay of Warning and Instruction for Voting men, just published by tho Howard Aaaociation, and sent la sealed letter envelope* free of charge. Address Dr. J. BKILLIN UOUGnTON\ Howard Association. Ph pa. octlJ-3m A PHYSIOLOGICAL VUw of MAKKIAQE Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Or gana in a suite of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise ou Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences upon the mind and Body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment—ihe only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by nddresaing Dr. LA CBOIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted upon any or the dis eases upon which his book treats either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world. octlO em We have learned not to be astonished at anything. Years of experience and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a basis from which we need not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the following—although the persons who write them are. We know the persons and cir cumstances, hence feel at liberty to indorse their statements: “Nkw Bedford, Mass., Nov. 24, 1803. Dear Sir, —I have been afflicted many years with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feet aud hands, and a general disordered system. Physicians and medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting pome friends in New York who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I com menced with a small wine-glassful alter dinner. Feel ing better by degrees, in a few days I was astonished to find the coldness and cramps had entirely left me, and I could sleep the night through, which 1 have not doue lor years. I feel like another being. Aly appe tite aud strength have also greatly improved by Uie use of the Plautatiou Bitters. Respectfully, Juimih Russel.” Keels bury, Wis., Sept 16, 1803. • * • I have been in the array hospitals for four teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, HI., they gave ine a bottle of Plantation Bitters. # « Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. • • C. A. Fladt*.*’ The following is from the Manager of the Union Home School lor the Children of Volunteers: Mansion 67ihSt,) . New York, August 2,1863. / Da. Drake:— Your wonderiul FlaiitatUu Bitters have been given to some of our little children sutteiiug Iroui weakness und weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl in pariicular, with pains in her head, loss of appetite, ana daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspoonful ot Bitters a day. Her appetite aud strength rapidly increased, and she is now well. Respectfully, Mrs. O. M. Detoe.” ”* * • I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. UeV. W. 11. Waggoner, Madrid, N. Y. “• * • Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife hus been greatly benefited by their use. Thy friend, Aba Curein, Philadelphia, Pa.” **• • * I have been a great sufferer from Dyspep sia. aud had to abandon preaching. • * The Plan tation Bitters have cured me. Rev. J. S. Catuorm, Rochester, N. Y.” • I have giveu the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most as tonishing effect. G. W. D. Andrews, Superintendent Soldiers’ Heme, Cincinnati, O.” **• • * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of Liver Complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate, aud had to übannon my business. U. B. Kingsley, Cleveland, Ohio.” ”* * • The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidneys and Uriuuiy Organa that has distressed me lor years. It acts like a charm. C. C. Moouic, No. 264 Broadway.” &C.; Ac., Ac., Ate., <&c. The Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the languid brilliaut, and are exhausted nature's great re storer. They are compose i of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Whutergrcen, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, &c., all preserved iu perfectly pure fct. Croix Ruin. S. T.—l Boo— X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appe tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, &c., deserve to suffer if they will not try them. They are recommended by the highest medical au thorities, and are warranted to produce au immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice.— Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters in bulk or by the gallon is a swindler und im postor. It is put up only in our log cabin bottle. Be ware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, fjr which several persons are already in prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over t he cork unmutilated, and our signature on steel-plate side label. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable world, P. H. DRAKC & CO., oct27-3m 202 Broadway,N. X. (lagan’s Magnolia Balm* This Is tbe most dellghlful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt face and hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distin gue appearance so inviting In the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It contains no material injurious to the sklu. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Retail price, 50 cents. Prepared by W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS BARNES A CO., 0c127-eodly New York. LYON’S KATHAIRON. Kftthalron is from the Greek word “Kathro," or “Kathalro," signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate and re store. This miticle Is what its name signifies. For preserving, restoring and beautify lug the human balr. It la the moat remarkable preparation In the world. It la again owned and put up by .the original proprie tor, and U now made with the sam* care, skill and at tention which gave It a sale of over ono million bot tles per annum. It la a most delightful Hair Dressing. It eradicate* scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes tbe hair rich, soft aud glossy. It prevent* tbe hair from faliiug off and tnrniug gray. It restores hair upon bald head*. Any lady or gentltmau who valuta u boaatful bead of balr ahould use Lyon's Kathalron. It la known and used ihroug bout the civilised world Hold by al respectable dealer*. PEMAH BHINES A CO., ocltT-eodtr New York. ITCH I ITCH I ITCH! SCRATCH I BCIIATCUII HCHATCH! 11 TVlitMiioii’M Olntinout. wiu 1111 tni him 11 ratTMim mmm. 'Also run* Nall Hb»um. Ul<*nb Obllblalaa, aud all IrapUuba of Iks bbl*. Prtc* to caul 4 Fur late by all Druustete liy wilding «i real* te Wm4u a Putter kata Ag»Ma, IT* Wteklugte* street. Rrertua, Mas*.. M •HU b* fmwanted by Mail, We* of |WMffoa> Iw any Fart ol Um Uatted ktatua, tsoill-uoi AmiUCMBNTS. Suva » n a li T li e u t rs SATURDAY KVEMIKU. LloV. q-j. For oue ujqlrf only Uie Great Draita of the streets of New York With New Scenery and Great Caat * To conclude with Kiss in the Dark. Monday, MR and MRB UAItRY WATKINB n., Mrs. Chao Howard) will app.-ar in the Irish lir.m 4 e KATHLEEN MAVOURNKEN. “ Dralua ®l W'IVI'KU. ”- L ‘~ WANTED. FRENCH and Silk Embroidery and Braidim, re a Orders left at Mrs. Taylorts, mr"r Broad and Drayton streets, will lie attended to pr^,p£ WANTED. A PRACTICAL Paper Hinder, of New York wi.h-. “ “ B'Hstion in some first cla»“ hone,- in this „t. Address BAM LP. DAVIS, *' m Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. S.—'ls bbls Flour 20 half bbls Flour 9 bbls Crackers 6 bbls Apples 6 bbls Eggs G & W —loo tubs Lard. If not called for will be sold for freight and exner.,,, *>«23 BRIGHAM. Baldw™ Tf o ' WANTED, A STORE, on BiV street, or portion of a large store divided off, with an office overhead. Address -Merchant,” nerald offir-e, n iß-tf Wanted, SOO A MO , NTII! Agents wanted wanted for tic cntirel/ new articles, iust out. Address O T GAREY, City Building, Blddelord, Maine, sepli d.4w3m WANTED A GENTLEMAN of strict business habits, and 15 years’ experience, desires a position as Salesman 01 B .okkeepor lu some Commission House in this city, where the services of a valuable man would be an. P'-ecltted Address, for ten days, Bookkeeper, Ilcrald Oihce. Savannah, Get. tf-nls Wanted, UiOfi A DAY! Agents wnnted to sell anew nnd tPIWCJ wonderful SEWING Al lIiNE, the only cheap one licensed. Addicss SIIAW * CLAIiK. Bld deford. Maiue. sepl4-(Uw3m FOB SALE. & TO RENT. BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE. .A. ISTuimber One Phelan’s Billiard Table FOB SALE. Enquire at Herald office. 021-1 w W. O’M. For Lease or Rent, ACRKB of good Farm Land, two miles from the Otr court House. Apply to „ JOHN MoMAHON. n23-tf Jefferson and Broughton streets. BARBER SHOP To Bent. . A LOWER Room in ths Screven House will bo rent- JH ed to a good teriit, for oue or more years, hb a barber shop for that hotel and ihe public BRYAN, HaHTRIDGR k CO, PAVILION HOTEL For Rent. THAT well-known, desirably located, and highly popular establishment, situated on Bull street, between South Broad and Hull streets, occupying four entire lots of CO by 90 feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty roomu, is now offered for rent. The party renting this property will be required to make the neces-hry repairs and give satisfactory se curity for the punctual payment 01 re..t, JOHN M. COOPER, uov7—tf Frcs’t Union Society. “for bent. I OFFER for Rent next year, 1860, my Rice Plsre. in Camden county, Ga., on the Great Satilla Kivi'r. known as the “Vernon Plantation,” containing 429 seres of first quality Rice Land, and about 190 acre, of high land, all in perfect order. Said Plantation h»s been cultivated daring the war. nnd therefore requires no extra work to prepare It for a crop the ensuing year. All the negroes formerly belonging to me are still on the place and anxious to remain, so there would be no difficulty in procuring laborer*. On the place is s comfortable dwelling house, together with all tlie necessary buildings for the accommodation of labor ers aud storing he crop. Seed for the coming year, including Rice, Com. Pens, Sugar Cone, Sorghum, Cotton, See., can be obtained on the placo. For further particulars address the sub scriber at Waynesville, Wayne county. Ga. oci3o-lm JAS. F. KING. Store to Let,. AT HILTON HEAD, S. CL. TUe light and commodious Store, corner Merchants’ Row and Palmetto Avenus, to lease for a limited time. Terms easy. Address W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, octlß ts Lock Box E. Hilton Head 8. C. ROOMS TO LET," AT HILTON HEAD, S.C. The “Palmetto Herald Building,’’ having been newly fitted np, now offer large and airy Rooms suitable for Sleeping Apartments or Business purposes. For terms address w> 8 SAMPSON, Jr., Agent. octlß ts Lock Box B, Hilton Head. & C ATCBBLOR’B haxb, dtb I The Original and Best in the World I Tbe only tme and perfect Hair Dyo. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces iramedlate.y a splendid Black or , natural Brown, without Injuring the hair or skin- Remedies the 111 effects of bad dye*. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLBFLEURH. For Restoring and Beautifying tho Hair. *ul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, New Yoax- Piano Tuning. PROFESSOR STARK will promptly attend to *« orders, for Tuning Plano*, left at J. 0. Schrelutn & Ann’s Music Store. Will also give Lemons on Guitar. D2W BILLIARDS. Six Tables- A •*“* **te**»*u* # k. hM»M, I, it M , Ul tkwuffua* #*•*’