Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 27, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 268. The Savannjfli Daily Herald fMOKNING AND EVENING, it, rr mjrnrxn at s . W . MASON & CO.. Kj m BiT Smxrr, Satam*** tihi: Fire Cent*. ■er Per Hundred 410 go a Per Year *dt*ktibi»o: „ TANARUS, n.™ Tier Sanare of Ten Lines for first !n- Twc D "'' f or each suhseqnent one. Ad eert cr.: One jn lhc moni jng, will, if desired, T ert»'HH li. evening without extra charge. SPP * JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly by telegraph TO THE Daily Herald. Ffful7TlN THE ft. M. DEPARTMENT ' IS KENTUCKY DISCOVERED. Locisvillb. Nov. 25 —Frauds in the U. fi|. Quartermaster s Department here, amounting to SIOO,OOO have been brought to light. THE SHENANDOAH AFFAIR. Letter of Captain Waddell to Earl Rus sell—His Convenient Unbelief. Additional despatches by the China states that the liberation of the captain and crew of the Shenandoah is said to have been uncon ditional, the British Government being of opinion that there are no legal grounds upon which they could be detained. C.ptain Waddell, in a letter to Bari Rus sell, which is published, says : In obedience to orders I found myself in the Arciio and Ochotsb Seas, far removed join the ordinary channels of commerce, and in consequence of this awkward circutn stance, I was engaged in acts ot war until the 28th ot June. X was ignorant of the re verse- slide red by the C -moderates, and the total ob.iteration of the Government under which I acted. I received the first iutelli g nee oftbe downfall of the Confederate unsc on the ‘econd of August, lrom the Bri ish bark Barracouta, and desisted im mediately from further acts of war until I could communicate with a European port and le.irn if the intelligence was true. I Could have been sensible that the tales (old by American ship masters were true, but mere' 1 upon the statement of a British cap ta n I'd.ligcntly sought for a precedent in4*w writer, for guidance in the fulnre control, iiKilmgement and final disposal of the vessel, but round none. Finding the antbority ques ts n .hie under which I acted, I immediately c-it-ed cruising and shaped her course for the A antic. I did not feel justified in destroy ing the vessel, hut on the contrary, thougut the ship suouid revert to the Americau Gov ernment. I therefore sought Liverpool to learn the news, and if reports proved true, to surrender the ship, with her guns, stores aarl apparel, complete to the British Govern ment. for such disposition as it should deem proper. luo Shenandoah was surrendered to the American Consul on the 10th, who took for mal possession, and placed her under Capt. Fr emun and a crew of his own selection, to convey the ship to New York. Tin’ Sun Francisco papers of the 3d of Au gu-t last announced the arrival there of the General Pike, with the following intelligence from the Shenandoah : When Captain Smith, of the Wm. Thomp son, came on' board the Shenandoah, Capt. Waddell said to him, “Well, Captain, what’s tfie news ? ’ Capt. Smith replied that Presi deu; LiuColn was assassinated. “I was pre pared to hear that!” said Captain Waddell, exultingiy. Capt. Smith added; “And Gen. Les has surrendered with thirty thousand men.” “That I was. not prepared to hear, aDd I don’t believe it,” said Capt. Waddell, emphatically. Capt. Smith assured him that he had the paper on board with the particu lars of Lee's surrender, but Waddell replied, “It’s a Northern lie, anyhow, and I would not believe it if I saw it." FLORIDA NEWS. We extract the following items from the Jacksonville (Fla.) Times of the 23d inst.: Chief Justice Dupont, and Messrs Papy and Peeler, two eminent lawyers of Talla hassee, have been appointed by Gov. Marvin to arrage the laws of the State so as to con form to the new Constitution. Colonel Osborne, the Commissioner of the Freedtnen for that State, is preparing, and will soon issue, a code for the management of the interests of the freedmen. Chaplain Hobbs, late of the 3d United States regiment, is now constituted Super intendent of Schools for I he Middle District. The lost steamer D. H. Mount, which left New York for Jacksonville on the 20tl* Oc tober last, was spoken by the schooner J. L. Hhs off Cape FeaT, on the 23d of October. Ibis is the last intelligence received concern -jng her, and scarcely a hope is entertained oiat she survived the terrible gale. Colonel tfuiTett, of Jacksonville, and other Floridians were among her passengers. Col. Moody, recently appointed Collector ot Customs at Jacksonville, has entered upon the discharge of his duties. G'<v. Marvin has issued a proclamation, in pursuance of autboriiy conferred on him by the Convention, restoring tbe civil officers of tne State who were acting at the time of the surrender. The saw mill belonging to J. H. Roper, on the Florida Railroad, was destroyed nre on the night of the 10th lost., with aWt 100.000 feet of lumber. ,^ e steamer Governor Marvin, tbe prop ., - v Mr. McKay, of Tampa, reported to y been lost in tne recent gale, has arrived tKltly at Key West. ESRGSIA MKTHOOIST conference. The Annual Conference of the Methodist "’j®/ n P“' Church closed it session at Macon °2 uesclay last. Owing to the irregularity t,ie re< ’ e l ) tl°n of our Macon exchanges, we “ l, ‘ ! '’ en unable to give, as we designed, a Uo P»is ol its daily proceedings. TheMcs etue: of Wadneslay contains the appoint ,Wt 'I 1 ' ,or from which we take the fol lowing ; A-VW" Diitrict —G G N McDonneil P. E. Aug , -,», a _ St j ohng __ A bright, W H Pot- At.shnrv Kra raer, Ife Hopkins s, v r P P-p o *- Trinity—to be supplied, drew C h h .~ Trini, y- A M Wynne —Au to be supplied. S UW'-N D Morehonse. Bethi? Stokes. tv!v? *, Ud Col ’ Charge—Jas Jones. Bn M Austen, C J Oliver. Lni i.l.m 5 , Charge-Thos B Lanier. C A T Mann. srtEsark— JpibS® owe-T ft ft.,. 1 he * '* U,tln * 1 Report, from which it will he , n that there are in tbe Geor k ia Confer. lion Vi I‘rob*,lo“er 1 ‘ rob * ,lo “ er, > 7,687 1 lull uonneo lull* 'l** 1 ‘' ol " fcd probationer*, i „ K ‘‘•Oilii rt, 17,6 u j lucel preechert, 681 | • »cnylsn, I2,eir j,colored, 1,064, FOUR OAT’S’ LATER MAIL FROM HEW TURK. Hon. Luke P. Noland, Chief Justice of the Sapreme Court of Veimont, has been ap pointed by the Executive of that State to till the vacancy made by the death of Senator Collataer. Gen. Fisk, at the head of the Freedmen's Bureau in Tennessee, addressed a large meeting in New York on Tuesday last, wherein he repeated the substance of a re cent conversation with President Johnson.— He stated that he had been assured by the President that he would carry out the pur poses of his predecessor, Mr. Lincoln, in re gard to the Southern blacks, and that the Freedmen's Bureau would be continued and supported until the rights of that class were fully established. The Tammany democracy in the city of New York have nominated Recorder John T. Hoffman for Mayor, and Richard OGor man for Corporation Counsel. The Mosart democracy have nominated a Mr. Hecker for Mayor, and O'Gorman for Corporation Counsel—the former having been previously nominated for the same po sition by the Citizens’ Association. Mr. Gunther, the present Mayor, has also been nominated for re-election by another wing of the democracy, known as the Tam many party. Information was received at Washington on the 21st inst. that Gov. Holden was quite ill at Raleigh, N. C. Mujor Gen. Palmer baa been indicted by the Grand Jury of Jefferson county, Ky. t for enticing slaves to .leave the State. - EUROPEAN ISTELLUIr.NCE. The most important item ot intelligence by the China at New Y r ork, is the surrender of the Shenandoah to the American Consol at Liverpool and the unconditional discharge of the officers and crew. The Captain of the Shenandoah had addressed & letter to Earl Russell in explanation of his conduct which will be seen among our extracts. A further Correspondence had taken place be tween Lord John Russell and Mr. Adams. Earl Russell repeats the argument that toe 1 British Government acted upon precedent and supplies memoranda showing that steps ; were taken to prevent and punish breaches 'of neutrality. Every representation of the Americau Minister was considered immedi ately and referred, when necessary, to the law officers without delay. The London Times says that it is impossi ble for the American government to abandon the claim* for the depredations of the Al bania, but it is quite possible tor a gov.iL j ment to yield nothing, yet do nothing. V\ a must prep re to be t*>ld that the United Slates wil abate no Jot of its demand-, and will reserve tbe right ot enforcing them; but still when the temper of the people is calm ed, wnea commerce has had no time to re new tbe links wnich bind tbe two nations together, wuen tbe memories of war fade into tne past, there will be little disposition to dwell on unfortunate but inevitable cas ualties. The London Daily News confidently dis misses the supposition that the Alabama claims cau become a direct cause of war be tween the.two Countries, but it trusts that something will yet be done to bring tbe dis pute to an early practical settlement, for it is one which can in no other way be disposed of. It would be an eternal disgrace if both governments should confess themselves en able to find any but a violent solution of their differences, but tuere is a state of nominal peace which has many of tbe disadvantages of war. Lord John Russell had made a speech at the Mayor's banquet, in which he paid a glowing tribute to the memory of Lord Pal merston. He declared that he had received the fullest support from his colleagues, ad ding, that he trusted the country would al low the government time to consider the course they ought to pursue, and be should abide by the principles of his life. The gov ernment deemed it their duty to consult the wishes of the people, aud it would be for Parliament to consider how far those wishes were based on justice. He thanked God the American war was over ; aud he trusted the republic, now free from the sin of slavery, would go on and prosper for centuries to come. The commission for the trial ot the Feniana opens at Dublin on tbe 27th November. John Donovan, son of the late eminent Irish antiquarian, had been committed for trial on a charge of treason. Bail was refused. He had been giving lectures to the Fenians on “The Use ot the Rifle.” M. Dupin, Piocureur General, of the French Empire died on the 9th. The Emperor and tbe Empress left Paris on the llth for Oompiegne. The Paris Presse and Temps state that the Italian government has decided upon making a considerable reduction in tbe army. The Broker’s circular under date of the llth, at Liverpool reports the sales ot the week to have been 57,000 bales including 12,- 000 bales to speculators, and 15,000 bales to exporters. Tbe market opened very dull and all qualities slightly declined, but closed somewhat firmer, with an advance of l-4d. per pound on American descriptions since last week’s market, but ia less firm for Egyp tian, while Sur&ts have declined l-4d. a l-2d. from last week’s quotations. The Authorized quotations are • Fair. Middling. Orleans 23d. „ 2ld. Mobile and Texas 2O 3-4d. Uplands : 22 l-2d. 201-2 J. The total stock in port i6 306,600 bales, in cluding 64.000 haies ot American. Tbe sales on Friday were 15,000 bales, the market closing firm and upward. Later.— Sales to-day 8,000 bale A includ ing 4,000 to speculators and exporters. The market is less firm, but quotations are un changed. Proclamation by the Governor-Important Provisional Governor Johnson has issued at Milledgeville a proclamation in accordance with an ordinance of the late Convention, providing for the formation of one or more militia or volunteer companies in each of the counties of the State, “to set as a police foice to suppress violence, to preserve order, an l to aid the civil officers in the enforcement of the laws, under such regulations as might be consistent with the laws of tbe United States.” The Governor further declares that “such (vwioauier. when so formed and organiz' and, shall h« auxiliary ana subor In it- to the civ l officers; that they shall arrest no person, and searcu me bou*e o; no per*ou. w.thout a warrant regularly issued bv some magis trate having authority, and snail in no ca»e Inflict any punishment except by the Judge ment and direction of a duly qualified civil offleer, having Jurisdiction ot tbe offense.”— “And whereas, it is dtslrsbls to have uni formity in command, and that them should be no Conflict between the military authori ties of tbe Slate end tbe United Slate*, it Is further declared, that said cutnpaolsa, when formed within their respective counties, shall be under tbe control and subject to tbo mili tary commanders of tbs Untied Buies, com manding tbs District and lor » violation of tbsss regulations, and for any other off-use commuted, be sbsll he tried and puutsbed according to lbs rules prescribed for tbs gov* eminent ui tbe army ot tbe United Mole*. ” SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, MON DA A’, NOVEMBER 27. 1865. THE STATE ELECTION. Members of the General Assembly Sleeted. OFFICIAL. • (From our own Correspondent.) Milledoeville, Nov. 21, 1865. The following is a list of tbe State Senators and Representatives elect, taken from the returns received at the Executive Depart ment up to Nov. 21 : SENATORS ELECTED. 9th District, James Dickey; 10th, Peter J Stxozier, llth, O P Bell; 18th, Wm Gibson; 20th, L H Kenan; 22d, J J Gresham; 23d, T O Simmons; 24th, B A Thorn l on; 25th, J N Ramsey; 26tb, T M Carter; 28tb, D Butler; j 29th, H R Casey; Sstb, J F Johnson: 36th, W A Turner; 42d, C H Smith; 43d, JAW Johnson. RERGSENTATtVES ELECTfcD. Baker County, Isaac Hand; Baldwin, Sam 1 McComb; Bartow, Nathan Howard, John C Sims; Bibb, Thomas Hardeman, Jr., W S j Manghon; Calhoun, Geo W Collny; Catoosa, ' E M Dodson; Cbaltaluiocbee. W A McDnu §ald; Cberokee.jE C Harden, J A Sharp; Clay, R Weaver; Cobb, J O Gartrell, N BGreeo; Coweta, J E Stallings, J W Tench; Crawford, T F Gibson; Decatur, B F Powell, J A Swearingen; Dougherty, W J Vason; Early, j James B Brown; Fayette, W P Redwioe ; | Fultoo, T W J Hill, Robert Maddux; Floyd, 1 Wm H Woods, G W Thomas; Gordoo, John I W Stanton, Geo Harlin; Gwinnett, Samuei j Martin, T H Mitchell; Hancock, T J Smith, C W Dußose; Henry, A J Cloud, Jno John t son; Houston, David M Brown, L B Alex ander; Jackson, B F Hinton, J H D Mcßett; Jones, W T McCollougb; Lee, Sam Lindsey, Lincoln. T S Humphries; Macon, Tuo. Dixor, Merriwetber, M P Tucker, James A Render; Monroe, T B Cabaniss, O S Woodward; Morgan, Wm Woods, Murray, Jonn Oates, Mu-c,igee, JM. Russell, R J Moses; Newtou, A W Evans, J P Slntras; Oglethorpe, Jas H McWhorter, W W Davenport; Polk, Jno L Dodds ; Pike, P H McDowell; Pula-ki, C C Kibbee ; Putnam, T G Lawson ; Randolph, I L C Sale; Richmond, C Snead, G T Barnes; , Spalding, J D Stewart: Talbot, R M Willis, ! W Y Hail; Taylor, Robt Scandelh ; Terrell, ! P L Wilburn ; Thomas. W D Mitchell, F McQueen ; Troup, RAT Rjdley, F AFroJt; Upson, D W Wamble; Wi cox, Darling Johnson; Wilkes, Isaac McLendeu ; Whit field, J A Gieen, M P Quiliaiu ; Worth, R G ! Foard -, Campbell, John W Edge ; Colquitt, I W W Watkins ; Dade. Ephraim T R >dgers ; Effingham" John G Morel ; Greeu, R L Mc- Whorter, 3 VV Swan ; Gilmer, C A Eaiugiou; Heard, Charles J McDowell THE IMPERI AL FORCES IS MEXICO TO BE CONCENTRATED UNTO THREE ARMIES. Agents of the Republic Purchaitng Ainu In thl* Country, The following highly important news, from authentic sources, is published in the New York Herald of the 22d : The important announcement is made that Maximilian of Mexico, has determined to withdraw his troops from all their outpost positions, cone rntrate them mainly at tbe three points oi Mexico city, Vera Cruz and Sau Luis Poto-i, and await the arrival of his expected reinforcements from Europe. It is believed that as soon as this disposition is made of his present force the people of the evacuated districts will rise en masse in favor of the republic. As confirmatory of the adoption of this §rogramtne by the imperialists, we have front an Francisco the report that they have abandoned the entire .State of Sinaloa, with the exception of the town of Mnzatlan, where only eight hundred of their troops, many of whom were in hospital, remained, and that their communication with the interior had been cilt off by a large republican force, which also threatened the town. The Legislature of Lower California had passed an act recognizing the empire, which the Governor refused to sigD, in consequence of the opposition of tbe people. General Mcja, imperial commander at Mata moras, having stated that half the force be sieging that place, was composed of United States soldiers, it is said that Maximilian, fearing trouble with our government, has concluded to abandon his contemplated visit to Yucatan, and in his stead the Empress Carlotta will go thither alone. Afterwards she will leave for Europe. From Washing ton we received the statement that agents of the Mexican republic in this city and New Eglaqd are now engaged in making large purchases of arms and other necessary ma terial for the prosecution of the war in their country. The imperialists contradict the re port that Monterey has been taken by the republicans. GREAT DIRT EXTRACTOR JAMES PYLE’S SOAP. A SUCCESSFUL IMPROVEMENT FOR SAVING LABOR AND EXPENSE IN WASHING. Warranted not to Injure the Finest Fabric. T)Y the o« of this Soap, housekeepers ean save half Jt> the money nsnallv expended for Soap, Sal Sola, etc, ae one pound will go a* far a. three P'made of th« common y How Soaps, and do the work in half the time. There Is no Boap in use that will bleach cot tons and linens so purely white as th e, and none are so generally useful to all classes. Three gallons o f eood Sort Soup can be trade from one pound of the OK SOAP, which is the cheapest mat-rial that can bo nsed 'or washing dishes, ml k p me, scrubbing flours, paint work, washing windows etc. For Steamboats, Pa'nters. Printers, Machinis * Burnishers, Dyere, and wanulactuieia' the OK SOAP has no rival. Those who doubt the truth o' the above sta’ements, have only to try it-nd iudgs worn the re-nits. Th thousands of honseltoepere who are mine Pyle’s Die. tetlcSaleratua (ro Justly celebrated for purity;, will And thi- Soap equally as worthy of patrouaee. It may be used lu the same way as any o her Soap, but the most favorable results are produced by follow ing the directions »,a each rar. bold in Savannah, at wholesale by YORK, WILLIAAIS, MoINTIRK A CO. . At retail by novltLeodS ST CART & CO. Worcestershire Sauce. 6 00Z-.N H’orce.ters’ilre Satu e gndosen ( roes a Li n k well’* Pickles, Plecolllh, Walnuts, Onions and Cau Iflitver 6 do*“n 8 ’p-rior sweet Oh 10 doaen English Saner* will «s«nrf»d, for sale by 0!8-« CLAGBORN dr CUNNINGHAM. FLOUR. 1 C BBLB A ’a Mills Flour, very superior. »bids UtraOl smith's F.our *0 half i his Landing snd for sale bv HIM CLAUIIOItN * CUNNINGHAM Notice to Luillon. M’MK DIMOttNkT'M lira nr it of PmlM’Xi*. with Patterns of nsty Mfleuf Ort sa, by Mis Vbk, U4BryM*tfM« M#l» RAILROADS. Centra] Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, \ Savannah, tie.., Nov. IS, 1866./ ON and after Wednesday, 22d that., a daily train will leave for Angueta at 8.30 a. m.. connecting with a line of Docks running between Station 6, Central Railroad, and Waynesboro on tbe Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this line will arrive in Angnsia the next morning after leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta. Returning arrive in Savannah at 3.46 p. m Freight to go by Passenger Train mast be prepaid aud delivered bah honr before departure of train. By order of GEO. W, ADAMS, u'2o General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE 1 - Savannah, Nov. 18th, 1366. / This Company is now, in connection with H. J. Dickerson A Co.'s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to A ugnsta. Macon, Atlanta Ac., dally from twenty to thirty thousa and pounds of Frelgnt, and go through in from three to Are days. Ship Freight and other expense* must be paid by Shippers Railroad freight can be paid hen or at des tination Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid. Rates to Augusta, until further notice, will be per foot 60 cents, per 100 lbs. $2.60 GEO. W. ADAMS, n2O General Superintendent. South-Western Railroad. MACON, GA„ 1 November 17th. 1*65. f NOTICE TO BOND HOLDERS OF THIS COMPANY. PERSONS bolding Honda of illia Company past dne will present the same at my office tor payment. JNO. T. BOIFEI'ILLET, n*l-l w m Treasurer. WANTED, Wanted to Purchase, A GOOD Horae, Bridle. Saddle. Wagon or Bugcy aud Harness. Enquire of W R. NELSON, At Christian <>rff’s, p2g-tf 111 and 113 Congress streot. Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. B.—us bt*ls Flour 20 halt bids Floor 9 bblß Crackers 6 bfels Aop-ee * 6 b>»ls Eggg G & W— loo tubs Lard. If not called for will be sold for freight and expense*. ort23 __ BRIGI-iAk. BALDWIN & CO. WANTED, A STORE, or. B street, or portion of a large *tore divided i fT. with an office overhead, .address •• vierchttiit. 1 * Har-dd office. niS-tf Wanted, tfifl A A MONTH [ Agents wanted wanted for six Vw" entirety new article#, jnst ont. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, Biddeiord, Maine, seplb w3m WANTED A GENTLEMAN of strict, business habits, and 16 years’ experience, decree h position as Salesman or Bookkeeper in some Commission House in t his city, where the services of a valuable man would be ap preciated. Address, for ten days. Bookkeeper, Herald Office, Savannah, G*. tf-nls Wanted, Ufv) K A DAT’! Agents wanted to sell anew and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW A CLARK. BiU deford. Maine. sepl4-d*w3m FOR SALK & TO HEAT, BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE. -A. Number One Phelan’s Billiard Table FOR SALE. Enqnire it Herald office. n2l-lw W.F’M. For Lease or Rent, QK ACRES of good Farm Land, two miles from the OtF Court House. Apply to a. T - MoMAHON, n23-tf Jefferson and Broughton streets. PAVILION HOTEL For [Rent. 'T'HAT well-known, desirably located, and highly X popular establishment, situated on Bull street, between south Broad and Hull streets, occupying four entire lots of GO by 90 feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty rooms, is now offered for rent The party renting thli property will be required to make the neceashry repairs and give satisfactory se curity for the punctual payment ot re and JOHN M COOrER, nov7—tf Prea’t Union Society. FCR RENT. I OFFER for Rent next year, 188S my Rice Place, in Camden county, tin., on the Great Batilla hiver. known as the “Vernon Plantation, •* containing 420 acres of first quality Rice Land, and about 100 acres of high land, all in perfect order. Baid Plantation has been cultivated during the war. and therefore requires no extra work to prepare It for a crop the ensuing year. All the formerly belonging to mo are still on the place and anxious to i eroain, so there would bo no difficu ty in procuring laborers On the place is a comirrtable uwelling bouse, together with all the nece siry buildings for the accommodation of labor ers aud storing he crop. Seed lor the comirur year, including Rice, Com Pea* ue, sorghum, Cotton, &c., can be obtain©* on the place. Ft further particulars addreat the sub scriber at Wayneeville Wayne county >ia oct3o-im JAS. F. KING. Store to Let, AT KILTON HEAD, S. C. Ths llcbt and rominodfons Store, earner Merchants’ Row anil Pali” Ho Ay nno, to lease for a limited time i Terms, et- Addreea w. s. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, j octlß ’ ts U.«'k Box E. Hilton Head 8. O. ROOMS TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S.C. The "Palmetto UsraM Building,” having been newly fltt«d up, now offer large and airy Rooms suitable for Bleci mg Apartinußtaor liuaine.a purposes, for terms ■dd ret* W. 8. SAMPSON, Jr., oetlt ts L 0.% !>■■» R, llllton llewb ». ft COTTON CARDS. Uim rtosi'u r.iiioii t’arSe, Wltamor. A- No l». •“ 1 stove end for sale by ■ N. J. MILOMON* » «• ' nil Junes’ BuHdlng*. *>•» •* SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE. JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIPS ARIADNE AND LEO, BY C. ORFF, AT THE Southern Palace Dry Goods House A NEW AND ELEGANT LOT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS ORNAMENTS, CLOAK ORNAMENTS, BY THE SET, BUGLE TRIMMINGS, PARIS TRIMMINGS. JET BUTTONS, SILK BALL BUTTONS, VELVET BALL BUTTONS, SUPERB LYONS VELVET, A LARGE LOT OF ELEGANT CLOAKS, BROCHE POPLINS, ROUBAIX, A fine LOT OF MELANGES, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, GENT’S SCARFS, MAGNIFICENT STYLES GENT’S MAUDS, NEW FRENCH MERINOS, NEW DELAINES. A FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. All just opened, with an immense stock of FANCY AND COLORED BILKS and other DRESS GOODS. rOB. PLANTATION 1 USB— DARK AND LIGHT KERSEYS, GEORGIA PLAINS, GEORGIA JEANS, OSNABURGS AND BROWN. Homespuul by the Yard, Piece or Bale. ■ar AGENT FOR BRADLEY’S ELLIPTIC HOOP SKIRT. Southern. Palace Pry G-oods House 111 & 113 CONGRESS ST., nll-tf Opposite the Pnlaakl House. DRYGOODS. JffiIMSBHKfUK A- T * GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 300 PIECES BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, and other DOMESTICS, at a great reduction. 150 PIECES OF NEW STYLES DRESS GOODS, from the Late Auctions, at greatly reduced prices. BLACK GOODS, a Fine Variety, very cheap. For Housekeeping: BLANKETS, SHEETINGS, MARSEILLES QUILTS, DAMASK TABLE LINEN, TOWELINGS, SCOTCH DIAPERS DAMASK NAPKINS AND DOYLES PILLLOW CASE LINENS AND COTTONS, AND TICKING. LADIES’, GENTS’ AND CHILDRENS HOSIERY, CLOAKS, of newest styles and best make. A fine assortment of SHAWLS, very cheap. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, for Gents' and Boys’ Wear. 300 PIECES CALICO, beat quality, 25c. and 80c. a yard. NEEDLE WORK COLLARS, DO. IN SETTS. LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS AMD SLEEVES; a choice lot Just landed from Europe. 200 GREY AND BROWN BLANKETS, FOR SALE BY DeWitt & Morgan, 137 CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH. nov2s DRY GOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Conn try [Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, &c., &c., &c., Remarkably Cheap fbr Cash, CAN BK FOUND AT A- Flowoher dt Oo’w., 13 BARNARD BTRKBT, COR CONGRESS LANS, Comprising « general Assortment or Foreign aw* Domestic Gsods, Cioaka, Bn mis, Ac. N. B By strict attention to business, conrteon* and honorable dealing with onr rustomsra, we truat to merit and reeetvs a liberal abate of patronage. A large line ot Whits Goods and bUiana now open. oetlt SHAWLS, SHAWLS. Jt'BT opened a Urge assortment or fc'phyr W orated oil'll*'., fleetsgs, Cloak* *od llouda cblldrae' Usue, Beats slid < i Alters. Also, Irish Uih IIS Table DsiOssk l.uu u Tuwela Table NaiAtne and Do,lee, aud77e,|et, „f F.V, Ar lUleeUei iiumeroeato mention Ail of which we offer al tmiy low arieee. ItlNrtTKlN A tu.'UMAN, novl ls til Cuegraaa Street. EINSTEIN l ECKHAir Ko. 151 Congress St. Strata) (la, THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL m GOODS' HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING Just received and opened a vary targr imd select stock of Fancy Dress Goods. House- Keeping sad Domestic Good*. Blankets, Cloaks and Shawls, Alan Bata, Boots and (Shoe*. And all articles usually found In a first e as. Dry Goods Hooaa. we wonld m et reapectrolly Invite oar former friends and customer* : also derchanlt end Plantera visiting toe tlt.r, to call and txaoUna on. stock before parehatHag alaewhare. yrd-tf Cloaks, Cloaks. lINSTPIN * ICEMAN SHIRTING.” .TOLYrL’rfi • *•*<•••! ****• II will be told low, to ruasK.iiaigiimsut, by M. Xs*>lA»fltiNn 4 At., oil 41 Jonas' Stock, ley »b*«l PRICE. 5 CENTS I-VIURAIfCB, Fire Insurance THB Phffinix Insurance Comp’y, OF HARTFORD, CONN. ©COO.OOO A^aetß *1,000,000 '? the aboT « Company on 801 l dings and Merchandize of every detcription at (air rateaT^ E BRIGHAM. Agent, NEW YORK! FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus .*1,600,000 PHOENIX INSURANCE CO. Capita] and Surplus .*1,600,000 . INTERNATIONAL INSURjLNCE 00. Capital audSuiplus ......*1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO Capital and Surplus *OOO/000 tb * *6®v» highly responsible Cam pau.n on huildii g* end metchnmdce . f all deec-rip. ri’ki Apply tO UW “ t com *fo’»ufog with the A. A. LANK. Agent, m No. lg Stoddard'* Babge, B*> street. Aellabie Southern Xuaurauoe. THB National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEAN9. CAPITAL, $360,000 ! I The undersigned begs leave to Inform th*» insuring public that ho baa been legally appointed Axeut for ino Mbov* named ( V>mpany, and is ready to take Ma rine, River and Fire Rieka at customary i atee. „ „ O. a MYERS Agent, Office over Hunter A Gemmeil, 84 Bay street References—Octavus Cohen, Hauler k GammelL &win k Hardee. g m oc t2B FIMASCm. exchange. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For aole by replt . BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Sight Exchange ON JSTEW YORK, In earns to enlt parehuers. by F t. MET Oj» TFT 8 ro, Henry Williams, Attorney ext Zjaw, OFFICE) WO. US BAT STREET, (Over, the Herald Beading Room,) SAVANNAH, Oa. JOHN KING, ■DANKER and BROKER, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, bay* and tells Gold and silver, Uncurrent Mon ey -.nd hr. hsnge Stocks and Bonds bought and sold on commission. Collections at this end other points attend, and to, and proceeds remitted promptly, nlo-Bw* Gao. R. Blaok. Korns B. Lnorsa. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, savannah, ga. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson A Lester, corner of Bay and Barnard streets. octli-tf TUOS CORWIN, WM.H.OWBN, THOS.WILBON, < r omo. lan 001. q.m.d. or mwa. CORWIN, OWEN & WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A FlnnelL) ATTORNEYB AND— COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, rn F STREET, nr-is TREABL HY BUILD -INO, IN HEAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL. ’ WASHINGTON, X> . O . Will practice in the Supreme Conn ot the" United -tate-, the Court of C-aim* and the Courts ot tbe District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Calms and Depart lu'ui bu-iaor e. officers Accounts adjusted. auao Sm DR. T. J. CHAr£TON _ HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF .Medicine and Surgery. and Office corner Whitaker and Peny streets. lm'-ntS JOHN B.GDIEU t SJ i, STEAMBOAT AGENTS, Augusta, Oa. HAVING a long exp-rlenoe In the Agency of Steamboat Companies ,ur u.auyyeai*. wswllt no our persnal atnntion to any consigned to our August*. Nov. S—lm CTSTBUNDY, Ok oxx • r * 1 A gout AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No* HI F Brain, Bmwn* tlvs am 14ra traaavs. Os ear Pay Department,; Wnmblustou, D. O. _ _ a , _ u NOTICE. mJSaSZNgf is*) Mtfi. mg HousMg this city. uu Muudsy, tks Ist day it THOB M ■H'tswtd Acting Cash)*