Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 27, 1865, Image 3

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c \ VA N N A. H ►T* -*-■*' t of S..—.h«p. «* *—-■ rOH KkW TO*X. ,- r Weyuoeeett, Wednesday, Nov. MU, at w « to ** u J r -*•*• •* * Thursday, November 10, at. “ 0 oKfc ,01 BOSTON. Steamship William Tlbbeua, Wednesday, Not. to. ■ t o’clock* 1 FOR ACOUaTA. gieamer Helen, Tuesday. November Mth, at • 0 Berry, Tuesday, November 3»th. o'clock p. m. 8 earner Oak. WcEtaOk '. November 20th, at 0 ° sieamer'Vni. G. Gibbons, .very Saturday morning It 0 ft. IB FOK CHARLESTON. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at e o’clock* FOR doctobtown. Heamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 0 o'clock. _ . . r-eamer Gen. Shepley, every Saturday morning, at it o'clock. Steamer C.arfou, every Sunday morning, at 7 oc.Hck. ron rnoniDa. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. steamer City Point, every Wednesday aftednoon, at 1 o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at io o’clock. The Gas.—With regard to the inferior quality of gas with which the city has been supplied of late, we are informed that the Gaa Company has been. o ;,j .1 to furnish this or none atali, having been era j.irrassed by an unforeseen and unavoidable de ficiency In the, supply of proper material for the manufacture of the fluid, viz : the loss of one cargo of coal at sea, and the long detention of another one. We are glad to be able to state that matters will soon be arranged so as to secure a full and steady auppiy of gas of an excellent quality. ARBiVAi, of New York Steamers.—The steam, ship Wcyboaaett, Capt. Parish, seventy hours from Sew York, arrived yesterday morning, to Brigham, Bal lwin A Cos. The steamship Euterpe, to John R. Wilder, Capt. Eldrirlge, seventy-five hours from New York, reached her wharf yesterday morning. The pursers of the .hove steamships have our thanks for favors. Lists of the passengers and consignees will be found among the shipping intelligence. THE COURTS. Til TOSTCOCRT, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, BEFORE CAPT. CLARK H. KEMICK, FROVOST MARSHAL, Savannah, November 26,1865. The United Sihtes, vs. Henrietta Lncas and Johan na Henderson, (both colored). Improper conduct and fighting in the street. Prosecutrix, Ann Felder anil M. Taylor (colored). With the consent of the prosecutrix and the representation of counsel, the parties were discharged upon payment of costs, and giving a bond In the sum of S2OO for their good be havior to' six months. P. M. Russell, Esq. for de fendants. Tiie Uniied States vs. Mingo Morrel (colored), willfully and maliciously destroying branch of A .A G. R. R., i mning to Fort Jackson. The prisoner was found guilty, und ordered to pay the costs of Court, aid he im wisoned In the county Jail at hard labor fifths term of four mouths. J. M. B. Lovell, Esq. for railed Statos. I The United States vs. Adam Jincks (colored), Im proper conduct In the market. Found guilty, and dismissed with a repremand and the payment of $3 costs. The United States vs. Edward Reegan, simple lar ceny. The prisoner was found guilty, and ordered to refund to the prosecutrix toe amount of money t keu from her, and pay three dollars costs. Tne lulled States vs. Beu Bliss (colored), accused of stealing meat. The evldenoo was not sufficient to convict, and he was discharged upon payment of $3 costs. The United Slates by Capt, W. T. Easton, Military Tax Collector vs. Numerous citizens, violating Oi dvrs relative to the payment of taxes. A large number of citizens w ere summoned to appear before the Court for uou-paymont of taxes on Real Estates, and Monthly sales, who were ordered to pay a flue and cost, and ordered to pay their taxes Imme diately, • A e Clio (colored), was charged with larceny from Samuel Small (colored), and proved guilty. .He paid i fine and was dismissed. a Wm. George, Lewis Wllkerson and Henry Wed zii i dll colored), was charged with disorderly con. dfic in a house near Liberty street. The two former paid a flue, and the lattersent to Jail for one month. G urge Johnson (colored), was charged with steal ing rrom G. Bevell, aud ordered to pay a flue. Martin Marten was proved guilty of eating at Henry Smith’s stall at the Market, and refusing to pay far the same. He was commlttod to Jail for one month. Ihe Theatre.— We are promised a treat tills evening in the appearance at the Theatre of those distinguished artists, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins.— M>. Harry Watkins, late Mrs. Charles Howard, en )’>>» already a favorable reputation in Savannah as au accomplished actress and vocalist, and Mr. War kins is heralded by a world-wide fame as a comedian of great merit. The play for the occasion is the thrilling drama, Kathleen Mavonmeen, in which Hr. and Mrs. Watkins sustain the parts played by them with great success In the theatres of the old and new worlds. A bill of equal attraction has rare ly been presented at our theatre. StTRVEv fok Coast Fortifications.— A party In charge or Mr. c. J. Lorigan, Civil Assistant Engineer, Irom the c. S. Engineer Office at Hilton Head, arriv ed in this city on Friday by order of Brevet Major C. It. nuter, C. s. Engineers, to make surveys of Fort Jackson and Battery Lee, Fojrt Pulaski aud the east er.y end or Tvbee Island. These will complete the I sun eys for proposed permanent fortifications for the defence of the coast of South Carolina and Georgia. “Craxt and Sherman—Their Campaigns and niNEKALA"—The subscribers for this work in Sa vannah are Informed that copies have been received 'y the agent, Mr. M. G. Reilly, who will deliver them a speedily as possible. Subscribers who choose can receive »iem at once at the residence of Mr. Reilly cornet of Brvan and Habersham streets. Tnz Atlantic monthly for December has been received by EstlU, at the News Depot, corner Bull »acet and Bay lane. The number contains papers pou n m, Blackwood and Adelaide Ann Proctor, be ' ts the usual pleasing variety of essa'ys, light read ing and poetry, uis a sterling number. me ' De "ioreßt's Mirror of Fashions, a splendid ** iZ r ine ' rlctlly Illustrated and abounding In mat- Esu i° s mtercsl for ,l£B ladles, is also foi sale at CiSE ° F TnE Rivir Plantation Negroes.— clnr « cxa '‘ :aatl °n. on Friday, of the negroes wa.Mi"' 11,1 1110 robbery of Mr. Holtaclaw, nothing ■ ■‘'-Hvii additional to what h.s already appear ",n °nr columns. prk°nc m offered no testimony In defence and t 0 ■’ ail for trial before a mtlltar T com l r ..a ’ “ accorila nce with the regulations of the ircedmea’s Bureau. Jnl B .?**** Ann,s Raised—A few days since lav s„i n ° ned , * lB fact Hist the steamer Annie,which tITTT ° U " ,e eouth a “ le of InlsnO. was Cap. c° !l* rajßea ' Wo * r ® pleased to state that d.v ... IK ‘ llu ' »Kent of the Underwriters, on Prl hum' ’ U UlK,ut 160 “’mock, succeeded, after two In ~, ‘'T P ‘ U « wltli llla oeutrlfugal wrecking pump, Eusieru ** UOW 41 Ule lo,r * r "■"► lined iJf.'lWasoks ( It, arrived at tills port. l'av.mniif"»‘ ; Wisrlg The vessel wul 'Vjthtincdbefore she can roach til* city. linin', c,Tr — t ' ru >» one of the oldest po' <i. lv ,, J lB cR J w» learn that the nlgbt of talar' ■siiuuii *** ° n * 01 lha oioatquiet srsr kuown In He i" 'tilf ' l ' Ua “‘ ~ u ** »*l»' twd uiat within a few v »""*n will ,” r "idereii R*r the ponoe of *e ‘ * m lw received end dwtribuud to them. t f. l^ rT, *»—TWS HtetiugoMked ptirstcisu "'" i-iii * 14, 1* s'opplug, for a brief period, ■ ‘ 'e'vht i *lwre fee uiay 1m uuiisulled by kLueta I “*** r '*. tlrwduree, dlseaaas pf ihe Ftomai. or Mb. A. CoaDKa.-Th. rites ofburtal were paid to the remain* of Mr. A. Cord** at 16 o’clock yesterday morning. At 10 o’clock ike Germania Fire Company No. 10, Henry B an. Foreman, escorted by the Brass Band of the liih M due Volunteers, repaired to toe resi dence of the deceased, and ahortly afterwards the funeral cortege composed of the 12th Maine Bram Band, Germania Fire Company No. 10, sixty officers and men in fall uniform, honorary and exempt members of tile Germania, officers and members of Olher Fire Companies, hearse aud pall-bearers, and carriage* containing relatives and friends, moved down Bryan street to West Broad, through West Broad io Laurel Grove Cemetery. A large n. mber of citizens were lu attendance. At the grave First Foreman Henry Bluu performed the appropriate funeral services. Mr. Nkwman’s Concert.—The class of Mr. J. H. Newmau. Teacher of Music in the public schools, give a concert this evening at St. Andrew’s Hall. The class numbers about one hundred, aud with the assistance of the “Savannah Quartette Club," can not fail of giving an excellent entertainment, and do credit to themselves and Mr. Newman. The previous concerts given by Mr. Newman’s class have been entirely successful, and a large audience will doubt less be attracted to St. Andrew’s Hall this evening- Murray's Line for New York.—We learn that the Messrs. Murray A Nephew have added another steamer, t he Virgo, to their line whicli already include the Leo and Zodiac. The Virgo is a bran new ship, and this Is her first voyage. Mr. O. Cohen Is agent of this line in Savannah. She is advertised to leave for New York on Thursday, Nov. 30. Shipping Intelligence. Mlsalatur* Almanac—Tills Day. Sun rises 0 41'.Moon rises 1 52 Sun set# 4 55|High water 2 48 PORT OF SAVANNAH. SUNDAY, NOV. 28, 1885. k Arrived. Steamship F.uterpe, Eldrldge, New York—John R Wilder. Steamship Weybosset, Parish, New Y'ork—Brig ham, Baldwin A Cos. Steamer Ella, Rowland, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer Orient, Qoldthwait, Doctortown—Chas L Colby* Cos. Steamer City Point, Talbot, Palatka, Ac.—RW Adams. Steamer Resolute, Canuon, Hilton Head. Steamer Fannie, McNulty, Palatka, etc—F M My rell. Steamer Fountain, Castner, Jacksonville, Fla—M A Cohen. Steamer Lizzie Baker, King, Palatka, etc—Clag horn* Cunningham. Steamer O F Potter, Cessar, Augusta—Chas L Col by * Cos. Steamer Oak. McCauley, Augusta—J B Presdee. Steamer Express, Morgan. Augusta, to F M M.vrell. Brig Fannie, Chapman, Philadelphia, with 250 tons coal to Savh Gas Light Cos. Ship Herald, Calvert, Liverpool, with 2,107 sacks salt to C Green. Cleared. Steamship Herman Livingston, Baker, New Y'ork —J R Wilder. Stehmshtp America, Lindt, New Y'ork—Brigham, Baldw.n A Cos. Steamsnip San Salvador, Adkins, New York—B H Hardee. Steamship Leo, Merrill, New York—Octavos Cohen. Steamer Wm G Gibbous, Philpot, Augusta—Erwin A Hardee. Steamer Amazon, Johnson, Augusta, Erwin A Hardee. Steamer Helen Getty, Ingraham, Palatka, Fla—L S Bennett. Steamer Gen Shepley, MUllkin, Doctortown—C L Colby A Cos. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer Caldwell, Murray, Augusta—J R Wilder. Steamer City Point, Talbot, Charleston, etc—R W Adam*. Steamer Ella, Rowland, Darien—M A Cohen. scur LieSoia, Crook, Philadelphia—L aßoclie, Ga den A Duckies. Imports. Per steamer Fountain, from Palatka, etc—36 bales sea Island cotton, 2 do upland do, 8 barrels oranges, 67 cow hides, 2 bmlls deer skins. Per steamer Orient, from Doctortown—2i bales sea tsl n 1 cotton, 3 do wool, 171 do upland cotton. Per steamer Ella, from Darien—2Bß bales upland cotton, IT bags wool.- Per steamer oak, from Augusta—6l6 bales upland cotton, 25 boxes dry goods. Experts. Per steamship America, for New York—3B2 bales upland cotton, 6 do sea Island do, 15 bbls ale, und 31 pckgs mdse. Per steamship Herman Livingston, for New York —1,4T3 bales upland cotton, 3 do sea Island do, 21 bbls and 5 bxs fruit, .34 bales domestics ana 15 pckgs mdse. <?:.■ i ait hi ,9 > fir Jiv fir;—Win es up land cotton, 53 do sea Island do, 2 casks and 1 bbl fruit, 2 bbls sugar and .8 pkgs mdse. Per steamship San Salvador, for New York—l,2o6 bales upland cotton, 7 do sea island do, .0 do rope cuttings, T no wool, g cases mdse, 1 iron safe, 3 bbls aud 2 kegs metal. Per scur Desoia, for Philadelphia —loß p leces p p limber, measuring TJ.I7J feet. 3 bales upland cottou. 20 do dry hides, 2o do domestics and yams. Passengers. Per steamship Weybosset, from N. w York—A J Aurtln, wife and 2 children, N T Elliott, D M Bim-, H Camp, T O Donohoe, H D Cooper, W H Watson, J H Watson, C Clapp. Per steamship Euterpe, from Sew York—L Uaun. sen. Capt G Thompson, J Smith, Mis* Smith, A R Cummings and wife, R J Coles and servant, Cbas 1 Smith, W J Fryer, 8 Ffood, G Mctlvoy, C W Colts, G W Cambell and broth*, Mr Reade, M Benedict, Miss H Bernard, Miss Carrington, TB Hannah and boy, Mr Lane, Mr Taylor, P F Taylor, and-. 8 steerage Per steamer Fannie, from Jacksonville, etc—Rev Mr Pinkerton, Dr H Royall, Capt Crowell, and 2 on Per steamer Oak, from Augusta—Miss J N Wlnr, M Tnompson, and 10 la steerage. Per steamer Fountain, from Falatka—E W Sey mour, J Richmond, Capt Crosby, J H Burgess, A H King, J Lippman, P t Lowe, J A Pscettl and nephew F Evans, U E Morton, A it dibble, S Solomons, J H TUon, J B Habersham, A Seydell, G Erkell, A Mc- Nulty. Per steamer City Point, from Palatka, etc—J Trust J L Blakely, L F Bigelow, N Strong, J Patten, W D Morris. Per steamship San Salvador, for New Y'ork—T A Ferris, Dr N H Fayue, J Bigler, J 11 Stone, Ca tain R Smith, Rev W O’Donnell, Miss M Sherman, Hon J E Ward, W WUllams, A A Canard, R H Brent, Perry O Dodge, Mrs J D Cohen and child, Jno Oestmaun, G Rowe, C H Nichols, J A Roberts, Capt Haines, Jno Perry, D U Bigelow. Per steamer Fountain, from Palatka, etc—M A Cohen, J L VUlalouga, E Padleford, Dzillnskl A 8, T A Gordon, J A Pacettl, A M A Bro. Per steamer Oak, from Augusta—O Cohen, Clag horn A Cunningham, Dzilinski A Slager, H Watkins. Per steamer O F Potter, from Augosta—3oo bales upland cotton to E F Metcalf A Cos. PersteamsUio America, lor New York—T Howe, and 10 in steerage. Per steamship Herman Llvlngeton, for.New York G McGinty, S M Colding, P Young, Mrs A Donette and daughter, T Cooper, D Lathrop, Col C W Styles, 8 Hoffman. Consignee*. Per steamship Euterpe, from New York—J W An derson, W Barnett, H K Baum, B, Baldwin A Cos, B. Wylly A Christian, B, Smith A Cos, T Bateson, j H Deppish, w A Coles, Cooper, Olcott A Farrelly, Cun ningham ts Purse, Duncan A Johnson, Doyle A Ly ons, Erwin A Hardee, G C Freeman, M Feral A Cos, A A S Uardee.'T Holcombe A Cos, Uuuter A Gammeli Kdrliu A Burke, J M Kinchley, W Myers, F M Myrell, I H Moses, G Ott, J Oliver, T Pepper, H W Pease, J Ryan, H Rothschild, Rue A Cos, O Cohen, H Roberts A Reseller A Cos, Southern Ex Cos, M J Solomon, A A Solomon, W H Bt*rk, Tison A Gordon, W Wolf, Well A Melnbard, NBA L White, B F Einstein, M New rn&rk, R Cowdin, Mrs Servace, W Meyer, G F Platt, Tracy, Mallony <6 Cos, R Cozdell, R H Vickers, Oliver it Douglass, A P Allgood, W P Csmell, J C Reese <6 Cos. Per steamship Weyboaaer, from New York—Adams Ex Cos, Augusta Factory, B, Baldwin A Cos, B, Smith A Cos, N E. Baum, T H Bolshaw A Cos, D Bailey, B, Hartridge A Cos, J W Burke A Cos, Blun A Meyer, 8 Cohen, M A Cohen, C, Johnson A Graybill, W Duncan 8 Duulap, Erwin A Hardee, E Everett, Einstein A Ecktnan, E Ehrlich, D Finegan, G C Freeman, A Free man, Urey, Mullarkey A Cos, L J Uuilmartin A Cos, H A Gammeli, Green A Leake, Gilliland A Cos, Holcomb A Cos, U M Ueldt, U B A G W Lamar, J Lamar, La throp A Cos, Lovell A Lattlmore, LtnvUle A Gleason, K J Larcombe, J Lippman, Laßoche, U A I'nckles, J U Mastetons, 11 Meim.ard A Bro. M 8 Meyer, J C Maker A Cos, F M Myrell, J R Norton, G T Nichols, J Oliver, Ferry A Loveridge, W 8 Phillips, \V I, Pea body, J W Robertson. C L Rogers, P Kellly, Rogers A Cano, Rogers A Cos, W U Stark, Southern Ex Cos, Scranton, Smith dt Cos, P Skeban, A M carborough, A A Solomou A Cos, G Schuster, B Straus, J A Thom son A Cos, J P Tuornfiyke, Tisou <5 Gordon, P Tiahler J L Tatune, E u Van Ness <8 U.o, Mr VUlalouga, W A Cornwall, U WellOrook, W M Walsh, Well A Metn hardt, Y, W, Mclutlre A Cos. Per steamer Fannie, from Jacksonville, etc—2 bbls rosin, Ac, to F M Myrell, Moody A Barnett, and . outers. Per steamer Ella, from Darien—Jonea A Way, E A Hardee, J W Lathrop A Cos, A 3 Hartridge. Per steamer O.tent, from Docioriowu—A Lester, Jones A Way, Erwin A Hardee, E C Wade, K Paddle ford, Eloslmu it Kukuau. Tisou a Gordon, O Cohen, J IV Anderson A Boa, J L Vlllalunga, R Habersham A Bod, A McMullen, A G B.own, O Fallon A Cos. Fury uif fehnanDlNa, fla. Fkunandina, Fla., Nov. 24. Arrived. Nov 25—Steamer Foumaiu, caetuer, (Tom savau uah fur Meauicr Uiy Fetal, Talbot, from Charlaaloa and MiVftDOftlli ■Mautor Luuiaburg, Da e. rrom Key Week ate auiar rauure, McNulty, from Chai laelou. Nov M-Maamar Uaaie Baker, King, horn Sevan lAfiv uk Govt steamer St Maria, Ward, from Jackaon rills, wllo colored troupe for Pun Clluok Multr t'luium, ut •rviacbartaMoA N»* Ifi-Mteamera Ptuuteim for Faiaikt | Louie burg mu I’ori Huyal. ' air 64—uaaiucr I'liy Folia, for JackaouvUt* i air FeMuie, lot Pata ka i Mr Uwle Baker, fotjauwuft' fliw. In Part. Nev 24—Bohr A F Kiwi berg. o. New Haven, Tin m »». loading luiulxtr. Brig Nam Welsh, of Philadelphia, E Hoerker. .Bear A J Dyer, of Joueapoit, Rogers; aclu J L Lies* Os New York, Brown; schr Chuton, Holmes A Card. On Board steamer Orient, i Nov. *B. ,86k } We, the undersigned passi-ngeat, take great plea sure in apeakiug lu the highest terms oi the Capiaiu, Parser aud orew of this steamerlor the kind mauucr lu which they have treated us, aud beg leave to tueuituu that the steamer leu Doctortown uu Satur day moruiug at BJ4 am, aud arrived at Savanuati uu the following day at 8 a m. W M Nichols. ij Baum, L tv H Pittman, J M Bill, Wm Wershaui, ID J Dillon. lain or VESSELS IN the port of savannah. Savannah, Nov. 27,1565. STEAMSHIPS. 9an Salvador, Atkins, 871, loading, New York-B H Hardee. Leo, Merrill loading, New York—O Cohen. America, Lindt, loading, New York— Brigham, B A Cos. Herman Livingston, Baker, 1,400 tons, New York —J R Wilder. Wm Tibbets, Cony, discharging—Richardson A Barnard. TERNB. Lizzie Batchelder, English, 409, loading New YorV —Hunter A G&mmell. BRIGS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, 450, loading for Liverpool —Wm Starr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 398, loading for Boston—Hun ter A GammelL Redwood, Boyle, loading—Rogers A Caun. Rush. Raynor, discharging—Patterson A Tucker. • Atlantic, Wark, 101 tons, discharging—B, Wylly A Christian. Olive Francis, Small, discharging—Chas L Colby SCHOONERS. Trade Wind, loading tor Philadelphia—C, Johnson A Graybill. Geo Darby, Snow, from New York, dlsch’g— Hunter A Gainmelt. De Sota, Crook, 150, loading for Philadelphia—La Roche, Gaden A Dnckles. Wm E Stevenson, Burton, 156, waiting. Vapor, Bogart. 800 tons, loading for New York— Laßoche, Gaden A Dnckles. Antelope, Jones, 70 tons, loading, Baltimore—C, Johnson * Graybill. D W Vaughan, Mont, 234, loading, New York— Patterson A Tucker. Electric Spark, Taber, loading for Jacksonville, Fla—Wm A Beard. . Ira Bliss, Braggs, loading tor New York—Johnston Crane <t Graybill. A E Snyrk, repairing, bound to Charleston. Abby Bee, waiting—W A heard. A F Ames, Ames, discharging—Van Horn, Hol yoke A Murray. Oliver Cromwell, Delano, loading, St Helona—C L Colby A Cos. Chattanooga, Black, discharging—Richardson A Barnard. AUCTION SALES. AT PRIVATE BALE. = By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been vo many applications for Small Tract, of Land for location, the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition io meet this demand, has placed in the market, for a few days, Lots of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road. oj> posits to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff Road, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nl6 By Bell. Wylly & Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 45 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city. The Improvements consists or a fit at class cottage dwelling, gothic style, contaln ngsixlaige rooms, with marble mantel p ece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with shelves and glaasdoois. Outbuilding, consists of farm house, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage house and "tables. Purcha er can have ti> re fusal ofcjrn, fodder, hay, horses, mules, baggies and wagons. Also. 2430 acres f t heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) miles from the city; between the Ogeechee ami C.noochee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two sma'l dwelling houses with stables, cribs. Ac. tf-uIS BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE. A Sea Island Cotton Plantation, of 700 acres. 300 ot which are cleared and the balance well wooded, situa ted ou ski,lawny Island. Fronting on the i iver are twenty very superior and desirable building lots. n22 5 BY BLUN & MEYER. On THURSDAY, N v 30th, in ront of store, at XI o’clock, will be sold. Lot »ud Improvement*, No. I Franklin Ward, the improvements consisting of two flue br ck House?, two stories ou basement*, each house containing seven ro* ms. The L*>t is ?!ihjoct to agrouud rent of $29 76 per an* uum to the city. uz4 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. By T. J. Walsli. On TDi BDAY, January, sih. ISOB, will be sold at the Court House, In the city ol Savannah, at 11 o'clock: Th : Eastern Half of Du No. 11 Jackson Win and, (fee simple, w;ta improvements,, corner of Wnitaker md Hull streets 'J ho improvements are a two-stoi y brick dweiliug, nine rooms, with water iu the yard and gas through th.’ house; brick stable. Both build ings nave slate roots. Sold by permission of ihe Ordinary of Chatham county, fora division among ha helm. Terms cash, purchaser paying for tides. 1i24 1 DA COILS Manilla Bale Rope I UU 500 bage Shot 100 Vice* 60 Anvils 50 Smith’s Bellow, 400 kega Nalls 50 tons Plow Steel luO tons Swedes and Refined Iron 1- ton Cast Sreel, assorted 150 dozen Axes 3000 pair Trace Chains . 3 casks Sheet Ziuc 18 Cotton Trucks 12 Corn Shellers 160 doz Shovels and Spades, assorted brands 50 kegs Horse Shoes 50 begs Male Shoes 200 dozen Curry Combs 25 dozen Horse Brushes. For sale bv n22-2w* WEED A CORNWELL. Liverpool Salt. A CARGO of SALT, to sacks to the ton, just arrived per British bark Croesco from Liverpo 1, for sale BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Administrator’s Notice. TWO months after date application will be made t the Court of Ordinary of Chatham connty for leave 0 sell all the real estate of James Bilbo, de ceanctotor the purpose of distribution. JOHN O. FEBRILL, law2m Administrator. _ NOTICE. Heidt & Ludlow, HAVE MOVED TO Gibbon’s Range, !Us. lit fougTess and 71 K. Jnlien Street!. D2O-10 CRUTCHES. FIRST and only premium awarded at the American Institute Fair, IB6i,andß ate Fair or Fa, 1865. foi Crutches. Hartman’s Falent Elastic Rubber Crutcncs are pronounced by surgeon,, and everybody else, to be the very best ever invented. They are easy aud con venient, they prevent paralysis of the nerves, do away with all Ihe w rarlness Inseparable from the use of all others, aud are In all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJuY A TaILOK bole Manuta tnrers, No. 476)4 Broadway, N. Y. 6m.n23 elTvan NE&S &uu„ GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND ' * Prodnoo Dealer*, DNDIR THE BLDFP, CORNER ABIKOORY ST, Savannah, O*. Order, from th* Coaniry Private, Families, Steaaore and nailing Vomol, reapeolfally aoliotied. Produce hoifbt and told OS ooratnlaelgg. listaraS? A * ,pl " poll'll. Pidalura 5” kbit Xx'ra flaw !SW2 rttfe—« U halt,tilth w ilten Market Beef to iiU* Bobo FfaftUf fork. (fall GROCERIES, LIRUOfU. A C„ T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGARS, JC. 147 Hay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE BEPDBUCAN OFFICE.) U r E Invite the attention ot the Trad* and the Pub lic generally to our large and elegant Afr>ori ment of Wiiei, laftquora, ConllftU, Comtnrca, Sc- Kara, etc., etc. U not excelled by auy similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors of DCNBAR'S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the repuUtiou of which i« fully established lu thi? and foreim man trios; DUNS Ui'S w *ll known STOMACH BlTTEßS eaarauteed mpcrlor to any article of the kind, de digued exureMly for hotel and family u*e; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the u most parity, and put np exprestiy for our house, of wuich we are eole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. io cases and barrels; Eoitlnsh, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BHANoY, scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK PUNCHES, lormerlywell knowh throughout the United State.*, pat up by us in caaee for export aud home consumption. T. J. D. A Cos. are aole ajrenta for H. & n. W. Catherwood’e Pure RYE WHISKIES XX and XXX brand*, guaranteed unsurpassed in qnality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured and imported cxpiesely for this ouse, which we offer at the very net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINB, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, aud every description and grade of Foreign Liquors* imported directly by thin hous , and for sale in bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates nov7-lm WHISKEY! WHISKEY FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, Sc. Peach Valley Whiakey, Maple Valley Whiakev, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE .13 Y C. W. THOMPSON, , At the Old Stand, XIX BAY STEKJIT, (Herald Buildings.) also, Alsnp'e Ale, Mars' Ale, Apple*. Potatoes. Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. oct6 ts a AND ELL & CO. ARE now offering to the trade a very choice selec tion of SODCHONG. OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON, and IMPERIAL TEAS Also, no. l- Extra and fancy soaps RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON PURE GROUND SPICES CREAM TARTAR B. C. AND SAL SODA VERMICELLI, FARINA, JELLIES, And a general assortment of Fancy Groceries. n2l-eodlw WM. M. DAVIDSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IM GROCERIES, WINES. LIQUORS, TEAS, SEGARS, ALE and Cider. . eep2 ts BLACK TEA. JUST received, a emal let choice Oolong Tea. For sale by M J. SOLOMONS A CO„ nl7-tf Jone*' buildings. B y afreet. Biscuits, Biscuits. A LARGE aenortment of Freeh Biscuits. Juet re ceived and for tale by M. J SOLOMONS & CO., niT-tf Jones* Block, Bay street. CHEESE, SOAP. 4 A BOXES CHEESE,' a" 76 boxes F.iy'fi Boap Just received and lor sale by rtctlfi BRIGHAM, BALDWIN k CO. Geo. R. Csmip. Wm, A. Weight, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. It. CRUMP & GO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Toliacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, OT Will pufthaae and sell on Commission Cotton, Todaooo, Pkopcoe, and MESouAMDiaa of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Augusta, Ga., Richmond, Va.. and Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A Unckles, A. A. 8o!omons A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos., K. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. O cM KIRLIN, ERO.&BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WISES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED ft DELIVERED. au2l ts To Wholesale Grocers, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggist* and Soap Manufacturers. ESSENTIAL Oila for flavoring and improving Bran dv, Kum Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch and tiiAh Wiiiskicft, age and body preparations for Neu trali.dng aud Mollify ng Whiskey and spirit, Color ings, Syrups and Fruit Juicus iur Branuy, Whiskey and Wniea. Oils and Extracts of Cognac and other Brandies, Iloliacd and Loudon Gin, Ac. Dr P.’s Treatise on Periuenteo Liquors with 1000 Recipes. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loailatoue, Fluorspar aud Fluoric Acid, Manganese aud ail rare Chemical* and Drug*. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, Silllcate of Soda In Crystal* Liquid and Jelly China Clay aud Terra Alba, .-Soap Btoue, Bonn, Soda, Aeh. AC. Jos. W. FKUCHTKANGKH. novl-eodim No. 55 Cedar »t., N. Y. H. G. RUWE & CO., Wholesale GROCERIES § LIQUORS, WINE* AM) HLG A IIS, Corn«r Bryan and St. Julian and JohiMion Squara, (PHONTINO PIXASM.I UUVBffiq NT Ageßte for AI.K AND LAOF.It. CfooaifoiMr ee heed, aa areurtaaaoi *f TXWLmXJSf WZJKTJD. •a.M tm _ Atm. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fin* Groceries, Boots aud Shoes, Clothing. Foreiga and Domestic Wine*. Liquors and aegara. Also. Skchan’a Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, In bottle and lu wood. o' London and Dublin Brown Stoat, Scotch aud Eng lish Ales. Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, and 62 Liberty street. New York. BUYERS WISHING Tobacco, Flour AND SUGARS, IN LARGE QUANTIES AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find a fine stock at IXancioll tfc Co’s. n2leodiw |T FOREIGN DOMESTIC laleswincs liquors a sfgars SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS —or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. au3o GENTLEMEN’S Silk Dress Hats, Jnst received and for sale by S. M. COLDING, n24-3 153 Congres. "treet. FOR SALE. 7 K HHDB. Baltimore Bacon Slde9 and Shooldera I tr 50 tubs Goshen Butter 30 kegs New York State Butter WEST, BRYAN A CO., n26-3 Jones’ Block, LIVERPOOL SACK SALT. THE Cargo of the British ship Herald la offered for sale In lota to suit purchasers, by CHARLES GREEN A SON, 12 Bay street, Stoddard’s Lower Range. n26-6 notTceT Mrs STEPHANIE BUNARD, a graduate of one of the first Semi aries of Europe, with several years experience, wishes to give Lessons in the tfternoon. in French. German and music. Address to this office. n2S-2 LOST, ACHESNIT SORREL MARE PONY, stands be tween eight aud nine hands high; gray hairs In mane aud Call; white face: had on a saddle end bridle. Auy person giving information at the Her. aid Office to lead to ber recovery, will he handsomely rewarded. THOMAS MARTIN. n25-2 LOST, A— A small white POODLE DOG, highly by the owner. A suitable reward £mSwill be paid for bla return to the store, ruv ij.oug.iton street. 025 J. B. PRESDEE. Havana Segars. JUST received from the Importer*, a few choice brands of genuine Havana". comprUtng the Co bauas. let and 3d*; Prince ot Walee; No Mr. Olive dca; Plantations; Cabarga*. For sales on the lowest tern.* hy SORREL BROTHERS, u-5-3 82 Bay airnet. GUNNY CLOTH. Rope. Sea Island Bagging, Twine, Bacon, Sugar and Coffee. For sale by n25-G OGTAVUs COHEN. SHIPPING. FOR NEW YORK, ATLANTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The very fast sailing Steamahlp Euterpe, Eldrldge, Commander, Will positively sail on her regular day, Wednesday, 29th Inst., at A o’clock p. a. For freight or passage apply to JOHN R. WILDER, n2T Agent.' STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The fine Steamship WEYBOS9RTT, Parish, Com mander will leave for the above port on Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 31-/1 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having superior state room accommodation*, apply to n2T BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO. For Palatka, Fla., Via Darien, Branawlek, St. Mary’s, Fen nantllna, Jacksonville and Plealata. Connecting with steamer Flora Temple JOr King'* Ferry , OentervUluye, and all landings on t the a. Murya Hirer. rfIHE new and fast ateamer FOUNTAIN, Capt. G. A W. CoaTMißiwill leave r a above on"iUKSDAY, the 28th hut, at 10 o'clock a. m. For Freight ur Passage apply on board, at Padal ford’* When, near While'* Central Cotton Preee, or to M. A. COHEN. Agent. Daring the abeence of the boat all good* will be re ceived at the warenouMon the wharl,tiy Mr. w. K. u. Bruan Freight payable on Wharf. Shipper* will furnieh weight* and measurement ot good*- nuvOT For Charleston, The new Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. E. K. Talbot, WUi leave above Every kalardey, al • a, m. Fur freight or p*M*g* eepiy te M. W. AIUMK. er 1 ft OanDymkhu, iiffT HodgtM'a itakge, Bey eteeeft SHIPPING. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The new and apUndld steamship CHASE. W D Boath, Commander, will leave for the ahovT port on Thanday, Nov. 30, at o’clock. For freight or passage, haring splendid accommo dations, apply to n22 HUNTER Empire Line' FOR NEW YORK. A.tla.ntio Mail l*teamahip Company. The new and fast side-wheel gleam BAN JACINTO, Loveland, mas* ler, will sail as above, on Saturday, Dec. 3d, at O’clock. For (height or passage, hiring unsurpassed accom modation*, apply to B. H. HARDEE, n2T No. 12 Stoddard’s Range, Murray & Nephew’* I iue FOR NEW^ggYORK. The splendid steamship VIRGO, Bulkley, master, will leave for the above port on Tkwrsday, Nov, 30th, at o’clock. For freight or passage, haring splendid accommo tlone, apply to n2T OCTAVU9 COHEN. FOR BOSTON. BOSTON & SAVANNAH STEAMSHIP LINE. The new and snperlor Steamship WM. TIBBETTS, J. 8. CONY, Commander, ( Will sail for the above port on Wednesday. Nov. 30th, at o’clock. For freight or passage apply to Rl« HAKDSON A BARNARD, n2l-tf Bay street, opposite Mariner's Church. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will have dispatch fur the abova place. Gaud* receiv ed at all time and stored In (Ire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cost. J. M. KINCHLKY, Agent Office In CUghom A Cunningham's. The May arr ved in Augusta from Savannah on laal Friday with her full freight ts octn FOR AUGUSTA. Steamer Oak, Capt Wm. McCauley, Is discharging This Day at Ferry wharf under Gas House Hill, and will leave as above, Wednesday, 39th Inst., at 6p. m, TLis host is In excellent order (rates A 1 In Insur ance Companies) and being oflaige capacity shipper* can rely on having their orders go through with de •patch For Height apply to J. B. PRESDEE, Agent 109 iiroughton street F. M, MYRELLT n2T Harris’ building*. Bny street FOR AUGUSTA, The Steamer P. JB. G-oodsell Will receive Height on Monday, and leave with despatch. For freight engagements, apply on board or to FOR AHeUSTA, The favorite Steamer General Berry, Capt Isaac Henry, Will leave for the above port on Tuesday, Nov. 38, at 1 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having "superior accommo dations. apply to CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., n2T-J Corner Aberborn and Bay sts. FOB AUGUSTA. THE Steamer Oak, CAPTAIN MOCAULIT, Will have quick despatch as abovs. This boat 1* staunch and of light draught and being of large capacity, shippers can rely on having their order* go forward with despatch. Freight received and stored in fireproof warehouse free of expense, foot of Lincoln street. All ship charges paid promptly. For freight apply to . _ J. B. PRESDEE, Agent, 108 Brooghton street F. M. MYRKLL, n23 Harris’ Buildings Bay street Regular Weekly Steamer mpninrirv AUGUSTA - SAVANNAH. Th* Nsw Iron Steamer WM. O. GIBBONS, Capt T. N. PaiLror, Having superior accommodation for Freight and Psssengeis. will ply regularly between tbs above citie*. -a "'Leaving Savannah avqry Saturday Morning, at 8 ■rfock*** ******* * T#I7 Wednesday Morning, at Laying St Mathew’s Bluff . very Wednesday Night It la the desire of th* Agenisot the t.lbbou. to m ike her t psrminent Accommodation Host f. r th. M r chants of Augusta end ‘‘•vtubaii and the Planter slung Ihe Hue of th* river, snd «!tl> this oM*ct lu rirw. no effort will br tpsrsd on tbs part of agent* and officers to use! Hi* wants of the traveling sod IrsighUag public. ERWIN A HARDEE, » 6 ' l, Bopwn tar. Agent at w srf <m am FOR AUCUSTAT The light draft tad popular Steamer Helen, Captain J.« n#m», ; **' t*** 1 -** *»—"■**- a**' ftftiN A CO, 1 | in Pa# 6t Ereigiits FOR AUGUSTA, rttHE nnier-lgued are prepared to receive good* at a tbelr Warehouse*—free at expense and cor erod by Incurs ee—for *hh ment to Aura.'a and lOlnie beyond by their regular line of light draught boat* Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept ?8 -ts cor. Bay and Ahercorn sts, FOR PALATKA, VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON VILLE. The new, exceedingly fast and splendid Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. R. 8. Talbot, WUI leave Telfalr'a W harf, aa above, * T,r f Wednesday, at ft p, ns. built by h*r present owners without regard to coat", er stateroom and cabins being mm Inked in th* most luxurious manner Goods awaiting transportation can be stored. For Height or passage apply to it. W. ADAMS, or n2T Hodgson'" S ßange. 1 Bay^rureet. For Doctortown, The snperlor first class steamer OBIEN'J', Wilt leave on her regular day, Tuesday, Nov. 38, at 7 o’clock a. aa. Connecting with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. For freight or passage, haring snperlor accommo dations, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., nov2T-2 cor. Abe room and Bay ate. For Doctortown AND Thomasville. The Steamers Gen. Shepley, Orient, and Clarion. Will make Trl-wS' kly Trips to Doctortown, In con nection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tueodays, Thu sdayt and Snndsys. Through ireight payable by shippers at our office. Freight received daring tlie week, and itored free of expense. For freight or paaeage arply to „ CHAS L. COLBY A CO., Corner A bercorn and Bay street*. ffIfEDTOCBIRTEII7“ A Lighter, of 250barrel* capacity, on jrmx and under deck, for a short trip. mJAOmmm Apply to RICHARDSON A BARNARD, Opposite Mariner’s Church, Bsy street. FOR BiLTHMi Pendergast’s Line. The fast sailing regular paoket SCHOONER DE SOTO Crook, Master, Having the greater portion of bar cargo engaged, » ill have quick despatch. For balance of fre ght op. ply to Lx ROCHE, GADEN A UNCKLEB, Corner Bay and Barnard streets. Agent* In Baltimore—Fendergaat, Fenwick A Cos. octlß Fok r Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Tliemas, Para, Pernamburd and Bahia f-fIET The United State# and Brasil Mail .!-■ wTfil'T, Fteamahlp Company wUI dispatch o Utlijlir. regulaliy. e-rse**!. On |he 39th of every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLAFS STEAMSHIP, To heave at 3 o’clock, p. m.. From Pier 63, North River. All letters have to paw through the poet Office An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance oa board. For freight an Damage, haring splendid aceommo> nations, apply o THOMAS ABENCIO A DO.. octal-8m No, 17, Broadway. New Torfc_ MHIP LINE TO LIVERPOOL, DIRECT. The Brltleh West India and Padflc Company’s Steamship D -A. E, I E 2ST , Haring a large part of her cargo engaged, will hay* quick despatch. For freight o’ 1006 bales of Cotton, or passage, apply to »» BRIGHAM, BALDWIN * CO. FOR LIVERPOOL r-rrv. The British bark CRCEBCO, Carrey, ais*, te-, capacity P 00 Bales Cotton. z./F WMFtfr For freignt applv to ” &?yg22ik. For Liverpool. The new flnt class clipper ship VIRGINIA, WEEKS, Commander, 1* now loading rapidly at Lower Prase, and haring Urge engagement* wUI have quick despatch. For freight or passage (taken at lowest rates) apply 1 * CHAS. JL OOLBt A Cos., octia ontnei Ate-ie re aerfftay ete. For Liverpool. triv The A. No. t Whip MONT BLANC la now ■fyaS: rapid y loaning, White’* P.aee For bal eeofiiefrtH (imving lucmouly for a tew bnlca) inquire o' Laftpciik, GADkN ft UhCKI.fS, •Mdf Agente. For Liverpool. ASV - M l o ryi) aliyeyed will ha ready so rt.e.vs IHH cargo at Lowai Hydraalie Free* oa U*s IMft - geatl For Liverpool. . TBifii.t "fare folUe* barb TM WhITNMV