Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 27, 1865, Image 4

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The Saiamuh Pally Herald, MUXUAT nOYGNIKH «7. DM Thi UU Pmstoa King. Tbe N. Y Time* of the 18th, **y«: Up to the present time the effort* made to never the body of Mr. King have been un successful. By diieciion of Surveyor Wake m-tn, Ctpt. Fauuce will take the revenue cu'tf-r Cuyahoga and lire cannon over the spot where the suicide was committed in the hope that tee concussion may bring the body tc me surface. Boatmen are also engaged in dragging tbe river. A young man wbo wat seated near tbe dor r of tbe ca“>in of the ferry-boat when Mr King sprang overboard, observed bim standing near the chains and looking into tbe water. Shortly afterward a bat rolled toward the cabin, and tbe children who saw Mr. King Jump overboard gave the alarm. The young man ca led to the engineer, and wit king to the stern of the boat saw a pair of legs protruding above the water, which immediately sank. sue Troy Times, of Nov. IG, gives these facts about the la’e Preston King: “He was the editor and proprietor of the St. L iwrence Republican in 1880, and was for a time Postmaster at Ogdensburgh during Van Buren s administration. He was a del eg-ite to the National Republican Conven ts m at B iltlmore in 1864, and was largely in strumental in procuring *he nomination of Andrew Johnson for the Vice-Presidency.— Tnere were tew better judges of men than Mr K 1 ig. To this tact is attributable in a gt-at degree uU large influence in conven tions, iu legislative bodies and official circle*. Mr. K*ng was remarkable for obesity.— Though of short stature—on y five feet six Inches—tie weighed over two hundred and fifty pounds. He tried hard to reduce h'.s flosii by i c arse of dieting, but failed. Lat terly he tool#liit!e exercise, but did a great and »i of toilsome mind work. Ia 1847, wben there was an open rupture between the Barn bi r.ters and Hunkers al the Democratic Stnt Convention, Mr King was made chair man of the former and RobeitH. Morris of the latter The Convention wa* double hended, and had two Presidents. The Hun kers. however, outuumbi red the Barnburn er-, got the control of the convention, threw overbornd Mr. Fiagg, whose nomination was nrg' <1 by the Barnburners, and laid on the tail e Dudley Field's corner-stone resolution "gainst slavery extendon Preston King, James 8. Wadsworth. Mr. Doolittle, (now Uni ;ed Siatts Sen-tor from Wisconsin,) John Van Buien and others were the representa tive men of the Barnburners. Tuey were beaten at Syracuse, but heat the Hunkers at the polls. Mr. King, from that time for ward, set bts fi.ce against the pro-slavery ele ment of the party, and lived to see the insti tution itself destr yed.” L Ocr for CouNiKßFKirs.—There Is now ii. circulation an itniutiou of the SIOO noie, well executed, and calculated to de ceive any but the most experienced. This is the U. S. compound interest note. U. S. Treasury note, s6o's, well executed, appear to be from anew plate. Legal tender notes, (greenbacks) s2o's, hsv made their appearance. They are an exact imjiation of the genuine. 60’s and 100 s the same. S's photographed—paper stitfer than the genuine, and not so good They have a blurred appearance, while the signatures show through more plainly than on tbe good note. 10’s altered from Is; vignette on upper left oval portrait of Chase. 10 below it; 10 on upper right; the signa ture of both register and treasurer are on tbe lower right corner; they are well done and Calculated to deceive the unwary, although nothing like the geouiue, which have a vig nute, a spread eagle, with 10 each side ; on the left side is the portrait of President Lin coln, on the right end a full length female figure: ihe signature of tbo register is on ttft lower lef, and that of the treasurer on tbe lower right. 50's altered from 2s; iu tbe genuine 60's the signature of the register is on the left, and that of the treasurer on tbe right ; iu the altered note they are both on the right end, with two strips of lath between them. Is, imitation of genuine ; the green luk ta somewhat lighter than the genuine ; soum parts of the note are scratched ; the bead of Chase is darker; the bill has a coarse appearance. 2's are altered from l’s ; por trait of Chase on upper left corner. Lnited Slates legal tender notes—6's, imi tation ; the portrait on the right and the fig ure-of liberty on the left are rather coarse. The business community cannot use too much citcuinspection. GEO. H. ARUEDGE, 72 BAT STREET. Grocer and Ship Chandler, Ocmmmlon and Forwirdlng chant, I WOULD respectfully solicit t liberal thus of pa tronage from HIV friends and acquaintances, guar antee ng to give entire satisfaction and sell at the lowest market prices. Orders from the country will receive Immediate and prompt attention. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED nov!9 . • . ■ ./ ‘‘ SrPER-PHOSPBATEh OF LIME, For Wheat ard other Grain Crops. Cot ton, Corn, Tobacco, erase,#•«*■ tables. Crops, etc Composed of Calcined Bones, Sulphuric „ »d,Dried Blood. Soda. Poiash. Sulphate Ammonia, and other Ammoula-prodnelDg materials, Docs not exhaust the -land iise Peruvian Guano ando-her stimulating manures, hut permanently fm pruv< jjt. The effects of oue oppucatton are visible lor more than ten years. To ordinary soils a yearly application of 200 lbs. per acre will maintain its for tuity for any length oftime. D is packed m harrsls of about about Sao lhs. each. Pamph et* containing certificates from those who have lir-etl this fertiliser, and full directions lor Its np. plication to different crops, can be bad by addressing the undersigned. * Price reduced to SOO per ton, (2,000 lbs.} For sale by . CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Agent b, _nio.3m * Savannah, Ga. 3500 TONS EKGLIBH RAILS, 1,,J *" no. :o ffy. R- MOLINA, Corner Bull and Congrea. Street., under Screven House, of Virginia Chewing and Lff'iv.u™ k £f Brier Boot, and aU°otbi SS** STOVEST&C. COOK I NT G AND Heating Stoves, Round Rots, Ovens, Hollow Ware, <fcc. Whitaker abort Broughton Sti. J. O. THOMPSON * CO. '-etia 2sw2tn Strayed or Stolen, Holiday Presents CREAT SALE ov Watche*, Chains, Diamond Kings, etc., etc., OH MILLION ROLL AOS' WORTH To be disposed of at ONE DOLLAR EACH! Without regard to value I Not to be paid for until you know what you are to receive t Splendid List of Articles, Alt to tv? Sold at One Donor each / 800 Musical Boxes ■ 4 2010 * l4O #ftcll 140 “ •• with bells »nd to 500 •• 500 Silver Teapots and Coffee Urtt* 20 to 60 “ 500 •* dialing Dishes. 40 to 100 1000 •• Ice Pitchers “ •2000 " Syrup Cups,with salvers 20 to 50 6600 •• Gobiets and Drinking Cups * to 50 jooo “ Castors 15 to 60 “ 0000 •' Fruit, Card and Cake Baskets 20 to 50 “ 5000 dozen Sliver Teaspoons. ... 10 to 20 dor. mnov •• - Table Spoons and Forks 20 to 40 “ •’so Gentlemen's Gold Hunting-case Watches 50 to 150 each 250 Ladles' Gold and Enamelled Huhtlug-ca-e Watches 35 to To " 600 Gent’* Hunting-case Silver Watches 35 to TO 800 Diamond Rings 50 to too 6000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains— *to M " 3mo * Oval Band Bracelets 4to 8 sgjO Jet and Gold Bracelets #to to • 2uoo Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains sto 21 7000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches... 4to to 8000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches HO s 4000 Mosaic, Jei, Lava and Floren ttne Ear Drops... 4to « 7500 Cor., i. opal and Emerald Ear Drops 4to 6 4000 Caiuuxuta Diamond Breastptnsl.So to 10 “ 00 Gold Fob aud Vest \ to 8 4ouo Fob and Vest Ribbon-slides.... 3to 10 “ atwo sets Solitaire sleeve-buttons, Studs, Ac.,.., *® ® , 8000 Gold Thimbles. Pencils, 4c.... 4to 8 .fkkki Miniature Lockets 2- 40 40 1® *coo do do., magic spring into 20 3000 Geld Toothpicks, Crosses, Ac.. 2to 8 5000 Plain Gold Kings - • 4to 10 50uo chased •• ....... „ *;? “ ~ .0000 Stone-set and Signet Kings— to 10 luoOo California Diamond Kings 2to 10 7600 seta Ladies’ Jewely—Jet ana Gold sto 14 QOoO sets Lames’ Jewelry—Cameo, Pearl, opal and other stones 4to 16 10000 Gold Pens, Silver Extension Holdeis and Pencils 4to 10 10000 Gold Pens and Gold-mounted Holders. ««> 10 6000 Gold Pens aud Gold Extension Holders 16 to .5 5000 Ladles’ Gilt aud Jet Buckles... 4to 15 6000 “ “ Hair Bars aud Balls 6to 10 “ ARRANDALE & CO., Manufacturer’* aVgeiito, so. 167 Broadway, Feu> York, Announce that all tUe above Uat of goods wUI be sold for „ . . One Dollar Kaehl In consequence of the great stagnation of trade la the manufacturing district* of England, through the war having cut off the supply of cotton, a large quan tity of Vaiualile Jewely, originally Intended for the English market, has been item off for sale la this country, and must tie sold at any sacrifice. Under these circumstances, ARRANDALE A CO., acting as agents tor the principal European manufacturer* (lave resolved upon a GREAT GIFT APPORTIONMENT, to be divided according to tbe following regulations: Certificate# of the various articles are put Into en velopes Indiscriminately, sealed up, and when or dered, are taken out without regard to choice, aud eeut by mall, thus showing no favoritism. On re ceipt of the certificate you will see what you are to have, and then It is at your option to send the dollar aud take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a gold watch, diamond ring, or aDy set of Jewelry on our Hat, for One Dollar. Send 25 Cents for Certificate. In all transactions by mail, wa shall charge for forwarding the certificates, paying postage and do ing the business, 25 cents each, which must be en closed when the certificate Is sent for. Five cerlllic ates will be sent for sl, eleveu for $2, thirty lor $6, sixty-five lor $lO, one hundred for sls. What the Pres* Say of Us. The Lafayette (lud.) Dally Courier, March 18,1865, says: “A better selected, more varied or fashionable assortment of Jewelry cannot ho found on the conti nent than Arrsndale A Cos. are now offering. Messrs. Arrandale St Cos. occupy a high position In commer cial circles, as men entirely above the common trick ery of trade. Their statements may be Implicitly relied upon, both as to the character of their goods and the manner of disposal. Ladles especially. In all purls of the ceuntry, are realizing handsome proms as agents, ami if any of our fair readers desire to In terest themselves in tho enterprise, they may do so with perfect confidence.” Great gift Dibtbisction.—A rare opportunity Is offered lor obtulutng watches, chains, diamond rings, silverware, etc., by Messrs. Arraudale A Cos., at No. 167 Broadway. They have an immense stock ol'ar. tides, varying in value, and all are offered at one dollar each. The distribution Is very fairly done : you agree to take a certificate of a certain article, enclosed In an envelope, and are not required to pay yonr dollar unless you are sattsflod with the article, which will certainly be worth more than that amount, and may be SSO or SIOO. An excellent mode this of Inventing a dollar Sunday Times, F. Y. City, Pet}. 18, 1865. Messi i. Arrandale A Cos. have long been personally known to us, and we believe them to be everyway worthy of pubiio confidence.—.V, Y. Scottish a mer lean Journal, June 11, '64 By Measia. Arraudale A Co's arrangement, the advantages mus, be on the side of tbe customer, for be baa everything to gain aud nothing comparatively to lose. He' knows what he will get for his dollar beforehand, and he need not send Tt if he Is not satis fied Few York Daily Fetes, Aug. 6. 1864. We know the firm In question to be very respect, able and thoroughly worthy of public coutidenco, aud recommend our friends to read their advertise ment F. Y. Albion, Sept. 3, 1864. Emfi.ot.ment for Ladies—The most eligible and profitable employment we bavo heyd of for ladies Is the sale of certificates for the Gr<®f Gift Distribution of Arrandale A Cos. A lady of oar acqualntancu has betn very successful in this way, not ouly in filling her own purse, but aleo In doing a good turn to those to whom she sold ibe certificates, as will be seen by oar advertising columns. Gentlemen can also be thus engaged.--. Vote York Sunday Mercury, Aug. 14, 1885. AGENTS We want agent* in every regiment, and in every towu and county In the country, and those acting a* such will be allowed ten cents on every certificate ordered by them, provided their remit tance amounts to one dollar, alao • her inducements which can be learned on application. Agents win collect 16 coots for every certificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either iu cash or postage stamps. ARRANDALE & CO., n!2-law4 167 Brood leap, A’. T FOR SALE. 1 A B 6L V No. 1 Mackerel 1V 10 bble No. 2 Mackerel 10 bbls No. 3 Mackerel 26 half bble No. 1 Mackerel 26 half bbls No. 3 Mackerel iso kite No. 2 Mackerel 160 kite No. 2 Mackerel 4 1 tubs Choice Lard 18 tnbe Choice Butter 4 Orklns Choice Bntter. The above lot are freehand new, and will be offered low, to close consignment. CHAB. 1. COLBY A CO., DOV 23 Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. Wholesale JfQ Boots and Shoes ! Fellner and Poliak, UT Broughton Street, (arannab, Ga., ARE enabled, through their permanent House In Boston, to furnish Jobbers and Dealer* In this city as well as those In tbe country', with more ml. vantagee and conveniences In the Boot and Shoe Trade than any house In said line. novVCm LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND HORTICULTURE. THE undersigned are prepared to mtkt every kind of landscape Gardening ; to put In order Art!- “V* 1 Watei works and everything pertaining to Or nameaial Gardaua. and to da all kinds o? TrUummg, *c., be, Orders ms; Da left at the Herald office. W. A. D KLMAR A Do., uovll-lm _ Lundmaiw Garden*™ salt: HOO Liverpool, I* #t«w« sad loisstv by JAMKf U WATlff * «*„ “M ■ Waal Mda Maihat ago*™ DRV GOODS AND CLOTHING. if you Want A . Nice Business Suit CALL AT HEIDT & LUDLOW, Oibbon’a Range. novSf.lo , clothing,” f urnishing goods BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. THE subscriber having formed a Co-partnership with Mr. J. c. Ludlow, under the firm name of lleidt A Ehdlow, respectfully calls the attention of hi*friends and the public generallyto their large slock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes and Hats, which they are now opening, and will sell at Wholesale and Retail, at 71 SL Julieu aud 152 Con. gros streets, Gibbon's Range. oct6-2m E. HEIDT. Blankets 1 Flaimes CLOTHS AND CASBIMERES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHB FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received end for sale cheap by - **** H. HATH, oct2B 174 Broughton street. H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest style*, LADIEB* DRESB GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Just received »nd for sale at tbe lowest price# by oct23 H. HAYM. FINE CUSTOM MADE CLOTHING. PDONBLAN, Merchant Tailor, hasjust received a • large invoice of New and Klegant Styles of FRENCH CLOTHS and CASSI-MERER, selected with care in the New York Market, in accordance with the latent fashions of the day. Young gen.lemen desiring a Nobby Suit, mndo up from Styliuh Goode, cannot be better suited in Savannah. Mr. Donelan has tkcMr‘«*B lor gettiug up Garments in the beet style, unequu..,.** by any other eetabliphment In the city, having seemed the b*st workmen, and enlarged his store, in order that hie work may oe done entirely under his own auptr vision. PETEK DONELAN, Merchant Tailor Ball street, nl3 Next door to the Pofll uflice. NEW NOVELS OUR MUTUAL FRIEND; by Chss. Dickens, Com plete and unabridged, one volume, Illustrated Price sl. Rose Dougin*. Price $1 60. Lover's T rials. Price $1 60. Red Court Form by Mr*. Henry Wood. Price 76c. Self Sacrifice. Price $1 60. Mildred Arkell. t rice $2. East Lynne ; or, the Earl’* Daughter. Price 76c. Augoltuo; by the author of The Gift.” Price 50c. Tho Banker’s Secret: by the author of “Gus How ard." Price 7SC. Sir Jasper'll Tenant ; by Mr*. Braddou. Price 75c. Match Making. Price 50c. Hickory Hall; by Ml*. Southwozth Price 50c. Georg# Francis Train’s Speech t > the Fenians.— Price 25c. The Bush Rangers, price $5 00. Major Jones' Sketches of Travels, 75 cts., and a further supply of his other works. Also the complete works of lilcklns, Walter Scott, and other favorite authors. Cheap editions, at ESTILI.S' NEWS DEPOT, Ball street, Back of the Post Office, Down Stans. nov24 ■» 1 1 Great Bargain. A NEAT and commodious Cottage ~welling, with brick outhouses attach id, will be sold if applied for Immediately, situated in Robertavtlle, ou Roberts street. Price, $3,000. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER. At Henry Wayue’e Stables, nll-tf West Broad street. THE Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Georgia, 118 BUOrGHTON STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for sale at New York prices. Bewlng .Machines of all kinds repaired at ebort notice. Stitching neatly done. nil J. C. KOCH, No. 35 Beckman Streets Corner of William, NEW YORK, Manufacturer of Stationery, Photographic Albums, Music Paper, Folios, Books, Ac. n2l-3m Bridgewater Paint and Color w Works Cos. BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN, Agents. Just received and for sale at the manufacturer's Kegs XX Brdgewater Lead Kegs XX Snow White Zinc Kegs Cygnet White Lead Kegs Summerset White Lead Tubs Puttv Faint Brushes Premium White Lead Chrome Yellow Venetian Red Metaltc Paint (lu oil) Mctalfc Paint (dry; Fire Proof Paint Cottage Colors. lm octtd JOHN A. STALEY, Justice of* the Peace, NOTARY PUBLIC., Ac. A NNOUNCEB to his old friends and the citizens of -A Savannah that he has returned to the city, and may be found, for the present, at, the Court House, at Judge Fleming's old office. MWB3-nBQ Snuff, Snuff. TUBT received. Invoice Scotch and Macaboy Snuff, ts and for sale by M J. SOLOMONS A CO., Pl7-tf Jones' Buildings, Bsy street. Liverpool Salt, • FOR SALE IN LOTS TO «EIT PURCHASERS, Apply to Fordyce, Anderson ft Januey, nIT IS Stoddard's Range, np stairs. Just Received. A small lot of Hoalcry and Hoop-Skirt*. Alto, a •mall lot of Satin*!'*. W. H. TULL Eli A CO.. ult-lw No. ft St, Julian street N'otice. CONSIGNEES p. r JON. W. WIMTKR, from N*w Turk, will attend to the rsrepiion of their goods, andiug tbl* day at Ksrbaai* wharves all To the Merchants of Savannah. riiilK iiud. I'limnanM. fioni Mnropollua Sire I rmupany. will wan upon ih- M.nbaaia «ud llasf. seas Mm> oflb* city Tbl* Day, 10 aulb n ►* Iba put I bum vs a ai-am Fu. Eugiu, Th.y bop* M a p.uuipi and gauer Alt ls*p,a*a warn ib.ii mCWumna flWHBci | commission mekchait*.fin. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGEIST, GEXERAL COMMISSION AND FOR WARDING mkkchakt, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. I , Harria' Building*, 2d door west of A. Low A Co.'a 1 Refer* to Messrs. Hunter A Gnmmell, Crtue, John ! son A Graybil;: Bell. Wvlly A Christian : Bothwell A I Whitehead; Miller, Thomas A Cos.: M A. Cohen, Esq. s*p29-tf TOBIAS HEDRICK S& C 0.. Comm it*salon Merohania, New York. OCTAVUS COHEN will make liberal advances on »ny consignment* made to the above honse. oct2o ltn W*. H. Tisom. Wm. W. Gordon Tison & Gordon. COTTOIV FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, IVo. 96 BAY STREET, Savannah, ------- Georgia., Special attention will be given to the sale of Lumber, Roain, 'Turpentine, A.. oct2T-3m ti. M. HORXCL. A. O. SOB EEL SORREL BROTHERS, CHIPPING, Commission and Forwarding Merchant*, 82 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. References: Messrs. H. K. Corning, Bon A Cos. N. Y ; Messrs. Peter V. King A Cos.. N. Y.; Messrs. Fish er, Brothers ACo., Baltimore.: Messrs. 8. A W. Welsh, Philadelphia; National Bunk. 8 n-annab, G*.: Francis Sorrel. Esq . Savannah. Gs.;Chas, Green, Esq., Ssvsu nah, GA; T. R. Bloom, Esq., Macon, Ga. octl7 lm* D. H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York. or.t4-3ni -c! M Ul l'J'a*;. } BaTannatl ' A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. octl4-tf JOHS B. OCHT. .JOHN A. OCIIU, JOHN B. GUIEU & SON, Commission Merchants, Will attend to » General Agency Business. Personal attention will be given to the Receiving and Forwarding and to the Sales and Purchase of Cotton and all Produce. IT~ References to the principal Merchants of Au gusta and Savannah. Acohsta, Ga., Oct. 1. 1865. lm oct2T GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Pro visions, Wines and Liquers, 171 BROjVD street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDKRSof.Merchandlae wishing to realise imme diately will consult their internets by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to tlium, and prompt return# made at the most .ersonable rates. sep4-3m Hlm» L. Jxwxtt. James I. Smdeu. Jewett «3c- Snider, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Seeond Street, Macon, Georgia, (Between Cherry und Poplar.} Prompt personal attention givlbn to all consign ments of cotton, produce, manufactures and other articles of merchandise. Orders and consignments solicited from all parts of tbe country. Best attention given to orders :or purchasing cotton. Agents for several first-class Insurance Companies. nO-tl __________ C. H. BENEDiCT & CO., No. 80 Broad Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission XMCercbants, Dealers in Provision*, Butter, Cheese, Ac. Special attention to Southern Orders Consignment* on General Merchandise solicited. oct 17 3m TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AHt> OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER,- BENNETT A B MAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vaster Stkkst, .«xw You. And Memphis, Tens. Tuomab Fxnnes, Hesby Buiuxtt, D. W. Bmtsui, jyo Sin CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONES BLOCS, OOBMB BAT Agp ABKBOOBM ITKUT SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made ou Consignments o the firm of Qsab. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends In Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. references; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan & Cos., New York. Jarive Slade, Ksq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Edmonds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Bouton. Bep 18—tl Woodward, Baldwin A Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, 0 anil 11 Hanover St., Bmltlmore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MEHCHAKTS, Liberal advances mode on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnaburgs and Yarns. jy!B joil\ & mus & co., Forwarding and Commission merchan ts. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goody, Groceries, &c., NOS. I AND 2 SAMMIS* BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. S. SAKMIB. ED. «. tAJUIIS. (01 AS. L, MATUSB aull ts J. SHAFFER, Corn m lmmlon Doalor *u all kind* of FOREIGN AND D MEsTIC FRUITS am PRODUCE, Wist WatanMOTOH Masaat, Opposite 141 Wsat eu, hulkbsad bstwstn Barclay and Vecsy *ta, NEW YORK. PoUlost, Apples and Onions conatonUy on hand, and put up for thu Southern market All coa sign menu promptly allcnkcdl*. pr K.f.r. in A. L Bradlay, A. Haywood, T. i. Wank, and J. U parson* |yfl sndlv S. M. COLDI NG, Wbolsasi* aud Mvtall Dealer (a HITS, ‘ APS. IIOOIS, SUOES, • UnllewtVi. I'ursUblsg <>ood«. MO. IAS UOMOHKmi MIUEKT. ••i.nN.h, a* inivU >■ COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OP’ BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON &CO., FACTORS, Forwarding & Commission MERCHANTS, RESPECTFULLY invite attention to onr facilities for the purchase or movement of Southern Product*, and will give prompt attention to all Busi ness entrusted to onr care. Intending to establish perm iuently a House iu Savannah expect by strict business principles to merit and receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make ad vances on same; picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormons expense incurred in Northern cities by this process.- They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia sud of adjoining States. OFFICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, PT* Post Office Address, Lock Box 25. octT-Bm 4, T. CmOdNGUAM. O. O. PURSE. R. J. LA ROOMS E. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE At CO Factors, forwarding and commission MERCHANTS, No. 4 Stoddard's Lower Stores, Bay stieet,. Savannah. Ga. Beferencee—Robt. Habersham A Hons, Hunter A Gammell, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos., Erwin A Ilardee, Claghcrn & Cunningham. sep4 3m SOUTHERN AND WESTERN Xj-A. CT X>. Collection and Commission Agency, handle Southern land and prop rty of ail descriptions. Parties wl.hing to sell are Invited !o forward luta.— Numerous applications now on file from parties wish ing to purchase. Make collections on alt part* of the country. Pay especial attention to the sale and dlapoeal of Southern products, aud make advances on direct consignments. MATTHEW H BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad et., New York. BCrXBENOSS BV PEBVIS3ION -. Hon. Eenjamln Fitzpatrick, Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Nephew* A Cos., Bankers, 35 Broadway. Messrs. H. B. CL.fin St Cos , Importers, New York. A. W. Greenleaf, iiaq., Banker, N. Y. n9-3m Annum R. Bznnrrr, 1 K Y k Cux*. H. Bekmot, Jxa. C. Van I’elt, f I ' ew * ottt Kalelgh, N. C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR TIIE SALE OF COTTON TOBACCO, NAVAL STORIB, ETO., ALSO, FOE THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, S3 "Whitehall St.. IVow York. Wo have associated with ns Mr. D. W. CciiTie, late Public Treasurer for North Carolina. n9-6m JOHN L. VILLALONGA7 COTTON FACTOR, FOR W Alt DIN 4? AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94 Bay Street, BA.VANNAH, GA. octl6 6m H. Gowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY STREET, ANDERSON'S WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-3m SCRANTON. SMITH & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, be happy to see the former patrons and “▼♦friend*, and tUe public generally, at their store at the head of Bay street, opposite Jcflcrsou, where they will bo at all time* happy to serve them. ni6-lm BRYAN, HARTRIDGE &. CO.. Betak Street, wrxt to Merchants 1 and Planter*’ Bans Building, Broker and Commission Agents FOR SALE AND PURCHASE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &0., And for Forwarding Cotton. nov2 3mo % Fordyce, Anderson & Janney, Brokers anti GeneraMommbgion Merchants, NO. 10 STODDARD’S RANGE, Savannah, Ga. Dealers in Specie, Southern Bank Notes, Bond* and Stocks, Exchange on the Northern cities, AU(?bsta and Charleston, bought and sold Liberal adv nc-s made on consignment* to our correspondents at the North. Refer to Third National Bank, Messrs, beebe. Keecb A Cos., Messrs. Merchant A Carman, Messrs Hall & Huckell, New York: Messrs. Carman, Merchant A Sbaw, Philadelphia; Messrs. Wm. Lamping A Cos., Messrs. G. H. Keeee A Bros., Baltimore; Messrs. It Habersham A Sons, Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, Mr. Geo. W. Anderson, Mr. G. B. Lamar, Savannah. nov2-Im GEO. D. EOWLE. WM. * UOV. UCGU (ICE FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealer* in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK, eot26 0m C. B. & C. V/. UfcAR, General Commission Merchants. Forwarding: and Shipping Agents, NO. OS4 BAY aTKKEt, (upstairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno C. Ferrel and G. B Lamar, Savsnm-b ; W K Jackson. Josiah Sibley 4b Sons, J. D. AJ. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignment* soli cited. 6m-nov2 w. i ut.ib. a. jl Sarru. w, w. am,. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No. 298 Broad Stromt. AUGUSTA, GA., Geueral Commission Merchants, And Agent* for the Sale of ManufßOtured Tobuooo. will Purchase and Asll. ou Commie.ion, Cotton. Cotton Goode, Wines, Liquors Produce sod Urrcbso disc of svery and scriptlon. Osnsfgnmsnts solldted. tm uU GVINGSTONrFOX i CO7, 141 Broadway, New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Am dull Allimilr A ouai Ulull >imu •hip ( osipanf. Ai.sgcs* UM4. on OaudguoMW by JMO R. WILPM ut4U lm COMMISSION MERCHANT*. s. W. FAWMSO*. I, a. TV* EM PATERSON & TUCKER, (Formerly J. T Pftteraou A Co* of Augusta, GA.) General Commission, Forward ing and Shipping Merchants, No, 9 ktoddanl’i Lowrr Range, OPPOSITE MARINER’S CHURCH, BAY STREET, Sa-eaxxxxalx, Grn. SAVE made arrangements for Shipping Cotton, Tim ber liice, Ac., to first class houses in Enrol* aud v York. Will muko liberal advances on all consignments. Also, will bny and sell Timber or Lumber on Commis sion. We have facilities for obtaining Charters for Vessels at moderate rates. Personal attention will be given to the receiving, forwarding and to the salt, of all merchandize entrust ed to onr care. We have a commodious warehouse for storage. References—Dowling A Cos.. London : Gibbs, Bright A Cos., Liverpool: Bradford A Renick, New York ; J. R BayleyACo., Philadelphia; James Oakes. Boston; E. Lafltte, charleston. 8. C.; R. H. May, jMavor.J Au gustaGa ; Geo. I{. Crump & Cos., Augusta, Ga.; Hal sey, Watson A ( 0.. Savannah, Ga.: X). B. Thomson, Colnmbutt. Ga.; James Gnnn & Soil, Richmond, Va.; Clayton, Adair & Pnrse Atlanta. Ga. nov3 , JOHN A. MOORE. General Commission Merchant, AND Steamboat, A.ueruatA, Gra, n23-12 I MACKY, BEATTIE & CO. SHIPPING AND GENEEAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, *O3 and 203 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Ga. OFFFR for sale to Wholesnle Merchants upward* of four hundred (400) barrels of Whiskey, western distillation of various brand* and qu.HMer. tog ther wi'll a lame amount us Irish and,Switch Malt Whis kies. Brandy, Wines, and Gins, at rhilnd tphla or New York prices expenses added, or we will fill all order* i In tile abovo named cities at th, lowest market prices, j delivered on board aDy boats of the regular line*. \ In connection with the above, we should be pleased to fill all orders of Country Produce from Pnllidel j phlaor New York markets. Flour, Bacon, Gram, ] Lard, Lime, Salt, Ac,, a large quantity of which we have on hand aud offer for sal* on tbe most reason able terms We are prepared at all times to make advances on Southern Produce Consigned to our house in Philadel phia. MACKY & BEATTIE, 25 South Water street. sep29-3m 1933 and 1936 Market street JOHN M>B»YMAN. D. H WAKING. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agency FIR the sale of Gnano. Fertilizers, Live Stock, Im plements and Machinery, Seeds, <fcc. 07 "W. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. • Refer to JohnS. Gittlngs. President Chesapeake Bank ; Ohas. Goodwin. Caaider Franklin Bank, Haiti more; E.C. Wade A Cos. and P. U. Behn, Savannah. ul4-3m Notica. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between JACKSON A WARROCK was, on the 30th Sep tember dissolved by mutnat consent. The business will hereafter be conducted by the undersigned, who will be happy to receive a continuance of the pa tronage bestowed on the late firm of Jackson ,t Warlock. L. WARROCK. octn ESTABLISHED 1826. H. J. DICKERSON, Harbor Master, OFFICE OPES AT ALL HOURS OF .THE DAY No. 1 Harria’ Buildings. SAVANNAH, GA. nov4 lm Latest from Egypt! PENNY'S NEW EXTRACT OF THE LUYTIAN LOTUS, anew und exquisite Perfume tor the handkerchief. Cleopatra und the ladles of tbe present day using the same perfume. THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS 1 THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS!! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS 111 Manufactured by F. A.Pkjimv. Brooklyn, New York. E. A. LOVEJOY, Agent, n9-3m 93 Fulton street, N, Y. For Sale, 1 '-tl lA BUSHELS Prime White Corn IJUv 2000 bushels Prime White Oat* n8 N. A. HARDEE A CO. FOR SALE. ONE splendid four or six borne Wagon, with Har ness to match. Also four Mules. Enquire at tile stables of Henry Wayne, West Broad street. tf-nl6 TO THE CITY AND COUNTRY MER CHANT3. W. H. TULLER & CO,* No. 70 Bt, Julian stroet, i RE receiving by every steamer, from their hon«e In New York, the following Goods i Shoes, Shirts, Hats. Notion,, Hosiery, and no on, which they will sell by tbe Lots, at a a rail advance ou New York cost. Gentlemen call and examine oar stock, and you will find our terms reasonable. NOTICE. THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness In all it« wont forms without the nso of medicine.— Please send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cents for pontage. Address J. M. KL BMCLL, octlo-3m Boston Ma*e. Notice. CENTRAL R. R. & BANKING CO. OP GA.,) Savannah, Nov. 14, 1865 > rIE Annual Meeting of ihe HtovkhoWsri* of this Company will be held ou Thurfday* tiio 14th of December nemu at the Bankkg bonne in Bavannab, at lOo’clock, a. m. A lull attendaiße is aarnestly ro quested. GKO. A. CCYLKIt, i.16-lm OwiiUw. PLATED WARE. TUST received. * email Invoice of ho.vy Plsted O Fork* end bpoon., *eeo»U»d. Pnr eele by M, J. SOLOMONS A CO„ Jones' buildings, Hay street. NOTICE. SAVANNAH, Nov. 16th. 1466 Daring my sbeence from the olty or Stete Mr. C U. Uu'ler It my duly *albert*ed .gout Dll 0. W THOMPSON. HTEELK A HU HD AN K, II Nsnkeali Haw, llllion Heart, It, !'• CALL tbe *ll«i>Uou of Wh. le»«l. *ad Uetsll put chseen ui tlurir suprrle stork of NII.ITAHV AM* NAVAL IXHTHINO, *a* PURNiaiIING (MMIDN. »Msdtfe.sitt!HsSas! ra-fity Held Gleets* Geui llate Oiuvue, A> .A< A< SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY COMMISSION" jiiKlfCLI Rae W hm„ y ,v Cos., Merchants, No. 20* W’slr^L^D^ 1 au2l AM. Scarbrough Jfc Cos., Gsoctzr • mission MiKiTU'MH. 140 Congress and 'fir Julian M» Highest market prices paid for Cotton Mod, Beeswax, etc. L.beral Advances on Cotton, PH. 8F.11.-V, FACTOR AND GENERALrnv • MISSION MERCHANT, Bay etreet nesr ii stand. Savannah, Ga. ’ I 'ravin At Hardee, IJ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, i DRY HOODS. Junn .111(11111,6). DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. street. Samuel SI. Lederer, Jobber FanOT AND &TASLS DaV GOODS, Boon AM, bno^ GROCERIES, &c. MFerst A. C ~„ W Dealer in WiITZ IT. • qnoKB, Seoaks, i anct Grocezies, Cas pier 160 Congress street. Ij> I*. Ueyo. ljEAi.t.B iN < u ,ce 1- aa.ii.y Oa iCKKlItii -J* n lNts, Liqtoas, An. 1 1 |r 1 1 "- i Brougl.nm street BILLIARDS, ifcc. Billiai-d saloon Bv WALTER U'MEArH ALEc, WINK-s LIQUORS, Ao. Bay street, over Express Offloe. St. Charles saloon, (in rear of Post Office j b» WhohvtUr. and Jietaa. Noue'btu t HOIcE V\ XNES and LIQUORS served. Free Lund,. GAa~EITTLNG, Ac. ~ Weed At Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Hakdwam and Tin Wake f»o. 169 and Hit Hi nnghton street. TT Cranston, G # PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, SEGARS, TOBACCO, Ac. X • bKtrAIkS, XOUALCO, SNUFF, PU’tfc, iiamftrd pt et*u one uoor Buuth of the Maraui. ERLVUNG, bTA iloisEßY, Ac' bavins a lAutu, ' BOOKSELLERS AND STATION ERE, Cur cry an street anu Market Square. VI arising Ink, MA.msAOTcazn and lot sale by •I*l David ll gallouay, 36 Drayton 6tieet. p eo. Si. Nichols, VT BOOR AND JOB PRINTER, Bay st„ between Abe. em u and Drayton. Ia 1 J. I »rse, LiTUogRAPHER, STATIONER, Xkf. BINDER. JOB PRINTER, Ac. Nu. 6 Whitaker etreet. c W. Kuvott ,v Cos„ ■Aa HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFJCS. No. 111 Bay street Al TORKEYS. ~ Wa>JU JL>. Hai«» ii. ATTOKMfiY AT LAW. I*6 Luy 6tr«et, Savannah. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. FD. Jordan, Dealer in Watch-s an: Jewelry, • Silver and Plat, n Ware Farcy Gooir c. fcy Watches anil .Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. PHYSICIAN'S. Jos, W. cun, M. D, Cor. South Broad and Bamard-sts ., Ornci H0c..8—9 to 10 A. M., and 4 ut 6 P. X., Residence—Mr. Wash’s, Broughton Stieet, nO-tm one door east Ma sonic Hall. DRDGGIbTb. - ■ -' Wm. Walsh, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, uul4 Southeast cor. Barnard and Lroughton A A, Solomons & Cos,, “« VVHOLrSALK AND RETAIL DP.UGGIST2. Orders executed accurately and with despatch. 800 lb AND bHOEb. Ames At Peabody, Jobbers iu Men’s, Women*. and (.hlldien s Call, Berge and Kid BOOTS and SHOES, of all kinds and qualities. 152 Congress sn, 4th door North of the Markst. .QUEENSWARE, &c. ED. hniyth. GUEENSWARE, GLASS AND s CHINA, at Wholesale ana Retail. 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of Bull CONFECTIONERY. M Fitzgerald, t WHOLKSALX Ann OXTAIL DEAL fit IS CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY and RASPBERRY syrups, candies, ao., <*o„ let' In any quantities, to suit Purchasers. _AJ WHITAKER STREET. SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, FOKTER and ALE, CORDIALS SYRUPS, 40. Cor Buy an ' West Broad streets. ■- wi ll s *| Hay, Hay. BALES Prime Northern B*y, per Schr Clara I \J& Pickett. For Kale to arrive. ct‘23 BRI (]A* ■ I/II VIN t CO. Paper andkag Warehouse Warren & Platner, ■WHOLESALE dealers in all kinds of coarse end v V line Paper, Envelops, Twines and Paper Boxes. Sole Agents In this city for the Bath Paper Mill". The highest cash prices paid for Rags Old RoP« aud Bagging and Waste Paper, in large or smalt quantities. 210 Bay street, Savannah, Ga. NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERB OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER 1865. ALL persons who shipped Goods by the ftteamer c a* vanuah. on the aiw*ve named d:iy, are requested % * call immediately at the store of F. M. Myrell, Esq»» Harris* buildings. Bay street-, and identify r-uch good* as have bees saved from the wreck of the steamer. J. W. WOLCOTT. U2O . Agent. NOTICE. ” Steamship Chase* CONSIGNEES or owner- Os goods per steamship tba-e, on voyage from New York. October -J* 1 ' D63, will please nr-sent copies ot luvolcs;, clrlms for sh irt dehve'ie. and dsdudous -rd-wciN' 11 any, to thn undesigned, on o. bt-fo.e the i6th (l ‘iy of December next, tor the purpose o. toakii>g lia * justment Os the general sve^_ rEn qaMMELL. %3T Macon TsWgrsgh, Augusta o»nHtlmtJon»llst and Ailaiiu lutelligeiicer, please copy ands**ud giii 10 ni4-tcl T 0 G A R D E nTRS. Onion S © ! t JUST received, fly* bhls Choice White Oslob !"*•■ Will be sold low, to close coaelgnmrst, by M. J HOLOMUXa <* «•».; _ nIT-tf Juß>»* Building". B»y«'rcc’ _ WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUBEY, JONES & CO., Wllmlnirtous D«*lttw»» **' \f *Nrr*<vri itw ir..« ffuso*mm« ■W' |1 2 AI ,1. 11,,. Mei<au>wy Ini Ms» Ml ll * »' " bed long ellwfWOM I*l hubiiM*. »i>4 •‘•••'I t""' ' with eti. ’ .UN eftl'Ore '"i fdf* w< rb .UMb .% *••*»'• -tecs with dwpSirh ueill <«•