Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, November 28, 1865, Image 4

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The Sarannah Daily Herald. I I KMIAI NOVEMBER W*. !•••. THE *• ROI’ND TABLR.” The initial article ol tbis number is de voted lo what may be considered a standing theme in the Round Table : “ The Love ot Display," “The Devotion to Fashion," “In difference at Home." These are the topics of descant in every week's issue of tbis de servedly popular periodical. Now that many of the strictures are merited that seeks to effect a moral reform, so much needed in Manhattan, no one will deny. New York is a bloated metropolis, with more wealth than refinement, more ostentation than purity of manners, with characteristics generally that cutitle her to the appellation of the Modern Babylon; this does not admit of denial.— But bow would objects of ambition be sup plied without indulgence in the luxury that accompanies wealth ? The elite of New York society have not objects of aspiration that characterize European cities. The dis tinctions of rank, the blandishments of title, the allurements of official life are wanting. Riches and the luxuries they purchase mu9t supply the absence of other incentives to ambition. A society that is wealthy can have no other objects of desire than those that minister to display and outward splen dor. The paper is written with ability. Among the “ Reviews” is that of the “Life of Horace Mann, by his wife," The bio graphical sketch presented contains an in teresting view of his career. Mr. Mann was a representative man as regards the interests and progress of education in the l nited States, and was so vie wed’in Europe. The leading polities! article is headed “The Lesson of the Election." It is a severe stric ture on the Democratic party, but it appears to us not to be consistent. It charges that party with hypocracy—with holding out views that were never intended to be real ized simply for the purpose of obtaining of fice. We imagine that if the te3t of disin terestedness is applied to political parties in general it will be found that their conduct is influenced by mixed motives, as is that of individuals. Why not judge all party action by the-same standard? The Democratic party have made some false predictions, anil have encouraged delusive bope9. But why not credit its leaders with a share of pa triotisra in sustaining President Johnson in his reconstruction policy ? In this they were sincere. They avowed their preference for him in no doubtful or dubious terms, while their opponents disguised their hostility to him in honied phrases and the semblance of support. Why is the one party condemned and the other impliedly approved when there was entire conformity between the practice and professions of the former, while the lat ter prolessed to uphold the administration in its general convention, their State conven tions and party meetings exhibiting nearly at the same time a spirit of determined hos tility to President Johnson in his measures to restore the Union? Why is not historical justice awarded in a record |that profes ses to be impartial? The next paper is entitled “ViMijy ia Wall Street," and its coDdemnatiod' of thu shameful practices jjt„ihak.iat«ifc gam bling lor which if ia dmlfaflim must UM«t with the ugriNmoe of ail katMtfa men Thu v.riterthe recent ..urreoce inJWBNHMCttcw stork,by which severai that slock were swin died ont of toßßWds of dollars, or as it is technifiallf^called, cornered, lias led bint intoTmue general remarks ou the subject of 'stock operations in Wall street, which must And an echo in every well constiuted mind. The correspondence of this number is lit tle diversified. In a letter trom Boston; there is an elaborate criticism of Teunisou’s poems, which although discriminating has no novelty of remark to compensate for its length The ‘ ‘Library Table,” contains some no tices of hook* that show powers of varied criticism, but the catalogue is meagre.— Why the terra Literariana is employed as a conspicuous bead Hdc, wlicu the subjects embraced find a place under other designa tions, we are uuable to perceive, more par ticularly as the word denotes affectation,and is besides an ungraoeful innovation. The above Periodical is with “The Nation" is to be obtained at Estill’s Book Depot. The Quasi Mr. Sumner. Tbe Boston Post thus meets the arguments of Mr. Sumner and bis "quasi rebellion’ party. If we are like the hoy the calf ran over, and have “nothing to say” on the sub ject of the constitutionality of tbe conditions prescribed tor the readmission ol the Southern States into tbe constitutional Union, we,never theless, like to read the views ol the Northern press on the subject. The Post says : “The Constitution provides that “the Uni ted States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a republican form of Government, ” &c. This is tbe only actus! provision cited by Senator Sumner, and otheisofhis kidney, as conferring power on Congress to legislate for, or prescribe tbe terms of tbe Constitu tions ot, the “communities" lately under con trol of the Rebellion. But as the same au thorities assure us that these “communities" are no longer States in the Union, but have voluntarily withdrawn from it, it would aeem that the clause in the Constitution above cited could not apply to them. The other grounds for contending that Congress can keep the States under its control are derived by Senator Sumner lrom the “war powers," or ‘the necessity of the case as in territories.' The war powers were at best more or less creatures of imagination, but in order to justify their continued exercise, these au thors of fiction have to imagine the war itself, since in reality none exists. Mr. Sumner says there is a quasi rebellion ; hence his argu ment for quasi war powers. This yuan rebel lion consists in tbe fact that no white man South of Mason and Dixon's line baa adopted Mr. Sumner’s peculiar notions that tbe blacks are equal in intelligence and superior in morality to the whites. We would respect tuliy suggest to President Johnson that he exercise his quasi war powers, by sending Mr. Sutnuei down South as a quasi army, with General Butler as a quasi Commissary of Subsistence, and authorize this truly tormidable host to discharge their quasi argu ments at, the aforesaid quasi rebels If the latter would not suffer more than a quasi punishment, we are no judges of what quasi means. ’ Os course tbe argument for the power of Congress, over the territories is fatal to the argument trom the guarantee clause in the Constitution, or vice versa. But this incon sistency ts no stumbling block to p«ople educated in tbe Sumner school „f i„gi C ." It has been diacovercdlhat sycamore leaves used m place ot buy or straw in hens' nest not only protect the hen from lice, but with white washing, the use of the leaves has entirely hautshed the vermin from the build tng. Mr. lIIIKI'MD 4Kb IHK Two Fkkun«.— Tim Woild »ay« : ' It in plain that Mr. Raymond would have Ud time for the next two year* to maimer hi* newspaper, or to reprwMt hi* district in Congr***, it every morning More taking < oil. r, he thould lie compelled to go out and take a slm| at such i|Ueu« of eeveral huudred reulanhailent, all, all Inault 1 o, ami all rhnlliig for their turn at the vill pending Jm.rnnlini. Uni apart Iron, the code let the lualler he I'h'.d, and it will he aeen that the two I > ..I*l. leader* *o blundered in .Imping (heir •oniruvw.y with Mi It.y.non.l a* to leave vk, t4 *»y. Without hi* ever ei .« . n.f hi, h aili mate pjerimtilva a* a lour i . .. u.* k* wm.ecly Jltaaa, and vet 1 • Mahoney and M. II lio.a.i Killian In.d Iheiueelve* **« oud l*»l In pulHuTopia. Potato* Lirnsiraa—The London pub lisher* sre preparing their holiday books. A new **4N of Once a Week is to commence with anew year. On the first of December, anew magazine, called Tbe Argoay, Is to I>e started. Mr. Charles Reade furnishes a serial »>vel for it. Mr. Dickens provides the frame work for some of hia All the Year Round writers this year, under tbe title of “Dr Marigold's Prescription*. ’’ ‘Rates and Taxes' is tbe title of tbe Christmas bopk edited by Mr. Thomas Hood, with tbe assistance of the clever band who last year produced the “Bunch of Eeys.” Chambers's Journal and Once a Week will each have a Christmas ■umber The Alabama Claims—Fcrthlh Cobbes pondknck.—A supplement to the London Gazette contains further additional corres pondence between Mr. Adams and Earl Rus sell relative to tbe departure of cruisers for the rebels from England. Russell repeats the argument that the British government acted upon precedent, and supplies memo randa showing that steps were taken to pre vent and punish breaches of neutrality. Every tepresentation of the American Minis ter was considered immediately and referred, when necessary, lo the law officers without delay. As iupOBTANT Rumor of Possible Intlk- FKBENCtt HT THE UNITED STATES. The New Orleans Times of Nov. 6, says, iD rela tion to the rumors of naval and military preparations, and tbe stoppage of the sales of Government stoies : “We have informa tion that we are not at full liberty to dis close, which gives positive corroboration to these rumors. Under the circumstances we hesitate not to predict that unless the French troops are removed from Mexico before Christmas there will b« active intervention on behalf of the Liberals of that country, and tbe traditional policy ot the United States will be vindicated." Fobkion Aid for Fbkedmkn. A meeting was held at Manchester, England, on the <>tb inst., to raise funds for tbe emancipated uegroes of the United States, the Mayor offi ciating as chairman. Several addresses were delivered; the speakers eloquently urging the claims of tbe negro on Lancashire aDd the country, and asking also for a grateful remembrance of the munificent gift of up wards of a quarter of a million sterling pre sented by American citizens during the great famine in Ireland and tbe cotton distress in Lancashire. A similar meeting was held in Paris on the 4th inst., M. Laboulaye presiding. Sev eral speeches were made, after which a col lection was afterwards made for the benefit of the uegroes It amounted to about eleven hundred trancs. A second meeting will be held, in the hope of a better material result. PHUFESSIONAL CAROS. Henry Williams, Attorney At Xjaw, OK KICK NO. 113 BAY STREET. (Over the Herald Readhferitoom,) oetlKtf SAVANNAH, Qa. JOHN KING, OANKEB and BROKER, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, V nd^ 8 h Dd * etli ’ 1(1 tD( * siiver ’ Uncurrent Mon and wold on commission. .CyyfctHmg at this and other points attended to, and tyscaep* remitted promptly. n!0-3w* Black. Rufus E. Lkbtkk. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, GA. Office at old atand of Norwood, Wilson A Lester, corner of Bay and Barnard street*. octl4-tt THOS CORWIN, WM. H. OWEN, THOB. WILSON, OF OUIO. LATK OOL. Q.M.D. OF IOWA. CORWIN, OWEN A WILSON, (Late Johnston, Corwin A Ftnnell.j ATTORNEYS AMD ■* COUNSELLORS AT LAW, And Solicitors of Claims, OFFICE, SS2 F STREET, Nias TREASURY BUILD ING, IN REAR OF WILLARD'S HOTEL, WASHING-TON, U.C. Will practice in the Supreme Court ol the United Stales, the Court of Claims, and the Courts ot the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to Claims and Depart ment business. Officers Accounts adjusted. au3o 3m DR. T. J. CHARLTON HAB RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF Medicine and Surgery. Residence and Office corner Whitaker and Perry streets. lm*-nli. JOHN B.GUIEU 4 SOS. STEAMBOAT AGENTS, AugHHtu, Gn. HAVING a tong experience in the Agency of Steamboat Companies for many years, we will give our persual attention to any consigned to our care. Augusta, Nov. G-lm C. S. BUNDY, Or e u o r a 1 Agent AND ATTORNEY FOR CLAIMS, No. 24T F Stiut, Bftwykn IS ini and 14th Sturt*, (Nsat Pay Department,) W(xshlrigtoxi, D. O. loth ti NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. I RESPECTFULLY announce mvself as a Candidate for the Office of Tax Collector at tbe election in January next, and hnmbly solicit yonr support. n*7 ts EDWARD POWER. To aU interested in Education. Educational Bureau or School Institute for the South. OBJECTS: Ist. To aid Colleges, Academies, Schools and Fami lies. who seek well qualified Teachers. ‘id. To represent Teachers who desire places. 3d. To give parents information of good Schools. 41 h To ael), rent, or exchange School properties, tth To furnish School Hooks and Materials, at pub lishers prices, tbns saving the retail profits. HENRY C. WAYNE, Director. JOHN O. FKRItILL, Secretaiy, For Cirrniar giving lurtlicr information address John t). Ferrlll, Secretary. Savannah. Gh. nST-tf JOHN H. DEPPISH, umai.kk in HARDWAEE Cutlery, Files. Edge Tools, And Agricultural Implements. Al*o, SHOT, POWDER, LEAD and CAPS. 14M Corn/rets and (17 St. Ju/ian ffrtc/*, BAVANNAIJ, UA n'J7lw LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND HOHTICU LTUHR 'lMlEutwl. rained jUWjrupMnd w u>kk, miy klud A.idiS.Wfe' 1 '** I“*' in onlei Ant tl' lal wal.'l Hoiks Slid lysiyilduil peiluliilna In In niioiriilai liardsus and to do all klints us i.imuilno, Onlers mar la Ml SI Hie ilcisl.l effia* . w a i> r.i.MAii a Hu,, hvril fw lands* a|a i.aideiwis OKV GOODS AND CLOTHING. It'you W'aiit A Nice Business Suit call at HEIDT Si LUDLOW, C* i bboii'n Range. uov2o-10 CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. THE sal»ac!lt»er having formed a Cos partnership with Mr. J. C. Ludlow, under the firm name of Heidt A- Ludlow, respectfully calls the attention of hia friends and the public generally to their large stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes and Hats, which they are now opening, and will sell at Wholesale and Retail, at 71 St. Julien and 152 emi gres streptis Gibbon’s Range. oct6-2m E. HEIDT. Blankets 1 Flanncs CLOTHS AND CABSIMERES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS * FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap by ~" 11. HAYM, oct2l 174 Broughton street. H. HAYM, 174 Brougfhton Strcot. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Ac. Just received and for sale at the lowest pi tees by °ct23 H. HAYM. FINE CUSTOIYI MADE CLOTHING. PDONKLAN. Merchant Tailor, hasjust received a . large invoice of New and Elegant Styles of FRENCH CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, selected with care In the New York Market, in accordance with the latev fashions ofthe day. Young geniteincn desiring a Nobby Suit, made up from Stylish Goods, cannot bo better suited in Savannah. Mr. Donelan has facilities for getting up Garments in the best style, unequs.. A by any other establishment in the cily, having secured ihe best workmen, and enlarged hia store, in orderthat his work may be done entirely under bis own super vision. PETEK DONELAN, Merchant Tailor. Bull street, n!3 Next door to the Post office. NEW NOVELS OUK MUTUAL FRIEND; by Chas. Dickens, Com plete and unabridged, one volume. Illustrated Pries *l. Rose Douglas. Price $1 60. lover's'l rials. Price $1 so. Red Court Farm, by Mrs Henry Wood. Price 76c. Self Sacrifice. Price *1 50. Mildred Arkell. Slice $2. East Lynne; or, the Earl's Daughter. Price Toe. Angelin*; by the author of " The Gift. ” Price 50c. The Banker's Secret; by tile author of "Cos How ard." Price 76c. Sir Jasnci V Tenant; by Mis. Braddon. Price 76c. Match Making. Price 60c. Hickory Hall; by Mrs. Sonthworth. Price 50c. George Francis Train’s Speech t > the Fenlaus Price 26c. The Bush Rangers, price $2 00. Major Jones’Sketches of Travels, 75 cts., and a further supply of his other works. Also the complete works of Dickins, Walter Scott, and other favorite authors. Cheap editions, at KSTILI.S’ NEWS DEPOT, Bull street, Back of the Post Office, Down Stairs. nov24 ts Great Bargain. A NEAT and commodious Cottage Dwelling, with brick outhouses attadud, will be sold if applied for immediately, situated in Robert*ville, on Roberta street. Price, $3,000. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER, At Henry Wayne’s Stables, n2l-tf West Broad street. THE Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the State of Georgia, 116 BROIGHTON STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for sale at New York prices. Sewing .Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done, nil FOR SALE. ONE splendid lour or six horse Wagon, with Har ness to match. Also four Mules. Enquire at the atibles of Henry Wayne, West Broad street. tf-nIC TO THE CITY AND COUNTRY MER CHANTS. W. H. TULLER & CO,, No. 70 Ht, *7llllOll street, 4 RE receiving by every steamer, from their house in New York, the following Goods: Shoes, Shirts, Hats, Notions, Hosiery, mid so on, which they will sell by the Lots, at a s nail advance on New York cost, Gentlemen call and examine our stock, and you will find our terms reasonable. mmm kid cloves. ALSO, a fine assortment of Silk, Wool and Buck skin Ulorss and Gauntlets. Just opened at EINSTEIN A KCK.YIAN, n23-tl 151 congress street J. C. KOCH, No. 3B Seekman Street, Corner of William, NEW YORK, Manufacturer of Stationery, Photographic Albums, Music Puper, Folios, Books, Ac. u2l-3m j Snuff, Snuff. JI’ST received, Invoice Scotch and Macaboy Snuff, and for sale by M J. SOLOMONS A CO., nl7-tf Joiien' Buildings, Bay street. Notice. CONSIGNEES p.r JOS. W. WEBSTER, from New York, will alicud to the reception of their gonda, anting this day at Exchange wharves nil To the Merchants of Savannah. fltllK uuderaiguMi. Committee from Metropolitan Fire * Company, will wait upon ih* Merchants and Unci ness Men (Killscity This nay, in aollrit sulisciiptions fm tb* puiehiias ol a Stosm rirr Engine. They iiiqa' far a prompt and genii oil. respoua* from then fellow i iliacn. JNO H PI LIDS', GKO II JOIIN«TQN, Ja , WM. N. \ AI.LKAU, imv4 4>,a, nolle, S. M; GOLDING, Wholesale and Retail Dealer lu MIX, 'JAPS. HOOTS, MIOKX, - KuriibblßK Uoomln, Nil* lf.ii riiNUIIKNH H I KE ST, um •writ > . la I COMMIktvIO, Itl.HI HANTS, Ate. F. M. MYRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, GKMICKAL tUMMISMIIS A%'D FOB WARDING AIK HUH A NT, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, OA. Harris’ Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low A Refern to Metfert*. Hunter & Gammed, Crane, John son Jt Graybill : Beil. Wylly & Christian . Both well A Whitehead; Miller, Thomas A Cos.; M. A. Cohen, Eiq. v npJt If WM. H. Ti*ON. WM. W. GORDON Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. 9f» BAY STREET, Savannah, ------- Georgia., Special attention will be given t<. tbe sale of Lumber, Roein, Turpentine, A., oct24-3m «• M. SORREL. A. fl. SORREL SORREL BROTHERS, CHIPPING, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, u* 82 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. References: Messrs. If. K. Corning, Son k Cos, N. Y.; Messrs. Peter V. King A Cos.. N. Y.; Messrs. Fish er, Brothers A Cos., Baltimore.; Messrs. S. AW. Welsh, Philadelphia; National Bank, Savannah, Ga.; Francis Sorrel. Esq , Savannah. Ga’Clias. Green,Esq., Savan nah, Ga.; T. R. Bloom, Esq., Macon, Ga. oct!7 in* D. H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York. SMSES}*-*-- oct4-3m } Hannah. A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MBRIC.HANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GA. oct!4-tf JAMES B. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, W ines and Liqners, 17X BROAD STREET, a AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDRRS ofMerchandiee wishing to realise imme diately will consult their intercuts by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns mado at the most reasonable rates. «ep4-3m Hknry L. Jewittt. James I. Snides. Jewett At Snider, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND GENERAL AGENTS, Scoond Street, Alucon, Georgia, (Between Cherry and Poplar.) Prompt personal attention given to all consign ments of cotton, produce, untnufactures and other articles of merchandise. Orders and consignments solicited from all parts of the counlry. Best attentiou given to orders lor purchasing cotton. Agents for sevsrul first class InHurauce Companies. n9-tf _ C. H. BENEDICT & CO., No. Broad Street, New York, Produce and Flour Commission merchants, Dealers in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac, Special attention to Southern Orders Consignments ou General Merchandise solicited. oct!7 3m TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNEK, UENNETT A BOWMAN, Buccetuiors to Hotchkiss, Fenner A Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vesev Stbxxt, ~iw Yobs. Ami Memphis, Tenn. Thumbs Fknnes, Usmbt Denmei-t, D. W. Bowmen. jyo ot. CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Skipping Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. JONES BLOCK, CORNER HAT ▲££> AUEROORM STREET SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the firm of Chas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE A WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. references; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarive Slade, New York. Bon. J Wiley Edmonds, Boston. Gardner Colby, Eng., Boston. sep 18—ti Woodward, Baldwin & to., 110 Dunne Street, New York, 0 and II Ilanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODd COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Consignments, Sheetings, Osnaburgs and Yams. jyiß joil\ s. sms & to., Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIB’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. 8. SAMMU. ED. O. BAMUIE CHAM. L. MATHER auli ts J.SHAFFER, Oommlsaioxx Coaler In all kinds of FOREIGN AND I> (MKSTIC FRUITS »an PRODUCE, Wist IVuhikoton Market, Opposite 143 West st., Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW YORK. Potatoes. Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up for the Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. IF" Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, ami J. H Carsons. IvlV endlv MACKY, BEATTIE & CO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 203 aud 20S Bay Street. SAVANNAH, Gn. OFFKR for sale to Wholesale Merchant, upwards of four hundred fern, barrels of Whiskey, western distillation, of variuiis brands and jjnalitic., together with a large amount uflrUh and Scotch Malt Whis kies, Brandy, Wines, Slid Gins, at Philadelphia or New York prices, expen.e. added, or wo will fill all orders in the alMivr named cllles, at the luWest market prices, delivered on board anv boats of toe regular lines lu connection with the above, we should be pleaaed to HU all orders of Country Produce from Pblladel nhla or New York markets Flour, Bacon. Grain, laird, Lime, Nall, Ac., a large quantity of which we have on hand and udbr for aale un lbs most reason aide term. We are uiepaml at all times to make advances on Southern Produce consigned to our baue In PbUadsl pltla. MACKY It BEATTIE, V 6 tiontli Water stnN't. sept* krn DM* nod l»M Msikel street I jv<T|MMil Sail, niH MAUI IN U»TU TO Ul IT PHHi UAtMM*. aMr »• I»id)r*, lndvtiurtt k Jsuite), nil 1) hi4d«fd* Manup stal.a COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ~ SOUTHERN COTTON WAREHOUSE, CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STS., SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON & CO„ FACTORS, Forwarding A Commission MERCHANT., I>EBPECTFULLY invite attention to our facilities it; for the purchase or movement of Southern Product*, and will give prompt attention to all busi ness entrusted to our care. Intending to establish permanently a House in Savannah expect by strict business principle* to merit and receive a portion of the Trade. Having a commodious Warehouse for Cotton, we are prepared to boy, or receive on consignment to our friends iu New York or Europe, and will make ad vance* on same ; picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous ex P£ Dße incurred in Northern ciiic6 oy this process.— They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining State-*. OFFICE, STODDABD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, W Post Office Address, Lock Box 25. oct7-3m 4. T. OUMNINGIIAM. D. o. PURSE. B. J. LABOOMBE. CUNNINGHAM, PUR SE & CO Factors, forwarding and commission MERCHANTS, No. 4 Stoddard's Lower Stores, Bay street. Savannah. Ga. References—RobL Habersham A Rons, Hunter A Gammell, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin A Cos., Erwin A Hardee, Claghorn A Cunningham. eep4-3m SOUTHERN AND WESTERN LAN X>. Collection and Commission Agency, handle Southern land and property of all descriptions. Parties wishing to sell are invited to forward lists.— Numerous applications now on file from parties wish ing to purchase. Make collections on all parts of the country. Pay especial attention to the sale and disposal of Southern products, ami makd advances on direct consignments. MATTHEW H BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st., New York. BKFEKRNOEB BT PERMISSION Hon. Benjamin Fitzpatrick. Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Nephews A Cos., Bankers, 38 Broadway. Messrs. H. B. Clufin A Cos , Importers, New York. A. W. Green leaf, Esq., Banker, N. Y. n9-3m Alfred R. Bennett,) « Y k Ciiab. H. Bennett, Jab. C. Van Pelt, f « e " *©rk JUlcigh,N.C. Bennett, Van Pelt & Cos., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALK OF COTTON TOBACCO, NAVAL STORES, ETC., ALSO, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF STATE AND OTHER STOCKS, 33 Whitehall St., New York. We have associated with us Air. D. W. Curtis, late Public Treasurer tor North Carolina. n9-6m JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. octlii 6 m IT. Cxowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAY ST&SBT, ANDERSON’S WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. oct2-3m SCRANTON. SMITH & CO., Grocers and Commission Mercliants, WOULD be happy to see the former patrons and friends, and the public generally, at their store at the head of Bay utreet, opposite Jefierson, where they will be at all times happy to serve them, nlft-lui BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & CO.. Bryan Strut, next to Merchants’ and Planters' Bank Building, Broker and Commission Agents FOB SALE AND PURCHASE OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &c., And for Forwarding Cotton. nov2 3mo Fordyce, Anderson & Janney, Broken and General Commission merchants, NO. 10 STODDARD’S RANGE, Savannah, Ga. Dealers in Specie, Southern Bank Notes, Bonds and Stocks, Exchange on the Northern cities, Augusta and Charleston, bought and Bold Liberal advances made on consignments to onr correspondents at the Nurth. Refer to Third National Bank, Messrs. Beebe, Keech A Cos., Messrs. Merchant A Carman, Messrs Hall A Huckell, New York; Messrs. Carman, Merchant A Shaw, Philadelphia; Messrs. Wm. Lamping A Cos., Messrs. G. H. Reese A Bros.. Baltimore; Messrs. K. Habersham A Sons, Messrs. Hunter A Gammeil, Mr. Geo. W. Anderson, Mr. G. B. Lamar, Savannah. nov2lm OXO. D. FOWLS. WH. K. BOY. Ill'llll BICE FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. * Office, 70 Broadway, NKWYORK, ootifi * Cm G. B. A G. W. LAMAR, General Commission Merchants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, MU. 94 DAY SPREE r, (upstairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno. C. FerrclandG. B. Lamar, Savannah; W. E Jackson. Joslah Sibley A Sous, J. 1). AJ. W. Walker, Augusta. Consignments solicited. Cm-nov2 w. j. dlair. a. j. Smith. w. w. keek. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No. 398 Broad Street. AUGUSTA, GA., General Commission Merchants, And Agents for the Sale of Manufnctnrod Toliaooo. WUI Purchase and Sell, on Commission, Cotton. CottMgOoiKlf, Wines, Liquids, Produce and Msrcbau disc of every description. Consignment* solicited. tmnM LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO., 141 II rnnd wu y, N#w York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AHfMH AllMNllr I'WMI Nall Mlraia whip 4'om|»mm|. AdvtMsn Kinds on ttut.tguinaM* ks JNO N WIUMh. ueta in Us tshush COMMISSION MERCHANTS. s. r. r.Ttuo!., j. a. tci-cck. PATERSON A TUCKER, (Formerly J. T. Pateraoti A Cos„ of Augffiita. Ga.) General Commission, Forward ing and Shipping Merchants, No. 9 tfloddard's Lower liange, OPPOSITE MARINER'S CHURCH, BAY STREET, Savaiinali, Oa. |T A VK made arrangements for Shipping Cotton, Tim her. Rice, Ac., lo first class lious*** in Europe and New York Will make liberal advances on all consign mente. Also, will buy and sell Timber or Lumber on Commis sion. We have facilities for obtaining ('barter* for V’easels at moderate rates. Personal attention will be given to the receiving, forwarding and to the sale* of all merchandize entrust ed to oqr care. We have a commodious warehouse for storage. References-Dowling * Cos., London : Gibbs, Bright A Cos., Liverpool; Bradford A Renick. New York ; J. E. Bayley A Cos., Philadelphia ; James Oakes, Boston; E. Latitte, Charleston,. 8. C.; R. H. May, fMay or,} Au gusta Ga.; Geo. R. Crump A Cos., Augusta, Ga ; Hal sey, Watson A Cos., Buvunnah, Oa.; D. B. Thomson, Colnmbus, Ga.; James Gann A Son, Richmond, Va.; Clayton, Adair A Purse. Atlanta. Ga. nov3 JC H N I. MOORE, General Commission Merchant, * AND Steamboat ’.Argent, Augusta, Gta. n23-12 GEO. H- ARLEDGE, 7? BAY STREET, Grocer and Ship Chandler, Commission anti Forwarding Mer chant, I WOULD respectfully solicit a liberal share of pa tronage from my friends and acquaintances, guar anteeing to give entire satisfaction and eUI M the lowest market prices. Orders from the country will receive immediate and prompt attention. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. novlU JOHN MXRRYMAN. R. U. WARING. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agencv FOR the sale of Guano, Fertilisers, Live Stock, Im plements and Machinery, Seeds, Ac. 07 W. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. Refer to John S. Gittings, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chas. Goodwin, Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more; E. C. Wade & Cos. and P. U. Behn, Savannah. nl4-3m ESTABLISHED 1826. H. J. DICKERSON, Harbor Master, OFFICE OPEN AT ALL HOURS OF THE DAY No. 1 Harris* Buildings. SAVANNAH, GA. hov4 im Latest trom Lgypt! PENNY'S NEW EXTRACT OF THE EGYTIAN LOTUS, anew und exquisite Perfume tor the handkerchief. Cleopatra and the ladies of the present day using the same perfume. TnE EGYPTIAN LOTUS! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS!! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS! 11 Manufactured byF. A.Pinny, Brooklyn, New York. K. A. LOVEJOY, Agent, n'J-'lm 93 Fniton street, N, Y. FOR SALE. 1 A BBLS No. 1 Mackerel 1 ” 10 bbls No. 2 Mackerel 10 bbls No. 3 Mackerel 25 half bbls No. 1 Mackerel 25 half bbls No. 3 Mackerel 150 kits No. 2 Mackerel 150 kits No. 2 Mackerel 4«* tubs Choice Lard 18 tubs Choice Butter 4 firkins Choice Butter. The above lot are fresh and new, and will be off ered low, to close consignment. CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., nov23 Corner Abercorn and Bay streets. -Wholesale Boots and Shoes ! Fellner and Poliak, IS7 Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga., ARE enabled, through their permanent House in Boston, to furnish Jobbers and Dealers in this city as well as those in the country, with more ad vantages and conveniences in the Boot and Shoe Trade, than any house in said line, novl-fim For Sale, 1 til If | BUSHELS Prime White Corn AOUU 2000 bushels Prime White Oats ns N. A. HARDER A CO. Strayed or Stolen, A DARK BAY' HORSE, aliout ten hands high, with long tail anil short mane, and bet ween eight and nine years old, with no peculiurmarka. He dis appeared from Montgomery on Sunday night last.— Any Information In reference to him will he thank fully received and liberally rewarded, if left at the office of the Dally Herald. n22-tf NOTICE. THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal "Weakness iu all its worst forms without the use of medicine.— Please send for my Circular, enclosing 10 cent* for postage. Address J. M. RUSSELL, oetlo-3m Boston Mash. Notice. CENTRAL R. R. A BANKING CO. OF 0A.,1 Savannah, Nov. 14, 1805 j mi IK Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ol thl» A Company will be held on Thursday, the 14th of December next, ut the Hanking House in Savannah, at 10 o'clock, a. m. A lull attendance Is earnestly re quested. GEO. A. GUYLRK, uU-lm I C'a^ller. PLATED WARE. JUST received, * small invoice of heavy Fluted Forks and Spoons, smorUal for mb’by M J. HOLOMIINH A 00 , nil ts Julies' Buildings, Bay »treet. NOTICE. MAVANNAII, Nov IMh. lattA pmmg Uiy aloMMlfrom Ihe illy or State Mr. (' II lluilw I.any duly iuib»rlr#d sgrm „n I W TIIOMPHON sti;i:u:al hi hhanh, II N.rrliaMl* H«w, llllloa ll.nd. n«. <■ CtAIJ. Ute nttMllbMl of Wli iMHtI. Mol Itoioll pur / clinswrs U> 110 li Mipurtor shall ol NIMTAMV A Kill WAVAI. IMPI'IIIkU, nJMNi«MINi7‘uOGIM. A ado* • h»h» Faioy Giaata, Jowiliy. M(d I’islaU WMaiwofre. iMhas NGt* kwlaotdevtw.ib*aa, 1 *4Ol PMI Mlsawa, 0*a»ll»G WUivml Si its , S< HAVANNAI, I BUSINESS DIRECTORY COMMISSION MERCHANTS' au24 l a. «-*»v tw Julian eta Highest market mice* n.ia'r* U^, ”' ®*- I WooL Beeswax, etc. Liberal cj t^“; I> 11. BKHM, FACTOR AND e MISSION MERCHANT, B,y CoM etand, Savannah, Ga. * * re “' " e " old X _____ _ ■ an IjSrwl* Hi Hardee, J COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I _ Bay street. Savrti,,. u h ... DRY GIXJDS. Jo*‘»» Mrionaghy, ■ DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ae. Samuel M. Lederer, Jobber~ioi,i (~., ~ Fanov *N» STAPnx Dev Gam*,, Arnfso' enoxmao. Hate, Ac. 140 Oung^S,^ GROCERIES, M Vtnt £ Co s" M sale Dealer in , • ~'“sassissaif ——— Ijj* Broughton streef BILLIARDS. &.r B '“’■lia’SSiaESSKys'OHA Btreet « over Express Office. Cluiri** Saloon, (lu rear of Post nffim. v n 4' GAS FITTING, &c. Weed A Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Habdwaee and Tin Wm No. 169 and I*l Broughton street. U Cranston, a PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, 91 Bryan at., next to cor. Whitaker. T3 AvuiU. ' -—- -T . SEGARS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, Ac Barnard street, one door Bouth of the Market. PRINTING, STATIONERY, &c. Snvilie A Leacii, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, e . Oor. Bryan afreet and Market Square. Marking Ink, Manor actcbeo and for sale by DAVID H. GALLOWAY, /Yeo. N. Nichols, VT BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Bay gt„ between Abercorn and Drayton. L'' J ‘ I *rse, LITHOGRAPHER, STATIONER. XLfa BINDER, JOB PRINTER, Ac. No. 0 Whitaker street. C W. Maaon A Cos., Ca HERALD JOB PRINTING OFFICE. No. 11l Bay street ATTORNEYS. WM. O. Harden, ■ ATTORNEY AT LAW, I*s Bay street, ♦ ill4-lm » Savannah. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. FB. Jordan, Dealer in Watcuee and Jeeklev, « Silvee and Platek Ware. FancyUcm, Ac. tST Watches and Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st„ opposite the Pulaski House. PHYSICIANS. Jos, w. can, m. and, Cor. South Broad and Bamard-sts., OrnuE HotißS—9 to 10 A. M., and 4t05 g. M„ PIT Residence—Mr. Wash’s, Broughton Street, nO-lm one door east Masonic Hall. DRUGGISTS. WM. Wialak, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, aul4 Sourheaet cor. Barnard and Broughton sts. I A. Soloiaaoaaa & Cos., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. IF" Orders executed accurately and with despatch. BOOTS AND SHOES. Awies A Peabody, Jobbers in Men's, Women's, and Children’s Calf, Serge and Kid HOOTS and SHOES, of all kinds and qualities. 152 Congress sL, 4th door North of the Market. QUEENSWARE, &c. ED. Smyth, QUEENSWARE GLASS AND • CHINA, at Wholesale and Retail. 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of Bull CONFECTIONERY. M Fitzgerald, • WHOLESALE AND EETAIL OEALEB IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY ani> RASPBERRY SYRUPS, CANDIES, Ao., Ac., I*' - In any quantities, to suit Purchasers. .HI < wnrrAEEE^STBEETj^^^ SODA WATER. John Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, PORTER and ALE, CORDIALS, SYRUPS, Ac. Cor IbcyHiid \Vost Broad^treets. Hay, Hay. 17CJQ BALES Prime Northern Hsy, per Schr Clara IDA Pickett. For sale to arrive. ct2:l BRT CHAM, BALLWIN A CO. Paper andßagWarehouse Warren & Platner, TXTHOLESALB dealers in all kinds of coarse and » T fine Paper, Envelops, Twines and Paper Boxes. Sole Agents ill this city for the Bath Paper Mills. The highest cash prices paid for Rags, Old Rope aud Bagging and Waste Paper, In large or small quantities. octlO-tf 210 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY THE STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1869. ALL persons who shipped Goods by the Steamer Sa vannah, on the above named day, are requested to call immediately at the store of F. M. Myrcll, Esq, Harris’ Buildings, Bay street, and identify such gooda as have been saved from tbe wreck ofthe steamer. J. W. WOLCOTT, n2O Agent NOTICE. Steamship Chase. C CONSIGNEES or owners of goods per steamship ) Chase, on voyage from New York. October -tab 19115, will please present copies of Invoiees; als", claims for short deliveries and deductions lor II anv, to the undersigned, "n 01 before the 16th of December next, for tbe purpose of maklug the jnstnient ofthe general average. . HUNTER A GAMMELL car Mu con Telogrugh, Augusta Conalilulionsfist and Atlanta Intelligencer, please copy and send bill this office. u3A~tn TO GARDENERS. Onion Bets. f UHT reielveil, live bill* Choice WhlU Onion B*‘» el Will be sold low, lo close coualgnrnent, by M. J ■OLOMONB <f <»> . |||7 |f B*> ** ' , nunnw IRON WORKS. PUSSY, JONES k 00., WII«lll*t4Nli l>4*l»%»«»**•• MANIIFAITUNN Iran R*.ml. al. Waurn . Noßat., Mai blewr fca Mu Mll'k *' *•*"., J bad loop i .uibdo. Iw loi.lma* and Vt>>* -IlhTor rICSRi Isalßtfci h* dung woih F«9p*#*4 In *«•*#•* * nMli **•«!« km