Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 01, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH PATTY HERALD. VOL. I— NO. *272. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) 18 PUVLUUiU> BY w. MAHON & CO AT 111 Bit Stkebt, Savaknah, Gkobuia. value: ... Five Cent*. per Copy.-- *3 50. Per hundred *lO 00, P<*t Year AnVKBTISIHO: _ n -,M..ra oer Sunnre of Ten Lines for first In r; n ,Mur q ,oreach ,unequal one. Ad inserted in the morning, will. If desired, "'"rill the evening without extra charge. m ~0» PBINTING. In every style. neatly and promptly done. by telegraph TO TUB Daily Herald. pROM NORTH CAROLINA. important Dispatch From President Johnson. Organization of Both Brunelies of the Legislature. GEN. GRANT AND STAFF IN RALEIGH. Rai.i-.igh, Nov. 28.—' The following dis patch from President Johnson to Provisional Governor Holden, is printed in the morning papers: -, Washington, Nov, 27th, 1865. 11. IP. Holilen. Prov Gov. frc. Accept my thaoks for the noble and effic ient manner in which you have discharged your duly as Provisional Governor. You wilt be sustained by the Government. Ttic result of the recent election in North Carolina iias greatly damaged the prospects of the State in regard to its restoration to governmental relations. Should the action and spirit of the Legis lature be in the same manner, the fact will greatly increase the mischief already done, and might he fatal. It is hoped the action and spirit manifest ed by the Legislature wili be directed rather to repair than increase the difficulties under wliic; the State has already placed itself. [Signed, 1 AFDREW JOHNSON, President United States. Thus. Little, a staunch Union man was elected Speaker of the Senate to-day. Both Houses having completed their organization, adjourned until to-morrow. Gov. Holden s health is improving. Uu.eiGH, Nov. 29. —Gen, Grant and staff accompanied by Genls. Huger and Hardin, and Dr. Sloan,- Slate Agent and Treasurer, called on Gov. Holden this morning, spend ing an hour or more with him. Gov. Holden expressed regret that the state of his health would not allow him to pay more attention to the distinguished visitors. The interview was pleasant and agreeable. Gen. Giant was invited to visit the Legis- ISTure, and was formally introduced to both Houses. He leaves to-night for Charleston,. S. C. v f * •Mobile Cotton Market. Mobile, Nov. 2#.—The sales of Cotton to day reached 400 bales, Middlings selling at 47 cents. The market closed dull. Theatricals. —“The Streets of New York" is the attraction at Grover’s Theatre, Washington, D. C. Mr. E. L. Davenport’s personation of Sir Giles overreach at Wal lnrk s Theatre (New York) last Saturday evening is very highly spoken of by the critics of that ci'y, who compare his acting with that of the elder Booth. Mr. J. W.< Wallack is to be the leading man at this theatre. Mr.' Davenport leaving to take charge of the New theatre in Fourteenth street on the off nights of the French drama. Miss Jean Hosmer has been playing an en gagement at Norfolk, Va. A Norfolk jour nal speaks of her in flattering terms, and states that she was born in New England, which "affords an exemplification of the fact that a good thiDg can come out of Nazareth.’’ At last, accounts “The Serf’ had been per formed 106 times in London. Mr. F. S. Chanfrau iias made a great hit in “Sam" at the Broadway Theatre, New York. It has been played nearly six weeks and draws crowded houses. Tlic Charleston South Carolinian believe g the report well founded that General Dau Sickl.-s lias power ami instructions from the President of the United States to reconvoke the Slate Convention, for the purpose of bb tlining from the Convention the adoption of two distinct measures : First, the repudia tion ot the State war debt; and, secondly, the nullification (as distinguished from the repeal) of the Ordinance ot Secession. I he French Courier, of New York, affects to be indignant at the appointment of Gen eral Logan as United States Minister to the Republic of Mexico, and pronounces it a provocation.” It adds, in substance, that the I rencti troops now will not leave Mexi eo. France is allied with Mexico now, right wron g. aud will maintain the alliance. The Augusta Constitutionalist learns that ji U| te a number of plantations in that vicinity , tUe changed hands lately, the purchasers m °stly parties from the North. The | i . r ‘° Plantation, in Columbia county, was „ n ,n Monday, to Mr. Charles Hancock, of 1 eunsvlvania. Decision.—The Com a< to H r Internal Revenue to-day decided trusi „» e um " uu, of stamp duty on a deed of Great iv™’’/ >*Wg<: given by tiie Atlantic and K p estcrn Railway Company to John bank ” ’i„ rUSI#4 ’ of «>e city of N'ew York, sand iu “ n , 9v 7 !r t 0 Bn inquiry if one thou *"tlii i. nt "tn IU lntfcrnal rev< - nue stamps was unjoin,t ,ft?, Cover 11,0 BHlno, ,I|<J entire fi.m it u.„i i m o«gsge being, 10 the nnn i, l , r Ti r, ‘ •ntenral revenue stamps Were p,,. ’ III 1 <>, 1 §BO,OOO, and if said stamps nuhviu e„ J( 'hereto the bonds of suld •' ' ompany he invnlld. C, nl 'u” || Mt * ra, klp Western Metropolis, e,,i H ... , Hilton, arrived from Apalaihl briuglm’S';, l “ Now Yotk Friday last. j,„ " iroe tltousand Imlus of cotton, the su iiin , »“ r 1,1 from that port in a mh , ' '•tore have so fur been ship "u„i i | I, "' lw ' ,,,u "l*»t*Hiithiriy-al«th«u. tltoii.ui.Vi*iif° f <o,u,n ' thcru were ten Tim, tli«ru ho Ilia l#lb Hie tony thousand hale* Mill up *m* r , h Uto ? U rlvßr ' will corns ituklMe a “* iU * " f *»‘«r iNtrmlu, 1,,, ***•» •d«Uly,l Mss m *t*l|*p«d Ibsnes Ibi* Cssmio OUR NEW YORK LETTER. New York, Nov. 25. j KigUty-two Y ear. Ago Today the red-coats of John Bull left this town, shook the dust of Manhattan from their bro. gans, left in disgust, satisfied with their ex perience hereabouts, and the three corner halted continentals, barefooted hut patrioti cally enthusiastic, again took possession, and they and their descendants have held it ever since. Could the two forces of those days look down on this swarming metropolis, they would be somewhat astonished at the busy multitudes intent on mouey making, and would doubtless wonder where the ten or fifteen thousaud well drilled soldiers who paraded and were reviewed by Gov. Fenton yesterday afternoon, were raised. Perhaps, too, they might draw some comparisons be tween this well equipped aud finely armed body of men, and the ragged old revolution ary patriots of eighty-two years ago. Crime seems wonderfully on the increase here aud in this vicinity, as well as in other parts of the country. Our papers teem with robbe ries, garrolings, burglaries, and the like, and yet they do not print one-half of the police reports. The awful murder in Brooklyn is the last of a series of murders which has taken place within a lew weeks in that dim ly lighted city, aud the fact that the city of churches is one of the darkest holes on the civilized portion of the continent, seems to be taken as an invitation to all robbers aud cut-tbroats to make it their base of horrible operations. Not a housewife in that city dare leave a wasiiing out over night, and there are very lew who travel its streets but carry revolvers, even going to and coming from prayer meetings, festivals, concerts, or the theatre. Serious talk is had of forming vigilance committees over there, who will keep the gas lights burning despite the op position ot the Aldermen whose constituents in tbs back slums bad rather have darkness than light. Tile Alalanta** Passengers are being fumigated, puiged. and bat lied, preparatory to being allowed to come to the city. All evidences of the cholera are ra pidly passing off, and Di. Sayre is unremit ting in his exertions tor their welfare and the safety of our citizens. The government pro mised a vessel to place the passengers in, on which they would be removed from all dan ger of contagion—the city also promised their hospital ship—but neither have yet been furnished, and Messrs. Winterly, the well known steamship proprietors, kindly placed one of their vessels at the disposal of Dr. Sayre. Their baggage and ciotbiug, as weil as their persons, will be thoroughly cleansed before being permitted to land. The Gale of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, was one long to be remembered. It rollicked around and strammed about like a child with a first class attack of wind cholic, knocking cbimnies down, ripping awnings to shreds, blowing down halt finished houses, fences, sheds, old barns, and trees, and louse things generally took to themselves wings. Um brellas were of no-account whatever, neither were petticoats nor such-like—old Boreas was on a bender, aud it an umbrella tried to protect a pretty face, he rudely smashed it to get a peep at beauty, and as rudely exposed to admiring gaze pretty ankles and—so forth! He was very rough—he was. Th« Inundation which Jupiter Plnvius inflicted upon us was appreciated highly by car-drivers, eoach jehus and stage proprietors. Gen. Grant seem ed to have brought with him one of his old fashioned, three days’ Virginia showers, and by so doing performed a llauk movement on our citizens, who really desired to give him one of those hearty ovations which only can be given on Broadway, by our tens of thou sands who would have hi-hi’d and roared their surging welcome to him as he rode by under escort ot our favorite Seventh regi ment. The number of rats and strumpets driveu out of low cellars aud bagnio's on Greenwich, West and South streets was per fectly appailmg, and the police had plenty of hu.-ipess in killing the thousands of the first mentioned, and providing shelter for the last mentioned species. The gale aud its aqueous accompaniment is happily over, and we have a bracing atmosphere and clear skies again. Vive la Republicans Mcxieana. I have yet to see the fact chronicled in our papers, that, on the recent anual parade of our Eighth regiment, one of the best in our city. Colonel Variun made an address to his command in support of the Monroe doctrine, and closed by urging all the members to use their influence in the community for Hite ex pulsion of Maximilian from Mexico. The regiment subsequently marched down Broad way, halting in front of the Headquarters of the Republic of Mexico, where the “green, white and red” flag of that nation was salut ed by the command being drawn up in line, with the band playiug, arms at the piesent, and a dress parade was gone through with. Great enthusiasm was manifested, in which the thousands of our people who were at tracted thither by the display, heartily joined. Tbeie is no mistaking the feeling in this community on this subject, which is strongly in favor ol ejecting the French millions from the soil of Mexico, even if Phil. Sheridan and his boys have to cross the Rio Grande and lay seige to the far-famed Hallsofthe Monte zumas. It would take hut a very short time to raise ten or twelve regiments in this vi cinity for a raid among the chapparel of Mexico. European Scum of society causes us more expense in the way of prisons and pauper establishments in tiie proportion of three to one for our own native criminals and poor. During the last ten years, it appears by actual statistics, there have been seventy-seven, out of every one hundred, paupers who were foreigners—or about four foreigners to one native who has claimed tiie benefits of the poor-bou9e. Os the criminals convicted during the past ten years two out of every three were foreign ers ! The foreign population of this State is only twenty-six per cent. —thus showing conclusively lliat we are indebted to our friends across the water for the heavy ex penses incurred for reformatory and corroc tional institutions. A Disgusted MugUtrnti could have been found at our Police Court last Friday afternoon. He had sentenced some half dozen of the worst scoondreU that ever infested this crime-crowned metropolis to various terms, for gurroting, slung-shot ting, stabbing, shooting, burglarising, rob bing, and*othor little idiosyncratic eccentri cities, and the villians had iiad their murder ous countenances and carcasses removed to prison, when, 10, anil behold, who should turn up in great auxiety aud brow-beating manner, but some hall-dozen of our Alder men and common couDciliuen, who Itcseigcd the immovable Judge to release their pets, who had thus been dealt with according lo law and their just deserts! Uit uot dig graceful—but such is the fact 4 Nlartllng r«H, au<l one which iuteiests the whole country as wail aa this city, is presented in the an nual report of the Association for the tin j prominent of lbs JW of New York Tne 1 report states that the HrttWh aroveruinent persists 111 shipping convicted It lout to this country, (laying limit passag*. ’(‘lie |»lls of I,nudou era frequently ulcired in this way, Ilia "London Prlsonuis' Alt) tint inly being an Mianelva almoner In tlia way of furnish lug irwtspoflsilou lo llilsyus, giiiours sod SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER I. 1865. cut-throats to New York on our sailing pack ets. Quite a number of receutly arrested criminals, especially oi the garroting profes sion, have staledto our authorities that they were sen' to this country by tiie London and Liverpool authorities. Some of these im ported felons hud muroerers are sometimes sent back, hut more of them remaiu, becom ing inmateYof, our prisons, or else become instructors cj crime to the hundreds of uu furlupate and uucared for juveniles who, like tqpay, '‘grow” and rankly flourish in the pestiferous atmosphere of Baxter, Wil liam, Houston -and other streets, which are ! nothing les% to these friendless ones than di rect avenues to hell. Congress will proba bly he called upon to prohibit such importa tions, and the tacts officially lurnished our National Legislature upon which lo base a bill for its prevention. *’Th« Code of Honor,'” alias duelling, was attempted to be revived here last week by a late Colonel in tiie army, who felt aggrieved at the remarks of an edi tor, relative to the proceedings of the organ ization of which the Colonel is the Head Centre. Os course the editor did not see fit to fight, aud lie would have been a fool if he had. Tiie affair has occasioned much com ment here, and the Head Ceutre has done his organization a great deal ot harm by bis foolish course. If the institution of which he ii the leader, cannot bear newspaper crit icism, it will most certainly fall to pieces, but certes, Mr. Colonel O’Mahoney, Head Centre of the Fenian Brotherhood, is not the man, nor does he bold such an exalted posi tion as will enable him with impunity to in augurate the duelling code in a civilized com munity • Many people will argue that if this is a specimen ot that liberty for which it is generally supposed the Fenians are banded together lo achieve for their Emerald Isle, it will fdi to meet the encouragement which our community has so far generously accorded to that organization. It does not favorably impress our public to see tile principal leader of this movement the first to take umbrage at remarks openly expressed in the columns of one of our principal newspapers, aud then thirsting for the blood of the writer thereof. How much easier to have replied ! iu a manly way to those criticisms through : those same columns which would, undoubt edly, have been accorded to Mr. Colonel O’- Malioney, had he properly applied for such privilege. Mr. Colonel O'Mahoney has made | a laughing stock of himself, and the Fenians would do well, if solicitous for the success of their cause in this country, and especially in this community, to see that their leaders , keep their temper cool and their powder dry ; —for they will need it all to accomplish their alleged mission. A i\ew Club liawjust been started in this city. It is called the Manhattan Club, and is aa op ponent to the Union League Club, whose politics are of the Republican order. A spacious and elegant building has been se cured on Fifth Avenue, aud fiUed up in the usual style. John Van Buren is the 1 President, Augustns Schelly, Vice President, . and the following a managing committee : Win. Fallen, August Belmont, James Brady, i S- L. M. Barlow, Horace F. Clarke, Edward j Cooper, Geo. Picknor Curtis, Edward L. j Corlies, Win. Butler Duncan, Andrew H. i Green, John T. Hoffman, Hiiam Cranston, j John Van Buren, Henry Hilton, Manton i Marble, Geo. W. McLeaux, diaries O'Con nor, Edwards Pierrepoint, Wm. C. Prime, j Dean Richmond, A L. Robertson, Augus tus Schell, Samuel J. Kildeu, Douglas Tay lor, Gullian C. Verplanck. 1 notice among | the by-laws the following: I “No game shall be played at the Club on ‘ Sunday, and no round game, or games of hazard at any time, and no person shall bet j more than five dollars on any game.” A , very good rule indeed, but why should such rules be necessary at all. Why fnust a club | house her of necessity a gaming house. Indian Summer is certamly the most beautiful portion of the year with us —the few leaves upon the trees take upon them all the vari-co»red hues of the rainbow, while their brown trunks look the contrast—a few flowers still blos som in sheltered places, and chrysanthe mums seem almost aud bids defiance to our j nightly frosts, expanding under the day s i warm sunlight with renewed vigor. But . this year’s Indian Summer has been accom ! panied by returning hosts of pestiferous t musquitoes and swarms of flies, uoti! our patieuce has given out, and we pray for the full sway of the hoary frost king. Uncertuln Thing* I are the steamers which are advertised to j leave here tor Savannah. Your correspon j dent lias prepared about one letter a day : for the Herald, on being informed that such ; a crall was to sail iu the atternoon. From ! some cause or other, those which were to I sail in the first part of the week were de layed, most probably by the storm, but there is no excuse to-day, (Saturday) of that nature, as our skies never were clearer or brighter, with a clear bracing atmosphere. Prarle da Cblen Railroad. The excitement about the “corner” in Praire du Cbien Railroad stock has subsided, and to judge Iroui the smiling countenances j of some of Ihe reported sufferers, they were : not so badly burnt as they might have been, j The truth is, the manipulators of the stock were too rapid in their inovemests. The advance from 65 to 225 in two days was rather quick, and a number of the heavy short seUcrs threw their shares into the hands of the cornering party, and utterly re fused to do anything further. Others paid ’ up very large differences, and the stock fi nally dropped to par, at which rate a few shares are ‘occaafcitially sold. Nearly tiie whole stock of the company remains in the hands of the cor nerei s. BOARD. rpHREE or four Gentlemen can be accommodated * with first class board* by addressing Z. T-* at this office. n*29-3 Hilton & Randell. ft A BOXES Colgate’s Family Soap tlvr 50 boxes Colgate’s XX Starch 100 bbls Family Flour, Pacific Mills 50 half bbls Family Flour, Plank Road 50bbls Premium Hominy In stare and for sale, at lowest market price, at n27-6 193 BAY .STREET. To Business Men. AYOTTNO MAN. ('duelled to hneine**, wjth a cupilul or SS,IKm to s:u,oou, wlabua to eugligr In some c-labllahed paying Im.lnca* Bi nt of raSrancc. given. Addri ns W. B. TANARUS., Herald Office, Mating kind of buaineas. tPnVN St. Andrew’s Hall. THIS nail Will ba K illed for Itulla, Concert., ,Vi\, *«, Apidy Iu Mr Miy r, under til* Hall, or In , DAVID It DU.UJN. ’ll I Bay atrret. Kerosene Oil, Iu barrvla aud euaaa, 0 • AT IIORATfo PITCH KICK, WgH# UuruluM,. ||»*» id* Wu«. (IKAI’ES. |,'IHIHU Ik A HIM,I. A KlUI'Ht, ju.t mu ut**4 awl I’m _ •nmBT • ns , i ■M* * I 1 NimSllll aUulwoUglduM .If RAILROADS Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, \ Savannah, Gi., Nov. 13,19G5.f ON and after Wednesday, 22d Inst., a daily train will leave for Augusta at 3.30 a. m.. connecting w ith a line of Hacks running between Station 6, Central Railroad, and Wayuesboro on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this line will arrive in Augusta the next moruiug after leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta Returning arrive in Savanuah at 3.45 p. m. Freight to go by Passenger Train must be prepaid and delivered halt hour before departure of train By order of GEO. W. ADAMS, «20 General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ) Savannah, Nov. 18th, 1565. / This Company Is now, in connection with H. J. Dickerson A- Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to August*. Macon, Atlanta Ac., daily from twenty to thirty■ and pound, of Freignt, and go through in from three to five days. Ship Freight mid other expenses must be paid by Shippers Railroad freight can be paid here or at des tination. Freight on perishable goods must be prepaid Rates to Augusta, until further notice, will he per foot so cents, per 100 lbs. $2.60 GEO. W. ADAMS, nio General Superintendent. WANTED. « Wanted to Hire, A SMALL HOUSE, fnrntshed or unfurnished. Ad dress, stating location, terms, Ac., “C„" Herald office. n3u-o WANTED. GEORGIA Railvoad Itin( Notes, Augusta Bank Notes, City of Savannah Bonds, by n3O-3 G. B. A G. W. LAMAR. Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. a—3s bills Flour 20 half bbls Flour 9 bbls Crackers 6 bbls Apples 5 bbls Eggs G & W—loo tubs Lard. If not called for will be sold for freight and expenses. uct23 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. WANTED, A STORE, on Bay street, or portion of a large store divided off, wiih an office overhead. Address ‘jMenchant,’’ Herald o#ice. nis-tf Wanted, ItiQA A MONTH I Agents wanted wanted for sir rpev entirely neip article*, just out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Bnilding, Biddeford, Maine, septs (lAwSrn WANTED A GENTLEMAN of strict business habits, and 16 years’ experience, desires a position as Salesman or Bookkeeper In some Commission House In this city, where the sen ices of a valuable maa would be ap preciated. Address, for ten days. Bookkeeper, Herald Office, Savannah, Ga. tf-nls Wanted, 4f •) A DAY I Agents wanted to will anew and 'U-'D wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed Address SHAW Sc CLARK. Bid deford, Maine. sepH-diwSm FOR SALE & TO RENT. a FOR RENT, | A two-story Frame House, six rooms and a kitchen, in the central part of tire city. Apply at this office. nl»-4*. POit SALE, fYIHE Lease andJAußitorre of my Room over Hil«- M man’s Drug Store Apply at the corner of Bay and Jeffson street*. * nSf-g* y jyFRISBIE. FOR SALE. A FINE new Buggy Wagon. Apply to a * H. G. RUWE & CO., Cnrnpr Bryan and St. Julian arid Johnson Bq., n2B tr Fronting Pulaski House. FOR SALE. ONE splendid four or Mx horse Wagon, with Har ness to match. Also four Mnlge. Enquire at the sßhles of Henry Wayne, West Broad street. tf-nIC SALE OF A GARDEN. I OFFER for sale my Garden Lot, situated on the south side of Lover's Lane, containing ten acres. The improvements consist of a dwelling house, one story aud attic, on a briek basement, a brick stable and all other necessary ont-buildings. The growlog croD will also bd sold with the place. nSB-lw F. BRODBAKER For Lease or Rent, QfC ACRES of good Farm Land, two miles from the Qtw Court House. Apply to , JOIIN MoMAHON, n23-tf Jefferson aud Broughton streets. PAVILION HOTEL For -Rent. THAT well known, d(«lrably located, and highly popular establishment, situated on Bull street, l>etw,gii South Broad and Hall streets, occupying four entire lot. of CO by no feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty rooms, 1. now offered for rent. The party renting this property will be required to make the neceuhry repairs and give Mtiafuctory se curity for the punctual payment of rent. JOHN M COOPER nov7—tf Pres’t Union Society. Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. The light and commodious Store, corner Merchant*’ Row aud Palmetto Avenue, to lease for a limited time. Termscagy. Addresa W. 8. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, octis ts Lock Box S, Hilton nead. S. C. ROOMS TO LET, - AT HILTON HEAD, S.C. The ••P.lnvyo Herald Rulldlag," having been newly lilted up, now Alter large slid ally Humus suitable for Hlooplng ApartmonM or Hilalneahpßrpows. For tm uia add less W. 8 SAMPSON, Jr,, Agent, ’ oetta ts Luck Boa It, (HUm, 11..,i, » <>, $lO REWARD 108*1’, on Monday afternoon, sillier on IlioUghUili, s bstwuun Whiisksr and Mmilgotui iy sin . i«, or mi i'migrMA lu lb. *■ iglilnirbAod of ikuMsiksl, a hit IHIITnIS, cimlnliiliqf a brilllnol, mount, and In sllici lb. slinvii imsaid will Ire paid by Isavinii tire st mis ..m s ‘ N oliuo. i MINhIIIMOCM us Mm W WkltfTtl< hum New % i M«>< M< M»* h* * pU4ll u| «!*•*« *!««»«•, **•*♦*»* ilm 4ft* ft! ilu&ift# Ml SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE. JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIPS ARIADNE AND LEO, B Y C. OFF F, AT THE Southern Palace Dry Goods House A NEW AND* ELEGANT LOT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS ORNAMENTS, # CLOAK ORNAMENTS, BY THE SET, BUGLE TRIMMINGS, PARIS TRIMMINGS, JET BUTTdIIfB; SILK BALL BUTTONS, VELVET BALL BUTTONS, SUPERB LYONS VELVET, A LARGE LOT OF ELEGANT CLOAKS, BROCHE POPLINS, ROUBAIX, A FINE LOT OF MELANGES, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, GENT’S SCAJtFS, MAGNIFICENT STYLES GENT’S MAUDS, . NEW FRENCH MERINOS, NEW DELAINES, A FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. All just opened, witli an immense stock of FANCY AND COLORED Slliks and other DRESS GOODS. w * fob. PLANTATION USE-DARK AND LIGHT KERSEYS, GEORGIA PLAINS, GEORGIA JEANS, OSNABURGS AND BROWN. Homespun, by the Yard, Piece or Bale. <a- AGENT Foh BRADLEY’S ELLIPTIC IT(SoP SKIRT. Southern h*alace Dry Groods House 111 & 113 CONGRESS ST., nll-tf Opposite the Pulaski House. DRY GOODS. JUST PURCHASED IN NEW YORK A.T 'greatly reduced prices 800 PIECES BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, and other DOMESTICS, at a great reduction. 150 PIECES OF NEW STYLES DRESS GOODS, from the Late Auctions, at greatly reduced prices. •« BLACK GOODS, a Vine Variety, yery cheap. . ‘jF 1 QJ* H ons e keeping: BLANKETS, SHfcETINGS, # MARSEILLES QUILTS, ; C* D4HA.SK TABLE LINEN, TOWELINGS, ■ SCOTCH DIAPERS „ * * v . DAMASK NAPKINS AND DOYttyS ’ PILLLOW CASE LINENS AND COTTONS, AND TICI^NG. LADIES', GENTS’ AND CHILDRENS HOSIERY, CLOAKS, of newest styles and best make. A fine assortment of SHAWLS, very cheap. CLOTHS AND. CASSIMERES, for Gents and Boys’ Wear, 300 PIECES CALICQu best quality, 25c< jnd 30c. "a yard. NEEDLE WORK COLLARS, DO. IN SETTS.’ LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS AMD SLEEVES: a choice less just landed from Europe. 200 GREY AND BROWN BLANKETS, '« *‘- TOR BY DeWitt & Morgan, 137 CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH. nov2s ? DRY CrOQDS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Mer ettsants. A LARGE STOCK OP Dry Gooilh, Fnnpy Gfiods, *c., Ac., Ac., Remarkably Chs«p ffcrCawh. CAN BB FOUND AT A. Ro«ohor <t) Oo’ffi., | 13 BARNARD HTHKBT, COB. CONGKKBB LANB, fConiprt.lng a gtari.l Assortment of Foreign anil Dumealre Cloaks, Hnu w la, Ac. N, n By MMrf atl.nllon to liaahiFM, rqmbpda amt liuiiuiahh itoiling with our i ilatffifjta. ruat In urei It **') rei .tva a llbaral altar* <g A large litre nl Whits timid, and l.lhfipa now op>n oil 111 ™ * SHAWLS, SHAWLS. luijt Uliatred a largv aa*o(lHt»t|t of griiliyi wUratad mIiAmU Hotiiaga, t'loala ami Hula • blUr ill 1 Uaua, Hreila and liillara ' Alsu, tilth | ‘I able IlMMsafe, IJhaa Tuuata, Tahiti Naphtha *M Jiuilua, and • vail.q afPsK? A*> AH '4 whi’X »v utltf .1 ti irjuu Jit |. m NlNAinrf 4 Inuia*T hod W TITi oogivaa aid't I EINSTEIN i ECKMAN, No. 151 Comress SI. Sarannab 6a. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL JtNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IK GaOBS HOU&E, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING ju.t rarelaed and nponrd a **ry Ur»« mill wliTt m.x kuf Fnni y Hum ilwhU lluuam heu|>lng mill Doomin' Uouda, liUukrt*. Cloak. and islitwla, , Alan I lata, IlnotA au.l Hhnaa. Aml all irllclra ir.ii.lly found m% Rial ejua Dry OiHMla Uoiiaa. wa would moai ruapaitfiiily invito our fonanr frond. and (uatomara; alao MarchanU and I'laulura r lauliUJhw ally, to tall and aiaruma our Mock tuifor* imrrliaifniy alutwhara, * WNnTKIN * Kt'KMAN, * uLrtar its l otigrvaa Ntrfot, huvangab, tin. Cloaks, Cloaks. I /d* MwrtWHN, |o«l r* •jjjl« »i»«?riN * atmuAN. SHIRTING. # P wC/lL* ** *2 * a fHiitti t PRICE, 5 CENTS iksnuxcß. NE WEN GLAND mutual life INSURANCE CO B, F. STEVKNB, President DIBKCTOBft, •- • sa sk Marshal F. Wildei "° we^ Sewell Tapnan ’ Burner Barthtt. Charles Htffibard. James a Amory, JOSH. M. GIBBENB, Secretary. J 8 $3,000,000 Last Cash Returns, $750,000 FORTY PE« CENT.WTO ALL INSURED. * This Company, ental.llahed ip Boston u... , ISI3. i.tfceolde.tand moet reliable wholly Mutual LUe Insurance Company in the Untied State, l been uniformlyauccewful, having always made large returns n cash to all the policyholder,. Last c«h dividend 40 per cent. ““ By the ia.t report of the Inrarane. Commlaaioners he surplus of aeaets over liabilities waa proportionate United State*" *• This Company being pnrety mutual, insures at the lowest poraibie rates; and ts the premium paid « aurplu* I* returned to the livery fifth year, at the time of declaring the returns thehnsinerenaslt so that its ',™I poettion and solvency are made manifest at ikami and the aurplu. fund, are divided pro rata the insured. This guard, the ” possible loss (torn Inefficiency on the part nr Which Will Printed document of an i n tere.«ffi„ ! showing the beneflte ofthe mutual uian" 6 C . ha,1 * cter vantage, general), ol life insurance th **' hastooffer, supplied grails, or rorwtrde!, ° mP * oSr General Agent for Ooorrfa ~ 89 Bay street. Savannah a,. KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE COMPT - OF NE W YORK. Southern Branch Office, W -A. V ANN AH, A. WILBUR, Matuog*. T n iny life from I 'sWto’SmSj/ l "* Beß Policies on favorite* non- forfeiture policies profit to Ihe insured, as the PAID HIM m CASH, Choose. There la ‘° the Policy, as the party may NO CHANCE OF LOSS made.’he'pmfy^mav^iefL* o ‘"Jpo* l payments are fifth ofthe amount Intured’anS'iifio? forone l Du s! >er of Peymente d ' and 1 iUte P r °Portion for n29-eodlw WILLIAM R. BOYD. m •«• — Local Agent. Fire Insurance • THE Plipii Insurance Compy, OF HARTFORD, CONN. ■Capital -A.aa«t» ■MOO.OOO — * B BRIGHAM. Agent. Vew yors FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY. Capital and PHG2NIX INSURANCE CO.. Capital and Surplus 500 000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO Capital and Surplus $900,000 pan!^^\;u D iia;^ h \ D^;t r 9^rT. , ll ,l^ 0 r S; sa a ip^^ w * st raw *«"-»» n9-3m No. 12 Stoddard'. B^atrwtt. Reliable Southern Insuraiioe. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. CAPITAL,...*. ~ §960.000 Th« nnduralgacd |pg. leaao to in furor Hi* In.urlug MNir that li« hu« burn lugally uppalm. .1 Again fur wuawivH uatnwftd'uniuauy. «ud I* r*ady Ui taka Mu flu*. Rivur and Pita klaka «t ai.iuntary roUa. O MI KIM, A Irani IHRi u rival flout.l A (laiumal!, M flay atrval ffi'larainaa. on Cukau, lluuUr A <, Bru in A liard«' Sin ucUM NOTICK f'l.aNmiou name. >, (fa slk Mil* , lass f * .» I 111. hrt run yfaf, *ll kt ihi af In* fI.. U« (a 111. iKf, nil Mi’u Uy. ifn Xf o TH'Hi if Hibun