Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 02, 1865, Image 4

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The Savannah Dally Herald. _ * ATI HUAI DKIEMBKH '4, lt>63. (For the Savannah Daily Herald.) lnilnn«ln( Love. BY MINA AKDIBINB. Love e'er lasting, love undying, Love, for ever change defying— Such me love I bear to thee, Wilt retqrn the same to mes Hearts forever fondly plighted, Bound together e'er united. Such, oh! such. I wish of thee, Wilt return the same to me ? Spirits immortal, spirits one, » More tighily bound than poets sung. Bath, oil! such, I ask of thee, • Wilt thou give the sjamu to mes Love eternal, death defying, Such as angel Ups are sighiug— l>o 1 ask, my love, of thee, Wilt thou grant this boon to me r Then be it so —thp love is mine l J hi heart, my soul, / pledge for thine, Pledge forever, pledging thee, With the love than hearest me. [From the Sew York Evening Post. I King Vcn-vaiie. Twbdhonsand years ere CliVlst was horu, the things Os Christ King Veu-vanc taught ; and pure and meek. Ruled forty kingdoms. - Chronicles of Chen, , Good Cemcu's patient toil, hand down his name lu precepts rare and rales of godliness, Which live today. •Twas he, who, linding on The roadside, bleaching bare, an outcast’s bones,. Halted his train to give them pious rites ; And when some evil minded said, ’‘Perchance _ This man had sinned, and is it well f” he shamed Their base demur, stripped off in kingly rake His own rich rube, and with his royal hands Lining ibe iiones in tender, reverent hold, Buried the outcast in his cloth of gold ! li. Thus walk today on earth their royal feet, And Heaven embalms, in costlier lragrancies Than wrap dead kings, their sfcintly names, who, learn t» Os Christ, His charity ; and give, as He, To all men freely, and upbraid them no!, Who, when of doubtful, or of sinful deed, Comes mention, and the human harpies, who % Would font the richest feast God can spread Begin to scent, ami tear, can front serene With majesty of look, the loaOSome crew, And silencing their filthy tongues, by words Os purity hold them m shamed awe, While they for burial Hie deed enfold In charity's own robe of doth of gold I r » October 10. H. H. Legal Notices. STATE OK GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all whom it may concern : Whereas, William H, Elliott and Miss Katherine C. stiles will apply at theaDourt of Ordinary for Letters ol Administration on the sstateoi Mrs. Mary A Stiles, late orsairt county, deceased, » These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to lie and appear helore said Court to make objection (if any they have/ on or be fore the second Monday in January next, otherwise add letters will be granted. Witness my hana and official signature, this 13lh dav of November, 1 SC.S. fcovl4 > D. A. OBYRNK. Ordinary. State oFgeokgia, Chatham countv -To O all whom it may concern: * vg Whereas, George C. Freeman will apply atlhe Court ofOrdinaYv for Letters of Adintnistrarionwiulhe estate of Henry O. Freeman, late of said comity, deceased, These are,# therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be ami isppear before said Court to make objection (if any they have; on or be fore the second Monday in January next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, Ibis Kith day of November, IB6r>. nl3 O. A. O'BYRNK, Ordhppy. G I BORGIA CHATHAM COUNTY.--To all whom it I iirttty concern: Whereas Jnhii Cooper will apply at the Court of Or dinary for Letters of Administration on the •lannis B. Norris, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all w t it may ouuceru, to ire aud appear before said Court t, I make ol'feciiou (if any they havtsj on or before the hi st Monday id December nett, otherwise said letters V \Vitness m> hand ami official signature.this 17th day lsili. D. A. O’BYRNE, ' ■’ftEOK, ; , A ' Ordinary-. jXrt&frKrKXfcWll&TX.—Jo all whom it Ordinary for Letters Dinmissory a n Administrator on the estate of Jambs C. Thompson, late of said county, deceased, * These jy e, the.efore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern tube and appear before said Court to juake objection flf any they have) on or before the first Monday in May next, otherwise said letters will be gpinten. • * & Witness my hand and official signature this2Gth day of October, 1861. D A. O’BYRNE, nov‘2-lamGm Ordinary C. C. STATE OF GEORGIA, IHAIFAM COUNTY.-To alt whom it may concern: # Whereas, Martha A. Cannon will apply at the Court ot ordinary lot Letters of Administration on the es tate of Charles Cannon, late of said county deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear befopsaaid Court to make abjection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday hfcgtecember next, otherwise said letters wilLbe granted#' Witness, ray hand and official signature, this 2Sth day of Nocembef, 1866, liov‘2 _ » DOMINICK A. O’BYRNR, 0.0,0. TWO Months utter date application will be raade r to the Court of Ordinary <rf Bulloch county for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the estate of John Driggcfts, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs aud cred itors.of said estate. nov2-l aw2m JOIIN BRAN NEN, Executor. STATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may concern : Whereas, George Hawkins will apply at the Court, of Ordinary for Let era Dismissory as Guardian of the person and property of Christopher J. Abbott, orphan and minor, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to Imj and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Mondayln December next, otherwise said letters will be tinted. Witness my hand and official signature this 16th day of October, 1865 octl 7 law4od D. A. O’BYRNE, O. C. C. UTATE (>F GEORGIA* CHATHAM COUNTY.—To' all whom it may concern: Whereas, Endoru S. Abrahams will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory as Adminis tratrix on the Estate ot Jacob M. Abrahams, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all whdtn it may conbern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in May next, otherwise said letters will be grapted. Witness, my official signature, this 30th day of Or tolan. ISG6. D. A. O’BYRNE, novS o. 5 o. r r\VO months after date application will be made to A the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch, for leave to m H alt the lands belongingW the estate of George Grooms, deceased, JAMES W. MOORE, AdmY. ELIZABETH GROOMS, Adm'x Bullock comity, Oct. law4w octal ULORiiIA- t COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern. 4 WiiereaN, Henry R. Jackson will apply at the Court of Ordinary tor Letters of Guardianship upon the person and property of Frederick T. Bealle, minor •ind orphan child of Rebepcn A. Bealle, late of Chut ham county, deceased : These are, tlw i vtoie. toclte and admonish all whom n may concern 4o i»e and appear l>etpre said court, K)iiMK'-..iiji*( i,ou pi any they ha\«)On or before the se< on 1 Monday in January next, otliebvlM- said let ters w ill »«f granted. day * IUl °® ciul *Ufna,iure this 29th D. A. O’BYRNE, Ordinary. U 'm^ i . l o,«n, lAT "™ WtWY.JToßllwiomit T.'® W at the Court of Bl Jarn i "" ,h ’' Estate r.f'V , ** »Hid county, .leceitaiitl it "uSnXall whom mike SfiiSSli II ''" r " ,u “><l '<> w g^ ll< H{ (H a,, y they have) „,i or before the .JriHte ai’xt,otherwisesaid Hit#,-, uTwC m * SiK,l,ltur “ ,hl " ’* <>».v ”t Nuyvra “l! _ D. A. O’BYUNK, *,i (T 5 Ihe ) kill IBM ... 111. Grdiui y 3 WffSSft nil Iguv UIAII all the real trim, i„ i, „,„ . lid# rtf i'l-K r hlltrk. iulr of nalii 10111(1 y, (!,-. uu „, t . rlivi • Uni turn «uioug Ihe helr» ul miui ' r ■in.IAN HARIHIIMiK * Uoiilb non,'nun li >!«Uii'lllo kUllrto. ABMUfINTHATHIK NuTH K Allr-..,. ■ i«im> ngaiiiai iiii’eviuu at t win, Al, |«uiai i"i< .1,,. (t, W ||| |,r, iu nt ihmamr, proimiy uii„,i, «iilio. Ho tin., hi.Hiili'ii >0 Ibw, allil til.*. ImivU.ii 1 Mio r.i,iu< »ill limit' liiiio. ,lU|P imuuuii lu t AgOI.INh A. KAMA 11, |T‘ iHtfi' * » m Alill|ilii»ll«lli, (l h m“ ‘ ,A ,j " A r»tAMUIUNTV shin 11,11 VVl..|.M,Jnll»l Fr trill will u||ll, ,1 Ihi (juurl .4 L jiiirtuf A'iinliiia Uth.i, ,h, lit# iiudu vl»nl i«Uu nl JuNipfc liuiki lilßuf % Mw *■> Kin Ihurefiiu, |» GU »i.i| mtiuulilitfi all »o. , M .1. k’ aa'laH#'*’ 1 •••#"• •«V( lomi |o ~.... i £„u« iJ .m L 1 Zulu "wi- 1 ** ••*»< imi**•' ■ H.7.-l i^aisTje 41 '“‘t-’ i*"* ! ■•mJilkm Jf. A VHtMMt,WaliMty, * oTATk of OBOSgU. CHATHAM OOCHTTa^To n all whom it may concern I ** •. Whereas, Nnthaniel Lovell wU apply at the Court ol ordinary for Letters of Admloteiratton on the es tate of Angi«* IpveMmtl ot said epunty, decease and : Theae are, tberevnaa, to die and admonish all whom it max concern, to be ifhd appear Iwfoie wld «. onrt to mane objection tis any on or lx* fore the second Monday in Jantniiy next, otht*r«ine said letters will be grafted. Witness my hpnd and official aignatnre, this Tth day t*f November, ldift. D.A. O’BYRNK, nil* Ordinary Chatham county. OF GEORGIA, GLYNN COUNTY. U To all whom it n»av concern : ■ , . Whereas, Ann J. O’Sulliv in will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the es tate of Florence OTtalKvan, late of said County de ceased. , . * . . „ These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it mav concern, to he and appear before said Court to dakA objection sis any they have) on or be foredhe first Monday In December next, .otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my official signature this 2d of Novem b<m>l6iS STEPHEN J. GORTON, o, u «■ , , KOR( jIA-BLI.LOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it \Vhvrea' n "™™ar<-t Jones will apply at the Court ot 1 Ordinary of Bulloch county for Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Buckner B. Jones, deceased. These are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred amt creditors of said deceaaed to file their ob jections with said Court (if any they have; on or before 'heaecoiid Monday in January next,, otherwise saM Is’tfers will be granted. * Witness my hand, officially, thisfipth day ofNovem ber 1985. DAVID BEASLEY. Sen , n2B lawlm Ordinary. GEORGIA-s-BcftiOCH COUNTY —To all whom It may concern: * » „ » Whereas. Elizabeth Aycock will apply at the Court of ordinary of Bulloch oonnty for Letter* of Admlnis i ration on the estate of William deceased. These arnAo cite and admonish all and singular the kindred >ui'i creditors of said deceased, to file their ob jections with said Court (if any they have; on or before the second Monday in January next, otherwise said letters t*Ul be granted. Witness my hand,\>fficially. this ‘/Otb day of Novem ber, ME. DAVID BEASLBY, Sen., ni!B lawlm . ’ Ordinary. Cl EOHIIIA—RULLOf H COUNTY. -To all whom it I may concern : Wbereaa, Reamer Scarbrough will apply at the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch Cpunty for Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of James Parrinh, deceased, ThPsc are to cit« ainl admoninh all and singular the kindred and creditoni of said deceased to file their ob jectious with naid Court on or before the 2d Monday in Janutry next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. .. , Witness my hand, officially, this 20th day of Novem ber, 1866. DAVID BEASLEY, Sen , n2B lawlm Ordinary. * / T'WO MONTHS after date application will be made JL to the Court of Ordinary of Bulloch county, by Ja m es Hendricks, Guardian of Daulei Hendricks, a minor, deceased* for leave to sell all the lands be longing to said deceased, for a division among the l,elrs ' JAMES KENDRICKS, Guardian Bulloch county, Nov. ’2Bth, 1865. n2S A PPMCATION has been made to the Ordinary of Chatham conniy, and under the conditions re quired by law, permission will be asked to sell all the real estate of Lewis Turner, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. dl-la\v2m* LEWIS T. TURNER, Adm’r State of Georgia, ' liberty county.-to all whom it may concern ; _ Whereas, John Moan willapply «t the Court of Ordi nary for Letteis of Administratlbn on the estate of James Sloan, deceased, . lt . These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to he and appear before the Court, to make objection (if any they have), on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness W. P. Girardeam Esq., Ordinary for Liber ty couDty, this 2d October, 1866. ortf W. P. GIRARPK * U, O. L.C. OTATE OF GEORGIA, LIBERTY COUNTY—To all 3 whom it may concern • Whereas, Simon Harrington will apply at the Court of Ordibat y for Letters of Administration on the estate yf B- P. Harrington, deceased, These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before the Court, to make objection (if any they have), on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said Letters will be granted. Witness W. P. Girardeau, Esq., Ordinary for Liberty county, this 2d petober, 1865. octl W P. GIRARDEAU, O L C* NOTICE. BANK OF COMMERCE, 1 Savannah, November 25th, 1865. I » N dtfptum for Seven Director*, to manage the A uinKi of this Unnk furone year, will be lielii, at the Banking House, on the Second Monday in Janu ary next, tieiug Ihc Bth of that month. Polls open from 10 o’clock a. ni. to 2 o'clock p. m. * JOHN C. FEKRII.I,, n‘27-Ihwtd* Cashier. FINANCIAL.. LAS/rim««ie. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale by seplfi BRIGHAM, BALDWW A CO. Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, ■Be In sums to suit purchasers, by sep2S-tf K. F. M ETCA I.FE & CO. phufesmonal CAItOS. Henry Williams, Attorney at Ij»w, OFFICE NO. 113 BAY STREET. (Over the Herald Reading Room,) 1 QCtM-tt SAVANNAH, Ga. Geo. R: Black. RufpS E. Lkstkb. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, OA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson & Lester, corner of Bay and Barnard streets. oct!4-tf DR. T. J. CHARLTON -HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF Metli cin e and Su»■g er y. Residence and Office corner Whitaker and Peny streets. _ 1 m*-nl6 UOWKLL OOKK. JAMES JACKSON. COBB & JACKSON, A.t torneys-a t aw, n29-3m MMCON, GEORGIA. "JOHN B.GUIEU&S9N, STEAMBOAT AGENTS, AiiguMta, Oil. HAVING a long experience in the Agency oi Steamboat Companies lor many years, we will give our persnal attention to any consigned to our core. Augusta, Nov. 6—l m JOHN H. DEPPISH. !>KA I.F.K IN HAB X) UiiUit), Fill’s. Ktl*r« Tools, And Agricultural Implements. Also, SH£T, POWDER, LEAD And CAPS 11k tyinirrHH ynd K 7 St. J'llian slnrlt, SAVANNAH GA. I U '' ’**■ LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND *. * . j touiKHiiyrnßiil 'l'llli ""'l' '»igiird fits MlNUwl lq tnakv tarii Mini s*. .2 “I" ''HPVilU’l I >• Ml Ml old. I Aim t »' l«l Man. «ms» mm ildug yertuiunm inlh I oyoss 1 ,1 tod d0.,, Mfipi ( Mlt (j IlifiMuma, #•*’( To litay JJVjtii st 11 1 Ms. «AI Utah • #T li a*» »IMAM A 111, !» V )Atad»*P« >•»!• liilfiMi NEW NOVELS OF# MiTTAL PRIENDt byCha*. Dickens. Com picu and UL.bridged, one volniwr, Dlnatratad. P.i» *l. It one thing las. Price $1 50. Loverw 5 rials. Price f 1 U>. Red (Vsirt F.rm liytlia Henry Wood. Price Tic. Sed Sacrifice. Price $1 50. Mildred Arkell. Iriee *2. Erfsi Lynne : or, the Earl’s Daughter Price 76c, Augelinfipby the aulhur of ” The Gift.” Price 50c. ‘ The Banker’s Dun); by the author of “Gna How ard.” Price 76c. Hir Jasper'. Tenant; t>\ Mrs. Braddon. Price 75c. Map h Making. Price Btic. Hickory Hall; hy Mrs Sunthworth Price 50c. t.eotge Frann. Train’s Speech to the Fenians Price 25c. The Bush Rangers, prtee #2 00. Major Jones’ Sketches of Travels, 7a cts., and a further supply of his other worlm. Also the euinplete works of Dlckins, Walter Scott, And other favorite authors. Cheap edit tons, at ESTILLS’NF.WS depot. Bull street, Back of the Post Office, Down Stairs. novif ts t ■4 « THE Singer Sewing Machines. Principsl Office for the Stale of Georgia, 118 BROiGHTON STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large aßßortment for eale at New York prices. Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done. nil To all interestefl in Education. Edurationnl Bureau or School Institute for the Seuth. OHJEOTH: Ist. TO aid Colleges, Academies, Schools and Fami lies, who seek well qualified Teachers. 2d. To represent Teachers who desire places. 3d. To give parents information of good Schools. 41 h To sell, rent, or exchange School properties. sth. To furnish School Books and Materials, at pub lishers prices, thus saving the retail profits. HENRY C. WAYNE, Director. JOHN O. FKRRILL, Secretary, Fur Circular giving further information address John O. Ferrill, Secretary, Savannah, Ga. n‘27-tf ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE —By permission or the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chat ham county, will be sold, on Friday, December Bth, at 11 o’clock, on the premises, coiner of Bryan and Ann streets, all the perishable property of Ahrend Cordes, deceased, consisting of an assorted Stock of Groceries, Ac., and articles of Furniture. HENRY BLUN, n‘27-td Administrator ad col. SALT. 1 Ann bushels, at *2 75 per sack, or 75 cents IVI/ vs P«r bushel, for sale by L. N. FALLIGANT, n'JtM' Market Square, 134 Bryan street Printing* Presses. FOR SALE* one Super-Roval Hand Press, with Ink Distributor* Roller Stocks, Ac. Price. $176. Also, one Buggies' Rotary Diamond Card Press, with Roller Mould, Rollers, Stocks and Box and Chases. As good as new. Price sloo. Address KSTILL & PRO., Bull street, hack of Post Office, n27-tf Savannah, Ga. BILLIARDS. Six Tables -1 RESPECTFULLY iavite the patronage of my old friends and visitors to the city 1 have Six Good Billiard Tables, including two of Phelan’s make, with the best Balls. Cues. Bridges, Maces, Ac., procurable. My rooms are commodious, and I endeavor to employ only competent attendants. My Bar is supplied with a good assortment cf Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c. n2G-tf WALTER O’MEARA. CRUTCHES. FIRST and only premium awarded at the American Institute Fair, 1865, and State Fair of Pa , 1865, for Crutches. Hartman’s Patent Elastic Rubber Crutcnes are pronounceoby surgeons, aud everybody else, to be with all the wearinessTuseparal>i«?f/o& e tne others, aud are in all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJOY & TaYLOR, Sole Manufacturers, N* 47C>£ Broadway, N. Y. 6m-n23 1 AA COILS Manilla Bale Rope lAV 600 bags Shot 100 Vices 60 Anvils 50 Smith’s Bellows 400 kegs Nails 50 tons Plow Steel 100 tons Swedes and Refined Iron 1 ton Cast Steel, asserted 150 dozen Axes 3(KH» pair Trace Chains 3 casks Sheet Zinc 18 Cotton Trucks 12 Corn Shelters 150 doz Shovels and Spades, assorted brands 50 kegs Horse Shoes 60 kegs Mule Shoes 200 dozen Curry Combs 26 dozen Horse Brushes. For sale by n22-2w* WEED & CORNWELL. Liverpool Salt. A CARGO of SALT, 10 ton, just arrived per British bark Croesco from Liverpool, for sale BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO. “NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. I RESPECTFULLY anuounce myself a* adumlidate for the Office of Tax Collector at the election in January next-, aniihumblv solicit your support. n‘27-tf EDWARD POWER. DAVID BAILEY, Merchant Tailor (Formerly Cutter for Wm. R. Symons] BEKS must respectfully to inform his frienda and the public generally, that he has removed from the .hire of Mr. A. B. Ives to No. 12 WHITAKER STREET, (Belween Bryan and Bay,; where he will be glad to meet his old customers and as many new ones as will favor him with their orders. t*r Ai ways on hand, a good assortment of I CLOTHS, CASBIMKRKS, VESTlN<iß,whi* hhe is pre pared to make up at the shortest notice and in the moot fashionable style. Remember No. 12—if you want what is go*>d and reasonable. nlMin E- H. VAN NESS & CO., GROCERS, SHIP CHANDLERS AND Protluoe Denl<‘i‘N, UNDER THE BI.UFF, CORNER ABERCORN ST, Savannah, Gra. Orders from the Country Private, Families, Steamers aud bailing Vessel,) respectfully solicited. Produce bought and told on commission. 1 oh bhlsSelected Apples llHi bids Onions lnobbls Potatoes 50 blits F.xtr* Flour 6,1 bids N.#. I amt 2 Mackerel 100 mbs Exira Butter 60 htixc#Exira Cheese msi Kits Nos 1,2 a ltd H Mackerel 50 imlf-libis Fulioii Market Beef 6o bids Extra Familyl’ork. ts u2l S. M. GOLDING/ Wliulkmlv mid IK'Ull Du.ler In BITS. diFS, BOOTS. IMS, * 4»l» Lnillesirit'N I'arsiNblHK hood*, NV IMI CONtiRiSH STREET, ••ra*N*h, tin M* I*l II I Ml SHIRTING. IllMVti’lMVfd * (MM *H«|ll.h Nuwhud NMirtUqf Min trt mMlmw, to thraMi-iMMMNtiMiI, h> Ml I II lHoorJku>h, #441 rZ OOMMUaiO* MZRCHAWTfi. fiH. Fr^YRELL, STEAMBOAT AGENT, UEIKKAL COMMIBBIUN AND FOK WAROIMU MEHCHANT, BAY SAVANNAH, OA. Harri»’ Buildings, 2d door west of A. Low A Co.’s. Refers to Messrs. Hunter A Gammell, Crane, John son A (iravbill: Bell, Wjfiy & ChriflUse; Bolhwell A Whitehead; Miller, Thomas A (T>.; M A. Cohens Rsq. eep2*J-tf Wm. EL Tioaa/. Wm. WT^Ooidoi Tison & Gordon. COTTON FACTORS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING * MERCHANTS,^ No. 96 BAY STREET, Savannah, ------- Georgia., Special attention will lie given to the sale of Lumber, Rosin, Turpentine, A., _ oct24-3m _ O. M. SORKKI- A. O. OOBBKL SORREL BROTHERS, SHIPPING, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, 82 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. References: Messrs. 11. K. Corning, Son A Cos, N. Y.; Messrs. Peter V. Kingifc Cos., N. Y.; Messrs. Fish er. Brothers *% Cos., Baltimore.; Messrs. S. A W. Welsh, Philadelphia; National Bank, Savannah, Ga.; Francis Sorrel, Esq , Savannah. Ga.;Chas. Green, Esq., Savan nah, Ga.; T. R. Bloom, Esq., Macon, Ga. Aoctn im* I). H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MKKCHANTS, 178 Pearl Street, New York. D. H. Baldwin,> N Yor w J.F Cummings, ( " ew 1 ’ H. Bhxgham, 1 Oovann.h Oft4-3m C M. Hoist, f Kavalinan - A. S. Hartridge, COMMISSION AND FORWARDJNO MBB..C.HANT, 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. octl«-tf JAMES B. CAHILL, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, W ines and Liquers, 171 STRE K T , AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. HOLDERS ofMerchandize wishing to realize imme diately will consult their interests by consigning the same. Strict attention will be given to all business en trusted to them, and prompt returns made at the most reasonable rates. »ep4-3m Henry L. Jewett. James L Snider. Jewett & SSnitiei*, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND general agents, Second Street, Macon, Georgia, (Between Cherry and Poplar.) Prompt personal attention given to all consign ments of cotton, produce, manufactures and other articles of merchandise. Orders and consignments solicited from all parts of the country. |lest attention given to orders for purchasing cotton. Agents for several first class Insurance Companies. n9-tf C. H. BENEDICT & CO., No. 80 Broad Street, Now York, Produce and Flour Commission Merchants, Dealers in Provisions, Butter, Cheese, Ac. Consign meats on General Merchandise soiiciu u. octl7 3m TO SHIPPERS OF COTTON AM) OTHER SOUTHERN PRODUCE. FENNER, BENNETT & BOWMAN, Successors to Hotchkiss, Fenner & Bennett. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 Vkskv Stbket, j.,kw York. And Memphis, Tenn. Tuomas F’ennkb, llnouv Usnnictt, D. W. Bowman. Jy6 ‘ ora CHAS. L. COLBY & CO., Shipping Commission and Forwarding MURCHANTS. JONES BLOCK, CORNER BAY AND ABERCORN BTREKT SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES Made on Consignments o the firm of Cuas. L. Colby, of New York, or to our friends in Boston. MAUDE & WRIGHT, Agents at Augusta, Ga. REPKRKNOES; Messrs. Dabney, Morgan A Cos., New York. Jarive blade, Laq., New York. Hon. J Wiley Kdmands, Boston. Gardner Colby, Esq., Boston. sep 18—ti Woodward, Baldwin & Cos., 110 Duane Street, New York, 9 and 11 Hanover St., Baltimore. DRY GOODS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Liberal advances made on Conaignments, Sheetings, Oenaburge and Yarns. jylS joiin s. urn & io., Forwarding; and Commission MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., NOS. 1 AND 2 SAMMIS’ BLOCK, Bay Street, Jacksonville, Florida. JNO. S. SAMMIS. ED. G. SAMMIS. OHAS. L. MATIIEB aul l ts J. SHAFFER, Commie sion Dealer To all kinds of FOREIGN AND D< )MESTIC FRUITS and PRODUCE, West Washington Market, Opposite 143 West st, bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW YORK. Potatoes. Apples and Onious constantly on hand, and i>ut up for the^Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H Parsons. i?l2 eodlv MACKY, BEATTIE & GO. SHIPPING AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 303 and 205 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, On. OFFKR for aalo u> Wholcaide Merchant* upward* of four liuoilrnl (100) barri'la of Wlilahcy, weatern dmlillullou, ol viirlniia bland* and qunllllva, together with a large amount of Irlah ilnd Scotch Malt Wlna kica, brandy, Wlm «, and ulna, at riilludelplda or New York price*, expruaoa added, or we will fill all order* in tile alKivo nmui'd clllca, ai file loweat markul prior*, delivered ou board any buute of tile regular lluea. 11l coiineellpu with the above, we abould be pleaard to fill all order* of rountry l*roduuv from Flillaitel C‘ la or New York markela Flour, bacon, Grain, rd, Una, Mali, Ac., a large quantity of wldrb wa have on hand dint offer for »ale ou Uio moat reaaen able tonne W# nr#prepared at all lima* to make advance* ou Unulkern Produce oMiaigued to o*r liouae 111 FllUadah (Ilia, MACKY * BEATTIE, 11 noutti Water etrart aepUMan l*M and IM* Maikal aweet Li«i!r|KNil Sail, IfUN hAI.M IN TO NI IT Fl'ltt IIANKII* Apply to rot 4) AuNPiap* A All l| IHMdaM'* Maoga, Mp Mai**. COMMMMON MKKCHAKTI. awfeair" COTTON WAREHOUSE, f CORNER OR’ BAY AND LINCOLN STS., 4 SAVANNAH, GA. O’FALLON &CO., FACTORS, Forwarding A Cenimission MERCHANT., ■OBBW*ECTFULLY Invite attention to our facilities xV for the purchase or movement of Southern Products, and will give prompt attention to all busi ness entrusted to our care. Intending to establish permanently a House In Savannah expect by strict business principles to merit, and receive a portion of the Trade. Having ts commodious Warehouse for Cotton, w’e are prepared to buy, or receive on consignment to our friends in New York or Europe, and will make ad vances on same ; picking, re-baling or mending all Cotton before shipping, thereby saving the enormous expense incurred in Northern cities by this process.— They solicit a portion of the business of the people of Georgia and of adjoining States. OFFICE, STODDARD’S RANGE CORNER OF BAY AND LINCOLN STREETS, jW“ Post Office Address. Lock Box 25. oct7-3m K. T. CUNNINGHAM. D. G. PURSE. R. J. LA ROOM BK. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & CO Factors, forwarding and commission MEItCHANTS, No. 4 Stoddard’s Lower Stores, Bay street, Savannah. Ga. References—Robt. Habersham &, Hons, II unter A Gammell, Octavus Cohen, Brigham, Baldwin & Cos., Erwin A Hardee, Clagborn A Cunningham. sep4-3m SOUTHERN AND WESTERN lIA.N D. Collection and Commission Agency, handle Southern land aud property of all descriptions. Parties wishing to »ell are invited to forward lists.— Numerous applications now on file from parties wish ing to purchase. Make collections on all parts of the country. Pay especial atteutiou to the sale and disposal of Southern products, and make advances on direct consignments. MATTHEW H BRIDGE, Manager, No. 9 Broad st., New York. REFERENOFH BY PERMISSION .* Hon. Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Ex-Governor of Alabama. P. Harmony, Nephews A Cos., Bankers, 38 Broadway. Messrs. H. B. (Mafia A Cos , Importers, New York. A. W. Greenleaf, Esq., Bunker, N. Y. nil 3m Alfred R. Bknnett,) k v . Cuas. H. Bennett, Jab. C. Van Pelt, J- New Yorß Raleigh, N.C. Bennett, Van Felt & Go., COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR TUE SALE OF COTTON TOBACCO, NAVAL STORES, ETC., ALSO, FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE OF SCATE AND OTHER STOCKS, S3 "Whitehall St., New York. Wc have associated with us Mr. D. W. Curtis, late Public Treasurer for North Carolina. u9-6m JOHN L. VILLALONGA, COTTON FACTOR, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT. No. 94 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. actio 6m H. (rowdy, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 196 BAX’ STREET, ANDERSON’S WHARF, oct2-3m SAVANNAH, GA. SCRANTON. SMITH & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, hnppy to eee the former patrons and nf thAh,' e , , n da V a c l Pnhiic generally, at their store ,n,L h h n L s . Btr( ’ et ’ opposite Jeflersou, where they will bo at all times happy to serve them nl 5-1 in BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & CO.. Bryan Street, next to Merchants' and Planters’ Bank lluilding, Broker and Commission Agents rOB BALE ANU FUECUASK OF STOCKS, BANK NOTES, PRODUCE, &0., And (or Forwarding Cotton. uov2 3mo Fordyce, Anderson & Janney, Broken aud General Commission merchants, NO. 10 STODDARD’S RANGE, Savannah, Ga. Dealers in Specie, Southern Bank Notes, Bonds and Stocks. Exchange on the Northern ciiies. Augusta and Charleston, bought and sold Liberal advuncea made on consignments to nur corresiwndents at the Norih Refer to Third National Bank, Messrs, beebe. Keech & Cos., Messrs. Merchant A Carman, Messrs Hall A Ruckeli, New York; Messrs. Carman, Merchant A Sliaw, Philadelphia; Messrs. Wm. Lamping A Cos Meaars. G. H. Reese A Bros., Baltimore; Messrs. R Habersham A Sons, Messrs. Hnnter A Gammell, Mr! Geo. W. Anderson, Mr. G. B. Lamar, Savannah nov2-Im o*o, D. FOWL*. WM. *. HOT. nOOH EIO* FOWLE & CO., FORMERLY OF ALEXANDRIA, VA., Commission Merchants. Importers of Railroad Iron and Dealers in Railroad Supplies. Office, 70 Broadway, NEW YORK, oct26 6m G. B. & G. W. LAMAR, General Commission Merchants. Forwarding and Shipping Agents, NO. 9*4 BAY JnTKEKT, (upstairs.) Refer to Geo. W. Anderson, Jno U. Ferreland G. B Lamar, Savannah; W. K Jackson, Josiah Sibley A Sons, J. B. AJ. W. Walker, Augusta. roneigumentM solicited. 6m-nov2 W. J HI.AIR. A. J. SMITH. W. W. KREN. BLAIR, SMITH & CO., No. SOB Broad. Street, AUGUSTA, GA., General Commission Merchants, Ami Agents for the 8»le of Mnnuliiot Tolnieoo. Will Purr hue and Kell, on Commlnslnn, Cotton. Colton Uuods, Wines, Llqnms, Produce aud M»r<bah dine of every dcmrlptlon Consigimienls solicited. 2m nl4 LIVINGSTON, FOX & CO., i* I II ri)ndtr ny, New York, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND A§tmn AiiMMlii t MUM Mail Mtmm tunde on l »u.i,ui»«Ms by Joi‘ * WIMUH, mm Van #atqyyt«li» COMMIWIOS MUtcium. | T~~ ~ r PATERSON A TUCKER, 1 (Formmty J T Paterson * Cos. of Augusta, Ga ; General Commission, Forward-! ingand Shipping Merchants, fifo. 9 filnddanl'B Lower Range, j Ort*OSITE MARINEIPS CHURCH, BAY STREET, ’ Savaixunh, Oa. »A V’K made arrangements for Shipping Cotton, Tim- ; ber, Kice, Ac., lu flm chuw Uoubce m Kurupe aud New York • m Will make ,lß>eral advances on til consign merits, i Also, will buy and sell Umber or Lumber on Commls- ! Biou. We have facilities for obtaining Charters for Vessel* j at moderate rate**. * j Personal attention tfill be given to 4 the * receiving, forwarding and to the sale* of all merchandize entrust ed to our core. We have a commodious warehouse for storage. References—Dowling A Cos., London : Gibbs. Bright A Cos., Liverpool; Bradford A Renick, New York ; J. E. Bayley A Cos., Philadelphia ; James Oakes, Boston; E. Lafltte, Charleston. S. C.IR. H. May, rMayor,) Au gusta Ga; Geo. R. Crump & Cos., Augusta, Go.; Hal sey, Watson A coSavannah, Ga.; D. B. Thomson, Columbus. Ga.; James Guiin A Son, Richmond, Va.; Clayton, Adtir & Purse. Atlanta. Ga. nov3 JOHN A. MOORE. General Commission Merchant, V . AND Steamboat Augusta, Gra. 0?3-12 G. H. . Arledge, 72 BAY STREET, Grocer and Ship Chandler, Commission and ITor^warding Mer chant, I WOULD respectfully solicit a liberal share of* pa tronage from my frit-nils and acquaintances, guar anteeing to give entire satisfaction and sell at the lowest market prices. • , . Orders from the country will immediate and prompt attention. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. novlS JOHN MFRRYM A N. I*. H. WARING. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ Ageq^cv FOR the sale of Guano. Fertilizers, Li?A Stock, Im plements and Machinery, Seeds, Ac. 67 W. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. Refer to John S. Gittings, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chas. Goodwin. Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more; E. C. Wade A Cos. and P. 11. Behu, Savannah, nl4 3in ESTABLISHED 1826. H. J. DICKERSON, AO H** a-' HarlDor M cts ter, OFFICE OPEN AT AI.L HOURS CiF .THE DAY No. X Ilania’ Buildings. SAVANNAH, GA. -m* —» Latest from Egypt! PENNY'S NEW EXTRACT OF THE KUYTIAN LOTUS, anew and exquisite Perfume tor the handkerchief. Cleopatra and the ludie* of the present day using Ihc same perfume. THE EGY'PTIAN LOTUS' THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS I! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS !!! Manufactured by F. A.Pxmnt. Brooklyn. New York. K. A. LOVEJOY, Agent, n9 - 3 fi> 93 Fulton street, N Y. FOR SALE. 1A BBLS No. 1 Mackerel 1V io bhls No. 2 Mackerel 10 bbls No. 3 Mackerel 25 half bbls No. 1 Mackerel 26 half bbls No. 3 Mackerel 160 kits No. 2 Mackerel 160 kits No. 2 Mackerel 4*» tubs Choice Lard 13 tubs Choice Butter 4 firkins Choice Butter. The above lot are freehand new, and will be offered low, to close consignment, CHAB. L. COLBY & CO., uov 23 Corner Abercorn and Bay streets.* Wholesale Boots and Shoes ! Fellner and Poliak, 157 Broughton Strtrt, Savannah, Ga., ARE enabled, through their permanent. House in . Boston, to furnish Jobbers and Dealers in this city as well as those in the country, wilh more ad vantages and conveniences in the Boot and Shoe Trade, than any house in said line. novl-6m For Sale, 1 lA BUSHELS gttme White Corn A* JvU 2000 bushels Prime White oats pS N. A. HARDEE A CO, Strayed or Stolen, A DARK BAY HORSE, about ten hands high, with long tail and short inane, and between eight and nine years old, with no peculiar marks. He dis appeared from Montgomery on Sunday night last.— Any information in reference to him will be thank fully received and liberally rewarded, if left at the office of the Daily Herald. ir22-tf NOTICE. THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness in all its worst forms without the use of medicine Pleas# send for my Circular, enclosing li) cents for postage. Address J. M. RUSSELL, octlft-3m Boston, Mass. Notice. ~ CENTRAL R. R. A BANKING CO. OF GA.,) Savannah, Nov. 14, 1866 | THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on Thursday^tlv 14fh of December next, at the Banking Ilona# A Savannah, at 10 o’clock, a. m. A full attendance is earnestly re quested. GRO. A. CUYLKR, nlft-lm _ Casliler. NOTICE. BAVAMNAH. Nov. 161 b, 1966, During my aluusnce from the city or Bute Mr. C. 11. Duller It my duly aullcrlrsfi ag«nt. „ 17 U W THOMPSON STEELE A BURBANK, U NsNksila Haw, Hilton 11. eil, Ho. (■« CALI, theatwotloo of Wb lnaal. aud ReUll.pur , baser, to their enperior .Uuk of . am MIMTAIIY Aim NAVAL 1 DOTHISG. FUMNWIIINg GGrtllH. W«l<baa, Unabta Full. , Jewelry, mlo piatotf tt arntfwords, Heehee, Hell*. Hmlirolderi.e,lhsd*< s|. Field (JasHW. GeuMlel. IlloVna, JD,. Ai , A, NOTICE. Nil iteMs m|M«S. H«l of (Ms G»W Hi H kgok i*rwul iwjsMil < » ijMidsiii f oosighf*, liir MAI DmM A C*h | MAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTORY . OaaMWSION MKHUHAA nT |>«e Wkllßil A. Cos.. General Commfau. XV Merchant., No 202 Bay ured, shove Burnart ■Blreet. au24 A*l. S< itrbrou K li Ai € •.. Uluut utCis . UMWUM llnuuon 14u Congress and 57 m Jiinau *U Uigliest market paid for Cotton M ooCJleeswfiat etc, liberal Advances on Cotton, he PH. BKIIM, FACTOK AND GENKKALcijU . MISSION MERCHANT, Bay street, near ~Ti stahd. Savannah, Ua. 1 m-nvf, Erwin A Hardee, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . Bay street. Savannah. G. DRY GOODS. Julia ‘ DEALER IN DRY GOODS, Ac. Smnuel M. I.ederer, Jobber and Retailer Z Fancy awn Staple Dev Goons, Boots and ats. Ac. 146 Congress a.l!!’' 8 ’ ill Feral A; t 0.. Wholesale Dealer in WmmTT IH. quom, Seoaks, Fancy Canioss! t f **• kieyo. I.KALKU inks, Liquoas. ■ 111 street bi lua nos, Billiard Saloon. By WAI .TEH ipm lad, ALES, WINES, LlWdics, MKAKA - Bay street, over Express Office. S*‘ fiJJ reai of twoataTThv A. Si amn. Wholesale and Aetna V, CHOICE WINKS and LKJUOhs GAB Ac. ~~ Weed aV Cornwell, Wholesale Dealers in Habdwabe and Tin Ho. 759 and 161 Broughton street. U Cranston, • Pi.UMBER AND GAS FITTER, . . BEGAR& TOBAOCOr &c. ~~ p Avolb. A-1 -1 • SEGARB, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES Ac Barnard street, one door South of the Market. * PRINTING, BTATIONKRY. &< Caville & beach, T* O BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. U»r. Uryau gfrect aiiil Market Square. Vtarking Ink, Ma nuyaoterid and for sale bv 1,1 DAViD U. GaLLMWAV, . 35 Drayton street. J ’ VO* IV-.Viehol*, VA Boon AND JOB PRINTER, . _ Bay st., between Auercorn ami Drayton. No. 0 Whitaker streeL C W. Mason 00., c*. HERALP JOB PRINTING OFFICE. Htrp<4. AtTOIINEYSr" ~ WM. li. Ilardeu, 5 ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, 176 Bay street, nl4 -' m Savannah. PD. Jordatt, Dealer in Watches and Jewelbi, • .“’fkJJ oml Plated Wake. Fancy Gome, Ac. IF Watches aud Jewelry Repaired. 129 Congress st., opposite the Pulaski House. PHYSICIANS. Jos, W. Clift, 81. D, Cor. South Broad and Barnard- sts., Orvio. Hooks—!l to 10 A. M.. and 4 tos P. M„ EST" Residence—Mr. Wash’s, Brongliton stresi ii6-lm one door east Masonic Hall. DRUGGISTS. W*l.W«l.n, " “ . WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL DRUGGIS'i aul4 Souibeast cor. Barnard and Broughttin sts. 1 A. Solomons dk Cos., ’ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST Ik? Grders executed accurately and with despaith, , BUUTB AN iT,SHOES. Am es dt l*enlioct y, Jobbers ;u Men's, Women’ and Childreu s C»H Serge and Kid Bool’S at ouOES, of all kinds and qualities. r 152 L'oiigresß st«, 4th door North of the Marke QUEENSWAKE, te. T? Smyth, QUEENSW ARE, GLASS AN . CHINA at Wholesale and Retail. 109 Broughton street, 2d door from cor. of Bui CONFECTIONERY. \f Fitxjjerntai, yfiOl-*SAI.* AND RIT AIL DEAL** IN CIDERS, LEMON, STRAWBERRY andRASPBERB ■ ” WIIITAKKB STREET, SODA WATER. Jotan Ryan, Bottler of SODA WATER, POIiTI and ALE, CORDIALS. SYRUPS, Ac. a Ilay_Kml WpKt Broad strwl Hay, Hay. BALES Prime Northern Hay, uer Schr Cla I Uai Pickett For sale to arrive. ct 23 BRI CHAM, PAILWIN ACO Paper amlßagWarclious Warren & Platner, WHOLESALE dealers in all kinds of coarse » fine Paper, Envelops, Twines and Paper Box Sole Agents in this city for the Batli Paper Mills. Tile highest cash prices paid for Raps, Old H< and Bagging and Waste Paper, In large nr ‘m quantities. octlO-tf Sto Bay street. Savannah, (la NOTICE TO THE SHIPPERS OF GOODS BY TI STEAMER SAVANNAH ON THE 4tii DAY OF NOVEMBER, id*. ALL persons who shipped Goods by the Steamer van n ah, ou the above named day, arc rcqiien lo call immediately at the store ol F. M- Myrell, E Harris* buildings, Bay street, and identify such g<>< as have been saved from the wreck of the stennier. J. W. WOLCOTT, p2O * Agent p Chase * Os poods per steamstt m New Turk, October -« copies of Invoices: h'*® inrt deductions rord.iinsgj on 01 before the lift '"y pm jKise of making I^*“' rape. fWNTBR & OAMMEIb . Angueta Cnn*tiiiiti""* ll! J ricase copy and send htu n-4-td nun I. Sets. Choice White Oub’n «« eoiidgnment, by tIOUiMONH <f O' ft Building*. Bay*ir«*_ IRON WORKS. puwnr, ones & co., \V llttiitiurf <*••• o.intti"'" Ml t'o',l|ra» and t uttaisttt*' (M«d* »• •‘db *»mi ftN)t| V ini