Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 02, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 5

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Supplement to ®lte Dmln Jerald. The Savannah Daily Herald “The Dengerom Edge or Thtnge." We say we have not advanced so lar as the Romans in the day of their decline. But we are not immaculate. The Atlantic Monthly took its readers to* the dangerous edge of things in some of Miss P/eseott's stories; the Round Table admits a very pro vokiug disquisition on “Purple Women," and tells us about their “swimming walk" as they undulate and rustle up Fifth avenue; Owen Meredith writes for the polite aud let tered class of England and America a very insinuating and exquisite statement of the sufficient good of sensation aud of pleasure. The culminating interest and the best wri ting of “the Apple of Life” is the descrip tion of the “lascivious Egyptian;" aud of several dramatic personages, the poet makes her noblest in the utterance of her thoughts. Yet more perfect and powerful is a poem by the sculptor Story, published in a late num ber of Blackw’ood’s Magazine, aud about to be republished here, entitled “Cleopatra;" a poem in which the Shakesperian idea of the swart and passionate Egyptian is intensified and the dominant mood of that voluptuous man-compeller is nakedly and intensely ex pressed. The fierce energy of its expression of animal passion is startling to tbe.soft and fastidious pleasure-seekers of London and New York. "That was a life to live for ! Not this weak human life, With its n-li ulous, bloodless passions, Its poor and petty strife ! Come to my arms, my hero, The shadows of twilight grow. And the tiger’s ancient lirceness In my veins begins to How. Come not cringing to sue me ! Take me with triumph and power, Asa warrior that storms a fortress! I will not shrink or cower, Come as yon came iu the desert. Ere we were women and men, When the tiger passions were in us. And love as you loved me then !’’ It is manifest that physical life is getting the ascendant into the world of thought, and our meu of letters and our paialers have joined Bacchus and his tipsy crew, and, like gayest reveflers, sing American odes and de light in the wild and sinuous dance of winc fiushed Bacchantes. The stories, the poems and the pictures of the day express a pas sionate greed of pleasure, an avid appetite for all soul-seducing delights and man's pride of life. In painters this passion for sensation shows itself in devotion to the beautiful; iu poets it betrays itself with sen suous words— words full of voluptuous suggestion. —N. Y. Eva. Post. Th* Mormons Rampant. —According to late advices from Salt Lake City, the Mor mons are taking higher ground in defense of polygamy, and even speak of the possible necessity of employing arms. Thus Smith, one of the twelve apostles, is reported as saying, on Sunday, August 38, that “the South was right; the Northern army burned and destroyed everything in the South, and abused by force all their women. They would be here some day to treat the fair women of Utah in like manner. Old aud young should have plenty of arms. God would fight their battles, and the Saints would be victorious.” Moreover, Brigbain Young, himself, in a sermon at the same time, uttered the following seutences: “He was ready to fight the government. He had his soldiers, and rifles, and pistols, and ammunition, aud plenty of it, and can non, too, and would use them, He was *on it!’ The Governor of this territory was useless and could do nothing. He (Brigham; was the real governor of this people, and by powers of the Most High he would he Sovernor of this territory forever aud ever, f the Gentiles did uot like this they could leave and go to hell." A long account given by Richardson, the well known correspondent, writing from Salt Lake City, closes with the following recapitu lation : 1. Brigham and his associates are living in open, defiant violation of the laws of the Uni ted States. 2. They are teaching to their followers in tense hostility to our government and people, and the necessity and duty Os resist ing by force of arms any attempt to make the law operative. 3. They are drilling and arming the entire people into a compact and efficient military organization. 4. The government places and keeps in important Federal offices, men who flagrant ly violate the law and systematically perjure themselves in taking the oath of office. Not only does the publie interest suffer financial ly ; not only are the ends ol justice frustrated, but our highest law-makiug authority has solemnly enacted that polygamy is a crime, and the government makes itself accessory to that enme. Obituary Female J^act. —lt is remarked, says a London reporter, by the police of the water side, as a characteristic circumstance that nearly every female who throws herself into the water, is careful to divest herself of her bonnet and shawl, which, are placed on the ground in such a manner as not to be in the least damaged. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, I8«r». MAIL. CONTRACTS WANTED. He (establishment of Mail Farllillea lit Georgia. The Post Office Department desires to famish the Stale of Georgia with Postal service, at (lie earliest practicable day, until July Ist, 18fif5, when the regular contracts’ proposals lor which are uow advertised for, will go into effect. The Department invites proposals for con veying the mails until June 30, 180(5, to all country seats ami other important |K>iuts not reached by Railroad communication, at rates not to exceed $8 per mile per annum for weekly set vice ; sls for semi-weekly, and $22 for tri-weekly; and where the importance of the case requires, S4O for daily service ; counting tlie distance one way only in all cases. Service will be tarnished ou routes, where, before the war, it was daily, three times a week; where it was tri- weekly twice a week; and where it was semi-weekly, weekly service will lie allowed. Proposals should he addressed to “Hon. Geo. W. McLellan, 2d Asst. P. M- Washing ton, D. C.. and should state they are for service to end June 30th. 18(5(5. nov 4 ts State aud County Tux Col lector. THE Subscriber is a Candidate fur rc-elertiou, and respectfully asks the suffrage of the citizens ul Chatham County. obtao SEABORN GOODALL. Administrator’s Notice. TWO months after date application* will be made t the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county for leave ° sell all the real estate of James Bilbo, de cease tofor the purpose of distribution. JOHN O. FERRILL, law2m Administrator. ALEXANDRE KID CLOVES. ALSO, a fine assortment of Silk, Wool and Buck Hkm Gloves and Gauntlets. Just opened at EINSTEIN A KCKMAN, D23-tl 151 Congress street# J. C. KOCH, ~ No. 35 Bcekman Street, Corner of William, NEW YORK, Manufacturer of Stationery, Photographic Albums, Music Paper, Polios, Books, Ac. n2l-3m Snuff, Snuff. TUST received, invoice Scotch and Macaboy Snuff, fj and for Bale by ► M. J. SOLOMONS A CO)., $ n!7-tf Jones’ Buildings, Bay street. To the Merchants of Savannah. mHE undersigned, Committee from Metropolitan Fire -I- Company, will wait upon th* Merchants and Busi ness Men err the city This Day, to solicit subscriptions for tbe purchase of a Steam Fire Engine. They hope for a prompt and generous respouse from their fellow citizens. JNO. R. DILLON, CEO. H. JOHNSTON, Jr., * WM. N. VALLEAU, nov4 Committee. Great Bargain. A NEAT and commodious Cottage swelling, with brick outhouses attached, will be sold if applied for immediately, situated in Robertsville, on Roberts street. Price, $3,000. Apply to Z. M. WINKLER, At Henry Wayne’s Stables, n2l-tf West broad street. THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, U!M Dork Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.— All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at endedto. iySl-tf Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL & RUGG, PBoeuiiTUss *. e. biduku., u. r. KUOU- Iu3-tf 4 SOUTHERN Exporting and Importing COMPANY, OF FLORIDA. THIS association is prepared to make advances in currency of Gold on consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores, Lumber, Ac., to their agent in Liver pool. Orders solicited for goods from merchants and plan ters. The strictest attention will be paid to all orders however small, for goods ffom Engl aud, France or Germany. Our Savannah and Charleston Agents, being salaried, make no charge for forwarding either way and will furnish circular of details. R. F. FLOYD, President, Jacksonville, Fla. Aobnts:—E. T. Paine, Liverpool, England; R. E. Screven, Charleston, S. C.; Henry Bryan, Savannah, Ga. 3mo* seplS “ GUANO. ' PERUVIAN" and Swan Island Guanos, Superphos phate,, and the Bruce Concentrated Fertilizer, are ottered to the Trade at the lowest wboleenle prises, by GEO. E. WHITE * CO., 55 Cliff rtreet, New York. nlff-Sm Sale of taovpriiiupiil Strum el’s. Chief aktkkmastkr'h Office Deft. s. C. | Hilton Head, s. C., Novemiter 13,1865. j Will l»e sold at public Auction, at this place, oil MONDAY, December 11, 134 b. at 12 M. under direc lion of Captain W. K. MniTord, A. </. M., the follow ing Government vessels, viz : NELLY LAkElt, side wheel steamer ; 293 tons ; wooden hull : length on deck 153 feel : l*e:iui 25 fectO inches: over ;tli 4.* feet ; depth of hold K feel 6 inches ; draft 5 feet 10 inches ; has one beam en gine ; diameter of cylinder 32 niches ; stroke of pis tiim 10 feet ; has one single return line boiler. Has saloon accommodations, lull promenade decks, and is well found in chains, anchors. &e, NKPTUSK, side wheel steamer: 302 tons; wood* n hull ; lengt h on deck 141 teet; Im*hiii 20 ieel sinches ; over all 45 feet 2 inches; depth of hold in feet 10 inches ; drab 7 feet; hat one beam engine; tliameUh. of ciHuder 42 Inches ; stroke oi piston 3 feet; has oue single return Hue boiler. This steamer has full promenade * deck, fore aud aft, and is a good freight or entitle carrier. ONROTA, double-end side-wheel ferry l*oat: wooden hull; 345 tons ; length on duck 147 feet ; beam 25 feet ; over all 65 feet G inches ; depth of hold 11 feet ; draft 7 feet ; has one beam engine ; di ameter of eylander .‘56 Inches ; stroke of piston 9 feel; lias one double return tlue boiler. This steamer has recently been repaired, and Is In excellent order and well found iu anchors, chains, Ac, CROTON, side-wheel steamer ; 361 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 187 feet ; beam 26 feet.; over all 43 feet 9 inchest: depth olhold 8 feet; draft G feet; has one square engine ; diameter of cylinder 37 in ches; stroke of piston 10 feet; has one double return flue boiler. This steamer hits been thoroughly repaired, has saloon an»l state room accommodations, is well supplied with anchors, chains, <£c., and is very fast. GOLDEN GATE, side wheel steamer ; 196 tons ; wooden hull; length on deck 148 feet; beam 21 feet; over all 35 feet 10 inches ; depth of hold G feet 4 in ches; draft 5 feet 6 inces ; has one l«eam engine ; diameter of cylinder 34 inches ; stroke ol piston 6 feet; has one horizontal tublar boiler. This steamer is in flue order; has saloon accommo dations. ami is well tound in anchors, chains, tic. NANTASKET, side wheel steamers; 299 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 10G feet; beam 25 feet 3 inches; over all 42 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 3 in ches; draft 5 feet 6 Inches ; has one beameugine; diameter of cylinder 34 inches ; stroke of piston 3 feet; has one single return flue boUqr, and is well fouud in anchors, chains, Ac. MACON, propeller, with two screws, 322 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 156 feet; beam 25 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 8 inches; draft 7 feet; lias two direct horizontal engines (condensing;) diameter of cylinder 24 inches; stroke of piston 26 inches; has two single return tlue boilers. RELIEF, screw tug; GS tons; wooden hull; length on deck 67 feet; beam 17 feet; depth of hold 7 feet; draft 7 feet 10 inches; lias one high-pressure engine; diameter of cylinder 20 inches; stroke of piston 2o inches ; has one angle return Hue boiler, and is well found in anchors, cUains, Ac. RESCUE, screw lug ; 203 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 108 feet; beam 20 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 12 feet; draft 11 feet 4 inches; has two low pressure engines; diameter of cylinder 2G inches; has one single return tlue boiler. This vessel is a powerful tug; is in good condition, and well found in anchors, chains, Ac. GENERAL HUNTER, side-wheel steamer ol 460 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 193 teet and inches; beam 28 feet 6 incites; over all 50 feet 8 inches; depth of hold 9 feet 4 iuches: draft forward 5 feet, aft 6 feet 6 inches; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 40 inches; stroke of piston 10 feet. This steamer was bnilt in New York, and com pleted in 1863; is a vessel of beautiful model and high rate of speed, with hull, engine and boiler as good as new. Terms, cash in government funds. C. W. THOMAS. n2O-td Bvt. Lt. Col. and Chief Q. M. SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, 8. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY A BANCROFT, Proprietors. Edm-akv L. Jonhs, Agent. ts oetlO Arcbitectnre and Engineering. MULLER & BRUIN, Architects and Engineers, are now prepared to furnish Drawings, Specifica tions and Estimates for buildings. Also for all kinds of Machinery, such as Saw' Mills and other Mills, Facto ries, Ac., aud to sppei intend the building of the tain* 4 . Surveying done m all its branches. Levelling, Ac. Office in Sorrel’s Building, corner of Bull and Bay sis., second floor. M. I\ MULLER, Civil and MectiauiCal Engineer. DtWITT BRIA N, nov4-lm Architect. BROWN’S C ASTI LLI AIM BITTERS THIS uunvalled Tonic prepared from the Pure Juice oft he Grape and extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy and the Province of Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter section they their name. A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, ami valuable to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement of the stomach, it is unrivalled. . A never failing preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel by land or water should be without the Castilllan. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct24-3m KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Ilarp Dangers, Side Backs, Side Lamp*, with and without Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Fonuts- Patent Glass Cones, Burner*. Globes, Cbimnies and Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers’ and Confectioners’ GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES T. WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, Two doors below Barclay. N. Y novl-3m NORTH RIVER AGRICULTURAL WORKS, fiItIFFING & fO., Proprietors, Warelionxes, 58 & 60 Cortlaidt street, NKW YORK, % MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Plows. Sugar Mills, Hay Cutter*, Harrows, Corn 61 ills, sausage Cutters, Cultivator*, Cider Mill*, Vegetable Gutter* Cotton Sweeps, Fan Mill*, llzml Carle llay Presses, Saw Mill*. Mule Carls, Colton Presses, Corn SUellers, OxCarts, Cider Presses, Slore Truck*, Farm Wagon*, drain Cradles, Wheelbarrows Horsepowers, Chums, Sugar Pans, Threshing Math's Ox Bows, Shovels, Colton Gins, Ox Yoke*. Spade. Mowers ,V Heap’s, Well Burkcta Hoes, Forks, Ac., Ac. Rakes, SCylhe*. Garden, Field and Flower Needs. Hoyt's Super phosphate of Liras, Bone Manure, Poe, drette. Plaster, Ac. 4 Sole agentsfor Glasgow Fertilizer Co.’s Phosphate and Ammnniated Guano, and of Lime, and ltriice's Concentrated Manure. Trade supplied. Order direct from GRIPPING A CO . n23-lm 58 and 00 Courtlamit st., New York LAND AGENCY FOR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. rjIHE subscriber, formerly of Savannah, aud resident at Blnckehear, Pierce county, Ga.. on the Atlan tic A Gulf Railroad, will give bis personal aud undi vided attention to the sale aud purchase of Lands contiguous to the said railroad, on commission, aud solicits the patronage of all needing an agent there. Aw experience iu the land, lumber and timber busi ness of twenty years in Georgia aud Sonth Carolina, guarantees ample qualification. He will be repre sented in Savannah by Mr. Henry Bryan, and in New York by the Great .Southern Land Agency, T 1 Broad way- • JOHN It. DELANNOY. Refers to any old resident in Savannah, septs 3m CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE THE uudersiguod have formed a Cos partnership under tire name and style ol Scranton, Smith A Cos., lor the tiansacliou ol a Wholesale Grocery and Commission business in this city, ut (he head ol Buy street, opposite Jcfftseou. D. T. SCRANTON, Formerly Scranton A Johnston WM. H. SMITH, Formerly Rabun* Smith. J. L. LARGE. Savannah. Nov. 14th. 1*(!5. Im-nlo Wilder’s SALAMANDER SAFES, Willi Wiltltr's Patent Posotter ana Burglar-proor Locks. BG. WILDER A CO., Patentees and Manufacture • ers lit tbe best tire-proof Sate in the world J welters’ and Bankers’ Safes make to order, lined with hardened steel. House and Plate Safes. To this celebrated Safe was awarded the gold medal at the World's Fair, in London, 1861. Nutioz.—This celebrated fire-proof Safe is no longer made and sold by SilasC. Herring, his license to make ami sell them having expired. Lists containing prices aud fnll description of differ ent sizes and styles or Safe, cun be had on application Ui the agent lor tbe State, at Savannah, orally of the special agents Agents wanted in every city and town of the State. For particulars, address the undersigned We have constantly on hand a good assortment, for sale at manufacturers' New York prices CUNNINGHAM, PURSE* CO. Sole Agents for the Stute of Georgia nlo-2m Savannah, Ga. INK. O K GROSS INK, u stands, ut *8 60 per gross. 16 WO dozen Arnold’s Writing Fluid, pints, at 47 ner dozen. For sale by SAVILLK * LEACH aulktf for. Bryan street and Market square. ASTEN & THROCKMORTON. NO. 253 BOWERY, NEW YORK, ' lICANUPACTURERS and Dealers in Builders’ aud iYL Locksmiths' Hardware. Nails, Pullies, Cord, Him laa-ka and Knobs, Butt Hinges, Brass and Iron Keve and Castings, Goug Bells, Wire, Silver-Plating Ac- All orders, large or small, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, legs than market prices. arpl9 6m ~HTWITT r S GLOBE HOTEL, Augusta, Ga. riTliß OLD GLOBE HOTEL, corner Broad and Jack son streets, having passed into the bunds of W. C. Hewitt, late of the “ Hewitt House,’’Va., has been thoroughly renovated, and is now open for the recep tion of visitors to the city. He will be most happy to sec his old friends and the travelling public gen erally at the Gi.otifc, where they will receive every at tention aud meet with the very host accommodation the Southern country can afford. W. G. HEWITT, Proprietor. Col, ft H. Jokes, Clerk. nB-lm JN otice. ALL persons having demands against the estate of Edward G. Wilson, deceased, of Ctu&tliam county* are respectfully requested to handthem in properly an thenticat-ed; and ail persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to AN A IS WILSON, ul4 Administratrix. Magazines foi* Decern ber. HARPKR'B MONTHLY Mad. Demorest's Mirror of Fashion* Atlantic Monthly. At ESTILL’B NEWS DEPOT, n‘27-tf Bull street, back of P. O.