Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 04, 1865, Image 1
THE SAY AMAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 274. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING) is rouiins bt H. W. MAHON & GO., At HI Bat Sraxxr, Aatakhab, Geoboia. Tim: Per Copy. • • ! '' ve 2®jJ- Per Veer *1« <*>• AD V BITIII !■ e: IVo Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first lh •ertiiiij ■ One Dollar for each, subsequent one. Ad TertisemenU 1 inserted in the morning, will, if desired, appear in the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. BY TELEGRAPH TO THE Daily U e ra Id. lt cen grant en route FOR SAVANNAH. Hit RtCIPTION AT HILTON HEAD. The Military Display, Salutes, and En thusiasm. The General's Party. INCIDENTS OF THE RECEPTION. GEN. GRANT TO ARRIVE IN SAVAN NAH THIS MORNING. [SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. J Hilton Head, S. C., Dec. 3. Lieut. Gen. Grant, arrived here just before diuk last evening by the steamer Cosmopoli tan. The Cosmopolitan left Charleston for Hilton Head at 11 A. M. yesterday with the General, stopping on the way to visit Fort Sumter. The trip was a very pleasant one, the attentions of Capt. A. C. Crocker and Purser Clias. M. Birdsall of the Cosmopoli tan, makiug the excursion an unusually en joyable one. General tiraut is accompanied by Gen. Comstock, Col. Badeau Col. Babcock of his Staff. Major General Sickles commanding the Department oT South Carolina, with Medical Director A P. Dalrymple, Lt. Col. C W. Thomas, Chief Quartermaster, Maj. •Roy, Capt. Leslie and Capt. Seaton of his Staff also arrived with him. Upon the arrival the steamer bringing tbe Lieutenant General, the Sixth Regiment of Regulars and the 21st Regiment U. S. C. T. were drawn up upon the dock and the General was received with the customai y military ceremonies. At the same moment a salute was tired from Fori Welles, flags were thrown to the breeze from the various Government buildings, and an immense concourse of people assembled who displayed-the most unbounded enthusi asm and respect. Upon debarking from the steamer the Gen eral and his party were escorted to the res idence of Col. Greeu, oth U. S. lufaDtry, commanding tbe District, where he was en tertained with a collation. Several judges and prominent officers of the army and navy, were present, aud a large assemblage was gathered outside the commandant’s quarters, anxiously endeavoring to get a glimpse of Gen. Grant. The General soon afterwards returned to the steamer Cosmopolitan, which is now orders to proceed to Savannati, where she will arrive early to-morrow morning witlp the whole party. Col. Green and Lt. Col. Clitz, 6th U- S. Inf., commanding the Post, and all the offi cers of the Post aud District, deserves great credit for the orderly and fitting oiiaracter of the reception of the Lieutenant General at Hilton Head. Major General 8. Sickles was regarded with not a little consideration, us p brave •officer who won great renown at the battle of Gettysburg aud elsewhere, but General Grant, in his civilian’s dress and smoking the traditional cigar, was, of course, the lion of the occasion. The Habeas Corpus Restored to all except the Insurrec tionary States. THE ORGANIZATION OF CONGRESS. Washington, Nov. 30. —The president has ssued a proclamation restoring the writ of habeas corpus in all the States, excepting those which have been heretolcre declared insurrectionary, and the District of Columbia and the Territories of New Mexico and Ari zona. Washington, Dec. 1-—There is no doubt that the House of Representatives will be organized without difficulty. So credentials have been received as yet of any member from the Southern States, er upting those from Virginia and Tennessee. About one hundred members have already arrived. LATER FROM WASHINGTON. ¥ Pi‘aker Colfax and Mr. McPlicraon Be. “uiniiiated "* a Republican Caucus. The Course to be Pursued by the Re publicans witb Reference to the Southern States. Washington, Dec. 2.—At tbe Republican caucus last evening, Mr. Colfax waa uonti nated speaker of|tho House, and Mr. Mc bersou for Clerk, by acclamation. At ‘“other caucus, all the present incumbents ''ere renominated for tbeir respective offices, be Houthurn members have been admitted ,0 *be caucuses. A resolution WBg uusnimously adopted, " o| f' r ed to both Houses ol Congress, for 1 1 “I‘pobitinunl ot a committee of lllteeu " 1 "“»ld«r tbe condition of the so-called oiiiwtrraie HiuUii, and report whether any 1 " u bs entitled to representation : n<> '"' nl| vrs from those States to he admitted !'**' such report he made aud acted upon ■y Congress, *m» Vsrk Nsrkbi hsi' kW '"**• Nor, tut Cotton Is quiet u .id u« i^* 16| " i,ml **** LATER FROM EUROPE. The Hiheuuudoah, Spanish Aggression in Chili. Advance in Cotton. New York. Nov. 80. —The steamship Scotia from Liverpool ou .the 18th has ar rived. The Shenandoah was to leave Liverpool for New York on the 21st. The subject of the recent Spanish aggres sions in Chili is occupying the attention of the European powers. Cotton had advanced a quarter to half penny. The sales on Saturday, the 18th, were 10,000 bales. Breadstuff* steady. Provisions unsettled. U. S. Five-Twenties 63 1-2 to 04, Consols 89 1-4 to 89 3-4. FROM BRAZIL: A Warm Reception Awaiting Emigrant* From the Southern States. THE EMPEROR PROMISES TO AID THE PROJECT. New York, Nov. 29.— Advices from Rio Janeiro state that Col. Wood and tbe party who were sent from the South to Brazil, to negotiate for lauds for some six hundred Southern planters, met with an enthusiastic reception. Tbe Emperor promised his aid in further ance of the project. Mobile Cotton Market' Mobile, Dec. I.—The sales to-day were 1000 bales. Middling 47 to 48c. l’be sales'of the week were 2200 bales. Receipts of tbe week 14,320. Export of tbe week 5,382. Stock on band 69,990 bales. Gold 148 to 150. Four Day’s Later Mail From New York. The steamship Varuua, from New York on the 29tb, arrived yesterday morning.— We are indebted to Purser Smith for favors. Lieutenant-General Grant, accompanied by Gen. Comstock, senior aid on bis stall', arrived in Richmond, Va., on tbe 29tb ult., and was to leave the succeeding day for Charleston, via Danville. Governrr Holden of North Carolina, has partially recovered from bis dangerous ill ness. Postmaster General Dennison lias ordered mail service to be performed in Georgia ou all the railroad routes of the State. This has been doue in compliance with the re commendation of a large majority of the members of tbe recent Georgia convention, who also petitioned lor the reopening of over three hundred additional post offices iu the State, at tbe same time designating citizens elligible for postmasters. The military commission which tried Cap lain Wirz is not yet dissolved: aud this gives color to the report that it is to lie n -with oue or two chauges, to try Capts. R. B. Winder aud Duucan for cruel ties to the Union prisoners at Anderso'nville, and Gee for similar conduct at Salisbury. Gov. Mortou of ludiana, is on tbe eve of departure for Europe, and be is understood to be charged with a confederate mission abroad. The Secretary of War has ordered that all the inlisted men of the volunteer service now imprisoued by reason of baviug been found guilty of desertion be released from custody. Tbe total receipts from iDternal revenue since the 30th of Juue amount to $146,500,- 000. It is said that there is but little doubt that Earl Russel baa determined to submit a re form bill to tbe House of Commons. Iu England tbe weather has bad no effect in staying tbe cattle disease ; but tbe frost and raiu have rather agravated it. Spain is threatened with a negro revolt in Cuba. The death of Gen. Deßussy occurred at San Francisco on the 23d ultimo. Recent London advices indicate that tbe respected claims of the Governments of tbe United States and England would be ami cably settled. Stephens, tbe Fenian Head Centre in Ire land, has been arrested and was under ex amination before the Magistrates. A military order has been issued in Wil mington, North Carolina, removing all the colored troops to the sea coast forts. Resolutions having in view the increase of cotton culture in tbe South, and requesting the support of government in projected new labor organizations for that purpose, have been adopted by the Boston Board of Trade. Apprehension is felt throughout Texas, especially iu tbe Eastern districts, of negro disturbances about Christmas time. Tbe planters fearing commotions, are sending their families iuto the seaport and garrisoned towns. It is expected that tbe opened coun try will be abandoned by almost tbe whole white population. The Military Police force will be with drawn from Richmond on tbe 25th day of December. Ex-Piesideut Pieice is recovering from big severe indisposition. Gov. Parsons of Alabama, bag recommend ed to the State Convention tbe passage of an act declaring that the freedmen shall have the same measure of protectiou that is now secured to tbe non-voting white population. Gov. Wells bss appointed un agent to seize eight hundred bales cotton iu Galveston and ship the same to New Orleans, it being the property of the State of Louisiana. Tbe Clerk of the House of Representatives at Washington had printed on the 26th ult, the usual roll of inemliers elect, made up from Mio credential* he had received. No members from the sodding Stems appear on it. hx Speaker t olls* had a luug interview with tbe FresUleut on the *7lb ult, In the ptewuce of Geni iMI Orsnt. They bud prvt ly tree talk in regard to political matter*— tin* President iutotmed Mr ('oifsa, a* lie ha* many other*, il.«i he ton* lor au early «dju*im»ui of ih« |>,,iitii « SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1805. but that Us action in tbe premises would be controlled by events as they transpired. Jose Gonzalez, the principal in the late horrible murder of tbe Cuban, Otero, in Brooklyn, N. Y., was arrested on tbe 25tb. The coroner's investigation took place on tbe 28tb. The prisoners Gonzalez and. Pell icier have been indicted lor murder iu tbe tirst de gree by the Grand Jury, and their trial will take place at an early day. Gen. Thomas, of the Department of the Tennessee, has rescinded the order prohibi ting the carrying of side-arms. noon news. Dally Mail Service Ordered on the Cen tral and Atlantic and Gtulf Kallroadn- Postmaster Harris has been notified by the P. O. Department that daily mail ser vice has been ordered ou the Central Rail Road, aud ou the Atlantic & Gulf Rail Road from this city, as well as on the other Rail roads of State. Mail service will also be speedily opened to every couuty site and im portant point in tbe State; and postmasters be appointed, who are already recommended. This will be a great aid in restoring civil government and (he old order of things. Position of the Clerk of the House of Representatives.— A dispatch from Wash ington Nov. 26tb, says : On inquiring, it is ascertained that but comparatively few of the credentials of the members of the House of Representatives have been received, either from tbe late Confederate or other States, therefore the Clerk of the House lias not prepared a list of members, and will not, probably, before Saturday No credentials have been receiv ed from the Southern States except Virginia aud part of Tennessee. The position of the Clerk of the House is understood to be as follows : That be is merely to administer the law in placing the names of the members elect upon tbe roll, his course ou doubtful points being controlled by the precedents set by the House in the absence of judicial rul ing as to the coustitutiouality of the law. Whatever defects that may he discovered can, if right, be remedied by tbe House. In addition to the validity and formality of the credentials, the question arises whether their States are completely restored to tboir origi nal rights and privileges iu the Union. The question as to whether certaiu members elect can or cannot take tbe test oath, will not properly occur uutil after the election ot. the Speaker, whose duty it is to administer it to the other members before proceeding further in the busiuess of organization. The Payment of the Direct Tax. —lu Message No. 4 of his Excellency, Governor Perry, dated 7th inst., the Governor says, with reference to the payment of the quota of direct tax due by South Caroliua to the General Government: “I addressed a communication to the Sec retary of tbe Treasury at Washington, a few days since, urging that iu case the Legisla ture should assume the payment of that jx>r tiou of the direct tax for which South Caro liua is liable, ibat tbe Federal Government should receive her bonds for the same or sus pend the collection of the tax tor the present year. 1 would advise the immediate assump tion by the State of her portion of the di rect tax, which is about three hundred aud sixty thousand dollars. This will relieve the people of the immediate payment of it to the Ft<deral Tax Collectors, and enable the State U> make some arrangement in reference to it with the Treasury Department or Con gress.” This portion of his Message was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means which we believe reported favorably upon the sug gestion. We regret to observe a statement amongst our latest Washington advices that in reply to tbe letter of Governor Perry, Secretary McCullough informs him ‘‘that under the existing laws the Government has no power to grant the privilege requested and we trust that action in the premises, on the part of the Government, will be deferred un til tbe organization of Congress. It is believed that then Congress will mod ify the law iu reference to this matter so as to make Governor Perry’s suggestion availa ble for the relief ot tbe people of this State. It would be like tying a millstone around our necks to iusist upon the payment ot this tax directly by the people, in their present impoverished condition, and we have. too much confidence in the liberality of Con gress to suppose that it will deny to us so slight a concession a9 the one requested by Governor Perry.— Charleston Courier. FINANCIAL. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale by sepls BRIGHAM, BALDWIN* CO. Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, Id same to suit purchaser?, by eep2B-tf K F. METCALFE & CO. STOVES, &c. COOK IN G AND Heating Stoves, Round Pots, Ovens, Holloav Ware, <fcc. Whitaker above Broughton Sts J. Gh THOMPSON & CO. oct!6-2aw2m WOOD, WOOD THK undersigned him opened * Wood Yard, at the Lowit Ittce Mill, and will keep conaial'.tly on hand h tiood itock or all Mod., Order boxen may be (hand *t th«ttore»of Dr. M. F. rimer, W. W. Lincoln, Oeldt .v t.udlow and J. O. Watts. »»*■ *od* ||. J. HTKOnHAR. SALT. 10,000 Back« Liverpool Salt, Km »«| u by W II MJAMH, dl S* No fit Hay (tract. Dis&olutiou of Co-pailiimliiii, T' 1 *" and“ J‘ f aM*u .‘‘W-MyX* >iy Mr Jsuns II West will nxiiijiaa iu *ci a* m „i,i i,„ •lAMMI M WM*t RAILROADS. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, \ Savannah, Ga., Nov. IS, 1565.) ON and after Wednesday, *2d Inst., a daily train will leave for Augusta at B.3ti a. m., counw.ting w ith a line of Hacks running between Station ii. Central Railroad, and Waynesboro on tbe Augusta and Savannah Railroad. Passengers by this hue will arrive in Augusta the next morning alter leaving Savannah in time to connect with the Georgia Railroad train for Atlanta Reluming arrive iu Savannah at 3.4 e p m. Freight to go by Passenger Trslu must be prepaid and delivered half hour before departure of train. By order of GEO W. ADAMS, _n2o General Superintendent. Central Railroad SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. ) Savannah, Nov. IStb, 1866. j This Company is now, in connection with H. J. Dickerson k Co.’s Wagons, prepared to receive and forward to Augusta, Macon, Atfanta Ac., dally from twenty to thirty thonsaud pounds of Freight, and go throngli in from three to five days. - Ship Freight and other expenses most be paid by Shippers. Railroad freight can be paid here or at des tination. Freight on perishable goods must he prepaid. Rates to Augusta, untU further notice, Will be per foot 60cents, period lbs. 82.60 GEO W. ADAMS, n2O General Superintendent. ‘ WASTED. Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. 5.—35 bblß Flour * 20 half t>l»ls Fk»ur 9 bblß Crackers 0 bbls Apples 6 bbls Eggs G & W—loo tubs Lard. If not called for will be sold for freight and expenses OCt23 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN CO. WANTED, A STORE, on B%y street, or portion of a large store divided off, with an office overhead. Address ••Merchant/’ Herald office. nlB-tf Wanted, A MONTH! Agents wanted wanted for »iz entirely new articles, just out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. eepl6 d<fcw3m WANTED, or more Unfurnlsed Rooms, in a respectable location, suitable tor housekeeping, by a getle raan and wife. Address Box 176, Post Office d2-tf WANTED A GENTLEMAN of strict business habits, aud 16 years’ experience, desires a position as Salesman or Bookkeeper in some Commission House in this city, where the services of a valuable man would be ap preciated. Ad lress, for ten days, Bookkeeper, Herald Office, Savannah, Ga. tf-nl;i Wanted, tkO rt A DAY 1 Agents wanted to .ell anew and D wonderful SEWING MAI HINL, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW & CLARK. Bid deford, Maine. sepl4-dAw3m FOR SALK A TO KENT. Rice Plantation FOR SALE. THAT valuable Rice Plantation kuowfa as Stratbey Hall, on the Ogeeeliee river, Bryan county, about twenty-two miles from Savannah. For particulars, apply at tile Counting Room of Erwin A Hardee, Bay street, Savannah. CHAS. S. HARDEE, d2-3aw2w Ex'r Ksate G. W. McAllister. FOR SALE. * FINE new Buggy Wagon. Apply to “ H. G. RUWE * CO., „ Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Sq., p2B-tf Fronting Pulaski House. SALE OF A GARDEN. 1 OFFER for sale mv Garden Lot, situated ou the south Bide of Lover's Lane, containing teu acres Hie improvements consist of a dwelling house, one story and attic, on a brick basement, a brick stable ami all other necessary out buildings. The growing crop will aleo be sold with the place For Lease or Rent, OK ACRK9 of good Farm Land, two miles from the O'J Court House. Apply to „„JOHN MoMAHON, u"3-tf Jefferson and Broughton streets. PAVILION HOTEL For lient. That well-known, desirably located, and highly popular estabiiehiiK-nt, situated on Bull street, between South Broad and Hull streets, occupying four entire lots of 60 by 1)0 feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty rooms, is now offered for rent. The party renting this property will be required to make the necesshry repairs and give satisfactory se curity for the punctual payment of reut JOHN M. OOOrER. * nov7 —ts Pres’t Union Society. FOR RENT, *The large, convenient, and comfortable DwelHiig House situated on the southwest corner of B..i)tb Broad anil Montgomery st* Possession given immediately. Apply to BRYAN, HARTRIDwK * CO. Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD, S. C. Tile light aud commodious Store, corner Merchants' Row and Palmetto Avenue, to lease for a limited time. Term* easy. Addrcae W. S. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, oct!8 tr lock Box E, Milton Head. BC. ROOMS TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, S.C. The “Palmetto Herald Building." having lieeo newly dtted up, now oiler large and airy Room* suitable lor Sleeping Apartmont* or Bualnea* purposes. For term* addrea* W. 8. SAMPSON, Jr., Agent, OetlS ts Luck Box K, Hilton Head, H. V Notice. /-SONBKJNKKH tar JOB W WKIIU'JT H. from New V York, will atlend lu lb# r«' eplkiu of their good., tiding till* day at Exchange »barv*g nil Tu liiisiness MlHI.' A YOUNG MAN, *dU"*l«d In buelnw, will, a cash • aplt.l of vviaMi to 411,1*0. wlaiw* 1 4i eugag. lu mime aMabllthwl ixiMw liiiAix m H> .1 of i Jlm iu m glean Addim* WII T , Belaid oßi#, statins kind >4 buaieeas if us* St. Andrew** Hall. TT 'Vfttotl&WßXWt'K SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE. JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMSHIPS ARIADNE AND LEO, BY C. ORFF, * AT THE Southern Palace Dry Goods House A NEW AND ELEGANT LOT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS ORNAMENTS, CLOAK ORNAMENTS, BY THE SET, • BUGLE TRIMMINGS, PARIS TRIMMINGS, JET BUTTONS, SILK BALL BUTTONS, VELVET BALL BUTTONS, SUPERB LYONS VELVET, A LARGE LOT OF ELEGANT CLOAKS, BROCHE POPLINS, ROUBAIX, A FINE LOT OF MELANGES, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, GENT’S SCARFS, MAGNIFICENT STYLES GENT’S MAUDS, NEW FRENCH MERINOS, NEW DELAINES. A FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. All just opened, with an immense stock of FANCY AND COLORED SILKS and other DRESS GOODS. FOB. PLANTATION USE—DARK AND LIGHT KERSEYS, GEORGIA PLAINS, GEORGIA JEANS, OSNABURGS AND BROWN. Homespuns by the Yard, Piece or Bale. AGENT FOR BRADLEY'S ELLIPTIC HOOP SKIRT. Southern Palace Pry Poods House 111 & 113 CONGRESS ST., ntl-tf Opposite the Pulaski House. DRY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry- (ioodw, Fancy Oootls, &c., &c., &c.. Remarkably Cheap for- Cash. CAN BE FOUND AT 2k- Ho»olxer ct> Co’s., 18 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign sod Domestic Gaods, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac. N. B.— By strict attention to business, courteous aud honorable dealing with our customers, we trust to merit aud receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line ot White Goods and Linens uow open. ocfl9 CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. THE subscriber having formed a Co-partnership with Mr. J. C. Ludlow, under Hie arm uameot Ileldt A Ludlow, respectfully calls the attention of his (Mends and the public generaliyto their large stock ot Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes and Hats, which they are now opening, and will sell at Wholesale and Retail, at 71 St. Julien and 162 Con gres streets. Gibbon's Range. ocM-2m E. HEIDT. Blankets I Flannels CLOTHS AND CABSIMKREB ' BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS , FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACAB. Recited and for eale cheap by ± " H. HAYM, oct2B 174 Broughton street. H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, As. Juot received and for tale at tbe lowest pi ice* by oct23 li. HAIM. Cloaks, Cloaks. LADIES' Cloth Cloak., it fine assortment. Just re ceived by steamer. n43-tf BINBTFIN S ECKMAN. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. TUBT opened, large assortment of Zephyr Wonted 11 Shawls, Hon tags. Cloaks aud Hoods, Cbiidr en' Capa, Boot* and Ualtera. Also, Wall Linens. Table Damask. Linen Towels, Table Napkin* aud Doyle*, and a variety of Fancy Ar ticle. too numerous to mention All of which w. offer at very low prices EINSTEIN ft ECKMAN, nov3 ts |»| Cougreas Ulreet. HAYWOOD & LaHOCHK. 00c si the !r« if.use, Mark"' Square. OAK. Pine *nd Miami Wood kepi constantly on hand and delivered to ordsr* at Hi. shortest notice. d| im NOTICE. HAVING been am iui«* Lloyd'* Agent, I •an b. round at lb. ofeic. ot toy firm, Hud * ni.wail »» «*> el reel .W L s >■ W HKID NOTICE. EINSTEIN & ECKMAN, Hi. 11l Cum St. Savanna! Ga. THE OLD ESTABLISHED ANp WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE. AND RETAIL in toons HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING Just received end opened a very large and select stock ot Fancy Dress Good", House- Keeping and Domestic Goods, Blankets, cloaks and Shawls, Also Hats, Boots aud Shoes. And all articles usually found In a first cass Dry Goode House, we would most respectfully Invite our former friends and customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the i Ity, to cdll and examine oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. V EINSTEIN * ECKMAN, nov6-tf 161 Congress Street, Savannah, G». Kerosene Oil, In barrels aud cases, AT HORATIO PITCHERS, Foot of Lincoln »L, Under tbe Bluff. u3O-tf WANTED. GEORGIA and South Carolina Bank Bills Albany and Gulf Railroad Stock Central Railroad Stock Couponi Albany and Gnll Railroad Coupon! City of Savannah FORDYCE, ANDEIISOtfS JANNKY, <K-tf Bay st., No. 10 Stoddard's Range- PROF. DIETZ, PH. DR , or ha it is, FRENCH LANGGAGE S LITERATURE TERMS MODERATE. Jtefnenceg : Da. Assort), Mayor ot Savannah Poor. Cana, Superintendent City Public Schools Hev. Ms. Kinu, Savannah Rxv Ms Cozby, Savannah Riuut Rxv. Bianoe Lynch, Charleston Qen. Biaouuabd, New Oilcan*. Paor. Losuaa, Superintendent ot.J>nblle Educa tion, Louisiana W Inquire at Chatham Academy Building d2 sAmlk The Kirhoioßd Medical Journal, . RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. rfIHIS Journal will be published as a Monthly Oc- A tavo of 60 pages—the January number being is sued early in Deoemlier A reepectable number of the beat writer* in this country have promised thetr support fan ostentatious display of name* is avoided), and as the Editors Oder to pay liberally tor article*, It is hoped that the orlgl nal department of the Journal will he entitled to re spect and confidence. The page* of the Journal will be devoted to orlgiul articles, .foreign aiul domestic correspondence, a re trospect of Medicine and Surgery during the late war, an Eccleclic Department (which will bes chief feature of the Journal), reports of Sociuiies, associations, hos pitals and clinical lectures, reviews and biograpliicsl uollccs. Medical newa, editorials, miscellaneous mut ter, etc. Without making special promises, tb. editors will endeavor tc make ibis Journal acceptable to its sup porters. r T.aas—Five Dollars yearly, If paid In advuncc, or before the expiration of the third munth after the dale of aubscrlptlon; If paid after this iwrlod. Ten Dol lars per annum Advertisements will be inserted on the most liberal termo, and a* there are no medical Journals now pub llehcd lu the Southern Mates, advertisers will enloy peculiar advantages. K 8/MILLARD M. l>., Richmond, Va. W. 8, McCHEMNBY, M. Ik. Staunton, Va., Edltuiaand Publisher* All letter* In relation to tho lib rary or business Interest* of the Join nal will be addi"seed to Dr. U 8 GalllarrL Bos OH), Rn liinnml Va dk 4 St. John’s Churoh. l< iu ami I p m at ihe Chuich. J • F, I.ANDAMTKii. _ _ _ Treasurer N otioe. OFFM‘B OF FRGVfMtT MAMBMAL. I Mavunuali, u*,, 0, , atm" Im!,' I SIMP ' | PRICE, 5 CENTS insurance:. NEW ENGLAND J MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, B. F, STEVENS, President. man,-rose. isi, PE SewM,T»™S cUr ' Homer Bartlett, ChS&l. Jamee S. Amory, JOBH. M. GIBBENB, Secretary. Cush Assets, $3,000,000 Last Gash Returns, $750,000 FORTY PER CENT. PAID TO ALL INSURED. This Company, established in Boston, Maas., in 1843, la the oldest and moat reliable wholly Mutual Life Insurance Company in the United States, and has been uniformly successful, having always made large r«torus tn cash to all the policy holders. Last cash dividend 40 per cent. By the last report of the Insurance Commissioners, the surplus of assets over liabilities was proportionate ly greater than any Life Insurance Company In the United States. This Company being purely mutual, insures st the lowest possible rates; and If the premium paid ex ceed the actual coat, the surplus Is returned to the parties insuring. Kvery fifth year, at the lime of declaring the returns the business is, as lt were, closed, so that its actual pusltion and solvency are made mtnlfeet at that time; and the surplus funds are divided pro rata among all the Insured. This guarda the assured against any possible loss from inefficiency on the part of the Com pany, and is a sore guaranty as regards the future. Parties at a distance may insure from blanks. Which will bo supplied and forwarded free of expense. Printed documents of an interesting character showing the benefits of the mutual plan end the ad vantages generally ot life insurance that this company baa to offer, supplied gratis, or forwarded. A. WILBUR, General Agent for Georgia and Florida, n27 -'- f 89 Bay street. Savannah. KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INSURANCE COMFY or NEW YORK. Southern Branch Office, SAVANNAH, A. WILBUR, Mamaosb., THIS old established Company Imnes Policies on auy lire from SIOO to SIO,OOO, on all the different plans iu nse. Particular attention Is called to the favorite ( NON-FORFEITURE POLICIES, by which a person paying for TEN YEARS receives a free paid up Policy, upon which no further pre mium la pavebie, and which becomes a source of profit to the insured, as the accruing dividends are PAID HIM IN CASH, choose There 1? W lUe PoHcy ' M “>« PAriyaaay NO CHANCE OF LOSS !L 5 J- t U pian j, for 4ftsr , two *>nual paymmta are '.VL® p * r,y m *J’ *vcelYe a paid up Policy tor one fltth or tbe amount Insured, and in like oronortion tar any number of payments. pamphlets giving full Information may ha had at the ofhee, 69 Bay Street, or from Fire Insurance - the Phffinix Insarance Comp’y, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Capital #OOO,OOO A * sets $1,000,000 Fire risk! taken in the above Company on Bniim n(r . and Merchandize of every description at fair rates/* novS-lm H BRIGHAM, Agent. NEW YORK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INBURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus ...$1,600,000 PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,500,000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus .....$1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO Capital and Surplu* $900,000 Risk* taken in the above highly reaoonsihle Com. paniea on buildings aud merchaodiee of all descrip tions, at the lowest rates coi respond! air with l isks. Apjdy to • K wn “ U4C UV,IU No. llSWdd.rtVtoom.ilf'ln—t Reliable Soutberxx Inßurance. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. (aw,uow Tbe uudanrigued beg* leave to lateral U>* lusuriag public that h. has been isgally appointed Again lu* Iha .Ihivi uained C'irniisny, and w raady In take Ma rine. River and Fix- Risks at caatoalary rale* a 0- MYBK4, Agent. uili s ovti Uuuwr ft Gamiueli, la lay street. MeMemu. or issue Dwheß, Rente, a Gala am i. Erwlu 4 Ilardee •»«*!*• ‘ NOTKJK i'< AiNYRMf BAMIi. I Havtuu.b, Ma . ItlkNnv law | 4 * "H 1 tof* <«• otijjiea#. r.l ijmTsnf IMBBy "d# m vfc Mobdayrih* Tb Myt TM«« M Mabdims •**»# MB Aiding