Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 06, 1865, Image 1

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THE' SAVANNAH DAILY HERAIf, VOL. 1-NO. 276. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENINGJ M PUBLISHED BT W. MASON 9k CO.. At 111 Bay Stbktt, Savannah. Gxukgia. T SB Ml: Per Copy Five Ceuta. Per Hundred $3 60. Per Year. *lO 00. A I) V KKTIB I Hi: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in sertion ; One Dollar lor each subsequent one. Ad vertieement? inserted in the morning, will, i: desired, appear m the evening without extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. BY TELEGRAPH TO THK Daily Herald. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. The President’s Message to Congress was received to-day. The following synopsis conveys the important points of the Message. The resistance to the general Government having exhausted itself, the first question that arose was whether the territory within the limits of those States which atempted lo secede, should be held as conquered ter ritory under military authority emanatiug from ihe President. He considers that mili tary governments, established for an indefin ite period over these Slates, would have of fered no security for an early suppression of discontent, and would have divided the people into vanquishers and vanquished, and would have envenomed hatred rather than have restored affection between the divided sections. The true theory is that all pretended acts of secession were from the beginning null and void; that Slates caunot commit treason nor screen the individual citizens who may have committed treason. The States attempt ing to secede, placed themselves in a condi tion wherein their functions were suspended, but not destroyed. But if any State neglects or refuses to perform its offices, there is the more need that the General Government shall maintain its authority, and as soon as practicable, resume the exercise of all its functions. On this principle he bad acted. Gradually, equally nud by almost imperceptible steps, he had sought to restore the rightful energy of the General Government and of the States. To that cud provisional governors were early appointed, All the parties in the late terrible conflict must wof k together in harmony. It is not too much to ask, that on the one side the plan of restoring the energies of the Govern ment shall proceed in conformity with a wil lingness to cast the disorders of the past into oblivion, and that on the other, the evidence of sincerity in the future maintenance of the Union, shall be put beyond any doubt by the ratification of the proposed anti-slavery amendment to the Constitution. This amend ment being adopted, it would remain for the States to resume their places iu the two brandies of Congress, and thereby'"complete the work of restoration. The President says be has no authority to make the freedraen electors. That measure remains wilh tbe States, und they can decide whether it is to be adopted at once, or in troduced gradually with proper conditions. Good faith, however,requires that tbe securi ty ot the freedmen be guaranteed on their liberty, properly and right to labor aud to claim the just returns of their labor. It will be |bis constant aim to promote unity witlh all foreign natious, and be be lieves all of them are animated with the same disposition. The accoidaoce of belligerent rights to insurgent States was unjustifiable. But Great Britain was an exception. She built ships, and furnished men and material of war to the iusurgents The justification for it cannot be sustained before tbe tribunal of the At the same time, be does not advise any prej sent attempt at redress by acts ot legislation. For the future, the friendship between the two countries must rest <>n a basis of mutual justice. We have wisely forborne, because propagandists of republicanism. But it would be the cause of great calamity to onr selves and tbe cause of good government, should any foreign powers challenge tbe American people to its defence against foreign interference ; and be relies on the wisdom and justice of those powers to respect the system of non-interfence which has so long been sustained by them. CONGRESS. Bills Introduced by Senators Wil son and Sumner. SPEAKER COLFAX RE-ELECTED IN THE HOUSE. stcv*n«' Bill|for u Committee upon the late Confederate State* Pained. W ashinotos, Dec. 4. —Congress assembled to-day. lu the Senate, a series of bills were intro duced by Mr. Sumner, relative to Carrying ">U a republican form of government in tbe district of Columbia, enforcing the Constitu tional amendment problbiting slavery, nod guaranteeing u republican form of govern tniurt in tbe late insurrectionary Slates. Mr. Wilson introduced a bill to maintain 'lie Ireedum of tbe inhabitants of tbe Stales declared to have been in rebellion without distinction of race or color. lu lint House, Mr. o*l lax was re-elected •Walter over MneUrooks, the former rucsiv iug 1,89 votes and the latter 10, 'til tire old iocimilH nls have been re elect "* to their ottleex, except the I'ostiuaslcr, '*'*■» 1» JuoUU Given. Mr. Hi, vena luirodu.vd a hill, that a com "elUm tiltceu appidlilnl to u '|sirt witcitm| any lute >'lailuilerate •‘lslet tie > illlllvil 111 icpreseulstioli lu Cue kUM The bill WI isHeed by e vote of Iyu Ins |«ik Ntikii r osa, Du | Coltou Is dull |he |Ui 14* u w THREE DAIS LATER MAIL FROM NEW YORK. EUROPEAN NEWS. The news by the steamship Beotia from Europe, is to the 19iU. The Washington correspondent of the London Times reiterates his assertion, on “high authority," to the effect that Secretary Seward has officially taken a very strong position in support of the Mouroe doctriue as against the French plan iu Mexico. Sir Morton Peto defends the Baptists of Jamaica against the charges made against them in connection with the uegro revolt. A writer lo the London Times controverts some of his statements It was thought iu Paris that Spain would uot listen to a proposal of mediation iu her difficulty with Chili. Chilean blockade runners were preparing to leave England.— The feeling against Spuin was very strong in that country. Very disgraceful scenes took place among the pugilists and “roughs" collected at Tom Sayers’ funeral. The Loudon News, speaking of President Jolinson’s policy and the prospects of the treedmen in the South, says one thing certain is, that the real permanent welfare ot the ne groes is a work which requires patience. The sin nnd sorrow of a hundred years cannot be repaiied in a hurry ; nor can the wronged race he righted or compensated by partisan strife, or aDy rivalry of Southern passion.— Force can never achieve such a work ; an<4 in the particular case, the shortest and surest road to the social salvation of the blacks is a wise gentle consideration for the whites. IMPORTANT FROM MEXICO. The news from Mexico is important. The city of Chihuahua, capital of the State of the same name, and formerly the seat of Presi dent Juarez’s government, but recently in tbe occupation of the imperialists, has been evacuated by the latter, together with the entire State. This tact is officially promul gated in the Periodico of November 2, pub lished at Ei Paso, and is confirmed by des patches to tile same effect received by Senor Romero, Mexican Minister in Washington, last night. The event had caused great re joicing among the Mexican republicans wherever known. President Juarez was about leaving El Paso for Chihuahua, in or der to reinstate the natioual government at his old capital. His liberal Minister of War had issued a stringent order summoning all general and subordinate officers of the na tional army absent from the country with qut leave, to return at once and report for active service. The Mexican.republicans fflhtlie RioGrande frontier had made no further attack on Mat amoras up to the 19th ult. It is said that two thousand French and Austrian troops to reinforce the imperial garrison there hail ar rived at the mouth of the river. From New Orleans we are again furnished with a des patch which iu different dress has been made to do service at least twice before by the tel egrapbers in that city. It states that two republican boats from the American shore of the Rio Grande atempted an attack on the imperial steamer Antonio, which fired upon and sunk them, killing or drowning, as is supposed, all on board. It lias been iulima ted that the craft taken by tbe imperialists for a republican flotilla were merely Ameri can wood boats. An agreement has been entered into between Generals Weitzel and Mejia that the Matamoras Bancbero shall cease to publish articles insulting to our sol diers and people, and that our soldiers on the Rio Graode shall refrain from insults to jbe imperialists across the river. | FROM WASHINGTON. Tlie Organization of tile House, and the Southern Members Gleet. The New York Herald's despatch of Dec. 1, says: “There are now, probably, oneltuudred members of tbe House of Representatives in Washington, with several only from the late insurrectionary States. Excepting the cre dentials of members elect from Tennessee and Virginia noae have been received from the South, it is uot probable that others will reach here from the late insurrectionary States before Monday, owing, among other causes, to the deranged condition of the mails and tbe consequent delay in gathering the official returns of the elections, and the time required to send the credentials to Washing ton. So it does not now appear that, on the meeting of the House on Monday, any diffi culty cun occur in the admission of mem bers from the Southern States ; and this is the general opinion of members now in Washington.” • THE SOUTHERN MEMBERS ELECT. It is reported that there arc not more thaD Bwo of the members of Congress elect from he Southern States whose credentials are properly made, and who could obtain seats even if there was no such hindrance as a test .oath, which perhaps can be swallowed by half a dozen. The program nab of these will be rather startling to the constituencies of .he South when it comes to be revealed in tbe organization of the House. They pro pose to side wilh ihe radicals to keep South ern members off tbe floor by working against tbe repeal of the test oath, even if the ma jority of them go down in the ruins, like Samson. Those who cannot take the test oath expect it will he repealed. The argu ment they use is that when pardoned iho new citizenship conveys with it eligibility to Congress. TKBRIBLR RAILWAY ACCIDENTS. The night express train going South from Washington, on the Orange and Alexandria Kailroad, met with a serious and ’ fatal acci dent about 12 o'clock on tbe evening of the 29th ultimo, one half mile east of Warren lod Junction, caused by the breaking of a rail, which threw tbe near coach, loaded with members of the Ninetv-sixih New York vol unteers, from the track, and precipitated it down an embankment, literally crushing it to atoms, and instantly killing three men and severely wounding twenty-eight others. A terrible disaster occurred on the Ist iust. ou tlie New Jersey Central Railroad, about two miles west of White House, in Hunter don county. An express train going east collided witli a coal train liound in the aiunc direction. The latter Imd been detained by euduavoring to stop a freight car which had lirokeu louse on I tie opposite truck. The baggage car dashed through the first passen ger car, along the tops of the seats, guillotin ing the passengers, of whom seven were killed and seventeen wounded. A coroner's inquest over the bodies of the victims of thu disaster was held, and several witnesses were examined, wbo exonerated the company and thsir employes from ail lilame Tbe luquust will be continued at onopto day. Tits wah in mum amcmica. Advices have Iweu fsuglvod from thu river i'lalv ilah-d at liuenos Ayres on the I Mb nm| Rio Juiiwiio on lbs Mill of Ortolan Tbe I'aragosyao army sustained another deh si, ibeir levies in Doiriuntos Mug inolly out up by au Argsuilue cavalry corps They wars again beaieu aud foiilinl ueai (Alls uunirs la Iboir islrsat they buru*d thirty villages, by way of rsvsuge Thu Itroriliau aim) lu |u|i| JtIAMM#, H«*|i H4t) huaiiUi I uliu Mily Ml SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER C, 1865. the steamship Morro Castle,%Uich arrived here yesterday from Havana. President Get frnrd’s troops were in possession of the last rebel stronghold, the town of Cape Haylien, lately battered down by a British gunhoat. Tue people of Havana are said to he much dissatisfied with the appointment of General Lersundi as the new Captaiu General ot Cuba. Revocation by President Johttion of tlie Sutpiiisioii of the Writ of Habeas Cor pus in the Loyal States, The Proclamation of the President issued on Dec. I, declares that. Whereas, by the proclamation of the President of the United States of the fifteenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, the privilege of the writ of halieas corpus, in certain cases thereiu set forth, was suspend ed throughout the United States ; and where as the reasons for that suspension may be re garded as iiaving ceased some ol tbe Stales and Territories ; now, ’therefore, he it known, that I, Andrew Johnson,President of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare that tbe suspensiA aforesaid, and all other proclamations and orders suspending the privilege of the writ ot habeas corpus in the States and Territories of the United Stales, are revoked and annulled, excepting us to the States of Virginia, Kentucky, Ten nessee, North Carolina, South Carolina,- Georgia, Florida, Alubama, Mississippi Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas, the District of Columbia, and the Territories of New Mexico and Arizona. From the South west— I The Mississippi Legislature. A despatch from New Orleans, Dec. 1, says :' The action of the military authorities at Mobile in refusing to obey the writ of habeas corpus in the case of Dexter, charged with cotton frauds against the government, is sas tamed by Ihdß’resident. Tbe Mississippi Legislature has passed the exemption bill over the Governor's veto It exempts from execution of judgment $3,000 worth of property belonging to the head of a family, child, &c. The Legislature did not pass the stay law over the veto. Provost Marshals’ courts have been closed in Texas. The National Thanksgiving Day. The following is the proclamation of Presi dent Johnson recommending the observance of to-morrow, the first Thursday of Decem ber, as a day of National Thanksgiving : By the President of the United States of America: A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God, during the year which is now coming to an end, to reiieve onr beloved -country from the fearful scourge of civil war, and to permit us to secure the blessings of peace, unity and harmony, with a great enlargement ol Civil Liberty ; And, whereas, our Heavenly Father has, also, during the year, graciously averted from us the calamities of foreign war, pesti lence, and famine, while our granaries are full of the fruits of an abundant season ; and whereas, righteousness exalteth a nation, while sin is a reproach to any people : Now, theretore, I, Andrew Johnson, Presi dent of the United States, do hereby recom mend lo the people thereof, that they do set apart and observe the First Thursday of De cember as a day of National Thanksgiving, to the Creator of the Universe, for those de llverances and blessings. And I do further recoipmend that on that occasion the whole people make confession of our natioual sins against His infinite good ness, and with one heart and one mind im plore the Divine guidance in the ways of national virtue and holiness. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this, twenty-eighth day of October, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five and of the Independence of the United States the ninetieth. ANDREW JOHNSON. By the President: Wm. H. SawxßD, Secretary of Stab 3 estates not Amenable for Treason. — Judge Red field of Boston, has written a let ter to Senator Foot of Vermont, in which he takes the ground squarely that none of the States, late the scenes of insurrection, are responsible as Status, and that nothing but individuals in the States are amenable to the law on the score of treason. The reas oning is said to be clear, cogent, compact and convincing ; one of the most powerful arguments, iu fact, which has emanated from any quarter, —A negro in Natchez recently shot another for calling him a “d—d abolitionist." Sale of Government Steam - ers. Chief Quartermaster’s Office Dept. 9. C. ( Hilton Head, 9. C., November 13, 1860. | Will be sold at public Auction, at tilts place, on MONDAY, December 11, 1860, at 12 M. under direc tion of Captain \V. E. Morlord. A. Q. M., the follow lag Government vessels, viz : NELLY BAKER, side wheel steamer ; 293 tons ; wooden hull : length on deck 153 feet ; beam 25 fecto Inches: over all 45 feet; depth of hold 8 feet 6 inches : draft 5 feet 10 Inches ; has one beam en gine : diameter of cylinder 32 inches ; stroke of pis turn 10 feet ; has one single return due boiler. Has saloon accommodations, fall promenade decks, and is well found iu chains, anchors, Ac. NEPTUNE, side wheel steamer; 302 tons; wooden hull: length on deck 141 tect: beam 20 feet 5 inches ; over all 46 feet 2 inches ; depth of hold 10 feet 10 Inches ; draft 7 feet; hafone beam engine; diameter of cilindcr42 inches ; strokeuf piston 8 feet; has one single return flue boiler. , Tnis steamer lias mil promenade deck, tore and aft, and Is a good freight or 1 atttle carrier. OXEOTA, double-cud side-wheel ferry boat; wooden hull; 345 tons ; length on duck 147 feet; beam 25 met ; over all 05 feet 8 inches ; depth of hold 11 feet; draft 7 feet ; lias one beam engine ; di ameter ofcylunder X inches ; stroke of piston 9 feet; lias one double return line boiler. T his steamer lias recently been repaired, and is In excellent order and well found lu auchors, chains, Ac, CROTON, side-wheel steamer ; 361 tons; wooden hull; length on deck 187 feet ; beam 26 feet; over all 43 feet 9 inches': deptiiot hold 8 reet ; draft 0 feet ; has one square engine ; diameter of cylinder 37 in ches; stroke of piston lo feet; has one double return flue iKiiler. This steamer has been thoroughly repaired, lias saloon amt slate room accommodsi ous, is well supplied with anchors,chains, Jr., and Is very fast. GULDEN GATE, side wheel steamer ; 195 tons : wooden hull;, length on deck 148 feet; beam 21 feet; over all 35 feel 10 Inches ; depth of hold o feet 4 in Cheat draft 6 feet 5 luces ;has one beam engine ; diameter of cylinder 34 inches ; stroke ol piston a feet; lias one horizontal tnlilur boiler. Tills atonmerla In flue order; lias saloon accommo dations. and is well louiid in uncimrs, rhaiiiw Jr,. NANTASKHT, sido wheel steamers; c™ tons; wooden hull; length oil deck 156 feet beam 26 feet 3 Indies ; over all 42 feeldepth of hold 8 feel 3 In cites; draft 5 feci nineties; has one beam engine; diameter of cylinder 34 Inches; stroke of pistons feet; tins one single return Hue holier, and is well found in anchors, eliulna, Ac, MAI ON, propeller, with two screws, 323 tons; wostileii bull ; length oil deck I .'at tret; beam 95 teet; depth of hold » feel 8 Inches i dr At t feet ; has two dt|e I hoil/biiliil engines (Condensing;| dlaineb’i of cylinder 24 Inches | stroke of plalnn 26 Inches i has two single return line i.oUsrs RELIEF, screw lug; «s tons. wmslen hull; I. ngtli i<U dark Ml lent; beam i; feel ; deplli of Imld T leei, drall T Imd 14 lic lies: lias -ale high piossdlu engine, diameter ul cyltlid’ i <U Indies; *h..*m of pision 3u lm lies I h senile single ivliirn line Imiior, and is well found In sic hors, elislns, 4, MuriJK screw mg I siw bins I wu ulen bull 1 Iruglh mi deck |u* lesl In «m .0 led • lm lies; d’h'li oi iinhl I.- f... i, died l| icei 4 h.e 1 .... p.w one snivis leiuiu line isuiei fills teeeel Is a poWeriul lug,' l I tUV'SsI . ~u>lMloli 111 Nil 11, >i, l, she, 1 -I, sue 1 n| mi The Kirhwomi Medical Journal, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. mUIS Journal wilt be published aa a Monthly Oe * tavo of SO pages—the January number being is suett early in December. A respectable number ot the liest writers In Ihia country have promised their support (au ostentatious display of names la avoided!, aud as the Editors offer to pay liberally for articles, It Is hoped that the origi nal department of the Journal will be entitled to re spect and confidence. The pages of the Journal will be devoted to origiLul arU'ebs, foreign and domestic correspondence, a r, trospect of Medicine and Surgery during tbe late war, an Ecctectic Department (which will he a chief feature of Ihe Journal!, reports of societies, associations, Los pitala and clinical lecture-, reviews and biographical notices. Medical uews, editorials, miscellaneous mat ter, etc. Without making special promises, tbe editors will endeavor to make this journal acceptable to Its sup porters. Trans-Five Dollars yearly, if paid lu advance, or before tiie expiration of the third month after the date of subscription ; if paid after this period, Ten Dol lars per annum. Advertisements w ill be luseited u the must liberal terms, and as there are no medical journals uuw pub lished da, the Southern states, advert isers will enloy peculiar ffrlvantages E. S GA ILL A HD M. D , Richmond, Va. W. S, McCHESNEY, M. D.. Staunton,Va., Editors aud Publishers. All letters in relation to the literary or business interests of the Journal will lie addressed to Dr. E S. Gaillard, Box l'.le, Richmond, Va. d2 4 REMOVAL. RUWB, WHITNEY & CO. Have removed from No. 202 Bay street to No. 4 Harris Buildings, Bay street. d5-lw WANTED. Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H. 5.—35 bids Flour 20 half bids Flour 0 bbU Cracker* ■ C bbls Apples 6 bbls Eggs G & W- 100 tubs Lard. If uot called for will be sold for freight and expenses OCt23 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN Jk CO. WANTED, A STORE, on B*y street, or portion of a large store divided off, with un offles overhead. Address ♦‘Merchant,” Herald offlee 1 nIS-tf Wanted, Jfl WA A MONTH I Agents wanted wanted for si* iMJ entirely new articles, just out. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building, Biddelord, Maine. aepl6 and A wt<m ' WANTED, TWO or more Unfurniaed Rooms, iu a respectable location, suitable lor housekeeping, by a getle man and wife. Address Box 176, Post Office d2-tf . WANTED” A GENTLEMAN of strict business bubits. and 16 years’ experience, desires a position as Salesman or Bookkeeper in some Commission House in this city, where tbe services of a valuable man would be ap preciated. Address, for ten days, Bookkeeper, Herald Office, Savannah, Gu. tf-nls Partner Wanted. A PARTNER, with a casU capital of 110,000 to $20,000, is wanted In a well established business , must be well acquainted in Georgia, Florida and South Carolina. Address 8. 8., Lock Box 03, Savannah WANTED, A NORTHERN LADY, of education and refinement -!■- desires a situation as Governess or Instructress of young children in a private family, or would take the entire charge ol a house ami servants. Address Governess, Herald ofiice. decs-S WANTED. A YOUNG MAN, capable of taking care of a set of books in a commission and general business, who can come well recommended. Address Pox 40. Pout Office, Savannah. d5-tf Wanted, A DAY! Agents wanted to sell anew and wonderful SEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW * OLA l(K. Bld deford, Maine. sepl4-d£w3m FOR SALE CL TO RENT. PLANTATION FOR SALE' ST. CATHARINE'S ISLAND, the largest and fin est Estate on the Georgia coast. One Thousand Acres of Planting and Tall Timber Land on Ossabaw Island. Georgia, suitable for finest cotton. Two large plantations on the Little Ogecchee River near Savannah. Particulars at our office in Bivan st’ 3t BRYAN, HARTRIDGB & CO. ' TO RENT, A NUMBER ol Lots in the city, and lands adjacent thereto, suitable for Farms aud Market Gar dens. Apply to dec6-lm No. 3 Stoddard’s Upper Range. FOR SALE, A VERY Nice Carriage and Double Harness. 2Y Apply to a. MINIS, decs tin No. 3 Stoddard’s Upper Range. Rice Plantation FOR SALE. THAT valnable Rice Plantation known as Stratbey Hull, on tbe Ogeecliee river, Bryan county, about twenty-two ntilen from Savannah For particulars, apply at the Counting Room of Erwin * Hardee, Bay street. Savannah _ CHAB S. HARDEE, d2-saw2w Bx’r Ks»te G. W. McAllister. FOR SALE. - » FINE new Bnggy Wagon. Apply,to ® „ , H. G KIJWE * CO.. Corner Bryan and St. Julian aud Johnaon Sq , n2B-tf Fronting Pulaaki House. For Lease or Rent, QK ACRK9 of good Farm Land, two mile* from the Court House. Apply to John McMahon. n2S ts Jefferson aud Broughton streets. PAVILION HOTEL For Rent. TnAT well-known, drslrably located, and highly popular establishment, situated on Bull street, between south Broad and Hull streets, occupying four entire lols of CO by un fest each, and the lane las tween them, and cnnulnlng about forty rooms, le now offered for nun. TTie parly renting Hits property will be required to make the neeetshry repair* and give satisfactory so emit) for the punctual paynient of runt Ulll'U) HfitslM Y- Store to Let, AT HILTON HEAD, 9. C. 'lks light sad eomniudloa* ate re, aimer Men hauls’ Now a let I’sitic un Av, mis, to lau, ROOMS TO LET, AT HILTON HEAD, 9.0. HM* nMW*4<*« IImiII ftMiOttaf, 1 Im*# l»s*tf SOUTHERN PALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE. JUST RECEIVED FEU STEAMSHIPS ARIADNE AND LEO, BY C. ORFF, ▲T THE Southern Palace Dry Goods House A NEW AND ELEGANT LOT OF DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS ORNAMENTS, CLOAK ORNAMENTS, BY THE SET, BUGLE TRIMMINGS, PARIS TRIMMINGS, JET BUTTONS, SILK BALL BUTTONS, VELVET BALL BUTTONS, SUPERB LYONS VELVET, A LARGE LOT OF ELEGANT CLOAKS, BROCHE POPLINS, ROUBAIX, A FINE LOT OF MELANGES, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, GENT’S SCARFS, MAGNIFICENT STYLES GENT’S MAUDS, NEW FRENCH MERINOS, NEW DELAINES, A FULL STOCK OF CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. All just opened, with an immense stock of FANCY AND COLORED SILKS and other DRESS GOODS. TOR PLANTATION USH—DARK AND LIGHT KERSEYS, GEORGIA PLAINS, GEORGIA JEANS, OSNABUUGS AND BROWN. IlAniespuai* by the Yard, Piece or Bale. tar agent for bradley s elliptic hoop skirt. Southern Dry Groods House 111 & 113 CONGRESS ST., nll-tf Opposite tbe Pulaski House. DRY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ac., Ac., Ac., Kemarkably Cheap fbr Cash, CAN BE FOUND A— Rosolier cto Go’s., 13 BARNARD STREET, COR. CONGRESS) LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign aud Domestic Goods. Cloaks, Shawls, die. H. B —By strict attention to business, courteous aud honorable dealing with onr customers, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line of White Goods and Linens now open, octl# CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. THE subscriber having formed a Co-partnershlj) witli Mr. J. C. Ludlow, under the Arm nameol Heidt Sl Ludlow, respectfully calls tbe attention of Ills friends and the public generallyto their large stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes and Hats, which they are now openUlg, and will sell at Wholesale and Retail, at 71 St. Juilen and 162 Con gres streets, Gibbon's Range. octo-2m E. HEIDT. Blankets I Flannels CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS „ FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap bv H HAYM, oct23 174 Broughton street. H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Wtreet. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, tbe newest style*, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, *c. Juet received and for tale at tbe lowest pilot by OCt2B 11. HAYM. Cloaks, Cloaks. , LADIES' Cloth Cloaks, a flue assortment. Just re ceived by stesuicr. u23-tf EINSTEIN A ECKMAN. SHAWLS, SHAWLS! JUST opened u large assortment of Zephyr Worsted Shawl*, Honing*. Cloak* and Hoods, Children' Capa, Root* mid Ualtera. Also, Irish Linens Table Pamaak. Linen Towels, Table Napkins siul Doyles, ands vurlniy of Policy Ar ticle* ton numerous to mention All of which we offer at very low prior* EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, 161 Congress Ml rest Kerosene Oil, luharrsl* aud easts, AT IRiRATIo ITI'CIIKHi, Visit nf Miitolu si, Dudsi tbs lung IIAIWUOJ) 4 IsaIRM’IIK. i«4i* *i lbs Is* |l ipga, Marks* Mqgsrv ( )*f;af‘Tl i njl , ,?.r|'*i!rts.u‘‘/? qffi*JolSl NOTICE. | .IT. HIE* tr'mr EINSTEIN & EGKMAN, Ho. 151 Congress si. Savannah Ga. THEOLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DR! GOODS HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING just received and opened a very large andeclect stock of Fancy Dress Good*, House Keeping and Domestic Goods, Blankets, Cloaks and ShaweeV't Also Hats, Boots and Shoes. „ articles usually found in a first c ass Dry Goods House, we would moat respectfully invite our former friends and customers; also Merchants and Planters visittug the city, to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. EINSTEIN* ECKMAN,. nov6-tf 161 Congreee Street, Savannah, Ga. SOM ETHIN [TW ORiHKN OWING -A.T McKenna’s Old Stand, 142 BROD6ITOR SHEET DRY GOODS AT Popular Prices! 8,000 YARDS BEST CALICOES, 30 cent* per yard. 5,000 YARDS BEST FIGURED Dx- LAINES, 35 and 40 cents—worth 50 cents. 2,000 YARDS GOOD CALICOES, at 25 cent*. 5,000 YARDS POPLINS and MOHAIRS, at 75 and 80 cents—-worth sl. AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF Woolen Bhawls, Nubias, Breafast and Long Shawls. Best Brands of White Bheetings at Reduoed Prices- KENNEY 4 OBIUUN, OAIW St. Andrew’s Hall. 'pula Util Will k* IV||l*4, Ae .. 1 S' lu iityiti'i i|, u lint) i,f in UAVID It DILUINr MMI | N otioH. , urrMHur N4iiNi4L| PRICE. 6 CENTS ■ It BURAKCE). S NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. B. F. STEVENS, President niBICTOBS. 7 Williard Phillips, Wm. B. Reyuolds. Th*‘ rle ‘ Curtis. Geo. H. Fblger. A. Dexter, Francis OLowell, Homer Bartlett. J “ M * * JOSH. M. GIBBENS, Secretary. Cash Assets, $8,000,000 Last Gash Returns, $760,000 FORTY PER CENT. PAID TO ALL INSURED. Tbia Company, established in Boston, Mas*., In 1843, le the oldest and most reliable wholly Mutual Life Insurance Company in the United States, and has been uniformly successful, having always made large returns in cash to all the policy holders. Last cash dividend 40 per cent. By the last report of the Insurance Commissioners, t lie surplus of assets over liabilities waa proportionate ly greater than auy Life Insurance Company In the United States. Thlß Company being purely mutual, Insures at the lowest possible rate*; and if tbe prenflum paid ex ceed the actual cost, the • orpins la returned to tbs parties Insuring. Kvery fifth year, at the time of declaring the returns the buslnew is, as it were, closed, so that Its actual position and solvency are made manifest at that Umo; and the surplus funds are divided pro rata among all tbe Insured. This guards the assured against any possible loss from inefficiency on tbe part of the Com pany, and is a sure guaranty as regards the future. Parties at a distance may insure from blask% which will be supplied end forwarded free of expense. Printed documents of an interesting character, showing the benefits of the mutual plan and the ad vantages generally ot life insurance that this company has to offer, supplied gratis, or forwarded. A. WILBUR, General Agent for Georgia and Florida, n27lf 80 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. Marine Insurance. River and Ocean Risks taken for the Atlantic Mu tual insurance Company gs New York, by CHARLES GREEN * SON, No. 12 Stoddud' Eastern Range, Bajr st. NEW YORK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INSURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus..., $1,600,000 PHCENIX INSURANCE CO: Capital and Surplus ....$1,600,000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO Capital and Surplus $900,000 Risks taken in the above highly responilble Com panics od building* aud merchandise of ail descrip tions, at the lowest rates corresponding with the risks. Apply to A. A. LANE, Agent, “9-3 m No. 12 Stoddard's Range, Bay street. Reliable Southern Xuaurauoo. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW ORLEANS. CA PITAt, 1630,603 —.—: . i. The undersigned begs leave to Inform tbe Insuring public that he has been legally appointed Agent for the above named Company, and la ready to take Ma rine, River and Fire Risks at customary rates. O. C. MYERB, Agent, Office over Hunter A Gammell, 84 Bayitnet. References—Octavo* Cohen*. Hunter * Gammell, Erwin * Hardee. Cm octftS STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants Row, Hilton Head, Is. Cat CALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL, CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS, Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, BeJD. Embndderisa,Boots,Cans Weld Glasww. Gauntlets Gloves. Ac., Ac.. Ac. Catalogue Sale Os Sldps Amelia and Florence Cbipman, direct from England. - BY WILBUR & SON. \LWEDNESDAY, December 6th, at our Sales Rooms. VV corner State and Chalmers streets, CHARLEA TON, 5.0...U0* o’clock, will be sold, by catalogos, one hundred and sixty crates of Fancy tesortsdl Eurtlieuware and Crockery* iust imported direct In ship* Amelia and Florsnc. Chlpman, from the Potteries In England Catalogue* mav lie hod and sampiea of war* ex amioed at oar unica. Conditions cash. dl-IMtn M. lu UEfiUERSOWj No. 337 South tide Bay Street Two doors asst of West Broad. IYEtLER In Buggies, Wagons, Usrnss*. 4e., also LI lu Buggy and WaguuTßuff sod Trimmings Aliy siyl* m Carriage or Buggy ordtrsd Mom any ma aufaclursr 1 am also prepared lo eed-r out aay dw of horses, either tor drart »r road **r*k» jHwvUI attentiou will b* gtvsii to the gurehassuf >u*sto«k la aorthern iu*iMt* dt-lm IMPOETATIONB P|[ If «nm t outu f »•( KicLlU, ftvtt UlftSiMf i vmmi lUrUifrrls frg Iron yeti i*»if# J ( aaml i it*Ml lierHU* l *# t'ylitew IfcO u) i Bui* Kiliiuiu So east* lb I*4 FlllusHlJsAd'l.* Nrf solsky 4*H >Tl*me» UNFB’y 4 R)N Lditg