Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 06, 1865, Image 3

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SAVA 3ST NAH. Departure at Wtenuhlpi and Steamer*. # rOB NEW YOKE, steamship Vanina, Wednesday. Deceml>or 6th at II o'clock ». ni. Steamship Coustltotion, Wednesday, Dere’hbfr 6th, el _ o’clock. Steamship Zodiac, Wedneaday. December 6th, at 10 4tlock a. in. Steamship Tybee, Wednesday, December 6th, «t o’clock. Steamship Herman Livingston, Saturday, Decern her », at 1 p. m. FOB PUILADBLPQIA. Steamship Cambria. Saturday, 9tb, at _ o'clock. roa HAt.Ti.voßr. Steamship North Point, Saturday, December 9th, at 1 o’clock p. m. rrat aroesTA. Steamer Fannie, Wedneaday, Deiember 6th, at 9 o'clock. a Steamer Scotpio, Wednesday, December 6tli, at » o’clock a. m. Steamer Union, Wednesday. December 6th, at 6 o'clock p. ni. Steamer Fannie Lebr, Fliday, December Bth, at » o'clock a. m. Steamer Wm. 0. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at « a. m.' FOB CHARLESTON. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morufog, at 9 o’clock. . FOB DOCTORTOWN. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at T o’clock. Steamer Two Boys, every Thursday morning, at S o'clock. Steamer Gen. Sheplcy, every Sunday morning, at T o’clock. Steamer Clarion, every Friday morning, at 7 o’clock. FOB FLORIDA. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at io o’clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 O'clock- Steamer Lizzie Bilker, every Tnursday morning, at 10 o’clock Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. River Intelligence.—^ The steamer R. H. May, Captain Jones, arrived yesterday at half-past twelve o’clock from Augusta. Captain Jones makes the following report : Departed from Augusla onluuday morning ; left In Augusta steamer Amazon ; passed, at Bugg’s Bar steamer Caldwell lightening ; passed at Silver Bluff steamer L. Enos bound up wailing for a rise In the river : passed steamer Falcou at Wil son’s, lightening ; met. steamer Wm. G. Gibbous at Burysford Bar bound up ; passed steamer P. B. Goodsell at Cheves bound up ; passed steamer Eclipse at Poor Robin bound down ; passed steamer Express at Seven Points bound up ; passed steamers O. F. Potter and General Beiry at Ilirschman Lake, tied up ; Passed steamers Helen and Mlunie Brandt at Charleston and Savannah Railroad bridge, bound up. There were fourfeet of water at the bridge in Augusta. THE COURTS. PROVOST COURT, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, BKFORECAPT CLARK U. REMICK, PROVOST MARSHAL. Savannah, December 6th, 1865. Tae United States by Policeman T. Jones vs. Wm. Barclay, (colored). Having stolen property In bis possession. Plea not guilty. The pi operty in pos s. ssion of the prisoner tiuviug been proved to be sto len, it was ordered that the male be returned to the owner and the case dismissed. The United States by Policeman T. Jones and J Ryan vs. J. D. McDonald, Larceny. Upon represen tations made by the proseoutor, and upon his re guest, the case will be dismissed. lhe United States by Policeman Harper vs Wil liam Houston, (colored). Disorderly conduct in the sheets. Plea not guilty. After having evidence of the foregoing case, tile prisoner was discharged up on payment of costs. " r The United States by Police Sergeant L. Smith vs. M. Johnson, (colored). Improper conduct aud strik ing the prosecutor J. T. Dellennory. Plea not guil ty. From the evidence adduced iff the foregoing case, the defendant was found guilty and sentenced to pay a flue of ten dollars and costs of court, or In default Utererof, to he imprisoned for one month at hard labor In Chatham County Jail. la conse quence of an order received from the Assistant Com missioner of Bureau, U. Fr. aud A. L., the case stands suspended for anew trial before that Bureau. The United States by Policeman M. Laraey vs. Daniel Grant, (colored). Improper conduct in the streets. After hearing the statement of the police man in the foregoing case.tlie prisoner was discharged from custody. The United States by Policeman W. B* Fien vs. Jack Whelan, (colored). Threatening to shoot a po liceman in the discharge of Ids duty. Pica not guil ty. After tlte examination of numerous witue-ses in the foregoing case, the prisoner was discharged from custody. The United States by Policeman C. Lee, (colored) vs. sandy Small, (colored)—Asaault with Intent to murder upon Policeman C. Lee, whilst In discharge of his duties. From orders received from Col. H. F. Sickles. Assistant Commissioner of R. F. and A. L., the foregoing case was stricken from tne docket and the prisoner will be forwarded In irons to that offi cer for trial. The United States by Policeman John Otto vs. Jerry Wallace aud Ned Frazer, both colored—Viola tion of orders relative to last drivtug through the sheets. Plea not guilty. The prisoners were found guilty aud it wag ordered that they each pay a fine or five dollars and be discharged on payment of costs. The United States by Policeman W. H. William vs. James Johnson, (colored)—Larceny of iron from C’entr ,1 Railroad. Plea not guilty. The prisoner was found guilty, and It was ordered that he pay a flue of flfteon dollars and costs of suit, and iu default he be ■contlued in jai I for fifteen days. Mayor’s Court. BEFORE 1113 HONOB BIC1IAKI) D. ARNOLD, MAYOR. Savannau, Dec. 9, 1865. M. c. Holloway, who reported himself to be a stranger in the city, was found drunk in the streets by the police ; as it was evident that lie had not been iit Ihe habit of violating the law, the Mayor dismiss ed him with a reprimand. Wm. Thompsou was arraigned, charged with firing in the streets on Monday night last a pistol, and threatening to shoot policeman Lee. No evidence was produced to prove that the prisoner flred the pistol aud he was discharged. Bernard Rooney was again brought up by Ills bet ter half, Mrs. K. she charged him with attempting to break into his own residence on Monday night. From her own confession she had kept him out in tile cold for three hours, and finding Ills entreaties unavailing he attempted to gain admittance to his house by forciug the door, when Mrs. R. had him arie.ted by the police and taken to the guard house. Tue Mayor sympathizing with the unfortunate con thtlou of Barney, and knowing the kindness or his heart towards his better-half, thought best to give 'hem both a lecture on connubial bliss, aud recom lueuded that they depart in peace. He assured them, however, that their frequent appearance before him, and the trouble they give the police to bring them belore the Court was annoying to the police and ex pensive to the city, aud if brought up again they "otild noth he locked up In the same cell aud allow ed to setile their difficulties as best they could. 1 MeC'nue was arraigned eburged with being drunk »ud disorderly conduct lu the streets ; ho was proved guuiy aud Sued (6 and costs. Janies Fitzpatrick and P. Murner, together with thelr friends, A M laooue and John Fitzpatrick, were found engaged lu a free fight between three and four ° tll,l -'k Toes.lay morning on West Broad near Indian “I) 0 *' 1 During the fight Flupntridk was stubbed in i.i i. , w * 1,1)11 breast, and Murner was badly bcateu ~ 'hell cud aud eye*. From lliu conflicting evidence u the case la lore tbe Meyor U was impossible to ,022l a * wim w »» lb the wruug, and us all parties had «e i severely punished, the Mayor discharged them '*'"l * reprimand. HkrsiaiNu or run Wusar or Anpmw bow * 00. ~w« at. phased lo unlloe that Ml* work of repalilug “ W *»K hi Messrs. A. bow * (Jo, east of lb* fbot of ■ihcohi streot |* imiog rapidly pushed forward by *hr i oiio actor. Mr, Wui B Nell Tli# wharf was 'bin a decayed ami lu a vary bail coadlilou, before "I'slrad, other wbarvea which ueed repair* ere huniy t g ig, ia k ,„ hand by theh owusis ' ‘"hr n| oi.iin.ear Tli* lUu ember term Os ion ‘ •*•*•*. Hoe, li An Mime, Ordinary, pie siding, wee Mori Cotton (Stealing. —< lu Monday night about seventy-three bales of cotton, a portion of Hie cargo of the steamer Scorpio, were lylug on the wharf of Clagbora 4k Cunningham, at the toot aud eaat of Drayton street. Early yesterday morning two hales of the cotton were round to be musing The cotton was Intended to ba shipped to New York by the Zo diac lying at the wharf above the Scorpio. About four o’clock yesterday morning, U. F. Bruen. who has charge of the loading and unloading of the Zodiac on arriving at the wharf at the mot of UuU street, met Policeman D. bawling, with whom he entered Into conversation. In a few minutes they discovered a mau coming along with a trnck on Ills back. He was halted aud Inquiries were made by Mr. Bruen as to where he Had obtained the property, to which he gave such evasive answers that Mr. Bruen had him put under arrest. While lieiug conducted to the Police Barracks be attempted to make bis escape, but policeman Dow ling, alter a long chase, succeeded in re-arresting him. The prisoner was yesterday arraigned before the Mayor, when he gave Ins name as John Mahm. He stated that he had been in Savannah aliout six inouhs; that be came from New York, and made Ilia living In Sava .uali as a private watchman. After hearing the testimony, Mayor Arnold turned the prisoner over to a Magistrate. MaJ Henry Runyon, o.’the firm of Runyon. Haiti tdge A Cos., to whom the cotton is consigned, believes that it was stolen, and luteuds to prosecute Mahm as accessory to the larceny ol the cotton Another New Steamship—Tue Tyree .—The latest addition to our grow(pg, and already tar ge Hat of flrst-class steamships is that of the flue seiew steamship Tybee to Messrs. Hunter 4k Gammell's Pioneer blue. The Tybee arrived here day before yesterday, under command of C'apt. Isaac Crowell, long and favorably known as a commander of'steam ships running between Savannah aud New Y'ork.— The advent of Capt. Crowell aud the new vessel to gether was made the occasion of a very pleasant re union of the shippers and business men generally of the city, in the saloon of the Tybee yesterday. The completeness aud neatness of the apjyolntuienis of the vessel elicited many commendations from the visitors. Tne saloon Is elegantly decorated and up holstered, and rite staterooms furnished with excel lent taste and a liberal regard to the comfort of pas sengers. The Tybee Is a handsome slop of 793 tuns, and is comparatively new, having been built at Philadel phia lu 1354. Her length is 133 feet, breadth of beam 30 feet, and depth of hold -JO feet. The Tvbee is supplied with one low-pressure tabu lar boiler 10J4 feet long, feet wide, aud B’j feet high ; one low-pressure engine 40 inches diameter of cylinder ami 3 feet stroke, three forcing opmps with 4 inch plunge and 15 Inch stroke—all w'flbed by the main engine. She is also supplied with all the ne cessary appliances for„the comfort and safely of pas sengers. Her engiue and machinery were al o built at Philadelphia. The Tybee is owned by Lewis L Jone3 and others, and is attached to the Pioneer Line, of whlcp Messrs. Burner & Gamuiell are the a rents in this city. The following are the officers of the Tybee : Captain—lsaac Crowell. Ist Officer—Mr. Seaman. Ist Engineer—W. E Wbttter. Steward—Daniel McGew. New Book Store.— In another column will lie found the advertisement of Tims. J. Staley, who an nounces that he has entered into buaiiiess as a Theological aud General Bookseller on the corner of Bull and State streets, and Is now opening a careful ly selected stock. We are Indebted to Mr. Staley for a copy of the “Scriptural, Ecclesiastical and Historical View of Slavery," front the pen of Bishop Hopkins, of Ver mont, which has been pronounced by competent re views as lieiug in the highest degree interesting to the general reader. The Nation, thej Chimney Corner, Harper's Weekly, Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, aud the other popular periodicals, were received at Estill’s News Depot, back of the Post Office, by yes terday’s Steamer. TheTheatre.—"The Hidden Hand,” the beauti ful aud exciting domestic drama produced last week with such success, is repeated for the last time tills evening, together with a favorite farce. Mariners’ Church.—The American Seamen’s Friend Society of New Y ork has commissioned the Rev. L. 11., Pease as Seamen’s Chaplain for the port of Savannah. He comes w ell recommended, and is putting ‘‘Penfletd's Mariners' Church,-’ on Bay street, lu repair, aud expects to open it for public worship next Sabbath, at the usual hour for morning and evening services. He cheerfully invites sea men to tne church. Machinery for the Interior —By recent arrivals from the North, a large am-'uut of Mill machinery has been received. I*, is intended for the Interior and for Southern Georgia, where a large number of Mills are in the course of erection. We are more than pleased to notice this progress towards the develop ment of Georgia and the furnishing of employment to the people. Auction Sale.— Messrs. Bell. Wylly <f Christian sold at auction yesterday a portion of the cargo of the brig Atlantic. We noticed In attendance at ihe sale a large number of city and country merchants. Fair prices were realized. Large Sale of Dry Goods, Ac.—Messrs. York, Williams, Mclntlre A Cos. sold yesterday at auction a large Invoice of Dry Goods, Ac. The prices were very fair, and the attendance quite large, bidding In many Instances being quite spirited. ARRIVAL OF TUE HEKMAN Livingston.—The steamship Herman Livingston, Capt. Baker, arrived below yesterday afternoon, bnt was detained at the obstructions until flood tide. Her malls and a few of her passengers were brought to the city by another steamer. We are again indebted to Purser Robert ■ Saussy for favora. For Augusta. —The steamers Minnie Brandt and Helen departed for Augusta yesterday morning, having foil freights and a large number of passen gers. Prom Darien.— The steamer Ella, Rowland, with a full freight of cotton, arrived yesterday after noon from Darien. tA. John’s Church Will be open for service on thanksgiving day. NhippiuM lutclli|;cuc(>. Miniature Almanac—This Day. Sun rises e 4s;Moon rises..-.. 9 14 Sun seta 4 it:High water.... 1006 ~ PORT OF SAVANNAH. Tuesday, Dee. 6, 1866. Arrived, Steamship Herman LiYingston, Baker, New York 1 R Wilder. Steamer Ella, Rowland, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer R H May, Jones, Augusta—J M Kincbley Br bark County of Plcton. McKenzie, Glasgow—o Green A Sou. Brig Ella, Brown, Nassau, N P—Bell, Wylly A Christ lon. Hr brig John W Lovitt, J E Gllllatt, Charleston in ballast—Youge a Nixon. Sloop Fleet, Thompson, Rlceboro—M J Doyle. Sloop Eliza Wuketteld, Hilton Head—Klilin <f Bnrke. Cleared. Steamer Minnie Brandi, Travis. Augusta—James B West. Steamer Helen, Reilly, Augusta—Keln A Cos. Brig Clara Plckoua, Rogers, Liverpool—W Starr. Sloop Franklin, Buckley, Fernondlna—Ktrllu A Burke. Imports. Per steamer It H May, from Augusta—326 bales upland cotton and mdse. Per Br bark County or Plcton, from Glasgow—"B caaks ale. 19 ilo soda, 8 Idols whiskey, 8 casks oil .All loirs and 30 bdl* Iron, 21 casks sundries. 2 cases soap nub tons pig Iron, 466 tons coal, 100 kegs sud 60 fir kins herrings, 110 boxes di led Unit, 60 bxs salmon. Per steamer Ella, from Dsrteu—lMS bales upland cotlou. Per sloop Fleet, from Rlceboro—6oo bushels rough riim, 8» hales *oa island cotloli. (exports- Per hug oiara Pickeua, for Liverpool -1,48:1 bales uplaud cotton, si do sea tslaud do. 9 Mermaii MvingsMM. W l| W11L1,.-Ig*r j j Kelly, A TllsiwrslMUi, Wui Malle (shy, wife g pklWrail and set tl, Mr WdbS, C lirM, Willi, * ehlMieu bid serve Mi« l.tlw Hlausud dauihler, Mhn Wnsdsi Mrs E K puslei. g It Fus tsi f'‘. .* a | nspaMl, a. Mis llsaisii and chi and, Mrs hiapsons, M*r> l.aikiu rlias Van *«««.>,«• hgbMft'j;, L A110.,1 a Fxrorlly o |Woll|U. I F. Wilder, W L W alien. I. H Ibsluin Jl ueei Ur | >l«* 1 o I'-ierlS, Mis A-lsine Mis I islolsrsob slid S»t«l lire H A Thomson,'W W*l |gi|, gjj, ,g,| Coailgam. Per steamship Herman Ltvingstou, Horn New Yore ’ —Uoenraii Telegraph Cos. J tv Aulei -on A Son. L | Alford, B. Baldwin A Cos, Bothv.eU A Whitehead, It | Wylly A Christian, B smith A Op. Pll B dm. It Bal four, N K Bsruum, W H.iUenthv, L 8 Bennett, C, J A UrayblU, C, Puree A Cos, D A Sutger, (' L Colby A Cos M A Coben, Claghoru A C. I S Cohen, O U'oben, Dun can A Johnson, Dentil A Morgan, A L DeLorge, M J Doyle, J Daniel Dit Dillon. E A Harder, E a Eck inan E Ehrlich, M Feist A Cos. S Goudall, U U Free man, D Valve), G A 1 tickles, Heidi A Ludlow, Hun ter AU. Mrs Heiiern k. 1’ Hamilton, Kilim aB, J M Klnchley, Ltuviite A Gleason, kem A Cos, J J kelly Lovell A Latliinorc, lottlirop A Cos, L M Lederer, 1. Lewis, WAR Uclutire, A it Luce. M.dtuomas A Cos, J Maker <t Cos, M S Mever, McMahon, R s Notion, J s Muses F M Myiell, C i) ft. H L Palmer, HA Rich iuou.l, A A Solomon, J C Schreiner <t sou, W H Stark, J R Wilder, aud others. Per brig Ella, from Nassau—\V Howe, W H ulcoit, I D Laßoclie, W Battcrsby, N A Hardee, J D Smith. B. Wylly A Chrisuau, L M Schafer and order. Per steamer Ella, Iroin Darien—F W Sims A Cos, R A Caun, A S Hartrtdge, E A Hardee, B, Baldwin A Cos, Jones A Way. Per steamer R H M&v, from Augusta—J K Wilder, O Cohen, B. Smith A- Cos. ' Per sloop Fleet, from Riceboro—T A Gordon, J\Y Anderson A Sou, N A Hardee A Cos, K Habersham A Sou, W Duncan. I.I«T OF VESSELS IN TUE POUT OF SAVANNAH. .Savannah, Dec. 6,1365. STEAMSHIPS. Virgo, Buckley, loading, New York—O Cohen. San Jacmlo, Loveland, loading, New York—B H Hardee. Nevada, Carpenter, loading. New York— Brightym Baldwin <£ Cos. ~ Hunter, Rogers, loading. New York—Hunter A Gamuiell. / Darien. (Rr) Horan, loading, Liverpool—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 7d), loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gaden A Uuckles. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar's Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby 4 Cos. y Thorwaisou, (Br) Bromage. discharging—Reid A Republic (Brent) Smith, 800, loading for Liver pool—Weber Bros. Favorite, (Bi) Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Calvert, discharging— C Green A Son. BAI.KS. TUos Whitney, (Br) Kelly, loading—B, Wylly A Christian. ’ craeso, |Br) tons, discharging—Robert 1 Caughey. Plat linns, Pink ham, loading—C L Coiby A Cos. Colonist. (Br) Taylor, discharging—Clias Green A Son. Laconia, Doane, discharging—Hunter A Gammed. BUIUS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers. 450, loading for Liverpool —Wm Slarr. Ida McLeod, Cook, 398, loading for Boston—Hun ter A Gammell. Rush. ttayuor, discharging—Patterson A Tucker. Atlantic, Walk, 101 ton 9, discharging—B. Wylly A Christian. Olive Francis, Small, loading—Charles L Colby A Cos. Blacklist!, Ticketts, loading New York—Laßoclie A Johnson. « R C-Wnght, llugg, discharging—R Habersham A Son. Albert Thomas, Van Brunt, discharging—Clias’L Colby A Cos. Fannie, Chapman, discharging—Master. BlackUsh, Pickett, loading for N Y with timber— Laßoclie A Johnson. SCHOONERS. Geo Darby, Snow, from New York, disch’g— Hunter A Gammed. D W Vaughan, Mont, 234, loading, New York— Patterson * Tucker. A F Ames, Ames, loading, New York—Van Horn, Holyoke A Murray. John M Bromel. Douglass, discharging—Hunter A Gamine AUCTION SALES. AUCTION! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THE STORE ON BROUGHTON STREET, Third door from Bull, Where will be offered a general assortment of Dry Goode, Boots ami Shoes, Hosiery, Under clothing, Books, Yankee Notions, Jewelry, &c , Ac , at the pur chaser's own prices. Terms cash; sales positive. dl-3n UNDERWRITER’S SALE. . York, Williams, Mclutire & Cos. Well sell THIS DAY. at 10 o’clock, lu front of store, on Bay street : A large tot of Hosiery. Sold by order oj the Agent of the Bourd oi Under writers of New York city, for account of whom it may concern. ’ d6 UNDERWRITER’S SALE. York, VVilliuinis, Mclntiro At Cos. Will sell THIS DAY. in front of store on Bay street, at 11 o’clock : One case Letter Paper, slightly wet. Sold for ascount of Underwriters. d6 ~ AT AUCTION. York, Williams, Mclntiro & Cos. Will sell at auction THIS DAY, in front of Store, «t 11 o'clock : 9 hhde Bacon Shoulders 8 do do Side 100 kits No. 8 Mackerel, large 10 keps Butter 20 boxes Soap • ALSO, A variety of other Groceries, Ac , &c. Sale positive. Term* caeh. dd BY BELL, WYLLY 2 CHItISTIAN. Will be sold on WEDNESDAY next, the 6th iust., at 11 o’clock, in front of store r West half of Lot No. 43 Lafayette Ward. The im provements consist of a Brick House, containing 10 rooms, with g is throughout, and a pump of excellent water iu the yard. Terms cash. d2 AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been so many applications for Small Tracts of Land for location,' the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition to meet this demand, has placed in the market, for a todays, Lots of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op- S)tite to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff oad, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nIG ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE. BY BELL, WYLLY <gt CHRISTIAN. On WEDNESDAY, 13th instant, at 11 o’clock, in front of store will be sold; 80 Building Lots, and 2 fractions of Lots, situated In that portion of Ihecity of S ivsimah known as Mantmollinville, on tbe souto side of the Central Railroad Depot. Sold by older of the Superior Conrt of Chatham county fur the benefit ol the heirs sud erditors of this osbile of the late John S. Mnntinoliin, deceased. The property presents a rare opportunity for capi talists to make a profitable investment. .-ale positive. Terms cash, purchasers paying for titles. d6-td By Bell, Wylly k Christian. % AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city. Tbe improvements consists of a fii at clan cottage dwelling, gothic style, containing six latge rooms, with marble mantel piece, dining room,, library room famished with shelves and glass doors. Outbuilding* consist* of farm honac, containing seven rooms, barn, carriuge house and * tables. Purcb* er can have ihe re fusal ot Ctjrn, fodder, bay, horses, mules, baggies and wagons. Also, 2480 acres ot heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) miles from the city, between the Ogeechee and Canoochee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation, 100 ucr«#of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling houses, with stables, cribs, Ac. tf-ulf AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly k ChrMian. 100 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, about nil).- mile. Iron) tbl* city. The Improvement* consist ol dwelling, barn, stables, and other neces sary out buildings. An iitmudsuce of fish, oysters, shrimp, Me., con veniently nbtuluid. Fi lev of piopcny, #II,OOO. njx-tf ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE By T- 1. Walsh. On TUFttHAY, January, lib. I*oo, will be sold si lb* l.'uart 11-'uss, tu the city of iLvsnnsli at II o'clock- Tbs East, in Half of L»l No II JstJuon Ward. ffs* simple, wild wpcnveswsnlsj, corner of Wblteker •ml lluil •'reels lbs iniprovsnu-llla sru s two smry brick dwelling, plus rooms, with water lu lbs yard •ad (ss through Iks houss ilrtrk stable. Doth build Hold by iiwmlssluii of ib" Ordinary ol t'balksai SOHMty, for s dlvbluu MSIW Ihe hnlis Ttrtus rpeb, pno bswr psylug ku llOss u«4 HY ULIJN A M ICY Kit VS 111 be sold 00 TIIHNdIMV. lhssa>i«r Ilk. s4 II auctions. Yn'DBHWRITERS’ SALE By 8011, Wylly A Ihrretiaii. THIS DAY, at lOoMocfc, at Derating' upper Press, will »*e sold lor account of tuderwmer's aud ail coo cerneit, SS BALES COTTON, Damaged on board La press 00. baigcM dipper, wreck ed on Savannah river, and re-stripped Merc* to Eitpnjaa Co's dal and sold uudei iuspectiou of the port War den’s. deed TERMS CASH. UNDERWRITERS’ SALE. By Bell, Wylly k (ItrbtUß THIS DAY, at 10J, o’clock. In front of more, will be sola tor account ot Underwriter s and all concerned, 3 Bbls Sugar, l " Mackerel. 3 Bags Coffee. Damaged on board steamer Chase, on tier voyage to mis port, and sold under Inspection oi the port War den’s deed TERMS CASH. EXECUTOR'S SALE. WILL be sold at the Arecilla Plantation of B. R. Young, late of Tooinas county, deceased, three miles from Boston, No. Id Atlantic A Gulf Rail road, on Friday, 1-jth December next, all the perish able property buloi ging on said plantation, consisting for the ino-t part a? follows; About 20 Mules and Horses 140 Fat flogs, 200 Stock Hogs, 00 head Cattle, and 5,000 BUSHELS OB CORN. 20 or 30 sucks Fodder. 2 or 3 Wagons, Sugar Mill, a iargv supply ol Pl&utation Utensils, aud many other things. At the same time and place I will rent the Planta tion (one of the hugest and best in the conntyj for ihe year 190(3. There is about 1,100 ACRES OP OPEN LIND on the place, and in fine condition for another crop corn or cottou. 1). S. BRANDON, <ll-10 Executor. OROCERIE9, LIRt OKS, A C., T. J. DUNBAR & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS. SEGARS. IC. 147 13ay Street, SAVANNAH, CA. f (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) lt r R Invite the attention ot the Trade and the Pub lie generally to oar large aud elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Se gsr», etc., etc. which is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of which is folly established iu this and foreigu conn tries , DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BlTTFUS guarautecd superior to any ai tide of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use; DUN BAR’S SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the u most parity, and put np expressly for our house, of wnich we are sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith’s cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. in cases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK PUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put up by as in cases for export and borne consumption. T. J. D A Cos. arc sole agents for H. & H. W. Crttherwood’s Pure RYE WHISKIES. XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on baud, a targe and well se lected stock of BOURIiON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS '>f finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by thin house, aud for sale in bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates novT-lm KIRLIN, ERO.&BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALES, WHS Al LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED & DELIVERED. a u‘2l ts ASSORTED LIQUORS, In Cases. 10 cases Brandy 6 do * iSaradoj 10 cases old Mills Rye 10 cases old Valley Whiskey 10 cases Stadt Hans Schnapps 3 a cases Madeira Wine 10 cases Port Wine 10 cases Sherry Wine 10 cases lJlakberry Brandy 10 cases DeLuee’s Bitters $0 cases Assorted On conslgnmennt and for sale by CUNNINGHAM, PURSE A CO , Bay street, No. 4 S'odJard’e Lower Range. d4-3 _ Tobacco, Segars lAA BOXES Bright Navy lbs 10 lixs Sweet. 10s 50 I UU boxes KNIGHT TEMPLARS, qrs 15 m. Segura, Cabinet 10 m. do La Essencia For Sale by HILTON 4 RAND EI.L, (14 6t 193 Bay Street. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS 950 bbls Potatoes and Onions. 75 dozen WolPs Brandy, very choice. 50 dozen WolPs Schnapps, quarts aud pints. 40 bbls Heck’s Self-Raising Flour. 30 half chests Oolong Tea. 6 half chests choice Green Tea. 40 half Bbls Beef and Pork. 35 Bbls Whiskey, dm,.ltuin and Brandy. 40 boxes Adamantine Candles. K 0 cases Claret Wines 30 bait bbls No. 1 Mackerel 30 bbls Choice Family Flour. 20 casks Byass' London Porter. 2 casks Pure Port Wine. 5 casks Codfish. Sardines, Segais, London Sauce, Condensed Milk, Pig Hams. shoulders aud Flitch, Spices of ail kinds forsalehy ' M. LAVIN, d4 8 East Broad street. WHISKEY ! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDT, WINES, tc. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike's Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY > C. W. THOMPSON. At the Old Stand. IXI BAY STREET, (Herald Buildings.} also, —. Alsop's Ale, Mars' Ale. Apple*. Potatoes. Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar, onto ts To Wholesale Grocer*, Liquor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists nnd Soap Muuulacturm. Ij'HSKNTIAL oils lor fisvoriiif and Improving Bran 's dy, Rum. I'- VI Win* Bourlxiu, Rye. Sciitfh uud Irish Whiskies, sue and body pssporslions fur Neu lisllslug sud Mollifying Whiskey end rtplrll. Color lugs, Syrups sud Fruit Jslews Kir llrandy, whiskey •ml Wlues Oils sud Ksiraela of Orgaao aud other Brsudlss, HulUud aud Lumtoa Ulu, *i\ ml* F’• Treulleu on FeriustiU-l I.lqums wllb lot® llectgs* KOH UIiUUU IHT H 1 VHK. fWttiill fIMMN.I r*wd*r. Kiy Papor. I**!**!* fitter*!*•# fignrlf AtW, nil mr« 1 Kill! Hu AI s HANUPACTUIUCHM, MW.iCEKIkIi. UqtltlM, <9. . PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesdlt* atnl Retail Ilaaler in Fine Ococerlee, Boot* aud Shoes. Cloth!**, Foreign and Domestic Wines, Uqnore and Segara. Alto. Skebau's Celebrated GULDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, In bottle and in wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout. Scotch and Eng lish Alee. Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade 116 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, and *2 Liberty street, New York.' RANDELL A CO. ARE now ofl'ering to the trade a eery choice selec tion of SOUCHONG. OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON, and IMPERIAL TEAS Also. NO 1- EXTRA AND FANCY SOAPS RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON PURE GROUND SPICES CREAM TARTAR B. C. AND SAL SODA VERMICELLI. FARINA, JELLIES. And a general assortment of Fancy Groceries. u2l-eodlw CHEESI SOAP. J A BOXES CUBES K, / tc** 16 boxes Fay's Soup. Just received anil lor «al“ by #tl6 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN 1 CO. J. GARDNER TAKES the llbarty of informing the public generally that be lia*.iu,t opened, and will always keep on band a full supply ut Fresh Family Groceries, of ail descriptions and ot the best quality, which he offers for sale at reasoushle rates corner Jones and Barnard streets, at Ehrlich's old stand. uIS-lui f FOREIGN IDOMESTicf^gH | ALES WINES Jl^tiqiinHStSEttAas SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. an3o SHIPPING. FOR JACKSONVILLE, VIA BRUNSWICK AND FERNANDINA. THE STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN McNBLTY, Is now freight at the old Florida steamboat wharf foot of West Broad street, and will leave as above on Wednesday, Gtli Inst., at 9 a. in. This boat Is in very excellent order, and has su perior state room accommodations for pussengers. For freight or passage, apply to F, M. MYRKLUAgt, d4 Harris’ Unildiugj). Bay street. For Charleston, The new Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. E. 8. Talbot, Will leave as above Every Saturday, at 9 a. m. For freight or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. S. CARFUTHER9, n27 Hodgson's Range, Bay street. FOR PALATKaT •v 7 VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON VILLE. The new, exceedingly fast and splendid Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. E. 8. Talbot, Will leave Telfair’s W barf, at above. Every Wednesday, at 41 p. m. For freight or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. S. CAKUTHER.3, d6 Hodgson's Range, Bay street. For Doctortown, CONNECTING WITH THE ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD, The new iron Steamer TWO BOYS, Capt. Thos. Daniel!, Will leave for the above place on Thursday Morning, Dec. 7, at 8 o'clock. For freight or passage, having elegant accommoda tions for 60 persona, apply to ERWIN A HARDEE. Jno. L. Rodiiillat, Agent on wharf. dS 2 FOB AUGUSTA, AND LANDINGS ON THE RIVER, The new, successful, and exceedingly light drangbt atearuer UNION, • Capt. DA^TeLS, Is receiving freight this day at Ferry Wharf, under Gas House ull, aud will leave as above on Wednesday, Util Instant, at 6 p. m. Parties having orders for Augusta and the Interior need not fear any detention from low water, she hav ing been built expressly for the river. Is able to navi gate It at the lowest stage. For freight, apply to F M. MYRRLL (U-l Herne’ Buildings. R-y street. FOR RIOEBORO . The sloop FLEET. Captsia Charley, \ tlii jL will Mil fin Rice) 10 re’ on, aATDKBAY, Mb Inst.nt. For irrig hr, . enquire of lit* Captsiu, on board, si Lower Rica Mill, or to M. J. DOYLE. Agoiii. dl 116 Miysa aueet For Liverpool. . ir- THE Ai Auiribau Milp NRW (NIII.IKfI Maelt r. ItsMng a tarm portion of lfl>ii"7Sog„ sngsgsd will!,.- ,eaJy to -Mr* « Lower Mydinalb’ Free* «a Ike Istb 1 flopiau iluwAN, (aura in iuu • ■mppnio. * STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. ■JQg The fine Steamship COtWITUTIftN Ureenaau Commander will leave tor the above port on Wedneaday, Dor. o, at 10 o’rlork. For freight or passage haring superior slate room accommodations, apply to n3O BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO ~ FOE NEW Y'ORK, ATLANTIC COAST MilL STEAMSHIP tOMPANY. The very fast sailing Steamship VAHXJNA, WHITEHURST, Commander, Will positively tail "u her regular day, Wedneaday, Oth Inst,, at 11 o’clock a. in. For freight or pama.-e, which will be as low as anv other line, apply to (12 JOHN R. WILDER Agent. FOR NEW YORK. ATLANTIC COABT Mail Steamship Company. The very faat-aaUing aide-wheel steamship Herman Livingston, J. P BAKER, Commander, will sail or. her regular day, Saturday, 9th luatant, at in. For freight or passage: whim will he taken as low as any other ship, and having very superior accom moddious, apply to dfl JOHN It. WILDER, Agent. Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic >1 ni I steamship Company. The new and fast tide-wheel steam SAN SALVADOR Loveland,mas litYi !tr , "’BI sail as above, on Saturday, Dec. 9, at 1 o’clock p. in. For freight or passage, having nnsnrpaased aocom modatione, apply to B. H. HARDEE, ( No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON * ALLEN, Agents, n27 No. 3, K.wllug Green, New York. FOR NEW YORK The brig OLIVE FRANCES, F. A. ' Small, master. Is now loading for the For freight, apply to CHARLES L. COLBY t CO., n2» Coiner Aberborn aud Bay sts. PIONEER LINE. FOR NEW Jgg YORK. Tbe new and splendid steamship TYBEE, Crowell, Commander, will leave for the above port on her regular day, Wednesday, Dec. tltb, at o'clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to d6 HUNTER A GAMMELL. Murray’s Lin© FOR NEW 4§f|j^YOßK. The splendid steamship ZODI IC. 11. C. Dearborn, master, will leave for the above port on Wednesday, Dec’. 6tl». at 10 o’clock For freight or passage, having splendid accommo tions, apply to d6. OCTAVUS COHEN. For PHILADELPHIA The Steamship CUMBBIA, FRENCH, Commander, $ Will sail for tbe above port on Saturday, Dec. 9, at o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent accommo dations, apply to n3O-td HUNTER A GAMMELL, FOR AUGUSTA, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. Tbe light-draught steamer 3?. 33. Gfoodsell, Cipt DUNLAP. Ie receiving freight at Padetford’s Wharf, and will have despatch. Freight will be received lu store at any time dunug the absence of the boat. For engagements, apply to d6-2 M. A COHEN. Regular Weekly Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA - SAVANNAH. The New Iron Btsnmer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt T. N. Pnn.roT, Having superior acroaunodatl-m for Freight and Passengers, will p>y regularly between the above cities. Leaving Savannan every Saturday Morulng, at « o’clock. Leaving Augusta every Wednesday Morning, at 1 O'clock. Laving at Mathew's Ulufi .very Wednesday Night It la the deelr* of the Agentsot the Gibbon, to nske her s permsuenl Annumodslbui Boat t-« the Me, chants of Augusta amt Hsvsnbah and the Plauters along the llur of the river, and with tblaohjcrt in view, aoettoit .111 hp afsoed on the part of fun owoett, ageate and utßc-ra 10 nutet the waula or Dio trevellug and iralgbilug public. . „ . KRWIN * DARKER oau L Rixsiutli Agent at wbatf. Im nil For Liverpool. ftrCtw. ih» A Mu. I most M wkiAtt* rtf*- fu# Ul ' am-M T4IHIM *l kt Ur ' •• "‘"—l—W. flFtebdau For Augusta, THE STEAMER JR. JET. MAY, of Lincoln street, free of oat Office In Clagbora * The May arrived in August* from Savannah on loot Friday with her full freight. ts oct9 FOEAfIeWI The new itght-drsnght steamer Fannie Lehr, Capt LEWIS, *“ ' Win leave for Augusta on ./ Friday, Dee. 8, at 9 o’clock, a. aa. for passengers on board this For freight or passage apply to ™ /aWK^oMock S T E AM FOR BALTIMORE. The new and flrst-class Steamship ‘- r NORTH POINT, CAPT. SMITH, Will tail for Baltimore on Saturday, Dec. 9, at 1 o'clock p. aa. The North Point has elegant and commodious ac commodations for passengers, who mar procure through tickets to New York via Philadelphia, at New travel*****’ UU<J tll ** eb y *»vetwo hundred miles of tea «JSS, ma ß nlflC9,lt side-wheel iron steamship RICH MOND, has now been placed on the line fa connection with the North Point, and will leave this port every alternate Saturday (commencing the lflth Instant) for Baltimore. For freight or pa.sage apply to JAMB B. WEST, Agent, - rtc - 4 Jones'Block. FOR AUCUSTAr The Steamer K. EE. MAY will leave for the above place on TUESDAY EVENING. This Steamer, drawing only twenty-eight Inches when 1 loaded, otlfers snporlor inducements to ehinDera at thepresent low stage of the rtver. Goods received at all times and stored free In fire proof warehouse on old Charleston steamboat wharf For freight arrangements, apply to d4tf J M KINCHLBY, Agent. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, THE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at X their Warehouses--free of expense andcov ered by Insura' ce—for shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular line of light draught bo * t *'*fP 1 T to f'HAS. L. COLBtT* sept29—tf v .cor. Bay and Abercorn sts, For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FER NANDLNA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Having been placed per manently upon this rout* will leave for the above place* on Every Thnrnlay Morning, at lOo’eluek. For freight or patsage. having splendid cabin ac on Urd - * mortd * Bte * m a. re CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. For Doctortown AND r. Th.omasville. The Steamers Gen. Bhepley, Orient, and Clarion, win make Tri-weckly Trip# to Doctortown, In con nection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thmsdayi and Sundays. * Through Irelght payable by shippers at oar office. received during the week, and stored free Fur freight or passage apply to _ CflXI L. COLBY Jfc CO., n2 ° Comer Abercom and Bay streets. FOR HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. THE STEATVrwn. OOMBT, CAPTAIN HORNE, Will leave as above wtth despatch. For freight, which will be received at -the Upper Hydraulic Frees Yard, and covered py insarance-untll placed on board the steamer, apply to U2B BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. F6U Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and BafcU o. Th ® V“ tte(J and Brasil Hall gFegmrtrip Company wIU dlapatch -wd'-Ilt'.;! t]V regularly, Un Uw 49th of every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, r To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. na., From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pass through the Foot Office An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance on board. For freight an passage, having splendid sccommo Rations, apply o ... ' THOMAS ABENCIO A CO.. ocUl-3m No. IT, Broadway, New York. FOB UVESPOOL ■Jmt F ° r *nSw. J. CAUGHSY, nis-tf »a Bay street For Liverpool. The usw Aral class dipper ship VIRGINIA, WERE*. t'»ttMandat,