Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 06, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 6

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A < I tutin II \r. u»«! U l>ie. lu striking .outr«t to fati.iUw ■** of c<oloe«* u»l i*t*kle*soi-»» itisj >la> ed by crimi nal* about to be excoole-l, during theii last moment*, were tlie straiig* in« 'dents ac< i>m panving tbe exccuUou at Morristown N. J. t ~U tut lilt, of i\lrr Hi utl, a Freocti man. wbo, on tin "Al oi November iasi, staid.. J bis agerl w ile to tbe bean for no r.lL' i reason than a fancied conspiraer be t .vicn herself and a neighbor to defraud him ol some ell dollars. Since bis condemnation, the prisoner has exhibited a weakness seldom observed in those condemned to death. OUI and decrejiuL he looked to his execution as somethin;: so horrible that suicide was far preferable. He even tried to starve himself to death by abstaining from food for several days at a time. At times during his long irn priVonmact, hopes of reprieve were enter tained hr the condemned mam hut on the dsv preceding that appointed for tbe execu tion, all hope uas given up. arJ for the Urn time he requested that his children might l>e allowed to visit him. Tbcj.came, and the ;»s may l*e imagioed, au ante*.mg idle. As the hour apppointed tor his execu tion drew near, tbe excitement and trepida tion of the mis Table -Id man Uaame more and more inleu**-, until at 11 e*clock, w.ien tbe sheriff entered the cel! to prepare the prisoner for execution, be became so com pletely overcome witti weakness, as to be uuable to stand, but lay grovelling upon his bed. crying like a child, and shrieking in mortal agony. So completely prostrated was he that the power of speech finally deserted him and he rolled about and wrung his hands like one bereft of all seuse or reason. Tire time for leading forth the prisouer tor execution having suited, efforts were made to nerve the old' titan for the last scenes ol his existence. He still lay upon his cot powerless, and it was found necessary to lift him into a chair in this helpless condition his arms were piniooed. and the black cap was placed upon bis head. Next came the adjustment of the noose, during which the prisoner broke forth anew 1U veils of horror, while the sweat started copiously from every pore, and every limb was convulsed as with a mortal agony. The chair containing the poor wretch was now seized hv two stalwart officers, who thus bore him to the gallows, at the if w hiob Cucue 1 fairly swooned away ffiKto revive wbeu placed upon the drop. The Sheriff then approached and said, "Pe ter, tbe time has come when I must execute the setence of tbe law upon you. Are you ready' You know you promised me to act your part like a man." The only reply from the fear stricken man was : "Make haste —make haste 1 lam ready—farewell!” The black cap was new drawn over tbe face of prisoner: a motion from the officer : the glistening in the sunlight ol the fatal axe as It descended upon the rope : a sadden fall, and all that » as mortal ol Peter Cucuel hung a quivering corpse beneath a gibbet’s beam. Mrs. Gaskslu—This lady died in Eng land on the 13th ult. She was born about the vear 1800, and was married in 1832 to a clergyman at Manchester. She issued her first work. "Mary Barton, auuouymously, in 1848. Since 1848 Mrs. Gaskell has writ ten much. ‘’Ruth" appeared about 1852 ; and although not so striking a work as its predecessor, Mrs Gasketl’s reputation lost nothing bv it. Another of her popular nove s was’ "North and South," in which the incidents of a strike in the manufacturing districts were nairated. Besides these Mrst Gaskell wrote stories idr tbe leading serials, some of which wete subsequently published in a collected form. But her greatest wot k was her "Lite of Charlotte Bronte,"of which it has been said that n > biography has equalled it since Bosw ell’s "Johnson.” Mrs. Gaskell was a contributor to the London News. She was much esteemed in Eng land. and her death will leave a blank not easily tilled. Wiiy the Regular Troocs are Being Sent to Texas. —A month ago there were ninety thousand troops at various points west of the Mississippi river, and niuety thousand more at various points east of that little streamlet. The disposition of tbe various bodies com posing this force was stated in my letter of August 30. Os the troops iu Texas some twenty thousand were negroes. During the last mouth these negroes have beeu with drawn and quietly Uisltanded, and some five thousand white soldiers have tieeu recently sent from various points in the East to take their places. The whole Dumber of negro soldiers who have been disbanded during the last three months is about sixty thousand. Metropolitan Enterprise Great Gift Sale O* TUT NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE Jewelers’ Ansooiatiou. Capital $1,000,000 Depot, 197 Broadway-. AJJ immense stork of Kanos. Witches, Jewelry. ant PiDfT Gc**ts, ill to be sold tor One Dollar tart, without regard to value, anil not to be paid for till you eoe what you will receive. Certificates. naming ea£h article and its value, are placed in seated envelopes aud well mixed. One of tberf envelope* will lie sent bv mail to any addre-e on .C,ipt of 2J rents : five for *i; eieven for i-; ihiny lor «i . iixty live for it": and one hundred for tit On receipt efthe Certificate you a ill see wbai you are poins <o have and then it is m your option to pa' -he dollar and late he article or not. Pur hirer* msv thus obuin a Ooid Watch, Diamond Kins:, a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set id Jewelry ou our for fl. *ud mno case can they get less man One Lari La TV worth, as then' are no blanks. Agtots are wanted in every town in the country : , -../ person can make flu a day, at-liing Our lerTiit . .* :-s n the greatest saie of Je * elrv ever known. T-'tsi iic. for a Certificate, which will inform you w.:vi v« n can obtain for #l. At tbe same time gel ~ai circular, containing full list and particulars, also Terms to Agents. Address _ JAMES HUTCHINSON A CO . Ui-iia ' ltd Broadway, N Y. THE NEW YORK NEWS. DAILY SE.MI-WEEKLT AD WEEKLY. THBNKW YORK M KKILf Mil BEII-W E LkLI HEM b. GREAT FAMILY NF. VVHPA PF. KS*. KEY Jim VMM* H 1 dttar tnd Proprietor- Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD: iprovementT]ntroduced IMMUSE CIRCULATIONS DETERMINED 01. THE LARGEST. BEST jfSD CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published Every Wednesday. * S ajke i opn~ . Five < Vnta One Oepr. <»ut* »enr $ 'i **• Tbie* « t*iK* year i. 5 »*» Five Copies* oae ye-j » Ti Ten i of >ie«. one year 1 • vu —And an extra copy to any t lab of Teu Twenty Copie*. one year 30 GO The Weekly .Vows i* Stat to C lergymen at *1 50. S£MI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Copies, one rear * i dO Three Copies* me year If* 0»» RTe v opses, one year e 16 00 Ten one year JO 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copie*, one year 55 00 To Clergymen J 00 NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. To Mail Subscriber* sloper annum Six Mouths Five Dollars Por sale by all Newsdealers. Specimen copies of DAILY and WEEKLY NEWS sent free. Address BENJ. WOOD, Daily News Building, No. 10 City Hall Square. septSl New York City. MIPES’ MTKOiiEMZKD M PER-FHOSPHATE OF HUE. For Wheat and other Brain Crops, Cot ton. Corn, Tobacco. GraA«- Ym«- tables, Crops. Ac Composed of Calcined Bones, Biood, Soda, Pou>h, Suiphar.* Ammonia, and other Ammonia-producing materials, Doe« not exhaust the land n*e Peruvian Guano and other manures, but pernianentlv im proves it. Tlie etTec;* of one opplication are visit»le lor more than ten years. To ordinary soils a yearly application oi *2OO lbs. per acre will maintain its fer tility for any length oi tune, it is packed in barrels oi about about 250 lbs. each. Pamphlets eonteining certificates from those who have used this fei tiliser, anti full directions tor its ap plication to different crops, can be had by addressing the undersigned. Price reduced to S6O per ton, (2,000 lbs.} ’ For sale bv CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Agents, ntO-l m Savannah. Ga. R. MOLINA, Corner Ball and Congrvaa Strvet., under Screven Home, IMPORTER and Wholesale Dialer In Havana Se gars. Leaf and Smoking Tobacco. Alao, all kinds of Vir ’iiiia Chew 11? and Smoking Tobacco Her achanm, Bnvr Root, and all otter kinds of Fancy Pipes. eep&'-Sm FURMTIKE’ Fl RMTI RE ! YVHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Nos. 87 AND 88 BOWERY AND Go CHRISTY’ STREET, N. Y. DEGRAAF A, TAYLOR Have the largest variety of ROSEWOOD, WALNUT AND MAHOGANY, PARLOR, CHAMBER, DINING ROOM AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, to be found in this city, and at tne lowest prices. MATTRASSBS AND SPRING BEDS PROM *6 TO *T. EXTRA WIDE CANOPY BEDSTEADS FOR THE SOUTHERN TRADE. oct3l -2m Brown ‘s Standard Stall's USED by the United State# and Foreign Govern ru. uLri for more than THIRTY YEARS. Adapted to any branch oLbuainea# for foreign or home markets. Warranted accurate and durable. Sales room# No. 3 Barclay-#t., near Broadway. N. Y. aepl9 ly R. BKOW2*. Manufitctiirer. Boker’s Bitters, The GW eat and beet renowned. L. FIIKKE, 66 Liberty Street, Bepl2-3mo NEW’ YORK. 3500 TONS or ENGLISH HAILS, Os beat quality, per lineal yard. For sale by FOWLS A CO, )ul» tm No. 70 Broadway, N. Y. NEW NOVELS OCK Ml TUAL FRIEND . by i ta»». DMeK Co® pi, and anabiidgcoi. ■•na votaae. Hhulra>'d Peine «! Kuar Duugla- Peieeil*". Innas Inal*. Prier *1 fO. Kid 1.4111 P-rm by Mr* Henry Wood Price TXc. Seif Sam fin. Price tl IM. Mildred ArkeU. »ric* *s _ Eae: l >ni,l: or. the Earpe DaughUi Prim TF AngihiM*; by in* auth /f at - The Gift. Pricw iAc. Tn* Bti.kir'* Secret ■ by the author of ‘-Qua How ard '• Pile* lie. Sir Jaipu r Tenant; by Mrs. Braddon. Price Tic. Match Making. Price toe Hickor.. Hat!: by Mr, SauthworTh Price Me ireoige Francis Train•* 9peecn to the Peniaoa Prim -M,. The Bu-h Rangers, price %- 00. Major Jones'Sketclie* of TiaieU, li elk, and further supply of his other wort-. Also tne < otupleie works of IHcklaa. Walter Scuti anaoihd taioiite authors. Cheap edmon*. at, . ESTH-LS' NEWS DEPOT, Bull street. Bar t of the PostOfß. e, Ifown Stairs. liOV'JJ ti TITS Singer Sewing Machines. for the of Georgia, 116 BIMH i>HTO\ STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General' Agent. A large Assortment for hale at New Sowing Machines of ail kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done. nil ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—By permission oftbe IlGnHr»bleO“urt of Ordinary us Chatham conntv, will be soM. on Friday. Dumber Stb, at 11 o’clock, on the premise-*, comer c-f®: yan and Ann street*, all tbeperi.-hable property ol Abrepd Corded’ decease.J, consisting of an assorted Slock of Grocene*, Ac., and article of Furniture. HENRY BLI N. n2T-td Administrator ad col. Printing Presses. Tj'Oß SALE, one Royal Hand Pre»?. with Ink T Distributor, Roller Stpcka, Ac. Price. sl7§. Also, one Rugglce’ R-tary Diamond Card Pres?, with Roller Mould, Rollers. Stocks and Box and Chasotf. As good as new. Prio stuo. Addresa ESTILL A BRO . Bull street, back of Post Office. u’.'T ts Savannah. Ga. CRUTCHES. THIRST and only premin\n awardetl at the American V Institute Fair, J smd Srate Fair of Pa„ I Crutches. Hartman s Patent Elastic Robber CrukuV are pnjnounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very t*est ever invented. They are easy and con venient". they prevent paralysis of the nerves, do aw ay with all the weariness inseparable from the u>e of ail others, and are in all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LGVEJOY A T.\ILOR, Sole Maanlarturers, No. Broadway, N. Y. 6m-D^ 1 iUi t’OILS Manilla Bale Rope T"rU i.OO bags Shot 100 Vices 50 Ad Vila 50 Smith's Bellows 4<X> kegs Nails 50 tons Plow Steel luO tons Swedes and Refined Don 1 ton Cast Steel, assorted 150 dozen Axes 3ouu pair Trace Chains 3 casks Sheet Zinc IS Cotton Trucks 12 Corn Shelters 150 dor Shovel* and Spades, assorted brand* f>o kegs Horse Shoes 50 kegs Mule Shoes 200 dozen Curry Combe 25 doaen Horse Brushes. For sale by n*2-2w* WEED A CORNWELL. Liverpool Salt. 4 CARGO of SALT. 10 sacks talfee ton. just arrived jw. per Briiiah bark Croeeoo from Ltverpo L for sal, BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO NOW LANDING AND FOR SALE. .).o. Boxoa, »k. ■ and caddie, Tob ,-co, which we .lr| aie now ofierlng st price* lower than ii can be bought for m Non hem cities. MILLER, THOMAS * CO., nll-tf No. 205 Bay sireeet. William Oil 1, (Successor to William B Hawkins,) IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer tn Foreign and Domcslic Ales, Wines. Dquora, Philadelphia por ter, Champagne Cider, Ac., Xo. 176 Fulton Street, Opposite St Paul's Church, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile's Celebrated Al, for Shipping and Fa mil v use. Particular attention paid to Filling and Shipping Southern Order?. AH orders by mail will be promptly attended to. nl4-3m New York Piano Fortes. Ernest Gabler, Manufacturer of New Scale First-Class PIANO FORTES, Factory, 122,124 & 126 East 220^1.. RESPECTFULLY announces that hi* Large New Factory is now (vmpiend. Lilly organized, and in ruocesufnl operation, by mean>i>l which he has greatly increased his manufacturing facilities. He w>ll lher> - fore be able henceforward to turn ou: 35 Piano, per week, to supy.lT onters promptly, without that incon senient delav to which Deafots and Purchaser* haTe Ween subject<-!. from the fact that lor more than two years past lit- lias been continually a hundred insun menls behind order*. A full assortnient at all time* uiay be found at liia Manufactory and Warerooma in New York City. Every instrument fully warranted. Retail Warencoms, 7*3 Broadway. 3m-nlt NEW SKIHT POR ’BO //>/ \ t; K\ l^-tj' 1 rrL.pTiC The Great Invention of the Ag© IN -Hoop Skirts, J. W. llradleyV few Patent Dnpex Ellip tic (*r Doiilile Sprint; Skirt. THIS Inveutioß conakta of I)nplt*x for twoj EUptio Pure Resin ol Steel Springs, ingeniously > raided tigtiily and firmly together, edge to edge, making the loaghesi, raon flexible, rlaetk and aunib.e Spro evt*r used They seldom bend or break, like the sin gle Springs, and consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice aa long aa any Siugle Spring Skirt Hut ever ha* or can bf made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any ladv wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt uill be experienced particularly in ail crowded Assem blies, Opera*, rarriagee. Railroad Cara, Church Pewa, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Drees, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place aa easily and conveniently as a bilk or Muslin Dree* A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a sfbgle day will net%r after ward* willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and young ladies they are superior to all oth ers. Tbe Hoops are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long a* the single yarn which is used on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bottom rods on every Skirt are also DoubU Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cov ering from wearing off tbe ru*ds when dragging down stair*, stone steps, <tc„ which they are constantly subject to when in nse. All are made of the new and elegant Cu.ded Tapes, and are the beat quality in every part* giving to the wearer the most graceful and perfect shape possible and are unquestionably the lightest, most dtairable, comfortable and economical Skirt ever made. WESTS’. BRADLEY A CARY, Oat* J. L & J. O. West,; Proprietors of the Invention, and Bole Manu facturers, y 7 Chambers and Tit and 81 Read« streets. New York. For sale iu all first class stores in this city, and throughout the United States and Canadas, Havana de Cuba, Mexico, South America, and tbe West In dies. Z&~ Inquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. jyS Stf PHOFEBBIOXAL CAROS. Henry Williams, Attorney At Ijaw, OKFICE NO. 113 BAY STREET. (Over the Hvrald Reading Boom.) octH ts SAVANNAH. Ga Gao. R Black. RctcS E Liana. BLACK & LESTER, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, GA. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wllaoa k Lester, corner of Bar and Barnard afreets. octl4-tt DR. T. J. CHARLTON HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF Medicine and Surgery. Residence and Office corner Whitaker and Peny streets. lm # -nl® BO* ELL COBB. JAKES JACKBOX. COBB A JACKSON, iVt tome-at’Law, n_'a-3m MACON. GEORGIA. ~LAROUHE A JOHNSON, Timlr>ei-& Lumber Dealers 300 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. d4tf JOHN BGUIEO i SON, STEAMBOAT AGENTS,;tt(iita, («n. HAVING a long experience in the Agency of Steamboat Companies for many years, we wilt sive our persnal ati«.ntion to any consigned to our care. Augusta, Nov. 4—l m FINANCIAL. EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For sale bv *epls - BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Sight Exchange ON NEW YORK, In stuns to snit purchase.-*, by sep2S-tf E. F. METCALFE * CO NOTICE. NO debts contracted bj any of the Crew of orttiah bar k Craeeco will be paid by Captain or Consignee, ill BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A 08.