Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 07, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BV S ‘ W. MASON & CO. *AMt Kt. u ■ M A SOS, * Editor, W . T. THOMPSON, Auocl»t« Editor. VaVANXAHTHURSDAY, DECEMBER 7. IMS. " fjf For Commercial Intelligence sec Fourth Page. _ No Paper To- Morrow'. — No paper will be issued from this oflice to morrow, in order to permit the employes of the establishment to observe the National Thanksgiving Day in accordance with the proclamation of the Pre sident. The next issue of the Herald will therefore be on Saturday morning. The Municipal Election Yesterday.— Hon. E C. Anderson Elected.— ln ac ordance with an Ordinance passed at the State Convention, an election was held at the Court House yesterday tor Mayor and Aider men for Savannah, to serve until the regular election in October next. The polls were open ed at seven o'clock in themorning.aud closed at six in the evening Fourteen hundred j and sixty-five votes were polled. At seven j o’clock the Superintendents of the election assembled in the Inferior Court Room, and commenced to count the ballots At a late hour last night the count had proceeded far enough to leave no doubt that the whole ticket of the Hon. Edward C. Anderson was elected, with probable one exception. f lt was the general impression that Mr. Chris topher C. Casey on the Arnold ticket was elected by the supporters of the opposing ticket. The election passed off with the utmost quiet, notwith standing the exciting closeness of the con test. When the polls closed there was con siderable huzzaing, after which tire large crowd gradually left the Court House. There was a large number ot split tickets, and the entire night will be consumed in counting the ballots. THANKSGIVING DAY. The people of the United States are invited to assemble to-day in their several places of worship, to offer up thanks to the Supreme Director of ail for the many blessings which have been vouchsafed them in averting the moral and physical evils by which communi ties are ordinarily afflicted, in the form of pestilence, iamine and foreign war, while in the abuudauce of the fruits of the earth we have special reasons for thanks. The Presi dent in his Proclamation gracefully uliudes to the cessation of that destructive civil con flict that has wasted the National resources and disorganized our people, giviug promise of the restoration of peace and harmony throughout all the borders of the laud. In tue aspirations of those whose oflice it is to offer up prayers at the shrines of religion, it is hoped that these will meet with an an swering sympathy and love from those in whose breastSj reside tire instincts of piety, and that there will be a general suspension of secular pursuits. This is the first call from the supreme head of tho nation since the advent of peace, to unite iu that free will offering of thanks and that invocation to the God of all, by the humble and the exalted, the destitute and those blessed with affluence, that brings the whole within the sphere of religious duty— that connects all in the bonds of religious fel lowship. It is the most striking feature in the char act'er of the American people, that they so frequently assemble, under the inspiration of pious gratitude—suspending all profane em ployments—to offer up accents of praise to the giver of all good. This spontaneous out pouring of hearts filled with gratitude, has no parallel in any other part on he world, and now that all sections of our country recently plunged in deadly strife,are called on to unite iu offices of thanksgiving, It should meet with that response which shows that we are not insensible to the impressions thft belong to tue occasion. The Municipal W kal th op the South.— Was invite the atteution of ouv readers lo tlie communication upon tliis interesting topic in another column. Ilia from the able pen of one of our best authorities upon the sub ject, and one who unites the acquistions of the scholar to the insight and energy of the practical business man, and who is more over, animated by the aspirations of a pub lic-spirited Georgian. The Macon ani> Augusta Railroad. —The Macon Telegraph in an article urging the claims of this road upon the capitalists of that city, states that “Augusta has responded nobly, her subscriptions, individual and cor porate, aggregating SBOO,OOO, aad that the South Carolina Railroad Compauy, contrary to its settled policy has contributed liberally to the enterprise. * This road when completed, and its assets are already sufficient to iron it, while it is entirely free from debt, will give the direc tion to the llow of the products of that region either to Savannah or Charleston, the pro ducer having the choice of either market.— Does it not behoove the merchants of Savau nah to be keeping an eye to their interests in that quarter ?" Tub South Carolina Congressmen Elect. The Charleston Courier of Tuesday says : We learn that General Samuel McGowan, General John D. Kennedy and Colonel Jas. Farrow, members elect to tbe United States Congress, were in Columbia last week and received their Commissions from Gov. Orr, but, in accordance with President Johnsou’s despatches to Governor Perry, returned home to await the actiou oi Congress on the ad mission of the State. Our immediateTtepre sentauve, lion. Wnt. Aiken, has also receiv ed his Commission, hut will likewise await tne actiou ol Congress. —Accoraing to accounts in English pa pers, fiir Morton. Pcto was delighted with his visit to the United htates. in a public address a few dayssgo, this gentleman spoke <4 the treatment he received here, and the unbounded hospitality of the population I received kiuduoss without piu edmi I and bail the amplest opportunity given him I of knowing eveiytblug he desired to know mid it wnt his own fault if the <h sire for knowledge was not more tlmu gratified ||„ weut there at a limit Interesting epoch of the history us America—at the done of tin; most trmneudunua struggle known lu modern times He did expert to find exhaustion, and wm t«iy aoint what disarranged, bill he •aw U'lthlug of tile kind. (Chet re.) There m.i» nothing throughout the whole of the greet country that would have Usd him to sup pose such a *tniggle hud existed " K hill haa heea lull isitu «<l la the Htaaoii rt i< i •taiuic making it a penal ortema to nddieaa any es 'dth ot of the f 'ouli-di rate Army, wlihwit Ant profiting the word . * *** iag [communicated. ] SHALL THE KESOt RCICM OF THE MOUTH BE DRV ELOPKI) ! To the TditorS'Of the Samrmah Dmily llernid : The wealth of a country consists iu its lands,—their productions—its mineral--—t » r development—its well organized system of labor and available capital which is the motive power of the whole machinery. The South is rich in lsndg—the broad acres | of its alluvial bottoms, the extensive slopes of its sunny hills, and the verdant pasturage of its mountain tops being the just pride ol | every native of this charming clime. Her countless bales of the hoary king—“so called' —as they wended their way over the loug .ines of railroads or descended the tor tuous streams fiom the retired plantations to the great centres of commerce and manu- I factures, constituted a panorama of a kind to awaken the enthusiasm of every beholder. , Her mines of gold and iron, the two main j sinews of war, as well as the two pillars of peace and prosperity, gave forth their rich treasures iu profusion, under the application j of s well organized and powerful system of labor, supported by large capital and direct !ed by 4he foresight of wonderful genius. Amidst all this charming scene ot prosperity and rapid development of resources the toe j sin of war sounded its dread alarums—the earth seemed suddenly to produce whole crops of armed men instead of her white robed staple and yellow harvests of cereals— and like the besom of destruction, every thing perishes in its track. Her lands now jie uncultivated—her mines uuwrougbt—her system of labor disorganized—and her capi tal to a very great extent, has disappeared. But the fertility of her soil still remaius the richness of her rniues has not been im paired—the bone and muscle is still in exis tence and capital may be commanded in amounts sufficient to make this now desert land blosom like the rose. Shall it be done? Will tbe wisdom of our legislators be exert ed in organizing anew system of labor—in inducing capital to come forth from its hid den vaults and to flow in from the rich de posits elsewhere, to encourage labor—or will they be too short-sighted in their policy, too selfish in their actions to see tbe result of such a course and to avert its miseries. Will the capitalists continue to employ their means exclusively in trade, whereby their profits are seemed, it is true, but the prima ry support goes to maintain the labor system of other localities, leaving the laborers of our own country to perish? Is it not clear ly the duty of such men at this crisis to give another direction to their investments? The fancy goods of other lands are not so important for the recuperation of our coun try, us the extensive cultivation of our lands— the preparation forloreign markets of our princely forests—the development of our rich minerals—the manufacture of articles for home consumption—the construction of railroads—and the encouragement of indus try and education# By such large importations of mere lux uries, they are encouraging extravagance— withdrawing capita! from the country induc ing idleness, and crime, and thus adding deeper misery to our intense sufferings.— Away then with these articles of luxury place not the temptation before the weakness of our poor suffering countrymen —import nothing but articles of prime necessity and encourage the people to work on the farm — in the forest—manufactory and mine. There are opportunities for profitable in vestment on every hand—investments by which the resources of dttr country will be developed by your efforts, and the wealth will not be diminished as it now is by your traffic in merchandise of fine linen and fancy notions. The iron mines of Qeorgia and Alabama, it fully developed, would enrich the entile couniry—the gold concealed in the bowels of Georgia and the Caroiinas, if raised and coined, would alone supply the circulating medium for the whole Union—the immense coal fields of Alabama, if properly worked, would furnish fuel enough for every city iu the South, besides maintaining large depots at suitable ports tor every steamer that might touch at any point on the coast, or at our neighbor, Havana—and again, if Petroleum, that newly crowned king of the coal regions of Pennsylvania and Western Vitginia, be the product of coal, as is generally coueeded by our best scientific geologists, then Alaba ma presents a field for the profitable invest ment of capital that never before has beeu equalled. Examine the Geological Map oi that State, by Prof. Tourney, aud see what a broad expanse of territory abounds in what he very modestly designates “the best coal field in America." The surface indications of this wonderful oleaginous fluid are very striking to tbe eye of the experienced “ oil hunter" throughout the entire area of this coal region—the dip of the geological strata of Northern Alabama—the iorinntious of slate, sandstone, and shale, and the discovery of oil in many localities float ing on the surface of stagnant pools and streams of water—all tend to confirm the obelief that Alabama is rich in this newly dis covered source of immense wealth—and the fact, that Petroleum has been recently found in Keutueky and Tennessee, in quantities that promise to surpass even the famous wells of Venango county, -Penn., is another ro ng indication that this valuable material exists throughout tbe entire chain of tbe Cumberland Mountains, lrom Pennsylvania to the Mississippi river. Companies ate rapidly but quietly.organ- iziog for thoroughly testing tbe country.— Already most of tbe lauds considered “favor able boring territory" have been secured by purchase or lease, and orders for saitable machinery for sinking test wells arc in the hands of the manufacturers. Those who are so fortunnte as to secure investments in the original companies will lie “masters of the situation," lor as soou us the first paying wells are sunk, new companies will be or gnnized with larger capital stock, smaller working fund, and ou much less territory. The history of tbe famous “Coquette" well ou Oil Creek, iu Pennsylvania, serves lo | illustrate the Immense increase of valuation Ia successfully developed oil territory ac qulrea. Four yeara ago Dr. Egbert imn ha-- ed torly acres of undeveloped territory lor one thousand dollar", taking his last dollar lo pay the aunt. There are now on these forty ueiea sixteen flowing well* and sixteen pumping well*, all yiuldlug Home yield one hundred, others ss much as three Unit » i Sana stnuis of oil daily ,Ur each well, hast January Dr. I'.gWi a4fl one twelfth inleruat In iliat oiunau (vud alone lor two hundred and filly tlmusfed Aotlais (fjMMNxi i. Thus Min wHI )i vnliMut m f mm fc(l y '"'thing of l lie llilrly on# mm i autaagaful wells ou his loriy acres all tealirmi from the IliveMuieiit of AM«Xi, direr led by bit at rtar loka fortnight, or recaleax vuniuie, as llu< Unw pMiwtfailng would doiy-iau ih* Usu ***ttou. "thsrs agalu, luaa Judtai.»u» Ur Iha xwrsnintr , •election of suitable territory, have made in* . vestments and reaped “splendid failures. But this is true in every department of trade w In-re great dividends may be obtained from Ninall risks ; therefore the numerous failures oi the in. ompetent ami reckless speculator need not deter the more |ietjetrating and esutiiius adventurer from tasking an honest attempt to develop the hidden resources of j our needy country. Petroleum. THE PHEvIUK.VT'S MBNNAOK. | The telegraphic synopsis of the Message, which appeared in the Herald of yesterday, though vcxatiously meagre of details, by reason of its brevity, is sufficiently intelligi ble to warrant the gratifying conclusion that our patriotic PresiJeut adheres, with the manly firmness which has ever been one of : the distinguishing characteristics of his poli | tical life, to the plan of reconstruction which i had beeu previously foreshadowed in his fre j queut interviews with prominent citizens I from all parts of the Union. I After laying down deliberately and dis ' tiuctly the postulate that all acts of secession were, from the commencement of our natioual difficulties, null aud void ; that the States, theoretically, are not responsible as distinct political sovereignties ; with the correlative axiom that individuals only are amenable to the law on the score of treason, he proceeds to the illustration of these fundamental pro positions by a course of reasoning most strikingly clear, cogent, compact aud con vincing. He does not hesitate to express unequivo cally his opposition to the permanent exis tence of military governments over the South ern States, as being inconsistent with that concilitary policy the observance of which by the Government aud people, he deems ab solutely essential for an early suppression of the present state of feeling which, so far from contributing to the restoration of soothing re lalious.siich as existed in the early days ol *he Republic, would both perpetuate aud iuten rifv sectional animosites between the divided stclions. His patriotic admonition to all parties in the late terrible conflict to lay aside preju dice and ill-feeling and to work together fra ternally for the restoration of harmony and prosperity throughout this broad land, can not fail to make a salutary impression upon the minds of all who are not under the do minion of passion and prejudice. He pro pounds the interesting inquiry: whether it is too much to ask, that on the one side the plan of restoring the energies of the Govern ment shall proceed in conformity with a willingness to cast the disorders of the past into oblivion, and that on the other tbe evidence of sincerity in the future maintenance of the Union be illustrated by a fall and candid recognition of the self-sacri ficing demands enforced by the logic of events. Iu other words, that the Northern people shall become fully recouciled to the plan matured aud adopted by the Adminis tration, and that the Southern people shall put beyond doubt their sincerity tor the Union by the ratification of the proposed ifcti-slavery amendment to the Constitution of tbe United States. Tbis condition being Complied with, it would remain, says the Presi dent, for the States to resume their places in the two branches of Congress, and thereby complete l,he work of restoration. The President is equally explicit and satis factory iu regard to the suffrage enfranchise ment of the freedmen. He re-asserts the doctrine, broadly and distinctly, that this is a measure which lies entirely beyond the con stitutional jurisdiction of the Natioual Gov ernment, and conies within that of the States respectively, which they cun decide in con formity with the prevailing popular sentiment whatever that may be. In this connection he remarks, very pioperly, that good faith requires that tue security of the freedmen be guaranteed ou their liberty, property, and right to labor aud to elaiin the just rewards of their labor—a sentiment which will be as fully recognized aud endorsed by the in telligent classes of the South, as it is accept able* to our Northern friends. If there be still lurking iu the minds of any of our Southern people a single misgiving at war with the conviction that the President is tue uncompromising champion of the rights of the South to which we are entitled under the amended Constitution and his magnani mous reconstruction policy, it will surely be dispelled, we cannot but believe, by a candid perusal and impartial appreciation of the in teresting State paper upon which we are commenting. To the Electors of Chatham Comity, Gentlemen : Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my name to be used for the office of Sheriff of Chatham county, 1 have the honor to announce myself as a candidate for that position, and respect tully solicit your suffrage. lill-ll CHARLES ,1. WHITE. As Goon as New. —lu this fast country the hair whitens and falls early. But thin and grey hair indicate only a local decay. Your hair may be renewed and sustained through life by the use of Mrs. S. A. Allen’s World's Hair Restorer and Zvlobalsatuum, or Hair Dressing. Every Druggist, sells them. dec. 2-eod-l-w. TO THE VOTK. RS OF CHATHAM COt'XTY I announce myself as a candidate for the office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. nov22-td ALEX. F. BENNETT. To tlie Voters of Hiiithuin County. I respectfully anuouucc myself a candi date for re-election to the office ol Sheriff of Chatham County, and ask your support at the Jauuary election. if Ben.tamin L. Cole. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rcnrwer lla- proved Itocif to be the most tierfect preparation for the hair ever ofl< red Lithe pulille. It i»a vivcinble compound, ami contains no injuri ous propertna whatever. IT Wll.t, BKSIOKK OKAY 11 AIK TO ITH ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out It clrauere the aealp mid mukee ills hair ><lll, an l rnusaud silken. It is aeplendld hair ilrudng. Nnperaou, old or yeuilg.•heuld falllo »r it. IT IN ItKcoMM ENDED AND UHKD IIY THE FIIiHT MKIiK AI. AUTHORITY IV A U Ini lull's Vegetable ri|i than lia i Ki-iivwei, and lake lie oilier. 11. I' HAM. * t'O., Na.hua, N. 11, I‘ioprleloia. For atla tig >ll druggim*. UAHNKH, W A I'll * CO, New orieana, la , ii**4m Noalhrm Whol-aala Ag.w. Alia Ilk lUt 111 ill >l about tail hand* high, allh long tall and minii inane and tadwiau eight and mini || an old anil UU nlial lualka. lla H> ! appear* and li.ilii UiintgMiiirif mi Uulata, lilght tail <n> inii.iiitainin in Aimt-me to thank Inlir lii*j»i-l awl Mmiall, lewal'Ud U tall *1 ika oanw us llw DaUf Ueiaid UM If LIST OP LETTERS Remain! ug in the tiavauuah Wl Office Doc. Tib IS*.. IVruona unllK* for these htier* will |.le*«e*ay *• AtiwertiM an- •*»»<! come ptypaiWl with the i*ea»- »**r; change ,_* rent J. am! present A ceiude itc that they have tak n the AuiDe-ry Outli of Allegiance. 1a I*l • A j Allen, mis* Hak; Alien, iiih Matu I B Barron;»h. iMr- .i i-t * Mrovni. win Jane lt..r in. \\ t . t H I!, mis W A I HojtginrtcM, in* a B*«th* ! Biimvm. cam* Mt»i #• J U.owtic. mi" .1 A , Be*mi, mrs Mary tit own, inraAnn ‘ B?ll, miss JUrm lieveus, mr» hlr&a'oetlt i rtakcr, mrs Uzzie c. Clink, lur-i Marv « Cxaseßs, mis M C < Holes, luiss ii.irjr A CaiViu, mrs A O Clifford, miss Aim . D. Dow, miss Maggie Days, lurs Plulls G. Graham, mrs Alice tiubbaroty, miss Eliza H Hazard, mrs Marv J • Irtiug, mrs A Jackson, mrs Kiner K. Kesler, Maggie Kraus, Margaret L L ima, miss Jane 0 M. McEntee, Margaret Mather, Mary Mei/zage, lurs Melelier, mrs John > P. Paiil uc, SaralvE K. Rice, Mary Richards, Mary J S. Steele, Unry A Spencer, Julia Suyder, Jaiie Seongers, Jane A w Woods, mi’s A White, M aria Waguer, mrs W H Gentlemen’s List. A. Audeison, Jas Adams, Isaac Allen, J J Arrigui, Sig Liege B. Bruyn, Joshua Brodenrk, Michael Brown, A D Boyd, Moses E Brian, Alex Beuton, Win Hailey, Alouzo Barnwell, C Gnstou Browu, R Buchanan, M B Burns, Benton Baruawell, Paul G 2 Baker, Cavanagli Bolin, sergt Hold Banks,- Charles Blount, Titos R Brass, Clias A 2 • Bryson, Tlios B.inknmn, (lew 2 Butter, Thos Bankston, Hvrain J Brown, Jas R Blance, Jas 0 Butler, Wm C Baynard, J S Bouruuin, W B Hrtard, cap! J H Baker, Win tl Bums, Jas U Banks, dr It W Blakesly, J M Brown, Henry Blount, John 6 Ulatli, 11 Browu, Josepn II Bradley. Henry C Bagger, John Bilbo. John L Brotvn, Jas H Bradley, John Braillev, Joliu L Blakesly, dr J M Burton, capt J A Brunner, Isaac Bragg, capt Louis L Bilbo, John Baker, W M c. Cummings, A B * Cowart, Henry Crawford, J T Cnolnel, J Cagan, D P Cocks, Jolin Collins, E K Crank, S Cary, Edward M Caliner, John cutover, capt Geo II Clark, It H Lee Cameron, Geo H Demston A Cos Demcy, Michael Donaldson, gen Jos L Doouer. Will Daugherty, J M Dexter, Wm S l)anus, John E. Effiott, Wm H F. Fields, Isaii Fitzgerald. Edw 2 G. Glim, Ciias Grant, Rotit 0 ' H. Hubbard, 'V W Herron, Clias K Hart, Frank » j J. Jackson, Jas 2 Jackson, Andrew Jones, V C Jones, Sales bury & Cos 2 K. Kelly, John J Kelly, John Kelly, Jas King, Walter S Lyons, Thos II Lowe, Josiah G Lindsay, Joseph M. McLeod, C Mehvtens, H C Meres, T . Mahone, Jas H Merritt, II A McKenzie, James Murchison, John McQnam, Jno II McKenzie, John W Morrell, JW Mallow, John D Meddaugd, J E Magill, J W McCarthy, M D Mertell, J W Miuiugeu, M Masou, James P. Parsons, John < R. Rice, W Roy, J»s B Helves S M Robinson, Alfred Rubbc. nil- Boss, Andrew M Russell, J E Rice, A M 8. Stephens, W II spann, ,1 B Seneslere, mr Sneed, J R Stoue, ,1 It 2 Stchel, James Smith, James Stephen, Auies Sullivan, John Sawyer, mr w. Williams, Joseph Welton, A C Weber Bros White, Daul E Wilson, W . Werner, J Williams, Edgar , , Wills, Jas Wells, W 1* 2 Williams, Hemv Work, W W MISCELLANEOUS. P W A A. L. HARRIS, Postmaster. HOLCOMBE & C 0.,. Old Stand 18 1 Bay street (Thos. Holcombe, established 1836. J We have landing a fine and carefully selected Stock ot GROCERIES, . And will sell at the Lowest Market Priees. Coffee, ' Sugar, Tea, Raisins, Almonds, Floor. Soap, Starch, Bacon, Sardines. Candles, Beef, Pork, Lard, Butter, Cheese, , Potatoes, Codfish, Mackerel. Bagging, Rope. Twine • .. - Powder, Lead. Shot, Brandy, Whiskey, Wine. Y'inegar, Ac. Our stork of Wines ami Liquors arc as fine as unv in the country We invite our old friends and patrons tu ••look in." eodlm nl3 TilK N. Y . E\Vb\ Mis* Carrie C. Lester, a daughter of Misaiasippi is authorized to visit the Bouth, •oliciting subicriptiona fop the New York News. She kindly it*kx the patronage of all our citizen*. Please send your mune* or call at Urn I'uhuikl llouau from It) A. M to :i P. M., wlmu Miaa Lkavxa will he moat hup i py lo rcceleve you. I itov HMf _ _ Hilton ARandell 1011 HAY MTItKUT. !1 1 AVI JI'NT UK*'HIVED aud nffar lot sal. ! iu UUI* Pm in linn Molarne I Wt caOaa of n«> a .(lime* luu h *• Mill 'a Mould l audita | ko ,lu liap mud Hal Mode | Miu kWWMt'r AsmnM UaXin Aimunm _ S a v u a u a li Tln atre L wca *oif Manager*,- Mao**. iu*is» A lUuiLrm THURSDAY KYKMIAIi. DEC. T L*-t eiaht bat on* o the favorite arttotcß. Mr. and Mrs. ITarry Watkins, The great seosanou pi »y 01 * The Pioneer Patriot; OR, I ill: M AUI OF THE WAR PATH. Mr and Mr*. Waikius in their original characters. Tbe perfoimumv will ronuneUCo with Jenny I -.liid at Last! In which Mr. Ami Mia. Watkins wiil appear and feiiig ull th«» oiigiual tuiift’f. Tomorrow, l- .-kKKVVItLL BENEFIT of Mi. aud Mr*. HAHKY WATKINS MAUUIUD, lu Kut on ton, Putuaiu county, Ga., ott the morning of the 9th of November, 1565, at the residence ol Mu. J. W. Webster, Mr. JOHN SPIVEY, or Ed ton ton, Put nam county, Ga., to Miss M LOUISE WEBSTER, of Savannah, Chatham county, Ga. * OLtIT'IARY. Died, on the 24th ult., near Whitesviile, Effingham county, in the very morning of manhood, Mr. AL BERT F. DASHER, long and favorably known as one of the conductors of the Central Railroad. Generous to a fault, kind, oidiging, attentive and polite to al!, he had won the respect ami esteem ol all who knew hiui. Perplexing and difficult as the task is of tbe j Conductor, (who is expected to please everybody), Nature had bestowed on him such qualities of mind aud heart; such an even temper and amiable dispo sitiou, that he filled the position iu an eminent de gree, and in his death the Company has lost the ser vices of a faithful and worthy man—not always aud everywhere to be found. It is not the object of this humble tribute to use the language of exaggeration to record gigantic deeds or the possession of extraordinary genius, talent, or ability that perhaps seldom exist; but simply to beat testimony to the unassuming efficien cy as an upright man, who perforineu all the little ordinary duties of his position iu life extraordinarily well. Mr. Dasher leaves behind Idm a large circle ol rel atives and friends, who will not soon cease to mourn his early death, but amongst all, her, who had so re cently , young and joyous, iu the sunshine of anticipa tion, started with him on the Eden of life, with bright prospects of t he future, mutually devoted to each othe r there seemed, indeed, an assurance of a long and hip py life Her, who was the stimulus to his exertions, the object of all his aspirations. Alas, who can fathom the depth of that sea of sorrow, where buried sudden and deep that young and tender heart of woman lies. Its dearest ties broken; its fondest hopes faded away almost iu an hour; and only left the sad mem ory of joys scarcely tasted. Oh, how true, this is a world of disappointment anti trouble. Earthly hap piness is but a phantom that constantly eludes oftv grasp. Shall we not, then, strive for abetter one, by bending with patience and resignation, those af flictions our Heaven ft Father sends us for his own all-wise purposes, tiius meriting for ourselves an eternity ol uninterrupted happiness hereafter, with the good and dear ones we once loved on earth. AlTuexd. FVNEUAIi invitation* The friends and acquaintance of Mrs. O’Jj’lynn (Margaret) PItEMDEUUAST, and ol Rev. C\ C. Pren dergast, her son, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of tho former, from her late residence on Fahm street, next to southeast corner oi Indian and Fabin streets, This Aiternoou, at 3 o’clock. * ATTENTION! METROPOLITAN FIRE COMP’Y. Attend a Speeal Meeting of the Com- JrajLxpany, lo be held at b';rr]D ill’s Hull, This yfhcQ'Of Evening, at I o’clock of impoitunce *lll be brought np and prompt attendance is expected. JAMES STEWART, President. G. H. Sneed, Sec. pro tem. d7-l Solomon’s Lodge No. 1, A. F» M. a A Regular Communication of this Lodge will held This (Thui sdaj) Evening, at 7 o’clock. A full attendance is requested. Visiting Brethren are respectfully invited to at tend. By order of RICHARD T. TURNER, W. M. J. lloLimooK Estill, Secretary. d7 BATCH32X.OIVS HAiil BYE The Original and Best in the World 1 The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable aud Instan taneous. Produces iramediate.y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLKFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. aull-1y CHARLES BATCHELOR, New Yokk. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH!!! Ointment. WILL CURE THE ITCH IN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, aud all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents For sale by all Druggists By sending CO cents to Weeks A Potter, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any partof the United States. scut2l-7m Al If, \V ,\ 1> VEIITISEJI ENTS. Holiday Presents. A LARGE and elegant assortment of French, Eng lish and Bohemian Ware, consisting of DINNER. TE A, TOILET, COLOGNE AND LIQUOR SETS, Ac., Ac., STitatilo lor Holiday Presents. QUEENSWARE HOUSE, 109 Broughton street, second door from the corner of Bad street. dT-tf E. D. SMYTH & CO. THE CHURCH JOURNAL HAVING been appointed Agent for this paper, 1 am now prepared to receive subscriptions for it, at my store, corner of Bali and State streets. Terms, Five Dollars per Annum. <l7-2 THOMAS J. STALEY. NOTICE. THE undersigned would respectfully inform hi* former patrons and the citizens generally th»t he is prepared again to take contracts to build new or repair wharves. Pile-driving done by steem pile-driver. d7 Cm F. KRENSON. Important to Farmers and Housekeepers. nAILY expected from Prince Edward's Island: LI 6700 bushels Blnck Seed Outs SOoO bßshels Jackson Potatoes, the best eat ing Potatoes known. R. BRADLEY". di-tw too Bay »t. BACON SHOULDERS 10 Hhds Bacon Shoulders For sale. Apply to U7-B HUNTER A UAMMKLL. Wanted. OFFICE ATLANTIC A GULF U. 11 . i bavauuuh, Ih e, i., IK', i STEAM BOAT** wonted ut uusa to hring away lrom Ductultowu to Mavauiiab uue thousand nates us Cult* »|), liberal terms will lie offered 4t »f JOHN M'ItKVKN, I'realrtont COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. 'l’llE uadetsigunl havs emend lulu a uipdimr 1 .hip m.ilai I lie "f M-lt-e. Ihn.e ftw Ilia gur|>*« us eairylng »u a gn» t ii eowiulasmii sad fnrwanliua husUoav All hdsiuoM autiitalad lo ihalf .ai> will h« Mf'dMMlf atßMioyllj'L .. „ |J. kill. MMHNkIf • Mi, Jlt M>'MSS ii&» liat slid Wool ihnadols., L «. Isitjtr* • HavoßMob JaiMH Mvftas l A* li* SEW ADYKBTI4KMKNTS. Wanted, A PARLOR M.«U> iwhitrj. who I h. roogbly under aUail. I„-r Out.,-: , apply to I *d7-'; ' .101 l N STODDARD GROCERIES. I/a.'uc'le- from steam-ship Cumbria !b ? following Milk Biscuit Sponge Batter Biscuit Cut liottei Biscuit Oyriter Cracker Sod i Cracker 13 hhtls Smoked Shoulders IT do do do vs» kega Leaf Lard 25 ki gt Kxrr i Butler Cru-hed, Pulverized B aud Extra C Domra Rio ( offeu 05 boxes New Bunch Raisins 20 half do da 150 bids Winter Apples 64 box-s Adamantine Caudlfs For sale low by . RUE, WHITNEY & CO., dT-6 No. 4 Harris Block. Bay at. - Notice. C NONSIGNEES per steamship LEO are request ed io attend to the reception of their goods, landing this day. Gt>ods not c.riled lor duriug work ing hours will be stored at owners* risk. d* OCTAVUB COHEN. W. J. Blaiil A. J. Smith. W. W. Kk*n. Blair, smith & co., No. 29S BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Commission #erdbants, AND AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF MANU FACTURED TOBACCO. Will purch>i9e anti sell on commission, cotton, cotton goods, wines, liquors, sugars, aud produce and merchandise of every description. Consignments solicited. Kxkirknocs —Brighaui, Baldwin & Ca.. Wm. H. Stark, Clagnorn *fc Cunningham, Br»dy, Smith & Cos., Savannah, G i. d7-*. J in AV anted. A YOUNG MAX of good capacity desires a situation iu some respectable business, wholesale or re tail. lias had four years experience, and is well qualified. Address A. B. C., Lock'Box 135, Post office. U 7-1 E. S. Lath roc, tiro. P. Smuko, Late D. A ! .*. S L'Ultrop, Late Jas. I. Snider A Cos. Savuunah, Ga. Savannah, and Birch & SUider, Columbus E. S. LATHROP &. CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, AT K. O. LEGhIKL & (W'UOLD STAND, SECOND feT , ONE DOOR FROM CHERRY, MACON, GA. d&lm Notice to Ladies. M“,IK DKMORKST'S Branch of Fashinna, with Putlerua of every style of Dress, by Mrs. Vick, 114 Bryan street. ' n25-lm SPECIAL StmCES. MA-RHIAGE AXD CELIBACY. An Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young men, just published by tho Howard Association, aud seut in sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Address Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. octl2-3m A PHYSIOI.OUICAL, vTew of AIAUUIAGK Containing neiiriy 300 pages, and 130 flue Plates and Engravings of the Anatomy of the 11 muaii Or gans ilia state of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, its Deplorable Consequences upon the mind and Body, with the Authors Plan ol T reatment—the only rational aud successful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A trntiifnl adviser to tbe married, and those contem plating marriage, who entertain doubts ol' their phys ical condition. Seut free of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Malden Lane, Albany, N. V. The author may tie consulted upon any of tho dis eases upon which Lis book treats either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the world, octio «m A Vruclamulieu-tiiy ofsaviiunnli.' Mayor's Office, Dec. 4tb, 1805. Ry virtue nl a resolution passed in Coun cil, I Richard D. Arnold Mayor of Savannah, do issue this Proclamation hereby offering a reward oi Five Hundred Dollars, for the nppreheusiou with proof to convict, of the person or persons, who committed the as sault on the late A. Corde3 ou the eveniug ot the twenty-first of November last, inflicting injuries which resulted in bis death. And I do hereby require all officers and members of the City Police, to be vigilant iu trying to apprelieud the perpetrators of said crime. ,—a -s ) In witness whereof I have here [i-*s.] unto set my official signature, ami ' —v—' 1 caused to be affixed tlfp seal of said city, the day and year first above written. R. D. ARNOLD, Mayor of Savannah. Attest : James Stewart, Clerk of Council, dec 5 lw NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. I RESPECT FULLY announce myself as a Candidate for the Office of Tax Collector at the election in January next, and humbly solicit your support. n‘27 ts EhYVARI) POWER, Agua de Magnolia. * A toilet delight! The ladies’ treasure and gentle boon ! The “sweetest thing” and largest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia Used for bathing the face and person, to render the hkin soft ana fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, &c. It overcomes the unpleasant odor of perspiration. It removes redness, tan, blotches, &c. It cures nerrous headache and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosqueto bites and stings of insects. It contains no material injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwards. LAMAS BARNES & CO., oct27-eodly Props, Exclusive Agents, N. Y. S. T.— lß6o —x. Drake’s Plantation Bitters. Thny purify, ,ti viigthen nml Invigorate. They create n healthy appetite. They are an antidote to eliange of water and diet. They nvorconp effect* of rihedpallon and late hour*. They ,trenKthen the ayatem and enliven the mind. They prevent nilaamatie and Intermittent fever*. They purify the breath aud addlly of the itomarh. They cure and ronettputlou. They rare Dlarrhi**. Cholera and cholera liorbu*. They eure Liver fonipUlm and Nervoa* H»»d»rlie. They arvtbe heat Ulliera lu the world. They wake the weak .Long, ana are eahauaied uaturu'a great r»- Merer They are madu us pure HI. Croix Hum, Hie celohraied Celixeya iHuik, ruota ami Xerhe. andtaie taken with Ihe pleuaurt of a h. verage, wllhoul regard to age or tune of day. I'aitlealafly roeeanuendwl tu' ata parauwa requiting a gentle eWnulaui Ould by ell Mta'cre. Druggteta, H>M*la audHaluua*, Duly ■**' blue whau inn ate luverud hv oar pclvaf. 0, Ik Mawp lower* ul rwubtartetta aud rvglM hottlaa I* II I*I*XKII * OU, uekgt autMf *1 M HuW, Mew Win* DRY GOODS tub Headquarters OF GEORGIA / FOR Fancy AXD Domestic- DRY GOODS, # AT AVliolesale & AND Retail, IS AT THE SOUTHERNPALACE DRY GOODS HOUSE, C. ORFF, PROPRIETOR 111 & 113 Congress Street, UpgMlta uw rxlaikl Buuxe. » HAVANNAHi OA. 04