Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 07, 1865, Image 3

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SAV ANNAH. Departure or MestouMp* unit Steamer*. FOB KBV YORK. steam-hip Herman Livingston, Saturday. Decern tier 9, all p. m u Btcamrhip Petit, Saturday, December »tb, at o'clock. , Steamship Leo, Saturday, December 9th, at 1* o'clock p nt. FOB PItILADELPUtA. Steamship Cumbria, Satunlay, becemlier 9th, at _ o’clock. roa oai.tiuoue. Steamship North Point. Saturday, December 9th, at 1 o’clock p, m. FOB AUGUSTA. Steamer Fannie Lehr, Friday, December Bth. at 9 o'clock a. m. Steamer Wm. G. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. FOB CHARLESTON'. steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock. FOB DOCTORTOWN. j , Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at T o'clock. Steamer Two Boy a, every Thursday morning, at 3 o'clock. Steamer Gen. Shepley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o'clock. Steamer Clarion, every Friday morning, at 7 o’clock. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday moruiug, at 10 o’clock. Sleamer City Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at 1 o’clock, mm Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Destruction by Fire of the Steamship Wet bosset at New Yoke.—Our New York Correspond ent informs us by telegraph of the loss of the Wey. bosset by Are on Tuesday. The steamer was at her dock at tile lime of the disaster, but no other parti culars arc given. The Weyhosset was a fine screw stofitner of six hundred tons, and was commanded by Capt. R. Parish. Her first trip to this port was made iu the latter part of lost May. She was conuected with the Star Line, Brigham, Baldwin Ai Cos., A ents. The Weyhosset last arrived at this port on Moaday morning, Nov. lath, and sailed on Wednesday, November 29th, ISOS, having on board 493 bales uplaud cotton, 59 packages merchandise, and 11 bales of domestics. A disp itch to the Agents in this city slates that, hulf- her cargo was takeu out and saved in a damaged condition. a The Episcopal Orphans’ Home Supper.—The very large quantity of eutables lert over from the elegant supper spread for trie festival at the Episco pal Orphans’ Home last cveuiug, is offered lor sale today by tile ladies having the affair ill charge Par ties can lunch at tiie Home or families order their dinner from the bountiful supply left. Tile bill of lure includes all the meats and delicacies of the sea son. Thanksgiving Day.—The National Thanksgiving, lor which today has been set apart by the proclama tion of President Johnson, Will be generally observed m this city. Services will lie held in most of tlio churches, the public offices will he closed, and busi ness generally suspended throughout the city. As will he seen by a notice elsewhere, the Postofflce will be closed except for ao hour in the moruiug and evening. No papers will be issued from either of .he offices tomorrow morning. Large Decrease in the Exports ok Cotton to New York.—We notice that there is a gradual but heavy decrease in the exports of cottou to New York. Yesterday four steamships sailed for New Yoig;, which all and together carried only 1,337 bales l pland Cotton, 2 6 haies Sea island do., 3 do. Domes tics. It wtll he seen from this statement that the stock in the Ulterior is liecomiug very light. The re ceipts of cotton from the interior are also gradually decreasing. ' Mayor's Court. BEFORE HIS HONOR HICHARD D. ARNOLD, MAYOR. Savannah, Dec. a, 1865. The following cases were tried and decided by the Mayor yesterday : John Fitzpatrick, charged with being drnnk and disorderly, and resisting a policeman. After an in' vesltguliou of the case, the prisoner was dismissed with a reprimand. Joseph Peter was found drunk In the street by the police. His was an offence against the law, but tiie Mayor looked kindly on his offence, and allowed the prisoner to depart. Thomas Malone was accused of an attempt lo break into the house of W. McDoden, on Tuesday night. At the Instance of the pr.isecutor, the case was withdrawn and the prisoner released. Departihe ok the City Point.—The fine steamer City Point, Capt. Talbot.arrived here yesterday alter noou and departed again immediately for Palatka Fla., with a good freight and a large number of pas sengers. The City Point is anew and splendid side wheel steamer, and is unexcelled In speed or in any quality ol a first-class steampr by any boat on the Navaunuii and Florida route. She makes her trips, outside, from tills city to Florida weekly, leaving Savannah every Wednesday at 4 p. m., and Palatka on her return on Friday. Tue Theatre.—An excelleent Thanksgiving-Day bill Is presented for tills evening, Including tiie great drama ' Tie Pioneer Patriots,” which created such genuine enthasiMm at its first representation, and which is repeated iiy request this evening; and the •musing afterpiece ‘‘ic/my Lind at Last.” Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins, who close their engagement, we are sorry to say, with this week, appear in both piece*. A Lively Day in Our H arbor.—Tne harbor of Ssvannali was enlivened yesterday by tiie move ments of no less than seven ocean steamships, four of which arrived iu and three departed from tiie port. It was a eliering and gratifying sight for our enterprising merchants. A Heavy Cargo.—The steamship Cumbria, Capt. French, arrived at this port yesterday afternoon, at two o’clock, consigned to Messrs. Hunter k Gam meil. The cargo of the Cambria 1* a very heavy one, condstlug ot all descriptions of merchandise. The Cumbria al»o had several passengers. From New York—Tiie steamships San Salvador and Leo arrived early yesterday morning from Ntfw Turk. We are Indebted to the obliging purser of the Leo for files of New York papers. Prom Baltimore.—Early yesterday morning the Steamship North Point, Capt. Smith, arrived In 67 hours from the Monumental city. She had a full cargo, as also, several passengers. Appleton's Railway Guide.— I The December number of Rita indispensable companion to the traveller, has been received at Esttll's News Depot. The Post Office.—To-day being Thanksgiving •tof, the Post Office will lie opened only between the Hours of # and lo A. M., and 3 and 4 P. M. Departure of Troops.—A portion of the 12th Maine Volunteers sailed for New York yesterday by Die steamship Varuna. Departure ok Steamships for New Yobk.—The lollowlng steamships departed yesterday for New 'ctk; the Constitution, Varuna, Tybee and Zodiac. Arrival or a Wagon Train.—A train of wagons thrived In town yesterday from Washington county, *'«! brought to market a considerable amount of up ‘““d cotton. lon Florida.—^The steamer Fannie, Capt. MeNeL >. was cleared yesterday for F.orlda, by Mr. F. M. •yretl' she had a lafg* freight and a number of pa*- ►vngara. «- STOVES, <fcc. cook int g Heating Stoves, •Hound Potn, Oven*, Hollow Ware, ”hUak«r abate B|*o«fbUa bli J O THOMPSON*OO. Klltl few,!, Mhippinif tntelllffenee. Miniature Aliuauai Thu Day. •sun rtaea a «•> Muuu nua ig is Sun acta «Ml High water.. liost - PORT OF SAVANNAH. WEDNESDAY, Dec. «. 1084. Arrived, H*£T"' P 941V * ,,0r ' Al, k'n*. New York-B II Steamship Leo, Merrill, New York—OctavusCohen A 1 ' french, Philadelphia -Huulet HStrid^“AC? r ‘ hPOIUI, 3mtth ' Baltimore—Bryan, A4»nui aier LUy PoUl, ' Charleston—K W C*“ o Cl * rton - Morse, Dociortown—Chaa L “fH M Cool, Taylor, Daneu-M A Cohen. withTgoods to j?M Myred* ° f “* Bteamer savattnah la?to^uuge^' Nixon. 1 ' C1 " on ' Cleared. S'*® l ? lsl ' 1 !’ Tybee, Crowell, tor New York,-Hun ter di Gainuiell. steamship Zodiac, Dearborn, New York—Octavus Colteu. Steamship constitution, Greenmau, New York— BrtgUam, Baldwin ,v Cos. '.Steamship Varuna, wiittehurst New York—John R Wilder. Steamer City Point, Talbot, Palatka, Ac.—R W Adams. Steamer Resolute, Cannon, Hilton Head. Steamer Volunteer, Andrews, Angusta—O'Fallou A Cos. Steamer Fannie, McNelty, Charleston. Ac—F M Myrcll. Br bark Thos Whitney, Kelly, Liverpool—B, Wylly A Christian. Imports. Per steamer Clarion, from Doctortown—ll6 bales upland cotton. 10 do sea Island do, 13 do domestics, 8 bbls syrup, 2 bales wool. Per steamer It M Cool, from Darien—l63 bales up land cotton, to N A Hardee A Cos, and others. Exports. Per steamship Tybee, for New York—3ll bales up land cotton, 7 uo sea island do, 3 do dofiiestics, and 100 pkgs mdse. Per steamship Zodiac, for New York—3o2 bales upland cotton, 26 cases mdse. Per steamship Constitution, for New York—342 bis upland cotton, 10 do sea island do, 1 piano, 02 bbls apples, etc. Per steamship Varuna, for New York—3B2 bales upland cottou, do sea island do, 7 do wool, 21 do leather, 2 do hides, 16 cases tobacco, 1 Iron sale, 39 bales rope cuttings, etc. Per bark Tlios Whitney, for Liverpool—794 bales uplaud cotton. Passengers, Per steamship Ban Salvador, from New York—J as Homer, E McElwell, V McFarland, J Frazier, C W Dunlap. M Bennett, H W Penny, G Golden, N P Rice and lady, Cspt R Aiteu, W C Cosens, lady, 2 children and nurse, E V Lass, ladv and 4 children, H Jurgens, T G Todd, Mrs G H SanimU, Mrs Atkinson, MrsFalll gant, W 1‘ Kastman, lady and daughter, C Baldwin, G P Hamilton, J N Newberg, J T Bulb. Per steamship Leo, from New York—A C Holmes and lady, Miss H J Kvans. Miss H W Dow and, Miss O Hcnnis, Mr Moore and wile, w Rowland, A K Delane J Riley, J F Dunn, W Wood, J Bell, M Neville, J Ony Miss A Hosiuer, Miss M Wheatland, W W Kirhv, M W Kirby, R C Rowland, J Suilivau, L B Brown, D Hanly, and 27 steerage. Pei steamship Cumbria, from Philadelphia- Mi s A II Gibbs and family, M Kobe, Mrs Kobe, A H Gibbs, Mrs Thompson, J R Woodland, Mrs Flynn, Mrs A Frazer, Mr Thomi.sou, Mrs s U Woodland and child, D Madden, K Greiner, 15 deck. Per steamship North Point, from Baltimore—J S Rodgers, W Brannon, G R Boswell, Miss Anna John son, H M Fuller. J Green, J Roll, P Mulhern. C II Culyer and lady, W 3 Zimmerman and son, and 3 iu steerage. Per steamer City Point, from Palatka, etc—Mr Kyler and family. J II Hunt, M A Marlon, J B Jones und lady, W J McCormick and family, D Rainas, H Holly, Miss J F Cohen, Miss F J Levine, Mre M Bruce S Freedman, J TOie, S W Moody, J Wilson, B Haw kins, W M Fornutn, J Ashcroft, A Robertson, 1 Bi ad welt, W Blake, J P Smith, J W Wakefield. K M Sea, J Peterson, Capt Hunt. Consignees. Per steamship San Salvador, from New Yotk—M I.avin, Adams Ex Cos, U U Kutve A- co, Hunter A G, M S Meyers, Carter A Haney, Claghoru A C, K i) Ar Hold, W B Tyler, Roll A Inman, Wellborn A (i WellOrook, G Evers, P tl Bolin, W P Tyler, N B Knapp, L D Waddell, C Hammond, G Murkins, c L Gilbert, I) Fiuuegan, Doyle A Lyon, J McMahon A Cos, BAT, T Ruck, Stuart A Cos, J C Schreiner A 00, J li Gray bill, Erwin A U, Hardens Ex Cos and order. Per steamship Leo, from New York—Adams Ex Cos, J W Anderson A Soil, J A Barron, B li Bolin, B, Wylly A Christian, Blun A M, B, Smith A Cos. Brig hum A Baldwin, K Bradley, J Buckly A Cos, U A P, C A Cunningham, M A Cohen, O Cohen, C, Olcott A Cos Crane A Grayhlll, J H Deppish, Duncan A J, D A Slager, Erwin A H, M Ferst A Cos, A C Fraine, W R Flemming, R Fraine, G C Fieeman, .1 Gilliland A Cos, R Habersham A Cos, H, Watson A Cos, G M lleidt, E E Hertz, P Skeliau, E D Smyth A Cos, W C Hurt, J C Schreiner A Son, Scranton, S A Cos, Holcombe A Cos, Hunter <t G, J B Ross A Son, K A Caun, P P.eilly Klrlin A Cos, N B Knapp, Ljthrop A Cos, J Lippman, Lovell A Lattnnore, Mather A West, K H May, J M Premiss, R R agr. Handed A Cos, o D Rogers, T Mc- Donald, M, Thomas A Cos, A A Solomon A Cos, W H Stark, Southern Express Cos, A Sterling, J T Thomas A Cos, J G Thompson A Cos, T M Turner, Van Horn, U A Cos, Pulaski House, Bowers, B A Cos, Baum A B. It D Walker, J Meyers, Rev W R Eaton, G G Hull, J E Bryant, R B Ktag. H C Wayne, W M Walsh, J A Villuionga J Vised Per steamer Clarion, from Doctortown—T A Gor don, J V Villaloiiga, A G Brown, K Habersham A Sou, A M Cohen, Upenhelmer A Mohr, H Robe its. Per steamship Nortlt Point, from Baltimore—P, Hartridge A Cos, B, Baldwin A Cos, B, Smith A Cos, M Beytagh, T M Bolshuw, Burn A M, G W Billups, J a Barron, G Bankman, O Colteu, Claghoru AC, MS Cohen, C L Colby A Cos, G S folding, J M Cooney, C Johnson A Graybill, Erwin A U, Hess A Gutman, E Ehrlich, E E Hertz, M Foreman, Laßoche. G A Cos, S P Hamilton, J M Kiucliley, Kctn A Cos, S G Haines, G O Marcy, J M Muller, F M Myrell, P Reilly, M Lavin, E O'Byrne, B F Ulmer, T M Turner, Schuster A U, \V H Stark, S, Smith A Cos, J it Jolmson, J B Read, K R agt, Sorrell A Cos, E W Wyatt, W WoodOndge, K H Tatom, R Satiate- Per steamship Cumbria, from Philadelphia— Erwin A 11, Hunter and G, M A Cohen, W, Cornwall A Cos, R J Larcombe, L S Bennett, Mrs L Clieves, Mrs M Berg A Minis, J McMahon A Cos, B, Baldwin A Cos, Lovell A L. L J Guilmanln A Cos, Claghorn A C. M Kohl, J M Kmchley. o Cohen, B. Smith A Cos, T A Cos, W II Stark, J W Anderson A Son, Holcombe A Cos, Dun can a J, W M Walsh, E Bidcliord, H J Dickerson A Cos, L A Falligant, Rue, W A Cos, Davis A Conner, M, Beattie it Cos, Southern Ex, G Gemenden, A Fernan dez, W U tvatberger, A A Solomons A co, Sorrell 4 Bro, Lillenthal A Kohn, J Laugsdorf if Cos, Bothwcll A Whitehead, It Metnhard <t Cos, II Rothschild, W J Minis, T M Norwood, G J Jones P Reilly, 1, C Tebeau T McDonald, G C Freeman, R M Hum, G A Nichols, Yonge A Nixon, M Newmark, W M Davidson, C, Johnson A Cos, and order. LIST UK VESSELS IN TIIE PORT OK Savannah, Dec. 7, 1866. STEAMSHIPS. Virgo, Buckley, loading, New York—O Cohen. San Jacinto, Loveland, loading, New York—B U Hardee. Nevada, Carpenter, loading, New York— Brigham, Baldwin and Cos. Hunter, Rogers, loading, New York—Hunter k Gammed. Darien, (Br) Haran, loading, Liverpool—Brigham, Baldwin A Cos. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 7UO, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gaden 4 Unckles. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar’s Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Thorwalsou, (Br) Brotnage, discharging—Reid 4 Stewart. Republic (Bretn) Smith, 800, loading for Liver pool—Weber Bros. Favorite, (Br) Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Culvert, discharging—O Ureen A Sun. , BARKS. Craeso, (Br) tons, discharging—Robert I Caugbey. Platlnius, Pinkhant, loading—C L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Br) Taylor, discharging—Clias Green A Son. Laconia, Doane, discharging—Hunter A Gammed. BRIGS. Clara Pickens, Rodgers, 450, loading for Liverpool —Wm Starr. ter A Gammed. Rush. uaynor, discharging—Patterson A Tucker. Atlantic, Walk, 101 ton*, discharging—li, Wylly A Christian. Olive Francis, Small, loading—Charles L Colby A Cos. Blackflsli, Ticketts, loading New York—Laßoche * Johnson. R c Wright, Ilugg, discharging— R nabershain A Son. Albert Thomas. Van Brunt, discharging—Olios L Colby A Cos. Fauuie, Chapman, discharging—Master. Blaekflsh, Flckett, loading for N Y with Umber— Laßoche A Johnson. SCHOONERS. Geo Darby, Boow, from New York, dtsch’g— Hunter A Gammed. U W Vaughan. Mont. 334. loading, New York— Patterson A Tucker. A F Ames, Antes, loading, New York—Von Horn, HiSynke 4 Murray. John II Brornel Ik oglu**. dWcharglug-Duniei A Gamine Butter, &c. W* • w “ *l4O, 'SSffij'n, 0 — 166 tub* i rti action* a* iw la be pi tat* Leaf Ism . haniimu a DO, Hoqibwsit *«ra*r Ray and laniard «r»«4a " AUCTION SALES. AUCTION I ” Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THB STORE ON BROUGHTON STREET, Third door from Ball. Where will be offered a general assortment of Dry Goods, Boom and Slioes. Hosiery, Under clothing. Book*. Yankee Notions. Jewelry, Ac ■ Ac., at the pur chaser's own prices. Terms cash; aales positive. dt-3» UNDERWRITERS SALE. York, Williams., Mclntire & Cos. WiU sell FRIDAY, at 10 o'clock. In front of store, on Bay street A large Stock of Goods, consisting of Alapacns, Bercges. plain and figured Delaines. Poplins, Wool Plaids, Merinos, Lavrus, Ribbons, red and blue flan nel Shills. A large lot ol Undershirts and Drawers, and Hosiery of all kinds. Also, au immense stock of Clothing, Oveicoals, dress and business Costs SUO Vests and 500 pair Pauls ol all kluds, Yankee Notions of all kinds. Trunks, Valises, *ole leather Valises, wool Blan kets, Ac. v hold by order of Special Agent of Underwriters of New York City for account of whom it may concern. AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & (Mian. Small Lots of Land. There having been eo many applications for Small Tracts of Land for location, the owner or the aboffb Land, feeling a disposition to meet this demand- has placed in the market, for a lew d.tva. Lots of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the While Bluff Road, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nl6 ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE. BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. On WEDNESDAY, 13th instant, at 11 o’clock, iu froat of store will be sold: 80 Building Lots, and 2 fractions of Lots, situated in that portion of the city of S vannah known as Montmollinviile, on the soutn side of the Central Railroad Dcpol. Sold by older of the Superior Court of Chatham county for the benefit of the heirs and erditors of the estate of the late John S. Montmolliu, deceased. The property presents a rare opportunity for capi talists io make a profitable investment. f'Hle positive, terms cash, purchasers paying for titles. dO-td By Bell, Wylly k C hristian AT PRIVATE SALE. 45 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city. The improvements consists of a first class cottage dwelling, gothic style, containing six large rooms, with marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library’ room furnished with shelves and glasadoois. outbuildings consists of farmhouse, containing seven rooms, barn, carnage house and “tables. Purcha er can have ihe re fusal of corn, fodder, hay, horses, mules, buggies aud wagons. Also, 2430 acres « t heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) mili-s from the city, between the Ogecchee and Cti noochce Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of tiie above cleared. Improvements consists of Wno small dwelling houses, with stables, cribs, Ac. tf-nIS By Bell, Wylly A Christian. ORANGES. 40,000 finest Sweet Oranges, just received per schooner Pearl, for sale lrom wharf. Terms cosh. d7-2 AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly &. Christian. 100 acres pf Land, situated on the Vernon river, about nine miles from this city. The improvements consist of dwelling, barn, stables, und other neces sary outbuildings. An abundance of fi*h, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con veniently obtained. Price of property, $2,000. u2B-tf ADMINISTRATORS SALE. By T. J. Walsh. On TUESDAY’, January, sth, ISGC, will be sold at the Court House, in the city of SavuUDah. at 11 o’clock The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, (fee simple, with improvements), corner of Whitaker and Hull streets. r lhe improvements Are a two-story brick dwelling, nine rooms, with waier in the yard, and gas through the house; brick stable. Both build ings nave slate roots. Sold by permission of the Ordinary of Chatham* county, fora division among the heirs. • Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. r 24 BY BLUN & MEYER. Will be sold on THURSDAY, December 7th, at 11 o’clock a. m., at our store : SOaciesof good Gardening Land, back of Lover’s Lane, 1% milts from the Exchange. nCO-td AUCTION SALR BY THOMAS J, WALSH, Will bs sold on FRrDAY, the 9th lust, at 11 o’clock, in front of store; A lot of Household Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Ac., Ac. ALSO, 1 fine Saddle Mare, Bridie aud Saddle 1 pair of Horses, Double Buggy and Harness. Terms cash. ' and» “administrators sale. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordiuary ot Chatham county, will be sold on the first Tues day in February next, at the Court House door, in the city of Savannah,, daring the ufnal hours of sale, all the undivided iiair interest of James Bilbo, late deceased, io the Shandy Ilall farm, situated near the city of Sav innali on the Thunderbolt road ; said farm containing in all fifty acres, more ar less. The said half interest sold for the peipoae of di vision JOHN O. FERRILL. u"-td Administrator. A-F AUCTION. OFFICE DEPT QUARTERMASTER. \ Savannah, Ga., Dec. 6, 1865./ Will be sold at public miction, at the Government Corral, at Savannah, Ga., on the ltth'day of Decem ber, 1566, about ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF GOVEtyiMENT STOCK. Sales to continue from day to day until concluded. Terms cash, iu United State* currency. E. B. CARLING, d7-td Bvt Lt. Col. A. Q. M. U. S. A. CHEESE, SOAP. i A BOXES CHEESE, TANARUS” 76 boxes Fny’s Soap. Just received and tor sate by octt« BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. CENTRAL R. R. AND BANKING CO. i OF GEORGIA, } Suvannahj Pec. 4,1, I860.) An Election for nine Directors to manage the af fairs of the Company for the ensuing year will be held at tiie Banking House, in Savannah (second story), on Tneeday, the 2d of January, 1866, between the hour* oflOa m. and 1 p. m. Stockholders only wno have held stock for ninety day* immediately preceding tiie day of election are entitled to vote. Stockholders, npon presentation of their stock cer tificates to the conductors of trains, will be passed to and from the election over the Company's road, free. GEORGE A. CUYLER, d6-lm Cashier. OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY, , Savannah, Georgia, December 6, 1866. f SEALED Proposals to furnish the troops at this Post wilh ficsli Beer for three months, commenc ing January 1, 18C6. and ending March 31, 1866, will be received at this office until 12 M., Dec. 20,1866. The Beef to be of good marketable quality, exclu sive of nceks and shanks, and delivered 111- weekly. The Proposals to be made in duplicate. U. A. darling, deco ( apt. am l c. s. Vois. STATE OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM .COUNTY—To nil whom it may concern: Whereas, Kate M. Briody will apply at the Court of Ordlnnry for Lepers of Administration on the ea tatc es Tlmmas Briody, late of said coanty, de ceased ; These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ad whom lt may cotu eru, to be and appear befor* said Court to make objection ftf auy they have) on or tiefore the second Monday in January next, otherwise *atd let tar* will In- grant' and WUnties tay band aud official signature this Alb day Os December, 1966 d* D A. O'BYRNE. O. C. C. A DMINIRTHATOH s NOTICE - Billy day* after dale, I will make application to tha Honorable court of Ordary of Chatham eouaty for lotv* to sail all the real eotata of Ryul K Glallgny, daeouaad. for the twnefli of his holiasmt cradltoi* 0 * . UIUI* OHKNVALD, Adin’r Mvtnuah, DM- «, 1*46. da iawvin IDMINIhTRATHIX Nt/nt'E Adparimn* hailog rial** agatnat tha astato iff Dhwlaa A L. Cmml tat* tmumi, WW P»*MM ih* as**, properly atlMßit wubth the It** 111*0.1 lied by Lw a«d fh.w* lidaMfl lo (SM *ala4awfll Risk* tWOodtai* pajMMl Ip caho 1 1 Mv a, Camar, Ml |H4« MwWflllll AUCTIONS. EXECUTOR’S SALE. (V'lLl. he sold at the Ana-ilia Plantation ut R. R. It Young, late of Tuoma. county, deceased, three miles H on Boaton. No. 13 Atlantic A road, on Pndsy, IS!h December next, all the perish able property oeioi Ring ,« said plantation. consisting fur the most port a- follows; About JO Mules and Horae., 140 Fat Buga, 2UU Slock Hcgq 90 tUe. ■ Cattle, and 6,000 BUSHELS OF CORN. 20 or 30 stack. Fodder. 2 or 3 Wagon*. Sugar Mill, a large supply or Planiation Utensils, aud many other things. At the same time and place I will rent the Plants tfon fone of the largest aud best In the roomy) for the year 1866. There is about 1,100 ACRES OF OPEN LAND on tha place, and in fine condition for another crop corn or cotton. D. S. BRANDON. _ dl-10 _ ExeCUtln. GROCERIES, UttllOUS, A t>7, T. J. DUNBAR &CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS. &C. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, CA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFPICK.J —-— s —— TITE invite the attention of the Trade and the Pnb ** lie generally to onr large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordial,. Conserves, Se gura, etc., etc. «hich Is not excelled by any similar establishment in the States. We are sole proprietors of DUNBAR'S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the repuUtlon of which is fully established in this and foreign coun tries ; DUNBAR'S well known STOMACH BlTTEßS guaranteed superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly lor hotel and family use: DUN BAR'S SCHIEOAM CORDIAL SCHNAPPS, war ranted of the u most parity, and pat up expressly for our house, of wnieh we are sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE. Incases and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch aud Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK PUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, put up by ns In cases for export and home consumption. T. J. D, A Cos. are sole agents for H. A H. W. Catherwood’s Pure RYE WHISKIES. XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quality and ex cellence. Constantly on hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trade and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured aud imported expressly for this house, which we offer at tiie very lowest net cuah prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description and grade ol Foreign Liquors imported directly by this bous.-, and lor sale in bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates novl-lm KIRLIN, BRO. &BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ILES, WINES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHIT A 14.16 It STREET AND BAY LANK. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED & DELIVERED. Randell & Cos. Soiitluvpst corner of Bay and Bnruard Sts., ARE IN RECEIPT OF 60 barrels Self-rai«ing Flour 20 barrels Extra Syrup 20 barrels Cider Vinegar 50 caddies Golden Magnet Tobacco 60 barrels Sugar Crackers 20 barrels Boston do 20 boxes pure ground Java Coffee 20 fio do Kio do 20 bbls Extra C Sugar 50 boxes Lemon Biscuit dC-eo<l l w WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FIDE OLD BRANDT, WINES, Sc. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike's Magnolia, Spencer’s Old Rye, snd Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR * SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON. At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET, (Herald Buildings j ALSO, Alsop's Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. oct« ts BUYERS WISHING Tobacco, Flour AND SUGARS, IN LARGE OUANTIES AND OF GOOD STANDARD BRANDS, Will find a fine stock at Raxtcion c to Go’s. n2leodlw H. G. RUWE & CO., "W^h-olesale GROCERIES 9 LIQUORS, WINES 2VND SEGARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTING PULASKI HOUSE*} C3T* Agents for ALE AND LAGER. Constantly on hand, an assortment of H.ZS33INT WINE. Bep3B 8m Gso. R. Chump, Wm, A. Weight, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Va. GEO. R. HUP & CO., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, &c. 209 Broad St., Augusta, Gu, tw Will purchase and aril on Commission Cottou, Touaooo," Paonnca, and MEaonANDiai of every dc acriptlon. Refer* to the Merchants and Bankers of Augnsta, Ga., Richmond. Va, and Jno. C. Kerrill, Usq, De- Witt A Morgan, Qadcn A Unckles, A. A. Solomons k Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos.. R. Molina, Esq , Savannah. Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 To Wholesale Grocein, Liquor Dealers, DlSlllern, and Soap Maiiulacturer.. IJiSSENTIAL rid* for flavoring and Improving Bran- U iiy, Hum Port Wine, Uourbon, Ryo, Meotehaod Irish whlukl**, ago and body praparattoM lor N*u trall.iug and Modlfrriug Whiokry and null tl, color lug*. Hynip* and Fruit Jules* for Branny, Wblakry and Wtura. oil* and kxtracM of Oiigaar aad other Brandteo, Holland and Londou JftiC Ac. Dr F.’t Treatlae ou FvruwiutiKl Liquor* «Blb loud lUndpe* POli DItUOUIHTS ÜBK. Paratau luarit Rowdav, fly I'apat, lgw<lati«o, nuorapar aud F i*uvL Arid ¥*ny «*a» and *ll r»t» fli uikoi* ami |wug* Pl*l< BUAU MANI'PA<TUHKItB, Mil la at* «f Ink Jp Cryotala, Ijquldnad.vllt Chinn clay and Tana Alb*. Moan atupr u—in doda, Am>, St wTMUCM t HanUhl noVlnodM MltNNfM'.iri, OKIKUKIK*. t-lUrOlt*. *r. PIERCE SKEHAN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer IB Pine Groceries, Moots and Shoe*. Cloth la* Foreign and Doauatie Wines. Liqaors sod Hegar*. y Also, Skehan'a Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AND CHAMPAGNE CIDKK. in bottle aud iu wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout. Scotch aud Eng lish Ales, Ac , Liberal deductions made to the trade 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAS. and 62 Liberty street. New York. EANDELL t CO. A RK now offering to the trade a very choice selee- A tion of SOUCHONG. OOLONG, YOUNG HYSON, and IMPERIAL TEAS Also, NO. 1 EXTRA AND FANCY SOAPS RAISINS, CURRANTS AND CITRON PURE GROUND SPICES CREAM TARTAR if. C. AND SAL SODA VERMICELLI, FARINA, JELLIES, And a general assortment of Fancy Groceries. n2l-eoiUw J. GARDNER ~ TAKES the liberty of informing the public generally that he has.inri Opel. -!. and will always keep on hand a full supply ut Fresh Family Groceries, of all descriptions nod of thu bout quality, which he offers lor sale at retuouahle rate*. Corner Jones and Barnard sheets, at Ehrlich's old stand. uIS-lm J I FOREIGN I3OMESTIC^^^^^ I ALES LIQUORS A SEGARsfIBH^V SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. »U3O Tobacco, Segars lAA BOXES m ight Navy tbs 10 lira Sweet, Xo§ 60 I Till boxes KNIGtIT TEMPLARS, qrs 15 id. Segars, Cabinet 10 m. do La Esseneia For Sale by HILTON 4 RANDELL, d4 6t 193 Bay Street. R. S ALLEN & Cos., ISO & 10l WATERMT NEW YORK. MICIILTIiRIL IMPLEMENTS, AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Smalt Tools for the Faiyn and Gurden, sveh as Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes, and 0., and for Grass Hooks, Scythes, Scyth-Stones, ami Agricul tural Hardware in general. We offer, also, a large assortment of onr own manu facture of Hay Cutters, Coffee and Grain Mills, Sugar Mills for Grocers’ use. Store Trucks of various pat terns, Road Scrnpers, Wheelbarrows, Jfcc. Fertlllizers of all kinds, such us Coe’s Buperphos> phate ot Lime, pure Ground Bone, Peruvian Guano, und Poudreite, SEEDS. Every vuluable American and Foreign variety of Vegetable, Flower and Grass Seed and Field Grain that ha» proved worthy of cultivation, grown and selected expressly for our trade. Bales made in bulk, per pound or bushel, or in small packets, for retailing, by the hundred or thousand. sepl2-2aw-3mo : COMSTOCK & WET, MACHINERY DEPOT, Office No. IS4 Bay SlMt.Savamali 6a. WE keep on hand and furnish to order at Manu facturer*’ Pricee-Eugine, Foot and Hand Lathes, Plnues, Drills, Chucke. Bolt Cutter*, Gum Cutters. Wood & Mann •‘Portable Engines,” Hoisting Kn § lues, Wood Working Machinery of every description, tationery Steam Engines and Boilers, Cotton Glue and Presses, Saw Mills, Rice Mills, Grist Mills, Circu lar and Mill Saws, Rnhber and Lenthor Belting and Hose. Gearing, shafting, Hangere and Pulliea, Hy draulic Jacka and Punches. Pumps of nil kluda. All kinda of Wood and Iron Working Machinery and sunpliea. Agents for the Weet Point Foundry, E. A. Wood’s Steam Guuge and Boiler Feeders. IST- SEND FOR A CIBCULAR. tir, COMSTOCK A KINSEY, No. 154 Bay street, oct4-Tu,Th&S2m Savannah, Ga. JOHN VANDERBILT, NO. 28 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, DIAI.XK Ist Agricultural Implements OF every variety, embracing all tiie different pat terns ofPlows In use in tile Sonth-rn States, Cora- Shcllers, Hay and Stalk-Cutters, Horse-Powers and Tbreshiug Machines, Fan-Mills, Wheel-Barrow*, Carts and Wagons. Cotton Gins, Gin Gear, Plow and other Castings, Shovels, Forks, Hoe*, Rakes und Garden and Farm Tools ana implementa of every variety. SEEDS. The choicest Garden snd Flower Secda grown In this country or Europe, including every desirablekiudaud variety. The utmost care takeu to have those only which are choice and reliable. -Also, Grass. Field and Bird Seeds of every variety FERTILIZERS. Bone Duet, Animal Manure (a preparation of animal matter, blood and honey a good snbatliute for (iuauo and cheapest manure In use Phosphate of Lime, Laud Piaster, Guano, Ac. PLANTS, TREES, Ac. Furnished from tUtmost reliable Nurseries and Grow ers. B r'Orders respectfully sollctteu. ttersof inquiry cheerfully responded to and pries lists furnished ou application. lawßw-u22 PIANOS TUNED. "MR. M. COBURN Informs ids friends and patrons ha that he has returned to tiie city, and is pre pared to Tune aud Repair PIANOS Iu the 4iest man ner. Orders loft al tiie store of U. s. Bogardqs near tile Court House , will receive prompt attention. To Close Consignment, TITE offer for sale, at very low rates • v » 84 boxes Adamantine Candles lo firkins extra Goshen Butter 0™ . C, !,h’P ty s<nok « l flacou Shoulders 2000 bnshels superior Whlto Corn Pickles, in glass _ Matehes Mnstard Cream of Tartar 100 barrels Green Apples 1_ . „ RUE WHITNEY A CO„ Bay street. MiiPPisrcj, FOR RICEBORO’7^ The ri'iop FLEET. Captain Charity, l will oatl for Rlraboro' on HATURDAY, Mb luaitut. For frelgb', Ai'., tnqulie tff th* Captain, on hoard, at Uww Rtra Mill, or to ' "" * " - 8 DOYLE, Agaut, ** tl. dry an strati For Liverpool. rhit”*g.‘ ‘■tSSauwlßar wfSo fM Ms iiBWIKI IK|i| Ut WU «r MhiGUAM, HAUIWIJi |gu FOR new YORK. ATLANTIC COAST Mail Meaiiiw|)ij> ('otii|iaiiy. The very fast sailing stde wheel atcmehlp Herman Livingston, J. P BAKER, Commanded, will sail on her regular day, Satardsy, 9tk Instant, at 1 p. For freight or piaaiee; whlcn will be takeu a* low os any other ship, and having very superior accom modation*, apply to d6 JOHN R. WILDER, Agent. Pioneer Line FOR NEW jm& YORK. The new and splendid steamship PERIT, E. A. Ds lanoy. Commander, will leave for the above port ou her regular day, ‘ Saturday, Dee. Uili, at o'clock. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to d7 HUNTER A GAMMELL Murray’s Line FOR NEW^jjfYORK. The splendid steamship LEO, F. i. Merrill, muter, will leave for the above port on Saturday, Dec, 9th, at 9 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having spleudld accommo tions, apply to • dT OCTAVUS COHEN. Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. At In nt it* Mail Htuamship Company. > The new aud fast side wheel steam SAN SALVADOR Loveland, mas 3jUraSgUjLter, will sail as above, on Saturday, Drr. it, at 1 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modation*, apply to B. H HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents' n27 No. 5. Bowling Green. New York._ For PHILADELPHIA The Steamship CUMBRIA, FRENCH, Commander, Will sail for the above port on' ‘ Saturday, Dec. V, at o’clock. For freight or passage, bating excellent accommo dations, apply to ttSO-td HUNTER A GAMMELL, FOR NEW YORK A.A The brig OLIVE FRANCES, F. A. Small, master, Is now luailiiig for the port. ffiBBnSW For freight, apply to CHARLES L. COLBY k CO., D29 Corner Aberlrom and Bay sts. FOR AUGUSTA, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, The light-draught steamy P. 33. G-oodsell, Cspt. DUNLAP, Is reeelvtng freight at Pudelford'a Wharf, and will have despatch. Freight will be received in store at any time during the absence of the boat. For engagement*, apply to d6-2 M A COHEN. "FOR JACKSONVILLE, VIA BRUNSWICK AND FERNANDINA. THE STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN MoNELTY, I* now receivin freight at the old Florida steamboat wharf foot of West Broad street, and will leave as above 011 Wednesday, 6th Inst., at 9 a. m. This boat la tn very excedent order, and has su perior state room accommodation* for passenger*. For freight or passage, apply to F. M. MYRELL. Agt, d4 Harris' BnUdings. dav street. For Charleston, The new Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. E. 8 Talbot, Will leava a* above Every Saturday, at 9 a. tn. For freight or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or „ J. S. CARRUTHKRS, t“l Hodgson's Range, Bay street. Regular Weekly Steamer pVt VC PPM AUGUSTA ~ SAVANNAH. The New Iron Steamer , WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt. T. N. PniLPor, Having superior accommodation for Freight and I-angers. will ply regularly between the above Leaving Savannah every Saturday Morning, at » o’clock. • Leaving Augnsta every Wsdneiday Morning, atT o'clock. m *‘“***•»’• «nf vvery Wodaeulay Night. U M tn* desire of the Agent# ot the Gibbon* to make her a permanent A< 1 ouimodatlou Boat for the Mer chaata of Aaguota and Havsnhah aad the Planter, atone th* Hu* of Ih* river, aud with tbla oikact tn view, no effort trill be • pared on Ih* part of her owner*. •Mat* »»d offiear* lo nwvt tha wauM of the trawling and freighting public. , „ . ERWIN * DARDKk o«N L Mouu«, Agent at whoir iu nil freights FOR IMDITi, f|IMR to rovetve guo4* *1 j laiwaa. For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, • Will have (Itapan-h for tkc above place. rcoMv *? ’ u *d stored in Are proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of coat. J. M. KfNCHLEY, Agent. Office In Claghorn A Cunningham's The May arrived la Angnsta from Savannah on Inat Friday with her frill freight. ts oct9 JOB AVGUSTA. Tha new light draught steamer Fannie Lehr, CaptT LEWIS, Will leave for Augusta on Frtdny, Dee. S, at 9 o’clock, a. in. tide pffo‘i* P ‘t" and lur ? i L »tth A ileteiu.S mX*wVv K * n,U * L * br 001 te * r For freight or passage apply to ,16-2 1 R WEST. Agent, Joans’ Block. s T eTm FOB BALTIMOBE. The new and flrat-clast Steamship NORTH POINT, CAPT. SMITH, Will sail for Baltimore on Saturday, Dec. 9, at * o’clock p. a*. -The North Point has elegant and .. ('ommodations for pasMezurers. who maT nSL 1 ! through, tickets to NewYothrk Philadelphia aUtew York rate*, and thereby save two hundred riffles of sea Blde-wheel iron steamship RlCH wtthfu n ,l*^ eD P'k’-'ed on the line in conaoetton " I<l wlll this porteverv BMtlmore B*^fcomm/mcicg 8 *^fcomm/mcicg thelkh lirtuitl fw For freight or passage apply to JAMES R WEST. Agent. JnW uLoa. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FEB NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and faat sailing Steamer lizzie baker, Capt. N. King, Ilavtugbsen placed permanently upon this route will leave for the above placet ou Every Thuieduy Morning, ut 10 o’clock. 01 P“ , *B e ' having splendid cabin »c- PiScet whark of d5-tf CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, For Doctortown] CONNECTING WITH THE ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD, The new iron Steamer TWO BOYS, Capt. Tbo» Danieli, Will leave for the above place on TViurgda jr Morning, Dec, TANARUS, nt « o'clock. Jwo. L. RocMtLt.iv, Agaut om^mESl* For Doctortown AND Thomasville. The Steamer* G*u. Shepley, Oriuaat. and Clarion, Will make Tri-weekly Trip* to Doctortown. •> «... nection with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. Savannah ou Tuesdays, Thuradaya aud sinrkre 08 P*y»hle by ahlppera at ow’olloe of ex^na,. reCCWd th * SJadfSi For freight or paaaage apply to .on „ CHAS L. COLBY A GO. n ’ Corner A bercom and Bay Strega. ps^ HAWKIIQSVILLE- AND MACON. THE BTEAMEH COMBT, CAPTAIN BORNE. Will leave as above with despatch. For freight which will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Pmfc Yard, and covered by Insurance until placed on board the steamer, apply to ngs ... BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A OO FOR V Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT > St. Thomas, Para, Permmbneo and BgfcJa' regularly, Ou tba 89th of .wary month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leuve ut 3 o’clock, p. am., From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pasa through the Poet Office An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance on iioard. £ . For freight an oaaaagc, having splendid °— datlons, apply o * * accommo For Liverpool. ’H 1 ® \ No-1 «WP MONT BLANC la now 4-0^ r »Pldlyl°adlng, at White's Prase. FW bal '-'£F’V't" lct ‘. or rreiulit (having room octy for a fbw balee) inqnlnt of LxROCHE. OAMN • IRTMMP, roiimmoL m*ss& **M*y!L For Liverpool. Ihcitaw firat < taas cJtHMt ahtp VIRGINIA, wens. la now toadth, itptdly al Lowvt fhaMk aM taaM* tag arm haw qalak d^akt ” ***■ * pamisa dah*. at t-wni nuaat a.|i*v CMAI |, CDUIV ADD -• n msm m.