Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 07, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 6

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Th* Pakmm Officii.—A lat* Washington despatch says : ‘•Notwithstanding the order of the President directing that no more pardou warrants be issued at present, applications continue to flock in upou the Attorney General. Among those who called on Thursday morning were K. M T. Hunter and the fehel Generals Ter rill, of Texas, and Brown, of Tennessee. In cluded iu the list of applications for pardon which have been filed away for future con sideration are the petitions ot 122 ex rebel officers of the United States Navy, 12* rebel general officers, and 88 members of the Con federate Congress. There is also a large list of rebel leaders, including George Dayis, At torney General ; Treuholm, Secretary of the Treasury ; Seddou, Secretary of War ; Mal lory, Secretary of the Navy ; and Reagan, Postmaster General of the Confederates ; A. H. Stephens, Governors Smith and Letcher, of Virginia ; Lowe, of Maryland ; McGrath, of South Carolina ; Moore, of Alabama ; and Clark, of Mississippi. There are also several large petitions lor the release of Jeff. Davis, which, with the others, are filed away with the mass of documents accumulated in the Pardou Bureau to await developments.— Many of the applications for pardon are in dorsed by prominent Federal Generals aud Senators. ’’ Crying at Weddings.— A recent writer says it is surprising liow infectious tears are at a wedding. First of all, the bride cries because she is going to be married; and then, of course, the bridesmaids cry, perhaps, be cause they are not; and tbe fond mamma cries because she II lose her d-d-darling; and then the fond papa cries because be thinks it pro per; and then all the ladies cry, because la dies, as a rule, will never miss a chance of crying; and then, perhaps, the groomsmen cry to keep tbe ladies company; and then, the old pew opener cries, to see what deep pecu niary interest she takes in tbe proceedings; aud then, perhaps, the public cries, the public being, of course, composed exclusively of Setticorts. But notwithstanding all these [iobes, who make quite a Niagara of eye water around bira, we own we never jet have seen tbe bridegroom cry, and should about as soon expect to bear the beadle whimper. How to Prevent Railway Accidents— An intelligent and accomplished eng'meet has invented what he calls a '‘Railroad Train Recorder.” This machine occupies about one cubic foot, and is fastened in the cab of the locomotive ; a roll of paper is put in, and the box locked. At the end of tbe route the superintendent, assistant superintendent, or trainmaster finds recorded upon the paper tbe following facts: First-Tbe speed run at any point on tbe road. Second—Signals given, whether by bell or whistle, and where. Third—Changing the position of the reverse handle, and where. Fourth—Condition of the track, low or high joints, and where. Fifth—lt indicates to Ibe engineer, by day or night, the speed he is running, and also records that speed. Sixth—Steam pressure and water line are recorded. Seventh—The places where the “drivers” have slipped. These points are sufficient to enable any railroad manager to’test the qualities of an engineer and decide whether he does his duty; also as to the condition of the track, and daily progress made by track repairers. Small Pox.—This disease is decreasing very rapidlv in this city. The most strenu - ous efforts have been exetcised, during the past month or more, to prevent it spreading. Vaccination, fumgiation and all other soils of precautionary measures have been exercised »y the military and municipal authorities, the result of which has been to prevent the disease from extending to any fearful extent. Almost all the cases that have occurred, have been provided for in pest houses and retired quarters. It has been almost entirely confined to the negro population, that has gathered and herded in filth and utter heed lessncss of all sanitary precautions, in Ma con, for months past. —Mai on Telegraph. Gen. McDowell has been sued for one hundred thousand dollars for arbitrary ar rests in California. Kerosene Oil, In barrels and cases, » AT HORATIO PITCHER S, Foot vi Lincoln et„ Under the Bluff. n3O-H NOTICE. THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness in all its worst forms witfiont the use of medicine. IMeafiu send for my Circnlar, enclosing 10 cents for 3. -Notice. CENTRAL R. R. & BANKING CO. OF GA., 1 Savannah, Nov. 14, 1805. f THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company will be held on Thursday, the 14th ol December next, at the Banking House in Savannah, st 10 o'clock, a. m. A tall attendance is earnestly re (pleated. GKO. A. < l A LER. nlo-lm lasnier. NOTICE. SAVANNAH, Nov. ICth, 1865. During my absence from the city or State Mr. C. H. Bntler is my duly authorized agent, nil ' C. W. THOMPSON. THE BINCHAM SCHOOL, MEBANEVILLE, N. C. THE next session begins March 7th, 1806, and con tinues forty weeks, offering to the people of the East ami South the advantages of a Summer School with a Winter vacation.^term^^dres^ ill-lm Mebaneville, N. C. THE HEW TORE NEWS. L> A. I I , Y SEMI-WEEKLf AD WEEKLY. THE,NEW YORK WEEKLY AHI) SCSI WEEKLY NEW S. GREAT family newspapers. BElUimt WOOD Editor And Proprietor. Journals of Politics, Literature, Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and News from ALT, PARTS OF THE WORLD! IMPROVEMENTSJNTRODUCED IMMENSE CIRCULATIONS DETERMINED DN. THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST PAPERS PUBLISHED IN NEW YORK. NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS, Published Every Wednesday. Single Copies * Five Ceuta One Copy, one year $ ‘-i Three Copies oue year \ 5 00 Five Copies, one year 8 75 Ten Copies, one year IT 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten Twenty Copies, one year 30 00 The Weekly News is Sent to Clergymen at $1 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Published every Tuesday and Friday. Single Copies, one year $ 4 00 Three Copies, one year 10 00 Five Copies, one year 15 00 Ten Copies, one year 30 00 —And an extra copy to any Club of Ten. Twenty Copies, one year 66 00 To Glergymen 3 00 NEW YORK DAILY’ NEWS: To Mail Subscribers $lO per annum Six Months Five Dollars - For sale by all Newsdealers. Specimen copies of DAILY and WEEKLY NEWS sent free. Address BENJ. WOOD, Daily News Bnilding, No. 10 City Hall Square, eeptSl New York City. MARKS' MTROOKMZEI) SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, For Wheat ami other Gfhln Crop*, Cot ton, Corn, Tobaeeo, Graaß tables. Crops, &c. Composed of Calcined Bones, Sulphuric A id,Dried Blood, Soda, Potash, Sulphate Ammonia, and other Ammonia-producing materials, Does not exhaust the land due Peruvian Gnano and other stimulating manures, but permanently im proves it. The effects of one opplication are visible for more than ten years. To ordinary soils a yearly application of 200 lbs. per acre will maintain its fer tility for any length of time. It is packed in barrels of about about 250 lb 9. each. Pamphlets containing certificates from those who have used this fertiliser, and full directions for Us ap plication to different crops, can be had by addressing the undersigned. Price reduced to S6O per ton, (2,000 lbs.} For sale by CUNNINGHAM & PURSE, Agents, nlo-f m Savannah, Ga. Dissolution of Co-partnership. riIHE ffim of West, Bryan & Cos. expires by limitation 1 this day, and is terminated in mntual consent and good feeling. Mr. James B. West will continue lo act as agent for the Baltimore, Savannah and Augusta steamers. He will settle all outstanding business of the firm—all demands against which must tie rendered to him at hi. office, Jones’ Block. JAMES B. WEST. HENRY BRYAN. ALFRED L. HARTRIDGE. Savannah, Nov 30,1866. dl-6 JOHN MXRItYMAN. »• H WAVING JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agencv FOR the aale of Gnano, Fertilizers, Live Stock, Im plements and Machinery, Seeds, See. 07 "W. Fayette Street, • Baltimore. Refer to John S. Gittinge, President Chesapeake Bank • Chas. Goodwin. Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more; E. C. Wade & Cos. and P. H. Behn, Savannah. n!4-3m ESTABLISHED 1826. Between Broadway A Greenwich Street. oct27-3m Latest from Egypt ! P' ENNY S NEW EXTRACT OF THE EGYTIAN LOTUS, anew and exquisite Perfttme tor the handkerchief. Cleopatra and the ladies of the present day using the same perfume. THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS!! THE EGYPTIAN LOTUS!!! Manufactured by F. A.Finny. Brooklyn, New York. E. A. LOVEJOY, Agent, n9-3m ■ 93 Fulton street, N. Y. For Sale, 1 ill IA BUSHELS Prime White Com lOUU 2000 bushels Prime White Oata n8 N. A. HARDEE A CO. NEW NOVELS ODB Mt'TUAL FRIEND : by Chas. IMckena, Com pleir and un.biidged, one volume. Illustrated Price $l H.ho Douglas. Price $1 *O. Lovers 'I rials. Price it SO. Red Court Farm, by Mis Henry Wood. Pries I6c. Self-Sacrifice. Price $1 50. Mildred Arketl. Price 82. _ East Lynue; or, the Earl's Daughter. Price 76c. Angelins; by the author of " The Gift " Price 50c. The Bankers Secret; by the author of "Una How ard.”-Price 76c. _ Sir Jasper', Tenant; by Mrs. Braddou. Price 76c. Match Making. Price 50c. Hickory Hall; by Mis. Southworth Price 50c. George Francis Train's Speech to the Fenians.— Price 26c. The Bush Raugers. price $2 00. Major Jones’ Sketches of Travels, 75 cts., and further supply of his other works. Also the complete works of Dickins, Walter Scott and otherYavorite authors. Cheap edit ions, at ESTILLS' NEWS DEPOT, Bull street, Back of the Post Office, Down Stairs. nov 2A ts THE Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for the Stale of Georgia, 116 BKOttiHTON STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for aale at New York prices. Sewing Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. Stitching neatly done. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By permission of the Honorable Court ofOrdinaiy of Chatham countv, will be sold, on Friday, December Bth, at 11 o’clock, on the premises, corner of Bryan and Ann streets, all the perishable property ol Ahrend Cordes, deceased, consisting of an assorted Stock of Groceries, Ac., and articles of Furniture. HENRY BLDN, n‘27-td Administrator ad col. Printing’ Presses. FOR SALE, one Super-Royal Hand Press, with Ink Distributor, Roller Stocks, Ac. Price. $176. Also, one Reggies' Rotary Diamond Card Press, with Roller Mould, Rollers, Stocks and Box and Chases. As good as new. Price SIOO. Address 7 ESTILL A BRO., Bull street, back of Post Office, n 27-tf Savannah, Ga. OHUTCHEB. FIRST and only premium awarded at the American Institute Fair, 1865, and State Fair of Pa , 1865, for Crutches. Harlmnn’s Patent Elastic Rubber Crntcnes are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very best ever invented. They are easy and con venient, they prevent paralysis of the nerves, no away with all the weariness inseparable from the use of ail others, aud are in all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJOY A Taylor:Sole Manufacturers,’ No. 4761, Broadway, N, y. 6m-n23 I AA COILS Manilla Bale Rope AUU 500 bags Shot 100 Vices 60 Anvils 50 Smith's Bellows 400 kegs Nails 60 tons Plow Steel 100 tons Swedes and Refined Iron 1 ton Cast Steel, assorted 160 dozen Axes 3000 pair Trace Chains 3 casks Sheet Zinc 18 Cotton Trucks 12 Corn Shellers 160 doz Shovels and Spades, assorted brand* 50 kegs Horse Shoes 50 kegs Male Shoes 200 dozen Carry Corobs 25 dozen Horse Brushes. For sale by u22-2w* WEED A CORNWELL. Liverpool Salt. A CARGO of SALT, 10 sacks t« the ton, just arrived Der British bark Croesco from Liverpool, for sale BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. NOW LANDING AND FOR SALE. AJ k Boxes, X, X and caddies Tobacco, which we <3Uv are now offering at prices lower than it can be bought for in Northern cities. • MILLER, THOMAS A CO., ull-tf No. 206 Bay strecet. "William Grill, (Successor to William B. Hawkins,) IMPORTER aud Wholesale Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Ales, Wines, Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cider, Ac., No. 17G BNxlton. Street, Opposite St Paul’s Church, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile’s Celebrated Ale for Shipping and Family use. Particular attention paid to Filling and Shipping Southern Orders. . . All orders by mail will be promptly attended to. nl4-3m New York Piano Fortes. Ernest Gabler, Manufacturer of New Scale First-Class PIANO FORTES, Factory, 122,124 & 126 East 224 SL RESPECTFULLY announces that his Large New Factory is now completed, fully organized, and In successful operation, by means of which he has greatly increased his manufacturing facilities. He will there fore be able henceforward to turn out 36 Pianos per week, to supply orders promptly, without that incon venient delay to which Dealers and Purchasers have been subjected, from the fact that for more than two years past he has been continually a hundred instru ments behind orders. A fall assortment at all times may be found at his Manufactory and Wareroome in New York City. Every instrument fully warranted. Retail Wareroome, 748 Broadway. 3m-nl6 STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchants How. HIIto» H»«*. c » CALL the attention of Wholesale Mil .Retail pur chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AMD NAVAL CLOTHING, ajid • FURNISHING GOODS, Watches. Clocks, Fancy Good*. Jewelry, and Plated Ware,Swords, Sashes, Belt*. Embroideries,Boots, Cape Field Glasses. Qanntlet* Glove*. Ac.. Ac.- Ac Catalogue Sale Os Ships Amelia and Florence Chipmao, direct trom England. BY WILBUR & SON. WEDNESDAY, December 6th, at our Sales Rooms, comer State and Chalmers streets, CHARLES TON, S. C., at 10 q o'clock, will be sold, by catalogue, one hundred and sixty crates of Fancy assorted Earthenware and Crockery, lust Imported direct in Bhips Amelia and Florence C'hipuiHii, from tbe Potteries In England Catalogues may he bad and sample* of ware ax amioe<l at <>ur omoe. Conditions cash. dl-3fa&to M. Y. HENDERSON, . No. 237 South side Bay Street Two doors east of West Broad, DEALER in Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Ac.; also iu buggy sud Wagon Stuff and Trimmings Any style ot Carriage or Boggy Ordered from any ma uuracturer. I am also prepared to order out any clas* of horses, either fur draft or road service. Special attention will Oe given to the purchase of fine stock iu northern markets. d5-lm IMPORTATIONS PER ship County of Picton, from Glasgow: 201) tons Gaitsherrie Pig Iron 256 tons Household Coal 1000 hampers Potatoes 160 kegs Herrings 60 cases Preserved Salmon 20 cases Dried Finnan Haddock Nor sale by ds-tf CHARLES GREEN A SON. N otic©. OFFICE OF PROVOST MARSHAL,) District or Savannah, > Savannah, Ga., Oct. 3lst, 1865. ) yiWE notice Issued from the office of the Provost 1 Marshal, Sub-District of Ogeecbee, dated Savan nah, Aug. 11th, 1865, ordering all Drinking or Bil liard Saloons, Ac., where liquor are sold to be closed at lOjj’clock, P. M., is hereby revoked. By command of _ Bvt. Maj. Gen. J.JM. BRANNAN. (Signed) CLARKE H. KEMICK, Capt. and Provost Marshal. novl PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Henry Williams, Attorney at I*aw, ORFICE NO, 113 BAY STREET, (Over the Herald Reading Boom,) ocua-tf SAVANNAH, Ga. O*o. fit Black Rums E. Liam. BLACK & LESTER, 1 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, SAVANNAH, «A. Office at old stand of Norwood, Wilson A Lester, comer of Bay and Barnard streets. octlA-tf DR. T. J. CHARLTON HAS RESUMED THE PRACTICE OF Medicine and Surgery. Residence and Office corner Whitaker and Perry streets. lm nl6 HOWELT. COBH. JAMBS JAOKSOH. COBB & JACKSON, Attorneys-at-Law, n29-3m MACON, GEORGIA, LAROCHE & JOHNSON, Timber* Lumber Dealers 300 BAY STREET, _ SAVANNAH, GA. * d4tt FINANCIAL. _ EXCHANGE. SIGHT DRAFTS ON NEW YORK. For saleoy wpl ß BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Sight Exchange " ON NEW YORK, In sums to suit purchasers, by sep2B-tf E. F. METCALFE A CO ■" ITOTTCE. PLANTER’S BANK, I Savannah,Ga., 26th Nov., 1865. f An election for Directors', to manage the ts afr* o A this Bank for one year, will be held at the Bank ing House in this city, on Monday, the Ist day o January, 1866. thqß H. HARDEN, n25-la wtd Acting Cashier. notice.