Newspaper Page Text
VOL. I—NO. 280.
The Savannah Daily Herald
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by telegraph
Daily Herald.
From Milledgevillcs
preparations for Adjournment.
[•[Special Dispatch to the Suvnunah Hkrai.d j, Dec. 11.—The Senate laid
the joint resolution of the House relative to
adjournment on the table tor the present.
The motion to bring about the election of
U. S. Senators at a certaiu day was defeated
in the House. The election of Senators is
deferred ,iu the that the disability of
Hon. Alexander H. Stephens may be re
moved, so that he can accept the Seuatorsbip.
The Legislature will probably adjourn on
the 15th iust. till January 15th.
Pro. Gov. Johnson Asks to be
Milledobvillk, Dec. 11.—Provisional
Governor Johnson sent a telegram last night
to Washington asking to be relieved, and
recommending that the Hon. C. J. Jenkius
be allowed to take his office.
The Senate has passed a bill regulating tbe
making of contracts between master and
It provides that contracts, if for over one
month, must be in writing. Work hours
shall ba from suurise to sunset. The servant
may be held responsible for damaging his
master's property. His wages may be for
feited by leaving Ilia employer, and he may
he discharged for disobedience, drunkenness
immorality, want of respect or leaving his
The bill also declasses that entincing ser
vants away from their employers is a fine
punishable with a tine of S4OO, or imprison
ment for four months.
The House refused to consider the resolu
tion fixiug a day for the election of U. S.
The Amendment to the Constitution
Adopted by Twenty-six States.
Washington, Dec. 10. —Official informa
tion has been received from twenty-six of the
States of the ratification by them of tbe
amendment to the Constitution prohibiting
slavery. In these twenty-six are included
North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana,
Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama aud Tennessee.
The States of Kentucky, Delaware and
New Jersey have rejected the amendment.
Major General Logan, the newiy appointed
Minister to Mexico, was a long time in con
sultation with the Secretary of State yester
day on the'subject of affairs connected with
his Mexican mission
Provost Marshals Re-established iqTexas
New York, Dec. 10.—The Fenians have
fallen into trouble. They have deposed their
President and the Treasurer for malfeasance.
A despatch received from Galveston says
that the office of Provost Marshal has been
re-established in the Department of Texas.
Proceeding* of Ihe Second and Third
[from oor ri-kcial CORRESPONDENT, j
The dispatches of our special correspon
dent at MilledgeviHe which detail the pro
eeedings of the Legislature on the second
day of its session were unaccountably de
fayed in their transmission, reaching U 9 at
the same time with his reports of the third
day. We are in consequence compelled
from lack of space to give little more than an
outline of the proceedings of the secoud day.
In the Senate a resolution to ratify the
Constitutional amendment was introduced
aud laid over till the next day. The ratifi
cation resolutions closed with the following :
“Be it further Resolved, That iu ratifying
die amendment to the Constitution of the U.
” ■ w e do so, believing that the Congress of
the U. S., has the power only to make per
tnauent the emancipation ol slnves, and that
ad tights of citizenship can lie conferred
ouly by the States respectively—aud such,
we understand aud believe, to have been the
object contemplated in the secoud section of
"aid amendment, and that notblug therein
contained authorized Congress to Interfere
internal uHairs of the States.
I he result of the election (or Governor
**> anuouuced iu the •Itenioou to the Heu
ale aud House assembled 111 Couveuliou, aud
a committee appointed to wall on Ihe Oov*
■nior elect and asceiialu at what lima be
Would lie inaugurated.
*" ( h« House, Mr. Howard, of Harlow,
" rt ‘ r< and * senes of resolutions cell lag lor tba
*|t|a>inimeut of Commissioners lo proceed to
"•sbiugiiiu iu iiebsll of tba If lets Tits tell
tafiou resolution litliixjut »and Iu lit* Usual*
"*• also iulrodUkOtl lU lb* House, *ud • j
ir«dy debate stose upon lbs question ol r* j
•"'•** U iu • i oMcuUie* wblob uuuupbul lb*
eotire morning. The resolution was finally
adopted in the afternoon session, the second
clause, quoted above, haviug been stricken
out. With reference to the complication
that arose upon the matter of commqnicating
with the Provisional Governor, our corres
pondent says:
“ You will perceive that tbe Legislature
have relieved themselves irom the awkward
dilemma in which they were placed on Mon
day, by the failure of the Senate to concur in
the joint resolution of the House appointing
a committee to confer with the Provisional
Governor in reference to the organization of
1 the General Assembly, v Things looked a
little brighter this morning, wbeu the Senate
having announced its concurrence, and the
committee having waited on tbe official rep
resentative of the United States Govern
ment, that functionary announced that
he would immediately make a commu
nication in writing. This relieved the
minds of any who may have thought the
discord between the General Assembly and
the Provisional Governor was about to result
in a dead lock, or perhaps the sudden disso
lution of the Legislature. And, afterwards,
when tbe House had almost unanimously
passed the ratification resolutions, and the
Provisional Governor had transmitted the
returns of the votes for Governor, thus re
cognizing the fact that such an election had
been held, the gloomy aspect of affaiis seem
ed somewhat changed, and hopes were en
tertained that all things would yet go well.
But, when the proclamation refusing to grant
certificates to the members of Congress elect
became known, and also that it is the inten
tion of the Provisional Governor to have no
inauguration of the newly elected Governor
for the present, the hopes of the morning
were decidedly dashed. Some here are of
the opinion that there will be no complete
reorganization of the civil government of the
State for an indefinite time, and that in all
probability the preseut Legislature will have
to adjourn, tor the teason that it cannot,
under the constitution, legally discharge its
legislative functions without the co-operatiou
of a legally elected Governor. Others, more
hopeful, think the legislation will go on, and
that the difficulties in the way of the restora
tion of civil government will soon pass away.
“So mote it be.”
Senate— I Third Day.
Milledobvillk, Dec. 6, 1865.
The Senate met at the hour of ten A. M ,
the President, Hon. William Gibson, in the
chair. After prayer and the reading of the
journal the President announced that the un
finished business of yesterday was tbefirst in
order on to-day; that was the resolution rati
fying the amendment to the Constitution of
the United States abolishing slavery.
On motion, the House resolution on the
same subject was received iu lieu of the or
Ou motiou of Mr. Simmons, the resolution
was ameuded so as to require copies of the
resolution, after adopted, to be transmitted
to the President of the United States and
Secretary ol State.
Mr. Thornton, of the 24th, moved to refer
the resolution to the Committee on tbe State
cf the Republic. His object in this motioa
was to have the matter further considered
before final action. He wished also to see
what the President of the United States
would have to say in bis annual message on
the subject. That message, or a synopsis of
it, was expected in the newspapers that
would soon reach the Capitol. It the Presi
dent made the ratification of the amendment
to the Constitution a condition precedent to
our admission into the Union, he should vote
for the resolution; otherwise he should most
unquestionably vote against it. He should
vote against it .with the tights before him.
Mr. Johnson, of the 35th, was opposed to
the reference. The Seoate had to meet the
question, and the sooner the better.
Mr. Smith, of the 6th, would vote for the
reference if iie expected anv additional light
to lie thrown upou the quesinm by the mes
sage of the President. He had no such ex
pectation. The Provisional Governor, who
is on intimate terms with the President, has
given us no reason to conclude differently.
There was no reason to suppose the Presi
dent would require less of the people of
Georgia than he lias of Florida or Carolina.
It was well understood that the President
has made the ratifying of this amendment to
the Constitution of tbe United States a sine
qua nun to the admission of our members to
Congress, and the complete restoration of
the Slate to civil government. It was physic
that we all disliked very much to take, but
it was physic that must be taken, and no ad
lionai light would settle our stomachs, or
coat tbe pill; and he would recommend that
they take it straight, and without delay.
Mr. Strozier, of the 10th, could not see
why tl.e Senate should be refused the intor
maiiou it desired in reference to the views
of the President in his message. It seemed
that there was a general disposition to seek
to get back into the Union regardless of the
violation of principle. He nad always en
deavored to act on principle, and desired to
do so in this instance if he were permitted.
If the refusal of their admission into the
Union in case they did not ratily the Consti
tutional amendment was held in lerrorem over
tbe Legislature, they as an automaton, he
would walk up and vote for tbe amendment;
but if he was liee to vote, he would not. He
saw no reason why the ratification of the
Constitutional amendment should be imposed
on them; and he could sec no reason
why if this were required, other and more
onerous requirements should not be made by
tbe President. It was first required that
they should abolish slavery; that had been
done by a body of higher power than was
there. The abolition of slavery had been
done by the Convention, and could not have
been done by the Legislature; hut now they
heal it said that the Legislature must do a
thing that is contrary to all principle, and
involves the exercise of as great power as
had been exercised by ihe Convention. They
had been referred to the opinion of the At
torney Gcueral of the Uuited States; but
that functionary hud no right to make his
construction oi a law binding on that body,
and it was worth no more to hind that body
than the opinion of Peter J. Scrozier. The
Constitution of the Uuited States had de
clared who should interpret the constitution
ami laws of Congress ; uud it bad conferred
no such power ou the Attorney General, but
on the Supreme Court.
The ratification of the proposed amend
ment would seem to pise* It in the power of
Congress to legislate lor tbe black rar e In
our midst. Uauee, if,the resolution he
adopted, Ihe necessity for some explanatory
clausa which llm House resolution does not
eonlslu. The Senate limy in hot haste voUt
for the aumuifiniirit, hut tin results of Its
sduplluu would Ini upou Ihe people of toe
Stale forever slier wauls lie hoped, there*
lor«, that they would ha dallharete.
The raaaou ol tba veto power mufsrrad ou
lbs Prasldaiit 111 Governors of Hlstas arose
bom Ilia ioiisldarailou that Itgislallvs bodies
would somailmwi set without due dallhars i
thru if Ihe laiglslatura could do nothing
uleapt si tbs bidding of lbs I’resldanl It bad
ban## adjourn sod mu bontn, ,Lst us at t
with dalluarstiot, said Mr S, ami than wa
shall be prepared to do justice Dot only to
ourselves but jfiso to our constituents
Mr. Casey, of tbe 29th, moved the previous
question which was sustained.
The House resolution as amended, was
then passed by yeas 26, nays 13, as lollows:
Those who voted in the affirmative are—
Messrs. W. R. Bell, Brown. Butler, Carter,
Casey, Crawford, Daley, England, Fret-man,
Ezzard, Filllcr, Griffin, J. F. Johnson, Kcuan
Manson, Mims, Overstreet, Owens, Parris,
Quillian, Redding, Russell, Simmous, C. H.
Smith, Strickland, Wilcox.
Those who voted in the negative are—
Messrs. O. P. Bell, Black, Bower, Boyn
ton, Dickey, Gholslou, J. A. W. Johnson,
McDaniel, Mooie, O. L. Smith, Strozies,
Thornton, Turner.
Mr. Oweos of the Ist introduced a bill to
open the Courts to the frecduieu, and to
regulate the testimony of the same. It pro
vides that in all cases where freedmen are
concerned, their testimony shall be received
under the same rules a9 apply to the testi
mony of white persons.
Mr. Daley of the 2d —A bill to repeal an
act, changing the time for holding the Court
of Ordinary of Tattual county.
On motion ot Mr. Thornton, 46 copies of
tlie bill for opening the Courts to freedmeD,
Ac , were ordered to he printed for the use
of the Senate.
On motion of Mr. Turner, Friday next was
appointed as tbe day for the election of Slate
House officers, the House coucurring there
On motion of Mr. Johnson of the 35th, the
Secretary was authorized to piocurc station
ery for the use of the Senate.
Mr. Smith of the 42d, introduced a bill to
incorpprale the Georgia and Alabama Coal,
Oil and Manufacturing Company. It allows
the capital stock to he $250,000, with the
privilege of increasing it to $500,000.
Also a bill to allow the Mayor and Coun
cil of Rome, to use their discretion in grant
ing licenses to retail spirituous liquors, aud
to fix the license at any sum from SSO to
SSOO ; and to prohibit the erection of wooden
buildings off certain streets in tbe city.
A message was received from his Excel
lency the Provisional Governor, transmitting
a communication to him from the Hon. e!
Starnes, in relation to the Code for the freed
men. The letter of Judge Statues states that
that code Will not be ready before the 15th
Ou motiou of Mr. Butler of the 28th, 150
copies <* the reports of the Comptroller Gen
eral, Treasurer, Keeper of the Penitentiary
and Principals of BliDd and Lunatic Asy
lums, were ordered to be printed for the use
of the Senate.
The Senate then adjourned till 3 o'clock
p. m.
The Senate met at 3 o’clock.
The House resolution on the subject of ne
gro testimony, was agreed to after amending
by striking out the words “in cases in which
they are interested.”
The House resolution in relation to the
sale of the debiis of the Georgia Military In
stitute was adopted,
Ou motion of Mr. Thornton, Friday next,
the House concurring, was appointed the
day for the election of State Printer.
Mr Kenan introduced a bill to authorize the
Governor to have a survey made by a com
petent engineer, ot the lauds overflowed by
the Savanuah river below Augusta, by the
Ocouee river below Milledgevillc, by the
Aitamaha river, aud by the Oignuigee river
below Macon, and that the resurat of prevent
ing the overflow by dikes iu tbe increased
value of the lands, be reported at the next
session of the General Assembly*
Tbe Senate adjourned till Friday morning
10 o’clock.
Hone-Third Day.
Wednesday, Dec. 45, 1865.
At the conclusion of the reading of the
minutes of yesterday, a motion was made to
reconsider the resolution appointing a Com
mittee ou Freedmen’s Affairs. The motion
to reconsider beiug carried, a resolution was
adopted to enlarge the committee and make
it one ot the permanent committees of the
The Secretary of the Seuate announced to
the House that that body had adopted a re
solution appointing a committee to wait on
the Hon. Charles J. Jenkins and inform him
of his election to the office of Governor of
Georgia, request his acceptance, and ascer
tain from him at what time he would be
Ou motion, the rules of the House were
suspended to take up the Senate resolutions,
which was adopted, and a committee ap
pointed to unite with tbe Senate committee.
So much of the Governor's Message as re
fers to the improvement of the public build
ings and grounds was referred to a commit
tee ot three, to act iu conjunction with a simi
lar committee of the Senate, with instruc
tions to report their proceedings.
A resolution was introduced requesting
the Governor to ascertain on what terms the
Western and Aliunlic Railroad can be sold,
aud report the same to this body.
Mr. Gartrel, of Cobb, introduced a resolu
tion instructing tbe Finance Committee to
consider what uclion on the part of tbe Leg
islature iu connection with the action of
the late Convention is necessary to raise
funds for the support of the State Govern
ment without resorting lo taxaliou.
On the call of the counties the following
bills and resolutions were introduced and
read first time:
Mr. Adams of Clarke—A Bill to fix the
time for holding the Superior Court of this
Mr. Hudson of Harris—A Resolution to
appoint a Committee ot five to cousider the
propriety of abolishing the Penitentiary of
this State.
Mr. Brook of Haralson—A Bill to repeal
all laws prohibiting the distilation of corn,
wheat, potatoes &(>., into spirilous liquors.
Also a Bill to prohibit the intermarriage
of white persons with the African or black
Also a bill for the releif of wounded, dis
abled indigent soldiers.
[This billl embraces all unmarried, dis
abled, indigent soldiers of the State who
served either in the State or Confederate
armies, and provides that the Tax C ollector
of the several counties shall keep a separate
list of their names, and that each be paid
fifty dollars by the State.]
Mr. Dixon, of Macon—A Bill to suspend
the collection of debts by levy dnd sale of
property under executions, until the Ist day
of January 1867.
Mr. Green, of Cobb—A Bill to appeal all
laws of this State prescribing penalties for
earn ing concealed wcapous.
Mr Dodds, of Polk—A Bill to authorise
Sheriff* and Constables to cross district and
county liues to execute precepts directed to
them by any Judge or Justice es the District
or county to which they properly beloug in
cases of tort.
Mr. Burns, of Kivhinond- A Bill to carry
Into effect apoilluu of the 3d paiagraph of
Ist section ol the till article of the Constltu
tlnn of the State of Georgia, and to
uruflde the umdu of carryiug case*
from the City Courts of the cities of
Savannah and Augusta, and such other like
Courts as may hereafter be established, and
lor other purpurea.
Mr. Htewart, ol Spaulding A Hill to pro
rid# freedmsn with oertlfliel** of employ
toeul and t»i other purpose*, and to poulsli
persons "bu siuploy freed Bieu < urinary hi
[Tbs bill provtdaa that persons employing
bee doom shad girt I bam a tart Ilka is that
they are so employed, and inflicts a penalty
of fine or imprisonment on all persons em
ploying a treed mau while be is under con
tract to another. Contracts between em
ployers and freedmen may be aunuled by
consent of the parties, in which case, the
freedmen must he furnished with a certifi
cate to that effect. The term freedmen is
declared to embrace former slaves aud free
persons of color, and. applied to both
Mr. Ridley, of Troup—A Bill to make free
persous of color competent witnesses in the
courts of this States, in Certain cases therein
mentioned, aud to auiborize the makiug aud
deolariug the f ores of affidavits iu certain
Mr. Dodson, of Chattooga, offered tbe fol
lowing resolution :
“Resolved, That the Committee on Freed
men's affairs be instructed to inquire at au
early day, what lcgislatioD is ueccssury for the
relief of colored persous who jaro .orphans,
idiots, lunatics or of unsound mind, aud who
are paupers, and that said committee have
to report by bill or otherwise."
The Secretary of the Seuate announced
that that body had concurred in the House
Resolution, ratifying tbe amendment of the
Constitution of the United States prohibit
.iug slavery, with an amendment in which
they asked the concurrence of the House.
[The amendment to tbe House resolution
which I sent you yesterday, consists in an
additional resolution requiring the Provi
sional Governor to trausmit a certified copy
of Ihe ratification resolution to the President
of the United Slates, and one*to the Secretary
of State. ]
The rules were suspended and the Senate
amendment concurred in. t ,
A message was received from the Provi
sional Governor transmitting a communica
tion from Hon. E. Starnes, one of the Com
missioners appointed by the late Convention
to draft a code of laws for the protection and
government of the freedmen, stating that
four of the Commissioners are busily engaged
in the work Assigned to thorn, but that it
will be impossible for them to complete their
labors iu a satisfactory manner before about
the 15th inst-, when their system of laws will
be laid before the Legislature.
General Harrison, of Chatham, offered the
“Whereas, the General Assembly is inform
ed by a message from His Excellency, tbe
Provisional Governor, tbat the Committee
appointed by the Convention to report to the
Legislature a proper code ol laws relative to
the government and protection of the freed
men of this Slate, will Dot be able to report
before the 15th of this present month.
Be it therefore resolved, by the General
Assembly tbat the report of said Committee,
when made, be referred to the Judiciary
Committee of each house, with instructions
to prepare a bill which shall amply secure to
the inhabitants of this State of African de
scent, the rights of person and property, in
cluding the rignt to sue and be sued, aud to
certify in tho courts of justice.
Mr. Gartrel moved to amend, by adding at
the close ol the resolution, the words “in
cases where they are interested." The reso
lution as ameuded was adopted aud trans
mitted to the Senate.
The House then adjourned till 3 o'clock
p. m.
On the reassembling of the House Mr. Gar
trel offered a resolution authorizing any two
or more Trustees of the Georgia Military In
stitute, in conjunction with Hon. David Ir
vin of Cobb, to dispose of such portion of tbe
cfcinVofsuid institution as they'may deem
liable to depreciation in value, and pay the
money into the treasury of the State. The
resolution was adopted and transmitted to
the Senate, by whom it was also adopted.
The resolution directing inquiry as to tbe
expediency of dispensing with the Peniten
tiary of Ihe State, wa9 taken up aud adopted.
Gen. Harrison of Chatham, introduced a
memorial from the Presidents of the Banks
of Savannah, praying exemption from the
fines aud penalties imposed by the laws of
the Stale for failure to redeem their bills
coin, &c., alleging that their -present in
ability to comply with the terms ot their
charters, has resulted not from any fault
or failure on the part of the officers
and stockholders of the Banks, but from the
mandatory legislation of the State, whic h re
quired them to receive the Jills of the late
Confederate Government. The memorial
was referred to a special committee of five,
of which Gen. Harrison is Chairman.
Mr. Hudson of Harris, introduced a Home
stead Exemption Bill, repealing the 5,213 th
section of tbe Code, and inserting in lieu
thereof a clause, exempting lo every head ot
a family 100 acres of land, and 10 acres ad
ditional for each child under 16 years of age,
or, in cities or towns, real estate not exceed
ing in value SBOO, with other personal pro
perty, stock, household furniture, provisions
books &c.
Bills und resolutions were introduced by
Mr. Humphreys, of Lincoln, Mr. Foster, of
Troup, and other gentlemen, partaking of
the character of stay laws. The bills pro
vide that no creditor shall be allowed to col
lect by law more than twenty-five per cent,
of any debt contracted prior to the 16th ot
may 1865, or one-fourth of his claim anuu
ally for four years. These lulls aud resolu
tions were read first time.
The Secretary of the Senate announced
that that body bad concurred In the House
resolution in reference to freedmen, (General
Harrison's) after amending by striking out
the words “in cases where they are interest
ed,” in which amendment they asked the
concurrence of the House.
Tiie resolution was taken up and the
amendment of the Senate agreed to.
The Secretary of the Senate also announced
that that body bad adopted a resolution to
go into an eleci ion lor State Printer on Fri
day Blh inst., and asked the concurrence of
the House.
The House refused to concur, on the
ground that it would be irregular and im
proper to go into an election for State House
officers until after the inauguration of the
Governor, who must receive and approve
their bonds.
On motion, the House adjourned until.ten
o'clock on Friday morning.
There U nothing of interest outside ot the
proceeding* of thu General Assembly to com
municate. There Is of course much street
corner gossip in regard to political affairs,
but the tumors are so verlent and unreliable
as to be unworthy of repetition. You will
observe that although e joint committee hae
been appointed to Inform Mr Jenkins of bit
eleriloß.eud ascertain when It will lie agree
able to bite to be Inaugurated, no report bas
beau made by that Commute* We shall
probably bear from them ou Friday
I was laid Ibis morning that the Commit
tee had waited on tbe Governor elect, in tbe
discharge of the duty assigned them, and
that he had requested that their communica
tion should be made in writing. Another
report is that the Committee had determined
to make their communication to him in writ
in, which, if true, I can only account for on
the supposition tbat, as be is estopped from
assuming the duties of bis office, it is desir
able tbat tbe facts iu tbe case may be made a
matter of record.
I hear this evening, from what I deem
very good authority that the Governor eieet
will be inaugurated on Friday, but that be will
not be permitted to exercise the functions of
his office at present, and that the Legislature
will, in consequence, take a recess until cir
cumstances will authorize their re-assembling
for the transaction of business. There are
Senators aud other State officers to be elect
ed, and should the inauguration of the Gov
ernor take place, as reported, on Friday,
these offices will be filled. But I am very con
fident that there will be no elections by the
Legislature while the present uncertainty
exists as to the restoration of the State Gov
We have yet no news from Wash
ington ot any importance. No abstract
of the President's Message has reach
ed here, and we are utterly iu the dark as
to the position of affairs in Washington, fur
ther than that a radical cauca9 has been held,
at which a committee was appointed, with
Thad. Steven 9 at its head, for the purpose
of investigating the present status and ante
cedents of the Southern Representatives to
Congress. Very little is to be expected from
such a committee tending towards reconcil
iation and restoration.
Hon. A. H. Stephens left here this morn
ing for his homo. There was a strong
pressure on him while here to induce him to
accept the position of U. 8. Senator. But in
his judgment his acceptance of the. position
would, under existing circumstances, be in
bad taste, if not injudicious, and he peremp
torily refused to allow his name to he used.
Mr. Stephens is of opinion that President
Jqhnson is setusted by the purest motives of
patriotism, aud that -he is doing all in his
power to re-establish the Union, and bring
order and harmony out of anarchy and dis
cord, aud he regards it as tbe duty of every
true man to do all in his power to aid him in
the Herculean task, and by every sacrifice to
sustain him in bis responsible and delicate
position. T.
Communication from Hon. C. J. Jenkins,
Governor Elect
Milledqevillb, Dec. 8, 1865.
\ esterday being observed as a day ot thanks
giving and praise, there was no session of the
Geneial Assembly. Everything remained in
doubt as to what course would be adopted
iu the preseut auimalive state of affairs until
last night. 1 learned tbat the following com
munication had been received Irom the Gov
ernor elect, which will be read in both Houses
l his morning. You will perceive that the
inauguration is postponed until the 16th of
January, and that Governor Jenkins sug
gests a recess of the Legislature until that
time. His grounds for this postponement
are well taken, and will, I have no doubt,
meet the approbation of tbe Legislature aDd
tbe people of tbe State. Indeed, it seems tbat
no other proper course could Lave been
We shall probably know when the Assem
bly convenes this morning, whether it will
proceed to the election of United States Sen
ators and other State officers, or will defer
these elections until after the recess. I ra
ther thiuk that the reasons given by Mr. Jen
kins for his course, will induce tbe Legisla
ture to defer Ihe elections until after the re
cess, when they can be made with better
knowledge of our status in relation to tbe
Federal Government, and when their ap
pointments can be ratified by the legally con
stituted Executive of the State. It is highly
probable, therefore, that the General Assem
bly will adjourn at the close of tbe week.
Accompanying this I send you a copy ot Mr.
Jenkius’ communication. T.
Mn.ledoevii.le, Dec. 8, 1865.
Messrs. Benj. B. Moore, H. R. Casey and
J. N. Freeman, Senate Committee.
And Messrs. Chat. W. Dubose, Jas. H. Mc-
Whorter, W. B. Bennett, Jno. M. Edge
aud Thos. Morris, House Committlee.
I have received your communication in
forming me that the people of Georgia had
elected me their Chief Magisti ale, asking my
acceptance ot the office, and requesting me
to designate a time when I will meet the two
branches of the General Assembly, In joint
session, to be inaugurated. t
The fact c-mmunicated, excited a pro
found feeling of gratitude for so signal a
manifestation of confidence mingled with a
sense of obligation to devote myself unre
servedly aud with all possible earnestness to
tue service of the constituency from whom
it emanated.
Whilst, however, I promptly accept the
office, this very sense of obligation gives
me pause under the peculiar circumstances
surrounding them and me, in responding to
your concluding request. Were the General
Assembly, as in.olden time, free to bestow,
and I to accept the insignia of office, I would
designate a day within the week for the
tomary ceremony of inauguration. But the
case is far otherwise. To our wills, (hereto
fore controlling on such occasion) is op
posed a stronger will eujfiuiug postpone
The election held on the 15th ult. was in
tended, not to keep in smooth, uninterrupt
ed movement the machinery of Government,
but to set it agaiu in operation, alter a sus
pension entirely novel in the history of our
State. The proceedings adopted in and or
dered by the Convention of our people,
and the meeting at this time and place of
ibe Legislators and Governor elect,
were suppose to meet the appro
bation ot the Federal Government,
by whose authority, in the exercise of the
war power, that suspansion was made. So
tar as regards the General Assembly, the
supposition was apparently well founded.
They have met and organised without let or
hindrance; and the Provisional Govsrnor,
the accredited organ ol the President of tbe
United States, has opened communication
with them, and has invited tbelr action, as a
legislative itody, upon several dlstluct tub
Jenin Tbe Governor •/* < has I woo less for
tinnate. On the morning of the meeting of
the General Aieembly, aud lielore the meet
ing, lie received from his F.xoelleucy, tbs
Provisional Governor, an official roniuuoF
catiou tu tlie words following i
Eiacuriva Orrtca, I
Mu I SOUS' u LB, Dec 4, istid. j
Hon. Cats J Jaaaiaai
Imr Ar I* the discharge ot aa attctel
duty, I beg leave In iulorin you that I have j
(t.Wsheeed ea#WM Age.)
Ho, 151 Congress St. Simoon (So.
my ems
Having just received sod opened a very Urge
sad select stock of Fancy Drew Good* House-
Keeping and Domestic Goods, Blsnkets, Cloaks and
shawls. Also Hats, Boots sxk! Shoes
And all articles usually found Ins first cam
Dry Goods Hoaae. we would respectfully Invite
our former friends and customers; also Merchants
and Planters HsiUng the dtj, to call and examine our
stock before purchasing elsewhere.
novS-tf Ul Congress Street, Savannah, Ga.
McKenna’s Old Stand,
Popular Prices!
8,000 YARDB BEST CALICOES, 30 cent*
per yard.
LAINES, 35 and 40 cents—worth
50 cents.
at 75 and 80 cents—worth sl.
Woolen Shawls, Nubias, Breafast
and Long Shawls.-
Best Brands of
White Sheetings at Reduced
To Ladies and Country
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Ac., Ac., Ac.,
Remarkably Cheap fbr Cash.
-A-. Roaohor db Co’a.,
Comprising s gensrsl Assortment of Foreign end
Domestic Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac.
N. B—By strict attention to business, courteous
end honorable dealing with our easterners, we trust
to merit end receive s liberal share of patronage.
A large Una ot Whits Goods and Linens now open.
Blankets § Flannels
Received and for sals cheap by
oct!3 174 Brongbton street.
Carpets, Oilcloths, &c,
lathrop & co.,
WILL open WEDNESDAY, tsth Dec., a choice se
lection ot tbe above coode.
Checked and Plain Matting
Lac* and Muslin Curtain*
Window Bhede* and abode Linen*
Rage, Door Mate, Certain Fixture*, Ac.,
With a fall stock of
Moom rural abing Oooda in
Table Linen. Napklus and Doyles
B. F. STEVENS, President.
S®" 4 Phillips, Wm. B. Reynolds,
TW.** P .' S urtli - Geo. H. Folger,
M h ,Xip u'iM ter ’ Francis G. Lowell,
nul'' d ' r ' Homer Bartlett,
Charles bSKd. Ja ““ S ' Amor *
JOSH. M. GIBBENS, Secretary.
Cash Assets, $3,000,000
Last Cash Returns, $760,000
This Company, established ip Boston, Hass., In
1843, is the oldest and most reliable wholly Mutual
Ufc Insurance Company in the United States and baa
been uniformly successful, having alwsy, mode largo
returns in cash to all the policy holders. Last cash
dividend 40 per cent.
By the last report of tho Insurance Commlodoners,
the surplus of assets over liabilities was proportionate
ly greater than any Life Inenrance Company In the
United States.
This Company being purely mntnat. Insures at tbs
lowest possible rates; and If the premium paid «
cced the actual cost, the surplus is returned to the
parties Insuring.
Every Sfth year, at the Urn# of declaring the returns
the business is, as It were, closed, so that Its actual
position and solvency are made manifest at that time
and the surplus Ihnds are divided pro rata among all
the Insured. This guards tbe assured against any
possible loss from Inefficiency on the part or the Com
pany, and is a sure guaranty as regards the Intare.
Parties at a distance may insure from blanks,
which will bo supplied and forwarded free of expense
Printed documents or an Interesting character,
showing the benefits of tho mutual plan and the ad
vantages generally ol life insurance that this company
has to offer, supplied gratis, or forwarded.
General Agent for Georgia and Florida,
n27 ' tf 89 Bay street, Savannah, Ga.
Marine Insurance.
d 6 -tf N ° W B”dd»^EwM^Rtfgf ) Bay at.
Insurance Agency.
Capital and Surplus $1,600,000
Capital and Surplus $1,600,000
Capital and Surplus $1,200 000
Capital and Surplus:.... $900,000
X- *ip‘?; to lOWMt **- cor responding wlth^dle
*>-3m No. 19
Rolinblo Southern
National Marine and Fir©
CAPITAL, $560,000
.inhn!- £*** , Ie » v « to Inform the Insuring
RJfUjtbst he hoe been legally appointed Agent for
the above named Company, and le readv to take Ma
rine, River and Fire Risks at cuetomary rates.
Office over Hunter A street
EJSmA D^2 ct,Tns Cohen ’ Huuter 4 0»»well.
Great Bargain.
A NEAT and commodione Cottage Dwelling, with
bnck outhouses attached, wlllbesold If applied
.or .mmedtatelv. situated In RobertsvlUe, on Roberts
•treat. Price, Is,ooo. Apply to ™
„ At Henry Wayne's Stables,
aM - tf West Broad street.
thoh. w. brooks
*** Dock Street, Philadelphia. Pa.
™ iv »*r «-
ALSO, a fine assortment of Silk, Wool and Bnck
skin Gloves and Gauntlets. JuitopenSat
11311 HI Congreoa street
rtUIE subscriber being Incapacitated by Ul health
, fro" 1 the active duties of the Ministry has, with
‘H e , full approval of the Bishop ot the Diocese, enter
*' “ Theolo #cal and General Book
seller, and is now opening a carefully selected Stock
!’il 1 . , il e , corncr “L 8 ? 11 * n< t State streets He solicits
P S! ro ° a *? o £the People of Savannah. Theologi
& ke“oS iiwd *’ *“ d MJ,oßlUn#ou * Put,ll “’
Orders received (or any work, American or Euro
Pe*"- dB-w-f THOS. J. STALE 1.
OUWB, WHITNEY * CO. bar* removed from
IV No. 80s Bay street to No * Harris Buildings.
Hay *tr*»l. di-lw
If AVI Jort received »uU u**r Mr *al*
*» so l>arr*l* Fugs' Cracker*
f | §HL.
!t t
si i-« at im ray aril an
printing Preaeea. -