Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 12, 1865, Image 3

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BAVA NNA H . Departure of Mcanuklr> and WMatra. (OK KBW VOKK. Steamship l'hoa«, Wednesday, Lh comber IS(b, at 3 o'clock. Steamship Sou Jacinto, Saturday, December Id, at o’clock. FOE BALTIMORE. Steamaliip Kicbmoud, Saturday, December 16, at o’clock FOB AUUIOTA. Steamer Wui. G. UiblMina, every Saturday morning at 9 a. tit. FOR CHARLESTON. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at V o'clock. FOR DOCTORTOWN. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 7 o'clock. Steamer Two Boys, every Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock. Steamer Gen. Sliepley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o’clock. Steamer Clarion, every Friday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Two Boys, every Tuesday morning, at S o’clock. Steamer Fannie, Wednesday, December yih, at 9 o'clock a. m. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morulng, ut 10 o’clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. Steamer Lizzi" Baker, every Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer Helen Getty, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. iNAI'Ot'RATION OF THE MAYOR AND ALDERMEN OF Savannah.—At noon on yesterday, His Honor Edward C. Anderson, Mayor elect of Savannah, and the following Aldermen elect, were duly qualilledon oath by Justice Levi S. Hal t, of the Second District, G. H. Aldermen Robert Lachllson, John F. O’Byrne, John Williamson, Christopher C. Casey, John O'. Per ril, George W. Wylly, E. A. Soullard, John R. Johnson. The Board immediately organized and prepared for business. Geo. W. Wylly was elected Chairman. On motion of Alderman Gue, It was voted that the rules regulating the old board he adopted for the use and government of the present board, and that a com* mn tee of three bo appoiuted by the Mayor to revise the same. His Honor appointed the following committee : Aldermen Gue, Ferrill and u'Byrue. Bis Honor then annouuced the following as the STANDING COMMITTEES OF Tllfl COUNCIL. Finance.—Aldermen Ferrill, Williamson, Wylly and Cunningham. Dby Culture.—Aldermen Soullard, Johnson, Mc- Mahon. streets and Lanes.—Aldermen Gue, Casey and Soullard. Accounts.—Aldermen McMahon, Schley and Gue Public Sales and City Lts Aldermen Wylly, Casey and Johnson. Mabekt.—Aldermen Johnson, Lachlisou and O'Byrne. Fire.—Aldermen Casey, Gue and Lachllson. Jail.—Alderntcu Lachliaon, O’Byrne and Ferrill. Pumps.—Aldermen O’Byrne, Gue and Casey. Docks and Wharves.—Aldermon Williamson, Cunningham and Soullard. Health and Cemetery.—Aldermen Schley, Wil liamson and Gue. Public Buildings.—Aldermen Laclilison, Soullard and McMahon. Gas.—Alderman Cunningham, Wylly and Johnson- Water Works. O'Byrne, Lachlison and McMaliuu. Education.—His Honor E. C. Anderson, Mayor; Aldermen Schley, Ferrill and Williamson. School Commissioners.—Aldermen Schley, O'- Byruo, Ferrill and Johnson. There being no further business, the Council au jourued until Wednesday evening at 7)4 o’clock. another Great Enterprise.—An Extensive Steam Biscuit and Cracker Factory.—About twenty-four years since, a bLseult machine, worked by hand was put up in this city in the cellar of Mr. A liorchert's Bakery, uorth-West corner ol - Jefferson and Bryan streets. It seems but yesterday that we visited this establish incut, which was In those days considered an extensive manufactory and a triumph of mechanical enterprise. About twelve years af terwards Mr. Borchort erected In his building,on the ground ffoor, a steam biscuit bakery, which he kept ruuntng until the advent of the army of Gen. Sher man. To Mr. Borchert therefore belongs the credit and the honor of lieing the llrst manufacturer of biscuits by hand or steam In Georgia or South Carolina. There Is to-day in this city in ibe course of orec tion on Bay street In the brick worelionsos west of and adjoining Pcuileid’s Mariners Church, one of the most extensive steam biscuit and cracker factories ever erected in the Southern States, South of .Balti more. Mr. L. K. Smith and W. H. Middleton, under The firm name ol L. K. Smith A Cos., are Its proprie tors. Mr. L. K. Smith, the originator of this extensive enterprise being solicited by Ills friends In the lute. r<or and in tilts city to embark in it At first he be loved hecouhl not compute with the Northern manu facturers, but after careful consideration he has re solved to make the venture, and on the Ist day of J.inuary„'lsOii, the machinery of his steam bakery will ne in motion. The building of the ovens and the erection of the extensive machlucry are under the direction of Mr. David Donald, of Williamsburg, N. Y., whose repu tation as an ovea builder extends throughout the Eastern, Middle and Western States. There will be five coal ovens, with inside furnaces, each oven measuring iu the clear 13 feet by 11. The power Is one tiftecu-horse power engine, with tubular boiler, driving two cutting machines, breakers, rollers, etc. All parts of the machinery, as well as the ovens, are of the latest and most Improved style. The machin ery, oven fronts, etc., arc from the celebrated estab lishment of Mr. John McColum, New York. Every description of biscuits and crackers manu factured at the North will be turned out at this ex tensive factory, and as soon as the railways are again opened oar friends iu the country can receive theirsupplics from Savannah, and be'sure that they are fresh and made of good material. The steam bakery will be able to manufacture daily into biscuit and crackers over one hundred bar- Pels of flour. To Whom it May Concern.—For the benefit of our depleted Treasury and the information of aspi rants lor office, we give the following tofllciftl) an -noußcement regarding the glfta to be dispensed by our worthy Mayor and Aldermen : The election forcity officers by the Board of Aider men wm take place at the first regular meetingiln ■January, which will be on Wednesday. January 10. 1868. '•'lie election for Harbor Master will take place ac cording to Ordinance on the first Monday In January, 'Deiiig; the Ist inst. The thousand and one applicants for offices In Sift of the municipal authority, should take due no tice aud hand in their applications to the Clerk of Council, not furgetting the usual Ice, ft, which, as ou > Iriond Stewart says, is "actually necessary.” The Weather.(■■Tha, clear, dry and spring-like season Os the last mouth! which has been remarked upon hy \ lsiuirs froth abroad as a most singular phenomena at the threshold of winter, was succeed ed yesterday morning and during (he day hy a sue •'l’sslou of clammy domls, which towards evening be' sine heavily charged with electricity, and pre. clpltaled the raiu In torrents that threatened to rentier ton streets quite Impassible for pedestrians. In the opinion of this uuusual atm'us phene demonstration denotes the near approach of cold weather, u change uotoj all undesirable In view of the tact Hint It will operate as au antidote to the different types or fever that were beeouilug quite prevalent throughout the city. the Theatre—Me. Hamilton's Munfit,—Owing seventy Ol Ibe weather, the benefit of Mr Osihiiion, which wee to have taken tdm » laet even “**■ *• poei poued MMU te-HMiruw, iWedaesdayi bight. Tbleevuuiug la preaebted Bui wet 'a " filch# lieu," aa prevbiualjr sntouuied. In wbleb Mr, Uew “PP'»u in a favorite uknrmitar. Turnon uw ‘Veiling occurs ibe bcmfi of Mr Uemlltou when be ** b* , *obsie '• Haiti bn" we Ifuet, to e ruU boaee 4 0* as vu« Lias r Moors - Mead ibe ueuwwMl •etouw eMegggnf inibm# Teybw’e Mossed on !“•*•* ae e itmad/ bo i»»*y routs, lb anutbei **»■ ““ TMietoeol la toebbleclured bf IMHM t Tis *"* * ‘Pi*.Mr Mco iseebi lobe smihoMm Id any **'•' Hoof iwtiibg iw n»de now lb nee THE COVUTI ra /TbeToouar, Dianucr or Savannah, s«kj*zla*t A. C. Bardwell, Assistant CouaisaioNiß hi EEAC OF KkFUUEBa, FRNEDMIN AND ABaNDONBI* Lands. Savannah, Decemberj sib. last. Christopher Lee (Pollcel vs. Sandy small (colored). Assault and battery wltb loaded weapons. The prisoner was lound guilty and fined m the sum of fifteen dollars. Wm. Golding (colored|, vs. Mr. Robs. Recovery of a horse. Decision for complainant. Defendant or dered to return property and pay costs. Mr. Soiomuuoniiz vs. Andrew Law (colored;. Recovery of a mule. Decision for dsfendant. T. Holland vs. John Black (colored).. Larceny on the night of liec. 6tli, 1 sdi. convicted of simple larceny. Darnges awarded in the sum of ten dollars. Peualty five dollars or five days imprisonment Chaa. Michael vs. John Black (colored). Larceny on the night oi Dec. Dth, 1865. Convicted of simple larceny. Damages awarded lu the sum of fifteen dollars. Penalty ten dollars or ten days Imprisonment. City of bavaimah vs. George Wilson and Dick Wil liamson (both eelored). Disorderly conduct and fighting In the streets. 6 o'clock F. M., Dec. 7th, 1805. Found guilty, and fined each two dollars and flfy cents. City of Savunuaii vs. C. E'luney (colored). Druukeu neas—using abusive language to a Policeman while in the discharge of his duty, Bee. Ith, lss». The ac cused was found guilty, and ordered to soliiary con finement in Chatham counly Jail for three days. Savannah, Dec. 11, 1865. John Hamilton (colored) vs. Alex. Saddler (white) —Maltreatment, threats, etc ; plea, not guilty. The defendant was acquitted, aud complainant ordered to pay costa. United Slates vs. Harry Jones (colored)—Breaking into and stealing from the store or Einstein A Kck man. Case continued until 2p. m. Dec. 12th. Thos. L. Harrison (white) vs. csesar Norman (col ored) —Insult anil use of abusive language. Case continued until Dec. 12th. River News..—The steamer Scorpio arrived last evening from Augusta, .We' are Indebted to her Purser for the following report: Saturday, Dec. 11th, 8 A. M., passed steamer Pal con at Sand Bar Ferry, bouud down ; 11 >4 a. in. passed steamer O. F. Potter ut Eagle Point, bound up; 12 m. passed steamer Gibbons atthe Leesburg; 12\ a. in. passed steamer Gen. Berry at Mcßeau* Beach, bound up. Monduy, 5J4 a. m. passed steamer Robt. Lehr at Illrebman's Lake; 7a. m. passed steamer Voluuteer at Miller's Lake, bound up ; 10,H s. m. passed steamer R. li. May at Hudson’s Ferry ; 12 m. passed steamer Union at Hog Nese :2 p.m. passed steamer P. B. Goodsell at Kbenezer. Akotbbr .School Ke-ofbned.—it will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, that Mr. R. M. Johnson has re opened his popular school for hoys, in Sparta, Ga. We take pleasure lu stating that Mr. Jjjias made au enviable reputation us au expecleuced aud successtul Instructor of youth iu all the branobes he professes to leach. Beiug a geutleman of high character and superior educational attainments, ho will doubtless render satisfaction to all who may confide tbeir children to bis discipline and instruc tion. The Faik.—The public will bear lu mind that the Fair at Fireman’s Hall commences this (Tuesday) eveulug at 7 o’clock, and remains open du ring Wednesday aud_ Thursday, day aud night. An evenlog of pleasant entertainment and refreshment < of every seasonable variety arc promised by the ladles, having the lienevoleet enterprise in charge. f Regular Weekly Line to Doctoktown.—The enterprising house of P.rwlu A Hardee have com pleted arrangements to establish regular weekly ooramuulcation*betweeu Doctortown and this city The steamer “Two Boys’’ has been put upon this route, and the owners assures the public that no es fori will be spared to make her an accommodation boat for the merchants of Savannah and the mer chauts and planters along the line of the Atlantic at 4 Gulf R. R. Hliippiu<; lutelli^omtc. Miniature Almnuac—This Day. Sun rises 6 52 Moon rises 1 44 Sun sets 4 iff | High water 3 01 PORT OF SAVANNAH. Monday, Dec. 11, 1865. Arrived. Steamer Two Boys, Daniels, Doctortown—Erwin <f Hardee. Steamer Scorpio, Rogers, Augusta—Kelu A C'o. Cleared. Brig Olive Francis, Small, New York—C L Colby <fi Cos. Imports. Per steamer Scorpio, from Augusta—243 bales cotton, e cases mdse. Exports. Per brig Olive Francis, for New York—s9l bales upland cotton. 1 do sea Island do, 305 bbls rosin, 6,000 cane reeds. Passengers. Per steamer Scorpio, from Augusta—P Quinn and W Soften. Consignees. Per steamer Scorpio, from Augusta—R Habersham & Son, Rein A Cos, J W Anderson A Son, R A Cauu, p Quinn, J R Wilder. LIST OF VESSEL’S IN THE PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 12, 1865. STEAMSHIPS. phase, Uoatb, discharging—Hunter t Gammcll. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 700, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gatlen A Cackles. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loading at Lamar’s Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Thorwalsun, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Reid A Stewart. Favorite, (Br) Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Calvert, discharging—c Green A Sou. Mozart, (Br) Smith, tons, discharging—T R A J G Mills. BAHKS. Craeso, (Br) tons, discharging—Robert I Caughey. *7 A Platiuius, Pink ham, discharging—C L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Br) Taylor, discharging—Chas Green A Son. County ofPicton, (Br) McKenzie, discharging—C Green A Sou. BRIGS. Tcphyniue Boston, discharging—Reid A Stewart. Atlantic, Wark, 101 tons, discharging—B, Wylly A Chrlatiau. Olive Francis, Small, loading. New York—Charles L Colby A Cos. R C Wright, Uugg, discharging—R Habersham A Sou. Biackflsh, Pickett, loading lor N Y with timber— Laßoche A Johnson. Ella, Brown, discharging—Bell, Wylly A Christian. John W Luvitt, Billiot, waning—Youge A Nixon. Fannie, Chapman. 156 tons, waiting—C'lias L Colby A Cos. Daniel Boone, waiting repairs. SCHOONERS. John M Broomall. Douglass, loading. New York— Chas L Colby A Cos. Pearl, (Br) Rlordou, discharging—Bel), Wylly A Christian. P S Smith, Stuart, loading, Boston—Richardson A Barnard. Waller Raleigh, discharging—Hunter A Gammell. AUCTIONS. underwriters' sale! By Bull, Wylly k ChrisUiin. Will l>« sold THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock, at the office. No. 2 Harris' Block (next to Messrs. Audrew Low ACo y for account of Underwi Iters aud sll con cerned i TEN BOXES AND FIVE TRUNKS, oONtiSTwe or Fine BroadcV’lbs CSMtHMISS Flannels Prints Muslim Dslslnss Msriaos AlpAcuAS Boots and Shoes Ladles' aud Children's Balmorals Bat* Caps ■slums EMW Ml Maury ArUcls* At , At' Da iasg »4 UN Um for sea of Itapoileltea, sad sold under luspuilluu of Ibe Purl Wardens dU * A I All IlOh MAIsT AN!) MYttUl*. MV NBlsl., WVM.V * ClllllnTlAM> m scs'Msrrw I's-^Vr sevbe MnspeUllU AM AUOTION SALES AUCTION! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THE STORE UN BROUGHTUN STREET, Third door from Bail, Where will be offered a general aaaoriment of Dry lieods, Boole end Shoes, Hosiery, Uuder-clothiog. Books, Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac , Ac , at the pur chasePe own prices. # Terms cash ; sales positive. dl*3o BY YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO. AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having beuu to many applications for Small Tract* of Land for location, the owner of the above Land, foelrng a disposition to met t this demand, lias placed in the market, for a tew days. Lots of Five Acres, or more, pari cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff Hood, opposite to the two mile stone. ts uio AT AUCTION. OFFICE DEPT QUARTERMASTER. > Savannah, Ga„ Dec. 5, 1865.) Will he sold at public auction, at the Government Corral, at Savannah, Ga., on the 14th day of Decem ber, 1865, about ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF GOVERNMENT STOCK. Sales to continue from day to day until concluded. Terms cash, In United States curreucy. E. B. CARLING, d7-td Bvt Lt. Col. A. Q. M. U. S. A. UNDERWRITER’S SALE. York, Williams, Mclntire A Cos. Will sell on TUESDAY NEXT, 12th INST., At 10 o'clock a. m„ At the Store Corner of Bay and Bull • Streets, A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING, Os all kinds and grades. UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, THREADS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c., &c., &c. The attention of Dealers is respectfully called to this stock, as It is large und to b« sold only in lots. Sold by order of the Special Agent of Underwriters ol New York city. tw Sale positive; farms cash. dll-2 BY YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & . CO. POST AND DEPOT, Q. M. OFFICE, 1 Savannah, Ga., Dec. 11, 1865. ) WILL he sold at public auction In tilts cltv on the 13th Inst, at 10 o’clock a. m., the Saw Mill Building on Eastern wharf, formerly occupied by the Govern rnent. Terms cash In U. 8. currency, the building to be removed within five days after sale. E. B. CABLING, dll-2 Bvt. Lt. Col. A. Q. M. UNDERWRITERS' SALE. York, Williams* Mclntire & Cos. WUI sell THIS DAY, at 9)4 o’clock, at store south east corner of Bay and Barnard streets : 4 bbls Crushed and Granulated Sngar 5 boxes Self-raising Flour Damaged on board steamer from New York, and sold for account of Undei writers and all concerned. __dl2 UNDERWRITER'S SALE. By Bell, Wylly & (’liristian. Tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, at 12 o’clock, in the Al ley-way of Stoddard’s! lower brick building, will be Bold for account of Underwriter# and aU concerned: 80 bales Cotton Damaged (on board Howard’s fiat on her passage from Doctortown, and sold under inspection of Port Wardens. Terms cash. dl* ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE. BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. On WEDNESDAY, 13th Instant, at 11 o'clock. In front of store will be sold; 80 Building Lots, and 2 fractions of Lots, situated in that portion of the city of S .vannah known as Montmollinvifle, on the south side of the Ceutrnl Railroad Depot. Sold by order of the Superior Court of Chatham counly for the benefit ol the heirs and erditors of the estate of the late John S. Montmollin, deceased. The property preseuts a rare opportunity for capi talists to make* profitable investment By Bull, Wylly It Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 45 acres of flue Garden Land, within the limits of the city. The ituprovementsconsistsora first class cottage dwelling, gothic style, conlainingsix large looms, with marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with ehelvesmnd glass doors. Outbuildings consists of farmhouse, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage house aud stables. Purcbn er can have the re fusal of corn, fodder, hay, horses, mules, buggies aud wagons. Also. 2430 acres r.t heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) mil. s from the city, between tire Ogeechee and C'anoochee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling houses, with stables, cribs, Ac. tf-u!8 AT PRIVATE SALE. By Ben, Wylly t Christian. 100 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, about nine mllei from this city. The improvements constat of dwelling, barn, stables, and other neces sary outbuildings. An abundance of fish, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con veniently obtained. Price ofproperty, $2,000. n2B-tf LIMEAT AUCTION. By 8011, Wylly k Christian. On WEDNESDAY, December 13, at 11 o'clock, at the Lower Hydraulic Cotton Press, will be sold far account of all concerned: About 50 bushels damaged Lime, In bulk About 16 bushels air slacked Lime, do About 450 bbls Lime, In bulk. Conditions at sale. dll Administrator’s Male Postponed. ~~ BY BLUN & MEYER. Tniß DAY, at 10 o’clock, la (foot of store, will lie sold, Bv permission of lb* Honnrabl* Court of Ordinary of chat hum county, will b* sold, ou Tuesday. Dec. isih, ut 11 o'clock, ou the premises, corner ol Bryan sod AUD Street*, all Ills perishable property ot Ahreud Coulee deceased, coneistmg or an assorted Slock of Groceries. Ac., aud articles of Furniture. lIENHY BLUN, dtl-td Administrator ml aol. ■r is .ns■ .Hi m -» ADMINISTKAKIH'K HACK BY BLUN * MEY Kit On THUM4IIAY, list lust., *1 lu o'clock, s m . will be told In lioai ol dure, by au older leaucd bow Ike lion tJoait of ordinary w. ittetkew • study All ibe House lurid furbßkM bsiotwlng lo the eetaie nJUrIMk. ojK«SSS»W, „«o foot*Witlup ofUksitsfii Sent# l”i hi*# iTEdI QIBRVAUk A4W I ■s♦»>*>! 0M *• I® • etfl*i»»*» AUCTION#. Auction Sal* ®f Provisions, Hams, Bacon, &c- Noticeis called in Oroceis. Praetslou dealers, and slap Chandlers at ikis action. Ou WF.DNE3DAY, 13th Inst., will lie sold at the store of Ecuneib, MvLea A Cos , 202 Bsv street, at lOo’clock 4 hbds veor choice rhln Ba- ou Shies 3 bbls celebrated Washiugtou Hums, white su gar cured. 11 l.bls very choice N. Y. City cured Hams. » do do do do Shoulders. 19 flrkius leal iArd, and 22 tubs Lard 16 do Butter, choice 2 hhds smoked Shoulders 2 do do Bacou 1 do do Hams 11 tes breakfast liacon, choice 10 bids Rump Pork 10 do Prime Pork 14 do Mess Ueei. suitable lor ship's store, BLUN 4 MEYER. did Auctioneers. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By T. J. Walsh. Ou TUKBDAY. January. 6th. 1666. will be sold at the Court House, iu tkt; city of Savannah, at 11 o'clock: The Eastuni Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, (fee simple, with Improvements), corner of WhiUkur and Hull street* The improvement* are a two-story brick dwelling, nine rooms, with water in the yard aud gaa through the house ; brick stable. Both build ings nave slate roofs. Bold by permission of the Ordinary of ( hatham county, for a division among the heirs. Tu-rins cash, purchaser paying for tirlefc. it 24 ADMINISTRATORS SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, will be sold oil thn dist Tues day in February next, at the Court House door. Id the city of Savannah,, during the usual hours of sale, all the undivided half interest of James Bilbo, late deceased, iu the Shandy Hall farm, situated near the city of Savannah on the Thunderbolt road ; said farm containing iu all flfiy acres, more or less. The said half interest sold for the puipose of di vision JOHN O. FERRILL, d7-td Administrator. ~ EXECDTOaSSALE. \ITILL be sold at the Arecilla Plantation of E. R. m Young, late of Toornas county, deceased, three miles from Boston, No. 18 Atlantic Jr Gulf Rail road, on Friday, 16th December next, all the perish able property beloi ging on said plantation, consisting for the most part a.*, follows; About 20 Mules and Horses, 140 Fat Hogs, 200 Stock Hogs, 90 head Cattle, and 5,000 BUSHELS Oi CORN, 20 or 30 stacks Fodder. 2 or 3 Wagons, Sugar Mill, a lurgu supply of Plantation Utensils, and many other things. Atthe same time and place I will rent the Planta tion (one of the largest and best in the countyj for the year 1866. There is about 1,100 ACRES OF OPEN LAND on the place, and in fine condition for another crop— corn or cotton. 1). 8. BRANDON, di-10 Executor. Hart & Cos., HARDWARE merchants CHARLESTON, 8. C„ OFFER FOR SALE AT THEIR OLD STAND, Corner King anil Market Streets, GUNS, REVOLVERS, SHOT & POWDER “HOES" CIRCULAR SAWS. 8 TO 60 INCH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BAR IRON AND STEEL METALS OF ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS TIN AND WOODWARE HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES HOLLOW WARE OF ALL KINDS TURPENTINE AND COOPERS' TOOLS BRASS AND IRON WIRE CLOTH BOLTING CLOTH (ANCHOR BRAND) MILL ROCKS (18 TO 40 'iNCHf MILL IRON SILVER PLATED GOODS HUBBB, SPOKES, AXES, SPRINGS, AND A LARGE VARIETY OF OTHER GOODS, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Dec9-lm ■■.JJLi—E* LUL. . Ji—i! m ~ I Legal Notices. GEORGIA— CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all whom it (may concern: whereas Jus. B. Mclntosh will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Admini.tration on the estate ol Samuel M. bond, late of aaid county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, io he aud appear befd|| said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the second Monday in January next.otherwise said letters will be granted. SVitnese my hand and official signature, tills SI h day of December, 1565. D. A. O’BYRNE, dec9 Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.-To all whom it may concern: Whereas, Robert M. Stiles will apply at the Court ol Ordinary lor Letters of Administration cum testa mento unnexo on the estate of Klixa Mai’kay, late of said county deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to bo and appear before said court to make objection (if ally they have) on or before tile second Monday in January next, oihcrwtaesuid letters will be granted. Witness, my hand and official signature, this 81 h day of December, 1865. dec9 DOMINICK A. O'BYRNE, o. o. o. OTATG OF GEORGIA—CHATHAM .COUNTY—To all whom it may concern : Whereas, Kale M. itnody will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Let ere of Adiululsiration on Ihe es tate of 'Thomas Brlody, late of said county, de ceased ; These are, therefore, to cite and admonlili all whom it raav concern, to 8c and appear iielbre said Court to make'objection (if any they have) ou or before the second Monday in January next, otherwise said let ters will be grunted. Witness my hand anil official signature tills 4th day of December, 1865 d6 D. A. O’BYRNE, O. C. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ~ TW<> month's after date,appllcatlop will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county for leave to sell ihc real estate of Mrs Jane Barnett, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs aud creditor*. JAMES L. HAUPT, dl-law2m • Administrator. STATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY —To ull whom lt may concern: Whereae, Henry Bryan wIJ apply at the Court ol Ordiuary fur Leltera of Administration ou the es tate of Thos. J. Htt, late of said county, deceased: 'These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before aaid Court to make objection (if any they have; ou or be fore the second Monday In January next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 27th day of November, 1865. D A. O'BYRNE, 44 Ordinary Chatham county. / VBuRUIA—tiULLOCII COUNTY.—To all whom It V T may concern: Whereae, Muigarct Jones will appiy at the Court "f Ordinary of Bnlloch county for Letter* of Adminis tration ou the ostate of Buckner 11. Jones, deceased. These are to cite and admonish all and slnpnlnr the Kindred and creditors of said deceased to file their ob jection* with aaid Court sis any they have) on or before the second Monday in January next, otherwise said Lettera will be granted. Witness my baud, officially, this 20th day of Novem ber, iB6O. DAVID BEASLEY. Sen., n2B lawlm Ordinary. Cy KORGIA—BULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it Jf may concern i Whereas, Bilsalxth Aycock will apply at tha Court of Urritnaryof Bulloch courtly (or lonian of Admtnia- Iratlon on Rie estate"f William Ayoock, deceased These are to clto aud admonlab all and alngular the kindred and croditoie of said de< eased, to file their ob jectiuoa with aaid Court (if any they have) on or belbra the aecoud Monday in January next, ouisrwlsa aaid lettera will he granted. Witness my baud, officially, this Mtb dev of Nuvem her, INI. DAVID BKABLEY, asm, nth lew lin Ordinary - /^■OEIIA— BULLOCH COUNTY -To all whom It eScsSSi essn&SL as. a g A lust#*. « dl tee»•’ LBWI4T I'UBWII,4*hi«, anocKMiKM.iqtitm*, me, PIERCE^S KEHAN, ~ VVMolcsale and Ketnll Deffilrr In Ulocertea, Boots end Shoes, Clothing, For eigu end Domestic WUtes, Liquors and Segals. A so, Skelian'a Celebrated GULDEN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CIDER, in bottle and In wood. London aud Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch end Eng. llsh Alee, Ae. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 62 Liberty street, N. Y. Robt. Balfore’s, 161 Broughton Street, Ys the place for good tod cheap Oroceries. Give 1 him n call; he offen for sale the following articles: 2< 0 bbls Jfrniily Flour 200 do Pinkeye and Peach Blow Potatoes 1000 Um choice iiunH, Shoulder* aud Side* 100 sacks Liverpool Salt Black aud Green Teas crushed. Clarified and Brown Sugar# Old Java. Rio aud Ground Coffee Spices of all kinds Sardines, Preserve#, Citrou, &c Uecki r's Self Ristug Flour Colgate’s Family Soap Goshen Butter English Dairy Cheese Just leceived aud for sale. Give me a call. d9 0 KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALKHB IN ALES, WH AND LIQUORS, COHNICK WIIITAKKU STKKET AND BAY LANE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Jt DELIVERED. anil ts Randell & Cos. Southwest corner of Bay and Barnard Sts., ARE IN RECEIPT OF _ 60 barrels Self-raising Flour 20 barrel* Extra Syrup 20 barrels Cider Vinegar 60 caddies Golden Magnet Tobacco 60 barrels Sugar Crackers 20 barrels Boston do 20 boxes pure ground Java Coffee 20 d<y do Rio do 20 bbls Extra C Sngar 60 boxes Lemon Biscuit dG-eoiilw H. G. RUWE & CO., "Wholesale GROCERIES S LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARH, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FRONTING PPLASKI HOl'lEj OT* Agents for , ALE AND LAGER. Constantly on baud, an assortment of JFLHJE3IN WINE. Sep2B 3m FLOUR. ()Ert BARRELS Baltimore City Mills. “Standard fyOU Extra." In prime shipplug order 6,000 prfm. “Prineipo" Segals Received ex steamer North Point, and for sale low hy SORREL BROTHERS, dll-3 82 Bay street. WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FINE OLD BRANDY, WINES, in. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike's Afuguolia, Spencer's Old Rye, aud Pine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALK BY C. W. THOMRS ON, At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET, (Herald Buildings j also, Alsop's Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples. Yotatocs, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider aud Cider Vinegar. oct6 ts J. GARDNER TARES the liberty of informing the public generally that he hasjuttopeued, and will always keep on baud a full supply «f Fresh Family Groceries, of all descriptions aud of the be#t quality, which he offei 8 for sate at reasonable rale#. Corner Jones and Barnard streets, at Ehrlich’s old stand. nlB-lm f DOMESTIC jpQii I ALES WINES fIoLtyUMSSUMM SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS or Ch. Farre Champagnes, FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. au3o GROCERIES. LANDING from steamship Cumbria the following articles r Milk Biscuit Sponge Butter Biscuit Cnt Butter Biscuit Oyster Cracker Soda Cracker 18 hhds Smoked Shoulders 17 do do do 26 kegs Leaf Lard . 26 kegs Extra Butter Crushed, Pulverised B and Extra C Sugars Rio Coffee 36 boxes New Bunch Raisins 20 half do do 160 bbls Winter Apples 64 boxes Adamantine Caudles For sale low by RUE. WHITNEY A CO., d7-6 No. 4 Harris Block, Bay St. NOTicE^^ PLANTERS BANK. I Savannah. Ga., 26th Nov., 1866. | An election for Directors, to manage the affairs o this Hank for one year, will be held at the Bank ing House In this city, ou Monday, the Ist day o January, UHki. THOS. H. HARDEN. ulVlawtd Acting Caeblur. For Dootortown AND ThomfiHville. The riUtwsia Gan, HRoryls* y, Oi’iwni.Mri Ulsriiw, M* UWMN MffiGritiM4M|»WeiU FOR NEW YORK For freight, apply to CHARLES L. COLBY A CO„ Corner Aberborn and Bay ats. Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantia Mail Htuamship Company. The new and foet side-wheel Btean 3AN JACINTO, Loveland, mos jaßNtJNWfcter. will toll as above, on Saturday, Dec. 16th, at o’clock. Far freight nr passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. B. HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agents, <lll No. 8, Bowling Green, N. Y. Pioneer Line FOR NEW YORK. REDUCTION OF PABBAGE RATES I The new and splendid steamship CHASE, Rcath, Commander, will laave for thq above port on her regular day, Wednstday, Dec. 13, at 3 o’clock p. m. For freight or passage, at redneed rates, apply to dll HUNTER A GAMMELL. FOR CHARLESTON, TOUCHING AT HILTON HEAD The elegant steamer Charles Houghton, Capt. E. B, Sprague, having had large additions to her cabin accommodations, and been placed perma nently on tbls route, will leave for the above port on Tuesday morning, 18th December, at Bo'clock For freight or paeaage, having anpertor accommo dations. apply on bosrd ut tho Florida Steam Packet Wharf, or to CLAGUORN A CUNNINGHAM, d9-8 Agents. FOR JACKSONVILLE. VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS’ AND FERNANDINA. THE STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN MoNBLTY, Is now recetvln freight at the old Florida steamboat wharf foot of West Broad street, and will laave as abqaecb Wednesday, 13tk last., at Ua. in. . This boat is in very excellent order, aud baa au pertor state room accommodation# for paaaengers. For freight or passage, apply to F. M. MYRKLL, Agt. dll Harria' Buildings, Bay street. For Palatka, Fla., Via Darlea, Brunswick, Mt. Mary’s, Fer nand In a, Jacksonville aud Picolata. Oonnevling with steamer Flora Tempt* Aw Elnp’s Ferry, Oentervillage, anti al! landings on the Al. Marys Riser. nPHR new and fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Capt G. A W. Costner, will leave as above ou TUESDAY, the 13th lust., at 10 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage, appla on board, at Padel ford’s wharf, uear white's Central Cotton Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Daring tbe abseuae of the boat all goods will lie re ceived at the warehouse on tha wharf, by Mr. W. R. U Bruen. Freight payable ou wharf. Shippers will furnish weights and measurement of good*. dll FOR PALATKA, VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON VILLE. Tha new, exceedingly fast and splendid Steamer CITY T’OHSTT, Capt. E. 8. Talbot, WUI leave Telfair’s W.barf, as above, Krery Wednesday, at 4 p. aa. For freight or passage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. S. CARUTHERS, Hodgson’s Range, next so Bell, Wylly A dll Christian, Bay street. For Augusta, THE STEAMER K. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Goods receiv ed at all time and stored tn fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cast. J. M. K INCH LEY, AgeuA Office In Clsgborn A Cunningham's. The May arrived In Aagnita from Savannah on last Friday with her fall freight. ts oct9 F,OB AUGUSTA AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. The llght-drangM steamer EXPIRES S, Capt. J. H. MORGAN, WUI have qnlek despatch as above. This boat I* uew, has large carry log capacity, is exceedingly light draught, can navigate the river at lm lowest stage, and offers superior inducements to shippers. Having secured a large brick warehouse on the old Florida steamboat wharf, toot of Went Broad street. 1 am prepared lo receive freight for her, and will store same aud cover with Insurance free of coat. For freight, apply to F. M. MYRELL. dli Harris’ Building, Bay street. ~ Regular W««kty Steamer BETWEEN AUGUSTA-SAVANNAH. The New Don Steamer WM. G. GIBBONS, Capt. T. N. Puiltot, Having superior accommodation far Freight and Passengers, will ply regularly between the above citi##. Leaving Haeaaaa(i every Saturday Morulng, at 9 o'clock. Leaving Augusta twry Wedassday Mur mag, at 1 o'clock* Laying at MalAsw e Blu* every Waduuwlay Might U is the desire or ta* Agasis of the UittOM to make dhaVu^lf^AsKsUM? aadi ’tb.'lhaid*'. along the Mat of the riwr. and with ttlsoUsct In vtaw, »*N I. Bovumiav, Agent Jfwhair* **!»«** _ Ki’uightM FOR AUGUSTA, ffMFFHW. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MART’S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The uew and fast sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Having been placed permanently upon this route will leave for tbe above place# on ' Every Thursday Morning, at 10o’clock. „™ o l , r or paeaage, having splendid cabin ac- TOmmodation, apply on board, at the Florida Steam Packet wharf, or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, For Doctortown, The fine Steamer ORIEISTT, Will leave for Doctortown on her regular day, Tuesday Dec. W, at 7 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage, having superior iccommo •dations, apply to •' CHAS. L. COLBY A CO„ dll-2 Corner Bay and Abercom eererte’ Change of Lay. UNITED STATES JMLAIL LINE FOR PALATKA, VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. The well known steamer formerly the St. Johns, but now the Helen G-etty, Capt. O. K INGRAHAM, Will leave the wharf foot of West Broad street EVERY SATURDAY MORNING; at 10 o'clock pre cisely for the above Landings. For freight or passage, apply on board or to L. 8. BENNETT, Agent, Corner Weat Broad and Bay atreeta, Aenrra—Darien. A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville. J. 8 Samis A Cos. Palatka, H. R. Teasdale. Freight payable by shippers. dl2 REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER BETWEEN Savannah & Doctortown, Connecting regularly and punctually with the At lantic and Oolf R. R. The new, light-draught, iron side-wheel steamer TWO BOYS, (Mate boat to -the William G. Gibbons,) Capt. THOMAS DANIELS, Having superior accommodation for freight and passengers equal to any of the ocean ataamers, will ply regularly between the above points, 'Leaving SAVANNAH every TUESDAY MORNING DAT MOBWING ing UOCTO “ TOWN eTCr V THUR# It is the desire of the owner* of the Two Boys to make her an accommodation boat for the merchants of Savannah and the merchant* aud planters along the line of the A. A O. R. R., anti! the completion of that road. and with this object in view, no effort will he spared on the pari of her owners, agents and of ficers, to meet the wants of tbe freighting and travel ling publD. Freight etored in our warehouse on Dillon's wharf free of charge ERWIN A HARDEE. D. J a mi s Dillon, Ag’t at Doctortown. dt2-2w S T ETHvT FOR BALTIMORE. * The magnificent iron aide-wheel Steamship RICHMOND Will sail for Baltimore on Satnrday, Dee. 16, at o’clock. The accommodation* for passengers on board this “ r »re«uperb, and travellers desirous of visiting New York ana other Northern cities, will save two hundred miles of sea travel and get throne* tick** lor freight or passage apply to .... LaHOCHK £ WEST, Agents. <m ~* Jones' Block. FOR ~ HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. THE STEAMER COMET, CAPTAIN HORNE, Will leave as above with despatch. For freight, which will be received at the Cpper Hydraulic Press Yard, and covered by insurance until placed on board the steamer, apply to a9H BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO , FOIt Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia „ The United States and Brasil Mall ?te%mshlp Company will dispatch Z&MMW regularly, r ™T®s*®" Oa the Both of every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. m., From Pier 43, North River. All lettera have to paas through the Post Offlce. An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance on board. •uSMSf.’S “•“<•*«—i _ WXSS'SAX. ' For Liverpool. Tbe A No. 1 Ship MONT BLANC la now rapidly loading, at White's Pres*. For bal- of freight (having room only for a lew hundred bales) luaniro of „ . LaBOCHF, tJADEN £ UNCKLEB, tftt-tf Agents. For Liverpool. TVs new list clssscHppsr *Wp VIRGINIA, w Eua, cmsssMss. I* sow losdm* rapidly St Lowtt PVSSS, IM havlug large eeigag<HM.MwlU kavsgstek Sssgalrg pm height or pssasg* flak*, at kwaat nlag) agptr |g <‘MA. L IJULMY £CU , orts* smmn AWrsMaandMkfhto rOR UVEUPOOL. - - » tmm .