Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 12, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 5

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tto (The Until) licrald. The Savannah Daily Herald TIIK COTTON OP UEOBUIA. Reliable estimates show that at the- close of the war there were about twq hundred thousand bales of cotton in Georgia,of which seventy-five per cent belonged to private individuals and the remainder to the Con federate Government and subjects of •foreign powers. With regard to the movements of this cottOD,the correspondence of a Northern paper says: “Fifty thousand bales were shipped North and to Europe direct, leaving one hundred and fifty thousand bales unsold and waitiug transportation. The United States Treasury agents have been nosing out that belonging to the Confederacy, but with very indifferent success. The accouuts and operations fi nancially of the Confederate Government, anterior to the administration of Air. Mem minger, were upon such a loose principle, that it was hard to tell whether it owned a great deal or nothing at all. And here it may be remarked that one of the prime causes which led to the downfall of Jett'. Davis’ Government was the peculations of its quartermasters and other parties holding its funds. As an instance, there was a man acting as quartermaster, in a Southern city, for four years. He was not worth the second shirt to his hack when appointed, but when turned out of office by Major-General Wilson, U. fi A., he was worth half a million. And another is now one of your chief Wall-street bulls, who made all his money here in the same way. These eases might he summed up aud enumerated indefinitely. They first caused the people to lose confidence iu the currency which was the entering wedge that split up the whole concern." Leb at the Grave of Jackson;—A cor respondent of the New York Daily News, writing from Lexington, Va., giving some account of the place and its attractions, •ays: “But the greatest attraction to the visitor to Lexington, and indeed the Mecca to which, in years to come, many pilgrims will resort, is the grave of Stonewall Jackson. Last Sabbath afternoon, the burial of a member of the Order attracted to the beautiful ceme tery of the town a long procession of Odd Fellows, and an immense crowd of citizens, and I went, that 1 might avail myself of the opportunity of visiting the grave of the chief whom I had so often followed to vic tory. No stone marks the spot, which is in dicated simply by a staff, upon which the Confederate flag onpe floated; but the wreath of flowers, laid by fair' hands on the grave, and kept fresh by daily additions, is a fit emblem of the place the hero holds in the memory and affections of the people of the South. As long as true greatness, honor, purity of character, and .deep-loued piety are esteemed, Jackson will not be forgotten. I was told, that immediately on his arrival in Lexington, to assume his place in the Wash ington College, General Lee paid a visit to the grave of Jackson, and lingered for a long time aiound the hallowed spot. Lee at the grave of Jackson, would form a picture which a master hand mightdelight to paint.” State Sovereignty gone by tlie Hoard. ' At bis inauguration on the 29th ult., Gov ernor Orr, of South Carolina, addressed the members of the Legislature in an able and manly speech, in the course of which he said: “The war has decided that one or more of the Slates of the Federal Union have not the right, at will, to secede therefrom. The doctrine of secession, which was held to be orthodox in the Stale Rights school of poli tics, is now exploded lor any practical pur pose. The theory of absolute soyereignty of a State of the Federal Union (from whence was derived the right to secede,) which was believed almost universally to lie a sound constitutional construction, must also be ma terially modified to conform to this imposing decision. In all powers granted in the Con the Federal government it is supreme and sovereign, aud must he obeyed and respected accordingly. Where the rights of a State are disregarded, or unconstitu tional acts done by any department of the Federal government, redress can no longer be sought by interposing the sovereignty ot the State, either tor nullification or secession; but the remedy is by petition or remon strance —by reason, which sooner or later will overtake justice—by an appeal to the supreme judicial power of the Union ; or by revolution, which, if successful, is treason. The decisiou was far more imposing and obligatory than it it bad been pronounced by the Supremu Court of the United States. Had it been tried there, an effort to reserve it might have been made, because its idem hers and opinions often change. But the God oi Battles has pronounced an irreversible judge ment, after a long, desperate and sanguinary struggle, and it would be neither politic nor patriotic ever again to invoke anew trial of the fearful issue. —The Louisville Journal attaches some importance to a rumor that an immense quantity of powder is being accumulated at Cairo, aud |tliat commissary’s, quartermas tera’s and medical stores are gathering there for a hundred thousand men. SAVANNAH,, TUESDAY, DKI'EMBKII 12, 1865. A Comet V.smi.i;.—Lieu's cornel, which is said to l>e now visible to the naked eye, may be seen in Hie neighborhood of the con- j stcllat inn lYgussus, and close to the bright siar Marali. one of the bright luminaries which form the well kuowu square of Pegas sus. It is pursuing a iontheasterly course, aud will cross the celestial square about the middle of this month. It will eoulituie to approach the earth until the end of February, when its distance from us will be only eigh teen millions of miles. >lAll* CONTRACTS WANTEU. Ke-Es,wblis»nMeut«- Mail Kuril Mir* in Georgia. The Post Office Department ‘desires to furnish the State of Georgia with Postal service, at I lie earliest practicable day, until July Ist, 1 Hitt!, when the regular contracts’ proposals lor which arc now advertised for, will go into effect. • The Department invites proposals for con veying the mails until June 30, ’ IMG, to all country scats and other important points not reached by Railroad communication, at rates not to exceed #8 per mile per annum for weekly service; slf> for semi-weekly, and $22 lor tri-weekly; andavhere the importance of the ease requires, S4O for daily service ; counting the distance one way only in all cases. Service will be furnished ou routes, wliere, before the war, it was daily, three times a week; where it was tri weekly twice a week; and where" it wus semi weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should lie addressed to “Hon. Geo. W. McLelhui, 2d Asst. P. M. Washing ton, I). C.. and should state they are tor service to end June 30th. 18GG. nov 4 tl R. 8 ALLEN A €•*, IW> a’ I»1 waterst NEW YOKE. MWmUMMEffi, AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, Small Tools fof'the Farm ami Garden, sackus Spades, Shovel*, Hws, Fork*, Hake*, &c„ and for Grans Hooks . Scythes. Sciilh-Stnm *, ami Agricul tural Uardivare in general. We offer, also, a Urge assortment of our own manu facture of llay Cutters, Coffee ami Crain Mills, Sugar Mills for Grocers* use, Store Trucks of various pat terns. Road Scrapers, Wheelbarrows. «fcc. Fertilisers Os all kinds, such ;»h Coe's Superphos phate ot Lime, pure Ground Hone, Peruvian Guano, aud Poudreite, SEEDS. Every valuable American and Foreign variety of Vegetable, Flower aud Crass Seed and Field Grain that has proved worthy of cultivation, grown and selected expressly tor our trade. Sales made in bulk, per pound or bushel, or in small packets.for retailing, by the hundred or thousand. sepl'J-2aw-3nio J. SHAFFER,, Commission ZDoaler 5n all kinds of FOREIGN AND TV JMESTIC FRUITS ant> PRODUCE, West Washington Market, Opposite 143 West st.. Bulkhead between Barclay and Vesey sts., NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and put up for the Southern market All consignments promptly attenked to. Refers to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H Pardons. iy!2 eodly Butter, &c. WE ar*’ non offering very cheap a lot of 3Qp English Dairy Cheese ALSO, ’ 100 kegs (hoice Goshen Butter 60 firkins do do 150 tubs ca.ti;l choice d> 100 tubs prime Leaf Lard ' RAN DELL X CO., Southwest corner lsay and Barnard streets. dC-eodlw Port Royal House, IIILTON HEAD, S. C. * RIDDELL A RIO 6, Proprietors k. s. moron.i.. m. p. khgo. JnS-tf SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCK ID’ A: BANCROFT, Proprietors. Edward L. Jones, Agent. * ts octlO Rice Plantation FOR SALE. ffMIAT valuable Rice Plantation known as St rat hoy 1 Hull, on the Ogeeehee river. Bryan county* about, twenty-two miles from Savannah. For particulars, apply at the Counting Room of Erwin X Hardee, Bay street. Savannah. CHAS. S. HARDER, d2-3aw2w Kx’r Beate G. W. McAlister. roil SALK iV TO Kft.vr. FOR SALE, ONE half interest ill one of the best Wholesale and Retail Groceries and Liquor Stores in Savannah. Address P O I>»ck Box 21, Savannah, Ga. d9 3 KOK SALE OK RENT. f THV , » Colton Plantations 111 Lauren* county. G* 1 Also l orn. Cotton Seed, Mules, Ox**u, Stock, Cattle, Hogs, and Wagons, r.irts. .v< Apply at l ie»n»a*' Cross Roads, or !•» F 11. Rowe, Dublin, I/*wodes county. If uol sold or rented prior f•» second ill January next, they will Ist offered at- public sale at Thomas’ Cross Roads, m I .aureus countv. on that da.. DRY \\. II \ i; i ft HIGH J CO. FOR RENT, A THUBBJSt-rv Bay street. w ent of J.A. HM-nnnl. wiili Mi f.-cl <>l wlmrl atKu-hetl. II lus l.uti- si..rag*: rtHini. il-.i Iw RKYaN. IIAKTRIIH4E .4 CO. FOR SALE, CHITY OF S/fYANNAH # COUPONS, in sums to J suit purchasers. , FORDYCE. ANDERSON A .TANNEY, di ; No 11* RtUidU mi’s Range TO RENT, \ LARGE STORE well adapted the Dry Goods or Bom and Shoe trade. For particulars enquire at 15'.i Congress st. d»-eodG For Lease or Refit, 8\ ACRES of good Farm Land, two miles from the Court House. Apply to JOHN M* MAHON. n2i! II Jefferson and Broughton streets. WANTED. Wanted. OFFICE ATLANTIC & GDI F K. R , [ Savannah, Dec. 6, 1865 I STEAM BOATS wanted at onee to bring away from Doctoitowii to Savannah one thousand bales of Col ton, Liberal terms will Im*offered, dl-tf JOHN SCREVEN, Prudent. WATCHMAKER WANTED. VGOOl) Watchmaker can obtain permanent and profitable employment by enquiring of li. A. TOPHAM, • 19-1 w 138 Cc»ngress si reel. WANTED.' AY'OUNCI MAN. capable of taking care of a set of books ill a commission and general business, who can come well recommended. Address Box 40, Post Office, Savannah. d5-tf Consignees Wanted. IT'OR E. H. 5.—35 bids Flour 2o half bids Flour 9 bbls Crackers , C bbls Apples 5 bbls Eggs G & W—loo tubs Lard. If not called for will la* sold for freight and expenses. OCtB3 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN a CO. WANTED. GEORGIA and South Carolina Bank Bills Albany and Gulf Railroad Stock Central Railroad Stock Coupons Albany and Gulf Railroad Coupons Citv of Sav.muah FORDYCE, ANDERSi»N & JANSKY, d-2-ts Bay st.. No. in Stoddard’s Range. Wanted, virOfk A MONTH! Ageuts'wanted want »*d for six entirely new articles, hi si, oui. Address O. T. GAREY, City Building,, Maine. Scpl6 d.Vwdm Wanted, \ A DAY"! Agents wanted to sell anew and "*** wonderful DEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed. Address SHAW *fc ('LARK, liid deford. Maine. sepl4 d.Vw3m For Sale, BUSHELS Prime White Corn O" I" J 2000 bushels Prime White oats nS „ N. A. HARDEE A «'<». FLOUR, *C. ONE llHiidred bbls Flour ’loo boxes Choice English Dairy Cue esc 100 do Stale do 10 firkins Goshen Butter ::o kegs Leaf Lard 50, bags Buckwheat Flour 3 Idols choice Bacon Sides 2 It lids new Bacon Shoulders 5 tierces Pig Hums. For sale by WM. 11. STARK, <l9-3 cor Line dn and Bay streets. NOTICE. * rruiK undersigned would respectfully inform his A former patrons and the citizens generally that he is prepared again to take contracts to build new or repair wharves. ' Pile-driving (lone by steem pile-driver. d7-6m F. KKENBON. • Stone Ballast. ABOUT 10<» tons heavy Stone Ballast, for ship Her ald, at the Upper cotton Press, for sale by d9 4 CHARLES GREEN & SUN. General Commission and For* warding Merchants < ortirr Wmt ttroa«l ami llay JSAYAMNAH, GEORGIA. THE undersigned Wve ibis day entcml Into a Co paitueiship under Ute name and style ul M< Kce, Benn. ti a co.. ,ii M' K and Benneu's old stand. Will keep constantly "ii hand ;i fine assortment of Carriage-. Bretts, lb* kaways. Buggies Harness and * "nel» muienalof t xffi v descriplioti, which we will sell at tin* Lowest Cash Pin es. AU work sold waa r.imi das repr- 'CiiuAi. We have fine Store Rooms, and lorwai.fin*: uil! be pfornpttv ulteiided to. Con eigninenis sobe*ted. Will open by Is! .lamiary Manuiat taring ami Re pining Im p.d'f men!. and will have e.\|»*rieneed workmen iml i ii».u-e luaierial ami l»e prepared to do any amount of Cart tage y pairing. Ah KICK, BENNETT A CO- J. G McKrk. i * J.. S. BknnktV v Jamkh McKrk \ df* Seed Oats, Ueliued kerosene Oil Lamps, &e. , Three thousand luislielK fine seed Oats, % fitly eut-Hs rehned kerosene Oil. Tvveiity eases Lamps: all don-pi ions. One thousand Racks VJveiptMil Sail. Ten lifids fine Sides and Shoulderu. Fifty boxes adamantine (’audits. One hundred Inixes l»est taiiiily Soap. Twenty live boxes Oswego Slas h. Five.bids. Sugai House Syrup; elmieest article themark'l. I’wtHit rces Brideporl Hams. One thousand bags Bluff, numbers suitable for the market. For sale by (Iceli 3i EI»WIN E. HERTZ & (HA. WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, .lONES & CO., on, 1 ware. MANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats Steam Engines, Boilers, Machinery lor Saw Mills. Ac. Having had long experience in*misincafi and being provided with very extensive facilities for doing work of this c lass, arc prepared to execute orders with despatch, oclP2 Cm FOR SALE LOW, T<> Close Consignment 4o barrels Fkmii * ‘2 barrels Mackerel 60 kits Mackerel ‘2O Ik»x>*h Chinese 10 boxes Candler • ‘2O boxes Herring 10 barrels Pork 10 barrels Brown Sugar 10 barrels Crashed Sugar in boxes Rio and Java Coffee, ground 10 boxes Mustard }0 boxes Spices 4 boxes • * G. 11. ARLEDGE. and viu 7-2 Bay st., foot of Abercoru., NOTICE. SAVANNAH, Nov. ICth, 1865. During my absevu e from the city or State Mr. C. 11. Butler is my duly authorized agent. uIT . C. W. THOMPSON. N" otiee. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Edward G. Wilbon, deceased, «»f Chut ham county, are respectfully requested to hand them in properly au thenticated; and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to ANAIS WILSON, nl4 Administratrix. NOTICE. I THE undersigned promises to cure Seminal Weakness in all its worst forms without the use of medicine.— Please send for my circular, enclosing 10 cents for postag .1. M RUSSELL* oct!0-3m Buslon, Mass. NOTICE. Steamship Chase. (CONSIGNEES or owners of good* per steamship J chuHe, on voyage from New York, October 21st, IMJ:*, will please present copies of Invoicea • also, el.oinS for >le»rl deliveries and deduction* for damage, il any, to the undersigded, «»n oi beforr* the 15th day of December next, for the purjsjee of making the ad just meld, of the general average. HUNTER & G A AIM ELL. M icon Telegragli, Aiigusta Constitutionalt®F mid AthuiU lulellup, {licaae copy and send bill to thin office. . * u24-td N otiee: • I PRIVATE Bills ami Parties call be supplied with I goml Music with two Instruments (Piano aud Violin) by leaving orders at Mr. Schreiner ct Son’s Miisic store. , dll* N o t ice. riMiE interest Al the est Ate of J. M. Abrahams in the ■ esi aiffi-ffim* til carried on under the name of .1. M, Abrahams X Cos. having ceased, the suWribers have associated Mr. E. W. Marsh in the business, which will hereafter be conducted under the firm of K. W. Marsh A Cos. • . A. A. SOLOMONS A CO. dll-3