Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 12, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 6

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Tii* BUm< • •* * —t*ur uk' litapalrln* ls"« l.lllug! "II list!' alrrtilv jn**L* ui> in*itf i*l llu* pacor wilit wlik li the Sumner Su-fv n« wh.mlot j*.'- litirtwn. »rr pausing tin ir rwli«-.-»l mnnm * lirfnik Uh* in’* Cmign;.. «*n the wry lird <l»v b*lf » d«**'« WH* aii.l m'Hwi »f r.«i.4ii 11..11# win- inlruiliti 111 liv Suniiit-r • 1 HI 111!' Srotlr, |.iokiliiS to tin' pr.,motion ol tin mirro to pnlilii-»l :tml •m ill i-.[U.tlilv. »* follow*; Mr. tV.tilt- prem-nliil x Dili !•> n-guliiD lilt elf-live Irmti fiiM' in I tsilriit ol t'olii'iili .t mill aalter it* iwwatagi* every litaie eit in>o Ol 111!' I'niWvi Slaw*. TANARUS» resilient ol Ike District lor »ix motilli*, uni never eotiviete.! ol Auy uilauiuiis suffrage in the District Seelion ini|>osi s it penalty tor interruption or inlerterettei' ol lilt- ritfiit graulevl in the above bill when or . iliTt-.l lo Uw pnaenteil Mr Sumner intio iltiri'il a bill 1 ■ j-ri si nr tho riglil ol'trial l*y it jurv. wlt.i it t roviili s that llu* gnr»l tu rio* simll consist one Intll persons ol Atricait tlcscctit. in seelions \vbore our siMb ol tb<- population a" All idlin' . .-uul llie same pro IHirtion in petit iuries where tin- mailer re lates 10 any injuries inlliolial bv any person ol Altioau tb roeul upon n rsnu uol ol .-urb ,l,*rnt. Hinl Prejuilk* against Mii b African race is m»*ii- a ground ol olial |„rn;t' amt 1 xclusion Ironi such iuries Tlio bill was onb rnt to |tr t*' i. * ■ Mr. Ktimuet inlroviucisl a Inli ptoscrib / inc an oath 10 maintain a republican lorin 01 government in Stales in rebellion, as fol iotvs 1 ilo lietoby swear that at all lime# hi nailer 1 wiii use tuy best endeavors to maintain a n'pubnean form ol government in the Stale tu v\ bich 1 am an inbabitanl. ami * in Um Uniou of tlx l niti and States . and ia i at all times rroogutee uuiissoluble unity ot the repubbe. ami "ili always liiseountename and resent any emb avors lo break or seoevle trout the l moil: that 1 " ill give my vote al all times to susiain the national en-.lil : that 1 will always diseounteuauee and resist any al tempt, iiireetly or indireellv to repudiate 01 protract. either in ahy part or in auy way. auy debt contrac'cil by the. I'nited Mali's m aabduiag the rebellion, or the ohiigalioos as turned to Union soldiers; l "ill always dis countenance and resist any law making auy disiinction ol'color or race, and always "ill at rive tea mainuun a Sian- government com pletely loval to Ute I'niou. where all men shall enk-y ea\n:.l protection and t-vpifU rights. Sucb oath shall lx- preserved. and it falsely taken, such person shall be guiity of perjury, and in saditi.m to the pieseot [vualty tor that crime he shall lorlcit ins tight ti> boKI office This "as ordered to In- prinl i\i. Mr Smv.uer ofTered a hill to enforce tho ixvn-Luiiioust amendment by pm. isbii.g any atu mpl to control the service* ol auy person contrary to this provision by a tine, n and exceeding trite*. and imprison nti nl 1 x. evsiaig . Ivlu a. tin discrv tion ot Ihe 0.-urt and 11 shall Is u.< .1 fcuoe when such chin i> sanctioned by any State .... . Su ■; nfliot with It and lesttiels jurisviiction in cases growing oat ot it to the Dated rsates .'••orts This was ordered Uv be printed. S-aamc r intro duced a hill to give the right ... suffrage to ' persons bt odi.vr in die District ot Columbia, which "as priute.l Sumtar imrcvtucci ivao uwotis pr. js...r. 1. 10 amend the l onsutu ton s as to make voters, instead of popula t.on. t..e has s ~f reptesentat. n in Cot-giees. -a com lull m vieciarat.vnr ot the adopuon of the 000- slitu; ionai aim ndt; mt. Mr Seinner mlr.'du.x-d s ser x.scl rvso . " ■ . , - ■ sot >t,ales s t v o rt-lv > n M:'Wtboo iattevawd a S * to maintain tbe treedewn ot the inhabitants ol Siaies .i.- oiarcdlcta in iDUtmeiaai wkK ii was or dered to i*e js»ote.i * Ov" Oct .* h C. os r«< Fmi vsv Ttve follow.r.j_ \ ;- e; liviaiar tbt . v .-- - . ■ a- 1 Vcy relative to U*e ftvnJetß He savs that aeodrsl if 1> 1 to ti l tin asl ID S- :v.r . lin r use '.:'. rtcrV-yitsent —iht the i .mure of .\n aod lice ; ami. iu a<! mental oceupa tKMtSs 11 is \svr\ sioulvtfii; whether any Is tssrers la this cssinny .si in Kar.yw . .n sup ... . - . ' . cc tn these employment* _ v, him a eeruiio sk- . and aptitfju. wt ~Jt a st,rs.. g.i . .11 or, y sMvtaiit by cvprT.aee It s. ti v-ri l. rv. of . -. thsWtM be a.i.sp'.e>'. as "... <• a.-e the larni enuii|kutm to tacp’.oy cog:-" v ■ that he should remain ebvs r'.Ui and osn tented But, says Um 1 - ». ro, . C.i-re ;> a:.oiler maneir and tustiy tar liic nogro-dir l.»s Ikvjj Kirs mari'.; among us. sod whi.f be has. be •>at .. .is. i.ns that stare .rier, ority to tilt - w bin mas. be peWi-sscs others Uin v.viTe our Ttsport- Asa class. ...ring the w ar. iheir ferae.y to i.-ndr .•«»« an.: te s. 1 y uas »ortiy .if thr higbea (via aHtndatkm la rt. ->e .ristanoe. «vt* wIK-re the siare pcpvdaUOTi isc-. p. :>dfr*led v<: : »: 'r> as .si. : . or,-., was therv ax octrsvak m insaiiro.-..»tsia W ilh a tal tnovrjts'irx ot tbeir par. ol th. nauxv- ot W;< c iesi. asi the ..cep jur* .usd mesiws they j.a. jx its iss-at. is .: w v-. d-irta. ant euiciy ptrswe.. 'brir 1 tb:c an; mainly tf.gtwc SBpphs that iiv. .'Ui arx.ics i 1: u«xi he "ea> al. .'v.ri rtia.r umi the nc cr. has been emamcipaie.i sx drgradatkaß ol ttw rgti ntii Jiirrts: <■' Uk' ■litj. sstx'h owrgiiafßt carmo; be ievired against h.a ✓ whatever of ill leeling eai»t • in the uiimts ol loriut r owners lor tto pit-mtu state of :if- Uirs. it I* uol just that il should Ih- viaitril up-n him lii-.-rest and humanity n .mites us to neat him kindly, and to elevate him. morally and iniellei-uialhr: it will make bun a better laborer, in iulilsvr and man.-- twi.lih'iilv relieved Ironi lliu reslrainls of llie servile rendition in wbicb he wan U>ru and reatisl, lii» iguoramw 110 excite no surpris. ; uor can we iiiijie tliat be will esghew vice and crime. Il lie is to live in our midst, none are so deeply interested in enlighten ing and elevating him as ourselves IV II vt 1 hs: I'kssihkvi hvs D<»nk— l. Vu tusllv ate-gateil the eonltseatkNi act. - h’ree.l the eliurcbcs from military con trol l'old t 'bed .lostiiv L'h ise that no at tempt must In' made to force ttegio suffrage oti tlw South against the S'Uth's wishes. I lk'daivd to the head i>f tin* Krceilmen’s Ihiteaii that bt* w ili hold him reapmsiiiie if am negro insurre>-ti<Hi Oiaiurs. > gnitiial his intention ofjk'eing that tin- Southern ineinl* r> shall be adniittixl, and tin Saitli test--n-d to the l nil 11 as soon as (VOSStIIIP. II Ketusval to see Horace tlreely and other exiri-mist*. 7 fk-elared that the rights of the Stales shall be held sacred by tin- tederai govern liieiit. ' lWlanal that the KreeilroetVs Bureau shall not exist a day longer thau is siK-eilieil in the act en-atiug and liiuitiug it.—.Vi./o i/.V * a A- Artueioa s Tiiikp.—“ Burleiglv.” the uiuli r which Bev. Matthew Hale Smith vvrites to the Boston dourual. tells of . remarkable robbery on New York. He says ■ “The broker was inside tin- eotiuler. near the safe. A man came in withoift a hat, a:;d with a pen behind his ear He walked round to the s|«ot where the tvanker stood, who was talking to a gentleman, and said to him, ‘Please to move, sir,' and the banker did. the fellow coolly took out ot the safe s: verst thousand l*. S bonds, and coolly walked away, and has never been seen from mat time to this. Near the closing hours of business the 1 sands "ere.sought for and could not Iv 11 hind. The banker turnevl to one of the dt-rks and asked him for them, stating that he saw him remove tliem from the drawer. Fortunately the clerk was able to prove an aiibL and then the audacity of the thie! was made apparent. ' THE NEW YOHK NEWS. r> .-x. 1 1. y SEHI-WEEKLY4DWEERLT. t uk. N p:a\ X «»1 glv W ktkLl »\l> vMII W KfkLl ME VI S. GREAT TAMU.Y X r.VVSPAPEKfk. Bt 'JDID .1 tear Ate n-*prlet..r- Jounuds of Polities, Literature. Fashions, Market and Financial Reports, Interesting Miscellany, and Sews from ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD: MOMNTSJNTRODUCED IMMIISI CIICSLAII6RS DfTUMiRED 61. 1 HF. IJVRHE>T. BEST AND CHEAPBST r.xPKRS ntOSBIS IN NEW YOKE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS. IXulvlivlv.wY Fverr AV.wit»os i.vv. - vXnc Oijk. »«e ■ - S "" T. m«»e ?wu ; ; ** f CVtate >fsf "IV* 0, V rtk . 1; tv Vij.. ate» u» Mij C!aV of y«at W* The \% <«kl) Nrw. »• >«RI «*> Clerg>'«i«n at %l 50. SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS. Publisiied every Tuewiay and Friday, Sr. .V ■, .'..iv ,voe T.-V if* O-v**. w '** «w 9«il 4 - - - Tn. om > djlt wt» —And At* filn W> of TVc Trrtflj i v «{iaMki amdo dyit. .... ** Tv CVnjMff —3 w * NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. Tv m k sshw > .N'*> . S'.a M Rw P»nr savK- 'bv jl. XfAsdftkJm. of DAILY lord WKtKLY NKWS fte*l IToA. AdiMM BENJ. WOOD. Nt'tr> BLbt-TTti:. N.v Oaj Hiud fMsjx r. s< * YortrOflT THE BINGHAM SCHOOL. MHRANKYILLE. N C. TBS SNA'. ftftJtSS.Tli \*'£h* ‘ Stis. aj.f. DOB l.iT l."< .fit Ttllf W 1* '.I): v 1 LitT \ma£io F<t it'TmK ha. ■ WiLiLIAM \V. -fH-lar X. C <iLYX\ v\- X7T—l »ul v VdC 11 IMI <VW»vV\H IDifffaft) IL lxc V.«. A I^Lw'-.r i*:«. a*ii; ai'tL*#- *- xV.nitfcrt it a TDTQi —ff-irti rti ibf- <wrr» i-t <d Fe.jatj' -•!< ItLlx (X. tv])ll ONBWy. • TV- IP*- it HOC fciitt.vfiiJtvt i. nil in. Ilili* -lu-DDTTi.I#* X»- ivWi Ikiiltrt *UiiC tot;";, lb r.tvi.* tu A3-? Ibtj iir» JfifiDfti’ D. jmttiigy min. icin'’•» «*- suj£ I^o^^ Wii t*t A.T6OILD&. w>td«>s >«•.: >lifT iWfr' f'iw iiSi Orflm ter ? c %+"rZtL H T’- T ’JLi* KIT. Of* ii IVccaoha. "Wtik <TMThJES J *a«SY»X. fk te <. Notice. cßrnu r. 1; a mkkinu tx>. ok u*.t Sjvvatti.i.h Nov !(. Iwl:. ( THK Annual MtOw the Stoekhelitcr. ~fib:« iuD|Mi>' wilt I"' heM on Thuiwtal. 11l- tub ol itvrt-nit. r a. vt, at il.< tuning> in Swi.innali. at 1" f'. liak. a iu. A lull alu-ii'' \r rmo ly re nil lin _ e' hmv7vuumHSs ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, cV:c*., Xo. 211 WHsliiiiiitoii-Sl., . ■ Ntw YORK H-u Crockery, China, Glassware. loBBKRS .inti IVaWn* flora all |*ait«of jrv invit«iliAnuuine ut Win vlosale Stock* which mcntjL i>'U uj* expressly !t*r ••Coililry Tride." CteNfld re- ;ctcktHi u* »uii bMer*. House, ’ UK* Hi oiiulKoti SI., lid door from Bull SI oejotf * K 1> NOTICE. r T'HE firm of>u A Tucker mikh l»y 1 inuluil oourent on lV.xxuirv-r l«i, WG. JAMKS T. PATKRSON 1 S TUCKER All bomutw of tht* firm will settled by Junes T Piierei-ti. Hirine puitittse 1 ihr entire interest of I. S. Tucker ut the luoiDer. shifting and o>iniuir«a«hQßM»s,U will t*»- ctvDviocted att heretofore. i»t -1 M fiS T PATKKSON. N«». stoKliniv Lower Ruipe. liio ‘dT-lw llaruierv* ('hurch. "HOW LANDING AND FOR SALE. »)j u I Box**, \ t anti caddie ToJwco. uhit-h we "»" are now oflering at price* lower itmn ii c%q be bi>ught f»»rui aon hern cities. MILLER THOM AS * CO . .Pll-ff No. Bay streeel. Bi*ohii's Ntaiuianl Scales. UrSKD by the United .Males and Ft*reigv Govern ud nte for more thin • T HIKT Y YE ARS. A dip ted t»* any brunch of hufdnes# for foreign or home market* Wlrruted Bccnnte ind durable. Silt*# rtv*m? No. 3 B*rv)iT-«t . ije&r Broadway. N Y ly IL BKt»WN. Nuabdunr. JOB* MBUYUAK. R B. WAUKO. JOHN MERRY MAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agencv Ft-H ii*- siit- .t! KiTTilitri*. lire Su*ck. lm piemeato tud Mav-hraery . Seeds. As’. GT YV. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. Refer to John S. Gkrug*. Pres-ident Cbeupt-Ak# Bank ; (Yif Go*«d»in. C-i?.: *er Pnni;:L bsLk. Riiu- Uvrt-. EC. U ide Jt Ox ind I 1 li. Bc-ho. Sivinnih. bli-3a GUANO. pRRCTIAX i»d Swm liiand Gomo*. Sn;er;hvAS. 1 ;Liicj. and Brace OoDctslnted Fatibicr, vrtv. the Tnie i: the k w*M wtn*Jes< ,r j ncei, by GEO. K * HITE A . i& i jt ftnek New Yvrk. Magazines for December. HAPPKK-> ViWTHLY M-.g IVU "ItHXMimvil Kx.l:; *D' Aij.T,ti MontXlv. At Ex-TUA'S \BVV> DKT- 'T, . ■: •'„'4i.!Pu. CRUTCHES. and • ,>*» i...ani % hjvi.ictt F.v.r. '•<' «. *nd ! a : i«f E’i_ W-wfi»r : : ikitvt -tDitu-: ijvectD Tbj ifr ri>y indoor :bry }«iniv?c# xrf the nwrn oe >t« it w :t i. ibe w ».-u’.rvs' n?<t frv-ir. tie n-e t>’ ail ■ - S orculii Agente wkiiKi everyw btfte Ltd EJOV A TaY lA*K, Mmolictatirr*. 'vA 4T<*», Broftdwiy, K I PAVILION HOTEL For Kent. 'I'MAT wt'k kTH wn. df#tn*My killed, and highly 1 ].i>u'.ir exta! .r-r.nv ... MlralOD. on Bui) Mrr-ot. tt-tw’DDH *v*uih Browi m l Hut smvti. . upying foil « rt-rc kd* ‘J :-y feel e.vh, iim* the !n* .«teu them. iud kftj r**v»ms, i* “h"< offend kc nut •n,, pirtT n.n; ute ;hi# i r \»- r.y will be reqpured to 'miLetbr iDf'o-tfdin n-;- ..r# u-. g.v- MOjffi*hk«ry *e <*untv u»r tht x*sz»cUiiS inyra -Ai • tw; i M.*U' M vY k.*PKR. Vr<**i UnkmMirartT A3TEN & THROCKMORTON, NO. “\S BOWKRY. SEW YORK. MA.XTPAtTVKK> mi P«ili» fr Bt-Mm’ *ag 3>i:fc*Tr. iii.' NPbHk*. Oord. K.xc ... . • • ». .IJJS3» ii',.; IV h. Wrnn. > Mts-f .vt..lif. A.' g. .cii-i. 'ncci- ii* «t.v ~ fx-iiisutic lr.d;;■. ■ -Ili - «*.- ii* Xtvx mirti'l prim*. sr;.l» «■ LA > D AtiK S 1 V PI»K SOUTHERN GEORGIA. T.Hfi kt.' j."- vcntHr'T or xel. VTJ- roiin-H'l Li i-■ te* Rhh :■ tea btlte lit A t-; i v-ao. * fTi Xl uiitux ! 1.;;.: ,1 K r* ,K-* UIC -.iDr:i** CC -Xlte eixi ir-anßi . Hh *k»c m sxmfe. ui <•- tt-nn-iKi o. m>i an- in.:-.' nd E in~X3if xi «p«S Oun. ** ir,e ii'X n. :ix »ik- rattn-.i mi tiaber ht*- ik» m-ixti vtaa* a. vtneßp* u.i, mh* Ourtiiaa. f ,.T.i,;~. ui.m s . c »Stcatj.*i. K< »il t* •:<..! t« »- Bun-? &m- xt'C a New \ ,-t : , in, (Oil MibUn-x. UOIL .•-Ti'.nri. r. Pront IV - 'IL.-A.XNi *Y Sidiev r. vti oic »-ii#S'-DI it 5i > ixiuX O* BROWN’S CASTILLI AIM 1 i ITTKRB Tills uiuivilie*t |«Hiio pirptml Irani the Pure JuN-e of tile Hnipe ill'l eXtnrUi, illiUlk *. IfOttl «ie « IftukeiU VegrUble proloctl of the South of Kriii*-e ltii> MSI the Prwiiich oi i ‘utile (Old Spain.» from win. li* litier aeeuou they derive their mine. A 1 rogMllt Tollk*. llidiapeliaibie U> HoUria Wild Keitiunail-. and viluahle to Fumliew, delicate femaieM and children, for ail ili-utriangcinent of the atoiitach. u ih unrivalled. A never tailing preventive and Cura for Sea Sk'koen. None who travel bv land or water should be without the Cik-Jiiiian. P»*r Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS. M< IXTIRR A Cos. Sole Agent*. State Georgia octS44m WOOD, WOOD The undersigned hut opened a Yard, it the la»wer Hire Mill, mil will keep on hand a u»**d etock of all kiuds. Order may be fouc lat the (More*of Dr. B. P. Uluier, W. W. Ltocotu, Heidi A Ludlow and J. U. Watts. i.tJ-veofP H J. KTROBHAR- A\ r illiani Grill, iSucreeeor to William B. Hawkins,) IMPORTER and Wholesale Dealer In Foreign and Dome#!!' Alta, Wines, Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, iti.tii|pagne Cider, Ac., No. 1?G Fulton Street, Opposite St Paul'* Church, NEW YORK. BoClerof Mile's Celebrated Ale for Shipping and Family Use. PartVuUr attention paid'to Filling and Shipping Southern Order-. All orders by mail will be promptly attended to. Ll4L>m Liverpool Salt. \ CARGO i.( SALT. Id nscJCS t« Ih. too. jo*t arrived ncr Bnueb twrti imot ttvim Liverpoid, for a*le BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. H. HAYM, 174 Broiigrhton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, tbe Dr watt write, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COCXTERPANES. HOSIERY, *c. Ju#t received iud for s&kat the lowest priest by ort2S H. HAYM. Cloaks, Cloaks. INDIES' Ck»tk e’iootka. a fine jagt r» J oeierd by f,<t»a«. ts RIXSTFIN A BCKMAX. St. Andrew’s Hall. 'T'HIS Hsll win t.:- tor Bills. Concerts, Ac, 1 &< Appi.v U> Mr M.vtr. ander the Hill, or to DAVID R. DILLON, nAii-i; iU B*y araa. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of L»Rj>'be. Gwlcd A Cncties m du sdYcd on the Ist mst tiT rbe witndmwii of Isjw D. Laßrwbe. The tesmtae wiii De m-otinned ni -i us Din,-- of G»Jen A roc tot*. »t the oid si.r.. .jrarr Bsi ..!>■; Bvmirl viroetv. J. D. DB'XM mi j mine in t .Hie* Ur tbe f.rteenx ISAAC IL L.ROCHE. BENJAMIN G. oAt'KN DAVID &. CNOKLB6 S.r.Lue:. Dec. 1, ISSi. 64 Notice to Consignees. IYECEIYV.RS vs Emv!.: Al itir Cvust M*fi It Srai-vi.i'Dir tna Xf* T«t *rl! plraive iut frv-i.i ihvu uinilow a gupmato tn net wiur* wifi Km .eni . ui, eiWi an ! are Ul»i toe r ' in n t in, ; „ t,: H' Tv-jgter d.' dam tor law mill. . j vet ii', '■»- pmaanievt wnfii® men u - -ui ii.wiraaftn lia l.anpe of carpo, anfi al: pia.v-1 iu atom will Or a! tne nat and ot the owner* Sill JOHN R- WILDER Agent J. C. KOCH, . No iCV Hcekman Htreet iV.ruer oi wnium. NEW YORK, Mifiufte tnrer ol Shtkvxrr, PbouogrraxikK' Album*, Mu6ic Paper. FOm. Bwlk. Ac ' Kerosene Oil, lc lain i 111 Ufi cwa. AT HORATIO PITCHER* F,*w if Luttvin at. Under te Kl£ niW-tf ESTABLISHED 1826. • SfTwfy'.L Broad war A Gretenwich sum, omT-kni vl Rt tllTt FOR THt CHILLS AM* FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASSS. 1N,.-. IRE *i thf MORNING STAR SALOON. OW tit-j Ki i au«« lato and Be!! acmrt. P.aiov cm* in nnt daj n: n. par dt*-:w » •