Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 13, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 281. The Savannah Daily Herald MORNING AND EVENING; M pciti.ii*un> nr H. W. MAHON A 00., At 111 Bat Stkekt, SiViKNAfI, Ulokgia. Tiiua: Per Copy Five Cent#. per Hundred $3 RO. Per Year *lO W, iPVIHTIBI no: Two Dollars per Square of Ten Lines for first in- Bortion: <.»ne Dollar for each suh&cqnent one. Ad vertisenieut? Inserted in the morning, will. If desired, appear in the evening u itbout extra charge. JOB PRINTING, In every style, neatly and promptly done. THE LEGISLATURE. FOURTH DAY'S fRDCEEDIHCrS. [from OCR SI’FCIAL CORRKSPONDeiNT. j MILDKDt.EVILI.K, Ga , Dec. 8, 1805. —Kimrl h Hay. On motion of Mr. Keiltliug, ot the 25tb, the election of State House officers, which had been appointed to take place to-day, was postponed. The vote was 29 to 11. Mr. B. B. Moore, of the special committee, appointed to wait on the Governor elect and inform him ot his election, request his uc <■( plunee.of the office, and ascertain at what time it would suit his pleasure to he inaugu rated, submitted the reply of Ml. Jenkins, which was read. Three hundred copies of the reply were ordered to he printed for the use of the Heu ate. Mr. Moore, of the 7th, introduced the fol lowing , A BILI. To be entitled an Act to authorize and regu late contracts between master aud servant for labor to be performed aud for other purposes. Sec. I — The General Assembly of the Stale of Georgia do enaci, That all contracts for labor made with any servant lor a longer period than one month shall be in writing, and in duplicate, attested and read to said servant by a Justice of the Peace, Justice of the Inferior Court or Ordinary,.or by two disinterested white persons of tbe comity in which tbe labor, is to he informed) of which each party shall have oue. Sec. 2.—Be it further enacted, That the labor to be pcrlormed by tbe seivatit shall be done’in accordance with tbe following regu lations, to wit: 1. Tbe hours of labor (Sundays excepted) shall be from daybreak to dark, with a rea sonable time for breakfast aud dinner. 2. The servant shall be careful ot the ani mals and property of the muster, shall pro tect tbe same from injury by other persons, and shall be arifwerable for all property lost, destroyed or injured by Ids or her negligence, 4 -honesty or bad faith. 3d. All lost time not caused by tbe act of the master, and all losses occasioned by neg lect of tbe duties herein prescribed, may be deducted from tfie wages of tbe servant, and the value of food, nursing and other necessa ries, whilst he or she is absent from work ou account of sickness, or other cause may also be deducted Irorn his or her wages. 4th. Servants shall be quiet aud orderly in their quarters, at their work aud on the prem ises. sth. Work at uiglit or out-door work in inclement weather snail not be exacted ex cept in cases of necessity. Oth. Servants shall not leave the premises ol the master without permission, and shall on Suuday attend to tbe stock, and discharge such household duties as sire necessary.— These duties shall be done by the servants iu turn except in cases of sickness or other disability, when it limy be assigned to them out of their regular turn. 7th. Visitors or oilier persons shall not be invited or allowed by tiie servant to come or remain upou the premises oi tbe master, without his express permission. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That when the servant shall depart from the service of the master without good cause, he or she shall forfeit the wages due to him or her, and sha’.l obey all lawful orders ot the master or histigrnt, and shall be honest, truthful, sober aud diligent in liis or her business. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the master uioy discharge his servant for willful disobedience ot the lawful order of the mas ter or his agent, for habitual druukenuess, immoral - or illegal conduct, want of respect aud civility to himself, his family, guests or agent-, or lor absence from tbe premises without permission. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if auy person shall persuade or attempt to persuade, entice, or cause auy servaul to desert from the lagal employment of the master before the expiration of his or her term of service, or shall employ any such servant, without his or her exhibiting proper credentials of discharge from his lbnuer employer, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor aud upon indictment and conviction before any Court liaviug jurisdiction thereof, shall be lined iu a sum not, exceeding two hundred dollars and costs, aud of said fine and costs shall not be immediately paid, the Court shall sentence said couvict to not exceeding two mouths imprisonment in the common jail of tbe couuly, or to labor on some public woik of the county iu the discretion of the Court, and be or she - shall moreover lie liable to the patty injured, iu damages. Sec. 0. And be it further enacted, Thai this Act shall take effect and be iu force from and immediately alter its passage, auy law, '■sage, or custom to the contraiy notwith standing. One hundred and fifty copies of the above ''ill were ordered to be printed for tbe use of the Senate. The Presiueut announced tbe following as the standino committees op the senate. Committees on Privileges and Elections. — Messrs. Cartel - , Daley, Quillahi, Gholston, Mims, Black, Boynton. Committee on Petitions. —Messrs. O. P. Heal), Fuller, Ezzard, W. R. Bell, Gholston, Strickland, Burwick. Cnmiuittee ou Enrollment. —Messrs. O. L. Smith, Fuller,* Brown, Carter, C. H. Smith, 0. P. Bell, Bowel* ,t Committee tin Journals —Messrs. Kenan, C P. Bell, Patterson, Slrozicr, Butler, J. F. Johnson, McDaniel. Committee ou the State of the Republic— Messrs. Thornton, Owens, O. L. Smith, Gre sham, Dickey,’ Turner, Parris. Committee on Judiciary—Messrs. Moore, i bi nB ’ B°wer, Gresham, Blunt, ous, Carter, J- F. Johnson, Parris, Strozier. C. H. Smith. Committee on Finance —Messrs. C. H. f'Uutli, Dickey, Grilllu, Butler, Muusou, Eng lind, Freeman. Committee on Internal Improvements— ■Missis. Owens, Strozier, England, Craw* J or ‘l, Russell, J. A. W. Johnson, Thorn ton. Committee ou Public Educalhm aud Free schools— Messrs. O L. Smith, Brown, Black, *''reman, Turner, Crawford, Keuau. Coinminlttee ou Banks—Messrs, Casey, I* 1 "". Redding, Butler, J. F Jubnsou, wf slmm, O II Smith . 1 "iiuuitiuu ou NsW Counties and County ""a Messrs. Brown, Fuller, Patau sou, J »">nion, Ezzard. Uiifilu, Marwick 'oiiiiuune ou Pouiumtisry—Messrs I ted °' u n> Turner, keuau, Übolstuu, Wilcos, otUlUlous, u p it. «|| , '•"iu mitieu uu Hu list ic Asylum - Messrs bn m* 1 '!/ 1, 1 ’Msf. Mattson, Owens, C It Itsnsu, (is a lofd komunits* on Military - Meeus Slmuious, Bedford, Fuller, Gholston, Parris, JAW Johnson, W R Bell. Committee on Printing-—Messrs Owens, Blown, Freeman, Mims, J F Johnson Committee on Deaf and Dumb Asylum— Messrs C H Smith, Quillian, Strickland, Minis, Daley, Bower, Turner. Committee on luslitululions for the Blind —Messrs Gresham, Manson, Overstreet, Grif fin, O P Bell, Black, O I, Smith. Committee on Agriculture—Messrs Black, Redding, Gholston, Russell, McDaniel, Boynton, Bedford, Auditing Committee—Messrs Moore, J F Johnson, Simmons, Career, Keuau, Wilcox, Ezzard. Engrossing Committee—Messrs Turner, Brown, Butler, Dafey, Thornton, Bower, Quillian. . Committee on Freedmcu—Messrs Strozier, Casey, Owens, Gresham, Tborntou, Butler, Mansou, Carter, JAW Johuson. Oue hundred Copies were oidercd to be printed for tbe use of the Senate. Mr. Thornton, ot the 26th, introduced the following: A hill to be entitled An Act to amend the 44351 b section, tenth division, part 4th, title Ist, Pi-nal Code, by striking out the whole of the 4435th section, aud inserting tbe following as a substitute: “Be it enacted, &e.—That from and after the passage of this act any person wandering or staffing about the cities, towns, villages, or public highways, or leading an immoral and profligate course of life, who has no pro perty to support him, her or them, and who are aide to work or otherwise support them selves in a respectable way, shall be deemed and considered vagrants, and may be arrest ed by any sheriff, constable, or police officer off bis Slate, or of any city, county, town, or village within the same, and shall lie carried before a Justice of Ibe Peace in tbe county or district iu which such person or persons may lie fouud ; whereupon it shall be the duty ot tbe Justice lie lore whom said [terson shall be carried to enquire into the condition, charac ter aud means of support of the person so arrested, and if upon Such examination it shall appear that the person so arrested slmll come within any of the definitions of vagrancy heretofore recited, the said persou so accused shall be declared guilty of vagraty* cy, amt shall be sentenced tiy the Justice of I lie Peace to lie placed at hard lalxJr on the public roads for tbe remainder of the year, or hired out for the remainder of the year, iu ibe discretion of tbe Justice of tbe Peace presiding in said case. W ben tbe sentence shall be to work on the roads, the Justice of the Peace shall eause tbe person so sentenced to be delivered to the Commissioner of Roads, or such person as by law may have charge of the roads iu said county, aud where the sentence shall he to hire out for the remainder ot year, tbe Justice of the Peace shall cause the person to be delivered to tbe sheriff of tbe couuty, whose duty it shall be to take him in charge, and on the next sale day at tbe usual time aud place of public sales, tbe said person so sentenced shall be hired at public outcry to tlie highest bidder for cash ; and tbe person so hiring shall enter into Imiul and security iu tbe sum of three hundred dollars, paya ble to the Governor of tbe Slate of Georgia, conditioned to clothe aud feed and provide with medical attendance the person so hired. Tbe nett proceeds ot said hiring shall be paid over to the County Treasurer, as u va grant fund of tbe county, to pay costs such as may be fixed by law. Ia all cases of conviction of vagrancy the party convicted may relieve himself or her self from the pains aud penalties of tbfl act by giving bond aud good security, payable to the Governor of the State of Georgia, iu the sum of three buudred dollars, conditioned tor bis or her good behavior aud future in dustry for one year; but in case of a viola tion of said bond and a second conviction for vagrancy within the same year, no second bon-1 shall be takeo.” One hundred and fifty copies were ordered to be printed. Mr. Thornton also offered the following: A bill to lie entitled., an Act to alter apd amend chapter fourth, article first, part sec ond, title second of tbe code ol Georgia, in relation to Indentured Servants aud Appren tices. Be it enacted by the Senate aud House of Representatives, That section 1840 of the, above title and chapter be amended by ißrik- j iug out all utter the word “provided,” and ! inserting iu lieu thereof tlio gjords, “the con- j tract ia iu writing aud acknowledged -before 1 a Justice ot the Peace.” Be it farther enacted, That section 1842 be amended by striking out the word "Court” wherever it occurs, aud iuscniug the words “Justice of the Peace, ’ and alter the word j “annulled” add the following: Which decision ! may be reviewed by certiorari, as iu other ■cases. Be it further enacted, That section 1843 | be amended by adding the following : When j any lutliei, or mother, it the father be dead ; or tbe.child be illegitimate,.pliull refuse to biud : bis or her child, as in ibis sectiou provided, i the said father or mother may be cited to : appear be lore a Justice of the Peace in the county where llie child may reside, aud upon ; due aucf sufficient proof made that said fa- | ther or mother has not the means to support j said minor or minors, aud that minor is likely to become a charge upon the county, j it shall be the duty ol the Justice to biud out such minor, as provided lor in this section, j Be it further enacted, 'that section 184 C be amended by striking out the words j “I wenty-liye dollars,” and insulting the 10l | lowing, “live hundred dollars;'" and the party so employing; enticing away, harboiing or concealing* surd apprentice, not having a 1 written Cerlilicate of the revocation of his j indenture attested by the Justice of the j Peace before whom the indenture was ex- j ecuted, shall be deemed guilty ot a misde- I meanor, aud on conviction thereof shall he j imprisoned in the county jail or ordered to I work on the public roads of the' county lor ! a time not less than three months, nor more than twelve months, at tig; discretion ol the j Judge or other judicial officers having juris- j diction of the case. Be it further enacted, That this act shall 1 take effect aud be in force lrom and after its passage, and that all laws militating against the same be aud they uie hereby repealed. Out* hundred and till) copies were ordered to be printed for the use of the Senate. Mr. Owens ol the Ist, introduced a memo- 1 rial from the Presidents ol the bauas of Sa vauiian, asking to be relieved from the pains and penalties meurred by a suspension ol , specie payments. The memorial was read aud interred to a select committee,which con sists of Messrs. Owens, Casey, V. H. Smith, (Jresbum aud Butler. Mr. O. P. Beall, of the 11th introduced a bill to suspend the coilectiou of debts until the let of January, 1808. The Seuate then adjourned until 3 o'clock P.*M. XHV.UNOON SESSION. The Scuatu re assembled st the hour des igualed in the moliou lo adjourn. Some tune was spent iu reading bills the second lime. Mr. O. P Beall introduced a bill to repeal the act increasing the salaries of the Stale House officers Mr. Dicky, a resolution to adjourn on the IMlb iiiauni, lo convene aguiu on the K<Uf ol January next Itusoltilinn not acted ou. Mr Hiiuiunos, of'Uie gad, » Bill to eslab lish courts lor Ilia trial ol mluor offences The Hi u>l« adjourned uulil lo o'cluek Saturday morning Hums* kssrlh May, Kaiiur, |)»r a, lant Vary tlllla business ol iiupnrUitMi was iiaus*< led In the House today hayoud lint SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY', DECEMBER 13. 1865. introduction of new matter, and the second reading aud reference of lulls aud resolutions introduced ou yesterday. Ou tbe conclusion of the reading of tbe journal a motion was made to reconsider the resolution adopted on Wednesday, to bring oo'the election of State House officers today. Mr. Gartrell said tbe salaries of these officers had been greatly increased by tbe Legisla ture of 1863-4 Tbe frmer salary of the Secretary of Stale and •Comptroller General as fixed by the Code, were $1,600. To meet the depreciation of the Confederate money they had been raised to $3,1X10, and The Con vention by tbe new Constitution having adopted the laws of tbe last Legislature, and it being incompetent for tbe Legislature either to increase or diminish the salary of an officer during tbe time for which he is elected, if these officers were elected now they would he entitled to the increased sala ry. He desired, therefore, to reconsider the resolution bringing on the election today in order that the salaries might be reduced to a proper compensation. He would then go into the election. Tire resolution having bi en reconsidered, Mr. Gertiell offered absolution changing the salary ol the State House officers to $2,000 per annum. Mr. Stewart, of Spalding, offered a substi tute tor Mr. Gurtril’s resolution, declaim; that the salaries should be tbe same as those fixed by the Code. • Mr. Jones, of Burke, midutaiued that it was incompetent to repeal an existing law by resolution. Mr. Stewart did not desire to repeal a statute by resolution. He only desired to declare what was' the law. . Mr. Moses, of Muscogee, maintained that the law of 1864 had virtually repcAied the provision ot the Code, fixing the salaries of the officers named, aud that being declared ot force by tbe Constitution, could ouly be set aside by a bill which would have to take the usual couare. and be read ou three separate days in each HoUse. After some further discussion the resolu tion and substitute were voted down. • Mr. Ridley, of Troup, moved to recon sider the resolution of Wednesday, refusing to couftur in the Seuate s resolution to go iuto an election for Slate Printer. Tbe printer was not a Constitutional officer, and the ob jection of salary Aid not apply as in tbe case of the oilier officers. After soqte debate tbe motion to reconsider was adopted. Mr. Dubose, of Hancock, of tbe Commit tee appointed to announce to Jion. Chas. J. Jenkins bis election to tbe office of Gover nor, communicated tbe correspondence be tween the Committee and the Governor elect, which was read and three hundred copies ordered to be printed for each House. m Alter tbe conclusion of the reading of the correspondence, the Clerk proceeded with the call of the counties, when a laige num ber of bills aud resolutions were introduced and read a first time. The hills were chiefly amendatory ot the code and, like those in troduced in die Senate, relating to Frced men, defining the obligations of labor con tracts, imposing penalties for violation of same, defining vagrancy, providing for the binding out of minors whose parents were unable or neglected to provide for them, Ac. These bills, with others of a more or less im portant character, were referred mainly to the Judiciary Committee. As they would occupy much space, and as they wifi be di | grated and adapted to tbe Freedman's Code, ! now being perfected by tbe Commissioner I lor that purpose by tbe Convention, 1 have I thought it useless to give their titles, by [ which very lil tie knowledge of their pro ! visions would be conveyed. In (he perfec tion ot this code and the adaptation of the j existing statutes to the new order of things | much of tbe time oi the present session will ibe occupied. Iu the disposition manifested ! members who have introduced bills, as well as iu tbe high characier of tbe gentle men to whom has been assigned the tusk of. framing the laws that are to govern and pro tect the freedman in his new relation to (tie whites, we have assurance that these laws will be humaue, just aud equitable between the parties. A bill was introduced for tbe relief of wounded, disabled, indigent soldiers, aud of soldiers’ widows and orphans. The bill pro vides that the Justices of tbe Inferior Couits shall cause lists of such persons to be pre pared aud forwarded, properly certified, to tbe Comptroller Geueral of tbe Stale, by tbe Ist of March next, when the Governor will draw bis warrant on the treasury for the money to be paid lo said indigeut, disabled soldiers, widows aud orpbuus, who will be entitled to receive the sum of SSO auuuailv. Several bills of a similar.character have been introduced, showing au earnest determina tion on the part of tbe Legislature to give all tlie relief in their power to this meritorious deserviug class of our citizens. A bill was introduced authorizing tbe pay ment of Ordinaries lor administering the am nesty oalb. The bill provides that these Or diuaries who have charged less than thirty cents for administering the oath shall be eu titled to receive full that amount. Those who have charged that amount or more to receive nothing. Gen Harrison, ot Richmond, introduced a bill for tbe relief ot the Savuunah Mutual Loan Association, legalizing tlie suspension of payment of assessments, (axes, Ac., du ring the war- * Mr. Simms, of Bartow, introduced a bill to repeal the act of the Geueral Assembly changing the name of Cass to Bartow.— ] am at a Kiss to imagine what motive could prompt au*act which suggests lo the rnigd the obliteration of a hero’s name trout bis monument. 1 sincerely hope tbe Legislature will spare Georgia the humilialiou of its adoption. House took a recess till 3 o'clock. s AFTERNOON SESSION. . The afteruoou session was mostly consum ed in tlie secoud reading ol' bills iutroducud, on Wednesday. Among the new bills introduced was one by Mr. Barnes, of Richmond, to repeal the ISectious ot tbe Code imposing penalties fir the failure of Banks to redeem their issues In coin. Mr. Tucker, of Merriwetber, introduced a bill to regulate the rate* of freight and travel on the railroads of this State. Tbe Legislature will doubtless act upon tbe nuggestiou of the Governor elect, aud take a recess lb reassemble ou the 16lb of Jauuary. but it Is not certain at wbat time they will adjourn. Resolutions for adjourn ment were introduced ia the Senate aud House to-day—tt)e Senate resolution passing, to adjourn on the 18th iust.—the House ou an earlier day, but no action was taken There is a desire ou tbo part of many hers to prolong the present sitting until the 15th inst., wheu the Freedineu’s Code will be reported by the Commissioners, and IboUgWliltle cau be accomplished in the way of legislalieu while the Slate Is without a eonstitutioual Governor, 1 think it highly probable that the adjournment will uot take place until that day. it is still doubtlul whether tbe U. N. Htmiors will lie elected until alter the inauguration. The I‘rluter will probably be elected to morrow, uud the Stale House officer* so soon as their salaries e*u be adjusted Tlie craft are well rupre scultnl iu the <‘oulest for Htnle I'lililer, and quite au animated electioneering canvass la going on. Home of the np|Mtala made lo |M>r pollute the lavor of the inemlwr* are esrru elating, if they are uot in bad taste ll Ilia lortaim *at war are on the tide ol the big battalion*, tudlvi lual claim* will ttsml a slim chance Iu the race wilb (he eitenslva com UoatUMi* now In (be A*ld Hoaietblag lea* than half tbe printer* in the upper eeciTou ol the (Male are Interested in tb« result ol lire *MMB> T llrurgH Plot timer* Reopened. ThfeWashiugtou Chronicle, of tin; 4lh lost., announces the reeqiening, by the Postmaster Geueral, of tbe following Post Offices in this State and tbe appointment of Postmastcis to till them: Ogecbee, Striven county—Henry C. Kit ties Postmaster, vice T. H. Burns. Carrollton, Cturoll county—Re appoint Heury Anbury. Gainsvilie, Hall county—John W. Murphy, Postmaster, vice J. R. Boone, failed to bond. Kingston, Cass county—John M. Todd, Postmaster, vice N. H. Eddy, moved sway. Alabama.—Reopen Elylon, Jefferson coun ty—Thomas Haugbey, Postmaster, vice N. B. Lancaster. Ciintou, Green county—F. P. Strutter, Postmaster, vice John A. Walker. Louisiana.—Reopen as follows: Downs ville, Union couuty—John E. Woodward, Postmaster, vice P. Wilhite. At Carrollton. Jefferson county—Appoint Heury Tebbe, vice E. F. Schmidt, Postmas ter, declined. Appoint N. J. W'ooster, Postmaster, Ceu treville, St. Mary s parish. J. La Speyue left the place. Thz Ohartkr Ei.kotion in New York.— At tbe municipal election iu New York city, on the sth inst., Jno. T. Hoffman, tbe uouii nee of Tammany Hall, was elected Mayor by thirteen buudred majority over Marshall O Roberts, the Republican candidate. Mr. Hoffman belongs to the Democratic party, aud is a iawyqf of distinguished ability. Gree ley's candidate, Decker, and McKeon’s candi daie, Gunther, who is tbe present incumbent, receiveJ very small votes. The Herald says, wheu the Mozarters, who nominated Hecker, found there was no chaDce for their candi date, they bolted him and went over to Hoff man. Mr. O’Gorman was elected to tbe office of Corporation Couusel almost without opposi tion. Tlie Democrats elected nearly all of their candidates for Aldermen, Commissioners aud Trustees. "• There was a tredmendous excitement at Tammany Hall in tbe evening, after tbe elec tion, the cheers and hurrahs amoimtiug to something like the Democratic demonstra tions ol the palmiest days of the Wigwam. Tbe inevitable Captain Rynders was pre sent and made an amusing speech on the oc casion. Water Tanks. TT'OUH Iron Tanks, adapted for wafer or oil, for ■T sale by dl‘2-2 CHAS. GREEN A SON. THOS. H. AUSTIN, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, No. 95 BAY STREET, (CP STUBS) - dl9-Bm* - SAVANNAH, CIQHOIA. Is, without doubt, tbe only known remedy lor DIABETES, CALCULUS, j GItAVEL, • BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OK THE NECK or TUB BLADDER, f INFAMMATION OK THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OP THE BLADDER, ANI» AU. * FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of cures from well-known person* from all purls of the o untiy iu, will b« tent mi ad dressing MORGAN & ALLEN, Ag’ts, dlv-3ra No. 40 Cliff st, New York. Fire Crackers. SEVENTY-FIVE boxes Fire Crackers, Just received by s learner, by. , HILTON 4 RANDELL, dl2-4 ISIS pay street. SEED RICE. FOR SALE—About 4.000 bushels of Prime Seed Rice, on t le- Ogeecboe river. Also, 850 acres of Prime Rica I .and, with the neces sary buildings, lor Rent. Ini,Dire:of d!2-2 W. H BURROUGHS & CO. Scotch Ale. ON CONSIGNMENT, 100 cask* Pale India Ate, in glass, now landing from the ship County of Pic ton, from Glasgow, and for attic by P. W. SIMS'* CO, dl?-3 Over Erwin A Hardee’s. COUNTY ELECTION. AN Election will be held at the Court House on Wednesday, the 3d of Januaryloext, for u •Sheriff of thfe county of Chatham, for a Clerk of the Superior aiul Interior Courts, for a Coronor, for a Receiver of Tax Returns, for a Tax Collector, anti for a County Surveyor. The polls wilt be opeued at seven o’clock a. m., and be < loaedattdx o'clock p. m. The Sheriff, or hi* fleputy, and the constable* of the county are requested to attend and preserve order. WM. H CUYLEK, j. 10.0.0. N. If. TLNAPP, j.uv. C. c. Geo. P. HARRISON, J. 1. €. c. C. JOHN SCREVEN, j i. o. o. JoHN WILLIAMSON, j. i. c. 0. o. dl2, 19, 2ft, Jl, a J. SHAFFER, Oomwi lselon Dealer ' o all kinds ot FOREIGN AND D< IMESTIC FIIUITS xarfRODUCE, • Won Washington Market, Opposite 143 West st., Bulkhead between Barclay and Veaey sis., N B W YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Ouious constantly on hand, and ~ul up for the Southern market All consignment* promptly auenked to. \*tT Raters to A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh,'ami ,1. 11 Panama. Ivtt «**llv Butter, &c. WE are now offering very cheap a lot of 300 English Dairy Cheese ALSO. 100 kegs choice Goshen Butter to ilrkin- do do 160 tube extra choice do 100 tuba prime l.euf Laril KAN DEM. A CO, Houlliweal corner llay aud Buruard atreeta. tW-eiallw _ _ _ WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES ft CO., Wllnitiiirton, Dtiluwiii'u. MANIIPACTDMK Iron nitiaiuheia Mlvam Hmiliif#, Itulleia, Mm biliary for Has Mills. A' Hiving bml lolig ilperlMne 111 no. lotas slid •wliig ptnvlih if w(in lary etlsoalve lat lmlva for doing wnrb <4 ibis I less, ah pi spare<l Ist t *!• wdais wlib daspat' b. Mill Sw Stone Ballast AWIHT ISO loiia b.nvy Mon# foallMl, foe snip ||a« ir^^^sraaßßiSa BSIMiIXO AND HOPE lUAI.K.B Gunny and Dundee bagging X ’ tun toils Bale Rope, For salebv ua-ebdiw CLAUHORN A CUNNINGHAM. Corn and Hay! ftOO prime while Maryland Corn 100 Pales Hay. Laudlug and tor self by da eodVw i I.AHHUKn A CUNNINGHAM. », M MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works; SavAiin ah, G-a., MAcrAorcKSKS or GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDSOR, VIO LET, BAR AND TOILET SOAPS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. MESSRS. Moody A Barrett would respectfally an* Douoce to the public that they h&vo just opened Uietr STB AM BOAT WORKS, and are fully prepared to fill all orders lor the follow ing Bar aud Toilet Soaps; PALE SOAP, EXTRA No. 1, EXTRA No. 1 RESIN or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, ERASIVE, CHEMICAL, - ' • OLIVE, ♦ CASTILE, Ac. Also, a Urge variety of Toilet Soaps, couipi lelug HONEY, PALM, CAMPANULA, ALMOND, TRANSPARENT, ROSE, • PUMMIUIi; * LAVA, . &c., Ac. No pains will he spared to make our Soaps equal lo quality, price and perfume to auy American or For eign Soaps. Oni mono shill he “semper idem,” aud ull goods not equal la quality and price to Americas or Foreign manufacture, shall be returned and money refunded. THE HIGHEST PRICK PAID FOR TALLOW ANp UREASE. Orders addressed to MOODY A BARRETT, or L. i. GU4LMARIIN A CO., will receive prompt and imme diste attqpltoii. dS 6m FOB SALK A TO BENT. FOR SALE OR RENT.” r PWO Cotton riant at ion* In Lauretta county. Oa.— Ae A I>h» •Corn, CrtTtott Seed, Mules, Oxen, Stock, Apply at Thomas’ Cross Roads, or to F. H. Rowe, Duiilin, Lowndes county. It noisqkLor rented prior to second Monday Id January next, they will be offered at public sale at Thomas’ Cross Roads, in Laurens county, on that day. UO-2W BIVYAfI, CO, FOR RENT, ATHHKE Story Brick Store ou Bay street, west of Uarnard, with 60 feet ol wharf attached. It has lu rye storage room. dtMw BRYjtfN, HARTRIIHjIF A CO. FOR SALE, Cm' OP SAVANNAH in sums to suit purchasers. FORDYCB. ANDERSON & JANNEY, dft-tf No 1» Stoddard's Rang** TO RENT, A LA RGB STORE well adapted to the Dry Good* or Boot and Shoe trade. For particulars enquire at 169 Congress et. d9-eodti For Lease or Rent, ACRES of good Farm Laud, two mile* from the Otw Court House. Apply to JOHN McMAHON, n23-tf Jefferson and Broughton streets. WAfITTED. Wanted. OFFICK ATLANTIC & GULF R. R„ 1 Savannah, Dec. 6, 1866 ( STKAM BOATS wanted at onee to bring away from Doetoilown to Savannah one thousand hales of cotton, “ Liberal terms will be offered d7-tf # JOHN SCREVEN, President. WATCHMAKER WANTED. A (J<K)D Watchmaker cmu obtain pcrmanei.t and profitable employ meat by euauiriotf of H. A. TOPHAM, l w * 88 Cobgre** *treet. WANTEDT A YOUNG MAN, capable of takjng care of a set of books in a commission and general bu*inese, who can come well recommended. Address Bor 40, Post Office, Savannah. d6 ts Consignees Wanted. FOR E. H S.—»B6 bbls Flour - - ‘2O half bids Flour • 9 bbls Crackers 6 bbls Apple* 6 bbls Eggs G A W—loo tubs Lard. If not called for will be gold for freight and expense*. Wt‘23 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. WANTED. GEORGIA and South Carolina Bank Bills Albany and Gulf Railroad Stock Central Railruu« I Stock Coupon* Albany and Gulf Railroad Coupon* City of Savonuah FORDYCE, ANDERSON ft JANNKY. d2*tf Bay st.. No. 10 Stoddard’* Range. Wanted, UfQA A MONTH I Agents wanted wanted for eta »p./V entirely ruu articles, just out. Address O. T. UAREY, City Building, Blddeford, Mains, stplt dJtw3m Wanted, dte)K ADAYI Agents wanted to aeli anew and ”sll wouderful HEWING MACHINE, the only cheap one licensed Address HUAW * CLARK. Hid deford, Maine. * aepU-dAw3in THE BINCHAM SCHOOL, MKKANKVTU.K, N C. JPIIK aval eeMtnn Iwgllia March Tib. 1»*«, aud con L Ilnurs toll) wanks, offering to the peoplt ol the salami Nnutli the 'drainages ot a Huiumsr Hcbool with s Winter vaesi • j Por teruia, addreaa WUXI AM 111 Nell AM, dl tin HcbMWUM, N. I! UTATMoruKuMGIA, UI.VNN COUNTY To all about II may emmetu Wberr.a, Ueuiy It. Unl'lfomin and Mwy A Hulks lion will apply al Ibailuurtof Hidluaiy In, L*Uarao| A'lmiiilaiiaUuii Mi Ibr Ml ale ,1 Pal Idly I'uUlgmtU, late 111 ulyuu ‘tiuuiy, 'i«t i aaetl Tbew aia. He,dm a, lo dia anil gdawnlali all wbtaa II way "tannu. Ut be sad appea, I .b.i.#atti l ouil, In nmk. Mellon til any lie, haver, on in hefote lint Ilf! Monday In Jaunat y, othalwias Mid 1.11.14 •111 Sa plibl. Wliuasa Mepben I »«t|. mainaty M rr UHY GOOD* ABU CLOTHING. EINSTEIN l EGKNAN, No. 151 Congress St. Samian da. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY ROODS HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GEhMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS HAVING Just received and openad a very large and select stuck of Fancy Drese Goods, Houee- Keeptng and Domestic Goods. Blankets, Cloaks and Bh * wl, ’ J .. , . Al * l ’ H * ta > “«*« end Shoes. And all articles usually found In a find caw Dry Goods House, we would oust respectfully invite our former Mends and customers; also Merchant* and Planters visiting the city, to call aud examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. El NOTHIN fit ECKMAN, novC-tf 1(1 Congress Street, Savannah, ua. DRY GOODS. HIGHLY IMPORTANT To Ladies and Country AleroHants. r A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ac., Ac., Ac., Remarkably Chaap for Cakh, CAN BE FOUND AT A.. UoMohor db Oo’si., 1* BARNARD STREET. COR CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment of Foreign aud Domestic Uaodt, Cloaks, Shawls, Ac, N. B —By strict attention to business, courteous aud honorable dealing with our customers, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line oi White Goods and Linens now open. octl» Blankets i Flannels CLOTHS AND CABSIMEMES BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIKTINoa DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOEB AND. ALAPACAB. Received and for eels cheap by H HAYM, octa* 174 Broughton street. Carpets, Oilcloths, &c, LATHROP & CO., WILL open WEDNESDAY, lith Dec., a choice se lection of the above goods. ALSO, Checked end Plain Matting Lace and Muslin Curtains Window Shades aud Shade linens Hugs, Door Mats, Curtain Fixtures, Ac.,- With a full stock of House Furnishing Ooods in Table Uuen, Napkins and Doyles Cloth Table Covcra and Furniture Dimities Marseilles Quilt* and Bed Blankets Linen Diapers, Sheetings, Ac. d»-4 % SHAWLS, SHAWLS. JUST opened a large assortment of Zephyr Worsted Shawl*. Soutags. Cloaks and Hoods, Children’ Caps, Boot* and Gaiters. Also, Irish Linens. T able Damask. Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles, aud a variety of Fancy Ar ticles too numerous to mention. All of which we offer at very low price*. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, uovS-tf U 1 Congreee Street NOTICE. THE undersigned would respectfully Inform hi* former Mirons and the cldsens generally that be la prepared ag*iu to take contracts to build new or repair wharves. Pile-driving done by steem pile-driver. d7 dm F. KRENSON NOTICE. ' SAVANNAH, Nov. 14th. 18C4 Daring my sbeence from tbe city or State Mr. C. M. Butler Is my duly authorized agent. nIT C. W. THOMPSON. N otic©. A L L Persons baying AMaeade against the estate of Edward G. Wilson, deceased, of Cbstliam county, sre respectfully requested to hand t bem In properly au thenticated ; and all persons Indebted to saldeetate are reqaceted to mtks Immediate payment to ANAJB WILSON, 814 Administratrix. NOTICE. THE onderrignefi premium to care Seminal Weakness In all its worst forms wltkgtt the nse of medicine— Please send for my Circa®, em losing lo rents for postage. Address fi. M. RUSSELL, octtO-Mn Boston, Moss. NOTICE. Steamship Chase. /"tONtUONBKB or owusr* of gouda p*< steamship L Chase, >.n voyage from New York, October list, IMI6, will pleas, present ropte. of Involcss ; also, rlslms for short dofivsites and deductions for itamugf, II auy, to the unfierslgasd, •« oi liefure the l(th <lay of Inicrmber next, Sir the purpose of making the ad justment of tbe gen.fU averse*. HUNTER h GAMMELL. JT Macon Tvlsgrsgh, Avgusta GuusUlutlotullat Atlanta lulelUgsutei , pleas* copy and send bUI lo this office USA 14 Notice. PRIVATE Balls and Parties roll U# supplied a Ull good Merit with tiso Iwilrutaenta (nano a*d VioUei hy lest lug onlsr* at Mr, acbi eiiwr 4 Boa's MualuMor*. . an* Printing Presses. Sell *<i eel Ta>k«f r>»t HB<», esf u isvaess*. Ua PRICE, 5 CENTS ■HfiI'RAItCB. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. B. F. STEVENS, President. DIMEC.I’olib. Wm - B Reynolds, kharicaP. Carti*. Geo. H Foleer M»rSp - wiM er ’ • CharlesHuKrd. . J “ S- Ao,l>rJr ’ JOSH. M. GIBBENS, Secretary. $3,000,000 Last Cash Returns, $750,000 FORTY PER CENT. PAID TO ALL INSURED. This Company, established In Bo gtoni Mas , , n *43, is the oldest and must reliable wholly Mutual Life Insurance Company iu the United ha , been uniformly successful, having alway. made large retar,h In cash to all the policy holders. Lest cash divkleiHl 40 per cent. By the last report of the Insurance Commissioners the surplus of assets over liabilities was proportionate Jy greater thau any Life Insurance Company In the United Slate*. This Company being purely mutual. Injures at tbe lowest possible rates: sad If the premium paid ex. ceed Uie actual cort, the mrplu, i, returned to the parti** insuring. kv.ry fi/U, year, at the time of declaring the reran.* t ,e business Is, as It we. <* closed, so that Its actual pusffion and solvency are nude manifest at that time - and the surplus funds an divided pro rata among all the usured. This guards the assured against* any possltoe lass from Inefficiency on the part of the Com ply, aud Is a sure guaranty as regards the future -f."' 1 ' I ®,, 41 * distance may Insure from blanks, Which win he supplied and forwarded free of expense Printed documents of an Interesting character .bowing the benefit, of the mutual plan and the ad vantages generally of life insurance that tbi. company lias tooffer, supplied gratis, or forwarded. 1 _ A. WILBUR; ne- ,r Agent for Georgia and Florida, ‘ Bay afreet, Savannah, Ga. Marine- Insurance. K-arsK*:**;-™*- - No 19 £ I E£ 1 KL “ QR MN * SON, d8 W N0 ls Stoddard* Eastern Range, Bay it. NEW YORK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. hecuiuty insukace company. Capital and PHCErftx insurance CO. Capilul and Surplus $1,500 000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus....- $1,200,000 MANHATTAN .INSURANCE CO- * Capital and Surplus $900,000 n9 8m No- 1* 3tudd«. A d’*^g a e, Roliablo Southern liiMurauoe. THE National Marine aud Fire INSURANCE COMPANY, - OF NEW ORLEANS. CAPITAL,, $860,000 row, „ O. C. MYERS, Agent, Office over Hunter A Gammell, 84 Bay street. eJlnL r L : '»L'tr o<Uvu “ Cohen, Hunter A Gammell, 6m Mtw Crockery, China, Glassware. . JTKMnt'y* 11 p,rU ° f theCOnDt T* YVTioleaale Stock which Include, packages containing complete amort - meuta. put up expressly sot "Country Trade," Goods re-packed to suit purchaser* Queensware House 109 Broughton St., ad door from Ball St °*~ ri'tf K. D. BMYTII. THOW. W. BROOKH MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND GENERAL UPHOLSTERY, £94 Doc It Street, Philadelphia.. Pb. soL A l'~A U ohdkrs *« nt by Mafi promjitljr at- ALEXiW kH cloves. ALSO, a fine assortment of Silk, Wool and Buck akin Glove* and Gauntlets. Just opened .” ~ EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, NEW BOOK STORE. fftRE subscriber being Incapacitated by U 1 health .7 I r '? m ~le active duties of The Ministry has, with the full approval or the Bishop ol the Diocese, enter <>d iuto biMtueiw u* u Theological and General Book seller, and la now opening a carefully selected Stock on llie corner ut Hull and Stale sirseu. Be solicit* the put i Ullage of lb* people ol Savaunah. Theologi cal, riaa*lr*| School, and kiscallauoovs FubUca tfoh* kept on baud. Orders received for ally work, American or Euro pern. ild w f THOff. J. STALKY. HILTOJI t RANDELL HAVE /*• l r*elv*d and ufflw fir **'• *i< liarnde Sugar ttndßH tu do Soda I'rai ksrs w do I .ennui jHsenU V,| do I, M.OI, I’l. NIC Mtarali m do tavUiii t rack*ia V* do G trier Urarker* AT IN NAV BTMBOT For Sale, S* B A BAB DUE A Ulh