Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 13, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY 8. W. MABQN A CO. SARIKL \V. .HAOO* BdUor, \v. T. l lIIIMPMIK A«»fl»lf 641(01 SaTanNaU. WKONKsUAI, DECEMBER 13, IM. ; tyj- For Commercial Intelligence see Fourth Page. The Strong Divorce Case. —The trial of the Strong divorce case, which has attracted so much attention, was resumed in New York last week. The parties occupy the highest social position. The injured hus band is a bank President and wealthy man, witti a Fifth Avenue Mansion in New York and a splendid Country seat at Islip. He had surrounded his wife with all the luxu ries and comforts of life. She is the asso ciate Os ladies iu the highest social ranks. It appears from the testimony that she is a motner, a church woman and a charitable person. She commits sin with her husband's brother, who, according to the leslimoiny, is a man of honorable fame in the commu nity, a pillar of the Church and an exem plary character.' These two guilty persons, it seems, had too much time aud 100 much money to adhere to the path of virtue. Tb<y lived so long in the full enjoyment of the de lights of prosperity and virtue that they ' tempt fate and each other for the sake of newer sensations, and they have certainly succeeded in stirring up the social mind of Gotham and offending the nostrils of hu manity. One of the witnesses in the case wag Mrs. Beujamin N. Strong, the sister in law of the guilty woman, who proved the hand writing of the inconstant wife, Mary Strong, with the following confession which was placed in evidence : “The following is freely given to an injur ed husband by a loving wife, to prove that if at any future lime he should be driven by. the power of his wretchedness to a course ot reckless misery and despair,that mv faithless ness has been the whole cause of it. On the evening of January 4th, 1862, I made in (die bitterness of my soul a full aud free con fession of a course of guilt which had stain ed my life, and extended over a period of nearly two years. God’s merciful judgment has snapped the cord of iuiquity, aud Ilis streneili lias enabled me to confess the crime to him I had wronged, aud relieved my con science of the heavy weight ol concealment “If my husband stales beneath the blow and is driven to destruction, I wish to bear the blame ; I wish it to be known to all that he may be excused and shielded from ap proach. f "May God avert the dreadful issue— 3end peace to his heart—grant to me a sincere re pentance and forgive me. Makv E. Strong. January 6th; 1862.” The testimony of Mrs. Frances Strong was then resumed. She also testified to the au thenticity of the above letter and also to that 0 t.i-P blowing, dated January 16, 1862 : Edward N. Strong: A judgement of God lias arrested tne in my career of siu, and thrown down the barrier of concealment. My husband knows all. Whatever maybe the issue of that knowledge, my affections arc again entirely his. I repeat bitterly. * Mary E. Strong.”' Ou her cross examination, Mrs. F. Strong nanated the family habits as to goiug to Church and to holding prayer meetings, in which Peter, Edward and Mary participated, aud also both relations existing between Ed ward Strong, the guilty paramour and his brother, tile outraged husband, which it ap pears, were of a cold friendless character, even before the discovery of the crimes of the wife. During the reading oi the two let ters of the wife the husband shed tears in court. FLORIDA NEWS, The Jacksonville (Fla.) Union of the 9th instant, says sufficient information has been obtained to determine that the fol looting named gentlemen have been elected, viz: Judge D. S. Walker, Governor; Major W W. J. Kelly, Lieutenant Governor; B. F. Allen, Esq., Secretary of State; Mr. Gal braith, Attorney General; Col. Pyles, Comp troller General; Air. Austin Treasurer, and I erdinand McLeod, of Lake City, Represen tative to Congress. Judge B. A. Putman has been elected to the Judgeship ot the Eastern Circuit, Col. T. T. Long of the Suwannee Circuit, Judge J. Wayles Baker of the Middle Circuit, and Judge Allen Bush of the Western Circuit., The Union also announces the arrival on the Ist instant of the steamship Indian River, from New York. She was specially fitted out, and bore a crew and working pai ly, for the purpose of engaging in the enterprise of establishing a fishery at Indian River. She belongs to a company in New York, organ ized with a large and adequate capital for the successful prosecution of its objects. The Florida stockholders are Doctor John D. Wescolt and Col. Titus, who will direct the operations at Indian Rivejr. Mr. Truman, the correspondent of the New York Times, is at Jacksonville. The Jacksonville Times of the Cth suys it is rumored that the vessel laying for some time off the gulf coast for “emigrants for Brazil” was nothing more than a slave trader gathering up unsuspecting negioes for trans portation to Cuba. The Gainesville Era says, developments are such that it becomes the duty to organ ize the Militia at once. Tue l.'Aiir.ijßATiON- of Governor Orr of Soum Carolina.— The inauguration of the Governor eii ct, of South Carolina, took place on tiro zutu ult. There was nothing uuusuu , says a dispatch, to mark the occasion, save that the gay and brilliant assemblage ot la dies in former years was reduced to a thin attendance clothed in the garb of mourning. The farewell address of Governor Perry excited evident teelings of emotion, while the inaugural address „f Governor Orr was listened to with breathless attention. The old Constitutional oath ot office to support he Constitution of the State and of the Uni ted States was administered bv the Chief Justice ol_Ute State, H„ u . ». Official Vote roa Mehb* nV-w from rnis District.— The following is vote at the late election for Members ot c„ n gress from this District, as officially declared at Milledgeville: Solomon Cohen I Chas, H. Hopkins 7„.i « ar.y VV Stylus auo I h«*. L Seward, (who whs not acaiidh «*•••*) IM W isitaa, l)o*i an Asp G».a.- These Male priwmeis Oiaiged with cruel irsuimunt «»l Federal prisoners of war Isft Washington ' *"»id mi |)e. ad. winder is sent to Itiehmond, Vh., and is turned over to o. n» r*i 'ferry In nnum.iul Utere I lunt sn poa* to kavauuah, U*., ami lie* to lUUngb, ft C Three D«y« Later Mali from SieH York. By tbe arrival of the steamship San Jacinto fioia New York on the 9th, we are placed in possession of three days later files. The crowded slalf precludes our giving more than a synopsis of the news - The ratification of the amendment to the Constitution prohibiting slavery by the lag jslature of Geoigia, made that amendment naturally aparlot the National Constitution, Georgia being the twenty-eigbth to adopt it. The despatch of Provisional Governor John son "to the President announcing the lact made a “sensation” at the North. The most important of the Congressional news has already been given by telegraph. The staudiug committees of the Senate had been announced. In both Houses various portions of the President's message were re ferred to the pioper committees. In the House, a resolution was offered and referreJ to the Judiciary Committee, proposing an other amendment to the Oonstitqjjon. to the effect that duties on exports shall lie legal, that no portion of the rebel debt shall ever : be recognized, aDd that Congress shall have power to secure equal liberty aud protection to all persons throughout the country- A resolution was offered, but laid over, for a committee to report in reference to refunding the several States their war expenditures. Congress adjourned on the 6th until the next Monday. Later intelligence from Europe is to tfife efTect that in consequence of the threatened - interference of both France aud England in ( favor of the Chilians, Spain had resolved to I back out ot her movement against that coun- j try, and imperative instruct ions have been ; dispatched via New York to Admiral Pareja. commanding the Spanish blockading squa drou, to cease further operations. Stephens, the reputed Fenian Head Cen tre of Ireland, Imd escaped trotn the prison in which be had been confined, and large re wards amouutiug to sixty-five hundred dol lars had been offered for his recapture. The exact manner of his escape is still shrouded in mystety: hut it is known that some of the prison officials must have aided him. In the Loudon money market on the 2f>th ult. United States five-twenties closed at 64 l-4u<54 1-2, and British consols at 89 l-2a 89 :5 4. One hundred and eighteen citizens of Texas, all belonging to that class exempted from Executive amnesty who were worth over twenty thousand dollars, were, ou the Btli, it is reported, pardoned by the President. It is slated beyond a probability of contra diction that at the Cahiuel meeting, on the 7th. it was decided that Mallory, ex-rebel Secretary of the Navy, and now in confine ment at Fort Lafayette, should be tried by civil tribunal within the next thirty days. It was understood that the matter was brought up for decision by reason of the efforts that have lately lieen made by the family connec tions oi Mallory to obtain his release on parole. The investigation which tjie higher branch ot the Fenian government iseugaged iu mak ing into the management of matters in New York, has already resulted in a report an nouncing the detection of an effort to issue sixty eight thousand dollars worth of bonds with the signature of a person as agent of the Irish republic who liad heed rejected by the Senate. The Fenian President in New York city, Mr. John O'Mahony, publishes a card ad dressed to the Brotherhood, in which he warns them against becoming disquieted jy the alleged disclosures of the certain investi gations, which he says are being prosecuted without legal authority. The New York Herald of the 9th publishes “a still more complete list of the English statesmen and leading citizens whose uamSs appeared on the rebel books as holders ot the bonds of the Confederacy at the time of the last payment of interest, in November, 1864, showing the amount with which each was credited and those of them by whOm llreir interest was drawn. This latter class included more than two-thirds of the entire number, there boiDg over two hundred of them among the whole three hundred sub scribers. The list now given contains all the names that appeared ou the first oue, inclu ding those of Mr. Gladstone, a member of the British Cabiuet, and well known mem bers of the nobility, of Parliament and of the English mercantile community, Advices from-Mexico state that the cause .rs the lucent raising ot the seigeof Malamo ras by the Mexican republicans under Gene ral Escobedo, is explained to have been sole ly a lack of ammunition. A shipload pur chased in ou.e of our Northern cities was delayed in iMßtrrivnl, nud General Escobedo was therefore compelled to suspend Iris offen sive operations and withdraw a short distance from the town, where, at the date of latest accounts, he still remained ready to resume the siege as soon as this very necessary ma terial was received. It is said that General Weitzel's invis Igation has shown that the imperial charges that the gunboat Antonia was filed upou from the Texas shore of the liver were unfounded. President Juarez announces, in a decree, the extension of bis term of office, owing to the anomalous condition of affairs and the impossibility of holding the regular Presiden tial election. The President has accepted the resigna tion of Major Gen. Jno. A Dix aud Major Gen. B. F. Butler, to take effect from tbe list ultimo. The number of rebel prisoners captured during the war amounted to 329,00(1, of which 173,000 were taken during the last six monthsfif the rebellion. The number of Union prisoners raptured by the rebels dur ing tfie war is stated to have been 107,000. A bill has been introduced in Congress to revive the rauk of General. It is understood to be for the purpose of bestowiug the hon ors and emoluments of the office upou Lieu tenant General Grant. It will not meet with any serious opposition. The Currency Bureau has decided that la dies caunot act as directors of National banks, as the laws do not recognize them as citizens There is much complaint about tbe fre quent outrages oecurriug in Washington city, and many of the leading citizens are favoring the plan of revoking the city char ter aud placing its affairs entirely in the bauds ol Congress. Reports are being received at the Freed men's Bureau, gimug encouraging accounts of the manner in #ieli the business ot the Bureau is being carried on in tire Southwes tern Stales. Homes are being furnished and work supplied to great numbers of tbe idle and suftenug. Daniel L. Gibbons, of Boston, Treasury Agent at Mobile, committed suicide by ent ting bis throat on tbe 2d iustaut. Both Houses of the Louisiana Legislature have adopted a resolution declaring that Messrs, liabu and Carter, elected U. S Senators by the previous legislature,, arc not entitled to represent the Stale iu the National Senate, and have chosen Mr. Kan del Hunt to supsersede on one of them. In consequence of Hie tears of negro out breaks entertained by some of the people of \ irgiuia a proposition lor the organization of the militia has been submitted to the Legis iMsra ol the Slate. The Strong divorce rase is still progressing in New York. Mr, Stevens, father of Mr*. Strong, wots piai ed mi the stand aud testified a» to three Interviews with the- husband ami one wuii in* daughter, iu which she confess , '**'• fihiltv tun reomtu with the brother ol h«) husband "" *' conductor i,ni Wu.t recently demsud ed two Itcliels id the Siamese twlus, Wloi were riding on the irelu, hut tire twins In ■fitted they wete Hie, and a* the conductor rirruld Dot eject out, Without Urn uUtvl. lie had In let i hem paes BY TELECRAPH TO TilK I ):i i 1 y i*a Id . THE AMENDMENT RATIFIED BY NORTH CAROLINA. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. I W ASHiNoTON, Dec. 11.—Official iuforina j tiou has been received at the State Depart ment of the ratification of the amendment to j the Constitution prohibiting slavery by the ■ Legislature of North Carolina. CON <> KENM. Senate. i Washington, Dec. 11.—In the Senate to day, Mr. Wilson presented a petition from the colored people of I lie District of Colum bia, asking that the right of suffrage be be stowed on (hem. The. petition was referred to the Committee on* the District of Colum bia. I On motion, that part of the President’s message relating to finance was presented. Mr. Morgau presented a petition of New York merchants asking the restoration of | certain rights of the coast of Florida, and j regarding foreign banks and commerce. Mr. Washburue was appointed chairman of ; the committee on the death of President Lin coln. A resolution was offered making an earn est declaration against monarchical designs in Mexico, and instructing the Committee on Foreign Affairs to report as to wbat mea sures ar-g necessary ou the part of the United States to protect the people of Mexico in their rights as a republican government. A resolution was presented to allow on the ffnor members elect frotrf the States lately in rebellion. A Bill was introduced to confirm the land titles grantal by General Slocum to the freedmen rm the Sea Islands last winter. A bill was alsp presented to establish a mining burenu. A resolution was introduced calling upon tlie President for what information he has respecting the occupation of Mexico by Eu ropean powers. A committee was appointed to act with the HouSe committee ou the subject of the death of President j.ineo'u • House of Representatives. Washington, Dec. 11.—In the House, the principal business to day was the appointing of the standing committees by the Speaker. The Chairmen of the.principal committees are as follows: on Millitary Affairs, Mr. Sclicuck ; on Naval Affairs, Mr. Rice. Several amendments to the Constitution of the Uuited Statas were introduced. tJE\'. CItAIIT IN \V \SI!IM;T<»N. Washington, Dee. 11. —Lieut. Geu. Grant returned’from his Southern tour this morn ing. NEW YORK MAKKBT^, New York. Dec. 11 >- Cotton closed dull at. 47 to 48c. Naval stores dull. Gold, 14.". 1-4. NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. IK EXPECT FULLY ami ounce myself ns a Candidate for theOtliceof Tax Collector at the election iu January next, mid humbly solicit your support iiVT-lf " EDWARD FOWEB. KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Side Bucks, Side Lamps, with and without Reflectors; Fan cy llall Lamps, Lanterns* Bases, and Fonnt>- Patent Glaa# Codes, Burners, Globes, Chimnies and Wick, DRUGGIST*' FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock cry Dealers’ and Confectioners’ GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL JAMES T. WRIGHT, 22fiGrcenwich Street, Ttvo doors below Barclay, N. Y novl-3m >. a Cure For Leaky Root's. Savannah, Dee. 11th, 1866. Messrs. Dillon A Taylor, Painters, (it* Bay Street* It gives me pleasure to state, in reply to your In quires, anti in justice to your firm, tnat your Linseed Oil Cement is an entire success. The tin roofs of my houses being pronounced beyond repair, by a well kntSwn tinsmith of this city, I was induced to try your Linseed Oil Cement, which has exceeded my .expectations as a waterproof coating for roofs. After 2ft years experience as Master Builder, l have found iiothlilg to equal it. f <ll2-6t L. SOLOMON, 145 Broughton street. SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, > Decern ber Uth, IMJS.J Ad election for six Birectors, to manage tno affairs of this Bank for one year, will be held at the Banking House on the Tuesday iu January next, being the nth Jay ol the month. Polls open from to o’clock a. in to 2 o’clock p. iu. dl2 laxvlui JACOB SPIVEY, (iii-hir. CENTRAL R. R & BANKING CO., t Savannah, December 9, 18tB. f Ordered by the RoarA of Directors that no luiqjicr nor timber .-hull be transpoit. J oyer the Company’s road, except by epeci il conti aqt with the Superin tendent. GEO. A. <'t YI.ER, Cadhier. Most of the platform cars of the Company being employed in moving iron and ties for rebuilding the road, will prevent the hauling of wood and lumber, except in limited qualities. GEORGE W. ADAMS, Jl2-eod-2w General Sup’t. To the Voters of Cliuttrum County. r pilK undersigned is a candidate for re-election to A the office of I 'lev!, of the Superior and Inferior Courts, and leaped fully solicits your suffrages. dlSMn* e WM. H. BULLOCH. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE The Original and Rest in the World ! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instate Utueou9. Produces immediate.)' u splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Bold by nil Drug gists. The genuine is Bigned William A. UaUhelor, Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT of MILLEFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair uulCly CHARI.EH BATCHELOR, N*.» Yob*. Notice to hariicN. M’MB DKMOREST’S Branch of Fashions, with I’aUxrim ol every style of Drees, hy Mr*. Vie It, 114 llrysn street nttfi-ln TANARUS« lUr Voter* of ITisll,a„i ( ouiily. I ri hpccltiilly anuouuco inyw’ll' u unmli diitn lor rti-clocUon U> the uffii * of Hberilf of < itnllmm County, wml ask your support nt the January eUrumi, if fiv.N.i*uiN I, Coi.e Oi l li I lll.l'on uMMIbHAUt i Suvullhull, Wool gill, 1n,,,,,1n, *, lull, j SMLKh Proposal. to luiiiMi lie iioiiim si Mil* roa! Willi ftsal, heel 10l lines tuouihs, coiumisis low I I*l4l slid sodios Man It HI. |wl* will In melted *| I Ills, 'lll ,101,1 It M |)ei ju |>S, The IhailoU id gisal nuns,table uuullty, e*elu Mti ol On )• and ahaliS*, aiehUllvrisd 111 Weekly I be Liopieal* |o he mail* iu firndb aW 114 D A HI.I If O. •haw t *|4 and C N. Vi4* TOTHttVOJriCttSOI* CHATHAM CO CATTY I aunouDco niyseif as a candidate tor the allhv of TAX COLLECTOR ot Chatham county, ami respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. ? nov22-td ALEX. F. BENNETT. CENTRAL K It. AND BANKING CO. J OF GEORGIA } Savannah; Dec. 4,1, 1966. I An Klwrittn for nine Director* to manage the af fair* of the Comp tfiy ior tin eumfuL' year will \hs b«dd at the Baukin<.' Hoiw*. in &i«annah Mory), ou lueeday, tlie _'d of January, IStiti, between the hours of lo a in. aud 1 p. m. Stock holders only won have hold stock for uinety days Immediately preceding tlie day of election are emitted to vote. Stockholders, upon presentation of their stock cer tificates to the conductors of trains, wit) he passed to and from the election oner the Coiupioiy's road, free. G»DRGK A. CUYLBR dfi-liu * Cashier. TO TIIK KLEC TOUs OF CHATHAM CO. Gentlemen : Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my name to be used for the office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I have the honor to announce myself as a candidate for that position, aud respect tully solicit your suffrage. an ti CHARLES J. WHITE. As Good as New. — In this fast country the hair whitens and falls early. But thin and grey hair indicate only a local decay. Your hair may be renewed and sustained through lile by the use of Mrs. S. A. 'Allen's World s Hair Restorer and Zylobalsamum; or Hair Dressing. Every Diuggist sells them. dee. 2-yod-l-w. Hull's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer Has proven itseif to be the most perfect preparation tor the hairever ottered tothe public. It is a vegetable compound, aud contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY*HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL Color. It wtll keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, <us trousand silken. it is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young; should fail to use it. IT 18 RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. * fin Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Uai Renewer, and take no other. R. P. HALL & CO., < Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WARD & CO,, - New Orleans, La., tiiili dm * Southern Whoh'saic Ag.-iils. funeka u mv ir.mux. Tli* ii leads aud acquaintance of Mr. Harvey 11. Morse aud family are respectfully-invited ta atteud the fu neral of the only child of Mr. and Mi's, Bradley, fiom their resdence. between Pine and Bryan streets, at 3 o'clocd p. m. • N E\V A U V £ ItTfS EM ENTS. Georgia Chapter, Vo 3, It. A. ill. *> The annual communlcai lon of this G’hap ter will he held at Masonic Hall This t Wednesday j Evening, at I o'clock Au election for officers for the year A. L 2896 will take place, and companions are requested to come prepared to pay their arrears. A full attendance is expected. • Transient companions are cordially invited to at tend. By order of the M. E. 11. P. J. lfonnßooa Kstii.l, Sec. dia l COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, V. 8. INTERNAL REVENUE First Imstkict oe Cuokgia,! Savannah; Dec. I:’, ises. j All persons who applied to die Assessor for 1,1- censes beiorc December firs:, arc requested, to call and get tin m at the Collector s- Otltoe. _ <143 3 A. N. WILSON, Get. IsTotice. * Fellow Citizens— l announce 1113 sell u candidate for re-election 10 the office of Receiver of Tax Re turn*, and respectfully ask your support. <113.1* BARNARD £ BEK, COWS FOR SALE." JT'qidt good Cows (Springers) will lie sold rt aspna -1 TTly. Inquire of E. POWERS, <ll i-T Corner East Broad aud Broughton sis. Flagging and Jtiope. Bales Gunny CLOTH. ji|/\ Coils Green Leal JDtt’E. _ 1 Vf\J For sale bv WM. H. STARK, dl3-3t Corner Lincoln and Bay st. WANTED," ASTABLF. with stalls for not leas than four horses. Address, stating terms and location, WILLIAMS, dt3-2* Box 143 Savannah Post Office, BUTTER, Flour and Lard, Having received a large stork of the above, AX YKRY LOW RATES, we are able to offer great inducements to buyer?. RANDELL k CO., _ Southwest corner of bay and Barnard ats, dl2*t Notice. Savannah, Dec. 8, 18ti5. ONE month after date, I will fhakc application to the <-diners of ihe Atlantic & (iull K. R Oom pany for renown! of scrip ot ten shares 7 per cent, guaranteed stock ol said company- scrip being lost on the night of the 27th January, lto»6. Scrip Nos*, for Jive shares, August 7th, 1H61; Scrip No. 9, for live sliaum, Sept. 7th, iSJi. d 1 3-w A aim* * A. E MOKRBLL^ Improved City Property. MA SMre, with two Dwellings, east c nif of Liberty street. Possession given in one month'snot ice. Two /oDO-and-a-half story wooden Tune mento east eud of Taylor sti eef. dlil-lw BRYAN, HARTiSdgE A CO. HIGHLY 'IMPROVED' ~~ Market Garden. I A Aci-Ci with wooden dwellings and' out-bnihl -linglrjust beyond the cty, mi the Thunderbolt road. Land hos the best quality; under lease lill August i.t, ISWi. dia.lw BRYAN, HARTRIDGE & CU. Lemons, &c. ■ A BOX RS of lemons, lor sale by A. i). LOMELINOftfc ;ii)oo pound. Totasli, for sa,e hy A. 0. LOMEI.INO. k hbls Coper as, for *alc by dla » A. C. LOME LINO. A. C. LOMEUNO. DKALKK IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Liquors, fce. *NI» ft v »MI OTIIKK Aftltnr IN ink ÜBOi’tBV I INK UNDRH MAHONIC BALL, (i'oruwi of Hull hinu't mid rontfioM MtrvH laAim,i SAVANNAH, UROItUIA. WOOD, WOOD. 'l’M* •sbwrtla) Is tUepMWI Uj h|)ld*b Gsk. Mailt I sud I’iiw Wood, 'd ih. Usl uu.lll*, sills pi Isa* lllilws left Iu lbs bnlM .1 UidoUiu.'s «N ufcaßf »rtu dU t« WM BALT KF.W AItVU&TIftKMBJVTt. CANDY. ft A BOX! s Mowurt’s Assorted Odiilt 44) bojte* Bit-era bweetCho.olafe For mh‘ by HILTON A RANDRLL, dI3 4 1M Bay itrect. OEORgIa CHATHAM COUNTY -To all whom It •may concern: j Wheres*. John O. F. mil will npply a. tho Court of I Ordinary for letters Disriiisroiy h* *dm;ni*tratoi on | the estate of J-r. Francis H. Demere, late of said county, deceased: Thfiff are. therefore, to cite and adrooi i i.',li nil whom it intiy cno rij lo be aud appear before nuid Court, to uiaJk<* objevtioM (if any Hi y h»v*j on or before the first Monday in June next, otherwise suld letters will be in anted. Witr.i SHmy official this f»th tlayof Dccein •her, 1N415. D A. O BYRNK, dl3 Ordinary. THE GREAT PURIFIER! * I) ARI3 V’ 8 PROPHYLACTIC FLUID Isfl te best picventative against all malignant die ea-es, such ns CHOLERA, SCARLET AND TYPHOID FEVERS. Ac , Ac. It panties dwellings, removes offensive odors, re move* stains, cures burns mid sores. Usod in bathing, it keeps tlie skin healthy, soft and white. Get a bottle mid try it. For sale by the diuggists of Augusta. < PLUMB & I.EITNER d*3 3 . Wholesale A gents. FOR SALE. CONSTANTLY on Imnd, Oak Wood, at Dock Wharf. Orders left at this office will be attended to. dl3-‘2w A. R. CULLENS. STOLEN, FROM the ship Thorwaldson, a BOAT, painted blue with a yellow streak under her gunwale plunk By placing the same at wharf under Olaghorn & Cun uiugliup s, the tinder will be're warded. dIS-3 REID <k STEWART. To Boarders. F4OARI) ran he ybfained in a highly respectable 13 lauiily, pleasantly located and convaiiient to the porDon ol tho city. Apply at the edrner of State and Jefferson streets. dl3-3* THE ENGLISH POTATOES^ ARE now landing from tint “County OT Picton."— Price, teu dOllius for tell h:iiiipui s -'U.uih to ac co in puny the order. CitAULES Gltl.EN A SON, N«». 12 Ray street, Stodditrd’s Lower Range. BRITISH NAVY CANVAS. 60 BOLTB, to close consignment. by : 3 j CHARLES GREEN A SON. OFFICE OF U. S. DLUfiCl' TAX COMMISSIONER, Dibtbkt of Gr.onoiA, ) Savannah, Dec Ij, IMPi. f Owners of Lots, Lau«ls and Improvements in the city of bavuiiiub, Ga., are notified that the Tux Roll for said ( tty in completed, and the taxes thereon may be paid to the undersigned within sixty (Cnj days liviu this date, ut ou»‘ office, noilh-west corner of South Br udand Lincoln streets, in said city of Savannah. For uou-paymeui ol the lux, the Act of t’oiigress prescribes a penalty of fifty (60) per cent, and the lot-* let lute of the property to the United Slates. T. P. ROBB, S. A. PAM OAST,* J. C. BATES,’ U. S. Direct Tax Commissioners, Dist. dl3-tf of Geoi gia. PROTECTIVE INSURANCE. ;. THE ORIGINAL TRAVELLERS' INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN , Insul t* against C C I D ENTS OF ALL KINDS. CASH ASbETS, OCTOUER 1, ISC6, $687,693 19. Policies written for any terra, from one month to five years, tor any sum from $6 0 to in case ot fatal accidents, or $3 to ssft weekly compensation in case of disabling bodily injury—irom any casualty whatever, whctber'tiavelling or not— at premiums ranging from $3 to S6O per year. A iibferal discount made on three and five year policiee. MONTHLY AND MARINE POLICIES. One month general accident policies written in any amount up to £H>,tK)O, insuring ugainst ult kinds of accident*, travelling included, at ofie dollar per thou sand. Any person buying six one mouth policies in any one y« or will ieceivo a.half-year policy gratis Cex cej»i f 1 policy feej Matine policies written for voyages to California, Liverpool, Havre, or othei distant ports, at low rates, msuiing I.gainst loss of life oy any description of cas ualty. OLDEST ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANir IN AMERICA. Tur TfiAVr-LLREs’ Insukanoe Company or llartfokd, Cokm., is the pioneer accident insurance company in this country; takes risks ou as favorable terms as any .-ound compauy can, and pays its looses promptly. Upto'November Ist, 1865, it had issued over thirty thousand pohciee, and paid over six hundred losacs-*- tncludieg the sum of $40,000 retdised to fourteen pol icy-holders wiihin the year, for less than S2OO iu pre miums. No Medical Examination Reocibfd. Agencies in all principal towfts and cities in th»t Uuited States and Canadas, where policies a#e writuv without delay. Jamks G. Battek&on, President.* Rodney lkiuns, SSeuetary. A. % WILBUR, dl3-tf Agent in Savannah, Ga. PETER DONELAN, Mercliant Tailor INVITES attektiun to hia new invoice of tbe la teat .styles ot CLOTHS AND CAaSSIMEIi£S. Young gentlODica tlceii ing a Paehiuiiable Suit for the Holidays >hould call and his full assort ment of «118-3 NEW GOODS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY.' AVKScEI. of nlffliit thirty tons cupaeity, to load lor St. Murv«, Georgia Apply to ' dls-1 GEORGE C. FUI EMAN. 'William G*ill, (Surcessor to William It. llaakina,) I MPoKTiCIf and WholaMle Dealer In Foreign aial 1 D"im wiit Abm Wines, Liquors, Philadelphia l*or- U*r, rhuuipagnn c ider, Ac,, 1 No v 170 Eultolft Mlruel, OpiMtaiU* Ml PailPa C’lullHi, NKW YORK. Itottlsrol Mll.'s'd Ah for Nhlupliis ~„q Family nw. Farfiralar •ll*uliou paid to Filling slid Milppinc Houlheri, Older., , All hy imbll will be piompliy ulhuided 10, * ttHtm Liverpool Salt. Ai A turn Ol MALT. l» swim tUm. )u*l U,«««4 a iSWKyaypapnFiiP special RUTitea. IMA UK (AGE AND CELIBICT. Au Limt of Warning and Instruction for Young men, iu-t publislud by tho Howard \BBociatlon, and sent in wealed letter envelopes fr«-e ot charge. Addrusa Dr. J. BKILLIN HOUGHTuN, Howard Aaaociatioik, Philadelphia, Pa. octl J-3m A PIIYSIOLOaiCAL View oi M.% It It I At* K Containing nearly 300 pages, and 130 fine Plates ami Engravings of the Anatomy oi the Human or gana iu a state of Health ami Disease, with a Trea tise on Kaify Errors, its Deplorable Cousaquences iqion the 1111 ml aud Body, with the Author’s Plan of Treatment—the only rational anil successful mode ol cure, us shown by the report of eases treated. A truthful adviser to the married, ami those contem plating marriage, who entertain donuts of their phys ical coudtflon. Sent free of postage .to any address, on receipt of 26 cents, in stamps ot postage^nrrency, ••y addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author may be consulted npon any ol the dis eases upon which his book treats either personally or by mail, aud medicines sefit to any part of the world, octio tun ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH!.!! AVlieptou’s Ointnutiit. Will CURI THF ITCH IN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS. Also.nrus Salt Rheum, TTlcere, Chimi-iirH?, und all Eruptions of (lie Skin. Price SO cents For enlc by all Druggists By sending CO cents to Weeks i Potter, Sole Agents, 110 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will he forwarded by mail, free of postage, -to any pwtof the United States sei>t2t-3m We have learned not to be astonished at anything. Years of experience aud a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a basis Jrom which we need not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the following—although the persons who write them are, We know the persons aud cir cumstances, hence tee) at liberty to indorse their statements: “New BedFokd. Mass., Nov. 24,1863. Dear Sir,— 1 Lave been afflicted many, years with severe prostrating Cramps in my limbs, cold feet and hands, and » general disordered system I’hysieians and medicines failed to relieve me. Uhile visituio some (Mentis iiVXtnv York who were using Plantation Bitters, they [.ret ailed npon me to try them. I com menced with a small wine-glassful after tinnier. Feel ing better by degrees, ut a tew days 1 was astonished to End tha coldness and cramps had entire! \ left me, and I could sleep thy night through, which 1 hare not done tor years I ieel like another being. My appe tite and strength have also greatly improved by the use of the Plantation Bi tiers. Respectfully, Jeiuiu Kussta.’’ • uv, Win., Bept 16, 1863. * • * I have been ip the army hospitals for four teen months speechless aud nearly dead. At Alton. HI., they gave me a bottle Os Plantation Bitters. • * Three bottles restored my speech aud cured me. “ * ' C. A. Ft.At; ie " The following is from the Manager oT the Union Home School tor the Children of Volunteers: *'HAVt,MEVKtt Mansion. 57th Bt', ) - New York, Angnst 2, 1863. ( Da. Duakc:—Your wonderful Plantation Bitters have Been giten to some of our little children sulleiiug irom weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. Gtte uuie girl in particular, with pains in her head, lussol appetite, and daily wasting consumption, on whom all medical skill had been exhausted, Ims been entirely restored. We commenced with but a tesepdonful ot Bitters a day. Her appetite and strength rapidly increased, and she is now well. Respectfully, ' Mia. G. M. Devoe." ■ “• * * I owe much to yon, for I verily believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my life. Rev. W. if. Wauuonek, Madrid, N, Y. “* * * Tknn wilt send tne two bottles mote of tlty Pintitation Bitters. My wile has bean greatly beneffied by their Use. Tlty lricud, Aba CpitKi.t, Philadelphia, Pa." “* * * l have-been a great suflererfrpni Dyspep sia. tend ltati to abandon preaching. * * The Piau- Matiou Bitters have cured me. Rev. J. S. Catiiorn, Rochester, X 1 “* ,* * 1 have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of otlr disabled Soldiers With the m.,el as tonishing effect. . ,r G. W. D. Andrew s, Superintendent Soldiers' Home, Cincinnati, O " ' '* * * The Plantation Bitters lmve cured me of Liver Complaint, of w loch k was laid U(» prostrate, and hail to übanuou my busbies*. , 1 H. li. hiM.-i.fcv, Cleveland, Ohio.” “* * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidneys tgid Urinary Organs that has distreysed rue for years it acts like a charm. U. C. Mooue, No. 264 Broadway." St c., Ac., Ate., Afcc., cct The Plantation Hitters make the weak strong, the languid brilliant aud are exhausted nature's great re storer. They ate composed of the celebrated Oulisaya Bark, Wintergrecli, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, &c., ail •preserved iH perfectly pure St. Croix Rum. 0 S. T’.—lß6o—X. Persons of sedentary huhiU, troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of tho heart, lack of appe tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, &e., deserve to suffer if they will not try them They are recommended by the highest medical au thorities, amt qre warranted to product: an immediate beneffcial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notice.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters in hulk or by the gallon is a swindler and im postor. It is put up only in our log cabin bottle. Be ware of bottles rclilled with imitation deleterious stuff, (or which severaVpersons are already in prison. See tha t every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork unmntiliited, and onr signature on steel-plate side label. * Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable world. P. 11. oct27 3m 202 Broadway,N. Y. Agua de Magnolia. A toilet delight! The ladies' treasure and gentle men’." boon J The “sweetest thing” and largest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia Used for bathing the face and person, to nud«r the skin soft anu fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, Ac. It oveiv-ouK'S the unpleasant odor of perspiration. It removes redness, tan, blotches, Ac. If cures nervous headache and alluys iutlammaiiou. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosqueto biles and stings of insects. It contains no material injurious to the skill. Patronized by Actresses And Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Try the Magnolia Water once aud you will use no other Cologne, Perfumery, or Toilet Water afterwards. DA MAS BARNKK & CO., •ctß7-eodly Props, Exclusive Agents, N Y. S. T.--18GO —X. Drake's Plantation Bitturs* They purify, .Inuiglheu *ml iuvfgorsts- 0 Tbsy rmitr „ ht’slthy *ppetils. They sre «u sntliluU.' U, chungs of w«t*r mul illnl Tliuy ovrlvomt, effuols »f dluHtpHllou mul l*U) hnum. Ths> striqigtbsu ths .y.tsni snff ll»’ mind. Tbsy liisvsiil niliwmstis nud llitsrmlnsiilfsvsr*. 'They purify Ib” breutli »nd sitdily „l ths ttuuiki h. Tbsy rurs Uy«p*l»l» »nd Con»ll|,:il, i„ Thi-y i-urs Dl.rrln*.. Oholsn, und Gbolsr. Mnrlm. Thsy rurs IJvsr i'ouipUlni mul Nsrvim. rir.ih, lis, Tbsy srslbs bust llltimt 111 Ills wuilil Tbsy units lb* w**k .Iruiig, sud sis sihsunlsd imluri '. grsul i. sb>r»r. Tlisy srs nsdu of pmsNt. Crifii Hum, ihs sslrhr.lsil C.llrny. film It. rout* slid hsrbs, »ud ms Uk'i, will* Hu, plsusursuf .l», wllh'iul rsguid hi sg. or llm« uldsy i'.irlk ulstly rsruiiiuttiuM h* dvll, »i< iwiMiii. inquiring ~g, mis siiinul.iil mild by .11 Uiuc*i<, lhuggi*i* > lloislt sudlhdouhs Giilv gsio ulus »ksi, Uuft, Is lovsrml by im, pii*4. |, H It»WAI. us I’uuHUolsds sud rstllsd holllss F H UNARM * OU. v*KMu4l| II Fwk Mo»,M4« Imk AMI SF.MSvrS. »uvhii ii a u riiT-Tr^ Istfs. W and Mating, TANARUS., M.-ssrs. at,mono * || 4 WEOIE3U.IV KVEMivt;, DEC, 13 benefit of mr Hamilton. Shakapeare'a sublime tragedy of ‘<9 hamlet, Prince of Deunu.rk • Hamlet... „ . Mr T. HANIfn,, As acted by him throughout the South dnrine ,h. four years with great success 8 “ Tomorrow, METAMORA. FAIR. A NUMBER t.r the Benevolent Ladies of thi. umopening on Mbndav iiiJ •I'ettW, sr Andre'wJ Ha,f ’ 8,1,1 cloa, “301 Ihe atteutioti of the public ffeiier'iiiir »n i , especially intending topmcMse n 1 ? ,lh * I'ulied to the large mm.lte mv »5" 1 "•fill the woftc ..I the S islet s' punffs in« ' and »aleat the dtflerent Fair tales' ’ dii iaV*H fair. A FAIR will be held by the Ladies of the Firemen's Hairsourh rV/vT? 1 ? avnr hi«ii at ipth. 1:1th, ami 14thof feem her m <hef'' ~n,!' the poor. 11 ror 'hi Donc-m <,( o Doors w," be opened on Tnrstday afternoon a, t Holiday Presents. DINNER. TE 4, TOILET, COLOGNE AND I loro SETS, Ac., Ac., suitable for Holiday Presents. QUEENS WARE HOUSE, 109 Broughton door from the com., „ liT t ' E- D. SMYTH A CO. Eight Bales Cotton. YITE have Eight (s. Bales Cotton picked V> 'annul. River. The owner, |,r.v,i»ffim allowing the usual satvage can have sameTf a „n " lor wilhm ten flays, otherwise they will i ! " 1 }'»>; ,fx V N,scs - ' fl "' '"‘lts are unmurke.l and ,n E- C. WADE A J, Important to Farmers am Housekeepers. IjAILY expected from Prince Edward’s Island: 6700 biiahelM'Black Seed Oats VOI-O hnsliels Jackson Potatoes, the be»i n \ ing Poiatoen known. « '< BRADLEY, U ‘ lw 196 Bays! Gko. H. C'RttMr, Wm, A. Wikuiit, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmond, Vs. iiEo. ii. our & to., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liprs, Tobacco, Segars, HALTED FISH, & c . •ion Broad Sf., Augusta, <;«, " ill purrliase aud sell on Commission Con. v, loii.oioQ, and Mek<toniilhc of every de scription. J Refers to thJ M« rchante and BankerH of Anrudt. <ta., I tiuliiiiuHif. Va.. and Jno. Ferrill, Keq 1b Wilt A Moreau, Gliden & Dnekles, A. A. So'opon- , i-o.» «1,. r J’. PaLei.son K. Molina, Eskj , Savauuaii. Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oet4 MUSICAL INSTRUCTIONS MR. .1. .MEYER, from Columbia, S. C.. wfcerelif lias lieen engaged for a number of year- Professor of Music, otter* liis service as Tcaciurun Mio fiano Forte aud to the citizens of sa vannah. The best of references can be given if required. For further 'partlculaw inquire at the Music and btatioiierv Store of Mr. Schreiner X Son. dll* (OPARI NERNHIP NOTICE. r uiidDi sL’ned this day formed a copart- A ner.sMp for the 11aiiHactloii gs a general com mission, shipping and forwarding business, uudtru! name of Loßoclie A West. ISAAC D LaROCHE JAMES, B WEST. Office, Jones’ Block. bivannah, Dec. 1,1801. dil-C • Salt, Coal and 5000 Sacks Liverpool Salt. too casks Jeffrey's Ale. luu tons Liverpool Orrel Coal. Per ship Mozart, and lor sale Uv dll-1 w X. R. & J. G. MILLS. Notice. CENTRAL R. R. A BANKING Ct>. OF GA.,I Savannah, Nov. 14, 1806. f rrtllli Annual Meeting < f ihe Siockholders of thij Compauy will be held on Thursday, the 14th December next, at the Banking House in Savannah, at 10 (/clock, a. m. A lull attendance is earnestly re quested. gEo. A. CUYLKR, nls-lm Cashier. LSTAIILIS-iUKD ISOS*. ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, &c., No. 211 Washington-St., septa new York. "n 1 CHRISTMAS! E- EHRLICH, 30, WHITAKF. II STREET. FANCY GROCERIES. • PRUNES. Raisins, Oranges, Lemons, Citron, Cur rant?, English Preserves, Jams and Jellies. Pr , ‘. serve Linger, Mushroons, Trnttles. Assorted Eugnsi •and American Pickles, English and French Must at"* Tcinato and Walnut Catsups, Worcester baucc. French and Spanish Olives Capers, canned Meats an canned Fi nils of all descriptions. Assorted Caudle-' lig paste, Nuts in variety. Smoked Salmon, hnun J dairy American Swis and Liuiberger Cheese, Cavinw No. 1 family Mackerel in hils, Wax, Sperm, Adaman tine Candles and Tapers, Spices of all kinds. FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Hams, Tongues, breakfast bacon, dv grades Sugar, Java, Muscovado, and Rio Co** splendid assortment Teas, Green, Gunpowder hi* l and English breakfast Teas, Ac., choice Butter, W Sweet Oil, all description of Soaps, plain amt iaue LIQUORS. A large assortment, viz : Martel and other Brandy. Irish Scotch, Mid Bonrlm Mhiskc.v, i'll.,nnlujuns clisitv. Puri nud Other Wines,!' 11 .nils of all kinds. Sclma'ld*’ fMMeijk Ac. B»enfiW< rhot taste can wish or appetite desire. Give nir' cull. ALSO, ‘ lust received by vecsiu“rivals from Boston, N v * York und Baltimore, a line assortment of all *]»” U ooiicii and Willow Wine, suilahle lor liouscK"! lag, _ dllt.ll WHARF LOTS AND FABJ Sale. A VALUABLE Is.t of Land, comprising two b® dred acrea on Bill* hinaoii** Island, ntwri) iMOiite thACimrloston Wharf, In this city, with*„ ugo on the river and AXieuding acr*» a thew lu " Tl(( Hack nvei, in ofitted lor sale at r rlvoi fn»nlHec preaenta an ellglhlw sltos lor » , iMiila a« *an hi* fannd "»i tin* rTvai The Un** „ lit h alluvial ihaiurler, liol effeltcd lit MJJJi V any bolloiii lamlft Iu the country, and *»un«W‘ '* i culture ol corn *»r eotinn, I ton ruining "I warai* *j alilaa or graaa three eropa Mug grown In I" 1 ' * willful difth ulty , —^«ii This rare chance for obUlului a valgahla pjo j o|.«i<d <4l Ihr 1001.1 uilvalltageoUo lellllj*. JfJJ j? LgU Ho purt hnftr iw uey call remain on Imiioi an iiMAirt Apply to NoHLh I'°“' l “TlJl 146 111 ought I, Notios to Oonslgnuss- KH BIVEH* ol Fmgiu psf »Mnnus Mlrauiahlp Liur Horn IfaW Vulh. 4 nout inmi diaimt u a iiekcf whM* ■ # ■.. in with evi iy loud and are that Ihr gn|**J* JT, # pond mnil ihe Ihkvia. Bairalirr im airala aid br allowed lAMOM i) foul hours ufUMr dnadiaijir JJ* jJSfr piatrti iu slur* •Us Is# at ffta rfak a**d aip 4 • iUHF ft W |U)M. **