Newspaper Page Text
The Savannah Daily Har*UU
w . T . THOMHftON
nScmPAT. tin ember 14 i*t.
For Commercial Intelligence see
Fourth Fagc
A rumor has been current in tliis city lor a
day or two past to the effect that a serious
difficulty had occurred alThotnasville in this
Staty between the whites and the blacks, oc
casioned by the aggressive and lawless con
duct ot some ot the latter We have not
lieeu able to learn the particulars ol the affair
auy farther than that the excitement pro
duced in the community attained such -a
pitch as to render it necessary to parade the
military as a conservator of the peace.
The recent manifestations, in different
parts of the State, of insubordination and
violence by evil disposed freed me u clearly
demonstrate the necessity for an immediate
organization of volunteer companies in th#
several counties, under the recent proclama
tion of Governor Johnson, to act as a “police
force” to aid the civil authorities in their re
spective counties to suppress violence and
preserve order. We regret to say that the
necessity tor this precautionary step is be
coming more apparent every succeeding clay.
Thtvpresent heavy withdrawal of federal
troops from our State and the frequent oc
currences of outrage and crime, clearly de
mand such organizations. Aod we feel war
ranted in saying that the united voice pt our
citizens calls loudly and even importunately
for prompt action on the subject; and we
cannot but think that the most culpable neg
ligence has maraed the official conducUof the
authorities whose duty it is, under the pro
clamation of the Governor, to see that the
necessary steps are taken in a matter so
vital to the preservation of peace, ot property
and of life.
It is hardly necessaty to note the fact that
we have in every community capital material
for the organization ol volunteer companies
for the purposes we have indicated —young
men lor the rauks and experienced meu for
the command. An appeal to them to come
forward, and aid in protecting the lives and
property of their fellow citizens, to aid the
civil government in the preservation of law
and order, we feel assured would be respond
ed to both cheerfully and promptly.
In view of certain remarkable disclosures
that ttanspired on yesterday at the head
quarters of the Freedmau's Bureau, indicat
ing tiiat we have in our midst colored incen
diaries from abroad, who are busily engJ|ed
in the propagation among our colored popu
lation of the most insane schemes of rapiue
and revenge, is it not peculiarly lueumbeDt
on our people aud city authorities to heed
the unmistakable signs of the times by prompt
and vigilant action in the direction we have
We would not be understood in these re
marks us reilectiug upon our colored popula
tion generally. They are confined in their
application to the vicious aud unprincipled.
We cheerfully express the belief that a
large majority of the Frucdtnen of the South
are governed by good motives and correct
aud would instinctively shriuk
Horn the commission of crime in any form,
it is known too that many of this class are
doing all iu their power towards the refor
mation aud improvement of the guilty aud
less considerate of their race.
Kt-poi i of tbe PiHiinuhlt r (•cm ral.
Tlte Americau people must be not ouly as
touisbed but pleased to leuru tioin the report
just published that the receipts of the Post
Office Department for the current year were
above the expenditures by the sum of over
three-quarters of a million of dollars. The
estimate for the coming year, however,
shows a deficiency of over a million of dol
lars, which is covered by appropriations al
ready made and unexpended. The mail ser
vice in operation on June 30, 1805, embraced
six thousand and twelve roules, of the ag
gregate length of one hundred and forty-two
thousand three hundred and forty miles,
costing 0,240,884 (exclusive ot compensation
to route uud other agents, amounting to
$550,602). The number of postage stamps
issued during the year were three hundred
and eighty-seven million four hundred and
nineteen thousand four hundred and lil’iy
live, representing $12,000,787—an increase
of $1,873,108 over the previous year. An
appropriation will be necessary for the ban
Francisco, Japan and China steamship line
from Jan. 1 to June 30, 1807, of $260,000;
Brazil line, for eight months of the present
and the whole of next year, $260,000.
The Postmastar General speaks hopefully oi
ihe prospects of revenue from the Southern
States after the re-establishment of the pos
tal system in that section. References to the
misapplication of the postal fund will com
mand the attention of Congress. One of the
points made by the Postmaster General is
that of obtaining from Congress the right of
giving subventions to sailing vessels for car
rying the mails. This is of especial impor
tance as effecting our postal arfangemeuls—
or lather want of arrangements—with the
Central American States. For instauce, the
mails between New York and Santa Marta,
Carthagena, Ac., in Columbia, lie for weeks
at Aspinwall without being fotwarded.—
Transactions with England Cre enormously
on the increase, solely Decause there are three
lines of subsidized steamers between the Co
lombian ports and Liverpool, which lines are
directing the trade from us. The new pos
tal treaty with Colombia is yet unfinished,
and ii it were not, it would not necessarily
bring about any great or immediate facilities,
unless both countries' united in a subvention
to some company to undertake the service,
and tins not probable. But as there are
regular lines ol’ last sailing vessels tiom ibis
to these Colombian ports, which, in fact,
U ,‘ c L nil - (1 State » mails there
rc ut in !?- T anv listing means, and
-. ' .' 1 shorter time, the present pro
b°!"h countrf 6 t,e u 6 rcat benefit to
bo h counting aud gratefully acknowledged
by our sister republic. _.V. y. Hera/d. 8
whfti.XT^i ° Ut - ° f
long ends of narrow ribbon tround
Few of the uninitiated knou, .1 • •
ticance of the same. When they wear B itie
ends banging in front, it means that the ladv
is married; the right shoulder, that she u
engaged ; down the back, that she has a ••fed
ler" coming to sec her, but she isn’t eneam-d
--over the leil shoulder, it means, •‘Fellers
come, follow me. ” If she does not wear anv
it meuns that she is engaged, aud don't wish
to have anything to do with “auy other tel
tins Joseph Bkknako.—The New Orleans
impels ren.rd the deafli of General Joseph
Ifuiuard, ot Louisiana Hu was a descendant
■it the Isuuon Bernard who, after becoming a
heutenant 6*oernl of engineers under Napo
icon, accepted the lank of brigadier general
»n our army, aud served from 1820 to 1631,
aud who returned lo Fram e iu 1832 to he
' ••me Miiiistor of War iiuder L.uis Philippe,
cneisl .1 ( iseph B. ruanl was a native ot New
r "‘: W '" r "iaoy years at
l.*»t Baton Rouge Dmlug |,ts ll|e he ffile.l
many Mutton nut olilec, under
Male goviiuuivot*V. j'. Ut,*ld
Tll TiiH’iu' V»' «oe« Cflinst..-
| Among ill tU d«v4lopn. n9'-t the spirit of
■ the roiigbu ned age In which we live, none
is more benpfiernt In Its results thin the great
exteusiou which the system ol iusuiam c h»»
undergone withiu the last few years In
demuityuiay now be secured, not only for J< -,
alrucliou of property and loss ol iiic, hut j
even for injuries sustained from accidents ol
any kind. By this system of insurant '- the 1
traveler in this era at railway accidents mu)
Ibrlby himself with a policy covering all
risks of ucciJout to lile fli limb. • , ‘ l ' me
cbanic or laboring man may secure by this
medium a support for himself or family
sliould he be temporarily or jiermanently die
blea by auy of those uuforseen mishaps to
which be is constantly exposed. And this
security is placed. by meansot the insurance
system, withiu the reach ot the poorest
classes ol the community. An institution
which thus practically provides for the sup
port of the unfortunate, anil saves them
trout a humiliating dependence upon charity.
cannot be too early recognized among the
great philauthropical schemes of our pro
gressive age, nor its value and importance
too warmly commended to all classes,
hut especially to that large class who live
upon salaries or rely upon their daily wages
for support, and whose families would be left
utterly destitute should such support be sud
kenly withdrawn.
The plan of insurance against accidents of
every kind was first successfully introduced
m this country by the Travalers Insurance
Company of Hartford, Conn. They insure
against accidental death for a low premium,
adding an excellent leature under the same
policy, which is that of a weekly compensa
tion in case of a disabling injury, coveriug
all the accidents common to daily life as well
as those incident to public aud private tra
The Travelers' Record is the title of a neat
sheet published by this Company, devoted to
the promulgation of tbe plans and induce
ments of their system of insurance. Ttie
number bclore us contains a lew striking in
stances of the universal liability to accidents,
and illustrates well the advantages of this
kind of provision against them.
One of our agents writes:
“A short time since I went into the store
of a friend to solicit applications for General
Accident Policies in the Travelers of Hart
ford. I explained the matter fully to three
'of the clerks, who declined insuriug lor the
present. In less than three hours from the
time I left the store, one of them was mov
ing a basket of ale in bottles, when one of
the bottles burst, a piece of glass hit him iu
the eye, aud he was laid up in the hospital
five weekß. lie has resumed his labors with
the total loss of his eye. Within three weeks,
the second one fell down stairs and cut his
lip open, aud was laid up one week. Since
then, the one who lost his eye, fell down a
cellar-way while returning home from the
store, and the other one cut his finger pretty
badly. Tbe last two accideuts were uot se
rious, but might have been ; and all go to
show that those who think they are not liable
to accident, may be mistaken.
On the 12th day of May last, Judge B F.
Hoffman of Warren, Ohio, insured iu the
Travelers of Hartford for $5,000, went a
fishing. He “had a bite,” and hauled out a
fine trimt with such a jerk that the fish flew
»lft lie hook aud struck on the bank near the
edge of the stieam. Springing to secure bis
trout, Judge 11. brought the butt ot his fish -
p .Vfe iu such violent contact with bis leg as
to rupture u muscle. He limped borne in
great pain, and was confined to bis bouse,
totally disabled Mom bull ness, for eighteen
weeks and three days«--up ter Sept. lSth. As
be was entitled to $25 per week compensa
tion, a check for $402.50 was promptly
forwarded on receipt of proper proofs. His
policy cost him but $25.
How a man can settle his doctor's bill
cheaply, and in advance. A weekly allow - of from si( to SSO per week during dis
ablement by auy description of accident or
casualty, may "be secured by a policy in the
Travelers of Hartford. Premiums so law as
to be within the reach of all classes "
Mr, Sumner’* Term*.
The following arc the resolutions, iu full,
introduced iu llie Senate by Mr. Sumner on
ttie first day's session, aud intended its “de
claratory of the duty of Congress, especially
in repect to the loyal citizens ot tbe States
lately iu rebellion
"Resolved, That in order to provide proper
guaranties tor security in the future, so tlwt
peace and prosperity shall surely prevail,
aud the plighted taith of the nation shall be
preserved, it is the full duty ot Congress to
take care that no State declared to be in re
bellion shall be allowed to resume its rclatiou
to the Union until nfter the satisfactory per
formance of five several conditions, w.hich
conditions precedent must be submitted to a
popular vote, and be sanctioned by a majori
ty of the people of each State respectively,
as follows:
“The complete re-establishment of loyalty,
as showu liy au honest recognition of the
unity of the republic aud the duty of alle
giance to it at all times, without mental re
servation or equivocation of any kind.
The complete suppression of all oligarchi
cal pretensions, and the complete enfran
chisement of all citizens, so that there shall
be uo denial of rights on account of color or
race, but justice shall be impartial, and all
shall be equal before the law. llic
The rejection of the rebel debt, anil at
same time the adoption in just proportion
the national debt and the national obliga
tions to Union soldiers, with solemn
pledges never to joiu in any measure, direct
or indirect, for their repudiation, or iu auy
way tending to impair the national credit.
'l'he organization of an educational system
for the equal benefit of all, without distinc
tion of color or race.
The choice of citizens for office, whether
State or national, of constant and undoubted
loyally, wtiose conduct and conversation
shall give assurance of peace and reconci ia
kescU’td, Thai, in order to provide these es
sential sategii.uds, without which Hie nation
al security and the national faith will be irn
periled, States cannot bet precipitated back
to political power aud independence, but
they must wait until these conditions arc iu
all respects fulfilled.'" 5 ' • f ?
Gov. Okk s Mkssaoe.—A special dispatch
l<> the Charleston News gives the following
abstract ol Gov. Orr’s message :
Columbia, Dec. o.— Message No. 1 of Gov
ernor Orr has been received. He says that
the people of the State are not able to pay
taxes, aud recommends no appropriation for
schools, citadel or college; ami suggests the
issue of certificates, ol indebtedness to the
amount of bait the taxes. Advocates a me
morial lo Gongless to alter the law about
the direct tax, and thinks Jhu Legislature
should provide for its payment. Recom
mends a stay law, and a general act of in
| corporation and renew"! ot Slate guarantee
lot railroad bonds nearly due. Suggests the
appointment of an agent to collect .State
property; recouimcuds reorganization of Die
triet Beard*, aud provision for un asylum
lhk Kiiiian TesTiMONr Biol Dkieaikh is
1 Moutssai. The bill allowing negroes to
lentils in the courts was tabled on the sth in
the Rouse by » v«,u* of thirty to twenty-
HeVell lint defeat ol tliu bill Is muilily due
to the loyal radicals from East Tennessee,
who voted against the immsura almost to a
ntun. Thu leading i.oiuervaUvas voted for
JaiHin Dei mam The Emore,,, „,a.i bring,
tntelligen* ol the deuih ■•( .Ist .j. |n.|niar
, a well known cltlnm ol New Voik ’
—At • iccrai Democratic meeting in New
York, tbe name of Gen. Ixr la-ing mention
ed it w is ri reived with vigorous rlieern.
Ihe new charts i»Mle4 ftoin the ( ..a»l
.Suive) "Ith c designate the deep gulf or bay
I linloecl between Hal lie ( the southern
. extremity ot Nova Scotia), and ('ape Cod,
iu Ma saehiuelti, as the •'Gull ot Maine.
( Tins distance across the on*let ol the “Gall
ol Maine," fr< ui t ape Cod to Cape .Sable is
two biiudrcd and forty-two miles.
Mr Jus Hro"k«, ol New York, tlieuusuc
cr-sluL IleuioeralUt candidate for Speaker of
ttie Mouse, began his political life as au ex
treme advocate of the doctrines of the N Y
—Maryland is to have a State billiard tour
nament on the 11th of December, at the
Front Street Theatre, Baltimore.
—Tbe underwriters and marine insurance
companies of Loudoft and Liverpool are rc
ported to have lost half a million sterling by
the destruction ot three New Orleans cotton
ships at Key West.
—A party ot two hundred Cayenne aud
I Apache Indians on the 2Cth ult attacked one
I of tbe stages on the California Overland
! Route, near a place called Downes’ Spring,
killing seven persons and burnitiwfolMie
u itli
l’o " i- they c..iitallied ; rind
—The receipts ot Internal RevemWff the
year. Tbe receipts for tbe live mouths end
ing the 30th ult., were. $151,000,000. The
cost of collecting lias been about two amF
three-quarters per cent.
—lt is stated that Alfred Tennyson has
given readings, at a guinea a
ticket, lull dress, and ODly tbe invited admit
ted. His two entertainments netted him
three hundred aud eighty odd pounds ster
ling—about seventeen hundred dollars. He
wrote a poem for George Smith, of theCorn
lull Ylagazine at a guinea a word. He has
also had an American indicted, who, in reve
rence for the poet, climbed into Tennyson’s
garden and broke a twig for a keepsake.
—The editor of the Boston Common
wealth, meeting Banks by chance just after
the electiou, said, “I am sorry, General, that
I have been obiged to oppose you for tbe
past few weeks.” “Ah, you have?” 1%.
plied the General, “I had not heard of it.”
—There are now in operation one thousand
six hundred aod thirteen National Banks.—
But one was established in the week ending,
Dec. 2—the First National Bank of Augus
ta, Georgia, with a capital of five hundred
thousand dollars. The total amount of Na
tional Bank currency issued by the Treasury
Department up to date is $221,558,050.
—Mr. Colfax was re-elected Speaker of
the U. 8. House of Representatives amidst
the shouts aud cheers of a vast assemblage
in the galleries and lobbies, and delivered,
on taking the chair, a very eloquent and ini
pressive address, in whiuh he predicted that
the abandoned and vacant scats in the house
would be sooii filled by loyal aud patriotic
eorros asii cotton fabrics.
The Now York Sun reports the sale at
auction iu that city, of nearly two thousand
bales of cotton, the average price per pound,
of which was about forty cents. The supply
Os tire staple in that city is heavy ; large
quantities art) constantly arriving from the
Southern States ; the priseis only about half
what it was when gold was at the highest
notch; yet, says the Suu, with all these cir
cumstances, together with the prospect of an
aliundaut supply in the future, cotton fabrics
are held at nearly as high rates as they were
a year or two ago. There is no legitimate
cause for the present exorbitant prices of
cottoh goods, aud even were it not for the
operators df speculators iu the dry goods
market, the figures would be far lower. The
same operators who used to force up gold
during the war are now at work iu the other
markets and high prices are the consequence.
It is not probable that the present rales
can be maintained tor any length of lime,
aud we advise consumers to buy just as
sparingly as will answer for current use.
Thk. Piano For General Luis. —The Staun
ton Vindicator says :
“It must have been a pleasant and delight
ful surprise to General Lee, he not being
apprised of the fact that such a present
would be made him, until he saw this splen
did instrument at bis residence. It was put
up by sine of the Mr. Btieffs in person. So grea
was the delight upon seeing his instrument,
that Mr. Stietf sold three on the spot, one
being the mate of this one, for which he re
ceived the regular price of SBOO. We can
not close this notice without stating the fact
that the railroad company, aud Mr. Echols,
of Lynchburg, owner of the canal boat,
would not receive a cent for the transporta
tion of this instrument.”
Prizes them Highly. —Mrs. S. A. Allen's
World's Hair Restorer and Zoiobalsamum,
or Hair Dressing, are prized highly by all
who use them. Oaretul study anil expe
rience lias made them what they are ac
knowledged in foreign countries as ivell as
at home, the ouly valuable preparation for
restoring, invigorating,beautifying aud dress
ing the hair. Those who use them have no
grey hair or bald s|iots. Every Druggist
Set Is t bein.
dec 14 eodlw
O lil S | f» n fl*l M I Hay street
_ {Tiiofl. Holcombe, established 1830.)
We have landing a fine aud carefully selected Stock o
• • AM will sell at the
Lowest Market Prices.
Ran* in*
Sardine*, *
Oil taw,
Pot ah**,
Villegal, die.
fNir klim Ii ul Wine* and Ltyn.i* are a* In* w*an» in
• li*i inuiilii Wv in rile our old fin i*4# and pattou* <o
.•kark.h # Hi
t«TME VOfKltaor CHATHAM cot > 1 V
I aaoruncr myself a* a cacUtdate for the
ofliiA of TAX (XHJ'HTOH C'hatlia*
| county, and rest* * tlully solicit the v*<e» of
i my lrii*u<Js.
op Georgia. t
.iiiijohj U»v. 4,1, lM*i. |
Au El. lam tor mu. to aaowpe ih.- at
lok> of ilu' r'i.iu;.,nv tot Hi. . asuiiie T< *r will Ih- belli
si ilia Panic hid linn < in Sosuioh i«e-uiil story). "■
TucmUv, the Kit of Jammy, ISC#, between lb - boms
ol In a iu. ami I p. ru.
HUMkiMiliari oily vto biVf buld elock. for niufly j
ilay* luiiniHliately preceding tbe Jay ot election mu I
entitled to vote.
Stockholders, upon presentation of ILeir stoeli cer
tifleates to the conductors of turns, w ill Is- pissed
to and from llie election over the Company's road,
free. UEoRGE A. CUYI.KR,
lid till * < 'ashler.
Gentlemen * Having been requested by
numerous friends to allow my name to be
used for the office of She riff of Chatham
county, I have the honor to announce myself
as a candidate for that position, and respect
lully solicit your suffrage.
A Cure For Leahy Roofs.
Savannah, Dec. nth, is#6.
Messrs. Billon A Taylor. Painters, (9 Bay Street:
It gives tan pleasure to state, ill reply to your in
quires, aml injustice to your Ann, that vour Linseed
Oil Cement is an entire success. The tin roofs of my
houses liefrlg pronounced beyond r> pair, by a well
known tinsmith of ti-is city, I was induced to try
your Linseed Oil Cement, which has exceeded my
expectations as a uytterpi oof coating for roofs. Aitpr
20 years experience as Master Builder, 1 have found
nothing to equal it.
05, B LATE RHOFS also put in thorough REPAIR.
dls-iit L. SOLOMON, 14;. Broughton street.
December nth, 15>65./
An election for six Directors, to manage tb» affaire
of this Bank for 011 c year, will be held at the Banking
House on the second Tncsday in January next, beiug
the 9th day ol the month. Polls open from 10 o’clock
a. m. to 2 o’clock p. m.
dl'Mawlm JACOB SPIVEY’, Cashier.
To the Voters of ('ltalha 111 County.
I respectfully anuouucc myself a candi
date for re-electioa to the office of Sheritf of
Chatham County, and ask your support at
the January electiou.
ts Benjamin L. Cole.
Savannah, Georgia, December 9, lstHk j
SEALED Proposals to furnish tUe troops at this
Post with ireslt Beef for three mouths, c«BuneDU
ing January t, lSt.ti. anti ending March 31, ISM, will
he received at this office until 12 M., Dec. 20, 1SCJ.
Tlie Beef to he of good marketable quality, exclu
sive of necks and shanks, and delivered tri-weekly.
The Proposals to he made ill duplicate.
decs * sand c. s. Vois.
On the “veiling of the ."nth of November, at the
residence of Mr W. E. Davis, of Sumter county, by
the Rev. George H. Coit, Mr. JOHN W. COX, of
Macon, Ga., and MUs MARY S. DAVIS, of Savan
nah, Ga.
The friends and acquaintances of NICK I.T.S LAM
PERT qnd Nicklt ss Roach, are invited to attend the
funeral of she former, corner of Indian and Fahni
streets, at three o’clock P. M. *
Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com
Savannah, Doc. 13, jS65.|
Owners of Lots, Lau<l* nnd Improvements iu the
city of Sav&nusb, Ga., are notified that the Tax Roll for
said city is completed, and the taxes due thel'con may
be paid to the undersigned within sixty (CUj days from 4
this date, at otjr office, north-weet corner of South
lir-ad and Lincoln streets, in said city of Savannah.
For non payment of the tax, the Act of Congress
proscribes n forfeiture oi the property taxed to the
United States.
Ofiicc hours from 9 to 12 a. m., aud £ to 5 p. m.
* «L C. BATES,.
IT. S. Direct Tax Commissioners, Dist.
dlJi-tf oftJeorgia.
ner Bay street Lane and Bull street.
Positive cure in one day or no pay.
iilt-1 w
S. E. corner Broughton and Whitatfcgr Strs.,
iW Copying done with the greatest care. dl4
A CANADIAN Family, consisting of gentleman,
w ife, two children, (5 and 7,>and servant, wish
to obtain Board in a private lamily. A liberal price
will be paid for good accommodation. Address “F,”
Herald Oifice, stating terms, location, Ac.
i STORr to Let and Fixtures tor Sale in the Best"
vw. Business Location in lids City. For particulars
inquire at tins office dLi-JP'
Augusta, Oil.. Pec, 9, >65. )
SE.U.ED PROPOSALS, winch must he iu duplicate
with a copy of this advertisement attached to
each, will lie received at this office until 19 o’clock,
M.. Friday, Dec. iSd, 1885, for supplying FRESH
REEF, of good anil marketable quality, 111 equal pro
portions ol tore aiuf hind quarter meat, for issue to
Ihe troops and others supplied l.v the Government
with rations, at the following named posts in the
Department ol Georgia—Augusta, Savannah, Ailau
ta and Macon, aud at all posts drawing supplies
from Hie above named posts. Contract to be In force
six months, commencing on the Ist day of January,
1880, and ending tile oOtli day of June, lsoo, or such
less tiipo as the Commissary General of Subsistence
may direct.
Payment will be made monthly, or as early there
after as funds may be received therefor, and in sucli
funds as may lie furnished by the United States.
Separate lads will be received for each of the above
post--, yi one bid may include them all.
No bids will fie entertained from persons wtio come
under the exceptions ot the President’s Amnesty
Pioctarnation ; Nor will bids, iu which sucli pel-sous
are interested, either iliredly sr iudirectly, lie re
ceived, unless they can product- the p&ntou ol the
Presidcifl. Unis bom all other peisous oudersuid
Proclamation must be accompanied by the Amucsty
Proposals mum be accompanied by a proper «mr
sntee. sigh'd by two respuusible permuis, slating
that if a i-.iiitr* l l is awarded. Iliejr will eulti bond,
for the faithful fulfillment ot ihe contract.
The undersigned reserves me right to reject any
aud all. bids offered.
Endorse envelopes "Proposals lor Fresh Beef,"
and address the sains to ihe uinicisiuucd.
iIU-ht r apt. c. 8,) >ugiisM, tla.
CGiNMONKKH |s- r slsomshlp VIRGO are reuurst
• i»l to attend to the reception of linn
UiiUiitir thu »Uy tJiMKIs suit (*11,4 lor dm lug work
tug bom* will l>«9 kioriMl ui owuura’rUk
i. v. & 1. v. ra,
( I M<h him LIIUMfTV ETHllfl', ls lw.rn K.iusid
V I and WMUtfe hare JIDI op. usd, and will karp
lonsiahlly on a lull of chuire «a,..
I liltw
* •‘'fiurily »i BaDivr * M'sst,
howk hioMl*u«et. ffu**
CiXTOAI A* * BAIrtHNG 00 , I
Mv«hi-.IL Dw-eteb •» ». f
U-aaM by the Ik'ani of Duett ■'» t ret Bo taa>n
nor itnili* r rliall lie tiaiepiiuf over the I oHipany'.
i road except l»v eievtil Cimtieil with Ifc *•!*«*»-
■ u-ndi nl. ilka*. A. Li fftli. Ceehar.
Mod ol til-' plat till in or- of the O'lupany lielng
eiupluyeii ill luiiving lion and lie. for rebuilding lie*
road, will pi event the hauling of wood nnd luniUr,
except in hurtled quantiea.
dl'.’-eoil 2W General Sup't.
To Ihe Voter, ot f iialhaintoueiy.
r | 'ilK uliil' iviglud w a candidate for ti'-elnctirHi to
1 th - nih. eol i'ierk nl the Superior and Inlerior
i’ourta, and reapeelfully ama-iM ynur luff agt a.
dl'-’-li.* WM. H. BULLOCH.
The and liesi iu the World ! The only true
nnd perfect Hair l>yc. H&rmleaa, Reliabh* and Insiau
tauedn*. Produces immediate.y t» bplomlid Black or
uatural Ifrown, without injuring the hair or skin.
Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug
gists. The geuuiuc is sigued William A. Batchelor.
For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair
aul4 ly (UARLES BATCHEIjOR, Nkw York.
Notice to Ladies.
\fME DKMOKESTS Brsiuh of Fashions, with
isl. Patterns of every style of Dress, by Mis Vick,
114 Bryan street. n*2i* lm
Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Fide
Bucks, Side Lamps, witlt and withont Reflectors : Fan
cy Hail Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Fonnts-
Pntent Glass Burners, Globes, Chimnies and
ery Dealers* and Confectioners' GLASSWARE. Goods
of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL
225 Greenwich Street, Two doore below Barclay, N. Y
First. District of Georgia,!
Savannah, Dec. 12, 1865. (
All persons who applied to the Assessor for Li
censes before December first, are requested to call
and get them at Ibe Collector’s Office.
(113 3 A. N. WILSON, Col.
I RESPECT FULLY announce myself as a Candidate
for the Office of Tax Collector at the election in
January next, and humbly solicit vonr support.
n27-tf KitWAKD POWER.
Halts Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer
Has proved itseif to be the most perfect preparation
for the hair ever offered to the public.
It is a vegetable compound, aud contains uo injuri
ous properties whatever.
It will keep the hair from falling out.
It cleanses the scalp and maf&s the hair soft, uis
trous and silken:
It is a splendid hair drasdng.
Nopcrsou, old or young; should fail to use it.
tWAsk lor Hall's Y e^ahle Sicilian Ha » Reuewei,
and take no other.
R. P. HAI L & CO,
Nashua, N. li., Proprietors.
For sale by all druggists.
New Orleans, La.,
i*23 dm Southern Wholesale Agents.
Insures against
$687.593 19.
Policies written for any term, from one month to
five years, lor any sum from $5 hto slo,ink), iu case
of fatal accidents, or £3 to S6O weekly compensation
in case of dP-uhling bodily injury—from auy casualty
whatever, whether travelling or not—at premium.*
tanging from $3 to SCO per year. A libeia! discount
made on three and five year policies.
One month general accidunt policies written in any
amount up to SIO,OOO, insuring against all kinds of
accidents, travelling included, at one dollar per thou
sand. Aiiv pt-rson ouying .six one mouth policies iu
any one year w ill receive a half-year policy gratis (ex
cept $1 policy fee.)
Alitine policies written for voyages to California,
Liverpool, Havre, or other distant portP, at low rates,
ir.suiing against loss of life oy any description of cas
Tin Teat cllers' Insurance Company or Hartford,
Conn., is the pioneer uccident insurance company in
ihis country; takes risks on as favorable terms as auy
sound company cun, and pays its losses promptly.
Up to November Ist, ISGo, it had issued over thirty
thousand polities, Mud paid over six hundred losses—
including the sum of $40,000 realised to fourteen pol
icy-holders within the year, for les@ than s*2uo in pre
No Medicat. Examination ReouiUkd.
R'PT’ Agencies iu nil principal towns and cities in
the United Stater, aud Canadas, where policies are
written without delay.
KY Tine
Travelers’ Insurance Cos, of Hartford,
Hl’ TO NOVEMBER Ikt, 186.i.
No. Policy. Description. Ain’t A nit
Vrenk. Paid.
*2758 Insarauce asont, Chicago. Hurt
by railroad accident - • $12.60 $50.00
8064 txpioßHiiuui, Kocktord, 111. Sate
door lammed liuwr • - 12.00 20.00
0586 Manufacturer, Galesburg, 111. Cut
hand in planing machine - 10.00 40.tK>
4280 KxprcasuiHn, Detroit, Michigan.
Struck hand agahint puet iu
throwing letter fioin train - 3u.00 UhloO
MlO innkeeper, Dunkiik, N»*>v Ytirk.
Thrown from sleigh - - 25 00 76.00
3CSI Hailroad fJotnluctoc* Ma/o Manic,
VVit>. Hand jammed iu coupling
car* - - - - 30.00 50.00
20<i8 InnuratiCc agent, Hiooklyn, N. Y.
Fell down atnirw «y -* -26.00 25.00
*2604 Carpenter, lXitroit, Mich. Fell
from car while at work upon it - GOO 10.00
6-71 Agent, Judiaiiapoli*, lud. injur«d
by fall - - 26.00 50.00
851# Merchant, St. Johnsbury, Vcrm'l.
Piece of steel flew into his eye - 16 oo 20.00
4«70 Carpenter, P.*rt Jei vi*. N.Y. An
kle sprained - - -30 00 60.00
6644 Carpenter, M.tmdßtd, O. Cut bis
bands in icmoviug goods at a
file • 600 12.60
8708 Merchant, St. Paul, Min. Timber
fell on foot - - 6.00 lO.uO
46*0 Fireman, Cleveland. O. Finger
pin* hed off in pttr ot laige
tonga .... 12.00 30.00
666 T Poikemau, Dayton, Ohio, Fell
upon an mine* cutting knee too 87.60
«6<l< Meirhaot, llaiiford, t’onn. Cut
In* hand ugaiuftt timber* • • 26 00 106 00
4870 Traveling ugeut, M* not*, ill. Fell
while stepping frotu car* • 80.00 76 00
8711 Meiclutni, Dixou, 111. Hurt hi*
shin* Mguitist a trunk . 16 oo 1k.26
6574 lUAurauc# agent, Pekin, 111. An
Me fractured rlltublug a leuce 26.00 176.00
10043 Men haul, Providence, It. I. Jam
med between ferry boat and
wharf vo oo 00 00
4083 Moulder. Plot W*ytie, Ind. Foot
• hut u«i hy hot irwu 16 00 nuo
tHt Farmer. nh< i«ion, Vt. Thrown
from wagon . V 6.00 100 00
kt 46 Men haul, ZaneeviUe, U FollUilo
uoiten . vt 00 V4iß)
*046 llob 1 ku*pel, | yin, Mgaa. Wag
on upeet by vme of wind • ■ AH# *•
Jsmmd HsweiMem, President
Hirneei Hgenie, IHu4«tery.
4 ttl! 11 ■
*»»• M Agent In Bftvttggafci lid*
•ncin »«mcM
aws CEUBACvT"" 1
Au i o) ot Waruiu. Uil luitni.tluu fur Yuah,;
; imm. jnw puMinhcd l.y th. ll.iwxril Awuuffinii, .nj
i relit iu .l.livi k-ltrT dlVr!tq. - If,, ol ffurgu
1 Adlrew* Dr J HKII.LIN HiM’GHTviN, Howard
Amim Ixl ti ji l'hilvd(.||it,i4, Fn. iwtl'i ju
A View of H t 1(1(1 tGK
Contalulnff .wo mu. arxt iso slur Plxu-s
thl Kiigravimre of the Analoiii)’ ol tbe Hiiiu vn Or
gaiuiuuxute or Heal 111 aiul DhuiSw, Willi u lYi-u
Use on Early El'iore, Its De|tlornbie
iqiou Uie iqiinl and Body, Wlhi the Authoi 'a Flan of
Trim mi ll t -the only rational and sun-cartful mode of
l ure, na rliown liy the rejiorl of oanea trialed. A
triifhful adviser to the IllXined. aud those coateui-
Idatiug marriage, who emei taiu doubia of their |,hy»-
iral i iiiiditioD. Sent free of linkage to any addles.,
on receipt of 25 cents, in ataiii|m or Irtmtac. currency,
by .lildreailug Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Malden Lane,
Albany, N. Y\
The autlior may be connulled npou any ot tbe <u»
cases u|rt>u which his 1.0.. k tn ate cither pertounlly or
by mall, and medicthee emt to any puit of the World.
octlO tan
scratch ! ,'leiLvreu i ? scratch \* <
Wlieatou 1 N Oiiitmeui.
Also cures Balt Rheum, Ulcere, Chilblains, and all
Eruptions of the Bkiu. Price 60 cents For sale by
all Druggists By sending cents to Weeks & Potter,
Side Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it
will be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to auy
partof the United States. scpt2l-3m
We have learned nol to be astonished at anything.
Years ot experience and a correspond* nee extending
throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe
have turned theories into facts and e.'-tabiished a basis
from which we need not err, We ale not surprised
at Such filets as the following—although the persons
who write them are. We know the persons aud cir
cumstancee, hence feel at liberty to indorse their
“New Bedford, Mass.. Nov. ‘J4, 1563.
Dear Sirl have been afflicted many years with
severe pro crumps in my limbs, cold leet and
hands, ami a general disordered system. Pbysicitins
and medkiiies failed to relieve me. While visiting
some friends in New York who were using Plantation
Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I com
menced with a small wine-glassful alter dinner. Feel
ing better hy degrees, in a lew days i was astonished
to find the coldness and cramps bad entirely left me,
and I could sleep the night through, which 1 have mM
done for years. I feel like another being. My appe
tite and strength have also greatly improved by the
use of tbo Ph* ut a lion Bitters.
RespeelfuHy, Jimiu Russel.*’
Rephhui ry, Wis., Sept, lii, 18tS3.
* * * I have been iu the army hospitals for four
teen months—speechless and nearly dead. At Alton,
111., they gave me ft bottle; of Plantation Bitters. * *
Three bottles restored my speech and cored me. • •
* C. A. Flaute.”
The following is from the Manager of the Union
Home School lor the Children of Volunteers:
‘ Havemeyer Mansion, 57th St, >
New York, August 2, HW3. \
I)r. Drake : —Your wonderiul Plantation Billers
have been given to some of our little children suffering
from weakness and weak lungs w ith most happy
effect. One little girl in particular, with pains in her
head, loss of appetite, and daily \vastihg consumption,
au w hom all m« dicul skill had been exhausted, has
beeu entirely restored. We commenced with but a
teaspootiful ot Bitters a day. Her appetite and
strength rapidly increased, and the is now well.
ltespeciiully. Airs o. M.Devor."
“* * * I owe much to you, for 1 verily believe
the Plantation bitters have saved my life.
KtV. W. 11. YVao«jo.nbr,
Madi id, N. Y.
“* * • Thou wiit send me two bottles more of
thy Plantation bitters. My wile has bean greatly
bcuelilcd hy their use.
Thy li iend, Asa Corsin,
Philadelphia, Pa.”
»*•••] have been a great sufferer Iron* Dyspep
sia. and had to abandon preaching. • * The Plan
tation Bitters have cured me.
s Rev. J. S. Catborn,
Rochester, N. V.”
“• * • I have given the Plantation Bitters to
hundreds of our disabled soldiers witu the most as
tonishing effect.
G. W. D., Andrew 3,
Superintendent Soldiers* Home, Cincinnati, O.’*
“* * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of
Liver, of which 1 was laid up prostrate,
and hod to abannon my business.
H. B. Kingsley, Cleveland, Ohio."
“• * " The Plantation Bittere have cured me of
a derangement of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs
that has distressed me lor years It acts like a charm.
C. C. Mooke, No. ‘254 Broadway."
Ar., Ac., *c., «&c., Ac.
The Plantation Bitters make the w r eak strong, the
languid hi illiaut, and are exhausted nature's great re
storer. They ate composed of the celebrated Pulisaya
Bark, VVTiitergieeu, Sassafras, Hoots, Herbs, *kc., ull
preserved in perfectly pure H. Csoiz Rum.
9. T.—IHOO-X. '
Persons of stdeutary habits, troubled with weak
ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appe
tite, distress alter eating, torpid liver, constipation,
&c., deserve to suffer if they will not try them
They me recommeuded by the highest medical au
thorities, aud are warranted to produce an immediate
beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable,
perfectly pure, and harmless.
Notice.— Any person pretending to soil Plantation
Bitters in bulk or b> the gallon is a swiudlcr and im
postor. It is put up only in our log cabin bottle. Be
waro of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff,
for which several persons are already in prison. See
t hat every bottle has our United States stamp over the
cork utunuldated, and our signature on steel-plate
side label.
Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable
P. H. DRAKE & Ca,
o<*27-8m 2no Broadway,N. Y.
Kathoiron Is fiom.lhe Greek word “Katluo," or
"Eatliairo." signifying to cleanse, rejuvenate aud rc
siore. This article is what itsmimo signifies. For
preserving, restoring and beautifying the human hair,
it is Hie most remarkable preparation in the world.
It is again owned and put up by the original proprie
tor, and is now made with the same care, skill and at
tention which gave it a sale of over one million hot
ties per annum.
UVs a most delightful Hair Dressing.
H eradicates scurf and dandruff,
it keeps the bend cool aud Ran.
It makes flic hair rich, soft and glossy.
It prevents the hair from falling off and turning
It restores hair npnn lmtd heads.
Any lady or genllcmun who values a bcanlfui head
ofhair should use Lyon’s Knthairon. It is known
and used throughout Ihe civilized world. Sold by al
respectable dealers.
ocl.'T-eodly New York.
Hagan** Maguolia Balm,
This la the must dellghiful ami extraordinary article
ever dtscuvi-rtA *' change* the .un lmnit face and
hand* lo a pearly *aUn texture of raviahlng 1.-mus,
imparting th* marble puilty of youth, and tbs dMfn
p«e appe»rane* *•■ InvlUug Iu tin. city in fle of faahlnn.
It remove* ffecklea, pimple* «nd r-iughue*. from
the •«!». *ha c..inple,|„a fresh, transparent
aud rnmadh It conlaln* no matnlal tnjuriou* to
the “bill Falroni/.ed hy A> ti ease* aud Up*r*
wnger* || I* what every lady ebould have Mold
everywhere U>-I*l| prue, *u u*uW •
Prepared by W K II AG AN, Trey, N, Y
AAdree* ah otdey* |»
„ DEMAN RAUMEJ) * 80..
«a*»l wdly New York
»nTuII II it II The u »
IHMipniffipim, v m. uvxm,
Thu inert! |.n.v Tragedy «f
j ****** Mi. T. li.uu! tou
T'o cuudttilc with
Nan, the Good*for*Nothing.
j Nl, “ * Mi» M K. GurOoa
Tum'rtfuw. BENEFIT or Mr. RAYMOND. üb, „
t b * ~a' ', e‘ l “ n Attractive euu-rt;,,
A NUMBER of Uie Lillies or Gils, u,
•’' in, H ■* lively interest in Ik. neliaie ol Gie Ee
uj.ile Oiplmiirt, ilepeuilaul foi suiipuri on the elurilt
ol ike K..0.l .Sister, or Gill ol Mercy, win
l an, uorou' the week iinno.lmielv nrecediiut
mas opeunigon Monday, the IMI., aud cloAiie ,', u
Ike 23d mst., at St. Andrews Hall.. *= u
'1 iu- attention of the public generally, and of tin-,,
espeeialiv IntendniK to pnivliose Glirisinij.. mo.
voided lu Uie lamre of fancy articles, ina„, ol
tlo In the wnik ol the Sisters’ pupils, that will ke‘ (or
sale at the dlifereut Fair tables. qn .^4
A FAIR will be held hy the I .a.lies of Savannah at
the Firemen's Hall, South Broad street o',
Jhc"'. “ff' l 14 ‘" of forthe liiem 0!
.Ir?*" 1 " e t**" l «.
Holiday Presents.
A LARGE and elegant assortment of French. Em-,
lish and Bohemian Ware, consisting of '
SETS, Ac., Ac.,
s iltublo fhr Holiday Preseiits.
10a Broughton 6trcet, second door from the corner of
Bu.l street
<U ts E..D. SMYTH & CO.
Eight Bales Cotton.
WE have Eight (S) Bales Cotton pickcd'up in Sa
vanntth River. The owner, proving pmnerivand
allowing the usual salvage can have same if applied
for within ten days, otlp rjvi a; they will be sold to
pay expenses. Tue bales arc unmarked and in v rv
bad order. d!MM E. c. WADE A CD.'
Important to Fanners and
I yAILY expected from Prince Edward’s Island
1 ft7iKi bashols Black Seed Oats
20'd bushels Jackson Potatoes, the best eat
ing Poiatoes known.
Gko. R Crump. 'W«, A. ftYinm,
Augusta, Georgia. Late oi Richmond, Va.
Oeneral Commission Merchants
Groceries, Liunors, Tobacco, Segars,
inn liro.til St., Aii£H*la, (iu,
ff*'" Will purchase and sell on Commission Cotton,
Tomaooo, Pkodloe, and MkRoiiAMUbE of every de
Refers to the Merchants nnd Bankers of Augusta,
fla.. Richmond. Va. nnd Jno. C. Ferrill, Esq,De
Witt A Morgan, Gaden A Uncklco, A. A. Solomons x
Cos., J. T. Puteinan*&Co., It. Molina, Esq., Savannah,
THE undereigned have this day formed a copart
nership for the transaction gs a general com
mission, shipping and forwarding business, under the
name of Laßoche « West.
Office, Jones* Block,
Savannah, Dec. 1, Will. dll-#
Salt, Coal and .Ale.
5000 Sacks Liverpool Salt.
100 casks Jersey’s Ale.
100 tons Liverpool Ori el Coal.
Ter ship Mozart, ami for sale bv •
dll lw T. R. A J. G. MILLS.
Savunnah, Nov. 14, 1856. /
fllLlK Annual Meeting of ihc Stockholders of thw
Company will be held on Thursday, the 14th of
December next, at the Banking House in Savannah,
at 10 o’clock, a. ni. A full attendance is earnestly re
quested. liKo. A. CUYLER,
uls lm Cashier,
Soaps, <fec.,
No. 211 Wasliington-Bt,
-.■pin NEW YORK. 3m
T>RUNF,B. Raisins, Oranges, Lemons, Citrou, Cur-
M. rants, English Preserves, Jams and Jellies, Pre
serve Ginger, Mushroons. Trollies. Assorted English
and American Pickles, Engllsli and French Mustard,
Tomato and Walnut Catsups, Worcester Sauce,
Fretich and Spanish Oliics Capers, canned Meats and
canned I'rnlts ol all descriptions. Assorted Candies.
Fig paste, Nats in varici v. Stroked Salmon, English
dairy American Sivis and Limbcrgor Cheese, Caviuna
No. 1 family Mackerel in kite, Wax, .Sperm, Adaman
tine Caudles and Tapers, Hpiees of all kinds.
Choice Hams, Tongues, breakfast Bacon, <fc, all
grades Sugar, Java, Muxeovadff, and Rio Coffee.
Splendid assortment Teas, Green, Gunpowder black
and English-breakfast Teas, A-e., choiee Butnw, Lard,
Sweet Oil. all description of Soaps, plain and fancy.
A large assortment, viz : Martel aud other grades of
Brandy, Irish Scotch, Jud BourlMt Whiskey, Miitlei
ra, Chanipaignc, Cherry, Port and Other Wines, cor
ilials ol all kinds, Selinapps' Bitters, Ac. Everything
that taste can wisli or appetite desire. Give me a
Just received hv recent arrivals from B-Mton, New
York, and Baltimore, a fine assortment of all kum
Woodeu and Willow Ware, suitable lor house keep
IDfc, tlli-tJI
For Sale."
A VALUABLE Lot of Land, comprising tw«> bun*
dred acre* on IlutchiiiHGii'* Island nearly op
ijof-iithe Charleston Wharf, in this city, with a front-
Lgeonthe river and extending acr* h the islaud to
Uncle river, is ufiered for Bale at favoruhle term*. Tim*
river frontage preceut* an eligible eito* for wlwri
front* u» can b*- foaud on the river The l*nd 1h 01 a
rich, allavtul character, Dot excelled iu fertility
any bottom-latnl* In th<» country, and nullable for to
culture of coru or cotion. ibe raising of market vcg<*v«
aiile* 01 gras*—three* crop* beiug gsowu In the fteadou
without difficulty ia
Thl* rare- cbuiice for obtaining a valuable pro|»erty
offered *>n the moat adv.iDtigeou* lei m*, and P* rl .
ihe purchise* money cm remain on bond i(h«l m*
ga K e. Apply t* NOBLE LYON,
d.’-Ui 166 Urongbtonfct., Havannab.^
E. W; HARSH & CO.,
t'uriicr id c.HigrM* ami Whiuksr Wtr**w.
HAVE th-.ruughly rMUUNI lh*lr wmbiUjliiiwn 1 -
rvpUßUiheu with u general aMH<rtuM*ht *>•
Drifit, M*ill«la*s, I htiah al*, I *“
filrlo**, Pilali.lMl*i lUrfivaSwAh
Aw- A**., Air,. .
they *«!'• II lfc» p••f<ln*ll'• ff o»**lr ftDM*
rartb wlat *lU*-« WII h* fflvw h» Il't'/fT
prepAMtem us pKMNf*<*». ** *