Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 14, 1865, Image 3
© A V A K NAIL |>. paiiui’ '<( tl'<rnilil|M anil Simmere. Mm sen von*. Meem-blp N«t»'la. taiurdsy. Dreemhet i«th. at * „,lock a m M, „„.L.p Vngu, Saturday. December lUlb. at o<tuck btrcin-lnp Eulerpe. Sundai, Deqparimr lUh, at 8 oVlock a. iu M. sw-hip Sail Jacinto, Saturday, December Id, at _ . efcgk. roa bxltuiom. I linan“‘r Ruhmoud, boiurbsy. December 16, at _ o'clock . FOB AI'OI'STA steamer Scorpio, Friday, Decetuber latli, at 8 ovtook a. m. Steamer Minnie Brandt, Friday, De ember 16th, at y,,'clock a. m. Steamer James P. Christopher, Thursday evening, a t 6 o'clock. strainer Wm. O. Cilbluius, every Saturday morning at ti a. m. FOB CHARLESTON. Steamer City Point, every Sat unlay morning, at 9 o'clock. FOB DOCTOBTOWN. - steatuer OrlCßt, every Tuesday morning, at 7 o'clock. , Steamer Gen. Slieplev, every Sunday morning, at : o’clock. Steamer Clarion, every Thursday morning, at 7 o'clock. for Florida. Steamer Two Boys, every Tuesday morning, at 8 o’clock. Steamer Fannie, Wednesday, December 13th, at 9 o'clock a. m. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer Gily Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. Steamer Lizzie Baker, edery Thursday morning, at le o'clock Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. • Steamer Helen Getty, every Sataiday morning, at 10 o'clock. Confectionery.—We were under a momentary impression that Christmas had already arrived upon receiving last evening, from Mr.Charles Kienzle, Con pctioiicr, a cake of truly Christinas proportions and appearance. It was a triumph of the Confectioner's mi, being most beautifully and elaborately orna mented, and compounded of the most toothsome in gredients. Tlte exquisite beauty of this pyramid of sweetness was entirely out of place in our dusty and disordered sanctum, and we were oldigcd to put it ,„it of sight at once, which, indeed, with tlte clteer luily rendered assistance oi our entire corps, we had no dililculty in doing. Wp are glad to know, as we are sure the public wall be also, that there am more tike it. where this came from, Charles Kteuzla'a, ihoughtou street, opposite the Marshall House. I'itoM Augusta.—'The splendid passenger and height s'earner rMiiniie Brandt, C'aptaiu Travis, at nved at noon on yesterday from Augusta, having a full freight ami large uumtior of passengers. We are indebted to Purser Veatuian lor a lull report ot passengers and consignees. Tlte Minnie Brandt laiutshes the following river Intelligence: Departed flour Augusta on Sunday morniug last; left at the »liarv cs iu Augusta steamers Amazon and Caldwell, loaded and waning a rise in the river; passed at tile iiiistriicllohs on Monday steamer Fanny Lehr, bound up; passed the steamer Union near Herschmau’a Lake Tuesday forenoon; also passed steamer Helen on r uesday bound up; yesterday morning passed tug C. f. Shephard with a barge in tow, bound up to the -meek ol steamer Savannah. THK COURTS. fit iVOST COURT, DISTRICT OF SAVANNAH, BEFORE CAPT a. c. Barowell, Assistant Com mission ku Br- KllAl' OF RUTOEKS, FBEEPMEN AND Lands. SaVa- December Kith, 1565. Raymond Osgood vs. August Quaitefmaii. Aciion ol debt. Case dismissed. Ltiy of .savannah vs. John Milter (colored.) Drunk, disorderly and resisting au officer in the discharge ol ins duties, Dec. Bth, 1866. The accused was found guilty of tlte Hist and second charge, and ordered to pay a line of fifteen dollars or be conilned iu Chat ham county jail for ten days. Simon Cuthbert vs. Bradford Shuman. Charge first; Arson iu the night time. Cliargo second ; burning personal property of complainant. The uo cused is lound guilty of charge second and fined In the inffl of thirty-five dollars. Damages were also awarded iu the sum of fifteen dollars with ail costs of suit. Counsel for the United Suites, Honorable D. A O'Byrne, for defendant R. E. Lester, E-tp Reduction of Fade to New York.— lt will be* observed by reference to the shipping advertise incuts that there has been a very considerable reduc tion in the fares of two of the New York steamship hues. The Pioneer Line, Messrs. Hunter & Gamnsell, agents, announces a reduction of passage rates to |?6 for a cabin passage, and *lO for deck passage. The Atlantic Coast Mail Steamship Company, John R Wilder, agent, have reduced their rates to S2O for a lirst class passage. This will be gratifying intelli gence to many, and betokens the return, to tire old order of things. (fens. R. K. Lev, and Stonewall Jackson. Mr. Ferine, of New York, has just presented to the world two master pieces of art, in the lithographed portraits of these celebrated Southern Gouerals, Lee and Jackson. Nothing can excell them in perfection <n artistic skill, and life-like representation. They are published ou the finest print p iper. 19 by 24 inches for framing, and sold by House, Bristol A Cos., publishers, New York, ai only *I,OO per copy. Agents nod the trade are supplied in orders of not loss Ilian twelve, at. fifty cents pur copy, being twenty-five cents below the regular wholesale price. Avery rap* chance is thus olfered to agents who '■mi readily make from $25 to SBO per day, and often much more seiliug these splendid portraits. ■The American Statesman,” a National family pa per, published in New York, weekly, at *1.50 per an num, sends one of either of the above portraits, as a prize, free, to every subscriber to that sheet, who semis in his name, and $1.50 subscription before tile middle of January next. One copy of the portraits and live copies of the Statesman, w|U lie sent as sam ples to any agent on receipt of one dollar. Address HOU&E, BRISTOL A CO., Publishers, 07 Nassau street, New York. , dl4-eod2 Small Pox.—From reports received daily from the interior of Georgia, we learn that this loathsome and i' aiful disease is on the increase. Our cily is at present iiuatilicted by the scourge, and our people '■ili'UM be duly thankful that we have thus far been -pared. Last evening in the City Council measures Were taken to assist Colonel Sickles, of the Freed hn iTs Bureau, in erecting a Pest. House beyond the ihiiils of the city on site of the old Lazaretto. Our ' wizens may, therefore, be assured that every effort will be made by the Government and the Municipal uaAiortttes tr, prevent the epidemic gaining a foothold lu Ka Vanuatu • " < • ■ . i The Sale of ihe Kstatew-lii Sl "irdanee with notice given, Messrs. Bell, Wvlty 4t 'Y* i tiau, auctioneers, proceeded to sell at auction, property kuown as Montmolinvilie. The follow ing are the particulars of the sales made: Lot Chat HH, Win. Swaul; lot 27 at $l4O, Win. Hopkins; lob* JO and 2a *lB5 each, F. Schuster; lots til, 59 and Ss at $195 each, do.; lots 02, 60 ,50 and 65 $175 each, Maior Ilirsch; lota 63, 00, 07 and 70 at $145 each, J. 1 ' 'Min; lots Os, 06, us and «« at »l2ocach, B. Grab bcc, in couhi quciice of there being a somewhat shin atiendiiuce, Mr. Wylly withdrew from sale the balance of the property. A '-'hoe Quantity op Pike Bosk Ruined.—Last (w iling at a regular meeting of the City Council, Ai'hruian C. c. Caney, Chief Foreman, submitted a "T"in slating Hiut the brass cmipiings of the imee of ,ir more cugtucH hud broil cut off and llic host* ' 'l|Ulll lv badly daiiiuged.U not totally rtllll'ii Kl 'erai of Ilia brass couplings,wem found In a gri ll Lio.wn Jung mi,, near Reservoir Square Ilia Honor 11 dajor was authorized to employ an additional forc » •«> proiert ilia fire appaiaiuasfi |he city. c " l “*‘ deslroycd was laeenily pul chased My Ilia "f at a very heavy i ijs'iise of liAMAUkh Cotton. Messrs Rail, Wylly (| ' lirll f"»M sold tl eucUoa yeeterdsy a Isrge lot of ' shiaged , otto*. Th ( l onuiilona ol aala •era duly sun the . ,auai et orlgiaal lavoha puree We '"howing psrih ulsis of the eale i |t Mlaa ‘ ‘ *“te per bale ;7 he lee el Hr rente pet bale; W * at it tama par bale i fit betas at la eeata par **' 11 bataa at tl imm* pat bale. T«k fakAlßk-tbs IMESFtCiOUt WMtiMi ‘istlmctsd •otoewha' from the hoßse •( Mr Hamilton's netted' lam eveaiag. A u sod-sued aodteaoe wsa present however, and those wh" won so fortunate as to lie of IU uataberv ms perhaps the bast perlortuaare of the season. Mr. lisuuUous "Uaoitet ' was aline piece of acting, and w ith the unusually good support of tlie company, held tlte leplatleutiou sf the luuiss till the close of Hie ptsee. It la rarely that a per {urtuance has beau so evsuly pleasing throughout as Dial of Hamlet ’ last evening, and we trust it will its repeated before long uudrr mors favorable dr enmstaocss. Toalght ws are to have "Metamota." in which Mr. Hatnfilou has already made ottu decided success this season. Arrival of like Turk .tlkASHUlrs -Ttie steam ships Hunter, Cspl. Uodgsrs, Virgo, iiapt. BulUey, and Euterpe, Capt. Eiurldgu. trotu New Volk on 8a uirday, tUe will, arrived yesterday. We are Indebted to tlte obliging pursers u! the Hunter and Euterpe fur files of New Yurk papers. Mr. F. 8. dloeura, purser oi tUe Virgo, will also accept our thanks tor favors. Georuta Chapter No. 3 it. A. M.—At a regular meetiug or tuts chapter last evening, the following companions were elected for the year A. L. 2396 • K. T. Turner, U. P.; William Uieene, K.; Alfred Haywood, 8.; Thus. Ualleutvue, 0. H.; Muses M. Belisurlo, P. 8.; M. Ketch, K. A.U.; M. A. Cohen. M. E l V ; John liurneu, M. 2d V.; D. M. Wolfe, M. Ist N.; A. B. Luce, Treasurer; J. H- EutiH, Secretary; David U. Galloway, Beutluel. Oysters.—Frioud Nugent. north-east-cornet of Bull -and Bryan streets, received yesterday by steamer a full supply es these bivalves from Nor thern waters. (Sen. Grunt's Theory. Gun. Grant's Report shows that his solu tion ol' tlie problem oi the wur, was the lavish use ol the superior power of ilte Federal gor ernuiept and the properly concerted action of the unities East and West. It was common sense, as has been remarked, applied to ques tions of strategy that had been mystified by technical jargon. His plan, as he bimsell expresses it, was ‘"to hammer continuously against the armed force of the enemy aud bis resources until, by mere attrition, if in no other way, there should be nothing leit to bim but submission.” Graut dates Sbcrmau’s march to the sea from Davis’ celebrated speech at Macou —a speech iu which he stated the weakness of the South, and dis closed his plan for sending Hoed into Ten nessee. Davis there exhibited tbe weakness of supposing that an army that had been beaten and tearfully decimated iu a vain at tempt at the defensive could successfully un dertake the otfeusive against the army that had so often beateu it, and while he did so he showed Sherman where to strike., The Conflict of Juriadictioit in Alabama —TUe Courtm Yield to Military Foret. The United States District Court, His Honor R. Bu steed, presiding, opened in Montgomery oa the 29th ult., at 12 M., when the presiding Judge, in a few short and well timed remarks stated that in tlie present posi tion of the Judiciary, whose orders bad been peremptorily resisted by the military atMnbile, and this with Hie apparent approval of the President, he did not consider it proper to hold Court except for the despatch of mo tions and ordeis of conservatory character. He further allowed an argument to be pre sented by Messrs. Watts, White and Clinton, on behalf of tbe Bar, on tlie subject of tbe Test Oath required by tbe act ot Congress January 24, 1665. The argument was opened by Judge Watts, and was to have lu-eu resumed tbe Following day, with tlte understanding, however, that the allowing these gentlemen to appear in Court was uol to he taken as a waiver of the act, hut merely as the exercise of a special ducreiiooury power. The President of the Sknats.—The Presi dent ot the Senate, Mr. Foster, of Connecti cut, now occupies, to all intents and pur poses, the position of Vice President of the United States. In the event of the death of President Johnson, therefore, in the interval to 1808, Mr. Foster, as he now stands, would become President of the United Stales. He is understood to be a sort of semi-radical, semi-couversativc old liue whig ; but it is probable that ibis is not enough for tlie lead ing radicals. Hence there may be some truth in the report afloat that “there is some talk of a change iu the presiding officer of the Senate.” > Operations of the U. S. Mint. —The gold deposits at the United States Mint for the month of November were $1,009,700 19, and of silver, $19,493 70—making a total of sl,- 029,193 88. The coinage of gold in tlie same time was $860,906 69 ; of silver, $13,663 48, and ot copper, $75,010 —making a total coin age for the month of $966,080 07, covering lour millions, eight hundred and fifty-eight thousand, one hundred aud tweuly pieces. Os this number of pieces there were 2,939,- 000 of cent pieces, 947,800 two cent pieces, aud 912,000 three cent pieces. The total ot these small cuius made during tbe mouth was 4,789,51X1. Jliiituture Almanac—TUs Bay. Sun rises". o 64, Moon rises 2 31 bun sets 4 56|lligh water.... 4 41 TORT OF SAVANNAH. Wednesday. Dec. 13. isos. v Arrived. Steamship Virgo, Balkley, New York—O Cohen. Steamship Euterpe, Eidridge, New York—John R Wilder. Steamship limiter, Rogers, New York—Hunter A Gammell. . _ Steamer City Point, Talbot, Palatka, Ac.—RW Adams. Steamer Rockland, Beaufort; Charleston—L S Bennett. Steamer Minnie Brandt, Travis, Augusta—Laßoche A Wet. Cleared. Pioneer Steamship Chase, Roath, New York—Huu fer A Gammell. Scln 1’ L smith, smith, llualou—Kk-hanlaou A Bar nurd. Brig Blackball, Flekett, New York—Laßoche A Johnson. Schr A If Seavirlng, Ludlam, Philadelphia—Hunter A Gammell. Sleauier 11 M Cool, Taylor, Darien—M A Cohen. Steamer Fannie, McNelty, Darien—F MMy fell. Steamer City Point, Olcott, Cliariestou—K W Adams. Imports. Per steamer Minnie Brandt, from Augusta-249 bales upland cotton, c3u boxes tobacco and mdse. Exports. Per steamship Chase, for New York—447 balce up land cotton, 25 do domestics, 2 cases shoes, 6 boxes and 1 bbl fruit, 1# cases mdse, 4 Uhls cotton seed, 12 boxes soap, 9 do candles, 2 cases segars, 2 bis wool, 7ii boxes sundries, 11 empty ale hhls. Per schr P L Smith, for Boston—9o,9oo ft hewn p p timber. Per brig Blackfish, for New York—243 sticks p p timber, measuring 209,000 lect. Per schr AH Seaviring, for Philadelphia—ll7,l43 feoj p p limber, 14,47s cauo reeds, 40 bags ground nuts. Passengers. Per steamship Virgo, fveiii New York—Mrs Stoue, Mrs C Dorcucs, Mrs P Slocum, K Uezworth, Capt J II Avery F Usdiock, C U Uarcudeu, W Clarcudeu, J F Hamsun, J K Clark, T Karly, J Lawler, E W Wells, A Miller, Mr Hrapiy, autl 13 steerage. Per steamship Hunter, from New York—Mr and Mrs W H stalk, Mk-s mark and aeryt, Dr Nichols, N J Boyce, J L shea, E Mica, Mr» Ptucttn, Mis A Kerry J Brady, i Brouks. and ulhoia hi suwrage for steamer Mluuk Biindi, from Augusta—Mr and Mrs Cldc, 11 Groetimaa, N Lyman, Mr Hull, Mi Col ter, II McAlplu, T Balk, Surgl J J Travis aud Ml wen Per sb aiuer city Pont!, lima Clmrlestoti, etc—Mr Frost aud wile, J and Lniluop, wife sou aud daughtsf, J Mlddletou. fc Lilian, N W Alleu, J Uueaslrr, A I' t buuer, K Kergtumu, J W Hum), II G Abbotl, Capi Payne, J Uichunlkuu. II Douguerty, W White, Chat Wise. J W Wine, Mr names, Mr ilreek, W Hdgvls. I C Williams, J s lioughilou, A DuSenoii, J Tiltuu, >1 I Moher, C Elms, It |. Munis, J L WootlwuMlb Mrs A Brut s, Miss Mnuuoua, n Wiuta, dHltckell and wife and 10 steerage. fer etsawar Mdcklaad, from Beaufort, etc Mr Jsilsra, - iievjalmrff, li%i. Mi.lghaic J Kesse aud lalully. Mi rikeriusu, u f llmmss, L Buuuett.c' IIMtt, « Bulk ley, JJ i U pe, MU Bull, Mi fsi stsaiusldg t mma «m New Vtxk W i M&HI. L Gray. M p Mmvuouae, II M Parana#, W MeMfikl i It KBmh, L ladieMsti, T Buk, U fonae aud true, Miss Mosul and Keel age fret Vitro bum Nuw tort— Attaint t v Ou, 4 *• Auderson A Cos, J M RmcUley, K Koethcke, . G H An*ilyr. A A 0 K K, > B Knapp. Level! A 1.. J I Laaia. Uvtg'iaui, H a Cos. B A Whiuueud, Brian, H k Cos. UU 4 li k Laiuar W W Lincoln. M Lawton B. sunlit A Cos, T U jnAshaw A Cu. K 1' Uitfii P li Beltu J McMahon, A S Miller. M 8 Meyer, T Nugent, Crane, J A Cos, M A Cuheu, Llaglioin J V, V A curst K A Cooley, U Milt her, Foliaid A Cos. Kaiiilell J Cos. Hue, W k Cos. ft A tkiuu. J II Depplah. ktklu A It, A J L Fieldeulierg, M lend At Cos, p Kelli). 1 M sins, J Sullivan, W II mark, P W .sun. k Oa 8 N i.igga. 7 A Gordon, au Express, K B lau-m, J U rhompaou. B U TiUlen, J T 17101008 A CO, 1* Fisher, J D Jessie, J II Johnson, K 1. liaillut k, U, Watson A Cos, Hunter A U, Geo c It It. J L Villalougs. J VuneU, W 1, W, \V A t'onmcll, IB| in a lilaiuond, J L A. W H liuwanl J Sou W M, L 8 q M, (W) iu a diamond, J R Wilder W It Wuitain., W U WHtiierger, T J Hum. H N Kill*, B A Wise, Bailey A. bio, M.ouwau A Cos. A Bui Lie), Easterling A Millet. Miss Drake, 1 W Kieemau, Ml*- 11 E Gaylotd, C' M Ulltsoiau, E 0 Wade, J B Hoss A Sen, K £ Seottleld. Pet steamship Hunter, from Sew York— Adauis Kx Cos, F M Myrell, S M Coining, p Mallou, Cuuulnghum A P, C, J a era)bill; W M Davidson. J 11 Deppisli. K A ilardee. A L Vnedenbcrger, W K Fleming, U C Freemuu, Mis J Graham, Hunter AG. 11. Watson it Ce, A Hardee, C V Hutchins, J kin; ldn). Lai loop A Cos. K J Larcoßibe, Laurnut it Cos, E C W aile A Cos. J K under, Weed A V, M H William., J L Vlllillouga, B U Tildeu. J P TUorndyke, C W Thompson, U H Stark, A M Scarbrough, I It Seal) A Cos, I 8< busier, A A Soloiuou, P Skelian, Rudolph A Biumrnberger, R A Cauu, Kandcll A Cos. M, Thomas a Cos. Per Dieamship Euterpe, from New York-Adams Ex Cos, A P Allgood, T Bateson, P H Beliu, J A Bar rou, R T Burch, N K Baum, T H Bolshaw A Cos, B A Meyer, B, Smith A Cos. B A Whitehead, (I, Baldwin A Cos, B, W 1 1 Christian, Claghorn A C, C A Purse, U, O' A Farrellv, O, J A UravbULCL Colby A Cos, S M Cold lug, W M Davidson, DA Slager, Duticau A J, trwlu A H, E Ehrlich, E A Eckmau, Fetner A P, G C Free man, D Falvey, 8 Goodall, G Gemeudeu, W Parker <t Cos, Mis J F Gammon, C Green A Son, J Hertz, N A Hardeo A Cos, J K Hensmdez, Hunter *<f, K Media A Cos, N B Knapp, E Koethcke A Cos, Kein A Cos G W A G B Lamar, Lathrop A Cos, U Mallet te A Cos, Moody A Barrett, B Million, M, Thomas A Go, H Meiuhard A Cos. J McMahon, E L Nekllinger, M Newtnaik, J Nicholson, J Oliver, C Orff, T Pepper, G W Porter, K X Cunn, A Reseller A Cos, P Reilly, H G Ruwe A Cos, Camp A Cliristy, P Skelian, Whyte fc'KeUch, Ms Meyer, J It Deppish, C L GDlbert, J Kaytdoml, PJ Itockert, J Symons, F W Sims A Cos, S, smith A Cos, W H Stark, A A Solomons A Cos, B - tanitu, N Wolf, J K Wilder, K U Walker it Cos, Weed AC, J Burke, Schreiner A Sop. Per steamer Minnie Brandt, from Augusta—R H A Sous, flnmer A U, W, Gibbs A Cos, N A Hardee A Cos, J Laugsdorf A Cu, J B West. UIBT OF VFSSELiS IN THK PORT OF SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 14,1666. STEAMSHIPS. Chase, ltoath, discharging—Hunter A Gammull. San Jacinto, Lovelaipl, discharging—ti 11 Hardee. . SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 760, loading, Liverpool—La_ Roche, Gadeu A Buckles. Virginia, Weeks, l,ow, loading at Lamar’s Press, for' Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Thorwalson, ißr) Brouiage. discharging—Reid A Stewart. FavoiHe, (Br) Spain, discharging—E A Soullanl. Herald, Calvert, discharging—U Green A Son. Mozart, (Br) Smith, tons, discharging—T R & J U Mills. barks. * Craeso, (Br) tons, loading, Liverpool—Robt 1 Canghey. Tipliyntne Boaion, discharging—Held A Stewart. 'V A Piatluius, Pinkham, discharging—C L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Hr) Taylor, discharging-Chas Green A Son. County ofPtcton, (Br) McKenzie, discharging—o Green A Sou. BIIIUS. Atlantic, Wark, 161 tons, discharging—B, Wylly & Christian. R C Wright, Hngg, discharging—R Habersham A Son. Blaekllsb, Flckett, loading for N Y with Umber— LaKoche A Johnson. Ella, Brown, discharging—Bell, Wylly A Christian. John W Lovitt, Gllllot, waiting—Yonge A Nixon. Daniel Boone, walling repairs. - > SCHOONERS. John M Broomall, Donglass, loading, New York— Chas L Colby A Cos. Pearl, (Br) Riurdott, rtiacharglng—Bell, Wylly A Christian. , P S Smith, Stuart, loading, Boston —Richardson A liaruard. Walter Raleigh, discharging—Hunter A Gammell. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THE STORE ON BROUGHTON STREET, Third door from Bull, Where will be offered a general assortment of Dry Goode, Boots uml Sliots, Hosiery, Under clothing, Hwoks, Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Jce , Jcc. , at the pur chaser's own prices. + Terms cash; miles positive. dl-30 BY YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE & CO. • AT AUCTION. OFFICE DEPT. QUARTERMASTER. > Savannah, Oa., Dec. 6, 1866./ Will be told at public auction, at the Government Corral, at Savuiiuah, Gu., on the 14th day of Decem ber, 1866. about ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF GOVERNMENT STOCK. Salas to continue from day to day until concluded. Terms cash, in United States currency. E. B. CARLING, dT-td Bvt Lt. Col. A. Q. M. U. S. A. AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been so many applications tor Small Tracts of Laud for location, the owner of the above Laud, feeling a disposition to meet this demand, has placed in the market, for a lew days, Lots of Five Acres, or min e, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff Koad, opposite to the two mite stone. tf-M6 BY BELL, WYLLY' A CHRSTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE. The West Half of Lot No. 2, Calhoun Ward, fronting on Jones street. The Improvements consist el a finely finished Brick Residence containing Ten Rooms with gas throughout, and a well of excellent water and a flue Force Pump. d!3-lf By leO> Wylly & Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city. The Improvements copsista of a fit st class cottage dwelling, gothic style, containingaix large rooms, wilh marble mantel piece, dining room, kilchcii, library room furnished with ehelres and glass doors. Outbuildings consists ol farm house, containing seven rooms, limn, eamugelions.'and stables. PurclM-crcan have Ihe re fusal ol corn, fodder, bay. horses, mules, buggies and wagons. Also. 2430 acres ol heavily timbered land, situated twnhty (20) mlb s from the city, between the Ogecchee and b'suoocliee Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation, luo apre* of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling lion-et. with etables, cribs, Ac. tf-nlB AT PRIVATE SALE. By Beil, Wylly k Christian. 100 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, about nine miles from this city. The improvements consist ol dwelling, barn, stables, and other neces sary out-buildings. Au abundance of fish, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con veniently obtained. Price of property. «2.000. n»8-tf Auction Sale of Provisions, Hams, Bacon, Jbc- Notice la called to Grocers. Provision dealers, anil Ship Cliandleis at this auction. On SATURDAY. d#lh Inst., will be sold at Ihe store of Kenneth. Me Rea A Cos., 2u2 Bay street, at le o'clock 4 hhds very choice tliln Bacon Sides a bids celebrated Witshluglou Hums, white sugar cured 11 bbls very choice N. Y. City cored Rams g do do do do Shoulders. 18 firkins leaf Lard, and 22 lube Lard Id do Butter, choice 2 hints smoked Shoulders 2 do do Bacon 1 do do Hams II ics breaklgst Bacon, choice lb tibia Rump Port lu do PiliuaPoik ’ u do Meed Beef, lullabl* lor Ship's store bLUN * NEVER. di4 Auctioneers. By ill min A Mi’.vtx. Wdl sell at auction THIB DAY, In froul of store, at tu o'clock, lo close accounts I 111 doasu asaoried Crimean shin* 18 Jo IJuen bosom while abtria i* do UudaraMrt* aadlireweie 88 do Suite Oust*, Paula Slid Veate 64 do Bustussa Foata, dignuu qualUles -' WR* oo kjLku tM B|Ubll 4 ioeee Piitfi*. INlalb#*, Mtilboe, As aaiina, Ttw usual a>*o>iui'Ui ui ¥ ufulluie, Be, m AUCTIONS. ADMINIfITKA.TOR’S &ALE B) T. J. WitKla. Ou TI/UiDAY. Juuuitry, Stti. will Ik* *»! t ftl the Court H»u*, iu thtt city t**v»iitjaU. a 111 o'clock* The IttHU'iu ftUlfof Lot No. llJwkwii Wiinl ?(<*«* tfluipik*. miUi iiu|uov«*mcnUj. wimer oi Whiuk«*r -ltd Hu'l AfMlt lh*« arc » iwo-Mtor) hrick dwelling, iiiiut hmm, Htlk viler ill ihe v»»r l ami gait through (it * Uuuat-; brick Both build iugslmvu hIuU: mohi Mold hy of lh<* Ordinary of i iulbitm conuly, h r u division Hiintog ihe heir*. Terms 00k iHirchHuer laying for tides ii*4 SALE. IN puiMifiiice of an order of the Court oi ordinary of (''tiaUmin c< um>, will l*e Mold on Ihu find Tuee day in February next, at the Court House door, In the city vhbavaun&h,, during the usual hours ol sale, all Ihe liudmdcd half Uiiecctot ol Jump* Bi|lk», late deceased, in the Hhandy Hall farm, situated near the city orgHvaunah on ihe Thunderbolt road ; Maid lurm containtn nil flicy acre*, more or leeu. Tfie said half later eat aotd fur Ihe puiposp of di vision JOHN O. FEKKILL. dT-td Admlulkrutor. “ADMINISTRATOK'S SALK BY BLLiS & MEYER GFTHURSDAY, gist lust., at. 10 o’clock, a. m., will be sold In trout of etore, by an order issued from the Hon Court of Ordinary of (’hathaui county* All the Household Furniture belonging to the estate of Henry Herr man, deceased. di» GEO. GKMRNPEN. Adm'r. " BROWN’S C ASTI LLI AN BITTERS THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pure Juice of the Grape aud extracts, distilled from the CUoFest Vegetable products of Hie South of France, Ituly and the Province of Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement of the stomach, lt is unrivalled. A never failiug preventive and Cure for Bea Sickness. None who travel by land or wster should be without the Castillian. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE * Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct24-3m J. C. KOCH, No. 35 Beekman Street* Comer of William, NEW YORK, * Manufacturer of Stationery, Photographic Albums, Music Paper, Folios, Books, Ac. n2l-3m Kerosene Oil, In barrels aud cases, , AT HORATIO PITCHER S, Foot of Liucoln at., * Under the Bluff. n3h-tf WHOLESALE Boots, Shoes and Brogans. M. KRAUSS, 140 Congress and 57 St. Julian Streets, SAVANNAH, GA., Is enabled, through his permanent house in Bos ton, to furnish Joebers and Dealers in this city, as well as those in the country, with BOOTS AND SHOES ut more reasoiuble rates than any other house. HOW LANDING iKD TOR SALE. n)aj a Boxes, % % aud cuddies 7\>bacco, which we arc now offering at prices lower than it con be bought for in Northern cities. MlLLtfit, THOMAS A CO, nll ts No. ‘206 Bay streect. th'ovvii’N .standard Ncules. USED by the United States and Foreign Govern ments for more than THI R,T Y YEARS, Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or home markets. Warranted accurate aud durable. Sales rooms No. 3 Barclay-st., near Broadway. N. T. sepl'J, ly o R BROWN. Manufacturer. J )BN MERRYMAN. B H WARING. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers' and Planters’ Agencv FOR the saie of Guano, Fertilizers, Live Stock, Im plements and Muehinery, Seeds, &c. 07 W. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. Refer to Johu S. Gtttings, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chas. Goodwin, Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more; E. C. Wade A Cos. and P. 11. Behn, Savannah. 0143 m GUANO. PERUVIAN uni] .Swuii Island Guanos, Superphos phates, and the Bruce Concentrated Fertilizer, are ottered to the Trade at the lowest wholesale prices, by UFO. E. WHITE A CO., 66 CHS street. New York. 1116 3m Magazines for December. Harper s monthly Mud. Demorest’s Mirror ol Fashions Atlantic Monthly. At ESTILL’H news depot, ■37-ts Bull street, hack of P. O. CRUTCHES. IjMRSTand only premium awarded at the American Institute Fair, lsCj, and Srate Fair of Pa, 1865, for Crotches. Hartman s Patent Elastic Rubber Crutcnes are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody elae, to be the very best ever Invented. They are easy and con venient; l hey prevent paralysis of the nerves, dotiway with all the weariness inseparable from the u9e of all others, aud are in all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVSJOY 4k TaYLOR, Solo Mauufa*4uren», No. 476)6 Broadway, N. Y. 6jo-n23 Cloaks, Cloaks. LADIES’ Cloth Clonks, a fine assortment, just re ceived by steamer. BINSTFIN & EOKMAN. St. Andrew’s Hall. THIS Hall will be rented for Balls. Concerts, Ac., Ac. Apply to Mr. Msyer, under the Hall, or to DAVID R. DILLON, nSO 12 224 Buy street. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Laßoche, Gadeu A Uric kies was dis solved on the Ist Inst, hy t()e withdrawal of Isaac D. Laßoche. The business will be couttuued under the name of Gaden A Cackles, *t the old stand, corner Bay and Barnard streets, J. 1). Laßoche retaining hu ofllue with us fur the present. ISAAC D. LaHOCHE, BENJAMIN G. GADEN, * DAVID S. UNCKLES. Savannah, Dec. 1, 1866. . d4 Hart & Cos., hardware merchants CHARLESTON, 8. C., OFFER FOR SALE AT THEIR OLD STAND, Corner King and Market Street., GUNS, REVOLVERS, SHOT & POWDER “HOES CIRCULAR SAWS, 8 TO 60 INCH . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BAR IRON AND STEEL METALS OF ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS TIN AND WOOpWARK HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES HOLLOW WARE OF A*LL KINDS TURPENTINE AND COOPERS’ TOOLS BRASS AND IRON WIRE CLOTH BOLTINU CLOTH (ANCHOR BRAND) MILL ROCKS (li TO 40 INCH) 111 l l. IRON SILVER PLATED UOODN IIURRH, MPOKES, AXES, SPRINGS, saa a lamu* »ANtsryoruramtMJoii«. at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. lAMlffi PIERCE S»KEHAn7~ Uhtflruile in«l KhMI Dealer lu F.i»c» Ui Gcertom Boot# and Shoes, nothing, For elgu and Domemtit Wlnr», LH|uoi» aud Heflart A so, ban's (Vlfbrated GOI.DUN ALB AND CHAMPAGNE CiDKH, iu lioltie aud iu wood. IzOiidou aud Dublin Brown Blout. Hcoich and Eng Ibh A lea, Ac. Liberal deduction* made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, .SAVANNAH, dll-U and 62 Lilwily street, N Y Robt. Balfore’s, 151 Broughton Street, IS the place f«»r good and cheap Groceries. Give lilm a call; he offers for sale the following articles: *2t 0 bTls Family Flonr 200 do Pinkeye and Peach Blow Jfofotoe* 1600 lbs chob e Hams Shoulders and Side* 100 oacks Liverpool .salt Block and Green Tea* Crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugars Old Java, Rio and Ground Coffee Spices of all kinds Sardines, Preserves, Citron, 4fcc Hcfker's Hell Rising Flour Colgate’** Family Boap Goshen Butter. English Dairy Cliecae Just lecciVed and for sale. Give me a call. dtf 6 KIELIN, BBd. & BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IR im AMI LIQUORS, CUKNBK WHIT4KER BTUBBT AND BAY LANE. «D OKDF.KB PROMPTLY FILLED A DELIYERED. anil U H. G. RUWE & CO., "Wholesale GROCERIES i LIQUORS, WINES AND HEUARS, Corner Bryan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (KHONTING PUI-ASKI HOI SBj |JT Agents for ALE AND LAGER. Constantly on bond, an assortment of ILIZEI3M WINE. sep29 8m WHISKEY! WHISKEY! FIE OLD BRANDY, TIKES, tc. Reach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer’s Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C . W. THOMPSON’, At the Old Stand, 111 BAY STREET, (Herald Buildings j —-ALSO, Alsop's Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. oct6 tl J. GARDNER TAKES the liberty of informing the public generally that lie liaß.juft opened, and will always keep un hand a full nupply ot Fresh Family Groceries, of all descriptions aud of tbs beat quality, which he offers for safe at reasonable rates. Corner Jones and Barnard streets, at Ehrlich's old stand. nlB-lm | FOREIGN dfWIDOMESTIC ALES W INES &SEGAksJ^^^OT SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Ch. Farre Champagnes FOK THE STATE OF GEOKGIA. uuSO GROCERIES. LANDINO hom uteamsblp Cumbria tbe followtsg articles: Milk Biscuit Sponge lintler Biscuit Cut Butter Biscuit Oyster Cracker • ~ . Hods Cracker . •'. > 18 bbds Smoked Sbouiders 17 do do do , 26 kci;B Leaf Lard 26 keg« Extra Butter Crashed, Pulverised B and Extra C Sugars Rio Coflee 36 boxes New Bunch Raisins 20 half do do 160 bbls Winter Apples 64 boxes Adamantine Candles For sale low by RUB, WniTNEY A CO., di-4 No. 4 Harris Block. Bay St. v Freights FOR AUGUSTA, TUE undersigned are prepared to receive goods at A their Warehouses -free of eifiense and cot ered by Insurance—for shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular Hue of light draught boats. Apply to CHAS. L. DOLBY, sept29-if cor. Bay and Abercom sta, FOR AUGUSTA. The new light draught steamer Minnie Brandt, will leave ou her regular trip for Augusts ou Friday, 15tl> Inatsnt, at 8 a. ui. For freight or passage, with excellent accaaunoda ttons, apply to * Laßoche a west. 014 2 Jones’ Block FOR AUGUSTA. t Tb« Steamer «J amew J 3 . Christopher, Capt. J. M MOODY, Will leave for tha above place on Thiii'MitMy T6v*b. at A o’olook. This boat la Os light draught and veryfaM. and having been purchase! by th. owner* at lb. R H May. will run In ronparUn* with her For Ireisbi. apply oa t’harieatou M bar! lu and» I M KINt'UUY. Agent For Augusta, Tits NTSAMMN li. 11. MAY, WIU ba*. diapabb Pm ib» *lmw pi*<« ip.sU !? ttJoln uf tl " Ml j-k * B,r ' *• JE&cfluSr ji ,m ‘ FOR NEW YORK .The brig OLIVE FRANCES. F A. •• «*• For freight, apply to CHARLES L. COLBY k CO., fi'JV Corner Aberbom and Bay sta. Empire Lin’ej. FOR NEW YORK. A.tlantio Mail Nteumnhlp Company. The new and hat side-wheel steam tup SAN JACINTa Loveland, mas ler, will mil as above, on iataiday, Dec. letM, at - o’clock. For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply lo B. H. HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON k ALLEN, Agents, dll No. S, Bewllng Gwen, N. Y. Murray’s Bine FOR NEW YORK. Tbs new and aplendid ateamahip VIRGO. Bulkley, master, will ieavw for Ike above port on lataiday, Dm. 16th, sit o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid accommo tkmi, apply to did OCTAVCS COHEN. STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK- Tbe fine Steamship NEVADA, Caipenter, Com mander will leave for tbe above port on latarday, Dec. IS, sta S o’clock a. in. For freight or pasaoge, having superior atate room accommodation*, apply to dl« BRIGHAM. BALDWIN * CO. FOR NEW YORK, ATLANTIC COAST NHL STEAMSHIP CONPffl. Jim PASSAGE AT REDUCED RATES. Faro ABO I The ?ery that salting Steamship EUT E R P E; J. B. ELDRIDGE, Commander, Will positively sail un her regnler day, Saaday, 17tk lost., at 8 o’clock a. in. For freight or passage, which will be as low oa any other line, apply to did JOHN a. WILDER, Agent. Pioneer Line. FOR NEWJ||gYORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! CaMb Passage, $25 (Ml Deck, $lO 00 The new and splendid steamship HUNTER, Rogers, comuundeP, will leave for the above port on her regu lar day, • Saturday, December 10, at 8 o’clock. For Irelgbt or passage,’having superior accommo- UhUouh auiilv to dll HUNTER A GAMMELL FOR AUGUSTA, Hie new sad very fast steamer S C O H P I O, Cept. N. F. BOGERS, Will de detained until Friday, De*. Uth, at • o’clock a. in. un account of the weather, to afford shipper* an op portunity u s sending their good* forward. For freight or passage, apply to EEIN k CO., dIA-1 114 Boy street. For Doetortown , j t : ’ A%v ■ ■ : A { * AND ( . . Thomaatville. Tbe Steamers Gen. Sbepley, Oriont. and Clarion. Will make Tri weekly Tripe to Doetortown, In cob -5! ctton ?“ h A,l^i “c and Gulf Railroad. leavli« Savannah on Tuesdays, Ttaniadeys and Snndeye. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight received during the week, and stored free of expense. For freight or paseege apply to - CHAS L. COLBY * CO., two Corner Abercom and Bay streets. For Charleston, The new Steamer '<•''* CITY POINT, Capt. B. 8. Talbot, WUI leave a* above ■very Saturday, at S a. in. For freight or paeeage apply to R. W. ADAMS, or J. S. CABRUTUKRS, did Uodgsou s Range, Bay street FOR AUGUSTA, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, The Ugbt-dreaght eteamsc EXPRESS, cast. i. a. Morgan, Will have qaish dawwith a* ibav* ggi ir»s Its ton am Mfe, end dOdd eupciiofladui sm.nis to •awe aid meat with lummSmi live m *UK dll Batrte BntWlMg. Ht M»e*t IBIWHMi For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARTS, FER NANDA A, JAC KSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. * The new and fast selling Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Having been placed permanently upon this route will leave for the above places on ICrery Thursday Morning, at 10o’clock. h * vin £ Mendid cabin ac- ui T “ the Plorid » 8 *e»“ CLAUHOHN k CUNNINGHAM, --A-—— Agento, Change of Lay. If NIXED STATES MAIL I^INE FOR PMMKA. FLA., • VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, *BT. MA RYS, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICOLATA. The well known steamer formerly the St. Johns, bat now the Helen Oetty, Capt. O. H. INGRAHAM, EVYfiVst™n»"v h West Broad street , , X 9A7TJRDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock Dre clsely for the shove Landings. p Fur freight or passage, apply oh board or to L. S. BENNETT, Agent, Comer West Brood end Bay atroete, Aoutb—Darien. A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville, J 8. Sarnia k Cos. Palatka. H. R. Teasdaie. • Freight payable by shippers. <n 2 For Doetortown, The fine Steamer CLARION Will leave for Doetortown on her regular day, Thursday Dec. 14, at V o’clock a. m. connecting with the Atlantic A Gnlfß. R. For rreight or passage, having superior accommo uatioQßv apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., 1)13 ‘ 2 Corner Bay and Abercom eererta’ REGULAR WEEICLY STEAMER BBTWBEK Savanuah & Doetortown, Connecting with th. At- The new, iight-dinught f iron aide-wheel steamer TWO HOYS, XMate boat to the William G. Gibbono,i Capt. THOMAS DANIELS, Having superior accommodation for freight and to •* n 3 r of tbe ocean steamers, will ply feffularly iK«tweeu the above points, Leaving SAVANNAH every TUESDAY Wfmvrwn It Is the desire of the owners of the Two Bovs to make her en accommodation boat for the merchants of Sdvniinali and the merchants and planters along the line of the A. AO. R. H„ until the comDletion or that road. and with this otyject In view, no effort will be spared on the part of her owners, agents and of flngpnbu"** 1 th * W ° nta 01 and travel- Freight stored In -our warehouse on Dillon’s wharf free of . haree. ERWIN A HARDEE D. Js .jig Dillon, Ag*t at Doetortown. dl2-2w S T E A M FOR BALTIMORE. The magnificent iron side-wheel Steamship RICHMOND Will sail for Baltimore ou Saturday, Dec. ltt, at o’clock. The accommodations for passengers on board this New Y r | n rU a*,?f r ’;n‘"‘ l io tr, ‘ V, ‘ W * r 8 "“'‘ona ot visiting fitesra wsaat - byo,ber taking For freight or paosogfi apply to «« , - Lc " 6 * WKr i)!,W„, • "’•'fcn'. HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON, THE STEAMER OOMBT, CAPTAIN HORNE. Will leave aa above with despatch. For freight, which will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Press Yard, and covered by Insurance until placed on board the bteamer, apply to nIH BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. FOR Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT 9t. Thun**, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia - The Unlted State! and Brasil Mail C ° mp * Dy wUI On ths'lMb off every month, h NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP. To Leave nt 3 o’clock, p. m., From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pats through the Poet Office Au experienced Surgeon will be in attendance on board. dJttou£ e 4pty‘o U ““ g *’ * lavlll^ aphmdld accommo For Liverpool. A : N?; 1 Ship MONT BLANC Is now Jalß rapidly loading, aUWhlte’s Presa. For bal ;sr onijr ,or * few ks LaROCHE t UADfIM A UNCKLES, Jtffots. For Liverpool. The n A first class dipper ehlp VIRGINIA, W’BBVA < .’mmaadev, la bow lomUag rapidly al Low* Praia and having large vngagcmvuis will have quick dsepueb. par brig til or paauage fiabeSM low**! lobuj apply lu CHBN L COI.HY kCU , iietN •••a net AbvriM n gad Bay Ms roa LIVERPOOL a .Six Tbe Bimeb berh f BHOSbI, I'mver asae G’i re ton ill |HSi halve thiDon rfT . got fivlsli Spidl to HR hunt i l ai i'Hßt MS M wihfMeet.