Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 15, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily HeraliL BY S. W. MASON A CO. SAXDKL - KJH«r, W. T. THOIH'WW. K.IHor, MViWUa, fBII’AV. »MKML<KH 15. I<>K. 6IS4>KISIA<.OA<iRK!j!*MES IX WASMIIXG TOS. The Washington Chronicle noticing the ar rivel of southern member* iu Wasbingtou, mentions the names of Messrs. Cabauiss* Matthews, Christy, Wofford, Cook and Cohen of this State. The list comprises *ll except those from North and South Carolina, Florida and Texas. No credentials have been presented to either branch of Congress, except those ol the members from Tenuest-ce and Virginia. The same paper, commenting upon their presence in Washington, says they are hav ing free aud frigndly intercourse with the Northern and Western members, and are everywhere treated with marked courtesy Oeruraiiy there is no disposition on either side to show what may be called discontent at delay, or eagerness to protract their ex clusion. The impression prevails that they «ill be admitted before the close of the present ses sion. This will certainly be so, says the Chronicle, if they continue to march up to the fair and logical requirements of the Presi dent. Strong sympathy is felt f° r ltK ’ Tennessee Senators and Representatives. It is alleged that they at least should be admitted, be cause Tennessee has never been wholly out of the Union. Andrew Johnson in the Senate, holding under a regular election, occupied his seat until he was oppotuted Military Gov. ernor, aud Horace Maynard was formally admitted to the House in Dec. 1801, from the same State. The admission of Tennessee iu advance of the other Southern States would, theretore, imply that the hater were out of the U uion. And if such a paradox is recognized, how' is it that Georgia and other Southern States are permitted and even required by the Re publican party in Congress, to vote upon an amendment to the constitution ? If they are not iu the Union, they not only have no rigid to vote, but thr u' votes ate not necessary to effect the change in that instru ment. A cotemporary, commenting upon this phase oi the subject, says the Constitu tion requires the votes of certain pro portion of the Slates comprising the Uuiou to effect an amendment, but it was not con templated that States not in the Union should be counted on such a question CexiaintyTb participate in the formation or change of the original law of the nation, is the exercise of the highest sovereign right, and it is a contradiction in terms to say that the Southern States are not iu the Union, and at the same time to permit or require them to vote upon an amendment to the Constitu tion upon the plea that without their the amendment cannot be carried by the Con stitutional number of States. They are either iu the Union or out of it. U they arc in the Uuiou, they have other rights than the single one of votiog upon an amend ment of the Constitution, aud if they are out of it, they have nothing to do with the Con stitution off any thing else pertaining to the Union. Which horn of the dilemma will the Rad icals take ? 1\ UKMCKAL. —George N. Saunders has arrived at Liv erpool from Canada. —lt is stated that Edwin Booth will ap pear at the Winter Garden, New York, some time in January. —'¥here are over two tbousaud deaths, a year by suicide in England. —General Early is in Nassau, N. P., en gaged in writing a history of his cam paigns. —Hon. James A. Seddon, lately released from prison, has arrived in Richmond. —Many English merchants and bankers, it is said, have agents in the South selecting cotton lands. —Scarlet water-proof cloaks are the mode in England now. They are made with sleeves and hoods. —Corn is so low in Illinois and coa and railroad freights so high, that the farmers will use a great deal of corn for fuel. —Dr. Gw in, who was arrested some time since on his return from Mexico to the United States, is confined at Fort Jackson, below New Orleans. —None but discharged soldiers and sail ors are to be employed hereafter at the Brooklyn, N. Y., navy yard. —A dramatic poem entitled “Judas Is cariot, 1 ’ is just published in Londou. —Nena Sahib, who acquired such “unen viable reputation" during the Indian mutiny, has, it is said, been occupying his time with a translation of “Hamlet” into “his native tongue." —The birds of every kind disappeared from Constantinople while the cholera wa s raging there. —Charleston is now but about twenty-six. hours travel distant from Augusta. —Washington dispatches say it is proba ble that Congress will authorize the issuance . ot an additional one hundred millions of na tional eurieny. Missouri papers cuntain frequent notice of clergymen throwing up their pastoral Charge, in orde{ to . scape the test oath. —A Cali tornia editor some time ago re ceived a long document, which he was re quested to “put under his editorial head, gratis.” He complied by placing it under his pillow, and expressed his determination to serve similar Communications in the same way. —llaron RotUpebild once complained to Lord Brougham'of the hardship ..t not Is/mg allowed to tuke his sent in I'urUatucnl. “You know," said he, "I was the choice of the people," To whiob .the ex tJliHueullor, will. Ids usual causticity, replied, “so wan BitaUhas.!' —•’My wile, I wish you would try and keep your leiniHT ” "My dear husband, I wish you would try to get rid of yours " - The Rocky Mount tut Mews tells <4 an • nthualaado young .Missouiian who, eulogi; W the huauly of bit gal, said "111 bn dog gon.d if «h« ain't M pmuy as a led w agon " -A Wh k»d Jok.oaWhnn Is a Ic lineman |ik< 11 'audit f h hen lot's steallne. I'll editions id Jiuo lugulow « isssiii hsv. Ghi wild In laaelon 111 Him Iml IWii MSI, mull a suee». I, nnpaialled sides lln pi.piiluiily o| wiuii of It) ton • p. situ, MS ago THE HIPMIID TKOOBWt* HK TWKK.V AKGKOfc-S «K 1) H lIITKt A I TIIOMASVILLE. We received yesterday official inhumation that Bo troubles have occurred with the colored population of Tiiuuaasvillc or its vi cinity. General Dram, an has had advices from I.ic-uleuaul Colonel Bogart, there, dated on the 2d, and received on the Blb, slating that Mr. Janie* A. Seward aud City Marshal Atkinson, prominent citizens, liad been arrested on very serious charges. fjeward is charged with an attempt to as sassinate an unarmed colored orderly from headquarters, by stabbing him in the back, white he was carrying dispatches, aud At hirnDiiismi rested for threat* ning a colored man named Voik, a witness against Seward iu the ytler ease, and with exciting an as sault on him * They have betn committed for trial, add will not be admitted to bail unless the color ed orderly so improves aa to tender it certain his wounds will not be fatal. yfr. John Seward was also arrested and placed under $2,000 bonds for an assault on York. Mr. Atkinson is also charged with an as. sault on a colored orderly who bad been sent lor medicine, entirely unprovoked, aud ac companied, as were the other assaults, with prolane and abusive language. General Brannon has ordered a Military Commission to try the parties, and Colonel Bogart, in view of the prevalent lawlessness iu die place, has put Thowasville under mar dial law, iu the following order: HEADQ’HS SIB. DIST. AI.TAM AH A, >_ ThomayviUe, Ga., December 3d, 1865. j Spkciai, OkdciO No. L. * I. Tlie Municipal Government of Thomas vi|ie being unable to protect the lives and Interest of the inhabitants, and \o prevent outrages aud attempts at assassination ot United States soldiers traversing the town on business, die functions of the Municipal au -thorilics of Thoniasville are hereby suspend ed, a.ul until further orders Martial Law will prevail. ' , 11. At 9 n dock P. M. the market"bell will ring for 10 minutes, and on or heforu tiiat hour all stores will be closed and business ceasi;, aud after that hour no citizen, white or cotoied, will walk the streets except iu case of sickness, when a physician has to be called or other urgent business attended to, the mcessity tor which will be decided upon by the officer in charge of the Town Guard. HI. Until fuither orders, sales of intoxi cating liquors, except upon Ihe prescription of a physician approved at these Head quarters, are strictly forbidden, such pre scriptions to be tilled at a drug store only. IV. Ail drinking saloons and bar rooms within the limits and iu the vicinity ol Tuo masviile are hereby ordered to be closed. V. No civilian will be permitted to carry arms upon his person, without a permit from these Headquarters. VI. A Court will be held twice each week, Wednesday and Saturday, at the Court House, between the hoars of 10 A. M. ami :t I’. M., and at such other times as may be ne cessary in addition to these days. VII All troops in this command are en joined by their duty and honor, as soldiers of the United States, to preserve a respectful demeanor in conversation aud actions in all their iuleicourse with the population; what ever tlie provocation may be offered, it is not the duty nor the right of the soldier, in dividually, to resent it, hut to report prompt ly tlie facts to iiis Commanding Officer. And Uie like injunction in respect to con versations and actions applies to all the de portment of civilian* towards or concerning the t roops of-this com maud. By command of LIEUT. COL. JOHN A. BOGART, Cornd'g Sub. Dist. (Signed) J. C- Chance, 2d Lt. load U. S. C. T. & A. A. A. G. A true copy : Samuel Rounds, 2d Lt. and A. A. A. G. Gen. Uiannau lias approved the order, and also the arrest of the parties on the charges specified. While vigilant in investigating .all reports of negro outrages, Gen. Braun an has ex pressed au intention, whilo colored troops are continued under his command, to pro tect them to the fullest extent. The official reports from all portions of Gen. Rrannan's District are to the effect that there arc no troubles whatever with the negroes except on account of slight depredu tions on live stock and other property, and it, is officially reported that the change to martial law Is not distastelul to the leading citizens of.Thomasville, but was on the con trary solicited by several of them, and cheer fully iu by Mayor Wright. Mexico.-r-Pres'ident Juarez of the Mexi can ltepulilic in a late decree declares that, as General Ortega came to the United States oaly en route for Mexico, aud stayed in the United States, without any special purpose, over eight months, he will be subject to a trial on biff return to Mexico. A suoutiug party from Matamoras, com posed of contra-guerillas, recently encoun tered a portion of Cortina's command, and were completely routed. Three prisoners were taken, who were immediately hanged to the nearest tree. This is one of the first fruits of the recent proclamation hy Maxi miliau denying the liberals belligerent rights, and proclaiming them outlaws. A recently married lady in Cincinnati was called into the parlor of the house where she boarded, for the purpose of seeing a young woman who bad inquired for tier Upon entering the parlor, she recognized a discarded lover in feminine disguise, and only bis awkwardness in taking his revolver from an unfamiliar pocket gave his intended victim time to escape from the dastardly murder -which he had planned with so much cunning. Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com missioner. DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, \ Sava*mau, Dec. 13, 18'o. 1 Owners of Lots, and Improvements in the city ol Snvat.u«h, Ga., aro notified that the Tax Roll for said est) t completed, amt the taxes due thereon may he paid to the un lerslgnet! within sixty (Cfij days from this dato. at our office, north-west comer of South Broad Md Lincoln streets, in said city of Savannah- For aoi. payment ..I the lax, the Act of Congress' piesnile- a lorfodncu ol the property taxed to the Unit' and Spites. OtHru hoars from »to 12 a. in., aud 2to6p. m. T. P. KOBB, 8. A. PAS COAST, •I. C BATES, It. 8. Direct Tax Commissioner., Diat dhi-tf Os tie... pla tAVANNAU NATIONAL BANK, 1 Deenlu la r uili, INW } I An rfardnn for ala IHrMtnra, to maiiauc ih> mlai.a |"j ,| ' l " " Jllh I t o.l* year, will l>e held al tits Hoiking I,ll ** g “ I h* ao'.ikd 1 ueeday lu next, tan.a ''*> u I' 1 " in...,it IV.Ha upon lioin |n u'elea x l“ "•‘•’»" , ehak l , M 1 ■ IA. lilt dpi Vl v, cu*l.l I. j '• MtathUM « mini y I. rpe. , hilly unnomyv myself u ntijill j ildio 1..1 re old. turn u, ,| lt , KUcrill Id fflsaS'sSi.r •* «*■* , lUddauid |i, ClOM> Mol In* lo I*ii tiit'ii, VI •}* bOUolll *1 h In ale I, us FtehUaw. will, OFri’BDKHOTCOMMisSARY. * Savannah Georgia* lavemt’er *• 1 ■x r, ii.;a> I’nan it* t<> tumMi the ro*>|>i at tin* p i mt.fh Mice! f..r lliree momli*. i.unmela 4 iu J., i. I. and endlfi ’ March 51, lacs. will i„ i, :i -.1 uMit-odkv iim'l l? M Ihe. Ji. I Mi. It : ■«* Ih- i>f losst qualllt, ckclu and sheet .u..lit.-liii i-Olri-wei+ljr. i in- I to to* made in duplli .'t-v 11. A UAUIJMi. ,1,..-*; Cept. and C. It. Vols. TOTHGtOI'F.ItMIKI HATHA Al COOItV 1 announce myself as a caDtlidale for the office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. nov22-td ALEX. F. BENNETT. CENTRAL K H AND BANKING CO. I OK GEORGIA, } Savaunuhj Dec. 4,1, 1565.) An Election tor nine Directors to manage the at fair* of the Company lor the ensuing year will be held at the IlanVine House, in Savannah o-ecoud story), on Tuesday. the 2d of January, IS6C, between the hours of lb a m and 1 p. m. ftrooktioWsrs only wno have held stock f*tr ninety days immediately preceding the day of election are entitled to vote. Sti ■ khidders, upon presentation of their stock cer tificates to the condni tors of trains, will be passed to and from the election over the Company’s read, free. GEORGE A. CUYLER, dS-lrn Cashier. T«» THE BIjEeTUUS OI'tHATH.tMCO. Gentlemen : Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my name to be used for Ihe office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I have the honor to aunouuce myself as a candidate for that position, and respect lully solicit your suffrage. ntt-tf CHARLES J. WHITE. A Cure For Lanky Roots. Savannah, Dec. 11 rh, lRiVt. Messrs. Dillon & Taylor, Painters, Ga Bay Street: It gtres in. pleasure to state, in reply to your in quires, and in jusMee to your firm, that your Linseed till Cement is an entire success. The tin roofs of my houses being pronounced beyond repair, by a well known tinsmith of tins city, I was induced to try your Linseed OU Cement, which has exceeded my expectations as a waterproof coating for roofs. After 20 years experience as Master Builder, I have found nothing to equal it. (1124* L. SOLOMON, ld.i Broughton street. Uji. SLATE ROOFS also put in thorough REPAIR. To the Voters of Cliallimn County. rrniK undersigned is a candidate for re-election t<> A the office of Clerk of the Superior »Hd Inferior Courts, and respectfully solicits your suffrages. dUMi,’ KM. H. BULLOCH. BATCHELOR’S IIAIB. DYH The Oritrifel and Best in the World ! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable aud Instan taneous. Produces immediate.y a Splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of had dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF KIIAKKLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair anl4 ly CHARLES BATCHELOR. New York. KEROSENE WARE, Lam its, chandeliers, Brackets, narp Hangers, Side Backs, Side Lamps, with aud without Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lauterne, Bases, Pegs and Fouuts- Pateiit Glass Canes, Burners. Globes, Chimnics and Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT * GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers’ and Confectioners’ GLASSWARE. Goods of nil kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES T. WEIGHT, 22a Greenwich Street, Two doors below Barclay, N. Y novl-3m COLLECTORS OFFICE, U. S. INTER NAL REVENUE. • First District op Georgia, k »•' Savannah, Dee. t'2, 1865. f AJI pereons who applied to the Assessor for Li censes before December first, arc requested to call and get them at the Collector's Office. ,U3 3* A. N. WILSON, Col'. NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. I RESPECT FULLY announce myatlf an a CathlMata lor the Office of Tax Collector at the election m January next, and humbly solicit your ~-27-! r KIIWABU POWER. IMl's Vegetable MrlHan Hair Me newer Has proved itneif to bo the mint perfect preparation for the hair ever offered to Ihe public. It is a vegetable compound, and contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY’ HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will Keep the hair from fulling out. It cleanseß ihe scalp and makes th» hair soft, mq, trous aud silken. It is aeplealid hairdressing. • No person, old or youug; ehould fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED 8%,T8E FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. rwAsk for Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Ha i Renewcr, and take no other. R P. nALL A CO., - _ Nashua, N. IL, Proprietors. For sale By all druggists. . BARNES, WARD A CO., NewOrleaiis, La., n23.6m Sonthern Wholesale Agents. SOAP, SOAP! MOODY & BARRETT, Bteam Soap Works, SavAxmali, Gfa., mAdvaoi . ..rue or GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDSOR, VIO LET, BAR AND TOILET SOAPS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. MESSRS. Moody St Barrett would lespect lolly an nounce to the public that they have just opened their . , STEAM SOAP WORKS, ami are fully prepared to fill all orders lor the follow ing JBar and Toilet .soaps; PALE SOAP, EXTRA No. 1, EXTRA No. 1 RKSIN ■ or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, ERASIVE, CHEMICAL, , „ OLIVE, CASTILE, * . ike. Also, a large van. I v nf Totlrt Soaps, comprising HONEY, PALM. CAMPANULA, ALMOND, TRANSPARENT, HOSE, PUMMICE, LAVA, Ac,, Ac. No pa'... will i.aapaird l» nialtc nut Nn«ps ... .|.ial|.y, p.l.e and pelf.line p.aay Aiu.rhi.u ... I " . .an h>.up. On. m..n0.1.«1l ha "ariap. i nl.w " a .e. ail aiaala ind * *|Ual ... ipiaiiiy and pthklx in rnieid.i manula. luia. ahull U> ni.nnad and idolu y lat Unit* if 111 X MIUIIKMT I'UH'I PAID Hull IAI U.W AND , iIUMAMIt 111 lelaa M'siUt A IIA Milk IT, Id I i Ill'll Mil..IS A Hi, »«l . ..Hep. uupl si.-l .km. fiNKHAI* IJIVIT Vl’lOßf. Th«*frlen4i and acq unto taucr of b C* »N§TANTINK, P rod'Uutiue and K Mcluure. are to at ; Ustul ilit* CiiUticaJ < f |)i»* fuiiM' r fr«<ui the it »ul« ure f iht* Utter, corner us FroughU*n aod JflTenon »irecta, | 'Phi# Moron, vr. at 1# unlock. Tbe friend# rind aMvalnimirr of Mr. an«l Mr#. M< BRIDE, and J. rry M« Brute And family, an* re >pectfnlly invited !*» ntt* ms th« f«n< rm) of the former, from hip lute t e.-Wenro, cortter .limes and Mrnt Tbt* friendii aud u^MiuUoceof Mr William W George and tumijy arc u<» <ied t*> utloiid lb** fencrMl .“c-rvic** of their you «on, from tb»ii reaidcncf on Yoi k street, one door west of Jefferson, 'l’hu* Day, at iih o’clock^ NEW ADVEHriSBMEM’S. Zerrubnbbel Loflgfc, l\o. IS, F. A A, »L. ■ AN extra meeting of tills Lodge will be Tills Evening al 7 o'clock, at the Rail Broughton and Bull streets. Mom bers of the Fraterutiy arc respectfully invited to at tend By older • W GREENE W.M JwO. H. Houston, Secretary. dla NOTICE. CIONSIGNEES per arhooner Cal let a from New ! York, ar« hcret>y notified that she wilt commence diectiarging this day, foot of Liuctdu street. All gomls lei tun wtiarf after sunset wftl be stored at risk and expense ol owners dlfb-2 WM. H. STARK, Agent PERSONAL. MR. THOM AS DGREMUB will please call at the Marshall Bouses as his wife wishes to sec him or Joseph Lindsay. dlSf MRS. DOR EMUS. . Keward. IOST, yesterday, between 10 and I*2 o*cbx*k. a stun of MO\FY. rollwl lonely, from SSO iu I’thj Under will receive a liberal reward by leaving it at this office. dls-‘2 FRUIT.WINES, "k C A BOXBS Layer and M. R. Ri.i*ins U\J no dnimx Figei 10 boxen Prunes f » bbla Almond‘S 6 bbl« l>ried Pcaelns and Apple# Oitron and Currants Mace, Nutmegs and Cloves bo baskets pure Piper Heklsiock Cliampugne, quarts aud pints 20 dozen very choice Sherry ° 10 dozen very old Madeira Cooking Wine, Brandy, Ac. Rye, Bourbon aud Scotch Whiskey For sale by dift-oodftw CLAQRORN & CUNNINGHAM. Lemons. INrt BOXES, from New York steninei', in good I V/ order. <ns ts cnAS. L. OOLBY 4 CO. WINTER APPLES. ir BAKKKLS sound Winter Apples, per steamship Nevada, on consigmnuit and for sale by CUNNINGHAM, PUR*SK & CO., dls-2 Bay et, opposite Mariners’ Church. LEMONS AND RAISINS. LANDING from steamship Virgo 2* tioxc* superior Lemon, and 50 boxes Raisins. For sale low by RUE, WHITNEY * CO, dlo 3 Harris'Block, House Wanted, ra good locaßty, suitable for Bour persons and servants, t Apply to or address COMSTOCK * KINSEY, dU-tf • 164 Bay street. Mackerel, I N barrels aud kits, prime quality. ai3-tl CHAS. L. COLBY * CO. INSURANCE. Aothorized Capital, $10,400,000 CIIARLES L.. COLBY' * CO. are prepared to take Marine fttsks to any domestic or foreign port, and Fire Risks ill this city in the following named first class New York Companies, AT THE LOWEST RATES. S COLUMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY $5,000,000 MORRIS FIRE AND INLAND INSUR - ANCE COMPANY , 5,000,000 COM MERC HKE INSURANCE COMP'Y, 200,000 STANDARD FIRK INSURANCE COMP'Y 200,000 office in Jones' Block, corner Bay aud Abercom streets; Brunch Office, corner of Draytou aud Bryan streets. dls-tf KEN N ETH, M LEA & CO., 202 BAY STREET, QFFERforsale lO.tHJO pounds Breakfast lfacon 6,000 pounds Bacon Sides 6,000 pound* very choice Sugar-cured Hams 6,000 pounds Smoked Shoulders 2,000 pound* Pic kh and BboulderS 60 tube aud firkius Lard »_ 35 firkins Goshen Butter it* bbls Onions 60 bbla Pork and Beef, suitable for ship stores .. dls-ivr KENNETH, M lEA & CO., Commission #Hci chants, 203 KAY STREET, SAVANNAH. HT" Advances made on consignment? of Cotton, Ac., td Liverpool and New York. dl6-lm Provisions, &c. riE undersigned are constantly receiving con signments of Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, laud. Butter, Flour, Ac., on Commission, which they will se,l *t the lowest market rate.'. KENNETH, McLEA, A/XI., dis-ltn > *U2 Bay street. Figs. A CHOICE lot, both small and large drums. d»B ts CHAS. L. COLBY k CO. Notice. TlllS undcrt-bciied begs to Inform the public, that lit* has been appointed Ag« nt lot ihe biuies ot Georgia utid South Carolina to sell SHAW A ( I.AKK’S Celebrated Sewing Machines. These Machine, a., cheaper and better than any other* now iu Uae. Also, FISiIER'S NEWLY PATENTED ICerosene Heaters. The*.' Ueato.B sru adapted lo cooking, healing and lighting, ..lid m*e the most economical upis.rutu* of the kind In nao. Full parcuUia, «i h circular*, can he bad on applicati.'U lu the i.n.lci aigncd, who can be found al p.earnt at Menu. K McL»« * Co'a, 209 Hay *licet, HnWHinak HENRY LfkWLY, Ag’t. All In K Condensed Milk. JITkT 4 Irtish auptdy of Gott* d«uat«d Milk, i«‘(:<iii*ii!<'iidiHi gh Miuaf to any othfir hr Hilda Km m*W- l»V (Ilf Airi'tiia, M J ftniAiMoNH k <t>, «IU ts Joiiim' NUtk. May atrm I To Rent, '■'Mil Mk* PlvutaPoni vli Mavannah il**r, khawn ■ »* I „'»?»lnc an.l T»*.4».d.. lal* lh* pr,o« ,i> ■ Poll.* de,«**»<l ApLl, iu Mu.». i, al <h» uM'. us the I>n ll«l n-. 11. «9 Bah. ttlt UAIU'M tit |,l If, <!*!•• irthr I MIW AUVEHTDKME4TI. Egg Nogg. JU.-T ref/ ivt and. a lut of BuorKaTU’#c*b‘brj»la»l ib!e tSiit; X*yg. r«-#dy for •iniin‘«liai« uae, «u<! more* oTononno .il tti.m w%tu made by th# old style. Yitr kale by tb«* nu, M J. SOLOMONS ± CD*, dl;Vt( Jours' IlUxk Bay sliest. Lard. ASMAI Jj lot only, prime article. fftt-tf CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. MACHINERY DEPOT SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. SAWS, BELTING, Ac , &c. WOOD & MANN’S, 1 - CELEBRATED Portable Steam Engines FROM FOUR TO THIRTY FIVE HOUSE POWER. We have the oldest,, largest, and most complete works in the country, engaged in manufacturing Tortalitc Engines. Our engines are, “by experts, now conceded to be the best apparatus of Die de scription ever |.resented to the public ” Adapted to every purpose where power is required Medium sizes constantly on hand, or furnished on short uuttce. Descriptive circulars, with price list, sent on appli cation. COMSTOCK & KINSEY, die Cm 154 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. WANTED, BY u young man, who baa had the management of cotton plantations and the rifcL£dMeo during the Suit two/earn, a situation «s Qv&tg&tt or Assistant mnajfer. The very best of refert-nron furniahed.— Address HARRY, Hiiv.iuuali l'oat Office. Butter. BEBT Got hen Table, in tubs and firkins.* nlo-tf (/HAS. L. COLBY A 00. FOR SALE. (CONSTANTLY ou hand. Oak Wood, at Dock J Wharf. Orders left at this office will be attedled to. dl3-2w A. R. CCLLKNS. stolen, fjj'ROM the ship Tborwaldsou, a BOAT, painted blue X with a yellow streak under hdr gunwale plank By placing the same at whir! under Claghorn & Cun .niughara’s, the tinder will be rewarded. dl3-3 a REID & bTEWAftT. To Boarders. BOARD can l»e obtained in a highly respectable family, pleasantly located and convenient to the business portion of the ci'y. Apply at tlie corner of State and Jeflerpon streets. dlB-3* THE ENGLISH POTATOES ARE now landing from the ‘‘County of Ptfton."— Price, tt»n dollars for ten hamper**—cash to ac company the order. - CItARL'kS GREEN & SON, No. 12 Bay 'street, dl3-l w Stodtlurd’s Lower Range. J. N. WILSON, Photographer, S. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Site., SAVANNAH, GA. «- 1 . \ W Copying done with the greatest care. ,114 TO LET. A STORK to Let and Fixtures lor Sale lu the Best Business Location m this City. For particulars Inquire an this office * UU-2t* ARMY SUPPLIES^ OFFICE CHIEF COMMISSARY, ) V - I)KPAKTMK»TOr GBOKOIA, ! Augusta, Ga., Dec. a, Jb6s. ) SEALED PROPOSALS, which mnst be in duplicate with u cepy of this advertisement attached to each, will he received at this TXHce until ic o'clock M.. Friday, Dec. 22.1, 1866, for supplying FRESIi SEEK, of good and marketable quality, in equal pro portions of lore and loud quarter meat, for issue to the troops and others supplied hy the Government with rations, at the following named posts iu the Department of Gcorgiu—Augusia, Savannah, Atlan ta and Macon, aud at all posts drawing supplies boat the above named posts. Contract to l>e in force six months, commencing on the Ist day of -January, ISM, and ending tlm 30th day of June. 1806, or such less time aa the Commissary General of Subsistence may direct. Pay u t will be made monthly, or as early there after anuhrtH may he received therefor, aud ia such tuhds as may be r.must led by the United States. S. parate bids will be received fofeach of the above posts, or one bid may include (hem all. No bids will beentertalue.l Iron, persons whocume under the exceptions ol the President's Amnesty Pioclamatiou ; Nor ugl! bids, in which such persons are interested, either directly «r indirectly, be re ceived, unless they can produce tile pardon of the President, all other persons under said Proclamation must be •ccompauied by the Amnesty Oath. ' Proposals most he accompanied by a proper guar antee, signed by iwotesponsihle persons, siathig' that if u eontrs'-t is awarded, they Will euterbouds lor the faithful fulfillment of the conuact. The undersigned reserves the right to reject anv and alHrtds offered. Endorse emqjlopes “Proposals for Fresh Beef ” and adiress the same to the undersigned. JAMES McliONAUt, dU 8t oapt, 0. 8., Augusta, Ca. THE GREAT PURIFIER! DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID IS til* best preventative sgstnst sit malignant die. ■ eases, such as CHOLERA, SCARLET AND TYPIIOID FEVERS. Ac., Ac. it purine* dwelling*, removes offensive odors, r»- iiioVcksums, cub's hums mtdaoic*. limst in bathing, it keep* tlie skit, huulihy, soft mid white Get a hill He anil try it ' For Hale hy the driiggbda of A lit; a. f». PLUMB A I.KITNKH, dJ3 3 Wh.deaalc A Nolin!, / lONHIDNEKff p»r «l.«...*hip VIRGO are rM.iMt- Vwl sUnu.l lo flu. rcosmii.n us Ui«ir ie.'d>, »t..ln.g ibis .Is* "issis on. called lor durum wwk Ing bourn will in. -u»r. .1 si uwiirr*'tuk *|i o< I AVl’s < uIIEN, I. IH. Sl I.«. UKST, I J Bof 'hMs I IMEHTt (THMMT, iwtw. vu Ikatiodd II ati'l Whilst.hats p..l iqn'lcd, ai.d will k.» p on bsod, ■ full aa*«itme..i <•' i'lodu Ni. —A M vtes. Mum.l) ul Mui'm A Ws*|, hwulfe Urund •<<«*., dll’*' sPKCI Ata lOTICKi. ■AfeKUUM \M» CEUBACT. Au lAiy of Warning and Inatructian for Young men. iuM pubbaA.-d by Un Howard Aaaydatjon, aud rent iu sealed leller envelope- free of charge Address Dr. J SKII.LIN IIOUUHVGN, Howard Associalioll. Philadelphia I*u. tsi 12 -1m A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of N.UIIH.UIK Containing nearly .sou page , and 1 ;q fin. Mat*, ami Emrravines of the Aoaiuniy id the llumau «» ganaiu a state of Health ami Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, Us Deplorable Consequences upon the mind aud Body, wiiti the Author's l’lan of Treatment— Iheouly rational and successful nn.le of cuie, as eliovvu by tlie report of eases, treated. A truthlui adviser to the married, aud those content plaliug marriage, who onieriaih doul.lsof their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage lo any address, on receipt of 25 cents, in stamps or ysistage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31 Maiden Lime, Albany, N. Y. Ihe a utlior may lie consult i d upon any of the dir eases lqion which his hook treats either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part oi the world. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH!!! Wheuton’s Ointment, WILL CURE THt ITCH IN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 60 cents For sale by all Druggists By sending fio cents to Weeks 4 Potter, Sole Agents, lJll Washington street. Boston, Mass., it wilt be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any partof the United States scut2l-3m »' f. M '. ■ Pv 0 . V , S) . . . We have learned not to be astonished at anything. Years of experience and a correspondence extending throughout all nations lilies of the habitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a basis from which we need not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the fbllowing—all hough the pereons who write them are. We know the persons and cir cumstances. hence feel at liberty fb Indorse their statements: “Naw BkoFobo, Mass., Nov. 24, 1803. Dear Sir I have been afflicted many years with severe prostrating crumps in my hmbs. cold feet and Imnds. and a general disordered system. Physicians aud medicines failed to relieve me. While visiting some friends iu New York who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I com menced with n small wine-glusslul alter dinner. Feel ing I letter by degrees, in a tew Jays 1 was astonished to find the coldness aud cramps had entirely left luc, and I could sleep the night through, which 1 have uoi done for years. I had litre another being. My appe tite and strength have also greatly improved by the use of the Plantation Bitters. Respectfully, Judith Russel." RicitriansKV, Wis , Sept ]«, 1863. * * * T have been iu the army hospitals for four teen months-speechless and nearly dead. At Alton, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plantation Bitters. * * Three bottles restored my speech audeored me. * * C. A. Flaute." The following is from the Manager of tlie Union Home School lor the Children of Volunteers: 1 ' ‘ llavemeiek Mansion. 57th St, 1 New York, Aug nst 2,1863. / Da. Drake: —Yoor wonderful Plantation Bitters have beeu given to some of our little children suffering Ironi weakness and weak, lungs With most happy effect.•'"One little girl in particular, with pains in her head, loss of appetite, alia daily wasting consumption, on whom ail medical skill hail been exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with but a teaspoouiul ot Bitters a day. Her appetite and streugth rapidly increased, and she is now well. Respectfully, Mrs. O. M. Dkvoe.” “* * * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the Plantation Bittere have saved my life. Rev, \V. 11. Waggoner, ** Madrid, N. Y. “* * * Thon wilt s«nd me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has bum greatly beneiiled l»y thon- use. Thy friend, - Asa Corbin, rtiiladclphiil. Pa.'* I have been a great shffcrcr from Dyspep sia. aud had to abandon preaching. • • The Plan tation Bitters have Cured me. Rev. J. S. Cathorn, Rochester, Is. V.” “* * * I have glvcu live Plantation Bittere to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most as tonishing effect. G. W. D. Andrews, Superintendent Soldiers’ Heme, Cincinnati, O.” “* * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of Liver Complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate, and had to abannon my business. U. B. Kingsuet, Cleveland, Ohio.” . * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidney's and Urinary Organs that lias distressed me lor years, it actshkcacharui. G. C. Mooke, N®. 264 Broadway.” AC., . 4c., Ac., Ac, As. The Plantation Hitters make the' wcuk strong, the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great re storer. They are oomposed of tlie celebrated l.'alisaya Bark, Wintergrecn, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, Ac., all preserved iu perfectly pure St Croix Rum. S. T.-W6O-X.| Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack’of appe tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, Ac., deserve to suffer if they will not try them They are recommended by the highest medical au thorities, and arc warranted to produce an immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. * * Notio*.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters in bulk or by the gallon is s swindler and im postor. It is put up only in our log cabin bottle. Be ware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several personssre already Iu prison. See that every bottle has our United States stamp over the cork uumutilated, and our signature on steel-plate side label. Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable world, P. H. DRAKE A CO., oct2T-3fi> 202'Broadway,N. Y. AgKa de Magnolia. A toilet delight! The ladle®* treasure an«i gentle men’s boon t The “sweetest thing” and largest quan tity. Manufactured from the rich Southern Magnolia Ufccd for bathing the face and person, to render the skin soft uud fresh, to prevent eruptions, to perfume clothing, Ac. U overcomes the unpleasant odor of p/rspiration. It removes redness, tun, blotches, Ac. It cures nervous headache and allays inflammation. It cools, softens and adds delicacy to the skin. It yields a subdued and lasting perfume. It cures mosqueto bites and stings of insect^. It contaius no material injurious to the skin. . > Patronised by Actresses npd Opera Singers. Ui* wliat every lady should have. Bold every where. Try the Magnolia Water once and you will use no other Cologne, Peifumory, or Toilet Water afterward*. DAM AS BARNKS A GO., ©ct27-eodly Props. Bxciusiye Agents, N. Y. S. T.— lß6o— x. Drakes Plantation Bitter*. They purify, atreaglh'en am; Juvlgorato They .'nwl* a healthy *pp«tli«. They arc n. autl.l"t.* to chaag* of wul*r and Uiut. They .)***, .>m.. effect. .li»alpall.>n and lat* huiirn. They *tr«ngtli*ii fin. *y"t»m »'»• «Bllw Hi* mind, rimy pmv.nt mlaMnhtte Mai HiWrinHu nl levi n. They purify lb* breath and Mhltly.ff the Mornarh. They cur* Dy.p*|>*U »»< CtonOftoaHo*. They *ur* Dl»rrb»«, nhulm Mnl Cholera Mnrhn< Th*y rur* Xlv«r c»mpl«fnlHpd N*rvtm» Heul .nh* Ttwy »r«lh* l»'*t Ulh»r» In lh* world. They iuak* lh* w«»k .1.0i.g, and *r« n,h» .| 1i.1.i.."* great *.'■ ►Hirer Th»y arc in.d* of par* at. L'rnil Hum, llt« •vkhraUid Callauya |lk.rk, rm.u and h*rha, and mi taken Will. Jhc plwt.i.r* .Ju h yciagu, wllboit ivgard b. aga or lluu ..f.l .y I'aiu. rw"U.m. tided lu dull* ale pvianua tuqitlrlug a g.ull* Hold ks all (iKKur.) lbi.Kgl.ia, llmrla andHabuia. Only pun. ulM* wfc*u Ikuk I. .aryamd I.) uwr ptlv.l* |1 M iffawp M*wait of .u»i.nrl*i«* aud ludliud li.aflia P li mill* rod I, Vi eafb Mu*, M>w Vutb INI KKMKVI a. mav aii ti <t It Tli «* aTrT. Lssm-cs AUd Manager* Ms-r- savmorw 4 Masicm FKHMV KVKMIMU. UKt. U . IJ KNK FI T OF MR. RAYMOND. 1 h«* celebr ;*U and Comedy of Married Life. ALL TMd COMPANY IN THE CAST. Ill* amuninu ConedietU of NKKTCIIKM IN INDIA And Ihe tunny Farce of the WAuderlug Miuatrol, In which Mr. Raymond w ill sing several COMIC BONGS FAIR. A NUMBER of the Benevolent L utles of this cltv •TV I* ellug a lively imprest hi ihe welfare of ihe Ke' male Orphans, deptnuluu ftrvupport on tile charity Os the guoUSistersofOur Lady ul Mercy, will gue a »an. dliving tlie week immediately preceding uhrisi mas opening on Monday, Hie isth, andelosiug on the 23d inst., at 81. Andrews Hall. * The aneution of tlie public generally, and of those to pureliase Ctutatmas JmTZ Ulc 1 ? r ?/ f»ncy articles, many of llieni i lie work of tlie Sisters’ pupils, that will be for sate at the different Fair tables. dll -124 FA I R. A FAIR will he held by the Ladies of Savannah al the Liremen s Hall, SouUi Broad street on lie tlie"),, 1 .;?’ * nd ,4th ° r fdr lhe beneflt or lffiors will be opened on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. dll-tf Holiday Presents. A LARGE and elegant assortment of French, Eng lish and Bohemian wRo, consisting of * DINNER. TEi, TOILET. COLOGNE AND LIQUOR SETS, 4c., Ac., s lKahle for Holiday Presents. QUEENSWARE HOUSE, 109 Broughton street, second door from the corner of Bud street d7 ts E. D. 8 MYTH A CO. Eight Bales Cotton. WE have Eight (K) Bak'sL’ouon picked up In Sa vannah River. Tlie owner, proving properl v aDd allowing the usual salvage can have same if applied lor within leu itays, otherwise they win be sold to pay expenses. The biles are unmarked and in very bad oriler. d9 K> E. C. WADE A CO. Gao. It. Croup. We, A. Wbiout, Augusta, Georgia. Late or Richmond, Vs (iEO. R. CRIMP & CO., Oeneral Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Liquors, Tobacco, Segars, SALTED FISH, & c . &)9 Broad St., Augusta, Ga, tW~ M ill purchase and sell ou Commission Cotton, Toiraooo, Produce, and MkEcuxsidax of every de scription. Refers to the Merchants and Bankers of Angusta, Ga., Kiehnnaid, Va., and Juo. C. Ferrill, Esq, De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A l'nckles, A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos.. K. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. oct4 * SURE CURE FOB THE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. rIQIJIKR at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor ner Bay street Lane ami Ruil street. Positive cure hi one day or no pay. ,«19-lw lOPAimEttSIUP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day formed a copart nership for the transactiou gs a general com mission, shipping mid forwarding business, under tlie name of Laßoche A West. ISAAC D LaROCHE. JAMES B. WEST. Office, Jones’ Blocks Savannah, Dec. 1, 1881. dll*6 Salt, Coal and ,A.le. 5000 Sacks Liverpool Salt. • 100 casks JellTcy’s Ale. 100 tons Liverpool Orrel Coal. Per ship Mozart, ami tor sale l>v illf-lw T. R. A J. G. MILLS, . Notice. CENTRAL R. R. A BANKING CO. OF QA.,f Savannah, Nov. 14,1866. f rjIBE Annual Meeting of the Stockholder* of this 4 Cumpauy will be held on Thursday, the 44th of December next, at Ihe Banking House in Savannah, at 10 o'clock, a. in. A full attendance is earnestly re quested. GEO- A. CUYLKR, nlSlm Caihier. KHTABLIHHKD IWOO. ENOCH- MORGAN’S SON'S Soaps, &c., No. 211 Washington-St., «epl# NEW YORK 3m CHRISTMAS! E- EHRLICH, 30, WHITAKER STREET. Sk FANCY GROCERIES. PRUNES. Raisins, lemons. Citron, Cur rants, Engl Udi Preserves, Jama and Jellies, Pre serve Ginger. Mushroous. Trnltles. Assorted English ami Amoridan Pickles, Eugiish untl Flench Muslard, Tomato an.l Walnut Catsups, Worcester Sauce, French an.l Spanish Olives Capers, canned Meats and canned Fruits-ol all descriptions. Assorted Candles, Fig paste, Nuts in variety. Smoked Salmon, English dairy American Swis and Liruberger Cheese, Cavinna No. 1 family Mackerel la kiis, Wax, Sperm, Adaman tine Candles and Tapers, Bplces or all kinds. FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Hams, Tongues, breakfast Bacon, rfc , all grades Sugar, Java, Muscovado, aud Rio Coffee. Splendid assortment Teas, Green, Gunpowder black an.l English breakfast Teas, Ac., choice Butter, Lard, Sweet OH, all description or Soaps, plain ami saucy. LIQUORS. A large assortment, viz : Martel ami other grades of Brandv, Irish Scotch, and Bourbu Whiskey, Madei ra, Cliampirigne, Cherry, Port and Ollier Wines, c or dials of all kinds. Schnapps’ Hitlers, Ac. Everything that taste can wish or appettte desire. Give me a culL - ' . ALSO, Just received by recent arrivals from Boston, Now York, and Baltimore, a lino assortment of all kinds Wooden and Willow Ware, suitable for hoinekeep. tag, dll-til * WHAM LOTS AND FARM w For Sale. AVALHABM? Lot of Land, comprising two huu drud aerca ou lliiUhiusou’e liilaudf, nearly op lx>*He the Charleston >Vbnrf, iu thus city* with a iroot age «>n tlie river and rxteudlug aci**i» the ialaud to Ibu'k river, it* ( fiend for mile at hivorahie term*. The rivev frontage preMent* a* eligible aitae Ibr whan* lrr»uU)4u* cau be loand on the river. Thel«ndi»of» r4rh. alluvial character, nos excelled In fertility hy any in the country, and suitable for to* culture of corn or coLion. tfan raiding «»i mariiet veg«t allien or graiK»—three crop* being giowu in the aewon without diffipulty. ' '1 hi* ran chance for < bt nuluK X valuable property olfoied on the OMiMi advautageoUH term*, aud |>url •>« Him purrh«Mi nout y C-iu reiualU on bond al»‘l uwr l g«»c Apply to noble lyon, * dl'iUl 166 Brongbton rt.. aavannab-, I). W. MAltSli & CO., DRUGGISTS, GlllUoNh UUILDINUB, Curuer us l.iiqiiiMs and Whi laker Hirtuw. HA VI tl.< in Highly nil t*.l I heir MUhhajy«p*i •»* , r*pf*huliud with u geiicrul asourtuwut of UtM«s, Mtrtli lw*i. (IhoDhlt. I •«*■* **' 41,1 mm, fkiMis. IMI*. U»r4*M H**4». At*. **.. Am., "» » •‘.Hull thf MlHMiafl* ut IMf HbtiJt PstUiulai aibulh.u will It* |l**P l« lh* **" pcpMuUvu Os plMMlpfluW.