Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 16, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BY S. W. ~MASON A CO gAUIIKt W. MASON W. T. THOMPSON,. Aaaociafe Editor. SAVANNAH, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, IS6«. THE **RE*9 ON THE PRBsIUENT’S MESSAGE. The Presides ft Message has called forth comerents from the leading journals of the country, which, although characterized by diversity of opinion indicative of their pre possessions and proclivities, give clear mani festations of approval of the general tone of its positions with regard to the grave sub jects now agitating tbe country. The sentiments of moderation which it breathes, the maxims of forbearance which it inculcates, the distrust of arbitrary power which it expresses, and the wholesome warn ing which it utters against the protracted exercise of military rule withiu the States, seemed to have commended themselves to the acceptance of the entire conservative press north and south. Ot course among the radical politicians and extremists it is not so favorably received. The Washington Intelligencer says “it is a masterly State paper, and for clearness and elevation of style, it will class with any of its predecessors. Every proposition is so simp ly and clearly put that its statements carry conviction, while the whole argument is clear and connected as are the waters of a crystal stream." Tbe New York Express says, “it responds to the anticipations which conservative, patriotic men, looking to the good of the whole country, had been led to indulge respecting it. Whether as it regards our domestic relations, or foreign affairs, it is ' patriotic, straightforward and statesman like.” The Philadelphia American, pro nounces “it a document that will challenge the admiration ot tbe public far and wide i that its tenor on the restoration of the States and rights *3f freemen, is such that if at length Congress should see lit to act rather than wrangle, it will harmonize with his yicws. ’ Tne Philadelphia Ledger is*equal ly approving in the opinion that “it will chal lenge attention and approval, not less on ac count of the great questions of which it treats than of its intrinsic merits ; that as a State paper it deserves unqualified praise.” The >'• w Y"i k Herald regards the Message as a “conclusive vindication of his course.” — Tne Newß, of the same city, welcomes it as p acing the President “in direct opposition to the foolish and vindictive poli cy of the Republicans as developed by the representatives of that party in Congress." The World, although approving the general tone, thinks that the message leaves some thing to be desiderated in point of vigor.— The Times regurds its views as “lull of wis dom ana conveyed with great force aud dig nity; that the whole document is one ot which every American may well be proud for its elevation of tone, its practical wisdom and its great exhibition of the national strength and glorybut, tlieu, tbe Richmoud Whig alleges that the Times would have said the same if the message had been delivered in Choctaw. The Journal of Commerce pro nouuqes it “able and vigorous,” aud destined “to take rank among the noblest documents of our history.” The Evening Post “fiuds it frank, dignified, direct and manly.” The philosopher of the Tribune, although having implied his dissatisfaction by insisting that Congress and not tbe Executive, is the true exponent and rightful director of the policy of the country, in a subsequent article gives utterance to the oracular opinion, “that no document discussing so many diverse ques tions of grave moment has ever, on the whole, contained so much that will be gene rally and justly approved, with bo little that will or should provoke dissent. It is a State paper," he says, “of signal ability and of uni versal frankness, dealing unreservedly with every great question of internal or external policy, and calculated to increase the bold of its author on the regard and confidence of the American people.” The Baltimore Sud, although expressing tbe belief that the message comes short of the just expectations of the Southern people in regard to the question of reconstruction, admits frankly that the general tone of its positions is very gratifying. These are the views of some of the leading journals of the country, to which we may add the remark that most of them concur in tbe opinion expressed in the paper last named, that the President takes an impreg nable position in asserting that the elective l'rauchise belongs exclusively to the several States, and that it is but just to wait for ex perience to show what use the black race will make of its freedom and means of advance ment in the social scalo before the question of political privileges can fairly and wisely be considered. And that tbe almost unani mous judgment of the country will sustain the President in the declaration that this great, this momentous subject, which, not ripe for judgment, is nevertheless, now and at ail times beyond the scope of Federal ac tion. ScCCtMIO* TO THE PRESIDENTIAL CuAIK. — In the U. 6. House of Representative* on the 6ih inst.. a bill was introduced and referred to the Judiciary Committee which is intend ed to guard against any possibility of the of hc'. ot President of the Hutted States becom ing vacant. It provides for the succession to 1 lie position, if events should render ne- in the order of their official standing of the Vice President, President pro tem. of the Speaker of the House, Chief Justice and Jtasociate Juaticcsof the Supreme Court. Pnt.eiDKur Johnbo* to Gov Peeuy.— l The following telegram was sent by the President to Provslonal Got. Perry Wasbwotos, Nov. JT, lefty To B 7. Perry, Pro*. Got. *T do ooi think it neceesarT lor the members elect lor South Carolina to be present at the org nutation of Congress. On the contrary, it will hr better policy to present their cer tificate's of tlet ikm utter the two Houses have organised, which will then he a simple ques Hon, under the Constitution, of the meiubnis taking their seats. Each House must Judge for liarlf the election returns Bud qugllfli'a nous of tut own uiemhsis As to what the two Houses will do iu lefetence to the <mth now |.ij i.ini to hs Ukrn befnic the members ceu mk iinir si ate, Is uultaow u to im , sod I do not like to prnin'i. Hull upon llw whole, 1 aiu of opinion thst it would let tu t ter for the ouestiou to corns tip and lie ills (wised ol after the two Houses hues bum or (smred I hope llial your lugislaluiu will •do(il s i mli In telerenc# to lice |iurSous of Motor thel will he s<>, (liable pi the i uiuiry «f the as no lluw doing lusthe to the whllu Mtd mUued populsUon/ Jututu" I uwlo.l COMMERCIAL. KKNAHKS. lavinuii, Sac. i«6n. Tlie Dry Goods market la uncfcMged. During Die aeek a fair dsmaoil prevailed from Ulterior nuyeia. The stock offered by our merchants U quite large aud was carefully sceeted to meet the wants nf the Southern trade. We quote prints at 26 to t'jt.j eents pee yard: until each ed Shirting U, J3 to 3? et« per yard: bleached Shirting At to Meant* per yard. Georgia manufactured goods are dull and very much neglected, there ie no change in price*. We quote yarns at $3 s*;to I 60 per bunch t GdAgia shirting S3 to Me per yard. Cloths are iu very good demand and prices are much firmer in consequence of an advancing ten dency iu the Hurt item markets, casshuerrsare soil ing at $2 to 3 per yaV.t; Jeans 85 to $1 per yard. The money market is quite easy the present week. Gold is iu moderate request; Brokers are pay lug $1 44 to 1 46, and selling $1 46 to 1 46Silver con tinues very scarce, the rates by Brokers are for pur chase *1 36, selling $1 37- Coupons of the city are at par. Central Railroad old issue of Bank notes are he hi at 93 cents. Marine Bank notes have greatly advanced aud we quote at 80c. Time bills continue neglected and very few trauaac tjone are made. The demand for Foreign Exchange is moderate. canon STATBMhNT, Vplantl. Sea I.ilana. Darn. IECEITTS Sixes Dec. a, 1865. By River 2,87# 54 s; By Central Railroad 543 11 By wagons.,,... ”50 __ 30 lti Total Receipts, 3,CAB loi Ctrl KxroETS SINCE DECEMBER 9, 1806 Upland. Sea I. DoMeel'n, This week 3.001 83 345 Previously 9,088 *1,982 8,772 Total 72,667 3 064 4,117 STOCK on dknn, 188*. . Upland. Sea I. DomcsVs. StOf*. sept. 1 ....3,724 281 236 Received this week, 3,669 loi 202 Previously.,.....'. 06,718 8,039 3,881 Total. .i..*. 74.U1 3.421 *,3M Exports since Scpt'er l .t 2.057 3,004 4,it* Stock on bund, pec. S, 1805 1(424 367 3$ ' Sea Islakds.—fri consequence of the limited Itafck placed on the market the transactions have boeirvery light. Prices are very Irregular, as most of the stock offered Is ofa very lew grade, aod the only inquiry .Is for the liner staple. T*e general range » from Me to *1 25 per -pound. For a very sußericnr quality a higher figure has been paid. Toe Socteol this de scription otcolbon placed on sslelsVery light, and comes to market hi small lots, the greater portion of widen is badly prepared, for wSlcli there is no de mand. Whiskey Ac.—The market during the past Week was very active. Large sales were made to local aud interior merchants. The only change we notice is In Medar Swan Gin now held at $0 per gal. Wo quote Gibson's Son’s A Co.’s whiskey a* fol lows Doublertistilled old Rye Whiskey, per gal. $3.10; Superior old Mattongahela Whiskey, per gal. $3,26. Choice old Msnongahela Rye X per gal. $3,30. Choice do. do. do. XX per gal. $3,40. Choice do. do. do. XXX per gal. $3,50. Choice do. do. do. XXXX per gal. $3,66. Choice old Bourbon Whiskey per gal. $3.40. Old Nectar 1840 per gal. $4.10 Old Family Nec tar per gal. $4 25. Fine old Rye Whiskey per gal. $4 35. Pure old Wheat Whiskey per gal. *4 50. Old J. Flack, Sons & Cos., Baltimore Rectified Whiskey at $2 66 per gallon, do. extra Rectified $2 76 per gallon; Massey, Collins A Cos., celebrated XX Philadelphia Ale, exclusive of cask sl6, half bbls $7 60; Medar Swan Gin, $0 00; Nonet’s Imperial,,do., $5 6u; Ofai and, Ihipuv A Co.’s Cognac brandy, In quarter casks and half pipes, sll to sls per gallon. Sherry tvtoes, $2 60 to $4 60 per gallon, according to quality ; Imported Champagnes, De St. Marceunx & Cos., Reims, S2B per case of quarts ; Due De Monte- brello, $23 per case. Wallace’s Brands as follows : Rectified $2 80 ; Imperial Nectar at $3 25. Bourbon $3 60 ; Columbian Gin atsl 00 ; M. Deary A Co’s genuine Kentucky, $3 60, Keller’s genuine Kentucky Whiskies $3 75; Bourbon, lu cases, sl2 ; Nicho las Schnapps sl2. Sherry Wine sl2 ; Cognac Bran dy S2O. Ale, per dozen, $3 ; Porter, per doz., $3 ; Virginia Mountain Dew Whiskey $2 75 por gallon ; Old plantation Bourbon Whiskey $3; Fuller’s Old State $4 50 to $5; Old Santa Cruz Rum, warranted genuine, $$ to 10; P. H. Godard's Brandy sls per gallon.; Seignette sls; Crown Sherry, per gal on, $4; St. Martin's Port, $4 per gallon ; Ske han's Golden Ale, per case of two dozen, $5 50; Porter do $5 50; Ales lu bbls 16® sl7; Cham pagne Cider per case of one doz qts s*. pts, of two dozen $6; Kentucky Bourbon Whisky $3 50 per gallon ; Old Rye *5 per gallon; Old Bourbon $3 to 360 per gallon. Imported Sherry $4 25 ; and Port at $4 25 per gallon. Imported champagne S2B to3o per case. Pure Holland Gin $4 to 6 per gallon ; Cognac Bi andy $3 to $lO per gallon, by case, S3O to 30. Egg Nogg sls per ease. FREfoirrs—There Is a continued dullness, and very little cotton Is offering for any port, either foreign or domestic. Timber heights are becoming a little more active as the receipts are weekly in creasing:. We quote cotton to New York in steamships, at .per pound lor compress ed, lc lor uncompressed and lv 4 c for round For domestics $1 60 per bale. For Liverpool by sail ing vessels i„d nominal; by steamships, Vi. To Baltimore liy'sailing vessels, %c for compressed. To Philadelphia, %e do; uncompressed lo ; same by steumslHps. To Boston Sic compressed, uncompress ed lc. limber to Nprthern ports, sl2 a 13 per 1000 ft. Lumber to Northern ports $lO a 12 per 1000 ft. Coastwise freights sainc as last week. Nails.—There is a fair demand for this article.aml the siock is moderate. We quote Boonton assort ed, at »‘;aloc per lb. Iron and Steel.—A fair supply of all iron ami steel is now offering in this market. The demand Irom local sources and interior buyers is very good. We quote Refined Iron at 7c per lb.; Swedes Iron at toe per II).; Plow Steel at 125,0 per lb.; Cast Steel ,28 to 3oc per lb. in currency. Oils.—The market la unchanged and the demand fair for citv and interior trades. We quote I.lnstert at*sl 75 per gallon ; whale at $2 00 ; Sperm at $2 75; Neatafoot at $2 35 ; Lard at $2 56 ; Kerosene, sllO ; Train at $1 75 ; Turpentine atsl 40. Cement, 78c.—A Tali' demand by city builders con tinues ; there is a slight Interior demand. We quote Plaster of Paris at $476 per bilk; Kysedale Cemeut $4 per bbl. Plasterers hair $6 50 per cwt. I,aud. --There has iieen no change since our last report. Wc Ynow quote Prime Leaf at to s 32c hi tubs ; and Pressed at 27 a 30 Cents. Hides.—During the week the receipts have been light, a good demand prevails, aud Dry Flntt are t. more request and the market has slightly advanced We quotu : Green Hides —to 4c. per lb. Drv Salted to se. per lb. Dry tolOc. perlb. Dry Flint 11 to 12 tic. per lb. Deer Skins to 15c. per lb. Lime.—There Is now offering In this market two qualities of Lime. An article damaged and slack, can be purchased at. $2 per bbl. We quote Rockland In lots at $4 per bbl. Oats.—A stoek sufficient to meet the demand, which Is confined to the city trade Is on hand. From wharf aud store we quote large low at 80 cents per bushel. Corn.—Our market Is abundantly supplied with this cereal, a good demand prevails for immediate ettv consumption. Large sales are reported from wiiarl and store kt $1 lStofl 10 per bush*!. Bit an.—A large stock of Baltimore wheat bran is offering. The transactions are entirely of a retail i*lia meter, and from store at $3 per cwt. Tin Plates —The market is well supplied with all grades of tin lu plate*. A fair eity (temand pre vail*. Large sale* are reported to Interior buyei*.— We quote at slSas22 per box for Charcoal brands. Leather.—'There is a good stock of all descriptions of leather in onr mi rket. The demand lor French and American calf skins Is good. Wc quote French at S6B per doz, American s4saso per dozen, Hem oek sole at 58e 1? ft. Fish.—Market active, stocks continues adequate. We quote No. 2 Mackerel in half bbls. at $9.6u, No. 3 $8,50. Mackerel in kits, No. 1 at $3, no. 2at $2,75. Codfish lie per lb. Shot—Stock good, demand moderate. We quote drop shot s4,so'per bag; buck Btiot $475 per bag. Beeswax.—Tlie market Is without change, re ccipts are good, we quote at 40 cents per lb. Some parties arc paying a slight udvauce on -the above ates. Meal.—A fair supply of Pali (more Fresh - Ground Meal is offering In tlio market. Sales of lots are re ported trom store at $1 50 per bushel. Potatoes.—A large stock of Northern Potatoes Is otteriug m the market. Large sales to Interior buy ere wer, made the past week. We quote ut $3 to *3 2a ou tne wharf m large lots, from store $8 60 to $4 Soar•—A large Mock of soap la offering Iu tile mar ket. We quote Moody A Bantus Savannah aieain made Soap at 14 to 15 cents per lb. Cider.—Tne market In now well supplied with this article. Wo uuoui Champagne Clger at (Ktiegao rar bhl. Newark Ckler, * bble, can be bought ai 15a* IC. KorE.-Tlie uiurkat la well supplied and we quote at 30c per lb. CotTEK -There has been no change In ortcea stnbe Our lust report. The market continues ,o lie amply supplied, and wo quote Java at 4Ua43c ; St. Domingo st „4i , and Bio at 34a36c p th. Bni.Kk.-Our market l» siipplied In abundance with All dessrlpltnus ol Spleen. Wc quote (■round Popper, sue: (linger, aoc; cinnamon, tisc i Clmee. 45 ; Allspice, gag i Maui, $1 85 ip tb Hu e Our market pressut* no new festnreu. a (< Hat 'leoiaud prevuiis, UUn cAiUMdsiable sqlra an I roponod to rutsll debtor* Ueorgia and OaroUna cl ly milled rue In silling at 13,‘f lo 14 cents per lb. A Very tail aruele of nor imbed by Uie rudo liupli bn iiia us the FreodiaeU t« selling at 8 rents per lb. A in v stuck ot His latisr desurlptmu of nre Is "Ithilng on the luarkel. Osinas s mack adequste (nr nmim Uais .leiimud l» now oltuing We quo's at (8 In #4 5" per Mil 111 lols. Tile Istun Sstile Is tor good leer' baniable Inis siiiiubie ini iin 11,1,-, a,i marki I llav - 1t... sue kot liaauuu Hay unerlug Is very ligiii sun imp e« pi,nntuii, Thu rambiiM of Northern j»> » ‘jo»« liflil Sstssof Norik KlVer wors IS so Hie Paul wirnkJaUie than 111 U.IM alftl loper. SL w*i i l u«< »iiM ii i uituuiMMniirii# rioTu IwiMcm IrUlttia ft tftil 111-Mi iH4 I'ltohdiia Iffta • ft|Mu M ft« ftttltj 111 1 ’ |» ftft •'•sl* , (Mftl'fe Mill lilWslM k iii.m |a Sal. m ss/ r lias null' ll sol seeks sun tip* sots bohns"sil have".. eh mails sl Is w* pei ka>. agies anon out namtivo tanks hom woni si ft. 1 1 pm aa> s (Usssnss Tim lust keifs isdiei lunnly supplied WMH grnnl pilaMm.igg *(7g£ o „ &Tm, 1 » lisrf s> it) 4 rn Ift MM* m<%rnm/ln Sits SIM lbs i Mlidlimfl or abea I.Sgoss ..A slops Ol MewkMdfiWt toyman Urn one is at plessMl mhMing she d"Mis"* it Ms to • tows' i«i iTe low 1, si |S In in fcjen lei |f„i •Is I eilbins Sbd lillis# SIS nsgIMItoCSS literals to ksnoleii slick misiins isq.el# liyib G> priamst sr h .kids psr ysru, Rorz.—Onr market Is aimndamljt sunpUet wild Row* suitable for the use of Tacmrs. We quote at 21 to 22 •■sins. The ratals established according (0 Hu-quality and nature of >he transaction. Mousse*.—The stock offering is ample for pres- Sim ht rii.irids. prices are without change and very Dun, itie teeetfd* were very goad daring the past week. We quote NYw York refined at *o ID •So per gallon. Golden Syrup 80 lo 90c pel gallon. . UK Ivors-The seceipu of Fruit dmiug the week were nominal. rorroN*—During tile past week Middling Upland* have liceu quoted at 47c until yesterdy. when tele grams from New York announced an advance in the Liverpool market. Since this news was received holders have demanded higher price*. A few sales have been made on the basis of 48c for Middimg : but as a general rule more is asked. The market ts ir regularand unsettled. SKA Islands —A lew lots of "McAstlerv” gin Cot ton have exchanged hamls at Hoc to sl lO principally. Common Cast Cotton, if free from stain, is held at *)c to 90c. Cheese.—There is a large stock offering on (lie market; holders are firm at previous rare*. The tie in and is very fair by the local trade and for ship ment. We quote Prime Goshen at 20 a 23c, the latter quoatioh rot-the better quality. English Dairy at 24 and pine Apple at 30 cents. Bern:!?.—Our market is without change, a fair de mand bv local and Interior dealers continues, the stock offering is ample for the present demands.— We quote Prime, lu firkins, at 45 a 50c lb, and New York Gosiien at 55 a 00. Biscuits. -The ma rket is well supplied with all JescripttoHa of biscuits. Avery fair demand prevails To fill orders from the interior. We quote sugar his cults at 10-: Y ft. Boston Cracker* :*e '*> lb. Soda bl.vcuit.s 13c 'ttjh. Fancy Cracker* from 16 to2le FLOtra. -The market has remained unchanged during the week, with only a limited demand for the home trade. The stock on sale is ample for all purpose-, ami by the arrival of each steamer from theJicrtli additional supplies are received As an index cf the martt-f, we quote good Ohio at $lO principal demand during the week lias been for low er grades, and we quote them at s9@lo per bbt. Some new Horn-front New York, has been sold' at $lO 50a 11 per bill. SAVANNAH WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. Articles. FEKPKOM TO llagl.,,Gunny yd 27@— Sea : : wd Dundee yd 32ta33 Tucker, Cooper ACo yd 40@— Tucker, Cooper* Cos., Retail., yd 4'>(«)— Balk Rope tb lst^io Beef, Mess bbl 16(416 Etxra Mess bbl 18(4 Family, half bldg. sl<> Bacon, Hams lb 25@30 Shoulders. lb 21(423 j Sides lb 23(424 BkEaP. Navy V. '•— 1* 9c. Pilot lb 10c. Bcttee, Goshen, Prime. lb 63@57 Prime Western, Firkin* lb 481451, Adamautin, lb iWiO'' Hull’s lb 24@25 (.These, Goshen „(,, lb 20(423 English Dairy ~ . , tb @24 l’ine Apple. lb 30@ — Coffee, St. Domingo lb 34(4 Rio lb 24(435 Java ft 40(442 COBP.uiE, Hemp ft 21K430 Manilla ft 30@82 Domestic Goods Shirtings, Brown yd Sheetings, Brown yd linnvn Drills r yd Gotten Osnabnrgs Fish, Mackerel, No. 1, new v ; t>i sio 50 do. No.A bbl .20(4 — do kits 3 00@ — Flopu, Good Ohio bbl 10 25(410 50 Good Family. bbl 11 50(412 50 Ordinary bbl 9 »CK4lo oo Grain, Corn, Maryland White hush 1 20@ 1 2j Prime Western bush 1 30@ 1 36 Oats... husli 761450 Class, American Window —a— Gunpowder keg —a— Hay, Prime Northern cwt 90al oo •do. Eastern ....: cwt —a— Hides, Dry lb 7aß Deerskins 7 .lb —a— Iron, Swedes, ton —a— Pig .',ton —a— Hoop .' , —a— Sheet —a— Nailrods —a—. Lard, Prime Leaf ft Sla33 Pressed - ft 27a30 Lime, Rockland 1 ..hbl s4a Lumber, White Pine, rough mft s4oa— de Pine dressed mft 50a65 Spruce Pine Scantling mft 33a36 Yellow Pine Boards , .in ft 80a— Molasses, New York, refined gal 60®65 Golden Syrup gal 80(490 Nails... ft 8 naval Stores-, Tar bbl in spirits Turpentine.. .i Varuisli —@ — Oils, Luiseed gal whale gaL 2 00@ — Sperto gaff 2 75@— Neatstoot gal 2 35@— Lanl gal 2 60(4 Kerosene gal 1 l6@— Train gal 1 7504 — Turpentine gal 1 40@— Lubricating Oils Spindle Oil gal l 85@ — Engine Oil gal i 35@— ' No. 2 Lubricating -.... gal 85©— Osnabukgs, Flax yd Pork. Family Pig Pork obi 16 oo@2o 00 Porter, London, quarts RaisiKs Malaga box 7 00@— “ ’...... Hbox 350@— Salt, Liverpool sack a 75@ Coast sack —@— Soap, American, yellow ft 16@la SHOT’, all sizes. ft <a) — Spirits Brandy, Cogtlac in cases gal 20 00®— Otard, Dupuy A Cos, .and A cks., gal 11 00(s»15 00 Gilt, Holland gal 6 5o@ — Whisky, rectified gal 2 75@— “ Old Kentucky gal 3 00@— 1 “ Imperial Nectar gal 3 25@ — vgffGAR, Brown 1b 16@17 B. Coffee ft 21@— Crushed ft 23@24 . Powdered 1b 23©24 Ta110w..... 1b 12%®*- Tgbacco Teas Imperial ft 1 40@2 00 Oolong 1b 1 20@1 60 Pour 1 1 ing ft 1 00@ 110 Twine, Seine lb —@— Billing ft <4— "Wines, Claret cage 9 60@l-200 Pori... gal 4 oo@a uo Sherry gal 2 26(44 50 ’Catawba. case —@B 00 Wool, Southern unwashed 1b 38©73 Clean ft 400642 Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com missioner. DISTRICT OP GEORGIA, s \ ' • Savannah, bee. 13, 18G5.1 Owners of Lots, Lamlrt and Implements in Ihe ci(y of Savannah, Ga., are notified that the Tax Roll for •aid city Is competed, and tfoe taxes due thereon may l>e pi.d co in uii'lenfigmd wittiin sixty (00; days fi<»ra this date, at our office, noitD-weat corner of South Br ad aud Lincoln atreeta, in said city of Savannah. For nwn-paymtnt of the Lax, the Act of Congress proaci ib.*H a forfeiture of the property taxed to the United States. Office hoars from 9 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 5 p. m. T. P. ROBB, S. A. PANCOAST, J. C BATES, U. 8. Direct Tax Commissioner*, Diet. dla-tf oi Georgia. SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, \ December 9th, ISCS / An election for six Directors, to manage the affaire of this Bank for one year, will be held at the Bunking House on the second Tuesday iu .January next, being the 9th day ol the month. Polls open from 10 o’clock a. m. t<> 2 o’clock p. ra. dl2-lawlm JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. To flic Voters of Cliutlium County. I respectfully aunouDce myself a caudi iate for re-eleClioti to the office of Sheriff of Chatham County, and ask your support at the , January election. If . Benjamin L. Cole. Notice to Ladies. \f ’ME DFMOREST’S Branch of Fashion*, with Patteru* ol every style of Dress, by Mr*. Vick, | ligßrytn fttreel n2fl-im Notice. Savannau, ll'*’ 4, 1465. / \NK IWnntn aher date, 1 will mekr ii|qitir«llol, to V/ iDu ntil.wta of iliu Atlantic and. (lull li. It Com pany (or rntn-wst of scrip of ton Hliun-s T |e-r cent, giiei iiuU r.l etocU ol said company scrip boiiiß 1.-i 0a the uiglil ul thu ‘Jttli January, 1865. Scrip No. 8, for live Glares, Aucml 'Hi, Ism ; Kcrip No. *.», (or five sliutes, Sept, Ills, lsil , dU-WAslm" A. K MOltRRn.. CENTHAI. It H AHANKINtICO, I Savstiliuli, lie, ember k, I Sit*, f Ordered liy Uie Hoard of DireiTnrs Hist uo lumliet am umbel rliall be iransiairlsd over the Coinpany's road, n< epl by spe Id iouliai'l with the S\i|ierin teilgegl GKO A, lH yliKli, I'a.titer Most ul ike plaltona cars iff Iks romps ny lieing sinpiuyiMl Ui iisivmg nos, and lies ha icbnlMiug Uie ruflt, Wgl ptevi nl Iks hauling of wend ami Inm'-si, e,espl lit HtolM qnaatiM iifeUHuK W AHAMto iIU euAJw W»Nstai Kap'i. Not U ii« Cu,N*|t4NKMa par alsawshqi Wftftft so m uMM * mi b« alien I lo lid ,i I Spin .I, 111 in. o * ,1. I MfHVM HUM MW »KW ADVKKTIBKVIEBTI. I ATfEHnON, BOYSI " You are forbidden to fire cracker*, squills, and 1 other firework* on the public street* rr on tbe *!de- I walks, but will be |>i-rmitied to amuse yourselves in , the sqaares, provided it is *.a s< oompauied with an : uoyance t<> paasers by. Boufirt* will not be allowed, j Tlie Police will arrest and carry to the Guard House ; all viohiu-rs of ihe above. By order of tb - Mayor. R. H. ANDERSON. diO-3 Chief ul Police. FLOUR. Wt have on hand a prime article of u City Milla” STAN DA HD EXTKA FLOUR, which wo will j avll low, to dote consignment. SOKKEL BKOTHKKS, <lecl6-tf 82 Hay street. REMOVAL. BRV> n , HARTRIDGE A CO. Jmve removed to fr.3 Bay street, in City Hotel building, next to “Oar House." • *llO-1 LAND FOR SALE. 4 TRACT-containing one thousand acres of heavily timbered Piue Land, lying one mile from tku Ogeechoe river and four mile* Dublin,in Laurens county. Apply to Ueorgc A. McClesky, at Savauuab, w M. F. BKL’CK, • dIC Mlilvlllc, Burke coanty, Qa. BOOTS, SHOES AND HATS. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Will be Sold at auction THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of store: 10 cases Boots, Goiters aud Balmorals lo cutes assorted Hats dIG NOTICE. pONSIGNEES per ntesunsbip RICHMOND, from Baltimore, will please send for tbeir gooda to day, or tho same will be stored at tbeir expense. UROCnfE & WEST, Agents. BOSTON SAVANNAH . STEAMSHIP LINE. FOR BOSTON The flue steamship WM. TIBBETTS, J. S. COXY, Commauder, Will sail for the above port on Sunday, De-!. ITtU, at —a. m. For freight or passage, apply to RICHARDSON A BARNARD, dld-1 Bay street, opposite Mariner’s Church. GUNNY CLOTH' o K BALES. For sale bv RICHARDSON A BARNARD. AIA2 Bay st., opposite Marinars 1 Church. VERMONT BUTTER! ” IH FIRKINS, prime. For sale by 1, 7 RICHARDSON & BARNARD, and 16-2 Bay slreel, opiiosite Marim.-ra’ Clinrch. BzYLDVVIN APPLES. flfk BARRELS. For sale by RICHARDSON & BARNARD, dlO-2 Bay street, opposito Mariners’ Church. Jas.T. Faterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MERCHANT, No. 9 STODDARD S LOWER RANGE, Hay Street, Savannah, AND Darien, Greorgia. WOM A N . fpEMALES, owing to the peuliar and important re lations which they sustain—their peculiar or ganisation, and the officea they perform—are subject to mauy sufferings and ailments peculiar to the sex. Freedom from these contributes iu no small degree to their happiiiH|4s and welfare, for none can be happy who are ill. Not only so, but no one ol these various female complaints efiu long be suffered to run ecu withaut involving the general health of the individual, I and ere long producing permanent sickness aud pre mature decline. Nor is it pleasant to consult a pUy-. siciun for the relief of these tarioua delicate affections, and only upon the most urgent necessity will a Uiie woman so far sacrifice her greatest charm rs to tW this. The sex will then thunk us for placing in their hands simple specifics which will be found efficacious in Relieving and curing almost every one of those troublesome complaints peculiar to the sex. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT OX BUCHU. Hundreds sutler on in silence, aud hundreds of others apply vainly to druggists and doctors, who either merely tantalize them with the hope of a cure or apply remedies which make them worse. I would not wien to assert anything that would do injustice to the ufflictcd, but 1 rnn obliged to say that although it may be produced from excessive exhaustion of tne powers of life, by laborious employment, unwhole some aiiwnrd food, profuse menstruation, the use of tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, ll is far often er caused by direct irritation, applied to the mucous membrane of the vagina itself. When reviewing the cuuses of these distressing complaints, it is most painful to couiemplate Che at tendant evils consequtut upon them. It is but simple jnslice to the subject to enuu erate a lew of the many additional causes which so largely affect the life, health, and happiness of woman in all classes of so ciety, aud which, coiKscquently, affect, more or leas directly, the welfare of the entire human finally. The mania that exists for precocious education and mar riage, causes the years that nature designed for cor poreal development to be wasted and perverted in the restraints of dress, the early confinement of school, aud especially iu the unhealthy excitement of the hall-room. Thus, with the body nail clothed and the mind unduly excited by pleasure, perverting in mid night revel the hours designed by natuie for sleep and rest, the work of destruction la half accom plished. I consequence of this early srtrain upon her system, unnecessary effort is required by th« delicate votary to retain her situation iu school at a later day, thus aggravating the evil. When one excitement is over, another in prospective keeps the mind, morbidly sen sitive to impressiou, while the now constant restraint of tflshionable dress, bbsolutely forbidding the exer cise indispensable to the attainment and retention of organic#ealtii aud strength; the exposure to night air; the sudden change of temperature; the com plete prostration produced by * xcemvc danciug must, ol fiecesatty, produce their legitimate effect. At last ail early marriage caps the climax of misery, aud the unfOrluuato one, hitheitoso utterly regardless of the plain dictates and remonstrances of her delicate na ture, becomes an unwilling subject of medical treat ment. This is but a truthful picture or the experi ence of thousands of thousands of our young women. Long before the ability to exercise tue functions of the generative organs, they require an education of their peculiar nervous system; composed of what is called tho tissue, which Is, in common with the fe male breast and lips, evidently under the control of mcutnl emotions and associations at an early period o. life ; and, as we shall subeequeuUy see. these emo tion-, when excessive, lead, long before puberty, to habits which sap the very life of thed victims ere ua turc has sell-completed their development. For female weakuess and debility,, whites or lou eofrhffi i, too pi-uluso, exhausting, too long continued periods, for prolapsus and hearing down, or prolapsus uteri, we offer the most perfect spcciffe known; tUnu uou>’x Compound Extract or Duout. Directions lot' u*e, diet, aud advice accompany. Females in every norh*t of life, frsui infancy to ex treme old a*e, will find it n remedy to aid uaturo iu thu discharge of its lum Uouft. direngthls the gloiy of uuubood and wojuauhood. HIXMBOLDS EXTRACT UUCTIU Is mois sir'UgllirmuE limn any ol Did j.r. psrnlions ul bark ur Iron, lunitlUJy satui, urorc iiluasuul. IIICIAIBOUVH EXTRACT BUCHU, tmvliilj rndTvuil lln> i iiAarsmusni of thu most i-romi ssnt m*ioi4« IS run I'sitsn MT.tss, IS lluw rsd to uMinimt buimutuy »• •mi trtu. cm « (oi His follow ing ilbu sMs sml i-yiniiluuis, lioiu wlulsvsr asms* uitglimtiiiK i UMiorikt IM-blllly, M< nisi su<l ITiysi. sl Ik-pri .slob, InslM-ullltW, listi'Mulnalloii ul litussG to lbs Uwol l oMIUs. 4 lil. ss, Mycutria, (iv.u,si IrdtsWiliy. lUsHusMmks sod Hl.iiqttosstisw sl Nlgkl, AifMi.v. “f KsomlSAKA.ilSty, laws of A)>to>(ll*i ft iir»i<- imms, 010.. Mslton, |aff skills liisoigsois.iiub »M Csfsiytos us ilw is ,si.c *rf Gsuyi slmi, _ l'.i| i«G,a, u< ik. Mssrt, Aud, Is Is* 1. tol Gw .wiMsMoitooto us s toutuu* ts-l IMstotoslaU SUM* ol ft, t|SU.H ffti Hi OFFICE BEPOf COMMISSARY, 1 Ns Vann Ih. Gvorgi*. December 6, l-fti- I SKALKD Proposal* to fUrr;i.-li the •Toop* at this P. at with fresh Beef for three iiiooUts, ctMnmeiit-- tng Jauu*r> 1, 18t;6, aud emling March 31, 1866, will be received *■ tills office until 12 M., Dec. 20. IsCV Tbe Beeftnlieof good markeiaiile quality, exclu ■rvc of necks aud shank*, aud delivered trl-weekly. 'lTte proposals to lie made In duplicate. Ml. A. DARUSfI, deed Capt. and C. S. Vols. TOTHK VO-rKHfiUFCHATHAM COCNTY I announce myself as a candidate for tlie office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and resjyeclfully solicit the vote* of my friend?. - > noY‘‘2-4d ALEX. F. BENNETT. CJSNTRAI. R. R. AND BANKING C 6. j OF GEORGIA, V .Savauirahi Dec. 4, 1,1866. f An Section for nine Director* to manage the af fair* of the Company for the ensuing year will bo held at the Banking House, iu Savannah (second Btoryj, on Tuesday, the 2d of January, 1866, between the hours Os 10 a m. aud 1 p. ra. Stockholders only wno have held stock for ninety day* immediately preceding the day of election are entitled to vote. Stockholders, upon presentation of their stock cer tificate* to the conductors of train*, will be passed to and from the election over the Company’s load, free. GEORGE A. CDYLER, d6-lut Cashier. TO THK F.LFCTORB OF CHATHAM CO. Gentlemen : Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my name to bs used for the office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I have the honor toaunounce myself as a candidate for that position, and respect fully solicit your suffrage. ntT-tf CHARLES J, WHITE. A Cure For Leaky Hoof’s. Savannah, Dec. 11th, 1866. Messrs. Dillon A Taylor. Painters, 69 Bay Street: It gives me pleasure to state. In reply to yonr in quires, and In Justice to your firm, that your Linseed Oil Cemeut is an entire success. The tin roofs of my houses beipg prouounced beyond repair, by a well known tinsmith of this city, I was induced to try your Linseed Oil Cement, which lias exceeded my expectations as a waterproof coating for roots. Alter 20 years experience as Master Builder, I have found qothing to equal It. dl2-6t L. SOLOMON, 145 Broughton street, ty-q, SLATE ROOFS also put in thorough REPAIR. To tlie Voters of Cliuttium County. THE undersigned is a candidate for re-election to the office or Clerk ot the Superior and Inferior Court*, and respectfully solicits your suffrages. •112-10* WM. H.JBULLOCH. BATCHELORS HAIR DYE Tho Original and heat in tho World! The only true aud perfectflair Dyo. Harmless, Reliable aud Instan taneous. Produces immedmte.y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effect* of bad dye*: Hold by all Drug gists. The geuuiue is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OP MILLEFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, New York. KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandelier*, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Mile Backs, Side Lamps, with and without Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Fonnts- Patont Glass Cones, Burners, Globes, Chiuuilcs aud Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers’ and Confoctlouere’ GLASSWARE. Goods of alt kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES T. WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Btreet, Two doom below Barclay, N. Y novl-3m COLLECTOR S OFFICE, U. S. INTER NAL REVENUE. First District of Georgia, l Savannah, Dec. 12, 1865. j All persons who applied to the Assessor for Li censes before December first, are requested to call anti get them at the Collector’s Office. dl3 3 A. N. WILSON, Col. Notice. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. I RESPECTFULLY announce myself as a Candidate for the Office of Tax Collector at the election in January next, aud humbly solicit your support. n’JTAi EDWARD POWER. Hall’* Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer Has proved ltseif to be the most perfect preparation for Ihe hair ever offered to ihe public. It i* a vegetable compound, and contains no Injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanse* the scalp and makes the hair soft, lus trous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or yonug; should fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. gar Ask for Fall’* Vegetable Sicilian Ha i Renewcr, aud take no other. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H„ Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WAED A CO., H New Orleans, La., n23 6m Southern Wholesale Agents. SOfilfl MOODY & BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, Sovnnnnli, On-, MXUrAOIirRSRS OP GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDSOR, VIO LET, BAR AND TOILET SOAPS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. MESSRS. Momly * BnrTett would rsspectfully au- Qoumw to tho tnibli'* that thi-y huvu just opened their STEAM SOAP WORKS, and «ro fully prepared to fill ail orders ior the follow ing Bar aud Toilot Soaps; PALE 60 AF, EXTRA No. 1, EXTRA No. 1 RESIN or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, ERASIVE, * CHEMICAL, . OLIVE. CASTILE, Ac. Also, n large v.rlely of Toilet Soaps, comprising HONEY, * PALM, CAMPANULA, ALMOND, TRANSPARENT, s. ROSE PUMMICR, . LAVA, A**., Ac. Nn hs!ua will he spurt'd lu isske oar hospe equsl Ih queJliy. prtsssud iswfmsc tossy AiusrtiusS w Kor rigs dusps W«i rnntiu shall lw "s, is,,sr Osw." »ml •lluouds wM eqaslln quslllf Shd plWs In AmSflisu ur Puisiuu nwhuih«lu'k. ehsir lw rtourusd suh to >sey isfuiohd rui uiuHiht PMi k i*Aiw pok rAWAiw anii IIKKAKK 11,4 ms tdUiMss-l l N'U'Ml A NtKNRTT, us 1. I uMI M4MIIM A ' G , WUI l- klfs pi««upf htoliwtou dksle sltouftuh, dtofhA Egg Nogg. J* Ti * Tr ?’ * Booreaiu'i edeoruted Port able Egg N“gg. ready for immediate uae, and m For C MtSc < ff i tffr *, i f| | V^t u by ihe old alylc. (i1 _ M. J. SOLOMONS A 00., _ 1 inu Jon Hi' Block. Bay Htr**et. Lard. A SMALL lot only, prime article, du ~ u t HAB. L. COLBY A CO. WANTED,- BY a young mail, who has had the mauairement of cotton plantations and tbe during the piu>t two yeais, a situation as Ovot-cer or Assistant Manager. The very best of reference* furnished.— HARRY, al!s '’ i Savannah Post Office, Butter. BEST Gorhen Table, in tnbs and firkins. uls - tf CHAR. L. COLBY & CO. FOR SALE. CONSTANTLY on hand, Oak Wood, at Dock Orders left at this office will be attended to IHL ENGLISH POTATOES ARE riow landing from the “County of Picton.”— Price, ten dollars for ten hampers—cash to ac company the ordei> CHARLES GREEN A SON, No. 12 Bay street, dl3-tw Stoddard's Lower Range. J. N. WILSON. Photographer, S. E. comer Broughton and Whitaker Str*., SAVANNAH, GA. Sir Copying done with the greatest caro. . dl4 ARMY SUPPLIES? OFFICE CHIEF COMMISSARY, ) DlYartment ot Georgia, f Augusta, Ga., Dec. 9, 1865. ) SEALED MIOPOSALS, which must be in duplicate with ot this advertisement attached to each, will bo received at this office until 12 o’clock, M.. Friday, Dec. 22d, 1865, for supplying FRESH BEEF, of good and marketable quality, in equal pro portions ot fore and hind quarter meat, for issue to the troops and others supplied by the Government with rations, at the following named posts in ihe Department of Georgia—Augusta, savannah, Atlan ta and Macon, aud at all posts drawing supplies from tile above named posts. Contract to be In force six months, commencing on the Ist day of January, 1000, and ending the 30th day or June, 1866, or such less time as the Commissary General of Subsistence may difect. Payment will be made monthly, Or as early there after as funds may be received tiierelor, and In such funds as may be furnished bv the United States. Separate tiids will he received for each of the above posts, or one bid may include them all. No bids will be entertained from persons who como under the exceptions ol tho President's Amnesty Proclamation ; Nor wUI bids, in which such persons are interested, either directly or iudireciiy, be re ceived, unless they can produce the pardon of the President. all other persons undersold Proclamation must be accompanied by the Amnesty Proposals must he accompanied by a proper guar antee, signed by two responsible persons, slating that if a contract is awarded, they will enter bonds for the faithful fulfillment of the contract. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids offered. Endorse envelope* ’• Proposals for Fresh Beef,” aud address the same to tlie undersigned. J AMES MCDONALD, d!4-8t Capt, c. S., Augusta, Ga. L M. & C. f; WEST, CT ROCERS, LIBERTY STREET, between Barnard J and Whitaker, have just opened, and will keep constantly on hand, a full assortment of Choice Gro ceries. N. B.—A. M. Wkst, formerly of Mather A West, South Broad sn-eet. dl4-5* PROF. DIETZ, PH. DR., OF PARIS, FRENCH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE TERMS MODERATE. References : Dr. Arnot.t>, Mayor of Savannah Prof. Cann, Superintendent City Public Schools Rev. Mr Kino, Savannah Rev. Mb Cozdt, Savannah i . Right Rev. Buuiof Lynch, Charleston Gen. Bkaurkuakd, New Orleans. Prof. Lubber, Superintendent of Public Educa tion. Louisiana CT Inquire at Chatham Academy Building. (12-M<Vmls WINTER APPLES. A C BARRELS sound Winter Apples, per steamablp Nevada, mi consignment and for s;ile by CUNNINGHAM, PURSK A CO., (116-3 Bay st., opposite Mariners’ Church. LEMONS AND RAISINS. LANDING from steamship Virgo 25 boxes superior Lemous and 50 boxes Raisins. For »sl« low by RUE, WHITNEY A CO , dls-B Harris’ Block, House Wanted, IN a good locality, suitable for four persons? aud servants. Apply to or address COMSTOCK & KINSEY, dls-tf 154 Bay street. Mackerel, IN barrels aud kits, prime quality. dl3-tf CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. Groceries, &c. CA BARRELS Crushed A, B and C Sngara o" ‘2O boxes White,Cuba Sugar 20 bugs’ .lava and Rio Coffee 10 barrels choice Syrup 3o barrets Pilot rind Navy Bread 30 barrels choice Family' Flour assorted Crackers HPhoxe* Family, Pale and No. 1-Soap 20 boxes Sperm ami Adamantine Candles 20 cases assorted P ckles to cases English do 10 cases Worcestershire, Chutney and other Sancos 5 cases best Sweet Oil 60 whole, half, and qflarter boxes Raisins 26 drums New Figs 10 cases Prunes, Maccaroni, Vermicelli For sale by d6 eoU2w CLAUHOKN A CUNNINGHAM. IST otice* TUE tuideniianf'l begs to inform ibe public that ho has l«een appouited A cent for thu Stales ol Uuorgm and South Carolina to unit SHAW A CLARK'S Celebrated Sewing Machines. These Machine, urn cheaper and better than uuy Other., now iu use. Also, FISU'H NEWLY PATENTED Kerosone IXeatei’s* These Usitlsra are mlupird lo conklug, Uessiliir »u«l llUhTtng, and are the mosl economleal npparuins oi lbs kind in use. . .. h A Knit purculsre, w! h circulars, idc., ean !>• # 0 on application in tin undoi'sluueil. "ku dl».tm - Condensed Milks ollisrlwsildlsveitosde- Pur hsis by ike Agents. M J, HOUIMONB * 10 , ,llhi( Jones' lileeb, I ley eleuel To Rent, f|*WG Hiss PUtilsUoqe <ss. hstenneb < I vet kltoWh I us I olsfslns ami TuodeHc, Mb lbs piuusily of JeMtos I'olbr des seewl April iu ilu uudrisiMoud, gt Uto • •• > of UiefJeu uui fi4li.s»Jn*bli tlfi UAlfif M rI'VJ IH did lu' feeiMlui Amtt»K\Tß. Jf av a u na li T li «; atr e. lasMCe. slid Manager*,. M-iWa. k.txond A H*« i.VfIKUAY kYlkUSto DKC. io. W. H. Crisp's successful adaptation of Scott’s LADY OF THE LAKE. Jama, Fits Jamee M r. T. Hamilton The celebrated Drama of Jack Sheppard, THE HOUSE-BREAKER. Jack Sheppard .....; Mis* M. B. Gordon 01 ‘ UMir FAIR. A NUMBER of tlie Benevolent Ladles of this city reeling a lively lmereat in the welfare of the Fe male Orphans, dependant for support ou the charitv of the good Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy, will give a 1-air, during the week immediately precedingOhrlsi inas, opening ou Monday, the 18th, and closing on the 23d lust., lit St. Andrews Hall. The attention of the public generally, aud of those es|welally Intending to pure base Christmas Cifts ts (’aileg to the large number of fancy articles, many of w jyJS ol the sisters’ pupils, that wUI be for sale at the (lmereat Fair tables. dll -t24 FAIR. A FAIR will be held by the Ladles or Savannah at the Firemen's Hall, South Broad street, ou the 12th, 13th, and 14tb of December, for the benefit or the poor. Doors will be opened on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. dil-tf Holiday Presents. A LARGE and elegant assortment ol French, Eng lish and Bohemian Ware, consisting of DINNER. TEA, TOILET, COLOGNE AND LIQUOR SETS, Ac., Ac., s tltahlo lor Holiday Presents.- QUEEN SW ARE HOUSE, 10» Broughton street, second door from the corner of Bu.l street. dT-tf E. D. SMYTH A CO. Eight Bales Cotton. TATE have Eight (8) Bales Cotton picked up In Sa- V» vaunah River. The owner, proving property and allowing the usual salvage can have same if applied fortvlthin ten days, otherwise they will be sold to pay e.Xjieuses. The bales arc unmarked aud iu very bad order. U 9-10 E. V. WADE A CO. Gso. It Chump, Wii, A. Wright, Augusta, Georgia. Late of Richmoud, Vs. m. it. n & co., General Commission Merchants AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Lipors, Tobacco, Segars, HALTED FISH, & c . 209 Broad St.,, Augusta, Ga, tr Will purchase and sell on Commission Cottok, Toiiaooo, Produce, and Mkrouandise of every de scription. Refer* to the Merchants aud Bankers of Auguata, Ga., Richmoud. Va., and Jno. C Ferrill, Esq., De- Witt A Morgan, Gaden A Uncklc*. A. A. Solomons A Cos., J. T. Paterson A Cos., R. Molina, Esq., Savannah, Georgia. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. OCt4 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE undersigned have this day formed a copsrt nership for the transaction gs s general com mission, shipping and forwarding business, under the name of Laßoche A West. Isaac and Laroche. JAMES B. WKST. Office, Jones’ Block, , Savannah, Dec. 1, 1361. dll-6 Salt, Coal and -AJe. 5000 Sarcks Liverpool Salt. 100 cnsk9 Jeffrey’s Ale. 100 tuna Liverpool Orrel Coal. Per ship iMozart, auel lor sale bv till lw . i. R. & J. G. aMILLS. ESTABLISHED lSOof ENOCH MORGAN'S SON'S Soaps, &c., No. 211 \V asliington-St., •*epl9 NKW YORK. 3m CHRISTMAS! E- EHRLICH, 30, XV lU'f AKER STREET. FANCY OROCFRIES. PRUNES. Raisins, Oranges, Lemons, Citron, Cur rants, English Pipserves, Jams ami Jellies, Pre serve Ginger, Mushroous, Truffles. Assorted English and American Pickles, English and French Mustard, Tomato aud Walnut Catsups, Worcester Sauce, Fl ench and Spanish Olties Capers, canned Meat* aud canned Fruit* ol all descriptions. Assorted Candies, Fig paste, Xnts in variety. Smoked Salmon, English dairy American Swis and Limberger Cheese, Cavluna No. i family Mackerel in kits, Wax, Sperm, Adaman tine Candles anil Tapers, Spices of all kinds. FAMILY GROCERIES. Choice Hams, Tongues, breakfast Bacon, <fic, all grade* Sugar, Java, Muscovado, and Rio Coffee. Splendid assortment Teas, Green, Gunpowder blaek and English breakfast Teas, Ac., choice Butter, Lard, Sweet Oil. all description of Soaps, plain and fancy. LIQUORS, A large-assortment, viz : Martel ami other grades of Brandy* Irish Scotch, auct Bonrbu Whiskey, Madei ra, Clianipaigne, C-herrj', Port and Other Wiucs, Cor dials of all kinds. Schnapps’ Bitters, &c. Everything that taste can wish or uppettt* desire. Give me a call. ALSO, Just received by recent arrivals from Boston, New York, and Baltimore, a fine assortment of all kinds Wooden and Willow Ware, suitable for housekeep ing, dll-tJI Whabf lots and farm For Sale. A VALUABLE Lot of Land, comprising two hun dred acres on Hutchinson’s Island, nearly op posite the Charleston Wharf, iu this city, with a irjut age on tho river and extending acro?o the island to Hack river, is ofiered for sale at favorable terms. The river frontage presents as eligible sites for wharf fronts as can bt found on the river. The land is ot a rich, alluvial character* not excelled in any bottom-lands in the country, and suitable ior tne culture of corn or cotiou. the raising of mMrkct veget ables or grass— three crops being giown in the 6easou without difficulty. . *_ This rare chance for obtaining a valuable property » offered on the most advantageous terms, and part oi the purdr.MO mouey cm remain on bond and mort gage. Apply to NOBLB LYON, dlStJl 165 Broughton st., Savannah. E. W. MARSH & CO., druggists, GIBBONS' BUILDINGS,' C’oruer of Cougreas and Whitaker Streets, Have thoroughly refilled their establishment, sod replenished with u general assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ratent Me illrinee, I'uliils,Oils, Gnrdcugeede, •Wc. Ac., Ac., they aollutt tbs patronage of tliclr friends. i‘ai tlailsr ulisutlon will be given to the earefn l prrpiu.nou of preecrtptlon*. dll-lni Ran del I & C Simtlmpgt eurner of Uuy uud Ufiruwd Bth. » ARK IN HKDKIIT Os in herreli belt raising Plum Vii barrels Kaira Myrsp go barrels i Idee Vinegar to yiddles Golden Magnet Tobacco m hail els hugs' t'rmkeiu •J" bun els Itoeluii do tu hoses pom ground Jsvs O'ffes VO ilu |i| My* MM W bbis Kites fflttogr , to boseS LgbUil btui 111' WANTED, ft KTAHlJlullbttslls few gut legs ibsb (ui* few*** A Add''ss, sluluig isiuts and lutsl «»m a me ,114 r Ret If. Viwt (AM