Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 16, 1865, Image 3

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SAVA.JN Is AH. IK|i«rlun of 9t£am>hi|i. anil Hi.miun. FOU NEW York. Steamship Nsvatl*. fcaturdny, December ICtb, at * u'clock a- »• Steamship Virgo, Saturday. December lGtli, at o'clock. Steamship Euterpe. Sandav, Di eotnber 17th, at S o'clock a. nr. Steamship San Jacinto, Saturday, December 10, at _ o'clock. FOR BALTIMORE. SteamahlP Richmond, Saturday, December 16, at o'clock FOR BOSTON. Steamebip William Tibbetts, Sunday, December 17, at o’clock- FOR AI'GtTSTA. Steamer Minnie Brandt, Friday, Dc aimber 16th, at 9 o'clock a. in. Steamer Express, Saturday, December 16!h, at 6 o’clock p. m. Steamer Wm. G. Gibbous, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. '' • FOB CHARLESTON. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 o’clock. steamer Charles Houghton, Monday morblug, lftli, at 8 o'clock FQR rOCTORTOWN. Steamer Two Boys, every Tuesday morning, at 8 o’clock. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday warning, at 7 o’clock. Steamer Gen. Shepley, every Sunday uiornHig, at 7 o’clock. Steamer Clarion, every Thursday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOR FLORIDA. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer City Point, every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. Steamer Liszie Baker, every Thursday morning, at, 10 o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer Helen Getty, every Saturday morning, at' 10 o’clock. SALK OF THE SEA ISLAND HOTEL AT'HIITOC UItAD.— I The new Sea Island Hotel, with its complete out lit of new furniture, Is advertised to be sold at auction on Wednesday, January 3, by Messrs. Bell, Wylly & Christian, of this city. The Sea Island Hotel has been opened but a tew months, and itself and all its complete and elegant appointments are almost new. The Hotel contains sixty rooms, all completely furnished, and has connected with it a billiard saloon with four flue tables, which, togeth er with alt the other appurtenances, will be includ ed in the sale. 'Piio sale of this hotel will not fail to attract the attention of many classes of buyers. Dealers in furniture or parties wishing to procure it on advantageous terms for hotels or residences, can procure any articles they desire; while to any one wishing to open a hotel where It now stands, or to it 1 in ova it to some other locality, tile buildings being of the most approved kind of portable construction. This sale offers a rare opportunity for investment. The sale will be positive and without reserve. See advertisement elsewhere. Ena Nogs.—A sample of this rich and delightful beverage, In bottles, lias been sent us by Messrs. M. J. Solomous ■£• Cos., who have received a large in voice of a superior article of it. Nothing could he more wholesome or invigorating than the egg ttogg ol this “brand,” and uutliing better for the ap proaching holidays. Wens. H. g, Lee, and Slonewall Juckion. Mr. Ferine, of New York, has just presented to the world two master pieces of art, in the lithographed portraits of these celebrated Southern Generals, Lee and Jackson. Nothiug can exceil tliem in perfection of artistic skill, and life-like representation. They are published on the finest print paper, 19 by 34 niches for framing, and sold by House, Bristol Si Cos., publishers, New York, at only SI.OO per copy. Age fits, aud the trade are supplied iu orders of not less than twelve, at fifty ccuts per copy, being twenty-five mnls below the regular wholesale price. Avery rare chance is thus otto red to agents who eau readilyTffcke trom $36 to SOO per day, aud often much more selling these splendid portraits. "The Americanbtutesman,” a National famjly pa per, published in New York, weekly, at s 1-00 pur an num, sends one of either of the above portraits, as a prize, free, to every suoscriber to that sheet, who sends In his name, aud $1.60 subscription before the ■middle of January next. One copy of the portraits Bail five copies of the Statesman, will be sent as Sam ples toany agent on receipt of one dollar. Address . HOUSE, BRISTOL & CO., Publishers, 67 Nassau street. New York. <ll4 00(13 Fsoh BostuN.—TUe scrciV steamslup Win. Tib bets, Captain Conry, with quite a lull freight uud several passengers, arrived early yesterday morning from Boston, consigned to Richardson ■We make tbe following extracts from lim- log: Dec 9th— Sailed from Boston at 6:30 P.M. butne night off Cape Cod experienced a heavy gale from the southeast, with a thick log* Dec. jeth—Passed through Martha’s Vineyard Sound. Wind westerly and quite fr esh. Dec. 11th—Experienced a moderate gale from the southeast; quite a heavy sea rolling; thick fog. Doc. 13th—Thick fog; Wind atjlight southwest. Dec. I3tu—Moderate weather, with northwest ylntlK. Dec. mil—Strong breeze from northward, weather very thick. At 2P. M. saw Charleston Harbor. At 8 P. M. passed Martin’* Industry IJghtahip, saw two steamers at 11P. M. anchored offTybee. Dec. 15th—At 7 o’clock A. M. took pilot and run 'uto Tyboe Roads. The STEAMsmr Hcsteb.—The steam ship Hunter which was advertised to sail lor New York to-day, will not sail until to-morrow (Sunday), at 8 o'clock A. M. She was unavoidably detained beyond the drst announced hour. Arrival ok the Richmond.—'The Steamship Ricft tliw.J. Caplaiu Barney, from Baltimore ou thelutli, arrived here yesterday evening. The Richmond ex pt-tmuc«4 heavy weather. We are indebted to Pur ser Emory for file of Baltimore papers. The Theatre.—A crowded house attended Mr. Raymond’s benefit last evening. Mr. R. was in ex cellent lrumor, aud the benefit was felt to be -ffutual ou all hands. The bill for this (Saturday) ev jning is “ Jack Shepard” aad the “Lady of the Lake.” IN UEDiEKU. —Two per cent, of all tlie .fractional cur rency received at the Treasury for redemp tion i6 counterfeit. —There are now at the University of Vir ginia 430 students, nearly qjl of whom were iu the Confederate army during the war. —Ohio is the only Bute that came out ol Tut twar with a redaction of its State debt, Itstitbt is now $13,500,751; in 1860 it was frt4,5W,233. , f —Tvwj children, a boy of 12 and a girl o h years, were murdered by a negro a short li ßc since while on their way to school, iu Ll Dorado, Ark. Tho negro first attempted rape upon the girl. • —The counsel for Mrs. Kirby, now on trial 81 Richmond, for shooting her husbimd, jukes the ground that her jealousy amounted <i insanity, and upou tj)e pica they expect fin acquittal. The New.Ojlcans Bee is authorized lo announce that an agency will »oou ho open *ti In that city to accept propositions Irom J* 1 * Ranter* lor a certain number ol Abmtlc “‘"tigruuti. Hindoo* or Chliwao. ”~A person Irom Tula* reports that evory I"*' 1 li filled with movers, hurrying and Willing each other hi aoaruh of now homes *"'l fairer prospects A spirit ol restluss -1 *" ‘•••■a to have isUsu posamwlon ol many '***> move duply with tl»« datlrs for 8 ‘““fie, ho iiMtU'l wlial * A l-iidoa publisher «uitoiiucu« "'lll* '• Ih fort lha Ih lugK, ” by |*|o|* FlgUlvf, el." 4 Ideal Isildk'SlMis ol Ihu Ao soil I Wit butt'll'd tod etfild fig *.-.* 1,1 •"'lhils, plfiMte, sod other totßil M *tc, j —llilUtn Head has two steam fire-engines -"-Mrs. T. K. Hu rev. an English writer, lias a'uovel in tin; prcsß with tin- title of “ Hur.otletl Jeßsaline." —Belle Boyd, tint Southern heroine, will shortly appear on the stage. —Queen \ icloria has sent a large parcel of toys to amuse the little patients in the Hospital for sick children in Great Ormond btreet, London. . 1 he British Parliament will assemble on the 28 tli of January. Charles Inh;tw, his wife, and only child were drowned last week while skating oil a pond in Maine. Three brothers named Bnn kei were drowned on ihe day before iu a pond in an adjacent town. —When tv wife uugs her husband, it is al vyltVs because she wishes to get “ around him. ’ - Messrs. Trubner & Cft., Loudon, ate about to publish the first number of anew comic scientific periodical, entitled “Gam mon and Spinach.” —lt is said thirty the Empress of Mexico transacts all ihe business pertaining to the government. She is said lo be a shrewd and hard worker. • gshiiigton Jottings. claims of “loyal” citizens for damages. A Senator to-day gave as his estimate that the amount oi claims for damages to loyal citizens and claiius ot loyal States growing out of the war, would reach the sum of three hundred million dollars. Doubtless this is a somewhat exaggerated estimate, btlt tile sttni will probably reaeb two hundred millions dollars. Claims of this character are receiv ed with caution by Congressmen, and they are backward .about establishing a precedent tor the recovery of snch damages, as they are susceptible of the practice of immense frauds, and (hire is no certainty us to when thread will he reached, nor to what huge sum the claims may be swollen. general banks’ Views. General Banks was serenaded, and res ponded at some length. In the course of his remarks he spoke of the unify of sentiment apparent in Congress ; against the admission Os Southern Congressmen, and. approved of the sentiment of the Message that treason was a crime and must be made odious, and rebellion forever rendered an impossibility, lie defended liis course iu Louisiana, and declared that it had the full approyai of President Lincoln, .lie thought the future bright tor the progress of freedom end hu manity, and regarded the President's Mes sage as an admirable document. black suffrage in the district. The radicals of tlffi Senate carried their point in arranging the Committee on the Dis trict of-Columbia so as to secure any mea sure they choose to bring forward giving the negroes tile right of suffrage. A bill qf this kind has already been framed, aud will be reported at the proper time. It will be stub bornly resisted by the conservatives of both parties. THE VACANCY ON THE SUPREME BfrNClf. The President has under consideration the appointment of a Supreme Judge vice Cat trim deceased. The district from wipe is the Judge will be appointed consists of Tennes see, Louisiana, Arkansas and Missouri. He will probably fill it in a few clays. The most prominent names are those ot Horace May nard and Return J Meigs’ bill to Fill vacancies in the presidency. Mr. Thayer (Rep., Penn.,) introduced a bill amending the act declaring the-offleer who shall act as President Os the United Slates, in c ise of death, resignation, removal or disability ot the President. It was refer ed to the Committee on Hie Judiciary. The bill provides that in wise of the death, resig nation, removal or disability of the President ,or Vice President of the United States, the President of the Senate pro tempore ; and in case there be no President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the time being; and in case there he Speaker of the House, the Chief Justice of the'United States; and in case there be no Chief Justice, then the Justice of the Supreme Court who lias been longest commissioned shall act as President-until the disability be removed, or anew President elected. An Advertising “Podge. ' -Tlio London Spectator, in ihe coarse of a caustic aud de nunciatory criticism of anew poet, remark ed : “And this -extraordinary production Mr.— modestly conceive* to be equal to Gcethe.” The nuducions publisher managed to make a favorable notiue out of tbis lor his advertisement, thus : “Extraordinary production * * equal to Gmthp.”—Spectator. The English Mwistry.—Sir Robert Peel, the unpopular Irisn Secretary of Slate, has resigned, and will be succeeded by Mr. Chi chester Forte.'cue, one of the most rising members of the liberal party. Mr. Hull will retire from the Vice Presidency of the Board of Trade, to make room for Mr. Gosclien, the merclmnt member from ihe city ol Lou don, and the author of the '‘Theory of For eign Exchange.” The Duchy of. Lancaster, vacant by the appointment of Earl Granville to the Embassy at Berlin, will lie conferred upon Earl de Grey, who will retire from the War Office in favor of the Duke of Somer set. Tho vacancy at the Admiralty thus created will probably be filled by Mr: Milner Gibson. FUNERAL INVITATION. The friend? and • acquaintance of Mr. »nd Mrs. JO SEPH RUCKKRT arc invited toattend the funeral of Ihe f.irlnor, from the corner of Harrison and Walnut streets. This Afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Darien Humber Market. [Reported by Janies T. P.itewon ] Darien, Oa.. Dec. 14) 1865. The receipts of timber up to date have been m'ode-' rate. Very Utile timber lias been cul, and Ihe want of teams and supplies to bring forward what is ready for hauling, will keep the market hare of good ship ping timber lor some time. All classes offering meet with ready sales at about the following prises: Mill Timber * 12a 16 per M. Ranging Square Timber $16a20 per M. Ship Plank, rough edge, s3oii3s. djvei'kl o-irgj-A? h iv.r Ot oa sltiji,):! North. Lumber—ls in pood demand, the mills are sawing ’ mostly to order, at about the following rates : Boards and Scantling s:l6a4t>. Aiiq> Plank, rough edge, ssi‘ia3S. Two or three vessel* loading. Timber.- The receipts for the wedk have hceu very limited, partly on account of a break in the canal.' Several lots have been off -red to arrive, tint pur chasers are nofdisposed to pay all the prices asked. W'e quote Mill Timber, tourtil logs sl2jil6 per M fact. bqnare shipping, well hewn, S2OaS4 per M. Choice lengths, well hewn, e.4:12;. Klilppiiiju: laiti’lUffcnoo. lUlnln’tili-e Aliimmu- Tills liny, Sun rises «« * ■ Moon uses 6 10 Hun sola 4 ..J High water a 16 I .ii.l OF HA tNNAII Full'tv, lice, It, 1866. A rrl veil. Hlrainaliip Tytuio, Ciewill, lor New York, linn tar A li.none li, Hnaiuslnp ItieliUßuel, ITunell, DalUuiora 1.4 lloi'ho A Real, to miner il M 1.5.1, Tailor, Dmieu M A t'olieu. MteumiM Ahoison, Johuowu Augosia -iawlo A llsois", Mleamef KII», llowlsiel li ii,i,n M * I i.le-ii kleumar '.so Miepley, Mniiim, |#o, i,,u„on •t' I. OuHiy * t’o. iN4|te»n*. I'ef «*»4||»*r |l H t 001, (no* |>4|V D's bale* U'/ per M»atu*r tumwin, front AUtfOtia I Am, h<«taa Dotlou Si el eel's Fat abate". K G ( ti.eise ate b.u.«tHpo, l'»r alcttluer Use too l,is», limu l>-e loiiowe (a* (Mia* epi.iw lott'-e, 4 Uw at* tetotto do, • o« » out. FKtn>(trt. frer steamship Win Tlbbeu, from Boston—J A J M< I'unougli. A L Colburn. Mr» Gntflan, K (vans, J ■ . A Men, W B 1! uu Herman, Mrs Allen, Mr* Invu Urn, Mrs Show, C*jil A B Chance, L T Watllelgli. A Neal Per steamship Richmond, from Baltimore—li W C Haim. II; W C Childs. Mr Puiieuy C F Gilmore and S on .leek. . Pqre'camur Amazon, from Augusta—t H Mott. 8 A Keiues, it K Solomons. Per steamer Ella, from Darien—Col Mangln, E W Youngblood. Per steamer Gen Slmpley. from' Doclortotrn—Mrs M k Miss L Del,eau, Mrs U W Catupell, J T Robinson, !at Loot, I. H Andrews, B Wood, L W lid vs ! II W Butler, \V A Smith, O A Hodge, H P Grey, L | .Delory. ConilKnees. Per steamship Win Tlbbeu, frein Boston—Ttson A j <4, <■ S O’Uenru, lticfiunison A B, Colby A Cos, JAW 1 Hullieriord, VY M Walsh, M U Williams. M Newmark j Enrin AH, Order, J Kenuv. J HB A Bro, T J Dun | oar A Cos, S S Miller, D Eglvey, H Wataliouse, Chip A Chapin, L J Guilmartin A Cos, L H Boaut, J lleury, Schuster A 11, Ctaghuru A C, o W ink Lamar, s L Willey, K A Calm. I’er steamer H At Look (rum Darien—Brißiam, B A Cos. M A Coheii. . Per steamer Amazon, trom Augusta—o I. Colby. Brady, S A Cos. B A Whitehead, B, Baldwin A Cos, K A Ha idee, L Padetfol'd, o Cohen, B M Neely, Jones .v Way, 11 M Davenport, U A B, W H Stark, K Mar tin, W II Adams. Per steamer Ella, from Darien—R A Cann, E F Metcalf A Cos, A 8 Hartrulgs, B. Baldwin A Ce, E A Bryan, H A Cos, A Low, J Richardson. a’.-r steamer Geu shepley, from Doctortown—A G Browne, Tison A G, J \v Anderson A Son, E Padel ford, L .1 Guilniai-tlu, Bryan, U a- Cos, Dodge J Strick land. Mini ora lid a. Steamer Amazon, Hour Augusta, reports—Dec 13 passed str Gen Berry at Barber Shop, bouud up; passed all- Staudislt at New Savannah, bound up; passed sir l-uniue Lehr, at Barney's Cut, bound up ; Dec 13th, passed str May at Steel Creek, bouud up; passed sir Volunteer towing two flat. Obstructions ; P osed sir Helen at upper head Liltie Hell, bound up ; Dec 14, passed sir Union at Red Bluff Reach, bouud up ; pissed str Goodsell at Briar Creek, bouud up ; Dec 18. passed str Soorplo at Elat Ditch, bouud up 6passed sir Miimic riraudt at,Dead .Man’s Point, bound up. AUCTION SALES. sea’ island hotel and complete OUTFIT OF NEW FURNITURE AT AUCTION. Bell, Wylly & Christian, On WEDNESDAY, January 3d, 19C6, at 10 o'clock, will sell on tne premises, at Hilton Head; Tho Ntfw Sea Island Hotel, which has been finished and opened only a lew mouths The Hotel contains sixty rooms, all completely lurnished, and capable of accoiumoutiiiig hundred persons. The Hotel aud oui-buHdmgs are of the raontxou veuient and approved structure ; named at the North uud brought out ready to be put up,.and dould readily be taken down and removed, if desired, to auy other localfly. The oil Hard Saloon contains four fine new Hilliard Tables. AH*of the Furniture is new, and ol the latest style; coufiatiun of bureaus. Bed.-tvaUs, chairs. Tables, Washstjnfls, Hair and Faliuleaf Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Toilet Sets, JSc c., &c. Fine Parlor Furniture,Walnut Dining Tables, Silver l'lated Ware, tilafc* Ware. Crockery, Table Cutlery, Ac , Ac., winch will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. The above oilers a rare opportunity lor any one wishing to open a hotel where u now stands, ur re moving tile buddings and outfit to auy otner location desired. Dealers and persons w shing to furnish hotels or private residences, may be able to procure any arti cles of furniture they desire. The sale will oe positive and without reserve. 'J erms cath. Steamboats will leave Charleston aud Savannah, to accommodate persons wishing tu attend the sale, of which nil ihcr notice wdi be giveu. dlti-tf UNDERWRITER'S SALK l>y Bell, Wylly A Christian. Will be sold THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, in front of StOPS: 5 kegs Butter . 5 bbls Ale • 2 cases children’s Caps 1 case Sundries pieces satiui ts 1 box Spanish Brown 1 box uround Coflee 1 box Soap Damaged on board stcauislrip Clias on her passage hoin New York to this port, and sold under inspection and by recommendation ol Port Wardens, for account of Underwriters aud all concerned. did Bell, Wfllyfc Christian. Will sell at auction THIS DAY, iu front of Store, at * lo o'clock: The usual assortment of Groceries, Dry Goods, Furniture, Fancy Articles, Jewelry, Ac. ALSO, One Carnage aud st of Double Harness., did ESTATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Oh the first TUESDAY ir, January next, within the legal hours of sale, will be sold In trout of the Court House, iu Savannah: « Tho Lot on the corner of West Broad and New streets, South Oglethorpe Ward, 1(H) feet front on West Broad street, by fcu# on New street. The Im provements consist of three houses, which rent at igOJO per annum. SoM jor a division between the heirs. did-uw ts AUCTION! Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THE STORE ON BROUGHTON STREET, - Third door from Bull, 1 Where will be offered a general assortment of Dry Uogds, Hoots and Shoes, Hosiery, Under-clothing, Books, Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac, Ac., at the pur chaser’s own prices. Terms c »sh; sales positive. dl-% AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. Small Lots of Land. There having been *© many applications for Small Tracts of Land lor location, the owner of the above Land, feeling a disposition to meet this demand, has placed iu tile market for a tew days, Lots of Five Acres, or more, part cleared, on the Augusta Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff Hoad, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-ul6 BY BELL, WYLLY & CIIKSTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE Tito West Half of Lot No. 3, Calhoun Ward, fronting *•' ' on Jonee street. • The Improvements consist of a finely finished Brick Residence containing Ten Rooms with gas throughout, anil a well of excellent water and a fine Forct-Pump.. dl3-tf By Bell, Wylly & Christian. AT PRIVATE BALE. 45 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city. The improvements consists or a first class cottage .Ijvelling, gothic style, containing six large rooms, with marblo mantel pices, diningroom, kitchen, library room tarnished with shelves and glussdooi*. Outbuildings consists uj <?.rm house, containing seven rooms, barn, carriage hbuseind stalitcs. Pnrcha ercan have th, re fusal ole an, fodder, hay, hones, mules, haggles and wagons. Also. 2460 seres ot heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) mill-, from the city, between tlie Ogecchee and i.'auuoclioc Roads. An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation, too acres of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling houses with stables, cribs. Ac. tf-n!8 NOTICE. CONSIGNEES per schooner Callala. from New York, are hereby notified that she will commence discharging this day, foot of Lincoln street. All go, fit list on wharf alter eunaot will he stored at risk anil eap' us* of owners. ’’ ' / dts-2 WM. 11. BTARK, Agent Keward. I OUT. V -sterdsv, betw, ,m ~| MONEY, ntlleil loaaely, rontsluhig from to+'in. The Under will receive u liberal reward by luaylnjtHai HusolMen. t|U.2 Lemons. ty/% lioXEE, Trom N«w York steamar, Iu *ood * didJl] 1 "' i'll ah L. uouiy aca KENNEfOXEA & CO., . JNia HAY HTHKKT, j jKFWMteh- 1 I lu.usi pouutfo Etoaklaal UaC'in 4,test pounds Uautiu Bt*as (,Mt )s«*,'ls toss Uuireo**4l- cult 4 liams J 4,uiu poutnte Min ,|knl ntowldsia 9,uu* poun-ls Fir4l*4 MWiUtn W iMb. awl aikUte l aM M firkips tl“shall EgtUi kv MOfilEj"" J * «Irhls I'-sk and Mat", ainp unite —_ fc., Ml* AUCTIONS. ~ AT PRIVATE BALE. By Bell, Wylly h thrbtUn. M am* of Land. eltn*tu«l on the Vernon river, ftbonl unit: mile* from this city. The improvement* consul of dwelling, barn, stable*, and other nee ca nary out building*. Au abuiidtr.ct* of Kill. o>sl*r»s •hrunp. Jt con veniently obtained. Price of property, »2,uUH. n2*-tf Auction Sale of Provisions, Hams, Bacon, &c- Notice is called to Grocers, Provision dealers, and Ship Chandlers at this auction. On BATFRDAT, 16th lose, will be sold at the stare of Kenneth. Mcßea A Cos., 303 Bay street, at lOo'dock 4 hints very choice thin Bacon Sides 3 bbls celebrated Washington llaras, while sugar cured 11 bbls very choice N. Y. City cored Hams 9 do do do do Shoulders. 19 firkins leaf Lard, and 33 tubs Lard 16 do Baiter, choice 2 hhds smoked .shoulders 3 do do Hftcxm 1 do do Hams 11 les breakfast Bacon, choice 10 bbls Rump Pork 10 do Prime Pork 14 do Mess Heel, sultaifie for Slop's store HU N A MEYER, dl4 Auctioneers. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By T. J. Walsh. On TUESDAY, January, 6tb. 1364, will be sold at the Court Hou9«, in the city of Savannah, at 11 o'clock: The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, (fee simple, with Improvements}, qprner of Whitaker and Hull streets. The improvements are a two-story brick dwelling, nine rooms, with water in tho yard and gas through tbs house; brick stable. Both build ings have slate roofs. Bold by permission of the Ordinary of Chatham county, fora dlvl-ion among the heirs. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. n94 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Ordinary or Chatham ccunty, will be sold on the first Tucs day In February next, at the Court House door, In the city of Savannah., during the usual hoars or sale, all the undivided half Interest of James Bilbo, late deceased, tu the bhandy Hall farm, situated near the city .if Savannah oil the Thunderbolt road; .aid farm containing in all fifty acres, more er less. The said half Interest sold for the nuipooe of di vision JOHN O. FEHRILL, d7-td Administrator. ~ ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY BLUN & MEYER. On THURSDAY, 91st lost., at 10 o’clock, a. m., will be sold in front of store, by an order Issued from the Hon Court of Ordinary of Chatham county: All the Household Furniture belonging to the estate of Henry Herrmau, deceased. GEO. QEMBNDKN. Adm’r. BROWN’S C AST I L LI AN BITTERS THIS uurivalled Touic prepared from the Pure Juice of the Grape aud extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy and the Province oi Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, Indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement of the stomach, it is uurivalled. A never falling preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel by land or water should be without the CastUllaQ. For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRF A Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct24 3m Kerosene Oil, r . • In barrels and cases. * AT HORATIO PITCHER S, Foot of Lincoln st., Under the Bluff. nfio-tf WHOLESALE Boots, Shoes and Brogans. M. KRAUSS, 140 Congress aud ,17 St. Julian Streets, SAVANNAH, GA., Is enabled, through Ills permanent bouse In Bos ton, to furnish Joebers and Dealers In this city, as well as those In the country, with HOOTS ANI> SHOES et more reasons hie rales than any other house. dll-tr NOW LANDING AND FOR SALE. 0/\J|B°xcß* x, and caddies Tobacco, which we are now offering at prices lower than it can be bought lor in Northern cities. MILL Sit, THOMAS k CO., nll-tf No. 906 Bay atreoet, JOHN MVRRTMAM. B. H. W AKING. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters’ Agencv FOR the sale of Guano, Fertilisers, live Block, Im plements and Machinery, Seeds, Ac. tJ7 W. TTay-ett® Street, BALTIMORE. Refer to John S. Gittiugs, President Chesapeake Bank ; Clias. Goodwin, Cashier Franklin Bank, Haiti more: E.C. Wade A Cos. aud P. 11. Behu, Savannah n!4-3m , GUANO. PERUVIAN and Swan Island Guanos, Superphos phate. and the Bruce Concentrated Fertilizer, are offered to the Trade at the lowest wholesale prices, by GEO. E. WHITE A CO , 66 Cliff street. New York. nl6-3m C R UTCHES. IjMRSTsnd only premium awarded at'the American Institute Fair, 1805,aud State FalrorPa, 1865, for Cratches. Hartman’s Patent Elastic Rubber Crutcues are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very best ever invented. They are easy and con venient, they prevent paralysis of the nerves, do away with all the weariness inseparable from the use or afl others, aud are iu aH respects unrivalled. Send for a circular Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJOY A Taylor, Sole Manufacturers, No. 476 k Broadway, N. Y. 6m-n3B Cloaks, Cloaks. LADIES’ Cloth Cloaks, • One assortment, Just re ceived by stasia er. ua»-tf einstftN a eckman- DISSOLUTION. THE firm of Laßoche, Gaden 4fc Unckles was dis solved on the Ist lost, by tbe withdrawal or Isaac D. Laßoche. The business will be continued under the name of Gaden A Unckles, at the old stand, corner Bay and Barnard streets, J. D. Laßoche retaining an office with us for tbe present Isaac and: Laroche, BENJAMIN G. GADEN. DAVID S. UNCKLES. Savannah, Dee. 1, 1865. d4 Hart & Cos., hardware merchants CHARLESTON, 8. C., OFFER FOR SALE AT THEIR OLD STAND, earner Ring and Market Streets, GUNS, REVOLVERS, SHOT Sc POWDER “HOE S" CIRCULAR SAWS, 8 TO GO INCH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BAR IRON AND STEEL METALS OF ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIAIJ? TIN AND WOOPWARE HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES HOLLOW -WARE OF ALL KINDS TURPENTINE AND COOPERS' TOOLS BRASS AND IRON WIRE CLOTH BOLTING C'IJ/rU (ANCHOR BRAND) MILL ROCKS (IN TO 40 INCH) MILL IKON SIIAKIt I’I.ATLD GOODS Ill'll IIS, NI*oKKN, AXES, MPKINUS, «M ' A LA Muff VANI*fYGr<miMI4NX»IM, AT WHIILESAU AND HUT ML. M| * uaoegwiy. tmimfi, at. PIERCE SKEHAN, Mlitlnalr an* Retail Dealer In Fine Groceries, Boole and Shoes, Clothing, For etell sod Domestic Wloss, Liquors and Megara A so, Bkeitau's CJlebrated UOLDKN ALB AND t HAMFAUNK CIDBR, in battle and In wood. London aud Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng. Itslt Alee, Ac. Liberal deductions made to tbe trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 62 Liberty street, N. Y. KIRLIN, BRO. & BURKE, wholesale in ILEX, VINES AND LIQUORS, CORNER WHITAKER NTHKGT AMO BAY LANE. ORDER* PROSfPTLI FILLED R DELIVERED. IBtt ts H. G. RUWE & CO., AVholesale GROCERIES ? LIQUORS, WINES AND SEGARS, Corner Brvan and St. Julian and Johnson Square, (FUO.VTINU PILABKI HUDIEfi W Agents for , ALE AND LAGER. Constantly on hand, an assortment of rbsxm- wxmrzi. sep29 tin WHISKEYT WHISKEY! FINE OLE BRANDY, WINES, k Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike's Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At tbe Old Stand, 111BA.Y STREET, (Hersld Buildings j ALSO, A Ison’s Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar. oct'i ts J. GARDNER TAKES the liberty of Informing tbe public generally that be haajuet opened, and will always keep on hand a fall supply of Fresh Family Groceries, of all deeerlptlons and of tbe beet quaUty, which ha offers for ssle at reasonable rates. Corner Jones and Barnard Btreets, at Ehrlich’s old stand. nlB-lm f FQBEI6NA DOMESTIC^BgM 1 ALES WINES JjgniQUORSAU6ARS SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF— Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Bro wif’s stamUml “ScalesT “ USED by the United States and Foreign Govern ments for more tban THIRTY YEARS. Adapted to any branch of business for foreign wr home markets. Warranted accurate and durable. Sales rooms No. 8 Barclsy-sL, near Broadway. N. Y. «cpl» lg R. BROWN. Manufacturer. J. C. KOCH, * No. 35 Beekman Bt roet. Coiner of William, NEW YORK, Manuiactnrer of Stationery, Photographic Albania, Music Paper, Folios, Books, Ac. nil-jftn Freights FOB AUGUSTA, THE undersigned are prepared to receive good* at 1 their Warehouse*—free of expense and cov ered by Insurance—for shipment to Augusta and points beyond by tbelr regular line of light draught boats. Apply to „ CHAS. L. COLBY, sept29—tf cor. Bay and Abercorn sta, FOB AUGUST! -*• > • * AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, The ligiit*dranght steamer EXPBES S, Capt. J. H. MORGAN, is receiving freight this day at the Old Flordo Steam boat Wiiarfi foot of West Broad street, aud will leave as above on ,' Saturday next, ltith. at O p. ns. This boat lb new, ha« large carrying capacity. Is exceedingly light draught, can navigate the river at Its lowest stage, end offers superior Inducements to •Upper*. For freight, apply to F. M. MYRKLL. dli Harris' Building, Bay street For Augusta, THE STEAMER R. H. MAY, Will hew diepatch for the abovo place. Goods receiv-' ed at all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln Street, free of lost. ' J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent. Office hrtJtAghoru A Cunningham’*. The May arrived In Augusta from Savannah on last Friday with her foil freight. ts oct» Fire Crackers. S*by steamerTby' 01 ” "" Cr “ k * r “’ J“‘ "<*lve4 HILTON A RANDBLL, THE BINCHAM SCHOOL, ~ MEBANEVILLE, N. C. T' HK ■«* »«sslon begins Marrb Tlh, 1860, and con A ttnues torty weeks, offering to Hie peopfo of the Baal and South the advantagea of a Summer School with a Winter vaoatlon For terms, addiww „ , WILLIAM BINUMAM. *•>» MebanevUle, N. C. State and County Tax CG*l lootos*. mint Bubaerlber Is s Cfindldau for re elsetlou, and 1 laaptH-ifmly asks Ihe suffiage iff th* ilUasns <4 ' tltto ' NJUHOKN UOGUALL. Provisions, &c. *«u7, rtoe, As., oe MUmmimtuu, .brink., wul Mil si the to*fst MMfjMLttS*. dull* -UU k LTi'iv.l Figs. A I*4* • M, both M»eiisu4 iMas dnans I ¥ll 4ik'4j. T*.adST a ,s. For Palatka, Fla., VU hatha, ■rnaiwlsk, It. Mary% Far uaaSlaa, JsrkMuvtfls ass Plcslsts. (hsskfiNg with attonasr flax Yhmnls jm Jforrp. <h«Mwfftepe, and aU tit* at. Jfarps llwr. FOUNTAIN. Capt G. A W. Outner. will leave as above on TUESDAY, the BWh last., at to o’clock e. a. rot freight or paaeags, ept4y so board, at Pedel ford’e wharf, aaar White’s Central Cottoa Press, of to M. A. COHEN, Ageut. Du flag the sbeeoee of the boat all goods will be re reived at the warehouse oa the wharf, by Mr. W. B. H Brueo. Freight payable ou wharf. Shipper* will furnish weights had msasrureraent of goods, die fowirai THE * Steamer Oak, m Boat on tats route, the owners of the Oak, with a view of accommodating the public, have dooldou to run her between this city aud Hawklnavtlle. She having been built at Hawklns vllle and originally iuteuded to mu on the Altammh* and Ocm algae, la the beet Boat adapted for this trade st present oa thaw Waters For freight, Ac., apply to F. M. MYRELL, Harris Buildings. J. & PKESDKE, Agt. "I® 1* Broughton street. FOR NEW YORK Th* brig OLIVE FRANCES, F. A. JDZ3V Small, master, la now loading for the /yQik abate port. mtmm mr***ht, apply h> CHARLES L. COLBY A CO., D2B Corner Aberborn and Bay its. Empire Line. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantle Mail Mtoamahtp Company. PASSAGE REDUCED TO - SMS OO The new and fast side-wheel ateam- BAN JACINTO, Loveland, mas fHS|K|||Ur. will oa SatarAay, Dec. lltk, at o’clock. Far freight or poaaage, having nnsurpaased accom modations, apply to B. H. HARDEE, No. 18 Stoddard’* Range. GARRISON A ALLEN, Agent*, dll - NO. I, Bowling Qrvea, N. Y. Murray’s Xjine /sTs h hum \j r «>» NEW Jgf YORK. The mw and splendid steamship VIRGO. Bulkley, master, will leave for th* above port on Sunday. Dec. 17tk, at 8 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage, having splendid apeoamo tlons, apply to dl4 OCTAVUB COHEN. STAR LINE. FOR NEW YORK. The flue Steamship NEVADA, Carpenter, Com miller will leave for the above port on laturday, Dec. IS, ot S o’clock a. m. For freight or passage, having superior state room acconutodatlona, apply to dl4 . BRIGHAM. BALDWIN 4h CO. FOR NEW YORK, ATLANTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PASSAGE AT REDUCED RATES. I . ' . ■ . - • Faro *BO 1 * Th* vsry fast tailing Btaamshlp ( EUT E E P E, Jt B. ELDRIDGE, Commander, WtH positfTely tall on bar regular day, toadajr, 17th last., at S o’clock a. m. For freight or passago, which will be as low sa any other line, apply to dl4 JOHN R. WILDER, Agent. Pioneer Line. FOB ' * NEWJjggYORK. REDUCTION OP PASSAGE RATES! CaMa Patiaf*, |tS •• Beik, *lO 00 The new an 4 splendid steamship HUNTER. Roger*, commaadar, will kaes for theabeva port on her regu lar day, Sunday, December 17, a* 8 O’clock a. m. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations. apply to dll HUNTER.A GAMMELL. For Doctortown * AMD Thomasville. Eh* Steamers Own. Bh*plcy, Oriont, and Clariotx. WDI Blake Tri-weekly Trip* to Doctortown, In con. naction with lha Atlantic aad Gulf Railroad, kravliig Savannah on Turadaya, Tbuisdays and Sunday*. JzgptivSiii ans aula For Charleston, The new Steamer CITY POINT, Oapl\o«foM. Ohiattor, ,oH WUI latte m B*o*o J, a . ■ eorp Eotueday, at * a. to, Pm 8*4004 ot paawga tsplj to j&tie&Lto. EWWRniO. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS, FER NAND INA JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA. The new and fast aalHag Stetmar LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. King, Baring been placed permanently upon this route will leave for the above placet ou Kvery Thursday Morning, at 10 o'clock. **£2l“ w pomige, having splendid cabin ae- PsA^f' * wly 00 board - •* the Florida Steam racket wharf; or to CLAGHOBN A CUNNINGHAM, - ' ■ Agents. Change of Lay. t? nited states mail link FOR PIUTKI, FLU.. VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK, ST HA* RYS, FERNANDINA JACKSON- **• \7LLE AND PICOLATA. Tho well known Meamer formerly tbs St. Johns, but now toe i Helen Oetty, Capt. O. K. INGRAHAM, Wni Jeavethe wharf foot of Wert Broad street kvehy Saturday morning, st iu o'clock pre? dealy for ihe above Landings. ” 8 For freight ot P •stage, apply on board or to L. M- BENNETT, Agent, Corner West Broad aud Bay atrvets, Aactrs-Darien. A. A. DeLorme. Jacksonville. J. 8. Samis A Cos. Palatka H. R. Teasdale. Freight payable by shippers. dt2 REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER BETWEEN Savannah & Doctortown, Connecting wtlh th. At- Th. paw, light-draught, Iron ttde wheel steamer TWO BOYS, (Mato boat to the William G. Gibbons,! Capt THOMAS DANIELS, Haring superior accommodation for freight tad passengvrs -equal to any of tbe ocean steamers, will pl.v regular ly between the above points, saS™* 33 ®"™ _5J* the a«slr® of the owners of the Two Bore to ke* M accommodation boat for the merchants of Savannah and the merchants and nlantera aion* th. llMOf the A. *G. R. R., nnsllhiSLJtettou ln Y|BW ' no effort will oe spared on the part of her owners, agents and of* uSpnWl” 6 ° f th ® “and trnrel ftolght stored In our warehouse on Dillon’s wharf free iff charge. ERWIN A HARDEE. D - Janie Dillon, Agt at Doctortown. dl2-2w FOB BALTIMORE. ’'' ' ' The maghlllcent Iron side wheel BteamsUlp RICHMOND Will sail for Baltimore on Saturday, Dm., 16, at o’clock. SoSSi&Easasei Fur freight or passage apply to LaHOCHE A WEST, Agents, dU * Jones' Block. ~ FOR ~~ HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. THE BTBAMIin COMET, CAPTAIN HORNE. * boVe w,tfa and For freight, which Wtu be reealved at th. Upper Hydraulic Free. Yard, and covered hy Insurance until placed on board th# steamer, to n2B . BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. FOR Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT Thomas, Pete, Pernambnco and Bahia Tke Lulled States and Brasil Mail fr* l the 88th off every month, A NEW AND FIHST-CLABS STEAMSHIP, To heave nt E o’clock, p. a., From Pier 43, North River. AH letters have to pan through the Post Office. Au experienced Surgeon will be In attendance n board. and& r ns fr t&“ *»*»ff»P»4Bdid accommo •wL. For Liverpool. a The A. No. I Ship MONT BLANC is now rapidly loading, et White’s Press ance of freight (harliig room only for a frw hundred bales) Inquire of 1 “ * lew mi Laroche, gaden a unckles, Agents. For Liverpool.' The new first class clipper Alp VIBQ-INIA, WEEKS, Commander, Is ugw loading rapidly at Lower Press, and haring large engagemeutawlll bars quick despatch F°r freight or pasasgs (rnkso at lowest rates) apply to CHAS. L COI-BY A 00., e*® comer Abeieoru aad Bsy sta. , FOR LIVERPOOL. U4TTV- Th* British bark C«E»CO, Carrey, mas- . >o ‘ ‘‘dht J. OAUOHRY, if *4 Bay ttreet. FOR CHARLESTON, TOUCHING at HILTON HEAD, ihe efofdM s!4BBMr (’harloH Houghton, U*« *■ E. BPRAUUE, «•-—*«* Honda y Nwsl»|, Mlh, ut * f>slo«b. »IM6 jtSVISte 4UBOWMT ■ jrfltollQln