Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 16, 1865, Supplement to The Daily Herald., Image 5

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Supplement tn ®he Jlailp lentltl The Savaimah Daily Herald Tmb Committers or the Semat*.— The Senate committees for ibis session of the thirty-ninth Congress were announced on the 6tb. The Sallowing are the chairmen of the several committees: - Public Lands—Mr. Pomeroy, of Kansas. Poreign Affairs—Mr. Sumner, of Massa chusetts. Finance—Mr. Fessenden, of Maine. Commerce—Mr, Chandler, of Michigan. Manufactures—Mr. Sprague, of Rhode Is land. Agriculture—Mr. Sherman, of Ohio. Military Affairs—Mr. Wilson, of Massa chusetts. Naval Affairs—Mr. Anthony, of Rhode Island. - Pensions—Mr. Lane, of Indiana. Judiciary—Mr. Trumbull, of Illinois. Post Offices—Mr. Dixon, of Connecticut. Claims—Mr. Clark, of New Hampshire. • Revolutionary Claims—Mr. Ramsay, of Minnesota. District of Columbia—Mr. Morrell, of Ver mont. Private Land Claims—Mr. Harris, of New York. Indian Affairs—Mr. Doolittle, of Wis. Public Buildings—Mr. Foot, of Vermont. Patents—Mr. Cowan, of Pennsylvania. Territories—Mr. Wade, of Ohio. Pacific Railroad—Mr. Howard, of Michi *“■ Am Incidehmt or thb Jahaioa Insobreu t»m. — Btewart, the negro, who etruck a fa - tal blow at Mr. Hatchins, went afterwards to Bath, where that gentleman's lady resided, ants accosted her: “Are you Mrs. Hatch ins ?’’ On receiving an answer in the affirm ative from the trembling lady, be caught bold of both her shoulders, and shaking her rude ly, added: “Well, I killed your husband, and I am come to aak you to forgive me. “Doyou forgive me?" “Yes, I do," she gasped with an agonizing look at her poor infant, who was near by, within reach ot the ruffian’s grasp. “You lie!" he replied, shaking her with more violence than before ; “go down on your knees and tell it me." Sinking to the position be ordered, the poor lady repeated, “I forgive you ; as God is my judge, Ido ! but save my child, whose father you have killed.” Half doubtful, Stewart looked once more at the prostrate form before him. His fingers clutched, as if ready to tear their prey ; his features lower ed with au expression ot savage hate at the sight ot which the widowed mother's heart was ready to sink within her ; but, struck apparently by aome afterthought, he bid her arise and go away with her child, adding with a significant look after them as they left, “If I could believe you did not forgive me, I would kill you 'both.” Avery short time alter this occurrence, Stewart was taken and received the traitor's doom on the gallows. Ccaious Experiment in a Pneumatic Rail road Tube. —An experiment was recently tried in the Pneumatic Railroad Tube in Lon don, as to what would happen in case one of the cars shonld get stuck tast in the Tube at any point on its journey. A car was accord ingly made fast in such a way that it could not move, and the suction power of the en gines was tried to the uttermost and with most extraordinary effect. Although the car itself could not be moved, yet all the movea bles it contained in the shape of cushions, Ac., jumped out of the cat, and were deli vered at the end of the tube, the. force ex erted being such as to extract the nails that kept down the casket. A Poisoning Cash in Augusta.—The Chronicle and Sentinel, of the 12tb, says: "The sentence of Harriet, a colored girl of thte city, tried for an attempt to poison, hae been promulgated. She put stryebine in but ter sad set it upon the table of Mrs. Martha M. Carter, in whose service she was at the time. The girl plead guilty to the charge, wae found guilty aDd sentenced to three years imprisonment, at such place as the Commanding General might direct. Sentence was afterwards modified to im prisonment for twelve months. The place of confinement is Fort Pulaski. The crime was committed about the tenth of August laM." A Child withThiuce Tongues. —Recently, the wife of John Cranford, slater, Ewe and Lamb Close, Dumfries, Scotland, gave birth to a son, who exhibits the rare, if not unpre cedented, peculiarity of having three tongues. We saw the child, and found it to be seem ingly in excellent health, of full size, and in other respects well formed. The middle tongue is the largest of the three; it is round ed at the top, and is fastened to the lower pert of the palate in such a way as to prevent the ehild sucking readily. Each of the tongues is separated from the other, and those on each side do not appear to cause the infant much inconvenience. The curious malformation does not, to far as appearance go, result from any disease. The child has own -seen by several physicians, and they are of opinion it would be advisable, after he is a little older, to liberate the middle tongue from the palate by an operation. Mean while the Infant is snekied by means of a bottle. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1865. MAIL t'O.VTKAC'TS wavtkd. Re-B.tablUnmrnt a. Jteil Facilities 1m Georg im. The Post Office Department desires to furnish the State of Georgia with Postal service, at the earliest practicable day, until July Ist, 1866, when the regular contracts’ proposals lor which are now advertised for, will go into effect. The Department invites proposals for con veying the mails until Jane 80, 1866, to all country seats and other important points not reached by Railroad comtnuiiication, at rates not to exceed $8 per mile i er annum for weekly service ; sls for semi-weekly, and $22 for tri-weekly; and where the importance of the case requires, S4O for daily service ; counting the distance one way only in all cases Service will be furnished on routes, where, before the wsr, it was daily, three times a week; where it was tri-weekly twice a week; and where it was semi-weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Hon. Geo. W. McLellan, 2d Asst. P. M. Washing ton, D. C.. and should state they are for service to end June 30th. 1866. nov 4 ts William Grill, (Successor to William B. Hawkins,) TMPORTBR and Wholesale Dealer In Foreign and ■a Domestic Ales, Wines, Liquors, Philadelphia Por ter, Champagne Cider, Ac., No. 176 JPulton Street, Opposite St. Pant'. Church, NEW YORK. Bottler of Mile’s Celebrated Ale for Shipping and Family use. Particular attention paid to Fillme and Shipping Southern Orders. All orders by mall will be promptly attended to. nl4-3m T WILMINGTON IRON WORKS. PUSEY, JONES & CO., ~Wilmintfton, Delaware. MANUFACTURE Iron Steamboats. Steam Engines, Boilers, Machinery for Saw Mills, Ac. Having had long experience in biiainuss and being provided with very extensive facilities lor doping work of this class, are prepared to execute orders with despatch, octl2 Cm STOVES, &c. C O O K IN G AND Heating Stoves, Round Rots, Ovens, Hollow "VVare, &c. Whitaker above Broughton Sts J. 0. THOMPSON & GO. octl6-2aw2m Important to Farmers and Housekeepers. •TV AIL Y expected from Prince Edward's leland: a-*' MOO bushels Black Seed Oats UOdO bushels Jackion Potatoes, the beat eat ing Potatoes known. H. BRADLET, df-lw ISC Bay at. TUB Singer Sewing Machines. Principal Office for tha State of Georgia, 116 BRMIGHTOII STREET, H. D. HAWLEY, General Agent. A large assortment for sale at New York prices. Bewlng Machines of all kinds repaired at short notice. . , Stitching neatly done. nil BILLIARDS. ♦ Six Tables- I RESPECTFULLY Invite the patronage of my old friends and visitor* to the ciiy. 1 have Six Good Billiard Table*, Including two of Phelan's make, with the best Balia. Cues, Bridges, Maces, Ac., procurable. My rooms ara commodious, and 1 endeavor to employ only competent attendants. My Bar la supplied With a good assortment cf Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ac. n2«-tf . WALTER O'MEARA. NOTICE. NO debts contracted by any of the Crew of British bark Craesco will be paid by Captain or Consignee, all BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. NOTICE. PLANTER’S BANK, » - Savannah. Ga., 26th Nov, 1866. f An election for Directors) to manage Ihe affairs o A this Bank for one year,' will be held at the Bank fng House in this city, on Monday, the Ist day o January, 1866. . ’ THOS. H. HARDEN, nSS-la wtd Acl'ug Cashier. “NOTICE. BANK OF COMMERCE, \ Savannah, November fNtt. 1861, i AN election for Seven Director*, to mating** the attain ofthlrt Bank lor one year, will be liefcl, at the Bunking Honae, on the Second Monday in Janu ary next, being the Bth of that month. Polls open from 10 o'clock a. m. to 2 o'clock p. m. JOHN C. FKRKII.L. n27-lawtd* Cashier. Crockery, China, Glassware. ; JOBBERS and Dealers from all parts of the country are thvited to examine my Wholesale Stock which inclndee packages containing complete assort - meuts, put up expressly for •’Country Trade,’’ Goods re-packed to suit purchasers. • , Queensware House, 100 Broughton St., 2d door from Bull St or lfttf E. D. SMYTH. . “H. HAYM, 174 Broughton Street. 174 CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, the newest styles, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS AND HOODS, COUNTERPANES, HOSIERY, Just received and for sale at the lowest pilces by octHS '• • 11. HAYM. THOS. W. BROOKS MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CENERAL UPHOLSTERY, 884 Dock Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All ORDERS sent by Mail promptly at en.led tp. Iy3l-t.f NEW BOOK STORE, u THE subscriber being Incapacitated by ill health from the active duties of the Ministry has, with the full approval of the Ulshop ot the Diocese, enter ed Into business as u Theological and General Book seller, and is now opening a carefully selected-stock on the corner of Bull and State streets. He solicits the patronage of the people of Savannah. Theologi cal, Classical, School, and Miscellaneous Publica tions kept on hand. . Orders received for any work, American or F.nro pean, . d6-w-f THOS. J. STALEY. To Wholesale Grocers, Liqnor Dealers, Distillers, Druggists and Soap Manufacturers. 'fj'SSENTIAL Oils for flavoring and improving Bran- JL dv, Hum, Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, ago and body preparations for Neu tralising and Mollifying Whiskey and Spirit, Color ings, Syrups and Fruit Julcos for Brandy, Whiskey and Wines. Oils and Extracts of Cognac and other Brandies, Holland and London Gin, Ac. Dr F.’s Treatise on Fermented Liquors with 1000 Recipes. FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian Insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Atid, Manganese and all rare Chemicals and Drugs. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS, SUUcate of Soda in Crystals, Liquid and Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba, Soap stone, Rosin, Soda, Ash, Ac. JOS. W. FBUCHTRANGEB, uovl-eod3m No. 06 Cedar st,, N. Y. ■ . IPAPER WAREHOUSE AND’ Depot forPrinters’ Supplies WARREN A PLATNER, Wholesale dealers in all kinds of Writing, Printing and Wrapping Pa pers, Envelopes, Twines and Paper Bags. Also, Printers Inks, Cards and Card. Boards. Having superior facilities fur procuring Goods di rect from the manufactories, we are enabled to com pete with New York prices. • SOLE AGENTS IN THIS CITY For the Bath Paper Mills. Cash paid for Rags and all kinds of Paper Stock. STEELE & BURBANK, 11 Merchant. Row, Hilton Head, So. Ca /"I ALL the attention of Wholesale and Retail par chasers to their superior stock of MILITARY AND NAVAL CLOTHING, ABB FURNISHING GOODS. Watches, Clocks, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, and Plated Warn,Swords, Sashes, Belts, Embroideries, Boots, Capa Field Glasses, Gauntlet* Gloves. Ac.. Ac.. BAGGING AND ROPE. | A BALES Qnnuy and Dundee bagging * ■ 100 colls Bale Hope, For sale bv d*-sodßw CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. PAVILION HOTEL For Kent. 'T'H AT well-known, desirably located, and highly A popular establishment, situated on Bull street, between South Broad and Hull streets, occupying 6mi entire lota of 60 bv oe feet each, and the lane be tween them, and containing about forty rooms, U now offered for rent. The parly rending this property wNI be required to make the ne-es-hry repairs and give satisfactory se curity for (be punctual payment ot rent. JOHN M COOTER. nov7—tf Pres’t Union Society. ASTEN & THROCKMORTON, NO, 253 BOWERY, NEfr YORK, MANUFACTURERS and Detiers in Builders’ and Locksmiths* Hardware. Nulls. Bullies, Cord, Him Lock* and Knobs, Butt Hinges, Braos and Iron Keys and Castings, Gong Beßs, Wire, Silver-Plating, Ac. All orders, large or email, furnished promptly at 10 per cent, less than market prices. «• srpl» 6m LAND AGENCY FUR SOUTHERN GEORGIA. ritHE subscriber, formerly of Savannah, and resident X at Bhickehcar, Pierce county, Ga.. on the Atlan tic A Gulf Railroad, will give his personal andnndl vtded attention to the sulc and purchase of Lauds contiguous to the said railroad, oh commisntou, and solicits the patronage of all needing an agent there. As experience in the land, Inmber and timber busi ness of twenty yean in Georgia' and South Carolina, guarantees ample qualification. He will b« repre sented In Savannah by Mr. Henry Bryan, and In New York by the Great Southern Land Agency, 71 Broad way. JOHN dTdKLANNOY. Refers to any old resident In Savannah. icplS 8m ______________ ESTABLISHED 1826. Between Broadway A Greenwich Street. oct27-3m Port Royal House, HILTON HEAD, S. C. RIDDELL A RUG G, Piomivon E. S. BIDDILL. > M. V. BUM. inS-tf j SEA ISLAND HOTEL HILTON HEAD, S. C., NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. BUCKLY A BANCROFT, Proprielois. Edward L. Jones, Agent. ts octlO THOS. H. AUSTIN, Forwarding anil Commission Merchant, No. 95 BAY STREET, ' fee s'taibs) <rn-3m» BAVAMAH, 6F.OBGIA. • •• CONSTITUTION WATER Is, without doubt, the only known remedy tor DIABETES, * CALCULUS, v . ’ GRAVEL, HRICK DUST DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK .. OS TUI - BLADDER, INFAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, AND ALL \ FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of cures from weli-knowu persons from all parLs of the country In circular, will b« sent op ad dressing MORGAN A ALLEN, Ag’ts, dl'J-Sm No. 46 Cliff st, New York. ~ j. shafferT” Commission Sealer In all kinds of FOREIGN AND D< rMESTIC FRUITS and PRODUCE, WmT Washington Maikr Opposite 143 West st. Bulkhead betweA Barclay and Vesey ste., NEW YORK. Potatoes, Apples and Onions constantly on hand, and pnt ap for the Houtbecg. market All-consignments promptly sAtenkcd to. |Jgr Keiera u> A. L. Bradley, A. Haywood, T. J. Walsh, and J. H. Parsons. |y!3 eodly NOTICE. rriHE undersigned would respectfully inform his A former patrons and the ettisens generally that he Is prepared again to take contracts to build new or repair wharvev. • PllANlrivlug done by steem pile-driver. dT-tm F. KBKNSON,