Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 18, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald- PY S. W. MASON A CO U. T THOMPMH. El " ,or ' £u"m,.N -tl '"l' BY •. W. , „ t , INI ,< UI..*OP«)V.«*K.» Tm unc-graphic announcement tn batur d«.V. H«r»ld that tbe inauguration of our I ce'wly elected Got trnor bad tratispired at to earlier period ib»n that which bad been iodi- ' cated by previous advices from Milledgcviile, look out community by surprise. We are j happy to state, however, that tbe pleasing | intelligence t as had the effect to remove the painful conviwtion, which had settled down ! into the minds of all, that the restoration policy ot the President had been seriously embarrassed, if not entirely defeated, by the tierce demonstrations of the Republican party in Congress It is gratifying to wit ness tbe reaction produced oy an event, to vci.ieh pre-eminent importance is attached by i,e assurance that its occurrence was at the immediate instance of President Jobn sou himself, which means that be is willing to rust the people of Georgia, and that he is not only willing, but anxious that their re pres ntatives should resume their seats in the Councils ol the nation. Ii is n l tn re apparent from thi9 act than t mbis late cm* age,that our Chief Magistrate n de«f> icertod tbe pop'meats of his policy of restoration. We have no doubt the Re publican members are receiving significant bin s from their constituencies who hold Ibe money-power of the country, that must re-tore Soul-tern commercial and agricultural pr •-perily, ami, to effect this, must adopt the President s plan of restoration. Another great influence has been brought «o ‘ -re in favor of the restoration policy by tbe action of tbe legislatures of Georgia and other Southern States. Their cordial and nearly uuanimous adoption of the Constitu tional amendment prohibiting slavery, and other measures advised by tbe President, have left no cause or pretext for tbe delay of the admission of their representatives. Tne radical leaders at Washington are bothered to know what steps to take to save tiie party from dissolution without an aban donment of the main features of their pet programme; they begin to fear that the ma jority of the Republicans in Congress cannot be dragged up to the support of uuivereal negro suffrage and the extension of territo rial Government over the South. We nmy indulge the hope, through the power and magnanimity of the President, that better days for U 9 are near at band. STATE NEWS. Mr. W. A. Ramsey, of Augusta, who has been on a visit to the North and returned, stales that with a majority of the people there the most kind and conciliatory spirit exists towards the South. This is particu larly the case with the leading merchants and business men of tbe city of New York. The steamer Helen left Augusta for Savan nah Saturday morning. The Chrouicle, of Augusta, says that about a thousaud persons have been sent from that section to the Mississippi Valley. These parties refused to make contracts, with their former owners. Governor Johnson has ordered an election for the purpose of electing a delegate from Muscogee county, to fill the vacancy in the Convention occasioned by the death of Hon. Hines Holt. It would seem from this, says the Columbus Sun, that the Convention will be re-as6embled. Geu. Steedman has gone to visit his home in Ohio, on leave of absence, and Major Gen. Wilson has taken his place as Commander of the Department of Georgia, aud left Macon on the 10th instant lor Augusta. The Newnan Herald reports the departure *rom thai tokvu of the United States garrison stationed there. Tne Macon Jourtttrl says that petty larceny is now the most dangerous and destructive crime iu Georgia, To keep horse, cow, pig, barn-yard fowls, &e., is now an achievement so auiiouit and harrassing, that most people are giving it up. It says that the evil is stu pendous, and the people arc getting disheart ened aud want to move away. A remedy is needed for this terrible evil. Tlit) late heavy rains have been general throughout the State, A brntal murder was perpetrated in At- , ianta a few days since, on the person of Mr. Crew, Rail Road ticket seller. It turns out to have been done by three negro men for the -ake of robbing him. A report of the condition of the affairs of toe State Road from the 25th Sept, to Ist November last, «ays during that time the earnings were $170,793 38, and the expenses $50,074 50, thus making a nett income du ring that period of $120,718 88. There have been purchased from the United Slates 185, freight cars and 8 engines. About $200,000 are needed to pay for repairs, purchase iron, , '. at the Superintendent believes the roan can be made, in a few years, to relieve the people ot the burden of taxation. SPAIN AND CHILI. - The New York papers, of the 9th inst., announce that Spain, influenced doubtless by the joint remonstrance of the English and Trench Governments, has withdrawn her menacing fleet from the waters oi Chili. The aggressive (spirit of yie Spanish Gov ernment colonial possessions in America, of late years, has been maiked by overt acts of hostility indicative of no amiable temper. She dealt very roughly with Peru about the Chincha Islands, which sue coveted, then took a turn at reconquer ing ot. Domingo, aud has recently fallen upon Chili. It seems that when Spain demonstrated against Peru, Chili felt for her next neighbor, taken at a disadvantage, and manifested sympathy. Thrift jvas no question of a vio- Utiuß of neutrality, for there was then no DeUgersMy. hut the Chi’.lians helped the I’e r .v.aii in their preparations for defence, and va .» ecu were done, small but significant, a . i.u mowed a national feeling in which the G.v.mmcot sympathised for Peru and ag -nat Spain. It waa very fully ahowu by a.. otter South Autencan(Republics, aud al ..<a .M«*r**»y by the people of the United p«.a demanded explanations and apolo . « and tadaxandkaUnos. At <>oe tune the *0 . f MX -MP.fUI U» be MSUafeckiftljr adjust •and betwxea the two Oovcrameuia, when It wax opt awl agate by the UeW Cabinet of hyartb, U tola tmm subs of xfatrx, Use tree* tuenf aUlaeea among uw Mouth Amaru, a* Hat abUex ahquuad iMportaena There wee eoeeltuUd lxat yeer, el Usee, xayi so n> »haeg«, betwees the btatex yt feru, Utflh Bolivia, under, Vrnesoata, aud the United Males of Columbia, a treaty of amnnsty. of j which lb* particulars are lat*r*atliig. They iiotind tbetr.Mdfct not to goto war with each other, aud agreed U> refer all matters in dia- Lpute between any two of them to arbitration I They agrees!, to prohibit all recruitiug and ■ furnishing of supplies to any one of them to he used in hostility against the other, to for bid the transporting of troops or munitions of war. and to deny tbe use of ports of any of them by tbe ships of any nation at war with any one of them, for obtaining articles con traband of war. , Tbe treaty ia one of perpetual peace I among tbe Republics, and the maintainance I of a joint attitude to prevent all breaches of neutrality in the wars iu which any one of them may be arrayed with oilier powers. The Spauisli war on Chili afforded the first j occasion for the fulfillment of those condi tions in the shutting of all Republican ports agaiusl the uses of the Spanish squadron. : It is a striking fact that when tbe Spanish fleet undertook to enforce a blockade of the ports of Chili, the American Minister residents t here, gave notice that be did not bold the blockade effective and legal, and would pro test against the seizure of Americau vessels. This circumstance, taken in connection will) the reported diplomatic interference of Eng land and Franoe, show a warm feeling against the late action of Spain in South America, and it is not impossible that the suggestion of a coalition of Maritime Powers to check Spanish encroachments in that quarter, may be adopted. The London Times says that there is a general feeling that England should io con junction with France and America, take prompt steps to put a permanent stop to the proceedings of Spain in South America, aßd also remarks that a movement is on foot to express the sentiments of the people, of all the leading commercial cities of England upon this subject. HR. HAMILTON AS HAMLET. Daring tbe past week Mr. Hamilton has appeared in several of the classic roles of thu great authors. His performances throughout the whole season, and especially those of last week, have attracted considerable notice, and we have beard not a little comment upon his talents and probable future position in tbe profession. He is certainly destined to as sume a prominent place in the dramatic world. His performance pf “Fitz James" in the “Lady ot the Lake,’ - “Metamora," the In dian King, “Richelieu” and “Hamlet" espe cially/*hve stamped him as a tragedian of no mean pretension. With a handsome, manly person—great grace of manner—a fine eye— perfect familiarity with the stage, and a voice of depth and clearness, bis acting is most agree able. We could hardly realize in the “Ham let” of Wednesday evening the representa tive of tbe totteriog old Cardinal tbe night previous. Nearly every one who has read Shakspere with a student's penetration, has his owu ideas of how he ought to be repre sented, and there have been almost as many essays written on this recondite subject as on the value of the Greek particle. And, ex cept in rare instances, there ia good founda tion for all the diverse theories. Mr. Hamil ton has his own readings, which he seems io have studied out for himself. We have no decided objection to any of them. If we bad, be could possibly give as good reasons for them as we for wbat we might think more accurate. But we have not space to enter iuto a disquesitiou ou this sub ject. To make such a character requires the master hand of. Sbakspere, and to represent on the stage demands the highest art of the actor. The most eminent tragedians have differed ip their conceptions of this subtile character. We think Mr. Hamilton passejl ibrough the different phases of character which distinguish tbe melancholy prince very successfully—now melancholy and des ponding ; now buoyant with hope—then “splenetic and rash,” and then, ia his mood of madness, uttering the wisdom of ages in “thoughts that breatheaud words that burn.” To portray such a character successfully is tbe highest aspiration of the actor, aud we have to congratulate Mr. Hamilton on achiev ing a conception of jbe character, in our judg ment truthful, and rendered with propriety, and the natural grace which destiugulsUcs the accomplished actor. “Ophelia" was represented by Miss M. E. Gordon. If “Hamlet 1 ' is the most refined and philosophic, “Ophelia” is, without a doubt, the purest and sweetest of rihakes pere's creations. “King Claudius" was en acted by Mr- Wise. The robes of royalty sat rather loosely on this gentleman's shoul ders, who lacked that diguity with which the 'kingly lecher has bees invested by the poet, and Mr. Frauds was too slow and mechani cal in the incorporeal kiug. Since writing the above we sec the trage dy is announced for repetlton to-night. We hope lo see a large audience, as Mr. Hamil ton's performance of the chief role is really deserving of one. COMMERCIAL. AVGUSTA 31A11KET. Augusta Commercial Bulletin, corrected for vannah Herald, semi-weekly, by Maude a Wright, Cotton Factors and Wholesale Commission Mer chants, Augusta, Ga. AcOUST A, Tuesday Evening, Dec. 14,1565. River HO feet aud falling slowly. Weather damp aud cloudy. No fears need to be entertained this reason of a low river. We will now have a good boating stage of water during the winter months. Arrived to-day steamer Helen. 8 earners General Berry, Potter, Eros and Fanny Lehr, loadnlg. Freights by steamer to Savannah on cotton $5 a7 60 per bale. Domestics $3 so to 4 per bale. Gold 147 a 148. Georgia Railroad Bank Bills 94c. Georgia Central U. R. Bank Bills 93c. Bank of Augusta do do Soc. City Bank of Augusta do 29c. Colon Bank of Augusta do 10c. Mechanics Bank of Augusta do 10c. Bank of Hamburg do 2Sc. Georgia R. R. stoc 1 ' To-. Central R. R. stu k . <B9. Comm market dun with United transactions; Mid dirags 3Su4t)c. 4-4 Augusta Sheetings 31c; 7-8 do do 26; Drills 33. Oshaburgs 8 oz 28. Prints—3oa3s. Yarns—7oaßo. Bagging—Gunuv, 37a40. Roue—Hemp, Green Leaf, 28. Nails —Assorted sizes, sl2 per keg; stock light. C indies—Star 33c; Adamantine 34a3«c. Soap—Family brown 18a20c. Corn—l.SUal.OO. Who ,f—B,2Sa27S. • Oats—(l. Rye—l,2 j, a Meal—l,BS per bushel. Flour Superfine sl4; Extra Family $10; Double exira Family $lB. Buckwheat—ln sacks 12',c per lb; $lB per bbl, $lO for half bids. Bacon— Sides 2SsSB; Shoulders 2852«. Barns 33x38. 1 l.ard—abc. Bailer—Northern and Goshen, Wo. Molasses—N. O. 1,26. Syrups Golden 1,28a 2,0 u per gat Mackerel— Hits No. 1,4,26; No. 2, 4,76; bhlt |3O. Cal Flah - liUalSc. No deiunud. £"»* *-klo Ify,»|4c. •iiX* 1 "" ,w b Ui'A'c; Crushed and Powdered {in* Mew ISxllc. Iluminy— m.., T**l» 1>« IIMURI liO|y|||||. •isten'te “*• My. | I>»f ir * t<W '’ l l ‘** v 2i DoluesUc S2O to |l4 per ( Ureas. Western 31.31, Fusllsh ball a sue Apidea S'lat per bbl, * uaity ata. USMba-f4a« do polauw. $<W» par bid, •all—MdMad p*> » l.ivsipnoi I/I lari I'aa' MU #>» 4, psblXS pi tad A pula. italic L».11i.0 h»l* HI. 8" Sari I |<p> •• s»e«#n a,j. Kb* calf MS bra si»atsr pa) doT '** i’v.l.i NpulllUS X s UIAKKU PRKIENTMBMTI Os THE uhimi jihv or uiwsdkh luurv. Okomis, I v hiSMIU t'OLSTT 1 Lowudfs Superior I'-oorO Dccemlier Term, IHU. > The Grand Jurors etioseu, selected and ■worn to serve during the piesent of ike Court, in the couclu.iou ui their labor.-, la g leave to make the following general pre sentments : We would call atuutiou to the li .11 -es aud hovels in the town aud County inhabited by tree negroes, which are . nothing less than dens lor laiceoy, vice, iiu- j morality, tilth aud idleness. Wc re|M>rt them as a public nuisance, aud hope that they may l>; abated. We art pleased to see that civil law is to some extern resiored, aud that law and order are a out to lake the place of mis i ule and discord. It has been our painful duiy to make an uuueuai number of present ments for crime aud misdemeanors ; this we attribute partly to the long suspension of the courts of justice, but mainly to the increase of crime which is ever incident upon a state of war We would further respectfully but urgently present to the attention of the au thorities as an evil of great, magnitude the presence of negro troops among us. We neeu not enlarge upou the probable conse- quences that may result from the new condi tion iu which tbe neirro is placed, unless there be some restraining influences ot that character which he has been accustomed to respect. During the time the white troops Were garrisoned in our county there was comparatively little cause of complaint. The negroes have under the preseut state of affairs become restive aud turbulent. No amount of promises of reward lor good conduct aud laithlul iabor seems—except iq rare in stances—to possess any influence upon them. Distrusting their former owners, they cannot dow be made to rely upou what the officers of the Freed men's Bnreau explain to them as their duly to themselves aud their employ era, refusing engagements to work for i« igomibie wages when proposed to them under written contract to be approved by an officer of the Bureau. They are vaiu ly dreaming of some unattainable good that comports w ith their false ideas of freedom. They plainly aud openly express their dis trust of the statements made to them by the officers of the Bureau, who have addressed them, saying that the Government will sup ply them laud and rations, until the pro ceeds of their labor on their own land shall oe realized for their support. Many of them have arms, how obtained, we are unable to say. and purchase powder at will, rnakiug boast that they are more numerous than the whites, andvj/i/cnd tohaue thtii- rights, what is meant by their rights may be inferred from tbe loregoing facts. There are many evi dences of intractableness and tendencies to insubordination other than those mentioned, but we refrain. Asa people, we hazarded everything in wager ol battle for indepen dence, tbe issue is against us, we abide it iu good faita. Wo have taken the oath of al legiance, and will be law-abiding citizens. We desire order ar.d full efficiency given to the laws. It is our conviction that tbe ne gro should be dealt with honesty and justly, receiving ample reward for bis labor. We believe Ibis to be tbe sentiment of our peo ple, and has been, and will be carried out unless prevented by an untortunate conflict between tbe races. The grievances of which we complain are maiuly, if not entirely trace able to the presence of negro troops among us. By them the mgro population are led to believe that there is to be a partition of lands, a division of personal property, and tbat tbe white man is degraded to their level, hence so little respect for those who tender them opportunities for labor aud use fulness. If an insurrectionary movement is undertaken, the presence of these troops will aid, not quell it. The State Convemiou has by Ordinance, directed tbat militia organiza tions be had in the several counties of the' State, which ordiuauce has been approved by tbe President of the United States and promulgated by bis Excellency James John son Provisional Governor of the State ot Georgia. These organizations are deemed ample for the suppression of marauding aud the n.a uleuance of order. We therefore respectfully request thiu these troops be re moved, lest their unwise interference iu our social relations be fruitful of calamity. We make this request in uo factious or quercloi a spirit ot complaint against tbe Government, but, simply that the lacts may be kuowu, order sustained, the lives of iuuocentaud un offending parties be held secure and tbe civil law be lully aud faithfully administered in justice to all parties. James A. Dashkr, Foreman. James M. Clyfttt, Win. McDonald. James T. Bevill, Andrew J. Dasher. Isaac Jessup, A. McLeod. Solomon B. Smith, Win. D. Howell. Lcsvis M. Ayer, J. G. Moore. Richard H. Knight, J. O. A. Howell. David P. Gibson, James Spivey. Byrd Hightower, Win. H. Briggs. Wtu. D. Matthews. On motion, directed that the proceedings of this body be published in the Savannah Herald and Metropolitan Recotd und Vindi cator, New York. A true extract from the minutes, Lowndes Superior Court, December term 1865. Wit ness my baud and official signature aud scul of said Court, tiiis 7th December, 1865. Geohqb.W. Robkbts, Clk. Sup. Ct. L. C. COUNTY ELECTION. \ N Election will be held at the Court House on ix Wednesday, tbe 3d of January next, for a Slierlff of tbe county of Cbathum, for a Clerk of the Superior and Imorior Courts, for a Coronor, for a Receiver of Tax Returns, for a Tux Collector, and for a Couiitv Surveyors The polls w ill lie opened at seven o’clock a. in., and be cloeedateix o'clock p. in. The Sheriff, or bis Deputy, and tbe constables of the count)’ are requested to attend and preaerve order. WM. 11 CUYLER, i. i. c. o. o. N. B. KNAPP, ,i. i.o. C. o. Guo. p. Harrison, j. i. c, c. c. • JOHN SCREVEN, 4 i. e. o. JOHN WILLIAMSON, J. i. c. o. n. dl2, 10, 26.J1.S Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com missioner. DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, \ Bavamuah, Dec. 13, 7865.4 Owners of Lots, Lauds and Improvements in the city of Savannah, Ga., are notified tbat tbe Tax ltollTUr •aid city is completed, and tbe taxes due thereon may be paid to tbe undersigned within sixty (OOj days from this date, at our office, north-west corner of South Brood and Lincoln street*. In said city of Savannah. For non-payment of the Ui, the Act of (/ingress prescribe* a forfeiture of the property taxed to the United State*. * OlUce hours from 9 to 12 n. m., and 3 to 6 p. m. T. P. ROBB, S. A. PANCOAST, J. Cl BATES, 11. S. Direct Tax Cotnmlsslouers, Diet. dLI-lf ot Georgia. To the Voters of Clrathum County. 1 respectfully announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Chatham County, aud ask your support at the January election. y ts Benjamin L. Cols Notice to LiuUon. M’MK DKMOKFST'S Branch of Fashions, wllb Patlerna ofoveiv stylo of Drew, by Mrs VUk, lit Hryan stMet 1(36 Im t LKN4IIAL It It AND HANKING CO. J OP GEORGIA, l havnuuubj Dae. 4. 1, 1886 ( Au »*iloii far nlue Directors lu manage the af (alia nf the Company lor the ensuing year will b* bald S' Hia Banking Holies, 111 Bavsunah learond aloiyy, ou Tuaaday, ibs Id of .langary, ISSS, haiweau lb* hours oM'l a in sod I p in ■lor bh'ddare only who have bald alia k for lilbaly day* Hauio4la(«ly pirufiwg lbs Jay of elattlou srs •uIUM io fids Mbe bboidois, upon piawbUtbdi of tbslr stwX tar tiS' alns br Mb' kondoalnys of tiblMb »U6A*» psss»d In Bud Irotb lbs stxUion oaor lira Ootnpany« loot, be# OkoMOb A OUvLML ds Iw • mum OFFICE Rtwi i oMMiaatAHT, i l-Wmeu-h. Georgia, IM-rembcr A. net | SEALED ntoMi, m ruiuDii lia* iroip* at til. J’- a; MKtt fre-n Itrdtoi On,-- mouilin. -oiumeu ! tog January 1 I**. >uU rmkiijC M.rou at Dow will |hr rrcvlvi it ml 111 - I.m r until I'.' M.. Urc. X, IMi l i Tue Bei-i In la- of |iu. a ia*rkvta*>Us quail!,. Ufiil «l»e of m-ck- Ill.t dunks, met .1.-llvi-tvrtn. weekly. I The Pnqx—l. to lie luaUr Mi taptimte H. A. BOILING. j lines rapt, amt t'. B. VoU. TO TUB VOTE Its OF < HtTIIAHCOI'MTV I announce myself n« a candidate for tbe office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham , county, amt respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. ' nor!2-id ALEX F. BENNETT. TO THE KLECItIRI OK l HATH I*l CO. GaNTLKiisMr Having been requoated by numerous frieuds to allow my name to be treed for the office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I have tbe honor to announce myself as a candidate for that position, aud respect fully solicit your suffrage. * nil- If CHARLES J WHITE. Aide For Leaky lloof*. SiTMOUg, Dec. 11th, 1568. MnssKs. Dillon k Tavlob. Painters. 6 > Bay Street: It gives me pleasure io state. Hi reply lo your In quires, ami In Justice to jour drui, tnat your Llnst-eG Oil Cement is an enure success. Tne tlu roofs of my homes being pronounced beyunfi repair, by a well known tinsmith of ti ls city. 1 was induced to try your Linseed Oil Cement which lias exceeded my , expectations as a waterproof coating for roofs. After *JO years experience as Master Builder, I have found . nothing to equal It. d!2-«t L SOLOMON, Ui Broughton street., SLATE ROOFS also put in thorough REPAIR. To the Voters of Chatham f ountv. THK undersigned is a candidate for re-eledmn to the office of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts, and respectfully solicits your suffrages. dIS-lo* WM 11. BULLOCH. BATCHELORS HAIR STS The Original and Best in the World! The only tree and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and lnstau wneons. Produces immedmte.y a eplendid Black or ■ natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of had dye*. Sold by all Drag gist* The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MiLLEFLEURS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair aulA-ty CHABLEc BATCHELOR, N*w Yoaa. KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, narp Hangers, bide Backs, Side Lamps, with and without Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lantern*, Bases, Pegs and Founts- Patrnt Glass Cones, Burners, Globes, Chimutes and Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT S GREEN GLASS, Crock cry Dealers’ and Confectioners’ GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES T. WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, Two doors below Barclay, N. Y novl-3m • tc NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. I RESPECTFULLY announce myself as u Candidate for the Office of Tax Collector at the election In January next, and humbly solicit.your support. n’iT-tf EDWARD POWER. Hull's Vegetable Sicilian Hah’ Reuewer lias proved itself to be the most perfect preparation for the-hair ever oftered to the public. It i» a vogetubie compound, and contains no injuri ous properties wha taper. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hah- from falling out. Ii cleanses the scalp aud makes the hair soft, lus trous uud silken. It is n splendid hair dressing. $o person, old or young; should fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY IWA.skfoi Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hal Reuetver, aud take uo other. R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H„ Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WARD & CO., New Orleans, La., n23 Cm p Southern Wholesale Agent*. NF.VV ADVERTISEMENTS. HILTON & BANDELL ARE now receiving and offer for sale, 300 boxes Layer Raisins, wholes, halves and quarters 25 cases assorted Jellies, quarts, plats and half pint* 60 cases assorted Pickles, half gallon, qnarts and pints 10 bble English Walnuts 20 boxes choice Almonds , 160 Soda, Sugar, Boston and Lemon Crackers dtß-6 AT 193 BAY STREET. WANTED, A PARTNER in the West India and South American Trade Mu*t have command of s*i6,oOO cash, nnd have a fair knowledge of mercantile business. The best of reference will be required. Addresa X., Ueruld office. dIS-1* WANTED. ~ BOARD and lodging for fonr persons can be obtain* cdjn a pleasant tumily by applying at the South east corker of Bull and Broughton streets. dlB-tf NOTICE. CONSIGNEES per brig POTOMAC, from New VJ York, are notified that *ho will commence dis charging this day, foot of Liucoln street. All goods left ou wharf alter nunset will be stored at risk and expense of owners. diß-2 W. H. STARK, Agent. W.MWALSH ~ WHOLESALE Druggists, corner Barnard and Broughton streeta, Savaauah, Ga, General Agent lor the South. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer Restores Gray Hair. CLOCK'S r Hair Restorer makes llair grow ou Bald Heads. CLOCK’S Hpii Restorer Stops Hair from Falling Out. CLOCK’B Hair Restorer Prevents -Headache. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Is elegantly Perfumed. CLOCK’S ‘ Hair Restorer Is all that can lie claimed aa a dressing. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer possesses all Hie merit claimed for It. A single trial convinces the raoit sceptical of Its vnluq, If, after a thorough trial of two bottles It does not give perfect satisfaction, the money will be refunded. Sold everywhere at $1 per bottle. Six bottles for $6. dlB-tf New Goods FOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Lace Setts of Collars and Sleeves Lucs and Needle, work Collars Needb-work Bette, new styles »"d Gentlemen's Linen Bsndkercbiofs While lied Blanket* and Quilts S I S.. k 001 *«riuo, Hue quality White Tarlatans Linen nod Cotton Sheeting* > Black dioak Clolbs Ladles line White Cotton Hose And m iuy otuer New Good* Por sal* very cheap by «8$ tIIWITT A MORGAN. .L. S. HOYT’S Amuiouiated Bone Suuer-Pbospliate or Lime, A highly approved f*rtills*» T*n yaws' uui of U upob tb studs of (tups and s»U* k»* srtvsd IM it Pur mi* itp EXCHANGE. wmmtwpsxsnr M I* y IH4S 4 foMMslV* Mackerel. fOC HAJ FliMs No. 2 and L ttusb* HsUt.' UJ I*o kits No*. I, t and 3 do Fur hats l.y HILTON A HANDIXL. and la O IK) Bay etrvt. H U HL'WK. JOHN H HU WE. H. G. RU WE & CO., WHBLUALI liULin IN Groceries, Ales, Wines AND LIQUORS, Of all descriptions, AT FALLIGANTS OLD PAINT STAND, Corner St. Julian & Bryan Sts., Near tbe Pulaski Honse. AGENTS FOR ALE AND LAGER BEER. dIS-lm White Labor. AN Agent of the Petersburg Emigration Company will vleit Savsnnah W|thm » f-w diys, and will he ready to fill all orders lor European labor promptly and at smallexpense. dIS-tf THE GREAT PURIFIER I DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID 18 the best preventative against all malignant dis eases, such as r CHOLERA, SCARLET AND TYPHOID FEVERS, Ac.., Ac. It purities dwellings, removes offensive odors, re moves stains, cures burns and sores, feed In bathing, it keeps the skin healthy, soft and white. Get a bottle and try it. For salo by the druggists of Augnsta at fit per bottle. F. M. MYKELL,. dlB-3* WholesalejAgent, Savannah. NOTICE. AHORSE taken from a colored person, is now at the stable next ,o the Pntaeki Hunse. Any per son coming aud proving property, aud paying ex pehses, can have the same. dlB-l* p. CODY. DRUGS! DRUGS!! W. M. WALSH, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Dnij?*, Medi cines. Chemicals, Patent Medicine*. Tooth* Hair and Nail bunnies, Surgical Instruments, Trues©**, Dye Staffs, Essential Oile, Flavoring Extracts. Painta, Oils, Varnishes, Colors, Ac.; Paint Brushes, of all sizes, Window Glnee, all sices, French aud Her man Piste; all kinds of Stained Glass, Rough Plate for skylights and Sidewalks, *all sfees. Sole Agent for J. C. Ayer A Co’s Preparations. Dr. Jayne & Son’s do., Holmbold's Extract Bnchn. Hoof land’* German Bitters, Clock's Hair Restorer, Thomp son's Pomade for the Jfoir, Thurston's Tooth Powder, Wells' Strengthening Plasters, pure Wines and Li quors, for medicinal parpo&s. All of which will 1)© Hold al manufacturer*’ prices. SOUTH-ftAST CORNER OF BARNARD AND dl&-eod3 BROUGHTON hTd. $25 REWARD Tj'SCAPED from onr stride on Wednesday fast, a large red sorrel MAIiE. She has three white lee' white face and very full tail; is in good «*rder and *1 sjlt seven year* old. • The above reward will be paid for her delivery to us, corner of Bay and Abercorn streets. dIS-3 J, F. A M. HAMILTON. SURE CURE FOR THE CHILLS AND FEVER AND KINDRED DISEASES. rNQUIRB at the MORNING STAR SALOON, cor- A tier Bay street Lane and Bull street. Positive cure in one day or no pay. dil-tf Glass and Putty. JUST received per steamship Richmond, a fine lot of Window Glass, aesoiud sizes, shitablejpr ehow cases, picture frames, A*., Ac.; Putty, Putty Knives, Glaziers' Diamond*, etc. For sale by ROBERT H. TATEM, Druggist, dlB-2* Corner Jefferson and McDonough st*. NOTICE. CONSIGNEES per steamship RICHMOND, from Vy Baltimore, will please sehd for their goods to day, or the same'wlll be stored at tbelr expense. dfC LaROGHE & WEST, Agents. BALDWIN APPLES. KA BARRELS. For sale by W - RICHARDSON * BARNARD, dIS-2 Bay street, opposlto Mariners’ Church. Rice Plantation FOB SALE. THAT valuable Rice Plantation known as Strathey HUII. on the Ogecchee river, Bryan county, about tweDty-two miles from Savannah. Por particulars, apply at the Counting Room or Erwin A Hardee, Bay streef, Savauuah. CHAS. 8. HARDEE, d2-3aw2w Ex’r Rente G. W. McAllister. fJpFI MOODY &. BARRETT, Steam Soap Works, L- SavAxmaU, Caret,., MACFaCTCBEBS OB' GLYCERINE, BROWN WINDSOR, VIO LET, BAR AND TOILET SOAPS OF EVERY DESCRIP TION. MESSRS. Moo»ly k Barrett would respectfully an* Bounce to the public that they have just opened their * * STB AZOI SOAP WORKS, and are fully prepared to fill all orders lor the follow ing Bar aud Toilet Soaps; PALE SOAP, EXTRA No. 1, EXTRA No. I RESIN or YELLOW SOAP, GERMAN, ERASIVE, CHEMICAL, OLIVE, • CASTILE, &c. Also, a large vsrlsty of Toilet Soaps, comprising HONEY, PALM, CAMPANULA, ALMOND, TRANSPARENT, KOBE, PUMMICK, LAVA, Ac., Ac. No pain* will Its spared in make „m noapt equal In quallir, pile* aud iwrlume many Aw*rUaii uifm JTsu knap* Om menu hs "S*«p., tOfta," and allaiaid* md e-iual 111 queilly elnl prUi In Aeuuban niuuiblf M * 4 *"* , * Lt *‘*’ M> * ll h* ndatnag siul n«<u»y TNI NIUMIMI rm Fuu TALUJW AND •PKCIAI. NOTICBt. MARKlifir. AND CELUUCY. An Has/ of War mug and Itialrarilou fur Yuußg **“•**. Jott published by th« Howard Association, and sent tn sealed teller envelope. Inn of chart*. Address Dr. J BKILLI.N HOL'GHTON, Howard Association. Philadelphia, P». octtk Sm A PHYSIOUIUIIAL Viave of MAIUiIAUJC Containing nearly sun pag<*>, and UO ffn<- t’latse and Engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Of gans tn a state of Health and Disease, with a Trea tise on Early Errors, iu Deplorable Consequences upou tiie mind and Body, with the Author’s Plan of Treatment—the only rational uud succeastul mule of cute, as shown by the report of cases treated. A tnt.hlul adviser to the married, and those content plating marriage, who entertain doubts of their phys ical condition. Sent free of postage to any addles*, on receipt of 26 cents. In stamps or postage currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. SI Malden Lane, Albany, N. Y. Tbe author may he consulted upon any of the dis eases upon which his book treats either personally or by mall, and medicines sent to any part or the world, octlo tun . . ITCH ! ITCH I ITCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH!! SCRATCH !*!! WJieaton’s OintmentT WILL GORE THE ITCH IN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS. Also cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chilblains, and ail Eruptions t>f the Skin. Price 60 cents For sale by all Druggists By sending CO rents to Weeks A Potter, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be -forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any partof the Utdled States set>t2l-3m i «* : r- ■ ’ - J . - , * », > -, rT/ We have learned not to be astonished at anything. Yeats of experience and a correspondence extending throughout all nationalities of the habitable globe have turned theories into facts and established a basis from which we need not err. We are not surprised at such facts as the following—although the persona who write them are. We know tbe persons and cir cumstances, hence feel at liberty to Indorse their statements; - "New Bkofobi), Mass., Nov. 24,1863. Dear Sir, —I have been afflicted many years with severe prostrating cramps in my limbs, cold feel uud hands, and a general disordered system. Physicians and medlciues failed to relieve me. While visiting some frieuds iu NeW York who were using Plantation Bitters, they prevailed upon me to try them. I com menced with a small wiue-giassful after dinuer. Feel ing better by degree*. In a tew Uuys I waa -astonished to And the coldness and cl amps hail entirely left mo, and I could sleep tbe night through, which I have not done for years. I feel line another being. My appe tite and strength have also greatly Improved by the use of tbe Plaotationjfltters. Respectfully, . Judith Rcsaai..” • Rekdsbuky, Wib., Sept 16, 1863. * * * I have been in tbe army hospitals for four teen months—speechless and uearly dead. At AJtou, 111., they gave me a bottle of Plautatiou Bitters. *• •- Three bottles restored my speech and cured me. * * C. A. Fi.aetx." The following Is from the Manager of the Union Home School ler the Children of Volunteers: ‘-Uavxxbyek Mansion, 67th St, 1 New York, August 2,1863. / Da. Dbakb r—Your wouderful Plantation Bitters have been given to some of our little children suffering from weakness and weak lungs with most happy effect. One little girl In particular, with pains in her head, loss ot appetite, and dally wasting consumption, ou whom all medicul skill had beeu exhausted, has been entirely restored. We commenced with bnt a leuspoonlul ol Bitters u day. ller appetite uud strength rapidly Increased, and she is now well. Kespectiully, Mrs. O. if. Dxvox." “• * * I owe much to you, for I verily believe the. Plantation Bitters have saved my life, Rsv. W. U. WxseoNZß, Madrid, N. Y. * * Thou wilt send me two bottles more of thy Plantation Bitters. My wife has been greatly beneflted by their use. . Thy friend, Asa Cubbin, ", i Philadelphia, Pa.” “*• * * I have been a great sufferer from Dyspep sia. and had to abandon preaching. * * The Plan tation bitters have cured me. Rev. J. S. Cathobn, Rochester, N. Y.” <••••] have given the Plantation Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldiers with the most as tonishing effect. O. W. D. Andbxws, Superintendent Soldiers’ Home, Cincinnati, U." * * The Plantation Bitters have cured me of Liver Complaint, of which I was laid up prostrate, aud had to übxhnou my business. 11. B. Kinoslby, Cleveland, Ohio." “* - - The Plantation Bitters have cured me of a derangement of the Kidueys and Urinary Organs that has distressed me lor years, ft acts like a charm. C. C- Moou**N». 264 Broadway.” Ac., Ac., Ac., / Ac., Ac. Tbe Plantation Bitters make the weak strong, the languid brilliant, and are exhausted nature's great re storer. They are composed of the celebrated Calisaya Bark, Wintergreeu, Sassafras, Roots, Herbs, Ac., all presorved in perfectly.pure st. Croix Rum. 18. T.—IBGO X. Persons of sedentary habits, troubled with weak ness, lassitude, palpitation of the heart, lack of appe tite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, Ac., deserve to suffer if they will-not tty them. They are recommended by the highest medical au thorities, and are warranted to produce an immediate beneficial effect. They are exceedingly agreeable, perfectly pure, and harmless. Notio*.—Any person pretending to sell Plantation Bitters in bulk or the gallon Is « swindler and im postor. It is put up only in our log cabin bottle. Be ware of bottles refilled with imitation deleterious stuff, for which several persons are already in prison. Bee that every bottle has our United States stamp over tbe cork uumntilatefl, and oar signature on steel-plate side label. . Sold by respectable dealers throughout the habitable world, P. H. DRAKE A CO., oct2T-3m 202 Broadway,N. Y. Hagau’s Magnolia Balm. This is the moat delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered. It chasges the Bun-burnt hee and bauds tqa pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, imparting tbe marble*purity of youth, aud the dtstin ffue appearance so inviting ltTthe city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples and roughness from the akin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It con£|iins no material Injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It la what every lady shonld have. Bold everywhere. Retail price, 60 cents. Prepared by.W. E. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS BARNES & CO., 0c127-eodly New York. LYON’S KATHAIRON. Ksthalron la from Ilia Greek word "Katbro." or "Kstlislro," signifying to clcsnse, rejuvenate aud re store. This article la what Its name algill#*"- For preserving, restoring and beautifying iba hnmau hair. It Is the most n inai kuld* preparaluin in the woild. It Is again owned and pul up by the original proprie tor, aud Is now made wllb lb* asms care, skill uud at icullon which gave It a tale of ov*l i|l. luUllou bub llaa parsbuuiu. ll la a most dallghltul llali UrasNqs 11 vrmlb’SMs «*arf sud dslidru*. II keeps the bead #oul »wl ’*e«h |l mak*a III* balr rich, soft sad glomy ll praveuis U*» bsir from felling of sbd Inuring flay $1 »**»•«•# kali upon bald heads ASM isdy u* gskUauMU who valbM s baasWqi bead el ball Should uss Lynn s ks'btliou li Is bstuwb add used ibfougboul Iks sttWssd world bold by al yaspmSSldS daslstl 048.^1, • •Ttanah Tbeatt-e. Lweesa*d Managers, Masar. aim*. A Uauiln« MONDAY ICVKMIMO. DHC. M. In uMiaenuouce ot many ijdug prevented by ths «*■*••»« *’ ntaucy #f the weather from at ten uno th. ;v re,, - a ’ sp»’j H-A-MLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK. Mr. T. Hamilton A* acted by him throhghont th* South with mere*. °I |IUIU Miss If. X. Go-don fair! A NUMBER of the Benevolent Ladies of this city Deling a lively Interest in the welfare of the Fe mate Orphan*, .iependant for support outlie eharttv of the good Staters of Our Lady of Mercy, wiUgiTei lair, during the week Immediately preceding Christ rnas opetnugoti Monday. the lath, aud clSslng on the 23d Inst., at St. Autlvews Hall. ® The atteulion of the public generally, and of thus* especially inteuding to purchase Christum* Gifts ia railed to the large numlter of fancy articles, mauv of them the work of the Sisters’pupils, that will i« for sale at the different Fair tables. dli-tzt Egg Nogg. JUNTAcehtd, a lot of Bporeamw cejebrated Port able Egg Nogg, ready lor immediate use, and more- economical in frit when made by the old at.le For Kulu by the AgeaU, * „ M - J - SOLOMONS A CO, Uls ts Jones’ Block Bay street. VERMONT BUTTER Ift FIRKINS, prime. For sale by n RICHARDSON A BARNARD, _ "Vr? , _ Bay ret, opposite Manner.*' Church. Lard. ABMALL lot only, prime article* LHAb, L. COLBY A CO. WANTED, BY a young man, who ha* had the management of cotton plantations unci the freedmen during the gull two yea**| u Bitnation as or Assistant Manager. The very best of references furnisbed.— « HARRY, Savannah Pott Office. Butter. BEST Goshen Table, in tubs and firkins. ■riS-tf CHAB. L. COLBY A CO, ARMY SUPPUESr OFFICE CHIEF COMMISSARY, ) Dctaktmknt of Georiha, j Augusta, Oa, Dec. Si, J 865. ) SEALED PROPOSALS, which mnst be In duplicate With a copy of this advertisement attached to each, will be received at this office until 12 o’clock M.. Friday, Dec. 22(1, 1865, for supplying FRESH BEEF, of good and marketable quality, in equal pro portions of lore aud hiud quarter meat, for issue to the troops and others supplied by the Government with rations, at the followiug named posts In the Department of Georgia—Augusta, Savannah, Atlan ta aud Macou, and al all posts drawiug supplies from the above named posts. Contract to be In lorce <3j mouths, commencing on the Ist day of Jauuary. 1866, and ending the 31st day of March lsea, or such leas time as the Commissary General of Subsistence may direct. Paynfent will be made monthly, dl as early there after us funds may be received therefor, and lu such funds as may be furnished by the United States. Separate bids will be received for each of the above posts, or oue bid may include them all. No bids will be entertained from persons who come under the exoeptions ol the President’s Amnesty Proclamation; Nor will bids, in which such persona are Interested, either directly or iuilirectly, be re ceived, unless they can produce tile pardon ol the President. Bids Loin all other persona under said Proclamation must lie accompanied by the Amnesty Oath. Proposals must be accompanied by a proper gaar antee, signed by two responsible persons, siaung that If a contract Is awarded, they will enter bonds for the faithful luifllliuent of the conttact. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any aud ail bids i ffered. Endorse envelopes “Proposals for Fresh Beef," and address the same to the uuderslguert. , „ J AMES MCDONALD, .* d!4-St Capt, c. S., Augusta, Oa. GUNNY CLOTH. O C BALES. For sals by (0(1 RICHARDSON A BARNARD. dl6-2 Bay s’t., opposite Mariners’ Church. •PROF. DIETZ, PH. DR., OF PAKIS, FRENCH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE TERMS MODERATE. Rffirmces: Da. Aknold, Mayor or Savannah Pnor. Cann, Superintendent City Public Schools Rkv. Mb Kino, Savannah Rev. Mb Cozbt, Savannah , Rioht Urv. Btanoe Lynch, Charleston J Gun. Bf-aukkoabo, Now Orleans. Prof. Ldsueh, Superintendent of Pnblic Educa tion, Louisiana S3f~ Inquire at Chatham Academy Building. d2-sAml6 “Mackerel, IN barrels and kits, prime quality. dl3-tf CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. Notice. THE undersigned begs to inform the public that he has been appointed Agent for tbe Stales ot Georgia and South Carolina to sell SHAW A CLARK’S Celebrated Sewing Machines. These Machines are cheaper and better than any others now in use. Also, FISH’S NEWLY PATENTED Kerosene Heaters’, Theec Heaters arc adapted to cooking, hestbig and! lighting, and are the most economical appdatae of the kind In nee. Full parcnlars, wt h circular*, tfc., can be on. Io the undersigned, who can ba found at £reeentat Messrs. K. McLca A Co’e, 202 Bay street, avannnh. HENRY COWLEY, Ag’t. dlft.lm Condensed Milk. <• JUST received, a ircah supply of Boorenm's Con densed Milk, recommended ns eqnal to any other brands evermaae. For sale by the Agentg, M. J. SOLOMONS A CO., , (116-ts Jones’ Black, Bay street. ATTENTION, BOYSr Yon are forbidden to Are crackers, squibs, and other fireworks on the public street* or on the side walks, but will be permitted to amuse yourselves In the squares, provided it la not accompanied with an. noyance to passers by. Bonfires will not be allowed. The Police will arrest and carry to the Guard House all violators of the above. . By order of the Mayor. R. H. ANDERSON, Chief of Police; flour] WE have ou hand a prime article of " City MUle" STANDARD EXTRA FLOUR, which We wtU s.ll low, to close consignment. SURHEL BROTHERS, declO-tf 82 Bay strstt. LAND FOR SALE. , A TRACT ountululug one thousand acres of Sssvdy timbered Pine Laud, lying oue mile tluui the ogeeclive river aud Tour miles below Dublin,la Ipmrans umply. Apply to George A. McUesky, al mwaukat. or M. P. BRU'», Ill«-a* Mldvllb, Burke euuety, OS. Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MUttOUANT. No V NTODDARD’H LOWER MAMOK, Map blreel, Ss«sfiaisb, 4H Dm non, G«orgU* dial 9 m