Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 18, 1865, Image 3

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SAVA H. |Hp>rl*n or MMMihlri * nil HleiMtn. mu mcw rOH*. SieanubtV Tylms, Wsdueedsy, December mi, at o'cii.ok- FOB APOtWA 3te*mer Mary Ella, Wednesday, DecoiuLet *otb, at * o'clock a. nk Steamer Minnie Brandt, Friday, De ember 18th, at 9 o'oloek a. m- ' < Steamer Express, Monday, December 18ib, at • o’clock p. m. steamer Win. 0. Gtboon*, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m- > ' FOR OBiHLXSTOg. Steamer Olty Point, every Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock. steamer Charles Houghton, Monday morning, 181 b, at 8 o'clock. FOB DOCTORTOWff. , Steamer Two Boys, eveiy Tuesday morniog. at 8 o'clock. steamer Orient, every Tuesday momUig, at I o'clock. „ • Steamer Gen. Shepley, every Sunday morning. at 7 o’clock. Steamer Clarion, every Thursday morning, at ; o'clock. FOR FLORIDA. steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Steamer City Polfft, eveyy Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. ■> . . - Steamer Lizzie Baker, every-Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. , ' • , Steamer Helen Getty, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Monimouuvill*.— I The attention of capitalists la called to the continued sale of the real estate- of the late John Montmollin. Ail Who have a surplus of greenbacks and desire to invest In nal estate, even though they have no Immediate desire for vesting In lsmls, they will yet reap a harvest as the city most improve In its Southwestern direction. The remain' der of the Montmollnville estate now ottered by the Administrator are lots situated on grounds free from any system of drainage. To the capitalist on Induce ment Is offered in the whole of thla real estate which w HI add four-fold to his Investment, and the appre ciative value of the property will occur in less than one year or the re-opening of the Central Railroad. We are pleased to observe that the purchasers of the lots at the recent sale are not In favor of paying luxes on the have, there Tors, under contract, a number of frame dwellings, the want of w hich was dally felt. Success, we earnestly desire attend those of our people who manifest an Interest In the Internal Improvements of our city. Naval.—The V. 9. gunboat LenipCe, Commander Phelps, which arrived here Friday from Feruandina, Fla., sailed yesterday morning for Port Royal, S. C. 'liw brig Potomac arrived from New York Friday cringing a steam launch for the U. 9. Coast Survey steamer Bibb, Capt C. O. Buutelle, cow employed in surveying the Savannah river and obstructions. The launch la forty-two feet In length, twelve feet In breadth of beam, and about ten tons burthen. She Is propelled by a small but powerful engine working two screws. Acting muter Cbas. F. Mitchell, Executive officer of the Bibb, Is superintending the fitting out of the bunch at Miller’s wharf, and will have the work completed in a few days. A New Boat for the Macon amd Hawkinsville Roite.—Shippers and the traveling public will be glad to learn that another boat Is to be placed on the Una between this city and Hawkinsville, from which region wc have been almost entirely cut off for some time. The steamer Oak, Capt. McCauleyfls advertised to leave for Hawkinsville and Interme diate points on the Altanialia Mid Oumulgee rivers tomorrow. The renewal of steamboat communica tion iu this direction will be taken advantage of, we doubt not, with great avidity by our shipping mer chants. Tna Oak la commanded by experienced offi cers, and la a fine, staunch steamer, built .at Haw' klnsville exprkudy for the navigation of the Ocmul g»a and Altamaba rivers. She leaves tomorrow from the old Florida wharf, foot of West Broad-street. J B Prcsdee, 109 Broughton street, Is tha Agent. Valuable Property for Balk.—Attention is ctffiii.l to t,he advertisement lu another column of wharf lots and farm for sale ou Hutchinson’s Island. Tks let is situated nearly opposite the Charleston steamer wharf, and, besides affording the most ellgp. hie sites for wharves on the river, contains bottom lauds suitable for farming, planting or grazing, un surpassed In richness and fertility by any soil In the world. Tha lot comprises about two hundred acres, extending from river to river, Intersected by a canal in good order, and with other Improvements so as to be ready for Immediate cultivation. The terms of sals are quite easy, and can be ascertained by up, plying to Noble Lyon 165 Broughton street. THE CUtIKTS. PR TOST COURT, DISTRICT OP SAVANNAH, BEFORE OAF T A. c. Bardwell, Assistant Commissioner Br- KEAC or Heycores, Frredmen AND ABANDONED Lands. (SATURDAY, Dec. X6th, 1885. City of Savannah vs. Monroe Dlrdeu. Larceny horn Central Railroad Cos. acquitted, and Use property ordered to be restored to the Central Railroad Cos. City at Savannah vs. Seymore Briggs, (colored.) Disorderly conduct at the honse of Jane Clearnan, Dec. lath. 1898. The defendant and the party at whose Instance the arrest was made were each fined in the sum of five dollars and costs, for disorderly conduct. Oeorge Powers vs. C. Houston, Eli Gurry, 011 King, an.l George King, (all colored.) Recovery of cattle, two in nuiqbar. After a careful investigation, judg ment was rendered in favor of defendants, and plain tiff ordered to pay costs of suit. Couusel for plain- Cff Rufus E. Lester, Esq., for defendants, Hon. D. A. O’ltyrne. ~ . Francis Grimm vs. U. Houston, Ellx Curry, 01 King and George King.—Recovery -of Six head Os cattle and damages. Judgement for plaintiff, and damugts awarded in the actual expense of plaintiff. In searching for the property the Week Immediately proceeding the finding us the cattle In the posses sion of defendants, the amount of damages to be attested by arbitration, one of the arbiters to be ap pointed by the Court, one by plaintiff trad one by defendant. Defendants to pay costs of Court. Ur. Lawton vs. Freedmen Francis, BUI, Bacon and Emmett all (colored). Larceny of a steam engine, de li uilauu found guilty and sentenced eaclr to thirty, days imprisonment to the common jail of Chatham* county. Roofing.—' The scarcity of all descriptions of ma ertals for roofing buildings in this city, and the ur Cent inquiry from the interior, warrants Messrs 1)11- h>» * Taylor, No. 68 Bay street. Savannah Georgia, la extending their buslnes. Mr. Llzar Solomons, a , arge real estate owner, and a Muster Bnllder. well known in oar community approves of the Linseed Oil Cement, gee his testimonial elsewhere. Nsslsot of IH'tt bt a Poucmzsn Saturday eveuiug last ona of the “ worthy guardians or the night,’* a Cltj Police hm<l his O.iton taken from him OF a respectable storekeeper who resides in Wash ■ ‘“kton Ward. From what we learn personal vto h-ooe threatened to a quiet citizen wa9 the occasion ’he policeman being temporarily dismissed. Arrmiir ro Mubosk a Psivatk Watcuius.—On iriday night last about sloven o’clock a private *»tclunau employed to guard a lot of cotton lying uu kho wharf foot of Barnard street, was fired at 'wice by a negro. The balls from the pistol passed ht ' lose proximity to the watchman. All attempts to arrest the offender was fruitless. Balubi 801 l a a Mowthav Mauazimb—Thu old «wi deservedly popular periodical la still ffouriih 'bepereing a large amount of latarastiug tuetruc 11 v * Ukraiure at the low prloe of one dollar a year nfu bm cents a number. How la the time to get ■i’ awiie. m see re. ttiiott, Thowae and Talbot, Boa *“u’ M *“ . are Hie publisher* E' rroif _j q i-oneequenAe es (tip roads leading to •Mali iieiug |« an eatreawt/bad coodlttou our ■“♦"i «u Friday ami helurdsy waa entirely bam #f *»«|i‘ieie4 ekeep The Msaen Coopeee dealers la ■utiuii w,,| Veai have a larga Stock nf elieep cu MS “'****• They »U* ma'b Urn pass 4u « hdddie aim later pnrttva of the weal •cbtnca niaepea roe tec accven Tacm • J, i i *' “*• bMemma of mereaanu and other* to urn rtieaiaehtnf «Mg»*w MaryMa rtierieamar * "*> Hght dm/i of watar, has doable chgtace, ***—AHsHdtui—gfilM. bttATM or A Musician.—Oa Friday morniog last Mr. Joseph Kncktrt, the senior of the Ruckeri (a. ally, well known as a professor ot music, oiler e lingering Illness from consumption, breathed his lest at bis residence ou Meigafet street lu this city, rue deorused wav aged 53 years, a native of the king dom of Wurtemberg, Mr. Hnckert emigrated to America lu late, and looated In Savannah In lose. The Aoeral of Mr. Ruekert took place on Saturday afternoon last. The Savannah City Grebes ifa Proleaeor K.' Richter, Leader, were In attendance as an escort, and mauy citizens. Street Prolans.—On Saturday sliernocu last a street pedlar was arrested fur rending knives in the market house without a license, contrary to the Or Finances of the city. The offender was taken to the barracks, and will be an example of lor the benefit of the numerous members ot his fraternity at present infesting Savannah For Baltimore.—IThe 1 The sideweel steamship Rich, tnond or the Savannah and Baltimore line was un avoidably detained beyond Lei regular galling day, and will depart this morning at ID o’cloek. * lutulli|;euct!. Miniature Almanac—Title Day. Sun rises—; c 66 Moon rises,, oats Son seta.4 STlHigh watery.. 7 42 *’.* PORT OF SAVANNAH. ■“ - SUNDAY, Dec. 17. 1365. Arrived, v*‘ * « Steamer Standtvb. Fabian, Augusta—F M Myrell. Steamer Helen, Reilly, Afigusta—Kein A Cos. • Steamer Emilie, Bender, Darien and Brunswick! Steamer L Kaos, Moore, Augusta—3 D Dickson. v , Cleared. Steamship San Jaelytto, Loveland, New York—B H Hardee. v. Steamship Virgo, Bulkley, New fork—O Cohen, Steamship Euterpe, Eldridge,' New York—John K Wilder. Stoamihlp Hunter, Rogers, New York—Hunter A Gamineii. * 3teuuishtp Wm Tibbets, Cony, Boston—Richardson A Barnard. Imports. . _ . Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—249 bales up land cottou, 98 do yarns, 100 bags dried fruit, 2 dead bodies aud mdse. i • * T , • Per steamer staudisli, fromAagusta—2oo bales up land cottqii to Brigham. B A Cos. Per steamer Emilie. from Brunswick—B bales sea island cottod. Per steamer L Enos, from Augusts—299 bales cot ton to J B Wilder. Kxports. . * .! ' Per steamship San Jactntp, for Neq; York—s 99 bis upland cotton, 44 do sea island do, 9 do domestics and 36 pkgs mdse. Per steamship Virgo, for New York—Blß bales up land cotton, 41 do domestics. Per Steamship Hunter, Tor Nqw York— 2ll bales uplafid cotton, 21 do sea Island do, U3O boxes tobacco 38 bales of tags, 90 bales of wool, so pckgs dried fruit 40 bbls and iihds ot old iron. Per steamship Wm Tibbets, Tor Boston—B2o bales upland cotton. 03 do sea island do, 104 bushels rough , rice, 24 bales hides, 1 case mdse. Passenger*. Pol- steamer Helen, from Augusta—Mrs J M Kindi ley, 2 children and servt. B C Wlietmore, lady and child, D Stelliugs, Col Wayne, Mr Rourke, Mr Green. J Daly. Mr Doelltile. Per steamship Virgo, for New York—B T McDonald BFPaui. i a Per steamship San Jacinto, for New York—Geo D Chapman, V UcValey, W Staatgburg, J Crottes, J L Turd 111, Mrs Gibbons, W Henry, J C Lund, J Warner W Stergus and lady, 0 Evans, J M Adams, T M Allen, J M Edgar and lady, Dr H S Biggs, W J Scott, D P Dodd, lady aud servt, J O Kilpatrick and lady, Ur W G Barth, W Wolff, A L Elchelberger, H Johnson, N Helf, A D Potts. E C Richardson, H O smith, T Big ler. J Spaulding, N Lyman, D B W Dent, W B Jones, M Shenuan, H L Greemau, N J Boyce, Capt Brown, J Young. C Warren, J l.ippmau, Mrs Scott, J Sicliel. H L Kinczle, Capt Collins, Capt Dorlafi, S Uerln, H M Arnes.. J Farrell, X Stealtnau, Lt Davidson. W W Carter, W Rodgeis, F Myers, K Pidgeou, K Duffy, J Sampson, G W Chapin. W D Brasswell, H M Darr, G Farnham. Mrs Miller, P B Wells, J N Kein, E B Muir, W Oostelly, H H Brown, G Petet, P McGeorge and 12 steerage. • * Consignees. * Per steamer Helen, from Augusta—O Cohon, J R Wilder, J Richardson, A Low, Kein A Cos, W H Stark Hunter A G, X A Hardee A Cos. U S Q M, J Llppmau, H, Watson A Cos, Brigham, B A Cos, A Pot ter. LIST OF VESSELS IN TUB PORT OF SAVANNAH. , Savannah, Dec. IS, 1865. " SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donnell, 700, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gaden A Unckles. Virginia, Weeks, 1.044, loading at Lamar’s Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Thorwalson, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Reid A Stewart. ' Favorite, (Br) Spain, discharging—E A ttoullard. Herald, Calvert, discharging—C Green A Son. Mozart, (Br) Smith, tons, discharging—T R A J G Mills. bares. Craoso, (Br) tons, loading, Liverpool—Bobt 1 Oaughey. Tephy nine Boston, discharging—Reid A Stewart. 'Y A Platinius, PinkUam, discharging—C L Colby A Cos. : . Colonist, (Br) Taylor, discharging—Cltas Green A Son. County of Picton, (Br) McKenate, discharging—C Green A Son. „ ' BKIQ3. Atlantic, Wark. 101 tons, discharging—B, Wylly A Christian. . . 'R C Wright, Hugg, discharging—R Habersham A Son. s- Ella, Brown, discharging—Bell, Wylly A Christian. John W Loritt, Gffiiot, waiting—Yong* A Nixon. Daniel Beone, walling repairs. schooners. . ' John M Broomall, Douglass, loading, New York— Chas L Ool» A Cos. Pearl, (Br) Rtordon, discharging—Bell. Wylly ;A Christian. Walter Raleigh, discharging—Hunter A GammelL FOR SALE. CONSTANTLY oa hand. Oak Wood, At Dock Wharf. Orders left at this office will be attended to. • dl*2w \ A. K. CULLENS. ' THE ENGLISH POTATOES A RE novd landing from the “County of Pietoo."— xA. Price, ten dollars for ten hampers—cash to ac company theorder. • CHARLES OBEEN A SON, No. IS Bay street, r dl3-lw Stoddard's Lower Range. CHRISTMAS! E. EHRLICH, 30, WHITAKER STREET. FANCY GROCERIES. ~ " PRUNES. Raisins, Oranges, Lemons, Citron, Cur rants, English Preserves, Jam* and Jellies, Pre serve Ginger, finshroons. Truffles. Assorted English and American Hr kies, English and French Mustard, Tomato and Walnut Catsups, Worcester Sauce, French and Spanish Olives Capers, canued Keats and canned Fruits of all descriptions. Assorted Candles. Fig paste. Nuts In variety. Smoked Salmon, English dairy American Swl* and Limberger Cheese, Cavlnna No. 1 family Mackerel In kits. Wax, Sperm. Adaman tine Candles and Tapers, Spices of ah kinds. FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Hams, Tongues. brAkfast Bacon, etc , all grades Sugar. Java, Muscovado, and Rio Coffee. plendld assortment Teas, Green, Gunpowder black and English breakTastTeas, Ac., choice Butter, Lard, Sweet Oil. all description of Soaps, plain and fancy. LIQUORB. A large assortment, viz ; Martel and other grades or Brandy, Irish Scotch, and Bourbu Whiskey, Made! ra, Champaigns, Cherry, Portaud Other Wines, Cor dials of aU kinds. Schnapps’ Bitters, Ac. Everything tbst taste can wish or appetite desire. Give me a call. ALSO, Just received by reoeot Arrival* from Boston, New York, and Baltimore, a floe aasortmeul of all klude Wooden a ltd willow Ware, callable for houaekeep. Ing, dn iJi Holiday Presents. A LARGS and elegeut ssaortmeot of French. Keg. Ush aud Bohemian Ware, eouelsttkg of IHMXBM, TEA. TOHJCT, CO LOOKS AHO UIdUOB hSTh, Ac,, Ac, ail table lot Holiday Piesenu QUKKMtWAIUC lioUAM, Itt Rrougbtoo etrsft. at, -rid door haw HM> < ursey us Uu.i street 81-R __ S 11 htni N A 00 House Wanted, ******** ** M« Fmwm Ms ApJ; W tit addMM coMßiuuK a si guar, s»m t rnKfU** AUCTION SALES. AUCTION F Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THE STORK ON BROUGHTON STREET, Third door from Bull. Where will be offered a general assortment of Dry Goode, Boots and Shoes, Hoilery. Under-clothing. Book*. Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac , Ac. , at tbe pur chasers own prices. Term* cash: sale* posltix. dl JO ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE BY BELL. WYLLY « CHRISTIAN. ON WKDNESD lY next, 20th Inst., at 11 o'clock In front of store, will be sold. 72 Building Lqts Situated In that portion of the city of Savannah known as Montmolllnvllle, on the sooth side of tie Central Railroad DepoL Sold by order of tlie super ior Court of Chatham county, tot the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of the carat* or the late John S. Montmollin, ileceused. The property presents a rare opportunity tor caul talists lj make a profitable Investment. Sale positive. Terms cash. Purchasers psylng for fities. diß SEA ISLAND HOTEL AND COMPLETE OUTFIT OF NEW FURNITURE AT AUCTION. Bell, Wylly A Christian, Or WEDNESDAY, January 3d, 1866, ut 10 o'clock, will sell on the premises, at Hilton Heed„• The New Sea Island Hotel, which has been finished sad opened only a few mouth. The Hotel contains sixty rooms, all completely furnished, and capable of accommodating several hundred person-. The Hotel aud dut-btfildings urs of the most con venient aud approved structure; trained at the North and brought oat ready to be put up, and could readily b* taken down and removed, if desired, tu any other locality. The uilliard Saloon contains tour fine new Billiard Tables. Ail ot tbe Furniture is new, end oi the iatsst style; consisting of Bureaus Bedsteads, Chair., Tables, Wash* lands, Hair and I'alrnleaf Mattresses, Pillows, Bolsters, Toilet Sets, Ac., Ac. Fine Parlor Furniture, Walnut Dining Tables, Sliver Plated Ware, Glass Were. Crockery, Table Cntlery, Ac., Ac., which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. The above offers a rare opportunity for soy one wishing to open a hotel wher e u now stands, or re moving tits building'’ aud outfit to any other location desired. " , Dealers and persona wishing tu lurnlsh hotels or private residences, may be able to procure a*y arti cles of furniture they destre. Thu sale will oe positive and without reseive. Terms cath. Steamboats will leave Charleston and Suvsunah, to accommodate persons wishing tu attend tbe sale, of which fun her notice will be given. dl6-tf ESTATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly A Christian. On the first TUESDAY io January next, within the legal hours of htue, will be sold in frout of the Court House,, in Savannah-. The Lot ou the corner of West Broad and New streets, South Oglethorpe Word, 100 feet front on West Broad street, by &stKou New street. The Im provements couuiet of three houses, which rent at sfctiDo per unnum. Sold jor a division between the heirs. dIC-uwtf , AT PRIVATE BALK. By Bell, Wylly & Cbristlaii. ; Small Lots of Land. There having been so many applications for Small Tracts of Land for location, the owner of the above Land, fueling a disposition to meet this demaud, has placed in tbe market, for a few days, Lota Acres, or more, pari cleared, on the Auguata Road, op posite to the three mile stone, also on the White Bluff Hoad, opposite to the two mile stone. tf-nl6 BY BELL, WYLLY A CHfkSTIAN. AT PRIVATE SALE. The West Half of Lot No. 2, Calhoun Ward, 1 renting on Jones street. , , The improvements consist of a finely finished Brick Residence containing Ten Rooms with gas throughout, and a welt of excellent water and a fine Force Pomp. , . dis-tr By 8011, Wylly A Christian. AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acres of fine Garden Land, within the limits of the city. The Improvements consists of s first class cottage dwelling, gothic atylfi, containing six large roonis, with marble mantel piece, dining room, kitchen, library room furnished with shelves and glass doors. OutbuUdtnge consists of farm hunse, containing seven rooms, bam, carriage house aiid "tables. Purcha ercan have <he re fusal of Corn, fodder, hay, horses, mules, buggies and wagons. - Also. .... 2480 acres ot heavily timbered land, situated twenty (20) miles from the city, between the Ogeecbce and Cinoocliee Roads. An excellent location for a mHI, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the above cleared. Improvements consists of two small dwelling houses, with stables, cribe. Ac. tf-nlB AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bell, Wylly a Christian. 100 acres of Land, situated on the Vernon river, about Ulne miles from this city. The Improvements consist of dwelling, barn, stables, and other neces sary out-buildings.' - • ’ ’ An abundance of fish, oysters, shrimp, Ac., con veniently obtained. Price of property, $2,000, . n2B-tf ; ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By t. l. Walsh. On TUESDAY, January. Sth, 1866, will be sold at the Court House, iftjhc dty of Savannah, at 11 o’clock; The Eastern Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, (fee simple, with Improvements}, corner of Whitaker and Hull streets. The improvements are a two-story brick dwelling, nine room*, with water In tba yard Sad gas through the boose brick stable- Both baild iuggnsvc slate roots. Bold' by permission of the Ordinal? of Chatham cbpnty, fora dtvblon among the heirs. Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. nit ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. F pursuance of an order of the Conrt Os Ordinary or Chatham county, will be sold on tba hist Toes day in Fehrnury next, at the Conrt House door, In the cityd>l Savannah,, during the usual hours or tale, all' the undivided half Interest of James Bilbo, late deceased, in the Shandy Hall farm, situated near the city of Savannah on the Thunderbolt road: said form containing In all fifty acres, more ur less. The said hair interest sold for the put pose of di vision JORN P. TERRILL, dT-td Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY BLUN & MEYER. - , Ojt THURSDAY, Slst inst., at 10 o’eloA. a, m„ will bewold In front of store, by an order Issued from the Hou. Court of Ordinary oL Chatham county: All the Household Furniture belonging to the estate of Henry Hvrrman, deceased. > <» GEO. GEMENDEN, Adm’r. By Blun & Meyer. Wiu be sold THIS DAT. 18h, at 1* o’clock. In bout • _ of store; - 2 cases Womsatta and Amoskeag Prints 1 csss Delaines 1 case, Merinos, Pop'tn and Scotch Plaids 2 cases Hosiery, diffluent articles I 6 bales Blankets , • 1 lot Spool Thread ’ 26 dozen Hats and Caps Aa assortment of Coats Vesta and Pasts ALSO, 4 hbds Bacon Sides r 4 15 tubs Lord , 16 bblt Shoulders ‘ * 10 bbla Breakfast Bacon .- >. / 22 bbls Hams, different brands Besides the usual assortment ol Household at. 4 Kitchen Fuculture. ill* E. W. MARSH & CO., DRUGGIST 8 f GIBBONS' BUILDINGS, Corner of Congraos sad Whitaker Street*, HAVE thoroughly refitted their establishment, and - replenished with a general OMortmeM of Drags. Madletnes, themlcela, I'aUil Ms dll lure, Palatl,uili, Uanteu geetll, Am. doe,, «v> they sollfflt the patronage of their frlvffda Vt, titular atwatUm a ill be glveu to the sarsUl prvparsUon us prevcripUuu*. dll Id keSwiOieaTco., m bay rritEKi, (yrßßlueaale )g yHU 111 |t#* (fli 6 uuv poanda Maws Ihdee »•**> imp'll «ary ah-Ave Hugat < Mad Heme 6.IAN pounds hasuSM fihhkldeM • yyjg |||a fHt'SMJ'Jttt tv tube auJ fiiMse leed ll t tv bbtf (Mtww U hbM Foi» and Reel NHshte Im ship ewuea , , MMV MACHINERY DEPOT .SAW MILLS. OR IST MILLS, - WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, HAWS, BELTING, £<•, Ac. % WOOD ft MANN'S, . CELEBRATED ‘ Portable Steam Engines PROM POUR TO THIRTI -FIVE HORSE POWER. We have tbe oldest,, largest, and most complete works In tbe cobatry, engaged In manufacturing Portable Engine*. Our engines are. “by experts, new conceded to be the be.t apparatus of the de scription ever presented to the public ” Adapted to every purpose where power Is required. Medium sizes constantly on hand, or furnished on short uutice. . Descriptive circulars, with price lint, sent on appli cation. - ' • COMSTOCK KINSEY, dl6-eod6m 164 Bay street. Savannah, Ga. J. N. WILSON, Photographer, S. E. corner Bronghton and Whitaker Str«.. SAVANNAH. QA. (7* Copying done with the greatest care. dU BROWN'S CAST IL LI AN BITTERS rIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pure Juice of the Grape and extracts, distilled from the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy ami the Province of Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, aud valuable to Families, delicate females and cldldreu, lor all disarrangement of the stomach, lt .la unrivalled. A never falling preventive and Care for Sea Sickness. None who travel by land or wafer should be without the CastUllan. • ■ For Sale by YORK, WILUAMS, UcINTIRE A Cs. v. • Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct24-3m , * , Kerosene OiL In barrels aud cases, -* . . , AT HORATIO PITCHER S, Foot of Lincoln st., Uttder the Bins n2O-tf WHOLESALE. Boots, Shoes and Brogans. M. KRAUSS, 140 Congress and 07 St. Julian Streets, SAVANNAU, GA., Is enabled, through Ills permanent house in Bol ton, to furnish Joebera and' Dealers in this city, as H ell as those in the country, with , . BOOTS AND SHOES , at more reasonable rates than any other house, dll-tf NOW LANDING AND FOR SALE. Ollit Boxes, x, >, and caddlea Tobacco, which we “ l/V are now offering at prices lowef than li can 'be bought for in Northern cities. MILLER, THOMAS A CO., nU-tf No. 808 Bay stceoet. JOHN MKSRYMAJ:. H. U WARING. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmers’ and Planters' Agencv TSOR the sale of Gnano, Fertilizers, Live Stock.' Im- X plements and Machinery, Seeds, Ac. 07 W. Fayette Street, BALTIMORE. Refer to John 8. Gittings, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chse. Goodwin, Cashier Franklin Rank, Balti more; EC. Wade A Cos. and P. H. Behu, Savannah. nIS-Stn . -s ' GUANO. PERUVIAN and SWan Island Gnonos, Superphos i phaies. and the Bruce Concentrated Fertilizer, nre offered to the Trade at the lowest wholesale prices, by GEO. E. WHITE * CO., 68 CUff street, Nsw York. n!6-3m ■ - ' ~ * - CRUTCHES. IJMRST and only premium awarded at the American .F Institute Fair, 1866, and State Fair of F» , tUSATor Crntchcs. Hartman’s Patent El&ntlc Rub tier CrutAos are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else,' to be the very best ever Invented. They are ensy and con venient, they prevent paralysis of the nerves, do away with all the weariness inseparable frotn the use or all others, and are In all respects unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVEJOY & Taylor, Sole Manufacturers, No. tlCti Broadway, N. Y. gm-ngi Cloaks; Cloaks. LADIES' Cloth Cloaks, a fine assortment, hut re ceived by steamer. , D2B-tf EINBTFIN 4 BOKHAN. DISSOLUTION. ' : THE firm of Laßochp, Gatlcn te Uuckies was dta soived on the Ist Inst, by the withdrawal of Isaac D. La Roche. The business will kc continued under the name of Gaden A Unckles. at the old stand, corner Bay and Barnard streets, Jr. D. I^jßvche' .retaining an office with ns fur the present. isaac and. Laroche, benjamin g. oadbn, A DAVIDS. UNCKLES, Savannah, Pep. I, 1866. d4 Hart & Cos., hardware merchants - CHARLESTON, 9. C,, OFFER FOR SALE AT TUEI)t OLD STAND, Corner King and Market Streaks, * GUNS, RBVOLVKHB, SHOT A POWDER “HOE’S* CIRCULAR SAWS, « TO GO INCH AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BAR IRON AND STEEL METALS OF ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS TIN AND WOODWARK HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES . HOLLOW WAKE OF ALL KINDS TURPENTINE AND C/XIPERH TOOLS BItAHH AND IRON WIRE CU*l II BOLTING CU/m (ANCHOR BRAND) MILL ROCKS (IB TO 40 INCH) MILL IRON SILVER PLATED GOODS HOURS, SPOKES, AXES, SPRINGS. 9 a utm usim up w iin 41 WBOLEIALE HD DCTIII. Bmim OMOt Kill bis, Lite t'ffits, fit. ___ PIERCE SKEHAIf, Wholesale aud Ketail Dealer lu Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Foe. ctgn end Domodlc Wines, Liquors end Segura. A *o. Buchan's Celebrated GQLDEN ALE * A2iU CHAMPAGNE CIDER. In buttle end In wood. London and Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng. lish Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions mads to tbs trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH, dtl-tf and 62 Liberty BtPeet, N. Y. KIBLIN, BRO. ft BURKE, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN . ALES, VH AND Llf ORS, OORNEH WHITAKER STREET AND BAY LANE. OBBEBB PROMPTLY FILLED A DELIVERED. an*l « • .- if H. G. RUWE & COi ’Wholesale GROCERIES i LIQUORS, WINES‘AND SE6ARS, Corner Bryan and Bt. Julian and Johnson Square, . V, (FRONTING PULASKI HOUSEd Hr Agents for ALE AND LAGER. Constantly on band, an assortment of . It H BIN WINH, sop 23 8m WHISKEY! WHISKITI PIKE OLD BBANDY, VINES, b. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Veliey Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE 3 Y <» C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, 111 BAy STREET,'--' c ._ (Herald Bnfidlngs^ / —also, — . 1 Alsop's Ale, Mars' Ale, Apjtlei. Potatoes, Oniona Pickles, Mackerel, Older and Cider Vinegar. . acts > ts J. GARDNER TAKES the liberty of informing tbe public generally that behasjntt opened, and will always Keep on hand a full supply of • fresh* Family Crocaries, of all descriptions and of the best quality, which he offers sos sale at rea«ouabie rates, comer Jones and Barnard streets* at fihUlcfa’a oM stand. nlB-lifl (ales mugs SKliquows^ SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS r: a<fr- Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. ahBO Provisions, <fcc. fiIHE undersigned are constantly receiving con -4 signmenu of Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard. Batter, Flour, Ac., on Commission, which they will sell at the lowest market rates. 7. * , - ,< KENNETH, MoLEA, 4 CO., dl6-tm 21)2 Bay Street. FRUIT. WINES, k " ' Cfl BOXES Layer andM. R. Raisin* uU 50 drums'Flgs' - ■ ' 10 boxed Prunes ' • t , 6 bbls Almonds . ’ ' 6 bbls Dried Peacht* and Apples , Citron and CurrsnU . . Mace, Nutmegs and Cloves 80 baskets purs piper Heidsleck Chsmpagns, quarts sad pints - 20 dozen very choice Sherry 10 dozen very eld Madeira Cooking Wine, Brandy) Ac. Rye, Bourbon and Scotch Whiskey For sale by dle-eod2w CLAQOORS A CUNNINGHAM. BUTTER, Flour and Lard. Having received a large stock olfiio above, AT VERY LOW RATES,’ we are able to offer great inducements to buyers HANDKLL 4 CO.', • Southwest comer of Bay and Barnard sta. - A. C. LOMELINO. r ' - , DKaLKB -{M Groceries, Pwisions.fines, Lienors, &e. sm> zvizx OTHZZ A£TI«t.E Id THZaR'CtST Litre UNDER MASONIC HALL, (Comer of Bun Street and Congress Street Lane.) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. aid-3m BroHii’ri Mtandurtl Scales. TTSED by the United States and Foreign Govern «-< menu for more than 4 THIRTY "YEARS, ho^iSu“ y w b ;M aa Mur j. b. koch; Ko 3* Heokmau Street. Corner of William, NEW YORK, * “^rwAstECtarr nfllm THE MMCHAM ■OHOOkT MEU A NEVILLE, N. 0. Mittta liutl Cluunri'TttsClttl httASoNN UUUtfAU. Figt. ' A 1 IM'A Uri, MAtwali ekd imm mania I W V o*4* t coUIi 4 MA Corn and Hay! gaarraMaiSL, b, (19-to.ltw CLAGHORS A CUNNINGHAM. Improved City Property. JEJsasttsußur* dlB-tw BRYAN. HARTRIDOE A CO. Blankets 1 Flannels CLOTHS AND CASBIMKREB BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS . DAMASK TABLE OLOTHS FRENCH JUUUNOBS AND ALAPACAS. Received end for sal* cheap by H. HATH. ocag IT4 Broughton street HIGHLY IMPROVED Market Garden. Ir, Acres, with wooden dwellings and oat-bnlld- AtJ ffigijnst beyond the City, on the Thunderbolt road. Lend It of the beet quality; under lease UII August lot. 1966. dlklw BRYAN. HARTRIDGE A CO. ILEUKDRG KID GLOVES.* ALSO, a fine assortment or Silk, Wool and Back , akin Gloves and Gauntlets. Just opened st EINSTEIN A BCKMAN, n23-t! Congress street Lemons. Nfr BOXES, from M*w York .teamer, In good dl6°f , * r ' . CRAS- L. COLBY A CO. “LEMONS UNO RAISINS V ANDINQ from ateemeblp Virgo 26 boxes superior L Lemon, aad (6 boxes RaiJns. For sale low by t 1 -• . RUE, WHITNEY A OO , dl6*B Harris'Block, - ■MewwwagßWmMgßßwm ' , 6HIPHMO. ’ • . POE NEW YOKE Th. brig OLIVE FRANCES. FH A. Small, master, it now loading ft>r the port. * fiBoBV For fraight, apply to ■ **7 ; 1 CHARLES L. COLBY A 00.. n29 * Corner Alterborn sad Bay sts. Pi6ixe©r Line. forj *•• n '■■ ■ NEW JyfeYORK. *; * r •• * .. j .w /a. « . REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! rabifi Piisafic, |D M Deck, (tt OO Tho new and splendid steamship TYBBE, Crowell, commander. wUI leave for the above port on her regu lar day, Wednesday, Dec. SO, nt o'clock. ••• ■ * , For freight or passage, haring superior accommo dations apply to . ■' • dIB HUNTER A GAMMELL. Doctortown 4 ; I ’AND Thomasville. The Steamers Gun. Shspley, Oriwnt, and " • . . Clarion, WIU moke Tri-weekly Trips to Doctortown, la con. traction with the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight received during the week, and stored free -MSSht or passage apply to „„ CHAS L. COLBY A CO., nto Corner Abercorn and Baystreets. . FOR AUGUSTA. Quick Despatch. The light-draught steamer MAE Y ELLA WIU leave the wharf foot of Abercoru street, WEDNESDAY, SOih INST., AT » A. M. v For freight or pusags, apply to CHA& L. COLBY A «)., d*B-8 Comer Abercora and Bay streets. FOB ABBDSTA, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS. , The llght-dreught steamer - EXPRESS, , - Capt. J. H. MORGAN, which was unavoidably detained from leaving Sa vannah on Saturday, aa advertised, will positively leave this . Monday Afternoon, nth, at g.p, aa. All freight offering for Augusta and landings en the Savannah river, wiu be received on board the Kxprees at the Florida Packet Wharf, foot of Wool Bread street. Freight received up to the boar of de parture. Apply to dir-1 - Harris' BnUdlng^ayrimt. Freights FOR AUGUSTA, fJIHE underrigued are prepared to receive poods at A their Warehouses—free of expense and cov erod by Insurance—for shipment to Augusta and points beyond by their regular line of light draught boats. Apply to CUAB. L. CULBY, " sept2»-& oor Bayand AYkrcoyn sts, For Augusta, THE STEAMER ft. H. MAY, for »Xovo place. Quods rvcolv FREIGHT FOR MACON. The sew *ad foot «de wkest Mug A.«h«r A. yres iM , | For Liverpool. s »bifw>b. TOR PALATKA, VIA FERNANtJINA AND JACKSON VILLE. lbs new, exceedingly fast sad splendid Steaaei CITY POINT, , C*Pk Loulu M. Oogetter, WUI leave Telfsir’s WJterf, as sboTs, Kr, ry Wedassdmy, At fi p. SB, For freight or passage apply to K- W. ADAMS, or J. 8. OARRUTHEBS, «i. “ ow 'sak;’gi,‘"ia. w, °’* For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FER NANDIRa, JACKSONVILLE AND PICOLATA / Tbs new and fast soiling Steamer XjIZZJE baker, Capt. N. King, Having been placed permanently upon this rout* will leave for the above places on ' Every Thursday Morning, at io o’clock. Bor freight er passage having splendid cabin to cummodatlon, apply ob board. It the Florida Steam Packet whart or to '.. . CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, d6 ' tf Agenu. RMULAR WEEKLY STflAilgR — BKTWBXIt Savannah & Doctortown, Ohe new, Ilght-dnugU, Iron side-wheel steamer TWO BOYS, (Mete host to the WUUtm O. Glbbonaj Capt. THOMAS DANIELS, fiavhtg superior sccommodattoa for freight sad pftuseiigcrs panal to any of tbe ocean steamers. wUI ply regularly between'(he above points, * faring SAVANNAH every TUESDAY MORNING DAY MORNING*"* DOOTO *™ WN every THURS- It h the desire of the owners of the Two Boys to mmke her an accommodation boat for the merchants of Savaunali and the merchante and planters along !kL** b * lb»A. AG. R. R., until the completion or a this object In view, no effort will be spared oe the part of her owners, agents and of* US P-WIT‘ th * W ““ °' ““ “id travel. Freight stared In our warefaauee on DtUon3 wharf fre* <tmrgr ERWIN A H ARDKK. D. .Tam»i Pili ow, Ag*t at Doctortown. d!2-2w For Palatka, Fla., . Via Harlem, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Far mamdlma, Jacksonville aad PlcalafA. Omwectinq with steamer Flora Temple for M no’l Ferry, QpiUfnHllaqe, and aO latmnat on the st. Marys River. , 'T'H* new end fast steamer FOUNTAIN, Cant G. JL J}U l«*v. as above on TUESDAY, the 20th- mat., at lu o’clock ft. m. For freight or passage, apply on board, at Psdei ford's wharf, near White** Central Cotton Press, or to M. A. COHEN, Agent. Dnring the absence or the boat all goods wm be re cclved st the warehouse on tbs wharf, by Mr W. H. 8, Brncn. ’ " • -Freight payable on wharf. - “ Shippers will fornfah weights and msasuresrant of sfiods. g]g for” ~ HAWKINSVILLE 3 MACON THE Steamer Oak, Capt. McCauley, •fWmt T Briid b^t^ rom th * ° ld F,orid * Wbarf ’ root ON TUESDAY NEXT, I9rn INSTANT. Freight recsiwd this day. for freight, Ac., apply to J- B. PKEUDXE, Aft ' FOR ; Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St. Thomas, Para? Peraambnco and Bahia The United States aad Brazil Mall Company will dispatch V* Iht 99th of every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leavt nt 3 o’eloefc, p. n».. From Pier 48, North River. All letters have to pass through the Poet Office ‘ An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance n board. dsUoM.tSiV" DMS *if c ’ hsvtng splendid aceommo nrtn vm THOMAS AS*fCIO A CO.. oct3l-3m No. IT, Broadway, New York. ' POR • HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON. (■ THE WHIAMTOI OOMST, • , CAPTAIN HOBNE, WUI leave u above with despatch. For freight, which will be received at the Upper Hydraulic Frees Yard, and severed by insurance until placed on board tho steamer, apply to - nM BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. For LiverpoolT Tho new first clan clipper (hip yieginia, weeks, CraunMter, I* now loading rapidly at Lower Press, and haring large engagements w« have quick ■Lyptfi, Fur freight or passage (taken at lowest rates) apply *° CHAS. U COLBY A 00., “*** ‘ owner Abet corn and Bay Ms. FOR LIVEBPOOI - " The British berk CBtBMA Osrrey, man nhtt3&. tv j Mwiriiy luuo Boise cotton. FOR CHARLESTON, TOUCHING AT HOLTON lIKAD, • TtorieffMirift**' Charier* .Houghton, hhgt ■ A hMUOI k. GSwii •• *•••»*** VMhdsp Meaning, I IMA, mi $ m'mtm*. ffiwsmqg*