Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 20, 1865, Image 2

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The Savannah Daily Herald. BV S. wr MASON a CO. aAMIKI. wTSEiw! ••• Kd “° r ' Vk . T. THUNPMW A.*ocl»l« HMr. savannah. v> uwaU’ jr (ir Obmmercial Intelligence aee F. urth Page. Our reporter will on Thursday morning call for an account of the stock of cotton on hand and on shipboard not cleared. Our merchants will oblige us by having their rtaiements ready on Thursday morning. PARTIES IS COSGKKSS. The lines of party are now being drawn so el<we!y that it is not difficult to anticipate their action as regards the most impoitant measure'of the present CoDgreas—the re al mission of the Southern members to their seats. The harmony that usually subsists Vtween the Executive and Legislative de partments was threatened with interruption down to a late period, analtetore the devel opments took place that indicated the direct ion which the forces of party would take. The Republicans came to Washington in im posing numbers. The course of proceedings of a section of the more violeut among them had been plainly marked out. Thadeus Ste vens, Snmner and Wilson, the leaders of this section, appeared to be satisfied with nothing short of exclusion from Congress for an inde finite period, with confiscation of property. Their programme embraced the conscqueuces that involve all the penalties of conquest. If their plan is permitted to prevail, the Con federate States would be remanded to the condition of Territories. The chief actors in these extreme measures would not only in flict on the insurgent States the pains and penalties of civil degredation, but couvert their possessions into the means of pay ing the debts incurred in their subjugation. The number o'! these extremists fortunate ly constitute a minority in Congress who are able by their votes to overrule the Ex ecutive. A division between them and the mor e moderate of their party was early ap parent. President policy ot re construction gained iriends 89 soon as an interchange of views took place between the njpjnjjp**® as one Consonant to the character of oLmi, and totally adverse to tiro f i ut aft assumed tbe Southern States qeceded tohe*ponquered provinces. That there are signs that such a division at we have indicated exists is plainly visible. It first showed itself in the Senate. That body is, as it has always been, eminently conservative. They do not wish to see the government resolved into its original ele ments, and the principles to prevail in a voluntary association of Sfates which gov ern the absolute governments of the old world, in which the rights of conquest are paramount. Th« original resolution for the appointment of a committee of fifteen was materially modified in passing the Senate. In whatever manner that committee may be appointed, will in a great measure determine the character of its report. Whether it is named by the Speaker of the House aud the President of the Senate con curreutly or chosen by the vote ot each House respectively will make little difference as regards the result. If the report should be adverse to the Southern members taking their seats the President will; no doubt, nega tive the resolutions that exclude them from their places. Then will have arrived the tests ot firmness aud patriotism. There will not, we are persuaded, he found two-thirds of both houses who will place themselves in opposition to the Executive. Cou£ regional News. Botli branches of Congress seem lo be pro gressing harmoniously in the consideration aud disposal ot the business brought before them. The Republican majority is so over whelmingly large aud the party has been so thoroughly, united thus far upou leading subjects ot legislation, that tho few Demo crats holding seats have prudently said but little, but have quietly recorded their votes agaiust the extreme measures proposed by the Republican leadefs. Os the variety of legislative propositions that have been introduced and partially act ed upon, the/’Tlowing are the most impor tant ; ■ A bill extending tbe right of suflrage to the colored people in the District of Colum bia, which has been referred to the Judiciary Committee, a majority of whom, it is report ed. are in its favor. A bill to reimburse the State of Missouri tor expenses incurred iu enrolling, equip ping aud provisioning the militia. A bill to prohibit the importation of cattle irotn Europe, so as to prevent the spread of the cattle-disease in this country, which has passed both Houses aud awaits iho approval oi the President. A bill to maintain the freedom of the in habitants of the States declared to be in in surrection and rebellion by the proclamation ot the President of Ist July, 1862. It de clares all laws heretofore in lorce, or held valid in the insurrectionary States, whereby aDy inequality of civil, rights and immunities among the inhabitant* of these States, on account ot race or color, are null and void. The bill was called up in the Senate on the l.iih nisi.., and its merits discussed by Messrs. adc, Johnson, Cowan, Trumbull and Salis bury. A bill providing for‘*Thc subdivision and sale ol the gold and silver lands of the United States, and others containing valuable min erals, lot the coining of the products of such lauds, aud lor other purposes. A bill extending the benefit ol the Bouuty Law Act of March 3, 1305, ho all soldiers, •bailors add seamen who served during the late war. A remonstrance has been presented in the Renal* front the Governor ol Louisiana, Against the admission of Messrs llahn » n u Cutlet as Seuatou trout that Hum These gttulh iuen were elected two year* KK „ uu j tM the military rule of UeutMil Banks, m o ppo. •ittou to the popular sentiment of the pl< The legislature, now in Mission, dlsro | g u liug mu action of ita predecessor, has re • 1 ally elucitd Handel Hunt, E*q , jtud Judge Uuyou, to Ufl the Vacant Seals claimed by the genUnm u ftistuamad lln coin uutUo appointed j u y ibr purpose •4 i-onaiib ring aud rupoiUni In whnl uianm 1 < (MiffuM shall •Ipfesa lb* sensibility of lliu rigilon on ih« deta use of IVisldnul obi, Mill. lC|s.»lia lesoiullous Ut (lie IMUSU Slid Tv miss, lliai ou tha I till day of Kclhimto lie bitileUy Ml Mr Idnisilu, both llmieea 0'<«I IS & llady lew Hlmii 1 1 1 ivU'y htanhun mil Msfivci an ad drewou the life and wTvkOM of Nr Lincoln, j nod that an appropriation of ♦*> <*!#, equal ' to one year's aalary, Shall be made Cor the i benefit of Mr. Lincoln's family. The resolutions of Mr. Farnsworth, of llh 1 nois. affirming it to be the duty of Congress to place the Freedinen upon a tooting of |S> litical equality with the whites of the South, was referred to the committee of which Mr Stevens is chairman. A joint resolution has been suhmiued in the Senate, embracing the following articles, to be proposed as amendments to the Con stitution of the United States. Herald. “First. The union of the States, under this Constitution, is Indissoluble, and no State can absolve its citizens from the obligation ot paramount allegiance to ike United States. Second : No engagement made, or obliga tion incurred by any Slate, or by any num tier of States, or by any county, city or other municipal corporation, to subvert, impair, or resist the authority of the United States, or to support or aid any legislature, convention or body in hostility to such authority, shall ever be held, voted, or be assumed or sus tained, in whole or part, by any State or by the United States. Tint resolution wa9 referred to the Judi ciary Committee." The Committee on the Jndiciary has been instructed to consider and report whether any of the inhabitants of the States to be in insurrection, by the Proclamation ot the President, dated July 16tb, 1861, and July IC, 1862, are entitled to compensation for any losses of property occasioned by the opera tions of the United States armies, employed in the suppression of the rebellion. Resolutions have been introduced instruct ing tiic Committee on Printing to enquire into the propriety of printing a certain num ber of the President's Message, and General Grant's Report in the German language. The New York Tribune, of the 14tb, an nounces that the Tennessee delegation had been admitted to the floor of the House, and that the delegation from Louisiana and Vir ginia <tK urging that they too should be ad mitted to the same privilege. There are cer tainly four, and perhaps five, says the same paper, of the Virginia delegation, who can subscribe to the test oath. The Aaron A. Bkadlht Cask.— Aaron A. Bradley, a freckled mulatto from Boston, has been sentenced by a military commission to one year’s imprisonment in Fort Pulaski, for using seditious language among the colored people of this city. We uunouoce the sentence with pleasure, but in clude the culprit's name in this paragraph with reluctance, baviug many years ago, when he was frequently brought under our observation as a mischief-making character, who sought notoriety more than any legiti mate success, formed the resolution, if possi ble never to mention his name in any pub lic connection. The importance of the prin ciple carried out in this sentence is the only consideration moving us to refer to the sub ject, alter directing our court reporter to make no allusion whatever to Bradley’s case. When pretending to he a member of the Suf folk (Massachusetts) bar, from which he wus very properly expelled, we never happened to know him to have a case except those iu which himself was a party, aud he al most invariably lost them. Merely a barra trous aunoyaneein Boston, he’has only been an object of contempt and disgust here, and we believe Boston will join hands with Sa vannah in congratulation over ihe righteous sentence we now chronicle. Governor Orr of South Carolina, sends to the Legislature of that Stale some impor tant correspondence between Provisional Governor Perry aud Secretary Seward, on the subject of repudiation. The Secretary tolegrapbed to Gov. Perry that the President desired that South Carolina would “lose no lime iu making au effective, organic declara tion repudiating her.war debt.” Gov. Perry replied that it was “impracticable to make any such organic declaration, as the State Couveutiou had been dissolved, after haviug done all that the President had requested to be done, and as it was undesirable to keep a revolutionary body, like that of the Conven tion in existence any lougcr tlgtu absolute necessity required." Mr. Seward then tele graphed that the President would “await with interest" an official expression of the Legislature upon the subject. Governor Orr therefore lays the communication before the Legislature lor action in referuuce to the of ficial expression which the President is “awaiting with interest." Railroad Connection uktwkun Mayfield and Milledokvillk.— A meeting w&s recent ly held in MaOon to urge the early comple tion of the connectiug railroad link between Mayfielii end Milledgeville- Tbe importance of the project to Augusta and indirectly to our own city, is well stated in tbe Augusta Constitutionalist: “The old road from this city to Macon via Millen is a wreck; It cannot possibly, as thiDgs go, be rehabilitated in less than six months. By this line we were enabled to reach the granaries of Southwestern Georgia, the Garden, of the Stale. Sundered, by the disruption of accustomed ties from that great region, we are driven to seek connection by means of a wide circuit via Atlanta. By act ing iu accord with tbe Macon resolutions we can effectually change all that. The gap be tween Milledgeville and Mayfield is but thir tytbree miles iu length. Ills nearly all graded and ready to receive iron. A bridge over the Oconee can bp expeditiously constructed. Let the parties who are paying double or treble rates for traneportatiop, give material aid and comfort to this road. Tbe excess they are now sacrificing would furnish funds for its establishment, and give to them and the pub lic tbe shortest and cheapest air lice to the great Southwest.” The Trial of Gen. Mkhceh.—Tbe trial of Brig. Ueu. H. W. Mercer, of tbe late Con federate aripy, before a Military Commission, bas been progressing for tbe last three days at tbe Supremo Court room in this city.— Gen Mercer ia charged with murder in,shoot ing federal prisoners of war for desertion trom the Confederate ranks, which they hud voluntarily entered. The trial is proceeding very plowly, having been adjourned over without piogypaa fur two cuusecutive days, Iho Judge Advocate announcing that lie had uo further qyideoce for the prosecution to in troduce. Thus far, uo evidence bas been educed sustaiuiug tbe charge agalust Geu Mercer. Tbe witnesses tor tbe defence bare been dismissed from attendance at preaeut. We understand Dial the Government la await j lug further IMUOMfIJL -In the Hat ol two hundred aud thirty two mends ia ol the preaeut Cougrues, elaly uibv woe born tu New England, and lorly aevuu in the single Mate of New York, while Hie icutaiiimg pU> «| w f nativity are equally divided between lbs Middl* Mid Wealein Hlatna ct the l nhin, vai spling nue boM Ui «’snails, nue In Havana, one tu oeolland aud lun lln In land Uu lbs mu>re i4 [ ( ‘riil 'h*. (he law vlaluia a large iMlmiiy, white |irtli lets mid iu m«u umuiwi ho lees than Ultecu TWO DAY* LATER MAIL KKoM »«w tome, i President .lohiisun forwarded, s iya a t\ a.hingloiuliS|>atcb, to the Provisional Gov. enrol ot Georgia important instructions with reference to the future status of that Slate. Secretary Seward has received a telegram auiiouuciug that Oregon had adopted the con stitutional ameudnuul, making this the 21*lb State by which this course Yi as been taken. Fresh correspondence on Mexican affair* has taken |>luce on Mexican matters between 1 the French Minister at Washington and Mr. Seward, and induced the former to dispatch his c-bief Secretary, who sailed on the 14th ' instant, to Europe for dcfiulle instructions I from Napoleon. There is a rumor that the French Minister has iniimated Ural in case a Minister is accredited by our Government to the Mexican Republic, the French Legation will Ire withdrawn from Washington. Governor Worth, of North Carolina, was ioaiii’iiialed ru Raleigh on the l/ith instant. ! hut it is not likely that be will assume the exerercise of executive functions for some time yet. There was a protracted Cabiuet meeting on the l£th inst. Gen. Giant was present throughout the session. There is a strong pressure being made to induce Congress to indicate by resolution or otherwise, that it is the duty of the Adminis tration to have Jefferson Davis tried by a military court. General Butler is working the matter up. and is backed by the Secreta ry of War. They hope to force the Presi dent to accept their views. , Washington Items. General WaTen has accepted a mission to South America. It is not yet known whe ther Gen. Logan accepts the Mexican mis sion. Gen. Kilpatrick will leave for Chili at an early day. General Grant had a prolonged interview with the President on his return from his Southern tour. Secretary McCulloch appeared on the floor of the House on the 11 th for the first time this session, and took the iron-clad oath and entered upon his official duties. The resignations of Major General Gill more, aud Brigadier General Estes, have been accepted. The acceptance of the resignation ot General Wilson hag been revoked, and he is ordered to report for duty. The anomalous and unconstitutional con dition of a State being ruled by two Gover nors is now to be found in four States, viz.: North Carolina, where Worth was elected Governor over Holden, the Provisional Gov ernor, but has never been inaugurated; South Carolina, where Governor Orr was .elected and duly inaugurated, but in which State it is questionable whether the reins are still held by Provisional Governor Perry or by General Sickles; Mississippi, where Governor Humphreys has been inaugurated, but the cx-Provisional Governor Sharkey or someone else, probably some one' else, exercises the power; aud Georgia, where Governor Jen kins is inaugurated, hut “J. Johnsoß, Pro visional Governor," still holds on. In Louisi ana the Constitutional Governor and the Provisional Governor happeu to lie united in the same person, Wells, who has, however, coolly dodged being inaugurated by the Leg islature, evidently preferring to hold fast to the Federal appointment. We take the following paragraphs from the Augusta Constitutionalist of the 18th in stant : “Shootino of a Robber.— We learn that a negro man, while in the act of stealing cot ton from one of the warehouses Sunday night, was shot iu the shoulder and captured. He had succeeded in moving four bales when detected in his plundering operations. The uegro is not dead, but the killing of all thieves, whether white or black, when de tected in their wicked work, would be but justice to the peace and security of society, aud a befitting end for those who. live by dis honesty. An Audacious Robbkr.— L:ist Saturday night a negro man walked into the store of Mr. J. Moore, on Broad street, and after purchasing some smalt articles banded Mrs. Moore a five dollar bill, which she was iu the act of plaaing iu a large collecting book, when the negro deliberately reached out his hands aud gath ered it all to himself, darting out of the store, nud making good his escape, with nearly one hundred dollars in greenbacks. Mrs. M gave the alarm, but the black bird and monuey had disappeared. Another Robbery.—' The store occupied by Mrs. C. C. Dumm, 210 Broad street, was broken into early Friday morning. The robber or robbers, entered the cellar from the yard and deliberately removed the brick and mortal forming the tire place,by and this means effected an entrance into tho store. We regret to learn that nearly $1,500 worth of goods were stolen. Organizing.—A meeting of the citizens of Atlanta was to take place on Saturday last for the purpose of organizing a regiment in order to clean the city ot the scoundrels whose business is murder and robbery.— General Anderson, tbe Post Commandant is to take command. A meeting ot citizens for a similar purpose is suggested In the Ma con papers. ■\OTICK. Fellow Citzens.— l announce myself as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Chatham County, aud respectfully solicit your support at the election in January next. d2O-tj3 James J. McGowan. OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY, 1 Savannah, Georgia, December S, 1806. J SEALED Proposals to furnish the troops at tills Post with fresh licet for three mouths, commenc ing January 1, 18C6. ami euillug March 31, 1884, wilt tic received at this uji|ce unlit 12 M., Dec. 20, 1665. The Beef to be of goofj marketable quality, exclu sive ol necks gnu shanks ami delivered tri-wcakly. The Proposals tobe made lit duplicate. H. A. DARLING, dec6 capt. aud C. 8. VoU. To the Voters of Chßthism County. I respectfully announce myself a candi date for re-election to tbe office of Sheriff of Chatham County, and ask your support at the January election. ts Benjamin L. Cole. Notice if) Ladies. Vs 'MK DKMOHEST'S Bniuli of Fashions, with i»I Patterns of every slylsol Dress, by Mrs. Vick, 114 Uryan sired n25 lm CENTRAL R R. AND BANKING CO. 1 OP GEORGIA, V Navanuahj Pec. 4, l, 1846.1 An Eleciloli lor lllue I),rectors to manege the af fairs of the Company lor Ihe rueutug year will he held al the Hanking Hoaae, in Buvanu»b (aeeoml story), ou liieaday, the vd of January, lass, betweeu the hours us 10 a in aud I p. m Murbliobters only who huVs hsld itnck for ninety days Imnn llal»ly preceding (lie day ol eln don are enllilsd lo vole Him kholdere, upon piMniitaUnn of their stork rer lilt' ales lo Die vnmlin bus of lialue, Will lie psaeesl In and from Hie eleilinn over Ibv i'mii|iauy‘a road, lire OkORIIK A CIIV IKK, >ls I in I ssh.vr. SUNDRIES. ||U|IumhhMPUHM • *ni Lm, ipph, |t phi, oohioe Alii* fell '-JUT m "i &tittf SwDMol'l Ghdlnii* WASTED. Rtbl<U|.»w»i«' Mall F.fUlllfl la I learn>a Th<- Post Office Dcpailiucol desires to Ijrinsb the State ol Georgia with Postal service, at Ihe earliest practicable day, until July Ist, I Mai, w hen the regular court acts' pio|M>aals tor which are now advertised for, will go oiio effect. Tin- Departmeut invites proposals for con veying tlie mails until June 80, 1866, to all country seats aud other important |*>iiits not reached by Railroad comimn icution, at rates not to exceed s«■ per mile | er imuutu fur weekly set vice ; sls for #emi-weekly, and $22 for tri-weekly; and where the importance of the case requires, S4O for daily service ; counting the distance one way only in all cases iservice will be turnisbed on routes, where, before the war, it was daily, three times a week; where it was tri-weekly twice a week; and where it was semi-weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Hon. Goo. W. McLellan. 2d Asst. P. M. Washing ton, D. C.. and should state they are lor service to end June 30th. 1866. nov 4 ts Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com missioner. DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, > Savannah, Dec. 13, 16C6.1 Owners of Lots, Lands and Improvements in tbe city of Savaunab, Ga., arc notified that the Tax Roll for •aid city is completed, and the taxes due thereon may be paid to the undersigned within sixty <UOj days from Ihis date, at our office, north-west corner of South Br and Liucoln streets, in said city of Savannah. For non-payment of the tax, the Act of Congress prescribes a forfeiture of the property taxed to the United States. Office hours from 9 to 12 ft. xn., and 2 to 6 p. m. T. P. ROBB, S. A. PANCOAST, J. C. BATES, U. 8. Direct Tax Commissioners, Diet. dl3 ts of Georgia. SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, \ December 9th, 1&65.J An election for six Directors, to manage the affairs of this Bank for one year, will be held at the Banking House on the second Tuesday in January next, being the 9th day ol tbe month. Polls open from 10 o'clock a. m. to 2 o'clock p. m. dl2-lawlm JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier. TO THE VOTERS OFUfATH* H COUNT V I announce myself as a candidate for the office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. nov2f-td ALEX. F. BENNETT. TO THE ELECTORS OFIHATHAM C O. Gentlemen: Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my name to be used for the office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I hare the honor to announce myself as a candidate for that position, and respect fully solicit your suffrage. nIT-tf CHARLES J. WHITE. BATCHS£OB.’B HAIR X>Y2 The Original and Best in tho World I The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instan taneous. Produces itmnedmte.y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or-skin. Remedies theill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. The genuine is signed William A. Batchelor. Also, REGENERATING EXTRACT OF MILLEFLEUIiS, For Restoring uud Beautifying the Ilair. * auH-ty CHARLES BATCHELOR. New York. COUNTY ELECTION. AN Election will be held at the Court House on Wednesday, tbe 3»l of January next, lor a Sheriff of the county of Chatham, for a Clerk of the Superior and Interior Courts, for a Coroner, for a Receiver of Tax Returns, for a Tax Collector, and lor a County Surveyor. The polls will be opeued at seven o’clock a. m., and be < loscd at nix o'clock p. in. The Sheriff, or his Deputy, and the constable* of the county are requested to attend aud preserve order. WM. 11. COTLER, j. i. c. o. o. N. 11. KNAPP, j. i. o. C. o. GEO. P. HARRISON, J. I. C. C. C. JOHN SCREVEN, j. i. o. o. JOHN WILLIAMSON, j. i. c. o. o. dl2, 19, 26, jl, 3 Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer Has proved itseif to be the most perfect preparation for the hair ever offered to the public. It i* a vegetable compound, and contains no injuri ous properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE <JRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleauses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lus trous and silken. It Is a splendid hair drawing. No person, old or young; should fail to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. t»~Ask for Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Ua i Renewer, and take no other. R. P. HALL & CO., # Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. BARNES, WARD & CO., NewOrlcans, La., n23-6m Southern Wholesale Agents. NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. I RESPECTFULLY snQonflce myself as a Candidate for the Office of Tax Collector at the election in January next, and humbly solicit your support. n-.‘7 ts EDWARD POWER. CENTRAL It. K * BANKING CO., * Savannah, December 9,1566. f Ordered by the Board of Directors that no lumber nor timber shall be transported over tbe Company's road except by special contract with the Superin tendent. GEO. A. CUTLER, Cashier. Most of the platform cars of the Company being employed ill moving iron and ties for rebuilding the l oud, will prevent the hauling of wood and lumber, except in limited qualities. GEOROE W. ADAMS, .dls-eod-2w General Snp’t. To tile Voters of Cliatftiam County. THE undersigned is a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Superior and Inferior Courts, and respectfully solicits your suffrages. <ll2-10* WM. H. BULLOCH. KEROSENE WARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangers, Mde Backs, Side Lamps, with and without Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Basca, Pegs and Fonnts- Patent Glaas Cones, Burners, Globes, Cblmnies and Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT A GREEN GLASS, Crock ery Dealers’ and Confectioners' GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL JAMES T. WRIGHT, 226 Greenwich Street, Two doois below Barrlay, N. V novl-Sm Figs. A CHOICE lot, both small and large drums. ■»» If Cf§AU. CuLttY A CO. 11. «. RUWE JoUN U. RUWE. H. G. RUWE & CO., »a<J!.MAI« 1»841.*M IN Groceries, Ales, Wines AND LIQUORS,- Os ail dint i Iplioua, At KALUQANTN OLD PAINT STAND* Corner St Julian & Bryan Bta., Nasi Ike Fidaakl llnuaa AUKNIf FOR AIR AMD I.AUKN H»»t< dteim Ml ISI 44 44 4411 i lltHllly TANARUS« I €)«•!> WIINfi man tmhwrtlwr la • IVaadbUleM la ekMlnn, #H I TTiaawifidta »#b4 ib> •ujiegvnl Ihv 'lilaihaul MV*'*'"* tIUUMM UQGUAJL. I SKW ADVKRTHEHUT*. Magnolia Kin .iiiiptufiil. 1. I. G O. f The member* of the ■n .iuipuii iit tube *Mlce Dial a regular ine- nng wilt tie held THIS MVfe.MNU » Jt. o'clock. Election oi Odtcors fur 'he next term. da> CHAS. OKOHS. Scribe. AUGUSTA « SAVANNAH R.IKHOAD. I Savannah. IN* . i-0, 1866. ( An election f..r»ev*u Director, for the ouauinp _ye»r wilt be held at the Office, corner of Bull uud Bay street*, i*i Monday, the first day of January ucxL be tween the h*urs i.f 11 aral 1 o'clock. FRANCIS T. WILLIS, dn-wfjtintd President. T. J. DUNBAR & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ** WINES. LIQUORS. SEGARS. IC. 147 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA., (NEXT DOOR ABOVE REPUBLICAN OFFICE.) WE invito the attention of the Trade and the Pub lic generally to our large and elegant assort ment of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Conserves, Se ga rs. etc., etc., which i8 not excelled by any similar establishment in tbe States. We are sole proprietors af DUNBAR’S CELE BRATED WORMWOOD CORDIAL, the reputation of whioh is fully established in this and foreign coun tries; DUNBAR’S well known STOMACH BITTERS, guaranted superior to any article of the kind, de signed expressly for hotel and family use: DUN* BARS SCHIEDAM CORDIAL SCHNAI’PS, war ranted of the utmost parity, and put up exprft&dy for our house, of which w.* are sole proprietors and importers. Sole Agents for Robert Smith's, cele brated PHILADELPHIA ALE, in and barrels; English, Scotch and American ALE and PORTER, BRANDY, Scotch and Bourbon WHISKEY and AR RACK BUNCHES, formerly well known throughout the United States, pat ap by us in cases for export and h ( >ine consumption. T. J. D. & Cos. are sole Agents for A. & II- W. Catherwood'a Pure RYE WHISKIES XX and XXX brands, guaranteed unsurpassed in quulity and ex cellence. Constantly ou hand, a large and well se lected stock of BOURBON and WHEAT WHISKIES, worthy the attention of the trafle and connoisseurs generally. An assortment of SEGARS of finest grades, manufactured and imported expressly for this house, which we offer at the very lowest net cash prices. BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, CHAMPAGNES, and every description aud grade of Foreign Liquors imported directly by this house, and for sale in bond or duty paid, at lowest market rates. d2O-tf OFFICIAL. CITY OF SAVANNAH, I • Mayor’s office, J- Decoinher 19,1565. j The following section, of Ordinances are published for information of the public and will be rigidly en forced : An Ordinance for the protection of public aud private property iu the limits of the city of Savan nah and for other purposes. Section 1. He it ordained by the Mayor and Alder nieirof the City of Savannah and the handeta there of, in council assembled; aud It is hereby ordained by tbe authority of the same, That, iroMi aud after the passage of tills Ordinance, no person or persons shall, wiihiu'tiie limits of the city of Savannah, write, carve, indite, paste, paint, or iu any manner deface or cause to be written, carv ed, indited, pasted, palmed, or in any manner dei'ac ed, or write or cause to be written any marks or let ters with any material whatsoever, upon auy pub lic buildiffg the property of the city of Savanuah. or of the United States, or upon tile property of auy person or persons, corporation or corporations. Sections. And be ft farther ordained, Tnat If any person shall violate any of the provisions of this or diuanee, lie shall, or they shall, ou conviction before the Police Court, If an adult person, be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars. t • RIVER. Ordinance passed 2d of August, 1839. Section 19. It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to throw, cast or deposit, or cause to be cast, ibrown or deposited in the Savannah River, or ou its hanks below high water mark, within the extended jurisdictional limits of tire city of Savannah, rice chair or any substance of whatever nature or kind which might in auy degree lessen the depth of Die water in said river, or any part thereof, within the limits aforesaid, aud each and every person so offend ing shall, for each and every such offence, be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars. The Police will report all violations of the above. EDWARD C. ANDERsoN, Mayor. $25 Reward. ON the night of the 18th instant, the subscribers’ stable was broken open and a middle-sized Sor rel HORSE, about 10 years old, with 4 white feet, rather large neck, sink in his forehead, caused by a blow ; lias many wlurb saddle marks, small lump oil side of ins back ; his two lore feet shod, when taken. The above reward will be paid for his delivery to me corner Whitaker and Duffy strets, rear oi Jail. d'2o-2* D. L. WOLFE. BOWK MBEHD MILK. No. 113 South Broad Street. rfIHE undersigned lias just received direct from the J. Borden’s Condensed Mffk Company a large sup ply which he offers cheaugr Those iu want can get ilie pure article by the HEAT LITTLE STORE, Between Barnard and Whitaker streets, of d2t-l GEO. 8. NICHOLS. BOOKS, GAMES, TOYS, PICTURES, ALBUMS. PORTFOLIOS, DESKS, WORK BOXES, ETC., ETC'., , SUITABLE FOa CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Perine’s Sjilendid Lithographs of " GENERALS LEE AND JACKSON. THE MAGIC WHEELI A Scientiffc Toy, producing a remarkable optical illusion. Anew and very Attractive Game, called The Coquette ! A great variety of GAMES, TOY BOOKS, PAPER DOLLS, JUVENILE BOOKS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, hIAYEIt BOOKS, BIBLE, HYMN BOOKS, Ac., Ac, Ac. For sale by B, MALLON, d2O-d 14T Congress street. For Sale or Rent, NINE square miles of Timber and Planting LAND, in iota from one to one thousand acres, or more, eligible for stores, residences or farms. LEWIS C. TEBEAU, At the Whilaltct street Shoe Store, d2O-l N. E. corner Broughton et Lane JUST RECEIVED BY A. M. SCARBROUGH & (0., 140 Congress Street: vIA PACKAGES New Bacon Strips w" 20 packages NcwlHacou Shoulders 10package* New Lard, put up m 26 pound pails 50 keg* New Lard , >0 firkins and tuba br*t Grange comity Butter 60 boxes Cheese , l'Hi b <xus Candles toil bills Flour, beat brund* Together with a aplrmhd assortlueui I Halalus, Nuts. Ac., Ac. d.HMf NOTICE. CHUNHIUNKKN per steamship LEO are ivqinvt 1 tut to alien! tu the roceullon of Ihelr goods, laudlug tbl« d«> Goods not oill.Hl for dui lug work lug houia will ’si siorvd at owuert' n*k dvo OCTAVUH CDIIBN, GKulllTu CHATHAM coUNTI To ,|| whom II may cMUearti , Whalvas. Margsivl Hoyle will apply at lbs Court ol Uediuoiy lor iwlUia us Admiu'.sliatliHi on m, esiale ol Jouraa Ikiyliv lai* ofaahlcounli ilaMiMi Tkaav ats. Uishloiv, lo >llv ami minium.b all whom II mar "ihc«rii, lo lw aud kp|«4r Its fins said murl to uuka oluseiion flf aur tits) bsvn on or helms tha list Moiido) in Fabtuair usil, oibarwisa told leliaff will ba graultdi WHheaa wr "gt'lal Mfbsluta lb>, IMk 4af *1 lamkaf, |«* H A ii’MVMNM a*,. Ikiusry HEW kDVKKTIsKMUTtv For Sale or Rent,. m (om\ urn valuable Plantation*, An««t JVm Island Out ton; auiUUl*-, f«#r Palma ibrnti. Apply u, . JOHN STODDARD. Physician*’ Visiting List* For 100*3, On sale by m W. M. WALSH. Wholesale Di ngglst, corner Barnard and dlft-if Broughton etrerta. AGENTS WANTED ■* FOB TUB * C MILITARY AND NAVAL HISTORY OF TUB Recent War in the United States. THE under'Signed have iu and w ill shortly publish, a work with, tbe title. It will also contain biographical sketches of deceased North ern and Southern officers. Ila designed to be a standard work, more complete than any that has been or may be hereafter published, aud will ire sold by btibsciiption only. With fine steel portrait*,, in one volume of übont 800 large Bvo double column' pages. Prices and styles of Binding: In ExtraDloth $5 oo In Library Leather * C 00 In Half Turkey Morocco, dark 6 60 In Half Rusaia, *xtra gilt 7 50 In Full Morocco, antiqae, gilt edges. 9 00 In Full Russia 9 00 Payable on delivery. Local agfnts are appointed in all the cities and principal towns. Early application should be made for agencies A bound prospectus, containing sample paged of the work and specimens of binding, with ruled paper for subscribers’ names, sent free of post age on receipt of $1 Address D. APPLETON .V CO., Publishers, and 19-2 443 and 446 Broadway, N. LEMONS. LANDING from steamship Tybec, n fine lot of Le mons. Forsaleby (119-3 RUB, WfUTNKY k CO, WANTED, BY a gentleman and wife, two or more unfurnished Rooms, for housekeeping. Address BOX IT6, P. O. dl9-tf • KENT’S EAST INDIA COFFEE. 1 EQUAL TO JAVA Inessa nffck HALF THE PRIDE < fljri GOES TWICE AS FAR I Recommended and Used by All! CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS and Professional Men, as the cheapest, healthiest and best beverage in the world l FOR SALE BY ALL GROGERS NORTH AND SOUTH Tne Southern trade, to which it is sped ally adapt ed, supplied through the New York city Wholesale Grocers, or direct from the Manufactory. a#-11541 -m. NEW YO R It. RICHARD DAVIB& Proprietor, And General Wholesale Dealer in Teas and£olfces. dl9-3ni Fire Crackers. lAA BOXES “ Gold Chop" Fire Crackers. For IvU sale by HILTON A RANDELL, dl9-5 193 Bay street. House Wanted, IN # good locality, suitable for four persons and servants. Apply to or address COMSTOCK A KINSEY, dl6-tf 154 Bay street. Holiday Presents JUST RECEIVED: Tnys of all kinds 9 Crying Babies China Limb Dolls Wax and China Baldest Fancy Baskets Confection ary Candy Toys, for Christmas Trees, &e , at „R. M. HUNT’S, Corner Jefferson aud Congress street Lane. dio*lw Gift Books, FANCY GOODS, TOYS, AC. For Christmas. JUST received, a fine nssortment of Work Boxes, Toilet Cases, Fancy Desks, Glove Boxes. &c. Also, a good supply of Gift Books, Standard Pocta,’ bound in Turkey Morocco, Juvenile Toy BookmGames Rubber Bails, aud everything required for the holi days. OCR STOCK OP ELEGANT PHOTOGRAPHIC ALOIIHS is the most complete in the city, COOPER, OLCOTTS & FARRELLY. d!9-tf Blankets i' -Flannels CLOTIIS AND CABSIMEREB BLEACHED AND BROWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MERINOES AND ALAPACAB. Received and for sale cheap by H. HAYAI, oct23 174 Brougliton street. JLBPDRE HDllilT \ LSO, a fine assortment of Silk, Wool and Buck XIl Hkin Gloves nnd Gauntlets. Just opened at EINSTEIN & KCKMAN, n?3-tl 161 Cotigruss street MACHINERY DEPOT SAW MILLS, GRIST MILLS, WOOD WORKING MACHINERY, SAWS, BELTING, &c., &c. WOOD & MANN’S, CELEBRATED Portable Steam Eng ines M | JB. . KKuM FOUR TO THIRTY FIVE IIOHMR POWER. W» have tlM> ol fieri. ■ i ament and moat rnmulMe work* In th* cmiiiiry, flig«Fwl m ui.iuihrlu ring Portable Rnfflo**. Our enuiur. we, “19 *au*rta now ouaoufi*' l to "V the h'•! «iii«r*tu* of tiled* •Mlptk* »v*l I'WllUHl iu Ik* pullin' •• Adapted to •«.» Rlh’i* i. required Medium •ivV A**t»«"r Uti hand ur farulahud |« •hurt "ihMripilvt vir, 111*1* with ifflcu Hut, **«i ukuppll 1 tlktCl ttiMffitN’h * a 1 nkiiy ■lit »mtf«i t»« iiuf all* i, M*v«iip b, Ua yamuna. Na v ull it an T liVrTtT L*~m»..i„, * u l7[ll _ WkUVFSIMI KVklflltU. Ukl. still* Waters Ifai deep, JukuMndarey ~*x_ „ Capt. Hawetey J-faiond Mr*. Stumbold ' •• •■- ! RuaUlloc lo conclude wuh . J he Irish Fmigpant L^E Th wl„^To. n °y,?,w HARRY fair: male Orphans, .Wpoiirtant for support of the good Sisters of our Lady or Mercv wtii C 5?, J PUR', during (he week ImmedliS mas, opening ou Monday, the 18th knd cdmVni '' the 23d lust., 8t St. Andrews Hall U * <m The aiieniion of the public geuerallv and nr especially intending to pair hue Christmas calh and to the large number of fancy arttriea them me work of the Sisters’ pupils that vriuu V f sale at the different Pair Ul.les ' ' Egg Nogg.' JD-'Tiecciwd. a lot of Buoream'a celebrated p„,, able Egg Nogg, ready for immediate use more iconoffileel man when made by theoldStvk U For sale by the Agents, “*’■ Lard. A SMALL lot only, prime article. dls ~ lf CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. Butter. BESTGnvhsn Table, in tubs and flrklna nl6 “ CHAS. L. COLBY A CO. ARMY SUPPLIES: OFFICE CHIEF COMMISSARY, Department of Georgia i Aufeusta, Ga., Dec. 9, 1805. ) SEALED PROPOSALS, whtcb must be iti duplicate with a copy of this advertise men! attached to Si i l,e rt’-elvi’d at tills office until 12 o’clock s'. Hec. 22d, 1866, for supplying FREstf ULEF, of good and uiarkeiable quality,' m equal pro portions ot loro aud hind quarter meat, for issue to the troops and others supplied by the Government with rations, at the following named posts iu the Department of Georgia—Augusta, Savannah, Atlau ta and Maw-n, and at ail iiosta drawing supplies from the above named posts. Contract to be in farce ( J i months, commencing on the Ist day of Junnarv 18M, and ending the 31st dsy of Maruli 1866, or such less time as the Commissary General of Subsistence may direct. Payment will be made monthly, or as early there- * after as funds may be received therefor, ant! in such hinds as may lie rurnlsUed by Ilie United States. Separate bids will be received foreach of the above posts, or one bid may include them all. No bids wilt be entertained from persona who come Huuur the exceptions oi the Preshleut's Amnesty I roclamation ; Nor will bids, iu which suoii persons are intereatet], either Uireully or indirectly, l»e re ceived, unless they can produce the pardon of the President. Bidsfioui all other persons under said Oath aiaat * oll mußrr>e aw °mpauied by the Amnesty Proposals must I* accompanied by a signed by two responsible persons, stating that U a contract in awarded, they will enter bonds lor the faitliiui luifiliineut of the contract. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any and all bids offered. Endorse envelopes “Proposals for Fresh Beef” and address the same to the undersigned. „ ■ JAMifiS MCDONALD, Capt, C. 8., Augusta, Ga. PROF. DIETZ, pis. is; OF PAKIS, TRENCH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE TERMS MODERATE. RtferenCt-S : Dr Arnold, Mayor of Savannah Prof. Cann, Superintendent City Public Schools Rfv. Mb Kino, Savannah Rfv. Mr. Coxuy, Savannah Right Rev. BisuoF Lynch, Charleston Gen. Rfaukkoahd, New Orleans. Pkof LueiißK, Superintendent of Publie Educa tion. Louisiana 1 1&~ Inquire fit Chatham Academy Boilffteg. NOTICE. NO debts contracted by any of the Crew of British bark Craesco willff**- paid by Captain or Consignee. nl6 BRIGHAM. BALDWIN A CO. CHRISTMAS! E. EHRLICH, 30, WHITAKER STREET. FANCY GROCERIES. PRUNES. Raisins, Oranges, Lemons, Citron, Cur rants, English Preserves, Jams ami Jellies, Pre serve Ginger, Mnshroons. Trudies. Assorted English anil American Pickles, English ami French Mustard. Tomato ami Walnut Catsups, Worcester Sauce, French and Spanish Olives Capers, canned Meats audi canned Fruit*of all descriptions. Assorted Candles. Fig paste, Nuts in variety. Sir.oked Salmon, English dairy American Swls and LiinbergerCheese, CavTuoa No. 1 family Mackerel in Kits, Wax, Sperm, Adaman tine Candles and Tapers, Spices of all kind*. FAMILY GROCERIES Choice Hams, Tongne9, breakfast Bacon, 4c .all grades Sugar, Java, Muscovado, and Rio Coffee. Splendid assortment Teas, Green, Gunpowder black and English breakfast Teas, Ac., choice Butter, Lard, Sweet Oil. all description of Soaps, plain and fancy. LIQUORS. A large assortment, viz : Martel and other grades of Brandy, Irish Scotch, and Bourbu Whiskey, Madei ra, Cliainpaigne, Cherry, Port and Other Wines, Cor dials of ail kinds. Schnapps' Bitters, Ac. Eveiy tiling thut taste can wish or appetite desire. Give me a call. ALSO, Jflst received by recent arrivals from Boston, New York, and Baltimore, aline assortment of all kinds Wooden and Willow Ware, suitable for housekeep ing, (111-MI FOR SALE. CONSTANTLY on hand* Oak Wood, at Dock Wharf. Orders left at this office will be attended to. d!3-2w A. R. CULLENS- Notice. THE undersigned begs to inform tbe public th»« he has been appointed Agent tor the States or Georgia and South Carolina to sell SHAW A CLARK’S Celebrated Sewing Machines. These Machine* are cheaper and betler than *ny others now in use. Also, FISH'S NEWLY PATENTED Kerosene Heaters. These Heaters aro adapted to cooking, heating and lighting, and are the moat economical apparatus o the kind tn rise. . . , Full parcafei* wi k circulars, <*c., can be bsd on application to the undersigned, who can be founa ai pfeaent at Messrs. K. McLea A Co-a, *O2 Bay street, guvanntth. HENRI COWLEY* Agt dlb.lm —- Condensed Milk. JnsT received, a treah supply of JBoorcani’a Con deuaiat Milk, recommended as equal to auj other brands evermnde. For sale by tbe Agenia, M. J. SOLOMONS A CO., ’ dlft-tf Jones’ Black, Bay street. FLOUR. WE have ou band a prime article ct * Clip IBjJJJJ STANDARD EXTRA FlDt'ta which w. wIU sell low. to dose consignment. HoßKbb KKGTIIEBS. dcclfl ts 84 Big aU** l . Jas.T. Paterson, TIMBER, Lumber & Commission MKHCIUNT, No. u HiODDAKUH UIWEH HANDS. May • »ava»i»ala, »aa 1 )nri**n, 411 if