Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 20, 1865, Image 3
BAVA X !N~ A. H . Departure of *teau>shl|»s aud lutaan. FOR KkW TOR* Steamship Tybee, WeJuesdsy, Lx. amber SO, tt o'clock- St- amaWp Sau Salvador, Saturday, December 23d, at 1 o'clock p. m. Steamship Constitution, Saturday, December 93d, at o'clock. Steamship Leo, Saturday, Decamber 33d. at odlock. FOR At Ot STv Steamer Fancy Ltbr, Wednesday. December SO, at »a. m. Steamer SUndtab, Thursday, December Slat, at 0 o'clock p. to. Steamer Mary Ella, Wedneaday, December SMb, et o o'clock a. m. Steamer Minnie Brandt, Prlday, December lath, et 9 o'clock e. m. Steamer Wm. O. Gibbons, every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. FOR CHARLESTON. Steamer City Point, every Saturday morning, at-9 o’clock. FOR DOCrORTOWN. Steamer Two Boys, every Tuesday morning, at 8 o'clock. Steamer Orient, every Tuesday morning, at 7 o’clock. Steamer (Jen. Shepley, every Sunday morning, at 7 o’clock. . Steamer Clarion, every Thursday morning, at 7 o'clock. FOR THOM AS VILLI. Steamer O. F. -Potter, Wednesday, December 80th, at 10 o’clock a. m. roa MACON. Steamer Oak, Wednesday, Dacember 80, at 8 p. m. FOR FLORID*. Ste imer Fannie, Wednesday, December 80th, at 9 o'd >ck a. m. Steamer Fountain, every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer City Point every Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. Steamer Lizzie Baker, every Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer St. Johns, every Saturday morning, at 10 o’clock. Steamer Helen Getty, every Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. The 147th Illinois Rkqiment.—'This tine corps Is now quartered In Savannah doing provost guard duty. They are In tents without flooring, which makes tt very hard to keep their equipments and arms always in the (air condition that they present ed at their Inspection yesterday afternoon, which under the circumstauce of the present bad weather reflected much credit on officers and meu of the command. The Regiment Is In command of Lieutenant Colonel Bush, the Colonel having been detached from duty at the head of the Freedmen's Bureau, which duty la performed to the satisfaction of all that come in contavt with that gentlemanly officer. Lieutenant Colonel Bush enlisted aa a private, and has gained his promotion, step by step, until be now commands the regiment. He, with the Malor, Is on detached service at this time. The following Is the roster of Officers of the 147th Regiment Illinois Volunteers : Col. 11. F. Slckes. Lt. Col. Giles U. Bush, Major Frank Clenlen, Adjutant John C. Long, Asst. Surgeon E. Van Buren, Jr,, Asst. Surgeon Captain Wm. J. Cowley. Company A—Captain, Jas. 11. Reynolds; Ist Lieut., Eseek B- Day; 2d Lieut., SmithT. Harding. Company B—Captalo, George H. Fay: Ist Lleut.> Wm. H. H. Jones; 2d Lieut., Clias. Bent. company c—Captain, Frank A. Buys ; Ist Lieut. Lawrence C. Emmons. Company I> Captain, Matt W. Boorland; 2d Lieut.. Allred P. Thornton. camp&ny E—Captain, Francis A. Darling; Ist Ll.> Jacob M. Martin ; 2d Lieut., Dan. J. Keeley. company F—Captain, Azro A. Buck ; Ist Lieut • Jonathan A. Dow ; 2d Lieut., George E. unman. Company O—Captain, Abalino C. Bard well; First Lieutenant, George W. Harkuess; Second Lieutenant, Albert J. Miller. Company H—Captain, James Tullis; First Lieuten ant Rotneyn A. Dixon. Company I—Captain, John 8. Pratt; First Lieuten ant, Albert Snow; Second Lieutenant, Winfleld S. Vanhorn. * . Company K—Cap.aln, Achilles Chintquy ; First Lieutenant, Chas. J. Cblulquy; Second Lteuteuaut, John T. Taylor. ARRIVAL OF New Yorx Stramships.—The steam ship San Salvador, of the Empire Line, Capt. Atkins, from New York on Saturday the 18th— arrived last evening. We are indebted to Purser Cambridge for favors. The steamship Leo, Capt. Merrill, of Murray’s New York Line, from New York ou Saturday, reached her wharf last evening, having made her usual quick trip,64 hours from bar to bar. Purser Taylor has our thauks for flies of New York papers. The steamship Constitution, of Brigham A Bald win’s Line, also arrived last evening, having left New York on Saturday. We are Indebted to Mr. crocheron,Purser of the Constitution, for courtesies. THU COURTS. BEFORE CAPT. UaRDWELL. Savannah, Dec. 19, 1866. City of Savannah vs. Johnson (colored)—Lar ecuy. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 30 days confinement lu the Jail of Chatham County. A. Beasley (colored) vs. Henry Tow and H. L. Taut.—Recovery of certain rooms and rent due. Decision for defendant and plaintiff ordered to pay costs of suit. . _ , , ~ A. J. Davis (colored) vs. Edward Rowe (colored)— Recovery of a mule,' case continued until 2oth 111 City of Savannah vs. Henry (cojored)— VldatUig city ordinance, in keeping a lioree in his yard. Dl»- missed for want of prosecution.' Richard Perry vs. Morris (colored)— Recovery of a mule. Case dismissed for want of prosecution. ARTura’s Hoke Magazine; Spare Hours, a maga zine for youth; the Nick Nax, a comic monthly; De morcst’s Holiday Pictorial, the Literary Album, Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, and other popular periodicals were received st Estill’s News Depot, Bull street, back of the Post Office, by last night’s steamers —an excellent assortment for the holiday*. The Theatre.—A bill of rare excellence Is pre sented this evening, Including Tom Taylor’s master piece, •'Still Waters Ruu Deep," and the "Irish Emi- Hart & Cos., hardware merchants CHARLESTON, 8. C., OFFER FOR SALE AT THEIR OLD STAND Corner King and Market Streets, GUNS, REVOLVERS, SHOT & POWDER “HOE’S" CIRCULAR SAWS, 8 TO CO INCH / AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BAR IRON AND STEEL METALS OF ALL KINDS BUILDING MATERIALS TIN AND WOODWARE HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES HOLLOW - W ARE OF ALL KINDS TURPENTINE AND COOPERS’ TOOLS BRASS AND IRON WIRE CLOTH BOLTING CLOTH f ANCHOR BRAND) MILL ROCKS (18 TO 40 INCH) MILL IRON SILVER PLATED GOODS HUBB9, SPOKES, AXES, SPRINGS, A LARGE VARIETY OF OTIIIB OOOM. AT • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. «a»lw •_ J O. KOCH, No as Hevknißil Mirssesf. Ceram of WlUlem. MEW YORK, **'"d..ur»i id r-tt-T-tr PfeokMfaMhto Album*, m. 4» *«*»x Shipping Intelligences. Mlalature »lanaai-Tkle Day. Hun rises a 67 Boon Uses t »e sub lets. 4 Ssißigb water s i* PORT OF SAVANNAH. TlosuaV. Dec. IS. ls*6. Arrived. Steamship San Salvador, Adkins, Nsw York—B H Hardee. Steamship Deo, Merrill. New Vork-OctavusCohen. Steamship Constitution. Greeumitii New York—* Brigham. Baldwin A Cos. Steamer Lillie Baker, King, ttdjukn. etc—Cash horn A Cunningham. re?l le * mer Palatka, etc—F M My steamer H M Cool, Taylor, Danen-M A Oohen. wade^ 1 " C4l<lwel1 ' Salinas, Purysbnrg—John R Schr Frank, Green, Satilla Hirer—J T Rowland. Cleared. Steamer Helen, Reilly. Augusta—Keln A Cos. Steamer C Houghton, Spiague, Charleston, etc— Uaghorn A Cunutngnam. Steamer Erailte, Bender, Hilton Head. Steamer Two Roys. Datdele Doetortowa—Erwin and Hardee. Steamer Orient, Goldthwal. Doctortown—Chat L Colby A Cos. Steamer Oak, McCauley, Mawkuuvtlle—F M My rell. Steamer Laura, Garnett, Augusta—Krwlu A Hardee. Imports. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka—476 up land cotton, 16 do sea Island do. Por steamer Fannie, from JackaonvtUe— lo bales sea Island cotton. Per steamer Caldwell, from Purysbnrg— to bales upland cotton. Per steamer H U Cool, from Darien—l62 bales up land cotton, 36 do sea Island do to J F Hamilton. Passenger*. Per steamship San Salvador, from New York—Col F Waring, J W Gilbert, J Ketcham, H Schul, Mrs N S Payne, Mrs Ketcham, Mrs Gilbert, Miss Gilbert, K B Shepard and lady, 11 Haddox and lady, Mrs Harri son and children, Mrs Eastman, Miss Harrison, H D Weed, J W Brissaut. Col U W Styles, P Youge and lady, R Selxus, B Speldcr, Dr W S Payne, F K Whit well. J C Mam, J C Ludlow, n L Schreiner, L Howea Mr Arthur, G E Newh&ll, H J stolesbury, J Bram melt, W 8 Rewen, T McDowell, Mrs Coleman and 2 children, A S Fetch, lady, 3 children and nurse. Mias C J Rodgers, Mrs J A Butcher, J W Johnston and latlv, N S Jones and lady, Mra Bill and servt, W H Livingston and lady, H Weathervllle, lady, niece and child, L C Morrell, H A Holden, K J Richardson, H B Drew, P V Boblnson and lady, G P Bang, W U 01- cott, C A Uortou, R Graham aud 4 deck. Per steamship Leo, troop New York—Miss M Hun ter, Miss Merrick, Mary A Riley, Mrs Hammond, W Fowler, Miss M Burke, Miss Catharine, H Halle. G L Price, W Martin, 0 Taggert, W J Cummings, T Scott T Heaton. Mrs B Isaacs aud iufant, I Freeman, Wm Barron and 18 steerage- Per steamship Constitution, from New York—J S Haydea, John Bond, Thoa Gorman. Horatio D Smith, A (J Browne, J H Stebhiua, U Foster, J McCaudlasa, Mr Kellery aud lady, Mr Kavanagh, Miss Dewane, C McClure, O P Jordon, C Haywood, H Jones, F H Gil bert, Mrs Brown aud 3 children, Mrs Little, Mr Corey Mr Anderson, C P Hoey, W L WilUugton. Per steamer Fannie, from Jacksonville—R Henry, Mr Smith, E G White, P Edwards, J B Wellborn and 8 deck. Per iteamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka—J LaFrance U C Btglow, Mrs Katsenbergli, child and servt, J 8 Broome and lady, T H Broome, C 8 Flanders and child, J H Baker, 41 R Clark. . Consignees. Per steamship San Salvador, from New York—B H Hardee, C, Purse if Cos, K, McLea, A S Hartrldge. W M Walsh, Kfrlin a B, J C J, Ueidt k L, Erwin A H, W « Harrison, Stuart A Cos, Latbrop A Cos, E Ehrlich J O Matheson, H U Kuwe A Cos, P Yongs, B M Neely, J C Mather, W M Turner, N A Hardee A Cos. Mrs L Cheves. M Y Henderson, J McMahon A Cos, Uiaghuru A Cos, P Skehau, J Ketcham, Guckenhelmer A 3, J c Maker, J B Cahill A Cos. House A B, Warren A P, J W Lass, Capt Starr, G B Newhali, H Wetherlll, Express Cos, J H ursy hill, H J Dickerson, B Mallon, J Bryant, H dowdy, W Parker, Schreiner A Bon, Bstlll A Bro, T J Staley, W Rankin and order. Per steamship Leo, from New York—Adams Ex Cos G U Arledge, P U Behn, Bell, W 4 C, Blun A M, L S Bennett, Bolshaw A Cos, Brady, S A Cos, B A White head, Brigham A B, W H Burroughs A Cos, Cooper, O A Cos, Ciaghuru A C. C, Purse A Cos, M A Cohen, A M Cohen, E P Deyo, F Ehrlich, Erwin it H, M Eerst A Cos, D Finnegan, A A L F Friedeuhurg, Yonge A Nixon, G W Garmony, C L Gilbert, J Gilliland A Cos, Holcombe A Cos, and others. Per steamship Constitution, lrum New York—B, B A Cos. C Ahrens, B. Smith A Cos, T H Bolshaw, J Lama P H Behn, Botha ell A Whitehead, U Butler, N D B, Ciaghuru A C, O Cohen, S M l.edcrer, J Lippmun, J Leary A Cos, G Wellbrook, J K Wiley, J G Watla A Cos K M Adams, B Bing, Crane, J A G, K Fleming, C L G Uartiidge, U A Hudson, A A Lowe, A B Luce, M A Barrett, LaHoche A J, W W Lincoln, Llnvillu A Q, F M Myrell, J McMahon, M, Thomas A Cos M Newmark, J C Mather. R Molina, T McDonald, J P Maker A Po, Bryuu, H A Cos. T W Cooney, S M folding A H Cham pion, ('lark A McDonnell, Dewitt A M, Erwin A U, J M Klnchley, J Hein. Kirlln A B, Jones A W,-H Haytu A S Hurtrtdge, R H 4 Sou, Halsey, W A (U, Hunter A G, N A Hardee, Weed A r. Warren A P, West, B A Cos. J VUlaloaga, B F Ulmer, W H Tuber, Geo L Stevens, W H Stark, H Rothschild, H G Hu we, J M Prentiss, P Reilly, sud others. Per steamer Lizzie Baker, from Palatka—Tison A and, J L VUlalonga, Ctaghoru A C, Bryan, H A 00, K A Hardee. Per steamer fannie, frthn Jacksonville—D A Slager J L Vlllalonga, Bryan, H A Cos, O Cohen, J Brunt. list of vessels in the port of SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 19, 1865. SHIPS. Mont Blanc, Donneb, ’7OO, loading, Liverpool—La Roche, Gaden a Unckles. Virginia, Weeks, 1,044, loadiog at Lamar’s Press, for Liverpool—C L Colby A Cos. Thorwalson, (Br) Bromage, discharging—Retd A Stuwu i*l. Favorite, (Br) Spain, discharging—E A Soullard. Herald, Calvert, discharging—C Green A Son. Mozart, (Br) Smith, tons, dischaiglug—T R A i G Mills. BAhKS. Craeso, (Br) tons, loading, Liverpool—Hobt 1 Caugbey- Tephyutne Boston, discharging—Reid A Stewart. ■y A Plat lulus, Plnkbam, discharging—O L Colby A Cos. Colonist, (Br) Taylor, discharging—Chas Green A Son. County of Plcton, (Br) McKenzie, discharging—C Green A Son. BRias. Atlantic, Wark, 101 tons, discharging—B, Wylly A Christian. . t . , R C Wright, Hugg, discharging—R Habersham A Soil. Ella, Brown, discharging—E A Soullard. John W Lovitt, Gilllot, waiting—Yonge A Nixon. Daniel Boone, watting repairs. SCHOONERS. John M Broomall. Douglass, loading, New York— Chas L Colli* A Cos. Pearl, (BrjVlordon, discharging—Bell, Wyby A Christian. _ • . Walter Raleigh, A Gammell. E. W. MARSH A CO., druggists, GIBBONS’ BUILDINGS, Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets, HAVE thoroughly refitted tbelr establishment, end replenished with a general a*aortmsnt of Drags, Medicines, Chemicals, Fatent Me dicines, Paints, Oil*, Garden Seed*, dec. die., dec., they solicit the patronsge of their friend*. Particular attention will be given to the cnrefnl preparation of prescriptions. dll-lm KENNETH, M'LEA & CO., 202 BAY STREET, for sale— -10,000 pounds Breakfast Uacon 6,000 pounds Blcon Sides 6,000 pouuds very choice Sugar-cured Hams 6,000 pounds Smoked Shoulders 2,000 pound* Pickled Shoulders 60 tub* and firkins Lord 35 firkins Goshen Butter 60 bbl* Onion* 60 bbl* Pork und Beef, suitable for ship stores d!6-lw .Lemons.' MA BOXES, from Nsw York stasmer, In good * W u °r CHAS. L. COLBY » CO “ r DISSOLUTION. rpnt firm of La Roche. G*dm A Cncltis* was dls -1 *ulv*d 00 tb* Ist Inst, by the withdrawal of I***' D. La Hot he. The btwluesa will h* louUtreed under the uume of Onden A Cookies, Stth* old siahd, euraor Bay ami Barnard mreeta, J. I). URuche fetalulng all office with us for Ike pr«wnl Isaac I) Laroche, BENJAMIN G UAIIN, DAVID 8. ONOfuK Savannah, D*c. i, istt. >U _ BrownV HtMitdiirit Htmlth. 4 TMIH'I’V VaQAMW. adapted i* aoy jsanak of bnmares im forshm " b.itu* oiarlMd* WSntelsd *• mists sad Sore sis Saba itam* Mu I HsiuMdl, JMOfJffimtMf M T •git If I >abwlmiWOM. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION F Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening, AT THS STORK ON BROUGHTON STREET. Third door from 8011, Where will be offered s general assortment of Dry Good*, Boots end Shoes, Hosiery, Cuder clothing. Books. Yankee Notions, Jewelry, Ac, Ac., nt the pur 0110061** own price*. Terms cash j sale* positive. dl 30 BY YORK. WILLIAMS. McINTIRE A . CO. WUI sell at auutton THIS DAY, In front of store, at 10 o'clock. 75 kits Mackerel. 90 boxes Soap. 20 do Caudles. 3 Uerose Canvassed Hams. 3 do Bacon Shonlders. 20 bids Apples 1 cask Jamaica Rum. 1 do St Croix Rum. 80 kegs Batter. d2O CLOSING OUT~BALE OP DRY GOODS. York, Williams, Molntire At Cos. THIS DAY, et 10 o'clock, in front of store, will be jold. An assortment of Dry Uocds. consisting in part of Calicos. Delaines, _ , " Wool Blankets, Wool Socks, Cotton Hose and Hall Hose, Ladles’ Knit Hood Nubias, Boots and Shoes, Thread. Pina, Needles, <fc. d2O York, Williams, Mclntlro A Cos. Will sell at auction, on FRIDAY MORNING, in front of store, at 11 o'clock: Lots 86. BT, 89, in Frewtown. fronting south on Henry street, between Barnard aad Jefferson streets, each lot 86 by 106. 420 AT AUCTION. By Bell Wylly A Christian THIS DAY, at 16R o'clock. In front of store will be sold. Photograph Albums Portfolios Pocket Books Music Folio* Pens, all kinds Stationery Jewelry, Ac. Sale positive. d2O CARRIAGES, CABS. &0„ AT AUCTION" By Bell, Wylly A Christian. THIS DAY. at 11 o'clock. In front of store: 24 Children's Carriages and Cabs. Terms cash. • Auction. FLOUR, FLOUR, FLOUR. By Bell, "Wylly A Christian. . WUI be sold THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock, in front of store ; 866 barrels Baltimore City Mills, Standard Extra. d26 AT AUCTION. BY BELL, WYLLY A CHRISTIAN. In front of the Court House on the first TDRSDAY in January next, between the legal hours of sale, will be sold; Roce Hope Plantation. Sltsstsd on the Savannah river, 14 miles from the city, containing (1,660) Ten Hundred aud Sixty acrea, (300) Three hundred of which is first quality tide Swamp, Klee land; (160) one hundred ana fifty acres reclaimed, and (160) one hundred aud fifty acres re quires ditches to be clsansed ; (300) three hundred acre* cotton and provision land. Balance web tim bered. Houses snfllcient to accommodate (75j seven ty-five hands. Barns, Stables. Smokehouse, Ac. Terms made known on day of sale. d2O-td GROCERIES, BACON, HAMS, &C, AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly & Christian. AT AUCTION THIS DAY’ at 10 o’clock, in front of store : TO hbds Canvassed Hams 15 casks Shoulders Sale positive. Terms cash. _ 020 UNDER WRITERS S ALE T*~ BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. THIS DAY, Wednesday, at 12 o’clock, at Kreuson A Hawks Ship Y ard, will be sold for account or Un derwriters and all concerned; 28 bales Cotton, damaged on board flat from Augusta to tlißport, and sold under inspection of the port wardens. Terms cash. d2O UNDERWRITER’S SALE. By Bell, Wylly H Christian. Will be sold THIS DAY, at 10 o’clock, In front of store, for account of Underwriters and all con cerned. 4 bags Coffee Damaged on board the steamship Virgo on her pas sage from New York to tliiogmrt, and sold under In spectlon of Port Wardens' d2O BOOTS, SHOES, DRY GOODS. By Bell, Wylly 4 Christian. Will sell at auction THIS DAY, In front of Store, at 10 o’clock: 10 case*’Boots, Shoes. Balmorals, Qaltcrs, Ac. Shirt* Prints Drawers Delaines Hdkfs Dress Goods Hosiery Fancy Goods ALSO, An involct of Fancy Goods, Ac. d2O ADMINISTRATRIX’ SALE! BY BELL, WYLLY & CHRISTIAN. ON WEDNESDAY next, 20th Inst., at 11 o'clock, In front of store, will be sold. 72 Building Lots 81tnated In that portion of the city of Savannah known as Montmolbnvlllc, on the south side of the Central Railroad Depot. Sold by order of the super ior Coart of Chatham county, ror the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the esrate of the late John 3. Moatmollin, deceased. . The property presents a rare opportunity for capi talists to make a profitable Investment. Sale positive. Terms cash. Purchasers paying for titles, dlB AT AUCTION. By Bell, Wylly & Christiau. Will, on MONDAY, 20th Inst., st 10 o’clock, In front front of store, sell, without reserve, the finest assort ment of Clothing ever offered, consisting of Overcoats, Walking Coats, Pants. dio-2 .■ Vests, Ac. SEA ISLAND HOTEL AND COMPLETE OUTFIT AT AUCTION.' Bell, Wylly A Christian, On WEDNESDAY, January 3d, 1866, at 10 o'clock, will sell on the premises, at Hilton Head; The new Sea Island Hotel, completely furnished with new furniture of the latest style. ALSO, * 4 hew Billiard Tables. Crockery, Glass Ware, Kitchen Furniture, Ac., Ac. Together with all the outbuildings, which, with the Hotel, may be readily taken down and removed, If desired. Sold In lots to suit purchasers. dl6-td ESTATE SALK ~~ By Bell. Wylly A Christian. On the first TUESDAY Is January next, within the legal hoars or sale, will be sold In front of theCoert House, tn Savannah: The Lot oo the corner of Weet Broad and New streets, South Uglethorpe Ward, 160 feet front on West Broad street, by 260 on New street. The Im provements consist of this* houses, which rent at $166 per annum. Sold jor a division between Um helm dliluwtf AT PRIVaTC SALE By Bell, Wylly & Gbristiao. Small Lott of Land. There bsviug been so many applications for Niutl »nf Und for location, (he owner of the übove feeling a disposition to meet thle demand, has planed In Ih* market, for e lew Jan. hole of rive Acres, or more, part cleared, on Ike Augusta Mood op posit, lo the three mile stone, also ou the White Bind Itoad, opposite to the two mm (tone If nil BT MUA WTIAT * «lfcs*lA«. AT NIIVATK BALK. Tit# Weet Half of Lot Nn I, Calhoun Wnrd fronting <m Stum street JX LiSMSTS tiouoglei.ii eioi n wnDWsivrtUtf wnrer end s fas MreFomy <ll**< _ AUCTION*. AT PRIVATE SALE. By Bcß, Wylly <1 Chriatlnu. too acre* of Land, situated on the Vernon river, about nine miles from this city Thu improvements consist or dwelling, horn, stables, and other neces sary oat buildings An abundance of fi-Ji. oyster*, thump. Ac, con veuicutly obtained Price ol property, *z,ouo u2S ts By Bell, Wylly It Christina- AT PRIVATE SALE. 46 acre* of fine Garden Land, within the limits of th* City. The improvements consists of a first class cottage dwelling, gothic sjyle, containing six large rooms, with marble meu tel piCce, dining room, Utcfaca, library room furnished with shelves and glass doors Outbuilding* consists affirm house, coutaimng seven rooms, barn, carnage house aud -tables. Purch.i or can have the re fusal of corn, fodder, hay. bones, mules, buggies and wagons. 8430 seres ot heavily timbered laud, situated twenty (80) mb' s from the city, between the Ogeechee and (Vnoocliee Roads An excellent location for a mill, or an A. No. 1 turpentine plantation. 100 acres of the alHive cleared. Improvements consists of two entail dwelling houses with staWas. crihs. Ac. If-ulB ADMINISTRATORS SALE By T. J. Walsh. Ou TUESDAY, January. 6th. ISC A will be sold at the Court House, In the city of Savaunsb. at 11 o'clock: The Easter u Half of Lot No. 11 Jackson Ward, (fee simple, with Improvement*), corner of Whitaker and Hull streets. The improvements are a two-story brick dwelling, nine rooms, with water in tbs yard aud gns through the house : brick stable. Both build ing* have slate roofs. Sold hy permission of the Ordinary of Chathsm county, for a division among the heirs. Terms cash, purcbseer paying for titles. n24 ’ ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. IN pursuance of an order of ths Conrt of Ordinary of Chatham county, witl be sold oh the first Tues day In February next, at the- Conn House door, In the city of Savannah,, daring the usual hours ol sale, all the undivided half interest of James Bilbo, late deceased, in the Shandy Hall farm, situated near the city of Savannah on the Thunderbolt road ; said farm containing In all fifty acres, more *t less. The said half Interest sold for the purpose of di vision. JOHN O. FERRILL, d7-td Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY BLUN & MEYER. * On THURSDAY, 81st insL, st 10 o’clock, a. m , will be sold In front of store, by an order Issued from the Hon. Court or Ordinary of Chatham county: All the Household Furniture belonging to ths estate of Henry Herrmau, deceased. d9 GKO. GEMBNDEN, Adm’r. UNDERWRITERS' SALE. By Octavus Cohen. WUI sell on THURSDAY, 21st Inst., at 18 o'clock, stored at the Old Steamboat Wharf: 01 bales cotton damaged per Douglas’ fist. No. 8. 100 bales cotton damaged per Express barge Clipper, on their passage from Augusta to this port, and sold under inspection of the Port Wardens for account us the Underwriters and all concerned. Terms, cash before delivery. d2O ADMINISTRATORS SALE. "By Blnnn & Meyer. By permission of the Hou. Court of Ordinary of Chat ham county, will be sold on SATURDAY, Decem ber 30, in Roberta street, on the premises; 1 lot Bcantling, 1 lot Wood, 2 Corn Bins, 1 Wheel borrow, 2 Msres, 2 Colts 8 Cows, 1 Calf and 1 Silver Watch, being the perishable property of Richard Burke, deceoeed, late of Chatham county. JOHN O’MAHONY, d2O-td Administrator ad col. J. N. WILSON, . Photographer, S. E. corner Brohghtontnd Whitaker Sirs.. SAVANNAH, GA. tM~ Copying done with the greatest care. dl4 BROWN’S CASTILLI AN BITTERS Tills unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pare Juice of the Grape aud extracta, distilled from 7tie Choleeat Vegetable products ol the South of France, Italy and the Province of Castile (Old Spain.) from which latter section they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, indispensable to Hotels and Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate females and children, (lor all disarrangement of the stomach, It is unrivalled. A never failing preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel by land or water should be without the Castilliau. For Sale hy YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE k Cos. Sole Agents, State Georgia. oct24-8m Kerosene Oil, In barrels aud cases, AT HORATIO PITCHER S, Fodt of Lincoln st., Under the Bluff. n3u-tr WHOLESALE Boots, Shoes and Brogans. M. KRAUSS, 140 Congress and 57 St. Julian Street*, SAVANNAH, GA., Is enabled, through his permaueut house in Bos ton, to furulsh Joebers and Dealers In this cltv, an well as those In the country, with BOUTS AND SHOES at more reasonable rotes than any other house. dll-tf NOW LAMM AND FOB SALE. iI.U | Boxes, \, and caddies Tobacco, which we VPJ are now offeriug at prices lower than It can be bought fbrln Northern cities. MILLER, THOMAS A CO, Dll-tf No. 206 Bay utreeet. JOHN MXBUTKAN. B. H. WAKING. JOHN MERRYMAN & CO., Farmer*’ and Planters’ Agencv r>R the sale of Guano, Fertilisers, Live Stock, Im plements aud Machinery, Seeds, Ac. 07 "W. Fayette Street* BALTIMORE. Refer to John 8. Gittings, President Chesapeake Bank ; Chas Goodwin. Cashier Franklin Bank, Balti more : E. C. Wade A 00. and P. H. Behn, Savannah. nl4-3m GUANO. PERUVIAN and Swan Island Guanos. Superphos phates, and the Bruce Concentrated Fertilizer, are offered to the Trade at the lowest wholesale prices, by GEO. E. WHITE t CO., 66 Cliff street. New York. nl6-9ru CRUTCHES. IIMRST and ouly premium awarded et the American . institute Fair, 1865, and State Fair of Pa., 1865, for Crutches. Hartman's Patent Elastic Bobber Crntrnes are pronounced by surgeons, and everybody else, to be the very best ever Invented. They are easy and con venient, they prevent paralysis of the nerves, do away with all the weariness Inseparable from the us* of all others, and are In all respect* unrivalled. Send for a circular. Agents wanted everywhere LOVRJOY k TAYLOR, Sole Manufacturer*, No. 476 X Broadway, N Y ; Cm-n'jj Cloaks, Cloaks. LADIES' Cloth Cloaks, a fine assortment. Just re celved by steamer. nM-tf EINBTFIN k ECKMAN. For Sale, 1 U 4 |A lUBHIIA Prime Wblte Com 1. »UU 8600 bushels Prim* While Oat* nS M A. HARDEE * 00. Holiday Presents. A TMi ■■ DINNER T*6. TUI LIT, CUUMRI AMD UOUUN ■Mm, «*., ** , uttAlih lu* MnHdag PsdMßffi UUKKNMWAHK HOUMA, ire RsooghMi bms Up> ->«•*« us 41 ts | 0, MVTNfffi MG PIERCE SKEHAN, Wkolesal* iud detail Dealer In Fine Groceries. Boots and Shoes, Clothing. For eign end Domestic Winua, Liquors end Segsis A so, Skeban'* Celebrated GOLDEN ALE AMD CHAMPAGNE CIDER. In bottle sad in wood. London sud Dublin Brown Stout, Scotch and Eng ltah Ales, Ac. Liberal deductions made to the trade. 176 BROUGHTON STREET, SAVANNAH, dll-tf and 02 Liberty street, N Y. KIRLIN, BRO. & rftliiiU!;, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALBS, WH Al LIQUORS, CUHNUIt WHITAKER HTKKKV AND BAY LAKE. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLER H DELIVERED. au2l ts WHISKEY! WHISKEY! THE OLD WINES, E. Peach Valley Whiskey, Maple Valley Whiskey, Pike’s Magnolia, Spencer's Old Rye, and Fine Kentucky Bourbon. FOR SALE BY C. W. THOMPSON, At the Old Stand, IXI BAY STREET* (Herald Buildings.) ALSO,— A loop's Ale, Mars' Ale, Apples. Potatoes, Onions, Pickles, Mackerel, Cider and Cider Vinegar, octfi ’ ts r FOREIGN DOMESTIC |li§ji2 l aies wines Muftis a secirs JafeßE ¥ SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS OF Ch. Farre Champagnes FOR THE STATE OF GEORGIA. sutui _ , Provisions, <&c. The undersigned are constantly receiving con slgnments or Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Lard, Batter, Floury c.. on Commission, which they will sell at the lowest market rates. KENNETH, MOLEA, A CO., . 015-lm 262 Bay street. BUTTER,” Flour and Lard. Having received a large stock of the above, AT YEUY TOW MAT EH, we are able to offer great inducements to buyers RANDELL k CO., Southwest corner of Bay and Barnard ats. dl2-tl A. C. LOMELINO, DEALEft IN Groceries, Provisions, Wines, Lienors, k AMD EVERY OTUEE ABTICIX IN THE GftCGEHY LIME UNDER MASONIC HALL, (Corner of Bull Street and Congress Street Lane,') SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. dl9*-3m Murray’s Line FOR NEW mil YORK. CABIN PASSAGE, sis. DECK, $lO. The new and splendid steamship LEO. F. A. Merrill, master,'will leave for the above port on Saturday, Dec. 93d, at o'clock, ffiffi For freight or passage, having splendid accommo tione, apply to d2O . OCTAVUS COHEN. For Doctortown, CONNECTING WITH THE ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD, • The fine Steamer ci^vßioisr Will leave for Doctortown on * Thursday Dec. !61, at 7 o’clock a. m. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations, apply to ‘ CHAS. L. COLBY 4 CO., d2O-2 Cornsr Bsy and Abercorn streets. For LIVERPOOL. The fine new clipper ship DREADNAUCHT, SMITH, Commander, having three-fourths of her cargo engaged, will have quick despatch. For balance of freight, apply to CHAS. L. COLBY A CO., Corner of Abercorn aud Bay Street*. Liberal allowances made 01^ consignment* to oar friend* lu Liverpool. d26 ts FOR THOMASVILLE, VIA SUNBURY AND STATION No. 4 A. A G. R K. The *tosmei __ O. F. POTTER Will leave her wharf, foot of Abercorn street, on Wednesday, doth last., at IV a. m. Connecting st finubury with a line of stage* for Et*. Uoe No.tLiU.K k. I asresgare wUI arrive tn time la lake Ike railroad for Thomaarille on ThunOay morning mi. paeaage ouly apply to CHAO, L OOLMY A GO, dgg-l* Corner .4 Anerewra nod Bgy ttrasts. For Liverpool. ■ First Crete) I The ship MONT HLaNU li -rin m.uis sboai .it hanared Mnt <4 (Mon i» IM V' Tf**, 1 * I ..MUCHA § «t MM| lUllllli CIKIUw. L.—J—W jin. ' « FOR NEW YORK Ai* Tbs Brig OLIVE FRAHCE3. F. A. jgakSffKsr*"’ “ °° w ,he For freight, apply to CHARLES L COLBY k CO., Comer Aberiiorn and Bay stA Empire Lin»e. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantle Mall Mteamwhip Company. PASSAGE REDUCED TO - The »ew aud faat ride-wbtel steam fgjjSaLip SAN SALVADOR. Adkins, mss JnmtJMßk' ter, will soil os above, on Iktsrdsy, Dec. M3, st 1 o’clock 9 »'• For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accom modations, apply to B. H. HARDEE. No. 19 Stoddard’s Range. GARRISON * ALLEN, Agents, dIS No. 6, Bowling Grass, N. Y. STAR LINE. FOR NTETW YORK. The fine Steamship CONSTITUTION, Green man. Commander will leave lor the above port on taterlay, Dee. 83d, at o’clock. For freight or presage, having superior state room accommodation*, apply to dl9 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. Eioneer Line. FOB) NEW.Jgg YORK. REDUCTION OF PASSAGE RATES! dill Passage, «8S M Deck, fW DD The new and splendid steamship TYBEZ, Crowell, commander, will laav* tor the above port on her regu lar day, Tksrsdey, Dec. 81, at 11 o’clock a. in. For freight or passage, having superior accommo dations. apply to dIS HUNTER A GAMMELL. For Doctortown AND ’ Thomasville. The Steamers Gen. Shepley, Os lent, sud Clarion, Will mska Tri weekly Tripe to Doctortown, In con nection with the Atlantic and Gall Railroad leaving Savannah on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Through freight payable by shippers at our office. Freight received daring the week, and stored free of expense. For freight or passage apply to CHAS L. COLBY A CO., n2O Comer Abercora and Bay streets. FOR AUGUSTA. Quick Despatch. The light draught steamer MA.RY ELLA Will leave the wharf tout of A bercorn street, WEDNESDAY, 20th INST., AT 8 A. M. For freight or passage, apply to CHAB. L. COLBY A 00., dISY Comer Abercorn and Bay streets. Freights FOB AVGUSTA, f(IHE uudsrdgued ore prepared to receive goods at -8- their Warehouses—free of expense end cov ered by Insurance—for shipment to Augusts and points beyond by their regular line ot light draught boat-. Apply to CHAS. L. COLBY, sept M —ft cor. Bay and Abercorn sta. For Augusta, THE STEAMER Tt. H. MAY, Will have dispatch for the above place. Good*'receiv ed at all time and stored in fire proof warehouse, foot of Lincoln street, free of cost. J. M. KINCHLEY, Agent Office tn Clsghorn A Cunningham’s. Toe May arrived In Augusta from Savannah on last Friday with her fall freight. ts oct9 FREIGHT FOR MACON. The new and tost side-wheel steamer Asher -Ayres will receive freight for Macon and HawkinsviUe on W ednesday, December 20« b,. at Demand’s Free*, foot 1 of Montgomery street dld-td ECLIPSE FIST FfIEIGHT LINE TO AUGUSTA. mnjE undersigned having been appointed Agents X for this line of new, staunch, ana reliable steam boats, detire to Inform the public that THE ECLIPSE has her boilers la and her machinery all on the spot and will be ready to take In freight next week. THE EXPRESS. A mate boat to the Eclipse, is now on the line and furnishes a semi-weekly communication with Augus ta by boat* a* safe and reliable os any on the river. These two boats are entirely new and bum espe cially for the Savannah river trade. They rate A No. 1 at the Insurance Office, and are put on the most favorable footing. The attention of Shippers Is particularly Invited the advantageous arrangement this line has effected st Augusta, at goods pass immediately through to destluatiou without any rarthsr Instruction If shipped by these boats. No Consignee Is nsetssary at Augusta and this ex pense is saved Freight will be received at all tlmee and stored free of expense, though lt It tbs Intention of the owners to take everything away twice a week. The rates will be Uis same as by the other regular boats. Goods should be seat to Demunds’ Lower Press, where on Agent will be reedy to receive and sign receipts for all sbtpmsnts. dl* F. W. SIMS * Cos. FOE AUetSTA. AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS, Ths Ught dranght steamer BTANDIBH, fllpl Pftfetfti w’U leer* u above « TMUMOAY, lit* IMBVAMT, AT • P M TM*baail*M*M*t*ftd ig gong enter. •«*•«» eMwted tosffiueMuf Im. tgpjjietieeM Utl* Nvsf Freight rsu*ve4 ml* fey Saiffiered4> grepre-ti ».rahoa** , Ftoriti* wharf t > w Wml Etutimkl ap»J7w 41H Msffl#' wM* FOR AUGUSTA. The new light-draught steamer Fannie Lehr, will leave aa shove for Aegusta on Wcdsudsy, 86th Instant, nt« n. ns. For freight or passage, with axceOsn: accommoda tions, apply to „ LaHOCHK A WEST. fllH Jones’ Block FOH PALATKA, VIA FERNANDINA AND JACKSON VILLE. Tbs new, exceedingly fast and splendid Steamer CITY POIISTT, Cspt Louis M. Coxetter, WUI lstve Telfair's w.berf, ** shove, Kvery Wednesday, at 4 p. xn. For freight or passage apply to . R- W. ADAMS, or e _ . . _ J. S. CARRUTHERS, Hodgson a Range, next to Bell, Wylly A dl* - Christian, Bsy street. FREIGHT AND PASSAGE REDUCED. FOR JACKSONVILLE, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS' AND FERNANDINA. THE STEAMER FANNIE, CAPTAIN MoNJSLTY, WUI leave as above THIS DAY, from the old at 9 rl o’clock ambott Wharf toot of We#t Broad afreet, Thla boat is m very excellent order, is commanded by officer* ol experence: and hat superior state room accommodations fur passengers For freight or passage, apply on board or to • F. M. MYRELL, Agt, d2O Harris' Buildings, Bay street. HAWKINSVILLE: MACON VIA DARIEN, DOCTORTOWN, And Lendings on the Altamabu and Ocmolgsd rivers, m Steamer Oa:k,- Copt. McCauley, I* now loading st the Old Florida Steamboat Wharf, foot ot Weet Broad street, end will above THIS AT 9 F. M. Freight to Hawklneville and way landlngt. A3 Der hundred, 76c per loot; to Macon, *5 60 par hatlred, 87He per foot. Freight received op to the hour of de par cure. For freight, Ac., apply to ' J. B. PRESDEE, Agt. 109 Broughton street. F ” HifeuUdlngs. For Palatka, VIA BRUNSWICK, ST. MARY’S, FER NANDINA, JACKSONVILLE AND PICO LATA. The new and faet sailing Steamer LIZZIE BAKER, Capt. N. Kiqg, Haying been placed permanently upon this route will leave for the above placet on Every Thursday Morn I ng, at 10 o’clock. For freight or passage, having splendid cabin ac commodatlon, apply on board, at the Florida Steam Packet wharf, or to CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, dstf Agents. REGULAR WEEKLY STEAMER BETWEEN Savannah & Doctortown, Connecting re^"J y g s£ d Q {™. I “-*’“ andl y with the At- The new, light-draught, iron side-wheel staamer TWO BOYS, r . (Mate boat to the William G. Gibbons,) Capt. THOMAS DANIELS, Having superior accommodation fcr freight and passengers equal to any or the ocean atsamera, will ply regnlarly between the above point*, . J^*. vI , ,IB , BA , VANI,AH every TUESDAY MORNING DaVm&NG BI>OCTO ® TOWN eTe 'yTHURS- It is the desire of the owner* of the Two Bovs to make her an accommodation boat for the merchants of SavftDDah and the merchant* and planter* alonr the line of the A. AG. R. R„ until the completion 5 that road. and with this object in view, no effort will be spared on the part of her owners, agents and of ficers, to meet the wants of the freighting and travel ling pnbli*. * 1 Freight stored in onr warehouse on Dillon's wharf free of charge. ERWIN A HARDEE D. Jaaus Dillon, Ag’t at Doctortown. dlx-2w FOR Rio De Janeiro. CALLING AT St, Thomas, Para, Pernambuco and Bahia s&CiSmm „ The United States and Brazil Mall X4jejPSnS!t Company will the 39th off every month, A NEW AND FIRST-CLASS STEAMSHIP, To Leave at 3 o’clock, p. m.. From Pier 43, North River. All letters have to pass through the Pott Office. An experienced Surgeon will be in attendance n board. dattfply*" DM ***®’ •'•’rtng splendid accommo - THOMAS AS*NCIO A CO., octßl-8m No. it, Broadway, New York. FOR HAWKINSVILLE AND MACON, THE WnO-A>MSR OOMUT,' CAPTAIN HORNE. WIU leave aa above with despstch. For freight which will be received at tbt Upper Hydraulic Freer Yard, and coveted by Insurance until placed on boon tbs stammer, apply to an muuHAM, BALDWIN a CO. FOB LIVERPOOL. m* areas***— W- -For Liverpool. mgjjjffigfc