Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 23, 1865, Image 1

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THE SAVANNAH' DAILY HERALD. VOL. 1-NO. 290. The Savannah Daily Herald (MORNING AND EVENING; u FCBuaam i v 0. W. MASON A CO., Ar 1U Bjlj Sum, tUvajraaa. Utuauia. a Him: Par Copy Rive Cent*. Par Hundred - .*3 60. Per Year • . - .*lO o**, inf xsf Inns: Two Dollara per Square of Ten Lines for first In ■ertion ■ One Dollar for each subsequent one Ad vertieemente inserted In the morning, will. If desired, appear In the evening without oxtra charge JOB PRINTING, In every etyle, neatly and promptly done. by telegraph TO THE Daily Herald. XMFO&VAZVT FROM WASH INOTON Spaoiol Massage from the Presi dent. reports from oesirals grant, HOWARD, AND SCHURTZ, ON THE CONDITION OF THE SOUTH. Gen- Grast Favors Immediate Restoration of all the Southern States. MR. RAYMOND URGES THE ADMISSION OF THE SOUTHERN REPRESEN TATIVES IN CONGRESS. Georgia to be Fully Recognized by the President. HEAVY GALE IN NEW YORK HARBOR. (Special despatch to the Savannah Herald, i New York, Dec. IS, P. M. Avery important message was sent to Congress to-day by the President, conveying the official reports made to him by Lieut. Gen. Grant, Major Gen. Howard, Chief of the Freedmen's Bureau, and Brig. General Carl Scburtz, on the condition of the Sou th em States. Gen. Grant in his report favors the im mediate restoration of all the State Govern ments. The President in his message en dorses the reports and strongly urges an ear ly restoration of all the State Governments. The extreme radicals, including Stevens, Sumner and others, are furious. Mr. Raymond of New York, made a strong speech in the House to-day, in favor of a lull admission of all tiie representatives to Con gress from the Southern Slates. The President will in a day or two fully recognize the Civil Government of Georgia, as he has that of Alabama. New York, Dec. It.-—A heavy gale com menced here this morning, causing much destruction among the shipping iq port. Boston, Dec. 21—The anniversary of the landing of the Rilgrims in 1620, is to be cel' ebrated by a grand military display to-mor row. THE RADICAL LINK BROKEN. The Course of Messrs. Sumner end Ste vens Condemned by the New Yoijs Tribune and Times. Special Dispatch to tlie Savannah Dally HehilD.J New York, Dec. 21.—Radicalism has at length received its quietus. Both the Tri bune and Times, of this city, condemn the extreme speeches made in Congress by Messrs. Sumner and Stevens, and to-day Mi. Raymond, in a most masterly speech, con troverted the positions taken by Messrs.. St evens and Sumner with regard to recon struction. Hew York Cotton Market. (Special despatch to the Savannah Dally Herald.] New York, Dec. 21.—The cotton market closed firm. The sales today were 2,000 bales at 50a51c. CONGRESS. , Zauns*. Washington, Dec. 21.—1n the Senate to day, Mr. Howard offered a resolution asking the President to inform the Senate upon what charges Jefferson Davis is confined in Fortress Monroe, and why he has not been brought to trial. The following Senate Committee on recon struction was announced to-day: Fessenden, Grimes, Harris, Howard, Johnson and Wil liams. Mr. Sumner presented a petition from the colored citizens of Tennessee, protesting against the reception of the Tennessee Dele gation by Congress, until the recognition of the rights of the colored people of Tennes see by the Legislature of that State. Also a petition from the white citizens of the District ot Columbia, asking that the right of suffrage be extended to the colored citizens of said District. Hone*. In the Houso of Representatives, Mr. Hub bard, of Connecticut, offered a resolution de claring that the United States will never m rognize any government imposed on any na tion on this continent by the arms of any Eu topeaa power. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Mr. Finickc, of Ohio, made a speecli against the radicals, denying the theory of Mr. ( Stevens, that the South is a conquered country, and condemning auy scheme of re construction interfering with the right of suffrage, which should be enjoyed by the people of the South. Mr Raymond, of New York, took iHue with Mr. Stevens, denying that the Snub can be c.insiderd to he a hillegerenl power. lie declares himself "oppoaed to the confiscation acti, which he charicterised a. not only op pressive but unchristian. He waa willing to do everything that a patriot should do to re store peace aud baiinouy of both aeclions SuWiaa* Valid Down In lbs Die* trlel «» l ulumtila. **“N LEWIS D CAMPBELL APPOINT ED MINISTER TO MEXICO WsauuMtua, Dac M Ihe vote la this v *V faetteilaf oa lha *ubf» l ol negro eu/ frage resulted as follows: la favor of negro suffrage, 35; opposed 6,500. Ttie name of Hon. Lewis D. Campbell of Ohio was sent to day to the Senate for con firmation as Minister to Mexico, Gen. Logan having declined the appointment. New York Cotton Market. New York, Dec. 22 — Cotton firm at sla 52 ceDts. Naval stores dull. Gold 46 7-8. DESPATCHES FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO THE PROVIS IONAL GOVERNORS. Washington, Dec. 21.—The Secretary of Stale baa addressed letters to the Governor and late Provisional Governor of South Carolina, similar to these forwarded to the Governors and Provisional Governors of Mississippi and Alabama. NKW YORK MARKET. New York, Dec. 21.— The cotton market is firm, with sales to-day ot 1,800 bales at 51a02c. Gold is quoted at 146 1-*. Failure of two African Exploring Ex pedition.. At the last meeting of the Royal Geographi cal Society, the President, Sir Roderick Murchison, regretted to have to announce the failure of two African expeditions, on the success of which the society had a deep and heartfelt interest, but which had both ended in disappointment. The first was the ex pedition of the Baron Van Derdecken, to ex plore the interior of Africa, from Zanzibar, where he intended to go up one of the rivers. He fitted out the expedition entirely at his own expense. He, it would be remembered, was the first to settle the point of the exis tence of a large snowy mountain in Africa, under the equator. The Baron, he was sorry to say, had lost both his steamers, trad when last heard of was nearly dead himself. He bad been fighting with the natives; one European and all the natives went down in a small steamer, aud the doctor who accompanied the expedi tion had been ill, but when last heard of was recovering. He was not able to go fur ther iuto the details of the misfortune. The other failure was that of the expedition of M. Du Chailtu, who had devoted the whole of the little fortune realized by the sale zf his book to fit out a little vessel suited for his purpose. When he arrived out he had to wait for instruments, but did not waste his time, since be sent gorillas and plenty of other curiosities to the British Museum.— Wheu he reached the interior the smallpox broke out among the natives, and as they considered that he aud his party had brought the disease among them, dissensions follow ed. M. Du Cbaillu had encountered great difficulties, but he (the speaker) was not yet well informed as to their nature. However, he had received a telegram from M. Du Chaillu ou Saturday, from Falmouth, saying that he had been obliged to fight Apts way back to the coast, but that lie had managed to save his astronomical instruments and ob servations, and would be in town on Monday, Hhockino Accident in a Theatre.— The Wilmiugton Dispatch gives the following ac count ot a fatal accident which occurred re cently at a theatre in that city: “A matinee was advertised to be held at the theatre at 2 o’clock P. M., the performance to consistsof Ethiopian minstrelsy bv Charley White’s iron-clad opera troupe, and feats on the tight rope by Mr. Delane, whose real name'was Thomas N. Huntley. The rope extended from the stage to the centre gal lery, forming a steep ascent that it appeared almost impossible to walk. At the appoint ed time, however, Mr. Huntley made his ap pearance, with the heavy balance-pole used on such occasions, and commenced his feat. He walked with great ease and success in the ascent, reaching the gallery amid the raptu rous applause of the audience. In a few mo ments he turned to descend to the stage, but after taking a tew steps he lost his balance and fell, but succeeded in gaining the gal lery. Apparently becoming mortified at his par tial failure, lie reinouuted Ihe rope, and at tempted to descend to (lie stage backwards; but after proceeding a few tcet from the gal lary he again lost bis balance, and then com menced a painful and thrilling struggle for life. Finding that he would probably fall from the rope, lie threw ins balaDce-poie into the dress circle, and it is supposed, made an effort to spring into it himself. He merely, however, touched it with his feet, and was precipitated, head downwards, into the par quette below, the left side striking the corner of one of the seats, frightfully crusbiug the skull, and producing almost instant death. We examined the body after theoccuirence, and it appeared that all the iuternal portion ot the head had been forced into the right tem ple. The lower part of the face presented a natural appearance, blit the head was hor ribly disfigured. From Januit’A. New York, Dec. 16.—The steamer Mon tezuma, from Kiogstou, Jamaica arrived to- Jay with dates to the 6th inst., fifteen day's later news. The only papers received by her are those which support the policy of the Jamaica administration, and news scanty. At latest advices the number ot negroes ex ecuted was estimated at from 2,00 u to 4,000. There is no evidence to support statements previously made that it was the result of long projected plots having ramifications in New York, Hayti and Cuba. A monument is to be erected to Baron Von Ketelhordt, Va rious Legislative measures have been intro duced, of which the following are promi nent: “A bill to preserve the public worship of God from scandalous abuse; a bill for config eating rebel property; a bill to provide against unauthorized drilling; a bill suspending the present constitution; Abolishing the bouse of assembly and legislative council, and provid ing for a legislative chamber, to he composed solely of the nominees of the crown. The second named bill meets with much opposi tion from the respectable class. Geoboia Penitentiary. —We gather the following facia relative to this institution lrom the Report of the Principal Keeper, made to tire Provisional Governor on the Ist of the present month : “On 15th of October, 18»;4, there were wilhin the walls 175 con vlctß : released, at the time of Gen. Sher man's invasion, by Gov. Brown, 129 ; taken to Savannah, tor safe keening, 15, ot whom 4 escaped on their return ; left in the walls 6 females and 7 male convicts, the latter fiick and infirm, all of whom were released by the invading array. The buildings were leit a mass of ruins, except the cell building which was badly injured, but is now iu a condition to keep the present prisoner* safely. There are now in the PeuiU’Dtiary Iu raatei and I female, and .15 military prisoner*, the latter of whom are ted and guarded by th« U. S. force* Thi* Institution must either tie re built on a large and extensive scale, or abolifibed. We are of the opinion that the Legislature now in seasioo will adopt the lalter policy "—MilMotuilit (/men. MkciuAM At»elite —Ae malUr* now look Io VV u«l(in|(toii, overy tiling loud* to allow tb*t a policy that will In III* enddrlvo Mail uillllao *llll Ilia KrtnxU uciumbriu* from M*« luw will b« a«niMMiu<l Tb« nowly appoint mI U M Mlultior*, ti«n id wait, and «i»dry olbor army offline am aablin im ra- .-mly ui jtM lb* rroibloui in adopt ui»r« vbturoaa K’iion on tbo Moaioau ip tattoo. ftdolo lion* bava baan iutiuduuad In bulb buna** id < oiigr*** liking to tb« mui* and M U SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1865. very evident that a strong pressure will be brought to bear upoa the President to induce him to make some movement looking to the ejection of Maximilion from Mexioo and the restoration of that country to its Republican officials. NEW BOOKS GODEY’S Ladles’ Book for January DrVace; a Story of Patricians anil Plebeian! By Billiard. Book of Rubins, con> ainitig tbe most notable Love Poe me in tbe English language. Songa of Seven Ingelow. Peetival of Song. Home of Washington Robert Daldy Macian Rooke. Winifred Bertram. Early Dawn. Our Mutual Friend, bonnd and in paper Bell Boyd, Tbe Playmate. Chronicles of ths Schomberg Cotta Family. Jnat received by d22 JOHN C. SCHREINER if SONS. FRESH ABMVALS. r Cases Madeira Wine ** 6 case! Sherry Wine v 6 cases Port Wine 10 cases Gin Cocktail 20 cases Bout bon Cocktail 20 cases Brandy Cocktail AMO ALSO, 30 bbls Whiskey, ranging in price and quality from $2 20 to *6 per gallon, We have also a few cases left of Martel Brandy, o onr own importation. Dealers are invited to call.. d2l-3 F. W. SIMS A CO. CHRISTMAS GOODST OUTERS WISHINQ G Fancy Soaps Fire Crackers Fancy Candies Fancy Crackers > Aad other Christmas Goods Will And a flue assortment at RANDEtL A CO.’S. d2l-3 Southwest corner Bay and Barnard, LANDING, Per Steamers Leo, Tybee and Constitution : • sift BARRELS FLOUR Ztin 40 tabs Extra Butter 40 tabs Extra Lard SO bbla APPLE, POTATOES and ONIONS 40 bbla Pilot Bread 50 boxes Assorted Crackers 40 bbla Pitch 40 bbls Rigging Tar 10 bbls Sugar-cured Hams 10 do do Shoulders Which will be sold low at 72 Bay street, between Abercorn and Lincoln streets. <l2l-1 w G. H. ARLSDGE. FREIGHTS WANTED? LUMBER freights to the Weet Indies, for email vessels. Also, a cargo for Baltimore or New York, for hrig Potomac. W. H. STARK, dil-3 Agent. FOR MALE On Consignment. 2*J bbls. Mess BEEF. d2l BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A CO. HOLIDAY GOODS. Direct Importation from London and Paris. TCST RECEIVED, a large and varied assortment of tl Imported Wares aud Fancy Articles, suitable for the coming season, embracing in part: Statuettes—Bronae. Besque and Parian Toilet Setts Clocks Perfumery „ * Ladii s’ Traveling Bags French Parasols Portemonnaies Milliners’ Fancy Wares Osier Baskets And an endless variety of Fancy G-oods, ordered for this market and just received by ship County of Plcton, and other vessels now arriving. Fancy Goods by the original package, to which the attention of Milliners and others la Invited. W. W. LINCOLN, Corner Congress and Bull streets, dkl-tf Monument Square. Clothing. BUBINEBB SUITS FINE BLACK SUITS OVER COATS Just received by HEinT & LUDLOW, d22 4 152 Congress street. WANTED. A GENTLEMAN, aged 26, who thoroughly under stands business, and is acquainted wltb cotton spinners of Manchester and speculators of Liverpool, having *2,090, wishes to join a commission firm here, either as a partner or upon salary, with a view to fu ture partnership. d22 2" RAISINS AND CURRANTS. I fifi WHOLE, half and quarter boxes Layer Raisins 1W 2 half bbls Currants 26 boxes Fresh Bflckwheat Landing and tor sale by d22-3 CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM. For Bale ON CONSIGNMENT BBLS Hes* Beef 6 hhds Bacon Sides • I do Shoulders ~ 10 bbls Hams All the above Meats are of the first quality and well pnt np. ua-a bbioham; Baldwin a co. INTERESTING BOOKS, OF . Amusement and Instruction, * FOB THE YOUNG. q>UB MAINS KKID UUKAHV. la twaivevolumef, *. with over one hundred llluatratloue. Btii yi rm run ciiii.dhkn, and, l. Man. mud. Mary Uuwlit sad otbura i la mi voluutea, baud •oatuiy iilusttalad. ABBOTT’* AMBItIL’AN HIBTORT, lu .even V.. 1 urn**, win, el*g**t dealgu. by IMrley, Chapin. Her ■ie*. Ac. Ttmtgggaayta.'t.Biiaj IMtaia by ■ MAlUyn. *M ill i wbaiaae eweei. Notice. Suva*Kill, Dec. 8. 1246. ONE month after date. I will make application to tbe officers of ihe Albany A Gulf R R Com pany for renewal of scrip of Un shares 7 per cent, guaranteed stock ot said company—scrip being 10-t on the nbftat of the 27th January, 1566. Scrip No. 8. for lire shares, August 7th, lshl: Scrip No. S. for ave shares. Sept. 7th, isai dta-wAslm* A. E MORRELL TO WHOLESALE GROCERS, ~ XjIQTJOU TYPIAT.Tm «a DISTILLERS, DRUGGISTS, And Soap Manufacturers. T7ISSENTIAL OILS, for flavoring and improving Hi Brand), Rum. Port Wine, Bourbon, Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, age and body preparations for neutralising and mollliving Whiskey and Spirit. Col orings, Syrups and Fruit Juices tor Brand,, Whiskey ami wines, oils and Extract of Cognac and other Brandies, Holland and London Gin, Ac. Dr. F.’ Treatise on Fermented Liquors, w*b4,ooo Recipes, s FOR DRUGGISTS’ USE. Persian insect Powder, Fly Paper, Loadstone, Fluorspar and Fluoric Acid, Msugxneae, aud all rare Chemicals and Drtigg. FOR SOAP MANUFACTURERS. Stllieite of Soda in Crystal*, Liquid and Jelly China Clay and Terra Alba. Soap Stone, Rosin, Soda. Asb, Ac. JOS. W. FKUCHTRANGER, novl-eodSm No. 65 Cedar at., N. T W. M. WALSH, WHOLESALE Druggists, corner Barnard and Broughton streets, Savaanah, Ga, General Agent for the South. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Restores Gray Hair. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer makes Hair grow on Bald Heads. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Stops Hair ftom Failing Out. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer Prevents Headache. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer is elegantly Perfumed. CLOCK’S Hair Restorer Is all that can be claimed a, a dressing. . CLOCK’S Hair Restorer possesses all the merit claimed for it. A single trial convinces the most sceptical of Ita value. If, after a thorough trtal of two bottles it does not give perfect satisfaction, the money wHI be refunded. Sold everywhere at tl per bottle. Six bottles for $6. , dlB-eod ts JOHN VANDERBILT, NO. 23 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK, OS XI. KB IX Agricultural Implements OF every variety, embracing all the different pat terns of Plows in use in the Southern States, Corn- Sliellera, Hay and Stalk-Cutters, Home-Powers aud Threshing Machines, Pan-Mills, Wheel-Barrows, Carts and Wagons, Cotton Gina, Gin Gear, Plow and other Castings, Bhovels, Forks, Hoes, Rakes and Garden and Farm Tools ana Implements of every variety. 8 E E D 8. g The choicest Garden and Flower Seeds grown in this country or Europe, including every desirable kind and Variety. Tile ntmost care taken to have those only which are choice and reliable. Also, Grass, Field aud Bird Seeds of every variety. FERTILIZERS. Bone Dust, Animal Manure (a preparation of animal matter, blood and bone), a good substitute for Guano and cheapest manure In use: Phosphate of Lime, Land Plaster, Guano, Ac. PLANTS, TREES, &c. Furnished from the most reliable Nurseries and Grow era. gs Orders respectfully solicited. tteraof inquiry cheerfully responded to and price lists furnished on application. lawßw-n22 ” PROF. DIETZ, PH. DR., OF PABI9, FRENCH LANGUAGE & LITERATURE TERMS MODERATE. Refirences : Da. Arnoi.u, Mayor of Savannah Paor. Cams, Superintendent City Public Schools Rav. Mb Kino, Savannah Rxv. Mb. Cobby, Savannah Riqut Rev. Bishop Lynch. Charleston Gen. Beacbeqabii, New Orleans. Pxor. l.csuEß, Superintendent of Public Educa tion, Louisiana tr Inquire at Chatham Academy Building. d2-s*mls FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers for sale hit well-known valuable Plantation. Caustin’s Bluff, by the river, within three miles of this city, and extending to Augustine Creek, containing abont 8 or 900 acres, the greater portion rice land. The property has many handsome site for resiliences, and from its proximity to the eity, Is hkelv to Improve rapisly In value. " For further particulars apply to dfl-eodlm BOR T. HABERSHAM NOTICE. PLANTER’S BANK, 1 Savannah, Ua., 21th Nov , 1865. J 4 nelection for Directois to manage Ihe affairs o ra this Bank for one year, will be held at the Bank ing House in this city, on Monday, the lat day o January, 1866. THOS. H. HARDEN, n25-la wtd __ Acting Cashier. NOTICE. BANK OF COMMERCE, 1 Savannah, November 26th, 1866. | AN .lection for Seven Directors, to tuanage the affairs of this Bank for one year, will be held, at the Banking House, on the Second Monday in Janu ary next, being tbe Bth of that month. Polls open from 10 o'clock a. in. to 2 o’clock p. m. JOHN C. FEBRILE n2?-lawtd‘ Cashier. TWENTY-TWO VARIETIES OF CRACK ERS, AT STUART & CO.’S ~WISM SUPPLIES, STUART & CO- Have just received a large Stock of Choice Family Croceries, Among which are fine grades of FLOUR aud TEAS, Fresh EGGS and BUT TER, AC. STUART A CO. d22-2t Corner Ball and Broughton street. Christmas Celebration!! BALL AT VOLKS-GARTEN Monday Evening, Dev. Mil, 1865. THE above establishment, thoroughly renovated, decorated, anil brilliantly illuminated, is for such purposes the best adapted one in the city. Tickets, #l—admitting one Gentleman and Lady can be obtained from the following Committee : VaL. Bahak, GKO. GKHENIJKN, H. 0, Rows, • E. Ricutkk Weioand ii Schwarz. dtS-t TOBACCO. 'UUi BOXBB Tobacco b>r aalc, of various grades and prices, ranging from Me to $1 per lb. ***•» r. W. HI Mb A 00. PAVILION HOTEL For lion t. 'I'MAT wall known, dudrebl, keeled. and bldbly g gyatayjwtafclifinij, jdiaatai ><a Bull #ir»*t, fu«ri>btlre Wi Via l.v *a leal ea. kemHU ijul'lla IweeMlbnusnd MbiUlblbg aiwul My iuunm. Is MMf UVMn w| |||t .arrse juv/wamsis m .. ’■fcOstu Gift Books, FARCY GOODS, TOYS, AC. For Christmas. Jrsr reraised, a line assortment of Work B-xes, Toilet Cases, Fancy Desks. Glove Boxes, Ac. Also, a good supply or Gift Bis As. Standard Poets.' bound in Turkey Morocco, Juvenile Toy BooksUami'a Rubber Balts, and everything required for the holi days OUR STOCK OF ELEGANT PIIOTOUR APHIC ALBUMS Is the most complete in the city. COOPER, OLOOTTS A FARRELLV. dia if J. N. WILSON, Photographer, S. E. corner Broughton and Whitaker Stra.. SAVANNAH, GA. UT Copying done with the greatest rare. <ll4 BROWN’S C ASTI LLI AN BITTERS THIS unrivalled Tonic prepared from the Pure Juice of the Grape and extracte, distilled (Tom the Choicest Vegetable products of the South of France, Italy and the Province of Castile (Old Spain,) from which latter aectlon they derive their name. A Fragrant Tonic, Indiapemiable to Hotels and Restaurants, and valuable to Families, delicate females and children, for all disarrangement of the stomach, it is unrivalled. A never falling preventive and Cure for Sea Sickness. None who travel by land or water altould be without the CasttlUan. . For Sale by YORK, WILLIAMS, McINTIRE A Cos. Sole Agents, state Georgia. oct24-3m Egg Nog*. JU.-T received, a lot of 800 ream'* celebrated Port able Egg Nogg. ready for immediate use, and more economical than when made by tbe old style. For sale by the Agents, M. J SOLOMONS A CO., dis ts Jones' Block. Bay street. . Lard. A SMALL lot only, prim* article. dls-tf CHAS. L. COLBY A <X>. House Wanted, IN a good locality, suitable for Aar persona and servants. Apply to or address COMSTOCK A KINSEY, JlB-tf _ Jst Bay street. J E WE LRY! F. D. JORDAN, IttW CONGRESS STREET, HAS just received a One assortment of Jewelry, of the latest styles. Also Sliver Fruit Knives, Nap kin Rings, Butter Knives. Cam Cages, ami Silver sets (Knire, Fork and Spoon), In cases for children, Ac. d2l-lw OFFICIAL. CITY OF SAVANNAH, 1 JtAYOK'a OPVICK, V December 19,1865. j The following sections of Ordinances are published f or Information of the public and wMi 1m rigidly en forced: An Ordinance for the protection of public and private property in the limits of the city of Savan nah and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor <l«d Alder men of the City ot Savannah and the hamlets there of, in council assembled; and ft is hereby ordained by the authority of the same. That, ftom and after the passage of this Ordinance, no person or persons shall, within the limits of the city of Savannah, write, carve. Indite, paste, paint, or In any manner deface or cause to be written, carv ed, indited, pasted, painted, or in any manner defac ed, or write or cause to be written any marks or let ters with any material whatsoever, upon any pub lic building the property of the city of Savannah, or or the United States, or upon the property of auy person or persons, corporation or corporations. Sections. Jwl be it further ordained. That if any person shall violate any of the provisions of tilts or dinance, he shall, or they shall, on conviction before tbe Police Court, If an adnlt person, he fined In a aunt not less than ten dollara, nor more than one hundred dollars. J RIVER. Ordlnanee passed 2d of August, 1839. Section 19. It shall nol be lawful for any person or persons to throw, cast or deposit, or cause to be cast, thrown or deposited ln the Savannah River, or on Its hanks below high water mark, within the extended Jurisdictional limits of the city of Savannah, rice chaff or any sulistance of whatever nature or kind which might in any degree lessen the depth of the water In said river, or any part thereof, within the limits aforesaid, aud each and every person so offend ing shall, for eacli and every such offence, be fined ln a sum not exceeding one hundred dollara. The Police will report alt violations of the aiiove. d2O-lw EDWARD C. ANDERSON, Mayor BOOKS, GAMEB, TOYS, PICTURES, ALBUMS. PORTFOLIOS, DESKS, WORK BOXES, ETC., ETC., •ClTill.l YOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Perinea Splendid Lithograph! ofj GENERALS LEE AND JACKSON. THE MAGIC WHEEL! A Scientific Toy, producing a remarkable optical illusion. Anew and very attractive Game, called The Coquette ! • A great variety of GAMES, TOY. BOOKS, PAPER DOLLS, JUVENILE BOOKS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, PRAYER BOOKS, BIBLE, HYMN BOOKS, Ac., Ac a Ac. For sale by B. MALLON, d«M ; 147 Congreea street Butter. - BEST Gnrhen Table, in tabs and firkins »l*-tf CHAB. L. COLBY A CO. JUST RECEIVED BY A. IH. SCARBROUGH & CO., 140 Congress Street: 4|| I’ACKAGKH New Be. on Stripe wv tu packages NawMaiuu Hnnnlder* lOpeckngM New Urd, put op In M |e,und to tree New Urd Mlrkiw end tuba bee* OraugeVouaty Butter Mi bore, i l.reee ' l'*» boxes Csudlee IWi bbls Ploar, beat brand. Tug*tb*r wttb a splendid aaeorlaMui 4 Kauun. Mule, A*. Ac gyp if Kerosene Oil, la baneia aad aaaaa, AT HI lit ATU» PITCH JCHW, at, lade* ibe Mtbf ■mirance. INSURANCE. ro: • Authorized Capital, $10,400,000 pH ARLES L.. COLBY A GO. are prepared to take A-' Marine Risks to auy domestic or foreign port, and Fire Risks In this cHy ia the following named flnt class New York Companies. AT THE LOWEST BATES. COLOMBIAN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY.. .* *5,000,000 MORRIS FIRE AND INLAND INSUR ANCE COMPANY .' 6,000,000 COMMERP FIRE INSURANCE COMP’Y,. 900,000 STANDARD FIRS INSURANCE OOMPY 900,000 OMc* In Jones' Block, corner Bay and Abarearn streets; Branch OMee, corner of Drayton and Bryan streets dlfotf DRY GOOD* AND CLOTHING. EINSTEIN A ECKMAN, No. 151 Congress St. Savannah Ha. THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WILL KNOWN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL nnr sms HOUSE, AND DEALERS IN FRENCH, GERMAN, ENGLISH AND DOMESTIC GOODS. HAVING Just received and opened a very large and select stock iff Fancy Dress GMds, House Keeping and Domestic Goods, Blankets, Cloaks and Shawls, Also Hats, Boom sod Shoes. And all articles usually found In a first c ass Dry Goods House, we would most respectfully invite our former friends sad customers; also Merchants and Planters visiting the city, to call and examine onr stock before patch using elsewhere. EINSTEIN* ECKMAN, ' __ nort-tf 151 Congress Street, Savannah, GA DRY GOODS. HICHLY IMPORTANT Ladies and Country Merchants. A LARGE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ac., Ac., Ac., Remarkably Cheap for Cash, 1 CAN BE FOUND AT Ak. XYemoher <R> Co’a., 13 BARNARD STREET. COB. CONGRESS LANE, Comprising a general Assortment or Foreign and Domestic Gaods, Cioaka, Shawla, Ac. N. B.—By strict attention to business, courteous and honorable dealing with onr customers, we trust to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. A large line of White Goods and Linens now open. octlP Blankets i Flannels CLOTHS AND CABBIMERB9 BLEACHED AND BRbWN SHIRTINGS DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS FRENCH MSRINOES AND ALAPACAS. Received and for sale cheap by H. HATH, °ct2S 174 Broaghton street. Cloaks, Cloaks. LADIES’ Cloth Cloaks, a fine assortment, Just re ceived by steamer. n23 ts EINBTFIN A ECKMAN. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. TU9T opened s large aaeortment of Zephyr Worsted O Shawls, Bontags, Cloaks and Hoods, Children' Irish Linens, Tabla Damask, Linen Towels, Table Napkins and Doyles, and a variety of Fancy Ar ticle* too numerous to mention. All of which we offer at very low price*. „ EHWrBIN A ECKMAN, nnra-tf 161 Congress Street Mackerel. 125 For Sale by HILTON * RANDELL, and 18 6 1M Edy street holiday presents. NOW is tbe time tofteleotPresentn from a splendid selection just opening, consisting of the follow ing articles— Genuine Htbana Segars do Meerschaum Pipes Meerschaum Segar Holders Elegant Segar Cases Segarrette Cases Tobacco Poaches Turtle Shell Snuff Boxes ' Wallets Pen Knives ALSO, Virginia and Habatis Smoking Tobacco Navy and Vlmluto Chewing do Stationery and Fancy Goods of all descriptions *« A. FERNANDEZ, ”21-8 comer Bull and Broughton at For Sale and to Lease, VALUABLE Cotton PULntatioas on the coast and in the Interior. BRYAN, HARTRIDQE ft 00., d **'l w ldS Pay street. Holiday Presents JUST RECEIVED: Tny, of all bind* Crying Bnblea China Limb Dolls Wax and China Babies Fancy Baskets Confectionary . Christmas Trees, Ac , at Toys f>, R. M. BUNT’S, die*! w OOI- *" J * , * rH * “ and itr **t leu. Fire Craokers. 100 ■SLIT, «“*'* »* MILTON A RANUBI.L. *** I*l Day street. ABTEN ft THROCKMORTON M .'! KW PRICE. 5 CENTS IKSIRAKCB. PROTECTIVE INSURANCE THE ORIGINAL TRAVELLERS' INSURANCE CO. OF HARTFORD, CONN., Insures against OCCIDENTS OP ALL KINDS. CASn ASSETS, OCTOBER 1, 1866, (GROSS) - **>7,698 19. anv I'nm’V' 7 ,e l m ' frnn > one month to or fatal a<'clde.“ T „ r ?3 ** 0 *‘ la case In case or disabling b?*UG SL« ee^ y m “’ ,npeo9 * t ‘,' > “ whatever, whether tiaSfi,,“ J^!7 —ft ? *“ y ranging ftom *3 to S6O per year I P r 2 mluma made on three anti five ' Mgconnl MONTHLY AND MARINE POLICIES itSsffTr; •ecidents, trareHliug tndndaL^oTmj^’LV o^ I lv<.n!^i [ u llClea written for voyages in California Liverpool, Havre, or other distant porta, at tow ra?2’ burning against lorn of lifo oy auy deSlpii.’o^ OLDEST ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY IN ’ ’ AMERICA. laanaanoa Conran or Haaxroan. lhla cntintr* 9 Pf°° ecr ,*pcld«nt iiiaurauce company in umi country; takes risks on as favorable wrni9Mu« D ley hoidM« ,t^i?i, i ni “L® 40-000 reMl, * t< l l <> fourteen ool mtoni W “ hl " ** year > >«« than *950 tr, £e- No MmiczL ExaxuiATioM RsqciaxD. tJKJiSZ* ln *J I P rinci P al towns and cities In t** United State, and Canadas where m.ivi™ .iH written without delay. wnere P** are a few of the Tosses paid. bt thi Travelers’ Insurance Cos. of Hartford, UP TO NOVEMBER lav, IM S . J Vo. Policy. Description. Am , t Anu 9T58 Insurance agent, Chicago. Hmt*“"' /W ' J>j riulroad accident . *.<, an asnon M 64 Expreesman, Rockford, 111. Bah» '** door lammed (lager 8480 Dale.Uurg, LL Cat" J £*". d in P'sning machine. -1000 40 no » etro1 *’ Michigan. 46 00 Struck hand against post in mo .“"owing letter from train . m-u, IBn m 6119 Innkeeper, Dunkirk. New York *^ oo 100 00 Thrown from sleigh M 3681 MjtooadCoaduetor, Maso-Manta,' ' Will. Hand jammed in Coupling 2008 Insurance agent Brooklyn, N. r' *°' oo So '°° Feu * 4 00 % 627 T ‘ «*. *>••» 4879 Carpenter, Port Jervis, N.Y. *An- “ 6*44 CarpMJre?|fiansfleli a Cut his" MOO *“'° 9 bauds ln removing goods at a ““ 9 Kjeman, Cleveland, o. Finger °° 1 '°° lmK» Wi ° ff . P* l *' of *“K e 5667 Policeman, Dayton. Ohio] Fell U °° ,0 °° -Ewsa®*'** 4570 Feni m 00 6711Mpa’„‘t?D P »!!!“ffuri hia 80 00 ,S W> 8674 Pekin, JU. An- U °° 10043 jSsifSSflKftLi: 24oo m -°° ■ted, between ferry boat mid 4033 Moulder, Fort Wayne, Ini' Foot *° -0 ° ‘° M burned by hot Iron . - 16 on 2a m 72 P (^m er- Bheldon . Ft. Thrown U-< * 9548 Mcrehantfzaiiesville, o. Fell into 2 *'°° lUaOH 8036 Hotel keeper, Lynn, Maas. Wag" ** ”“ aß ' oo on upset by gate of wind . . a , u 8- Bivrrasow, President. Kodniy Dsn.mis, Secretary. dl3 ts . ."A 'WILBUR, Agent In Bavanwnh Go, Marine liisnranceT R l 'a;rSKSSt“s£,'v.siX““'' No * SON, jj.y No ' 19 Btoddard' Eastern Range, Bay at. NEW YORK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Agency. SECURITY INBURACE COMPANY. Capital and Surplus.... „..f1,600,000 PHCENIX INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus ......$1,600,000 INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO. Capital and Surplus $1,200,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO- Capital and Surplus.... $900,000 Rieka taken in the above highly responsible Com- B* ol ** “ building* and merchandise of all dwerip- MMm Apjdy to° W ' M rM “ corre *P ondln « Wit* the t>9-3m No. It Stoddard’. R^. Reliable Southern InAuranoe. THE National Marine and Fire INSURANCE COBPANT, OF NEW ORLEANS. CAPITAL, *560.000 Th« undersigned bega leave to Inibna tbs Insuring public that be lies been legally appointed Agent lur ibe above named L'umpsuy. end la ready to take Ma rina River and Fin Rubs at customary rata* _ a C. MYKHi*. 4 gent. OMe* over Mueter A Uemm.ll, M 9*y (treat. Nefereuem UeUvn* Oob.ll, Uuutar A Oammrli, Brwte A Uerdee Am QetX« Condensed Milk. IRERN ARRIVAL. «.« HilL