Savannah daily herald. (Savannah, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 23, 1865, Image 2

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Tne Savannah Daily Herald, BY 3. W. MABON_J?L_CO. kAMtKb H. M*«l» “[J**’ u. T. THOMPiUI AmocUl* t-iiluir. SAVANNAH. SATTBIMT. We bare secured tbe services ol Mr. Theo dore Bi.ois. formerly one of tbe proprietors of tbe jftfcn*i* .V<ta who will in future have charge of tbe business department of tbe Herald. In making this arrangement we have been actuated by a desire to bring to this department talent and experience, de manded by tbe daily increasing business of tbe Herald establishment, aud to identify •with it a gentleman long aud favorably known in his connection with tbe press of Savannah. POLITICAL Slots'* AT WASHINGTON. Despite the efforts of the leading Republi cans in Congress to preserve tbe unity of their party, tbe reconstruction policy of tbe President as announced in bia recent mes sage has split it asunder. Upon the test proposition of Mr. Stevens, which passed the Houße a few days since, that Southern members should not be ad mitted until after the special committee of which be is chairman had reported, a num ber of tbe Republicans friendly to the restor ation plans of the Executive bolted, and re corded their votes in the negative. The most prominent of these fearless champions of the National cause is Mr. Raymond, the able editor of the New York Times That the public might not be in doubt as to the true significance of this schismatic movement, the Times, in its leading editorial of tbe 14th in stant. earnestly urges the importance of Southern representation in Congress, and, strange to say, enforces itß views with the same arguments and reasoning expressed by Southern and Northern conservative journals in their comments upon the same subject. Their reproduction, however, in the columns of a Republican journal of such wide circula tion and acknowledged influence, will serve to enhance their lorce and carry conviction to many whose parlizan prejudices might in fluence them to treat with indifference the suggestions ol Southern and Democratic pa pers. It is not unreasonable to conclude that the Times represents the political views of Mr. Raymond, and as he is pre-eminently qual ified by his talents and experience to assume the leadership of the conservatives in the House we hope to see him take that position, to confront successfully the bold and unscru pulous leader of the extremists, who is un ceasing in liis efforts to prostrate forever the interests of the South. Tbe issue between President Johnson and" the radicals has now culminated, beyond question, in irreconceilable antagonism ; for, according to the theory of the former, the Union under tbe Constitution was intended by its founders to be a perpetual Union of equal, but non-sovereign States ; the Con stitution was, in consonance with that in tention, so framed that the Union and the several States are parts of oue whole, and cannot exist independently of one another, consequently do State ba3 a right to secede His theory also denies the General Govern ment, now that peace has been restored, any right to exercise within the rebellious State any power not conferred by the Constitution; consequently he cannot, nor can Congress, enforce in Georgia aDy law not equally ap plicable to every other State in the Union, nor can the General Government impose any conditions upon her resumption of her for mer relations to the Union. The extreme Republicans on the other hand, of which Messrs. Sumner and Stevens are the mouth pieces, insist that no State has any constitutional right to secede, the Southern States never theless, by attempting to secede, virtually put themselves out of the Union; and that the conquering Slates have the right to im pose upon them conditions upon which they may resume their former relations to the Government of the United States—and among the practical illustrations of this theory, we may instance the proposition ol Mr. Stevens, as reported in this paper yes terday, “ to double the pensions now receiv ed by those who were made pensioners by the casualties of the late war; to pay indem nity for the damages done to loyal men by the rebel government and rebel raiders ; and to eaforce the Confiscation laws so as to pay the same out of the Confiscated property of the enemy.” So, according to tbe views of this implacable jacobin, who apparently ex ercises supreme authority over tbe actions of his Congressional supporters, the war is not ended aud tbe Southern people are still to be regarded and treated as enemies to tie Government. The two policies, therefore, of the Presi ient-and the radicals are as divergent as the poles. The one it constitutional—the other is revolutionary; the one is just and beneficent —ihe other is unjust and illiberal. Mr. Jtevena and his followers are controlled by prejudice and fanaticism. The President, on the other hand, is guided by reverence for Ibe Constitution, as it has been interpreted during the war, and by the noble desire to shield and protect a people who are power less from exhaustion and desolation. That the noble policy of the President, under such circumstances, should attract to its support the fair-minded and liberal of the Republican racks is not surprising. Postoffices Re-opened In Georgia. We publish ibis morning a list oi sixty postoffices re-opeued in Georgia, together with the names of the new postmasters ap pointed The re-estabUshnjent of postal communication throughout the State will be recognized as among tbe greatest of the bles sings which have followed the restoration of the old peace order ot things. The scanty and uncertain communication upon which >iur people have for the past few years been obliged to depend, has iutertered with busi ncis operations, deplorably impeded the dis. luaiuu of information, and detracted general ly Horn the well being and happiness of all classes One of the first matters brought to the attention of tbe departments at Wash ington with regard to the condition of the Houiheru Mates was the embarraumont aud distress arcing from Ihe want of mail corn municatlon, and measures were early takuii t« establish something like a system ot mall •ervlcu. In none of the Btatca have thu if f >rt» of tlui Post Office Duparimeiwt been bet ter and reeled or S’NNier eonsuui mated than in (ieorgts. It wilt bv remembered that special Age iff Harris, Poetmeetei of IftaveAoali. look Ik* "pieiftuuiiy ol tbe assembling of tbs Mute Convention to meet cittoenefrom every I portion at the State and aeoerum the or—da of their reflective sections, the ptaclicabili j ty of establishing mail routes, and to receive ' nomination* of suitable persona for postmas ters. The result of hia labor* at Miltedge ville is sveu in the very gratifying announce ment made this morning. The good work is only begun, however, and post offices will be opened and postmasters appointed as fast as tbe voluminous papers aohmitted to tbe Department at Washington by Col. Harris can be examined and acted upon L*tt«*rar>. Mr B. Million, bookseller, has received the following books: A Book About Docrons —Bv J. Cordy Jettf freson, author of “Novels aud Novelists,*’ “Crewe Rese,”«fcc., Ac.; reprinted from the English edition; This is a very entertaining book for tbe general reader, as well as for tbe members of the medical profession, for whom chiefly it was written. The author has collected in a very attractive form all the best of those medical ana that haye been preserved by tradition or literature. The book is filled with personal and traditional anecdote, ex planations of curions terms, customs and practices of tbe medical profession, uud will be amusing and entertaining eyen to doctors learned in their craft. Beauties of Ruskin.— The True and the Beautiful in Nature, Art, Morals, and Re ligion, selected from the works of Jolm Ruskin, A. M., with a notice ol the au thor, by Mrs. L. C. Tuthill. Every educated man and woman knows and appreciates Ruskin. His works have done more towards cultivating a taste for tbe true and the beautiful in nature and art than those of any other living writer. Those who are not acquainted with Ruskin will find in this book a pleasant introduction to this charming writer and eminent critic. PO ST OFFICES RE-OPKNKD IN GKO II GIA. Sixty Postmaster’* Appointed. We are furnished, by Special Agent A. L. Harris, with the following list of Post Offices re-opened in Georgia, and Postmasters ap pointed for the same: Barnesville, Pike county, A H Barnes; Newnan, Cowetta county, Mrs D Wbeelan ; Walthourville, Liberty county, J N Miller; Eden, Effingham county, Milton Humphreys; Hogansville, Troope county, Wm Hammett; Fairburn, Campbell county, Spencer Hare vey ; St. Cloud, Heard county, T J Bird ; Palmetto, Campbell county, L H Griffith; Canton, Cherokee county, L Holcombe; Cassville, Cass county, Miss Mary F. Brown; Grantville, Cowetca connty, W B Smith ; Kingston, Carr county, Nelson H. Eddy ; Allatoona, Carr county, John Hooper; Franklin, Heard county, W M K Watts ; Tunnel Hill, Wbitefleld county, J D Ste phens ; Fayetteville, Fayette county, L II Grigga; Quitman, Brooks county, Jesse T Davis; Tilton, Whitefleld couuty, Wilde II Harris; Trenton, Dade county, E T Rogers; Morgan. Calhoun county, Wm O Pierce; Gainesville, Hall county, Joseph R Boone ; Greensborougb, Greene county, Jas W God kin ; Darien, Mclntosh Cos., A A DeLorme; Yellow River, Gwinnette Cos., Lewis Nash; Brunswick, Glynn county,*B C Franklin; Stone Mountain, DeKalb Cos., GeoP Bradley: Vienne, Dooly county, Wm H Davies; Roswell, Cobb county, Thos. D. Adams ; Powder Springs, Cobb county, Andrew J Kizer ; Gumming, Forsyth county, Jaa R Knox; Madison, Morgan county, Lester Markland; Vickery Creek, Forsyth county, Jas W Orr ; Alpharetta, Milton county, O P Skelton ; Dallas, Paulding county, SL Strick land ; Hfwkinsville, Pulaski county, C M Bozeman ; Warrenton, 1 Warren county, Jas Cody ; Bear Creek, Henry county, Thos Mc- Mahon ; Social Circle, Walton County, A M Colton ; Wilner, Pike county, Win J Howe ; Lexington, Oletborpe county, Ed C Shackel ford ; Holmesville, Appling county, Philli p Katterer ; Washington, WilUeg county, Mrs C B Robinson; Crawford, Oglethorpe county, Mrs Mary A Hargrave ; Miller, Burke couu ty, Jas H Daniel; Fythonia, DeKalb county, Jas H Boon ; Blakely, Early county, Jus B Brown ; Belaire, Richmond couuty, Wm P Crawlord ; Guyton, Effingham county, Geo H Eaton ; Bowden, Carroll county, Thos 3 Garrison; Lombardy, Columbia county, John Harris ; Berzelia, Columbia county, Henry D Leiter ; Lovejoy’s Station, Clayton coun ty, Mrs M A Stevens; Floyd’s Springs, Floyd county, Miss E C McCullough ; Stateslior rougb, Cass county, Jno F Sproull; Cola parchee, Monroe county, Sami Story ; Rut ledge, Morgan connty, Thos Tredwell ; Union Point, Greene county, W L Watson ; Van Wert, Polk county, J C York, Jr. Other offices will be re-opened, and Post masters appointed as fast as the Post Office Department can examine and determine upon the papers on file. The Fenians. New York, Dec. IC.—Encil O’Maho ney. head directress of the Feniau Sisterhood, publishes a card, saying that Ire land will soon be a battle-field and asking for prompt contributions to tbe fund, and urges the purchase of Fenian bonds. It is announced that the Fenians in Chica go have offered to fit out a fleet of privateers fir the Northern lakes whenever they are desired. Senator Scanlon has published & card de nouncing O,Mahoney and his Cabinet. About seven thousand dollais have been received daily at O'Mahoney’s headquarters by Killian, Treasurer, since the difficulty commenced. A large amount has also been received at Senate headquarters. In a few days the Senate will issue ordeis counter manding those of O’Mahoney concerning Congress to meet January 2, on the grouud that such meeting would bp illegal and ad verse to the constitution. The Senate was engaged to day in prepare ing documents to be sent to various circles, explaining and defending their action. Restoration. —The official organ of the Government at Washington City, the Na tional Intelligencer, says: "It is plain that the time approaches when President Johnson will be justified, by his owu view of the situation, in issuing a pro clamation declaring that the States lately in arms against the General Government are entitle J to representatives iu Cougress; and we ■teem it uot improbable that before the close "flue coming season we shall witness a com \ plete restoration of the Union iu all its politi cal and financial intenrity and power.” “So mole it he!” -The Montgomery papers make mention ot au ailercauoa which took plaoe iu that city *omv days ago between Mr. Conrad Gar putt and Mr Datum Yancy, in which the former received a »i»u that terminated his m -The SMitUtti keeper" ot tea jTiiln Diouk lyu, N V., was Indicted recently tor aiding yeven convicts to •seeps COMMERCIAL. rkmauki. or mob nr TMA mti. 41.0. lAVonia, Bee. 2*. l«i. I \.< change Ihlj. iwurred in ih* piwi-.ul Dry .imcoi.i In*! report. Avery lair local trade baa ptev*l6ql an l M .or Ift .’la Hu- interior. The alia k nti ham! i* adequate, ami all orders whatever ! I lie de-tori prion of llie good*, call la* promptly filled. We quote piuna at a; lo w> V W J-'f'l; nnl'leached .■mirtioge-l, at 3. to »cpet taut: Me ached alerting ■a to S3r per yard. Ueoiioa multilist luted gooila coiumue much neg lected aud the sale- very light. The stock oltbilug ia ample for the dean nd We quote Osuaburgs A amt II at 3j lo 3.1 Jpcr yard ; sheetings 4-1. 33 U* 370 per yard ; T-S. at 3or per yard. Cloths rjiiiuiue in very good demand. We quote Casslmeres at $2 to paper yaid Jeans tic lo $i per ard. The Money market is very tight, hankers and bio kers ilet lining to operate except In first class paper. The gold market presents no new features. tils In slight demand. We quote the having rale for gold at 46 to 47 per cent, premium; selling at 48 to 49 pre mium. 'Hiere Is quite a demand tor silver halves and dollars. We quote tne buying rale lor silver at 40 per ecus. premium ; selling at 43 per cent. prem. Cotton.— At the close of our last weekly review on the 16Ui inst., the Cotton market was in*» very unsettled state, caused hy telegraphic advices an trouncing an advance in the Liverpool market. — Most holders withdrew their stocks, and few domes tic purchaser's wen? willing te pay the rate demanded, try holders, baring the present week there has been a very fair demand, but most of the cotton purchased Iras been on Liverpool account. We notice no ma terial change in the current prices since our last re port, and give the following quotations as the ruling rate at the close ol busiuess yesterday, duty paid : Inferior to ordinary Nominal. Low Middling 46#40 Middling 4 .@47hi Strict Middling 48® Jood Middling 49® The receipts since the 10th Inst, have been as fol lows : 6,397 bales of Uplands and 193 Sea Islands. The exports during the same pertod have been 1,534 bales Uplands and 13U Sea Islands ; leaving on band and on shipboard, not cleared, a stock of 10.071 bales of Uplands, and 1,063 do. of Sea Island. This Is a much larger stock than was anticipated, but a con •lderable portion of It Is ou shipboard, and will he cleared during the coming fortnight; All the rivers are now In good boating order, and abundant facili ties exist to transport cotton to this port with dis patch. Sea Islands —The small stock of this description of cotton placed on the market has limited the trans actions during the past week, to the sale of suiull lots. Prices for some time past have been very Ir regular, and the finer grades are only in demand, at prices ranging from hoc to II 25 per pound. The more common qualities,usually called “cart cottons, 1 ’ sell at from 75c to 90c per pound. COTTON STATEMENT. . 1965-66. ■Sra islaiul.i rplanil. Stock on hand Sept. Ist 281 3,724 Received Since Dec. 16th.. . 193 5,39* “ Previously .. 3,788 75,161 Total Receipts 4,262 ; 84,282 Exported tills Week 136i 1.524 “ Previously | 3,084| 72,687 Total Exports. j 3,200| 74.211 Stock ou hand Dec. 22. | 1,Q62| 10,071 EXPORTS 6 1 COTTON FROM DEC. 15, 1865, TO DEC 22, 1865. Ports. 1 Sea Island. { ( plan it HuStonT.77777“ i 63] 320 Sew York 66 1,120 Baltimore I 74 Charleston.'.., | 81 Totai Exported ...... m 1,524 apples—A plentiful stock offering. Demand fair, at $4 lo $8 per.bbl ; the latter figure for choice. Bacon—The stock of all descriptions of Bacon on the market at present la heavy. The demand for The paat week lias been mostly confined to the home trade, and tl;e shipments to the interior hare been light. We quote ribbed sides at 20c ; shoulders nom inal, at 17a 17 ijc : hams, canvassed, at 23c ;do sugar cured, at 26c. The fluctuations in the Northern mar kets together with the large stock on sale have had a tendency to unsettle prices here. Bac.oino.—There has been a slight advance since our last report. The market Is steady with lair sales tor the week. We quote guuuy at ;;oa33e, Sea Island at S3a3oc, and Cooper & Co.’s at 40a42c. Beeswax.— No change, receipts light with a fair demand. We quote at 40c per lb. Hisc’UiTS.—Every variety of Biscuits are on sale, and the market is largely supplied. Soda commands 12?,a13e, sugar 15e, Boston 130, Butter 12>i, Lemon, In boxes, 20, and In hhls 18c pcrlli. Bcpi'eu.—There is a large stock on hand. We quote prime Western aUiaSOC, In firkbis; Goshen, in mbs, at 60a53r,; In firkins at 40U51C. Cabbages.— The market Is bare of stock and trans ail 1011s are entirely of a retail character. Cement - — Continues In lair demand. We quote Plaster ol Fans at $1 76 per Mil, ltosedale Cement at Plasterer’s liali' 46 60 per cw 1 . cupEsii—The market Is well supplied. 9 We quote English dairy at. 80-to 32c; pineapple 30 to 31e; extra cream at 23a25c; State dairy at zlu23c. Coffer—There lias been no activity in the eoll'ee market, and no change lu the late, ihe demand continues talr, at S3a36c for Kio; 31a33 for St, Do iniugo, and 42a45c for Java. Corn.—The demand is only moderate and the slock sufficient for all present purposes. We quote Mary land Wiffte In lmlk from shipboard at sl l6. and from store in lots, .at $i 35. We hear of sales of Yellow Corn from store at 41 So. Fi.our —By every arrival from the North additions are made to the stuck, which is now large. The de mand for the past week has been very good, and the sales fair. Little or 110 change In the rate from last week is noticed. We quote superfine at $lO a 410 50 ; Extra Family lit sll, and Faucy Brands at sl2 a sls per bbl. Some common brauds can be pur chased at $9 a $960. Hides— I The receipts continue light, with a con tinued good demand. We quote : Green Hides —to 4c. per lb. Dry Salted. to sc. per lb. Dry —to 10c. per lb. Dry Flint 11 to 12 14 c. per lb. Deer Skins —to 15c. per lb. Hay—The receipts during tlie week have been moderate. We hear of sales from the wharf, in lots, at $1 20, anil hy retail at $1 40al 50 per cwt. There Is no Eastern on the market. Ikon and STEM A fair supply of these articles continue offering in this market. We quote Refined lion at 7c per lb, Swede's Iron at 10c, Plow Steel at 12 Cast Steel at 28a30. U mbek—Georgia Pine.—There Is an Increased de mand tor Lumber, sawed to order. We quote; Weßt India bills $351140 Flooring boards. 4Da45 Supply not equal to the demand. Lemons. -A very Inferior stock Is ou sale, and the transactions of a retail character only. We are with out quotations. I, »RD.— We hear of no material change In this ar ticle. We quote leaf at 26aSoc, aud pressed at 22a 25c. . Mackerel.- -The market, as usual, Is well supplied; We quote as follows: No. 1, half hhls, at $lO 60; No. 2, do, s9alb; No. 1, 111 kits, s3as3 26; No. 2, do, at $2 76a$8; Gmliish, in drums, luullc per lb. Nallo—Continue in fair demand with a moderate stock. We quote Boonton, assorted, at 9v 2 'tqlocta. per lb. Oats.— The market Is well supplied. We hear of sales, in large lots, at 80 to 90 els. including sacks.— 111 small lots the latter figure is obtained for Balti more White. Black heavy Seed Oats demands $1 per bushel. Yesterday oO.nuo bushels of Blin k Seed Oats was received from Prluee Edward s Island. Ouanues—The market I* bare of this fruit. The stock offering is at retail. Oils- During the week Linseed and Kerosene were in very active demand, there was no change In Ihe rates." We uuote Linseed at $1 73 per gallon ; whale at $2 ; -perm at $2 75 ; neatstoot at 42 35 ; lard at $2 50 ; kerosene at 41 to ; train at $1 76 ; spirits of turpentine at $l 4O. onions—A fan demand exists, ami the sioek is ample. We quote at $3 to $4 per bbl. Potatoes—There is a large stock on the market, lioili of Northern and English. The demand has been quite active, both tor Ihe home and inter lor trade. We quote extremes at from $3 to $4 per bbl. Yes terday 2,000 bushels liopi Prince Edward’s Island were "received and will he placed on the-market. Port We notice but littlq depiaud at former rales vjz : S3O per bbl for muss. Rope.—Some Increase In the rate is noticed lu this article. The detuaud Is good with fair sales. We quote from 20 to 21 cents. IftftWF —The stork on the market Is very light, with a good demand, particularly for home use. We quote Georgia aud Carolina at Unl4 cts. We hear of sales East India at 10 to 12cents per pound, In small lots. Raisins.—At present the demand is very good.— We quote, new crop. In whole boxes, at soa6 50; half do. * J 76a j 76; quarters at 41 76a2 03. Si oars. - The market continue* tube abundantly supplied « lUI all Ihe various qualities. We quote Blown, rennet! at lsv, a 18r; Yellow, do, at 1» a 190 ;c, tlo, Isa lki, ;B. do, 2d ; Crushed, 24 a 33, Powdered 23 a 24. Siiinolks—The demand Is good, but the offering stock Is very light. We quote Georgia Cypress ul $7 per M shut.—A good stock Is on «ule ami the demand I* llludcrurr W- quulc dlop shot ul $4 ill per bug and buck shot $4 76. Halt.—Our market U abundantly supplied, slid large sales huvu been made. The sutpiuenis to the Interior and lo Eluilti* have been lair during the week. Slut e our lust report puces have experienced u slight decline, Wo qnole u> $2 60a2 66 per sack for Liverpool, according tn quantity. soap T Iruru Is no acurclly, unil Ihe umikelu vtell supplied with eve l y dew ilpiltm ami niautl Wequnie I 1 olgatsVand Hull s family btauda ul I6t pci |h, Mtsaly and Hairin'* Ha«*imali steam made Ul tltilftc. Timidn llte 1 eceipls of 1 uniter tor me ueek *t* lan, euUßiilerlug lire *nppl) limu ire tigt crhee is rut uff, ou account of a bleak 111 Ihe 1 ansi Ftp’s* have Increased we qnole fill! 'limber, |<#l 111 11 ~ tl'2«|6 Bunging aqiikls Timber 1 bu 24 Chop e rots itai 4 ( kits lengths well li. au Slum Titkf Tits sut. kon Itapd t* Pesvy, au>l me sale* ait >eiy guts I Wt pear ol sso* el rloloug si 61* , I (•: Van hr Hyson at *1 suai la and lulto it «! 4 Mi . j IVOOG-Tit* ..tnloofe 'tsCbl, and the da mat > Isi .idle 1 W • qoot-' quo 1 -Mail at fi..enta per i". I kiioiits. Liming lit* pasi araaft freights hare | tarn .ion, , ao-.-d | t iftcq slit la the llmiKsl us e pis lot eo'ton. I.iute it <ui Ireigtu is offered In salting •easels. We quote eotlpn lo New York, m ateauieia, at v I*l lb; in Ha Uiii Te, m steamer*, at *! par I bale; To Lifrrpuo;. ia sail 11* vessels, al J Id to 9 10J. • Tbntst lo Northern pori• tlbll per 1,00" feel, l un.lier lo Kortlii ei port* s’ t oil-’ per U*i leet ' A i TV active .kui.tiuf has prevailed during i lie past »*ek Ur th* common grades Jof Whiskey. The stork 14 Thomas J. Black A twin*, Hal: Rectified Whiskey and j lixtra Rectified Whiskey i* nearly exhausted.— There Is no disuse in prices a.ore our last We qnole Git,son’s Son’s A Co.’s whiskey as 10l lows:— Doubled!-! tiled old Rye Whiskey, per gal. *3.10; Superior old Manongahela Whiskey, per gal. *3,24. Choice old Manongahela Rye X per gal. $4,30. Choice do. do. do Ax per gal f t4O. Choice do. do. do. XXX per gal. jo. Choice do. do. do. XXXX per gal. fa.fia. choice old Konrhon Whiskey per gal. 43,4 u. Old Nectar lsto per gal. $4.19 Old liunlly Nee la i per gal. $4 25. lure old Rye Whiskey per gal. $4 33. Bure old Wheat Whiskey i«sr gal. 14 50. Thos J. Black St Sons Baltimore Rectified Whiskey at 42 05 per gallon, do. extra Rectified f2 76 per gallon; Massey, Collins Jt Cos., celebrated XX Philadelphia Ale, exclusive of cask sls, half Mils $7 50; Medar swim Gin, 40 0 u; Nonet's Imperial do., }» 50: ward, Dopuy A Co.’s Co::uar brandy. In quarter casks aud half pipes. *ll to *ls per gallon. Sherry Wines, $2 ao to $i 50 per gallon, according to quality ; Imported Champagnes, De St. Marccaux 4 Cos., Reims, S2B per case of quarts ; Due De Monte lirello, S2B per case. Wallace’s Brands as follows ; Rectified $2 80 : Imperial Nectar at $3 25. llourbou $3 00 ; Colombian Gin at $4 00 ; M. Leavy A Co’s genuine Kentucky , $3 50. Keller’s genuine Kentucky Whiskies J3 Ilourbon, In cases. sl2 ; Nicho las Schnapps sl2. Sherry Wine $12.; Cognac Bran dt S2O. Ale, per dozen, $3 ; Porter, per Uoz., $3 ; Virginia Mountain Dew Whiskey *2 75 per gallon; Old Plantation Bourbon Whiskey $3; Puller’s Old State *4 30 to |5; Old Santa Cruz Rum, warranted genuine, *8 to 10; P. 11. Godard’s Brandy sl6 per gallrtn; Selgnette sls; Crown Sherry, per gal on, $4; 91. Martlu’s Port, $4 per gallon, Ske han’s Golden Ale, per case of two dozen, $5 60; Porter do $5 50; Ales in bids 15 @ sl7; Cham pagne Cider per case of one d6z qts $6, pts, of two dozen $6; Kentucky Bourbon Whisky $3 50 per gallon ; Old live $5 per gallon ; Old Bourbon $3 to 350 per gallon. Imported Sherry $4 ‘25 ; and Port at $4 25 per gallon. Imported Champagne $25 to 30 per case. Pure Holland Gin $4 to 6 per gaiiou; Cog naa llrandv $8 to $lO per gallon, hv case, S3O to 36. Egg Nogg sls per case. Financial. Latest quotations for Uncurrrnt Money and Securities, corrected by Bryan, Hartrldge A Cos., Brokers, Ac. " Savannah, Dec. 21, 1866. . Notes to be 15 and upwards. These rates will be reduced 10 to 30 per cent, on smaller notes. Prepared expressly for the Savannah Daily Herald. (iEOROIA. Augusta Ins. and Banking Cos. 5 Bank of Augusta ♦ ......20 do Athens 20 do Columbus 13 do Commerce ....: 10 • do Fulton ; 20 do Empire State lo Bank of Middle Georgia 50 do Savannah 43 do State of Georgia 28 Central Railroad and Ranking Cos 93 City Bank or Augusta 20 Fanners’ and Mechanics’ 12 Georgia Railroad and Banking Cos 93 Marine Bank -...80 Mechanics’ Bank 5 Merchants’and Planters’Bank 8 Planters’ Bank ; 13 Union do 5 SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Camden. 2O do Charleston 15 do Chester 12 do Georgetown 12 do Hamburg 12 qfio Newberry ; 20 do South Carolina. 12 do State of So. L’a 15 Commercial Bank, Columbia : 10 Exchange do do 10 Farmers’ and Exchange 8 Merchants’ Cheraw 10 Peoples' Bank ... .35 Planters Bank of Fairfield i lo Planters’ and Mechanics’ Buuk 20 South Western Railroad 25 union Bank 65 Errhangr. BUYING. Sterling, nom 107 In gold. “ •• 152 in currency. Boston Sight to K per ct. dis. New York Sight t* to %. per cf. dis. do. 80 days 1 per et. and tnt. do. 60 days 1 per ct. and tnt. Philadelphia Sight lperct. dis. Baltimore Sight. 1 per ct. dis. SELLING KATES. -New York... Par to y, prem. Boston do Philadelphia ~ do Baltimore i— do SAVANNAH WHOLEBAU PRICES CURRENT. Articles. PER from to iSvtitu.'.u.Gunity yd 3iifty32 Sea Island Dundee yd 32(q;33 Tucker, Cooper 4Co yd 40@— Tucker, Cooper & Cos., Retail.. yd 45(16- Baleßope ft 19(520 BKrE, Mess bbl 16@— ExtffitMess... bbl 19 (g — Family, halt bbls t 410 Bacon, liam? 7b 25(^30 Shoulders lb 21(tv23 Sides lb 23(^24 Bread," Navy .7- lb 9c. Pilot tb 10c." Butter, Goshen, prliqe 2. tb 63@07 Prime Western. Firkins tb 4S(<ssl Candles, Adamantine lb 29(430 lluils ' lb 24@26 t.'ntK.-l. Goshen .’ lb 20(5(23 English Dairy lb <8,(24 Pine Apple tb 30®— Coffee. St. Domingo lb 34@— Rio... lb 21®35 Java lb 40(^42 Cordage, Hemp lb 28®t30 Manilla lb 30@32 Domestic Goods. Shirtings, Brown..' yd Sheetings, Brown. —* yd Brown Drills yd Cotton Osfiahurgs Fish, Mackerel, No. 1, new t.b! 41050 tlo. No. 1 libl 2o@— do kits 2 50®— Flour, Good Ohio bbl 10 25®10 50 Good Family bid 11 50®12 50 Ordinary bbl 9 60(410 05 Grain, Corn, Maryland White bush 1 15® 1 2* Prime Western hush 1 3uiq 1 30 Oats bush T6®B6 Glass, American Window —a— Gdnpßwdkb keg —a— Hay. Prime Northern cwt 90al 20 dm" Eastern cwt —a— Hides, Dry.... s '..., lb 7aß Deerskins tb 10a— laON, Swedes, ton —a— Pig : ton —a— Hoop —a— Sheet v —a— Natlrods —a— Laud, Prime Leaf »lb 31a33 Pressed lb STaSO Lime, Rockland bbl s4a Lumber, White Pine, rough., ,m ft s4oa— do Hue dressed mft 50a55 Spruce Pine Scantling nt ft 33a38 Yellow Pine Boards mft 60a— Molasses, New York, rehned ~gal 60@65 • GoldeaSvrup gal 80@90 Nails tb B.H@9* naval Stores, Tar bhl @— Spirits Turpentine..., —@— Yaruish —@— Oils, 1 Jnseed gal 165®— Wlwle.. gal 2 00® — Sperm ...1 gal 2 75® — Neatstoot : gal 2 35®— Lard gal 2 70®— Kerosene gal 105 he— Tram gal 1 75®— Turpentine gal 1 40®— Lubricating Oils Spindle Oil gal 1 85®— Engine Oil. gal 135®— No. 2 Lubricating gal 86®- OSNABt RGS. Flax Td Poke, Family Pig Pork bhl 16 00®20 00 Porter, London, quarts Raisins Malaga box 7 00®- “ Slu’X 3 ST® — Salt, Liverpool.., sack 2 To® Coast sack —®— So >e. American, yellow tb 16®16 Shot all sixes tb —®— muni, Dupuy A Cos. q 4 Scks., gal 11 oo®ls uo Gin, Holland gal s su® Whisky, rectified gal 2 78®— “ Old Kentucky gal 3 0014— “ Imperial Nectar gal 3 26®— Sugar. Brown ft ig®l7(s B. Coffee : ft 21®— Crushed. ft 2S®l4 Powdered ft S3®*« Tallow rj 12 yu- Tobacco teas Imperial. ft J 40®2 oo Golollg. ft 120®100 Pouching IblOoSllO Twine, Seine ft _A— „ Ballug tb _s_ Wines, Claret case 9 60®uno Pori gul 4 uo®6 ou Sherry gal 2 25®4 6u Cota Wit* cose -®»ou Moot, Soul hern uuwaahed 1b 30®73 ” <1»0U ft 4o® 42 |Curr«»pouUence Savuunoh Dolly Herold.) Darien Ua., Dee *», i m tKFPGRTED BY JaUESp P4T»MSON| Tuoka—Tltsrs i* nine chougeto iiuie in mis iuai kel. Til* receipts have Iteell smoll, SUd m*«l Willi it-udy sales sr aumi ihe tolhiwlug lutes Mill timber frum sl9 to sl4 Hauglng Square Timber " 14 •• 2u Clinic* lA-llgl lie » l* " 92 Two small KHlgues have heeu shlppetl lost week to Northeru pons Id wusi- only iwniuUDor* hi oDeroiloii, and ibe dt OMitd lot Ito'ogla lumber lie lewses We quote li|h» B'IWISI Ui order ol olatul lire follow lU* roles whip >i*uk, rough edge<l, ol $». |o >O9 We*t hull* bills ~, 40 ot Ihs supply u»i equal lu Hie denisuo At <*t *PA Mdlkn At uiarA, ThurwUy •veiling. Ova. u Augusta c-.aimi rtlal Hum ua. rnrtm-ted Mr s* vsaiMh flmi 4U'. *>•»' wuckly, by Mam..' A Wffgtn. Cotton Far-tan alio Bmsrssde <.,mnu*-..i li.i chanu. Auguata. lit. River » leet and on a aland. Weather clear »ud oonU Strain It ala half, dc: Clirisligitiui. UuioU, Ueleu aadMUmie BiaU.ll Cold—l4Tal4B. Georgia R K Bank Bdla—»sc. lieoigia Ceutial do—94c. Bank ol Augusta do- 3cV. City Bank, o! Augusta do—23c. Union Bank do—loc. Mecnaulcs' Ba'ik do—loc. Bank of iiaiuimrg do- 26c. tleorgia It K slock— Jar. Georgia Central R K stock—7s.*. Cotton —Hull and heavy. Middlings at 36a40c. 4-4 Augusta Sheetings- 3|c. X Augusta Sheetings—zac. Print jffc. Osnabn igs—2Bc. Prints—sue. Yarns—7ouTse. Bagging—Gunny, 46341 c. Rope—Hemp, 27c. , Nails—Assorted, f 12a513 per Peg. Candles—Star, 31a33c. Soap—l7a2oc. Corn—sl 30a$> 50 per bushel. Meal— 4l 90 per bushel. Flour—Superfine, 4Uasls; Extra Family ; sl6aslß. Buckwheat—l 2 y,c per lb ; |l3as2o per bin. Bacon—Sides, 23c ; Shoulders. 190 ; Hams, 88c. Lard—27a29o. Butter—quiet. 47a60c. ~ Molasses— N. 0., sl2sasl 30 ; Sorghum, 75c. Syrup—Golden, $1 75. Mackerel—Kits, No. i, $4 30 ; No. 2, $1 25. Cod Fish—l2Rc. Coffee—Rio, 34.136 c. Sugar—N. 0., ISaSOc ; Crushed and Powdered, 28a Rice—New, lealac. Hominy— sl 60 per bushel. Teas—Dull and heavy. Liquors—Unchauged, dull; Corn Whiskey $2 25a 2 75; Rye aud Bourbou s3a4 75 per gal. O’Neill A Co.’s Philadelphia Ale slßa2o per bbl. Cigars—Dull; Domestic $20a75 per M. Cheese—Dull; Western 25a28c; English Dairy 30a S3 cents. Apples— sloal2 per bbl. . Onions—s 7 per bbl. Poiatoes— so 50a7a8 per bbl. Salt--Liverpool, s6a6 50. Dried Fruit—Peaches, I8al9; Apples 14a15. Leather—Sole 30a50; Uppers $36a60 per doz. Powder—None iu market. Shot—s 4 25a6 per bag. TOTHK VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUUTY I announce myself &3 a candidate for the office of TAX COLLECTOR of Chatham county, and respectfully solicit the votes of my friends. ALEX. F. BENNETT. TO THE ELECTORS OF' IHATHA.II CO. Gentlemen : Having been requested by numerous friends to allow my name to lie used for the office of Sheriff of Chatham county, I have the honor to announce myself as a candidate for that position, and respect iully solicit your suffrage. nl7 ts CHARLES J WHITE. NOTICE. TO THE CITIZENS OF CHATHAM CO. I RESPECTFULLY announce myself as a Candidate for the Olllcc of Tax Collector at the election 1n .lanuarv next, and humblv solicit your support. n'27-U' EDWARD POWER. NOTICE. Fellow Citzens. —l announce myself as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Chatham County, aud respectfully- solicit your support at the election in January next. d2O-tj:l James J. McGowan. To the Voters of Chatham County. I respectfully aiinoimce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff cf Chatham County, and ask your support at the January election. ts Benjamin L. Cole. (State him ft County Tux Col* lector. THE Subscriber is a Candidate tor re-election, and respectfully asks the suffrage of the citizens ol Chatham County. obt3o SEABORN GOOD ALL. Notice to Ladies. M’ME DEMOREST7S Branch of Fashions, with Patterns of every style of Dress, by Mrs Vick, 114 Bryan street. n25-ltn CENTRAL R R. AND BANKING CO. i OF GEORGIA, V Savannah) Dee. 4,1, 1805. ) An Election for nine D.reetorß to manage the af fairs of the Company for the ensuing year will be held at the Banking House, in Savannah (second stoty), on Tuesday, the ‘Jd of January, 1 SCO, between the hours of 10 a m and 1 p. m. Stockholders only wno have held stock for ninety days Immediately preceding the day of electiou are entitled to vote. Stockholders, upon presentation of their stock cer tificates to the conductors of trains, will be passed to and from the election over tbe Company’s road, free. GEORGE A. CUYLER, dfi-loi _ __ Cashier. BALLOONS, AT STUART & CO.’S Brown’s Standard Scales. USED by the United States and Foreign Govern ments for more than THIRTY YEARS. Adapted to any branch of business for foreign or homo markets. Warranted accurate and durable. Sales rooms No. 3 Barclay-st., near Broadway.. N. Y. sep!9 ly R. BROWN. Manufacturer. NEW AO V tollTl StoM K.VTS. Xsltet of VALUABLE PACKAGES REMAINING IN THE OFFICE OF Adams’Express Comp’y DECEMBER 22d, 18GS. B. Bagley, Oopt. J. Barnwell, Thoddea* Barnwell, John G. C. Clark, CapL J. O. Chattier, Mr*. J. A. Cahoot. T. C. F ' Fudge, S. S. *H. Hayward, Miss R, Handley, Michael Harris, Newton K. Rock, K. L. Libbey, Capt. U. C. S.. A. 8. A M. Mangin, Margaret McDonald, Margaret N. Nunn, Dr. R. J.’ P. Porter, George, _ Papy, Mis* F R. Russell, John 8. Smith, Wm. Tarker' Sherrlden, Patrick Sluder, V. S. w. West. William, 147th IU. Y. Young, I.onls O. 423 E. P. TUNISON, Agent. WANTED. AN Agent lor first date Philadelphia Ale and Porter. Apply lor one day to D. L B„ ■123-1* Room No. 69, Murahall Houic GLASS tIAS SHADES. ALAHGK la vote* just rectlred ot (he Mueet.ewore House, 109 Broughton Street. dw It K D. HUITII 4 00, CAUTION! A|IACHANTM stopping *..,4* hy MeaMisr U.A *"• ItlON *re Ittlllllra (h*l Ihs Itetshl h.hs ore pu> elds only iu uul OUlhorievd *g*Rl (HI 4 a HAM I, OOt HI * l<o *F« AIFVKKTiaKMKATfi. BOOKS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. THE FESTIVAL OF SONG; a scries of Even lugs with the Poets. Prepared hy the author of “ Salad Cor the Solitary," A,-. With -evcntv three Pictures by ra.-iuheis of tile National Academy of Design; engraved by Bobbatt ami Houpei THE HOUSEHOLD BOOK OF POETRY. The target and best collection t>f the choice Poetiy ol the English Language. By Charles A. Dana. SONGS OF PRAISE AND POEMS OF DEVOTION IN THE CHRISTIAN CENTURIES; with an lutrodnctiun by Proiesaor Henry Coppee. Elegantly illustrated with sixty Steel Kngravings, executed in Ihe highes style of tbe art. “CHRIST WAS BORN ON CHRISTMAS DAY . 1 ' a Carol. With illustrations by John A. Hons. CHRISTMAS POEMS AND PICTURES. Illustrated by Drawings from distinguished artiste. - IDYLS OFITHE KING. By Alfred Ten nyson, D. C. L Splendidly illustrated. For sale by B. MALLON, d23 147 Congress street. ON CONSIGNMENT JUhT received per steamer from Baltimore. 137 bbl* Flour, choice brands 75 hhds Bacon shoulders 4rt do Sides 27 boxes Bacon Sides 24 bblg Family Ram* 6 hlids canvassed Homs Sr. bbls cooked Pigs’ Feet 40 half bbla do For sale by LaROCHB a west. (123-1 w Jones’ Block. POTATOES. A AAA BUSHELS POTATOES (Jackson ‘‘-ft-,ViV/v / Whites),just received on con signment ana for sale by HORATIO PITCHER, . Foot of Lincoln street, under the Bluff. __ distr 3 FRENCH CONFECTIONERY AND CRYSTALIZED FRUITS. |y|V OWN IMPORTATION, consisting la part Ahricots Glace Nongat • Mignons Macavons I’ate de Ahricots Pate dcs Kramßoise Angeliaue Glacu Jellies, French Extract Coffee,French W. W. LINCOLN, d23-3 Congress and Bull sts.. Monument sqr. BOOKS FUR Professional, Literary & Scientific Men. THSR’ORRELATION AND CONSERVA TION OF FORCES; a series of Exposi tions, by Prof. Grove, Prof. Helnisboltz, Dr. Mayer, Dr. Faraday, Prof. Leibig and Dr. Carpenter. With nn introduction by Prof. Youinaus. . ORIGIN OF SPECIES; by Prof. Huxley. THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES ; by Darwin. EVIDENCE AS TO MAN S PLACE IN NATURE; by Prof. Huxley.* THE PHILOSOPHY OF HERBERT SPENCER. First Principles. HAND BOOK OF HOUSEHOLD SCIEN C'E. By Prof. Youmans.' APPLETON’S CYCLOPEDIA OF BIO GRAPHY. Revised edition. By Dr. Hawkes. ESSAYS BY BUCKLE, with Biographical Sketch and Portrait. BUCHANAN’S ADMINISTRATION. By James Bucbauan, ex President U. S. A BOOK ABOUT DOCTORS. By J. Cordy . Jeaffresou. BEAUTIES OF RUSKIN; Selected by Mrs. Tuthill. ' THE PHOTOGRAPH MANUEL: A Practical Treatise, containing the Cartes de Visitc Process, and the Method ot Tak ing Stereoscopic Pictures, &c., &c By N. G. Burgess. THE CONVERSION OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE The Boyle Lectures for the year 1864, by Charles Merivale, B. D. AIDS TO FAITH; A Reply to “Essays and Reviews,” Edited by Wm. Thompson, D. I), RENAU’S LIFE OF JESUS. THACKERY THE HUMORIST, AND THE MAN OF LETTERS, BY THEO DORE TAYLOR, ESQ. To which is added in memorium—by Charles Dickens and a sketch by Anthony Trollope. For sale by B. MALLON, d23 147 Congress street. ATTRACTIVE “BOOKS “ FOB BOYS AND GIRLS. CHRISTMAS GIFT BOOKS, IN 4 VOLS.; Christmas Gift, Christmas Box, Christmas Blossom, Christmas Rose. CHILDREN OF THE BLACKBERRY HOLLOW. KITTY BROWN SERIES. HARLIE STORIES. ROBIN NEST STORIES. MISS EDGEWORTH’S EARLY LESSONS. THE BOYS' OWN TOY MAKER. For sale by B. MALLON, d23 147 Congress street. PECAN NUTS, BRAZIL NUTS, AT STU ART & CO.’S _ For Sale, i;too 2i«HMjuali*l« Priuio While Oat* n» N. A HAKDKK \ CO. BUTTER, Flour and Lard. H«vlufi waived a Urge *llllll u( thu «huv«, atvnjiv LOW It A'l'km. *« »re aid* In oflvr great liuim *tnvliU In l,u>«ie (ftAMUkii. * DO,. Sn.diaeil 1 i«n*i 11 Bat till Bellind .14 410.(1 j (■( IKXKm. u v It II II it II T beat re, iMMUdlUtell., Me*.,* HATI KUSt BVUUfid, DSC. Bdn ln Fortvei's great prize I’U,. in five act*, of J ACK CAIDE • Ot, THE KENTISH HEBELUoN * Jack Cade Mr T n._n. ““ . . .*.* Mhra iL K Gordon ra cot dude with Wandering Minstrel. Jun B'gß. wiih*oiigs Mr. Bayn,. ad FAIR. * A NUMBER of the Itenevuient Ladies of this dtr reeling a lively Interest In ihe welfare of the vl’ male Orpliaus, ilependaut lor support on the charii. of the good Sisters of Our Lady 01 Merey, will e,' ! ' Fair, during the week Immediately preceding Christ mas, opening on Monday, the 18th, and closing on the 23d Inst.,, at St. Andrews Hall. * “ The attention of the public generally, and 01 those especially Intending to purchase Christmas Gifts g called to the large number of fancy articles, inanv or them the work of the Sisters’ pupils, that will be fm sale at the different Fair tables. dli-124 r mail contracts wasted! Re Edabll.iiiii.nt o. Mail Faculties la # Georg-.a. The Post Office Department desires to famish the State of Georgia with Postal service, at Ihe earliest practicable day, until July Ist, 186 C, when the regular contracts’ proposals tor which are now advertised for will go into effect. The Department invites proposals for con veying the mails until June 30, 1866, to all country seats and other important points not reached by Railroad commui.ieation, at rates not to exceed #8 per mile ) er annum for weekly Betvice ; fl 5 for semi-weekly and $22 for tri-weekly; and where the importance of the case requires, S4O for daily service; counting the distance one way only in all cases. Service will be furnished on routes, where, befoie the war, it was daily, three times a week ; where it was tri weekly twice a week; and where it was semi-weekly, weekly service will be allowed. Proposals should be addressed to “Hon. Geo. W. McLellan, 2d Asst. P. M. Washing ton, D. C.. and should state they are for servicoto end June 30th. 1866. nov 4 ts Office of U. S. Direct Tax Com missioner. DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, > Savannah, Dec. 13, 1865. 1 Owner* of Lots, Lauds and Improvements in the city of Savann ah, Qa., are notified that the Tax Roll for said city is.completed, and the taxes dne thorcon may lie paid to the undersigned within sixty (60) day* from this date, at our office, north-west corner of South Br>ncl and Lincoln streets, in said city of SAvanuah. For non-payment of Ihe lax, the Act of Congress prescribes a lOrfeiture of the property taxed to the United States. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. m., and 2 to 6 p. m. T. P. ROBB, S. A. PANCOAST, J. C. BATES, U. S. Direct Tax Commi.-siouers, Diet d!3-tf of Georgia. SAVANNAH NATIONAL BANK, » December 9th, 1865 / An election for six Directors, to manage Ihe allaiis of this Bank for one year, will be held at the Banking House on the second Tuesday lu January next, being the 9th day ol the month. Polls open from 10 o’clock a. m. to 2 o'clock p. m. dl'Mawlui JACOB SPIVEY, Cashier- BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE The Original and Best in the World ! The only true and perfect Hair Dye. Harmless, Reliable and lustan- Uineoua Produces unmediate.y a splendid Black or natural Brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes. Sold by all Drug gists. Tile genuine is signed William A Batchelor Also, REGENERATING EXTRACTS OF MILLEFLEUBS, For Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. aul4-ly CHARLES BATCHELOR, Nr.w Yuan Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair Rencwec Has proved itseif to be the most perfect preparation for the hair ever offered to the public. It Is a vegetable compound, and contains Btt ttfluri ouS properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO CTS ORIG INAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp aud makes the hair soft, .na trons and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young; should fall to use it. IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. RfAsk for Faff's Vegetable Sicilian Ha 1 Renewer, and take no other. R. P. HALL * CO , Nashua, N. H„ Proprietors. For saie hy all druggists. BARNES, WARD A CO, New Orleans, La., n23-6m Southern Wholesale Agent* OFFICE DEPOT COMMISSARY, t Savannah, Georgia, December 6,1866. ) SEALED Proposals to furnish the troops at this Post with fresh Beef for three months, commenc ing January l, 1866. aud ending March SI, 1866, will be received "at this office until 12 M., Dec. 20,1865. The Beef to be of good marketable quality, exclib slve of necks and shanks, and delivered tri-weekly. The Proposals to be made In duplicate. H. A. DARUNO. dec6 Capt. aud C. S. Yols. KEROSENEWARE, Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets, Harp Hangera. Side Backs, Side Lamps, with and wtthont Reflectors; Fan cy Hall Lamps, Lanterns, Bases, Pegs and Founts- Patcnt Glass C*nes, Burners, Globes, Chlmnies and Wick, DRUGGISTS’ FLINT & UREEN GLASB, Crock ery Dealers’ and Confectioners* GLASSWARE. Goods of all kinds made to order. KEROSENE OIL. JAMES T. WRIGHT, 226 Greenwich Street, Two doors below Barclay, N i novl 3m FIREWORKS, AT STUART & CO.’S IMPORTATIONS. JUST received from Gloigow, oud in itcre and bond : 3 casks Scotch Whiskey 76 casks India Pale Ale 8 casks Linaeed OU 1 piece Wire Cloth 10 keg* Bi-Carb Soda 10 dozen basil Skins 1 bale canvas. Extra. Nos. 1,2, 3, 6' The« articles from hi st hand*, and will be sold low to clow consignment d2l-4 F. W. SIMS A GO. CHOICE TEAS, AT STUART & CO.’S _ RECEIVED Per Steamship Leo, 4 Aft boxes Fire Crackers ft U U 6 bids Torpedoes 6o boxes assorted Candy 30,000 cigars to Milan H Flour 6o drums Figs 26 boxes t lii on ou do Lemou Biscuit eu y« bills Flour .. . .1213 PINK APPLE AND HoLLaSd CUftEßttt’ ATHTUAKT* C<*. H 'I'WH utoulhs ullsl dais, appllcsilou will U I to uiscyitUusry of chsiliuio coaoly tor JJ, sell oil lU* ItoStmt, luting s Ibres^tl»»*»w«j chat Is* AI. Istuut, iowTyrts.tejsd, l» {jlj* Will stluslad ol lire turafr ul ! M L.h*»' doiplt sirs*i*, lu th* city of IHvouiteh, tor rlre of (M wsdliot* of tb* MWI4-, I'oiKluu 4. UMfiXt,.. •I29IMVIU AiutloUbOUW